#i never draw jay lmfao
laylati · 6 months
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yangkitties · 1 year
sick days ✩ p.sh
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pairing: park sunghoon x gn!reader [established relationship] || word count: 0.7k genre: fluff || warnings: sick fic, nudity but in a non-sexual way, surprisingly proof read but as usual im not so sure </3, mentions of pills (hoon gives reader a tablet), lmk if i missed anything!! synopsis: being sick sucked. but it sucked a little less with sunghoon by your side, in sickness and in health. note: ngllll i liked the way this turned out <3 my idiot irl (gonna call her that from now on LMFAO) fell sick last week and i pulled this out of my ass to cheer her up :] oh and i fell sick like. day before yesterday. so. celebratory sick fic !! uhm anyways asks are appreciated plz come talk 2 me !! also sorry for the terrible formatting i couldnt find any other pictures that matched The Vibe yk >:(
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You hated being sick. It was the worst feeling in the world. The absolute hatred you had towards the stuffy feeling of a clogged nose and the sluggish fatigue that settled into your bones could never be measured. And the worst part? You couldn’t even kiss your boyfriend to make you feel better. 
But Sunghoon was an angel whenever you got sick. He stuck by your side and took care of you and made sure you had everything you needed and more. 
And this time was no different. Flopping over in your shared bed, you groaned as you couldn’t move even an inch without feeling like your body was made out of jelly. 
‘Y/n stop moving so much, you’re going to make your body pains worse.’ Sunghoon walks in with a tray holding a bowl of hot soup and some tablets. ‘Eat. And then take these tablets. I called Jay and he said these should make you feel better soon.’
‘Hoon.’ You call out softly as you watch him collect the tissues lying around the room and throwing away the empty tablet sheets. He hums in response, mother hen mode taking over him as he moves around the room. 
‘Hoon, will you please feed me?’ You ask, voice low and stuffy. He giggles, turning to take a good look at you. ‘Oh my baby, come here.’ He helps you sit up before taking the bowl in his hands. He scoots closer to you, carefully feeding you spoon after spoon, rubbing your back when you cough, and gently kissing your forehead when you finish the bowl. 
As you gulp down your tablet, Sunghoon disappears into the bathroom to draw a bath for you. He comes out two minutes later, bottom of his shirt sprinkled with droplets. 
‘Hoonie… how’d you get splashed just filling up the tub???’ You question him incredulously. He just shrugs, giggling as he guides you to the bathroom. Slowly stripping you, he helps you walk to the tub, grip on your waist firm. 
You slip in slowly, the warm water a welcome feeling after the terrible temperature shifts you’ve had the whole day. Sunghoon silently begins to bathe you, softly scrubbing your arms and legs, and even going as far as to wash your hair. 
The silence is comforting, Sunghoon’s slender fingers massaging your scalp as you start to grow drowsy. ‘Hoon… thank you for this. ‘m so sorry you have to run around taking care of me..’ you apologise, genuinely feeling bad for making him work so much. 
He playfully pushes your head down a bit, clicking his tongue at you. ‘Be quiet Y/n, it’s literally my job to take care of you. What kind of idiot boyfriend leaves their partner to take care of themselves when they can barely move?’ He finished washing your hair, now moving onto slowly drying your hair with a towel. 
You wrap your arms around his damp waist, head nuzzling into the expanse of his abs. Finishing up with your hair, he places another sweet kiss on the crown of your head. He helps you dress into one of his oversized shirts and a pair of comfortable shorts, melting at how cute you looked. ‘C’mon baby, let’s get you to bed.’ 
Scooping you up in his arms bridal style, he carries you back to bed, placing you gently on the sheets. He tucks you in before moving away to change out of his damp clothes. 
A giggle slips past your lips as you watch him undress, a slight blush spreading across your face. ‘Like what you see, hm?’ He teases you, slipping into a shirt before walking over to sit next to you. 
‘Ugh, I absolutely hate not being able to cuddle you to sleep.’ You whine as he takes your hand in his. ‘I know baby, but if I fall sick, we just can’t cuddle for longer.’ He uses his other hand to trace the lines on your palm, shivers sliding down your body. ‘I hate it when you’re all sensible. What happened to my silly loser boyfriend?’ You grumble as he laughs, kissing your knuckles. 
You settle back into the pile of pillows, Sunghoon’s pretty nails tracing shapes and meaningless words onto your palm. You’ve always found that habit of his comforting, helping you sleep almost instantly. The combination of his lazy tracing and the medication you’ve been taking makes you insanely drowsy, so soon enough, you’re out like a light. You drift off into a comforting slumber, knowing he’ll be here when you wake up, waiting for you.
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©️ yangkitties 2023 do not copy, plagiarise, or repost
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luvtonique · 5 months
I wanted to address all of the controversies about me and put some explanations on them because unfortunately we live in a day and age where people just see the dirt without ever wondering how the dirt got there. They think "Man that guy never washes his car look how filthy it is" because I just fuckin went offroading 10 minutes ago but they didn't know that.
Aight let's start with numero uno, the thing I'm called the most, the big word for good ol Jay: Transphobe!
This is the one with the most hilarious backstory of them all which to this day baffles my goddamn mind.
I used to be a hated artist because I drew violent shit, I was known for Lil Miss Rarity which is a super violent comic. Naturally this lead to people saying that I was "killing children" because I was drawing violent (and sometimes pornographic) images of a children's cartoon show (My Little Pony).
So in my quick rise to stardom, I had a lot of hateful people attacking me as well, and I had fun with it. I called them out, called them stupid, etc.
Well, one of them was Dumbo. Dumbo spent 6 full months making posts about me that are still on their blog to this day. Every single time I made a post, they reblogged it or reposted it, to call me a shithead, call me an ass hole, wish I'd kill myself, etc.
One day I was doing a fundraiser to put away money for a potential emergency because my mom had hurt her spine really bad and was in the hospital. I had a goal of $300 and raised $1200.
Dumbo, of course, was saying hateful shit about me still, and said, I quote, "I hope that whore dies in the hospital lmao"
So, I looked into who Dumbo was. The Brony fandom was, at the time, all about Love and Tolerance, so I did some sleuthing and found out they were an artist on DeviantART taking full color commissions for $10. I commissioned them on my DA account, and asked them to draw Lil Miss Rarity. They and I had a very polite conversation, and since they drew the picture very quickly I tipped them 100% and told them to up their prices because their art is very good.
They thanked me, not knowing it was me (despite that it was literally my main account), and I walked away.
Then, they checked my gallery, found out it was me, and went into a rage, making a post that says, "LMFAO, Jay just begged for money and then turned around and used it to commission an artist for double their asking price, what a shithead!!"
So, I took the screencaps of all of their death threats over 6 months, compiled them all, and showed my massive Tumblr following in a huge callout post against them. In the middle, I referred to Dumbo as "he/she/it/clown" and everyone (AND I FUCKING MEAN EVERYONE) completely ignored the 6 months of death threats and how consistently polite I was to them, and sided with Dumbo in a moment that labeled me "Transphobic" for the rest of my life.
Another instance is I called Kris from Deltarune he/she, and was called transphobic for that, and got the amazing quote "That's a real-ass child and you're misgendering them deliberately," to which I replied, "That's not a real-ass child that's a fictional character you fucking retard"
I grew up in Los Angeles in special ed classes and have a mentally retarded brother, I have the pass to say retard, fuck off.
I grew up in Los Angeles with a father who called himself "N*gger Bob" (he's white) because he was a super racist who believed being asked to help take the trash out was "akin to slavery." He also beat my retarded brother half to death for having a black girlfriend.
I was in LA during the Rodney King riots, I was in LA right in the middle of the Crips and Bloods trying to kill each other and having fuckloads of gang shootouts that I overheard when I was chilling in the Ceritos (spelling) mall.
I know what racism looks like.
A white boy saying the n-word while playing Fortnite is not what racism looks like.
A white boy singing along with Busta Rhymes (hi that's me) on a livestream and casually dropping n-bombs because I'M SINGING ALONG WITH BUSTA, BITCH, is not what racism looks like. I had three black friends growing up, Davion, Julian and Smalls, and also Undrier but Undrier was retarded and I didn't consider him a friend he just followed me around and called me "Day" because he couldn't pronounce J's. But me, Smalls and Davion would stand on Davion's aunt's porch and eat zucchini cornbread and listen to Woo Haw and headbang and sing along til the fucking cows came home.
But now that I'm grown up, my upbringing apparently doesn't matter, my FUCKING SKIN COLOR DOES (you know, racist ideology!) and I'm no longer allowed to say the n-word despite having casually spent my entire childhood surrounded by black friends who were completely okay with me saying it. I grew up in the hood, motherfucker! Bellflower born n' raised, bitch! Wes' Side!
But I'm <skin color> and since <skin color> isn't allowed to <thing that's designated for only other skin color to do>, I'm racist.
I was molested when I was 13, which thankfully didn't leave too much emotional scarring on me. Anthony Sevarino, the dude's name was, and he shoved my hand in his pants and showed me his dick during a camping trip and said he was gonna fuck me in my bed. I was so shocked by this happening that I didn't even tell my parents who were in the same motorhome literally asleep 10 feet from me.
Growing up, I always had a really emotional trigger to seeing harm come to children, I hate it. I cry and shake uncontrollably when I see children getting hurt, no matter what. It's the only thing I have I'd call a "trigger."
I saw that episode of Rugrats where Tommy cuts his finger and then he's scared to do anything anymore because he might get hurt, and that made me fucking bawl, it still does, seeing Tommy cry super fucking hard over seeing his finger bleed- holy shit it's making me teary eyed right now just typing that.
So, naturally, I don't want children to get hurt and am extremely against pedophilia, child predatory behavior, MAPs, grooming and these FUCKING PEOPLE WHO KEEP CASUALLY TALKING TO 13 YEAR OLDS ON DISCORD FOR FUCK SAKE.
"But Jay! You drew foalcon! Those fictional ponies are underaged!"
What, you mean that tag that's still extremely popular and always has been in the brony fandom?
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Yeah can't imagine why I, a very popular artist in the brony fandom from 12 years ago to 10 years ago, would ever draw something so insanely high demand and so insanely popular. Can't fucking imagine.
Never mind that I haven't drawn it in 3 years, removed all my old images of it, and even announced I'm not drawing that shit anymore, I'm still losing friends when they find out I did once, because "I can't associate with a pedophile I'm sorry." (See: "I can't differentiate fiction from reality and also can't allow a person to move on from a troubled past that they had.")
Also never mind that the few crowdpleaser foalcon moments in Lil Miss Rarity were officially written out entirely (the part where Twist and Sweetie Belle kissed).
But you know what's amazing? Being part of the brony fandom and being an artist willing to draw anything meant that people would come to me and literally confess that they're in possession of the "real shit" and wanted to know if I was interested. Seven of them, seven, are in prison now because of me and my buddy "Z" contacting the FBI with their confessions and the shit they shared with me thinking that I was a "safe person" to admit that shit to.
My position in the fandom as an artist who gets to know their commissioners personally and was willing to draw that type of shit was literally fishing out real actual predators and putting them in prison, but I was still getting called a pedophile, and still get called it today. It's fuckin great man.
I was trans. Shaved my hair half off, dyed it blue, called myself Jynkx, cussed out my family, moved to Ohio with a guy who wore diapers around the house (with his brother living there) and collected loli figurines, and dated a transgirl who was catfishing and manipulating me for 9 fucking years. I have a Discord server to this day with pronoun selection roles, my best friend is trans (I met her when she was cis and helped her come to the decision to transition and it has since improved her life and happiness), and almost every mod in my Discord server is trans.
The problem, of course, is that the trans activist community hates itself more than any other, which makes perfect sense if you think about it. This is a group of people who encourage hating cisgendered people, and encourage people to hate the body they're in and to transition to a "different body." It's been proven multiple sources that there are entire "Femboy Cults" (search that on YouTube) who are actively seeking out depressed people to manipulate them into starting HRT, and cutting off their family.
Bridget, as you all remember her, was a manipulator who lied to me for 9 years of dating to make me depressed, hate myself, hate my family, give her thousands of dollars, and kept promising we'd meet some day while turning down every opportunity (such as conventions we were both already going to) to meet (yes, I went to conventions she was at and didn't meet her).
I was a victim of manipulation, was surrounded by horribly manipulative and narcissistic pieces of shit who warped my mind and made me believe I was depressed because I was "an egg" and needed to go get on HRT and change myself. And I almost did! I came within a hair's reach of shoving a hormone-altering drug into myself in hopes it would cure my depression, and then went "Wait a second, I'm not depressed because I'm a woman trapped in a man's body, I'm depressed because femboy-obsessed manipulative pervert rapists want me to turn myself into their fetish." I broke up with Bridget, I moved home from Ohio, I waited for my hair to stop being blue, and I became proud of myself for escaping that horrible situation and bettering myself mentally.
So how's this make me a transphobe?
I draw LGD (Lesbians Getting Dicked) because I think it's hot when girls who like girls have sex with guys. I've drawn some pretty offensive pictures of it such as a pic of two lesbians being told "Pride month's over, ladies, time to be straight again" while being surrounded by hard dicks and looking scared.
Why'd I do this? Well because a lesbian friend of mine also likes that shit and we did that as an art trade.
But why do I draw it on my own sometimes? Because it's hot. It's fucking fictional porn, it's not real, it can't hurt you. I tag it LGD and only post it in servers you need accounts to see. You don't like it stop going out of your way to look at it, and if someone slams it in your face in your private "We Hate Jay" Discord server (which there are many of. I have moles who tell me.), that's not my fault y'fuckin dipshits. I properly tag and hide my stuff so only people who want to see it can see it. If someone showed you a picture of my spread asshole, you should get mad at them, not me. They're the one who SAVED IT TO THEIR COMPUTER AND SHOWED IT TO THEIR FRIENDS UNSOLICITED, YOU MORONS.
Next up: AN ASS HOLE.
I've spent 13 years being called all of the above names no matter how much I've catered to their activism and was even part of their activist movements directly. Fuck you.
Next up: A NAZI
I said on Twitter, "I hate that no matter what you say on this site, someone somewhere will get mad."
And that, without any further comment from me literally at all, turned into a massive amount of people including "Wootmaster" (Added note: I talked with Woot in private and he gave me the okay and apologized, we cool) calling me racist and a "Bootlicking Nazi." I literally did not add to it. I literally just said the opening line and left it for 3 days.
That's why I deleted my Twitter.
That's why people think I'm a Nazi.
Because I said "I hate that no matter what you say on this site, someone somewhere will get mad."
You see why I make angry rant posts like this one?
Because this is how I've been treated for 13 fucking years.
I've been attacked, called names, labeled evil, told I'm phobic against the movements I was literally part of and being an activist for, had money stolen from me by perverts who got arrested for drilling a hole in the bathroom wall at a brony convention to jack off to his female roommates (he pretended to be trans and bullied them into letting him room with them in their "Safe Women's Hotel Room" and then did that shit and got arrested. But not before he stole money from me! Six thousand fucking dollars!), lived with a fucking probably actual child predator who would show me his loli figures and foalcon posters every day and try to convince me to like them and showed me his dick multiple times...
I literally was smack dab in the middle of super ultra liberal activism and trans activism for over a goddamn decade, right down to blue hair half shaved off and calling myself Jynkx.
And I come back, snap out of it, and get cussed out and called transphobic and "the reason trans people are being killed" because I don't like the flowery 1-dimensional LGBT representation in World of Warcraft and have a 9 year running best friend I went to multiple conventions with decide instantly that I'm a Nazi racist communist because I didn't disown my mother when she voted for the orange guy, and because I called one of their friends "Insane" for identifying as fae/fie and thinking they're a goddamn gaelic woodland sprite. (Btw he was my most frequent commissioner for loli shit and used to jack off while I was drawing it for him.)
You see, people.
I've spent 13 years surrounding myself with and getting personally connected with the lives of my commissioners as a brony/furry artist who was deep into LGBT and Liberal activism.
And in those 13 years I've come to realize that I surrounded myself with the most fucking disgusting and evil people on earth, who no matter how much I would shill for them and do what they asked, I would still be the label-covered punching bag whose reputation is now so utterly in the trash that literally no matter what I draw, say, or do today, I still have people on shady Discord servers n' shit calling me a fucking lolcow and a pedo and a transphobe and a Nazi and a racist and a homophobe and an ass hole.
I have learned in 13 goddamn years that you can't appease these fucking lunatic psychopaths.
And so I don't anymore.
So who am I really?
I'm an incredibly easy to talk to artist, I'm a dude, I love roleplaying and drawing pictures for people, I like writing song lyrics, I love hearing about new inventions and innovations, I love goats, I love dogs, I think cats make bad pets but I don't mind cats, I'm making a video game about an elf girl, and I want you hateful people who I've lived rent-free in the heads of for over a goddamn decade to leave me and my fanbase the fuck alone.
Love you all.
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causeimanartist · 4 years
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So many Jason’s
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Hiii I was wondering if I could get a creepypasta or Marble Hornets matchup, platonic or romantic is fine I don't really mind:
I'm 18, genderfluid masc and I go by mostly any pronouns but I am most comfortable with masculine pronouns
I'm a libra
My favorite color green, my favorite habits are cooking, baking, writing, drawing, and gaming
My style is grunge-emo with a mix of scene
I am bisexual and don't have much of a preference over one gender over the other but I am mostly attracted to looks and tolerance towards me
I've had many complications with dating so I struggle with trusting my partner at first even though I give into them easily so my past relationships have really sucked :,)
I'm not very social and prefer to be in my own country but I don't mind people approaching me or talking to me I just can't do it the other way around
I can't do movies or tv shows as I fall asleep easily but I do love to listen to music and podcasts frequently so there's always music or podcasts playing somewhere, somehow during my day
I'm a very fiery person with a short temper, but I've gotten better with being patient and nicer towards people; once I get attached to someone I'm obsessed with them and will literally die for them; I'm kinda of a stray puppy, I need to be with someone I'm comfortable with to go somewhere packed if not I'll panic; I love to bake and cook for people and hope one day to run my own bakery or restaurant; I'm an animal lover and I currently have two ferrets who I love dearly; I do love fashion and makeup as well as cosplay and mostly dress as anime characters and fictional killers ironically enough
I want to say the best moment of my life is getting my first job at 14 and getting such an early start in "adulthood" at such a young age
I love, love, love collecting monster cans, tabs, soda tabs, jewelry, and wildflowers, as of currently I have container fulls of tabs and cans and jars full of said flowers
I've really only have one true friend in life and I care about him greatly, he's literally like a little brother to me and we've practically known each other since Elementary
I've never gotten along with my dad even from a young age so we really don't connect or communicate really due to him being abusive and I ended up living with my grandmother until she passed when I was 10
I've spent most of my childhood in hospitals and mental institutions/mental hospitals so I've missed a lot of "normal" childhood things
I suffer horriblely with schizophrenia, asthma, anxiety, manic depression, and B P.D. and mildly with ADHD
I've been obsessed with Marble Hornets and Creepypasta ever since I was little-little
My favorite Creepypasta is Ticci Toby and my favorite Marble Hornets character is Jay
Your matchup is... BEN!
[Disclaimer, if you're coming from the tags, this is part of a special event I am holding from November 17th to the 21st where I am accepting matchups from all fandoms I currently write for. Feel free to check out my 1K celebration masterlist here for rules during the window this event is open! If it's past the 21st midnight USA central time, do NOT send me a matchup. I will have to politely turn you down. Sorry </3]
In General
Ngl, this one had me really lost in thought. Did I want to put you with Toby? Or BEN? I'm going with BEN. Also if it isn't abundantly clear, BEN is a college aged man in this like he is in his actual story.
Things He Likes About You
idk why but I get the vibe that BEN gets along with libras. Not going to elaborate on that lmfao. I think your style is really what caught him to begin with, like, he was drawn immediately. Scene, grunge-emo, like it just screams people he's into. Likes that you're into the color green, and ohoh you mentioned cooking and baking?? I will absolutely circle back to this. Gaming was like a given- music an podcasts?? Absolutely absolutely-
You Two as a Couple
I'm just going to straight up jump here: cooking and baking??? Food is the way to BEN's heart. I think he has a good sense of baking, so baking dates are a thing between you. That's adorable imo. Please-. BEN has a bit of a temper too?? He gets it, he's also working on patience. He likes that you're so attached to him, but reminds you of boundaries from time to time. He wants you to be able to thrive without him because boundaries are healthy, y'know? He won't take you to overwhelming places if you're not ready, and if you ever show hesitation or just tell him you want to leave, he's up and out of there with you in tow. BEN loves music, ranges from house, to rap, video game soundtracks, etc. He likes occasional podcasts as well. Wants to know what you're listening to. He doesn't really have a stance on any animals?? Like, I feel he'd actually get along with reptiles pretty well, but ferrets are really cool. I actually think he might get along well with opossums. BEN loves cosplay - please cosplay with him. I think that's adorable too. He'd proud of you for all your accomplishments, will help you collect things as well. Especially the monster cans lmfao. Very happy you have your solid friend - he thinks that's important and can only he hope he has his approval! If you ever wanted to do "childish" things, he's never going to mind. He knows what happened when you were younger, and he wants to make sure you feel safe around him - hell he does "childish" things because he doesn't believe in the notion of childish. When it comes to mental health matters, BEN is surprisingly literate. He's there for you on the days that aren't so good and the ones that are better than usual. He's supportive, really supportive, and he loves you. I have a feeling he'd call you handsome, other masc leaning compliments, especially if that's what you're most comfortable with.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things
Hi love bug! Goodness, few things I want to say to you: love your pfp, absolutely incredible imo. First thing that popped into my head was "look at you strawberry cow" which is always a win in my book. Second thing, I hope you're doing well. I'm so sorry that your past relationships sucked - it's really rough out here. I'm wishing everything good to you, you deserve it. Anyways, lots of love, and I do hope you enjoyed <3
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venusprincess-ts3 · 3 years
Music shuffle tag
Took me long enough 😅 But I finally did it xD
Thank you for the tag 💜 💜   @drawing-way-outside-the-lines
Put your music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs.
1. Shakira - Loca
2. Electric Six - Gay Bar
3. The Living Tombstone - Spooky Scary Skeletons (Extended Mix)
4. Snow - Informer
5. LMFAO - I'm In Miami Bitch
6. Ms. Jay - Bitch You'll Gag
7. Do You Want to Build a Snowman? I have a cartoons folder xD
8.  Wisin & Yandel - Pegao
9. Lil Kim - Right Now
10.  Papa Roach - Last resort
Extras 😆
Marcia - Je t'aime encore
Bubbles - Bidibodi Bidibu
Mickey Avalon - What do you say
My music folder consists in songs that I keep adding and never delete older ones lol So I still have songs that I got more than 15 years ago 😅 It’s always fun doing this challenge cause it brings me random songs that I forgot I knew 😆
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feifood · 3 years
oooh a matchup event sounds fun ;)) ok so when meeting new people I can be pretty shy and sometimes depending on the person it can be harder for me to open up to them,, but once I have opened up that’s when you’ll see my extroverted side. It’s a lot easier for me to open up to someone who seems nice or if they seem like a warm person! My hobbies are drawing, writing (sometimes), and in my free time I loveee to dance + listen to music, read manga/ watch anime, etc etc. I do also like to go out, but I usually love staying at home! My favorite food is just rice and beans lmfao simple. And aghh I have so many favorite songs but as of right now my top choice would be Dont You Dare Forget the Sun by Get Scared. Pet peeves: ppl chewing with their mouth open + some others but I can’t think rn 💀💀 and lastly my favorite fanfic troupes are coffee shop au, modern au, hurt comfort, and I loveee a good enemies to lovers. And honestly I’m fine with any character from those series !! Thank youuu kade hope this isn’t too long have a great day :D
I match you up with ...
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Tendou Satori !!
Someone to keep Tendou grounded, that’s what you are. Though no one would have ever imagined you two being such a good pair. The way you two are basically complete opposites yet attract so well; his obviously energetic and extroverted personality and your shy demeanour, it really is a strange combination. But Tendou couldn’t be less bothered about it, he absolutely loves the fact that he’s one of the few privileged beings on this Earth to witness your extroverted side. Not to mention, your many hobbies that he admires you for, when you show him a drawing you did or dance for him (only if he asks nicely) - he could watch you forever. And he knows you keep him grounded, he knows how you’re always there to bring him back home if he tires himself after a day out, he knows the deepest and most personal things you two share with each other out of pure mutual trust. He’ll never admit it, but he’s starting to enjoy staying home as much as you do, only because you’re there to keep him company. Tendou is nothing short of being whipped for you, anyone can see that from a mile away; maybe it’s because of the way you accept him for his true self or how loyal you are, but regardless he knows he’s never going to give you up. 
HI JAY IM SO GLAD TO SEE YOU IN MY INBOX PARTICIPATING OMGOMG OKOK SO YOU SAID ANY SERIES SO I GAVE YOU TENDOU I HOPE YOU LIKE HIM AJSDHFJKF ANYWAYS i just really think you two would bring out the best of each other so here you are love *hands you this post*
Your request isn’t too long, you did great !! Hope you take care of yourself and stay hydrated <33
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Notes taken during Super Bowl XLVI
This is an NBC broadcast. Recording starts with the coin toss.
Coin toss. 2012 Hall of Fame inductees. Curtis Martin will do the honors.
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As the visiting team, Giants call the toss. They call tails. It's heads. Patriots will defer.
That ends the NFC's streak of 14 consecutive coin toss wins.
Giants were 7-7 at one point, haven't lost since.
Eli Manning: We're all playing for each other. Love and respect each other, ready for a big night.
Michele Tafoya: Patriots TE Rob Gronkowski suffered a high ankle sprain in the AFC Championship game.
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Commercial: Hyundai doing some sort of Rocky theme song thing.
Giants receive. Decent return from Jerrel Jernigan to the 23.
First play: Ahmad Bradshaw up the middle for no gain. Michaels says the Giants have the worst rushing offense in the NFL.
Manning converts a third down. Hits Victor Cruz for 8-9 yards.
Fans seem pro-Giants. It's not surprising that people in Indianapolis don't want the Patriots to win.
Michaels: In three of the last four Super Bowls, the team with the worst rushing offense in the NFL has taken part.
Nice drive here for the Giants. A couple completions to the tight ends, that catch by Victor Cruz, now Hakeem Nicks for 19 into New England territory.
Drive stalls. Two sacks and a stuffed running play knock the Giants out of any semblance of field goal range. Steve Weatherford pins the Patriots at the 5 on a punt.
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Commercials: Bud Light Platinum. (Gross.) Audi commercial featuring an Echo and the Bunnymen song. (Awesome.) Audi headlights are so bright they kill vampires, it seems.
Obligatory cutaway: Gisele Bundchen.
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Patriots' first play, Brady is under pressure in the end zone. Throws it deep down the middle to nobody. The officials confer....yep, that's intentional grounding and a safety. 2-0 Giants.
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Commercials: Pepsi featuring Elton John as a king of some sort of singing contest. He's dropped into a dungeon. Flava Flav greets him. The only good part of the ad. Hyundai Veloster. Promo for "Smash", tomorrow on NBC.
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Michaels: That's the first safety in a Super Bowl since XXV, 21 years ago.
Replay shows it was the right call. Brady was in the tackle box, under pressure, and nobody within at least 15 yards of where the ball landed.
Manning is 6-for-6 early. I'm pretty sure all six are to different receivers. Giants approaching midfield.
BIG run from Ahmad Bradshaw. Makes a couple tacklers miss and gets 24 yards down the left sideline. First and 10 from the New England 33.
Now a completion to Bear Pascoe inside the 20. First down. Giants on their second dangerous drive before the Patriots run their second play.
Patriots were 31st in the NFL in yards allowed.
Confusion in the Patriots' secondary. Completion to Cruz, maybe a fumble, maybe not. They say it's a fumble but it doesn't matter. New England had 12 defenders on the field.
First and goal from the 6. Bradshaw to the 2. Clock ticks under 4:00 left in the first, Patriots still only have that one offensive play.
Oh, man, crazy-dangerous throw. Manning throws a slant to Cruz for a score. 9-0 New York. Linebacker Jerrod Mayo dropped back to cover a slant but never looked back for the ball. He could have picked it like James Harrison did three years ago against the Cardinals.
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No, Mayo!
Commercials: Bud Light Platinum. Still gross. M&Ms. Best Buy - "any phone, any carrier". Celebrity Apprentice. Even more gross than Bud Light Platinum.
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Commercials: Coke ad featuring CGI polar bears hanging out. Chevy trucks - they'll still exist after the 2012 Mayan Apocalypse, but Ford trucks won't. Halftime show promo. Madonna. Promo for "Rock Center" with Brian Williams.
Offensive plays: Giants 19, Patriots 1.
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Collinsworth: I've never seen the Patriots look this unsettled to start a game.
Brady converts a third and 4. Over the middle to Deion Branch at midfield.
Now a quick pass to Welker. Giants trying to cover him underneath with a linebacker. Goodness. 19 yard gain.
2nd and 6, Welker on an end around for 10 or so. Patriots inside the New York 20 as the first quarter ends. New York 9, New England 0.
Commercials: Bridgestone. They made a football out of Bridgestone tires. It's easy to control, just like Bridgestone tires. GoDaddy commercial featuring Danica Patrick, Jillian Michaels, and a scantily clad woman. Lexus. "Battleship" film. It looks awful.
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Oh, hey, it's Aaron Hernandez. Catches a pass on the first play of the quarter. Gain of 2. Becomes the leading receiver in Super Bowl history among murderers.
3rd and 4 from the 11, Brady pass knocked down by Jason Pierre-Paul. That forces a field goal attempt from Gostkowski. 29 yarder. Got it. 9-3 Giants.
Commercials: Budweiser. Prohibition is over! Hooray, but your beer is still awful. Doritos. A dog bribes a guy with Doritos to not tell on him for killing their cat. Camaro.
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NBC runs a song about Jason Pierre-Paul. "JPP", set to the tune of Naughty By Nature's OPP.
Commercials: GE. We make turbines that keep your Budweiser cold. Gross. Commercial for John Carter, which somehow may have been a worse film than Battleship. TaxAct dot com decides it's a good idea to have a kid peeing in a swimming pool as its Super Bowl ad. Promo for The Voice, premiering tonight after the Super Bowl.
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Manning is 9-for-9 to start the game, a Super Bowl record. They jinxed him. He's 9 for 10 now after throwing it away on first down.
Brandon Jacobs up the middle for 11. Patriots not doing much to stop the Giants early.
Manning hits Bradshaw in the face with a pass. Incompletion.
Michaels: People wondered why the Giants weren't favored heading into the game.
Commercials: The Lorax, A dog loses weight so he can fit out the doggie door and chase a Volkswagen. Darth Vader chokes a guy in a bar for laughing at that. Promo for America's Got Talent featuring Howard Stern, coming this summer.
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Third and 6, great catch from Hakeem Nicks downfield. Pass looked high, but he went up and got it at the New England 48. First down.
3rd and 15, Manning completes a pass to Bradshaw at the 40. It's short of a first down and Weatherford will punt it into the end zone. Welp.
Commercials: David Beckham in his underwear for H&M. The CGI Coke polar bears again.
Another Brady pass knocked down by Jason Pierre-Paul.
Chad Ochocinco comes into the game on third and 7. It's a six yard pass to Welker and the Patriots will punt.
Tafoya: Giants TE Travis Beckham is out with a torn ACL.
3rd and 11, Manning deep to Manningham, but incomplete. Weatherford will punt with around 4:00 left in the half. Kicks it out of bounds at the 4.
Commercials: Chevy Sonic doing stunts. Star Wars Phantom Menace 3D. Gross. Promo for a Madonna halftime show.
Gronk! His first catch of the game is down the seam for 20. Out to the New England 35, 2:30 to go in the half.
After a running play, it'll be 2nd and 6 when they return from the two minute warning.
Commercials: The Avengers, Teleflora dot com, Skechers, NFL Play 60 promo sponsored by Kinect for X Box 360, Cars dot com.
Brady to Hernandez to the Patriots' 49. First down. 1:40 and counting.
Now Brady to Hernandez again. Ruled a catch and down by contact. Probably the right call. Yep, replay shows his elbow was down before the ball came out.
Brady to Woodhead to the New York 37. Flag on the play. Holding, offense. Big penalty.
Brady keeps going to Hernandez. Moves the chains again. Out at the 34 with 1:01 left on the clock.
Brady to Welker at the 23. First down. 0:28 left, Patriots timeout.
Commercials: Doritos - grandmother uses a bungee slingshot to fire a toddler at a kid with a bag of Doritos. Talking baby for Etrade. G.I. Joe Retaliation.
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Brady to Woodhead. Out at the 12. First down. Clock stopped at 0:24
Brady to Woodhead at the 3. Flag down. Giants offside. Declined. 0:18 left, 2nd and 1 at the 3.
Draw play! Woodhead chopped down in the backfield by Pierre Paul. Timeout, New England.0:15 left in the half.
Third down, Brady looking, looking, looking, touchdown. Threads a needle to Danny Woodhead in the end zone. 10-9 Patriots with less than 10 seconds left in the half. Presumably, they'll squib the kickoff, the Giants will take a knee on first down, and it'll be 10-9 at halftime.
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Collinsworth: That tied a record for longest drive in Super Bowl history.
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Yep. Squib kick, Giants take a knee. At the half: New England 10, New York 9.
Commercial: NFL Fantasy Football
Rodney Harrison: Belichick will tell his players we haven't played our best and if we cut out the mistakes, we'll win this game.
Tony Dungy: If I'm Tom Coughlin, I'm telling my players that we're moving the football, we just have to finish drives. We can move the ball on these guys.
Dungy: With the injury, Gronkowski can be covered one-on-one with a linebacker. He's a decoy. They have to stop Welker and Hernandez.
Harrison: Hernandez is a matchup nightmare for the Giants. Tough to bring down in space.
Harrison: Giants need to run at Brady, not go around the offensive line. They need to get in his face or it will be a long day.
Commercials: Toyota Camry, Will Arnett for Hulu Plus, LMFAO playing the halftime show in a bar instead of at the game - commercial for Bud Light, Tonight Show promo with Madonna in an elevator with Jay Leno.
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Halftime show. Madonna! She's being brought to the stage by some sort of legion. Vogue. She's lip synching to obvious samples of herself. This is about eleven million times better than last year's Black Eyed Peas debacle, and I'm by no means a Madonna fan. Music. LMFAO. It's a mashup of Music and Party Rock. Everybody's gonna have a good time. Sexy And I Know It. I work out! Okay, now it's a Madonna song that I've genuinely never heard in my life. She seems to want all the love today. Nicki Minaj cameo. Now MIA. Nice. MIA flips the bird to the camera. The NFL is having a collective freakout about that, I'm sure. Open Your Heart featuring a drum line and Cee-Lo Green. Like A Prayer after an extremely quick wardrobe change. Cee-Lo joins in on backing vocals. Show ends with a "World Peace" message on the field. Madonna crushed it out there.
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Commercial: Promo for The Voice with a cameo from Betty White 
Costas: Last three times these teams have met, they've been decided by three, three, and four points. Every Super Bowl that Tom Brady has played in has been decided by three points. Kickers could play a key role in the second half.
Commercials: "It's haltime in America" featuring Clint Eastwood not screaming at an empty chair. I guess this is a Chrysler commercial. Cool, guys, maybe don't make dogshit cars if you want to be successful. NFL Fantasy Football.
Michaels: Brady finished first half with eleven consecutive completions.
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When these two teams played in the regular season, it was scoreless at the half.
Patriots receive. Julian Edelman to the 21.
Tafoya: Belichick says they have to do better in the red zone and stay out of third and long.
First play of the drive. Brady to Ochocinco for 20 or so.
Brady on final drive of first half: 10-10, 98 yards, TD.
The law firm gets going. BenJarvis Green-Ellis for around 15. Giants on their heels, observes Collinsworth.
Brady's 14th consecutive completion. Super Bowl record.
Third and inches, Green-Ellis for three. First down at the New York 20.
"Second and a deuce", says Michaels. Aaron Hernandez one-on-one against a linebacker. No chance for the Giants. Touchdown. 17-9 New England. That's Hernandez's sixth catch of the game.
Patriots have back-to-back drives of 96 and 79 yards.
Commercials: Promo for Smash - series premiere tomorrow
Giants convert on third and four, get out to midfield with a pass to Nicks. Collinsworth says Patriots are trying to shut down Victor Cruz and the Giants have responded by using other receivers.
Another first down to the New England 36. Bradshaw blasts through the middle of the line.
Manning to Nicks again. First down to the 25.
Collinsworth: Patriots' gameplan is to allow short, quick passes but not big plays. Manning needs to stay patient.
Nicks gets blasted by Patrick Chung, going up for a catch. Comes out of the game injured. He's back in after a play. Would have been big if he had been knocked out.
Third and 10, short pass to Manningham. Lawrence Tynes will come on to try a 38 yard field goal. Just sneaks it inside the left upright. 17-12 Patriots midway through the third quarter.
Commercials: Fiat Abarth. Pepsi Max - a Coke delivery guy wins free Pepsi Max for life after trying and failing to buy one without anyone noticing.
Cutaway: Eli Manning's wife and mom.
Commercials; Toyota Camry - reinvented everything else after reinventing the Camry. Coke polar bears. John Stamos for Dannon Oikos yogurt. Century 21 commercial featuring Donald Trump, Deion Sanders, and Apollo Ohno.
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First play of the next Patriots drive, Jason Pierre Paul is injured on a tackle in the backfield. NBC goes to commercial.
Commercials: Jerry Seinfeld and Jay Leno for Acura, General Electric.
Pierre Paul is up. Looks like he took a shot to the head making a tackle, which as we know is no big deal as far as the NFL is concerned. He'll be back. Brains are overrated.
Patriots go three and out. Justin Tuck sacks Brady on third down. Patriots will punt. Blackmon returns it to the Patriots' 48.
Commercials: Budweiser. For people who like to celebrate big events with garbage beer. Bridgestone. They made a basketball out of Bridgestone tires. They're quiet. NFL Fantasy Football.
Replay shows Brady may have injured his left shoulder on the sack. That's his non-throwing arm.
Completion to Nicks at the 30. He's stripped, but fullback Henry Hynoski falls on it. Lucky.
Jacobs finds a seam up the middle, runs to the 23. First down. 3:00 and counting in the third. Giants down 5 but threatening to score.
Completion to Bear Pascoe inside the 12. Another first down.
Tafoya: Patriots medical staff isn't paying attention to Brady, but he's occasionally rotating his left arm to check the shoulder.
Third and 8, Manning sacked at the 15. Giants will settle for a field goal attempt. Tynes from 33 yards. Got it. 17-15 Patriots with 0:35 left in the third quarter.
Second play of the Patriots drive, nobody covers Deion Branch so Brady immediately throws it to him. Gain of 13.
Patriots just barely get a play off before the end of the quarter. Green-Ellis up the middle for a few. After three quarters, it's 17-15 New England.
Commercials: Canton Bulldogs, representin'! It's a commercial for the NFL.
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Brady makes a crazy escape from the pass rush a la Eli Manning in the last Super Bowl. Chucks it deep and is picked off by...a middle linebacker?!? Chase Blackburn, who was substitute teaching a couple of months ago, makes the play. He beat Rob Gronkowski on a jump ball.
Oh, huge break for the Giants. Brandon Spikes forces Bradshaw to fumble, but the Giants recover. Chris Snee, coach Tom Coughlin's son-in-law, made the recovery.
Commercials: Matthew Broderick for Honda CRV - a parody of Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Wow - a bold move to have a car commercial featuring a guy who killed two people while driving a car. "Act of Valor" film. Cartoon characters for Met Life. Another promo for Smash.
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Third and 7. Incomplete pass, but there's a flag down. Offside, defense? Yep. The Patriots give New York another chance, this time on third and 2.
This time they convert. Manning steps up and throws a rope to Nicks. Threw it right over a linebacker.
NBC graphic: Eli Manning threw 15 TD passes in the fourth quarter this season, the most of any QB in NFL history.
Now Giants tight end Jake Ballard is hurt. Commercial time. He's grabbing his left knee. Giants are down to one tight end, Pascoe.
Commercials: Hyundai. Driver doing CPR on a passenger by starting and stopping. Bud Light. A dog named Wego who brings people beer when they say "Here, Wego!"
Oh, man. Dangerous throw. Manning in traffic to Victor Cruz on third and 1. That worked, but it was a crazy idea.
Now a completion to Manningham for 12. Into Patriots territory at the 43. 10:00 or so left.
Tafoya: Ballard has a knee sprain but will try to play.
Replay: Ballard testing the knee on the sideline and wiping out badly. He's not okay. It's gutsy of him to try to play, but that looks bad.
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That’s...not good.
Third and 10, Manning goes downfield to Manningham. Collinsworth immediately: "That's interference." No flag. Giants flipping out. Bad non-call. Weatherford to punt. Welker fair catch at the 8.
Cutaway: Ballard being helped to the locker room, putting no weight on the leg.
Commercials: Motley Crue for Kia. Kick Start My Heart. CareerBuilder dot com. Monkeys annoying a guy. NBC promos. Thursday night comedies. None of the shows is Community, which, yeah. NBC did that a lot.
Collinsworth on the non-call: Everybody's going to have their own opinion on that. That's exactly how opinions work, Cris.
Big third down conversion on the first set of downs for the Patriots. Danny Woodhead in the flat, gains around 25. Patriots up 2, less than 8:00 left.
Giants DB Antrel Rolle down, injured.
Commercials: Samsung Galaxy Note featuring the Darkness. They believe in a thing called love. Promo for The Voice.
Second and 7, Patriots run a reverse to Welker. Gains 11 yards for a first down. Patriots out to their 45. Clock under 7:00.
Clock rolling, under 5:45, Patriots have a third and 3 at midfield. Giants only have one timeout - they need to get a stop fairly urgently.
They don't get the stop here. Brady to Hernandez. First down. Clock under 5:00 now.
Green-Ellis stuffed on first down. Clock rolling near 4:00.
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Second down, Giants defense confused, Welker wide open and he just drops it. Huge drop. It's third down with 4:00. Clock stopped.
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Welker doesn’t ever drop this ball. But he dropped this ball.
Incomplete pass on third down. Patriots will punt with 3:53 left in regulation. Fair catch at the 12.
The Giants only need a field goal here. 3:46 left, one timeout. Plenty of time, but it has to happen on this drive.
Collinsworth: Wow. We should just have these two teams play all the time. Everyone in the country who isn't from New York or New England: Gross. Yuck. No.
First play of the drive, Manning deep to Mario Manningham down the sideline. Great catch at midfield. Replay shows he caught it and got both feet down. What a play.
Collinsworth: That catch isn't quite David Tyree, but it's pretty close.
Patriots have challenged this, but it's pretty obvious that it's a catch. Yep. Call is "confirmed".
Cutaway: David Tyree on the Giants sideline.
Second and 10, complete pass to Manningham again, this time to the 34. They're in fringe field goal range. This game is indoors, which will help Tynes. Less than 3:00 left.
Collinsworth drops a Scott Norwood bomb. Thanks, Cris. Thanks for that. 2:10 and counting.
Quick pass to Nicks, complete to the Patriots' 18 as we reach the two minute warning.
Commercials: Cadillac. Testing at the Nurburgring. Swamp People on the History Channel. GoDaddy dot com. Danica Patrick and scantily clad models. She won as many races during this commercial as she did in her NASCAR career. Promo for Awake. That was such a great friggin' show and I'm still upset it got cancelled.
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Run to Ahmad Bradshaw to the 11. 1:45 and counting. Patriots unsure whether to use timeouts.
Snap at 1:15, quick pass to Nicks. Goes out of bounds inside the 10. 1:09 left, clock stopped. First down.
First down, Bradshaw up the middle, stuffed. New England timeout at 1:04.
Second and goal, the seas part and it freaks Bradshaw out. He tries to fall over at the 1 but slips into the end zone. One of the few times in the sport it can be a mistake to score a touchdown. Giants going for 2, up 21-17 with 0:57 left. They don't get it.
Replay shows Patriots linebacker Brandon Spikes appears to have been ready to knock Bradshaw into the end zone to force him to score, so New England could get the ball back.
Patriots have 0:57 and a timeout. They need a touchdown. Michaels says Belichick had to choose between giving Brady 0:20 to get in field goal range and stop the clock,. or a minute to score a touchdown.
Kickoff downed in the end zone. They need 80 yards in 0:57.
Collinsworth: In an interview, Brady said he'd rather have the ball, trailing, than have a lead but the other guys have the ball.
First down, Branch drops what would have easily been a 20-25 yard completion. 0:52 left.
Second down, dropped by Hernandez. 0:48 left.
Third down, Brady sacked by Tuck. Patriots burn their last timeout. 0:36 left on the clock. It's fourth and long.
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I dig this facemask.
They convert on 4th and 16! Brady buys time, moves in the pocket, and finds Deion Branch for 20.What a play. 0:32. Branch got out of bounds.
Completion for 11 to Hernandez. Down the middle, though. No timeouts. They get up to the line and spike it at 0:17.
Next play, the Giants have 12 men on the field. Patriots gain five yards on the penalty, but the clock is down to 0:09.
Brady to Branch down the sideline, barely out of bounds. 0:05 left. They'll have to chuck it into the end zone on the next play. Patriots at their own 49.
Tipped in the end zone - Gronkowski maybe could have gotten to it, but does not. Giants win! 21-17 final.
Cutaway: Archie Manning, apparently crying tears of joy.
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Commercial: Promo for NBC Sports Network
Michaels and Collinsworth vamp for a while, then they go back to commercial.
Commercials: Chevy Sonic and OK Go. Act of Valor film. L'Oreal makeup. DiGiorno frozen pizza. Geico. NFLShop dot com has Giants Super Bowl Champions stuff.
Lombardi Trophy presented by Raymond Berry, Colts legend. He's a Baltimore Colts legend, my dudes. This game was in Indianapolis.
Berry looks extremely frail as he walks through the Giants to get to the podium. It kind of bums me out to see.
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Roger Goodell: It's been an extraordinary season for the fans. Thanks for the support. An extraordinary game to end an extraordinary season. Congratulations to the Mara and Tisch families.
John Mara, Giants President and CEO: Giant fans are the most loyal in the league and this is for you!
Mara: There's not one coach in the league I'd trade Tom Coughlin for. Proud to have him.
Steve Tisch, Giants chairman: Never been around a bunch of guys with more love for each other and for the game of football. This team played their hearts out for the fans.
Tisch: I thought four years ago was great. That was just a dress rehearsal for this.
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Coughlin: Everybody did a tremendous job to get us here, playing against a great team like the Patriots.
Coughlin: At halftime, I said we can play better than this, guys. We're better than this. They agreed.
Eli Manning named MVP.
Manning: Wild game, wild season. Great, tough bunch of guys who never quit and have great faith in each other.
Dan Patrick: Any point in the game where you thought We're In Trouble? Manning: Nope. Stay positive.
Patrick: How's it feel to win a Super Bowl in the stadium your brother built? Manning: It's great to win a Super Bowl anywhere, but Indianapolis is great, happy to be here.
Manning wins a Corvette for being named MVP.
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Mario Manningham: Just trying to be patient, gotta be patient in this game. We knew big plays would come and we had to take advantage.
Hakeem Nicks: Feels great, happy to be a part of this team.
0 notes
sandiegodjstaci · 7 years
Cindi & Thomas' International Prado Grand Ballroom Wedding
Cindi & Thomas' International Prado Grand Ballroom Wedding
Of all the San Diego wedding DJs around, Thomas and Cindi chose me to DJ, MC, and provide a photo booth for their Balboa Park wedding in The Prado Grand Ballroom on Friday, August 4, 2017.
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci
Thomas & Cindi met at a house party in Dubai (where they both live) and then went on their first date to Cindi’s favorite restaurant, an Argentinian steakhouse, Asado. Thomas was impressed with how she ordered steak (rare), and she was impressed with his choice of wine (red). Thomas did not help Cindi, in her stunning backless dress, down the stairs at the beginning of the night–instead he offered her the banister, but things improved from then on!
About their relationship, Thomas & Cindi say: “In so many ways we compliment each other, when one shows weakness the other shows strength. We both see our lives as one big adventure and we are so happy we get to share it with each other.” Even though Cindi really wanted to get married in a helicopter flying over Antarctica, she will instead be doing a Mexico/Cuba/New York City honeymoon.
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci
  On the final day of a California road-trip they took (3 months after meeting), Cindi dropped Thomas off at LAX and was a bit distant and cold. She then drove to a gas station in Inglewood and texted him, “I’m sorry I was being awkward, I just wanted to tell you that I love you.” He replied by correcting her spelling!!! That correction is something he has never been allowed to forget!
On July 23rd 2016, Thomas surprised Cindi with a trip to Paris. After a few glasses of wine, they were sitting on the balcony of their hotel room overlooking the Parisian skyline at sunset. Thomas took out a small box and gave it to Cindi. She thought it was a gift from his travels and was shocked to find an engagement ring inside. Cindi asked, “Is this what I think it is?” Thomas said, “Yes,” as he got down on one knee. Ahhhhh…..
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci
Cindi walked herself down the aisle in a navy blue gown (my kinda gal)! She entered to “Moon River,” Henry Mancini. After a very non-traditional ceremony in which the couple did not repeat vows or “ring promises” after their officiant, I played “I Want to Hold your Hand” from the Beatles as they walked back down the aisle.
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci
Thomas & Cindi were officially introduced to “Everything is Awesome” by Lonely Island. They went immediately into their First Dance to Louis Armstrong’s version of “La Vie en Rose.” After a delicious meal from The Prado and toasts (oh, and the bride disappearing without notice for 30 minutes…we sent out a woman-hunt crew & discovered she had run out to the parking lot to greet some late-arriving guests), we played the Shoe Game. With about HALF of their guests flying in to celebrate with them from outside the US, we were sure to capture everyone in a group photo on the dance floor before we started dancing. Likewise, the children’s drawings you see decorating this Prado Grand Ballroom wedding are wedding wishes from Cindi’s 4th grade students back in Dubai.
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci
For the cocktail hour/dinner playlist at this Prado Grand Ballroom wedding, the bride and groom requested songs from my Big Band/Old Jazz/Swing playlist and:
Frank Sinatra – Come Fly With Me
Dean Martin – Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)
Sammy Davis Jr. – I Ain’t Got Nobody
Amy Winehouse – Our Day will Come
Frank Sinatra – I’ve Got You Under My Skin
Dean Martin – That’s Amore
Frank Sinatra – I Get A Kick Out Of You
Dean Martin – Mambo Italiano
Frank Sinatra – L-O-V-E
Etta James – At Last
Jackie Wilson – Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher
Marvin Gaye – Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
Amy Winehouse – Valerie
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci
  Even though the newlyweds were not much for dancing, their “must play” songs consisted of:
David Guetta Feat. Skyler Grey – Shot Me Down
Avicii – Wake Me Up
LMFAO – Shots
2pac feat Dr Dre – California Love
Drake – One Dance
Enrique – Hero (Spanish version)
Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber – Despacito
anything by Michael Jackson
Jay-Z & Kanye – N*ggas in Paris
Drake – Started from the Bottom (explicit)
Elvis Crespo – Suavemente
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci
  See Thomas & Cindi’s full San Diego photo booth gallery. Again, I was honored to be the one and only San Diego wedding DJ Thomas and Cindi trusted with the music & photo booth for their Prado Grand Ballroom wedding. Thank you! See more at #ThomasAndCindi.
Here is the amazing team of San Diego wedding vendors I had the pleasure of working with at this Friday wedding:
Venue/Caterer  ➔  The Prado
DJ/Photo Booth  ➔  Staci Nichols
Photographer  ➔  Loud Love Photography
Officiant  ➔  Alison Backous
Cake Bakery  ➔  Sweet Cheeks
Florist  ➔  Liz’ Flowers
0 notes