#i never even finished watching the fucking anime myself by the way what the HELL WAS I ANALYZING
seat-safety-switch · 4 months
Have you been told to get your ducks in a row? Waterfowl linearity is actually impossible: the counterfactual was proven back in the 60s by completely sober mathematicians. Because of the native imprecision of our universe, and the variance within animals, each duck is gonna be one or two microns away from perfect alignment even before you take into account the inherent jiggling motion of their constituent atoms. Of course, the media isn't going to tell you this. They just want to sell ads, promising the impossible dream of dorsine parallelism.
When I was a kid, my dad and I used to go to the park on weekends and evenings. Usually, this was when my mom was sick of watching me disassemble every mechanical object within thirty miles and stuff the entrails into any available copse "for later." Together, as you do when the austerity-choked public park system is devoid of nearly every other amenity, we'd look at the duck pond. Because I live in Canada, ducks were sometimes hard to find. In the winter, which is often, the drakes and hens fuck off to a warmer clime in order to enjoy their hedonistic lifestyles without discomfort, leaving behind a frozen pond and occasionally one or two confused geese. I could have left, too, I tell myself, but I'm toughing it out.
Back to ducks, and my father: like any good dad, he would tell me dozens of useless facts about the world that never sank in until it was tragically too late for me to realize they were useful at exactly one point in my life. Again, me not listening is not my fault. I was simply too captivated with studying the industrial plated finish of the Robertson wood screws keeping the observation deck's duck dock in ship shape.
One of the things that my dad taught me about ducks, I did actually remember. That factoid is that, if they attack you – and they will – grab the neck. It's what ducks do to each other when they have a squabble, and it's the easiest way to move them away, to a relatively defensible arm's length, from your delicate parts before they can bite you. When they lose interest in combat, you throw them as far away from you as possible and run like hell in the opposite direction. Once, I got to see his technique in action, after a neighbour's errant coonhound managed to spook a bunch of the tenants of the ol' pond.
I sure wish he had told me he was going to do that first. That's what they called "active parenting" back then, as the glorious new age of child-rearing theory provided all kinds of excuses for abandoning your tender son and his precocious/obsessive interest in machined fasteners to a harem of vicious anatidaes.
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magicspacedragon · 5 months
After finishing watching Hazbin hotel I need to talk about the differences between Angeldust’s song addict and the song poison. I was sad to see that they had replaced addict as his background song with poison because I feel like it has far less depth of character in general but after seeing the animation they chose to go with for posion I have some concerns. 
The first thing I noticed was the difference in how they portrayed his struggle. I thought that in Addict the flashing between the bright and flashy colors of him on stage and the dark stained bedroom with him crurled up crying with Cherrybomb comforting him was heartbreaking. The color palette changes to show the dissociation and warring feelings that mirrored Cherry and her visions of another man were artistically superior to the shock value of posion where they never left the bright sexy landscape and rellyed heavily on shock value of sexual assault by large men.
The animation of posion was dynamic and complex to watch but there was no subtlety whatsoever. Whereas in addict you caught the emotions in flashes to the bedroom and micro expressions the most violence was shown in Valentino forcfully kissing him, in poison there was on screen sexual asalt from valention and strong implications that many of the other porn scenes where at the veary least dubiously consentual. When Addict showed that those messages could have been gotten across without such shock value I don’t know why they decided to go with the more triggering option. 
Now I know Hazbin and Hell of a boss are not known for subtlety they curse and fuck and kill with wild abandon and i would never want to take that away from the show. However I think making it more direct took away a lot from its impact. The fact that the entire music video stays in that cany colored porn studio and the only dyanimic is between him smiling and him in distress even though it was more graphic I felt like until the very end where the singer's voice breaks the distress doesn't feel as real in a way. In Addict we were seeing into his head and there was an implication that it was what he was thinking about on stage even when he wasn’t in physical danger where Poison tends to save the emotional reactions to when he is actually having sex. 
This leads me to my next point. I feel like Poison relys so heavily on the sex and later BDSM nature of his shoots that it implies that the sex/kink is the problem and not the exploitation. Sex work 100% has problems with exploitation so I can only imagine that is intensified in literal hell. However This idea that the sub in kink or in gay relationships in general is not really enjoying the play is a damaging stereotype. It looks striking in the music video and adds interesting costumes, but the visuals of more monstrous larger men forcing a relationship feels like they are pulling on some of the same ideology's that are used to spread fear about kink or gay relationships. I don't think the team has anything against gay relationships we have seen plenty of queer in there shows but that does not mean that these ideas can't still slip in.
However in the case of rape it feels explotitive. While the push and pull of an abusive realtionship can lead to I love you I hate you moments, the scenes where he was in pink chain dancing into him before the more violent scenes had an implication that he was “asking for it”. The interaction litteralhy starts with “i can only Blame myself.” These are definitely emotions that victims feel around abusive situations but having the lines in an upbeat catchy pop tune leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 
Overall I feel like Addict had a very engaging story about how addiction can become an inter demon that can get you into dangerous and abusive scenarios chasing that feeling of high. While poison reads to me as making a choice to drink in poisonous situations even if you know that they are abusive. I could go on a whole other rant of how removing cherry and his support system removes an interesting dynamic that set it apart from the save the sex worker trope, or how ending the video with him being trapped on the balcony  rather then blowing up a building removes the only bit of agency he is given but this has already gone on too long. No hate towards the team. I just needed to get this off my chest.
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mr2swap · 1 year
I was in my own hell, after having walked around the neighborhood a couple of times I was completely exhausted, with my shirt so wet that the fishnets and my fat tits stood out above all my obese 10-year-old body and the worst, After all, it wasn't even my real body. I got home trying not to pass out from exhaustion, and the first thing I see when I walk in is my real body devouring a pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni in my living room.
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- Hey bro! Have you finished running? What do you think if you come here and accompany your older brother to eat pizza? I'm sure a slice won't hurt you! -
As I said, this was hell for me. When it all started I was the muscular and carefree older brother addicted to the gym and sex, but everything changed that damn day my envious younger brother found that damn magic necklace, tired of being the ball of childish fat that was swapping our bodies at once unknown way, for me it was the beginning of my nightmare I woke up in his small room and the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the grotesque ball of fat that he called stomach stuck to me, I jumped out of bed while my belly bounced as I walked clumsily to the mirror to check that I was no longer in my body.
When I looked in the mirror for the first time I couldn't help but cry on my knees when I saw that I had lost all my work at the gym, all my diet, and all my self-esteem, but that wasn't the worst, when I was finally able to recover a little From my sanity I went straight to my room, everything looked totally different now that I was an obese dwarf of 10 years, the walls looked higher and my house looked huge now that it was half the size of what it was the night before.
I went into my old room and what I found was my younger brother using my body to satisfy his desires, he was masturbating frantically with his arms bent in front of my mirror, looking at his body sculpted by all my work in the gym, his huge cock I was glued to the mirror reflecting each one of my huge muscles while my little brother used my tongue to lick each one of those sweaty muscles that he had stolen from me the night before, he hadn't even noticed me in my room until he stained everything. The mirror with hot stinky cum that I had been holding in to fill my girlfriend's hot pussy.
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I think it's been 10 years since my brother stole my body, he promised me that he would return my warm body when I put his childish and obese body in shape, but that never happened, I spent all those years carrying the obese and lazy body of my brother and went through high school again receiving insults and nicknames from his bullies like "pig" or "faggot" while he had fun at college parties, showing off all my work in the gym and using my hot adult body to fuck all the guys. College students from my school.
I couldn't help myself from eating greasy and delicious food and we both went on with our lives. I grew up an obese teenager watching my little brother take over my life and slowly come out of the closet to fuck all my friends at the gym while I struggled to lose at least 2 pounds on his chubby ugly body but his body is horrible I can't stop eating greasy food and playing video games or watching anime for several hours a day while my butt is getting bigger and bigger.
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In the end I never got my body back, and, and I have already lost hope of returning to my warm and thin body, since then I have not been able to stop eating and crying, life as an obese pig is horrible, and now I am 20 years old, and I have not been able to lose my virginity in my brother's fat and loser body, I grew up watching how I adored his body, he fucked a lot of handsome men in my room while I masturbated remembering what it was like to be fit and have a hot and thin body... And speaking of something hot, is there any pizza left in the fridge?
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In a couple of days, it will be my older brother's wedding and he has chosen me as his best man... I just hope I don't gain weight so that my suit will fit, although I suspect that my “older” brother chose me a smaller size just to remind me what an obese and loser that and been half of this life.
sup guys! I'm back with another one of my old stories, if you want to see my 200+ stories you can take a look at my patreon and support me to continue creating bodyswap stories.
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dontmindme2600 · 12 days
Hi again......If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hunter x Hunter: I’m not as into this as I was in middle school but it’s never left my mind. Definitely my favorite shonen, Togashi’s originality with the series is really refreshing. (I also love Yu Yu Hakusho by him!!) As weird as it gets the characters and story are always a blast to follow. The villains also go hard. I finished the 2011 anime and I have up to volume 13 of the manga! I’d love to catch up fully since it’s being updated again, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. It’s something that I’ve always been inspired by even if I don’t want to make something that’s gonna be EXACTLY like it anymore lol.
Cowboy Bebop: I tried to limit myself to one (1) Shinichiro Watanabe anime for this list, but his other stuff fucks as well. I love Spike. (bet you never would’ve guessed!!) It’s hard to put into words in a way that doesn’t sound incredibly dumb. But. Every character introduced has their own unique worldview, backstory, flaws, etc. It sounds so fucking stupid because yeah, that’s what a character is supposed to have?? But this anime does that REALLY well?? I think what I’m trying to say is that the show does a great job of presenting different lifestyles and perspectives without worrying about making the audience uncomfortable. The anime is all about human connections and how they impact the characters and I LOVE that. It was also pretty moving to me, lots of great emotional moments. The episode where they find Faye’s old cassette recording and the one with Gren’s death will always stay with me. (Also the Andy one, but only because I think it’s funny as hell.) Watanabe is my favorite anime director ever and if you love Bebop I recommend checking out some of his other stuff as well! (Also props to an anime director that isn’t afraid of diversity in his character designs)
Witch Hat Atelier: I’m not nearly as caught up with this as I would like to be but!!! I love the writing, worldbuilding, and characters. I wish more manga were like this. Not like, aesthetically, but like quality wise. Everything is done really well and the art and paneling is GORGEOUS omfg. Also Kamome Shirahama is a very cool and progressive person and it’s just nice to read a manga by someone like her. I’m hyped as hell for the anime and can’t wait to see WHA reach a larger audience!! (Even with all the bad stuff it may bring, lmao)
Invader Zim: This one is probably the most different from the rest of the list lol. I’ll rewatch a few episodes of this every once in a while. It’s one of the only shows I watch that actually makes me laugh out loud. I also don’t think I’ve really seen anything else like it??? Sure there’s stuff that’s it’s pretty similar to but you cant really say, “wow, this is exactly like ____!” which is super cool. There’s not a major character in the show that I can say I hate or even just am neutral on, I love them all. I’m not usually a fan of stuff the gross-out humor it does, especially in the first season, but just about everything else about it just lives in my brain rent free. I think it’s a really unique and funny show and I just vibe with it stylistically as well. Seriously, I love the art style and just overall,,, edgy vibe. I absolutely do not care that it’s a kid’s show and I unironically think it’s super cool lmao. I know should probably check out some of Jhonen’s other stuff but I haven’t done that yet…
The Ace Attorney Trilogy: This one is more so just Shu Takumi in general. It’s a hard choice because I love Apollo Justice as well, and I also considered Ghost Trick (also by Takumi) but Agh!! The trilogy is the most iconic to me so I’m going with that. I just love seeing and interacting with all the unique characters the series has to offer. I’ve always liked how Takumi isn’t afraid to stray away from the generic skinny anime designs for his characters, it makes his characters feel very unique and memorable. He seems to be against having most of his characters be one dimensional, giving them their own struggles and aspirations, regardless of if they’re a “silly” character or not. I love it! It makes them more memorable and enjoyable than many other visual novel characters to me. (Please remember that I also love Ghost Trick holy fuck it’s so good)
Yakuza 0: I’m going to be 100% for real and admit that I discovered this series because of a bunch of stupid clips I saw of it on YouTube. It wasn’t the dame da ne memes, this was before that. But like, clips of all the silly stuff you can do in game like dance, receive a chicken as a gift for winning at bowling, assign said chicken a position at your real estate business, etc. So I bought it on a whim looking for a laugh. And. Holy FUCK. I did not expect the actual real serious story of this game to hit me as hard as it did. Just a good, moving story. I was THOROUGHLY emotionally invested in both Majima and Kiryu’s storylines by like, chapter 2 for both of them. I think it made me cry?? The fact that you can experience both that and the stupid shit, on top of the fun combat, makes it an S tier game for me. I plan to continue with the rest of the series (so far I’ve gotten through Kiwami 1 and 2 and loved them) but 0 has so far been my absolute favorite.
Pokemon: It’s not a perfect series but I always find myself getting back into it for a while every year. I’ve been a fan since I was just old enough to read, what can else can I say? I don’t have a super deep reason for this it’s just something that’s always been comfortable and fun!! The worldbuilding, story, music, and characters, really shine through in some of my favorite games in the series. And regardless of story, the gameplay is always fun.
It’s hard for me to determine my favorite anything but for this I tried to go by:
-How often I ended up going back to these
-How much each work made an emotional impact on me (not just the deep stuff, can also include things like making me laugh)
-How much each of these inspired me (like as in inspired my art or made me think “I want to make something like that!!!”) I think I’ve thought to that at least once for everything in here! It’s actually kind of scary because they’re all so different-
I’m probably missing something here but this should give you an idea!! If I spend any longer on this I’m just gonna keep changing it lolllll
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kaysters247 · 6 months
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Deadly Inferno {A Patrick Hockstetter Fic}
Part 6 - Summer of Terror
Word Count: 1415
Warning: Mature
Little red splotches made from candle wax littered my exposed stomach, indicating how deep we'd gotten into our summer sex fling. I didn't know how long he'd fixate on me to be exact. But I honestly didn't want it to end. Most nights were mixed with Patrick, Patrick, and more Patrick, sneaking into my window when no one was up or could hear. I was lost in the madness of what was going on between us, knowing it was nothing more than lust, submission on my part and complete control for Patrick. I was his toy. He made that clear. And he didn't want it any other way. Since he heard Vic and i's conversation, things have been different. Vic doesn't stay around me alone anymore. And it felt weird. He was my best friend. But as long as Bev was around or the guys, he'd stay. I knew it was Patrick. But the fuck if I was going to defy him now.
"I'm leaving for work Leslie. Behave today. I don't want anymore reports." I rolled my eyes with a sigh from my dads words, the week also consisting of slaving away in this house doing his bidding. Cooking, cleaning, beatings. One that even Henry took a beating for so I wouldn't have to. Odd honestly for him. He blamed himself for not watching me and took the beating. He crumbled when it came to dad. I hated watching it. No matter how much of a shit head Henry is, I love him. He's my brother.
"Alright!" I brushed my teeth, noting the dark mark left on my neck from Patrick's little biting expedition. The burn marks had become second nature to me, also leaving marks from my cigs still to ease the discomfort of life in this hellhole. I knew what Patrick did to me wasn't normal. But I craved it. I loved it. It turned me on so badly that once it was started, I became this animal, feeding into Patrick's mayhem.
"Leslie! Leslie! Down here!" I slowly put my tooth brush back after finishing upon hearing my name in an echo, my eyes darting from one spot to the next in the little bathroom Henry and I have littered with clutter over the years.
"Hello....?" The voice had come from within the shower, startling me to no end. What the fuck.....? I crept my way over, throwing the curtain back, only to be greeted with a red balloon that read in white letters:
"You can float to Leslie! And when you're down here, you can feel all the pain you want...." My eyes widened in fear from the now expanding balloon, before it burst with my terrified screams littering the now blood soaked bathroom, parts of the walls and myself entirely coated. Children's laughter echoed within the drain of the shower, leaving me completely motionless. I didn't dream that! I know I didn't.
"Why the hell are you scre...." But Henry stopped dead in his tracks, his words halted from the sight of blood. He saw it to!
"I....I... I don't know what the fuck just happened. I was.... I was brushing my teeth. And I heard a voice....." His eyes surveyed the room entirely, seeing the now popped balloon on the ground and picking it up, reading the letters.
"It's nothing. Just..... don't answer. Don't follow. Ever." And then he bolted without another word, the slam of his door the only thing heard in the house. It was a warning. But from what exactly?
{At The Kissing Bridge}
"Come on Les.... No one's watching." Patrick had me backed up against the very carved up bridge, our initials never going into the worn wood because how weird would that be? Patrick is libel to burn me alive for that.
"You know Hockstetter, I don't fuck just anywhere. I have standards." He simply cackled at me in such a way, my heart seemed to stop all together. Patrick was the kind of guy to do it anywhere he pleases. He didn't care if someone happened by us in the middle of it. He'd keep going with a smirk of satisfaction.
"Where do you think you're going fatty?" I jumped a little from the sudden sound of Henry's voice, seeing him, Belch and Vic now holding a very scared Ben Hanscom against the bridge further down from us. Ben is such a sweet kid. We've had almost every class together this past school year. And Henry has been targeting him like crazy.
"I got him. He won't move. Trust me." Belch wasn't usually so aggressive. But when Henry told him to be, he would. All I could see was pure red. Ben was a friend. And I wouldn't go for it.
"Don't Princess. Or I could just burn you right now so you can't move like I'm going to do to him....." He finally dragged me away, roughly may I add towards them, his zippo now in his hands. He was determined to join the fun. And I was going to be apart of it whether I liked it or not.
"Henry! Stop!" Patrick slung me up against the bridge so harshly I almost lost breath, seeing Henry taking his knife to Ben's stomach.
"I will carve my whole name into this cottage cheese! Now shut up Les!" I kicked at his hand without thinking, sending his knife flying into the air, just as Ben kicked him right in the stomach and flipped over the bridge, practically flying down the hill.
"What the fuck Les?!" Henry practically shoved me to the ground in pure rage, sending Vic and Belch down to look for Ben. And his knife. Dad would be so furious if he lost it.
"Sucks to be you Hen." He swiftly kicked me as if he had no care in the world, igniting a scream from my mouth. But I wasn't crying any tears of pain. I was simply angry. Angry at how far gone Henry truly was at this point.
"Shut your mouth Les before he kills you." Patrick's warning came as a surprise, no back talking, no words of his own to add like he's going to kill me for him. He just lifted me off the ground the minute Henry went down the hill to look himself.
"I'm not going to spend summer like this. Watching him torture innocent kids Pat." I ran past Patrick to a path I know all too well to reach the barrens, knowing that's where Ben would likely end up.
"Don't go looking for trouble princess. You'll regret it....." I slowed my pace once Patrick's hand came down on my arm, dragging him along with me to find Ben. I knew he was enjoying this as usual. He just wanted to hurt something.
"Or what? You gonna trap me in your pencil box full of dead flies?" The words escaped my lips before I could even think. But I didn't have long before he shoved me up against the nearest tree, his hands firmly on my waist to keep me from moving, his long legs trapping mine as best as he could. His eyes searched mine with a little creepy smirk on his lips, one I've only seen when he's really thinking dark thoughts. The worst kind.
"Tempting. More like my fridge if you keep talking to me like that." His hands slowly left my waist and started to wander around my body, sending shivers straight down my spine in anticipation of what was to come. I was actually frightened for the first time since knowing Patrick.
"You know princess, I used to stalk your brother. But we all got older. My interest changed when you grew....." His hands tightened on my breasts, toying with my nipples that started to harden through my bra. I couldn't take my eyes off his, barley taking in what he had said. He suddenly placed his hand around my neck, tightening his grip to his usual sexual way, his smile never wavering.
"Patrick...." He roughly kissed me, the longest kiss he'd ever given me since we started all this. It felt..... different. But I didn't read into it much. That would be deadly. All I knew, was this town had its secrets. Adults were oblivious to them. Or just pretended to be anyway. Something was happening. And it's only going to get worse. But all i could focus on, was Patrick.
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noahtally-famous · 7 months
td 2023 s2 ep1 spoilers below the cut
(okay so I have not finished s1 but I know the general gist of what happens through mutuals posts and just the td tag lmaoo. maybe later I will actually sit down and watch the whole thing, but that time is not now.)
moving onto my thoughts of s2...
AHHHHHHHH idk how else to explain it but I absolutely LOVED the episode, and honestly I have a feeling I'll love this season, simply bc everyone is so great!!
heck even ripper and chase were tolerable, like, there weren't any fart jokes or anything, it was great!
MKULIA SWEEP???? HELL FREAKING YEAH idc if it's a friendship/alliance, I'm living in my world where they're toxic yuri
Caleb getting some much-needed character development??? I'm SO here for it, and the stuff mentioned during the episode def fits the kinda vibe I have going for him, so that's even better!! (potential caleb & emma friendship??? they can bond over kittens and of caleb being emotionally mature)
also his reactions to the team choosing was gold, I can't wait to see what A-Game he's gonna bring. I'm hoping he doesn't become a version of justin--I just want him to want to be a useful teammate and person for his team/friends/competitors and want to win as well. no overly crazy 'tda justin' villanry pls?? (I mean, I won't be averse to it if it does end up happening, but it'd be cool if things changed up this time around)
CHEMMA BROKE UP THANK FRICKING GOD, our prayers have been answered!! please please PLEASE have them stay broken up
raj & wayne on the same team again!! I was not expecting that tbh, but I'm curious to see where this goes
rajbow is so adorable, like bowie not even letting chris finish before he immediately picks raj first for his team is so 🥹
ngl chase is still a dumbass but now that chemma is out of the way, I mean it affectionately, I can't bring myself to hate any of the characters and that trend isn't going to stop here. that moment when he ran at granny hatchet and bowie was like "I don't believe it, I think he's gonna make it" like that scene was insane
damien is amazing as always, no words need to be said. manifesting a final two involving him
NICHELLE. FUCKING NICHELLE. GOD I CANNOT ARTICULATE HOW MUCH I ADORE HER HERE!! saving the best for last goddammit, I love her so so so so much, omfg the way she slayed the challenge, pls I'm so hyped for her character development this season, I can't wait for the other contestants to eat their words abt her
axel trying to 'be nice' ("i'm a work in progress" yes you are but you're doing amazing) but acting like an ass to ripper is something I live for. "I'm not following you, we're running in the same direction!" LMAOOOO
the fact that priya doesn't hold any resentment toward her parents still irks me, but I still love her character and I'm excited to see what's in store for her
I'm still hoping for some axelle content, but I'm more than happy with the mkulia servings we got
I'm lowkey interested in scary girl's change of character. I feel like this wont be the last we see of her--will she be like an amy and swim back to the island to enact revenge? or will she be like ezekiel and live on the island in secret? or will she be a secret third thing? I sure as heck don't know but I can't wait to find out!! her parting words def seem ominous enough to imply something
speaking of, scary girl's change of character and when she talked abt how she became "normal" everyone's reactions were sending me lmaooo
bowie going "you're never right" to chase but is the one to choose chase on his team, like yes dude frrr that frenemy whiplash was wack lmaoo I love it
same with bowie choosing julia, like yes we love to see two manipulative competitive strategists banding together
on a different note, I wonder what will come of bowie and emma's friendship from s1 and how that broke apart. maybe they could rekindle it in s2? hmmm
zee and their suitcase of sodas 😭
"she's an animal" OKAY MK TONE IT DOWN (pls don't, actually pls continue doing it) YOU'RE NOT HELPING MY MKULIA CASE HERE
millie being priya's first pick >>>
"what strategy? you just stop and run, it's not rocket surgery" 😭 I used to dislike ripper, but if he continues on like this, that opinion will def change. it's only been the first episode and I already don't dislike him anymore so-
chris is still 'tdi chris' aka the b e s t chris imo, and I'm here for it!! also chef and chris's dynamic is still spot-on
in conclusion, im so very excited for what this season will bring!! in case you didn't realize, I LOVED the first episode!
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toxicanonymity · 10 months
raider read-through by @milla-frenchy
toxicanonymity: I'm so honored that you re-read him like this 🥹. This commentary is so impressive and generous. Note to readers, this is best if you're familiar with the stories. - most of the quotes are individual like if there are 4 lines listed they're not together in the story.
milla-frenchy asked (1.7k words):
Hey :)
I have so many fics to read but what do i do? I re re re re read Raider^^
I picked some moments in each chapter (I could write a thesis on this series lol)
"Tired of you rookies," Miller says. "Show some respect."
The definition of irony
TOX: Yes, if you didn't know what the fic was about, you might think he's talking about respecting her 😳 all about himself.
The brutality in this chapter is impressive:
"Now, you're gonna suck this cock and you're gonna like it, understand?" He strokes himself and his brow furrows as he looks at you.
"Cause you don't want me passin' you to those guys, trust me."
“Where do you want it, sweet pea?” He squats down and fingers you.
“Good thing I kept ya all for myself. They would’ve ruined this pretty little hole.”
This chapter installs Raider's inflexibility and harshness. I like that he tells reader to look at him, thinking to the last chapters where he has now trouble watching her. TOX: Bingo. Raider's eye contact.
Failed rescue
This is the chapter where I find Raider the most "funny" I think. I love his dark humor and the nicknames he gives Jack (lover boy, Romeo, buddy...).
“Oh, she’s fine . . .” Joel says. 
"Doin' great, sweet pea. Pants off, now. Just like before."  He looks at Jack.  
"Same way as before?" Joel asks. Jack whimpers and you don't want to face him. 
"Well damn," Joel chuckles proudly. "Hear that? She wants the D," he says to Jack,
“Doin’ great, baby.  Now let’s show’m how good you take a real cock.” 
He's awful with Jack (but i love it) (but he's awful)
The whole passage with the guns establishes his dominance (the exchanges of guns he uses on reader, the places where he uses them)
Jack never does something against it. Of course he remains calm so that reader does not suffer consequences, but we do not imagine for a moment that he can put Raider in difficulty. Raider's humiliation towards him goes so far as to make him get naked.
Joel looks Jack up and down and smiles, bemused.  "Turn you on? . . . Get to it, then."  You wonder if Jack was aroused. Jack whimpers.   "Go on. It's there, might as well jack it." You don't know what to think about Jack being aroused. "Hell, finish before me and I might let you live."
He's so sadistic
"Takin' you with me," Joel pants as he fucks you. Then he thrusts deep inside you and stays there.  "I'll take care of ya. Won't let anyone touch ya"
THE kind of sentence that makes me melt, even when it's spoken by a guy capable of the worst
Stash house
One of my favorites
I love that he breathes her scent during the ride
My favorite passage: after he hits one of the men, he takes her in front of everyone else. It's horrible, but... Its power, its dominance are disconcerting. The whole scene is one of the most exciting thing I've read.
One sentence in particular is so hot for me:
Joel's massive hand holds onto the edge of the dirty mattress for leverage, another hand on your shoulder as he rails you for the third time today, harder than ever. 
I've read this sentence so many times! I like the precise description (and the position is hot)
Yet the way you describe it is not romanticized at all (maybe i I'm doing a disociation every time I read it, saying to myself no, the other guys aren't here)
Failed escape
The parallel between the men of Fedra and Raider was maybe the beginning of the Raider!PRtour^^ TOX: 😭
Raider who calls them animals always makes me laugh
The whole passage in the van, in this chapter, is sooooo hot
The stage where he undones his belt, unzips his jeans, then :
"You want this?" You nod almost imperceptibly, then he says, "Go ahead." You sink onto him with a soft gasp.  “That's right, take it," he says. He puts his hand over your mouth and pulls you down, breathing, "yes." Then he sighs "Ahh," as his girth parts your insides.  He has to use both arms and a thrust to bury himself entirely, then your body’s flush with his.
He inhales deeply through his nose and puts his arm flat on your back with his strong forearm resting along your spine and his hand firmly gripping the nape of your neck.  He forces you down, and you fold forward with your head near your knees.  Then he covers your mouth tight with his other hand.  His arm presses down on your back as his hips lift up into you.  He grunts as he erupts inside you. 
It's so hot, but frankly the whole journey, where she's impaled on his cock, is a hot masterpiece. (I already told you but I LOVE the way he holds her and makes her move) TOX: Thank you. I'm always a fan of being impaled on a cock and an anon said they got their first penetrative orgasm with this one.
The guy who calls him a maniac^^
He slides his hand between your legs and shoves his middle finger right inside you.
Once again he fingers her without warning (already in chapt 1), and each time I think what the hell? (as if the guy hadn't kidnapped and raped her, but the fingering with no preparation hell no...) (i know you wrote she was still wet but !) (I don't know why these moments shock me considering everything else lol)
Then two sentences that bring down the temperature immediately
“He can’t watch her 24/7 forever.”
"You're gonna have to be brave for me in a minute, baby."
I love backlash.
J. Miller
Carving and ass claiming in a single chapter. Wow. That's why you're the queen of depravity^^
I noticed a detail for the first time:
When he asks her a question that involves a choice, he either "congratulates" her (chap 1 when he asks her where she wants him « good girl », and chapter 2 when he asks her the same question « "Alright then," Joel nods in approval. "Let's see those titties.")
Either he responds in an "accommodating" way
"Wanna pick a side?” “No.” You’re too tired to think about it.  “You sure?” “I don’t care.” “Then we'll do both."
He is rather diplomatic and accommodating when he wants. Since the beginning. Well, yeah, doing both in not SO great, but i mean he doesn't get mad or degrade her verbally.
TOX: This is something I miss doing with him, making her choose what he's going to do to her or how. "We'll do both" kinda teaches her that she should choose or else. Now that she wants so much from him, it's not as common.
His remarks about the other girl, his threats :
"Careful, sweet pea. You'll get what you ask for and a whole lot more."
"Ya know, there was a girl at that house today. Sucked some damn good cock."
"Coulda left ya with FEDRA, taken her home. Woulda been easier."
"There's somethin' about ya, sweet pea." He looks concerned by what he's saying.  "Not everyday I make someone mine." He sighs.  "But god damnit, you better behave."
Make the chapter truly oppressive. The finale with ass fucking and overstimulation (he comes down on her just to have another one, as he told her) is so dark.
What about some Chef Boyardee after a gentle first sodomy? TOX: LMAOOOO
This chapter is a roller coaster. After the violence of the previous chapter, he feeds her. Then she kisses him (would have done the same) and he pushes her away. Harsh. But totally understandable as to his psychology. TOX: and he gave her a little taste before he realized what he was doing. so we know he has it in him. . . one of these days he won't react that way 💗
I think I was in almost the same state of mind as reader in this one, so afraid that he fucks the other (poor) girl
Joel unbuttons his pants and looks at the girl menacingly
He unzips his tight jeans and takes his semi-hard cock out.  He asks you, “Where should I put it?”
“Do you have to put it anywhere?” you whimper.  (this one made me laugh)
He spits on his fingers and turns to face you.  He keeps his knuckles facing you as he reaches back and slaps her pussy without looking at her. She yelps. He keeps his hand there and rubs her clit while he stares at you with his hard dick in his other hand. 
“Don’t stop,” Joel cautions.  “Or I’ll do it myself, and not with the gun.”
He’s facing her side and looking at you as he pumps himself.  He straddles one of her legs and you whimper.  He points his cock at her pussy, then he looks at you again as he strokes himself and comes on her ass. TOX: pretty animalistic in wanting to use his cum possessively.
So violent. Emotionally and physically
I love how he worried about her
He takes his hard cock out, gathers saliva in his mouth, then looks down to his lap and spits on it.  Then he wraps an arm around you, holding you into his chest, and lifts you up to get clearance.  He pulls your panties to the side and you gasp as he impales you. 
The hand that cradles your head begins to fist your hair.  He breathes vocally, then he groans as he forces you all the way down on his cock.  He keeps you down, with all of him inside you, filling you all the way up. 
And then his reaction when she tells him she loves him. We see that he is no longer the same as in Home.
The missionary ! <3 <3 <3
And the kisses, saying her nickname during his sleep <3 <3 <3
Gun hug
This one had a real impact on me, I took a big slap.
I liked the dialogue at the beginning of the chapter between the two of them. He who gets carried away, she who temporizes. It was interesting to read the exchanges.
Until the passage where he gets angry because she says no when talking about her chest. I thought, "Fuck, he's still so fucked up". We are facing two Raiders. The one when they met, and the one he probably thought was dead in him. And I think he realizes, more or less consciously, that he's still there, and that reader wakes him up. And he obviously doesn't know how to handle it at all.
TOX: Well put! The word "no" is a trigger to him here since it threatens his dominant identity. He's probably especially on edge Since we see a hint of guilt after he spanks her, hopefully this will improve.
The rest of the chapter is a Tarentino-style scenario with weapons, deaths, sex, all at the same time. Perfection !
And the end with the kiss on the forehead, where the chapter had almost begun with a spanking. Damn.
So many rollercoasters in this series. I love it :)
And i love reader so much, she's brave :)
Have a good day !
(Oh my god i got carried away :D)
TOX: Thank you!!! Have a beautiful day.
Now anyone who's sad or mad at him, read this and check out the raider!analysis and raider!PR tour tags lol.
Also check out this collage by Milla <333
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silly little smosh fanfic game
So I played this game once really early on when I was BARELY following anyone on here. I'mma bring it back because I can.
I've delved back into writing fanfic for Smosh, and I'm working on one for Whumptober (started STUPID early, like back in February, because i Do Not Trust Myself to Finish Things).
My published fics so far, I forced myself to be a little more descriptive, but most of my writing, this Whumptober project included, is super dialogue heavy, and I feel like most of my ideas come from one little dumb line of dialogue that I then build around.
So I thought it might be a fun dumb lil game for me to post some of my favorite ones I’ve written, and see if people can figure out who’s saying them/if the lines have personality.
THE LINES (line breaks are to separate the chapters, so the ones in the same groups might have a lot of the same people speaking)
“Yeah, anyone can do that. I’d like an actual challenge, thank you.”/“And I’d like a friend that’s alive, thank you.”
“Well, if you boys are done, I’m going back inside. I’m not missing out on my entire lunch to babysit you psychos.”
“You do realize, when I said I loved you to death, you weren’t supposed to take it as a challenge, right?”/“Do I look dead to you? I lived, bitch.”
"Shayne says I'm a Chosen."/"Yeah, whatever the hell that means."
"If I find out you tried this again and you die, I’m raising you from the dead, and killing you again myself.”/“The scary part is I actually believe you could pull that off.”
"I know I joked that I was gonna go hard, but I felt bad. I couldn’t do it. Dude, I whiffed so hard, you thought I was Keith.”
“I’m sure it looks like I got punched in the face. Because I did.”
“Hey, for an asshole, at least he’s kinda weak…”
“She’s gonna kill me.”/“You know, I’m not sure if you mean Zoe or Courtney, but either way, I’m inclined to agree.”
“While I’m sure there’s a weird corner of the internet that would be into watching that, we’d never do that to you.”
“See? This is what I’m talking about… stubborn idiot.”/“OUR stubborn idiot.”/“If I had the strength to fight that right now, I would.”/“And yet you love us for some reason.”/“Pretty sure there’s only one person here I’ve actually said those words to, and it isn’t you.”/“Fine, they can take care of you, then.”/“Maybe I will.” (this one was originally just the first 2 lines... it's grown and i love it all)
“Nobody watching will ever even know what happened, you can make up as wild a story as you want.”/“Bears?”/“The animal or the gay kind?”
“It’s not gonna make you sweat, it’s the thinnest, tiniest, shittiest blanket we have. I’m pretty sure we rescued it out of one of Spencer’s desk drawers months ago."
“I’m not leaving you. Not in this state. You’re a wreck.”/“…Literally when am I NOT a wreck?”
(i have a few other favorite lines in this one but they rely on the context of the person's name, so they aren't fun for this game)
“Maybe if you wrote legibly, you could keep your secret. This looks nothing like any of the words you just said.”/“That’s on y'all for not being able to read.”/“…Wait. Aren’t you literally a lefty?”/“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Just needed to step out for some air.”/“Like… ‘the guys are smothering me with their energy’ air, or actual air you need to breathe?”
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I believe I am sufficiently stressed enough to have a good cry in the bathroom.”/“Oh my God, it was a JOKE.”
“I think I’m in a toxic relationship with your ramen.”
“Closed-toed shoes while we’re working, please.”/“I’m giving you feet content for free right now.”/“She has a point. There are literally power tools everywhere, and you’re walking around in fucking Birkenstocks.”
“He said he was going to get a blanket last I saw him. Maybe check Reddit Stories set? You guys are obsessed with that thing.” (chants *blanket lore! blanket lore! blanket lore!*)
“It’s not a fever, I’m naturally this hot.”/“Well, at least you’re feeling enough like yourself to say things like that.”
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teethw0lf · 1 year
I had the horrific idea to get high and write about Mista and Narancia getting high using a concept I had already joked about with a friend and this is how it turned out. I wrote it in notes app so I’ll just copy and paste it 💀.
Pizza Heroes
Five edibles. Five. One two three four five. That was the bet. If Mista and Narancia could not finish watching “Low Quality Family Guy Memes” without even so much as cracking a tiny baby smile. The tiniest of all smiles ever in the whole world. They’d have to wake up in the morning and take 5 edibles or more. They’d never done more. But they did today. Fuck them. They were underestimating their power. They were gonna prove them wrong so good. Holy fuck LMAO.
So it was five. That was the requirement. But no. What they took was 10.
Narancias muscles had just started to go on strike just as the both of them got epic fnaf ninja mr. beast jumpscared by Mistas phone. It was loud as all hell and it almost had a rude ass tone to its voice, like it was going “HEY YOU PIECE OF ASS POTHEADS PICK UP NOW.” so naturally mista picked it up, while Narancia stared on in bewilderment only properly described by a cursed emoji reaction image from the depths of Gen Z Pinterest.
“Oh hell- nah. Oh sorry haha. No I was talking to somebody else. Um I’m sick. Cmon- dude ok alright uh. Ok.”
Mista hung up.
He faced Narancia with a look of horror.
They faced eachother with a look of horror.
Only properly described by two cursed emoji reaction images from the depths of Gen Z Pinterest.
Oh god oh fuck.
“Narancia we gotta go to work dude.”
They weren’t even all the way high yet but the thoughts in their brains were already falling out of their nostrils and also ear holes as soon as they formulated, leaving no time and no ability to maintain a proper conversation with anything and anyone. Including the house fly that was annoying them.
Narancia threw a gnarly punch at the fly but it landed on mistas huge tit.
He threw his hands up in agony like that one cursed emoji reaction image gif thing where the emoji disintegrates away while holding its hands up and making a face of true and utter distraught.
“Sorry bro. There was a fly.”
They managed to drive to work by sheer luck and sheer luck alone. Narrowly missing a cruel and painful death several times over and somehow not really realizing it unless the other car honked then it was “WOAH FUCK!!!!!”
Expensive ass overrated pizza. Mista and Narancia thought their pizza was just any ass pizza and that that good and definately not $45 for like a medium pizza or something fuck them. But they worked there so whatever.
After clocking in, the two of them put on their dominoes pizza hats with the anime lines behind them and victorious and suspenseful music playing and they grasped each others hands in camaraderie and best friendship and possibly maybe a homestuck romance reference or something really fucking nerdy and cringe and gay like that and they posted up behind the counter. Alone as the fly in Narancia and Mistas house thought it was when Narancia punched it into a tit that must have been like a gigantic and majestic mountain to that tiny little fly. Death by boob mountain. That is hilarious Narancia decided and he randomly doubled over and lost his shit laughing. He could not hold it in. He could not even try to hold it in. He couldn’t. It just came out like vomit except it was laughing. What was he laughing about? Idk honestly I myself can’t remember what I just wrote so you put two and two together okay? Ok.
Narancias laughing made Mista start laughing too.
“Bro stop that you’re making me laugh”
He said with a breathless “heeheehaahaa”
Omfg he sounded just like a donkey.
Narancia was laughing like that chimpanzee at the campfire named Sugriva when asked “is it dinner time”
“Hey mista. If you had a fursona do you think it would be a donkey?” He asked, giggling.
“A donkey? Fucking why.”
Mista asked pretending to be offended because technically he was being called an ass. But ass is a butt and that’s fucking hilarious oh my gods.
The gods are probably shaking their heads at them right now as they stand there making stupid jokes and forgetting what they were supposed to do right here and now. Unbeknownst to them both they are ignoring several orders and are both standing behind the cash register and 4 people have come and and then left after seeing these weirdo loser furries talk about their fursonas.
“Mine would be a chIIIMP-“ Narancia couldn’t finish that last sentence before he started laughing again and it forced the tail end of his sentence to get all loud and yelly. Fuck chimps are so fucking funny. They are so fucking silly and they make loud screaming sounds and it’s hilarious.
“Nah!! Chimps are scary! Buff as hell. Stronger than any man.” Said Mista.
“I’m hungry” said Narancia.
“Oh wait FUCK OH SHIT.”
They both turned their heads so fast the air went through their ears and made a SHOOSH sound.
They’ve been sitting here ignoring 10 orders.
Mista and Narancia scramble into the kitchen like shaggy and scooby doo. Or more like shaggy and shaggy because they are both human men and not a dog. Mista pulls out his Bluetooth speaker and it starts playing his playlist for work. They are not actually allowed to do this but nobody is here not even a manager so fuck those bitches.
They make artful and beautiful pizzas. Narancia sways back and fourth while putting toppings on his pizza to Slow Dancing In The Dark by Joji.
The music fills him with such a floaty and blue emotion. Oh it was so pretty. And sad. Slow dancing is such a pretty name for a song. Slow dancing in the dark. That was just classically romantic and so so lovely. It was roses and dewdrops and a faun stumbling in the rain with an arrow in its back.
Damn it NO this fic is supposed to be funny, Narancia thought, the fourth wall being held in his determined and angry grasp and shaken by the throat. This will NOT become an angsty crush fic.
But then, suddenly, Mista turned around to face Narancia and he said “I want to talk to you about something I saw the other day and it’s really interesting and cool.”
Narancia nodded. Still schmoovin except the song has changed to “Fourth Of July” by Sufjan Stevens.
“No what change the song Mista this song makes my eyes water.”
“I was trying to tell you something hold on-“
“Mista my heart is SENSITIVE AND MUSHY!!!!”
“Okay okay fine”
“Alright tell me”
“Okay Narancia so there is this thing called homestuck-“
Narancia was trying to listen to Mista but he was too busy on trying to make sure the pizza didn’t look like it was made by a person who was extremely high. Oh shit. What if they could tell based off of the pepperoni symmetry.
The phone started ringing. Oh fuck. Oh shit. Wait how long have we been making these pizzas. Just two pizzas. No way….an hour? Oh fuck. No no no.
He picked up the phone.
“This is Pizza”
They hung up.
Mista was laughing at him.
“Mista we are going to get fucking fired I’m so scared bro I’m so fufkced I’m so fucked oh fuck.”
Mista was reminded of the vine with the kid slamming the oven to the beat while his dad plays the horn and they are wearing sunglasses. He thinks about imitating the horn tune and slamming the oven to the beat like the video to make Narancia laugh and stop getting scared, but he didn’t wanna break the oven. What if he was accidentally too rough. So he just went
“Mista what are you doing. Holy fuck we have like. A million orders.”
Narancia started shaking his hands next to his head and pacing and sobbing and crying.
Mista didn’t like seeing Narancia cry! Oh no? His friend. He had to create a distraction. Woah man his muscles were totally not having it. His brain was just a big playdough mound bumpin around in his skull. It was like he was made out of lead. His tounge and his fingers were getting numb and tingly. Yo he was SO high. Woah. Uh oh. Oh no.
Right distraction.
“Okay Narancia so like listen this might make you feel better. So theres this thing called homestuck and there are humans and trolls and they play a game. And theres different kinds of romance but I can’t remember the one that makes me feel about-“
Oh fuck he almost said ‘you’. Narancia can’t know that Mista was totally mega cringe down for him?!!!!!!!
“About this person I think is pretty cute and stuffs.”
His story was not helping Narancia. In fact he was sitting on the floor rocking back and fourth and sobbing but almost completely silent with his mouth hanging open and his eyes squeezed shut like he’s a toddler that fell down and it hurt. The door rang. Oh shit. He tried to pretend like Narancia wasn’t losing his mind behind the counter.
It was Trish.
“Why the fuck are you guys at work like this.”
“Because they wouldn’t let me call out big cheese says I’ll get a write up.”
“You guys look like you’re totally pulling this off and having absolutely no problems. Where is Narancia.”
Trish looked like an emotion Mista couldn’t comprehend. Like dorcelessness. Or maybe she was being sarcastic. Shit was he autistic?
Narancia tried to say “I’m here.” from behind the counter but he only made a sad sobbing sound.
Trish peeked from around the corner at him and he almost got ejected from his body.
he sounded just like Darwin from the amazing world of gumball.
Oh fuck his heart. It was so fast. Holy shit he can’t swallow. It’s like he can’t swallow what if he starts choking. What he he has a SEIZURE!! oh-
“Mista I think Narancia needs to go home.”
Trish poked Narancia like he was a roadkill.
“I need to go to the hospital guys. Can you overdose on weed? I think I’m dying. PleSe don’t let me die.”
“No you can’t overdose on weed, Narancia, oh my fuck- Mista. MISTA.”
Mista was thinking about troll romance.
Then Fugo walked in.
“Did you get the pizza or what it’s been fucking 35 mins- oh my fucking god why are you guys at work.”
“Fugo please tell Trish I could be having heart failure!!!!”
Narancia wailed.
Trish rolled her eyes so hard that it looked like it hurt and it probably did because she rubbed them after.
“Oh god you guys I swear I’m not crazy. Was our shit LACED!?”
Fugo scoffed “no you fucking idiot you took ten fucking edibles that’s what’s going on here.”
“Fugooooo” Narancia wailed.
Trish and Fugo looked at Mista who was staring off into space still standing behind the counter and thinking about troll romance. He couldn’t wait to tell his friends all about this new cool and very much brand new thing called homestuck.
Fugo leaned over to see the absolute state the kitchen was in. As expected there was a burnt pizza in the oven and a pizza that was halfway made and stil frozen halfway falling off the counter. The speaker was playing “DICKE TITTEN” by Rammstein. Ah hell yeah. This was fugos groove he loved pissed sounding German men singing industrial metal.
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When reading a book, have you :
a. Finish a book, even when you dislike the mc until the end but love the story (What book?)
b. Finish a book, even when you dislike the story but love the mc (what book?)
c.Finish a book, even when you dislike the mc and story but love the worldbuilding (what book?)
d. Finish a book, even when you dislike the mc, story, worldbuilding but still finish it for whatever reason (what book?)
Mmmmmm, you know, I don't think any of these have directly factored into continuing or dropping a book. It's mostly about whether or not I'm enjoying myself, and I can do that with a main character I dislike, or a world I dislike, or...well, maybe not a story I dislike, but a plot I dislike? And I think you may have meant plot, because of course all of the other things factor into the story.
A. Books where I've read without ever liking the main character: The entire Doctrine of Labyrinths series. Oh, Felix is quite sympathetic at times and pitiable at others, and generally quite fascinating, and has quite a few things I like about him. But he's also deeply fucked up from his trauma, actively abusive in...uh, every relationship he has in the series except the ones where he's being abused, and like, kind of just a dickhead? A dickhead.
Also That Unauthorized Fan Treatise thing. I did finish it in a day and I was riveted by it, but good God I would want nothing to do with Gottie.
B. ....BANANAFISH? I love Ash so much, but the things that happen to him delve way into torture porn toward the end, like, it's not even contributing to the story or anything at that point. It's just "what else can we do to him?" and the ending was just such utter bullshit, but I did stick it out. Okay, this is a manga, not a book, but still.
C. Oh, hm. I dunno; I don't usually stick around a story for world building. Maybe HunterXHunter, which is another...anime. I didn't...hate Gon, but he's never been a big fave of mine; Killua was. And the story just completely derailed during Ant Hell Arc. But I would have given up on it if I hadn't been watching it with a friend.
Maybe Codex Alera? I really adored Tavi early on, but I grew less attached over time, and the plot was pretty paint-by-the-numbers, but the worldbuilding interested me despite also being a bit...overdone. Him.
D. The Mirror Empire. That book was so well written, and I did not enjoy it at all. Truly it was not for me from top to bottom. But I tried, and it was good, I just had not one bit of fun.
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bylightofdawn · 3 months
Are ya'll ready for: El seriously overthinks video games + minor FF7 Rebirth spoilers hour?
I'm finishing up the mission on Junon where Cloud and Co go undercover and just watching Cloud lose himself in the role, genuinely getting ATTACHED to the Seventh Infantry and me then having to escort my baby infantry ducklings around as they murder other Shinra troops out of the mistaken belief they are on the other side made me FEEL A LOT OF THINGS. Like holy shit that’s insane even typing it out. And kinda dark and a little twisted. And potentially fucks those poor Infantry troops over yet they are STILL rode or die for Cloud. I wasn't expecting to get socked in the feels as much as I did.
Because Cloud is so detached and emotionally standoffish, watching him seriously get into the role of playing at the Captain of the Seventh Infantry is hella significant.
And I think it's because it's so familiar and something he is missing. He misses the camaraderie and brotherhood of serving. Sure, he moved onto becoming a SOLDIER and who was his damn role model/sempai? Zack Fair who is one of the most big-hearted, best big brother energy dude ever. So of course he would subconsciously internalize that's what a good leader should do. Sure, there was also Sephiroth but he's clearly the worst and reflects what bad leadership skills would be.
So yeah, I think there's a part of Cloud that misses serving, or at least misses that sense of brotherhood. He's been a lone wolf for so long, I can't imagine he's not starved for that kind of connection. It's also prolly easier and less complicated than the relationships he has with the main party.
Okay so that's me being all philosophical. Now let me be a degenerate and horny on main for a second.
Holy fuck nuggets Rufus is so hot. He's ALWAYS been hot but he's especially hot and v. Ice Prince-y and I fucking love it. I am laughing at the absurdity of his clothing and how it continually gets more complicated and ridiculous. He legitimately looks like he's wearing a fucking farthingale with that ridiculous belt collection he's wearing. Or yanno....bdsm gear. XD
Somehow they have managed to take Roche who was already at Maito Gai levels of over the time 100% energy and made him even MORE ridiculously and over the top. I lowkey wish he would stop talking. I have an excellent solution on how to do that and that is for Cloud to shut him up by fucking him until his brains bleed out of his ears over his stupid bike. Or yanno, there are other ways to shut him up varying from gag and other creative things to occupy his mouth with.
Even though it's clear Cloud is pretty hetero-coded but after like 25 years of soooooo much Sephiroth/Cloud, Zack/Cloud fan content, I don't think that's going to stop the internet (or myself) from shipping him like a fandom bike. Hell I actually love Cloud/Tifa cause I am a disgusting multi-shipper.
Ahem. Anyway I hope Cloud gets to reunite with his Seventh Infantry people at some point. I think I'm like.....1/3 of the way through the game and holy shit. I've discovered I detest minigames. I love side-missions in games but fuck DDR minigames or that damn in real time strategy game Fort Condor. There's a reason I've never been interested in FF Tactics.
EDIT: OMG Red XIII going full on Karen Mode and demanding to speak to the bartender/employee who won’t let him play in the Queen’s Blood tournament because he’s an ‘animal’ is the funniest shit I’ve seen so far in this game. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
EDIT 2: never mind, Red going full on Chester Cheetah/Michael Jackson absolutely takes the cake. I’m ded.  I also stayed up way too late beaten this freaking queens blood tournament mini game and I really gotta go to bed now.
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salvatoreren · 8 months
I finally watched AOT's last episode and frankly, I am not okay, I have been sobbing a river oh my fucking god.
Anyways, it was really good, as expected of MAPPA anyway, I was pretty much crying the whole episode actually.
I have complaints, mostly because of the not included anime, little things like not having the flashbacks of Armin of reading a book in the rain, the squirrels etc. etc. I would have love to see them in the market and the way to the boy who sought freedom, goodbye was not implemented, I WAS WAITING FOR THAT COME ON
The anime only scenes were good too, like Levi giving food to the refugees, falco and gabi, i wish we saw their outfits tho, they slayed with that one.
the way they played 13 no fuyu, im killing myself, ive been listening to that shit since 2022 which mind you was when i was active once more in aot, the fucking flashbacks my god, that was so tragic RAHHH
THE SAME BIRD WE SAW ON S4 ENDING 1, oh my god, the opening was really cool omg, it perfectly showcased eren's journey, what he went through, despite being absent in the final chapters, it still showed Eren was still the protagonist...Which isayama did not understand when he made 139
Yes, I am bitter still with the ending, no, I am not hearing anyone out and no, I am not going to pour my disappointments with it STILL, here because yeah.
It's such a shame that's the last and final time we'll ever see it, devastating tragedy omg.
Now that's out of the way.
It's been a long and fun ride, regardless, the final season has been going for what three years, i've been with this series for three years, it was fun really it was, this series took such a simplistic and cliched approach then twisted into something more complex and truly gutwrenching. 2020 was nothing without AOT, in my opinion, watching AOT broadened my media consumption, yanked me into the anime world and i already have so many fandoms i'm in.
2020 was a hard time too, i couldn't have done it without this bloody series, god, i remember aboarding the train hype, everything was everywhere, fics, art, videos, memes etc. All those I read influenced my writing style, all those theories made me think more critically, those memes and videos of it made me laugh. It's funny how a series like this one comforted me so much.
I remember being so traumatized by the first episode i'm like who the fuck would ever like this series with this much blood and that night i immediately searched for eren fics because i was like who is this boy i like him, i fucking dreamt of the beast titan, all those nights racing with my sister who could finish the series first, i literally woke up at 4 just to watch it before she could.
Fucking terrified which of my favorite characters were going to die next, literally sobbing over armin's death, god and the mindfuck with Marley and Eldians and Subjects of Ymir in the fray oh my god.
Can I just say, I wouldn't be who I was without AOT? Even with my cynical behavior, it's all because of it.
2021 who i never fail to reiterate and think fondly is good because of AOT as well, I figured wow, the final season is coming back, I should rewatch it again and so the hyperfixation began, i was sick too, almost dying too actually, dengue is dangerous and it was just a fond memory because i was watching aot and i acted like i never had watch these scenes in my life and despite feeling like dying i felt okay.
I was so batshit crazy when part 2 came out, that was the one that was actually peak AOT don't lie, I was literally screaming like i was giving birth OVER AN OPENING AND AN ENDING, i'll never forget any of it.
When I cried watching the whole episode, it really just occurred to me that this is really the end for AOT, i was only ever able to go through it because I have the anime and it what really kept the whole fandom alive, the anime's honestly the reason why it had this many fans as you can see.
And again the way it's heartwrenching for it to just be a simple series and then it's full blown war, jean and reiner holding out to each other, remembering how they used to be close and comrades then betrayals and war happened and it's all ruined.
The devastating realization of seeing the last few panels animated, watching the end flash through the screen, realizing there was nothing out of this now, no more next episodes, no more hype, it's gone and it's so devastating because how happy it made you, the way you'll never see these characters again, only in rewatches or art. But it's not the same.
I admit I don't feel as hyperfixated over it now, after getting burnt out of it last year, even good things go badly sadly and i was just here for eren now, but doesn't change the fact this series has nurtured my quarantine, i grew up with this series even if it was only recent, who changed the trajectory of my life and had me find my paths.
I'll never forget these characters who made my life, who brought life to the story, even if they were just moved by the plot now, i'll always have a soft spot for AOT, i will always love it, regardless how much i hate it, there will always be fondness within it.
It's kind of weird, really to see Levi who has done so much to the fandom just by existing and being drawn and animated now cease to exist? I suppose, looking at him feels weird like imagine comparing 2014 levi to 2023 levi now omg, that's where you really begin to realize how much time has passed and how much AOT has evolved AGAIN JKSDHJ
well, i'm still on eren's side, still hate what happened to him but i'll always love him, he is such an important character to me, i don't think i truly ever loved someone like him despite representing the total opposite of me, he just had that charm i suppose, his views are so hauntingly beautiful, idealistic, him representing hope, despite what he did, in the end he did what he could for himself and for his people IN MY HUMBLE ONION
eren yeager i'll always love you
i'm kinda scared what would happen to this fandom now, will it die now? Will it live? I doubt, I haven't even finished my eren fic and lol, either way i hope someone will still enjoy AOT, i hope still there will be new watchers.
This is long but this is just how I really feelt about AOT which I wholeheartedly do love and cherish with all the memories and the pain it gave.
Thank you Isayama for this world, for these characters, for these mindblowing revelations about war, life and freedom, for the heartaches and the joy.
Thank you WIT for raising AOT and truly breathing life to it, for garnering fans for it to be more appreciated.
Thank you MAPPA for continuing WIT's legacy, you are not the same but still delievered, thank you for carrying the final season and the fandom on your back, may you sleep well and have your deserved pay.
Thank you for the voice actors who breathed those memorable lines to be used in edits.
Thank you Linked Horizon for coming back, aot was iconic because of your openings.
Thank you AOT for everything.
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ray-the-fanatic · 2 years
🔥 for TMNT; you can pick the series uwu
I'm really just gonna go with what's on the top of my head, since finally watching rise myself my TikTok has been full of tmnt content and since the franchise got a bit of a revamp in popularity as well since the movie, i;ve been seeing some slander I can not handle u_u if this are bad takes idk but its an excuse XD Mainly people claiming the 2012 versions of the turtles don't act like brothers at all, that they hate each other. Heavey talks about Mikey being abused even. Spilter playing favorites and looking some is over the top its a show after all. But I'm sorry a lot of the smack talk is no different than me with my own siblings even today with us all as adults. There is just something about being related that makes ya wanna start fights. I even am this way with cousins around my age cause well they were like siblings to me and a bit with my best friend who is basically my sister. Yet I see it so often at least once a day about people just so against thier brother's relationships when not they care about each other and there is a lot of proof to this. Leo got hurt Raph stayed around the whole time they were in a coma. When Raph hugs Mikey because he thought he died. Mikey followed after Leo so they wouldn't go on a mission without backup. Raph not breaking the bro code when Casey asked if April ever talks about him and Raphs tells him Don likes her. There is a lot and I'm sorry but siblings fight it happens. When you and another person spend time together a lot of fighting happens how you handle it after that matters and uh hello most of thier lives they never got to go outside so they are bound to get annoyed with each other. Seth Green did a good job voicing Leo in 2012. In truth, he is my favorite of the three va's Leo had over the show as well. Raph slander (okay so a lot of this is about 2012 right now XD) Raph is normally the big tough guy in the shows and comics after a bit that's been his whole thing. YET this boy is so quick to jump in to fight for his brothers like when Leo got yet through the window, or when Mikey got captured by the yokai. The second his brothers are in danger he's there to protect them. How he may not get donnies crush on April but hell stand by his side. Raph isn't abusive he's the hot head. I'm sorry but when your raised to fight and such and got anger issues? yeah a boy gonna react with his fists and words. Dosen't mean Raph is a bad brother I mean look how he babies his own pets? Hes just not good showing that affection to his brothers as he is the pets that kind of a normal trait even more so for a teen! Tmnt over all: STOP. HYPEING. ONE. SERIES. BY. TRASHING. ANOTHER TMNT has been around for so long there are so many things to get from it shows, movies, comics, and more. There isn't one good version only it's like a buffet of content! I have personally been getting into the comics myself and man the tears I have been spilling over the turtles! Leos best moment is clearly in TMNT vs Batman movie where he kicks Ras a Ghoul in the balls and tells them he's sixteen and learned his finishing move from a rat. I'm sorry that is funny as all fucking hell. 2012 wasn't too anime, I personally loved the break in animation for expressions and such it added to a lot of moments. Baised maybe cause Ciro Neil was part of this version and he also was behind my favorite show SRMTHFG and worked on Teen Titans. SOO Slightly simllair but Rise also! I think the times they didn't animate the characters was used so well my favorite episode I feel is mystic library because I die every time they get taken by the bats ;3; VENUS should get more love! Im baised cause power rangers crossover sure but I wat Venus to get her due!
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jetspikepub · 2 years
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Remember "Jet understood and loved Spike" passage from Extra Session book? This isn't the end of analysis of The Real Folk Blues arc. The next page contains more details about director's and writer's decisions on ending 😏😏😏
Watanabe's been keeping in mind an image of anime's ending since the team finished working on ep 1. He just liked the idea of Spike's badass assault and because of that he argued with Nobumoto a lot. The anime kicks off with Jet and Spike, their strong partnership vibes, and for Nobumoto it seemed logic to show's Jet overprotective dad behaviour an the end and, eventually, let him and maybe Faye to go with Spike, which means they all fucking die or get injured. Nobumoto likes those dark bittersweet dramatic tones for some reason, she nailed it in Wolf's Rain (I started watching Bebop right after Wolf's Rain and by ep. 25 was like "oh no you're not gonna feed me dat depressing shit again, if something happens to the Bebop crew I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself").
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Anyway, here's a summary:
For the final episode, the main staff organised camping in Wado, Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture. Director Watanabe and screenwriter Nobumoto said that the atmosphere was tense when they tried to make a decision whether or not to send Jet to Red Dragon headquarters with Spike. In the end, Jet didn't go, and director won the argument.
- Did you have a happy end ver. where Julia didn't die and Spike came back? Or did it end with the two of them running away together?
Watanabe: But in this case the remaining members wouldn't be happy. Like, what the hell, they ran away, they left us behind. If I find them I'll kill them! (laughs).
- So, from the very beginning, this was a premise that the two would say goodbye, right?
Nobumoto: But you don't know whether Spike is dead or not.
W: It's possible he's just sleeping. Sleeping quetly.
N: It feels that way because of the spectacular events that took place. Why so unhappy?
Minami: Not that unhappy. But the star have disappeared (laughs).
W: As I mentioned earlier, I had decided to do this for the final episode from the beginning, so there was no hesitation on my part.
N: The taste of the work seems to be consistent, at the beginning and at the end.
M: But while we were working on the scenario, I think that the sence of danger still was there, even though we had some fun stories to tell.
N: I wonder if there's such a character like Spike.
W: It was a dangerous work, including the schedule (laughs).
As you can see, the creators made wise decision to give us a chance to feel comfortable about Bebop crew's fate.
I'm not reinventing the wheel, just sending a gentle kiss to those who like to downvote other's opinion))) I've got nothing to hide, I show the whole picture for everyone to analyse and make own decisions. Never let them mislead you or humiliate you just because you have different point of view.
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drippingviolets3 · 2 years
I finished watching Carol and Tuesday today and-
MY HEART ❤️ 💖💝💕💕💙💕💛💝💗💗💖💛💕💞💘💛🧡💙🖤❤️‍🔥💜❣️❣️💛💘🖤💜💜💜💘💞💝💖💓
I love this anime SO. FUCKING. MUCH. For one it feels almost (key word “almost”) like the lesbian version of Given, but handled real world issues in it.
And on top of it the music SLAPS, I have a better time enjoying it because I can just listen and understand it and vibe instead of just listening, reading the captions alongside watching what’s going on onscreen, then vibe.
Plus the way the characters are written are just *chefs kiss* they all have such depth to them, even characters we don’t see that much. We’re given backstory on these characters and a lot of them are super relatable, like Angela who I might kin now.
Actually, I wanna talk about Angela.
So obviously: Spoilers.
I don’t usually like diva characters so in the beginning I hated her. I didn’t know her backstory and thought she was just a rich model switching professions bevy she was bored. Plus with how she puts on a completely different personality on screen I figured she was just lying about everything she said.
But then her dissent into madness came
So much happened to her in such little time and the affects it had were clear. From the stalker, to her learning she was adopted, to her mother’s illness, to her producer leaving, it was a whole train wreck. She starts abusing substances and even begins hallucinating, but forces herself to perform because it was her mother’s dream, and while that seems honorable it sad when you learn that everything she’s done, she’s done for everyone but herself.
She’s done it for her mom so she could live out her dream in her daughter, the adults who loved watching her perform, she never once sung for herself and she eventually never even thought about it.
But it’s through her finally being alone, no mother, no producer, does she remember that she has herself, and that’s something even I can’t fully comprehend for myself. After all her life living for others, she realizes she can live for herself, sing for herself. This is a message a lot of people can relate to, not just the massive depressed generation that is Gen Z, but anyone who had their parents live their dreams through their children. It’s touching, and it was so well done.
And now another character I want to talk about: Cybelle.
I want to start off by saying I hate this woman so much :DDD. (If I find out this woman gets pretty privilege in the fandom you WILL see me on the news-)
Anyways, despite me wanting the fires of hell to be rained down on this woman, I’m grateful for the fact that she’s just there to begin with. She’s a queer woman, and a stalker, and we all know these people exist. If she was the only queer woman I’d be upset with this but we have Marie who’s out and proud and literally no one questions it but I’ll get into that later. This doesn’t allow any negative stereotypes being implanted, we see multiple LBGTQIA+ characters and no one questions it, which is why Cybelle is so unique to me.
She shows that dangerous people in the LGBTQIA+ community can be downright dangerous at times. And as someone queer who has had a toxic romantic experience with someone else queer (who ironically reminds me a lot of Cybelle), I’m happy it’s portrayed so well.
I’m also really happy with how Tuesday reacted to Cybelle. Not with her ignoring her stalker-y tendencies and not being able to stand up for herself, but she didn’t have a big reaction when Cybelle started showing her romantic interest. Tuesday’s mom being tied back to conservative beliefs and views (on top of their shitty relationship) could have rubbed off on Tuesday. She could have been like “but I’m a girl! Shouldn’t you be crushing on a boy?” Or “ewww gross I’m not gay.” But she didn’t. She never pointed out that Cybelle was most likely a lesbian, meaning everyone is used to people like her. Queer people are accepted.
And then Cybelle’s toxic behavior was mastered wonderfully too! The fact that the creators made so much for into a two season anime and didn’t misrepresent these topics pointed out are incredible. Of course I can’t speak for the racial issues, I’m white after all so I can’t say for sure if it was good or not, but I’m really happy with the anime, and the ending was incredible too.
Plus the mermaid sisters’ song was incredible don’t even lie to me-
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redwine354 · 1 year
Those stormy nights (Mammon x M!Mc)
Mc pov
During the day it was weirdly cloudy like rain clouds but I just ignored it it's not like thunder clouds... Actually, they were and I never paid attention to my STEM classes when I was younger. an hour after school let out it started to rain and obviously, I did not care at all, so I continued doing my homework before dinner. As dinner rolled around the rain got harsher, while me and mammon were talking and doing the dishes the thunder strikes and I flinch causing mammon to look at me with a confused and worried expression "what?"......"what the hell was that about!?!" He asks "I have problems with loud noises, so what?" I answer he stays quiet until "why are you scare-" "no I'll tell you later". We finish up and we head to my room to show him the mountain of stuffed animals asmo got me at our latest hangout “Where are those from?” He questioned “there from asmo, he got them for me at a claw machine” I say knowing he gets jealous easily and that me and asmo’s friendship hits him the worst. After a while of helping mammon with his homework we watch a movie on my computer. Twenty minutes into the movie the thunder gets worse and I start shaking a little which gets mammons attention “ are you okay? Do you need anything?” He says sounds like it’s his job to care about me…. I guess it kinda is but still it seems weird to me but I shove it off and I reply with a sarcastic “yes can you make me some hot coco with whipped cream and bring me one of my stuffed animals” while playfully rolling my eyes. “Ok” he says and gets me a stuffed animal and heads down stairs leaving me in shock. What the ever loving fuck just happened I say to myself. Five minutes later he comes back with a weighted blanket, extra pillows and two cups of hot coco both with whipped cream, sprinkles, marshmallows and candy cane straws. He takes a little bed ‘n breakfast table out of nowhere and sets it up after he sits in bed beside me and putting up the blanket and the pillows. “Wow thank you mammon” I say and sip my hot coco. He nods and sips his hot coco too and he plays to the movie which I didn’t even notice he paused. While watching the movie I notice mammon looking at me and asking me if I need anything occasionally I blush a little every time he does “do I like him?” I think to myself. Before the movie ends a loud thunder strikes causing me too jump a little which then mammon looks at me and hugs me I slowly hug back while we hug thunder keeps on going and every time it does I hug mammon tighter each time I slowly fall asleep in his arms. When I wake up mammon isn’t beside me I get up change and head to the kitchen to make me some coffee then I see mammon talking with Lucifer I start to ease drop into their conversation. “Yer lying….. right? You have to be” “I’m afraid I’m not mammon” “b-but he was just a child you have to be lying” “I’m not lying but you know now what to do and what not to do so ask them I support you” “wow you saying that, it sounds like your being sarcastic” “be quiet and just do whatever you were doing before this” and with that Lucifer left and mammon went to the coffee machine and made some coffee I went back to my room to process what just happened I go into my bathroom and I take a quick shower I get my clothes and change after I change mammon walks in with coffee in his hand looking weird in a way like nervousness and worried he hands me the coffee and ask me “want to go out with me?” Before I could answer he says “as-as a hangout I mean as friends” “sure “ I say and sit down and drink some coffee by the time I finish my coffee which tasted absolutely amazing I got ready again and right as I finish putting on my shoes mammon knocks on my door to get me. We leave and mammon takes me to a cute coffee shop to get brunch since we haven’t ate yet. We go inside to order, while we waited mammon started to get fidgety I hold his hand to calm him down he blushes a dark red and I chuckle we get our food and head to one of the outside tables to enjoy the sunny day out after the long cold, scary night we had. 
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