#i occasionally think about modern AU scions
a-writing-otter · 11 months
Zu’zu wrinkles his nose in an effort to make the itch at the end of it go away without smearing the paint. He’d spent a solid hour putting together these theatrics and like hell was a stray tickle of his skin going to ruin it.
“A cat?” A voice comes derisively from his elbow. Zu’zu looks up and over and rolls his eyes at Y’shtola who is hiding a barely amused expression while she carefully sips at a glass of water from Zu’zu’s kitchen.
“Yes, a cat. And not just any cat—“
“Yeah, yeah, from that horrible cat musical you made all of us watch. I didn’t think you’d actually dress up as one of them.”
Zu’zu spins in place, using his hands to fluff the fur of his collar as his fake tail swishes behind him.
“You’re just put out that I look fantastic. Besides, what are you supposed to be?”
Y’shtola is in a long black dress of skirts upon skirts of different lengths and layers. It all comes to an off-the-shoulder spread covered in white fur with a clasp about the neck. The feathers from her ears and the staff in her hand are very mystical and he gets the words half-formed before Y’shtola cuts across him.
“I’m a sorcerer.”
“Yes. Yes, sorcerer. And you call me dramatic.”
“I don’t have cat ears.” She reaches a hand up to pluck at one of them before Zu’zu frowns and takes a great step away from her, batting her hands away.
“Don’t fuck with them, I spent a solid fifteen minutes getting them into place.”
Y’shtola doesn’t bother to hide her laughter this time.
“Did you rope G’raha into this?”
And no sooner does she ask than the man himself comes slinking down the stairs. If the tail could move, Zu’zu would have no doubt it would be between his legs.
“And what are you wearing?” Y’shtola asks, somehow more baffled by G’raha’s display.
“It’s a cat,” G’raha hopes to defend, scrunching his nose to likely fight off a similar itch.
“And not just any cat,” Zu’zu cuts across, darting to G’raha’s side to spread his hands in front of them, wiggling his fingers as he spreads them apart.
“The Magical Mr. Mistoffelees.”
“A magic cat?”
“The one, the only!” Zu’zu links their arms together and beams down at G’raha who seems to warm slightly at Zu’zu’s enthusiasm.
“He insisted that they’re boyfriends—“
“They are!”
“—and yet watching the whole show, I failed to see it.”
“It’s subtext,” Zu’zu dismisses. “Sure Rum Tum Tugger is a cad and a flirt, but he always comes home to Mistoffelees.”
“Should I worry about you running around like an unfixed tom cat?” G’raha teases, putting a hand over Zu’zu’s.
“As if I’d have eyes for anyone else.”
“Well,” Y’shtola begins, pulling them out of their moment before it gets too sappy sweet, “you two are certainly going to be over-dressed.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Zu’zu releases G’raha so he can fuss with his makeup in the hall mirror once more. “You don’t even know what Urianger is going as and what he dragged Thancred into.”
“Urianger convinced Thancred to dress up?” Y’shtola can hardly believe the words she says. “I thought only Rhyne could do that.”
Zu’zu shrugs.
“He seemed pretty content to go along with Urianger’s schemes and god knows that he’s more into Halloween than anyone would believe.”
“Almost gives you a run for your money,” G’raha notes, pulling slightly on Zu’zu’s tail and earning a hiss as he swats his hand away too.
“No one performs Halloween like I perform Halloween.” He gestures to himself and turns yet again like either Y’shtola or G’raha could miss what he’s wearing.
“See, you’re so certain, but you’ve never spent a Halloween with Krile.”
Zu’zu pauses for a second and raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend.
“What do you mean?”
G’raha lets out a wistful sigh, arms across his chest as he leans into the wall.
“She used to go all out for Halloween when we were in college together. The whole student floor would be covered in spiders and cobwebs and skeletons. She instituted a yearly trick-or-treat for the building, convinced the other floors to get into competitions to decorate doors and halls, not to mention the first Halloween party she threw when she had her own apartment…”
Zu’zu knew that there was a lot to expect from Krile, they were going to her Halloween party after all, but he’d expected low lights and some kitschy decor, but the way G’raha goes on…
“What is she going as? A witch?”
G’raha shakes his head. “Likely something complicated and only she understands from a book she’s read. She went as a necromancer from a series she read last year—black wig, bone corset, bone rosary, the whole macabre experience.”
Zu’zu’s frown deepens and he folds his arms across his chest.
“You should have said something! I would have picked something better!”
“Better than musical theatre cats?” Y’shtola asks only to be ignored.
“Zu’zu,” G’raha coos, coming close with his hands on top of Zu’zu’s and a cajoling smile. “She’s over the top, but this is the kind of thing people will recognize and fawn over. No one knows what it is. Everyone know Cats, even if only because you’re the one who showed it to them. They’re going to love us.”
And Zu’zu huffs, the spectacle made even more amusing by the way his tail swishes in the whole kitty getup.
“You’re saying that to placate me.”
“Is it working?” G’raha asks as he reaches up, holding the back of Zu’zu’s neck as he pulls slightly at the few hairs that are escaping the wig cap.
Zu’zu’s lips crack into a smile and he rolls his eyes even as he leans into G’raha’s touch.
“Yeah. Yeah, it is.” Zu’zu’s heart skips a beat when he’s treated to the full force of G’raha’s smile, barely resisting the urge to lean in and kiss him (the makeup at least had to last until they got to the party).
“Are you two finished?” Y’shtola looks up from her phone.
Zu’zu huffs and goes for his keys and wallet on the hook before turning off the lights to the hall.
“You’re just anxious to go and see if Zero is there.”
“Perchance I’d like to see our friends and not listen to you two moon over one another the whole night,” Y’shtola shoots back, completely ignoring Zu’zu’s bait.
“It’s the risk you run coming to the apartment and catching a ride with us.”
Zu’zu grins and even G’raha shrugs as he steps out into the cool night air and to Zu’zu’s beat up four-door.
“Duly noted,” Y’shtola remarks as Zu’zu locks the door. “Next time I’ll just walk.”
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starrysnowdrop · 5 years
OC Profile • Rakharo Oronir
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The Basics –––
Age: 28
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Gender: Male
Nameday: 31st Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Server: Jenova
OC Tag: The Song Upon the Wind
OTP Tag: The Bard and His Songbird
Physical Appearance –––
Hair: Jet black with dark purple highlights
Eyes: Dark Purple with Light Purple Limbal Rings
Height: 7’ (Approx. Max height for Male Au Ra)
Build: Tall, muscular, slender, with broad shoulders
Distinguishing Features: Large, curled horns that face forward, black scales that cover his face, neck, back, hips, arms, and legs, and a long, thin tail with a few spines at the base.
Common Accessories: He doesn’t usually wear much jewelry or anything, but his musical instruments are not too far away from him no matter where he is.
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Personal –––
Profession: Adventurer/Travelling Bard/Scion of the Seventh Dawn
Hobbies: Playing a wide array of instruments, singing, dancing, swimming, training, traveling
Languages: Ancient Auri Tongue, Common Eorzean
Residence: No Permanent Home
Birthplace: The Azim Steppe
Patron Deity: The Dawn Father, The Dusk Mother, and Azeyma, The Warden
Relationships –––
Significant Other: Oksana Qalli - @maiden-born-in-snow’s OC
Children: None Yet
Parents: Both Deceased when Rakharo was a teenager
Siblings: Batuhan Oronir (Brother) - @rei-tokugawa’s OC
Other Relatives: Magnai Oronir is a Distant cousin, but Rakharo calls him Brother Magnai.
Traits –––
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information –––
Smoking Habit: Never
Drugs: Never
Alcohol: Occasionally
History ——
Rakharo is the youngest brother to his parents, whom both are now deceased from fighting in the Naadam. His older brother Batuhan also lost his wife and unborn child in the Naadam as well, so Batuhan and Rakharo both get disillusioned by the ways of the Steppe, and they both soon decide to leave for other lands. Batuhan leaves the Steppe first, and Rakharo leaves a few moons afterwards. Rakharo at first decides to go to Kugane and makes quite a bit of money as a bard, but he soon hears the call from the Mothercrystal, and he then jumps on a boat to go to Eorzea to become an adventurer.
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Noteworthy Mentions——
As a male of the Oronir Tribe, he is in search of his Nhaama, though not quite as persistently as his distant cousin Magnai. He also is different in another regard: he is Pansexual and for him, gender doesn’t matter much.
He is a fierce warrior, as is tradition in his tribe, but he much prefers to play music and sing. He usually his fighting skills when necessary, but it is not his first choice in profession. He has become an adventurer due to the call from Hydaelyn, and also out of necessity.
Though he looks tough and rigid, Rakharo can be quite the romantic, and once he and Oksana get together, he treats his nhaama like the goddess he believes her to be. He also has several nicknames for her, such as Sana, his nhaama, his songbird, and his little bird.
He is also outspoken, extroverted, and not afraid to shout from the rooftops what his feelings are about anything. This has gotten him in quite a bit of trouble on missions before with the Scions, so Alphinaud has forbid him from opening his mouth at any meetings with dignitaries.
He is quite the bard, not just in his gift of song but also in personality as well. He is handsome, charismatic, and dashing. His charm is his biggest weapon, though he does not use it to woo lovers into bed with him, unlike Thancred. Rakharo knows he can do this, but he prefers not to. He genuinely wants to find his soulmate.
Rakharo is a sarcastic shit most of the time, and if he doesn’t like someone, trust that he will let them know it. Even with those he cares about, he can’t help but throw around the sarcastic comments.
He sort of has a rivalry with Thancred, as they are similar enough in personality, but tend to butt heads as they don’t agree most of the time. Thancred is also protective of Oksana like she was a little sister, so when Rakharo began to court her, Thancred wasn’t too happy at first, as he thought Rakharo was a scoundrel who would break her heart.
Rakharo can also be a reckless fool, and run in headfirst into a battle without thinking. He has gotten himself hurt due to his recklessness on more than one occasion, and the most noteworthy being when he nearly got himself killed protecting Oksana from a dragon.
When I think of the best representation of Rakharo’s personality, it would be Brendan Fraser’s character Rick O’Connell from 1999’s The Mummy. I found a clip so if you are interested, just watch it below.
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anthousas · 6 years
❀ RP Character Profile: Victorine Soleil.
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NAME: Victorine Oronir (née Soleil).
Age: 24.
Birthday: 15th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon.
Race: Midlander Hyur with possible Garlean blood from her father’s side.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Marital Status: Married.
Server: Balmung.
Hair: Fawn in colour with pink streaks. Wavy. Normally she either wears it down, or puts half of it in a half braid.
Eyes: Pink.
Height: 162cm // 5 fulms, 3 ilms.
Build: Not entirely curvaceous, rather on the slim side with fairly endowed assets. Her tummy is rather flat, though Victorine has a bit of baby fat here and there, particularly on her cheeks.
Distinguishing Marks: During the Warrior of Light’s first battle with Zenos, Victorine foolishly tried to intervene and help, earning her a hefty scar over her left eye. It has since healed, though up close the faintest markings of it can be seen.
Common Accessories: A hat or a headpiece/headdress. She has a fondness for jewellery and is often using layers of necklaces, and is always seen with her ring of eternity.
Victorine is a bit of a mystery. In the early years of her childhood, Victorine remembers helping her mother, a seamstress for the Empire back in Garlemald. When Victorine was about 12 or 13, her mother and her fled to Ul’dah; Thus making a young Victorine a bit of a street rat until her early adolescence. When Victorine was around 16, her mother died; Though her death was never specified, Victorine mentions often that her mother struggled with depression as long as she could remember, which hints that it may have been a suicide. The loss of her mother was a pivotal point in putting down her sewing needle in exchange for a grimoire.
She occasionally aided the Scions of the Seventh Dawn when she became efficient as a Summoner, and became more prominent in helping them every so often during the journey and events in Coerthas.
Upon their travels to the Azim Steppe, she met Magnai Oronir, and while originally not getting off on the right foot (she threw up on him) the two eventually realized that they were in love sometime when she decided to stay back in the Steppe while her friends travelled to Doma first; She sees Azim in him where he sees Nhaama in her — Though, the mixed racial relationship breaks traditions, and raises concerns in some. Victorine is however very respectful to the lifestyle, tradition, and culture of the Steppe, and abides it for the most part.
Currently residing in The Dawn Throne, Victorine is a call and Yol ride away from helping her friends should they need it.
Profession: Khatun of The Dawn Throne, also the current khagan of the Azim Steppe.
Hobbies: Victorine is very fond of sewing, and likes making clothes of her own. She also enjoys watching the arts, be they in music, acting, or whatever else. Her primary hobby is being an absolute menace to everyone in her life, be they friend or for; Magnai in particular is her primary victim.
Languages: This is cheating, because Victorine has the Echo.
Residence: The Dawn Throne, The Azim Steppe.
Birthplace: N/A.
Religion: Agnostic to a degree. While she believes or is aware of the existence of deities, Victorine doesn’t necessarily have faith in them.
Patron Deity: Menphina.
Fears: Death; While she has no issues in taking the life of enemies, or absolutely horrible people, Victorine greatly fears losing those she holds dear to her. Loss of her looks; Awfully vain, Victorine is super conscious about her appearance and looks after it in great detail.
Spouse: Magnai Oronir.
Children: None.
Parents: Laurette Soleil (Midlander Hyur), an unknown man of Garlean blood (possibly).
Siblings: N/A.
Other Relatives: N/A.
Pets: Not necessarily having one in particularly, Victorine does have a whole herd of Tender Lambs that she fancies to dote on. She also has a customized Wind-Up Magnai that has a linkpearl in it, allowing the actual Magnai to communicate with his wife when she’s away from the Steppe; It is lovingly called Magnai Jr. by Victorine (sometimes Little Sun, though she avoids calling it that in front of Magnai’s face).
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: No.
Drugs: No.
Alcohol: Every now and then. She isn’t necessarily a lightweight, though gets very giggly when she’s had a bit too much.
Did you hear that she shines brighter than The Sun?: While many were beyond relieved that Magnai found his Nhaama in Victorine, the young woman’s menace ways and being from out of the Steppe (or not even a Xaela, or an Au Ra at all) raised some brows. Victorine tries to inspire Magnai’s views on love to be open-minded, while he simultaneously inspired her to believe in a great, destined love. Thus, unless called upon, Victorine is primarily residing in the Steppe.
This is how to be a troublemaker.: More than just a bit of a menace, Victorine tends to cause some chaos wherever she goes, even if she doesn’t mean to, or if she doesn’t realize it. However, most of her menace shenanigans are harmless. Her playful, outgoing personality just makes her outspoken tendencies to say things that people either don’t expect, or exactly what people are thinking (but she still shouldn’t say), often landing herself and others around her in trouble.
For victory!: The only confirmed thing people know about Victorine is that her first name is in fact Victorine. Soleil was a last name that she adopted, and she has never said what her actual last name is, likely because she doesn’t know what it is. Victorine gets rather elusive when asked about her background.
– You may refer to me as Merm OOC! I’m in my twenties and am in the GMT/UTC+8 timezone.
– Victorine’s in-game name is Victorine Soleil at the moment if you would like to add her!
– Victorine is ICly married to Magnai. If this is for some reason not approved by you, or you don’t dig canon/OC ships, then this is not the character profile for you. Heck, I don’t think my entire page is for you, then!
– For some timeline of their relationship: In her canon, Victorine and Magnai were married sometime during the events of Under the Moonlight. They had gotten together properly after Doma was liberated.
– If you’d like, you can find me on my twitter or Discord; Though I’m more likely to give the former as opposed to the latter unless we’re friends! Messages on tumblr are fine, too, albeit not ideal.
– That being said, I’m a bit picky with whom I plot with: This is not necessarily an elitist thing, it’s just because my schedule is a bit all over the place and I’m not really one to fire out replies constantly which is what some people might be looking for.
– In-game RP is a bit new to me, and I think I’d prefer RPing or plotting (excessively) on social media.
– Listen, I know the Common Eorzean dialogue includes saying things like ‘pray’ in place of ‘please,’ but I ain’t got time for that, man. I’ll try to keep it as canon as possible, of course, but if you really try to scalp me for not using the appropriate terms, you’ll owe me $15 for your shenanigans.
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