#stupid Halloween Drabble for myself
a-writing-otter · 8 months
Zu’zu wrinkles his nose in an effort to make the itch at the end of it go away without smearing the paint. He’d spent a solid hour putting together these theatrics and like hell was a stray tickle of his skin going to ruin it.
“A cat?” A voice comes derisively from his elbow. Zu’zu looks up and over and rolls his eyes at Y’shtola who is hiding a barely amused expression while she carefully sips at a glass of water from Zu’zu’s kitchen.
“Yes, a cat. And not just any cat—“
“Yeah, yeah, from that horrible cat musical you made all of us watch. I didn’t think you’d actually dress up as one of them.”
Zu’zu spins in place, using his hands to fluff the fur of his collar as his fake tail swishes behind him.
“You’re just put out that I look fantastic. Besides, what are you supposed to be?”
Y’shtola is in a long black dress of skirts upon skirts of different lengths and layers. It all comes to an off-the-shoulder spread covered in white fur with a clasp about the neck. The feathers from her ears and the staff in her hand are very mystical and he gets the words half-formed before Y’shtola cuts across him.
“I’m a sorcerer.”
“Yes. Yes, sorcerer. And you call me dramatic.”
“I don’t have cat ears.” She reaches a hand up to pluck at one of them before Zu’zu frowns and takes a great step away from her, batting her hands away.
“Don’t fuck with them, I spent a solid fifteen minutes getting them into place.”
Y’shtola doesn’t bother to hide her laughter this time.
“Did you rope G’raha into this?”
And no sooner does she ask than the man himself comes slinking down the stairs. If the tail could move, Zu’zu would have no doubt it would be between his legs.
“And what are you wearing?” Y’shtola asks, somehow more baffled by G’raha’s display.
“It’s a cat,” G’raha hopes to defend, scrunching his nose to likely fight off a similar itch.
“And not just any cat,” Zu’zu cuts across, darting to G’raha’s side to spread his hands in front of them, wiggling his fingers as he spreads them apart.
“The Magical Mr. Mistoffelees.”
“A magic cat?”
“The one, the only!” Zu’zu links their arms together and beams down at G’raha who seems to warm slightly at Zu’zu’s enthusiasm.
“He insisted that they’re boyfriends—“
“They are!”
“—and yet watching the whole show, I failed to see it.”
“It’s subtext,” Zu’zu dismisses. “Sure Rum Tum Tugger is a cad and a flirt, but he always comes home to Mistoffelees.”
“Should I worry about you running around like an unfixed tom cat?” G’raha teases, putting a hand over Zu’zu’s.
“As if I’d have eyes for anyone else.”
“Well,” Y’shtola begins, pulling them out of their moment before it gets too sappy sweet, “you two are certainly going to be over-dressed.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Zu’zu releases G’raha so he can fuss with his makeup in the hall mirror once more. “You don’t even know what Urianger is going as and what he dragged Thancred into.”
“Urianger convinced Thancred to dress up?” Y’shtola can hardly believe the words she says. “I thought only Rhyne could do that.”
Zu’zu shrugs.
“He seemed pretty content to go along with Urianger’s schemes and god knows that he’s more into Halloween than anyone would believe.”
“Almost gives you a run for your money,” G’raha notes, pulling slightly on Zu’zu’s tail and earning a hiss as he swats his hand away too.
“No one performs Halloween like I perform Halloween.” He gestures to himself and turns yet again like either Y’shtola or G’raha could miss what he’s wearing.
“See, you’re so certain, but you’ve never spent a Halloween with Krile.”
Zu’zu pauses for a second and raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend.
“What do you mean?”
G’raha lets out a wistful sigh, arms across his chest as he leans into the wall.
“She used to go all out for Halloween when we were in college together. The whole student floor would be covered in spiders and cobwebs and skeletons. She instituted a yearly trick-or-treat for the building, convinced the other floors to get into competitions to decorate doors and halls, not to mention the first Halloween party she threw when she had her own apartment…”
Zu’zu knew that there was a lot to expect from Krile, they were going to her Halloween party after all, but he’d expected low lights and some kitschy decor, but the way G’raha goes on…
“What is she going as? A witch?”
G’raha shakes his head. “Likely something complicated and only she understands from a book she’s read. She went as a necromancer from a series she read last year—black wig, bone corset, bone rosary, the whole macabre experience.”
Zu’zu’s frown deepens and he folds his arms across his chest.
“You should have said something! I would have picked something better!”
“Better than musical theatre cats?” Y’shtola asks only to be ignored.
“Zu’zu,” G’raha coos, coming close with his hands on top of Zu’zu’s and a cajoling smile. “She’s over the top, but this is the kind of thing people will recognize and fawn over. No one knows what it is. Everyone know Cats, even if only because you’re the one who showed it to them. They’re going to love us.”
And Zu’zu huffs, the spectacle made even more amusing by the way his tail swishes in the whole kitty getup.
“You’re saying that to placate me.”
“Is it working?” G’raha asks as he reaches up, holding the back of Zu’zu’s neck as he pulls slightly at the few hairs that are escaping the wig cap.
Zu’zu’s lips crack into a smile and he rolls his eyes even as he leans into G’raha’s touch.
“Yeah. Yeah, it is.” Zu’zu’s heart skips a beat when he’s treated to the full force of G’raha’s smile, barely resisting the urge to lean in and kiss him (the makeup at least had to last until they got to the party).
“Are you two finished?” Y’shtola looks up from her phone.
Zu’zu huffs and goes for his keys and wallet on the hook before turning off the lights to the hall.
“You’re just anxious to go and see if Zero is there.”
“Perchance I’d like to see our friends and not listen to you two moon over one another the whole night,” Y’shtola shoots back, completely ignoring Zu’zu’s bait.
“It’s the risk you run coming to the apartment and catching a ride with us.”
Zu’zu grins and even G’raha shrugs as he steps out into the cool night air and to Zu’zu’s beat up four-door.
“Duly noted,” Y’shtola remarks as Zu’zu locks the door. “Next time I’ll just walk.”
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captainsimagines · 2 years
a haunted mission
Summary: On a rather creepy mission to a theme-park haunted house, both you and Bucky can’t wait any longer. 
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Agent Female Reader
Tropes: Tension; Established slow burn; Quickie; Team banter/Feel-Good || Kinktober Drabble 🎃
Based on the Song(s): “Bones” by Imagine Dragons
One-Shot / Anon: “ALSO in terms of drabbles/anything you could write, I feel like you're the right person to write something Halloween-themed for agent reader and Bucky. A mission in a haunted mission and a bit of the team's banter? A good bit of sexual tension, because reader and Bucky were trying to go at it for a while, but the missions just keep on going? Bucky becoming a bit more ruthless and ripping everything, because he just needs to have his girl?” 
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Warnings: the literal walking dead; mild scary descriptions; Halloween themes; strong language; canon-level violence; blood-covered sex (not real blood, lol); sexual tension; unprotected sex; outdoor sex; 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 3,800+
A/N: Let’s get the show rolling this October, shall we? IT’S MY BIRTHDAY MONTH WOOHOO!!! xxMoni 🎃
      “Scott, I’m gonna need you to shut the fuck up for a quick second.”
You tried to calm your nerves. Truly. But there was something about haunted houses that made your very essence fight to crawl out of your skin, to turn back and ignore the prickling in your spine. But the call had come in from a group of frightened teenagers who originally thought the skeletons were electronic. When the supposed fake skeletons gripped a teenager's throat and threw him into the, thankfully, fake clowns, the mad scientist theory came into play. 
New York was dealing with a mad scientist this Halloween season. And Scott was so not helping your nerves by humming under his breath while surrounded by gallons of fake blood and cotton spider-webs. 
“It’s distracting me, though,” Scott whined, pouting toward you.
“It’s distracting everyone,” Bucky grumbled, blowing a strand of hair from his face. He glanced over at you, rolling his eyes at Scott’s expense. He ducked under a curtain of cotton webs, cursing quietly. 
The strobe lights were incredibly distracting. Red, silver, and orange flashed throughout the tight hallway. No one had come back to shut off the electricity considering the absolute chaos of the walking dead, so your team had to deal with the manic laughter of ghouls and warm steam across the ground. Natasha was out back trying to find the switch, thank the Gods, since she refused to step foot into a “stupid haunted house”. 
“What do you guys think they look like? The videos looked so fake,” Sam commented, holding a flashlight steady. 
“Honestly?” you replied, “Probably like walking toys, Sam.”
Steve snorted, his large body shielding you from the bloody mess of the wall. His entire back of his suit was stained red. “I’m more afraid of that weird display of Frankenstein and the monster.”
The animatronics were creepy. Frankenstein hadn’t stopped moving, wielding a large knife and bringing it down into the monster’s chest, a frightening expression on his wax face. His hair stood at all ends, gray and black, like he had just been shocked. The monster, painted a horrible mossy green, was programmed to scream each time the blade connected. A scream that mixed perfectly with the other deranged sounds. In all honesty, they sounded too real, too close. As if the sounds had been recorded from a real life event. 
“You’re all babies,” Natasha said over the mics, chuckling. 
“Says the one who immediately volunteered to find the kill switch,” Bucky threw back. “You and Clint talk a big game until ghosts are involved.”
“I don’t need to defend myself.”
“You have nothing to defend.”
Natasha scoffed at Bucky’s sarcastic tone, mumbling something like Watch and see, I will make you guys piss your pants if you dare mock me again.
“We’re not finding anything,” you interjected, sighing loudly as you lowered your gun. Your arms were starting to cramp. “Let’s split up. Bucky and I will go into the…” You paused to read the piss-poor excuse of a map. “...Circle of Psychics, while you three go check the Lab of Botched Experiments.”
“Oh, yay,” Sam deadpanned. “I’ve always wanted to go there as a kid.”
Steve pushed Sam forward, ignoring Scott who childishly held onto the collar of his suit, not wanting to be separated. “You two be careful.”
You nodded a quick farewell, turning back to Bucky. “Just us two. What is it that teenagers do at carnivals again?”
Bucky chuckled, glancing around and trying his best to ignore the strobe lights before pulling you against his chest, kissing you hard. 
Three months. You’ve been flirting non-stop for three months, both of you completely head over heels for each other. You hadn’t slept with him on the first date because you wanted to preserve some integrity—even if Wanda and Natasha booed you when you returned to your own room in the compound that night. On the second date, you had said fuck it and were absolutely prepared to fuck him stupid before the compound initiated a lockdown drill. The third time was entirely Bucky’s fault. He had gotten a little too excited, picked you up, and completely miscalculated the distance between you and the railing. You had sailed off the railing to your near death before Bucky had hooked his body around you and received the entire blow. He suffered a broken collarbone and wrist. You had hurt his ego by laughing way too hard. 
It seemed that every time you tried to sleep together, something always interrupted. You knew the moment Bucky kissed you in this haunted house that nothing would come of it. You were in the middle of a mission, surrounded by the most cringy shit imaginable. So you moaned softly against him, from both anticipation and irritation, and reluctantly pulled away. Bucky still held you close, refusing to let you go. 
“We have a job to do,” you reminded him. 
Bucky groaned, resting his forehead against yours. “Can’t blame me, Doll.”
“I don’t blame you.” Your breath mingled with his, hot and electric. “I want you to fuck me so badly.”
Bucky grunted, running you into the bloody wall. He rested his hands, both flesh and metal, against it. Blood seeped through his fingers, but he couldn’t care less. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you breathed. You pulled his hips closer, allowing his thigh to slip between yours. “I think of it every night.”
Bucky kissed along your jawline, moving his left thigh up just a little, enough to apply some pressure against your clothed center. “Please don’t fucking tell me. If you tell me, I’m fucking you right here, right now.”
“You don’t want to know how I fuck myself every night?” Bucky whined against your skin, biting. “You don’t want to know how I sound when I say your name? All quiet, biting into my pillow? You don’t want to know the positions that I fuck myself in?”
Bucky unzipped your pants and dipped his hand in, but he was constrained by the fabric. He could feel the heat radiating from you however, and it made him crumble internally. “I’d give anything to hear you scream my name.”
You smiled against his skin, pecking lightly across his neck. “Let’s finish this mission, okay?”
“Then you’ll reward me?”
“Oh? I’m a reward for you?”
Bucky pulled away to grip your face, the fake blood marking your neck and cheeks. His imprint. “Just kissing you makes me go crazy. I wonder what your tight cunt feels like every single second of the day, Doll.”
You squirmed in his grasp, biting your bottom lip. “I wonder what you’d feel like inside me.”
“How about we do our jobs and when we get home—”
“Bucky!” You pushed him away and ducked just in time, cringing from the boisterous thump of metal slamming into metal. The wall you were just pressed against wobbled, echoes of the clang ringing into your ears and down the dark hallway. 
A skeleton of spine-chilling realism, standing without the help of muscle, growled in your face, its breath frigid. Three more skeletons emerged from behind him, each with their own weapon of choice. An axe, a steel pipe, and a large butcher knife. The skeleton who had tried to decapitate you was trying to retrieve its own axe from the wall. 
“Run, run, run!” you repeated, shoving Bucky at his back. He hooked his metal arm around your shoulders, running with you. You smacked into wall after wall, blood covering your suits, mirrors distracting you from the right direction. The Circle of Psychics was closer in view, but the skeletons were at your heels. 
“We should be running toward the exit!”
“Great idea, Doll! I’ll try to find it when we aren’t about to be sliced in half!”
You yelped when the skeleton with the butcher knife nicked you in the upper arm. Bucky twisted around just in time to take the next hit, his metal arm easily breaking the knife into a thousand shards. The skeleton screamed, its hollow eye sockets actually growing in size. Their bones moved as if attached to invisible muscle, contorting and creaking like puppets. 
The two of you fell into the Circle of Psychics, astonished to find it was a movable stage. The circle stage rotated at medium speed, a glass ball full of green smoke at its very center. You attempted to crawl to it, to latch onto anything that would lessen the intense motion sickness, but it was hopeless. The skeletons jumped into the air, landing on the rotating stage with ease. 
The skeleton with the axe sliced through the air and downward, nearly nailing Bucky directly in the crotch. But Bucky hopped back and continued hopping back on his ass as the axe kept coming. You reached out to grip its fibula, pulling as hard as you could without losing your already loose grip on the wooden stage. The bone came loose, snapping off in a dramatic display of crumbling bones. The other skeletons screeched. They were all struggling to stay atop the stage. 
But the fragmented skeleton did not die—its disconnected arms and legs wiggled with life still, as did its head and hands. 
“Whose skeletons do you think these were?” Bucky shouts, unhooking his knife from his belt. Guns were useless—the bullets would go straight through their ribs anyway. 
“I don’t care!” you responded, gripping that fibula with all your strength. You slashed it across the air as one of the skeletons came closer, its fingers reaching outward. “I’m living my worst nightmare!”
“This is your worst nightmare?”
“Guys!” Steve’s voice was a holy blessing in the middle of Armageddon. The shield flew into the room and smashed into each skeleton. Bones explode in all directions, clattering against the walls and floor. You shielded your face the best you could, wincing when bones sliced across your leathered suit. 
But the bones rattled like stubborn cockroaches, dragging across the floor to find their joint partners. You peeked from your fingers to see Steve, Scott, and Sam about to climb onto the rotating stage— 
“Don’t get up here—!”
Their feet swung from under them like the dumbasses they were. Bucky, regardless of the situation, laughed so hard it had Sam snarling. 
“Why won’t they die?” Scott asked, crawling beside you. He hooked his fingers into the broken wood, digging his hands in and holding himself still. You tried your best to reach for his belt, anything better to hold onto. You lost your grip again, flying around the stage as it rotated faster. You were taking a beating, and not even from those damned skeletons. 
“Natasha, shut off the damn electricity!” you yelled, slamming against the stage like a floppy idiot. But your words were discontinued by a sudden, mechanical laugh. A woman’s recorded voice sounded throughout the room, becoming louder and louder as the glass ball in the center lit up. Green smoke swirled around the bowl, forming the floating head of a woman with black lipstick and soulless eyes. 
“Boil your flesh, I will! If only my hands could keep you kids still!”
“Knock it off the mantle!” Steve ordered, the shield protecting his sides as he tumbled round and round. The woman giggled in response.
Sam flew across your vision, his wings absent and a baton in his hand. “And have the bitch swarm around the room instead?” 
“Agh!” Steve grunted, the shield finally breaking through the wood and hooking him secure. With some balance, Steve would now be able to attempt at grabbing the rest of his teammates. He kicked and thrashed when stray fingers slithered up his shins, across his thighs. He was trying hard not to freak out, not to start crying. Because dealing with aliens who spoke was one thing, but the walking dead? A whole other. 
Natasha’s husky voice crackled over the mics. “It’s not a switch. It’s a wire. A very intricate wire that needs to be cut correctly or else I risk electrocuting all of you.”
Scott cracked one of the four skulls into a million pieces with just his foot. “Cut the red one!” he exclaimed.
You, Bucky, Steve, and Sam all said, at the same time, “Shut the fuck up, Scott!”
Scott, who wasn’t risking shrinking and taking an impact so great it would smoosh him on the floorboards, moaned, “It’s always the red one in movies!”
“I will cut the correct one,” Natasha replied, passive, as if the five of you weren’t spinning without brakes. 
“Natasha!” Steve bellowed, red in the face and trying hard not to throw up. At this point, with all your crashing, you were left to just laugh. Laugh at how ridiculous this mission was. At how ridiculous everyone looked. At how ridiculous your luck was with Bucky, and how a damned skeleton ruined your chance at a good fucking. 
“Hold onto me, Bucky!” Steve ordered, reaching out an arm. Bucky crawled with his metal fingers deep in the wood, his flesh hand smacking away the quivering pile of bones. Once he grabbed Steve’s hand, Bucky tried grabbing you each time you flew past. 
“Guys, they die if you snap their bones!” Scott revealed, snapping all the random bones that came his way. Ribs, mostly. Bucky demonstrated by catching one of the skulls with his metal hand, shoving it deep into the skeleton’s open mouth, and ripping the jaw from its hinges. 
It had you tingling for another reason.
“On the count of three, we’re going to try and snap as many bones in half, okay?” you started, only to be interrupted by Sam’s booming question of, “Do you know how strong bones are?” Then, “It takes a car crash to fracture a femur!”
You swung your stray femur around, smacking all the detached fingertips from your face. “There are two super soldiers here!”
“You guys need to hold onto me first or else when this thing stops spinning, you’re going to—”
“Oh! I found the wire!”
You whipped your head chaotically, searching for Natasha’s voice even though you knew she was not there. “Natasha, no—!”
The stage came to a screeching halt. All of the bones shattered from the impact of hitting the wall, as did the green, glowing ball. Its smoke remained in the isolated corner of the room, quickly dissipating since it was no longer contained. 
But you went flying, as did Sam. Scott had dug his hands into the wood again just in time, but he was immediately complaining about two dislocated shoulders. You slammed back first into the wall, shaking the entire building. Sam hit the floor, scraping any exposed skin along the grass and dirt. 
The air left your lungs in one big swoop, choking you. You coughed and moaned, moaned and coughed, unable to stop either one.  “Oh, my back…”
“Doll?” Bucky stumbled on his feet, having to hold onto and lean against the wall. He held his head in his hands. 
“Give me a second.”
Bucky groaned, stepping cautiously. With his arms extended, he patted the air until he felt the leather of your suit. “Natasha, if you broke my girl’s back—”
“Blah, blah, isn’t that your job?” Natasha joked, her voice pissing you off more than it soothed. 
You turned over, getting to your hands and knees. “Lemme, just…Crawl.”
You crawled to the emergency exit, Bucky stumbling behind you. Sam and Scott were standing too, swaying, but both laughing as Steve sprinted to a corner and promptly threw up his dinner. 
When the cold night air hit you, it was like the world had color again. You knew your own name. You could feel your toes. 
Bucky threw himself into the grass, groaning out curse words. But you kept crawling, crawling deep into the hay maze and finding an isolated corner to rest in. Let the team shut down the rest of the park without you. 
“I’m fine,” you mumbled, tucking your knees up into your chest. Even lying sideways, you could still see Bucky’s lip turn upward into that gorgeous smile. “Come to roll in the hay with me?”
Bucky chuckled, falling beside you and matching you breath for breath. For five minutes, both of you just breathed. Blinked. Swallowed. Anything that helped you find your center of gravity again, anything that stopped those weird black dots from tainting your vision. 
“You good?” Bucky asked, reaching over to run his fingers over the top of your hand. You moaned quietly in response, eyes still closed. 
You did feel good. Great, even. The heat radiating from Bucky’s large frame was overpowering, calling you in the deepest whisper, in the most enticing purr. Were you crazy to want him now? Covered in fake blood and head still slightly spinning? Let the team handle the mad scientist and any other living animatronic. You wanted Bucky now.
You were crazy, but ‘tis the season to go a little mad. 
You hooked a leg over his hips and grinded down, making sure your crotch sat directly above his. Bucky immediately stirred, his eyebrows rising high. “What are you doing, Doll?”
“You know how when you’re faced with death, it gives you an insane adrenaline rush?” You took his face in your bloodied hands, kissing him deeply. His tongue instantly met yours, trained and brutal, desperate for the tiniest taste. Your lipstick had been smeared a long while ago, stretching its color to your cheeks and mixing with the blood. You reached down to shimmy out of your leathers, not caring if the grass and hay were poking at you from all angles. 
“Here? Are you serious?” Bucky breathed, looking down and marveling at what he had never seen before. Opposite to popular opinion, you didn’t wear a thong with your leathers. You wore cotton panties—white, with floral patterns across the edges. Bucky released a swoop of strangled air, hooking his fingers through to help you tug them down. 
You unhooked his belt and shimmied his leathers to the middle of his thighs. His cock was hard and weeping already, red at the tip and calling to your mouth. So that’s exactly what you did. You lowered yourself down and took him in, licking up and down to make him messier. When his whining became primal, teetering into growling territory, you swallowed him down. Savoring his salty taste, the feel of his ridges, the slide of his soft skin on your tongue. An absolute treat. 
You flicked your tongue over his slit and popped off him, smiling widely as his hips bucked upward and a moan lodged itself in his throat. He was blushing pink everywhere he wasn’t painted red, kissed by the sun and his own desire. You kissed your way up his clothed chest, to his jaw, and to his lips. Bucky groaned quietly when you took his bottom lip between your teeth, pulling lightly. 
“I’m tired of being denied you, Bucky.”
His drowsy eyes opened as you declared it, glazed and surprised. He gripped your hips tightly with both hands, bringing you back on top of him. The weight of you, the breathtaking view he was handed—it did something to his insides. Turned them upside down, twisted them into a perfect bow, ignited a white light—he did not know. But he knew it was good. Good, but not at all pure. 
“Then ravish me.”
You lowered yourself over him, taking him in slowly, swallowing every inch. You held your breath, scared that a ruptured scream might release if you tried to inhale. Not that it would be a bad thing, but a rather embarrassing one. The sheer size of Bucky Barnes was glorious all in itself. 
Finally, you settled at the base and relished in the stretch. In the slight burn and delicious feeling of being full. Bucky, the appreciative sonofabitch, tugged you down so you were splayed across the expanse of his sculpted chest, leather to leather. He ran his flesh hand through your hair, pulling softly, evoking a moan from deep within your chest. He grinned at that, reveled in it, and pulled again. 
“C’mon, Doll,” he ordered, raising your hips with his metal hand. Coordinated, strong. “Ride me.”
And that’s what you did. All the desperation that had been growing within your core for the past three months, simmering on low and pulsing every single day whenever you saw Bucky, poured from your body in such a powerful wave even Bucky was startled. You raised yourself up, positioned your flat hands against his leathered chest, and rode him. Up and down, springing your hips in circles and tightening around him just to make him whimper. 
Bucky Barnes was whimpering. 
You threw your head back, drunk on the feel of him, on his gaze, on his warmth. Everything compiled into this raw, otherworldly thing. Like every interruption was intentional, purposely coordinated to manufacture such an intense rush of pleasure. Desire. You beheld Bucky underneath you, fake blood splattered along his rugged white skin, latched onto the tips of his long hair. Like a soldier during war, taking whatever pleasure he could find in a tent where sounds were not drowned out. Like a fallen angel with tattered wings fucking a virgin in front of his God.  
The experience of Bucky Barnes was something else entirely. And just from looking at him, at the way his eyebrows pulled together and how his moans grew wilder, you knew he saw you in the same light. 
“You feel…” You couldn’t form much else. Your breathing was ragged, forced. But Bucky nodded, guiding his flesh hand down your stomach and finding your clit. His thumb swirled tight circles, urging you to jump over that edge. To squeeze him into eternity, to milk him dry.
Crumbling around him, you shrieked your approval and threw your head back. Your thighs vibrated and your toes curled in your socks. Bucky followed, spilling into you with a loud growl. His neck strained with those gorgeous veins, an altar of evident life. 
The two of you lay for a short while, catching your breaths all over again. Soft touches and promises of a repeat, but at home, ensued. 
But when you stepped from the maze, tired from not just your body’s exertion but trying to find the exit, you were confronted by Sam—Sam, who stood there chugging a bottle of water, still out of breath and sweating, his frown deepening as he beheld you. Like he had been looking everywhere for you. He wiped at his mouth and shook his head, disappointed. 
“I hope you two caught something in there.”
Author’s Note: This wasn’t supposed to be so long but I was bored so I just kept writing lmao. Happy second day of Kinktober!!!! xxMoni 🎃
TAGLIST: @mannien​
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gimmethatagustd · 10 months
✨ fic update ✨
alright, i've decided to do something stupid even though i got no business adding to my wip list 🥲
i'll make an official post about it later, but i'm gonna do a drabble game for october in honor of halloween! everyone can send in an image (of bts or anything else), video, song, etc. that inspires you and i'll write a halloween-themed drabble based on it (ie, supernatural creatures, magic, literal halloween activities/parties, etc.)
i'll share more at the end of september, but i wanted to make a post about it now so that way i will hold myself accountable cuz i promised it to y'all lmfaoo
ty to @mapleleaf000 for sending me that ask about vampire tae cuz that was what pushed me to decide on the theme of my drabble game 🖤
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Autumn Is Healing (Oct 30th)
Flufftober Day Thirty--Dear Diary
drabble for steve rogers x super soldier!reader (see previous or series)
Humor/Angst/Fluff about sorting through your feelings for Steve. For this, remember that when Autumn was a Soldier, Hydra labeled Steve a target for her but also called him "the prize."
Warnings for language and confused self-deprecation. WC ~800
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Dear Diary,
Still getting muddled sometimes. Feel bad for the people around me the most because I can’t tell what’s going on. I hear my handlers and all these languages, and then I just panic. The nightmares aren’t always memories, I think. At least one is just a horrible dream where I’ve gotten the prize, where I complete my mission, and then I wake up and Steve is right there.
I don’t understand how he can’t see it. I’m dangerous. Specifically, I’m a danger to him because I don’t always know what’s happening, or worse, if it already happened.
He pities me. I can see it all over his face. He’s always around though, and I like it. I like that but I don’t trust myself. How can he trust me? How can he not sleep with one eye open? How can he not be waiting for me to flip like a switch and try to kill him? That’s what one of the things I was created for. 
And yet, that idiot stays around.
I know what Barnes told me. I know Steve’s a guy too good for his own good, but maybe I don’t want to tell him to go away. Shouldn’t that guy just be smart enough to stay away? I’ve tried to kill him before. How is he—
Bucky told me about that, too. He warned me it would be this hard, this confusing, but it’s worse when I…I don’t…see, the thing is, I don’t actually want Steve to go away. I look at him, and yes, I am so terrified of what I might do, what he might think of me if he knew everything, but I don’t want to stop looking at him. I want to feel like that utterly glowing guy can really see me and that I’m actually worth that smile. I want to feel that tingle when our skin touches. I want that heat to be for me.
I don’t want it on a lie. I’m afraid. I’m afraid if he knows me then it will go away. I’m afraid of what I am without him because somehow he has faith in me when I have none in myself—which is also something Bucky warned me about. I could tell when he said that that sometimes he doesn’t trust Steve’s judgment. Bit of an idiot, bit of a brawler, he said. In their youth at least. It felt like Bucky doubts Steve, but he doesn't doubt Steve...if that makes sense. Which it doesn't but that's how it seemed.
I know what it is. I know this feeling from way back, but I can’t. I shouldn’t feel like this when there is so much—It’s wrong. He doesn’t mean to be anything but nice, I swear, but I’m over here like a love-sick puppy hoping he’ll smile at me just one more time. And Bucky always brings him around, I think trying to get him used to me not trying to kill him, but Steve just…
He’s really fucking perfect, okay. And it’s not fair and it makes me feel worse, but I don’t want him to stop being around and I don’t want to not see his smile anymore and—fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I remember what it is to like someone, but I don’t remember what to do. My brain is so scrambled, I’m not sure I ever will know, or trust it, so I just hope
I want
I just need him to stay. I need him to stick around because I need him to be around while I figure out how to be me again.
I want to hold his hand under the stars, and I want to feel his hands on me when we dance, and I want to kiss his cheek just a second longer than everyone else. I want him to notice that I’m trying for him. Which is ridiculous but there it is. It’s stupid because he’s my prize…again…sort of, and the prize is if Steve can love me, maybe I’m lovable again.
I know I should tell him, but I’m afraid to. What if he—I’ll tell him, I know, I have to. It’s just Maybe I’ll tell him tomorrow and then if it goes badly it was just some silly Halloween joke? That way I’ll know but it’ll be safe to…leave it if he’s offended or something? Okay. It’s settled. I can do that. I can tell him tomorrow and then that’ll be over.
But I swear if Bucky laughs at me, I’m going to punch him in the face. I blame him. This is his fault. Don’t dangle your handsome best friend in front of people and expect them not to have a crush. That’s just such a douche move. Fucking brothers. I mean, seriously?
Maybe they should have just left me on ice.
This is so stupid. I'm being really dumb about this and I know it but I can't stop. My brain just screams at me all the time.
I really hope I’m not wrong, but since this is already such a mess and I know I can’t t Well…we’ll see.
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o.0 Y'all ready for a love confession tomorrow???? So I know this one is very piecey and jumbled, but I used to keep a diary for like 15 years, and I swear this is exactly how it read when I liked someone. Hopefully, it translated pretty well. If you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging and/or leaving a comment. Thank you for reading!
banner and challenge details @flufftober; divider by @silkholland
[Day Twenty-Nine; Day Thirty-One]
[Chronological Next Part]
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Hey it’s me again you’re favorite ghost🤪 I vanished but it’s currently 2 AM and I have a list on my phone of all the things I haven’t read and this makes for a perfect occasion to binge read all of them😀 Don’t want to bore you lol so I’ll try to be quick: Namjoon and Michele: YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE WRITTEN ANYTHING ABOUT THEM. NOW I WANT THE WHOLE STORY. damn. I’ve been waiting for so long to know what happened between these two. This is the perfect moment to say that I’m a *sucker* for “fwb” -ish tropes and honestly after the latest flux chapter I needed Namjoon’s POV so THANK YOU!!
A bouquet of flowers: I’m just very thankful every time I find out you wrote something starring yoongi. You’re probably the only writer that makes me read yoongi and not feel like he’s found something “out of character” (not that we know his character, but I hope you get what I mean lol). And his grandma being gone in Hawaii is so savage and chaotic she’ll always be my favorite 🤩.
The Mishka/JK cockring situation: hilarious. Poor naive Jk not even questioning why she was so snappy towards the vendor lol. Also around the time you published this I was in Treviso (not Dragon Age Treviso, but still!) so I may or may not have crossed paths with these two👀
Fae Jimin: I LOVE THE CONCEPT OF INTERACTIVE STORIES! Don’t know if you’re familiar with the game “Life is Strange” but I loved it and kind of reminded me of it. And both endings were kind of creepy tbh💀 also I loved the line “beautiful. Humanesque but definitely not entirely human, no mortal man could look like that” because that’s exactly how I would describe jimin in real life😅
And I just finished the jk and pippa wash the dishes Drabble and I only have one question, probably stupid but I’m curious: do women’s bodies after birth/nursing actually react like that when they hear a baby cry? I saw multiple videos on this topic on tiktok the other day (don’t ask why they popped up I have no idea lol) and now I read this so I’m like “wait is it all true??” Not that I don’t believe people’s experiences, I just don’t trust people on tiktok 😃
I think that’s all? Oh I have to read asunder but I’m waiting for more chapters to pile up because I realized every update I kept forgetting stuff, I introduce you to my short term memory 😃
Also two things (since I’ve been lurking on your Tumblr anyway👀): you took days off work to write?? You’re now my role model, what I aspire to be when I’m an adult (because I’m not, I’m still 12 didn’t you know?). I suck at taking time for myself🥹 show me your secrets. I also hope you’re doing well❤️ don’t stress!
And number two: Halloween is coming up! I read your kids costume ideas and they’re so cute😭❤️ I’m so jealous of every other part of the world when it comes to Halloween because it’s my favorite holiday here no one celebrates it here, apparently they are boring and care about Christmas🙄. Anyway, if you need ideas on your costumes I’ll be Yor Briar from SpyxFamily👀 (if my costume arrives in time. If not I’ll do what I did last year aka tied my hair in a bun, drew red lines across my face, called 🌚, gave her a red scarf and then went “boom Eren and Mikasa”😅)
Hot damn girl your novels are such a delight to read!
OK let's start with my favorite part of this, the question about physiological response to babies crying: yes! Caveat, all women are different, even between different postpartums can be different. But my experience and I heard this from many others too is that often especially with a newborn who's freaking out, the mother's body responds in a similar panic and it's much easier for the father to handle the screaming baby because he may not have the same response. For me, I would start shaking, heart racing, sweating, sometimes crying, just total overwhelm (also if you're nursing, sometimes your milk drops at the sound of a baby crying, not even your own.) Sometimes babies just cry, there's nothing even wrong, and it was unbearable at times. It got more manageable for me over time, especially once I was done nursing, but I definitely still have a physical response to my kids crying (even when I know they are perfectly fine!) I'll wake up from the dead of sleep at the faintest chirp (save me please I need to sleep.) When it was strongest, it definitely happened with other children too (though stronger for my own.) I could not watch a movie with a crying baby in it, I'd start freaking out. Hormones are crazy as shit.
Now onto the rest! I'm so glad you're enjoying all the other stuff. It's a lot to binge! Flux Namjoon will definitely get some more attention. I had actually hoped to start his collection a little earlier, so maybe i'll go backwards too. I just really want to do all the members justice, and it's sort of a sad arc with Michele but he'll get to the happier place he deserves 😊
Fae Jimin was great fun though I wish now I'd let myself write even more leading up. I love interactive fiction and have long wanted to do projects in that vein, blending my writing and my video game career. It's why I play around with the reader insert stories sometimes too. I hope to explore some more, although to really do what I want would be a massive undertaking, so probably not in the near future haha.
I'm so flattered you like my Yoongis!! I used to think he was the hardest member to write but lately I've just been really enjoying getting into his head as a character, I'm looking forward to writing more about him through drabbles and Owl Yoongi. Also I'm working on a Min Je-ni drabble from when she and her husband first married and it's being fun, I love that chaotic granny too, she's so not coming back from Hawaii.
Asunder will probably get easier to follow too once we're to their adulthood, because then there weren't be as much time jumping and meeting people and stuff. Lowlander was super condensed and told from an outsider's perspective so it was a lot simpler; Asunder has SO much world building, it's a lot to keep up with!
As for the days off, yes I did haha, Because I also suck at taking time for myself too! I never stop moving and doing things and had really gotten to a breaking point after such a rough transition to fall so I actually took 4 days off and portioned them out so some were productive and some were restful --which for me meant writing. I wish I could have had a few more days to like just watch TV shows or something, you could argue that writing is not truly restful and you would be right lmao. But it's what I wanted to do and it soothed my heart.
I hope you manage to still have some fun for Halloween. Your costumes sound fun! Yor is a great costume idea!! I really should put some effort into doing something this year. We did our first trick or treat tonight but we've still got 3 Halloween parties/trick or treats to do... Last year I only got to do one because of my surgery right before. Can't believe that's been a whole year!!
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Fictober 2021 Monster Lovers Extravaganza
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By popular demand, this is my all inclusive Monster AU drabble palooza starting October 1st and ending on Halloween night.
Some ground rules before we get started.
Send all request to my ask box. If it is sent as a submission or into my messages, I will not answer them.
Do not ask me if I got your request. Just assume I have I'll get to it when and if I can. If you message me multiple times asking about it, I will delete it.
If I do answer your request, please reblog and/or comment. It's just common courtesy. I'm not getting paid here. Your engagement is my payment.
And now, on with the show.
Step 1: Select a Character
Chose any from the following fandoms:
Star Wars (Original Trilogy, Prequel Trilogy, Sequel Trilogy, The Clone Wars, Rebels, Thrawn Trilogy, Rogue One, The Mandalorian)
The Magnificent Seven
Star Trek: TOS/AOS
Any of My OCs
Anything else you've seen me reblog: Hammer Horror, ACD Sherlock, Good Omens, etc.
Step 2: Select Your Monster
Vampire AU
Werewolf AU
Dragon AU
Demon AU
Angel AU
Mermaid AU
Fae AU
Ghost AU
Alien AU
Shifter AU
Or any other kind of monster or supernatural being your heart desires; let's get weird
Step 3: Select a Prompt
“Marry me.”
“Do you want me to leave?”
“You are not going without me.”
“I can’t believe you!
“I swear it won’t happen again.”
“What did you say?”
“I’m not jealous.”
"We can’t keep doing this.”
“Isn’t this amazing?”
“I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
“Stay the night. Please.”
“You can’t die. Please don’t die.”
“Run away with me.”
“Quit whining.”
“Get outta my sight!”
“Why are you so annoying?”
“Were you ever going to tell me?”
“Don’t ask me that…”
“I might have had a few shots.”
“W- What are you doing?”
"I could kiss you right now!”
“Are you done with that?”
“It’s your fault we’re in this mess.”
“Did you do this on purpose?!”
“Kiss me.”
“Are you still awake..?”
“I shouldn’t be in love with you!”
“I can’t be in love with you!”
“Make me.”
“Don’t tempt me.”
“I hate you.”
“Just shut up already.”
“That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Bite me.”
“Eat me.”
“Kiss my ass.”
“Just admit I’m right.”
“Just admit you’re wrong.”
“You are being ridiculous!”
“Listen to me!”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“Don’t yell at me.”
“That’s it. End of discussion.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“You shouldn’t have said that.”
“Fuck you!”
“Shut your mouth before I shut it for you.”
“I dare you!”
“It’s you, it’s always been you.”
“Well this is awkward…”
“Just pretend to be my date”.
“Are you really gonna leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?”
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.”
“Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they’d lock us up?”
“It’s not that you’re wrong, exactly, you’re just extremely not right.”
“You shouldn’t be trusted with small children, should you?”
“You think I’m dumb enough to fall for that stupid move?”
“Despite the cliche, it’s not me, it’s you.”
“Obviously you can’t tell a woman you just met that you love her, but it sucks that you can’t.”
“No, it was my fault for thinking that you might care.”
“When you love someone, you just don’t stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Specially then!”
“If you’re not scared, then you’re not taking a chance. If you’re not taking a chance, then what the hell are we doing anyway?”
“I think I’ve been holding myself back from falling in love with you all over again.”
“You have to tell me why we’re committing a felony before we do it. Not that that’s going to stop us, but at least I’ll have all the facts.”
“You know we’re suppose to be together. I knew it the first time I saw you, and you know it, too. I know you do.”
“Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”
“I’m not going to apologize for this. Not anymore.”
“That’s almost exactly the opposite of what I meant.”
“All nighter, you and me. First one to fall sleep buys the other dinner.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever played spin the bottle.”
“I’m ok, thank you. Just please, stop talking to me.”
“To the night you’ll never remember!”
“Could I sit here? All the other tables are full.”
“It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion.”
“I could do that, but could doesn’t mean would.”
"You cannot fathom the immensity of the fucks I don’t give.”
“Do you need me to kill someone for you?
“I’m gonna lay down and die for like half hour okay?”
“It’s midnight, what do you want?”
“Your hair is so soft…”
“You’re so cute when you pout like that!”
“I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
“Are you wearing my shirt?”
"You are ridiculously comfortable…”
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
"We should get a puppy!”
Don’t apologize. That’s not the point. Did you mean it?”
”I thought I lost you”
”They don’t like dogs. It wasn’t going to work out.”
“I feel like I’m losing control.”
“I’m too sober for this shit.”
“God, I missed you.”
“I let you down. How am I supposed to forgive myself for that?”
“Okay, the blood isn’t mind, calm down.”
“Did you really think I’d leave?”
“There’s a difference between being brave and being stupid.”
“You’re proud of me?”
“Is this supposed to be this hard?”
“Like I’d choose the laws of physics over you.”
[Insert Your Own]
Step 4: Send to My Ask Box
Please make sure to specify that your request is for Fictober.
Step 5: Profit
Happy Halloween Everybody. :D
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facewithoutheart · 2 years
Gonna keep hopping on here late at night to write shitty drabbles that I don’t wanna give the attention of a full google doc. You’re welcome/I’m sorry.
Simon as Lara Croft below the break:
Content warning: extreme Baz thirst
I don’t know how Simon does it; how he continues to screw me over without even trying because one minute I’m complaining to Shepard about the evils of monetized misogyny in the video game industry and in the next second Simon’s proving me wrong.
“What do you think?” He asks, stepping out of our bedroom and into the spontaneous spotlight the flat now appears to own. (It’s the only explanation I have for how he is literally glowing with sex appeal right now.)
“Glurg,” I answer, intelligently.
Shepard manages to lower the conversation even further. “Holy tits, Simon!”
And. Indeed.
Because my boyfriend, a man who not only allows me to touch him but even encourages it, is dressed as a genderswapped Lara Croft and my prick may never know peace again.
Seriously. Even if he fucks me tonight I’ll be wanking myself raw to this memory for ages.
I don’t know what’s worse: the fact that his beefy thighs make me appreciate the sight of cargo trousers or that the way his nipples peak out of his thin blue tank top make me reconsider the appeal of tits.
(Just kidding: even gay men appreciate the aesthetic appeal of breasts and Simon’s pecs are better than Pamela Anderson’s.)
And sweet Circe he’s even got leather knife holsters strapped to both thighs. Honestly, it’s like he wants to test the theory of whether vampires can die of sudden thirst-induced heart attacks.
“Raid my tomb,” I sputter, and I’d be embarrassed but even Shepard is drooling. “Please,” I add, to pour salt to the wound.
Simon perks up under the praise. “You like it?”
“Simon,” I say, in my best ‘you’re an idiot’ tone. “I want you to ruin me while wearing that outfit.”
“Is that an archeologist joke?” Shepard asks, proving once again that everything sounds more stupid in American.
Luckily for all of us, Simon ignores Shepard’s inane interjection. “Shoot!” He curses. “I forgot my boots.”
Shepard only laughs a little when I choke on my own saliva, and I consider taking back my internal American-slander. (But like, only briefly. There are some sins even kindness can’t erase.)
In the corner, Simon bends down to pull boots over his muscular calves and I don’t know whether to pray for his trouser’s proud attempt to contain his arse or for my trouser’s proud attempt to contain my erection.
I’m one humanah humanah away from becoming a cartoon character cliche.
Simon hums. “Do you think Penny still has that wig from Halloween? I need a braid.”
I lie down on the floor in revolt. I literally cannot. “Someone wake me when I’m not longer the embodiment of the male gaze.”
“Babe,” Simon laughs, walking over to straddle me where I’m protesting my own libido on the dirty carpet of Shepard and Penny’s flat. He bends down and I swear I hear the fabric stretch around his thighs muscles over my pained whimper. “You don’t have to apologize for reducing me to your sexual fantasy.”
“It’s gross and I’m better than that.” Simon’s arse hovers over my aching cock and oh Merlin I am lower than locker room banter; I am the worst.
Simon’s hot breath ghosts over my cheek when he whispers, “I like it when you’re gross,” and then he sits on my hard prick.
“Glergen,” I sputter.
“Maybe I should leave you two alone,” Shepard says, his trainers squeaking as he retreats from his own living room.
“How long until the party?” I manage to ask.
“Do you really care?”
I sigh.
I really, really don’t.
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feeling-weirdy · 3 years
**my scarletvision master list**
A giant list of all the drabbles I have written in chronological order for anyone who would like to read from start to finish.  If people are interested in becoming notified whenever I post something, please follow my AO3. 
Please feel free to send in prompts for anything you would like to see added to this list. 
Age of Ultron to Civil War
A Thing Isn’t Beautiful Because... - prompt; “right before or after Vision saves Wanda”; Overwhelmed with emotions, Wanda is filled with grief by the loss of her brother.  Vision tries to help her figure out a way to deal with the loss.
Uncertain, yet Intentional - prompt; The moment before his ‘I did intend to come in here’ line in episode 8 of WV
Silent Tears - prompt; Wanda really lets herself cry for the first time since Pietro’s death and Vision does his best to comfort her.
Unpleasant Dreams - prompt; Wanda has a nightmare and Vision goes in to check on her to see if she’s alright.
Do Better - prompt;  Vision is unable to save everyone in a disaster which helps him learn a very hard lesson.
Never Again - prompt;  Wanda POV; Vision and Wanda watch sitcoms and Wanda gets distracted
Bugging Out - prompt; “Holy fucking guacamole!”; A routine update goes awry.
Vis, We Talked About This - prompt; “Viz, we talked about this”; Vision tries to distract Wanda without seeming too pushy.
Your Electrifying Touch - Wanda POV; Unable to keep her thoughts contained, Wanda slips up but has to find a way to keep herself back on track.
An Unexpected Surprise - prompt; Vision comes home from a tough mission to find Wanda curled up in his bed.
Practice Makes Perfect - prompt; Vision and Wanda practice in an attempt to help get Wanda’s powers under control.
Dancing Out of Tune - prompt; Vision walks in on Wanda listening to Pietro’s favorite genre and throws him off guard.
Striking Thirteen - prompt; a moment where feelings develop; Wanda can’t seem to fall asleep and looks to Vision for help.
Happy Birthday...? - prompt; Vision gets a present from Wanda for his first "birthday"
Neverending Flow - prompt; Wanda gets a nosebleed
While No One is Watching - prompt; The gang starts dancing, but disappears once uncomfortableness starts to set in once the android and witch start to get close to one another.
Heart Over Duty - prompt; What else makes Vision cry?
Overrated - prompt; “I always thought Mr Darcy was overrated”; Vision’s feelings can no longer be kept to himself.  A novel Wanda suggests causes him to blurt out his confession.
Freezing Circuits - prompt; “Vision tries ice cream” 
An Accidental Moment - prompt; pre CW; While watching television together, Wanda initiates the next step in their relationship.
Civil War to Infinity War
Safe and Sound - prompt; songfic for Safe and Sound; After the destruction in Lagos, Wanda breaks down, leaving Vision to console her the best that he can. 
Distraction - prompt; Wanda POV; Wanda is overwhelmed by the Accords and is desperate for something else to focus on.  Vision is happy to oblige.
A Step Too Far - prompt; Vision offers pizza and an explanation for his actions in trying to keep Wanda safe inside the compound.
After the Storm - prompt; Vision arrives to see Wanda for the first time after the aftermath. 
The Little Green Monster - prompt; Vision becomes jealous of someone flirting with Wanda.
A Spark of Light - prompt; “we could be like sparks of light”; Vision attempts to talk Wanda into extending their little walks to something more substantial.
Can I Change Your Mind? - Vision is unable to tell Wanda goodbye and tries to get her to stay with him.
Three’s a Crowd - prompt; “love triangle between Vis, Wanda and Clint” 
Chicken Soup for the Soul - prompt; Wanda gets sick and Vision helps take care of her
And Life Will Always Be... - Wanda POV; Excited to meet up with Vision again, Wanda enters the hotel room hoping to get a head start but finds her plans are pushed to an instant halt.
Between the Lines - prompt; “that was an innuendo, wasn’t it?”; Vision struggles to understand why Wanda is acting so strangely.
Look My Way - Wanda POV; Tired of spending the afternoon alone, Wanda takes things into her own hands.
Cappuccino or Latte - prompt; “what’s the actual difference between a cappuccino and a latte?”; Vision attempts to make coffee despite his disadvantages.
Short and Sweet - Vision can no longer keep himself back from kissing Wanda.
All to Myself - prompt; Vision jealous of Wanda and Cap America’s friendship; The distance they have created has finally brought Vision to a breaking point.
Getting Caught - prompt;  Wanda and Vision get caught coming home late
Not Ostentatious, but True - prompt; “my love isn’t ostentatious, but it doesn’t make it any less true”; Vision becomes jealous of how others profess their love and he does his best to explain himself.
Purrfectly Happy - prompt; The first time Vision ever sees a cat 
By the River - prompt; UK shenanigans; Vision uses an anniversary as an excuse to create a new memory with something they had never tried before.
That One Thing - prompt; Vision and Wanda discuss their future.
To Grow Old In, V - Vision worries about whether or not his next move is too grand, but is determined to move to the next step regardless.
One Last Moment - prompt; “one last moment”; Vision and Wanda talk about their options should Wakanda fail to disconnect the Mind Stone.
Wandavision sitcom AU
Love Me Tender - Vision tries to make a special night for Wanda, hoping to make up for the Mr. Hart fiasco.
Support - prompt; Vision offers his assistance as Wanda struggles with her pregnancy.
Cravings - prompt; Wanda’s weird pregnancy cravings; Vision struggles in the kitchen while trying to keep up with her cravings.
Perfectly Molded - Wanda POV; prompt; Vision wearing gray sweatpants.  That’s pretty much it.
Back to Bed - A pregnant Wanda is sick and Vision struggles to take care of her.
Prenatal Upset - prompt; A pregnant Wanda doesn’t feel sexy and Vision is more than happy to prove otherwise. 
Melting in the Rain - prompt;  Wanda goes into labor and is cool as a cucumber leaving Vision to panic alone.
Nerves of Steel - prompt; Vision gets so caught up in himself that he phases through a piece of furniture and doesn’t even notice 
Painting for Mom - prompt; sweet dad!Vision moment; The boys craft gifts for Mother’s Day.
Yellow Brick Road - prompt; Vision and Wanda help the boys go Trick-or-Treating
The End of the Road - prompt; part 2 to Yellow Brick Road
Movie Night: Titanic - prompt; the family watching Titanic
Peace and Quiet Shattered - prompt; The twins attempt to make a little robot and are having trouble until Vision steps in and fixes it with ease.
Halloween Spooks - prompt; Vision getting scared by Halloween animatronics
Unable to Compute - prompt; Tommy and Billy do something stupid and Vision has a hard time understanding why
post Wandavision
A World Without Color - A series of prompts following White!Vision as he learns more about who he was so that he can move forward.
post Infinity War AU
Make it Real -  A series of one-shots, and possible story, following the traumatic events of Infinity War in an alternate universe where Wanda and Vision are alive and traumatized.
Random AUs
Bidding for Attention -  Tony has a bachelor auction and Hope Van Dyne bids on Vision to upset her dad for fun and then Hope and Vision hit it off and keep hanging out which makes Wanda realize her feelings for him have changed.
Pt 1
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blueprint-han · 4 years
autumn and honeysuckle.
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pairing: han x (fem) reader.
genre: marriage au ; fluff. (can you see how enamored I am for marriage aus-)
⇥ warnings: none, just an autumn date with hannie 🥺 slight kissing here and there but not suggestive at all.
wc: 1.06 K (why do i never write blurbs ; - ;)
⇥ disclaimer: this fiction does not aim to represent the activities of the real Han Jisung, nor does it represent JYPE in any form. Events are pure fiction. ♡
type: drabble.
network tag: @stayverse​​ @districtninewriters​​ @inkidz​​ + @sunoo-luvs​
part of: the url drabble game; requested by @hanniiesuckle17​ (requests for this are closed now!)
credit: this idea was inspired by this prompt list! 🥰
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↯ note: I was literally so dumb™ I didn’t know honeysuckle was a fucking plant. 😭 I thought it was a part of a beehive or something how stupid of me I’ll go boo at myself. 😔 But !!!!! Hope I could fulfill my duty to the queen herself, and thank you for requesting! Happy reading. <3 Also where I live we don’t have autumn as a season, so please be mindful that this is completely based on my rusty knowledge from movies. ⇥ dawn.☀️
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Autumn, in all honesty, was one of your favorite seasons. The fresh smell of maple and pinecone wafting through the air, drinking spiced lattes and munching on apple pie, drowning in oversized sweaters — admittedly, it was all too joyous for you. Anticipation ran through you once the month of September rolled around, and dried, orange leaves adorned the roads, crunching under your feet when you strolled around.
And your husband loved it all too equally. After all, you’d met Jisung in the lovely season of autumn. If you were to look back, you had no idea that the boy curled up under a tree with a book in his hand and headphones covering his ears would end up being your lover — but hey, you weren’t complaining. If anything, autumn held more significance because of that.
And autumn wreaths were a timely tradition for you. You admittedly loved decorating your house with pretty ornaments when any occasion rolled by — be it thanksgiving, Halloween, or Christmas. and decorating the house often lead to “expeditions” — which really meant just you and Jisung walking hand in hand through a park, stealing occasional kisses and giggles from each other.
So, when you snuck out of Jisung’s embrace (despite his infinite whines and protests), threw him a shirt to wear and pulled him along with you to the park, Jisung wasn’t surprised in the slightest. Your husband could do nothing but scramble behind you, watching you chatter away about how you’d planned to design the autumn wreaths with a loving gaze. You looked so pretty under the rustic orange of the park — the maple trees and pine cones were pretty, but you underneath them were incomparable.
The thing that you found the most adorable was that Jisung brought his trusty pillow along with him and almost fell asleep on your shoulder as you were searching for a good spot to make the wreath because according to him, you’d quote unquote “disturbed his sleep by not allowing him his fair dose of cuddles.” So clingy, Jisung was so clingy. But you would be lying if you said that you didn’t love it when Jisung got clingy.
“Okay, you go collect the flowers— Jisung, gooo!” You giggled when your husband pulled you into his embrace. You’d found a spot under a tall, fairly shady tree and were about to search for flowers and dried leaves— if your husband hadn’t immediately pulled you into his embrace and nuzzled into your neck, murmuring something incoherently that kinda sounded like “But this is so comfy I don’t wanna leave.”
“One second, I need to have my daily dose of wifey Y/N before I leave her.” Jisung whined, almost sleepily.
“Oh gosh,” You scoffed playfully. “You’re not leaving me you oaf! Go!” Jisung pulled away but didn’t release his hold on you, pouting like an absolute child as he looked at you with sleepy eyes. “No.”
You knew what he wanted — you knew him like the back of your own hand, after all. If there was one thing that got Jisung to fly on top of the clouds, you were the one who knew it. Being married to him for three years had made you learn enough about him,t he same vice versa.
And so, you leaned in, stealing a tiny kiss from him before letting him linger over your lips for a second.
“Now go!!”
You quickly pushed Jisung with a hearty laugh before spreading a sheet onto the leafy floor of the park relishing the way the leaves crunched under each step. Taking out the flexible yet sturdy wires you’d neatly rolled up to shape a wreath, you started picking out leaves from around you, using golden rope to tie it all together. You’d also brought along some beads to decorate it with along with tiny maple syrup bottle shaped charms, but the wreath somehow seemed to be devoid of something you couldn’t quite place.
It had been about ten minutes later that Jisung returned, his hair mussed up because he’d used his beanie to carry the flowers he’d picked from what seemed like the other side of the garden. You almost cooed over how cute he looked — disheveled hair, sleepy eyes, pouty lips and his caramel skin almost complimenting the orangey tone surrounding him. 
“What did you bring?” You sat on your knees as Jisung sat cross legged beside you, placing the beanie in front of you both before picking out a single flower from the bunch. The flower he held didn’t have any vibrant colored petals, but it exuded an immense fragrance, once that captivated you in an instant.
A little smile creaked as your husband’s lips as he said. “A hanniesuckle.” He laid special stress on the first part.
You narrowed your eyes, biting the inside of your cheek as you tried to prevent yourself from laughing (or groaning) at the obvious pun he’d tried to intend. Staying silent. Jisung started to fumble for an explanation.
“Get it? Because Hannie and honeysuckle makes-”
You decided to free him from the embarrassment of having to explain the stupidly adorable pun he’d just made, leaning in to place a gentle kiss over the tip of his nose, cupping his cheeks and kissing his lips soon after. Jisung sighed, pecking you once, twice, thrice before pulling away to look at you, and the blush that had made an appearance on his cheeks made you melt over and over again — you couldn’t quite get over how cute your husband was.
“I get it, and you need to stop being so cute, ‘hanniesuckle’“ You used air quotations at the pun. “You’re dangerous for my heart.” Huffing, you pinched his cheeks where he’s blushed like the sunset.
“Hey, you know you signed up for it when you said yes.” Your husband intertwined your fingers with his own, placing a peck on the back of your hand.
“Oh that wasn’t a complaint, Mr. Han. Now you wanna help me knit these ‘hanniesuckles’ into the wreath?” 
Jisung grew flustered yet again, mumbling a small “Of course, Mrs. Han” before he started handing you the flowers, gazing at your concentrated eyes as you stitched the fragrant flowers them in.
Neither to say, the wreath looked very pretty when you hung it on the front door, but then again — you were incomparable.
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↯ note: 🕯️ ignore me this is just a small prayer that tumblr doesn’t make me battle the tags yet again 🕯️ may the tumblr gods be in my favor atleast this once ;-; 🕯️ ⇥ dawn.☀️
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holylulusworld · 4 years
For your celebration drabble can I have Jensen x fem Reader? Please make it super angsty. Maybe a break-up? Can the reader be pregnant too? Please, give mr a happy end with Jrensen. I don't have an idea for the fall/halloween theme. Can you chiose for me? Thank you
Walking by
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11,000 Followers Fall & Halloween drabbles  
Summary: It’s been months since he left you. Now the man breaking your heart complains in public.
Warnings: angst, language, Jensen being a douche for a moment or two, break-up, pregnant reader, kinda public bashing (online/mentioned), comforting, fluff
Pairing: former Jensen x Reader
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki, Ofc Judith
A/N: Inspired by Dido’s “Walking by”; lyrics taken from the song in Italics.
A/N2: Okay, that one got away from me and it’s longer than 500 words. I did not go for a happy ending but a hopeful one. I kept it open for the reader to decide if you give him a second chance.
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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You and him. Once upon a time you and Jensen were a whirlwind romance, maybe it was even love at first sight.
Now all you’ve got left of the love you shared is a bitter taste on your tongue.
His lawyer made sure you will keep your mouth shut about the break-up as in your love-sick state, you signed a confidentiality obligation when you got together. This means you are committed to pay penalty for every violation against the confidentiality obligation at the rate of 10,000, dollars.
Keep me locked up, keep me shut in
You can but my mind still roams free
You can keep me caged, you can tell me to be quiet
But I remember everything
Unlike you, Jensen preferred to tell everyone about your break-up. Even though it was him who broke things up, he insists you broke his heart, not the other way around.
Sometimes you look at your phone, shaking your head at the next hurtful interview. He’s a great actor, you give him that. Breaking up with you as he feared his career would be ruined if people get to know you used to work as an exotic dancer to pay for your study was not enough. No, Jensen must rub salt into the wounds he left.
Please don't forget that you broke your own heart
And don't forget that you lost your mind
“How does it feel to break a good man’s heart?” The paparazzi snarls at you. He’s getting into your personal space, taking pictures of you, and even worse, your six, months baby bump. “Is that the guy's child? The ones you left Jensen for?”
“Leave me alone. I got nothing to say to you,” brushing past the man you try to outrun him, but he runs after you, almost pushing you to the ground. 
“Hey, asshole! Leave the girl alone,” a familiar voice barks. “Don’t you have better things to do than hunting a – fuck me – pregnant woman?” Jared grumbles, wrapping his arms protectively around your waist whilst Gen threatens to call the cops.
“Get lost. Leave Y/N alone,” Gen warns, already dialing 911. “I swear we will sue you. We all saw you were about to attack a pregnant girl.”
“Classy,” the man spats. “You protect an unfaithful stripper girl who broke your best friend's heart…”
“Y/N,” Gen tries to touch your arm, but you shove her hand away. “Please, let us help you.”
“Leave me the fuck alone. All of you,” you wiggle out of Jared’s embrace, not wanting him to help you. “I don’t need you. I could’ve handled the situation all by myself, just like the last six months as no one wanted to hear my side of the story. Or rather, I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone the truth.”
Please stop tellin' everybody that I did it for you
'Cause every step I take I'm always here behind you
And I don't need words or anything from you
And I wish I'd never felt it, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never met you, kept on walking by
You walk away, not listening to Gen or Jared calling your name. Ignoring their voices, you wipe a few tears away before you rush toward your car. 
“Y/N, please stop walking away.” Jared tries to catch up with you. He’s jogging now, worriedly placing one hand onto your shoulder. “Why don’t you tell us your side of the story?”
“If you want to know if the baby is Jensen’s, the answer is that its none of your fucking business. You should also know I can’t talk about anything including my relationship with Jensen as I don’t have 10,000 bucks to waste.” You walk by, ignoring Jared’s words. 
Keep me locked up, keep me shut in
But I remember everything
Please don't forget that you sought your own heart
And don't forget that you lost your way
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“Another interview?” Judith, your best friend, sighs. “That bastard should shut his cakehole.” You snicker, giving her hand a tight squeeze. “Will he sue you if I kick his balls?”
“He would know I told you the reason for the break-up,” you look at the pictures on Jensen’s Instagram account, shaking your head. “Soon I’m out of here. I got a new job and will leave the country. No one cares about Supernatural in Denmark.”
“As far as you know,” Judith pokes your belly, hating you look sad. “How about we go for a walk in the park? You love the colorful leaves, I know it.”
“Jensen, he used to go with me for a walk in the park when the leaves started to change their color. He even collected a few for me,” you smile at the memory but then your face falls. “I thought he loves me until my past collided with his career.”
Please stop tellin' everybody that I did it for you
'Cause every step I take I'm always here behind you
And I don't need words or anything from you
And I wish I'd never seen it, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never met you, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never tried it, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never felt it, kept on walking by
“He’s a fucking asshole who dared to say it was your fault he broke up with you. Period.” 
“I didn’t give him choice, you know. I said if he wants a break, this means we are over,” you whisper, running one hand over your swollen belly. 
“Let’s go to the park and enjoy the sun, the leaves and we can scream at guys who want to play football,” Judith holds out her hand, offering to go with you but you shake your head. “Not today?”
“Not today, Jude…”
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The sun warms your face, and for a moment, you close your eyes to enjoy the warmth. There is a sadness in your heart you can’t shake off.
Yes, you told Jensen if he wants a break to overthink your relationship this means you are over, but you never thought he would go for it.
“Y/N,” there is this tiny voice in your head telling you to run, as fast as you can hearing his voice. “Please, give me a minute.”
“If you came to ask if I told Gen or Jared anything, you can go back home. Your fine lawyer made sure I can’t tell anyone you were the one who broke things off with me,” you grumble, glancing at the colorful leaves in Jensen’s hands.
“I didn’t come here to complain or to fight. I hoped you would be here,” Jensen mumbles stepping closer. “Shit, Y/N. I don’t know why I did not try to fix us.”
“You said everything I needed to know months ago. If you excuse me now, I got somewhere else to be. You know, when we met that day, the day you broke things off with your wife,” your voice cracks when you meet Jensen’s gaze. “The day you came to the club and poured your heart out, I should’ve never listened to your shit.”
You start to walk away, not missing the sob leaving Jensen’s lips. “Y/N, please. I know that you’ve got no reason to forgive me, not after I agreed to give all those stupid interviews. My management, they said you must take the blame for the break-up.” 
“Fuck you. Fuck your management,” you spat into Jensen’s face. “I got no reason to forgive you, and I won’t…”
“Baby…I love you,” shaking your head you wrap your arms around your waist. “I love you so much it hurts. I wish I told you sooner.”
“I wasn’t finished, Jensen. When we met the other week and you grasped for my arm to kiss me,” you huff, meeting his gaze one last time. “I should’ve kept on walking by. I wish I never met you. I wish I never felt anything for you. I wish I never saw the way you looked at me when you believed I wasn’t looking.” You sniffle, eyes cast down. “If I would’ve walked by, I wouldn’t be so much in love with you…”
Please stop tellin' everybody that I did it for you
'Cause every step I take I'm always here without you
And I don't need words or anything from you
And I wish I'd never met you, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never felt it, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never seen it, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never met you, kept on walking by
“Baby girl,” Jensen steps closer to cup your face. His thumb wipes the tears away. “I can be a better man. I told everyone that it was me messing things up. It’s all over the media. I fired my management; lawyer and I will do anything you want me to do. Just…please…take me back…”
“Jay,” you choke his name out, fighting your tears. “I don’t think I can…”
“Please, don’t walk by. Please don’t forget about me,” Jensen presses his forehead against yours, praying you’ll be able to forgive him. “I…I wasn’t with anyone, I swear. I regretted my decision the moment I left your apartment, but it was too late. Honestly, I was there, at your home, more than once but feared you would hate me.”
“I can’t, Jensen. Not now,” you run off, tears falling now.
“Y/N, please...just give me a chance,” Jensen runs after you, grasping for your hand. “All I’m asking for is that we talk things out. Please...”
“Jensen,” voice trembling you look up at Jensen. “Okay. I can try to talk things out, but that’s all I’m willing to give...”
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
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amanda-glassen · 3 years
spooky/autumn Jerena prompt: Jamie and Serena’s first Halloween together
This isn't exactly Halloween night, but it's their first October together. I know these are supposed to be drabbles so I'm sorry that this turned out to be over 2,000 words.
The best summer of Jamie’s life had come to an end. With Serena having summers off, it gave them an opportunity to spend every moment of their free time together-as long as Serena was home by the time the streetlights went on. Now that Olivia was 11, she was allowed to go for bike rides with her best friend Elliot and have other outside adventures with her friends without parental supervision the entire summer; however, just as Serena had a summer curfew, so did Olivia. Jamie had yet to meet Serena’s daughter, but it warmed her heart to hear Serena talk about her.
She had met Serena in late April and, although they had been seeing each other for five months now, she still found herself in disbelief that Serena was really hers to kiss whenever she wanted. Jamie admired how intelligent and sophisticated she was-mixing designer labels with vintage finds and always looking straight out of a magazine with perfectly applied makeup and not a strand of hair out of place. Serena had traveled to more places before age five than she had in her entire life and Jamie loved hearing stories about the places she had been and even the stories about her day-to-day life as a professor. Jamie was in awe of this woman and, it was during a picnic in the park one summer afternoon, that Jamie realized she was in love with this woman-even if she wasn’t officially her girlfriend yet.
She hadn’t heard much from Serena throughout the past week and Jamie had chocked it up to Serena being busy with work and Olivia’s after school activities now that the summer was over. Olivia was her priority and Jamie was never upset about Serena having to cancel a date because Olivia wasn’t feeling well or she had a last-minute emergency, but with Serena cancelling a second date, Jamie worried she had done something to upset her.
Jamie was ready to apologize even if she wasn’t sure what to apologize for, so she picked up some flowers and made her way over to Serena’s apartment. She was going over unannounced and she wasn’t sure if Serena would be receptive, but she didn’t care. She missed her and, if there was a possibility that she was sick, Jamie wanted to be the one to take care of her.
Jamie knocked on the door, flowers in hand, ready to surprise her, but when Serena opened the door it was Jamie that received the surprise of her life.
She looked wide-eyed at the woman who answered the door in black sweatpants and a Texas Chainsaw Massacre hoodie. Her curly hair was in a messy ponytail, but the icing on the cake were the black framed glasses and retainer she was wearing. “Serena?”
Serena looked at her in absolute terror before motioning for her to come in. She hadn’t said a word regardless of how much Jamie tried to talk to her. Instead she reached for her phone and texted, “Have a seat. I’ll be right back.”
Jamie looked around at the Halloween decor in Serena’s apartment. She had expected her Halloween decorations to look like the ones she saw in magazines-minimalist and classy. Instead she saw fake blood smeared in random places, some demonic-looking statue in the corner, and the crowning jewel: a replica of Leatherface’s chainsaw with the words ‘The Saw is Family’ engraved on it. It may not have had a chain on it but it still scared the hell out of Jamie. Who is this woman?
Serena was gone for a little over a minute, but when she came back, Jamie noticed she was no longer wearing her glasses and retainer. She cuddled up to Jamie on the couch, wrapping an arm around her waist and resting her head on her shoulder. “Thanks for the flowers.” They were now lying next to the chainsaw and Jamie found the contrast between the two funny.
“Oh, now you’re talking to me,” Jamie teased. “I’m curious though. How would ‘thanks for the flowers’ sound with your retainer?”
Serena playfully pinched Jamie’s side. “When you’re dating a woman, you’re supposed to warn her before you come over. You don’t just drop by unannounced, but now that you’ve seen my true form, I’m going to have to kill you.”
Jamie looked around. “Judging by all the blood everywhere, I doubt I’m the first person you’ve killed today. Is that why you didn’t text me back this morning? Too busy hiding the body?”
“Dismembering it in the bathtub,” Serena said nonchalantly. “I guess you can say it’s a regular bloodbath in there.”
Jamie couldn’t help rolling her eyes, especially when she saw how pleased Serena looked with herself. “I’m trying not to humor you because I know it’ll only encourage you, but I can’t get over this.”
“Get over what?”
“How you look right now.” Jamie leaned in to kiss her. “I know you’re usually immaculately dressed but I like this version of you. You’re so relaxed and cute. Where’s Olivia? I hope I’m not ruining some mother/daughter time.”
“She’s at a sleepover with some girls from her volleyball team. I just broke our date because I felt like being alone today.”
“Oh,” Jamie tried to hide her disappointment. “I can go. I was just worried that-”
“No, don’t,” Serena interrupted her. “I haven’t been in the best mindset and I think it’d be better if you were here with me.”
What she was going through, Jamie didn’t know, but those big hazel eyes pleading with her to stay, there was no way Jamie was going to leave her. “Of course, baby. I’ll stay as long as you want me to.”
Jamie didn’t know what they’d spend the rest of their time doing, but she decided to let Serena take the lead. It was early October and, although it wouldn’t last until Halloween, Serena decided it was time for them to carve pumpkins. Jamie used a scooper, but when she looked over at Serena she noticed her scooper was untouched and she was taking out the insides with her bare hands.
“I love the feeling of pumpkin guts,” Serena told her and Jamie had to admit she looked adorable with her hands all slimy and full of seeds and pumpkin insides, so adorable that she became distracted and touched her fingertips to a small knife they used for carving instead of a scooper.
“Ow!” Jamie immediately rushed over to the sink to rinse the blood.
“Let me get you a Band-Aid.”
“No, it’s fine,” Jamie insisted once she realized how she must look right now. She had always tried to be tough around Serena, but she could no longer hide that blood made her squeamish.
Serena rushed over to wrap her arms around her from behind. “You’re squeamish, aren’t you?”
“No,” Jamie scoffed, but she could tell Serena wasn’t buying it. “Yes, a little. Judging by your decor, I take it blood doesn’t bother you.”
“Not really,” Serena led her back to the table. “I’m the mother of a tomboy. Olivia is always coming home with some type of new injury. Plus, I was a really rambunctious kid, myself.”
“You?” Jamie asked in disbelief. “I don’t believe it.”
Serena lifted up one of the legs of her sweatpants just slightly above the knee. “This looks way smaller than it did when I was 10, but I got this from falling off a skateboard.”
“You know how to skate?”
“No,” Serena rolled her pant leg down. “Hence the scar.”
“Okay, I got one for you,” Jamie lifted the hem of her t-shirt a few inches. “My cousins and I were taking turns pushing each other in a shopping cart and we were going so fast that it toppled over and that’s how I got this scar.”
“Impressive,” Serena smiled at her. “I love a woman who walks on the wild side.” She took off her hoodie and pointed out a round scar on her arm that Jamie had seen before but never asked how she had gotten it. “I got this from a roman candle on the fourth of July when I pretended to be the Statue of Liberty.”
“Your parents let you play with fireworks as a kid?”
“Not exactly,” Serena chuckled. “It was three years ago and I was drunk off my ass.”
They continued trying to one-up each other until Jamie noticed a deep horizontal scar on Serena’s left wrist. Serena usually wore a watch or bracelets and, because she didn’t want to get it ruined by the ‘pumpkin guts’ she had taken it off. She had told Jamie stories about skateboarding, pretending to be the Statue of Liberty and the many scars she had gotten from performing her own Jackass stunts with her siblings when they were in middle school, so Jamie knew this deep scar had to have a good story to go along with it. She’s probably saving the best for last. Jamie gently grabbed Serena’s wrist and pointed out the scar. “What’s this one from, babe?”
“Jamie, stop,” Serena mumbled, trying to pull her wrist away.
“Can I take a guess?”
“Stop!” Serena forcefully pulled her wrist away from Jamie’s grasp and rolled her sleeve down. “I knew this wasn’t a good idea. I think you should go home.”
She had never seen Serena upset before and Jamie didn’t know how to react. She was covering her face with her hands, but Jamie could tell she was crying. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Get out!” Serena yelled. “I don’t want to see you anymore!”
But Jamie didn’t leave her. Instead, she walked over to Serena and sat down in the chair next to her. “I’m not going to touch you until you give me permission to and if you really want me to leave I’ll leave.”
Serena reached for her hand and Jamie noticed the pleading look in her eyes. “Please don’t leave.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
Jamie laid on the couch with Serena on top of her. The woman who was so vibrant just moments ago now looked so fragile and all Jamie wanted to do was hold her for as long as she’d allow.
“Girls aren’t supposed to do it this way.”
“What, baby?” Jamie asked as she caressed her back.
“I heard it on some stupid TV show that girls take pills and boys slit their wrists. I was 13. I didn’t know how to swallow pills yet. The only way I could swallow pills was if my mom put them in ice cream. This seemed like the logical alternative.”
“Babe, you don’t have to answer this,” Jamie gently caressed her. “But, what was the-”
“You’re going to ask what my reason was,” Serena interrupted her. “I’ll tell you that in time. For now, I’ll just say something happened to me repeatedly when I was 13 and I felt like this was the only way to get him to stop. My brother Kyle was the one who found me. He was only 11 and it took years for him to get the image out of his mind. I’ll never forgive myself for the damage I caused him.”
“Baby, no,” Jamie tried to hold back her own tears. “I’m sure he’s just glad you’re okay. I’m sure we all are. Is there anything I can do to make it all better for you?”
Serena lifted her head up so she could kiss Jamie’s tears. “I’m okay now, Jay. I promise. It takes me awhile to open up. Sometimes I live inside my head and need to be alone, but I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I have my family, my career, my Olliegator who is my entire world, and now I have you. I know the pace I’ve set for us is slow, but I want to be your girlfriend someday if you still want me to be.”
“There’s no one I’d rather have as a future girlfriend. We can take as much time as you need. I’ll always be here for you.”
Jamie spent the rest of the night holding her as they watched movies and talked. The woman she had gotten to know over the summer was just an act because she thought she had to be perfect, but that day she met the real Serena and, as she fell asleep in her arms, Jamie knew without a doubt that this was the woman she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
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mlmdarkfiction · 4 years
Gun anon here. First of all, I can't believe you'd call me out like that, how dare you, and second of all, can I request a drabble/fic or smth with Michael Myers and a gun? I know they're not really his M.O. but I love him and I crave it (also: do I need to get specific or anything or can I just say go wild with whatever idea you come up with?)
anyway I hope you enjoy
Possible CW’s: NSFW, DMAB Reader, Home Invasion, Guns, Gun Kink, Death (not the readers or Michael’s)
Read on AO3:
Read Below:
It’s a rhythmic banging sound that first got your attention, leading you to the kitchen. It’s the back door.
Someone, or something must have left it hanging open, allowing for the slight breeze from outside to send it gently crashing into your cabinets.
You know for a fact you aren’t responsible for the open door.
Try as you might, you can’t even remember the last time you’d even used the back door, but…
You’re not worried.
Perhaps you’re the only person in all of Haddonfield, who could be unbothered at the prospect of an intruder in your home.
And you’re definitely the only person in Haddonfield hoping the intruder is Michael Myers.
Weird Roommate?
In reality, you have no idea how you should describe your relationship with The Shape.
Michael is truly an enigma, as most would guess.
Everything he does is unpredictable.
He comes and goes as he pleases, almost never locking or closing doors behind himself, you’re used to it at this point.
And at the end of the day, you know that whether you want him to or not, Michael will always come back.
At least, up until now he’s always found his way back into your home.
You hope that the door being left wide open is a sign that Michael’s finally returned home.
The door is shut, and you’re smiling. Honestly this is a big step for Michael, as it appears he’s not left you a trail of blood to clean up.
Perhaps he was finally learning manners?
Or maybe after so long of being away he simply hadn’t wanted you to yell at him for leaving yet another mess.
There’s no rush in trying to find Michael.
As every other time he’s come to visit, you know he’ll find you when the time is right.
It may not be intentional, although you really think it is, Michael always ends up scaring you.
He thinks it’s funny. Even though you can’t see his face, you know he does. He loves seeing the way you jump at his sudden appearances throughout your shared home.
Nothing about your night changes. You carry on the exact same way you would have if you hadn’t discovered the open door.
After making a bowl of popcorn you settle down on your couch to watch the Countdown to Halloween horror movie marathon on your TV.
About twenty-minutes into some B-Slasher film when you hear it. A crash from upstairs.
Suddenly you feel a lot more on edge.
Michael’s not…
Michael isn’t the type to make much noise at all.
You try to reason with yourself, to tell yourself that it’s just Michael, that he must have dropped something…
But you’re unable to convince yourself.
Stupid Horror Movie.
“Michael?” It’s a soft call at first, and yet...It’s loud enough that the noises you’d been hearing from upstairs come to a complete stop.
The sudden silence does nothing for your already frazzled nerves.
All you hear now is the soft sound of your feet against the carpet as you make your way to the bottom of the stairs.
Looking up you see absolutely nothing. No sudden Michael to assuage your fears.
“This isn’t funny, Michael!”
Even using your angry voice gets you nothing in response, and it causes you to quickly come to terms with the fact that if you want to go back to relaxing, then you’re going to have to investigate the cause of the noise yourself.
The irony of this whole situation isn’t lost on you however, a chill runs down your spine as the poor soon-to-be-dead woman on TV calls out ‘Hello?’ into her own, stranger infested, home.
Everything about this seems like it’s a parody, the stairs even creak underneath you as you make your way up.
Suddenly you’re all too aware of the source of the crash.
Not Michael.
Definitely not Michael.
“You’ve made this easy on me,” Your blood goes completely cold as this stranger turns to you, gun pointed directly at you. Anything you could do or say is completely null. The situation, your body...It all feels frozen.
“Show me where you keep the real valuables.”
Slowly your body begins to unfreeze, and you force yourself to nod in response to the armed intruder.
There’s nothing but the pounding of your heart in your ears as you continue to your bedroom.
As soon as you make your way to the doorway the man grabs you roughly from behind, you can’t help the small scream that leaves your panicked lips at the sudden touch. “Where?”
“Under the bed.”
“Go.” He’s shoving the gun into your lower back, inspiring you to follow his commands, as, even through your shirt, you can feel the guns barrel.
You nod, risking a glance back at your captor.
Your breath hitches but...you relax.
For real this time, it’s Michael, standing completely unnoticed domineeringly  behind the armed man.
Even with his mask on as always, you can feel the intensity radiating off of him. The malevolent energy is so strong, you’re surprised the Intruder seems to be completely unaware it’s no longer the two of you.
“I said get the good shit!”
Finally you’re snapped out of your shock and relief, and you nod your head again. Crouching down you put on the facade of retrieving your safe from below the bed.
Michael doesn’t make you wait.
“What the-”
From your position you can’t tell what exactly Michael did, but the crashing of the gun on the ground is a relief, at least until you realize if it had fallen just right it could have easily gone off.
Still you quickly grab the gun with your shaking hands before rising to meet the scene before you.
This is the first time you’ve actually seen Michael in action.
Of course you know who Michael is, and what he does, but seeing it live….
Seeing it live is totally different.
Michael is holding the man in the air by his neck. You’re entranced watching the man's feet dangle uselessly, before pressing into Michael’s chest.
It doesn’t seem to matter how much he struggles or kicks, Michael doesn’t seem fazed at all.
Though you hate to admit it, there's something undeniably hot about Michael holding a struggling man in the air as if it’s the easiest thing in the world. The sight goes straight to your cock.
You’re so aroused-
You’re so entranced by Michael that you have to force your gaze away when it’s clear the struggling man is close to the end of his life.
His face is red, fingers desperately clawing at Michael’s hands as if it would somehow be enough to free him from the crushing grip.
You shut your eyes tightly.
In this moment you’re dangerously aware of everything going on in the room with you; the pounding of your frantic heart isn’t loud enough to block out the last struggles, and gasps of the man, nor do you miss the way it all suddenly stops.
This silence is immediately followed by a thump, the thump of Michael dropping the now dead man onto your bedroom floor.
Michael is…
You don’t know what he’s doing.
You tell yourself you’re not afraid of him, and yet...you find yourself unable to open your eyes.  
The gun has grown warm in your now very nervous, sweaty hands.
With blood rushing in your ears you become hyper aware of your partly adrenaline, but mostly Michael caused boner, and the way that it’s straining painfully against the fabric of your pants.
A large hand, one that’s much larger than your own, develops your hand, the one holding the gun.
Slowly you open your eyes to find yourself face to face, or more accurately, face to chest, with Michael.
You watch Michael as he takes the gun from your grasp.
With his mask still on it’s nearly impossible to tell where Michael is looking, but it really seems like he’s staring at both the gun now in his hands, and at you as you watch him.
“Michael?” His name leaves your lips tentatively. You’re surprised by yourself, surprised by the fact there’s no waiver or tremble of fear noticeable in your voice.
His head tilts in a familiar response at your gentle call of his name, and now you’re sure you’ve gotten the man's full attention.
Briefly your eyes drop from Michael’s masked face to the dead body at your feet, before returning to the other man's covered face.
“Thank you…” After all, if Michael hadn’t intervened, it most likely would have been you dead on the floor.
There’s a hesitation, and then silence envelops you both once again.
Surprisingly, it’s Michael who ends the tension. A simple step forward is all it takes, before he’s pulling you close against his chest into a crushing embrace.
It’s odd.
You welcome the unusual affection, but it’s still odd.
Michael isn’t usually so...soft.
‘Maybe,’ you think, ‘He’d actually been worried.’
The hug is nice, but tight. You’re sure that’s because he’s unused to initiating such subtle affections.
You notice two things while in the hug though;
Michael is also hard, his cock straining the jumpsuit to press against your own while you embrace, and that Michael still has the gun.
It’s not pointed at you, of course, but you can feel it in his hand as he holds you.
Michael doesn’t break the hug.
As soon as you’d felt his erection you knew he likely wouldn’t.
The two of you, you’d done things like this before.
He is, to put it lightly, inexperienced, but he’s always been curious and eager.
Body kept flush against his own, you’re unable to do anything as he grinds his hips into your own as he desperately searches for friction.
A soft moan leaves your lips, and you have to keep from shuddering when you hear Michael give a deep inhale from within his latex mask.
The Shape doesn’t moan. In your experience, he never has, but you’ve learned how to tell Michael is enjoying himself.
You’ve learned to listen out for every deep breath, shuddering exhale, and low growl.
You take a step back, not missing the almost needy way that Michael tries to grip your shoulders in an attempt to keep you close.
“Let me help.”
Only you.
You’re the only person who could strip Michael Myers, and live to tell the tale.
His jumpsuit is easily removed, and no surprise to you, he’s completely bare underneath.
You leave the mask.
In all the time you’ve seen Michael, he’s only been maskless a handful of times, and every time it had been his own choice to remove it.
It’s a boundary.
A symbol of trust.
And no matter your relationship with the other man, you’re not about to overstep it.
Michael’s now completely naked aside from the mask, and his cock is standing at full attention.
It’s a full 7 ½ inches.
You watch as it bobs gently in anticipation as Michael gently adjusts his weight as he becomes used to the cool night air of your bedroom.
Like usual, this level of intimacy with Michael is prefaced by curiosity and need for relief.
It’s Michael’s pleasure that matters. It’s always been like that.
Despite the likeness of your bodies, you’re not sure Michael could pleasure you back, if he even knew how.
He pulls you in again, and you’re quick to fall into routine, dropping to your knees in front of the larger man.
There’s no waiting, no moment to catch your breath, Michael is straight to the point.
His scent quickly fills your senses as he lays his cock against your face.
He humps against it, rubbing the sweaty organ against your cheeks and nose, at one point you stop him as he’s getting dangerously close to thrusting into your eye.
You’re allowed a single deep breath before you take the head of his large cock into your mouth.
Not only is his musk overwhelming, but so is his taste.
Without thinking you moan wantonly around him, tongue wrapping around the head, licking his slit and the precum that had already started gathering there.
It’s only Michael who could get you to act in such a way.
To get you to act like an eager cock sucking whore, even knowing you’ll get nothing in return.
You’ve trained yourself to take his monster cock.
You’ve at least trained yourself to take most of it.
A gag still manages to leave your throat when your partner decides he’s had enough and wants more .
All it took was a single hard thrust for him to sheathe is aching member in your willing throat.
One day you think he may accidentally kill you with his cock.
Perhaps he’ll thrust too hard and accidentally puncture your esophagus.
Maybe he’ll just hold you far too tightly, far too close, as your mouth is filled, nose in the curls of his pubes unable to breath as he finishes.
The thought of dying by his cock...it makes your own twitch from it’s confines.
You’re so focused on your goal of taking the full 7 ½ inches in your mouth, that you don’t notice Michael shifting above you.
No, you’re left with no warning of what’s to come.
Metal presses softly to your cheeks, and instantly you freeze.
You begin taking short, panicked breaths of air through your nose, cock still clogging your airway, as you look up to Michael.
He’s just staring, no expression visible through the damned mask, and no real reaction to your stopping or to your very clear fear.
Instead of stopping, or showing any sort of intent, Michael just begins to gently trail the gun lower.
The steel  traces down your jaw, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake, and eventually rests right under your chin.
You relax, if only slightly, knowing Michael won’t shoot with his dick in your mouth.
He’s been shot enough times now to know it hurts, and would likely know better than to shoot his own dick off.
However, this relief is short lived.
Once again Michael begins to move the gun away from your chin, down, and further down again, until at last it’s being pressed against the obvious tent in your pants.
There’s no way to keep in a moan at the feeling of something, anything, even a gun, touching your poor aching dick.
Any thoughts you had about what exactly Michael’s planning to do quickly leave your head as Michael gives a quick and sudden thrust.
It has you choking again.
Tears, snot, and drool leave you at the sudden extra strain.
You work faster on Michael’s cock, bobbing your head just right, moaning for the extra stimulation, all while the other man continues to prod your own member with a fucking gun.
You try to avoid thinking about the fear, and the arousal , this new addition to your routine is causing.
No, instead of thinking about that, and what it means about you as a person, you decide instead to focus on Michael.
All you’re thinking about is him, his cock, and how to make him cum.
It isn’t long until your efforts are rewarded, after all, despite his above average endowment, he’s never lasted very long.
Still,he seems to lose his load much faster than he usually does.
In an almost mockery of your earlier fantasy, your nose is forced into Michael’s unkempt pelvis, as your mouth, throat, and stomach are filled with his bitter cum.
The longer you go without air, hardly able to breathe even through your nose like this, the more you fear every part of your earlier fantasy is going to be fulfilled.
Michael has mercy.
Once he’s finally beginning to soften up, he pulls himself entirely from your mouth.
For the moment you’ve forgotten the gun, now much more focused on your aching jaw, and swollen red lips.
Michael reminds you quickly though.
In your kneeling position, Michael has no trouble pushing you onto your back, especially now that you’re exhausted, unable to fight him.
All you can do against him is look up with confusion.
“Michael, what-”
You weren’t really expecting a response.
Of course the response you get isn’t verbal, no, Michael responds to your inquiries in a physical manner.
All you can do is moan in mixed pain and pleasure as he once again presses the gun against your erection, however this time...he’s much rougher than he’d been before.
It feels almost as if he’s trying to crush your cock.  
Still it seems that for the first time your relationship with The Shape had become sexual, that he decided you were finally allowed to cum too.
He keeps you like that-
Splayed out on the floor in front of him, legs spread, all while you moan and write for him as he roughly outlines your cock with the tip of the gun.
He doesn’t stop.
Not until you cum.
And when it finally happens, when you finally cum, you’re filled with a mix of relief and humiliation.
Relief that Michael had finally moved the gun away, not just from your genitals, but from you entirely.
Humiliation at the fact you’d cum without a real human touch.
Humiliation at just how hard you’d cum due to going without for so long...and the mess you’d eventually have to clean out of your underwear.
Although you can’t see his face, you can feel the smug aura radiating off of Michael.
He’s clearly proud of what he’s done today, and you have a feeling he’s not going to let you forget this exact encounter any time soon.
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gmariam19 · 4 years
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Well, I tried my hand at another moodboard using the basic, free software I’ve managed to scrap up on my laptop! I like most of it, I think. Finding pictures is actually the hardest part for me, and I have no idea how to color, either, but oh well. The color contrast in this was a consequence of not finding what I wanted and then realizing that doing it like this actually fits the story really well! So yes, this is for my WIP! Yay! I worked through a big hurdle last week with the always amazing help of @mssr-cellophane, and continue on a tear this week. Which means as of today I have made my goal on NaNoWriMo, which was to make it halfway for my first time - 25k written since November 1st! I finished my Halloween story, wrote several drabbles, attempted to go back to another fandom (and failed), and have written almost 20k on my Star Wars WIP. I was hoping NaNoWriMo would help me get unstuck, and it worked! I’m super excited! I have about four more chapters to write, plus a shit-ton of editing. This story is probably my most ambitious SW story yet. Time travel required working out a lot of time-whimey details, yes. This one required a lot of research into the SW universe - I feel like I was constantly looking for planets and characters and ships and ugh. So much clicking! But I did get to create a few original characters, that’s been fun. And I killed some characters, that wasn’t fun. There’s some drama and romance, angst and humor, action and introspective dialogue. So I have lots of editing to make sure it all lines up, and I’ll tell you now - there will probably be stupid mistakes I miss and I will hate myself for it! But hopefully not too bad, and hopefully it will be worth it! As soon as I have a title, I hope to start posting, maybe within a few weeks. I guess we’ll see how it goes here at the end! Wish me luck and thanks for all the support!! EDIT: The story is called Reclaim the Stars and can be found on AO3 by Gmariam19!  Thank you for reading!
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bunnylouisegrimes · 4 years
Unusual Thanksgiving (NOS4A2 Longish-Drabble Fic)
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(A/N: As of writing this, it’s the weekend. I’ve noticed at least every weekend for a few weeks now I post some short little Drabble to help let out my emotions. Here’s another one that’s a little bit longer. With Thanksgiving coming up and my ass having little time to think of something and cook it up (pun intended), I thought I’d take the approach of having whatever come to my mind and writing it out. It’s a unique one, as you don’t usually associate horror and angst alongside the family fluffiness of Thanksgiving, but... here we are! I remember a while back I wrote how Rose’s parents would react to her having a relationship with Charlie, and that was one of my inspirations, alongside how rough things are this year. I’d like to wish you all Happy Thanksgiving ahead of time. Stay safe and enjoy a good ass feast. It’s been tough, and it’s had some highlights, but now’s the time we can all put aside our differences and whatever else bullshit and be thankful about what we do have this year; whether it be supplies or each other, we’ll get through this. 🧡🍂🍁🦃)
(Apologize for no Read More, posting this from mobile, and I found the image randomly, so if you want credit, let me know).
November is a beautiful and calming time of the year, but under certain circumstances, it can be oddly scary. This is most likely due to how dead the world is. There’s usually no snow, and what leaves remain are brown, have decayed from the trees, and collapsed to the ground to crumble and rot. I noticed this when I was younger, and part of me thought November was spookier than Halloween in some cases.
Of course, to me, any time of the year could be scary. Horror doesn’t stop and end at one point; it is an infinite occurrence that follows humanity wherever we go.
From the time I was a little kid, I would find horror in the most obscure of places. Scary movies never bothered me, and in fact, I was always excited when I watched them. What should’ve terrified me brought me nothing but adrenaline and fascination. Instead, odd things scared me, things most people would poke fun at if they saw my reaction to them, things most would shrug off. Call me Freudian, but perhaps my fears, just as yours are, are based in our differing subconscious minds, so there is no true definition of “stupid” horror.
The one thing that I know for certain that’s frightened me since I was younger are bees, wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets. Why these little yellow and black bugs terrify me, I will never truly know the answer as to why. Is it because they’re so small, yet they can hurt you so badly? Is it because of their appearance? I don’t want bees to die out, as I know of their importance, and bumbles don’t bother me because they usually leave you alone (and they’re oddly cute), but any other bee or wasp can stay away from me. I’ve never even been stung by one, yet one buzz or sight of one near me makes my body react instantaneously. I get away as much as I can and even scream sometimes. Not wise to scream or move a lot when you’re in their presence, I know. But when your body reacts the way it does, what are you to do?
When I was a little bit older, I would say roughly 8 or 9 years old, a new type of fear spawned its way into my mind: the fear of shadow people.
I don’t know what it is about those things either that scare me so much. When I first discovered I had this fear, I believe I was watching an episode of Ghost Adventures, and I saw them capture a really clear shadow figure on camera. It chilled me to the bone, and from then on, just the thought of one creeped me out. One particular episode where the crew went to an old, abandoned and haunted Tuberculosis sanitarium got to me because shadow figures were prominent there, and they actually captured two on camera going down a long hallway.
Shadow people, from what I’ve seen online, are very mysterious. They could come from another dimension, they could be demonic; some are harmless, others are harmful, and it’s all dependent on what experience you have with them. Zak Bagans and his crew have come across quite a few demonic ones, and their guests have usually described them as tall, thin, 6-7 foot tall entities that are dark both in physicality and energy. They look like an individual spray painted with pitch black aerosol, and darker than a room if it were void of all light. Sometimes they have red or white eyes, and sometimes they can have differing appearances that are just as terrifying as the blank appearances they often have. They can stand there and look over you while you’re sleeping at night, they can stand in a corner and stare at you, maybe rocking a bit, they could dart down a hallway, hiding from you, they can crawl on the floor, they can crawl on the ceiling... whatever it is they do, it’s all bone chilling to me, and I hate it all with a burning passion. I don’t care even if they were harmless: If I were to ever see one in real life, I would have a heart attack.
That is why I am thankful I’ve only seen them either when I’m paranoid for whatever reason before I go to sleep (but they’re not really there, my mind’s just playing tricks on me), or if I have a nightmare and they’re present. This story will focus on the latter.
Halloween, Charlie’s birthday on November 1st, the Election... it all came and left sooner than expected, and we needed to plan what we were doing about Thanksgiving. I know, a vampire who’s all about Christmas celebrating other holidays. It seems unreal, but I assure you, he has respect for other holidays as well. Christmas just happens to be his favorite and one that brings him and the kids lots of comfort and joy. They say Christmas is a state of mind and is never truly over, so... I suppose Charlie is just a living embodiment of that saying.
With COVID still in full swing, and cases breaking records everyday, people were stocking up on supplies yet again alongside their Turkey Day feasts. We knew we had to hurry up and order stuff the week before Thanksgiving at most.
Living in Gunbarrel, Colorado, away from everyone except for each other and the kids when we spent quite a few days in Christmasland each week, it was relieving to know we weren’t around tons of people. The virus wouldn’t affect Charlie or the kids, but me being the only human, and one with asthma, it would, so it was calming to not have to worry as much as many other folks about exposure. Not to mention, the town was small, and everybody knew everybody. Whenever we did enter town, which took 10 minutes to get to, we would see everyone keeping their distance and respecting each other. It was nice to see our small and (just about) off-the-grid community helping each other during these times.
The only two local stores were an Acme that everyone went to, and the Gunbarrel General Store, owned by a kindly old man who looked like Santa Clause named Sam. Before everyone rushed to Acme, we decided on doing a curbside pickup order, and picking up anything else that was not available at Sam’s, as he was sure to provide lots of Thanksgiving food.
It was going to certainly be an interesting Thanksgiving without my usual family, and not being back home, but I was going to call them on that fateful Thursday and talk to them for a few hours. Charlie and I would have a small dinner together, and we would spend most of the day in Christmasland with our children, dining on delicious food and laughing together. The thought warmed my heart and made me feel better about this Thanksgiving. We would be okay, and everything would be fine, despite my horrible dreams...
For whatever reason, over these past few weeks, my dreams were plagued with shadow people haunting me. No explanation was given, and no explanation would need to be given for it to still occur and damn near break me. Maybe it was some sort of unresolved issue going through the back of my mind, maybe it was fueled by my stresses of being busy lately, but regardless of whatever the issue was, I was haunted by them. The day after Charlie’s birthday, we watched the original Nosferatu together, and I fell asleep near the end, experiencing the first of these dreams.
I was walking down a dark and cold hallway. I was 8 years old again. I don’t know how I knew this, but it was one of those instances where you know a random piece of information in a dream. I was holding two small plastic My Little Pony figurines I got from Happy Meals at that time, a small Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. I hadn’t seen those toys in years, yet there they were in my hands. When I looked up, a shadow person was standing near the end of the pathway. It stood tall and authoritative, looming over me as if it wanted to grab me and drag me down the corridor straight into Hell, or wherever it came from.
I took off running, and it crawled on all fours after me. I screamed and kept running until I came across a goofy, tall, and lanky figure: Count Orlock, or the actual Nosferatu himself, was standing there. I hid behind him and begged him to protect me. He smiled his stupid smile and looked down at the shadowy behemoth. It seemed to back down a bit once he snarled at it. It backed up behind a corner, peaking at us once before vanishing.
My relief was short lived for only a few moments because Orlock wandered off into the darkness.
“Where are you going? Come back here!” I tried to call after him, but I was cut off by the shadow figure crawling on the ceiling and grabbing me. I gave a scream and found myself awake on the couch, springing to life and hearing the opening music to Downton Abbey greeting me. Charlie had tuned in after the movie. He looked at me with a confused and concerned look. I explained everything to him and he comforted me, laughing at the thought of the original Nosferatu visiting me.
The dreams afterward were more terrifying than the first. One dream featured a shadow person staring over me as I slept, another featured one standing in the corner of the room twisting and contorting its head violently. The third had a shadow figure hunched over near a window within an abandoned building. I was walking through the woods in another nightmare when a whole group of them were peaking at me through the trees. I ran down another hallway and one was behind me. I was in an unknown house and down the hall near the steps, one was charging towards me. Each time, I would wake up and feel unsettled. Charlie would comfort me, but it was always hard to fall back asleep, for I feared I’d be terrorized by the evil onyx creatures wanting nothing more than to consume me in their shadowy force and make my soul rot.
Despite all of my terror and the tiredness that accompanied my days, the focus for today would have to be Thanksgiving dinner.
“My mom mailed me the recipe to her sweet potatoes last week, and let me tell you, they are actually sweet and delicious,” I told Charlie. “So you can put down all the ingredients for that. We already got turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes written down... Oh! Green bean casserole, put that down... and we need apple and pumpkin pie. We already have whip cream and gravy in the fridge, and cider is in the cabinet. I think that’s everything.”
Charlie nodded and wrote these things down. Once he was done, he looked over the list and showed me.
“Yup, that’s everything! Alright, let’s look up to see what Acme has.”
As I pulled up the site on my phone, he spoke up.
“Rosie, are you bothered by not seeing your family? If so, we can visit them on Thanksgiving Day or I could go the extra mile and bring them here if you’d like.”
I sighed and rubbed my temple. “I’m alright, baby. I know they’ll be alright too. Things seem to be... okay between us, even if we did get into arguments since last we spoke in person.”
He looked down and felt guilty.
“Hey, don’t you feel guilty,” I reassured him. “It’s their fault, not yours. They see you in whatever light they want to, but I know who you really are, and I love you. I don’t care what they say or think about you, hence why I’m sticking by you and left with you to come here.”
He nodded and pulled me close to him, resting his chin on my head. “I admit, my darling, I am constantly bothered by this thought that I have destroyed the relationship you have with your family.”
“Like I said, they’re the ones that can’t accept that you and I truly love each other. I’ve been patient and offered them every chance to accept you. I’ve explained and talked to them, but they don’t want to listen to my reasoning. I don’t know what else to do.”
He kissed me on the cheek and said, “I’m glad that you at least still talk to each other.”
“Me too. At least we have that... but let’s not worry about that. We got food to focus on.”
We ordered everything that we could (the only things not available until the week of Thanksgiving were the two pies, but we knew Sam would have them). When the time came, we loaded into the Wraith and the trunk was packed with our dinner. We stopped by the General Store and Sam happily gave “Father Christmas” (as Charlie was known as) the pies. Since it was still light out, we decided to go for a drive to enjoy the autumn weather. As I mentioned before, November is usually dead and brown, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t peaceful and calm. We observed the soothing and cold weather as Fleetwood Mac and The Doors sang along on the old radio.
While gazing at the brown leaves and bare trees rocking their branches above us, I drifted off to sleep without even thinking about it. Stevie Nicks and Jim Morrison’s voices melted into oblivion as I found myself walking through a tranquil forest of dead trees. Cold, I wrapped my arms around myself until I felt a bit warmer, and I saw a grove of orange trees. It was as if I teleported back in time to October, and the trees were still alive with vibrant color.
I ran over to them, taken aback by their beauty. The leaves that were on the ground were still orange, and I tossed them up into the air with childish carelessness. At last! For once, I was having a good dream!
However, that enjoyment would be cut short when I looked into the distance in between the trees. The world and my joy winded down like a dying record player.
From somewhere beyond the misty horizon, a pair of white eyes were watching me.
Dread hit me and I ran away. The trees began to rot again, and the orange faded into brown. The sunlight morphed into fog, and the warmth dissipated from my body. I fell to the ground, tripping over my own clumsy feet.
Now I was somewhere entirely different. I was in a dark, unfamiliar bedroom. I couldn’t move except for my eyes, like I was suffering from sleep paralysis. I looked up to see the shadow figure that was hiding behind the trees. Its white eyes were dimmer than before, and its solid black body cast lighter shadows behind it. I tried to scream, but I could only choke out vocalizations as it covered my mouth.
It lifted its ice cold hand from my mouth and pointed to the left. My eyes glanced in that direction and a scream broke from my throat.
A pointy eared demon with beady eyes, a close together face, and a sickening smile was on top of my chest. Its body was too dark to make out any notable features, but it was lighter than the shadow next to me. The pressure on top of me crushed the life from my lungs. It continued to smile, as if nothing in the world bothered it at all.
Before my scream ran out of air, it wrapped its cold hands around my neck and tightened to the point it was strangling me. The rest of my scream died out, my eye sight was fading until it was only a pinhole...
Air rushed into my lungs as I jolted into a conscience state once again. My eyes darted rapidly and my body clung to the leather seat of the Wraith. We were no longer driving, and instead parked in the garage. A wave of nausea flooded my head and stomach, and I pressed my hand to my eyes. My mind finally registered Charlie’s soft voice.
“Rose! My sweet Rose! Whatever is the matter?”
“I... Jesus Christ... I... had another nightmare... this was... Good God, how else could I describe it?!”
While we gathered the groceries into the house, I detailed my horrifying dream to him. He was immensely disturbed and decided enough was enough.
“I know you believe in ghosts and demons and the sort,” said he, “and I know such things exist, since I’ve seen spirits and souls before. Because of this, you and I can pray before you go to sleep tonight. Unlike other vampires, holy things do not bother me, unless I were to drink or touch holy salt or holy water, in which case I would feel some discomfort thanks to the darker side of my being. I have an old angel doll that my daughters used to play with and hold whenever they felt uncomfortable or scared. That could help you too. I will hypnotize you and make you have sweet dreams. If any dark entity is going to mess with you, I will protect you. I don’t think you have an attachment, but these dreams are certainly unusual.”
I agreed to all of this. That night, we said a prayer together, I snuggled with the angel doll, and he hypnotized me to sleep. I had a dream I couldn’t remember, but it was certainly the most peaceful I had in a while, and it was even better then the beginning of that nightmare I had that evening.
A sense of purity filled my heart, and I knew nothing dark would ever hurt me or anyone I loved, as whatever God that may be out there as my witness.
Thanksgiving arrived at an unbelievably fast rate. No other bad dreams tormented me, and I couldn’t have felt more happy. Charlie and I worked together to prep dinner. When I finished making sure the turkey was good and putting it in the oven, Charlie presented me with a package.
“It’s from your home,” he observed.
I opened it up at the dining room table and I couldn’t believe my eyes.
It was the Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash figurines from my childhood. Underneath them, was a heartfelt letter from my family, detailing how they had recently found these toys and thought of me. They missed me, and they even apologized for all of their harsh words against me and Charlie. They gave it some thought, and they came to the conclusion that as long as I was happy and in love, and as long as Charlie truly loved me and treated me well, then all was perfectly fine. They wished us a very happy Thanksgiving from 2 hours ahead and many miles away.
Tears fell from my cheeks. I was crying of joy for more than the obvious reason being that my family and I were rekindling together.
I realized now why I had such horrible dreams. It was either my worries and fears of my family not being together haunting me, or maybe even some dark force, but Twily and Dashie here weren’t random parts of that first dream at all; they served as symbolism. They represented hope and familial innocence long lost, now brought back to light. Maybe they sent a message out in the universe to my family that Charlie was a good man. That could also be why Orlock was protecting me in that same dream, but him leaving symbolized my family keeping Charlie away from me, therefore causing bad things to happen to me. And perhaps when Charlie helped me and cleansed all darkness (regardless of it being real or not), those ponies knew ahead of time he was going to do that, and reassured my family he was always going to protect me. It sounded bizarre, but it was the best reasoning I could come up with to explain these odd coincidences.
I immediately called my family afterwards and told them everything. They were chilled themselves because my mother had a dream the night before about Charlie bringing forth bouts of light to protect me from a wave of darkness, and she thought it was her brain processing her acceptance of him, but now that my story was told, it made things even clearer.
We concluded talking by coming up with a date to have dinner together and to see each other again back home. We exchanged I love yous and Happy Thanksgivings, and I hung up feeling thankful. As Charlie and I ate a bit of dinner, as we went to Christmasland, and as we ate lots of food with our children, warmth and light abundant, I was grateful that I had the family I did, the boyfriend and children that I did, and the light that still shined in the universe, even on the most darkest of days. This year has been hard, but gratitude for all the good, hope, and love, even when we’re distant figuratively, literally, or both, makes this holiday season a brighter one.
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xiubaek-13 · 5 years
Let Me In - Part 2
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Prompt: “If I knock politely will you let me in? I’ll make it worth your while”
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Word Count: 4,950
Warnings: Vampire AU, smut, blood, mentions of death, murder & torture.
A/N: Part 1 was in my Halloween drabbles from a long ass time ago. I continuously got requests for a second part so it finally came into being today. Let me know what you think, comments help me greatly given the large breaks between posting for me, they help me work out if I’m still any good at this writing business.
“S-so, a-are you g-gonna k-kill me?” You stutter out, your fear making it hard for you to get the words out.
He smirks and steps back, freeing you from the wall. Before you can even think about regaining some semblance of composure he kneels on the floor and sinks his fangs into the dead man’s neck. Your eyes widen as you stand frozen to the spot, unable to blink, run, anything. It takes all you have just to remember to breathe.
He drops the corpse back to the floor when he’s finished feeding, licking his blood-stained lips as he sets his eyes on you again. “I think you’ve bought yourself some time.” He steps closer to you, caging your body between his arms, your back pressed back against the wall. “Convince me to let you live, but your case had better be compelling since you wasted my time earlier.” His dark gaze feels like its searing lines into your flesh as you feel it travel from your eyes to your lips, throat, & chest before raking back up to your eyes. “You still haven’t let me in.” He smirks.
What was that stupid saying that you used to say to your friends? Mark me down as scared and horny. That’s pretty much where you were right now. Terrified for multiple reasons (vampires were real, one sent a madman to kill you then killed said madman in front of you and was maybe, probably, most definitely doing to kill you) but also horny. It was impossible to deny how attractive Baekhyun was, both before when you thought he was human and now as he pinned you to the wall. Your mind is racing, jumping between freaking out about your impending death and lewd comments about his lips, hands, hips. If it had the capacity to take on anything else it might also be disgusted with itself for allowing lust to creep in at a time like this. 
Somewhere deep down in your psyche a thought sparks. Draw this out, stay alive as long as you possibly can. The longer you are alive, the closer you are to sunrise. Make it to sunrise and escape. It wasn’t much to go on but it was the best you could think of. There was no way that you would overpower him with strength. If you wanted to win here then you were going to need to be smart and bide your time. Use every advantage that you could and the sun was a powerful one. His ego might just be another.
“I want to know more about you.” He raises one brow in response.
You inhale, steeling your nerves as you say the words that will change your life forever. “In the bar before, we talked. I liked that, liked getting to know you -” the words were not untrue. The bar had been nice. You’d captured the attention of the man every person, men and women alike, desired but he had only had eyes for you. You had been sitting at the bar enjoying your Old Fashioned when Baekhyun had first approached you. At the time it was immensely flattering but in hindsight you were probably just easy prey. You were alone and no one else had been paying much attention to you. “- but now that I know that you’re well, not human, I feel like that was all lies. Tell me about you first. Then I’ll let you in.” 
He shifts back and considers your words. “Why should I tell you anything at all? I could just compel you to let me in and use you until I’m bored of your body.” His tone betrays him. He might be impatient and used to getting what he wants but from the way his tone shifted when he said he could compel you, you could tell that doing so would ruin the fun for him. 
So you played with fire, figuratively speaking of course. Standard negotiating probably wouldn’t work here because a) you were terrified and b) impatient vampire. You weren’t trying to get out of sleeping with him either. You were attracted to him even through your fear and there was no denying that you wanted him. All you were trying to gain was time. The closer it got to sunrise, the higher your chances of survival were. 
So you tried to match his ego to unnerve him.“Where is the fun in that?” You shrug. “If all you want is a body to fuck, then why ask me to convince you to let me live? Surely it’s better for you with a willing participant.” You take a step forward, avoiding the dead body on the floor, and advance on Baekhyun as you continue to speak. “One that wants you, that begs for you, that needs you.” You lick your lips as you finish, your words affecting you more than you thought they would. “Why put it all of the effort at the bar when you could have simply locked eyes and told me what you wanted me to do? I think you enjoy the hunt so why spoil it now? What harm is there in telling me about yourself when I’m just going to die anyway?” You shrug. 
Baekhyun takes a few steps back and looks at you, really looks at you. His eyes narrow as he takes you in and tries to work out your ploy. “Interesting tactic little one. Futile though.” He smirks and turns away from you, heading off towards your kitchen. 
Left with the corpse just behind you, you decide to follow him rather than rush out the front door. Baekhyun has already proved that he is faster than you so you probably wouldn’t get very far and even if you got to a neighbour in time there is the very real possibility that they’d die and it would be your fault. 
As you enter the kitchen you spot Baekhyun mixing drinks. He points at the two armchairs you have in your makeshift reading nook, a place that has brought you comfort over the years. If there was ever a place for you to fight for your life then this would be the one place that would bring you strength. You make your way over to one of the armchairs and sink into its comforting embrace while you wait for Baekhyun to finish making drinks.
“I’ll play your game for now little one but don’t push your luck.” He says as he carries two drinks over, handing you one once he is close enough. You notice that he’s made the same drink that you were having at the bar. “You’re not wrong, compelling a mark kind of ruins the vibe but if I have to do it, I will.”
“Asking me to tell you about myself is a bit vague given my lengthy existence so why don’t you try something more specific? I’ll let you ask as many questions as you want but there is a price for my answers.” He smirks.
“Name it.”
“Each time I answer you, you must remove an article of clothing. Once removed I’m free to touch the unclothed area. When you run out of clothing, your question time ceases and you submit yourself to me to have you as I please.”
You gulp as you try not to let on how appealing his price sounds. The logical part of your brain tries to yell over the burning lust that is taking over your senses about the dangers involved here but as far as you see it your options are die in pain or die in pleasure. Given the choice, you will avoid pain at almost any cost. He thinks he has you trapped, like a cat cornering a mouse but you aren’t so sure that you’ve been beaten yet. Not that he needs to know that.
“I accept your terms.” You say before taking a sip of your drink. The whiskey soothing any errant nerves. 
You see Baekhyun’s eyes darken with desire as he sits opposite you, a smug look on his face now that he thinks he’s won. “I’ll give you a point for not forcing an unnecessary negotiation or rebuttal upon hearing my price.”
“You said not to waste your time. Your terms are not unsurprising and it did not seem like it was up for negotiation when you delivered it.”
“Smart woman.” He relaxed into the armchair, swirling his drink in one hand as the other beckoned for you to begin your questioning.
“How much of what you told me about yourself at the bar was true?”
“All of it.” He states bluntly, chuckling at the surprised look on your face. “I do work at a law firm in town with 8 others, it’s how we exist in human society. I don’t have traditional family as such anymore as I’ve long outlived them. I do prefer to go out at night for obvious reasons beyond my control and I find great beauty in the night.” 
Baekhyun was right, he had told you the truth, just a very short version of it. Should that make you trust him any more? Probably not, but it did instil a small amount of something in you about him. He could have just lied about everything in order to lure you away but he chose the truth. In some weird way that counted for something. 
“No lies, you just never bothered to dig deeper at the time.” He purred, eyes roaming your body as he waited to see what you would remove.
You slipped out of your leather jacket and draped it over the back of your seat. Baekhyun groaned impatiently when he saw the long sleeves that remained covering your arms. Victory, it would seem, was not yet within his grasp. Begrudgingly he took another sip of his drink as you laughed internally at his reaction.
“Is your normal pattern to trick someone into letting you into their home then you kill them?”
“No. My clan and I have tried many things over the years. Let’s see. There was compelling which was just too easy and made our existence dull, posing as missionaries which weirdly enough worked better than it should have… not that I’ll ever let Suho know that. Next was outright frenzy where we razed a town, feasted and moved on - that was one of the early ones.” He grins as he reminisces. “Where was I, oh yes. We told people we were vampires - that one was particularly popular in the 2000’s, we’ve pretended to be injured or dead then attacked the person who was kind enough to try and help us, also too easy in my opinion but effective. You humans are gullible.” He chuckles. “We also tried to use blood banks but supplies could not sustain our hunger without detection, so then we tried setting up our own donor systems but that was a logistical nightmare and more red tape than you should ever have to deal with as an immortal. Roleplay was a fun one, biting is a real kink for so many people - who knew? - and now the current approach which is an amalgamation of past methods - seduction and pleasure followed by feeding.” He finishes his account of vampiric blood sourcing by licking his lips, his fangs hidden from your view. 
If you hadn’t seen them plunged into the neck of the now deceased man in your entryway you could be fooled into thinking that the man sitting across from you was just that, a man. But you had seen them and you knew they were real. You also knew the telltale signs of an impatient man and Baekhyun was most definitely impatient. 
For an immortal being who could remain as still at the night he was fidgeting and tapping his glass more than any vampire should. Whether it was hunger or something else causing it you didn’t know. The erratic movements were unsettling and causing your nerves to return. His gaze pierces yours as he waits.
You set your drink on the floor and stand, moving your arms behind you as you unzip your skirt, letting it fall to the floor, revealing a small amount of flesh at the top of your thighs, your garter belt and stockings covering most of the unveiled skin.
You hear him inhale, something he does not need to do. “You’re just going to leave it on the floor like that? Little one, it will crumple.” His voice is rough as he chides you.
You smirk and turn away from him before giving him what he wants. You step out of the skirt, bend at the hips and collect the discarded piece from the floor. You can feel his eyes on your ass as you bend forward, leaving little to the imagination. Only a small strip of fabric prevents him from your sex.
After you place your skirt on the back of the chair, on top of the jacket, you sit. Your brain doesn’t register the movement but before you can cross one leg over the other Baekhyun is there, kneeling between them, his hands on the uppermost part of your thighs where the skin is exposed. 
“You,” He growls. “do not know the fire with which you are playing with.” You can see the tips of his fangs now. Your body betrays you as you feel heat and want rushing to your core and your eyes close. His fingers trace patterns into your thighs, ghosting near the edge of your panties and down your inner thighs which only builds your arousal. 
“You’ll beg for me to fuck you before you’re fully undressed little one. Why deny yourself what we both know you desire?” He grazes his fangs along the column of your neck as your core clenches around nothing. 
When you open your eyes he is back in his seat swirling his drink like he had never moved. The absence of his touch left you wanting. Your stubbornness is the only thing keeping you from rushing through your questions because Baekhyun is not wrong, you want him - badly. “Are you going to kill me?”
He cocks his head as he ponders your question. “Honestly haven’t made my mind up yet. Before this current bargain I was just going to fuck you and drain you, the only variable there being if I let you enjoy it or if I let you feel pain. Now… I’m not sure. You might be interesting enough to keep alive for now. It all depends really.”
Your fingers expertly undo the buttons of your blouse and you shrug out of its sleeves, leaving you clad only in your underwear and heels. “On what?” You ask. The lines of this little ruse are starting to blur for you. The original plan to keep Baekhyun talking in order to reach sunrise is fading, leaving only images on the vampire taking you every which way, giving you pleasure you could only dream of. 
“On you little one.” Baekhyun’s voice comes from directly behind you. You feel his hands moving down your sides, one snaking between your legs and gripping your inner thigh and the other splayed over your stomach. You feel his fangs drag over your throat and you shudder. “You might just convince me.” You feel his presence disappear and know without turning around that he is no longer standing behind you. You can feel where his hands were on your body, the ghost of his touch remaining. 
As you look around you can’t spot him anywhere. You know he’s still in the house because why would he leave now? You make your way to the various rooms in your home as you search for the vampire but he is nowhere. You start to feel frustration overtaking your lust as you call out. “Baekhyun! Where are you?” 
His voice sounds from a room that you had already checked, your bedroom. “This game needs to continue in another room little one.” You make your way back upstairs to your room as he speaks again, his voice closer this time. “You are far too indecently clothed to be in a sitting room.” 
As you enter the room you see him leaning against your bedpost, his eyes roaming your body. Your ears register the sound of him moving past you but your eyes do not. The door closes behind you and he appears to have not moved. The fear inside you spikes back up as you witness a modicum of his power. You’ve been toying with him when all along he could just snap you like a twig.the thought terrifies you but you try to push your fear down. It will not help you now.
You saunter towards the bed only for him to hold up a hand and stop you. “I believe you asked a question little one. You know the rules.” Left with only a few options you step out of your heels and continue towards the bed.
By your count you have three questions left before this little game ends and you plan to use them to ensure that whatever happens after doesn’t hurt you and might just lead to you keeping your life. You aren’t going to bother with asking more about his past. You are pretty sure you know enough, he’s been undead for quite some time but from looking at him you would guess that he was in his 20’s when he was turned. He can be cruel - you have not forgotten the madman he compelled earlier - he is determined, overconfident, smug, impatient and alluring and he has made you crazed with lust. 
“How do you want me?” you ask sultrily as you reach the foot of your bed.
Out of the corner of your eye you see him remove his jacket and place it over the chair at your dresser. His shoes and socks are next, then he starts to unbutton his shirt as he moves behind you. You can feel him standing behind you but he does not touch you. He lets the anticipation build, he knows this game has almost reached its end, he is one step closer to getting what he wants from you.
“Naked and wanting.” He confesses. “Reveling in the pleasure I give you, begging for more.”
Your bra drops to the floor, making him groan. “And what will you do to me?” You ask, before he can say anything to alter your train of thought. Your mind is set on one path and one path only now. You want him. You want him to make you forget that you were ever afraid of him, that he ever posed a danger to you, that he is anything more than an incredibly attractive man with eyes only for you.
“Everything.” He whispers in your ear. His hands cup your breasts, fingers lightly pinching your nipples. “I’ll make you feel pleasure like you’ve never felt before. Make you beg for me to never stop fucking you, for me to bite you. And I will, once you beg for it.”
A moan escapes your throat, giving away just how aroused you are. Your hand brushes against his crotch as you move to undo your garter belt and you feel how hard he is for you. He stops your hand and completes the action for you, sliding the stockings down your legs and off your feet. He spins you and pushes you down onto the bed, removing the shirt from his shoulders and undoing his pants as he kneels at your feet. 
“Why me?” you manage to say as you watch him undress, your eyes taking in the lean planes of his body. He wasn’t wearing underwear you muse as your eyes are drawn to his cock, hard and waiting to enter you. His eyes follow yours and he grins when he realises where their gaze has not wavered. Shuffling back of the bed far gracefully than he has any right to, he moves back into a standing position so that he can remove his pants. 
Fully naked, he moves back to his position between your legs. “What’s the point of being immortal if you deny yourself the simple pleasures in life?” he responds as he kisses your ankle, before moving up your calf, to your thigh, hip, breast, neck before finally reaching your lips. “I find beauty in the night and I take what I want. Right now, that is you.”
His lips crash into yours in a kiss that is so desperate that you don’t register the ripping of your panties until you can feel him, all of him flush against your skin. His body doesn’t emit heat, rather it is cool to the touch but it isn’t a bad feeling. Rather it is refreshing in comparison to how hot you feel. His mouth works against yours, the lip ring providing a new sensation for the kiss.
When he breaks the kiss to allow you to breathe you see the dark fire in his eyes, his desire palpable. “You’re mine now little one. I told you your game was futile, that you would give in to me and here we are, your wet little cunt begging for my cock. Do you think you deserve pleasure after how long you made me wait?”
“Yes.” you breathe.
He looks amused. “Oh? And why is that?”
“I was scared of you. There was no desire to let you in before we talked more but now, now I want you even though I know part of the truth about you. You said it was better if the other person was willing, well, now I am.” You laid out the truth for him. You were no longer scared of him even though you knew he could still inflict the worst pain imaginable on you and kill you. What you felt now was desire so strong that nothing, not even fear of death, could break through.
He grinned, baring his fangs to you. “You, my dear, have proven to be far more interesting than I gave you credit for. There is one thing I didn’t tell you though, something that will make what is about to happen much more pleasurable for you. Vampires can direct the blood flow of any body that they are in contact with. You think you want me now? Wait until you feel as though you’re on fire, your skin burning with need as I taste you. You’ll beg me to drink your blood from wherever I please. And I will.” 
You shuddered at his words. Desire pouring through you, making you feel as though you were drugged. “Kiss me.” The words left your mouth without any thought. Baekhyun leaned down and his lips closed over yours gently, seeing if you were going to try and get away from him. When he realised that you weren’t going anywhere he intensified the kiss, increasing the pressure and igniting your senses. 
He ran his tongue along the seam of your lips until you opened your mouth, allowing your tongues to work against each other. You could feel his fangs grazing your lip but it did not scare you, rather it made you want more. His hands roamed your body as the two of you kissed, teasing your nipples and brushing near your core, never where you wanted the friction the most. 
“Please” you moan.
“What do you want little one?” he teases.
“Touch me.” His hands grip your thighs, spreading your legs wide for him. You try to roll your hips, desperate for any sort of friction but you don’t achieve the contact you’re after. You whimper as the frustration builds. You want him to touch you so badly, you need your release and soon.
“Patience little one.” He chuckles. “As flattering as it is to see just how badly you want me, I want to savour this. His eyes drift down. “You look delectable.” He shifts his body down the bed so that his face is level with your dripping centre. 
He slowly drags his fangs from your thigh, up your leg, and moves over your centre, to the other thigh. The sensation makes you whimper as you try to grind your hips, but he holds you down with his hands as you try to find some friction to help you along. “Please” You breathe.
Smirking he moves back to where you need him the most, flicking his tongue against your clit. Your mind goes blank at the sensation as he repeats the motion, deepening the pressure he’s applying until you moan loudly. If anything, it only serves to spur him on, attaching his lips to your clit as his tongue presses and swirls around it. Your hips would have been bucking into his face if he wasn’t holding you down.
He pauses for a moment to confess “You are fucking delectable, I could do this all night.” before resuming his feast. You bite your lip as he rolls his tongue against you, his fangs lightly grazing your clit and sending a whole new wave of pleasure flowing through you. You never expected his fangs to draw such a response from you but you felt yourself moan louder every time they grazed over your clit. You could feel his eyes watching you as he pleasured you, taking in every reaction and building his actions on that. Your arousal builds as he alternates the pace and pressure of his tongue, and increases the feel of his fangs against you. 
“Fuck” you whimper. The sensations are building too quickly and you can feel your release approaching with haste when he detaches his mouth from you. You look down at him and he smirks at you before you can utter a complaint, not breaking eye contact as he pushes one then two fingers into your wet heat. 
You can’t stop yourself from moaning his name as he starts to move his fingers back and forth in a steady rhythm. “You like that?” he growls as you clench around his fingers. “Little one, you are so wonderfully wet. Just for me. You love it don’t you? You love how my fingers feel, how my tongue feels and most of all you love how my fangs feel against your clit. Don’t you?” His pupils are so dark and blown out with lust as he lowers his skilled mouth back to your bundle of nerves.
The combined sensation of his long fingers, skilled tongue and sharp fangs become too much for you. He moans against you as he works, curling his fingers inside you and fluttering his tongue against your clit. You writhe on the bed as he increases his speed to a level that a mere human could never achieve and right before your orgasm hits, he sinks his fangs into you. The pleasure was so intense, so overwhelming that you sobbed his name as he helped you ride out your high. You were too far gone to realise that he was tasting you, really tasting you now that his fangs penetrated your flesh. You felt no pain, only white hot pleasure. 
When he released you he looked up at you, mouth and fangs dripping with a mixture of your juices and blood. Your body still tingles with aftershocks of your orgasm and you feel like you’re on fire. You should be spent but you only want him more. 
God you wanted to him to fuck you.
He flips you over, positioning you on your knees. He grunts as he enters you in one fluid motion. He meets no resistance given how ready you were for his cock. He grips your waist tightly as he sets a brutal pace, the only sounds in the room are of skin hitting skin and cries of pleasure. 
“You fit my cock perfectly. Look at how much you want this, at how badly you want a vamp to fuck the life out of you.” He grunts in between thrusts. 
“Baekhyun. Fuck” You moan when he hits your g spot. 
You had never felt pleasure like this before. You’d had great sex before but this was on a level of its own. Baekhyun had had an unknown amount of time to perfect this act and hone his skills and he was not disappointing. He moved between a pace that felt more like what you were used to and then a pace faster than you could have ever imagined. 
“This.” He growled, “Is how a vampire fucks you.” and lifted your body up so that it was flush with his, tilting your head so that your throat was exposed for him. He ran his tongue along your neck, making you moan deeply as you recalled the feeling of his fangs.
“You want it don’t you?” He asked as he pounded into you. “Want me to sink my fangs back into your flesh as I fuck you?” You couldn’t form words to respond to him, only moans of want and pleasure. He grazed his fangs along your neck and you writhed against the touch.
His fangs pierced the skin of your neck and the sensation barreled you over the edge. Everything was heightened and a feeling that you had never experienced before flooded your system. You felt full, alive, and like you were about to explode. You shuddered and cried out as your orgasm ripped through you harder than last time as Baekhyun chased his. 
The last thing you saw before you blacked out were his eyes, now a deep red as he stared down at your form and smiled. “I think I’ll keep you.”
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Works in progress Sunday
I was going through my google documents and found a lot of drabbles and abandoned fanfic ideas, so I decided I will post some of the ones I like. Hopefully I will able to turn these little moments in actual stories some day, but for now I hope you guys like these glimpses. This one is from this past halloween.
“I’m sorry, you need to have a partner to enter.”
Betty was standing in front of the booth that was selling tickets for the halloween escape room. Every year Riverdale held a big halloween fair which was attended by everyone. Halloween was big in Riverdale, probably even bigger than Christmas, and the fair was the town’s main attraction. It was populated by food stands, haunted houses, spooky rites and all sorts of other activities. But this year there was something new, the Blossoms had sponsored an escape room. The person to solve it in the fastest time would get a mystery price.
Betty had been excited about it from the moment she heard about it. Growing up she loved a good mystery, she spend all her time watching detective shows, often times solving the murder halfway through the episode.
Now all her excitement came crashing down, because she wasn’t allowed to enter the escape room alone.
“Can’t I just enter on my own,” Betty was confident that she would be able to solve it.
“No,” the reply came quick. The girl behind the counter looked bored and slightly annoyed that she was making such a big deal out of it.
She looked over at Veronica and Archie who had already purchased their tickets. Veronica made eye contact and came storming over, probably seeing the disappointment on her face.
“What is it?”
“I can’t buy a ticket, because I don’t have a partner.”
“B, you can go with Archie if you want. I know how excited you were. I’ll just enjoy myself on the fair.” Veronica held her ticket towards Betty, but she shook her head. She loved her friend dearly, but she doubt Archie and her would make a good team.
“Thanks V, but you two should go together,” she put on her determined face, so Veronica knew she was serious.
She could see the doubt on Veronica’s face, but she lowered the ticket and went back to Archie’s side. Betty smiled at them and waved indicating they should go in.
The smile dropped the moment they disappeared behind the doors. She gave the girl one last pleading look, but all she got in return was a blank stare. She sighed and moved aside to let the next pair buy their tickets.
The rule was stupid. They were supposed to go in pairs, because apparently the escape room was super difficult and super scary, but they didn’t know Betty Cooper if they thought she couldn’t handle it on her own. 
She huffed in annoyance and inspected the rest of the fair. Normally she would be walking around trying every food and activity, but her mood had officially been lowered.
She was sulking when she heard a voice behind her. A voice so familiar and yet so different from what she remembered.
“You wanna go in together?”
She turned around to see Jughead Jones standing behind her. Her childhood best friend, her teenage crush and the boy who left her behind at the age of 15 when he joined a gang and decided it was too dangerous for her to be involved with him.
That boy had now transformed into a man.
Betty stared at him for a moment, wondering if he was a ghost. It was halloween after all, it would be appropriate.
“What,” she sputtered after a few moments. Not the most intelligent thing to say, but she was surprised.
Jughead gave her a half smile. “I heard your conversation with Veronica. I also don’t have a partner, so wanna go solve it together. We were a pretty good team. We solved where all the charity money went within two days, remember?”
Betty wanted to laugh. They hadn’t spoken to each other in three years and now he was standing before her and talking to her like no time had passed at all.
But she didn’t laugh, instead she turned to anger. 
“Are you serious?”
Jughead removed his hand from his pocket and showed her two tickets to the escape room. 
“I am.”
Betty looked at the tickets with a weird sense of longing. She didn’t know why she wanted to do the escape room so badly, maybe she wanted to show this town what she was made of. But going in there with Jughead, was it worth it?
Jughead saw her deliberation and took a step closer, before she could react he took her hand and put the ticket in it. 
“Come on, Betts,” his childhood nickname for her made her stomach flip, but she ignored it.
“Why are you doing this?” she asked him, suddenly feeling vulnerable. He was still holding her hand and she was back to being her 15 year old self. A feeling she did not like.
He shrugged. “Just wanting to help an old friend.”
“An old friend?” she asked.
Was that all she was.
His eyes betrayed no emotion, no motive why he was suddenly so friendly and so present. He was good at wearing a mask, a skill he learned when he was a teenager, but he never masked his emotions from Betty, at least he used to never do it.
“Fine,” she pulled her hand back. “Let’s do this.”
She walked towards the entrance of the escape room and didn’t look back to see if Jughead was following her.
If you would ask Jughead to describe the past few years of his life, his reply would be one word.
Not very eloquent, but his life hadn’t been eloquent.
When he was 15 he transferred to southside high, there he was forced to join a gang for his own protection. His dad, who runs the gang, had been in and out of prison for the past 5 years. He was currently in.
People tended to glamorize gang life, but Jughead had a few scars to show anyone who thinks they want to join one.
But in all honesty the fighting and illegal stuff that he did wasn’t the biggest reason his life sucked. It was the fact that he had to leave everyone behind from his old life. His friends and his girlfriend, people threatened him to cut all ties otherwise bad things would happen to them, so he did. He knew those people weren’t ones to play around and he couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to them.
But 3 years have passed and he thought he was fine. Then, as he was standing in line to buy tickets to the escape room, one of the only fair activities he thought would be fun, he saw a blonde ponytail and heard a voice that haunted him in his dreams.
Only a few feet in front of him was the girl whose heart he broke, the girl he still thought about every single day.
His resolve that he held on to for three years quickly faded away and he did something stupid, but he missed her and he just wanted to spend some time with her. 
So he invited her to do the escape room together with him.
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