#i of course can't say how exactly he should or should not have 100% accurately portrayed race for Nlack characters
neechees · 1 year
Just based on what I've seen & what I've heard people say about the show, I feel like Levinson doesn't really take into account how race would play into ppl's perception of drug users/addicts or even just race in general. People have been saying that Levinson writes what he relates to, and a lot of other stuff doesn't get quite as much depth from him. Like Rue apparently REALLY liking hospitals and having an overwhelmingly good experience with hospitals and doctors generally sounds like it would line up with a White man's experiences, & I think he takes a lot of influence from his own life. Like despite Euphoria being praised for its "harsh realism" that seems to be a big thing that he kind of ignores
Literally all the female characters' storylines revolve around a guy or fighting over a guy in some major way (except Rue, who's main focus were 1. obsessing over a White girl & putting all her energy into her, and 2. drugs), and all the nonwhite or racialized characters are stereotyped in some way
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judesmoonbeauty · 6 months
2024 Villain’s Festival: Jude Jazza Bonus Story Part 1 ♛
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Please note, I will translate what I am able to obtain during the event. This is a two-part story with part two only available to those who rank. I can not guarantee I will receive part two. Part 2 was achieved.
Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with///
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Kate: Haa…
(Yesterday, Victor's momentum got me nodding my head…..)
(It's a lot of responsibility to decide where all that money goes.)
Starting today, I’m sure they’ll go after my heart any way they can for the bonus.
(But, I don't think I can stand the thought of being targeted for a while….)
I think I understand a little better now how the criminals targeted by the Crown feel.
I'd like to hide myself at least for the morning to prepare my mind.
(Okay, I got out of there without anyone finding me….!)
(Let's just stay out here and kill some time and go back in this afternoon.)
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???: Where are you going out so early in the morning, Princess?
(This voice is…?)
Kate: Jude…?
I slowly turned around and saw Jude standing at the gate under the dazzling morning sun.
(I knew it was Jude. But there was something wrong with the way he just spoke.)
Jude: What’s wrong? You’re making a strange face.
Kate: What's wrong with…..the way your talking?
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Jude: You’re curious?
Jude: I wondered if this way of speaking will make you like me more.…..
Kate: Huh? Like?
Jude: Ah...I almost forgot. I bought this because I thought you would like it.
He hands me a paper bag, manipulating his beautiful Queen's English even though he is not at work.***(See T/L at the bottom).
It was a paper bag from my favorite bakery. The bag was warm and smelled good, as if it was freshly baked.
Kate: I can have this?
Jude: Of course. I bought it for you.
Jude: I just think it's a bit much for one person to eat.
Jude: I'm hoping we can have breakfast together…..what do you think? 
Kate: “What do I think”?!
(I can't believe you asked me for my opinion…..!? Who is this, could it be prank ......!?)
It was almost as if Victor would jump out and say something like, "Yeah! It was a huge success!
Jude is being totally strange right now.
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Kate: Um, have you been working too much? Or did you hit your head?
Jude: What makes you think that?
Kate: Because you’re acting too strange! I think you should see Roger!
Jude: Am I sick? There's nothing wrong with me……but if so, I hope you’ll take care of me, Kate.
Jude scooped up my hand in a flowing gesture and dropped a kiss on its fingertips.
Kate: Eek….!!
Jude: …….
I thought I saw a vein on Jude's temple rise when he saw me scream.
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I may have seen it wrong, though, because it disappeared in an instant.
Jude: I've only recently fallen for you by accident, so it's no wonder that you’re surprised.
Jude: What do you think? What if we went on a date for the day, and I let you know how I feel about you?
(Oh, he stared acting strange since today...... perhaps, without a doubt.)
Kate: Jude, did you do something elaborate like this just to collect all the bonuses?!
Jude: No way….
Kate: Because, even if heaven and earth were to topple over, there’s no way that you would fall in love with me, Jude. 
Jude: ……..
Kate: See, I knew it!
Kate: If you can get money just by spoiling me, you’d think it’s worth the money! 
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Jude: Haa…..***(See T/L note at the bottom)
With a sigh, the mask of the pasted-on smile crumbled.
Jude: Ya know exactly what I’m doin’….If ya know that much, then give me what I want.
The sweet atmosphere from earlier has completely changed. Jude shoots me a sharp look.
I felt a little relieved because his eyes, which held a dangerous light, were the same as usual.
Kate: Give it…..
Jude: The winner's necklace. Ya wear it, don'tcha?
Kate: I will not give it to you!
Kate: This is my very heart and I will not give it when threatened. Because those are the rules. 
Jude: Tsk, how annoyin’. If you're gonna talk about rules, whaddaboutcha, who tried to escape from the review?
Kate: I’m not trying to escape….
Jude: If ya weren't gonna run away, where were ya goin’ to go out so early in the morning?
Kate: That’s…
Jude: Oh, I remember now. Ya were gonna go out with me, weren'tcha?
Kate: What? I didn’t promise that….
Jude: Is there any other reason why ya left the castle so early in the mornin’ other than your plans with me?
Jude: I can't imagine. Why don't we ask some of the other guys?
Kate: Is that...a threat that if I don't go out with you, you'll reveal that I tried to run away?
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Jude: If that's whatcha think, then that's whatcha think.
Jude: So, whaddya doin’ today?
Kate: …….
Kate: I'm going out with you Jude.….
As I gave up and accepted the proposal, Jude smiled wryly, as if convinced of victory.
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***Queen’s English. This is a literal translation. According to Cambridge Dictionary: the English language as it is spoken in the south of England, considered by some people as a standard of good English. Essentially, Jude is speaking proper, well-educated English when trying to woo Kate. 
***I believe it's self-explanatory, but I went all out on his informal speech just to contrast it with his proper English that was described as beautiful by Kate.
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
I know people take Lestat's "I broke him" speech as some condemnation for the audience that Lestat is uniquely monstrous... I don't know if that's its point. Lestat having self loathing is a book trait. Some people say we should still doubt Lestat's POV, others say this is 100% accurate. It can't be both. If Lestat is an unreliable narrator to some degree, why is his negative view of himself exactly how we should feel too?
Exactly. Also it fits with what Sam said:
It's probably not as violent an act as Louis made it out to be in season 1, but I think the fact that Lestat did something to him that is so out of his nature was driven by the extent to which they love each other.
Lestat was driven to the point that he didn't fully even recognize himself, and he saw from his own hands an action that was unforgivable. You've physically hurt the person that you love so much that you no longer feel like you deserve to be with them.
This isn’t really about it being ooc to us - no matter how bad it actually was. It is about it being unforgivable in Lestat‘s own eyes. And of course ™️ he is also an unreliable narrator, they all are - everyone is.
We will get (even) more context in s3.
Lestat‘s speech about breaking Louis is a reflection of his own shame, as well as a mirror to what he did.
And he hates himself for it - which is, as you said, a canon character trait.
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eviltothecore13 · 2 years
@\anyone who still thinks "Luis Guzman is bad casting because previously Gomez was always 100% unambiguously a white Castilian Spanish guy and has always been played by white Hispanic guys, not Latino and definitely not a POC" (I saw someone getting angry because the 90s films version was included among "Latino characters" in a poll, even, they were yelling "he's Spanish!! 100% Spanish in every single version except Netflix!!"...)
Shut. Up.
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First, this is how Charles Addams drew Gomez. Not so "unambiguously 100% white".
Second, while the 60s show cast a white (and not even Hispanic) actor for Gomez, and establishes him as having spent the first 5 years of his life in Spain, there are also references to Latin America with him having spent time/possibly having family in Argentina, and in the Amazon rainforest and having a shrunken head and a blowgun as family heirlooms (could be interpreted as Indigenous ancestry). As well as hints of ancestry from several other cultures.
Third, the films don't state anything specific about Gomez's ancestry (they definitely don't explicitly say "only Spain!"), but if you are someone who can only picture Gomez as Raúl Juliá, and want his ancestry/ethnic background to be the same as his...then not only was Raúl Juliá of course Puerto Rican and not Spanish, but to be truly accurate, his grandmother should then be Black/mixed-race. (Her father was Dominican and listed as "mulatto" on the census, a term used at the time for someone with partial Black ancestry; can't find much information on her mother but she was from one of the US Virgin Islands that's 70% Black people.) Not exactly "100% Castilian and nothing else" there.
Fourth, in the musical he mentions ancestors of his coming to the Americans from Spain hundreds of years ago (rather than his family being purely from Spain/recent immigrants from Spain), and describes himself as "a Latin man".
Getting angry at a poll runner for considering him to be "Latino rep" is truly ridiculous. His ancestry in most versions is pretty ambiguous and all over the place, but it's never been 100% purely Spanish and there's been plenty of references to various Latin American cultures.
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professorspork · 1 year
u should like!! toootally drop blake and yang outfit references for ur newsbees au. for like. research purposes
!!! okay I can't tell if you're asking this for fanart reasons (EVERYONE SHOULD FEEL VERY FREE TO DO THAT) or for spank bank "my thirst requires an accurate theater of the mind" reasons (VALID) but
this makes me UNHINGED and i plan to be SO THOROUGH so THANK YOU FOR ASKING
i have put this under a cut to spare you all but i think you should click on it and admire the gilded age urchin chic
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first of all, let me say that Newsies Are Beautiful. They have never met two clashing patterns they didn't want to combine and I think they are perfect in every way
that said
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the classic Jack look could certainly use some tailoring before it's truly ready for the Yang prime time
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Fella 1 is a pretty bang-on Yang and you can tell that was his intention because he's growing out his hair, bless. sleeves rolled to show arm, shirt unbuttoned scandalously to show cleavage, open vest, neat cap, high socks. the lower half does lose points for the striped socks that remind me of the Wicked Witch of the East's feet sticking out and the fact that he's clearly in tap shoes as opposed to work boots like his friend Fella 3
Fella 2 gets EXTRA sock points for the argyle and the vest-but-no-collar combo which is very Nora. He also has a neat cap, which Blake always does because she's hiding her ears.
Fella 3 has a sloppy cap but is otherwise a bang-on Blake; kempt and tidy in ways Yang never is even though they are essentially wearing the exact same thing. Blake knows how to button buttons and Yang pretends she forgets every day
Fella 4's rocking the henley and suspenders combo which serves any member of our cast, a fucking classic
Fella 5 is wearing a tie he is trying so hard he wants to look nice at work, 100% a Jaune move
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sir that-- that's not how crutches are supposed to-- SIR--
this Crutchie exhibits excellent Newsie styling in a very Yang color palette. high socks, mixing of patterns, rolled sleeves; excellent. the slightly fancier waistcoat, actually buttoned, isn't something Yang would go for but certainly wouldn't be amiss on Blake, Ruby, or Velvet
Ruby also, of course, wears a signature red scarf instead of her cloak:
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like her scarf and hat just absolutely dwarf her, she's WEE SMOL
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above we see our previous example Crutchie not leaping through the air, and his outfit remains exemplary but for the backwards cap, which I shan't abide. the Jack to his left-- what with his WIDE open shirt, tight undershirt, rolled sleeves, and suspenders, is very Yang.
good Yang looks can also mean THE SHORTEST SLEEVES EVER, TO SHOW OFF THE GUNS:
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both excellent choices, and of course our lower fella (TURN THAT CAP AROUND YOUNG MAN) has got his bandana going, which is Quite Yang
all the guys in the background there are gold too tbh
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look at this king in this fashion pose but also YEAH WHY NOT BANDANAS ON THE ARMS BANDANAS EVERYWHERE the yang xiao long story
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^^ this outfit, on the other hand, is pretty exactly spot-on for Blake immediately post haircut/makeover
Weiss, I'm sure you've already guessed, is a Classic Katherine:
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she's buttoned-up, she's fancy, her shit matches and she's the only one in a skirt.
the only thing where my brain gets REALLY SPECIFIC is the finale so uh. spoiler warning I guess for screenshots of the Newsies film and vague references to a plot resolution if you're reading the AU without having watched it
but the finale looks are ICONIC and non-negotiable
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button shirt OVER henley OVER bandana and nothing's buttoned? suspenders on but hanging loose from the hips? hell yes.
i actually even managed to make that dirt smudge on David's tummy plot-relevant to Blake and that was completely subconscious and I didn't realize I did it until looking up these screenshots but there you have it. and by this point Weiss gets to be a little more loose and dressed-down, a la Sarah
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in conclusion they're in love look at those heart eyes oh my god
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sonnenflamme · 2 years
For the fanfic ask: 7, 8, 9 & 34
7 - What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Re-reading my own stuff and trying to find my mistakes. Because I really can‘t focus on it at all. Also the specific part of writing the „transition“ from the intro scene and story and all to the actual smut part.
8 - which character(s) do you find easiest to write?
Sid. Mainly because I headcanon him with ADHD and I often just write him the way I’d act when I wouldn’t mask. Also Jim because I’m awkward as well. I don‘t have to force myself to find ways to respond properly but I can write the way I’d probably misunderstand something etc. And Shawn‘s caring side.
9 - Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
I haven‘t tried out all characters yet so I can only guess. But any character that involves a lot of body language and mimic, as I have trouble reading it and describing something that actually means the thing I want it to mean is probably rather difficult. So I’m not sure if I‘d be able to write Craig properly. I also am nervous to write Paul, as he doesn‘t have all that much of a set character, and I don‘t want to do him wrong.
34 - copy and paste an excerpt you‘re particularly fond of.
(Deciding on what I’d use for this was fucking hard. So I’ll give you two examples. Both are from stories of my series with unusual kinks. I didn’t publish any of these (yet)).
The guitarist looked up into those blue eyes he adored so much. His faces froze as well as his whole body as he felt something. He tried to relax again, which didn't work exactly well. One ant was crawling over his thigh and now he started feeling more on his body, crawling  and almost tickling him, over his legs, arms, torso and fuck- goddamned they were starting to get under his loose, grey shorts. Control your-fucking-self, Root. It didn't work at all. And there he was, laying next to the person he loved with a fucking boner because fucking ants were crawling over his skin. Stupid kink.
„Hey, you okay?„ Corey asked with this soft voice Jim could listen to all day. Okay, he could listen to him speaking or screaming or anything all day. But this soft voice, it was just special. The taller guy tried to nod which didn't work well given to him still laying on the ground, so he tried to use words. „Mhm, I'm good." „Doesn't sound convincing to me." The singer stroked along the guitarists torso in a comforting manner and looked him in the hazel eyes, before slowly going down with his gaze. Shit shit shit shit!
(The kink of that is formicophilia, which is sexual pleasure from being crawled on by insects. I‘m of course not 100% sure if that‘s accurate as I don‘t share this kink, but I still quite like how this part of the story came out.)
„Why is it so fucking cold?" Mick asked, shivering and his teeth were chattering. „Because we are standing in the snow. Almost nakedly." Shawn's voice was extremely calm but Mick could clearly see that this was all just a mask, under which he was shaking and trembling and definitely feeling the coldness as much as the guitarist did. „Why did we even agree to that?" „Because we didn't know we were going to loose the bet, Mickael." „Oh my god, I hate you being like that." „Says the man that is currently complaining about it being 'so fucking cold' and 'why we even agreed to this'." Mick didn't know what he should answer to that, at the end, Clown was right. Oh how much he hated it if this old man was in his 'treating him like he was a little child' mood and then him being right. Argh.
„How long do we need to stay outside?" "60 minutes." And Shawn was still speaking with this calm voice. „How long did we do already?" „7 minutes." „Urgh."
„Hey hey hey, Clown! Wait! Where are you going to?" „Over to the bench there to be able to sit down without freezing my balls off." „Can you stop with that stupidly annoyed voice? I was just trying to start a conversation to make the time pass faster!" „You can't make the time pass faster." „I'm not a fucking child, I actually do know that. But it feels like it's passing faster." Mick responded and then started running after Shawn to sit down too.
(I know that I went out of character with Mick in the last part here, but I overall really like the conversation. I also totally think Shawn would be like this and Mick would be annoyed by it. This was the „intro“-scene for my story for psychrophilia , which is getting arousal out of being cold and/or watching others being cold/freezing.)
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drewbacca2 · 1 year
Starkiller Saga
44 BBY Chapter two part two
Making a new friend
We enter the restaurant and we walk up to the bar. It's rather packed apart from the bar, thankfully. We sit down, and I say: "So who were those guys anyway? Oh, my name is Grozchal Starkiller by the way." "Meris" she replies. We shake hands and she continues: "just some thugs." I say: "They don't scare me. If Anything, they should fuck off if they know what's good for them. I doubt they've even fought a true Mandalorian." As soon as I say that, the news pops on and the news anchor says: "The battle of Galidraan has concluded yesterday. True Mandalorians vs the honorable Jedi Knights led by Jedi Master Dooku. Sadly the Jedi lost eleven of its members. Be on the lookout for these two Mandalorians still at large. Jango Fett and Silas." He continues to explain what we were accused of while showing the armors of both Mandalorians as well as their faces.
I look at Meris and before she cuts me off as if she knew I was about to speak. "Did you actually do it?" I nod no. "Then tell me what happened when we leave the his station. I believe you. Why would you kill those innocents, then turn around and help me not knowing if you're getting paid or not?" I reply: "Menus are here." I take my helmet off. She just looks at me. And still stares at me. The bartender goes: "Hehehe this your first date? Or is he that stunning all the time?" We both blush at the same time. And we say in unison: "It's not a date!" "That's what they all say. Haha! Anyway, ring the bell when you're ready to order." As I look through the menu, I say: "When will they be here? What class of ship? Numbers?" "Two and a half rotations. Freighter and about four starfighters. Thirty I believe, give or take." "Do you know how to use that blaster well? What other skills do you have?" With a look of confusion she says: "I'm a gunslinger. I can shoot it fast and accurately. I'm good at hacking and I'm good with explosives. Why?" I say "My payment. I want you to join my crew. What better way to protect you then if we're always together?" "I don't need you to protect me Grozchal!" I retort: "Aren't you hiring me to protect you?" She's visibly embarrassed. I just wanted to see what she would say. I'm actually offering my help. She says: "Fine… I can't turn down protection like that. How much do I pay you?"
"You pay me? You'll be working for me. I'll be paying you. Anyway, are you ready to order? Go ahead and get what you want." I ring the bell. The bartender comes out. "And what can I get the two lovebirds?" "I'll have a big bitchin chicken sandwich, with a blue cheese burger with no tomato, three baskets of bitchin fries, one seasoned, as well as a large lemonade and whiskey." Meris orders: "I'll have a spicy bitchin chicken sandwich and salad with a cherry spice." "Of course! Right away. I'll need to call Bessie up here to take orders. She's my bartender droid. I estimate about forty five minutes, for the food, I'll have her get your drinks right away."
We eat our food, and with a tip it costs exactly 100 credits. Nice. I say: "is there a hotel on this station? I would like to sleep, it's been a long day. "There is." "Good. I'll get myself a room, wake me up if something happens." "Well… what if I want you to join me in my room?... better to protect me if we're together right?" I say "good thinking! Plus it's a good way to get to know each other." She whispers: "exactly what I was thinking." I act like I don't hear her. We get to the hotel, she signs in and says: "it's this way." I follow her, room 69. We walk in, and I see a recliner. I go to sit in said recliner.
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tenoufour · 1 year
please google “The comedian Emo Philips has a well-known joke about religion”, the first result(s) should show you, its a comedian who made a joke about religious people who only support people who are the exact same as them and one time i saw someone saying this was the modern leftist behavior and thought it was so accurate
It's exactly accurate and I think it might be interesting to dissect and draw parallels between the religious underbody of America and the TRA movement itself (America specifically because that's where most of the leftist TRA moral puritan behavior originates.) I'm not well read enough to do the dissecting and thorough connection making myself, but I agree 100%. Christianity is very cultlike foundationally, the way they push away those who disagree with them as being ignorant to jesus' light at best and satanic heretics at worst. It's very all or nothing, I suppose to upkeep the patriarchy without much pushback? Like, if you don't allow organic thought and discussion then of course nobody is going to question anything. If you teach a group that they can't say or do certain things or else an eternity of pain and hellfire awaits them, then they're not going to think twice about... anything. I mean, being excommunicated from a religious group and exiled from a TRA friendgroup is about the same experience haha.
Generally speaking, it makes perfect sense to me how the Christian mindset serves as the skeleton for leftist behavior. A Christian telling me how he's okay with gay people only to prattle on about how it's a sin and disgusting and gays are deviant and immoral are the same as leftists telling me it's okay to have a "genital preference" but to never mention it or be open about it. But that's less related.
Also the joke was really good.
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ceoofuwu · 4 years
𝐔𝐍𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐒 ;; 𝘮𝘪𝘺𝘢 𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘶 𝘹 𝘧.𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒: 𝟐.𝟏𝐤
𝐀/𝐍: so, this is the first Atsumu scenario! I'd literally give up my life for this man, I CAN'T HOLD BACK. Tho it turned out quite dark... I guess I made amends for it with the happy note in the end, then?
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: living with the Miya twins definitely means throwing party every once in a while and painting the town red... but what if, just once, things spiral out of control?
𝐓.𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 18+ content ahead; mentions of sexual intercourse, unwanted/non-planned pregnancy, cursing. Suggestive themes.
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Another wave of nausea washed over your body, making your guts twist with the unpleasant feeling of food hastily gushing out of your body.
You arrested your head further buried in the toilet, hands clutched tightly around the sides, mind flooding with hazy memories of last night’s events, as a stamp of warmth came in contact with your back.
  Sloppy, heated kisses along the sensitive area of your neck were sending shivers through your entire body, which was being ravished by pleasure.
«Come on, baby…» he whispered against your ear, your lobe caught between his teeth, «I’ll be gentle».
  Atsumu rubbed soothing circles on the broad surface of your back, crouched beside your weakened figure, the warmness of his palm eager to drive your fatigue away.
You had been sharing a home with him and his brother for quite some time now, the latter merely staying to keep you company and lend a hand with the loan. Showered with independence as you were, throwing parties every now and then was only natural. However, it wasn’t always completely kept under control.
«Drank too much, didn’t you?» he asked softly, worryingly, while his hand came to gently wipe your mouth with a small-sized towel he had fetched.
«I doubt I drank as much as you did, Tsumu…» you sighed, «… but I still don’t think that’s the proble—« your statement was cut off by your body pushing up another round of fluids.
   Your back arched at the intolerable amount of rapture that was shaking your entire being, «M-more…! Atsumu…!»
«More?» he smirked, looking at you with devilish eyes then throwing your legs over his broad shoulders and thrusting even more forcefully this time, his bare cock hitting spots in depths it had never been before.
   He remained silent the whole time, standing by your side, lightly pulling your hair back and continuing to soothe you with his rubbing patterns, his heart aching at the sight of your body completely cleaning itself out, leaving you fully worn out in its wake.
You lifted yourself slowly, making sure there was no other round coming then snatched the towel out of Atsumu’s hands hastily and wiped the stains of puke clean.
«You were saying…?» he asked, his eyes carefully following your movements to the sink, where you rinsed your mouth out.
«I don’t think it’s only drinking that got me like this…»
«What do you mean?»
«You weren’t particularly cautious last night…»
   You were a complete and utter mess by now; body coated in sweat, quaking with overwhelming ecstasy, burning with the need for more friction, for the touch of your lover, who was mercilessly pounding in and out of you, gaining momentum with every push.
You could feel him twitching inside of you, meaning he was close to his peak, so you were already preparing for the pull out but, with a loud, lengthy groan against your clavicle, you only felt a new-found kind of warmth spreading inside of you instead.
«You feel so damn good baby…» he croaked, burying his face in the crook of your neck, his hot breaths tickling the sensitive area, while he was gradually climbing down from his high.
What with all those surges of bliss washing over you and the influence of alcohol you were under, you didn’t care as much as to realize the severity of what had just happened.
  «You don’t mean…» his voice trailed off, amber eyes widening with surprising realization.
The grave shadow cast upon his face was gone with a mere shrug of his shoulders.
«I do. There’s a high chance, Atsumu».
«I guess we’ll have a little brat crawling around the house in a few months then» he chuckled.
This was one of the few times in your life when you actually couldn’t believe in your ears. He couldn’t be talking seriously. He was deadpanning. Could he be that childish?
«Are you even in your right mind?! Do you happen to have even the slightest idea how serious this is?! What responsibilities it requires?!» you shouted, taking aggressive steps towards him, «How are we supposed to raise a child when you can barely fend for ourselves?» your index daringly poked his chest, look glowing with fury, «What makes you think I’d even want a child growing inside of me, huh?» you spurted out, words dripping with the bitter truth.
«We’re not even 100% sure you’re pregnant» he replied calmly, not allowing the burden of guilt weigh down on him.
«So you’re just going to hang onto a possibility? Is this your way of self-defense?» your tone stayed high on decibels, continuously shooting the blonde with arrows of qualm, but triggering his anger simultaneously.
His thick eyebrows came to a frown, a dark hue of irritation cloaking his face, blood boiling with rage. Deep down, he was well aware of the fact that he had been careless and therefore brought by this outcome, but at the same time he wanted to explode. All this unwavering accusation made him see red; and he didn’t particularly excel at his keeping his temper in check.
He didn’t care about neither your reaction nor the impact his words would have on your already heated argument because he honestly needed anything to fire back, when he spat out:
«It’s not my fault you can’t control what’s going in and out of your cunt».
Your palm clashed with the tender skin of his cheek, the sound of skin finding skin echoing in the empty room. At that point, you genuinely believed that there was no other way to back fire him; he had completely crushed your defenses with that mere line of his. Your heart was shattered to thousand pieces, like a fragile piece of glass thrown madly at the floor.
However, you still had some remaining strength for a finishing blow.
«I should have seen this coming. You always run away from your responsibilities, like the immature toddler you are. You don’t give a fuck about other people’s feelings, do you? All you care about is to feed and satisfy your own, insatiable ego!» you yelled, coming to realize that there are actual tears streaming down your face, but not minding at all the reason for their appearance, «…because that’s just what you are, Atsumu. An immature, egotistical pig».
His almond-shaped eyes widened in shock his body aching with the sensation of something having pierced through his chest. He wanted to yell, curse, break—no, destroy something. His madness was getting the better of him but even so, he somehow stopped dead on his tracks upon hearing that cruel utterance. His stare travelled on your form, inspecting your exhausted state, pity feeling him to the brim. Was this really what you thought of him? Was he truly the one that had you messed up like this?
His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden opening of the bathroom’s door. His twin brother walked in, wearing an expression of confusion and worry as his grey orbs fell on you.
«I can hear you screaming from the living room… is everything… o… kay? Why are you—« his gaze immediately pinned his brother, «--why is she crying?» he demanded.
Atsumu lowered his head in shame, glancing down at his feet, desperately struggling to avoid his brother’s uncomfortably scrutinizing look. One the one hand he had no clue how he was supposed to explain the situation, but on the other, he couldn’t exactly step back from it.
«Ιt’s… none of your business…» he murmured.
«I don’t think he heard you, Atsumu.           Speak up a little. Tell him how your stupid, little ass fucked everything up again».
«What is she talking about, Tsumu?» Osamu’s facial expression was died in puzzlement, «Talk!»
«…you might become an uncle» he muttered reluctantly between gritted teeth.
«What?!» his look hopped between the two of you impatiently, not landing on anyone in particular.
Of course he was taken aback. How could he not be? Atsumu can be reckless from time to time yet, that seemed too surrealistic even for a person that knew him so well.
You were quite lost in your own concerns, which prevented you from noticing that Osamu had hastily and offensively grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, shaking him furiously.
«I always knew you were a stupid and annoying brother but I was hoping you’d be at least tolerable as a boyfriend!» he shouted in the other twin’s face, knuckles whitening at the tightness of his grip.
You’d usually laugh your heart out whenever the twins were fighting but this time the ambiance was too intense to allow even the slightest curl in your lips.
«We don’t even know if she’s accurately pregnant, you asshole! She hasn’t had a fucking test yet!» Atsumu roared back in exasperation.
Osamu’s features were completely painted with a mixture of bewilderment and realization, «She hasn’t?» his peek drifted to you and you shook your head in the negative.
«Well then…» he let go of his brother with a push, «…I’ll be back» he spoke, turning to leave the room.
«Where the hell are you going?»
«Where you should have gone from the beginning».
Thanks to Osamu, a light smile made its way to your lips. However, it was swiftly taken away by Atsumu’s murderous, disgusted glare. You answered to it with an identical one, not wanting to show him how much your heart was practically broken by that moment.
When he finally walked out of the bathroom, you made sure to lock the door he had harshly slammed behind him, before your body automatically slid against it, eventually collapsing on the floor
«Ugh, why does it take so freaking long?» you whined silently above the pregnancy test.
Before you knew it, your already pallid face was stained with tears once more, your hands rushing to cover your mouth and muffle your perpetual sobs as you succumbed entirely to the pain that was nested in your chest, waves of dejection, wrath and numbness hitting you relentlessly and unstoppably, letting you solely rot into the melancholy of anticipation….
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Thankfully, Osamu had came back mere minutes ago with five tests in his hands, all of them produced by the same company. You explained that there was no need for so many, but seemed like Samu had quite freaked out so he couldn’t help himself. You had hastily snatched the tests and run off to the bathroom again, not paying to attention to what Atsumu was doing.
You would deal with him later, either way.
«Don’t be positive, don’t be positive…»
For about ten minutes straight, you were running conspiracies in your mind, attempting to calculate every possible outcome. If Atsumu was indeed the father of your child, then that… made also Osamu a dad? They’re literally the split image of each other so be it biological or adoptive father would practically make no difference. Which meant that if Osamu had kids—
«Are you… alright in here?» the door opened ajar and a familiar head slightly, almost timidly, protruded.
«Oh, now big, scary Atsumu isn’t mad?» you jibed.
Atsumu slid in, gently closing the door behind him and heading towards you.
«Look, I…» his eyes moved to the floor, afraid to encounter yours, «…I didn’t mean what I said… really, I uh…» you failed to suppress a light giggle at his miserable attempt to swallow his pride, «…I’m sorry, okay? Stop mocking me! And I’ll take care of our child…! If we have one, I mean…» you glanced at the test one more time to see if anything had changed and your eyes widened in surprise.
«…and I’ll do anything, I’ll cook even without setting the kitchen on fire I—«
“Just don’t be mad at me okay? I’ll even change the baby—«
«ATSUMU!» you yelled, also making awkward hand signals that made no sense to earn his attention.
«You won’t have to change any baby! Nor take care of it!»
He lifted his eyebrow in confusion, «We are getting a babysitter?»
«There’s no baby you idiot! I’m not pregnant! I’m not---« a silent sob cut off your sentence.
«Hey, wait, why are you crying?» Atsumu’s hand rested on your flushed cheek, his thumb swiping away a tear that came unbidden on your beautiful face.
«I don’t… know…» you spoke weakly and then immediately dived in his arms, clutching him to the point of asphyxia and probably clawing his back, while burying your wet face on his chest, where you were bawling your eyes out.
«It’s over now baby…» he whispered, planting a soft kiss on the crown of your head and rubbing soothing patterns on your back, «…take it all out».
Deep down, there was still a lingering ray of hope praying that you had actually that unbidden seed inside of you… it wouldn’t be catastrophic…
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Hope you enjoyed! Leave a heart, comment, reblog! 💕
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HELLO... i am back
yes aditya gets a treat because otherwise indus is going to murder him and then transfer him far far away and never unground him ever and we can't do that to a baby. also i hope no actual murder of chickens occur in their plot thing but it could also be something Worse so Yikes!
i wish yao didn't know what a hickey is but. welp he would. actually this makes me propose a situation (nsfw-ish? implied nsfw?): nyo china buys encyclopedias for yao to read and one very old one has a section with a full diagram of sexual intercourse. it isn't porn, it's those diagrams where the skin is missing and serves as a view into the organs of the human body but just in a... position. so 8 year old yao reads all about sex and goes to nyo china being like "hey so sex is for making babies right? so if i want children i have to have sex right? there's no opting out of it?" and nyo china is like fuck it the kid might as well get his sex ed + introduction to adoption stuff now since he knows about it already. then the next day a teacher has a badly hidden hickey and yao is trying to figure out how the fuck that happened before he remembers that certain animals bite each other during sex and asks nyo china about it.. and then boom. (the encyclopedia part was unfortunately inspired by irl events 😔)
but anyway imagine yao mistranslating the code.. and being like "wtf why do you want to BITE people" and india + iran being like ??? and then they get an unfortunate sex ed that night (baby! yao's mildly inaccurate version: "sometimes weirdos like biting each other during sex many animals do this as well and this is called a hickey. sex is this thing that adults do for fun and sometimes to reproduce. but you should only bite other people and have sex with them if all of you are interested and not just because you want a baby, because there are other ways of getting one. if they try to have sex with you or bite you or touch you in Bad Touch areas you should -" "kill them? and get an adult later?" "yeah exactly" "how do you know this tho??") then yao probably tries to find the sex encyclopedia to bring to school to show india and iran but nyo china threw it out because it was 20 years out of date and said that pluto was a planet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also YES MISS VIETNAM DESTROY THE PROPERTY OF THE RICH... CUT HIM DOWN TO SIZE imagine getting 2 entire ass houses at 18 lol and there was actually a person who was going to get a mercedes in my class. apparently his parents were buying 2 and wanted him to pick the one with the colour he liked more as a gift at 18 and keep the other for themselves. he asked us which colour Mercedes was better, someone accused him of being a braggart, and then there was so much drama... i am glad i am no longer in that class. rich people.
also yeah miss vietnam is definitely one of those nice but strict teachers!! she'll definitely be kind to everyone but she won't tolerate bullshit and god knows yao is full of it. but also imagine vietnam teaching india's class and then yao pouting to india about the assignment he got a b on (a slight improvement from the c) only to be met with "what? she's so nice and smart lol you're just an asshole i kind of want to make friends with her tbh" and yao's like How Dare You Backstab Me Like This? but yes she really forces him to Think instead of just letting him be and that's very good for him!! and she gets an intellectual outlet too :D
also yeah like linh is going to struggle.. how do you write "he's a complete asshole but tolerable and intellectually fun after a while" in a GOOD manner?? this rec letter will probably be full of phrases like "a spirited personality given to debate" or something
This is also a late reply :’)
I wasn’t really thinking about anything specific for the plot; I was really just trying to find a word that was slightly similar to hickey and decided on a dead chicken lmao. But honestly, it would probably be something like “I’m going to bring a (dead) chicken to class for show and tell and you two need to act horrified and cause a ruckus because it would be fun and it would scare the other kids :)”. (this is probably bullying, so in an effort to make them slightly better kids, an alternative plot is that a stray cat has been coming to their school and in order to make friends with it, they feed it a whole-ass dead chicken Nyo China got from the butchers and was planning to cook for dinner. The teachers are horrified and confiscate Yao’s backpack for fear of germs and salmonella.)
THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OH MY GOD nyo China, miss, please, he’s young. But the encyclopedia reading is so accurate o-o small and independent Yao + voracious reader + lots and lots of books about Everything + nyo China’s hands-off “it’s never too early to know” caretaking/parenting strategy = what other things has he been exposed to... (let’s face it he’s probably said the F-word or insulted someone in Mandarin without meaning to, but came off as a disrespectful little chaos ball) BUT THE BADLY HIDDEN HICKEY and the ANIMALS BITING EACH OTHER salk;fsdl;ksdjl way to unconsciously roast your teacher lmao. I love nyo China’s no-nonsense way of approaching Strange Questions Asked by Eight Year Olds but I do not know how to feel about her very direct answers 😭 Also, I am very sorry for your personal loss 😔.
Scene 3 is 100/10 canon now. “weirdos who bite each other during sex” Yao thinks hickeys are weird, and good for him. Also the little summary!! Of course Yao pass on everything he knows to India and Iran... at least it’s not a fucked up version of sex-ed, even if it may have some small inaccuracies. rip outdated encyclopedia. Also “ ‘kill them? And get an adult later?’ ‘yeah exactly’” GOOD nyo china thank you for doing at least one thing correctly
also your class is crazy??? A MERCEDES oh my god... how do his parents love him so much? My parents probably wouldn’t even trust me with a second hand from 2005 lmao. Also, wtf rich kid, why would you be crowdsourcing opinions for YOUR car? (ngl I kinda think he was bragging too 😂, but drama? Do all these people have nothing else to do besides gossip smh)
Vietnam has a blacklist of Confirmed Assholes she needs to keep an eye on and Yao got on the list in the first few days after being very tryhard and simultaneously arrogant, so he just assumes she’s naturally mean because he never saw the other side of her. But then he starts hearing reviews from his friends who all say she’s their favorite teacher so far and he’s all like “????? Excuse you???” Also yes go get her friendship Aditya hopefully it will mellow you out a little as well “A spirited personality given to debate” YES YES YES! That sounds like such a nice phrase but it’s just code for “loves to argue with me and that’s cool I guess”. The recommendation makes Yao glow (to admissions) despite how much Vietnam thinks it’s bad and also how much bs-ing she thought she did. Admissions officers think Yao’s amazing and contributes greatly to the classroom environment and Vietnam is like “yeah, in a way, as long as you don’t mind someone who thinks every word you say is somehow wrong and will fight you to prove it lol. just take him, I’m trying to get rid of him”
Since there’s essays involved I’m assuming she teaches either history or literature? Kinda on the fence because I feel like she’d be good at giving a no-nonsense version of history filled with interesting details and prompts that make you think (and also hosts monthly debates on controversial issues), but I also want Yao to be as un-confident as possible in his abilities in her class, and I feel like he would be less comfortable/sure of his answers and thoughts in a lit class than a history one. I’m not sure though
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
*Goofy and Launchpad are hanging a banner*
Huey: Excellent work guys.. and it only took three hours, four broken lamps.. several jabs in the eyes.. some bloodloss but you did it.
Dewey and Louie: (Walk in)
Louie: So what's all this?
Huey: A party for violet.. I thought she deserved a celebration.. I mean her parents took her out after but you can't get enough and I got one even though I turned it down because I did a terrible thing to try and get it.
Della: And i'm proud of you sweetie... (Has been there thewhole time with boyd, both in uniform)
Huey: I also thought I should bring some of our fellow woodchucks.. but most were small children and our house is a deathtrap on a normal day so for obvious reasons I invited the nigh indescrutable robot who my best friend can repair and my mom who lives here. I mean mom still counts. She's also going to try and start corunning meetings since .. how do I put this nicely.
Della: Launchpad your a terrible Chuckleader
Launchpad: Entirely accurate. And you look hot in that uniform
Della: Also entirely accurate. And while throwing a party for the person who defeated you in compettition isn't MY style, I prefer to sulk and swear vengance, I am PROUD of you for being the bigger duck. Metaphorically she's not a duck and her hair gives her a slight advantage.
Boyd: I"m just happy to be invited. As was my brother.
Huey: "A woodchuck always invites another woodchuck"..though thankfully the guidebook also says "A woodchuck always obeys restraining orders" so the most he can do is creepily lurk outside.
Doofus:(Breathing heavily and creepily into the closest window from outside)
Louie: Eugh... but we're not going outside for this? Please say no.
Huey: We were but for obvious reasons I cancled the outside portion. I also laid out the solicitor traps with picutres of goldie so HOPEFULLy he'll evnetually end up in one of those. Your my brother, I take your eneimies as seriously as I do my oath as a junior woodchuck. Plus he scares me too.
BOYD: Oh he's not so bad. He stopped holding a knife to my throat while I was powered down after mama and poppa told him to only three times!
Webby: (Riding in on a cartload of snacks and books ) I got the suplies for your party! Almonds like she likes, some salmon and some light reading. You are such a good friend.
Louie: Sure that's ALLL he wants to be.
Huey: (panicked) yeah of COURSE I do... why would you say that?
Dewey: Ohhh Huey's got a girlfriend, huey's got a girlfriend, come on eveyrbody!
Dewey and Della: Huey's got a girlfriend, huey's got a girlfriend!
Dewey: Your learning buddy
Boyd: We have never met before.
Dewey: We haven't have we? ... why haven't we? I always wanted a robot buddy to laugh at my jokes and do wacky hyjinks with.
Boyd: And I always wanted a third friend!
Della: Sorry son force of habit.
Huey: I do not like violet.. just because she's pretty.. and smarter than me.. and she smells nice.. which I only know because she flew me out of danger after I didn't do the same in a moment of weakness... and she's also awwkawrd with people... and fine I do.
Huey: I have one it's called be nice and hope she notices.
Della: Oh baby child no. You have to actually make a move. Don't be like your uncle donald
Donald: (Burts in from the back) Stop telling the boys that! I mean it's probably true but it hurts.
Della: I was telling dewey to actually MAKE a move and not just wait for her to notice.
Donald: Oh... then your mother is absolutley right.
Huey: You taught me that!
Donald: And I was very wrong and i'm very much alone and i'll probably die alone aside from you guys. I'm okay with that.
Della: Okay i'm going to put a pin in that because your going to die alone over my dead body.
Donald: We talked scrooge out of us sharing a casket though.
Della: Again pin my baby needs me, Huey just be honest, be yourself... and just don't corner her.. just ask her nicely to go to a movie, or a library or an abandoned condo built on an native american buiral ground.
Webby: Thanks again for the date spot suggestion by the way. Lena loved it.
Della: your welcome. I have enoguh mom for all of you.. includingt he tiny robot and the grown man who misses his child.
Goofy: Awwww...
Louie: Wait why IS goofy here?
Donald: He's rooming with me. I still had the spare room and he has empty nest.. plus he needs a new house after the old one burned down.
Goofy: It's just like college!
Huey: But I"m.. scared okay? besides her being objectivley better than me, I had BOYD run the satstics.
BOYD: But your still great.
Huey: Thank you, what if she dosen't want that or dosen't feel that way?
Louie: Then you'll be awkard around each other for a while.. you were going to be ANYWAY if you don't tell her and either way the awkward goes away. You got this man. She's a nerd, your a nerd, your all nerds.
Launchpad: (Happily) hey!
Louie: You got this. We're all in your corner.
Doofus: (from outside still) Even me... though if you fail i'm going for that.
Webby: (cheerfully) If you even THINK about hitting on my best friend again I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth and bury you where no will ever find you.
Doofus: Ohhhh I won't.. your much more intresting.
Webby: Ewwwww.. I have a girlfriend. Also your objectivley disgusting in every way shape or form.
Doofus: Well I (gun cocks) Am being threatned by your help. Good day to you. (Runs off)
Louie: MRs. b, did you ever know that your my hero?
Beakly: (beams proudly and then goes back to her gardening)
Dewey: Louie's right, while I will mock you constnatly you got this. Plus you got her best friend in her corner.
Webby: Yeah.. though if you ever hurt her i'll do to you what i'll probably have to do to doofus one day
Huey: That is entirely fair and I will accept my death without a struggle.
Webby: See you are good boyfriend material!
Huey: Though I doubt I mean she couldn't possibly...
MEANWHILE: not far from the house, Lena and Violet are walking
Violet: Feel the same way. I mean... for one your around.
Lena: I appricate the compliment but i'm dating his sister. And i'm also VERY gay. Like our dad's gay. Like huey's mom is turbo bi.
Violet: Yes i've read the "Bi as explitive" t-shirt she wore when we first met her. But besides a lack of better options why me? I'm stilted, I do not get people, and until a few months ago my only friend was learning.
Lena: Take out stilted and you just described him too. Your similar enough to really click but just diffrent enough it won't get boring.
Violet: But you nad webby
Lena: Are opposites. Yes this is true. But it's not ALL relationships. Sometimes you date someone just like you, sometimes you don't.. I mean our dad's aren't exactly the same either, but their amazing. And so are you. I may not belivie in most people, But I belivie in you. (they arrive at the gates, violet has been in uniform naturally) Now get in there and get that nerd, Nerd.
Violet: (has been tearing up slightly and hugs her sister) You are the best sibling I never asked for.
Lena: (Hugs her back) right back atcha
Dewey: (holding a cake shaped like violet's head and eating it directly with his mouth) I got the cake
Huey: This isa why I set up a decoy.. three of htem.
(Della and launchpad are also holding hteir own cakes)
Della: But i'd never...
Huey: You would if this wasn't so important to me, so I feel your behavior deserves to be rewarded. Now if you'll excuse me I need to hide my emotions. (Waves hand over face.. and still looks like a nervous mess) There no one will notice
Louie: Huey she's a nerd not blind. Look man, your amazing, you are a catch.. I mean not at our age or even in highschool but eventually scrooge will die and you'll be richer because you'll probably invent something that makes you rich before that. As I said just go for it man, just find an opportunity and cease it.. we're all backing you up. And if it fails, we'll be there to pick you up. Now go get that nerd.
Huey: Right.. i'm just going to pen the door and
Duckworth: Masters violet and lena... (Leads them into the foyer) Also nicely done.. and thank you for asking my permission though in the future as long as your uncle is uninvolved you need only give me a heads up so he can hide from it.
Huey: Thank you duckworth.. ahme... ta-da!
Violet: (blushes) It's wonderful... and is that a bookshelf? And.. is that terry pratchetts complete works? And a cake shaped like my head.. may I?
Huey: (Hands her a knife)
Violet: (Cuts in) And it's an exact repleica of my interior cranimum. I knew you wanted those x-rays for a reason b esides curosity you rascal
Huey: (Blushes) I uh.. thanks
Violet: (Blushes bakc) Uh any time)
Della: Awwww
Huey: Hey violet I was uh wondering,, I uh..
Violet: ... okay so he does feel the same wya tha'ts a relief. You were right Lena
Huey: Wait what?
Louie: You had to give her the pep talk too huh?
Lena: Yup.. I mean she is usuually confident
Louie: Not so true here...
Dewey: I"m fine with that.. it's what makes him loveable.. that and it means i'm not 100% teh donald
Della: Nah you got too much of my genetics for that.
Huey: Okay I can handle this okay..
Violet: Oh god you really aren't intrested
Huey: No I am I am but why me? I"m not even a senior woodchuck.
Violet: no but when given the easy out you didn't take it, you took the honorable path. YOu also are smart, adorable, and do not mind the fact I speak more roboticaly than our actual robot friend.
BOYD: 4 friends!
Huey: An dyou.. dont' seem bothered that I kinda sorta a little am nervous.
Violet: If you mean extremley yes but I find it cute.
Huey: I.. uh (Blushes0 uhhhhh... youralsobrillantandcuteandIlikeyourhairandthewayyousmellandIknowthat'sweirdbutIwasupwindofyousoicouldn'thelpitandiwnattobeyourboyfriendeventually
Louie:Wow just.. wow.. I mean I expected it to be bad but that is art
Violet: I accept (Smooches his cheek) Now let's dig into my head shall we? I call frontal lobe
Lena: I want a large portion of skull
Webby: I get the eyes.
(The two nerds hold hands and head for the cake)
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