#it hilarious and amazing. thanks bones lol <3 :)
vintagelacerosette · 1 year
Tag game catch up ✨
I was tagged by these magnificent sweet peas Macy @celestialmickey Evie @energievie Ling @lingy910y Laurel @lupeloto Deena @suzy-queued Vey @look-i-love-u Emmet @grossmickey Deanna @deedala Ajax @transmickey Cross @crossmydna Melodie @sirrudo Nosho @creepkinginc Jay @surviving-maybe Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Paola @mishervellous Sisi @sisitrip Donna @sleepyfacetoughguy Kat @milkmaidovich Lyds @ardent-fox Lemon @depressedstressedlemonzest Carolie @shinygalaxyperson Ri @tanktopgallavich Jade @jademickian Michelle @mmmichyyy Arrow @arrowflier Meagan @softmick @solaq Anna @rereadanon Julia @juliakayyy Cherry @too-schoolforcool
Thanks yall 🥰
This weeks Tag game Tuesday
Name: Shermyn
Whereabouts in the world are you? Sydneeeey
Do you have any pets? My Roxy pup
What do you do for work? DMV but we actually help y'all lol
Favourite fruit? Rock melon or as mericans like to say cantaloupe 🍈
A pet peeve of yours: Music or vid in public places like doctor waiting room or in trains
Are you a fast walker or a slow walker? As many have said, bc of short legs it looks fast, but I'm just tryna catch up 😅
How do you usually wear your hair? Down & flowing & I try to make it fun with hair bows or fun clips 💕
Sunny days or rainy days? Sunny days ☀️
What time do you usually go to bed? 11pm-1am
What time do you usually wake up? Sunrise clock is at 6am but I go back to sleep depending on how late i sleep lol so 7am-8am. 9am-10am on days off lol
if you were a cartoon character, what would be your everyday outfit? My birthday dress but in the cartoon my outfit is magic so it can turn whatever I want it to be depending on the occasion but keeping them colours 🩷🩵💜 for example if I needed a business outfit it would turn into a dashing 3 piece suit 💖
Something you'd like to learn: How to write fic & to crochet
and finally, tell me something that made you happy recently: All the birthday messages from y'all (thank you) & seeing my friends for my birthday 🎂💕
Last week's tag game Tuesday✨️
Name: Myn
Age: 27
Pronouns: she/they
Your sun sign, MBTI type, and enneagram type (google them if you’re not sure!): Leo, & Nines (ok screaming bc this was the first time i did thay & can i say accuracy wtf 😭)
How tall are you? 151cm/4"11 aka cute sized by
What colour are your eyes? Dark brown
The last time you saw a movie in theaters (bonus: what was it?): Barbie movie!! It was terrific & hilarious (if i did this one time the answer wouda been Birds of Prey haha great Margot films)
Favourite dessert: Love all dessert rn I'm craving for crepes 😋
Outer space or the ocean? Now I woulda said ocean before but just Good Omens season 2 means me want outta space 🚀
You’re in a McDonald’s drive thru, what are you ordering? 10 pack nugget meal with medium strawberry milkshake & sweet & sour sauce for the nugs
Are you good with plants? Probs not bought some basil & my dad ended up take care of it idk if they still alive 🥲
Would your current self and high school self get along? Sure but she'd berate me asking wth girl thought you'd be an animater 😅
A food you can’t stand:
Something you’d do if money were no object: Have an lavish retreat trip somewhere exciting to meet all the you amazing gallabitches in the fandom, where we can have fanfic writing sessions, craft sessions & even have a meet & greet with Cam & Noel. Oh my! Am I making a dashcon for gallavich? 😆
The last app you opened on your phone: Amazon prime bc of Good Omens s2
and finally, compliment yourself! You are incredibly resilient, creative & full of light. 💖
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Concert ABC
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Five comfort characters
1. Mickey Milkovich from Shameless
2. Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed
3. Kaylee Frye from Firefly
4. Wylan Hendricks from Shadow & Bone
5. Brooke Davis from One Tree Hill
List five songs that someone else introduced me to that have made their way into my regular rotation
Last line written of fic
“Ok! Small Gallaghers, it's time to get moving and into the car, or I'll be getting chatty kathy up my as again” A familiar voice cuts through the tender moment and causes Ian to shoot up like he’s been electrocuted with Liam still in his arms.
(Ngl i haven't touched my fics in forever 😅)
Fanfic trope tier list
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loadednachosao3 · 2 months
(Hiii @eros-thanatos89 here!)
You've been on such a roll lately and just dazzling Lacho nation with an absolute embarrassment of riches of fic, and I've just been gobbling it up like the thirsty little gremlin I am! So thank you!!
Since I love your writing so much, I'm curious: who are some of your favorite writers/what're some of your favorite novels or short stories??
hmmm... GOOD question! I used to work for the library, so I read a LOT (more than just fanfic!), which makes this a hard question as well, lol. especially since I read more nonfiction than fiction!
but let's see...
my favorite classic/taught in schools novel would have to be 1984 by George Orwell. (hilariously/depressingly, right after trump got elected, my department had to buy hundreds more copies because they got requested so much). Orwell's writing is much more accessible to me than many older writers are, save for that whole proletariat essay thing in the middle that made me wanna cut my eyes out. the book is a very relevant and scathing hate letter to fascism, and the right co-opting it when they're the ones it's written about will never fail to piss me off. THEY HAVEN'T EVEN READ IT I KNOW IT I KNOW THEY HAVEN'T
Suzanne Collins may get a lot of billing as a YA love triangle author, but she's absolutely nothing of the sort. The Hunger Games may be a YA series WITH a love triangle, but they're ABOUT so much more. the way she so perfectly captures the flaws of our society in a way that we then completely validate when we make the movies? beautiful. poignant. 10/10.
Bones and All by Camille DeAngelis is one I admittedly never finished, but loved what I read of it. there's a movie that... ok I also didn't finish that one I HAVE ADHD OKAY but the very concept of a girl who, when she experiences feelings of deep love, gets the irresistible compulsion (and the ability) to eat them then and there is just a wonderful concept!
one of my childhood favorites is this book called Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism by Georgia Byng. I picked it up thinking it was a manual, lol, but it's actually this cool little story about an ugly orphan girl who gets the power to hypnotize people, and uses it to become rich and famous. they made a movie out of that too, I think, but I never watched it.
the Unwind series by Neal Shusterman is about a dystopian future where the "compromise" to stop abortions is that parents are, up til their child turns 18, legally allowed to give their children up to be "unwound," a process that involves cutting them up and donating their body parts to donors... while they're still alive, so they're not "technically" killing anyone. chilling, particularly the sequence in the first book where we get to see from the perspective of a teen being unwound.
I will never forgive Hollywood for what they did to the Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness. it's an AMAZING trilogy about a village that contains only men, who are all forced to broadcast/hear each other's every thought (the first few pages capture the chaos of this situation by using varying fonts and font sizes placed haphazardly around the page in a chaotic mess). the reason for the lack of women is a spoiler, so I shan't say more, but lemme just say, Mads Mikkelsen, baby, you were so good as the villain, but the movie version that smashed 3 books into 1 was so trash. talents WASTED.
Ness also wrote A Monster Calls for a younger audience, a haunting but comforting book about grief. I'd recommend it to anyone whose loved ones might be going through a long bout of illness or something of the sort, if you need to feel less alone.
so those are my top fiction picks! nonfiction is a whole other story, haha (no pun intended). I might remember some more later, but I hope this has given you a bit of insight into why I am the person that I am, and where I get some of my writing inspo! thanks for the great question!
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HELLO... i am back
yes aditya gets a treat because otherwise indus is going to murder him and then transfer him far far away and never unground him ever and we can't do that to a baby. also i hope no actual murder of chickens occur in their plot thing but it could also be something Worse so Yikes!
i wish yao didn't know what a hickey is but. welp he would. actually this makes me propose a situation (nsfw-ish? implied nsfw?): nyo china buys encyclopedias for yao to read and one very old one has a section with a full diagram of sexual intercourse. it isn't porn, it's those diagrams where the skin is missing and serves as a view into the organs of the human body but just in a... position. so 8 year old yao reads all about sex and goes to nyo china being like "hey so sex is for making babies right? so if i want children i have to have sex right? there's no opting out of it?" and nyo china is like fuck it the kid might as well get his sex ed + introduction to adoption stuff now since he knows about it already. then the next day a teacher has a badly hidden hickey and yao is trying to figure out how the fuck that happened before he remembers that certain animals bite each other during sex and asks nyo china about it.. and then boom. (the encyclopedia part was unfortunately inspired by irl events 😔)
but anyway imagine yao mistranslating the code.. and being like "wtf why do you want to BITE people" and india + iran being like ??? and then they get an unfortunate sex ed that night (baby! yao's mildly inaccurate version: "sometimes weirdos like biting each other during sex many animals do this as well and this is called a hickey. sex is this thing that adults do for fun and sometimes to reproduce. but you should only bite other people and have sex with them if all of you are interested and not just because you want a baby, because there are other ways of getting one. if they try to have sex with you or bite you or touch you in Bad Touch areas you should -" "kill them? and get an adult later?" "yeah exactly" "how do you know this tho??") then yao probably tries to find the sex encyclopedia to bring to school to show india and iran but nyo china threw it out because it was 20 years out of date and said that pluto was a planet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also YES MISS VIETNAM DESTROY THE PROPERTY OF THE RICH... CUT HIM DOWN TO SIZE imagine getting 2 entire ass houses at 18 lol and there was actually a person who was going to get a mercedes in my class. apparently his parents were buying 2 and wanted him to pick the one with the colour he liked more as a gift at 18 and keep the other for themselves. he asked us which colour Mercedes was better, someone accused him of being a braggart, and then there was so much drama... i am glad i am no longer in that class. rich people.
also yeah miss vietnam is definitely one of those nice but strict teachers!! she'll definitely be kind to everyone but she won't tolerate bullshit and god knows yao is full of it. but also imagine vietnam teaching india's class and then yao pouting to india about the assignment he got a b on (a slight improvement from the c) only to be met with "what? she's so nice and smart lol you're just an asshole i kind of want to make friends with her tbh" and yao's like How Dare You Backstab Me Like This? but yes she really forces him to Think instead of just letting him be and that's very good for him!! and she gets an intellectual outlet too :D
also yeah like linh is going to struggle.. how do you write "he's a complete asshole but tolerable and intellectually fun after a while" in a GOOD manner?? this rec letter will probably be full of phrases like "a spirited personality given to debate" or something
This is also a late reply :’)
I wasn’t really thinking about anything specific for the plot; I was really just trying to find a word that was slightly similar to hickey and decided on a dead chicken lmao. But honestly, it would probably be something like “I’m going to bring a (dead) chicken to class for show and tell and you two need to act horrified and cause a ruckus because it would be fun and it would scare the other kids :)”. (this is probably bullying, so in an effort to make them slightly better kids, an alternative plot is that a stray cat has been coming to their school and in order to make friends with it, they feed it a whole-ass dead chicken Nyo China got from the butchers and was planning to cook for dinner. The teachers are horrified and confiscate Yao’s backpack for fear of germs and salmonella.)
THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OH MY GOD nyo China, miss, please, he’s young. But the encyclopedia reading is so accurate o-o small and independent Yao + voracious reader + lots and lots of books about Everything + nyo China’s hands-off “it’s never too early to know” caretaking/parenting strategy = what other things has he been exposed to... (let’s face it he’s probably said the F-word or insulted someone in Mandarin without meaning to, but came off as a disrespectful little chaos ball) BUT THE BADLY HIDDEN HICKEY and the ANIMALS BITING EACH OTHER salk;fsdl;ksdjl way to unconsciously roast your teacher lmao. I love nyo China’s no-nonsense way of approaching Strange Questions Asked by Eight Year Olds but I do not know how to feel about her very direct answers 😭 Also, I am very sorry for your personal loss 😔.
Scene 3 is 100/10 canon now. “weirdos who bite each other during sex” Yao thinks hickeys are weird, and good for him. Also the little summary!! Of course Yao pass on everything he knows to India and Iran... at least it’s not a fucked up version of sex-ed, even if it may have some small inaccuracies. rip outdated encyclopedia. Also “ ‘kill them? And get an adult later?’ ‘yeah exactly’” GOOD nyo china thank you for doing at least one thing correctly
also your class is crazy??? A MERCEDES oh my god... how do his parents love him so much? My parents probably wouldn’t even trust me with a second hand from 2005 lmao. Also, wtf rich kid, why would you be crowdsourcing opinions for YOUR car? (ngl I kinda think he was bragging too 😂, but drama? Do all these people have nothing else to do besides gossip smh)
Vietnam has a blacklist of Confirmed Assholes she needs to keep an eye on and Yao got on the list in the first few days after being very tryhard and simultaneously arrogant, so he just assumes she’s naturally mean because he never saw the other side of her. But then he starts hearing reviews from his friends who all say she’s their favorite teacher so far and he’s all like “????? Excuse you???” Also yes go get her friendship Aditya hopefully it will mellow you out a little as well “A spirited personality given to debate” YES YES YES! That sounds like such a nice phrase but it’s just code for “loves to argue with me and that’s cool I guess”. The recommendation makes Yao glow (to admissions) despite how much Vietnam thinks it’s bad and also how much bs-ing she thought she did. Admissions officers think Yao’s amazing and contributes greatly to the classroom environment and Vietnam is like “yeah, in a way, as long as you don’t mind someone who thinks every word you say is somehow wrong and will fight you to prove it lol. just take him, I’m trying to get rid of him”
Since there’s essays involved I’m assuming she teaches either history or literature? Kinda on the fence because I feel like she’d be good at giving a no-nonsense version of history filled with interesting details and prompts that make you think (and also hosts monthly debates on controversial issues), but I also want Yao to be as un-confident as possible in his abilities in her class, and I feel like he would be less comfortable/sure of his answers and thoughts in a lit class than a history one. I’m not sure though
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shadlad24 · 4 years
More Funny Little Moments #1: Season 1, Episodes 1-12
So, I decided to do this post after all. Halp. LOL Because I apparently LOVE giving myself a bunch of unnecessary work, I decided to choose two to three extra moments, per episode! SUPER halp! X’D Anyway, these are moments that didn’t make the cut for my FFLM series because: my sense of humor is a little weird, they were gonna be too much work (LOL/Siiigh), I like to highlight patterns, and I don’t like a lot of repetition. [Links to each FFLM along the bottom of the post. :)]
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Let’s start with something I originally agreed with other fans on but have since changed my mind. A lot of people didn’t like this part of “Chariots of War” because it seems so ludicrous that Xena would forget her chakram anywhere. Well, let me tell you! This lady has left her weapons behind most episodes thus far. I didn’t note it every time here (and especially didn’t bother with her whip) because that’d really overrun the post buuuuut… You’ll see. XD
1.01 Sins of the Past
Xena’s shift being so much dirtier than the little boy’s clothes though she’s high up off the ground, and he lives in smoked-out rubble.
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Yup. Xena forgot her sword (and later, her main saddlebag) at her mother’s tavern. Pft.
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Sorry these were kinda lame, but I didn’t want to re-use any more of the original fifteen points I made about this episode... Ah well. Moving on! (heh)
1.02 Chariots of War
Xena loses her sword after the chariot crash, taking up and discarding Sphaerus’s but walking off without her own. (See her front and back and both of Argo’s sides.)
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Gabrielle chewing Xena out, Xena being bummed about it, and Argo being surprised. X’D
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1.03 Dreamworker
This got me good. Gabrielle does Xena’s war cry so well here that I really thought it was Xena for a few seconds. Realizing it was GabbyWabs only made me chuckle more because she apparently can’t do it when it really counts in “The Greater Good.”
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Argo NOT being on Team Gabrielle. XD (Their feud is a little funny to me.)
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1.04 Cradle of Hope
Xena tossing aside her sword after killing Nemos. Extras even dance and celebrate right on top of it! Wut thuh?
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I decided to avoid mentioning Hope in the FFLM because Xena’s quote here is more ironic than comedic, and Gabrielle’s little face is just so sad, but I didn’t want to let it pass by entirely unremarked upon. At least GW gets to show off her oracle skills again? :’)
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1.05 The Path Not Taken
So, Xena and Gabrielle walk into a bar… Heh. No, but really, they enter this tavern for the first time ever, yet the bartender not only knows what they want, he knows that they’re coming and has their drinks waiting for them too. All Xena has to do is knock on the counter and nod to get her fire-breath alcohol/oil, and Gabrielle barely has the word “cider” out of her mouth before the guy hands it to her. Xena, like me, is duly amazed.
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Lucy, through Xena, making another timely anti-peanut statement. I just didn’t want to do the same thing twice back-to-back in the FFLM. X)
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1.06 The Reckoning
Gabrielle thinking along the same lines Xena and I did about this poor excuse for a judge.
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Me not being well-versed in ancient Greek heroes and picturing the fool who Draco killed so handily in the first episode. heh
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1.07 The Titans
I’ll let Xena explain this one. …Mostly. I can’t believe Gabrielle not only sassed the Titans such that she unashamedly put Xena and Phyleus in danger too, but also kinda got this (admittedly awful) town demolished and didn’t lift a finger to actually help anyone in the temple. Tsk tsk. XP
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So… Hyperion here can smash homes and businesses that were probably well-built and reinforced and all, but he can’t get his hand out of a stocks-cuff that was made in a single evening with scraps from those destroyed buildings. He also, inexplicably, has no use of his left hand or the power-breath that he used to knock Gabrielle over. Okie. XD
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1.08 Prometheus
Is this really a thing? I was giggling quite a bit in disbelief that severed windpipes can heal. Like, perforated is one thing; completely bisected? Yeah, I don’t think so.
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Gabrielle being incredulous upon learning that Xena has other friends, realizing what the warrior princess means, and then wondering if that could be her one day. 
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   1.09 Death in Chains
Gabrielle enjoying watching Xena kill someone for the first time, then quickly realizing that fact. Whoops.
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I found this moment really odd and then kind of hilarious. This poor dying old woman begs for water and goes ignored not only by the hospice workers, but also Talus and Gabrielle. Then Talus decides to be helpful. Gabrielle goes to the woman and lets her talk a lot (undoubtedly drying her mouth and throat even more), hears that Xena might be in danger, and then just… leaves. Talus goes with her, not having gotten water from the well after all. What a couple of jerks! XD
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1.10 Hooves & Harlots
I really don’t know why Gabrielle kept making this face as Terreis died, but it tickled my funny bone too. So, I provided alternate subs to go with it. [Did you notice how she kind of cringes when Terreis tries to hold her hand and then just lets the Amazon flop once she’s died, flinging her hand aside like, “Ew, get it off me!”? What was that all about? X”) Hm… maybe she has an aversion to dying people, and that’s why she abandoned the old lady last episode?]
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Gabrielle being a smart aleck, just like me, because Phantes’s complaint here is so ludicrous. But then you see the close-up of little hoofies in cuffs too, and, if you’re anything like me too, kinda just topple over laughing. The poor actual horse they did this to, though, man! What even?
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Gosh, this episode was chockfull of hilarity, eh? Why did this happen? Gabby, take it away!
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1.11 The Black Wolf
I laughed at this too. But now I wonder. Is Xerxes related to Caesar and/or connected to Rome or something? Because Xena does this twice around them too. In “When in Rome,” she jokes that the two guards lost playing tag with her, and in “A Good Day” she informs Pompey that if there were more guards hiding around their meeting space, then she would have had more helmets. heh Oh, Xenie. I think I know why Gabrielle’s turning out to be such a little punk ...or vice versa? Is Gabrielle actually a bit of a bad influence on Xena? XP
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So, this fight just struck me as really odd. Xena passes her sword to Flora though she (Xena) needs to battle the big boss of the episode, and… actually, is totally right. The king throws a single wide-ass punch, waits while Xena kicks the guy behind her a few times, lets himself get kicked in the face a couple of times, and then comes at her with a little piece of chain, presumably from the restraints that were intended to keep Flora in place during her execution. Sir, you have a sword! A giant sword, right there on your hip! What are you doing? Then, when Xena kicks him a final time and sends him flying, his (supposed-to-be) metal armor is no match for the splintered wood of the axe she broke earlier. …Okie. XD XD XD   *gif below*
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Xena once again leaves her chakram somewhere. …And I am now imagining this being part of Gabrielle’s maid duties: the poor kid has to go find Xena’s weapons each night and bring them back to her. I’m especially imaging the fluffball hilariously, adorably struggling to get the chakram out of things like this wall, as she did with Xena’s sword in the tree stump in “Dreamworker,” but more parallel to the floor. Cuuuute! XD
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This plus this 
*pic + GIF below*:
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1.12 Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts
This scene too really made me wonder, though amused as well. Why is Gabrielle so surprised that the only city nearby, that they were headed to, is the one they find? Is she really being that loud? Is Xena goofing around with the bootlaces question? Why startle Gabrielle and then yank her into enemy territory screaming, when what you want is quiet? What’s with the trapdoor-spider soldiers? Xena’s pose throwing the chakram. XD Gabrielle mostly featherlight dance-y moves through the battlefield. XD XD XD Why is it that when Xena tells Gabrielle to stick right behind her, Gabrielle disappears? And what was with the bucket-sitting soldier? Gabrielle is like, “Oh; no, thank you!” when she sees him and turns tail. Then Xena ...follows her. “We’re goin’ this way! Now we’re goin’ that way!” But they still end up dead-ahead from where they burst out of the bushes. XD That was ridiculous and nonsensical, and I’m very confused but had lots of fun. heheheh  *gif below* [ETA: Darn! The original file was too big, so I had to remake the GIF and cut quite a few things out. :( Sorry]
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Xena’s outta-nowhere crusade to emasculate Deiphobus coming full-circle. What was that all about?
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Welp, I hope you had as much fun as I originally and then later did. Not so much in the middle with the collage-and-GIF-making and editing and redoing, but; y’know. XD Wouldn’t trade it for …Hm… Nevermind. LOL
If you missed any of the FFLMs, then please click on the corresponding number-links below. :D
#1  #2  #3  #4  #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12
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spacewizardtrek · 4 years
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Kirk bod appreciation #6: The Curves. The Front. The...chest. AND THE AMAZING GREEN WRAP
Bread and Circuses. This...vision appears. The hips, again. You know that thing where you see a really nice curve on something, and it’s just...pleasing? It’s just...nice. There’s harmony in the world and it’s calming and right. It could be the s-curve of a car, or a meandering river viewed from 30,000 feet, or the simple arc of a leaf. Or Captain Kirk’s hourglass. Look at his lines. We celebrate this on the feminine form a lot, but masculine curves? This is where Kirk is wonderful. There’s this whole dance of masculine-feminine and what is masculine or feminine anyway? Who gets to define that? And look at the...chest. Look at those shadows from a distance. Aren’t they just. I mean seriously. And the pinnacle. The Tum™. The tum is very important, and important that we stand up to the people who put him down for The Thicc, and say back the heck up here. Back right up. How DARE you. Let’s just all take a moment to love this bod, and love anyone who has this kind of bod, you are lovely and perfect. 
Let’s talk about this wrap now. This wrap is brilliant. The wrap is one of the greatest items of clothing from the 20th/23rd century. Look at how this is the absolute perfect thing to dress this man in. Look how flattering it is, how it shows off all his beautiful things. Thank you, William Ware Theiss, for this legacy. The wonderful gay costume designer for Star Trek. Thank you, wherever your energy now resides in the universe. And screw you, world, for making it impossible to find clothes like this irl. Interestingly, wrap tops can be found but tend to be exclusively in the femme section of clothes stores. Now there’s another fun gender thing, which adds to the theory of Kirk being expressively non-binary.
Extra: lol at McCoy for looking just like Mr Bean in these hilariously unfortunate screencaps. He’s beautiful too, of course, but in a different way. I’ll leave the Bones-love to someone else...
Collect them all!
Kirk bod appreciation #5: The Paws
Kirk bod appreciation #4: The Curves. The Back. Poetry in motion.  
Kirk bod appreciation #3: Season 3 (Part 1)
Kirk bod appreciation #2b: The Gluteus Maximus
Kirk bod appreciation #2a: The Gluteus Maximus
Kirk bod appreciation #1: The Tum
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serceleste · 4 years
star trek: tos season 1
I’ve been rewatching Star Trek: The Original Series instead of starting anything new (of course) and I have some thoughts about season 1! I love this show. Here are some random things I love.
1. Kirk and Spock wordlessly communicating. They’re in love, okay.
2. In ‘The Naked Time’, everything is falling apart, the bridge is in chaos, Kirk loses his temper, Uhura loses her temper. Then Uhura takes a breath, and she is immediately back in ultra professional mode, damn whatever she’s actually thinking and feeling. And Kirk immediately apologizes. It’s amazing.
3. I appreciate random shirtless Kirk. And that time Sulu was randomly shirtless and attacking people with a sword. (The look on the two dudes’ faces when he is brandishing his sword at them in the corridor is PRICELESS.)
4. The unicorn dog. Fave.
5. Spock playing the ka’athyra, and then Uhura sings with him, and she’s totally good-naturedly poking fun at him the whole time, and Spock accepts it with such good humor and he has no feelings my ass.
6. Obviously Kirk’s shirt tearing all the damn time, sometimes with no plausible reason. My favorite is when McCoy just rips the shoulder open to jab him with a hypo on the bridge.
7. There’s some pretty nice work done in the pilot establishing that Kirk and Mitchell have a long history and a deep friendship, and that makes what happens in the episode so much more tragic. I also love Spock’s easy acceptance of Kirk wanting the record to state that Mitchell (and Dehner) died in the line of duty.
8. Uhura competently taking over other positions on the bridge at a word from Kirk. The implication that all members of the bridge crew/senior staff have their specialties but learned all necessary functions in case of emergency is really nice. (I’ve noticed Sulu taking over navigation sometimes, too, and Scotty’s taken the helm at least once, and Kirk himself operates various positions.)
9. One of my favorite things about Star Trek is its optimism, and also the enduring sense of hopefulness and compassion it and the characters embody. In ‘Charlie X’, even after all the shit he did to them, you can see that they are nevertheless moved by Charlie’s genuine terror and Kirk tries to come up with a different solution that will help him. Or in ‘The Corbomite Maneuver’, after the alien has threatened to destroy them, and he puts out the distress call, Kirk’s response is still to help.
10. Kirk is in love with the Enterprise and the show doesn’t even try to be coy about it, it just comes right out and says so. Multiple times. <3
11. It’s clearly a product of its time and some things are... not great, but I love that it tries, and it honestly wants to portray a future where everyone is treated the same and things like race and gender don’t matter, even if it isn’t quite there in the execution of it. (Yeoman Rand in particular gets some wince-worthy moments in the first season, unfortunately.)
12. Evil!Kirk wears eyeliner, because of course he does. LMAO.
13. The green shirt! I love Kirk’s green shirt. (Actually I love the TOS uniforms in general. Best Trek uniforms, fight me.)
14. McCoy and Spock making fun of each other. <3
15. The number of times Scotty tells Kirk he needs hours/days to fix/accomplish something and Kirk is like ‘you have ten minutes’ and Scotty is just like ‘...fuck, okay’.
16. In ‘What Are Little Girls Made Of?’ Kirk sabotages his android by thinking negatively about Spock because THAT’S the thing he knows will make it clear something’s wrong. OMG. And then Spock makes fun of him for using an unsophisticated insult. Hearteyes.
17. Every time Spock calls Kirk Jim. Also, every time Kirk calls McCoy Bones.
18. Their food is hilarious, it always just looks like little colorful blocks. And their idea of futuristic fashion is completely ridiculous and also the best. 
19. Kirk is so charming, but it’s so genuine, which is I think why it’s so devastating. When he’s looking at people, and smiling at them, you know he really genuinely gives a shit, and actually cares about them, and tbh I think I’d do anything he asked if he looked at me like that, lol. 
20. McCoy is a gift. He’s so grumpy! And he calls everyone out on their shit, especially Kirk, and he’d never say so but he cares so goddamn much.
21. I just ship Kirk/Spock so fucking hard, OMG. Every time they interact I’m just like YESSSSSS THEY’RE FUCKING IN LOVE DAMN.
22. “Fascinating.” <33333 Oh! And the eyebrow raise! Especially when he does it at Kirk. Or McCoy.
23. Kirk’s absolute faith in Spock at the beginning of ‘The Menagerie’. It’s a bit heartbreaking, considering. And the moment you can see Spock choose Pike over Kirk, at the end of Part 1, stabs me right in the heart. And when Kirk agrees that Spock is guilty during the “trial”. (Also I love that they found a way to use the rejected pilot and turn it into what’s really a compelling pair of episodes.)
24. ‘Balance of Terror’ is so good. It’s just a battle of wills between Kirk and the Romulan commander, with how difficult the pressure of command can be for Kirk, and that look into racism with the navigator who distrusts Spock.
25. McCoy and Spock having a battle of wills over Spock needing/not needing medical attention and raising their eyebrows at each other. Love. I understand the Spock/McCoy shipping. (Speaking of, in ‘Operation Annihilate’ when McCoy doesn’t want Kirk to tell Spock he said he was the best first officer in the fleet but Spock overhears and says thank you, McCoy’s face, lmao.)
26. When they find Kirk’s brother dead in ‘Operation Annihilate’ Spock actually attempts to offer comfort!!! Also Kirk holds Spock a couple of times in that ep, it’s great.
27. Every time Spock gets offended because they’ve accused him of having a human emotion or reaction. <3333
28. I think ‘City on the Edge of Forever’ works not just because it’s a truly compelling question of not holding one life, no matter how dear, over the lives of millions, but because Edith herself is genuinely lovely. You can see the tragedy in the death of a woman like her, and the soft romance between her and Kirk is beautiful.
29. And even in the midst of what’s easily one of the strongest (if not the strongest) of Kirk’s relationships on the show, you get Edith saying that she can see that where Spock belongs is by Kirk’s side. My heart.
30. The Gorn. Come on. Iconic.
31. As compassionate as Kirk is I also love the moments that remind you that part of the reason he’s such a good captain is that he’s ruthless when he needs to be. He will make the hard decisions firmly and surely and he won’t let his crew know if he’s internally struggling with them.
32. Kirk’s fighting style!! He’s just throwing himself at people and hitting them with his ass and clinging onto their backs and I LOVE IT.
33. In 'Court Martial’, I think Kirk’s lawyer ex might wear a female dress uniform for the only time ever on the show (certainly the only time in the first season). All the times when the dudes are wearing them, the women are all still wearing their regular duty uniforms. It’s sort of hilarious to me that the men’s look so fancy but hers is just a slightly different collar and a longer skirt, lol.
34. When Spock mindmelds with the Horta in ‘Devil in the Dark’! It’s so sad, and I think that’s the first time we really get a look into what it means for Spock to meld, to share so deeply with another being. 
35. I’m into how Kirk looks in that old-fashioned suit in ‘The Return of the Archons’ but definitely nothing beats him and Spock in short tunics and tights in ‘Errand of Mercy’. Plus Spock gets a half-cape!
36. ‘The Conscience of the King’, responsible for so much woobie Kirk backstory, even in AOS fic where it’s not even canon, lol.
37. McCoy strolling out with those women at the end of ‘Shore Leave’, all “well I am on shore leave”, lmao.
38. Of course McCoy’s iconic declarations of ‘I’m a doctor, not a ‘insert occupation here’. 
39. The computer programmed to seductively purr at Kirk is hilarious.
40. The origin of the redshirt. Classic. 
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thehopefuldandelion · 5 years
Fanfic Tropes
Thanks to @oakfarmer12 and @tindomrl for tagging me:)
1. Slowburn or love at first sight
2. Fake dating or secretly dating
3. Enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers- go check out Not Him lol
4. “Oh no there’s only one bed” or long-distance correspondence- YES!
5. Hurt/comfort or amnesia
6. Fantasy au or modern au
7. Mutual pining or domestic bliss- those silly kids
8. Smut or fluff 
9. Canon-compliant/ missing scenes or fix-it
10. Alternative universe or future fic- my faves;)
11. One-shot or multi-chapter- both just depends on my mood
12. Kid fic or road trip fic
13. Reincarnation or character death- no just no
14. Arranged marriage or accidental marriage- these are hilarious
15. High school romance or middle-aged romance (adult)
16. Time travel or isolated together- no comment except that they are amazing
17. Neighbours or roommates- both tbh
18. Sci fi or magic au- not for me
19. Body swap or genderbend- frick yes
20. Angst or crack- is this even a question
21. Apocalyptic or mundane
If you've already been tagged I apologize. @lovely-tothe-bone @that-comes-and-stays-fire @ambpersand
Thanks for sharing!
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale S4 Ep7 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- FRED 💔💔💔Coming DIRECTLY for my heart I see, okay Riverdale
- WAIT… YOU’RE TELLING ME NO ONE RAN AGAINST HIRAM SO NOW HE’S THE FUCKING MAYOR? I, despite knowing nothing about how to be mayor, would run against him SOLELY so he wouldn’t win and I know I’d win because NOBODY trusts or likes Hiram fucking Lodge………………. god this show
- Do they guys not know that “the guy from the community center” is the one that found and took Dodger to the hospital? I mean I guess not because Archie’s a minor and doesn’t HAVE to stay, he could have just dropped him off and left but like… this is some fucking reaching shit right now. Archie as their enemy has never gone after them without Dodger attacking FIRST. He’s trying to help the KIDS, how does that make you think HE is the one who fucking did it???? The fucking reach… but also…. who DID do it 👀👀 Probably Hiram’s bitch ass…
- This bh scene of them talking on the phone while Betty packs could have been cute but at the same time it’s bh. Plus, I find it hilarious that Jughead doesn’t wait for Betty to say “I love you” back like???
- I love Choni, but God Toni looks EXHAUSTED. I hate how they’ve turned one of the healthiest ships into… this. Toni loves Cheryl which is why she’s not leaving her despite all of this batshit crazy shit going on, but Toni is caring and hardheaded (before they took away her personality smh) and she would shut this dumb Julian and Jason shit DOWN. Just let my girls be happy again, please… putting Cheryl through all of this bullshit CONSTANTLY is getting real old, real fast.
- Why do people always get afraid of killing someone when it’s self defense?? Like, you won’t get in trouble! You were P R O T E C T I N G yourself/someone you love. It’s the same mistake Alice/Betty made with that mystery guy that tried to hurt Chic or whatever, it was self defense but God forbid anyone actually goes to the police and doesn’t have something to use against them later on 🙄🙄🙄
- Veronica goes above and beyond I wanna cry
- Hiram really has to be a bitch ass ON THANKSGIVING? What a real dick… BUT YASSSSS FP BEING ON ARCHIE’S SIDE WE STAN
- FP not quitting because he knows that’s what Hiram wants, ALSO because he’d just put in another Minetta… ALSO SUPPORTIVE FALICE UGH WE STAN! Can they just get married already? They’re basically already married and I’m soft for them.
- Hermosa does realize that the only reason she’s actually invited to a dinner with her father and his family is to manipulate Veronica, right? Like, throughout ALL the years even after her mother died we can tell he didn’t invite her because Veronica didn’t know about her. Like… I just… 
- MARY 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 GOD I’M SO SAD
- Toni’s hair is amazing, and Cheryl’s dress is FIRE
- JUGHEAD WAS THINKING OF MR. CHIPPING WHILE HAVING SEX (I mean it’s implied because they’re cuddling in a bed and the way they’re holding each other tends to be how they hold one another after sex) I’M—THAT’S SO FUCKING FUNNY. I love that when they have sex both of them think of literally ANYTHING else.
- Betty with that hair and that shirt? Yes. See, if they weren’t almost step-siblings and didn’t bring out the worst in each other, this soft scene could actually be cute!
- BETTY… ORDER CHINESE FOOD? THERE’S A LEVEL 4 STORM OUTSIDE?? WHO WOULD BE OPEN DURING AN ICE STORM? Then again… Veronica is the baddest bitch and a go-getter so Pop’s would definitely still be open (also because of the still)
- First of all, that “Yes my fantasy of eating junk food for thanksgiving!” Betty was so cute… but like that’s also a really weird fantasy… although they are almost step siblings, are still together, AND fuck to serial killer documentaries like weirdos so
- lmao “I’m too cool for everything” Brett put on that bunny mask… to scare Jughead? I know he’s annoying (although not as much this season THANK GOD) but damn you buried the kid let him breathe
- This dumb blonde bitch really thinks this kid brutalized Dodger like that despite CLEARLY being a sweet person like??? Maybe pay attention to the clues and don’t just take their word (who also said it was PROBABLY if I’m remembering correctly)
- That pajama jughead with Veronica in her PJ’s,,, the perfect duo that Riverdale will never give us. How fucking tragic 😭😭😭
- What, does Betty suddenly know how to make some kind fo truth serum or something?
- ALL THIS FRED TALK I’M SO SOFT BITCHHHHHH PLUS SHADE ON HIRAM?! Also,,, you can’t give a previous alcoholic drinks, also also that speakeasy is not yours but umm… it’s for Fred so I’ll let it pass
- LMAO BETTY YOU ARE NOT IN THE SERPENTS FUCK OFF. YOU SAVED A DOG. Oh bitch I just KNOW people are going to use that in those not-really badass edits of Betty… but at least Betty KNOWS that she’s not a sweet/nice person lol. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss when Betty was actually a nice, sweet, good person back in season one though
- Can’t she just wait for, idk, dodger to get out of his coma and then ask him who did it? Like I know it was Hiram hiring someone but like???
- YES MARY!! THE QUEEN OF RIVERDALE! Also them being surprised that she went mama bear? girl wbk Mary was a badass not to be fucked with
- Choni is so soft ughhhhhhhh <3
- NOT BETTY REALLY BELIEVING THAT DONNA WASN’T MANIPULATED… and people still want to call Betty a feminist icon? She’s ANYTHING but.
- How would you not realize a camera in your room?? It’s BLINKING. 
- “Dig in, everyone.” A SOBBING
- “We monitor our patients very closely” *patient is gone* cliche of course… there’s no way they could get him out without tripping any alarms. My mom was in the hospital and on a respirator because she couldn’t breathe by herself and ANY slight movement that meant she couldn’t really breathe it would do like this jingle and it was really loud and wouldn’t stop until a nurse came in to fix it. But anyways this is Riverdale and nothing is realistic
- Mmhm Betty once again butting into things she shouldn’t and hurting someone in the process… why do people think she is a good detective again?
- If this means my Serpent babies are going to come back…. I’m going to CRY.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
"What’s it like to have the literal President of the literal United States (of literal America) go Full Adolescent Boy on your girlfriend? Hmm. Well… it’s WEIRD.”
Sue Bird calls out Trump in hilarious and touching tribute to girlfriend Meghan Rapinoe. 👏👏👏👏
"Hi!! @S10Bird here. This is my WC Semis preview. Title was supposed to be “So the President F*cking Hates My Girlfriend (& 10 Other Things I Want You to Know Before the World Cup Semifinals)” but we ran out of space. My bad. Thanks for reading. GO @USWNT."
Hi!! Sue here. This is my World Cup Semifinals preview. The title was supposed to be “So the President F*cking Hates My Girlfriend (and 10 Other Things I Want You to Know Before the World Cup Semifinals)” but we ran out of space. My bad. Thanks for reading. GO USWNT.
(1) I’m back!! I was done, I swear!! No, really, I SWEAR. Last year I broke my nose, and then I wrote about it, and then I seriously did think that was going to be it for me in the writing game. I remember telling my editor here something like, “It would take the President of the United States going on a hate-filled Twitter spree trolling my girlfriend while she was putting American soccer, women’s sports, equal pay, gay pride and TRUE LOVE on her back, all at once, scoring two majestic goals to lead Team USA to a thrilling victory over France and a place in the World Cup SEMIFINALS, for me to ever even thinkabout writing again.” But I’m a woman of my word. So here I am.
(2) First of all, I’ve gotta get this on the record, if it’s not already clear: I’m SO proud of Megan!!
And the entire damn USWNT. That’s why I’m writing this article, mainly. So if you could do me a favor, let’s just take a second, for real, and appreciate this RUN my girl’s been on?? Like, take away all of the “extra” stuff — and just focus for a second on the soccer alone. Two goals against Spain. Two goals against France, WHILE A GUEST IN THEIR MAISON. I want to hit on a lot of other topics while I’m here, and trust me I will — but I just think it’s also really important not to forget what this is actually, first and foremost, about, you know? It’s about a world-class athlete, operating at the absolute peak of her powers, on the absolute biggest stage that there is. It’s about an athlete f*cking killing it. 
It’s about Megan coming through.
(3) O.K. so now that that’s out of the way, I’ll answer The Question.
The one that’s probably most on your mind. And by that I mean: What’s it like to have the literal President of the literal United States (of literal America) go Full Adolescent Boy on your girlfriend?  Hmm. Well… it’s WEIRD. And I’d say I actually had a pretty standard reaction to it: which was to freak out a little.
That’s one thing that you kind of have to know about me and Megan: our politics are similar — after we won the WNBA title in Seattle last season, no way were we going to the (f*cking) White House! — but our dispositions are not. And as we’ve been talking through a lot of this “stuff,” as it’s been happening to her, you know, I’ll be honest here….. some of it scares the sh*t out of me!!
I mean, some of it is kind of funny….. but like in a REALLY? REALLY? THIS GUY??? kind of way. Like, dude — there’s nothing better demanding your attention?? It would be ridiculous to the point of laughter, if it wasn’t so gross. (And if his legislations and policies weren’t ruining the lives of so many innocent people.) And then what’s legitimately scary, I guess, is like….. how it’s not just his tweets. Because now suddenly you’ve got all these MAGA peeps getting hostile in your mentions. And you’ve got all these crazy blogs writing terrible things about this person you care so much about. And now they’re doing takedowns of Meganon Fox News, and who knows whatever else. It’s like an out-of-body experience, really — that’s how I’d describe it. That’s how it was for me.
But then Megan, man….. I’ll tell you what. You just cannot shake that girl. She’s going to do her thing, at her own damn speed, to her own damn rhythm, and she’s going to apologize to exactly NO ONE for it. So when all the Trump business started to go down last week, I mean — the fact that Megan just seemed completely unfazed? It’s strange to say, but that was probably the only normal thing about it. It’s not an act with her. It’s not a deflection. To me it’s more just like: Megan is at the boss level in the video game of knowing herself. She’s always been confident….. but that doesn’t mean she’s always been immune. She’s as sensitive as anyone — maybe more!! She’s just figured out how to harness that sensitivity.
And I think Megan’s sensitivity is what drives her to fight for others. I think it’s what drove her to take a knee. The Megan you’re seeing now? It’s the stronger version of the one who knelt in the first place. All the threats, all the criticism, all the fallout — coming out on the other side of that is what makes her seem so unfazed by the assholes of the world now.
I think in trying to help others, Megan has cemented who she is.
(4) A few 100% random and 100% unrelated facts, presented without commentary.
Donald Trump has never invited a WNBA champion to the White House.
In 2017, when South Carolina Women’s Basketball — coached by a black woman (the legend Dawn Staley) — won the national championship, they were not initially invited to the White House.
In 2019, when Baylor Women’s Basketball — coached by a white woman (also a legend, Kim Mulkey) — won the national championship, they were invited to the White House with no issues.
Stumbled across this cool website the other day. Check it out 🙂
(5) Alright….. yeah. It’s time. It’s definitely time.
We Need To Talk About Megan’s Pink Hair.
I’m actually just going to say this out loud, and put it all the way out there, since the Players’ Tribune is a space for honesty (plus there’s this whole Atlantic Ocean between us): The hair?? I was….. AGAINST it. Phew!! That felt really good to say. I was against it. I thought it was too impulsive and I voted no. (LOL not that I actually got a vote — our relationship when it comes to Megan’s fashion is based on what you might call a “modified democracy,” where we both give our opinion and then Megan does what she wants.)
But yeah, my feeling was — you’re going to the World Cup!! To do great things!! And hopefully, if all goes well, you’re going to be memorialized in all of these pictures that will be around for….. EVER! Plus, blonde hair is like — Your Signature Thing!! You look amazing blonde. We know that looks good on you. Pink? Megan, are you sure?Don’t you think you might regret this??
And Megan was just, like, Nope. World Cup. Pink hair. I’m in. Let’s get it. She got it colored the DAY before she left, without a care in the freaking world. I mean….. if you were ever wondering what the Rapinoe Lifestyle was about….. that’s it, truly.
(Also, I love it now? Now that’s it’s settled in and looks a little more purple. Don’t tell Megan.)
(6) Back to the France game for a second. A few thoughts here.
One, I’m not sure if you saw — but, my girlfriend?? She shrugged off the Rude Man on Twitter, and managed to play….. I’d say pretty well 🙂
Two, France!! They were incredible. I really hope some of them are reading this, because I just want them to know that. They stayed so damn tough, I thought, through the whole tournament — and that’s with the pressure of hosting the event, too. The way they persevered to make it a match, late, after getting down two goals early?? I mean, don’t get me wrong — I was 100% on MANIAC mode, cheering for our squad. Obviously. But I still hated that anyone had to lose.
Three, on the advice of counsel I’d like to issue a formal apology to everyone who was on the plane with me last week, and had to watch me fistpump like a bozo after each of Megan’s goals, and smash the REFRESH button on my phone like a….. well, also a bozo, after my bars started cutting out in the second half.
It won’t happen again except let me be clear it might.
No, seriously — I could not imagine taking one??????
I think the more I watch soccer, and the more I find these ways to apply it to what I know about basketball, the better feel I get for the game. Like, for example, as a point guard, I have a pretty strong sense of floor-spacing….. and I think that ends up being extremely relevant for soccer. I’m definitely starting to “see the field,” you know? And I’m noticing the way that plays develop, and stuff. (They just kind of develop.)
O.K. so that’s my plus column.
My minus column? PENALTY KICKS. Like, I guess they’re kind of like free throws? Only if there was someone trying to BLOCK your free throw, and you had to use your foot (??), and oh yeah if you missed it you’d never forgive yourself and have it haunt you for the rest of your LIFE?? So what I’m saying is it’s not like a free throw at all.
I don’t want Megan to turn out to be an alien from another planet, but I’m just going to say the truth of how I feel right now: If you’re good at penalty kicks, you’re a f*cking alien from another planet.
(8) I had a long thing prepared here about the equal pay debate.
I was planning on “making some points” and “going in.”
But then I thought about it some more, and to tell you the truth….. I’m kind of done with that.
If you’re not on the right side of this fight, and advocating fiercely for equal pay — whether it’s in soccer, or basketball, or in any other industry, and across every intersectional boundary — then I just straight-up feel bad for you.
Because you’re sad, and wrong, and going down.
I feel that in my bones, increasingly, over these last several months — having seen my colleagues in the W show we mean business on a new CBA. 
I feel that in my bones, increasingly, over these last couple of years — having seen our NBA counterparts start (START!) to stick their necks out for us, more and more, in solidarity and out of respect.
And I feel that in my bones, increasingly, right f*cking now — having seen these indestructible USWNT women stand up for themselves and (this seriously can’t be stressed enough) crack a LAWSUIT over the heads of U.S. Soccer while they go out and grind for a freaking World Cup.
Oh right and they literally are MORE PROFITABLE THAN THE MEN.
TLDR: Pay us.
(9) They told me I should make some predictions!! LOL.
In the first semi, I’ve got those frisky lil AMERICANS taking down England, by a score of 2-0. I feel like we’re vibing right now, and the offense is really humming, so yeah — this one’s USA all the way. (QUICK NOTE ON METHODOLOGY: I may have just made the prediction that results in me getting a summer trip to Paris.)
In the second semi….. O.K., so, I won’t reveal my sources, but I heard this major scoop that the Netherlands might be a team people are sleeping on?? But then I guess on the other hand, you also have Sweden, who thumped us in the Olympics….. so that’s a “cool final” maybe….. I don’t know, I feel like these teams probably know each other really well. Like a classic neighborhood beef. How am I doing? Should I keep faking it here? Let’s go with the Netherlands, 2-1.
(10) Wait let’s do a story time.
I’ve been lucky enough to hear a few awesome stories about the USWNT in my day, so I feel like — since you’ve put up with my decidedly non-expert World Cup semifinal preview, and been so cool about it — I owe you one of them here. 
I’ll actually tell you my favorite.
Alright so it’s halftime of the 2015 World Cup Final….. and of course, if you’re reading this, you know the score: 4-1 U.S. Carli has her hat trick, Lauren has one, and Japan has their one. And I think we’re all among friends at this point, so let’s just be real: It wasn’t even THAT close. It was over, dudes. World Cup? Over. Amazing!! Party!!
Except: these world-class athletes being these world-class athletes….. there is noooooo off switch in SIGHT. These women are in the locker room at half time, and they are taking it as seriously as if they were tied at one. People are talking strategy, going over plays, breaking down miscues — doing the whole bit, straight up, just biz as usual.
And then…..
And then there’s Megan.
She’s sitting there….. and she’s seeing everyone gameplan, and keep their game-faces on, and Do The Normal Halftime Thing..… and she gets it. Of course she gets it. But, like — still, you know?? Still. There is something inside of her that just….. CANNOT deal. Cannot deal with the ceremony of it all. Cannot deal with the bullshit. And she tries hard to fight it, tries not to say anything….. tries to stay somewhat relaxed. 
But then at some point the girl just….. I mean….. come on.
She can’t help herself:
 “WE’RE GONNA WIN THE WORLD CUP,” she blurted out. 
(11) So there’s this thing that I invented called Megan Goggles.
They’re hard to explain, but I think I’ve almost got it. I think it’s like….. O.K., so: Megan, she just does things sometimes. Do it….. then love it….. then — later, at the very end, if there’s time — worry about it. That’s her M.O. Me, on the other hand….. I’m nothing like that. I’m more of the worry about it first….. and then later, if there’s time, do it type. So the idea of Megan Goggles, I guess, it’s this idea of like — they’re this thing that I put on, and it helps me loosen up a bit?? And just open my eyes, and see the world from Megan’s Extremely Megan perspective.
And anyway, in the beginning of our relationship, I think I would use “Megan Goggles” as a sort of running joke — when we’d be doing that thing couples do where we play these almost cartoon versions of ourselves. In our case: free-spirit Megan and practical Sue.
Except now….. I wouldn’t be so practical!! So it would be like: 
[Megan walks into the closet with some scissors, then confidently walks out…..] 
[Sue puts on Megan Goggles…..] 
Sure, Megan! Absolutely let’s call that t-shirt you just cut a hole in “a look.” 
[Megan suddenly decides that she needs to dye her eyebrows platinum blonde…..] 
[Sue puts on Megan Goggles…..] 
Wait, Megan, nevermind — I take it back that it’ll look like you have no eyebrows! And I can totally see what you mean when you say, “Trust me, they’ll pop.”
And so on and so on — and it just sort of became this, like, shorthand experience. I’d put on my Goggles, and I’d be on this amazing vacation….. to a place where I was someone a little left of my own center. Where I was someone who thinks like Megan thinks.
And then eventually I came to realize the obvious: that Megan Goggles are a lot more than some cute running joke between us, about fashion choices or whatever — and that they’re actually this kind of skeleton key to Megan herself. Or, put another way: When I put on my Megan Goggles?? What I’m really doing, I think, is learning to understand her better — and, if this even makes any sense: I think at the same time, I’m learning how to understand myselfbetter as well.
But wait I’ll get to my point. I’m bringing all this up, and trying to explain this crazy (or I hope not that crazy!!) concept, because last Friday — in the lead-up to that USWNT game vs. France, and then during the game itself, and then after??
I swear, it was like the most amazing thing happened: It was like the entire country, all at once, for this one fleeting and improbable but also somehow very very very very possible moment….. PUT ON MEGAN GOGGLES.
It was like the entire country, all at once, said — Soccer? YES. Women’s soccer? YES. An openly gay superstar swagging out with two goals and batsh*t celebrations and leading us to a huge-ass win in women’s soccer? YES. That same openly gay superstar not just taking some preapproved, basic level of pride in her sexuality, but actually being the world’s biggest most kissable goofball queen and literally crediting her sexuality for those two goals and her batsh*t celebrations and our huge-ass win in women’s soccer? YES. 
This is the American flag now, someone tweeted — and it’s a photo of my girlfriend, BEAMING ear to ear, smiling her BOOBS off on a football field, mugging for the camera, weird-ass dye job and all — just totally and completely over-goddamn-flowing with excellence? YES.
So anyway, look — I guess here’s my point:
I’m closer to 40 than 30. I’ve only been legally permitted to get married in the last handful of years. I’m a worrier, an overthinker, and — if it’s your type of thing — a 3x WNBA champion.
But on Friday? It was like for this one, perfect, fleeting, uncomplicated day….. I was everyone.
I was happy. 
I was crazy.
I was PROUD.
I was pretending to know about soccer.
I was a little overwhelmed. 
I was pretty damn American.
And I was in love with Megan Rapinoe.
Sue Bird, Seattle Storm
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satans-helper · 5 years
Last 3 for cottage asks please? 💚💚💚 Still reeling from that story god
🍓 Oak trees- What element of nature do you feel most connected to?
Earth in general, I suppose! I’m very connected to the trees, the grass, the flowers, the dirt. I’m very much a forest dweller, I love being in the woods more than almost anything. Being out in the greenery of a forest or meadow really makes me feel connected to the universe and feel a sense of peace.
🍓Baby calf- Whats the most in love you’ve ever been, be it platonic, family, or relationships?
I’ve never been in love romantically (too bad, so sad), but I am wildly in love with my best friend (platonically) and have been for 10 years. I see her far less than I used to since we’re adults now and have stuff going on, but I always feel giddy when I know we’re going to see each other. We don’t even text that much, so when we do, I also get really excited. She is such an amazing person, truly a kind and generous person. She’s fucking hilarious, always makes me laugh. I will literally just be driving sometimes and think of something she’s head and start laughing my head off. She has been so gentle and patient with me throughout our friendship. The growth we’ve both experienced and the progress our friendship has made is everything to me, I feel really blessed to have her in my life, and knowing she always will be is a huge comfort. 
Not be gay on main but...I’m gay on main...
🍓Tire swing- How do you picture your future?
I really try not to because it honestly depresses me...almost all of it is just totally uncertain but you know how you just feel a certain level of knowledge in your bones, even if it’s somewhat esoteric? I don’t think I’ll ever own a home, I don’t think I’ll ever actually be able to move away from here if I ended up really wanting to. I can’t imagine I’ll have a job I enjoy. I’m pretty positive I’ll still be alone, in a romantic sense. I’m probably always going to struggle financially. In a more broad sense, the threat of this worsening climate change, power struggle, and increasingly fascist society makes it very hard for me to imagine a positive future for myself and many others.
This is making me sound like such a downer. I am generally a fairly positive person but maybe a lot of that has to do with me not thinking about the future LOL. I guess what matters the most is that I know I’ll be okay. No matter what, I’ll be okay. 
Thank you, beautiful crow!! And I am still reeling too! I’m trying to work on other projects but I’m just being assaulted by the image of Sam on his knees. 
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inevitable-anna · 5 years
Escape The Night S4X09 Spoilers
Hey, my final reaction post should hopefully be up tomorrow and then I can work on my series review.
I hope you enjoy it. :)
Is that caveman from episode 5?
Yeah it is.
I take it that they’re running from the dinosaurs?
Oh? His wife/girlfriend found a glowy thing
The glowy thing looks like a statue of Cthulhu
The cave woman is really pretty
The caveman just ran into the lounge and chased Ro for a second and now Bretman is hiding in the curtains.
I love dinosaurs! This looks like it would be a fun game, you know, without the certain death part of the night
So the group matched all the footprints and they got an egg?
Ro: "I don't know what kind of egg it is, I don't know if it's like a Raptor or a cute little, like herbivore, but even if it's a T-Rex. I would love it regardless"
Egg of civilisation?
The Valley Of Lost Souls doesn't sound good!
I wasn't expecting actual dinosaurs! I was expecting something like CGI but these are so cool!
Joey: "His home is um, you know, not my cup of tea. It's a little dirty." Joey you thought the Gorgon's lair was nice! And it was covered in statues that were basically stone corpses!
Ro: "He's very gracious. He gives us bones and flowers. I'm just not really understanding it." Ro is so sweet!
Colleen’s face when the caveman shoves the flowers into her arms.
Ro: *sees the caveman’s paintings* "You are an artist! He is a Bob Ross of his time. Like, these paintings are very good."
Ro trying to figure out what the caveman wants on his paintings is hilarious. She asks if he wants a Pterodactyl and starts flapping her arms like a bird.
Uh oh, green glowy thing alert. Nobody get stabbed in the neck!
Bretman: "I get paired up with Miss Colleen and we haven't worked together so this is her chance to prove herself to me." Hold on Bretman, why does Colleen have to prove herself to you?
Aww, the caveman made a grave for his wife
Colleen: "Aww you're so sweet. We don't have time."
Here's Dino!
Colleen don't throw the egg to hard, it will smash and then you'll all be stuck in the museum!
Bretman: "I have your egg. Do not touch her."
Ro: "I'm digging like I'm a Flintstone!" Lol
Oh my... Ro just sort fell over and slid down the rock pile at the same time. I feel bad for giggling.
Phew she's okay.
Yay! 1/3 animal totems found!
Joey and Ro move the stump and see this huge puddle/pit of slimy gooey liquid and Ro just starts ripping her coat off and getting ready to stick her arm in it. Go Ro!
Ro: "I'm ready. Joey, I'm doing this for you." This is giving me so many S3 vibes with the 'Everlock toilet tent debacle' as I like to call it.
Woohoo! Go Ro! She just found the second animal totem on her own!
Bretman: "If I ever need to hide a dead body, I'm hitting up on of these Raptors."
3/3 animal totems found!
Aww Ro finds out the caveman's girlfriend and says "My sympathies."
It’s time for the final challenge of the series.
JOEY, YOU TRAITOR!!! "Ro, as much I do love you, you haven't done a challenge yet." WHAT!
Ro sums up this season perfectly, "So you come here to save me and you're gonna put me in a death challenge."
Bretman is a traitor too. Bretman: "We've all done it Ro, it's your time sis."
I already know how this is gonna go but my heart is racing.
Ro's face at 16:51 looks so hurt.
They got rid of the tradition of having everyone vote for themselves for the final challenge
Like you said to Colleen, "Get 👏🏻 over 👏🏻 it."
Joey: "They look so cute, so if either of them die, at least they're gonna die cute." Yeah, it’s great that their corpses will look nice!
My heart is racing. I can't watch
Bretman has won.
I knew this was gonna happen but I still wish it wouldn’t.
I wish Ro could "train these raptors like Chris Pratt" too.
Oh god, one of the Raptors just dragged her out the pit.
I'm actually crying right now
Screw you Joey and screw you Bretman! (No hate on the real life Joey and Bretman, I just don’t like them in the show.)
A Raptor just ripped Ro's arm off.
Oh my... I feel physically sick right now!
Her screams... the noises of the Raptors eating Ro are horrendous...
Thanks Colleen for summing up what we’ve known since S2X06 "JOEY IS A HORRIBLE FRIEND"!
This next point is the one thing that I hoped I would never ever have to write this season.
R.I.P Rosanna Pansino
First Death - stabbed to death by three witches
Second Death - ripped to pieces while being eaten alive by Velociraptors.
Ro’s second death is the most brutal death in ETN history! (In my opinion)
The only person that I'm rooting for now is Colleen.
Joey: "Ro... I'm so sorry." No you aren't, otherwise you would never have voted her in.
I wish Bretman got eaten instead.
Uh oh, the caveman touched the statue. Is he possessed by the Cursed God now? We’ve found the villain of S5!
The key opened the door to the room with the soul jar!!
I’ve got to say that the woman who plays The Sorceress is amazing!
Okay, these are the faces that I think I recognise in the jar...
I think that’s all of them? Or at least, the ones I managed to spot.
The Collector is back, b*tches
Colleen: "This is amazing. So Sorceress, hello, do your magic, kill the b*tch"
The Sorceress kicks The Collector's arse!
Although I thought that The Collector was really easily defeated?
Yep, I saw The Sorceress’s betrayal coming.
And that is S4X09 done!
I’m sorry I know I’m biased towards Ro and that I may have come off as hypocritical in this post but I’m so mad! All the all stars deserved so much better.
What do you think?
Have a lovely day.
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borisbubbles · 6 years
EUROVISION 2018 #5 & #4
05. SWITZERLAND ZiBBZ - “Stones” 32nd place
~*Wild Jokah On A Gole Froam*~
Yanking away the top NQ slot in this year’s ranking is, of course, everybody’s favourite Sibling alliance, ZiBZZ!! 
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As you know, I looooooooove mental health awareness songs, and I particularly love those with approaches that work (*cough* NOT “Goodbye” *cough*). While most of these songs are doused in motherly, cloddlesome tones, “Stones” doesn’t beat around the bush and argues that one must confront their fears HEAD-ON. 
To transliterate the (ridic, amusing) lyrics into Common English: 
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“People have always been shitbags and have treated others like crap for aeons and there’s nothing I can do about it because people won’t fucking change.. SO fucking WHAT? Why would let those assholes affect my present and future the same way they’ve influenced my past? Fuck that noise. It’s time to let the inner demons rest, grow as a person AND help others get out of the deep end while doing so.”. 
Holy fuck what an epic Truth BOMB, I can relate to all of that scalding hot tea. The best way to get around depression, anger and frustration *is* to 1) remove you from the toxic environment 2) find kindred spirits and support each other 3) find the courage to leave your past behind and build a future for yourself. Mental health is a BATTLEFIELD that HITS YOU with its best shots (did I just ref Pat Benatar twice? 🤭) while you’re struggling and “Stones” acklowedges this reality so hard. About fucking time someone lit the flares of ferocity to stand up against BULLYING and HATE. ALL HAIL COCO the ZiBB, FIRST OF HER NAME, THE UNDUN, MOTHER OF FLARES, KHALEESI OF THE DOWNTRODDEN, NON-THROWER OF STONES, BREAKER OF TABOOS, QUEEN OF THE HURT, TORMENTED AND BROWBEATEN. 
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Ain’t the only one who don’t wanna throw stooooooooooones
But of course, message alone isn’t enough to get such a high ranking, but fortunately ZiBBZ delivered musically as well. “Stones” has the perfect type of melody for Eurovision: catchy,  repetitive and accessible, but never boring or tiresome because the arrangement was spot.fucking.on. The horns and tuba’s give the music so much gravitas, the backing AHEMs are excellent  and CoCo’s five-packs-a-day type of gravelly voice adds so much realness to the song. "Stones” as a whole is jarring and complex and succeeds at elliciting the emotional response it aims for. This is my favourite song of the 42, by no small margin. 
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And then there’s the staging, which... I have mixed feelings about, not gonnal ie. It saddens me that even at this high a rank I must again resort to critique. I mean, the ACT was great. That motherfuckin’ flare is one of the few goosebump moments I got from this year, Coco is Minerva in a hipster body, Stee is a lovable goof, but... you have this amazing, dynamic song that is capable BLOWING EVERYONE AWAY and it  kinda... doesn’t? 
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I would say that “Stones” was mostly hampered by its camerawork, which was mostly AWFUL. Which idiot [Hans Pancake 🙄] is responsible for framing such a powerful, uptempo song with slow, drawn-out shots?
I mean, shots such as this one:
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(why didn’t they just focus on Stee??? or the audience?)
and that one:
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(You can clearly see Coco throwing away a drumstick at the start of the preformance... Why the faraway shots?? Why no close-ups when she’s drumming happening???? NO ONE CARED ABOUT SANNA’S LIGHT CAGE SO WHY WOULD THEY START CARING NOW??? (seriously, fuck you Hans Culpepper))
This is the reason why “Stones” failed to ensnare the audience’s attention. Wrong people with the right to stage and ZiBBZ can’t do anything about it. I chose to not take it into account when I decided on their final ranking, but it’s sooooo frustrating to see Switzerland FINALLY strike the motherload and fall flat because of some moronic cinematographic decisions. Now watch Switz pick something mediocre and be overrated by the Basics/NQ once again (lol I say this without having listened to the Swiss songs, but can you blame me?). Oh well, ZiBBZ have since moved on to better things -
- and so should we :). Still praying they pull a Poli in five years or so. THE WORLD NEEDS IT
04. SLOVENIA Lea Sirk - “Hvala, ne!” 22nd place
Damn’ this is such a tough decision. Cutting entries loose at this point really hurts y’all.
So as you know, I really, REALLY fucking love Lea Sirk and even said that, in the unlikely event that she qualified, she’d WIN the ranking. However, while I am probably obliged by contract to grant her the first place, I can honestly say that... I like my top three more?  Lea could have easily won this ranking, had my opinions on Elina, DoReDos and Ieva stayed the same; but they didn’t (they went up obvi), so here we are. The above paragraph is just a disclaimer to explain why Slovenia don’t rank higher than they do, because holy fuck this "Hvala, ne!” was awesoooooooooome. Anti-establishmentarian trap-pop that was a shock qualifier and made a flashy gimmick work TWICE <3 There’s a reason why the Good Gays Fanbase (do I include myself in that? hmmm 🤔) have nicknamed it “Hvala Slay!”. 
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But first, (-- Julie Chen-Moonves) let’s discuss the PHENOMENON that is Lea Sirk. My love for her predates this contest by several years, from the time when I only knew her as the botty cyborg sidekick to the heiress of the Ravenclaw Empire herself, Tinkara Kovac. 
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who happens to be *my* fave of Outstanding Eurovision Year 2014 (Yes, over Conchita, go cry) and is a contender for fave entry of the decade. The Summer of 2014 was a fantastic experience, partly thanks to Lea and I will forever cherish her for that reason. So when this beautiful dubstep fae was selected to rep Slovenia, now sporting a lilac killer braid, a trashbag jumpsuit and a cabal of slut-dropping dance devas of destruction... like *instantly* fanning my proverbial clit right there. It only got better during Lea’s pre-show content, proving her not only cool chick onstage, but off the stage as well. Having a teenage girl crush on Waylon <3 (Confessing this IN FRONT OF A LIVE AUDIENCE WHICH INCLUDED BOTH WAYLON AND HER HUSBAND lmao bless <3). Impersonating Salvador on some Slovene version of the Soundmix Show <3 There’s no way Lea couldn’t deliver in Lisbon.
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And “deliver” is underselling what Lea did, holy fucking hell that live was EVERYTHING. It’s hard to even name what the brightest shining star of their performance was, since Slovenia brought an entire fucking galaxy  of them. I’d say the best thing was probably the choreography, which managed to be spellbinding, professional and hilarious all at once.  Lea and her dancers-in-crime put on an amazing, electrifying show, aided by dynamic camerawork and lighting (Take note, Hans Pancake 🙄). 
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My personal fave thing about “Hvala ne!” however was that it QUALIFIED BY A COMFORTABLE MARGIN AND WOULD HAVE UNDER ANY POINTS SYSTEM <345871 I love a deserving shock qualifier (see: Albania), but when it happens to a preshow fave of mine that I considered all but doomed (and a contender for last in the semi). . . There are no superlatives in my glossary that can describe the state of elation I felt when Lea was announced as a finalist. Netta might as well cede her trophy because the Eurogaes were the actual winners of this year 💗🧡💛💚💙💜 “Hvala, ne!” more like “HVALA motherfucking SLAYS HATERS” amirite???
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Granted “Hvala, ne!” was the same in Lisbon as during the preshow, with only two marked exceptions. One was Lea had added a chorus in shabby Portuguese (”OBRIGADA NAO NAO!!!” <3) which was hilar, and the other was... the break!
Granted the semi break was kinda *blah* to me. “Zomg the music dies riiiiiiight before the bridge how coincidental”. Sure, Jan. Either way, I found it moderately funny, mostly because of the random extras that were clearly being paid by production to oversell it <3 
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But the best thing was that it WORKED and brought Lea to the finale where she performed a SECOND break and this one was downright epic. The audience actually sang along with her <3 <3 <3 <3 Two different instances of the same gimmick and making it work BOTH times <3 When will YOUR faves???
I suppose that, at the end of the day, “Hvala, ne!” was an experimental song that you either love or hate. Why anyone would ever hate this radiant nymph is beyond me, but whatever. My ranking, my rules, ya shallow fools. I *loved* this bizarre mix of K-Pop and Hip-Hop, sung in Slovene and Portuguese, (which is the most unique combination of languages ever featured in a Eurovision entry, I’m sure <3), with badass self-referential lyrics that SLAM DOWN musical conformity in a year that was all about rewarding it. In other words PRECISELY WHAT THIS CONTEST NEEDED. You know, there are plenty of countries out there that have never scored a top five in Eurovision and probably never will until they find their monster runaway winner (Lordi, Salvador). I *hope* the next one is from Slovenia. Raiven performing a song by Maraaya, with Lea and BQL as the back-up singers. Come on y’all, let’s make Eurovision Great Again. Hvala, slay, slay, slay, slay
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04. Slovenia (Lea Sirk - “Hvala, ne!”)
05. Switzerland (ZiBBZ - “Stones”)
06. Germany (Michael Schulte - “You let me walk alone”)
07. Albania (Eugent Bushpepa - “Mall”)
08. France (Madame Monsieur - “Mercy”)
09. Hungary (AWS - “Viszlát nyár”)
10. Finland (Saara Aalto - “Monsters”)
11. Bulgaria (EQUINOX - “Bones”)
12. Denmark (Rasmussen - “Higher ground”)
13. Malta (Christabelle - “Taboo”)
14. Cyprus (Eleni Foureira - “Fuego”)
15. United Kingdom (SuRie - “Storm”)
16. Serbia (Balkanika - “Nova Deca”)
17. Portugal (Cláudia Pascoal - “O jardim”)
18. The Netherlands (Waylon - “Outlaw in ‘em”)
19. Ukraine (MÉLOVIN - “Under the ladder”)
20. Macedonia (Eye Cue - “Lost and Found”)
21. San Marino (Jessika ft. Jenifer Brening - “Who We Are”)
22. Sweden (Benjamin Ingrosso - “Dance You Off”)
23. Austria (Cesár Sampson - “Nobody but you”)
24. Latvia (Laura Rizzotto - “Funny girl”)
25. Azerbaijan (AISEL - “X my heart”)
26. Israel (Netta - “Toy”)
27. Norway (Alexander Rybak  - “That’s how you write a song”)
28. Montenegro (Vanja Radovanovic - “Inje”)
29. Armenia (Sevak Khanagyan - “Qami”)
30. Poland (Gromee ft. Lukas Meijer - “Light me up”)
31. Greece (Yianna Terzi - “Oniro mou”)
32. Georgia (Iriao - “For you”)
33. Belgium (Sennek - “A matter of time”)
34. Italy (Ermal Meta & Fabrizio Moro - “Non mi avete fatto niente”)
35. Romania (The Humans - “Goodbye”)
36. Ireland (Ryan O'Shaughnessy - “Together”)
37. Croatia (Franka - “Crazy”)
38. Belarus (ALEKSEEV - “Forever”)
39. Russia (Julia Samoylova - “I Won’t Break”)
40. Spain (Amaia & Alfred - “Tu canción”)
41. Iceland (Ari Ólafsson - “Our choice”)
42. Australia (Jessica Mauboy - “We got love”)
43. Czech Republic (Mikolas Jozef - “Lie to me”)
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renthebarbarian · 6 years
TOS Tag Game
Thanks, @princenimoy and @thylaforever for tagging me! If you don’t mind, I’m going to combine y’all’s questions into one post.
1. Which “wacky” TOS episode is your favorite?
“Spock’s Brain”. I don’t care if it’s supposedly the worst episode, how can you not love Roller Skate Spock?
2. Have you ever read a Star Trek novel? How was it? If not, recommend a favorite fanfiction!
I have read Killing Time. Very gay 😂
3. What is your favorite K/S trope? (Can you recommend any fanfictions to go with it?)
I’m torn between the Heart Eyes™️ and being sooooooo protective of each other. I personally recommend The Squire Of Eros. It has Hurt!Spock, mutual pining, Jim being an idiot...all that good stuff.
4. At what point did you start shipping K/S?
Probably during Spock’s confession of “friendship” in “The Naked Time”. At least, officially. I more or less shipped them before I ever watched Star Trek. But then that scene happened and I was like, oh fuck, this is real.
5. Who is your favorite side character?
Uhura, honestly. I love when she and the other ladies take over the Enterprise when the men are too horned up by the sirens to do anything useful in the animated series.
Okay, now @thylaforever:
1. Who is your favorite TOS villian?
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2. What piece of technology would you like to have from TOS?
Replicators! Never have to go grocery shopping again!
3. Which character do you personally identify with and why?
I really do identify with Jim. I’m short and not skinny, I’m a flirt, I love Shakespeare, I maybe haven’t had the happiest childhood, I feel incredibly lonely a lot...and I totally adore Spock.
4. I have to repeat #3 from above: favorite trope and fanfiction rec?
I guess I’ll just recommend another fic lol. Freely Given by Jenna Hilary Sinclair is amazing. They’re on a planet where people kiss each other as greeting...wonder what that will lead to 😉
5. Favorite personality quirk of which character?
I get a kick out of Bones’s grumpiness. As a fellow grumpy Southerner, I can relate. 😂
My questions:
What’s your least favorite character?
Who on the Enterprise would you date?
Yellow shirt, blue shirt, or red shirt?
If you write fan fic, what’s your favorite one you’ve written?
What’s your ideal date for Jim and Spock? (Or whatever OTP you pick)
I tag @flamingbluepanda, @teddybearsandlightningstorms, and @hanasheralhaminail 😘
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Season 5 Episode 9: The Real Ghostbusters
FANGIRLS TIME!!!!!! This is going to be awesome. Please let Becky be in this episode.
- LOOOL!!! LOOK AT ALL THOSE IMPALAS!!!!! I wonder if the fangirls are going to recognize the guys. They’ll likely recognize Sam since he’s exactly as Becky imagined he’d be, but maybe not Dean since he was nothing like she’d pictured?
- CHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that Chuck is a recurring character. I hope Chuck lives. And keeps showing up.
- “SAM! YOU MADE IT!” “Oh! Uh... Becky, right?” ‘*gasps* OH. You remembered. *lower tone* You’ve been thinking about me.” “*Sam looking confused* Uh, I...” “That’s okay. I can’t get you out of my head either.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I AM DYING!!!!! I LAUGHED TO LOUD AND HARD I SCARED MY CAT! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
- “Uh, did you take my phone?” “I just borrowed it. From your pants.” Spoken like a true fangirl. HAHAHAHA “See what?” “Oh. My. God! I love it when they talk at the same time!”
- LOOOOL!!!! “Guys, I’m sorry. For everything.”
- OMG!!! I CAN’T BREATHE!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! DUDE COSPLAYED AS DEAN!!!! AND THE SCARECROW!!!! OMG!!! There’s a Bobby cosplayer too!!!! “Becky, what is this?” “It’s AWESOME! A Supernatural convention. The first ever.”
- GOT SALT!!! And the dude with yellow-eyed contacts! LOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!
- at 3:45pm there’s the “Frightened Little Boy: The Secret Life of Dean.” And at 4:30pm there;s the homoerotic subtext of Supernatural. OMG!!!!!! THE SHOW IS A-OK ACKNOWLEDGING ITS FANDOM! LOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!! THEIR FACES!!!! And the big hunt at 7pm!
- Ok, so, the show people were lurking around the message boards seeing fan reactions to season 3 just so they could put that in this episode! “Why can’t Sam and Dean be telling that Ruby is evil? I mean, she is clearly manipulating Sam into some kind of moral lapse.” BECKY’S FACE!!!!! And Dean’s face, too.
- Thanks to a Scandinavian investor they’re gonna start publishing again!!!! I wonder who’s the investor. All the fans got REAL happy about that! Also, THEIR FACES!!!! Especially Sam’s face!!!!
- AWH! Chuck wants to get with Becky! But she’s too busy oogling Sam. 
- “Who gave you the right to our life story?” “An archangel, okay? And I didn’t want it!” Good answer.
- LOL! Cleaning lady saw a ghost and the hoard of fanboys and fangirls are there to “help”! Dean: Why don’t you leave this to the grown-ups, pal? WAIT!!! WHAT TIME IS IT??? IS IT THE HUNT???
- And two nerds are going to follow the real Sam and Dean into the attic. This is going to be hilarious. Did they go grab their weapons before deciding to go traipsing up in the attic?? 
- OMG! Are the nerds going to actually go torch the real bones thinking that it’s a game?? 
- And there’s Leticia’s ghost! And Sam just got thrown around by a ghost! Again! Did they bring their shotguns or iron rods? Nope, they did not. But Dean torched it fast enough.
- HAH! “Hey, how’d you know how to do that?” “We, uh, read the books.”
- OOOOPS!!!! The kids locked down the place?? OH! There’s her son! “Why did you send mommy away?” I’m surprised they didn’t torch the kids’ bones too. I mean, they knew the kids were showing up, so why didn’t they put them to rest as well and torch the bones? WELL SHIT!!!! THE MOM WASN’T THE ONE WHO KILLED THE KIDS!!!!
- LOOOL!!!! As much as the fake German guy is annoying, he’s got a valid point. “How original. Supernatural bringing in more creepy children.” THE KIDS ARE SO CREEPY!!!! Did the kids hurt the son? Because the mom wouldn’t let them have any fun? OH SHIT!!!! LETICIA’S GHOST WAS KEEPING THE CREEPTASTIC KIDS IN CHECK!!!
- OH SHIT!!! They’re gonna ask the girl to actually play the part of Leticia??? LOL! OMG!!!! “Just give her the puppy-dog thing, okay?” LOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!! Sam looks so outraged at that!
- AWH! The two nerds!!! “Guys, no. This isn’t make-believe.” “Look, we know. We’re not nuts. We’re freakin’ terrified.” “Yeah, but if all these people are seriously in trouble, we got to do something.” “Why?’ “Because that’s what Sam and Dean would do.” DEAN’S FACE!!!! He’s all like “Holy shit I’m actually a good role model????”
- Oooops... It was almost working but then her phone started ringing... And the nerds got out! But not Sam. Are the nerds going to go torch the bones? YEP! HAHAHA!!!  “Oh my God! Supernatural makes digging graves seem so easy! It’s not though! I’m gonna throw up.”
- AWH SHIT! He disturbed the salt line! And creepy kid showed up right away. GOOD JOB CHUCK! And Becky was all impressed! Hot and bothered.
- GOOD JOB NERDS!!! Also, LOL! “Maybe that guy was right. Maybe we shoud put those things on a bungee.” *Sam shrugging and nodding like that might not be the worst idea ever*
- “But to be Sam and Dean. To wake up every morning and save the world... To have a brother who would die for you... Well, who wouldn’t want that?”
- AWH!!! THE NERDS ARE TOGETHER!!!! And I’m DYING again because of the Wincest. Even though Barnes and Demian are SO CUTE together! The Head resting on the shoulder! Adorbs. 
- FUCK I LOVE BECKY SO MUCH!!! ‘Look Sam, I’m not going to lie. We had undeniable chemistry.” *Sam looking on awkwardly like he’d rather be anywhere in the world, doing anything else in the world but be having any sort of conversation with Becky* “But like a monkey on the sun, it was too hot to live.” *Sam frowning like WTF???* “It’s can’t go on. Chuck and I-- We found each other. My Yin to his proud Yang. And, well, the heart wants what the heart wants. I am so, so sorry.” I LOVE THE SAD VIOLIN PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND!!!!
Sam is an asshole and I love him. “Uh, hey, Chuck. Look, if you really want to publish more books, I guess that’s okay with us.” “Wow. Really?” “No, not really. We have guns, and we’ll find you.” “Okay, okay. No more books.”
- HOLY SHIT! BECKY JUST TOLD SAM THAT BELA GAVE THE COLT TO CROWLEY AND NOT LILITH! And Sam to Chuck “Crowley? Didn’t occur to you to tell us this before?” “I’m sorry, I didn't remember. I’m not as big a fan as she is.” 
HAHAHAHA!!!! I love it that they end up getting a lead on the Colt thanks to Becky. See Sam??? Aren’t you glad that Chuck published the books?? We’re finally going to meet Crowley!!! I’ve heard about him and have known about him before I even started the series, but I know nothing about him :)
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update for my followers & a thank you
I started this Tumblr back in March of this year for the Ts3 community...I didn't expect to find such an amazing community but I have! Tumblr is more than just a Ts3 community, its a community for EVERYONE! Anything your interested in, theres a community for it.
SO MUCH has changed for me since starting this Tumblr, and you guys have been along for the ride whether I'm posting Ts3 stuff or something personal.
So what exactly has changed?
1) My Simblr because its ever evolving and I'm still getting the hang of it
2) My gameplay style, I grew some balls & installed MODS thanks to you guys which has made my gaming play and experience 10x better.
3) My relationship status, I went from in a relationship to single back in August after almost 2 years together. I was devastated, but I picked up the pieces and can actually smile again. From August until beginning of November, there was no contact what so ever between my ex and I because I was so upset and heartbroken because I felt as if he abandoned me in a time of need. Well I realized that relationships aren't one way streets and that we both had problems of our own even if he had left me for a co-worker of his. We spoke last week for the first time since he had picked up his stuff August 30TH or whatever...and the conversation went well and he has asked to talk when he comes over Wednesday to collect the rest of his things and some important mail (also we'll do an address change so his mail goes to his parents where he lives)...I'm not really nervous for this talk as I know he isn't going to try and get back together. I AM READY to talk to him though even though I've requested nothing to SAPPY so I dont cry. I'm still getting over losing him but I wouldnt get back together if he asked because whats done is done.
4) My depression and anxiety isn't as bad as it once was, I'm seeing a therapist once a week and I truly like this woman. I've been off my medicine though since September because it was effecting my appetite greatly and I lost too much weight. I've gained it back thank god and still am because DAMMIT I LOOK GOOD THICKER in my opinion everybody looks good with meat on their bones but thats just me.
5) I'm dating again, aka I'm testing out the waters. I've been on a few dates with some good guys but I'm still just doing me. HOWEVER, there is one man in particular that I'm casually seeing and its hilarious. Why you ask? He's a good friend of mine and ex-coworker from my old career. We did NOT plan for this and we both laugh every time we talk about it because holy crap fate has a funny way of intervening with peoples lives. He's also YOUNGER than me, by like 6 years. I'm 29 and he's 22 and even though I KNOW this won't develop into a FULL BLOWN relationship because I DO NOT WANT ONE I'm enjoying going with the flow. Our chemistry is seriously on point, we have a lot of fun together and more importantly, were 100% on the same page with what were doing. No confusion that way. ALSO, in my past I always dated WHITE MALES due to my Father. I love ALL RACES of MEN (and women too just don't date females because were crazy hahaha) and YUP YOU GUESSED IT...he isn't white. His skin is more like chestnut brown like the color of my Ugg boots because I put my boot next to his skin and said "YOU ARE CHESTNUT NOW!" he also makes me look EVEN MORE white than I already am. But I love the way he interlocks his hands with mine for no reason or when I'm in the mirror checking myself out (im just growing fonder of the way I look these days TBH) he will come up to me, grab me from behind slide his arms around me and look at me looking at myself in the mirror and he'll smile when our eyes meet or compliment me or whatever. It's ridiculous lol and WE HAVENT EVEN DONE THE DUUURTY YET (yes we have messed around but nothing crazy, but yes its gotten hot and heavy cause we will end up making out for a long time cause when you have chemistry aka fireworks its hard to stop lol) but hopefully that changes tonight cause I've marked today as D DAY aka DICK DAY aka SHITS GOING DOWN TONIGHT. If all goes according to plan. Whew that was a long one guys I apologize.
6) WE HIT OVER 230 FOLLOWERS YOU GUYS! So true to Tumblr tradition a GIFT is in order for yall. So I've built a few things but can't decide what to gift yet. MAINLY, a HUGE and generous THANK YOU is in order to each and every single one of my followers. THANK YOU SO FREAKIN MUCH FOR EVERYTHING I TRULY LOVE ALL OF YOU!
7) I'm okay. I'M MORE THAN OKAY. And I got this, 'YOU OWN IT GIRL' is actually what my mantra has been lately.
So, while this may or may not be Sims related YOU GUYS ALL have impacted my life greatly and have helped me SO MUCH. So now, I'm going to WALK in the rain to the grocery store to go buy razors with my remaining 4 dollars and change so I can shave my legs and get all ready for D DAY uuuuhhh son I'm gonna put it down flip it and reverse it. ONLY JOKING but no really its going down tonight as Celly Cel once said. Hahaha anyways SORRY FOR THE LONG POST BUT AGAIN THANK YOU GUYS FOR EVERYTHING.
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eyfey · 7 years
Do you have the full translation for chapter 173? I'm trying to figure out what their conversations were about
I... actually do! I just finished up translating that chapter for PSI Scans a couple weeks ago, so just this once I'll post a chapter transcript for 173
Enjoy! (under the readmore)
Page 007
1: Cafe Mami.
2: Seated at the table farthest from the entrance...
Sign: Cafe Mami.
title: PSI 173: Let’s go! PK Academy PSIkickers!
ai(a): 4:43 pm...
ai(b): Ah! There we are!
ai(a): And here he...
ai(b): Comes!
1: Welcome.
Fx: jingle jingle
sai: Good grief... Here too...?
sai: I don’t know what you’re planning...
sai: But can you stop showing up before me everywhere I go?
ai: Heyo♡
Page 008
top: My fighting technique?
It's nothing really, I'm just
using ESP.
This week’s ESP Haiku model: Saiki Kusuo-san (16)
Sign: Ultimate
title: PSI 137: Let’s go! PK Academy PSIkickers!
Page 009
1: Thanks for waiting.
Sign: Cafe Mami
1: Here’s our house coffee jelly.
Sai: What a pain... Even though went out of my way to come on a day when Mera-san wasn’t working...
fx: set
sai: So why is she here? Seriously...
ai(a): I never pegged you as the kind of guy who liked sweets Kusuo. That’s hilarious.
ai(b): Let’s go to a dessert buffet some time.
Sai: Don’t sit next to me. Go sit on the other side.
Fx: click
sai: As for how she knew I was going to be here... I don’t even need to ask.
Ai: Hey, were you surprised that I was here!?
ai: Sorry! I scryed it ♡
ai: Aha,
sai: This is the problem with ESPers.
Fx: Ta-dah★
ai(a): Well, I'm pretty sure you already knew, since you always manage to ditch me at school.
ai(b): You're like, on some whole nother level.
sai: It's because I can hear you with telepathy.
ai: Oh! That looks good!
Page 010
ai: Ahh.
ai(a): Woah!
ai(b): You’re no fun~
sai: nom nom
ai: Well whatever! I already ordered something so I don't care!
Ai: It’s taking forever though! Hey! Is it still not ready yet!?
ai: You've got 10 seconds!
1(a): Yes ma’am! It’s ready now!
1(b): Sorry, but you placed a very complex order!
1: As you requested: One mega serving of coffee jelly everest with caramel sauce, extra chocolate chips, and ice cream super sized.
Ai: Wo-hoah!! This looks totally dope!!
sai: That is incredible.
Fx: ta-dah
ai: You really outdid yourself old man! I’ve changed my mind about you.
1: Ha ha ha I won’t lose out to the young people just yet!
Sai: They’ve become friends.
Fx: yay yay
Page 011
sai: More importantly, why are you going out of your way to foresee where I’m going to be and then wait for me there?
Sai: Didn’t I tell you not to get involved with me...?
Sai: ...though right now not only is she not getting involved, but she’s even completely ignoring me.
Ai: This is going to get so many retweets.
Boss: Yay! Happy joy-py nice to meetcha-py!
Sai: Can I go now?
Fx: click click
sai: Huh!? You want to know why I was waiting for you?
Ai: You don't really need me to say it for you to know, do you?
Fx: tap tap
sai: It’s faster if you just say it though. Honestly...
ai: ...love you...
ai(a): I super love you ♡
ai(b): Super love-love.
ai(c): Pay attention to me ♡
ai: I love love love love you.
ai(a): I love you so much
ai(b): BIG LOVE ♡
ai(c): Wuv you ♡
ai(d): Cutie wootie lovey wuvy ♡
Sai: I still don't understand. I should just leave.
Ai: Huh!? Wait, where are you going!
Fx: clatter
tori: Huh?
Page 012
tori: Huhhh!?
tori: Saiki-san’s on a date!?
Ai: Huh? Who are you?
Sai: The annoyances have increased.
Fx small: run run run run run
fx large: BAM
tori: Woah! You’re the transfer student boob girl!!
ai: Ah! You’re the p*nis aura playboy!!
tori: P*nis aura!?
Ai: Besides, what does a suspicious guy like you want with my boo!?
Tori: Your boo!? Is this for real Saiki-san!?
sai: Shut up.
Ai: Nmph!?
Tori: Fbgh!?
Fx: Slam
fx small: snap
tori: ...!? Wait... what are you doing!? I understand if it was just me, but this girl...
ai: Isn’t that dangerous? Your powers are totally gonna be found out...
Page 013
1: Huh!?
tori: You told tits mcgee about your powers!!??
ai: Huhh!? Why does he know about your powers, Kusuo!!?
sai: I repeat: Shut up.
Fx: boom
ai: I thought it was our special secret!?
Tori(a): But you were trying that hard to hide it...
tori(b): Don’t tell me... you gave in to the power of boobs!?
sai: Lower your voices already.
ai: I mean like, why would you ever tell someone as loose lipped as him!?
boss: They’re pretty noisy over there... I wonder what they’re talking about?
Sai: At this rate one more person is going to know.
Fx: shout shout
fx bot: sneak
sai: You two are the only ones at our school who know.
Sai: and the reason I told is the same for both of you.
text: The same...!?
TextP: Then that means this girl also had her abilities acknowledged by Saiki san and is permitted to be his right hand man...!?
Sai: I haven’t acknowledged anyone and I’m not permitting anything.
text: The same...!?
Text: Then that mean just like me, he thinks Saiki is his soul mate!?
Text: Huh!? BL!?
Sai: No one is anyone’s soul mate and there is no BL.
Page 014
sai: It’s because both of you also have special powers.
Sai: I just figured it would be better to tell you myself then to have you find out with your own abilities.
tori: Huh... So that means you have ESP too...?
ai(a): Huh!?
ai(b): Are you serious right now!? This guy’s obviously just your average joe!
ai(a): Oh, is that it?
ai(b): Is your power that you can tell a girl’s three sizes just by looking?
Tori: Oh come on! Don’t underestimate me! I was born in a temple family!!
tori: Don’t think I'll forgive you just because your bust is 89cm!
sai: So he can tell.
tori: I have the power to see ghosts!
Ai: Huh? Wait, for realsies?
tori: For realsies! I’m a spiritual medium.
Tori: I can talk to ghosts and have them possess my body.
ai(a): Aren’t you just delusional?
ai(b): Shouldn’t you go to the hospital get your head examined?
Tori: I’m not seeing hallucinations!?
Page 015
tori: Well, I’m used to people not believing me, so let me show you some proof.
Tori: Hey.
tori(a): ...mutter... mutter...
tori(b): mutter mutter mutter...
ai: ? Who are you talking to?
tori(a): ...mutter... mutter...
tori(b): ...okay!
Fx: intense intense
tori: Rose pink T-Back...!
Ai: Huh!?
Tori: That’s the underwear you’re wearing right now.
Fx big: Boom
fx small: Swish
tori: I had a ghost check and tell me!
Tori: Well? Was I right?
Fx: ta-dah
tori: If I was, then as proof how about you show
fx: Kick
ai: He was right!
Ai: Tch... These were my fighting panties too...
tori: ...It was too fast, I couldn’t see...
sai: When did ghosts start agreeing to requests like that?
Tori: heheh... I’m not the same as before.
Fx: wobble
tori: I’ve gotten some negotiation material...
tori(a): In exchange for them doing what I ask...
tori(b): Urgh!!
fx: Flinch
Page 016
tori: Mo-poh.
Fx: snap
tori: Yyeeeaaahhh!!!
tori: It’s flesh!! All right!!
fx: ta-dah
tori: Wahaha!! Gravity!!
tori: Gravity is crazy!!
fx: bounce bounce
tori(a): Woohoo! Wind pressure!!
tori(b): I can feel the air!!
fx top: whoosh whoosh
fx bot: spin spin spin spin spin spin
1: Yes yes yes yes yes!!
2: I can’t get enough!!
fx top: Jab jab jab
fx bot: stab stab stab
tori(a): Wahoo... huh!?
tori(b): That’s it!?
Tori: Wait, hold on, just a little l-...
tori(A): ......!
tori(b): Phew...
tori: ...Do you get it now? Saiki-san...
fx: silence...
tori: I got him to tell me the color of her underwear in exchange for me lending him my body...!
Sai: You wanted to know that badly, huh.
Fx big: Ta-dah
fx small: huff huff
Page 017
ai: Hey, this guy might seriously be bad news... you should stop hanging out with him.
Sai: You make an extremely good point.
Tori: There! That’s my power!!
tori: Now it’s your turn, tits mcgee!!
ai: Oh, me?
ai: I’m a fortune teller! I can see the future, the past, or whenever!
Ai: And let me just say, unlike your powers, mine are the real deal! Get it!
Fx: Ta-dah
tori: Fortune telling~? You sure you don't mean body selling?
Ai: I’ll kill you!!
tori: Besides, it’s probably just stuff like Aquariuses will be lucky today, right?
tori: It would be a different story if you could foresee the winning lottery numbers or something, but...
ai: I can.
ai: I can foresee them...
ai: Got a problem with that?
Fx big: ta-dah
fx small: whoosh
tori: ...huh...
tori: Well isn’t that impressive...
fx: whoosh
tori: In that case...
fx: crouch
Page 018
tori: Please make me your disciple!!
ai: No way!!
fx: Boom
tori: I’ll clean, do the laundry, give you massages, provide night service, anything you want!! Please!!
ai(a): Even if you try to butter me up now, it’s no use!!
ai(b): You’re disgusting!!
sai: That’s amazing. So you can even do stuff like that...
ai(a): Huh? Well, I guess?
ai(b): It’s nothing compared to what you can do though Kusuo. ~blush~
sai: No, even I don’t have the ability to predict whatever I want.
Ai: But getting the winning lotto numbers has a high chance of things turning out badly.
ai(a): A person’s luck moves like a wave.
ai(b): Whenever something really lucky happens, something really unlucky is sure to follow so that it always balances out to net 0.
ai: That’s why if you win the lottery, you might just end up dying on the very same day.
ai(a): One time, before I knew about this, I used my powers to win 3 free packets of Yotchan Squid in a row, and the very next day I got hit by a truck.
ai(b): My bones were totally shattered! Lol ♡
sai: That’s not net 0 at all.
Text: Yotchan Squid
Page 019
tori: Woah... what the heck? That means your powers are completely useless...
tori(a): You got your bones broken (lol) just from winning 3 packets of Yotchan Squid? Wow that’s terrible...
tori(b): Can I take back the groveling I did?
Ai: Huh!?
ai(a): Yeah but I can foresee anything about other people!!
ai(b): It’s way more amazing than your stupid power that only let’s you hallucinate!!
tori: Huh!? You don’t understand anything about what makes my power great!!
tori: It seems I have no choice but to make you understand...
tori: just who the weakest, most disgraceful member of the PK Psychic Trio is...!
sai: I don’t remember forming any trios.
Fx: menace menace
ai: You're the one who needs to understand..
Ai: We already have our super love love ESPer Combo, so you’re not necessary.
sai: We have no such thing.
Fx: menace
tori: Okay then! Let’s compete to see who’s more worthy of being Saiki-san’s sidekick!!
ai: Bring it on!! You’re going down!!
tori: What should the competition be!?
Sai: Well, I’ve eaten my coffee jelly. Guess I’ll go home.
Fx wht: Shout Shout
fx: Scoot
sai: Seriously. What a waste of time... hm?
Aai: How about... uhhh...
fx: shout shout
sai: Nwah!!
1: What’s wrong!?
Fx: Clatter
Page 020
fxtop: Menace menace
fx left: Boom
tori: Woah! It’s a cockroach!!
ai: Huhh? Ew, you’re right.
Ai: ? Wait, but aren’t you freaking out a little too much?
tori: Stupid! Saiki-san hates bugs enough to pee his pants!!
sai: I didn’t...
tori: All right! Whoever eliminates that bug gets to be the sidekick!!
ai: Huhh!? Hey, wait!!
fx: dash
tori: All right! Let’s go! Are any of you good with bugs!?
1: Not me.
2: I’ll take care of it.
tori: All right! I’ll leave it to you then!! I’m not actually good with bugs myself...
1: Geheheh... Bugs are easy as pie...
text: Possession!!
fx: Boom
1: I’ll turn you into a pancake!!
tori: Huh? Hey, wait... with my bare hand!?
Fx: Whoosh
1: Ah!! It’s escaping!!
fx big: Smack
fx small: flutter flutter
Page 021
1: And now it's going... what!? That girl...
ai: I used foresight to see that it would fly here!!
fx: Ta-dah
Cans: bug spray
ai: Take this! Cockroach repell...
ai: Ew never mind I can’t do this!! I can’t stand bugs either!!
fx top: flap flap flap flap
fx: duck
Can: bug spray
tori: Hey! Why are you running away!! Aren’t you psychic!?
Ai: You do something about it!
Fx: Aaaahhhh
fx: smack
boss: Ahh~ I’m so sorry, I’ll take care of it.
Boss: Even though we just had the place fumigated last week~
tori: ...let’s just call today’s match a draw...
ai: S... Sounds good...
sai: Glad to have you as my sidekick, manager.
Sign: Cafe Mami
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