#i once again ask you to read ''k. oma : p'' on pixiv (or mangadex if you want it translated)
dwangan-wonpwa · 1 year
stupid pre-game concept that's somehow funny to me: all of the v3 cast are a little fucked up in some way or another. all of them auditioned because they genuinely like danganronpa, just want fame/fortune, wish to die, and/or did it for attention/the kicks. all of them... except for pre-game ouma. like he really isn't some boring and bland cookie cutter everyman, as he still has some flaws and problems he should overcome. but compared to the other students, he's literally just some guy. he's just a slightly overworked student council president who cares too much about getting approval from other people and doesn't know how to have close and sincere friendships with said people. the only reason he's dragged into the dumb game is because some mf signed him up without his notice.
he's concerned of all of them, and would like to help them, but for his own safety, he's also pushing them back with a 10 foot pole. maybe in a "pre-game but before they get kidnapped" scenario he meets momota on some kind of grocery trip, and y'know, it's not too bad, they're chatting about life and stuff. and then momota drops the "i auditioned for danganronpa recently (i plan to win by killing everybody btw)" bomb on ouma and he goes *windows xp error*
or maybe he meets saihara who rambles about the most gruesome executions passionately while ouma listens with a smile as his mind is tossed into the depths of eternal confusion and concern
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