#i originally had them plastering a school with krampus decorations but then realized krampus has some undertones that i'm not thrilled abou
piedoesnotequalpi · 10 months
made up fic title ask:
a very scary holiday
Thanks for sending this! The contrast between the title and the emoji is very funny.
I know this is probably meant to refer to Halloween, and I love Halloween, but it's the 🎶most goyische time of the year🎶 so it's time for some good old-fashioned Christmas annoyance. I had to read about HOAs for this, and I hate them even more now.
(Sorry everything I come up with is modern AU, I'll answer one of these with canon era I promise)
For this one I'm thinking we've got Crutchie (local menace), Davey (local obnoxiously Jewish guy), Race (token goy who loves chaos), and Katherine (finally financially independent from her parents and making that everyone's problem). They're roommates, and unfortunately the only place they were able to find was a townhouse/condo in an HOA. We're going to suspend disbelief and say this HOA requires "holiday" decorations of some sort (in reality HOAs tend to not like anything over-the-top, so this scenario is unlikely). The problem is, when people say holiday, they tend to just mean Christmas, but the HOA insists that it's nondenominational.
The conversation in their house goes something like this:
Davey: Well, we can just put up blue lights and see if anyone makes inflatable dreidels and menorahs for our 50 whole feet of lawn. Really lean into the anti-assimilationist message of Chanukah and the whole "holiday could mean any winter holiday" thing.
Crutchie: But if we do that, we're playing into their hands! They'll just say, "Oh, that's nice, you have Chanukah decorations!" We need to protest! [note that this is inspired by my protest attempt when I worked at an awful customer service job being misconstrued as me just celebrating Chanukah]
Davey: I mean, they probably won't be thrilled with the inflatables.
Katherine: Surely there has to be a way to accomplish both of these goals at once.
As it turns out, there is! Some of their friends did a Nightmare Before Christmas setup for Halloween, and they kept all the supplies. So they get a small inflatable dreidel like Davey suggested, but they also put up a 12-foot Jack Skellington (with a PVC Santa hat and beard, sewn and mailed to them by Sarah) and some other TNBC stuff, plus orange and red lights. The final result is an absolute eyesore, but they're very happy with it.
When the HOA complains that the decorations aren't for a winter holiday, they counter with the fact that Nightmare Before Christmas has "Christmas" in the title and that they gave Jack a Santa hat. Also, the HOA is not happy with the inflatables as a concept; there's no rule against them, but everyone else sticks to light-based decorations. Davey, Crutchie, Race, and Katherine refuse to take the decorations down, and eventually the HOA decides to stop making December decorations mandatory, but not before they seriously consider just banning holiday decorations altogether.
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