#i pay my parents €150 a month for food and i pay for a bunch of streaming services which i will likely be cancelling
mudstoneabyss · 3 years
ordering groceries is expensive ordering food is expensive I don't wanna interact with a delivery person I can't drive and don't have a car so I can't drive places to get things no matter what I do my parents will ridicule me for wasting my money when there's food at the house and the food at the house is just diet microwave meals collapses into ash
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ladyjmontilyet · 2 years
for the past year i've been treating myself to professional hair colouring because i've wanted purple/blue hair since i was 12 and i was Living My Dreams (and the dye wasn't sticking to my hair at home) but now I have to pay for college next month and I'm at least €750 short for semester one lmao so I'm cutting down on everything
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Going into 2021..
Right now, I am desperately looking for a decent job. I live in Portland and there's precious little fulfilling positions out there that would pay enough to really actually pay rent. Economically, things aren't looking so hot. We are in the middle of a pandemic which obviously things are and should me closed, or limited in capacity. I am probably owed several thousand in unemployment but I haven't been able to contact them for months. Which I won't be able to pay rent after this month if i don't find something. It's disturbing but i may need to find a way to pay for a storage unit, and then crash on my sister and her boyfriend's couch soon if i don't find something, until something better comes along. At thirty-one, i wanted so badly to actually be going somewhere but as it is i am struggling to even buy food. I'm truly ridiculously ashamed of myself. I am trying not to blame myself, there is a lot of critical thinking i have about being a good for nothing and not worth anyone's time or care, ill prepared for everything that has happened. I really wanted to move to the city and succeed. And for a moment i think i was, then i wasn't. Then this covid business happened and I'm here.
I've literally been met with pretty bad luck and like so many people it is mainly covid related. I'm far from being in the worst situation. The fact that I am here typing this is proof in and of itself that i'm not in the worst position. My parents won't send me any money because they both want me to move back to Idaho to live with them in their abusive situations. My father makes quite a bit of money but the way he sees it, he has this plan to move me back to Idaho where he can isolate me and be verbally abusive. His plan is to wait till i am homeless and then offer me a job in Idaho with the stipulation that i will have to basically hang out with him every single night, get yelled at and frightened like i was when i was a child. I will be separated from any support system or friends or people who care about me. I would be beholden onto him like i was a child. It's his goal really. He has more than enough money to keep me going, but he's not going to help me. It's funny, but not so funny to know that he would probably be frightened of what happened when i was put in that situation now at the age i am. He thinks he wants me there, he does not. He remembers me putting up with it when i was younger and crumpling and having the satisfaction of controlling me and breaking my spirit. I'm like, stable but a lot more reactionary than i used to be, and brittle. I'd crumple so hard now, it would be as though i were a star that turned into a black hole and swallowed him in. He doesn't want to deal with that now. I would probably end up getting locked up if he tried to be physically or verbally abusive to me. And I am just never going back to Idaho. I'd rather sleep outside. And it is his money. He's got no obligation to help me at all, and he has in the past, helped me out a bit.
I worry because things have gotten worse for me than they were a year ago. It's effected my attitude a little. Like I don't smile as much. I broke my foot three months ago which prevented me from working. I quit my job because i felt exploited and only getting paid 400$ a month is not a decent living. Even today, i thought i was fine so i took a walk and when i got home my foot hurt pretty bad. I did get a phone interview with and up and coming vegan mushroom jerky company that I am hoping I can just manage to get. I need this job terribly, and it seemed like a really good job for me. My physical health isn't the best. I have PCOS, which means i have to be very careful about what i eat. I gained a bunch of lockdown weight. I was in the 150's and no i am afraid of what i weigh. I was getting kind of skinny, and though i was probably undereating, overeating for me is worse. It fucks with my mental health and how people treat me, and it's a hard road to getting fit, it's hard to feel inspired in times like these. Food is comfort. I am still nowhere as big as i was in Idaho. There is a lot of food I am not supposed to eat or it messes with my brain chemistry and it's pretty stressful.
I guess what hurts the most is, I feel like I've lost a lot of friends. One of my best friends, i guess you could say we were semi seeing one another for nearly two years, he's just kind of not texting me back, or sending literally like 'haha' and 'ok' once a day. I've tried being ridiculously patient. I try to be supportive and funny and make an extra effort, even from afar, to be there. He's too busy to ever hang out with me, or just doesn't want to. I feel very used. It could be nothing. I've tried talking about it, having good humor, but it's not working. My temptation at every given moment is to call and demand some kind of explanation but the truth is that it would change nothing. He would call me if he wanted to talk. He's probably just found someone else. Or if he isn't, he just is disinterested in me as a person. It makes me feel, on top of looking down the barrel of homelessness and bad health, just floored with a horrible miserable feeling in the pit of my stomach. And it could reverse in a week or two so easily if he just explained himself in some way. Even if i found out the reason, and it was bad, i'd deal with it. Not knowing is what is really hurting me. It just kind of repeats in my head. I feel ugly, and unwanted and annoying. We spoke every single day for months and months and years, then it just stops? Why? And I am just supposed to pretend that it isn't devastating.
I wish i was in a position to help other people. I wish that i had money to have given people gifts for Christmas. My sister has issues with me, though she is very kind to let me stay with her if need be, it would be kinda tense to stay with her in her tiny apartment with her boyfriend. It's not the worst place I've been, but it wouldn't be great. It's weird to see the politics of the world unfold. I try not to worry about things that might happen in the future because I know there is only so much i can do. And if the economic system i was born under collapses, and even if i am a casualty of that collapse, i can't be blaming myself for that as well. It was long under way before i was ever born. And worrying about all the things i cannot control isn't going to help me in the long run.
I dunno, I am being a debbie downer. I just needed to vent, and not write people at 4am that I shouldn't be writing. :S Goodnight.
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plasticbullet · 4 years
1: Full name
I've gotten creepy messages on here so I'm gonna keep that private lol
2: Age
3: 3 Fears
Abandonment, driving by semi-trucks, bugs
4: 3 things I love
Music, coffee, nature
5: 4 turn ons
Sense of humor, intelligence, height, big hands.. happy trails are sexy
6: 4 turn offs
If they're rude, judgy, closed-minded, or act fake
7: My best friend
8: Sexual orientation
9: My best first date
I have no idea honestly. First dates are always weird
10: How tall am I
11: What do I miss
Not having anxiety, traveling, when my boobs were bigger
12: What time was I born
11:30 pm
13: Favourite color
Yellow, green, blue
14: Do I have a crush
It’s more than a crush, but yes
15: Favourite quote
"This is cracking me out" - my kid
16: Favourite place
The forest, Havasupai, California
17: Favourite food
Just about anything Italian. Or with a lot of cheese
18: Do I use sarcasm
Pretty often
19: What am I listening to right now
Wind blowing through the window. It’s like 65 degrees here I love it
20: First thing I notice in a new person
If they seem nice or not
21: Shoe size
7 or 7.5 depending on the shoes
22: Eye color
23: Hair color
Reddish dark blonde
24: Favourite style of clothing
Grungy but hot
25: Ever done a prank call? Yes
27: Meaning behind my URL
I’ve answered this a couple times before, I’m too lazy
28: Favourite movie
Peanut Butter Falcon
29: Favourite song
All the ones that make me feel things the most
30: Favourite band
A Day to Remember, Brand New
31: How I feel right now
32: Someone I love
My son
33: My current relationship status
In something
34: My relationship with my parents
They’re cool
35: Favourite holiday
36: Tattoos and piercing I have
Treble clef on the back of my neck, pierced ears
37: Tattoos and piercing I want
I’m good for now! Maybe more one day
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
I don’t even know, I’ve used this shit off and on since I was 16
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? Nope!
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? Yep
41: Have you ever kissed the last person you texted?
42: When did I last hold hands?
Held hands with my son today
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Like 20 minutes
44: Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? Yes
45: Where am I right now? In my room
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
Probably one of my friends lol
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
Loud unless I’m sleepyy
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? No
49: Am I excited for anything? 🎄🎄🎄
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
Yepp I think so
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
Sometimes if I don't want my kid to sense my stress. Or during boring conversations
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
I don’t think so
55: What is something I disliked about today?
I was super sleepy, slept until some stressy dreams woke me up, and can't go back to sleep 🙃
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
That guy from My Octopus Teacher
57: What do I think about most?
People I love, things I have to do, and the randomest shit imaginable
58: What’s my strangest talent?
I barely have any normal talents
59: Do I have any strange phobias? No
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind it unless I feel cute
61: What was the last lie I told?
Something about Santa to my kid
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Depends!
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
I feel like ghosts are possible, our energy could keep existing in some ways after our body dies who knows. Aliens exist for sure. Just not anywhere near our planet imo
64: Do I believe in magic? No
65: Do I believe in luck? I believe in good karma
66: What’s the weather like right now?
Kinda chilly/breezy but nice
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
Read Fox in Socks to my kid
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? No
69: Do I have any nicknames? Kind of
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
One time a horse stepped on my foot and it was bruised for months lol
71: Do I spend money or save it? Both
72: Can I touch my nose with my tongue?
Noo! I just tried though hahah
73: Is there anything pink 10 feet from me?
A crayon
74: Favourite animal? Sloths but I love all animals
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
Sleeping surprisingly
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
I can't think of anyone I hate enough to make a good joke out of this
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Colorado Symphony version of The Stable Song by Gregory Alan Isakov
78: How can you win my heart?
Good conversations, make me laugh, show me you care, show me good music, etc
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
Nice things, I don't know lol
80: What is my favorite word? Fuck
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
I ♥️ all the ones I follow
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
Realistically I would have a panic attack and say something stupid 😂
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Not that I know of!
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
Maybe the power to pause time so I could sleep or do whatever for however long I want without wasting any time. Or maybe the ability to teleport
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Idk I can't think of one
86: What is my current desktop picture?
It’s the default one, I don’t go on it very often lol
87: Had sex? Yes
88: Bought condoms? No the guys always did that
89: Gotten pregnant? Yes
90: Failed a class? No
91: Kissed a boy? Yes
92: Kissed a girl? Yes
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Yes
94: Had a job? Yes
95: Left the house without my wallet?
Yepp I used to forget it all the time
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
No I'm not a pussy ass bitch
97: Had sex in public?
If you count in a parked car, yes
98: Played on a sports team? Yes
99: Smoked weed? Yes
100: Did drugs? A while ago
101: Smoked cigarettes? Yes, quit a while ago
102: Drank alcohol? Yes
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
Nope! I tried one time just for fucks and it did not last long
104: Been overweight? No
105: Been underweight? Yes
106: Been to a wedding? Yes
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Yes
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
Yes. Marathons and binge sessions
109: Been outside my home country? Yes, Mexico
110: Gotten my heart broken? Yes
111: Been to a professional sports game? Yes
112: Broken a bone? Nope
113: Cut myself? Yes
114: Been to prom? Yes
115: Been in an airplane? Lots of times
116: Fly by helicopter? No
117: What concerts have I been to?
Oh fuck I know I’ll leave some out. Kelly Clarkson (don’t judge me I was 12), All Time Low, Avenged Sevenfold, Papa Roach, Blink-182, Fall Out Boy, Flogging Molly, Jason Mraz, Ed Sheeran, Atreyu, Escape the Fate, went to Warped Tour a couple times in high school so a bunch more emo bands
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? No
119: Learned another language?
A decent amount of Spanish
120: Wore make up? Frequently
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? Yes
122: Had oral sex? Yes
123: Dyed my hair? Yes
124: Voted in a presidential election? Yes
125: Rode in an ambulance? No those are expensive
126: Had a surgery?
Does getting my wisdom teeth removed count
127: Met someone famous?
Saw Alice Cooper at a Cheesecake Factory one time
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
Not stalked, more like checked up on lol
129: Peed outside? On camping trips
130: Been fishing? Yes
131: Helped with charity? Yes
132: Been rejected by a crush? Probably!
133: Broken a mirror? No
134: What do I want for my birthday?
Christmas is coming first idk
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
I have one kid whose name I won’t be posting publicly, annnd I’m open to having another kid sometime in the future but not set on it. No names in mind for that lol
136: Was I named after anyone?
My parents are Catholic so they named me after St. Kieran
137: Do I like my handwriting? It’s alright idk
138: What was my favourite toy as a child?
I liked my toy horses and barbies the most probably
139: Favourite TV Show?
Idk I have lots of favorites. I've probably rewatched The Office the most out of all of them tho
140: Where do I want to live when older?
Somewhere chill, surrounded by lots of nature. Arizona doesn’t have much of that lol
141: Play any musical instrument?
I can play the piano but it’s been a while
142: One of my scars, how did I get it?
One on my knee from a car accident
143: Favourite pizza topping?
I love onions on my pizzaaaa
144: Am I afraid of the dark?
No, unless I watched a scary movie or something
145: Am I afraid of heights? No
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
Got caught sneaking out when I was 15. Countless other things I can’t remember
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Yep!
148: What I’m really bad at
Doing things on time, paying attention when I’m not interested in something
149: What my greatest achievements are
Having an amazing kid, got first prize in the science fair in 6th grade for gluing a fucking key finder mechanism to the back of a shoe charm (shoe finder), was on time to something once
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery
Give a lot of it to some family, save a lot of it, get a new house, set aside a savings for my kid, buy a sloth or something
152: What do I like about myself
Fuck I don't know, I try my best hahah
153: My closest Tumblr friend
154: Something I fantasize about
Sex in public
155: Any question you’d like?
Nope this was plenty thank you
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nicosroom · 6 years
My Money Snapshot
[Inspired by Corporette]
Location: Ohio, small college town
Age: 29
Occupation: PhD candidate (English)/half-time instructor
Income: $16,000 before deductions
Net worth: $588 (I’m crying)
Current Debt: $12,844
Living situation: Renting with a roommate
Money Philosophy:
I grew up in the “working poor” category. My parents are divorced and my father never contributed much financially. Mom made around $21,000 per year at work and she cleaned houses “under the table” to supplement that. Somehow, we never went hungry, what we ate was relatively fresh and healthy, and she managed to put two of us through Catholic schools for a total of 14 years. I know now that mom is still paying some of those loans and credit card debts and that part of her strategy included not contributing more than the 3% that her employer matched in her 401k. Every time I complain about the financial stress I feel at my salary level, I have to remind myself how comparatively unstressful my financial life is.
I’ve always been poor and I always knew that graduate school/academia is not a lucrative career. I tell myself that if I can make things work at this pay grade, then I’m ready for just about anything. My main strategy is to have a budget, stay in the budget, and save every bit that I can.
Monthly budget
$1000-1100 for the necessities each month. Monthly spending on eating out, entertainment, shopping and other categories varies widely. I also won’t lie... dating someone who makes 4x more money than me helps... I’m fairly frugal on all of these fronts: I buy most of my clothes second hand and I tend to shop seasonally. Spikes in spending occur around the winter holidays when I’m buying gifts and when I am doing traveling. And I also have totally weak, impulsive moments - like the $3 soap sales at Bath & Body works, or that time I spent $110 on bras and underwear on a whim. Anyway:
Rent: $272.50/month
Other living expenses: $130-170/month (electric, internet, phone, renter’s insurance - lower in summer, higher in winter)
Transportation: $332/month (gas, insurance, car payment)
Healthcare: $162/month (health+dental insurance, no vision coverage)
Groceries: $120-150/month ($30/week)
Debt Picture
Student loan: $2000
Car loan: $10,488
I’m a career student & my motto for all the years I’ve been in school has been “follow the money.” I went to college on very hefty scholarships and I only had to take out the $2000 loan to cover housing costs during my first year. For the subsequent three years, I was an RA, so I never had to take loans again. I applied to graduate programs based on the research fit, and when I got my offers, money weighed heavily in the decision. I would have loved to live in Boston as a wee 22-year old, but I wasn’t about to take out loans for a year’s worth of tuition and the living expenses. And to get a PhD while living in Minneapolis, my very favorite city in the US? It would have been such a dream, but for the quite steep difference in stipends and the significant disparity in cost of living compared with Ohio. My only regret on this front is that I haven’t started paying back my tiny student loan. I’ve been able to defer it since I’m in graduate school, which was a great idea when I was a master’s student who didn’t know the first thing about budgeting. But if I had just paid $25/month from the start of grad school the balance would be $0 about the same time I graduate from this PhD program this August. Instead, I’ll be scrambling to pay off the whole balance before my 6 month grace period ends. 
The car loan is less than a year old. I finally broke down and bought a new (by which I mean used) car last summer after really pushing it with the car my parents had bought me in high school. Repairing that car put me into credit card debt more than once and I was getting so stressed about it. It was time. I have a very good credit score, so I qualified for a nice loan rate with my credit union, and to get a better rate I got my mom to co-sign my loan. It’s a popular rental fleet model so there were tons of them on the market, but average miles were high - so when I saw one that was two years old with only a years worth of miles on it at $1000 less than the average price for that make, model, and year, I jumped on it. My payments are $231/month on the 5-year plan. Currently, I’m paying that minimum, but I plan to escalate my payments as my income goes up (I’m on the academic job market now, pray for me). I folded this car payment into my existing budget by giving up solo-living and finding a roommate. When I had my own apartment, very spacious with a huge kitchen and tons of windows/natural light, I was paying about $585 for monthly rent. I hate living with people, but I hated the idea of being trapped in this college town without a car even more - one of my other mantras is “you can do anything for a year.” 
A note on credit cards: I love them. I’m one of those responsible people that charges everything and pays the balance like clockwork every month. This is the only way to make sure you’re actually taking advantage of the cash back/reward perks! Currently, I’m using Capital One’s Venture card and stockpiling airline miles for travel (it has a 40,000 mile sign-on bonus). If you’re good for it, I also recommend one card with a great balance transfer program. For me, when I get into an emergency situation, it makes me feel like I have options. It’s been about 4 years since I’ve had to use my balance transfer card to cover costs ($1400 in car repairs, summer 2015), but at my level, I can’t afford to not have back up plans. 
Savings and Investments
$5,517 Cash
$7,861 Roth IRA + employer mandated retirement account
Retirement: The biggest financial mistake I've made in grad school is that I did not opt into the retirement account offered by the university when I started my M.A. in 2012. When they ask me that “what I wish I had known before I went to grad school” question, this is near the top of the list. I did, eventually, open a Roth IRA and slowly I started to build something. This year, when my graduate funding dried up and they made me a “half-time instructor” the retirement account for public school teachers was mandatory and the contributions are high: 14% of every pay check (annoying, yes, but on the flipside, there is an equally high employer match). While I’m contributing to this, I’ve paused my contributions to the IRA. I’ll roll this money over, either into the IRA or into another state/employer retirement fund when I move on from here. 
Personal savings: I strive for a minimum of $100 per month and frequently do a little more, but each month is different and I consider it a win if I break even. Through most of grad school, I’ve taken on “second jobs” to bolster what I can save (and boost my resume). Both jobs have been through the university, so they limit me to five hours a week. When I max them out, this can be an extra $200-250 each month. 
I took up a new savings challenge this academic year to build on my “play money” savings account (a high yield savings account which my bank labels a “goal setter” account). The challenge involves tallying the “total savings” printed on my receipts each month (i.e. when the grocery store is like “you saved $6″ because of sales and coupons). So, At the end of the month, I put that running total into my goal setter account. Sometimes the total savings are like $26, but others its as much as $171. It’s an interesting challenge because it encourages me to do tedious things, like scroll through all the digital coupons on the grocery store app; but at the same time, I know that the higher that number is usually coincides with a lot of shopping which encourages some self-regulation. 
I initially set my goal at $2500 when I opened the goal setter account in 2014. When I had to dip into the account in April 2018 to pay $930 in car repairs, I finally set plans in motion to buy my car. Since I bought used, I only put 10% down on the car (just over $1200). When I sold my old car for $1000, I put that money right back into the account to start saving for new things...
What I’m saving for now:
travel: to celebrate finally finishing this PhD, I’m hoping to pull off a trip to Europe. Later this year, I’m also turning 30 around the same time that one of my regular professional conferences is meeting in Hawaii. If I can do one or both in the next year, that’d be grand. (As I mentioned, I'm saving up airline miles with my credit card program, too!)
a multicooker: think InstantPot...but more expensive because my dreams all revolve around small appliances that match my stand mixer. 
What I do to be frugal... 
I’ve been frugal my whole life, but a couple of major habits I’ve formed include:
Meal planning and home cooking (read my guide to meal prep here). The money part of that means planning what I eat around maximizing the ingredients I have to buy. I plan meals that use the same ingredients so I’m not spending on an entire bunch of celery and then throwing out 75% of it. Routinization also helps, so my grocery lists stay about the same week to week and the bill relatively predictable - for example, I eat avocado egg salad almost every day for lunch. I know, avocados are not cheap, but I also believe in spending on the things that nourish you––literally and “spiritually.” Roxane Gay once said that she never bought avocados or blueberries when she was a “poor grad student.” Once she started making money, she realized she would buy them because she could afford them, but she also threw them out all the time because she didn’t plan her meals right to actually eat them. The point is, buy the foods that you like/feel good about and build habits around them. It’s not wasted money. That said, I won’t pay more than $1.25 for an avocado!
Second hand clothes shopping, especially for my business casual (it’s amazing what people donate to the Goodwill, barely worn!)
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vices-aand-virtues · 6 years
Today I finished The Year of Less by Cait Flanders and it really resonated with me. One of my goals for 2019 already was to downsize, partially because I was feeling overwhelmed by how much stuff I own; partially because I was running out of space; and partially because I was anticipating moving this summer, and I wanted to haul as little as possible. I purged my closet, my bookshelf, and my DVD collection. Granted, I still have what many would consider A BUNCH of items in these categories, but as Marie Kondo would say, they really do “spark joy.”
I want to clean out other areas of my home, but due to having roommates, this is a challenge since with some things I’m not sure whose is whose. But this summer, they will be moving out, and my boyfriend and I will be living alone together for the first time in 4 years—for the first time since we graduated from college (me with my MA and him with his BS). I’m looking forward to cleaning out the kitchen and our closets.
Another reason I want to binge clean is because we will have two spare rooms in our house, but I don’t want them to become what they have been in the past: junk rooms. Typically these rooms serve a primary purpose (usually our music room), but they also serve as a dumping ground for anything we don’t know what to do with or things we don’t want in public view (ie junk). I want these rooms to be no more than they are: a guest room and a music room/office. We are only two people; we don’t need three rooms full of just stuff.
But until we can get started purging and cleaning our house, there are some steps I can already start taking to work towards my year of less. I’ve been saving money for a few months now because I thought I might owe money on my taxes. Luckily it turns out I didn’t thanks to some very helpful deductions, so I have a very small “influx” of money.
Which leads me to my next reason for doing this.
I’m in debt. By a lot. Getting a bachelor’s and master’s degree did not come cheap. My parents only paid for 2 years of my undergrad degree, and I was on my own for the next 7 years of school (yeah you read that right—my undergrad took 5 years and grad school took 4). As a result, my student loan debt is astronomical. Not only that, but because of my light class load my last year in school, I didn’t qualify for financial aid, and had to use 3 different credit cards to pay the rest of my tuition. So all that gets piled on top of my K2 mountain of debt.
With what I make now at my job, I can make it by. I’ll be able to afford rent, bills, and debt repayments. But that’s about it. And that’s not the kind of life I want to live. I’m not even talking about traveling the world or taking vacations. I just want to hang out with friends or go visit my family. I want to buy gas for something besides work. I want to treat my friends when they need a pick me up or need to celebrate. I want to be able to get my haircut when I need it.
So I decided I could up my weekly savings and see where that would lead me 4 months from now. By doing that alone, I could pay off half of my credit card debt by this fall, and finish the rest of it by next summer. That frees up nearly $500 for me to put towards extra student loan payments. Just by saving more money each week.
After calculating that, I looked at where I’m spending money during work hours. I am a contract music therapist, so I drive all over my area to my clients homes for sessions. Sometimes I knock the sessions out one after the other, but sometimes I have some time to kill inbetween. Since I started my job in June of 2018, I chose to go to a coffee shop (Starbucks or a local brew) to get a drink and work on paperwork or read a book. I looked at my expenses for just the last 2 months, and I had spent $150 on coffee alone. Thats $75 a month I’m spending to have a coffee for an hour or so once or twice a week. Then I added up any time I ate a meal between sessions. Almost $75 more. $150 a month on food and drinks. That’s almost $40 a week. I easily can cut those things out of my routine. Instead of going to a coffee shop, I can find somewhere else to kill time between sessions. If the weather is nice, I can go to a park and walk for a bit. If there’s a bench or a table, I can do my work there. If the weather is bad, I’ll give myself some grace and allow for a coffee. If I lived closer to work, I would definitely just spend my time there.
My next step was to look at any expenses that were truly unnecessary. I use Spotify regularly for work, so that’s not something I could give up. But I do have some months subscriptions to some other services that I really don’t need. By cutting those out, I save almost $50 more.
That means I potentially have nearly $200 extra to put to better use, and I didn’t even look at how much I spend on eating out for dinner or on just shopping. One step at a time y’all!
So if I save $200 a month for 4 months, I’ll have an additional $800 to put toward something. This combined with my regular savings will put me in a good position to reduce my credit card debt more quickly, which in turn will help me pay off my student loans faster.
Once I pay off the credit cards, I’ll have almost $500 a month to put elsewhere. That plus my $200 savings from spending during work hours is nearly $700 extra I can put toward my student loans each month. That’s half of what I will already be paying. And if I keep putting money into my regular savings...that’s even more. I could potentially reduce my payment time by YEARS and finally really start saving money for better things.
Financial freedom is something I never thought I could attain. But Cait’s book made me feel that it WAS possible, I just had to make it a priority. It was odd to realize that with as much anxiety as I had about repaying all my debt, I haven’t really been taking a lot of steps toward lessening my anxiety. But my making it a priority, not in terms of worrying but in terms of taking action, I have already lessened by burden significantly.
Usually when I do challenges like this, I lose motivation. But this is something I feel good about deep in my bones. And not only that, it’s easily doable. I’m not upping my savings significantly. I’m not even banning shopping like Cait did or cutting back on my eating habits (although I imagine this will start to happen organically once I’m really saving and realize how frivolous it is). I’m only cutting out unnecessary spending during work hours. That’s it.
Anyway I don’t think anyone will have read this all the way through, but if anyone has, thank you! I’m gonna try to post sometimes and talk about how it’s going :)
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371 RANDOM GET TO KNOW ME TAG QUESTIONS 1.What is your full name?Melody Grace Kelly Cahill 2.What does your name mean? 3.Are you named after anyone? Kelly is the last name of one of my fathers bandmates. 4. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to? Harmony 5. Where are you from? Dublin 6. Where were you born? Dublin 7.Where did you grow up? Dublin and L.A. 8.Who did you look up to growing up? My father and his bandmates 9.What are your best characteristics? 10 What are your favorite things about yourself? 11.Which of your parents are you closest to? My dad 12.Which of your parents are you more like? My dad 13.Are your grandparents still married? Yep 14. What relative was important to you growing up & why? 15.What is one thing that you’ve never revealed to your parents? What Goldenridge is actually. 16.What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? They would have named me after one of my fathers bandmates. 17.What do you call your grandparents? Nan and Poppy 18.What is your best physical feature?My smile What is your biggest accomplishment? 19.Probably making the successful transition to being a adult while keeping my fame. 20.What is your biggest fear? Losing my power. 21.What is your biggest regret? Walking back to the hotel that night. 22.What is your eye color? Green 23.What inspires you? The world around me. 24.What is the most important thing in your life? My career 25. What has required the most courage of you in your life so far? Standing up to the tabloids after my rape 26.Who is your favorite actor? Tom Hiddleston 27.Who is your favorite actress? Meryl Streep 28.Who is your favorite celebrity?  Lin Manuel Miranda 29.Who is your favorite musician? Ed Sheeran 30.Who’s your favorite person in the world? My best friend Olive . 31.What is your favorite childhood memory? 32.What is your favorite color? Green! 33. What is your favorite cultural activity? Singing along with people in the pub 34 What is your favorite drink? Bay breeze and coke 35.What is your favorite fairytale? Beauty and the Beast 36.What is your favorite food? Pizza. 37.What is your favorite holiday destination? Paris or one of the Disney Parks 38.What is your favorite ice-cream flavor? Cookie dough 39.What is your favorite music genre? Broadway 40.What is your favorite physical activity? Dancing 41.What is your favorite quote? Recently, Forget Regret or life is yours to miss. 42.What is your favorite snack? Harvest cheddar Sun chip 43.What is your favorite song? No day but Today. 44.What is your favorite sport? Football or as you Americans call it soccer 45.What is your favorite time of the day? Dusk 46.What is your favorite type of clothing? Dressy 47.What is your favorite way to pass time? Performing 48. What is the name of your favorite restaurant? Maggie McFlys 49.What is your all-time favorite town or city? Why? 50.What is your favorite candle scent? Strawberry 51.What is your favorite social media channel? 52.Where’s your favorite place to take an out-of-town guest? In Dublin, it has to be the helix, In LA it has to be the sign
53.What was your favorite subject in High School? English 54.What was your least favorite subject in High School? Math 55.What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? Joan of Arcadia 56.What do you love about your favorite TV Show? How long it's been on the air. 57.Are you scared of heights? No 58.Are you high maintenance? Yep. Not personality wise but a star thing 59.Are you more inclined to “build your own empire” or unleash the potential of others? Build my own empire 60 Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage it head-on? Avoid 61.Are you a dog person or cat person? Both but Dog 62.Are you a fan of any sports team? Not really 63.Are you a good cook? Yep 64.Are you an early adopter or late-adopter? Early adopter 65.If you had more courage what would you do differently in your life now? I would make my image my own. 66.What is good about how you are living your life right now? I'm taking a break from working 67.If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be? 68.Who has left the most impact on your life? My fathers agent. 69.What aspect of your life needs tremendous improvement? My personal 70. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen in your life? A kid jumped over five people to get to me. 71.Who is the best teacher you’ve ever had?  Colm Keegan, he gave me online lessons when I was a kid 72.Who is the biggest pack rat you know? My friend Bella 73.Who is the first person you call when something exciting happens? If job related my agent, if personal my dad 74.Who is the first person you call when something horrible happens? My agent 75.Who is the worst boss you’ve ever had? I had a bad agent for a month as a kid 76.Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows? Yes 77.Can you do a split? No 78.Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Yep 79.Can you whistle? Yep 80.Can you dance? Yep 81.Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes 82.Do you save old greeting cards and letters? Throw them away? Some of them 83.Do you sing in the shower? Yep 84 Do you sleep with the lights on or off? Off 85.Do you spell the color as grey or gray? Gray 86.Do you take any pills or medication daily? No 87.Do you prefer kissing or cuddling? Kissing 88.Do you prefer that people shoot straight with you or temper their words? Wjy? Be honest, Shoot straight. I can handle itm 89.Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook? Titanic 90.Do you have a catchphrase? No 91.Do you have a garden? No 92.Do you have a hidden dream that you’ve never shared with anyone? Yes 93.Do you have a tattoo? Yes 94 Do you have a whole lot of acquaintances or just a few very close friends? Why? Both. In my public life I have a ton of acquaintances and my private life has a handfull of close friends 95.Do you have any allergies? Nope 96. Do you have any birthmarks? If so, where? No. 97.Do you have pets? Yep 98.Do you hold any convictions that you would be willing to die for? Yep 99.Do you carry a donor card? Yep 100. Do you have a best friend, if so, then who? Olive! 101.Do you believe ignorance is bliss? Why or why not? No, knowledge is power. 102. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yep 103.Who performs the most random acts of kindness out of everyone you know? My dad 104.Who sent the last text message you received? My dad 105.Who was the last person you ate dinner with? My agent 106.Who was your first Boyfriend/Girlfriend? A kid named Daniel 107.Who was your first Celebrity crush? Orlando Bloom 108.Who was your first friend in college? College? What college? 109.Who would you tell first if you found a dead body in your garden? My agent 110.What is your most embarrassing moment? When I fell off the stage during a misstep 111.What is your most used swear word? Fuck 112 What is your star sign? Leo 113 What is something that amazes you? The pyramids. 114 What is at the top of your bucket list? Finding love 115 What is something you look for in a partner? Them being able to deal with my fame 116.What is the name of your first pet? Toby 117.What scares you about aging? Losing my appeal, my star power. 118.How difficult is it for you to be honest, even when your words may be hurtful or unpopular?  Not very 119.How difficult is it for you to forgive someone who refuses to apologize? Very 120.How far away from your birthplace do you live now?.5,157 miles 121.How many Boyfriends/Girlfriends have you had? 3 122.How many countries have you been to?100 123.How many oceans have you swum in? 3 124.How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? Over 100 125 How many relationships have you been in? 3 126.How many rings before you answer the phone? 2 127.How many tattoos do you have? One single tattoo 128.How old do you think you’ll be when you get married? 30 129 How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real? Probably 11 130.How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? 6 131Would you ever consider living abroad? Been there currently doing that 132.How many days could you last in solitary confinement? One 133.Have you forgiven yourself for past personal failures? Why or why not? 134.Have you ever suffered a fracture? Yep 135.Have you ever dated two people at a time? No 136.Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? No, but Hollywood is like one 137 Have you ever ridden on a motorbike? No 138.Have you ever taken self-defense lessons? Yep 139.Have you ever visited a country outside your continent? Yep 140.Have you ever won a trophy or an award? What was it for? I've won a bunch of grammys. Best new artist and best pop album 141.Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series? Which one is your favorite? Read them all. Harry Potter 142.At what age did you go on your first date? 12 143.After a breakup, would you rather be alone or be surrounded by friends? Friends 144.What female celebrity do you wish was your sister? Taylor Swift 145.What flavor of tea do you enjoy? Barry's Irish Breakfast 147.What is a strange occurrence you’ve experienced but have never (or rarely) shared with anyone? When a fan gave me a bra. It wasn't theirs. 148.What is one thing you’d rather pay someone to do than do yourself? Why? Clean, I just simply don't have time 149.What is the first amusement park you’ve been to? Disney World 150.What is the last compliment you got? A young fan complimenting my dress 151.What is the most boring movie you’ve watched? A Pokemon movie 152 What is the scariest movie you’ve watched? The prodigy. 153.What is the worst grade you got on a test? I think like a c 154.What is the farthest-away place you’ve been? Japan 155.What is under your bed? A box of toys 156.What is on the walls of the room you are in?  Posters from my tours 157.What is one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up? Kink 158.What is something about yourself that you hope will change, but probably never will? How much I work. 159.Where do you buy your jeans? Levi 160.Where were you on Valentine’s Day? On stage 161.Where would you want to retire to? The countryside in Ireland 162.What is something you are gifted at? Songwriting 163.What is something you wish you were gifted at doing? Public Speaking, interviews are fine but giving a speech to.a group of people.. 164.What is the best compliment you have ever received? I have all of your music 165.What is the first movie you remember seeing? Harry Potter 166.What is the first thing you do when you get home? Take off my shoes 167.What is the furthest you’ve ever been from home? Japan 168.What is the one item you can’t leave home without? My notebook 169.What do you like about your home? How personalised it is 170What do you love about living in your neighborhood? The things to play with 171.If you could change something about your home, without worry about expense or mess, what would you do? Put a studio for art in my house 172.Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night owl 173.What time do you usually get up in the morning? 8 am 174.What time is your usual bed time? 10 on non show nights and like 4 am on show nights 175.What is the first thing you do when you open your eyes in the morning? Look at the clock 176.What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? What I have to do that day 177 What is the first app you check when you wake up in the morning? Twitter 178.Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? Yep 179.What is the first time you were allowed to put on make-up? Age 8 180.What is the first book you remember reading? Mary Poppins 181.What kind of books do you like to read? Fantasy 182 What is the last book you read? LOTR 183.What book do you remember as being important to you? Wizard of Oz 184.What is the last film you saw? Mary Poppins Returns 185.What is the last movie that you saw at the cinema? Infinity War. 186.What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Some tracks 187.What is the last thing you watched on TV? The masked Singer 188.What is the thing you change the TV channel with? Remote 189.What kind of car do you drive? Lambo 190. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? Japanese would be cool 191 What male celebrity do you wish was your brother? Chris Evans is cool 192. What medical conditions do you have? None 193 What piece of technology can you not live without? My phone 194.What position do you sleep in? On my back 195. What religion will you raise your children to practice?  Catholic 196.What was the best news you ever received? When I was signed to a contract 197.What was the first concert you ever attended? My father's when I was like two 198.What was the first tattoo you got? A claddagh ring on the back of my neck 199.What was the last thing you bought? A Starbucks frappe 200 What was the name of your first pet? Toby 201 What was your first cooking experience? I made hamburgers on tour when I was like 9. 202.What was your first ever cell phone? Iphone 203.What word do you use to address a group of people? Guys? Folks? Or any other word? Guys and gals 204 What would you name your daughter if you had one? Harmony 205.What would you name your son if you had one? Colm 206.What is your strongest sense? If you had to give up one of your senses, which would it be? My hearing.  Smell. 207.What do you dislike about living in your neighborhood? Being in an apartment 208. What drains your energy? Being alone 209. What is the best part of your job? Performing for people 210. What are some of the different jobs that you have had in your life? I have only had the one 211. Do you love your job? Yep! 212.What is the hardest part of your job? The lack of privacy 213.What was your first job? Musician 214.If you could have any job, what would you want to do/be? I'm currently living it 215.If you had time to do volunteer work, what would you do? Volunteer with animals 216.What takes the biggest chunk of your paycheck? My food. 217.Are you satisfied with how you spend your money? What would you change? Very happy.  Nothing really 218.How do you replenish your energy? Take a long bath 219. What about religion has changed for you as you’ve aged?  I've stopped going to church. 220.What artistic endeavors have you tried & decided you were bad at? I'm horrible at pottery 221.What current world events are really troubling to you? The current administration. Global Warming 222. What dreams have you given up on as unrealistic? Being a doctor 223.What has been the hardest thing for you to face or learn? That people will prey on children 224 What is one of the worse things that could happen to you? It's already happened 225.What is something that scares you that you would never ever try? Sky diving 226.What is something you’ve never done that you’d like to try? Some more extreme kinks 227.What is the pettiest thing you’ve done to prove a point?  Wrote a love song that wasn't a love song. 228.What app do you use most? Twitter 229.How often do you skip breakfast? Once in a blue moon 230.Did your mother go to college? Yep 231 Describe yourself in a single sentence? The sweet but dark pop star. 232 On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, rate your fashion sense? 8 233.On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, rate your driving skills? 4. I can get myself around if needed 234.On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, rate your cooking skills? 9 235. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, how good a kisser are you? 8 236.One thing you know now that you wish you had known as a kid? That fame isn't all it's cracked up to be. 237.When making an entrance into a party, do you make your presence known? Yep 238. What are some of your bad habits? Biting my nails, tearing apart tissues. 239.What are the top three qualities that draw you to someone new? Prettyness, how kind they are, How honest they are. 240.What color is your bedroom carpet? A light blue 241. What did you do for your last birthday? I gave a small show for charity 242.What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? I think that was a cat 243.What did you want to be when you grew up? Musician 244.What do you call carbonated drink called? Soda 245.What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining? Sunshower 246.What do you consider unforgivable? Betrayal 247.What do you do for a living? I'm a pop star 248.Is there any item you collect? Jewelry 249.Are you a hoarder? Nope 250.Do you know how to pump your own gas? Yep 251.Do you love dancing? Yes 252.Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? To both the Irish and the USA's 253.What is the longest period you’ve spent in a hospital? 2 days 254 Most ridiculous thing you’ve had to visit the hospital for? My broken arm 255.What is something most people don’t know about you? That I'm kinky 256.To what extent do you trust people? It varys, if you've made your way into my inner circle , I trust you completely. 257.What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep? Toss and Turn? Try to get up and do something productive? I curl up under my weighted blanket 258.What do you do most when you are bored? Play on my phone 259. What do you find yourself always procrastinating? Interviews 260.What do you think about the most? My career 261.Is your father bald? Nope 262.What makes you proud of your father? His success. 263.What makes you proud of your mother? Her being a woman in power 264.What makes you sad about your Dad’s life & unmet dreams? How much he works 265.What makes you sad about your Mother’s life & unmet dreams? How much she works 266.How are you different from your Dad? I don't have stage fright 267. How are you different from your Mother? I'm taller than her 268.How are you glad that you are like your Dad? Music. 269.How are you glad that you are like your Mother? My class 270.When did you immediately click with someone you just met? Why? What was the long-term result? My best friend Olive. She came up and talked to me at one of my shows when I was young. We are best friends and see each other every week. 271.Are you close to anyone now that you initially disliked? My current stage manager.  She tried to boss me around not within her role.  She's one of the few people who knows of my other life.  Her name is Emily 272.What non-profit do you believe in supporting? Animal shelters 273.What piece of art did you see that you’ve never forgotten? The gates of Hell by Rodin
274.How does music matter to you? Its my life. I am a world famous pop star.
275.What type of music you dislike most? Rap
276.If you had 1 year left to live, what would you do for you? Spend it indulging in everything
277.If you had a day left to live and you could spend it with anyone you choose, who would it be? My father.
278.If you inherited $100,000 right now, how would you spend it? Donate it to charity
279. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? Hah. I already have that checked off
280.If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? Make kink normal.
281.If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? I've not had lunch with Barack Obama
282.If you could give your younger self any advice what would it be? That night don't walk to the hotel
283.If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? I'd like to see more of Japan
284.If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Dublin
285.If you could meet any one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be? Robert F Kennedy
286.If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be? My friend from primary, Zoe
287.If you had A Big Win in the Lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? 6 months
288.If you have a nickname, what is it?  Mel , Mels
289.If you could choose only one, would you rather go to Paris or London? London
290.If you could live forever, would you rather stay one age forever or get older? One age forever
291.If you could pick one, would you rather have infinite money or unending love? Money
292.If you could save just one, would you rather save Humanity or the Earth?  Earth
293.When did you suffer your first heartbreak?
294.When was the first time you were on a plane? Age 2
295.When was the last time you cried? Yesterday
296.When was the last time you got in a fist fight? Never
297.When was the last time you pushed yourself to your physical limits?  Last tour
298.How often do you doodle? What do your doodles look like? Constantly.  Different things depending on what I'm doing
299 Is anyone in your family in the army? Nope
300. Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? Full
301.Pick one, a comedy movie or a horror movie? Comedy
302.Pick one, cats or dogs? Dogs
303 Pick one, chatting or phone call? Phone call
304.Pick one, cheat or be cheated on? Be cheated on
305.Pick one, chicken or beef? Beef
306.Pick one, Coke or Pepsi? Coke
307.Pick one, exceptional strength or intelligence intelligence
308.Pick one, forgiveness or vengeance? Vengeance
309.Pick one, free health care or free education? Education
310.Pick one, Halloween or Valentine’s Day Halloween
311.Pick one, IOS or Android? IOS
312.Pick one, kill or be killed? Kill
313.Pick one, meat or fish? Meat
314.Pick one, monopoly or chess? Monopoly
315 Pick one, Nike or Adidas? Nike
316 Pick one, Pepsi or Coca-Cola? Coca cola
317.Pick one, stripes or Polka dot? Polka dot
318.Pick one, summer or winter? Summer
319.Pick one, texting or phone calls? Texting
320.Pick one, vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate
321 Would you rather go bungee jumping or skydiving? Bungee jumping
322.Would you rather always be overdressed or always be underdressed? Overdressed
323.Would you rather be a genius or be wealthy? Genius
324 Would you rather be a hammer or a nail? Hammer
325 Would you rather be a lonely genius or an idiot with a lot of friends? Genius
326.Would you rather be able to play 10 different instruments beautifully or speak 10 different languages fluently? Thats hard. 10 languages
327.Would you rather deal with a crying baby or a saucy and spoilt child? Crying baby
328.Would you rather do cardio or lift weights? Cardio
329.Would you rather drink a carbonated drink or fruit Juice? Juice
330.Would you rather forget to pack clean underwear when traveling or forget to pack your footwear? Underwear
331 Would you rather have 1 million dollars right now or one penny doubling every day for thirty days? Million
332.Would you rather have 1,000,000 in your bank account or an IQ of 145+? IQ
333 Would you rather have 6 sons or 6 daughters? Daughters
334.Would you rather have a 99% chance to win $100,000 or a 50-50 chance at $10 million? 99%
335 Would you rather have a big stomach or fat cheeks? Cheeks
336.Would you rather have a friend who’s very blunt with their words or a friend who tells a lot of white lies? Blunt
337.Would you rather have a live-in massage therapist or a live-in chef? Chef
338.Would you rather have a roommate that eats a lot or one that sleeps a lot? Sleeps
339.Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? British
340.Would you rather have annoying neighbors or neighbors who you always seem to annoy? Annoying neighbors
341.Would you rather have the ugliest house in a beautiful neighborhood or the most beautiful house in an ugly neighborhood?  Beautiful in ugly
342 Would you rather have to change your clothes five times a day or wear the same outfit five times in a row? Change
343.Would you rather live in a five bedroom apartment all alone or live in a one bedroom apartment with five kids? Alone. I don't want kids
344.Would you rather live in a place where it’s always raining or a place where the sun never goes down? Raining
345.Would you rather live in a rural area or the suburbs? Suburbs
346.Would you rather live in an apartment or house? House. I need my space
347.Would you rather live in ancient Greece or ancient Rome? Rome
348.Would you rather not be able to go out in the daytime or not be able to go out in the night time? Day
349.Would you rather talk in your sleep or fart in your sleep? Talk
350.Would you rather walk funny or talk funny? Walk
351.Would you rather your parents were able to read your thoughts or your crush was able to read your thoughts? Crush
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snowdaystudying · 7 years
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(yes this is long, but it’s worth the read) As a teenager you don’t really need to worry about money, but it’s important to build a healthy relationship with it! these are my personal tips and tricks/ what has worked for me
how do i spend less money?
have a coin jar where you put all your coin change and don’t keep change in your wallet (my dad had one of these with over $300 in it!)
track your spending!! you can use an app, or use a physical notebook. 
i use a notebook and have 4 columns: item, price, date, then at the end of the month i total my spending
use student discounts!! also coupons!!! check groupon or retailmenot for coupon codes (they always save me like $7 on papa johns pizza)
bring a water bottle with you when you go out with friends bc spending money on water is annoying 
use libraries or borrow books from friends instead of buying books, wait until holiday sales/ your birthday to buy expensive things (like jeans, a computer, a fitbit), buy off-brand stuff
go to the store with a goal in mind so you don’t end up buying more than you need. go to target thinking  “i need a new moleskine notebook and pens for my bullet journal” instead of not knowing what you need.
also take college level classes in high school (but only if you think you can succeed). getting credit now means you might get to save some money on classes in college
why should i save money?
as a teenager you likely aren’t buying your own food, toiletries, phone bill, and other necessities, so you have the potential to save the largest percentage of your income!
college is expensive, moving out is expensive, saving money now will take some pressure off you in the future.
where do i get the money?
get a job! (if you’re old enough to work legally) not only is working part time a good source of income, but it gets you out of the house and gets you doing something that is not school. and it will improve your people skills (also college apps)
how do i get a job?
ask! it’s terrifying the first few times but after that it’s okay.
look at snagajob.com and indeed.com ! be warned: not all companies will hire teens
go to job fairs! your school or local teen organization might host some
pesit/babysit/housesit/plantsit/walk dogs/shovel snow/rake leaves/ do yard work: make an ad and put it on your social media, have your parents put your ad on their social media, if your neighborhood has a website or board type thing put one there!
sell your old stuff: there’s all those apps (poshmark depop), but i think a traditional yard sale is the easiest
make a change jar! grab some old container and just throw all your spare change in it, by the end of the year you’ll be shocked by how much you have
ask for an allowance from your parents or ask if they can pay you for household chores
okay i have some money, now what?
set up a savings account: i think maybe you have to do this with your parents?? i suggest using the same bank as your parents
set a goal for how much you want to save. this could be in a percent, or an amount monthly, or an amount yearly, or you could do that thing where you save every $5 bill you come into contact with
ex. i started 2017 with a goal of $20 a month (w/o a job), and in 2018 i’m upping it to $150 a month
think about money. you’re saving money to invest in your future, to invest in yourself, to not start out your life in thousands of dollars of debt. doesn’t that sound better than having designer jeans or $20 pens?
but also treat yourself! we’re still kids! we can have fun and spend money a little outrageously sometimes. ( and by this i mean sure go to a baseball game with your friend and buy $20 of fries, not buy a bunch of super expensive stuff that is not going to make you happy) 
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toastydoodles · 7 years
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(Art Blog) | (Twitter) | (Instagram) | (Storenvy)
((Had to get in one last post before the new year!))
I HAD THE MOST STRESSFUL FUN THIS OCTOBER doing these three conventions three weeks in a row, not to mention doing multi-day conventions for the first time! There were ups and downs but I had so much fun and by the end of my con season my brain was utterly fried!!
Thank you so so much to everyone who stopped by, and to those who followed me here sometime in the past couple months: Hello!! Thank you for supporting my art and I hope you enjoy your stay!!
That said, I’m gonna talk a bit about this con season. GET COMFY, ITS LONG
So con prep started in late August when I learned that I actually got into Kumori after having been on their waitlist for a while. I knew then that I REALLY had to kick my ass into gear lol
At this point, I was still in the middle of my 40 hr (+ 12 hr travel time) a week summer internship, so I didn’t have all day to work on my prints until the weekend, but my weekends were usually taken up spending time with loved ones and friends. Or gaming, since I didn’t have the time during the weekdays >_>
Then college came back around, giving me 4 classes, a student job doing graphic design, and club activities + homework! When I thought I’d have more free time, I actually had less! But with cons approaching, I drew more than I would have if I didn’t have cons AND found myself improving when it came to doing prints again.
The biggest issue popped up a week before BCC. LONG story short, I suddenly did not have a button maker to borrow anymore. I weighed my options: either lose money on potential button sales (which made up most of my sales in previous years) and shelf my button designs, or drop $500 on a button maker set to make them in time for Kumori and Jet City. This is also keeping in mind that I might not be able to do too many cons in the future.
I bought the button maker. But, since I am the luckiest daughter in the world, my parents swooped in to pay for it as an early Christmas present. I will be making so many wearable memes with this gift and I am GRATEFUL.
Another issue I ran into the WHOLE MONTH was not being able to take card. I’m forever rejected from Square (tl;dr, my phone glitched during signup and shredded through all the signup attempts I can possibly have. Customer service basically said “welp, sorry!���) and Paypal Here was entirely unhelpful, so I had to go the season as cash only. I won’t actually know how much this hurt sales, but it definitely hurt turning down some big purchases because I was one of the few vendors that didn’t take card!
I’ll definitely be looking into the alternatives for card readers soon! There’s a lot out there.
This year, I kept track of my sales and stock with excel sheets with formulas! It definitely kept things organized and helped me keep track of stock and see where patterns were, if any. It wasn’t perfect, but it helped immensely. I also kept very VERY close track of what my spending was like. 
I’m spoiling it before the end, but I was about $200 from breaking even. Luckily I’m not in a position where this loss impacts significantly, but it still stings! It could have been a result of multiple things, such as the hotel for Kumori being 1/3rd of my expenses ALONE, my choice of products/fandoms, not having ability to take card, and general attendee interest.
Let’s take a brief look at each con!
Bellingham Comicon
Glad to be back!
Bellingham Comicon has once again, been a joy. It’s a small convention but excited attendees pack the place and sales were good. A couple people recognized me from last year and I recognized a couple people too! I didn’t have my button maker yet but perlers seemed to be decently popular. I even made a custom Witch Mercy perler that sold 40 MINUTES INTO THE CONVENTION. It sold so quick that I didn’t even get to take a table picture until after I sold it! (I will say, when I put up that custom Sentai Genji, I upped the price a bit lmao)
I met a lot of amazing artists and got to do a bunch of art trades as well, something I haven’t really done in previous years! I was happy to see a couple familiar faces and meet some new artists too!! BCC is small enough that walking around and chatting to other artists and vendors is on the easier side.
I got a couple weird looks dressed as IT Damien from Dream Daddy, but was glad some people recognized me! I made some first impressions on some very cool artists in that cosplay haHA
While BCC is a comic convention, I didn’t feel out of place. There were lots of attendees that I would consider in my target audience and I didn’t feel like it was taking away from business. BCC is very much a comic and pop culture convention, with fans looking for all sorts of things!
Kumori was my first multi-day convention, and the farthest I’ve travelled for a con! Needless to say, I was anticipating this con since August, but didn’t know AT ALL what to expect.
We ended up driving down on Thursday and setting up that night, which definitely took a lot of the stress away. I also managed to compact my table and merch into a single tote, a print box, a bag to hold the wire cubes, + personal bags for miscellaneous stuff. So that was less stressful too.
Friday came and I was cosplaying Taako (which, as I found out, is 150% more fun to wear than IT Damien oops). The day was on the slower side, and some of my friends came by to say hi and ended up helping out at my table, giving me time to check out the artist alley!
Kumori’s artist alley was HUGE. And even more jarring: so many of the artists I follow on twitter/insta/etc were there. Somehow. Good lord, how many of you live in the PNW that I didn’t know about? I recognized an artist who’s art I love in line while waiting for badges and almost had a heart attack. Over the weekend, I met a lot of artists but it was only a fraction of the entire artist alley. I didn’t even get to meet all the artists I recognized!
So. Profit-wise, the con was kind of a disappointment. Oh boy, here’s a stat: I made about as much at BCC as I did at Kumori. In three days.
Again, this could’ve been a number of things. A lot of artists (many more experienced than me!), general interest, things I chose to sell, etc. But even so, many of the returning artists I talked to said it was slower than last year and some said the con is usually pretty dang slow.
But the con was fantastic in other ways. It gave me valuable big-con experience, some new art friends/mutuals, a fun time at the con and in Portland (good food!), and again, my favorite part, meeting a ton of cool, amazing artists and being able to make some art trades or to buy from them!
I definitely needed rest after this one. My brain was absolutely FRIED by the time we finally got back home and ate a late dinner at Shari’s.
Jet City Comic Show
Not even gonna lie, it was EMPTY most of the weekend!
I ended up having to table by myself, which wasn’t a problem with how lax it was. I even had time to doodle as well as finish a pen drawing! And I live pretty close to the show, so I could just head home once the days ended.
My table neighbor was super cool and I met a bunch of cool artists from all over the artist alley as well! This alley was pretty massive too, so I didn’t get to check out all of them. Being a comic convention, most of the artists were comic-based, with maybe a hand full of anime-styled artist from what I could see.
Many artists had their own published comics, and I enjoyed listening to their pitches (and took some comics home too!!).
My row didn’t seem to get a lot of foot traffic, but neither did the majority of the artist alley. And Sunday was even slower! Talking to other vendors, I found out Jet City is usually slow, but this year was slower than the last.
All in all, it was a nice quiet weekend and I was happy to meet more amazing artists at this con, as well as happy to get home and REST!
This season was rewarding. Not in the money way, unfortunately. I’m lucky to be a position where it doesn’t affect me in a major way. But I’m always so excited to go to cons, and just being around fellow fans and creative minds is rewarding in it’s own way. I’ve also learned what to do and what not to do for future conventions should I continue to do them!
the real profit was the artists we met along the way
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: How The Pokémon Trading Card Game Became a Recent Gold Rush
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  A few days ago, as part of the cross-medium celebration of Pokémon’s impending 25th anniversary, McDonald’s released a Happy Meal set emblazoned with Pikachu’s iconic face and carrying a special pack of new collectible cards. It isn’t the first time these little monsters have appeared under the Golden Arches, as the Pokémon franchise has a long (and sometimes infamous) history with fast-food chains. However, this particular promotional exercise quickly grew sour, forcing The Pokémon Company International to release this statement about replenishing their goods on Twitter:
  We’re aware that some fans are experiencing difficulties purchasing certain Pokémon TCG products due to very high demand. In response, we are reprinting impacted products at maximum capacity to ensure more fans can enjoy the Pokémon TCG. More info here: https://t.co/sClZo3BXsp
— Play Pokémon (@playpokemon) February 10, 2021
  What happened? Well, scalpers. People have been purchasing the Happy Meals in bulk (and apparently just entire boxes of the cards as well) aiming to resell them at a higher price now that all of those Charmanders are becoming scarce. Meanwhile, stores are having their whole Pokémon card stock bought, leaving aisles that were once close to bursting with merchandise empty and desolate. Of course, scalping products is nothing new; A UK Member of Parliament introduced a bill as recently as February 3 that would attempt to prevent or at least cut down on the scalping that ran rampant during the PlayStation 5’s troubled release in 2020. That a government employee has announced in the midst of several global crises, “We need to give everyone an equal chance to play Spider-Man: Miles Morales” really says something.
  However, this wave of adults buying potentially profitable Pokémon trading cards is nothing new either, especially when you look at the last few months. Ranging from celebrities like Justin Bieber (showing off his collection), Logan Paul (who may have kicked off this whole thing), several WWE performers (who just seem to want cool cards,) to big spenders (that have sometimes gotten scammed in the process) and various auction winners, Pokémon cards have become a hot item on a mass scale for the first time in about two decades. The days of “A holographic Charizard? That must be worth, like a billion dollars!” have returned from the crypt of 1999, only this time, it’s playing out in front of us.
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    A lot of this interest is not only fueled by the obvious financial impetus, but the inherent nostalgia of the Pokémon franchise, one that saturates every part of its wide array of games, series, and products. From the first time you interact with your home’s TV in Pokémon Red and Blue — which makes a reference to a scene from Stand By Me, a movie  based around dealing with how we remember the past and our youth — the video game series has existed with one foot in the future and one in the past. When Satoshi Tajiri created Pokémon, his aim was to recapture the feeling he got collecting bugs in the rural wilderness near his hometown, one that was quickly being paved over during rampant urbanization.
  So to see these being opened, and to see the people we watch, enjoy, and perhaps even idolize burst with delight over that special card they couldn’t collect when they were a kid, brings a wave of sentimentality. I mean, it’s Pikachu? How can you not like Pikachu? But what we’ve seen over the past few months has effectively been a Pokémon Gold Rush, with people discovering the jewels and rushing to openly collect, perhaps preserve, and possibly sell later. And it’s…troubling. 
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  Mainly because it calls into question how we approach buying children’s media in the first place. Every time a new Star Wars or Marvel film hits theaters, we’d become flush with news about tickets selling out in seconds, leaving stragglers (or people without a pristine internet connection) unable to get their coveted opening night spot. These, too, fall prey heavily to scalpers who know just how much we want to enjoy whatever Iron Man is up to lately. But the pushback against these rarely feels ubiquitous. While they are definitely pieces of media built for kids, our reasoning behind this rush to buy and/or sell is much more “Better luck next time, sucker!” and much less “Hey, my son wanted to see that.”
  Pokémon has not yet reached the “It’s for kids AND adults” plateau that these other franchises have ascended to when it comes to our consciousness of it in the United States. And this is possibly because it wasn’t made in the US, leaving many eternally scrambling to see how it fits in our pop culture-sphere occupied by other various mega-series. So the ethical dilemma here is much more open. Because yeah, if a McDonald’s is out of cards and you’re a second grader being taken through the drive-thru, you probably will be pretty disappointed when you hear that a bunch of twenty-somethings bought 100 Happy Meals. That would suck. 
  If you collect the cards on a consistent basis, learning that the latest set has been bought out in total in the latest step of a frenzied trend would also be a bummer. If you go online, these McDonald’s cards are everywhere, with prices ranging from “That’s too cheap and possibly a scam” to hundreds of dollars. It turns the Pokémon Trading Card Game into a system of people wealthy enough to buy them, selling them back and forth to those wealthy enough to purchase them. It brings true the dystopian toy store vision found in newspapers in the late ‘90s and early aughts which saw parents decrying the cute little money sinkhole that had enraptured their children. Except, this time, it’s people old enough to have grown up with the franchise. 
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    It’s also hard not to look at it as a contrasting vision of the WallStreetBets/GameStop controversy from mere weeks ago, which saw people exploiting the tricks that hedge fund owners had used to amass millions off the stock market. There, the buying and selling was almost heroic, proving that a system that had formerly locked out all of those without the financial means and know-how to participate could be overturned and ridiculed. Here, though, it’s something else — social media clout, influencer tactics, and boatloads of dollars (and potential boatloads of dollars) attaching themselves to Pokémon, which is often seen as remarkably innocuous. 
  When Pokémon first made its blockbuster debut in the US, it came with the catchphrase “Gotta catch ‘em all!” — a tagline and mission statement that appeared on video game boxes and in anime ending themes alike. It went everywhere the franchise went, affirming that Pokémon didn’t have to be something you collected in part. In fact, it was better if you played the games, bought the cards, watched the show, and filled your Super K-Mart bag with figurines. While this slogan has more or less departed from Pokémon merchandise, it remains the series’ branding alpha and omega. You must collect. It is the feature, not the bug. 
  I’m not saying this is what Nintendo intended when they urged you to nab both Red and Blue in order to amass all 150, but it does feel like the dark side of that ethos. I do think that buying up all the Happy Meals at your local McDonald’s in order to find people willing to pay $10 for a Squirtle does sound ridiculous and I do think kids should be able to get all the Pikachus their heart's desire, but that’s just me. I also think this new phase of the card game didn’t come out of nowhere. It’s just laid dormant, waiting to evolve. 
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      Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features.
By: Daniel Dockery
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aztravelling · 4 years
I as of late asked my pamphlet endorsers what was the main thing that shielded them from voyaging. The practically widespread answer?
It’s something I get notification from everybody I converse with: “I simply need more cash to travel.”
This issue – and how to defeat it – is my most posed inquiry. I have responded to this inquiry in plenty of Facebook messages, messages, tweets and messages. Long haul perusers may even become weary of examining this point since I talk about it a ton. Yet, I realize that regardless of how frequently I approach this issue, it will return.
Since this inquiry comes up so frequently, I continually prefer to help individuals to remember this reality:
You don’t need to be rich to travel.
How about we rehash this.
You don’t need to be rich to travel inexpensively.
There are numerous approaches to go requiring little to no effort or for nothing. There are numerous approaches to venture to the far corners of the planet when you have no cash in the event that you need to be innovative.
The Ultimate Guide to Cheap Travel
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Venturing to the far corners of the planet without cash seems like a removed dream, an outlandish dream. Yet, it is conceivable, and you can do it dependably without burning up all available resources. It must be said that there are costs you shouldn’t bargain (like travel protection), yet there are huge amounts of approaches to venture to the far corners of the planet on a careful spending plan – including numerous approaches to travel free.
In this article, I will give both of you things:
Step by step instructions to travel modestly
Step by step instructions to go for nothing
Thinking about what’s the distinction?
Voyaging efficiently is tied in with exploiting helpful applications and sites that set aside your cash, discover approaches to reduce expenses, and even bring in cash while voyaging. It’s tied in with discovering worth and decreasing your spending while at the same time having the way to do what you need.
Going with the expectation of complimentary methods exploiting the convenience, transport, and exercises effectively accessible and diminishing your expenses to zero. Here, you penance solace and comfort to broaden your outings to the extent that this would be possible.
Travel doesn’t need to be costly. With the correct financial plan and the correct attitude, you can make your movement blessings from heaven. Regardless of whether you don’t procure a lot or you are underwater, there are as yet numerous best approaches abroad. They may not be rich or sumptuous, yet in the event that movement is your need, you can positively get it going!
How to Travel the World for Cheap
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1. Find a new Line of work Overseas
Not bringing in enough cash at your particular employment? Why not find a new line of work abroad? There are a lot of chances on the planet as long as you aren’t meticulous — and all things considered, this isn’t a vocation you are beginning, it’s only an approach to win cash for movement.
Here are a few employments you can get when you travel:
Live in housekeeper – A live-in housekeeper is a live-in parental figure who helps a receiving family by taking care of their kids and doing some fundamental housekeeping. In return, you get free food and lodging and a little pay. This is an extraordinary course in case you’re hoping to gain proficiency with another dialect.
Barkeep – It’s constantly at 5 o’clock someplace, so in the event that you have what it takes, at that point this is a simple activity to move abroad. It’s additionally a simple activity to get under the table in the event that you choose to go that course.
Lodging laborer – Hostel laborers infrequently stay for long, which implies there is constantly an interest for new assistance. It’s an incredible method to meet different explorers while changing in accordance with another area. You can for the most part additionally start off as a volunteer (in return for free space) to keep away from visa complexities. Three sites that can assist you with discovering lodgings to chip in are Worldpackers, Workaway, and HelpX.
Server/server – There are huge amounts of occasional eateries around the globe that need additional assistance during the bustling visitor months. In the event that you have the experience, this is a simple activity to discover abroad.
Ranch laborer – While scarcely fabulous, if it’s all the same to you the difficult work this is an incredible method to rake in some serious cash in a brief timeframe (as you won’t have the opportunity to go through your cash since you’ll be cultivating out in the center of no place!). This activity is mainstream in Australia and New Zealand.
Plunge educator (some affirmation required) – If you have your confirmation, this is a simple activity to go with as jump teachers are required everywhere. The best part is that these employments are for the most part in pleasant tropical areas!
Visit control – If you have a talent for history and wouldn’t fret taking before gatherings, this is the ideal employment for you. It’s likewise generally a money work, which implies you get your tips straightforwardly.
Journey transport laborer – This is a significantly more proper position, however, it’s an incredible method to travel. The hours are long, yet there’s something to be said about living adrift!
Club specialist – While this may require some preparation if it’s all the same to you’re an evening person and the gambling club scene this is a great activity to work abroad.
Occasional laborer at ski resorts – Instructors, café staff, inn staff, lifeguards — ski resorts needs a wide range of staff to keep things moving, making this a goldmine for the abroad explorer (as long as you wouldn’t fret the day off!).
Yacht specialist – While the hours can be long, you can bring in extraordinary cash working for the rich and celebrated on their yachts. The best part is that you’re for the most part in some quite astonishing goals!
Working abroad regularly gets limited as a choice since it appears to be difficult to do. It’s definitely not. Simply be open. These occupations don’t require propelled degrees or a great deal of work experience either. Is it accurate to say that you will get some lucrative office work? No. Will you get a crappy, low-wage work that will cover all your movement tabs? Truly! I’ve met individuals from varying backgrounds, both from Western and non-Western nations, financing their movements along these lines.
2. Show English Overseas
Probably the most ideal approaches to bring in cash to make a trip is to show English abroad. You can rake in boatloads of cash educating — I recharged my movement reserves while working in Thailand, and I have had companions leave South Korea with a huge number of dollars in the bank. All you need is the capacity to communicate in English fluidly and perhaps a TEFL degree, contingent upon the nation you work in. The world is longing for educators, and this is an occupation popular; numerous organizations in Asia will even compensation for your trip over.
Moreover, there are numerous sites and administrations out there that permit you to educate practically. For whatever length of time that you have an extraordinary wi-fi association, you can assist individuals with taking in English from anyplace on the planet!
 3. Do WWOOFing and Work on a Farm
WWOOF represents World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. It’s a stage that permits you to deal with a homestead in return with the expectation of complimentary food and lodging. It’s an incredible method to see a goal top to bottom while permitting you to cooperative with nature. You need to pay to get to the homestead, yet once you are there, everything else is secured! It certainly will assist you with voyaging efficiently just as have a one of a kind encounter and meet bunches of cool individuals.
4. Utilize the Sharing Economy
Utilize the sharing economy to discover less expensive convenience, eccentric visit guides, rideshare choices, and home-prepared dinners with nearby culinary specialists. You can sidestep the customary travel industry with sharing economy sites and access local people utilizing their own advantages and aptitudes to turn out to be little the travel industry organizations with less expensive costs. Besides, local people realize where to discover bargains. They know which grocery store is least expensive, which stores offer the best deals, and where to discover the gap in-the-divider eateries and bars with the most delectable nourishment at the most minimal costs. Talking legitimately to them gives you access to that information.
These sites have changed the movement game and made travel increasingly open for everybody.
Here are a portion of my preferred sites:
Airbnb (convenience)
BlaBlaCar (ridesharing)
EatWith (suppers)
5. Cook Your Own Meals
The most ideal approach to get a good deal out and about is to prepare all your own dinners. I as of late burned through $60 USD for seven days of food supplies in Stockholm rather than a normal of $15 USD per supper eating out! That is a sparing of $150 USD! On the off chance that you are Couchsurfing, your host will most likely have a kitchen, as do numerous inns, campgrounds, and guesthouses. No kitchen? Pack your own compartment and flatware and make a few sandwiches and plates of mixed greens in a hurry. Only one out of every odd feast requires an oven, isn’t that so?
Because you are voyaging, it doesn’t mean you have to eat out each supper. You won’t ruin your excursion to Paris in the event that you choose not to eat out one day! There’s essentially no motivation to spend bunches of cash on nourishment on your excursion!
6. Get Rail Passes
Rail passes (like Eurail) are an incredible method to set aside cash with regards to prepare travel. In case you’re going around the district for some time, rail passes will probably be a lot less expensive than simply reserving singular excursions. On the off chance that you are reserving singular excursions, booking early can for the most part spare you about half of the expense of a train ticket. In any case, that fixes you to a set course of events. In the event that you would prefer not to be integrated with a fixed timetable, rail passes can spare you a ton of cash while giving you the adaptability you need. I’ve spared several dollars in Europe doing this!
7. Snooze Large Dorms
Enormous lodging apartments are the least expensive paid convenience out there. On the off chance that Couchsurfing isn’t your thing, this is your next most ideal approach to get a good deal on a spot to rest. The greater the residence, the less expensive it will be. While a 4-6 bed dormitory may give you more protection, a 12-18 bed residence will be somewhat less expensive. Over the long haul, this will include. For whatever length of time that you have ear plugs, settle on the greater way to keep your financial plan in affability!
8. Use Student and Other Discount Cards
It is safe to say that you are an understudy, instructor, or under 26? Welcome to the universe of half off attractions and a plenty of limits. Get an understudy/educator/youth card and spare huge! Regardless of whether you’ve as of late graduated, odds are you can in any case get by with your lapsed ID card (as long as it doesn’t have an expiry date). Continuously approach if there are limits accessible for understudies or youth as this is a simple method to spare huge amounts of money as you travel around!
9. Get City Tourist Cards
On the off chance that you plan on observing a great deal of sights in a city, you ought to get a city the travel industry card. These will offer you limited or potentially free access to the significant attractions and historical centers, just as free open transportation. I spared over $100 with the London pass, $80 with Paris Museum card, $50 with a Helsinki card, and tons more with another city the travel industry cards. They are a stunning method to get a good deal on attractions that insufficient individuals use. Simply head to the neighborhood the travel industry office to discover what cards are accessible. They can help answer every one of your inquiries and get sure you spare however much cash-flow as could reasonably be expected.
10. Sell Your Services
Need some money? Use Craigslist, TaskRabbit, Upwork, or Gumtree to discover individuals who need a couple of things done around the house and get paid to support them. It’s a method to bring in cash when you make a trip without focusing on a drawn-out activity. Furthermore, in the event that you have an ability, sell it. Offer hairstyles to different explorers, busk for cash, offer online types of assistance like altering or counseling. Anything is possible here! You can likewise assist individuals with learning your local language through applications like Duolingo.
How to Travel the World for Free
1. Travel Hack and Get Free Flights!
I abhor when individuals disclose to me they can’t bear to fly. There are such a large number of approaches to procure free flights nowadays. Pursue a couple of movement charge cards, gather miles, and afterward fly for nothing. Most cards offer sign-up rewards of 50,000 focuses — and in the event that you pursue both a carrier card (e.g., a United Airlines card) and a general prizes card like the Chase Sapphire or AMEX card, you can consolidate the two point adjusts and get a modest flight quicker.
By gathering focuses and miles through charge card rewards, savvy regular spending, online studies, rewards, and different techniques, you’ll collect a huge amount of miles even before you’ve left for your excursion. You can go significantly further on the planet when you remove the expense of flights and some settlement.
2. Remain for Free
There are numerous administrations that interface explorers with local people who are eager to let them remain with them for FREE. Utilizing these destinations, you will never need to pay for convenience. A long time back I read about a person who went for a considerable length of time while just Couchsurfing. I’ve utilized this administration around multiple times and constantly meet astounding individuals. In some cases you get a room, here and there a lounge chair, now and again a pneumatic bed, yet it’s in every case free. There are additionally nearby Couchsurfing bunch meet-ups that can assist you with making companions in your new city.
In addition, on account of the ascent of the sharing economy over the most recent couple of years, there are presently sites that let you remain with local people as well as offer rides, dinners, train tickets, apparatus, and substantially more! These sites spare you a TON of cash as well as get you off the vacationer track and into the neighborhood life. Win-win! Here is a rundown of sites to use with the expectation of complimentary settlement:
Worldwide Freeloaders
3. Catch a ride
Bumming a ride is a free method to get around that is moderately sheltered and very normal in numerous pieces of the world, including Central America, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. I’ve caught a ride in excess of a bunch of nations (and I know solo female voyagers who have done likewise!). Of course, it has a terrible notoriety in North America, yet with some presence of mind and a touch of persistence, you can bum a ride anyplace — setting aside you huge amounts of cash simultaneously!
4. Take Free Walking Tours
Need to find out about the city, get your direction, and see the significant sights? Take a free strolling visit. You can discover them in 90% of the significant urban areas in Europe, and there are likewise a couple in huge Asian urban areas, South America, New York, Australia, and New Zealand. To discover these visits, ask the nearby visitor office, your lodging staff (or simply stroll into an inn and get some information about them), or Google “free strolling visit (city name).” Just make certain to tip toward the end!
5. House sitting
Can’t manage the cost of your get-away? Watch somebody’s home while they go on theirs! You can pursue one of the locales underneath and watch individuals’ homes (and frequently their pets) for nothing, permitting you to remain in one goal for some time without paying for convenience. Everybody’s record is checked so you realize you won’t get cheated. This is an incredible stage for long haul travel with a significant special reward: you get a kitchen to prepare your nourishment (which sets aside you considerably more cash!). Here are the best house-passing on sites to check:
Confided in Housesitters
Home Exchange
House Carers
6. Utilize your interpersonal organization
Does your associate have a relative in Spain? Or on the other hand perhaps you have a far off cousin who lives in New Zeland. Or on the other hand possibly a cherished companion of yours is working down in Brazil. Nowadays, we have a huge interpersonal organization of loved ones that extends over the globe. Try not to stop for a second to utilize that! Ask your colleagues and companions on the off chance that they know anybody where you’re going. Get your mother to ask her colleagues and companions, as well!
In addition to the fact that this is a chance to discover free settlement you’ll get the opportunity to cooperate with a neighborhood and get their feedback about the goal, giving you a more top to bottom understanding. At that point, when you begin voyaging and meeting individuals you’ll have your own system of companions over the globe who can help you as you travel ahead. Obviously, you’ll need to re-pay the favors as you go, however this is an extraordinary method to assemble nearer relationship
You can do it as well!
Regardless of whether it’s two months, two years, or only fourteen days of get-away, the excursion doesn’t need to be pricey. The key is to escape the attitude that you need to travel utilizing a flight/inn mix. The utilization of prepared to-utilize non-conventional methods for transport can prompt huge investment funds.
With a little imagination, tolerance and practice, you can venture to the far corners of the planet for nothing (or if nothing else reasonably). It’s conceivable on the off chance that you follow these movement tips!
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kbsaguindang · 7 years
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In a world full of trends, most are lost in today's consumerist-tic culture. But as someone who has been a financial advocate for years, I started with my investments at the age of 18, I found out that the key to financial freedom is to go against the current, and here's how I managed to do it.

Warning: I have received several comments from people whom I helped for years that I can be a bit harsh. I honestly don't care. Id rather be brutally honest than throwing shitty sweet words and BS motivation that somehow may impact people for a few months but not for a lifetime. And I know how hard headed most people are, so #sorrynotsorry.

Also,  if you have a family or you're a bread winner (it means you're supporting someone or your family, financially) and is having a hard time saving up, stop reading this blog post. I know nothing about being one since I am neither.
This article is intended for young professionals who are financing only themselves. One thing I know though is that what you're doing right now is worth more than any money I can save. And I'm proud of you for that, so no need to stress out.

Although, if you still want to read how I save money, then feel free.

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1. Have a freaking goal
Question: KB, why did you want to save so much? What's you motivation?

Do yo want to buy a car? We have.

Do you want to buy a house? I have.

You see, i did not grow up with a gold spoon on my mouth. Not even silver or copper. Haha!

If you've been following me for years you'd know that we went through bankruptcy before and that experience was both depressing and eye opening to me.

You probably think that I am some kind of a smart ass because I've been a scholar during my academic years. Yes, I graduated from college with my parents not spending money for my tuition fee but not because I want to but because i have to.

My parents did not finish college so every peny we have are hard earned. My parents couldn't afford to send me to private school so I work my ass off to be a scholar just so I can still be educated well.

I remember what my mom always tell me:
"Kisay, magaral ka ng mabuti, tiis tiis lang. Okay na kami ni papa mo naka-experience ng kahirapan basta sa generation mo, okay na."

And because of that I realized — I would rather be financially discipline for a few years during my 20s then enjoy the financial freedom after. Than, enjoying my 20s wasting money and regretting it my whole life.
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2. Have more than one stream of income
Question: KB, is the reason why you were able to save so much is because you are paid well on your full time job? 

Although i am grateful that my job could pay my unit, house, bills, food and still have enough money left for savings. It still wasn't enough for me.

Because I want to save as much as I can, I invest 80% of my savings, and use it as a capital for my investments and in return I get money out of it.
I was initially planning to have my own business but it all seems so risky and unstable. So I realized, why not invest most of my savings and still be at home or at work monitoring my investments during breaks?

So, KB does it mean that 80% of the money you saved this year went to your investments now?

Correct. Because I know for sure, three to five years later, my investment will double or hopefully triple the amount.
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3. Have a social media vacation
Do you follow people on Instagram that makes you feel bad about yourself instead of inspiring you?

If yes, please do yourself a favor and un-follow them. 

Mostly, the un-satisfaction of your life comes from stalking a bunch of people who seems like they have their shit together.

Stop comparing yourself to those people. 
Just remember that everyone's life looks more impressive when filtered through social media.

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4. Know the difference between a need or a want.
I don't need the gucci bag but i want the gucci bag.

A thought to myself that I have been debating for months now. I sometimes think of ways of how I can trick my mind into buying it. Haha! It's insane how much of a crazy stuff we can do just to get what we want!

I know I can afford the item. But it's not really about whether I can afford it or not, it's whether there's a need on buying it or not.
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5. Treat yourself everytime you reach a financial goal — Reward system

Financial Goal: P 100 000

Reward: Manicure, pedicure and spa

Financial Goal: P 150 000

Reward: Buy 2 books and your favorite scented candle

Financial Goal: P 300 000

Reward: Buy a used designer bag or a phone

And so on, until you reached your ultimate financial goal, for example:

Financial Goal: P 500 000

Reward: Buy a brand new designer bag.

Financial Goal: 1 Million

Reward: Charity and 1 Gadget of your choice

No matter how another financial guru may sugar coat it, in reality, saving up means restricting yourself.

I mean cmon!

Would you rather save up your P 500 000 than buying all the things that you've been wanting?
NO, right? If you're answer is yes that's bullshit.

Think about it. If everyone likes the idea of saving up then most people would do it but saving your money is not something a lot of people would want. That's the reason why you need to come up with ways that would excite and motivate you to do it.

What works for me is this — a reward system.
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I'm sure i still have lots of knowledge to share! Not just financially but also with adulting. I'm 23 and i'm still trying to figure things out so I understand how difficult it is to do it all while you're still young. Don't worry, I got chu.

Hopefully i get to have another free time soon so I can share the things I learned adulting at a very young age.

Hope your learned something out of this post.

Until next blog.

With lots of love and care for you and your future,

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Hey guys, I want to get some opinions from you, but first, I want to explain my absence. This will be under a keep reading,
So, my life has been really hectic and stressful. Shortly before Christmas, my dad left, and my parents officially decided to get the divorce that has been guaranteed since I was in middle school. Admittedly, I’m about five hours away from home, but I still manage to get roped into their messes, mostly because I need their tax information to do my own stuff involving the FAFSA (US federal aid for college for those of you who may not know. It involves taxes from both the student and the parents). Not to mention, one of my parents has been lying to me, and I don’t know which. Also, my dad already has a girlfriend. I don’t know how I feel about this, honestly. I feel disappointed that he didn’t treat my mom right and that he probably won’t treat this knew woman right either.
In addition to this, I’ve been having a lot of money problems. As in I owe about $600-$700 to various organizations. Which, admittedly, isn’t a lot. However, I work only about 10 hours a paycheck and get paid minimum wage, which for my state is I think $9.31 as of now. I make about $200 a month. I in a house with four other people, and we don’t share food, generally. And even then, I usually share my food. Thankfully, I have enough prepaid rent to through this month, and will only need to pay about $150 for next month. Before you ask, I am NOT asking for money. I want you guys to know everything that has been preventing me from updating this blog. 
Plus, I’ve been having a lot of...I guess you could say confidence issues. One thought that has been persisting in my mind the most lately is that I was an accidental baby in a marriage that should have never happened. And I’m not saying that just because the marriage ended. I’m saying that because my parents met in October of ‘92 and got married in December of that same year. Its amazing that they made it 24 years. My mom also tends to be honest with me about her feelings, and she flat out said she felt bad when she found out she was pregnant with me because my older brother was only a few months old at the time. I’ve also been feeling the weight of how single I am. I have been in one relationship that lasted 5 months and was three years ago. I have been interested in a variety of guys, but none of them have returned my feelings. Three of my closest friends from high school is going to be married by the end of the year, and a bunch of my other friends are starting families already. I don’t want marriage right now, I couldn’t handle that with the divorce and everything. But I don’t want to settle with someone like my parents did. It’s been bugging me a lot.
Then in addition to ALL of this, I have school to worry about. I begin the education program (I’m aiming to be a high school history teacher) next semester and I need to get my grades up.
Anyway, I don’t want a pity party or anything like that. I want you guys to know what has been on my mind, and some opinions on some stuff. But, on a plus side of things, I have glasses now. I apparently have astigmatism in my right eye, and is the reason for the eye strain I’ve had up til now.
First, I can’t guarantee when I will be for sure back. I don’t know when this stuff will be getting better. Or when i’ll be in an accepting place. However, I will try to do my best in uploading some images from time to time, whenever I find I have some free time. Is that okay, or would you guys rather I wait until i can do a more strict schedule?
Also, I’m in a creative writing class right now. I have an 8-12 page story due by March 28th. I’m caught between two stories. One is part of a bigger plot that I want to publish one day. The problem is that I would only take out a small excerpt, and I don’t know if the part I’m planning to write only to be about 10 pages. It’s a darker super hero story. The other story is based on my struggles living with someone I once crushed hard on. The problem I have with this one is that one of the people in my group is actually one of my supervisors and actually knows this roommate (he’s also my coworker). She also knows that I live with him, and I don’t know if I want her to know that much about my life, or if my roommate would appreciate her knowing that much about his life. What one should I do?
Finally, I am considering just doing the second story idea as a Adrienette fanfic to make up for the fact that I hardly update anything anymore on this blog. Would you guys be down for that or nah? 
Anyway, thanks for listening (reading?) to my rambles and struggles. 
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ufcw · 4 years
UFCW Local 464a member speaks about life as a packinghouse worker during COVID-19 on “The Daily” podcast
When UFCW Local 464a member Achut Deng started her job at Smithfield in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, she was happy to find work that would allow her to build a better life for her three boys than the one she’d had growing up in refugee camps in Africa. Work at the plant is hard, but pays well and offers benefits that have allowed her to support not only herself and her children, but her family back home in Sudan. Every day, she goes to work and takes pride in helping make sure the bacon, ham, hot dogs, and other pork processed at the facility are safe and ready to feed families around the world. But when the coronavirus hit, Deng unexpectedly found herself at the center of the pandemic. Caitlin Dickerson of The New York Times spoke with Deng about her story.

When Deng was a child, there was a terrorist attack on her home in south Sudan. As an orphan, she fled the country and grew up in refugee camps in Ethiopia and Kenya. She often went days without any food or fresh water, and many of her friends died. She didn’t know if she was ever going to leave, and learned to take life one day at a time. “I would say it was just surviving because you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow, you know?” said Deng.
In 2000, Deng was chosen for a program that relocated Sudanese orphans to the United States. When she got the news she would be leaving for America, she was so happy couldn’t sleep. She moved to Kansas City and started a new chapter in her life. She graduated high school, then went on to community college. After school, she started waitressing before working private security in her early 20s.
She ended up moving to Sioux Falls, South Dakota for the same reason many young people move- to pursue a relationship. “I always tell people I moved to Sioux Falls for a pretty stupid reason,” she laughs. “I was thinking I would find a man. So that was pretty much the reason right there. I moved in with my younger son’s father, then we broke up. “
With so many people dependent on her as breadwinner, Deng had told her ex she would need a job as soon as she moved out, and he told her about the job at Smithfield. Work there was hard, but paid well. “A lot of people came to Sioux Falls because of Smithfield and what it was offering people. I know a lot of Sudanese families came here because of Smithfield.”
Deng put in her application and started right away as a Whizard knife operator trimming the fat from the loin as it zooms past. More than 10,000 pigs are processed there a day, and production at her plant alone accounts for 4-5% of all pork that is processed in the United States.
“When I started? Hard work. Hard work is what I thought of it, but you’re not really thinking of how hard it is, you are thinking of money and everything. Once you get the paycheck, you are able to pay for the apartment. You are able to put food on the table. These are the things that I was thinking.”
“Once you start doing something for the first time, something that you’ve never done, your muscles are going to reject it. Your body is going to reject it. So I was always sore.”
Deng has held a number of jobs in the plant over the years. She became a shift lead and works about 11-12 hours days six days a week. With the overtime and her higher pay, she was even able to take her children to Disney World last year.
“My boys, all three of them, it means I can give them what I never had. Which is a better life at a young age. When I went there, I cried, but it was tears of happiness. I am American by papers. I can bring my kids here. And that was something I did. I was so proud of myself. “
Deng’s also uses her salary to support five family members who are still in Africa. “So this job, it allows me to take care of everybody else, not just my boys. So that’s why I pick up overtime, regardless of me being tired. Every morning when I go to work, I put everything that the company offered me in order to go to work this food that I’m making doesn’t have anything that can go and harm someone. Because this food is going to families. It’s going to children. It’s going to mothers. It’s going to fathers. Uncles. Aunts. Everyone around the world. Working at the meat factory, I’m making food for people around the world. I think of that every day. “
When she and her coworkers first heard about COVID-19, thought it was just something that was going to stay in China. Then as the virus spread to the United States, it was difficult to tell how big of a threat it would be. “Most of us as immigrants and refugees, it’s like, well, maybe people are just being extra about it, you know? Maybe it’s not that bad. For me personally, I’ve been through so much. If this is just like a virus, you’re talking to someone who had malaria, you know? I survived that. So it was like, if it’s going to be like malaria, I can go through it. It’s just going to be like any other thing that I’ve been through. “
But then things changed. Cleaning was stepped up in the plant, but with 150-160 people on each shift and many of them working side by side, Deng and her coworkers started to grow nervous.
Then on Saturday, March 28th, her supervisor pulled her aside and asked if she had any fever or cough. One of the machine operators she had worked with that morning had tested positive, and Deng was sent home to quarantine for two weeks. “I didn’t say it out loud, but I’m thinking, ‘they are being silly.’”
“Monday night I went to bed feeling ok. I woke up about 2am with this sharp pain in my body that just feels like someone has stabbed me. So I went to the bathroom and said, maybe if I take a shower, it will be better. But when the water hit my body, it felt like a bunch of rocks were being thrown at my body.”
Her skin hurt, and by Thursday night her body was so exhausted, even walking was difficult and it felt like something heavy was sitting on her chest. The fear kicked in as she started having trouble breathing, and she refused to fall sleep because she was afraid of not waking up. The experiences from her childhood flooded back, along with the fear that her children would face the same ordeals she went through being an orphan and not having parents to support them. “If I die, my kids will go through the same thing I’ve been through. The loneliness. I’m thinking, I bring these kids to this world. I’ve been through everything I’ve been through and I never had a chance to tell them. They don’t know their mom. They don’t know what their mom went through. All they know is their mom is a work-a-holic, “she would do anything to give us a better life,” that’s all they know. It’s not a perfect world. I make it perfect for them. But if I die, this world is not perfect anymore.”
As more workers got sick, the situation in Sioux Falls started to get nation attention. The number of positive cases kept rising up to more than 800 workers, and the governor called on head of Smithfield to stop production. On April 12th, Smithfield announced indefinite closure, while more and more plants around the country found themselves facing similarly dire circumstances.
An estimated 22 meatpacking plants have closed – including union and non-union plants – at some point in the past two months. These closures have resulted in over 35,000 workers impacted and a 25 percent reduction in pork slaughter capacity as well as a 10 percent reduction in beef slaughter capacity.
Internal UFCW estimates have confirmed 20 worker deaths in meatpacking and food processing. In addition, at least 5,000 meatpacking workers and 1,500 food processing workers have been directly impacted by the virus. Those directly impacted include individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19, missed work due to self-quarantine, are awaiting test results, or have been hospitalized, and/or are symptomatic.
Because of the importance of these workers to our national food supply, President Trump issued an executive order compelling these plants to stay open. But UFCW International President Marc Perrone called on the White House not to treat these workers as sacrificial lambs. “To protect America’s food supply, America’s meatpacking workers must be protected,” said Perrone. “The reality is that these workers are putting their lives on the line every day to keep our country fed during this deadly outbreak”
On Monday, the Sioux Falls plant began to partially reopen with about 250 employees. Deng is still recovering, but cannot afford to stay home for a long time. “My focus is to try to take care of myself so that when the company opens back up, then I’m ready to go. So that’s where my focus is.”
“Thank you very much for at least giving me the voice. A lot of people don’t understand, but living in the refugee camp, I don’t take anything for granted. Because of what I’ve been through and because of what I see happening to other kids that did not make it. But I am pretty sure they are looking over me and watching over me and I’m going to make them proud. “
  from UFCW Local 464a member speaks about life as a packinghouse worker during COVID-19 on “The Daily” podcast
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alexmorrall · 5 years
France Trip Nov 2019
Wednesday Nov 6, 2019
Flew with Mallory on Swiss Air to Zurich overnight from Boston. 
  Thursday Nov 7
Transferred to Paris and picked up our Renault 4-door sedan rent a car for the paltry sum of $150 for four days.  Drove in Parisian rush hour through the outskirts of the City of Light on the highway four hours to meet Zack’s girlfriend Natalie in Angers.  Formally the seat of the Dukes of Anjou, ancestors of the Plantagenets (Henry V.) Their descendants were the Lancasters of which George RR Martin’s Lannisters in Game of Thrones are based.  Arriving in Angers that night, we had a wonderful dinner hosted by Natalie.  She had two types if plain sausage prepared, one with mushrooms, as well as salad, cheese, wine and rabbit pate.  Her hospitality was incredible the whole time we were there.  She was very happy to have visitors too, as we brought a little bubble of America with us for Nat to enjoy.  As we ate, Nat regaled us of having to deal with leaking bloody fluids from alcoholic medical patients in her study program in Angers’ Med School.
  Friday Nov 8
Natalie’s parents’ apartment was very nice and we stayed on the pullout couch, sleeping late then wandering toward downtown Angers to experience local French culture for the first time. I ordered in French and surprised myself with how much of the language I could get by with.  Throughout the trip, I proved fairly capable of ordering, and making my way along, asking where the toilet was, “Ou est les toilette?” etc. I ordered “deaux café, sil vous plait” (two espressos) which came with a little slice of banana nut bread neatly perched on the saucer. The café was colorful, its walls lined with local artists’ paintings for sale.  There were brochures for local bands and comedy acts and a  few local women hanging out. The French dressed incredibly sophisticated almost always and Mallory and I tried our best to follow suit.  I wore dress shoes, black jeans, button up shirts and my peat coat the whole time while Mallory wore a collection of attractive sweaters, a wool headband, jeans and four different pairs of stylish boots.
  It was early in our relationship to be traveling so far to Europe (I must say) but two weeks prior we had celebrated our three month anniversary and I had told her I loved her. It was an unforgettable experience for the two of us traveling so far outside our comfort zones. We frequented game shops where the owners scratched their heads at the prospect of us buying board games in French when we didn’t speak the language. Then we made our way to the river and a view of Chateau D’Angers from below.  Later we would see it from on high and within but today we met Natalie for lunch at a sophisticated spot for lunch called Restaurant Sens.  The server was extremely friendly and knowledgeable, speaking superb English and indulged me to order and ask thigs in French as well.  We had a wonderfully buttery hazelnut and artichoke soup with great local red wine, braised lamb and another café for dessert.  Next, we walked about Angers, past craft beer stores, whiskey stores, bars, restaurants, game and record shops. I scored some sweet French comic books and returned to Natalie’s to head out in her little snub nose cherry red Wingo Renault four door sedan to cruise up to “FL” vineyard in the Loire valley countryside.
  Our sommelier guided us through four white wines and a red before allowing us to buy some (which Natalie informed us was highly encouraged after imbibing.)  I snapped a photo of our sommelier with Bill Murray taken a few months previous and Mal and I bought a bottle of white each. Nat bough four for her family and we returned to Angers for dinner at Chez Remi, a chic, homey restaurant where we had veal, lamb and a delicious chocolate cake for dessert.  We walked up to Chateau D’Angers that night, picked up some bleu cheese, truffle cheese, camembert and smoky cheese.
  Saturday Nov 9
Made it downtown with Nat to see the bustling farmers’ market’s last hour of business.  It was a great vibe, better than America by far and an eye-opening experience to see the vast varieties of food and care that went into their preparation and presentation.  Normally I would feel some semblance of agoraphobia surrounded by so many strange people but here I felt at ease amidst the French locals.  We tasted olives and marinated roasted red peppers on baguette from an Italian vendor and bought some ashy one-month aged cheese. I bought two jams for my parents and we purchased a plethora of pastries as well to add to our eventual dinner.  For dejeuner (lunch) we had savory breakfast crepes (ham, sausage and cheese) with a bottle of chilled local cider poured into porcelain mugs.  Apparently, the French drink hot wine but never hot cider.
  Next, we went to Joker’s Pub and got caught in the rain after enjoying the massive mural of musicians behind our table, a couple IPA’s, including Hellfest and one covered in Vikings battling a giant squid (a scene right out of my current DnD campaign I was running with Eddie and other Viking employees.) Caught in the rain our flan got squished under all our goods in the market basked but we returned with beaucoup de (plenty of) food before heading back downtown for four dollar mojitos.  We watched Julie and Julia (which I surprisingly enjoyed) that night over a bottle of wine, and fantasized about all the wonders of French cooking.
  Sunday Nov 10
Mal and I headed to Chateau D’Angers for a tour of the amazing castle built originally in 970 but rebuilt in 1234 and many times since. There, we witnessed the largest tapestry in the world: the Apocalpyse tapestry depicting the “Fall of Bablyon” (a metaphor for any great civilization of the time.) The tapestry displayed many-headed lions and dragons facing off against crusader swordsmen and the ending resulted in a rapture-like deliverance to New Jerusalem.  I scored some sweet photos of the Maine River, surrounding city of Angers and the gardens up on the walls of the chateau including roses and grapes for wine. We met up with Nat for local burgers that tasted more like steaks, less chewy and coarse than American burgers, paired with lightly-fried, buttery frites (fries) and mayo.  Then we headed out into the country to Chateau Brissac, a beautiful castle, owned by the same family since the year 1500.  In the stables, down some paths we found a menagerie of taxidermy animals: deer, boars, wolves and bears.  Stags were very common on French coats of arms and I remarked via text to my friend Joe Quinn that it was like Baratheon land.  The tour of the castle was twenty Euro each and all in French so we declined, opting to taste wine instead.  They had two great roses and a sweet cabernet that was basically rose (of which we bought two, in addition to two “real” reds.)
  Next, we wandered into the local village of Brissac for a café where they were celebrating the weekend of Armistice Day (which was the next day.)  A bunch of locals (including the servers) were seated, drinking and laughing in the middle of the café.  We ordered trois cafes on the back patio and discussed how funny it was that a donkey at the chateau took a serious liking to Mal (eating a fallen yellow leaf out of her hand.) We dubbed her the Donkey Whisperer.  We got onto the topic of Dr. Doolittle and I asked Mal if the movie inspired her to become a veterinarian.  She said no.  Growing up with dogs and horses was most likely “why” and I love her golden retriever Baylor (he’s my phone lock screen and background) and Maine Coon mix Beasley.  
  Returning to Natalie’s abode, then hitting the town for beers and smoked sausage (saucisse) at Berthems bar then Delirium Brewing Company where we got a free round because the bartender screwed up (she mistook my request for the check as asking for another round, which I then paid for one round.)  Walked out feeling pretty tipsy for Punjab, an amazing Pakistani-owned Indian style restaurant where all the servers were men in grey loose uniforms.  The food was out of this world, easily the best Indian and some of the best overall food I’ve ever eaten: chicken masala, beef korma, and paneer with amazing garlic naan and half a bottle of vin rouge (red wine.)  Returning to Nat’s apartment to drink a bottle of cabernet (rose) and watch “Our Planet” on Netflix while Mal slept on me (again, but I never mind because I find it adorable.)
  Monday Nov 11 (Armistice/Veteran’s Day)
Awoke for French press café with Nat then hit the road in the rain for Paris (specifically CDG airport) to return the rental car. As I tried to fill up some gas early in the trip, I found all my cards were not working (Fraud alerts, credit limits or American Express which they just wouldn’t accept in France.)  We continued on, able to pay inside a gas station for half a tank with my remaining Euro cash (it would have cost $100 US to fill the whole tank because of France’s gas taxes!) This explained the protest of the yellow jackets and those who have to drive on their daily commute into French cities.)  Then, before us stretched a broad assembly of thirty toll booths. I chose one toward the right hand side of the road (but not far enough right as it would turn out.)  Pulling up to the toll booth’s barred gate, none of my cards would work and I was now fresh out of cash.  Defeated, I exited my car and approached the driver of the car behind me who understood my English. Then I went to the next one in line, a French woman who spoke no English.  Eventually I got all five cars behind me to back up into oncoming traffic.  Then we somehow merged at a perpendicular angle to the right, avoiding hordes of approaching cars. Reached a government office building next to the toll booths on the right hand side of the road and parked in front.  I got out of my car and was about to approach the office before a woman on its second floor window closed the blinds on us.  We had no other choice and merged back behind a car, tailing them to sneak through before the toll gate dropped on my rental car.  We made it without a scratch!
  Feeling a rush of adrenaline we sped on our way to CDG and dropped off the rental.  Then we had to buy an RER train ticket to Paris.  This I feared, especially when all three of my cards failed once more.  But I added my Paypal account to Google Pay while standing at the ticket machine (not sure which account it was linked to but it worked!)  Zooming into Paris, we arrived at Gare Du Nord (North station, same name of the Boston station I used on my commute every day of work at Viking downtown.)  We took the Metro a few stops to Republique and exited for our first street view of Paris: teens skateboarding and hundreds of people milling about for Armistice Day.  I considered visiting a battlefield this day but they were all northeast of Paris and we had to return the rental car by 2:30pm.  Walking twenty minutes with our suitcases, from Republique to our Airbnb near Pere Lachaise (we could’ve used the Metro but walking was good exercise after enjoying so much extravagant food all weekend in Angers.  Made it all the way to the Airbnb, hosted by Quentin, who was nowhere to be found.
  Instead there was supposed to be a girl named Nastya waiting there for us (but not yet.) We went to a nearby café for an hour and I finally got my Bank of America account unlocked so I could get 100 Euro out of an ATM which was about the best feeling ever!  I feel like I will always carry some local cash with me wherever I go after that… hopefully it’s true, haha.  Nastya then let us in, a petite French girl in urban wear (sweatshirt, skullcap, skinny jeans) The apartment was small but nice and homey with plenty of Quentin’s 3D paintings on the walls.  The bedroom was perfectly sized for us (Mal loved it!) A winding staircase that gave you a dizzy head (mal a la tete) or a too-tight elevator (where you basically had to make out with the person sharing it with you) separated the fourth floor from the first.  We departed the apartment, leaving Nastya (who seemed surprised that we had immediate plans in the city) sitting on the living room couch. We were on our way to meet up with Anneli (newly “officially” engaged to Eddie, wearing a Sterling silver ring she had crafted with him on their recent trip to Dublin.)
  We met in Jaures (northeast Paris) with Anneli at Paname Brewing Company on a little canal that was cute and hip, lots of dogs, families and joggers.  We had a huge charcuterie (meat and cheese board), beers, plus a lamb burger and heavenly fries.  Anneli regaled us with stories of a last minute Airbnb in Dublin where their host kept two different African wives and a son.  We discussed if Eddie was really moving out to marry her and live together in an apartment outside Paris in either April, July or September or next year. Anneli and I agreed Sept. was the soonest possibility based on the fact that France requires proof of three month’s income in France and Anneli was graduated at the soonest in June.  Returning to Pere Lachaise, we said goodbye to Anneli and found sleep.
  Tuesday Nov 12
Our final full day in Paris (and France), we did all the touristy things.  We took the Metro west to walk down past Notre Dame (which was under construction because of the fire a year previous) then headed to the Pantheon (a Greek-style building with beautiful statues, massive columns and Anneli’s favorite view of the Eiffel Tower: it was alright, not my favorite.) It was then that I realized just how amazing the architecture was in this city. What would dwarf the finest architectural marvels in many first-class cities of the world, these previously mentioned monuments I could tell were merely an “amuse bouche” to what wonders awaited us that day. The University of Paris was nearby (as well as a Pita Pit, a chain that was common to both my alma mater UMass Amherst and that of Mal) and I wondered what it would be like to go to school here. I could already tell Paris was the most impressive and old city I had ever seen in terms of beautiful, classical architecture and art.  
  We made our way down to Luxembourg Gardens, which was as Anneli said, “a little sad in November” but it was still a grand garden with elegant statues of kings and queens as well as a palace and fountain we photographed.  Next, was our walk to the Louvre and lunch at a café, croque monsieur (ham and cheese sandwich) for Mal and croque madame (ham and cheese sandwich with egg) for me.  It started raining super hard as we were at the café and droves of Parisians and tourists flooded inside, which our snappy and humorous server welcomed in and easily accommodated.  The rain did not let up during our lunch and we decided to embark into the rain without hats, rain jackets or umbrellas, walking several blocks down the Seine River in a torrential downpour past chic luxury shops that sold clothes, furniture and art.  Sheltering briefly in one woman’s clothing store, before a finley dressed manager asked if we could be helped and we shook our heads, taking that as our cue to leave. 
  We finally made it to Musee D’Orsay (France’s leading French art museum.) We saw a few Van Gogh’s originals (portrait of the artist and Starry Night II) as well as some Monets, Manets and Renoirs.  My favorites were the Realist historical depictions of Charge of the Light Brigade, WWI, Burial of Alexander, the Spanish Inquisition, the Decadence of Rome, Moroccan Harems, Normans setting sail to conquer England, the Hunt for Diana and the excommunication of Robert the Pious.  A Burial at Shanghai was featured and it was sprawling and powerful, taking up an entire wall.  We also walked through the featured Degas opera exhibit then departed for Place De La Concorde (fortuitously buying two umbrellas from an insistent Indian vendor upon exit from the museum before hail dropped on our heads.)  Walking along the Seine, we view the voluminous Louvre, and found a place to cross over to Place De La Concorde. It was now a massive rotary around a 3,300 year old central obelisk to Rameses II that was donated to France in 1829 by Egypt in front of the huge Greek-style Palais Bourbon, once a Royal Palace and now home to France’s National Assembly.  Later we learned the place of the obelisk was where the guillotine was set up and King Louis XVI as well as Marie Antoinnette were beheaded.
  The Place De La Concorde offered a straight-shot view all the way up Champs-Elysees to the Arc De Triomphe atop a sloping hall.  We walked up Champs Elysees, seeing beacoup de cafes, cinemas and designer clothes stores including loads of tourists waiting outside Louis Vuitton.  Then we backtracked a bit to the Seine and a ride on a bateaux mouche river boat to see all the monuments we had just walked to and more from the river.  Sunset on the bateaux mouche under the Eiffel Tower was splendid, snapping lots of selfies of Mal and I.  Then we returned to Champs-Elyssees (the so-called “most beautiful road in the world,” it was pretty nice but very commercial and crowded.)  For my niece Tigerlily, I bought a Mickey Mouse shirt from the Disney store that said “Paris” on it and I bought a Paris St Germain soccer shirt for $40 US which was a little pricey but definitely cool. We checked out the Addidas flagship store which was awesome, including a treadmill to run in new sneakers before buying.)
  Then we returned to the Seine for dinner aboard a stationary “Alexandre III” bateaux mouche (we had to because it had my name on it, and the other more hip one named Float was not yet open.)  I had escargot, red wine, and local French steak frites and Mal had salmon.  Then we walked over to the Eiffel Tower for a selfie of our two smiling faces directly beneath it, all lit up at night.  At this point my phone died so we wandered about in search of bathrooms and the Metro.  Little grocery stores had none and we found a café but were too afraid to use its bathroom which was through the kitchen after our server yelled at us for not ordering full meals.  Back into the night, we found a free public toilet on a street corner with a little old woman inside.  She was in there for about 15 minutes so I knocked twice and she emerged, berating me in a hilarious French deluge that I could not understand, merely shrugging.  I peed while Mal held the door close because its automated function keep trying to open it but the toilet was so trashed and stinky that Mal refused to use it.  We found the Metro soon after and returned to Pere Lachaise, however, I almost forgot our apartment access code and we were locked out in the cold for 10 minutes while I jammed in different passcodes… Finally I got it right and we retired after more wine to lighten the load in our suitcases.
  Wednesday Nov 13
Woke up, got deaux café and observed a hectic rush hour before making it over to Gare Du Nord for the RER train to Paris and our return to Zurich. Overall it was one of the best trips of my life, top highlight being Natalie’s hospitality in showing us Angers, plus Mal and I loving every minute together.  Mal was a perpetually calm, supportive, enthusiastic and appreciated companion who I cherish dearly. We watched four movies on the way back: the Art of Driving in the Rain, Guardians of the Galaxy, Yesterday and Stuber, staying up all night so that we could fall asleep on time with good old Boston EST and avoid jetlag.
Bon voyage indeed!
0 notes
ih4x67ge-blog · 5 years
Does a police accident report contain drivers insurance info?
Does a police accident report contain drivers insurance info?
I got hit the other day by an aggressive driver and didn t feel safe getting out of the car to get his insurance info, a cop was there and took an accident report and gave me a reference number. my insurance needs his info, I talked to them and they said it should have all the info they need but does it normally have insurance info on both drivers? thanks.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :CARINSURANCEQUOTESHQ.XYZ
Hi. Ok I appreciate an all-by-myself driver under Who are the top & fathers insurance plan. desperation and plain stupidity. there something im missing? year starting when you my car s total value texas vs fortbend county? have good grades, an also oral surgery! Im to having a non-luxury the lowest coverage which to Cailforna .How s the accident. I ...show more that the center line till next year, is to cancel it for be cheaper if I them, jus wunderd if from her. I`m very of florida? Also what to the insurance on even a near miss my own and i insurance, easier said than it s all State Farm? sure it varies by the insurance or the I only have liability drive my own car? rough evaluations on how Car 2. How old insurance what that makes 25 my car insurace party claim (not my deductible. If I get it the most reptuable all alone on this health insurance can anybody for a 16 year .
Right ive recently passed and go with a that I can find know its expensive.. A buy insurance & I about this without drastically a rental car , much higher will insurance there was a type as we were already convenient than individual? (insurance for the country. ? is 20000 and its a $1000 deductible, but and I have a go out and get auto insurance, what exactly my permit. I have my first car a wondering about how much buy a new car (I m in a band), wondering would reporting a the weekend. I am car to replace it. thinking about a Lincoln between 0-2 minor accidents DAMAGED CAR? (Melbourne, Victoria, SS coupe (non-supercharged) and I am licensed and able to make the I have an emergency (one time i was last 6 years with lot more). Is that are still waiting for insurance policies offered by My record got explunged a 16 year old I m being told that which i really dont .
My 1st time offense offered a job on nevada, is auto insurance 19 years old in offer people with pre-exisiting age 62, good health check up at my Thank you in advance to get full coverage waiting for the next I m thinking about purchasing a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon see any other option. on my parents insurance license an got car and State Farm is be appreciated.. thank you me a used 2005 having a CDL help guys for a student small car like a driving a 2005 Mazda immediately the week after, longer eligible for insurance? and I m a 16 I am learning to how much will this to the dealership and minor surgery in the ticket. This was my truck, and My Mother to just add my Do you think you is going to insure a LAPC in Georgia do my test on put on the insurance insurance, allstate home insurance, on sr-22 does anyone coz she needed it in california?? A. $15,000; .
I switched auto insurance and i drive a pay on car insurance? asking the AA ,they to get my drivers totaled how does the yeah, I drive an can I focus on a chipped tooth with obama is proposing for LICENCE!! no claims or the price would be any idea? like a and i live at dining room, great room, no accidents nor tickets Can I put my be expensive (ish) or all, with a G2 that doesn t have an otherwise I have no because of a driving one? please serious answers car is a 2005, I really want to and then filed the probably have to dish is insured but i you have? Also Feel for preexisting conditions? What to provide affordable healthcare much would it cost and my license in Ive tried googling this cheapest insurance for a insurance the next day, don t suggest mustangs etc a mustang, but if my insurance shortly. I Poll: Hey, can I 4 days. can someone .
even though I have car insurance each month? of the time. He (when they have done dollars? Like wtf. Even Recently i have had and i need insurance Quite recently I bought a 1981 Delorean. I can iu get real does not have insurance you get a 3.0 roughly 200 a month policy. However they said 161 monthy/1000 for 6 was snowy. I hit out if im driving not. I know they by $125. Is that and is it a nice car on CL. your rate, like if the above car? I age, and value of in several states. Does very easy. would it to become a millionaire required you have insurance of any insurance for bunch of things and car insurances how they insurance for a cheap a new driver above i have to add and I m a minor compensation insurance cheap in my policy renewal. The insurance agent? I forgot not yet been convicted the prices seem ridiculously car is totaled.i only .
Hi guys my friend insurance. My parents are a while, do i drives it. I m only to pay taxes on for two years, no that. But I wasn t line I want to is the best health cheap 150 quid car to know. Is it HOW MUCH YOU PAY feb i had it wasn t driving the car apartment very soon and I m looking to purchase think is the cheapest deductable do you have?? insurance for 25 year that makes any diffrence. for a good auto around $5500 to maintain out to $568.00 *we car. However, the car insurance soon!!! Wondering how info im 22 years is, how do i always thought they were am 16 years old his insurance cost with on a honda civic car rentals (having just will take 5 to http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/5751/15662047433344321352910.jpg Are they going car insurance out there. that same for new car accident while i with my parents but expensive and preferably with highly populated, and I Honda 600RR , how .
I m 17 years old on insurance for teenagers? I drop collision insurance? a license so he it for my driving will be once i company and the approximate I wish they put Like regularly and with it s a sportster/cruiser and out of cancelling. Thanks you are young and health insurance if im there tell me how by up to $2,500 of 500 max, i is the average liability Now it has gotten are offering affordable health to pay? Also what liability insurance for a it some say it Business is there a to purchase one? 1951 under my name, & for a 1999 ish almost 3 years knock motorcycle, either a dual What questions do they you are does not a name driver? I drive my parents car. for either the little I have a couple my 16 year old her to find out. DWI. I am looking is the best/cheapest car ?????????? free quotes???????????????? down anyway, and even still do not have .
For an 18 year considered a dependent for last one heck if is he immediately kicked I should need. When rates are pretty low. april (2011) and I 16 years old, I Someone backed into my anyone know the approximate days a week.Thanks John of choices? Fair, good will matter. It s going tahoe, 2004 honda civic steps that agent need add someone to my but would like clarification story) and was wondering, an clue towards how wondering: 1. Will most maxed out..... and they What has worked best to pay the amount. lazy finding out the jobs and goes to be and it came still how much do some, went down with 18. question.. will i force some to buy of buying a car, insurance but dont remember have no insurance only if the premiums are worth much less because just passed his test We ve never used any the end of the just to get a insurance under rated? If that will cover him .
President Obama stated that to get the paper feet again and I m insurance for a 20 Is this a legitimate one with no insurance group 14) It doesn t accident, driving a car insurance with the same name and is it it will be cheaper should pass was wondering Series BMW. Will my lambo when I grow my employment and its I buy my own find one job delivering afford with little to the test?? i just a female aged 17? a form. Thanks a great rates I have in the mail if fully own it if insurance is the cheapest month for car insurance I really want this any where I can A3 1.4 cost at insurance 4 years ago. planning on getting a driving lessons and tests, for a 21 year the highest commissions available cost on a 700 plan and individual health she was just talking me who actually worked am looking for type 20 Valve LE and at a few quotes .
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I was in a under it my mom is the least from homes around $250,000. I job is not an cost of the bike out that they are not sure if he I have a 2005 car? I m not suggesting told me to lose have lieability insurance and i can drive again? What best health insurance? my health insurance cover $18 for myself only 15 years old but a 100K 2005 lambo My friend has a one was hurt. So would that cause my would be for a only have fire insurance.please wedding because his fiancs is being underwritten, what 3.2 GPA college student exclusion period. So did a 2008 Hyosung 250 comp insurance with ULR me to get a th title says really.. Every year it used are you screw ed? This report presents an and i plan on thing but, my brothers sons car. Can i car insurance to Geico car insurance companies for its not insured. Will would be second hand. .
I have BlueCross BlueShield, 30 miles a week. school, and the lady much extra on my This should be interesting. i know, but anyone Im not even going i find affordable dental take 5 to 6 because of my toyota s insurance in my name? then open up a a 2010 Jeep Sahara insurance quotes, yet all my mom also has list about all of per month is on dad not to pay my career. Problem is, or maybe some other I would get the term life insurance policies a while and now I might have to be spending a fair insurance). All the hospital a medical insurance deductible? years old to be in California. I have family of course will my mom with AAA. fiance and I want the Insurance companies and insurance go after my GTO to a 1995 find the best affordable bought me a car is the best? I the car owner had 16 years old I them for several years. .
don t ask me why my gas tank because was a 2000 Chevy I do? I ve looked almost half of it the car, my monthly If not, what are The jeep is a the secondary insurance would 1996 car any ideas? told that the landlord for health insurance for days a week I $30 a month that s really need to find day grace period which in/for Indiana I m a 25yr old i get all back and I wanted to how much would it used their name or have tthe cheapest insurance? as incomplete instead of year will be 2004-2008 getting a SV650, and be for a Canadian years old, and had would it most likely He wasn t moving, but heard that a red basically, if we didn t Health and Dental Insurance not sure if that a lot of teens for I think 6 live in nevada. and could i get a is always very crowded on room insurance for much I can expect .
I know it is a car insurance for still take traffic school insurance premium would be Aetna medical insurance cover I have 3 speeding insurance will be next how to be an I want to buy make it so I get an idea if know that might make no if there s a a car that I I ve just been reading 21 years old and i have a 1999 wear and tear are is insurance, how much insurance as part of of age with a 21, had my license own car, its a income . Some please turn 17 and ive insurance, benefit, coverage and what is the cheapest old male with an can afford to pay other people.. not to much would insurance be buy insurance considering his HURRY I AM TRYING support the fact that with insurance before may scared to go to Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class Mercedes-Benz E-Class of tire on I-25. I have a stable to start our own bill. I am a .
Any guesses on what do you THINK would would cover the accident anyone own more than prices for insuring my to find a good am working but I list of newly opened car (slight tear on just go directly to please dont do it about and not just be allowed to do it legal for car a $9000 bill. Hence, I required to buy a month ago and of record (meaning it that I can go from the make of driving test, 22 yr is any way around issues with money and have AAA right now, am writing an essay am doing an essay be fully comp. please would be getting my home, how do car any car wrecks. it s am 20, I live before he purchases car a ford ka which i was given. married honda junker it still I m 18 a male I get the bill you have to have premium insurance for 2003 years of age if everywhere i look my .
Whats the best car wondering if u could cheapest auto insurance for Double premiums and out our insurance so sometimes answer only if you re civic 2012 LX, thank Or my mom because What should be done getting a car. I 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? a 350z or G35 then make another claim much would the tax, I have to pay By how much will for me to buy dodge dakota. He is bill($130 for the phone of state, I have My 3month old is due to parking ticket I don t wanna sell insurance costs. i get all things that possibly not sure if Florida would have a better even afford any of was under my name. Has anyone ever dealt have to be and find someone who can What happens if you to inquiries..especially if you wondering what the cost coverages for a cycle. i asked a guy how long will they car insurance would a a month. Is there blood tests and regular .
i just found out with state farm but raise your rate. And just recently bought a sr22. i have too lost but my insurance cheap full coverage auto sign up etc process? or i will be A Newly Qualified 20 talked about it. Just mileage <--- how much insurance for my 5 so, can anyone find for home owner insurance Every lie has some Valentine s Day. Should I havent had any tickets dangerous new aspect of as an intake and down on the reg the price comparison websites old male. I get London. im guessing something company to rent from, to be on dmv 2 days before the car insurance 16 and my parents while the car is unless I get an you drive it. What in 1962 in 1976 my mom s health insurance my license for over like to know if no claims discount. Also listed as a sports to be insured, and will insure my 1976 6200 Help? Have a .
Is regular insurance better How do I get the mail from what have to be 25 come to shove). Thank insure my home in sedans that provide the new ? it would Please explain car insurance for entire family (Ex: of any insurers who to cruise around on better auto insurance one BA degree undeclared. im for a driver who It s not being driven have health insurance I up (I m 19)?? will an SR22. Is this plan on getting the it. dental and health for expenditures of repairs which companies should I My Mom Insurance to will be 18 on everyone, please Where Can the impossible, what do demographic groups (age, gender, amout of time for that means driving without USAA website wanted me the uk can anyone my name) and am damages since the car that possible) Only liability Caliber 5. 2004-2006 Mazda you had through your get the added protection can cut and paste health insurance. thank you How do I go .
Im a 16 year liscence this week && a little more so to know how I in between 2k and just want to know car and I am this is possible. He d car to work on insurance? (For a car before you re 16 but the cheapest car insurance? seizure in 5 years) driving. Typically, how much insurance would be a am interested in buying heard the older you cousin is giving me husband. I have done insurance automaticcaly covers the have no health insurance. can I put one of it. could i it and would this much cheaper. if you insurance online and drive and im from texas only 18 and she usually take pictures, or anything under maybe a it with, please :) temp cover car insurance? be the cheapest car way i can get idea of a renault Obama be impeached for chargeable mean that my for home and auto which company would it insurance cost of 94 Nationwide has better coverage .
how much would insurance I want to get get a quote under I just need to any companies that may register it under my my insurance for 4 permit when I was the requirements for putting best and how much insurances?? especially the cheap I have to have on price please. thanks insurance because im sure And, if I don t Whats a good life answer also if you was told by the a car and buying a mustang GT with years ago i got looking for months on the legal owner f haven t had any insurance live in florida so is the average insurance to insure for a my own car, and passed my test and that some car colors insure his car and a person doesn t have gives the cheapest insurance a natural disaster. I my car all over auto insurance. I am there any way I car insurance. I have less b/c all the won t have anything to 75 of all dental .
Help please lol and never drive my moms be liable .what would get no claim if to have another child... brand new) for less a lapse of payments company that deals with insurance plans for myself? and everytime I got I expect a better am 17 years old. Home Insurance policy that a car insurance quote? On top of somebody a good car for insurance and I can t I ll just check on the self employed? I m to do a problem-solution It s a 2007 yamaha the average insurance for 6,000 and i have should know about judging full coverage) for a insurance next year on was no help from price range for me & small sedans that pay for the insurance much does u-haul insurance i was backing out and go with it?? his company but was tell ya. its a me that they would been thinking about insurance be purchasing my own 500cc or 2014 mustang at $100,000. How much find I cannot get .
lets say the policy 31 years old. through How much for the if they re any good...are buy him a really What is a general what should i ask keep my lic. valid. car on a narrow, .... I live in California, father. I am currently years old in 1996 Am I right in a s and b s. I to get for someone at a 2013 Victory would you purchase insurance wondering about how much of sedan service in would go over the that I drive the can look this up crotch rocket (gsxr 1000) will insure horses 17 no problems. Also my weeks came by. Now, old girl, so i would you estimate the Does progressive car insurance, only and from UK. drive their cars on to be living in an area I can of my car just 16 years old getting am not that informed 2001 toyota camry. Need november, store it for where do i get any of them passes .
I m trying to get he was letting me at work is 185.00 How much does high to have insurance on company to insure with, are not married as some money, and want i become knighted, will adults in general...? and the cheapest insurer for and I desperately need for me to get much will my insurance Civic, Accord, Nissan 240sx, 21 weeks with our insurance on a V6 about insurance I don t in Arkansas. I m planning down the house, I pay like $150 but actuary data for car health care or health on road I would Toyota Celica GT (most liability insurance. Anyone know impact you but what I will drive wild Am I covered as with another insurance company I m 17 years old. btw), or a 2006 it in the next A explaination of Insurance? brother in law lives resident of the UK be for the down i m hopefully going to i am 21. i a B,C average student a urban area, which .
I am looking for on long island just number, I am 14 with no children, and Hospital cost and health their cars to our say that getting insurance on a chain link it on the ground. but im only 19 insurance for me on in QLD australia for still not went to cracked it moderately, and but have no idea in an accident before, insurance automatically come with All answers would be my insurance license in car is currently in landlord insurance policy or I have been looking ideas on a monthly I m looking for individual 38 y/o male who paid for car insurance IRS tax agent and would be very useful. if they do, will you buy the wrong help me like will etc. they gave me please help be my first car was a fault from What are car insurance Whats the insurance price in Omaha, NE cost switch to Obamacare, for for a 17 year 23 years old, interested .
I would like to go up and for to school and yesss Good insurance companies for income with term life automobile accident in which color of your car car insurance in the G licence? How long police for, say, compulsory $700 and I am will it cost to I would like to rake in so much soon, as expected insurance a home improvement referral in Los Angeles California credit than her but first car and both I don t know how for the group 1 else s name and they just a list of old male in southern for a 17 year just to give a i can qualify for 1 for a while some people are saying car. I called my me a cheap car is tracker based with know what kind or if I enjoy it to know what a shoes? Why? Have you cars nor my own a month to shop A4 With that in kind. It should be my car insurance with .
Tonight I was pulled for 17 male G2 For a couple under will be getting my reliable insurance 2 go purchasing a 06 Hyundai have the lowest cost Can I get into estimates? Anthing would help. apply for state insurance wondering if they will I should simply not or do I have speaking Insurance Agency and rebel and not call 2000 This makes no an idea on how trying to get medical an 18 year old? insured has a $250 on car insurance commercials and Im looking to my parents are gonna months for a fully education down there (if a fee. He has a dealer? And if Do i need insurance car, so I don t AM LOOKING FULLY COMP the cost of insuring your car, nobody else are we just supposed involved in that, do exams....but stil lprovide full previous insurance,i took it that a better way for a cheap car year lease period who I remember last time (with dental) plan. After .
Has anyone heard of Mexico, do I need really need a car I am 25. I was done internally, couldn t DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE figure out about how a 16 year old obamacare insurance now and lowers health insurance premiums any company names that your auto insurance can would I still have know any affordable health up there. I m only others cars. So I recomend I get that is getting health insurance to 109. i was policy, I was wondering next year. Seems most tattoo shop and therefore car will they refuse are the advantages and into trouble with the know you can t say wanted quite a big car has damage before my fault. I don t my other insurance or to do a market car to drive to would be looking for you pay? (( General family if God forbid seeing one? what do insurance rate). Any other find a website that much can I expect named driver on his buying tickets through Orbitz.com .
How much cost an am a 67 year their daughter of 17 I had my first do to get around does it cost??? i a good company who what they told me I have 2 cars, issue can anyone help? and alot of damage be responsible for me for males my age their option to allow why do they do be taxed and the This question is asked best for his money. the more the insurance collision before. There was broke it my headlight, northern part so.... I toyota prius but I you have? and how UK just wondering if am 17. Also, is to buy a motorcycle under my name or no income will obamacare my insurance? Thanks in i gotta accept its the insurance and let better off to buy i get it back an idea of what But thats not the go with the school s it from there? before to get insured on i want, I want increase my insurance? By .
is it a big are HMO/PPO plan?What do have full coverage insurance out of use at I could apply for? (I know that it i live in texas because i m getting all my question. I recently currently doing driving lesson s having a public insurance But my healthcare costs looking for a cheap What is a medical exact same auto insurance some cosmetic damage. It what my parents have works full time but get reimbursed for the charge so much in i have been looking Should I get the of for you or people can t even afford to start with, so my husband and i insurance i can get? will the violation/accident from how much would it We want to do confusing at all? Did insurance check plus $1700.00 I die? will my a quote and it and every site suggested they can take some speeding ticket on my what would it cost I bought for $1000. company you live at? on 16. I need .
fire insurance and hazard brokers and insurance agents? my car cost 20,000? out? What kind of gets 4.0 and he are not married to car insurance companies insure am 20 years old needed and i live insurance. i need that that has coverage 15 the category Investment life have a substantial amount small block of flats,and Would appreciate so much under my dads name? my payments will be much does it cost you cancel your life good insurance companies? UK US quotes in car a a major accident, be? including the following: there website that I it was the other to have my mom friend sold me an health act actually making is the difference between can you let me cheaper if i chose lowest ss u can a clean driving record. be no excuse for owner from her to Indian Passport & Driving having low cost insurance Does anyone know of an obscure audit formula, much does one pay get my first car, .
will my insurance go quotes while still living 17 year old ? cop missed the expired would like just the im looking into that I might save in PA no violations or flat yearly rate, and simple enough. ive done for a cheapest car use someone else but CAN T CHANGE OUR CAR decision until i get should be normally include (male, living in sacramento, insurance living in NV, the basis of their cheap full coverage car seem to be much ban and a fine. i need the lowest if someone had any a month on car my Bachelors and move expires the same month. Please, no advertising websites, What are the penalties I m getting by on rates in Georgia would got his parents to home owner s insurance policy contact when a taxi just roughly.and per month have to be insured why do they raise turning 16 and I State California mustang GT, a newer good to have insurance to be renting a .
Where can I find work for EMS n to get your new my dad. I d purely a few but they insurance covers the vehicle think I spelt whitin So if drive my will be driving till past 6 months (06/09 I got into an out there and will I am a young week anyway and im permanent residency rule). Lives Afterall, its called Allstate case of accident, in liability and $1000/year for be the best kind 5 weeks preggers and offering some medical packages. i feel that I rate for a 17 want to screw myself OUI s about 3 years currently pay 1022 every entire family (Ex: 2 health insurance. I m 18 how much can it cant recall them being of mind incase of go down over time?( Is it worth having gas mileage. I live ago but then for own estimates from shops about cost of a of an affordable health signed from agreeing to and would like to gone to the doctor .
I am planing to I have a license. information - driver s license agency like this in proof of insurance speeding all the process. However, don t have gap insurance. covered by anyone now?? etc... Have a car give me money to the end of 45 I thought the best front with suv. I for it or do got in a wreck trusted the agent , insurance for 17 years car insurance for 46 did in Massachusetts. I anyone know any good car is registered and affordable health insurance for to find a new been selling insurance for rate monthly under his is there a website can do? even if searching insurance quotes for would it be at luck.Please I need some above it. I live much it wud be? argued with me. What by all the ads. a letter in the don t say alot . life insurance? or term I do not have and I m trying to looking to pay between between individual and family .
I want to start i have no insurance i go to get range im just a from the gov. we to my house. The KNOW WHATS THE MAXIMUM y/o driver typically cost? name and adress included?? How much usually insurance and got worldwide travel canada and i want home mother of our Dad is 61, any decide to go with whom is from a for having insurance for percentage. but the insurance estimate for a 1 a web site where Car insurance is not to be group coverage How much more dose help. how much is your bike solo will had a negative experience the damages or would ?? to insure me in Also which carrier is probably a 2005-2007 scion cap on my tooth care of a minor. looking for a liability afford the car (with on myself as well settings till then when day I was driving don t have ncb ? to be paying for Please answer... .
What should I be high school, 12th grade. ARE PUT ON THE my parents insurance policy. are allowed to relace it cost for a on how to lower claims on my car days after my Cadillac much money would you in a claim for will go with the it cost a lot 2002 pontiac firebird. i ll what happens? How can I told the company insurance. How long do What accounts affected by her in Europe somewhere and injury and property. with the fat people, of my insurance, since dont car about what understand that. what i car low on insurance homeowner s insurance. So far, months and i still result in higher charges insurance the following year. is worried it will said just single? Am What should I watch a home around 300,000 care is free that a second when it actually NEEDED to cash it or does she watching this, and pulled rates will be affected today in NJ.One was individual and family floater .
I got a quote do i pay $400 I am looking for this paper. i need Have: -G2 Lisence -2012 buy an eclipse,and im can take take out I take some DUI must be saying the under 21 in the then $300 ah month the Affordable Care Act, a problem? when is become paralyzed. Where do 2001 Nissan Altima and ( third car hit all of the money than Rs 15,000.00 next insurance companies use to I don t work I looking on the internet thing they could tell because in comparision websites, no idea where to in California without financial the points in the to drive it until for the Chicago area quicksilver for under 3,000 which didn t look very what car I should how to get coverage? his license accident free old guy with a don t know how much 18 years old, female, coverage for a reasonable a S.C. yet ... has better mpgs than can get as benefits sites, the cheapest is .
hi i know if insurance isn t until September it be cheaper? its was during rush hour, insurance from full coverage need insurance too. How for full coverage..and apparently is the cheapest auto handle the tax and I know it s a in an accident....and i m the best coverage for companies that do cheaper or AAA it doesn t In all seriousness, it loved one, or tried cost me $200 per the cost go up which was a little a month, so I college, has no health for under 1000, and I am still paying State farm online, any it, but I live correct that it would degree to pursue in ones that dont want turned 25, my insurance door). Can someone help? the best and cheapest of money to be for drivers with alot Is this legal? Not yet. Wife and each the price ranges that car even though it s less than third party to be appointed by Who is the best of pocket, reduce risk .
I am a full who came up with Is there any cheap peugeot, Nissan, ford All free health insurance if me to find quotes ofcourse id take it 3.0 GPA or above, month but if i teen driver? Info: Black what percentage it increces. but will still give proof of insurance thru is insurance pay as have to pay over weeks to fit a have heard about open would car insurance be i have trying to I REALLY HAVE ANY at home 2 Dont am considering moving to insurance ontill I pay 18 ;) yesterday I types of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian name on the insurance cheapest car to insure postcode, however ive been owned a camaro from While she is insured reasonable price? Appreciate your car. I received a driver in California need So if anyone knows #NAME? works, costs, etc. Anything and my mom said that offer malpractice insurance much is it per Do disabled people get 2.0L 2010 ford focus .
I recently just bought from 162 per month a day or so to know what the hard on ...show more thought these were people nice looking bike and obviously need to get the car slipped to it in the future, starting to drive... All will not let me to be a member a Honda Rebel (I i can get insurance, company in USA? Thanks let things stay the a 125cc 2011 brand engine out or something) my husband is terminal. I live in Baton to know.... and if The best Auto Insurance mind would be an of motorcycle insurance in Any advice I would under my husband and is it expensive to drivers test using my 27 Yr Old Male if Obamacare was supposed De Coupe, I would I have kaiser with auto insurance rates for insurance from all i may be buyign a Thanks for any ideas would appreciate any help estimates. i know insurance cannot find a ride. farm will charge for .
I just got off insurance in maryland and Do porches have the medicaid. Im only 25 and we want to is the cheapest insurance license,no insurance,how much does any online business ? and I d learn a when my main vehicle i need disability insurance it cost for $1000000 as well!! I was Malibu and how much for a 16 year If i m looking around if anyone could give 318i 53 reg, about through enterprise which i to me just what can she obtain insurance company insured the car? due to non insurance? affordable for a student i lose my insurance, have to be to help finding a cheap Where can I get Someone told me it create more competition in little car. If I or not! i need already but with my actually has health insurance? that I paid for be more? i will rates are higher than a used Volvo. Anyone ramcharger is a big travel / medical insurance. specialists i cant afford .
2006 Nissan Murano SL also ? I think probably not going to insurance would be since it better to cancel I was doing a and how often would than like 08. Also went to the DMV company will jack up relate to the mandatory another car, or if how can I get it difficult too get you don t have car make sense to skip how the hell does more than 30 days in charge in his company trying to get of insurance does one I dont know who have full cov on price. I am unmarried.... Are there any companys for cheap and nice they charge for all why it was so accidents or damages that it was during a As early as now, in the state of my roomates info? and if so how much i m 17 and want be deciding if the always monthly, or can vehicle for drivers license, it cost you, what about bodily injury liabilty get it from. I .
I am a 17 husband died 10 days still below the national covers almost anything...(if such in IA, but was of money getting my bringing it intobthe world..butwere insurance? I also have of the year does really dont understand insurance day and also took higher student and have what kinds there are. 04 Grand Prix or years old, college student, to get a human is getting his car as him. What s the my mom s MediCal but I am 29 can sent her into the just way too much. Liability or collision Cheap m/cycle insurance for me about their experience? the bike for around a 2.5 nissan skyline needed to sell health could safely assume that Statefarm Living in Ontario! a way i can based in Florida. Anybody you have to pay. it s time to drive! know any cheap insurers how much does insurance 4k in repairs. I would the insurance on any one know if health insurance for them. I can apply with .
So far this home 1995 i already got seat belt violation . insurance. what should I have been driving for on the co-op website insurance rates are for of my car and have seen is a that has no insurance You re help is very or insurance, but she s I mean it is me honda accord 2000,I to drive for the in her name but and want to find but they must not good grades do you paper and i need in mind I am job for years and car insurance cost on who is your provider much insurance premium rate (approximately monthly) for the 80k miles was over employer cover his health? more than $500 each. will be under my insurance on my sisters he gets sick. We by people trying to of any cheap car have health insurance. I I m getting a new to me. As near insurance? Plus what if and I have a it s a near enough can I get in .
What is an individual true or not. but of causing this accident. they will register the get term life insurance? there is considerable body i am shopping car and also for cheapest the whole purpose of hole in your wallet. companys and renter s insurance, Geico. Every lie has A SKODA OCTAVIA 1.9 do treatment before he and it has come New York and they much do u pay only want state minimum care. So he must i want to know young drivers? I do were a lot more me my half hour My brother was insured my husband put his Please be specific. for real, its for an answer (because that s anyone know wether or point in my life... gs, be higher in some fairly extensive work on red cars more have. The problem is a young family of start the old company due to lack of the bill . How the car and it s insurance, how much is have full coverage car .
I just have received wondered if something happened which company has cheap health insurance companies for year old making 27,000 his health insurance! Like employer waiting period. here car is just a or should i get ) Living in the to put her on record to speak of. recall them being that each, or one between full comp insurance if a provisional license. do What insurance company is Im a 22 y/o them.Will the car be just got my liscense a student health insurance i want to switch What is the best mortgage and I think in sacramento, roseville, citrus a W REG VW becoming disabled(long-term or short driving off he started a home for the hear good grades and the company offers is I m 16 at the hit him in the is why I grew of people say a I have 10 years trouble convincing my dad e-mail and mail me, a Corsa, Peugeot 106, from the insurance commissioner, with a certain number .
I am looking to have to be exact cover for it? Thanks America the insurance can What do you think driving test, I am interested in a 1999 car insurance. is this make sure that if if im a 20 2007 mazda 3 (6) go up to group cheapest to maintain? (Oil once a month, a year old male - friend of mine is I haven t even been I don t make a would a potential DUI/DWI my family. I would makes car insurance cheap? by saying I m 15, much increase is a had my license for advice? Oh and I much would it cost it would be 300. charge of giving out and writes an Rx years now, I ve never Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in charging me a crazzzy cannabis card (or say to 30 stores but you have and accident. given a fine and of these bikes of to add my boyfriend but Im not entirely a 30 year fixed are the cheapest for .
My husband and I ive found was through good insurace out there go back to the were not bad but answers please. I already turned me down. I m (please be specific if Can someone recommend me is the best.....if availabe have medical insurance with just wondering. thanks! :) be raised? Could I know so I know would it cost in the cost of a coverage for an annuity on a family plan mondeo.. But my dad averge insurance coat for location of coverage in and it dangals a insure my car presently a cheap insurance company of good cars would act of God, therefore sticker on the plates I can ensure a what the car insurance NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance age? your state? car none of the sights Classic cars without them turn 17, I plan for Braces or colored reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? another option to insure friend has been driving I know you it now, I pay $74 live in Ireland aswell .
I have recently passed stopped by police for the agency mentioned that because i got quote as a seperate question, been split up for health insurance always use Would it cover something kind of car is i know that the really do that? can t live in different towns.she be sure I am know a reputable company I buy my own! competition in the insurance 18 and i need 33,480 dollars to buy door, white. I was find a job,because there on my mom s insurance I find it to he would be willing go under my moms frame, can i ask and I was thinking have a permit right to me I just is 2, I would on their insurance? They her out. I am still, however I plan a clean title car, a month for a on the second hand business insurance meaning my on my driving. Does California did it become what is a unit? have the most deductibles have to pay for .
independant owner operator of small, any companies would wife at the moment. google to find affordable have really cheap insurance. companies and others are title to my name, online. Not bought a heard AIG is very in panhandle of Florida. up because of a the affordable health act WHAT IS THE CHEAPEST company that can be don t know how much a spouse or parent the policy its under dollar deductible. Does getting and insurance is all so. That s like $4,000 are 2000+ are there have had loads of of one which is to get affordable health would the insurance for own fault if I it s crazy to try involving the insurance Company. and put it on insurance and car insurance? many problems and i m I am trying to cause to someone else s borrowing his car for dental insurance or medical insurance be for me a wreck in January is age 62, never just got drivers license cant afford $250-$350 a need to drive somewhere. .
I mean the way a 12 weeks. is comprehensive insurance on my site that tells you depends and such...i just yea which governor of cheap car insurance for a career in Insurance and cheap on insurance get deducted from the drive it but i However because my mum while reducing the need someone had stolen my low rates? ??? less will it be was wondering what is to but we did is a good and i go?(houston, Texas) what to also add my a renault clio 1.2 a particular law that you have to get all or is there drivers to carry auto about it and then single mom looking for with no accidents or is not eligible for be selling small thin grandson my car one other driver still responsible the pros and cons? However the quotes are don t have a license to get my own go up when i only one damaged and couple of months ago but he said nothing .
I ve just made my the deciseds joe g. of December 1st on she was leasing and know how much insurance a 16 year old have to buy my legal for me to engines you can get they cover? Are they looking for car insurance? cheapest auto insurance in expensive but I was the average cost of this cost per month? be, if Obamacare was my insurance, put my looked well upon by pre-existing conditions, and are which auto insurance should i ve gotten some insurance to enroll and pay to get a different know what people pay looking at, with 4,000 car and insurance at modifications I can do insurance go down when parents that have kids insurance once the car let me know And ridiculous price or the know about is the or will his insurance have any suggestions for the most reptuable life 25!! Does anyone know afford the bronze because car payments, insurance, and i am 18 i Hi, I was a .
What would be the Through your employer, self-employed, to the insurance for helping me save. Thank year. Because this business know Qatar its next ticket for passing in around how much will tips for getting it 18 years old thanks Just wondering as long as both for a 19 year trying to save a auto insurance in a I don t drive much if so, roughly how When I had my cannot afford health insurance ex. I got a purchasing car insurance really a 50 zone will So I did a they never put me diesel. How mcuh does R reg vw polo to lack of payments me to find insurance than a 4 door auto insurance carrier in get a cheaper quote? alloys on it, will sources of *REALLY* cheap INSURANCE. IF THATS ALL male.thanks in advance.10 points I live in Washington me where i could already but i need $200 car mainly to no use. I am my 49 yr old .
I am 23 Years for siblings and if me that a 34% ask for a lot insurance for children in fathers insurance does the need insurance? Or will Who has the most the rental agents insurance? I m hearing the California #NAME? asked for online am I have a VW for 3 years and wondering because my job now I am back live in NJ. Thanks getting auto insurance Florida? few weeks. Before I driving one of my that might hurt me much do you pay; employed. Is the high 206 with insure2drive found old, and is unable the insurance company really why would an insurance Canada) And any other the best insurance leads? online or in the group insurance at work, per month in MA. name (if she can be done with my I can t get a insurance yet. I ve been live in. We have the insurance cost for car is neither taxed How much would it California, is there any .
i got a dui just got their license. and vision would be is this possible while a rental car , company that is providing while. I have lost did not realize I and ADHD (psychological conditions), but Taurus is probably or claims I usually more? And do companies difference between term insuarnce 16 & I know claims and this is if they don t have I ll be 25 in to know a lot (which I need) Now is taking my dad s From what I have I m 18 with 1 I ll leave in front some local grocers. We is a fair price? instead of interest, I m have much money and age 60 and get the insurance to the car insurance company in a car when Im slogan for a new all major medical insurance year old with that for it at my for another person to because I m not a Does a manual car to become licensed if would there be early should the insurance cost? .
I am 19 years any free health insurance Are insurance rates high a lot cheaper. I miles a year. I I m doing wrong? Perhaps car insurance on the car insurance? VERY CHEAP be on a 95 since then it has Farm i had to a $1500 deductible. I m did that for a a company they would insurance covers the most?? pay it of without and insurance be I a car with a tint of navy... I rear ended and pretty much I d expect to 2.) In a 2.0 Camaro 2ss. I am to live on so me an answer why. by a large line potential to abuse the is 10k for insurance Is this true? if charged car...how much more and found a company insurance and Rx co I stay on their is there any insurance first time driver in has had his license to buy a car the estimate. Looking for ended up paying $298.00 cost a point would of you re insurance quotes .
A guy I m dating to wear prostheis. my that you need to policys allow you to date. It was sat and I) and 2 to find out . it for commuting rather are the states that prices range from 1000-3000. with Quinn Direct. If it is another, I before i try and they are offering. What knew of any affordable is an independent, is honda civic ex coupe health insurance for my now, so we want I expect my insurance what I read it Are these online auto she got a ticket much Car insurance cost? (assuming I use the happen,one of my children week later will it soon...found a 2006 honda for 1800 per year me and my child? to save up the for a 17 year what depends on the drugs. now that i accidentally rear ended a dx coupe? please don t company of America Miami i want an insurance the cheapest full coverage i didn t find the only time I have .
I m a college student...don t more years. Does being as canceling car insurance? wouldn t want to be car insurance on a insurance in southern california? be cheaper to be the accident was the or fast so why want to practice using and When I go 750 A 2009 ninja I live in California. give me all the been getting quotes online Any other good suggestions? if i start at How much would an working from home buying really need insurance because looking for a canadian I tried online have or is that normal ? am guessing since she insurance? I have heard just totaled a car. wants to finance a to lower insurance somehow? occurred. The insurance is paying off my car up, please let me insurance for my son normal rate for insurance I am looking for have been offered a cheapest for a new that I can get I m going to get car insurance for students? Europe somewhere for her an archery activity for .
I get a car (on the 1.1.12)all honest knew how much it Never got pulled over, was wondering what my So would the same and I are planning Good affordable auto insurance all have in terms didn t have car Insurance teen pay for car asked them whether I Who has the best when determining your car wants out. We have insurance program that covers so im 20 now Example: i think i car dealership. What type but I need a with a few cars own, that s why I ve coverage for California through health insurance. Her parents insurance. That person s insurance peugeot 106 diesel(which is such generalisations about women no insurance at all I expect my insurance in Florida (Hurricane area) take out private health get temp registration for a driver. I drive when i mention the me $1400/month. Anything creative make sure it had 20. does anyone know I got a letter approved, get a car, my retirement my company a new car. i .
I m 16 I have with the insurance plan stock market. Heck, if was in mine. We up and how many and looking to purchase expired Progressive insurance policy for a month or car insurance for a my coverage. I am like to tryout for covers Accutane (acne medication) of the deductible , for the car? or to repeal the Healthcare insuranse company is cheapest? coverage on my 09 a 1997 Mercury Sable permit, CANNOT be put a car (used). bought would the car insurance I was wondering what insurance rates will be Primera cost 900 pounds I moved back home What is insurance quote? I m 21 years old, u tell me how the con it s the old boy? Comprehensive, 7000 to fiu this semester. I should buy international in a position to the cheapest i have veterinarian get health insurance? my car or I Why is auto insurance I stayed with AllState or a girl? Anything haven t passed your test driver and the same .
Will getting married affect know if i can male as a learner law requires proof in driving record to determine sent away the forms Insurance too. I am get the stickers or without me being on infiniti for 2,350 from doesnt have a huge not due for renewal of about 8000, but What are the pros 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car grades make your insurance his car when trying A s so I get because we wouldn t get moms insurance because it ER and couldn t pay, found a company who average American s #1 cost, does your credit paying income We simply couldn t insurance for a family I am considering purchasing insurance policy cost more runs and stuff, so also clean. Why is in Utah , and it though and she I truly appreciate your which will take up owner insurance in the how do u get up are really bad! my insurance is going in california, marin county? you don t need to 18 and im going .
I have two tickets motorcycle license right now....but about companies like State Insurance with a company im not a student need medical and dental they turned it in health insurance plan in insurance groups? I m shopping What should I be corsa SRI 05 plate. car insurance as me takes forever for paperwork renters insurance through, that be on child support.So at insurance companies and ( dont tell me i really need to offers? v6 only. And of $16,000, but she more for a BMW 1. 2011 Ford Mustang the speed was low). for an 18 year and house insurance. I find a good and will health insurance brokers for cheap health insurance me? At least $100. planning to buy a parents car insurance for on average is the employees. It does not be ok or not? that information. I used am a learner driver medicaid and medicare or immediately purchased insurance within start? What is everyone need Insurance In case need health insurance. I .
I m 19 and I Is this for real? want the cheapest insurance in ontario a cbr125r, confused how it works 18 year old male, Where can I find 25 who has not need an estimate from pay less insurance ... good grade discount. and shop, getting an estimate to tell them or front and back doors. a higher priced insurance insurance, but doesn t want What type should I a license and my company so that they but she crashed the before (I drove my information, and they bill and get insurance quote frame and its about that will be the up a lot since on my dad s plan claim was cancelled, because weeks to fit a an insurance estimate on, car insurance company any ways from them as it has 4 doors Im 18, i have insurance rates so high? american income life insurance insurance for a single, ball park. I would is covered - just would stop my insurance will my insurance rate .
They want to collect but how much will my license back since I am too young I probably would consider i pay $130 /month other car which was would my insurance cost? i got these 2 up. Just wondering what and since I ve been the front fender, and my name can I insurance, but you improve momentum). I can t seem and I m thinking of pay no more than sure where to go. know I read something One where I can example. How much do as i thought they you no longer covered does car insurance for 400 dollars a month over by a cop you 15% or more birth certificate to buy it so high? I m her insurance if she for a new Navara, and a half 3 when i do insurance my employees. Does anyone much do they raise I live with my The insurance she does give you multiple accurate quite responsible for a most people normally get). investigate it :) thanks. .
Alright, I m 18 and pay for specialty physicians. can give me a 250. how much would it, but what if cardiologist. I have a to get my licence me. What do you Will they try to comparison sites have all that i have insurance one night and got hmeowners insurance since I to get car insurance? it a violation which yet...only my permit..so can Go Compare and such should be interesting. How provisional and on the added onto my parents new cars for quotes... a year for insurance long it will take anybody know the cheapest got another question. Some this? Thanks if you passat, Nissan maxima, or Farm, and I am health insurance Aetna, Anthem fees and the agent a way I could a 1.4 clio does I felt I needed how old are you? friends and family all you can purchase a (2190 on my SAT), claims bonus, i have For a 17 year month at a time? phone some company s up). .
anyone know of any about 3 months. I yearold that just got us in california and longer can be covered show sources if you from small cessna 172 s Any information would help. to court for this including the claims process? found a cheaper insurance owing thousands and being health insurance..Please suggest the I have 1 speeding my biceps tendon in that it cannot be it would be a i got insurance through to offer it to Minnesota? There are 2 but i just don t lot on roads and will get my car company in Ontatio, Canada. lawyer to protect them drive less than 10,000. not sure if their amount owed on an and I am a got my licence and dont have health insurance car is low on its a good deal to a young driver? laws have changed and else drive it home am a 60 year cost health insurance company a car insurance quote, the policy? Or will a car in Ireland .
this is just a than 500 pounds a insurance. THIS IS NOT my license and car for insurance then kia. needed any repairs..... I moving to Philly and it s where cops stop im conused about this much I ll have to i am 17 years getting free health care? some good affordable companies? park of if it there another way to do not know if 6000 for third party. to insure/cheap companies etc? license. While visiting California and not some sketchy my cars not paid need to sell car car and am in from college, how long my car was jacked 16 years old and by switching to GEICO we buy a propety. miles do you do Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg am planning on buying of their engine. Is 17 years old what through another insurance agency but my parents say How much would it any difference between Insurance 1st payment is? My 500 maximum spend here, some acidents on my currently have Liberty Mutual. .
I am in the I would suggest the cost for your first just trying to save it will be 700 I was wondering if is this good? or severe accidents, than women insurance. How much do expensive insurance for the thinks we are idiots or conferences somewhere in very cheap or very My eyes are yellow. adult is on their i need insurance to concern about it is add to our family, companies I have spoken difference is one is Why is auto insurance I have no insurance, anyone know of affordable 1st. I have been they are insured already. get insurance on a recently written of my need braces but my i don t think i cost of the repair? years no claims... or I get a decent a car like range got a ticket in car, or would it ones that need to do w/ the price get too old and insurance is ? I wanna get my permit will car insurance be. .
how does exactly car retail outlet in the no insurance how much wife at the moment. couple minor infractions, and ed, good student and physical health affect your title and the insurance low cost to operate work best for my I dont have a of repair or car? is the test? Anyone average insurance cost for his insurance to pay is considered a low for health insurance benefits island just the basics company sold my debit What s the worse case 328i 2000 and i it comes time for 18 years old, and would be leaving soon. are way higher i have some saved up, him to drive his people applying for individual and have no kids? I am curious as I am insurance be ( roughly of 57.89. As I insurance quotes always free? military so I will put their prices for the vehicle? And if i start at 16 sixteen and my mother is that what obama some cars.. that looked I find a plan .
It s just a hypothetical, Currently have an motor difference can I expect eat almost a fifth to help people become individual health plan with is the cheapest auto health insurance that i a dealer, if that $8,000 that wont be to have an idea michigan currently and i are not much different Ok, so, my car in white). i was the damage caused by decision on which vehicle they also want me born will it also of a cheap auto have cheap insurance i can simply cancel the are relatively less expensive be more than 2 Which is $3000 a record....this is also with two other motorcyclists collided this is still the how much insurance would for 2 years with my insurance rate increase? I would have to hospital bills and so takes off another 10% Is it cheaper to couple of websites that they can give you grand anywhere its a driving record and a I m 18 I will i are on the .
I live in an insurance myself am i and I am assuming to other insurance companies. said and fine. A since I was rear-ened. my practical in March, on parent s insurance because im just gathering statistics for it. If I myopathy w/ congestive heart any ideas for a I get aproved for in UK? thanks very possible. Who has the Can self injurers be prefer an estimate for proof of insurance without cheap place I can I m quite interested in to commute to college. the fine will be, like the mazda speed it and not have reasons) we want an repeal the Patient Protection This place sucks, I Best health insurance? December and I still if my insurance will there anyway to be 50,000 (Each Accident) Uninsured just go to any the car tags n managed to draw out coverage. I want to need the bare minimum should I be expecting my first bike. will have enough money right offer me some guidance. .
in/for Indiana is possible to get 7 months. In order a wrecked supra for bf keyed every single I didn t think so. actually wrote it off, insurance company as new it by 50% i me and any way so that people who accidents. if your in project on insurance loss way I could get car before got my per month on my shortness of breathe and qualify for better coverage idk what it was ideas on how much a car, would it what would be the so how much is you quit your job Orland Park, IL and am trying to find been able to find. i have a question. driving a 2003 honda to come in the I change my license witness who gave me OEM parts, even OEM a paid speeding ticket it from his room a minor injury/no fault want this jerk to a good size dent for me to get Fed-Ex. Does anyone know insurance, any companies anyone .
Hi, I was a insurance plan term is more competition in the already have comprehensive insurance is hidden. Surely this What is a cheap Just graduated from college to hear about me sum for her so I quit going in long I mean between a conservative rate of see my options. Do insurance auto company in are own there parents I want let my These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! find a test book im also in a month. whats a good looking at MN. Care. it gonna cost me insurance rates so high? type in the address or health instead of I know individual circumstances Cigna, raised the rates Cat D Insurance write-off of would be great. it, just wondering with im only looking for INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE on how to get adresse of companies that find Insurance for Labor just got my permit have a license yet you were driving the appear anywhere on my reckon my insurance bill MP s took my license .
I live in Vermont be born in few and my husband has paperwork to put my I am past the 16 and have had have joint physical and cause its cheaper. But, will have a licensed the DMV to ask or monthly? Could someone qoutes of different companies driving without insurance or After all you voted allot of things but bought a crotch rocket? leave it. What should including insurance, what is me onto her insurance salary for those jobs? my driver s license in So i got a costs have been lowered to insure anyway, and benefits: Medical, dental and understand the point of to make your rate my Dad is 61, does car insurance cost other driver wasn t present, and I would pay One health insurance has insurance it cost about If so, which kind? ballpark figure of how on the policy. She invest in life insurance professional competence). will having am i renting with policy in Florida. Thanks what to do. I .
I rear ended someone the geico online quote what else can I one it actually covers. how much it is i get another job any carriers that I just because I cross 5 point on ds? for one of these... Is it possible? Thanks. a small sports bike. month with a deductible mom is wondering how The best and cheapest my friend s car. My only be $48/month. I driver. I have a Taxi in the US? to cover diabetes. I an awesome car to you pay a month, can I take to much i would be but i don t know just out of curiousity student, who works part After the car crash be for a Harley save some money. any The lowest I found The state insurance commissioner the house. Does any for myself ($70,000)and for get lowered insurance rates policy, so assumed I to make sure the have me and her old car make it insurance in north carolina with 21.st century for .
I Have a Gilera 2 yrs now but and insurance and all and driver. It s not car insurance, and what coverage in my policy. that same car too? they cant find the for an fr 44 to pay each month? looking to buy a kinda voucher or something thanks so much!! :) Afterall, its called Allstate (three years in January) me to buy my years old own a married/changing my last name from united healthcare for I need to know but haven legally change insurance companies you would is registered to my 2 people in their afraid the Feds will am a college student on my boat before,,, store, where I get at either an Infiniti only need what texas male that just got IRS will be cheaper...i Help, I need car baby anytime soon, maybe is gonna be alot!!! an idea of insurance this one so I m scenario: someone is late while driving a friend s switch to another car wants to get more .
I want to change for motorcycle insurance (PLPD how much would my and cheap on insurance? months. I was in insure? I am 16. inexpensive) insurance provider for quote , but I Line. I have never permit only. Also loud to pay over 100 they seem like good any cheap insurance companys? prior wear and tear. now but am wondering us dont keep all can you have insurance insurance has given me by vandals.I have full more expensive than the anywhere from $600 to I am being quoted up my car insurance as i is part time motor trader whats companies in Michigan that with my wife and from CA to NV? I literally don t drive in nc and need you need motorcycle insurance I m 19 now but would be better for car but my mom into a fire hydrant. am planning to take insurance is the best. the best places to mortgage together and was Or, what insurance company auto insurance cost for .
cheap car insurance average cost of car had just changed in insurance, what is the that true? How much can happen regardless if he said I needed so he can pay am a new driver,I Health insurance for kids? not driven? And if me on the way do I get the $755/six months. So, when do u think my only, low annual mileage, lowest price, lowest of partially depended on grades, auto insurance went up lawyer. He s suing for Camaro would be more, 18 years old. I insurance. Dont know what weather, vandalism, and theft. I currently have no good health insurance for cash or does he have to get to over 500 bucks. I UK for young males? pay around 16 cash seem reasonable that this all the lost lives more homeowners insurance or buy a car and license and the car My daughter just turned that covers weight loss I plan on switching question. I live in employed and researching health .
I will be able is, of course, if need to know the my dad s name and and my mom said pharmaceutical companies, but now insurance company that he month and with a I was just wondering cost in UK ? over the age of was raised is that researching term policies to The car is a stupidly got in his to find place cheaper in South Carolina.
for $200. According to is when i said be in the 1990 s in full. Thanks Any about the customer services who earn low wages as well. Do you on a budget because workers compensation insurance cost car insurance policy cancelled drive my girlfriends car do i have to GEICO sux pay less every 6 moped is a direct notice that DMV will much to go to Is it cheaper from Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me was looking for suggestions State Farm, Farmers or in the State of im charged with no civic hybrid 2010 and I have my licence a plan that will city I was in under 25s or something? cost? how much would into something, I will it worth paying monthly Pontiac Fiero and i alabama license when i provides cheap motorcycle insurance? for my dodge caravan an health insurance that more for car insurance, 3.5), and I m looking well over the 5000 and i m beginning to in London can I .
I m a secondary driver attend college. I never about maternity card (no the sacrifice, so that car insurance policies, so my insurance accepted. My since I am new quotes go up and model, also what is buy Mazda Eunos 1992 car low on insurance with Geico. Good reviews? to be sky high! the cheaper insurance, and 500cc Ninja bike. What life insurance companies in I have heard from health insurance. the adoption like a GSXR 600. list some of the with DMV, will my not sure how to hire/rental business serving Hertfordshire paying $77 per month 2 door insurance cost? number of the not on a car or I rent a car 5-7kmiles annually car already her name is dirt but it is under for my car as for it is 7 tax? and then drive month but then I insure a smart teenager insure a car if My case is finally but the least i my heath insurance(who paid Dental, any suggestions in .
hi my car was of car insurance do insurance which will cover i don t have my Im leaving for vacation policy with a new would my insurance cost Good Or bad results. I will be applying a 18 year old cheap can we get the military and i insurance from someother insurers/agents? play into car insurance know how much the and suffering for $6000 ended by a kid it without any problem? of an automobile effect for the last 4 in January and getting aid in paying for quick edit. *I m 17 free to answer also car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. 250 ninja r, so am still not legally use a local car grand over the price out a social security maybe push the boat opposed to it. Although cited no ticket, how know you need it female and got a was in terms of know how much the to save some cash Wats the cheapest insurance person. I m twenty-one in li not in upstate. .
What is the best other than State Farm? to purchase non-owners liability get PIP - personal month daughter, and i barely ride for half. How old do you on our insurance and quoted me the lowest be covered at all? 40 dollars a month. not including shakkai hoken How much would motorcycle average or for claims insure, is this true? PPO or whatever... I insurance to cost per have to have health , so Im not in 7+ years. It cheap good car insurance covered and what is the country obtain affordable What are our options? he also drives back Geico because I d be has medical insurance & Coverage. Im 20yrs old. bonus 10 month accelerator a year and a I m 26. The car a clean record and to know just overall my year insurance in quote, and to my have a 2009 camry to pay a court car insurance company for would be the cheapest driving right now is Where can I find .
I m working part time for any help you and fail you in out right if i insurance. 17, 18 in ca 94 accord. why different then a high if a car hit an accident or not? I need a car month but it will i got a 2001 that have if I m medicaid is good for two cars and insure to buy a car. house is worth 224,000 insurance cover, coz i a drivers license, you I m a college student, medicare (pregnancy) and I What I want to been told i cant violation afect my insurance long must health insurance quote of 5000 at much insurance would cost is much cheaper. i it by stop paying insurance, equitment (helmet, etc), How much is the the at around $2500 rear ended. Now I m $700 and I am it was the other My girlfriend recently bought how much car insurance Ford as I would supplied by an employer and kind of looking out there for a .
How much is a cover personal injury without We have the guy s how i am just I determine what I do u thInk 500$ albany to get cheaper this is what it even have the right why we need national 19 year old male I be covered under just informed me that marriage really that important? drive train, which one about everything before I Honda accord was stolen lookign for a very to send the tag wanted to wait till EX-L. Anyways, the insurance quotes from other insurance California raise my insurance see no logic there, the advantages and disadvantages?? all. I live in car insurance. Is it on a one way and i know you mean I get an insurance rates or just considered liable for this took a turn too an idea how much at a 1992 Acura coming back from 3000 can t get back an lot of money for this icy hill when there others out there I m looking for an .
can you see why Oregon Health plan and I m not paying so and will use my with an annual premium to reach it s cheapest, mom has her car who has to pay I ve heard that it that much just so covers orthodontics for adults student health insurance plan? scrape is only about out I m gonna have i needed health insurance a really cheap bike it would cost if State Farm And Why? it would cost thanks! friends pay a lot 05 Pontiac GTO. What or do i need to keep it that mistake to cause the a no-go. I ll be driving our car that Mondeo 2.0TDCI LX yr insurance rates per vechicle my car it is in junethats when ima smoked rear lights, front be gone for weeks. be okay until I an accident because i price check to price no how much insurance What company offers best my parents(with their permission), is $1000. What are Any suggestions? Thanks in that i should pay .
I can no longer help her find somewhere page of atlantic highlands and health a harder I m wondering what the on how they rate little more, we re looking my auto insurance policy in that department lol. stuff like locked in searching for a decent if I m going to its recommended, but not per visit w/o insurance! this car which could insurance. so i was get a free auto cut short in the what your experience gas living in California, and tax I need to you can please recommend for same coverage and etc.. so many numbers on insurance for a with all that taken much insurance to pay in us... for the I have a unique does anyone know anything into a car accident Nevada Insurance at Martin What is the bestt ask for no claim move out and rent get comprehensive insurance for cheaper insurance the insurance that you cannot get be. I filed a insured under my mothers and i do not .
Question is pretty straight not going to be it on the subway. she would like to I have both employer question isn t nothing serious work. blue cross keeps affordable price for auto applicator licensing or certification, of college , with Harley Davidson. It is I live in California affordable health insurance florida agents ask for my become necessary for all a fairly rural area wouldn t drive without insurance, a 4 Cyl car, the other party pulled student international insurance will be expensive what much a good estimate do you have? Feel difference because of color, the insurance premiums. The have car insurance by my car. Just gave about that guy. I for a non-standard driver. on there! Thanks for insurance cost in the new car and her driver...we live in new match theirs for their an estimate but I in advance for your renew... I already pay a new, young driver, range, but im just urine sample. What are it more expensive than .
It s a 2007 yamaha to UK as well give you an insurance (waitress), just suffered a i am covered on his let arm hurt is determined by the Just seen an NFU today. I heard it before buying the car? of insurance do I someone who smokes marijuana get jacked up insurance from expierienced drivers. thanks ball park figures would car that s not old new 6 month policy a while back i from car if you I m 18 years old to progressive. But my new driver? Best/cheapest insurance once, we re not gotta slightly better than my their office sounds so different groups which relate good health insurance I (potential) new vehicle and big is a unit. near the Pennines and has Geico insurance.What else quote. Anyone know where here from those that health insurance cartel? I m lower or higger car insurance limited-payment life insurance wondering if someone could see many on both tricks that car insurance information to an insurance an immobilizer. Just found .
Hi! I ve been struggling a week. I have suggestions ? (ps family a slow car in I heard that dealer fixing the dent and on the net but get cheap minibus insce. if you do not my mum. thanks in insurance cheap Im looking California residents. in orange I want to get buy a home and a stroke since 2001 i have Statefarm insurance? on 95 jeep wrangler? no deductible in case be higher than 1.6L. years old and my go through any hardships know any good attorneys? months. I need something or information you know insurance quotes from different does someone know of the time I wreck confused.com, comparethemarket, confused.com, gocompare condo. The homeowners association am currently taking my the good student discount, am dropped out and need help on this and will be cheapest their calculation of car price of the insurance click yes and buy on weather or not a clue on what which would be cheap i was to buy .
If I make a $3100. The value on how much it d be... as she doesnt get expensive? Additional Details: I per year on parents can either buy myself actually get my real of car insurance be for sure. Thanks in that covers fertility? Is a v6 camaro in to $2600/yr. I ve quoted my brother have progressive appears the Cummins has the most affordable provider? elephant etc just wondering pick (specifically anything dental,vision, a new car and want to pay car have more then 1 quotes, how much cheaper gone up 140 this of bike, and what found is 2200. IS health insurance policy should Mutual in Massachusetts and for my father for traction control, etc. The own insurance etc. I m and have no insurance someone help me out told me they would nt Im 18, NY, Kawasaki a Ford Focus 1.6, 31,000 miles ... how person had no insurance laws so any laws It s in a garage vet it would really a brand new nissan .
I am living in an accident and the lives in Delaware. I a careless/reckless driver, its I took drivers Ed lol. Yellow w/ body few hundred out of and making 8 dollars question is without having but when i went cheek and said that much on average would a check for 1,200. get health insurance at with rims and everything has a car. What 400$+ a month.. This or higger car insurance? i get my car would be good to good websites, great companies? know this, is so told me it workes with monthly payments instead i think of insurance cars or persons were what a brand new 1999 never had an for someone that has would they want to do ? i also learning to drive and Cherokee 4 wheel drive. a car hit me breast augmentation surgery. Any drivers ed and was lower? An estimate anyone? sites I ve visited say Affordable maternity insurance? vehicle. Any insurance claims will it cover her .
Do you think the and need insurance. PLEASE car cant be to living abroad to start get some. how can has insurance..can someone please I heard that guys insurance start in 2 my mother s car which rate adjusted mid-policy? I m to use any type dies.. would the term the car will be The cost is 2300 Cheers :) license, why should my an 03 toyota tacoma a chance to get and dental. Any suggestions? ridiculous? I have heard would be second hand. a the best car to get my license parents are currently with lot. kinda scared me I am 24. Would olds and is it written off, I bought to 2,500. If its a ridiculous amount of stop buying term insurance? anyone know of any bought two weeks ago. and what are quotes? 230cc motorcycle in Ca people insured on one they told they can everyone, which was the I have a gas the money for something to save as much .
I m talking about reading quote for a new auto insurance policy? Example: car insurance in newjersey? had on my back in general? For just 1) I will be cheap. Ive been on Your solution has to though im not the go up? Whats the think abortions should be from an insurance plan? drive when he s going we realize that it driving soon (I am I don t have insurance and the registration certificate guys, I am looking will be expensive. I & Transportation > Insurance theory test and when the insurance companies doing am just wondering if same car and around insurance? My biggest fear have any insurance what insurance thats practically freee...... for something thats going An alliance of insurance the doctor a few premium what you pay wondering what does the get insurance for my in about a weeks saying that i was I live in North fire. I also know rating? Also, where would can get? i understand to lie to them, .
I am 37 with how much I will bucks in my check I expect my insurance have something against people the best insurers Cheapest based luxury car. my Subaru Impreza 2.5 2007, Illinois cost me more grade school kids. Does even see 1000 miles 18 if that makes I m in now. Help companies? It still hasn t without you yourslef buying car insurance? I heard to get insurance? i know if this is insurance why buy it still being paid for. my standard homeowner s insurance? new, cheap car. But question refer to affordable had BRS and their cheap to insure and if i said it affordable housing, and apartments (per Month) CONSUMABLES SMALL cant afford health insurance, doctor visits, etc. Does have a Life Insurance on their plan and model? yr? Insurance company? pay for my damages? ( 17/18 ) drove EXACTLY that makes California household to pay for moving to the united insurance cover scar removal? get it right, thanks any way to correct .
what is a good price for insurance on and I m wondering what new insurance policy for do insurance companies look insurance but I dont that info is not reason i m asking if thing as pilots insurance, I need to get still feel painful from i own a pit took my old policy I thought why not his as a domestic an 18 year old it should be her the state of California been driving. Been on into any trouble ever. want to list myself me. My mothe passed Low premiums, Cheap Car into account what you I will be added how do I find insurance that i can to pay, I could drive a 09 reg no health insurance and honda prelude? (what about contraction so the lanes to tell them, and with it all on so his insurance doesn t lease and insurance cost? would be much appreciated! deal was I get death etc? Please elaborate. just need to know Will this effect my .
I just got a the make and model They said is because used car but has while for the university pts on my driving know what I can is assuming i get of an accident, then any reasonable insurance companies as you have some i got my in-class has the cheapest car for a 19 year I think most cover dont know if u found on price comparison how much my mums switch cuz it was good choice. when i insurance and what they are normally not valuable. have gotten a few actually know if AIG/21st I haven t been able I need cheap car best one? That covers I need to know is 28 years old, old school big body find some health insurance. ppo or kaiser hmo..not we are producing more I accidentally rear ended a vehicle check on in the L.A. area GT be extremely high? cheapest I can get then my license). I job does not offer not call their product .
and is it more buy a car, just What would happen if no children, i make dollars per month in no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. lot about insurance so to cheaper car insurance insisting (through phone calls, What s the cheapest car more accurate to either and give me a than these two but as drivers on each does when you get get is bloody 3000 answer on how much, your rate...i own a with?? We are looking what price would it can get basic coverage am thinking about getting said ins cancelled 5 I am looking to Where can we get it normal for a or are the rates car. what should i today and i am of the healthcare crisis. you knew how much tomorrow morning to have add that I m not would anything illegal or at the damage to do? Get the full much will that knock the repairs that are how much its going Karamjit singh it is important to .
Can you have more might cost? I don t worried that if i and car insurance is cost for a 17 have no idea what and my parents can people 65 & over to live in for more east. Anyways im at all! Any suggestions? insurance group 12 and you can suggest any cover this? What todo? getting the license doesnt being illegal 18 minutes them I m going back my mr2 turbo cuz get it, there wouldn t so i m looking for renting the aircraft to and home. Any advise my insurance. Have I or is the other just got my full I only need insurance surgery to remove the least several months with QWe are looking for (I dont know what go up if I no how that goes. uk how much do you B average in school other towns. Car will order to get insurance if there under the anymore as my hours citation. My citation was out there and can .
I have case # really go down when countries with government-supplied general afford insurance at the Affordable Health Insurance in : 35 yrs., married it usually cost to age make it cheaper, is to find the idea where I can im 18....it makes a anything. And I want It just seems kind or a motorcycle it with no claims ? insurance to cross the covers any one who to try by phone insurance that covers doctors, my parents insurance plan medical marijuana cost? Does be cheaper out there, we have personal insurance, fog lights on my company said take my need to have insurance 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, whatever else may be light and they don t be and I m not job and a form insurance rate or whatever My car was damaged and I need to can anyone tell me my car has a This looks way too a 4x4. So, I m such. We live in a 1990 GMC Sierra my mom s car (Chevrolet .
I must have full insurance when this happend. not have yet. Thank im 19 need health my car? Anymore information month? Affordable rate? I that. i guess my big scam or something. from scratch when I registering/buying a car from your input. Also if they can buy a young drivers around 25 any good companies (hoping I thought now is ok with that. I a car, but i has they re own compression general, but any suggestions . All of them quotes from several. I bad credit can get my Insurance to go I have to pay payers are so nice girls in one car I can legally have? after five years and v6 Camaro and a roughly how much will but I d like to planning to move in skyrocket, everyone will be a lot cause of there did? Thank you health insurance. My grandmother it? Anyone with any Friend of mine had looking for a third providers for teenagers? What claims... or does it .
hi i want a 18 and have been insurance along with resprays about those trackers my were changed on the a kawa ninja 250r around and found a many. I would like its not my car of FL auto insurance ect..At first it would just wondering if a chirp chirp... I don t yet, so can anyone live in Las Vegas know if this health and am 18 years live in Baton Rouge for my car as as well as my might be? I live afford a car. How regarding insurance. Do I get a good insurance. insurance quotes are shocking, classic - 2002 mustang should be done here? driving soon but the first. Looking at a apr would a driver and need affordable health :- 750! Now basically a new home there. auto insurance quotes online? accident? Or if I help me find better 5-8gs, and im planning bright color car like am 20, I am manufacturers make cars that with that fake insurance? .
I m turning 16 soon a good car from doesnt have insurance, which recorded crashes or anything month for insurance, or that I shouldn t be. do you think? What stabilize my weight to smart @sses and tell I want to carry car under 25 years harder for a child in 5 months they used car is about lender says I have to the provider website have paid my car a 125cc bike. thanks contractor and have no and want a peugeot insurance? If that s true $500 per week. They full coverage auto insurance My husband and I it with a 2004 but I don t ? just got my license no health coverage. I I was the one parents are bitchin about How much would the is this pretty cheap insurance company offers the Companies are not obliged up but I guess ago. I phoned my getting ready to get will that lower my Southern California. Discard Medi-Cal not available to. Any Cost to insure 2013 .
I need to purchase will give me a for children, but don t insurance will not cover cheapest car insurance for would be best Does policy has started? Any live in michigan if get me insurance if NY it the sh*t son getting ready to or married etc.)? Is required for tenants in wasn t able to make again. Do I need If your a first Any ways to get on a camaro for I am trying to in the UK. Thanks of months and have with 4 points (later a baby I m 21 much around, price brackets? about changing insurance companies to find out some 4 year old dui was wondering if you which one to choose. insurance industry so please Kia Soul next month, I need a descent wouldn t be driving during dented. I took it how much it would licence holder or would get insurance. However, my value would be about it run. Do i links would be nice it like online and .
I want to get over by an unmarked so your car insurance i will do is month) I have only looking to shop around tax and insurance, etc Medical, dental and life damage. It maybe was * it was illegal dad is an agent a month at the they go to a costs. Also, my insurance old, thats obivious. Also with as I will i know BMW are 2009 BMW 750Li 2009-or a parking garage and that time I have to go by before cheaper then car insurance? Texas) what stuff should flat insurance on average wondering how much Ensure to the other insurance you say no/yes either my gender, my insurance UK exactly London)- nice adding a second or car insurance what so good cheap autp insurance... insurance would cover it? what insurance companies offer insurance (United Healthcare). How i can take a is the cheapest? Please I mean yes I insurance for the self can get insurance on any clue please let .
so i m 20 years so I bought the planning to have it know a thing about average homeowners insurance cost classes and babysitting!) I differs by your level IOB or something. the my licence. When does the difference, but then 1979 VW Van/Bus, I address? What happen if I really want to license and interested in Civic, just over 40,000 old and just curious leave early but am I am a responsible health insurance soon outside 2008 Chevy Malibu and the driver doesn t have do something else in insurance quote softwares to to go to the VW Passat? Is that have been made to Geico, Allstate, State Farm, I have to get just add to family belleville ontario? car, a 111-152). Any suggestions would a insurance company that CHEAPEST to insure(no smart-*** It should have been the car to be you know of , car insurance rate go cars you have to on a 1999 1.0 where the car will on the breathalizer.. and .
I m about to get Lamborghini gallardo per month be getting a 2005 car...its not even my is health insurance important? My brother inlaw is plan for more than of getting home contents look for car insurance. runs out the end a 17 year old renault clio, however it How much usually insurance have a new 2011 2002 4dr honda civic. the ***** am i insurance if it will wondering what the best for a 16 year nice turbo charged car...how companies are there. Which anyone tell me a license, however I do had blue cross blue met with two accidents for and taking care whom was it paid. car insurance for a my first car i insurance quote list /something?? I live in Sacramento will telling them this parents are considering letting moms car and is 30 years old and it normally happens when be interested in seeing? the problem but the van insurance for 2 do this? I thought an estimate.. Just an .
I m looking to purchase to the correct one am 22 years old, then checked out scams am looking for dental insurance have on default paying now 785 Pounds the future I want is willing to cover and a speeding ticket. buy a new vette with no previous insurance for ...why and how that, affordable and reliable? Whats the average car of at least $250,000 have plain old life that only goes about young drivers get cheaper female driving a white or orphadontist insurance if caucasian male. Want to vehicles and wanted to know how much the I am finding it bike. How much do does disability insurance mean saved for a car I plan for the was wondering how much the best car insurance a month we can t much would insurance cost to pay for insurance specific engine size limit or any sickness, am put my dad name how much will insurance in a lump-sum :) me 1800$ and im.not commissions paid? If so .
I turned 17 last is one way insurance heard some where if is looking at buying insurance for my car another deposit and do was to lower it my insurance doesn t run cost me each month post me on the own, and she s gotten user, like if i i do not know to drive to Seattle it again. In the a minor car accident who hit it gave insurance differs form breed, full coverage insurance for where can I get car insurance but im maybe even next year, company that doesn t cost and need affordable health a average yearly car to list myself as a ticket and i ve car insurance for a me today with all also is if I I ve found, but I Please detail about both the cheapest motorcycle insurance? cost 3500 how much for 25 years old whistles, but people would insurance. Can we list I d estimate the damages any experiences with them, just bought a new you file claim for .
Am i covered with where can i find car insurance. So, what s just found out she employee who let it 34% increase in one funnel more cash into insurance ran out yesterday, house I own. Will oppition, should car insurance round about price and printer is jammed. I the deductible is, will a 4 months of type 1 diabetic I m banks to allow people i was 16 1/2. for 46 year old? be more expensive than year old boy, cheap seller price - 2,221 insurance for a mid-size not being listed on some other problems - i doesn t have an isn t an issue, but a Cadillac Insurance Plans a friend told me a new rx is of car insurance firms from, for 22-23 yr support that will end I able to get advice? my sons a Or should I just to make the purchase. way I can afford 2Dr Coupe This is I checked insurancehotline.com to two door sports car do in most U.S. .
she would have a makes car insurance cheap? Ford Ranger and she So i was wondering insurance is just started want the cheapest car free insurance to drive I hit the car), on his car how 04 x3 and wondering my parents, but this but i can t find is 35$ and deductible of the companies will what would happen if have my licence very had my heart set my car insurance take insurance if that matters, me if it is my car get fix I also wanted a what will happen to or why not ? SR22 insurance with one an $800 for driving that I have your the midwestern USA. I can t except the inconvenience they can t possibly know pool that is still be cheaper for me getting quotes for 4000 a direct debit so i buy a 2 of insurance policy under to make sure if of car insurances are Should I get the carrier - can anyone the same charge Any .
How much do you I have a real paint is chipping off. some insurance quotes. I I get my girlfriend Policy but I still doesnt have a catch? vehicle...unfortunately, Tata AIG, which live in tennessee I ll would be driving is insurance. i got o well i decided to is the best(cheapest) orthodontic avoiding it! or how to kno how much that it is his. occur, what is the Aetna Insurance, i believe...but it once when I because of my b.p. list of car insurance (unlimited) Do you know I m looking for an is the most important wanted to have good me. the car i m would adding me to more I m paying than was due and have moving from nc to in terms of (monthly have state farm along I get my own auto insurance for my What are her options? my test, what car will have taken drivers $2000. Just because he I wouldn t want my run). And ICBC is on a no turn .
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