#i probably didn’t tag them all but idrc fight me
obsessedwithyouxx · 5 months
soda is the loml. two bit is my pookie. steve is my main bitch. dally is ml. johnny is my bbg. darry is my bro. pony is my dumbass.
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jenguin · 3 years
Hi! I saw in your tags that you don't like Deku and that you could talk a whole bunch about how you don't like him.
I....would actually love to hear all about that👁👁
Unless you don't want to, then that's fine too! I just thought I'd ask since I'm curious🥰 have a great day \(^0^)/♡
dude dekus just so fucking annoying 😭
his character type reminds me somewhat of gon from hxh or tohru from fruits basket (and those are actually two of my favorite characters) because they are all supposed to be fairly innocent/pure hearted/sweet/always say the right thing to ppl but deku just falls short imo because it’s like the writers just decided not to give him any flaws?? like gon and tohru were both pretty naive and not too bright but they were kind to everyone and tried to help in whatever way they could which made them really likable to me!! but deku’s only character flaw is that he doesn’t have a quirk, which is literally solved in like the first or second episode. i guess you could count the fact that he cries easily as a flaw, and although i do find that to be annoying, i think that the creators probably did that to show how emotional he is or how much he cares or something idk. so i don’t think it was meant to be a flaw in the first place.
he also just gets everything he wants really easily. i know ppl are gonna argue w this bc he was bullied and he worked hard to obtain his quirk and he’s struggled to control his quirk etc but idc lol. yeah he was bullied but really the only scene where we saw this was in ep1 when he was in middle school and the kids laughed at him for wanting to apply to UA hero course and when bakugo told him to kill himself and threw his journal away. those scenes didn’t really make me empathize with deku though because they were already framed as mean bully kids picking on a guy who’s obviously in the right. and they were over in like two seconds anyway.
did he work hard to obtain his quirk? yeah i guess, but it all happened offscreen again so why should i care. yeah he showed his bravery when he helped saved bakugo from the sludge villain but then he’s immediately being rewarded by all might offering to pass down ofa to him. and pretty much all his efforts to prepare himself to inherit ofa were shown in a montage offscreen which doesn’t really give any emotional impact or show how hard he worked?
controlling his quirk is also shown to be hard for him because he ends up breaking his bones but we also know that he’s going to be fixed immediately after by recovery girl so there’s not really any risk :/ then when he’s told he might sustain permanent damage, he just switches to using his legs instead (which to me was an obvious solution anyway?) and everything is fine again. his powers also allow him to just beat up any villain he wants as long as he’s fine with breaking some bones so we already know he’s gonna win any fight he starts…
it’s even the same with minor plots like his love life. ochako starts liking him at first sight without any sort of build up, and because of the conventions of the shonen genre, it’s basically guaranteed that they’ll end up together, it’s just a matter of when. other girls just throw themselves at him too.. like toga and hatsume just sort of flirt with him or are naked in front of him or press their boobs against him as soon as they meet him when he’s already shown to be a very awkward guy so it just doesn’t make any sense for why they would do that.. it also just makes him really unrelatable because he doesn’t put any sort of effort in to make these girls like him they just flock to him lmao.
these are just my opinions though; i know some ppl really like him. so feel free to disagree if u want or add on idrc lol. also lemme know if i got anything wrong because it’s been awhile since i’ve watched mha (especially the scenes at the very beginning)
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