#i project onto my ocs a lot
yanderespamton78 · 26 days
OC :D !!
CW : mild body horror (mushrooms growing through skin, not gorey and not the focus of the image but kinda eugh)
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(ugh the colours look so much brighter on my drawing tablet like theyre meant to be desaturated but she is practically black and white uuughghghhh :(((( sidenote the pupils were an afterthought because you couldnt tell she was looking down at the snail)
okokok now im gonna ramble about this oc
i actually made her right when i first got into art and she was very dear to me for a while, but i kinda forgot about her and i havent drawn her in over a year. i have some older drawings of her at the end of the post (not letting you skip my ramblings).
So Willow lives in the forest by herself, and has done for as long as she remembers (dont ask how she got there (i havent thought of that yet)) which also means she has never had any need for communication so is completely mute. And im not sure what exactly Willow is?? but she is immortal. BUT!! you see those mushrooms growing through her skin on her cheek, neck, eye and hand? they are the only thing that limits her lifetime. she has this disease thingy that causes mushrooms to grow in her body and occasionally through her skin. She lives until the disease kills her, which takes a few hundred years. i actually made a diagram of all the places where the mushrooms grow a bit ago (down below with the old art). the mushrooms on her neck nearly killed her, the mushroom in her left eye means shes blind, and the one on her finger can make it harder to grip and use her hand in general. she has an animal companion, though this companion has changed throughout the years. it started off being a frog, then it became a swarm of butterflies, now its a snail? its probably going to stay a snail tho. I honestly cant remember why she is in the forest alone, i feel like she did have some reason but i forgot it. Prolly something basic like keeping the animals happy by feeding them mushrooms or smth idk. also she moves kinda weird?? i cant describe exactly what im thinking but almost kinda jerky and doll like. like Cyn from murder drones kinda. the same weird loose doll feel.
old drawings VVV (from 2022-ish oh god theyre so bad)
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the one on the left is the first ever drawing of her (it was just a sketch to practise and art style and then uh. smth happened)
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the one on the left is the first proper design i had of her and the one on the right is the aforementioned frog companion (he was called wizzy)
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that image ^^^ was drawn in 2023. i was trying to get back into art and i wanted to make willow again because i thought she was cool. theres some writing that you cant read but its not too important. mostly diagrams
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toonagi · 3 months
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another sketch page because i like making them lol. unagi time
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lelelego · 1 year
do you have an actual eli courier? like in the game? if you do, and you don't mind, would you be able to post a screenshot of what he looks like? because i can't get any of my male or masc characters to look even remotely good in the (truly awful) customization and nobody's made a mod that lets you use masc gendered terms & pronouns with a fem body yet, lol
yes of course and here he is ft. boone doing the npc stare. LOL
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yeah the customization isn't great but i've just learned to live with it / besides, you mostly only see the back of your courier's head anyway. and then i just setscale'd him to 0.95 (he's short), slapped some glasses on him because his eyes are truly the worst part of all this to me since i envision eli with like big dark eyes and a perpetual baby face. check this out
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i did do a mashup of the outfit myself though because i was all He Would Not Wear That
i'm not sure how much of an undertaking a diff pronouns mod would be but imo i feel like it should be... pretty easy... then again just making the clothes made me tear my hair out so who knows!!
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motteteto · 5 months
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freeny boy 🩹
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tv1xx · 3 months
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Meet my Invincible OC!
Full name: Zarathrax Vexthorn (Preferred name Zar, Zara, Thrax for short)
Gender: Female/Nonbinary (gender fluid) ((I don’t know how to properly word it my apologies, but yes, their gender is yes))
Pronouns: She/Her They/Them
Height: 6’4
Age: 20 (but actually a few hundreds years but they age slow so they look 20)
Species: Chnoite (Kuh-thoh-nights)
Planet: Cthonara (Kuh-thoh-nah-rah)
Powers: Dark Energy Manipulation: Zar has the ability to manipulate and control dark cosmic energies. They can shape this energy into various forms, such as projectiles, barriers, or tendrils, using it both defensively and offensively.
Teleportation through Shadows: She can travel instantly between locations by stepping into and emerging from shadows, utilizing the dark essence that permeates her surroundings.
Telepathic Connection with Cthonara: Zar can establish a telepathic link with other Cthonites and other species, allowing them to share thoughts, emotions, and information across vast distances.
Regeneration and Resilience: Zar possesses enhanced regenerative abilities, allowing them to recover from injuries at an accelerated rate. Her demonic physiology also provides natural resistance to various forms of damage.
Flight: She can achieve levitation and flight with her powers or wings, allowing her to navigate through the air with ease.
Strength: While her magical abilities are their primary strength, Zar possesses enhanced physical attributes, such as agility and durability, as a result of her fiend demon alien physiology.
Shapeshift: Zarathrax can mimic the biological forms of various creatures, from simple organisms to complex life forms. Her ability to replicate intricate details depends on her familiarity with the species, it takes them a few tries to transform into a “human” form.
More below… (ur free to ask me questions about them. <3 )
Zar Vexthorn is from the planet Cthonara. Chnoite’s are a group of people known for a blend of demonic power and cosmic energies in the universe, which makes them unique in their own way. Their appearances can vary but it’s a usual noticeable features are the sickly-pink skin, large black wings, heterochromatic eyes,large tail, pointed sharp teeth, their appearance can be seen as demonic. Zar is actually pretty short compared to the other Chnoite’s, despite being 6’4”, the average height is about 6’8” or higher, the taller ones are usually regarded as the most powerful. Despite the setback, she was proven to be the most useful and mystical Choite’s, training to be just as powerful since they were a child. Their planet was a thriving planet until the Viltrumite empire had invaded and destroyed her home and her people when they refused to resist, they were able to fight back but nonetheless, after the attack, it left them in ruins, and Zar was urged to flee with other survivors, By this time, Zar was already old enough to be on their own. Before she had fled, she was informed of a forbidden spell book that contained knowledge of the Abyssal Nexus, that most people of her planet did not know of. At first, she was informed to destroy the spell book as the Viltrumites could not get to it first, so she kept it and fled the planet, being able to escape with a few survivors safely. Escaping to a lone planet, one night in private, she tried to use a portal dimensional spell from the spell book, but it ended up backfiring as she was not experienced. It transported her through the Universe and onto Earth.
Earth’s arrival: Cecil Stedman was able to detect the unusual energy waves associated with her arrival, and they were quick to pinpoint and arrive to the crash site. Seeing the demon passed out, the GDA deployed agents carefully contained her within the depths of the facility, and contained them in an advanced magical barrier. When she had awaken, and saw herself in the cell, their first initial reaction was to resist but their magic and energy levels were too weak from the crash and was unable to break. They had watched her closely and Cecil approached them, asking where she was from and how did she get to Earth, and she only asked where she was and why she was in a confined cell. He communicated with her, stating that it was a precaution and that if she wanted out, they would have to cooperate. Cecil had also mentioned the spell book and basically threatened to use it against them if she didn’t talk. At this point, she didn’t know his bluff and ultimately agreed to cooperate. The spell book was kept watch and studied 24/7 by other GDA agents. Cecil had also looked through the spell book.
Trust: Cecil had recognized that Zar may not be an immediate threat or danger, and he had approached them with caution, communicating his intentions and trying to understand theirs. Zar eventually informed them why and how she really came to Earth, and how the Viltrumites had destroyed their planet, and they explained that the spell book was forbidden and stolen by her so the Viltrumites couldn’t get to it first. She explained that all she wanted was to protect the remaining survivors and their planet. Cecil had proposed a new idea, that she use her abilities to help Earth in the meantime as the Viltrumites were sure to return after Nolan’s departure. She was initially hesitant, as Earth was not her planet but they couldn’t live with themselves if Earth had fallen to Viltrumite rule, and they were scared of forming an attachment to another planet and its people after seeing her planet fall. She had proposed that she would only help if he lets her out the cell and if he gives back the spell book. Cecil knew it was a huge risk, but, he had little options, considering the Guardians of the Globe were a shit show and scared that Mark was mentally unwell after Nolan, he agreed, and it was a big secret between the both of them, just so no alarms can be raised. Cecil had lied to them by hiding Mark’s true Viltrumite heritage. (But that’s something we can get into later, let’s just say, they don’t take it too well…)
Quirks(?): During her time on Earth, she learned to be around humans, and see Earth from a new perspective. It took her a few tries but she was able to shape shift into a “human” form, like their first try, it literally looked like the most uncanny appearance ever and Cecil literally begged her to switch back because of how horrifying she looked (she thought she looked fine). She eventually got the hang of it. Since gender is fluid on her planet (and also finds how humans deal with gender traditionally ridiculous) they’ll often transform into either female, male or completely androgynous. Cecil and Donald are the only humans she mostly interacts with on a daily basis, she also finds herself interacting with others, some pleasant, some unpleasant. She also took time to learn what humans liked, and they end up being a BIG fan of the NFL, because of the hard hits and brutality of the game, even wanting to play but Cecil had advised them, saying “I don’t think any team is going to want a demon playing for them.” “Why not?” She also learns to like music, having a variety music taste, and she they love various foods and aren’t as picky.
Who I based this off:
I based it off a various of characters, such as Yubel from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (appearance wise)
A fun silly graphic on who I based them off:
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moxtoons · 7 months
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Tragedy gets trapped in his own head a lot
I swear I love my OCs-
Reblogs are appreciated please don't repost
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thanatosaria · 3 months
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pretty little risky baddie 🗡️
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#laya plays dragon age#da2#oc: liam hawke#this happened a bit ago already & i wanted to draw sth for it but idk if i will finish that#but i gotta yell abt them anyway because OGH.#i have a lot of emotions about this quest ok#bartrand was the perfect scapegoat he was perfect to direct all the rage and pain at all these years#years of imagining gleeful revenge while bartrand is gloating and laughing like an evil soulless bastard#and then you meet him and he is just. a pathetic husk of a man with barely any own will left#and whats worse. varric is so so torn up about it#varric. the guy who never makes anything about him and who will always handwave and joke when something hits too close to home#drops all efforts to be smart and is just. desperate. begs hawke to not kill his brother#and liam wants to want bartrand dead so bad. he wishes he could look him in the eye and enjoy taking his life#and he knows varric will listen to him if he insisted. he knows when it comes down it it varric will yield to his decision#but he sees this broken guy who is barely the villain he kept projecting onto him and he sees varric and he sees two doomed siblings#and knows what its like to lose your sibling to your own blade#and he cant do it#and he hates it so much. but he wont do it.#and its the reason why i cant decide who dealt the killing blow for bethany bc it makes this scene juicy in different ways#if varric kills bethy its equally wanting to spare each other their siblings blood on their hands#as it is taking some form of revenge (on liams part). we both killed each others siblings. now we are even#the revenge part would still be there if liam did the blow on bethany himself. you made me do that and now i will take bartrand for it#but its also much more i know what its like. i wont make go through that too#if varric killed bethy and then also bartrand it would be more#''its my fault she is dead. i will take the revenge she/you deserves if you tell me to even though it will hurt me#dunno. all good variations i will. have to rotate them in my head more#or maybe just never decide idk they can be in canon limbo forever#anyways thats it for shouting into the void about them for now it Will happen again
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clefadrylcorner · 1 year
I think the real reason everyone wrote about their superpowered ocs in some kind of experiment facility when they were younger was that A: It was cool and edgy as hell to everyone writing them, but also B: It gave those writers the space to explore the unique powers and abilities they gave their ocs in a literal confined space. Writing about werewolves and aliens and superheros is all fun and delightful, but what if you could flesh them out with how they work and operate under specific conditions. Couple that with a suffocating setting with a built-in plot trajectory (escape), and you have an easy shortcut into giving your ocs a story to pair with their characters. This works with all ocs too. Demons/Angels? Yes. Mermaids? Yep! Faeries? Go right ahead. Vampires? Right for the picking. Any human with 1 weird thing about them? Go for it! Writers have always loved poking their characters with sticks and seeing how they react. It's no wonder that an entire plot structure of evil scientists and research assistants doing the exact same thing would be so unintentionally popular among young writers.
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werebutch · 3 months
WSBH chara q’s: (you don’t have to answer all the numbers, just whatever you want to 𖢘)
16/35/51 for Scotch
1/6/55 for Atlas
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
okay i truly think scotch argues with seraph in his head all the time. ALL the time. scotch largely ignores them, and vice versa, because he dislikes them and they know it. seraph is very conflict avoidant lol, and as long as hes not a "threat" they dont care to talk to him about their problems. he probably argues with atlas and jacob (his older brother) too, atlas about more stupid small stuff, and jacob about childhood and life stuff :p
im trying to think of more general groups he would argue with but i cant come up with anything BAHAH. hes not exactly conflict avoidant in the annoying libra way that seraph is, he more just ignores conflict for his friends’ (mostly atlas’) sake. idk if that makes sense LOL
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
hmmm.. smallest? i mean scotch strings eloise along for most of the time pre timeskip. its not a main focus but its definitely important in order to understand scotch as a whole. she and scotch go out for a while, and mid way through that he realizes hes GAY gay. lol. and obviously lying to her about that is pretty questionable after a while. especially since he and atlas have been 👉👌 like the whole time. but she kind of knows. well
something a little bigger would be him encouraging or otherwise turning a blind eye to all the weird stuff atlas is up to. he doesn't know what it's like to be a werewolf, he can't say anything, right? lol.... murder is okay if its a talking dog doing it. scotch enabler supreme. actually when seraph is introduced, he and atlas have a 'joke' (kind of starts being real) about luring seraph somewhere to kill them. obviously doesnt happen and gets abandoned. but i think its important to know about their dynamic LOL
51. What’s a phrase they say a lot?
this guy is kind of goofy. i cant think of phrases rn but he has a specific way of speaking.. you could watch pretty much any old pop punk band interview and kind of get the idea. HAHAH
1. What’s the lie your character says most often?
atlas is a big fan of saying 'its fine' for all situations ever. family in mortal danger? its fine. completely splitting? its fine. arthritis excruciating? its fine. hes one of those people that dont like to deal with the fawning of others unless hes feeling real special. Ends up putting people in more danger a lot of the time. i think eloise is the only fan of communication in this friend group to be honest. i should have made her the main character
he tends to make promises he cant keep as well, but thats more general..
6. What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
i have NO idea. i feel like atlas would be a music snob, so maybe his favorite 'super underground' bands. otherwise he'd probably never recommend raw human meat to another human (no matter how much scotch asks -__-).. (he would chicken out anyway)
55. What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
um. so atlas hates working out. he especially hates running, you know, the thing that wolves are known for doing a lot of? unfortunately the lycanthropy came with a side effect of pretty bad arthritis, so that doesnt exactly encourage him. he DOES exercise, a lot since hes pretty much required for his ermm "side job", but he hates it 😸 besides the arthritis it’s mostly because I think it’s silly that he hates it. yay
#ummm a lot of what i talk about with my ocs are the character relationships but thats why i write. i like gossip. its fun. LMFAO#im actually having trouble deciding whether i want atlas to be a killer or not. like regularly killing i mean. hes definitely killed SOMEON#im really inspired by ginger snaps and scream. i dont even like scream that much but it reminds me of how they are. lol#scotch and atlas are pretty different but theres two things i see as themes. they both hate communication (and that causes conflict; so mor#avoiding). and the fact that scotch lives vicariously through atlas. atlas is doing#what scotch thinks is interesting. for pretty much the entire time; scotch likes to beg atlas to turn him. i think scotch sees the lack of#control he has over his life and sees lycanthropy as power. arguably thats why scotch is so attracted to atlas. lol#idk. thats not canon. im just thinking out loud here.#and yk it is power but not freedom. atlas would much rather just be a regular wolf. hunting and shit. but hes got these damn people here lo#but he sees what his life is like being a lycanthrope and hes kinda like. no. im not bringing that onto you. you dont know what youre askin#YOU KNOW? its goofy. i know. but its fun. LOL#if you (a general audience you but it can be you too grins) want to talk about scotch's confusion about his attraction to eloise we'd be#here all day. i think scotch is an egg. i dont know. i truly think theres some vicarious living (again) through her femininity.#and el is trans so he doesnt see her femininity as unattainable to him. you know? i hope that makes sense lol and im kind of projecting on#to him wif dat. to be honest. but obviously in the other direction. BWAHAH#asks#eucyon#thank u for da ask jesse this is so fun ^__^ and exciting that someone remembers their names HAH#after all this talking in the tags what I meant to say is that scotch and atlas both have sick intentions. it’s just that scotch doesn’t#act on them. and atlas does. so. living vicariously. ok
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drpeppertummy · 5 months
Idk if you'd be interested but you should draw a character you like to use to represent yourself. I’m mostly just curious and stuff.
honestly ive tried a few times & i either wind up not liking the design or not feeling like they represent me enough😭😭😭 but i Do wanna have a character like that i need to like commit to something
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stayatsam · 1 year
oh god so glad im being presenting my masc again lately i didn't realize i was unintentionally making myself dysphoric for like the past two years
i liked the way they looked so i would wear primarily ladies' clothes, esp since they fit me better (hourglass body shape), and i couldnt figure out why i always felt off in pictures of myself and was disconnected.
and then just kept not getting a haircut so my hair got long (still liked it ngl) but i finally sat down and thought and i was like fuck it's dysphoria. since i started T and got top surgery it's been so minimal i hadn't noticed it until fairly recently
anyway got a haircut, growing my beard thicker and bought some new clothes and i feel wayyyyy better
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funvaluebrand · 6 months
No pressure at all but I’d love to hear more about Rae! Was Rae also the OC in your old banner? :Oc 💕💕💕💓❣️ /nf
aaaa thanks for asking, I didn't think anyone would really be interested in her ;w; here's part of her character sheet, still a messy WIP but has too much some info at least
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(she wasn't the one in my old banner, but I do make her hair dark in b&w drawings so I get why it looked like her)
random tidbits about Rae & W.D. below jfgjfgjgkjhg
working through their traumas... together 🤝
always bonding through dry humor and really lame banter
she leaves silly notes for him to find at work
helps him with his work a lot, despite feeling underqualified
tries to hide her insecurities, but he knows and is always encouraging her. they're each other's biggest fans :3
she gets a lot of attention at cons when he shows up at her booth (who knew he could boost her sales just by existing!)
now everyone assumes she wrote her monster x human romance because of him and it's a little embarrassing
ideal date: snuggling under a blanket and binge-watching documentaries and if they get distracted, oh well ;)
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redstrewn · 1 year
SO tell me about your touchstarved oc (background if you have one.) and what her relationship would be like with everyone? 🙃
Omg my MCs are so undeveloped LOOOL. I technically have 3 (one for each background) but I guess only my unnamed and alchemist actually have working personalities.
I've been biased to my unnamed so I'll talk about her.
Nava (The Unnamed)
Notable traits
Fatal flaw: cowardly to a dangerous extent. I like to think because she's used to a more comfortable life (see: the unnamed noting Lowtown as being different from what they're used to), she struggles to discern the appropriate reaction to anything threatening. Her overwhelming fear distorts her perception and can lead her or others to danger with rash decisions. I bet she'll die the most out of all my MCs hahah.
Insecure: I like to think that the priests made her feel special about her hands, and when reality came crashing down that they're actually cursed to do terrible things to people, her self-esteem crashed (gifted kid to average kid type of feeling). I like to think she was soo used to having her hands as the pillar holding her self-esteem, and now she's scrambling to feel good about herself for something. Cue being self-absorbed: she might be so busy thinking about herself that she ends up mistreating or throwing others under the bus to feel greater than she does.
Kuras: As any unnamed, she's wary of him. The familiarity has duality however: what reminds her of being lied to also reminds her of home; so despite reservations, she finds him comfortable, in a way. The unnamed is used to cold distance like in her temple anyway (religion often causes repression, after all).
Vere: Unfortunately, she hates him. Outwardly, she can't appreciate his vulgar and aggressive nature. But once again, unfamiliarity has duality: he is so unlike what she's used to that she can't help but envy him. So crass, so vulgar. It's everything she's been taught to bury deep inside her that's growing. I think Vere's existence influences her to let out some of that, so it stops accumulating as much.
Ais: Though he's a monster, he's, ironically, maybe the one she's found herself most drawn to. Maybe having a less-than-metaphorical second sense for things has something to do with it. Despite his violence and unsettling company, she sees his sincerity. Despite being annoying (he just ditched to go drinking?!). After being lied to so much, his heart being on his sleeve is very much a breath of fresh air, and I think Ais is likely the most "canon" route she'll choose. (Ironic isn't it? With how much I obsess over Leander lol).
Mhin: She finds them intimidating, to say the least. But she can't dislike them. She has a respect for them for saving her life. Despite their attitude, she understands where they're coming from. She's grateful for any help at all, and expects no kindness from anyone. She wishes she was half as capable as them.
Leander: Of course I saved my current fave for last. Frankly? She finds him overwhelming and exhausting. He is so forward and aggressive. She likes him—far too much to be comfortable about it. He keeps making her feel to an extent where she can't find herself thinking clearly, and she abhors that (maybe only a little more than she enjoys it). She's thankful for the food and board and...enthusiasm. But she often finds herself wanting to get away from him to catch her breath.
I tried to make things as concise as possible, but yet again I ramble! Thank you so much for asking me about my OC ♡
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mattodore · 1 year
Tell me more abt Theo 👁️
being asked about my little guy makes me feel so warm 🥹 but whew... i don't even know where to begin.
cw for mentions of drug use and child abuse
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so this is theodore or theo as he prefers. everyone say hi theo 👋
theo is a man in his early twenties who's been having a pretty rough time coping with the traumas of his life and has developed some nasty habits and defensive behaviors because of that. theo was born as the only child of an investment banker (his father) and a heart surgeon (his mother), who were both very clinical and hands-off parents — in fact, the only time they were hands-on were when they were hurting him. so theo initially grew up more under the care of his childhood au pair rather than his parents.
theo's parents were more on the outside of his life up until they started pushing their ideas of academic and social excellence onto him around his teenage years, which was also around the time they sent away his au pair and expected him to start fending for himself. he was maybe around ten or eleven years-old then. theo's rebellious phase was very short-lived at this age as he was cowed back into line pretty quickly. in such a high-tension household he was always on edge unless his parents were away, which gave him a messed up sense of comfort in isolation.
being sent to boarding school for his summers gave him the chance to explore his sexual orientation but the shame overwhelmed him back into repressing. as he got older the idea of love and physical affection distorted pretty bad when he was so used to any kind of touch being a source of hurt. late in his teens he began to rebel again in little ways like with his fashion choices and growing out his hair. theo was used to the violent reactions his parents would show in the face of these infinitesimal rebellions and, in a way, he craved them. in his mind, the only time his parents showed him attention was when they were hurting him... and he wanted any kind of acknowledgement he could get from them. the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference... and they proved themselves to be far from indifferent when he was acting out.
when he moved out for college he didn't know what to do with himself. theo struggled a lot in that first year of college... he was suffering from some fucked up kind of separation anxiety, almost, despite everything. he very quickly fell into unhealthy coping mechanisms to handle the pain of separation. partying was something he found himself doing a lot. all those people showing him attention, the alcohol, the drugs... self-destruction was an easy vice to fall into for him and in many ways was another way to rebel. he escaped that way. in college, theo has a group of people he sees often who view him as a friend, but his view of himself as unlovable from an adolescence of abuse and neglect has him unreceptive to the notion.
as an adult, theo is still closeted when he's with his family. he can't help but crave the approval and affection of his parents, so he dresses the part and he tries to be what they want him to be. alone, he tries to be himself... but he doesn't exactly know who that is anymore.
theo is a loner, prone to bouts of depression, noncommittal, easily jealous, competitive, kind of waspish and mean at times, and touchy; like an injured animal with its hackles raised, who lashes out to scare others away. he's also desperate for affection, fashionable, diligent, intelligent, and alluringly magnetic.
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these two drawings were made months apart but i realized just now they’re kind of like a before and after so i’m posting them together here
basically just some more stuff of my oc nine, they have witnessed the horrors and then they came to terms with the horrors (and depending on when i finish it soon there’s gonna be another drawing where they are in peace with the horrors <3)
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