#im not a horror fan in general but body horror is like YES
yanderespamton78 · 26 days
OC :D !!
CW : mild body horror (mushrooms growing through skin, not gorey and not the focus of the image but kinda eugh)
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(ugh the colours look so much brighter on my drawing tablet like theyre meant to be desaturated but she is practically black and white uuughghghhh :(((( sidenote the pupils were an afterthought because you couldnt tell she was looking down at the snail)
okokok now im gonna ramble about this oc
i actually made her right when i first got into art and she was very dear to me for a while, but i kinda forgot about her and i havent drawn her in over a year. i have some older drawings of her at the end of the post (not letting you skip my ramblings).
So Willow lives in the forest by herself, and has done for as long as she remembers (dont ask how she got there (i havent thought of that yet)) which also means she has never had any need for communication so is completely mute. And im not sure what exactly Willow is?? but she is immortal. BUT!! you see those mushrooms growing through her skin on her cheek, neck, eye and hand? they are the only thing that limits her lifetime. she has this disease thingy that causes mushrooms to grow in her body and occasionally through her skin. She lives until the disease kills her, which takes a few hundred years. i actually made a diagram of all the places where the mushrooms grow a bit ago (down below with the old art). the mushrooms on her neck nearly killed her, the mushroom in her left eye means shes blind, and the one on her finger can make it harder to grip and use her hand in general. she has an animal companion, though this companion has changed throughout the years. it started off being a frog, then it became a swarm of butterflies, now its a snail? its probably going to stay a snail tho. I honestly cant remember why she is in the forest alone, i feel like she did have some reason but i forgot it. Prolly something basic like keeping the animals happy by feeding them mushrooms or smth idk. also she moves kinda weird?? i cant describe exactly what im thinking but almost kinda jerky and doll like. like Cyn from murder drones kinda. the same weird loose doll feel.
old drawings VVV (from 2022-ish oh god theyre so bad)
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the one on the left is the first ever drawing of her (it was just a sketch to practise and art style and then uh. smth happened)
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the one on the left is the first proper design i had of her and the one on the right is the aforementioned frog companion (he was called wizzy)
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that image ^^^ was drawn in 2023. i was trying to get back into art and i wanted to make willow again because i thought she was cool. theres some writing that you cant read but its not too important. mostly diagrams
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hdra77 · 4 months
Ok since this blog is kinda getting alot of attention i'll just make a pinned post about a little bit of myself
Heyy! i'm Soren!
You can call me zarou or dra
I am bilingual but im more comfortable speaking in english (still bad at it actually)
i really like cybercore,webcore,warcore aesthetic it may not look like it right now but expect a whole bunch of techcore designs soon
Oh and i am also a huge fan of astronomy,space and all of that sort. Along with post apocalyptic settings,body horror elements and eldritch beings.
Using my art as PFPs/Banners is okay! As long as you give proper credit! But reuploading my works without my permission or claiming them as your own is NOT okay. I will find you and i will hunt you down and turn you into a helpless flopping fish gasping for air.
Inspirations is ok too!! But please do not directly copy from the original work.
!! DISCLAIMER !! Btw please read this before following my blog!! There would be gore,body horror,dark themes and even some suggestive themes Sometimes but overall i do not post any explicit nsfw here !! (they can be filtered through tags but just putting this here as a heads up)
my DNI are basically the general DNI: proshippers,homophobes,etc. you know, the general
my interest varies but i currently hyperfixtate on these fandoms so far:
Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft
Warrior cats
My dms here are also open so feel free to send me a message! (No weird dms or you get instant block)
Im busy and i dont check discord as frequently but i would be happy to talk to you! I would also be glad to make friends im not intimidating i promise i dont bite totally-
My ask box are always open! Ask me anything basically, my aus, ocs, pretty much anything. You can also send some requests but they will take a gajillion years to finish but i promise ill get them done soon!
My socials:
Twitter - HINDRANCE77 (!! page contains some suggestive themes !!) Youtube - HINDRANCE77 Tumblr - hdra77 (you are literally here right now)
My tags:
#hdra7shitposts - yes, shitposts
#fishdoesart - all my art comes here
#fishdoesdoodles - random doodles and some occasional shitposting, mostly on ms paint
#fishdoesrequests - all my art requests comes here, so far this is where you find my ship requests (still open for now btw)
#wips - wips
#fishbites.txt - ramblings
#othersart - gifts/fanarts! Sometimes some reblogs
#asks - all of my responses comes here
My other blogs:
@nyaworld-askblog - for the nyaworld au! this blog is story driven but asks for specific characters are always welcome!
@fallowclans-unruly-demise - for a warrior cats clangen blog, still stuck in hiatus void
My Rainworld AU tags:
#rw voided au - simple AU about iterators called voideds who drains void fluids out of other iterators, theres also some rot infection going on too
#rw disarray au/SYSTEM FAILURE - a virus in Lttm's code had created a fatal error in her system which caused her to slowly spiral into insanity as she would slowly loosen her grip onto reality, claiming that she had found the solution to their problem..but was it really the answer all along?
#rw nyaworld au - joke au about the entire rainworld cast taking place in the 2000's this one is purely just for nostalgia purposes #into the sigverse - technically considered an au. this is just a silly little askblog about different versions of NSH interacting because for some reason they can now magically interact with different alternate universe versions of themselves. ocs being used to interact is allowed to!! anyone can use this tag however they please you don't have to send me asks to be a part of the sigverse
My Rainworld Oc tags: #Sector7c - official oc local group tag!
#7c dystopian arbitrary
#7c golden life
#rw ocs #ocs
-- still WIP --
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sorenflyinn · 16 days
*ahem* I'm just really excited and hyped-
idk if you rather write this as a oneshot or a headcannon, it's up to you!
How about a telekinesis reader (think of tatsumaki from OPM) who is known to be dating shoji. Like-- the scene here is when shoji tells the whole class about his past like in the manga. Reader is someplace else when his history/face reveal happened. Mina or any of the girls in the class, out of curiosity and care for their friends, asked if reader already saw his face and all. And he's like-- 'Yeah and y/n had a VERY different reaction to it than all of you here.' and the whole class became like low-key angry till he laughed and explained how reader had the most perfect response to his reveal.
Because when he showed his face to reader, reader looked at him sadly while caressing the scar on his face and started saying like "Oh Mezo, what happened? This must have been painful *smiles sadly at him* but even with the scar, I still love you."
Cue Mezo malfunctioning. Because this bitch fr thought he was wearing a mask to hide his scars like 😭 'Im using this mask to hide my face in general???' Like he has to make sure and tried explaining and reader is like- "Huh? Scary? You??" Like-- that's why reader's reaction was his favorite so far. It was not out of fear or pity- it was anticlimactic turned romantic. (Reader probably already had seen too much in the hero field to be phased anymore lmao)
Sorry this got long-- I'm a deprived mezo fan since 2019. And only started brainrotting now when authors and content creators started giving him some love 💕
Shoji x gn!reader
a oneshot on how y/n reacts to seeing shoji’s face for the first time (along with class 1-a)
This contains manga spoilers, so read if you’d like
Mezo was worried about doing this without you, his girlfriend, there with him, but he said he would do it, so he’ll follow through with it.
When Aizawa asked for your help in regards to Eri’s power, Mezo decided that it was time to reveal his face to the rest of the class. He didn’t want you caught up in the trouble that might occur with their reactions.
As everyone sat in the main room, he took his mask off, bracing himself for his reactions before telling them all his story.
As he explained it all, their reactions were around the same, shock and horror painting their faces before they all went to hug him.
After a moment of silence, Yaoyorozu spoke up, “Have you shown Y/N yet?”
“Yes I have, and they had a very different reaction to it than you all did.”
All of their eyes widened in shock at what that could mean, and as Shoji realized they were taking it the wrong way, he corrected them, “No, no, they didn’t react badly, they just..”
You and Mezo were in your room, him fidgeting constantly as he sat on your bed next to you, watching you practice your quirk on different things around your room.
Just as a pencil floated into your hand, you looked over to him, a worried look on your face, “Hey, are you okay? You’ve been fidgeting a lot.”
He turned to you before diverting his eyes, nerves filling him after each second. Taking a breath to calm himself, he looked back at you, “I was thinking.. I’m ready.”
You blinked, “Ready for what?” After a moment you realized, your eyes lighting up in glee, and you gasped, “Really? Are you sure?”
He smiled at you, albeit, under the mask, but you could see the corners of his eyes crinkle a bit which was a telltale sign for you, “Yeah, I’m sure.”
Turning his body towards you fully, he took a deep breath as you did as well. You smiled gently before taking one of his big hands in your own, “Take your time, love.”
He squeezed your hand gently before letting go, his hands going up and lowering his mask. The bundle of nerves in his stomach seemed to quadruple, only for it to melt away as he felt your hand gently cup his cheek.
“Mezo.. what happened?” You gently rubbed your thumb over his cheekbone, “This must’ve been painful.. but even with the scars I still love you.”
It took him a moment to realize, but those words along with how you looked at him showed that you didn’t even realize that the shape of his face was different, and instead you thought his reason for hiding his face was the scars.
“N-No, I don’t hide my face because of the scars, it’s because of.. well, people always told me my face was scary..” He averted his gaze away from you.
“Wh- huh? ‘Scary’??” Bringing your other hand to his face, you brought his gaze back to yours, “All I see is an absolutely gorgeous man, I don’t see anything about you that I would consider ‘scary’.”
After a few moments of looking into each other’s eyes, Mezo’s arms were hugging you to him tightly. No words were spoken as you sat like that in his arms, calmness finally washing over his worries as if they were never there.
“Thank you.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for, Mezo.”
Pulling back, he looks at your lips then back to your eyes, and you nod softly with a small smile. Slowly leaning in, you share a soft kiss.
Bliss fills both of you as you pull back, going back to hugging as he lays back with you on top of him, your weight relaxing him as he feels the exhaustion of worrying catching up to him, causing him to fall asleep on your bed.
As he finished retelling the story, he looked up at his classmates who all had tears in their eyes as Mina was the first one to speak, “That- *sniff* was such a cute story.”
Right as she blew her nose, you opened the door to the dorms, slightly shocked to see everyone sitting in the main room, and even more, that they were all looking at you.
“I’m guessing I missed something important?” Looking over to your boyfriend, your eyes widened as you saw him without his mask on in front of them. He smiled at you softly, to which you reciprocated instantly, “It seems I did.”
Walking over, you start to see that all of your classmates have tears in their eyes which cause you to worry, looking between them and Mezo. “As much as I’d like to be caught up to speed, I should really go to be-”
You were cut off as Mina and the rest of the girls jumped and hugged you as Ochaco said something about how adorable that story was, but you didn’t think you heard correctly.
Stuck in their grasps, you struggled out a, “Ok, nevermind I’ll just stay here then.” Before hugging them all back.
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oflgtfol · 11 days
Ive never read venom 2003 before https://oflgtfol.tumblr.com/post/751671883581325312/nvm-about-the-comments-people-are-unironically#notes and bc of this post i looked it up for the art style and. I like personally just barely tolerate it tho im somebody whose just Immune to this point to ugly art styles ive seen em all they cant hurt me anymore but my thing is like. Isnt venom 2003 a thing spoof? Like based off the thing??? Why did they get a hyper cartoony guy for this…. Like… huh… isnt it meant to be scary i heard???
ok so a few things
regarding the art style first:
venom comics are quite frankly full of ugly fucking art styles so i too am kind of immune to them. just like, any of the mid to late 90s venom solo comics were butt fucking ugly. HOWEVER. venom 2003 is a specific king of ugly that is particularly atrocious to me. just something about the noses, the lips, the jawlines, it's basically just the caricature art style??? but like, in a comic for some reason??? and i also really hate the caricature art style so much i don't understand why people A. make art in that style and B. pay others to make art of them in that style
but whatever. ugly art is very common in comics of all walks of life. it's fine. but the real kicker, and the real thing i was talking about that prompted me to make that specific post, is this fucking page:
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i have such beef with this man over how he draws female characters. it is so needlessly objectifying and dehumanizing. like, the male characters get to just exist, but oh god, how dare a woman wake up from her slumber, we must must must depict her languid curves and the rotundity of her breasts !!! combine this very deliberate objectification with the stupid fucking pouty lips choice behind the art style in general, it's just so gross
and then, the icing on the cake was the comments on readcomiconline about that specific page from venom 2003:
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(how dare you put the good name of sleeper symbiote to shame like this!!!!!!!!)
anyway, and moving onto The Thing spoof:
yeah so the "shiver" arc of venom 2003 (because this god forsaken comic run is separated into arcs for some fucking reason) was a riff on The Thing (1982). which, how dare you put the good name of The Thing to shame like this.
and like, i do really think that a symbiotes x thing crossover idea could work. a symbiote who goes rogue, who has no qualms with killing anyone around and doesn't care about its hosts, absolutely would basically be like The Thing and as a fan of body horror i'd love to see a take on symbiotes like that. instead of just oh big claw monster kills people, what about big goo alien assimilates you and rends you apart atom by atom !?!?!?!!? just wish it wasn't in the image of Venom Symbiote, my beloved babygirl who has never done anything wrong ever in its entire life
and yes, the body horror aspect of symbiotes x thing doesn't even hit correctly because the art style is just so atrocious. like, the body horror itself isn't grotesque because the art itself is grotesque, and not in any meaningful way. like Venom: The Hunger (1996) is also quite fucking ugly with its art style but its purposefully ugly - the muted, putrid colors with the heavy black shading are meant to be off-putting, to visually echo the frame of mind that symby, and by extension eddie, is in. because the whole story is about how symby is sick, so a putrid color palette feels sickly, and the grotesque shading makes every character look monstrous, because the sickness is warping their sense of reality and genuinely making them feel like they're surrounded by monsters. IT WORKS FOR THE STORY!!!! but venom 2003 it's just, plain bad art. it's cartoony, it's like a caricature, it does not lend itself to body horror on par with The Thing. caricature art styles are great for like, an uncanny valley feel, but that's not what venom 2003 is going for. it has the chutzpah to show rooms littered with dead bodies, but the art style is so fucking messy and chaotic that i literally cannot make sense of what i'm looking at, so therefore the horror of it doesn't hit me. there is no visual clarity or purpose and worst of all IT'S SEXIST and i hate it
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tittysuckersworld · 1 year
okay doing smth i am anxious to do but am gonna try yes! yeet opening small comissions!
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these are the two different complicated styles i can do, both of them are priced at 15 dollars per person. is mostly just sketch with ink here. if you want a digital line art will probs add like 10 dollars to total but it very much depends- if want anything drawn very much will most likely discuss it a lot cause im v e r y new to this- dont even have way to get payed yet- but you know gonna figure that out once more yes!! idk-
can also do some simpler stuff with this super duper simple style for like just 5 dollar per character? again still dont know stuff fully-
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if digital lined depends on how long it would take me same with flat colors. im not comfortable enough with online drawing to do complex colors but like hypothetical here, a drawing like this would cost about 80 dollars mabey?
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again very loose but minimum wage is about 17 dollars per hour and this picture took me like 3 hours? mabey more 4 but i dont know again- then the aditional 2 people added 15 each but if that is bad then idk! this is try out to advertise myself and see if anyone would actually like my art-
also, if youd like me to help design a character with you id be so down! but would take a lot of work and be very variable with how much costs with how many drafts and research until you happy but i really like designing characters and helping figure out how parts of character design could work practically and all that stuffs. again, if things not best pls negotiate things!!!
lastly, i am a full time student and my studdies come first so if theres inportant tests or inportant projects i will prioritize that and not take commissions.
p.s. im still gonna make lots of fan art and do drawings that others in general want- plus if your my friend i will draw for you to show affection. this is not a negotiation, i will gib you art. thank you for reading this far if you have!!! have a nice day :>
p.p.s. if you wanted some spooky body horror art i can also draw that ;)
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sexybabystevie · 2 years
hi, em!! congrats on 100 followers, you deserve it, lovely!
anyway,, i wanted to request for the garden event, and use the red rose prompt for steve harrington! :)
im a poet, i absolutely love writing. i'm trying to study to become a psychiatrist. im a hopeless romantic, i love reading and watching cliche romance movies, however, i'm not a big fan of huge romantic gestures, i like to keep things casual because making situations big like that stress me out😭 anyway,, i love horror games and movies, i also love listening to music (who doesn't). im extremely sarcastic. i can also be extremely emotional. i love haribo pineapple gummy bears, its a very bad obsession. i also love hanging out with friends and i also play guitar, so i love singing and playing on said guitar.
i also totally forgot half the things i wrote last time, so i just put some new stuff, you don't have to add some parts if it helps.
again, congrats on 100 follows, have a nice day/night, take care of yourself! <3
A/n: Ela!! Thank you so much for requesting (and for resending it when it somehow got deleted)! I'm super excited to write this for you, and I really hope that you like it!! <3
Steve Harrington Masterlist
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Saturday Night Sleepovers
Best Friend!Steve Harrington x Reader
Tags and Warnings: No Warnings, Best Friend!Steve Harrington, Soft!Steve Harrington, Sleepovers, Movie Nights, Confessions of Feelings, Very Casual (but Intimate) Friendship and Relationship.
Word Count: 1916
On the weekends when the typical absence of Steve Harrington's parents cause his house to feel more empty than usual – more like a facade of wealth and perfection than a welcoming home – you're the first person that he invites over for a party. These parties are nothing like what he used to throw when he was more popular; instead of filling his house with as many bodies as he can, people he had never even met before lining his halls, these gatherings are far more intimate. In fact, he's not even really sure if he can legally call these meetings 'parties' when the only two people always involved are you and him. (Sometimes Robin is invited, and sometimes a few of the kids crash at Steve's place for a few hours, endlessly talking about things that happened at school or just in their lives in general. Most of the time, though, it's only you two.)
Having been his best friend for a little over a year now, it was customary for you to get a phone call on an occasional Saturday morning, smiling to yourself as Steve tries to bribe you into coming over with the promise of some of your favorite snacks – not that he even has to do that; you would say yes in a heartbeat, regardless. You always say yes, and you always feel your heart tug a little when he tells you that he'll be on his way to pick you up in five, the smile on his face audible in his excited tone.
He honks his car horn when he pulls into your driveway – he knows he doesn't have to, knows that you've been expectantly waiting for him ever since he got off the phone with you, but he likes to see you playfully rolling your eyes as you get into the passenger seat.
That's where you are now, standing outside of his maroon BMW as you open up his back seat and put your bags into it. Usually you keep them in the floorboard with you up front, but you have more with you this time – your guitar case take up far more space than you imagined – so you waste no time in piling your things up in the space behind you.
You're quick to close the door and hop back into your seat – the only person who would ever put up a fight for it was Dustin, and sometimes you let him have it if you're feeling extra generous – buckling yourself in at rapid speed. Steve seems to notice your haste and raises his brows in your direction as he starts driving.
"Someone seems excited."
"Of course! It's not every day someone offers to buy me any and all of the snacks I could even imagine eating."
Steve chuckles at your antics and smiles smugly as he says, "You know, I don't even have to ask to know exactly what you'll end up getting."
"Yeah, because you've known since the very day we met." You look at him with a soft, playful smile, only to see those same features mirrored on himself.
"You'll buy the entire pack of Haribo gummy bears and pick out all of the pineapples because you insist that they're the best."
"Because they are!"
Steve doesn't argue back; he actually does agree with you. Ever since you walked into Scoops Ahoy and asked for an ice cream cone with gummy bears on the side – 'Would it be too much to ask for only the light yellow ones?' you had said – he had known that you were someone he wanted to keep around. Plus, you'd given him a few of them before, and he did get it. They were definitely the best out of the flavors given.
Instead, he just laughs, admiring the matter-of-factly way that you cross your arms and stare at him.
"And, as always, you'll say that you'll eat the other flavors too, but then you'll "forget" and I'll have to eat the rest."
You only roll your eyes and smirk at him in response.
"As if you don't devour them all in minutes and then thank me for not eating them under your breath."
Some more friendly banter follows through, as it always does with the two of you, and before long, you're carrying grocery bags into the large front door of Steve Harrington's house. You work together to put away the things that you aren't planning on eating right away, and then you're flopping right onto his couch with your bowl full of dissected gummy bears.
Steve walks into the room after you, arms full of various movies that he lays onto the coffee table before you.
"So, I wasn't sure if you were in more of a 'scare-your-socks-off' horror mood or a 'let's-pine-for-the-relationship-these-two-have' romance mood," he says, spreading out each tape and letting you read the titles that he totally didn't break work protocol to get for you.
Two horror movies – Poltergeist and A Nightmare on Elm Street – and two romance movies – Dirty Dancing and Sixteen Candles – are what he's chosen. You know you'll have plenty of time to watch them both today and tomorrow – you always spend the Sundays after your sleepovers lounging around his place for as long as you can, relishing in every mere moment that you have with him – so you close your eyes and randomly pick one to get your marathon started.
"Sixteen Candles it is," you say, handing the movie to your best friend so that he can go place it in the player.
Steve does so quickly, pressing the tape into the machine and rushing to his place next to you on the couch, as if he's going to miss something crucial in the first fifteen seconds of the movie. You giggle to yourself, finding his urgent and serious expression oddly adorable. Your chest feels a little tighter, softly compressed as your heart seems to speed up its beating, but you try not to pay it any mind.
You and Steve were close, and sometimes you almost verged into something that was slightly outside the realm of what best friends were known for doing. However, despite your absolute adoration for the flashy romance movies you watch, you would rather not experience something like that in reality. Making things so suddenly serious was scary, and you preferred to keep things the way they were, with you and Steve being each other's go-to people.
The movie begins and Steve's arm slings over your shoulders like it always does, fingers softly rubbing little random shapes into the skin right at the edge of your t-shirt sleeve. You scoot nearer to him, head resting softly against his chest as you face the TV and keep your attention on the events happening on screen. The warmth from his body radiates into yours, like your own personal heater, and you can vaguely feel the steady beating of his heart against your cheek.
The movie progresses with you resting against Steve, your supply of pineapple gummy bears slowly diminising as you pop them into your mouth every few mintutes. Occasionally you take one and lift it blindly up to his mouth, without bothering to look away from the TV. If you ever misplace it, hand ending up nowhere near his lips, he never says anything about it.
It seems like it's all too soon before the end credits are rolling and you and Steve are lazily standing up, backs and knees popping from your prolonged positions. After stretching, you sniffle a little and he's turning towards you with lightning speed.
His eyes are filled to the brim with concern until you jokingly swat at his arm, almost giggling again.
"Come on, you know how these movies can make me kind of emotional!"
Steve laughs – surprisingly more loudly than normal – and it rings throughout your brain for as long as you can keep it there, absently thinking that you wished you could hear such a genuine and carefree noise from him forever.
Except you must not be too aware of yourself, because the way Steve's eyes widen softly tells you that you might not have said that inside your head like you thought you had.
Minutes of an awkward silence follow, and you're really wishing that you had managed to keep quiet. The longer everything is noiseless, the more you want to say something to try and make it seem like anything except for what it was.
Meanwhile, Steve has your words bouncing around inside of his mind like the VHS logo that slides across the TV screen. 'I wish I could hear you laugh like that forever...' He's frozen in place, caught completely off guard by your admission, and while he knows that it very well could mean something else, that maybe you just mean it in a really friendly way, he can't help but hope that you mean it in the way it sounds.
After several long moments, he finally looks down at you with rose-dusted cheeks, softened brown eyes, and with his lips broken out into a bashful, hopeful grin.
"You could, you know," he says softly, gaze focused directly on you. "If you wanted to, of course. If... if that's what you meant."
You feel a lump of anxiety forming in your throat, and it's as if Steve can somehow tell that you're beginning to grow nervous at the prospect of things changing so drastically and abruptly.
"Nothing has to change!" he quickly says, hands lifted palm-up between the two of you as some sort of truce. "It can, if you want it to, but even then it won't change much. I mean, we're already pretty close. We don't have to rush anything, though. I guess that's what I'm trying to say?"
Steve's onslaught of nerves has you chuckling – you can't help it; he's so genuinely concerned about you but also so genuinely dopey that it has you giggling against your will – and at the sound of your own laugh, he gives in to the temptation and joins in.
As you listen to your shared laughter, you realize that he's right – nothing is really changing that much between you two – and you take both of his still uplifted hands into your own. You intertwine your fingers together, mirrored looks of adoration on both you and Steve, and while this is a bit of a newer feeling –the heat from his palms bleeding into your own – you do enjoy it.
The rest of the night follows as it would normally; you watch another movie together – horror this time, to balance it out – and you let Steve squeeze your hand whenever a jump scare pops onto the screen. (Don't tell anyone though, because he will adamantly deny that such a thing ever happened. Steve Harrington, afraid of horror movies? No way!)
Then, you read him some of your newest poetry, to which he always is a little lost, but is nonetheless enthusiastic. Even if you have to explain the meaning behind every line, he'll sit through it just so he can be properly proud of you.
Finally, the night ends with you playing your guitar, the quietude of the Harrington household filled with you – your voice and your guitar – something that makes Steve feel like he's found his home – the real one. He drifts off to the sound of one of the songs that you know is his favorite to hear you play, and you follow suit soon after.
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harrowhark or john for the character bingo?
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elaboration under the cut!!!! im so insane about these two....
disordered eating: harrow canonically does not enjoy food, seeing eating as more of a necessity than a pleasure. john also mentioned not eating enough to the point where his friends expressed concern about it before the resurrection. both of them have arfid in my mind.
weird about identity: inherent to being a lyctor of any kind. like who even are you lol
weird relationship with reality: hallucinations. delusions. the thin line between what you think is happening and what's actually happening.
ocd/adhd: im projecting. lol
body horror: again, inherent to being a necromancer in general. the story of how alecto's body was created. bones. flesh. all that
oddly specific headcanon(s): harrow carves mantras and secret messages onto bones. john used to be a big tv girl fan.
will wood lyrics: for harrow, especially outliars and hyppocrates. for john, especially hand me my shovel, i'm going in! and the song with five names.
has read theory: he has a phd. he cared so much about the enviroment. at some point, he must've picked up one or two of marx and engels' works.
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diancie · 8 months
🍒🍓🎀(what perfume/fragrance/scent do you wear)
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?
most of the time i act like a lovesick school girl with massive heart eyes. or i’m always picking on said crush more than ever
🍓- one secret about yourself
if i told u the secret it won’t be a secret anymore now would it? lol jk! ppl underestimate me cuz i like pink and cute shit but i also like gothic and macabre! im not a huge fan of horror in general but i dont mind the media i consume have some twisted and sick stuff (p.s. i’m referring to things that are like EAP’s the pit and the pendulum or shakespeare’s macbeth, not proshipper shit, not into that)
🎀 - what perfume / fragrance / scent do you wear?
currently in love with butterfly by…yes, bath and body works (i used to work there!) idk it’s so sweet and fresh and crisp i’m obsessed with it
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fangtastic-vampyra · 9 months
Reaaally hate how it seems I have to be "watched" by people from the system the whole rest of my life.
It's MKULTRA MILBAS targeted individual stuff. You know the people that they go after?
Those that would stick their neck out for somebody else.
You know. Yes. So. I have to do a Stinkin' re-assessment sometime next week, ish, Im like "Im in for a life sentence. Schizophrenia gets worse when you get older. Very few people "get better" [or whatever they think] whatever that means, not understanding why I keep having to do a reassessment." I mean, I really hate Drs, of all kinds, I can take care of my Fecking self, and I want them to Bugger off in general. It was creepy asf. What is so hard to understand, stop thinking shit in my head, voices, v2k, and then, making me feel like shit with uh military, weapons? thennn tormenting me in my sleep. LIEK IF I FELT BETTER, I WOULD BE BETTER. a poisoned, drug, prescription or otherwise, filled body, with emo. pain, and trauma, and not enough healthy meals, and shit, prolly aint going to be around very long. plus parasites and what have you. I CAN BE A SCREET DR. JKKK. Just a herbal supplement recommender. :] {been studying those since I was 16, got a lot of time behind me on that particular interest, yah, thats why got me all into trouble, rebelling against norms, well if Punch Line really is my ..mm.. hear voices saying dont go out with her buut...what could i get out of it? it will probably, if i dont try, end up like harley and me, im fubar.. F.U.B.A.R.} And that? Was Mr and Mrs Smith.
And she mentions the Govt program medicaid enforces it every 6 months. I'm like nooooo. Even though I know it's fake, and thats fake, I have too much rage, to not be on meds, but I don't think they're quite ready to let me only be on one anti-"psychotic" umm Vraylar and Seroquel, are my two, and we lol we -- are doing great.
Yes Im a plural, also. DID... MPD.
Anyway-- I think I "actually am" schizophrenic.. Not just a Fake illness.. But Idk maybe it's just damage from previous incarnations. Some lady read my palms and said I was reincarnated. Neat.
Meanwhile, I've gotten into some sick sort of reminescensing/revenge thing. Prolly the first male "plague rat" -- Waheyyy. Emilie Autumn fan. They want them young, to study, and observe, if ya know what Im saying. AND. They dont like to let folks go. Once they have ya. Since these bastards, think they are some type of Woman Inspector. I dont want Pig Ass Hybrids for my kids anyway, fuck off. I am no longer young, and a Cantankerous ass bitch, and One day, THOSE Fuckers, are going to compensate me, for all my TBC, and everything else. TBC/Thought Broad Casting.
WTF..!! THEY CRASHED MY BROWSER, I HAD TYPED LIKE FIVE MORE PARA. Yes. they got access to my puter. UGH!!
Note to self/other authors, authoresses: WRITE IN WORDPAD.
Or something similiar.. There use to be one that had a black background. White makes me feel like I got a lined loose leaf paper with no.2 in a uncomfy plastic chair. YES. UNCREATIVE. Like. In a fecking institution.
Uhm what had I said... Mum also said people get sacrificed to the devil a bunch more than most think. She's kinda uh weird. yes. Used to be into goth, and horror, and metal, when she was Younger, and witch craft, lord knows umm, now shes just, Blonde hair, blue eyes. And everything else, normal, she wants to be Barbie. IDEK, this Family wsa NOT ready. She was just another Handler, my dumb ass thought fighting, was the answer. I want to SUE the pants off MKULTRA ( and associations/etc, off them.) If you know what I mean. Abuse. Trauma. Mum says it happens to boys just as much. OHHH WELL. IDK about that. Shes just another brainwashed handler. Tho.. pretty insightful if you can actually get her to say anything. Lol we're munsters, I got out the sun synchronization, or something ugh.
Im just nursing a wound. Not caring about anything else, but trying to stop the pain. I dont uh see any point in living this way? My head is aching like someones been smashing rocks against my skull for the past hour. "Okay ill stop" Like they harass and make fun of me as AFAB UNDESIRABLE. Fat and whatever, though they did it um. And call me a he/she, they did that to. And I just uh, want to punch something in the face that something is God, Idk, until it stops moving. yes. then i can be god. >.> IDK, like whyyyy me.
Why all of this. WHYYYY.
He says we are all equal, he says his thoughts are higher than our thoughts, he says the enemies are not flesh and blood, but spirits. Yes. SAYS humans are more close to him than angels, says this and that, that we have power as humans over the animals, and the demons. idk. somethings not adding up. i think he's a f*cking rapist. celebrating the black majick curses he places onto children. a pervert, a predator. yes. i try. to calculate what is going on here, i hadnt known what i know now, i rebuke the thoughts i had as a child, the gnashing of teeth, in hell, and that, i dont want to end up there. AND? I think he's a bully. There's always been a man.. sigh.. tiresome.. voice over my shoulder harassing me.
WHAT I WANT: To be the Court leader of the Neutral guise. Or herd or pack or whatever. *LOL.*
What should my name be? Circe.
brendan used the word "blessed" in association with the amount of food we have. Im used to high quality meals, this is like, yuck, sort of. I wish I could remember shit, I want to give up. There are no plans, Im jsut saying "i want to" im tired of hurting, im tired of suffering, tired of aloneness, tired of rejection, maybe showing vulnerability will help? Why are men attacking me? Idk, i think they are scared of me.. Tbh. I will get my one desire, to be my true self. And theres nothing they can do about it." If " they try to mess it up, I have my ways.
{Wow, have the inkling of intimacy / u might be a d00d, on ur page, I MEAN, AMAB, and got scammers messaging me "hot photos" and shit lololol. Im too lazy to remove. if they're not a native English speaker, some of the messages are pretty funny...}
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soulsborne ask 8, 14, 30(also happy late birthday!!! how did i miss it!!!)
ASH!!!!! IM ANSWERINGN SO LATE forgib meh (also THank you for the belated birthday wish YAYAYA <3 )
I wanted to answer this on pc, bc i intended to write a lot given that this is like one of my top favorite franchises and it altered my brain chemistry permanently; aint no way im writing no sorry ass short answer so its gonna go under a readmore :)
8. What are your 3 favorite areas and why?
ough this ones already tough, throughout all the games there are so many good areas lol. I had to write a large list of areas I love and finally managed to narrow it down to three it was super painful and took like 30 min but here they are (in no particular order)
Fountainhead palace from sekiro - probably the most serene location in all soulsborne personally, The music is very peaceful the area is GORGEOUS compared to the bloodbath of the rest of the game. It very much is its own isolated location because technically it is. the royalty in sekiro would seclude themselves in this location and do nothing but ignore the state of the rest of the world and it very much shows since the area is so serene with its cherry blossom trees and massive koi fish to feed. even though the area has since flooded and all the servants turned into fish people hybrids its still awesome to explore what is essentially abandoned royalty temple ruins
Nokstella eternal city from eldenring - the area is just super pretty as well! sorry its starting to sound redundant but unlike fountainhead palace this place is not meant for normal people much less royalty to access and yet its a fucking cinderella castle underground complete with stars and shit, plus everything here is like weird mercury magic and has all these mimics its AWESOME i love doppelgangers and i love the scary silent atmosphere here because its like what did these people DO to get themselves banished underground
Tower of latria/upper latria from demon souls, i chose this one because i think it caused me the most stress in my demon souls run. it was here that i was getting very lost and very scared - probably the most stressed ive ever been my entire demon souls run. going from super scary prison to jesus christ is that a giant fucking beating heart being held up by chains was an experience ill never feel again it was so cool
honorable mentions go to: caelid, lake of rot, crumbling farum azula, academy of raya lucaria (elden ring), the gutter, black gulch, and shrine of amana (ds2), the entirety of shrine of storms (demon souls), nightmare of mensis (bloodborne)
i feel bad not even mentioning one ds3 map so uhhh profaned capital
14. Who is the most underrated boss in your opinion?
leechmonger & adjudicator (yes i chose two, im cheating) from demon souls. I think soulsborne games should lean way more into body horror/horror themes in general given how crappy the state of their worlds are and these guy are like. the definition of both body horror and gore. sad to see both of them being ignored for fan favorite cool people in armor bosses (artorias, ornstein, gwyn, lady maria, malenia, old king allant, soul of cinder, nameless king...etc)
bosses that get this horror thing right include: ludwig, orphan of kos, guardian ape (not exactly underrated but the second phase tho), radahn (he was eating a guy at the start lol he counts as horror in a way? plus he's massive), mergos wetnurse, king allant (the real one!), phalanx (god i love this thing), flamelurker, maneaters, four kings (warped by dark magic and infinitely respawning in an abyss this is the coolest concept of all time), gaping dragon (COOL!!!!), demon of song are a couple i can list with google's help
off topic but my favorite "just a guy" bosses are penetrator (demon souls), looking glass knight + darklurker (ds2) and the corrupted monk from sekiro
30. Rank the games you’ve played!
dark souls 1 (my entry to the franchise im sowwy)
demon souls (really captured the scary morose medieval knight atmosphere i was desperately craving after finishing ds1)
bloodborne (super unique game - has no peer in terms of atmosphere, is only in third place because i much prefer being a depressing knight rather than a cool guy in a trenchcoat on a weekday in london)
eldenring (being unable to ride torrent in the final boss fight, the dissapointment of lack of things to do at the mountaintop of the giants, and no boss living up to radahn or rykard in the end game stretch..(malenia is just a hot lady im sorry; even her second form is just hot lady - now if she was a monster.....) is why im placing this as 4th)
sekiro (another unique game however has zero replayability)
dark souls 3 (might be overdue for a replay since i only beat it like twice since release, and i struggled to remember any bosses or areas when answering these questions. I think ds3 was just like a bunch of references to ds1, however gael one of THE most memorable bosses for me and was a grand way to end the franchise)
dark souls 2 (granted i only played vanilla upon release only once and it left a bad taste in my mouth to the point that i was concerned about the state of the franchise after i finished it because while i knew the main team was working on bloodborne while this was being developed it made me wonder if id ever experience what i felt in ds1 ever again.
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pwarkluv · 3 years
❝ what is love? - l.mk ❞
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lee mark x reader | fluff | 2k words
WARNINGS | lowercase is intended, idol au, love at first sight au, 6thmemberofitzy!reader, shy!mark and shy!reader, fluff bc that’s what i’m best at LOL, another request :), just enjoy <3
REQUEST | “hii i read ur electric love fic w jisung and i really loved it :DD could you do the same for mark ? still as the 6th member of itzy ofc :D” - my lovely anon <3
SUMMARY | he wonders what is love, but finds the answer in you.
AUTHOR’S NOTE | inspired by the song “what is love” by twice (english lyrics by genius translations)! ANOTHER REQUEST HDSFKLDSJHF IM SO SO SO SO EXCITED! i wanted to change up the setting so it’s still 6th member itzy, but not in weekly idol :P ALSO this was inspired by when nct dream, itzy, and stray kids sat next to each each other in that one award show so yeah lolol. IM SO SORRY I LOST THE MESSAGE WHERE MY ANON ASKED FOR IT BUT I STILL WROTE IT FOR YOU! I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU, NEVER BE SHY TO DM ME ;)
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what is love?
mark knew the general idea of it; the sappy moments movies show, the “butterflies in your stomach” feeling books portray, the pain and hardships songs make you feel. 
but he’s never been in love, at least not like this.
❝ how could it be as sweet as candy? ❞
training at such a young age molded mark into the perfect idol, and with that he was fully aware dating would look bad to the public. he accepted the fact that he might never find love, all to help achieve his dream. 
but as cheesy as it sounds, the canadian wished to be loved. 
yes he was loved by his members, his family, his friends, his fans; but the type of love he longed for was something none of them could give him. 
mark wanted to feel the sweetness of being in love, the giddiness you’d feel whenever you talk to them, the pounding of your heart whenever they’re near. he wanted to experience the overwhelming need to be with that person, like if they’re gone for too long it’s like you can’t breathe.
was being in love like making a song for the very first time? or was it like eating watermelon all the time?
so many questions with no answers, the boy left to wander in his own thoughts. 
❝ how it’s like flying in the sky? ❞
he smiled bittersweetly as the newly wed couple danced around in confetti, the sound of laughter and cheers resonating around the room. one of nct’s managers that had been with them since the beginning invited them to her wedding, to which the team obviously accepted. 
all 23 of them were happy for their noona who found her happy ending. mark could only watch in awe at the sight of the two lovebirds, the love and adoration for the other evident in the way they looked at each other.
his heart tugged a bit knowing he wanted something like that too. 
“being in love is like flying in the sky.” his manager explained to the boy as a makeup artist experimentally brushed strokes on her face. it was a couple hours before the ceremony when mark knocked on her hotel door, wanting to visit his favorite noona before she finally said ‘i do’. 
his question left his mouth before mark could fully register what he was about to say, the poor boy flushing a bit as the woman laughed at him. 
“are you in love mark? is that why you’re asking me how i knew i was in love?” she teased as mark stutterd, denying her accusation.
“n-no i swear!” he said as his manager continued laughing, the makeup artist having to pause a bit to let her get it all out. “i’m just curious.” mark said quietly trying to stop the heat from rushing up to his cheeks. 
“well being in love is a magical feeling.” the woman said, turning a bit serious. mark sat up straight as he listened intently. “when you realize you love someone, it can be a scary thing. love isn’t perfect mark, and i want you to know that. there are moments where you want to scream and rip your hair out, or cry to let it all out.”
the boy nodded in understanding, having a bit of knowledge from all the good breakup songs taylor swift writes about. 
“but it can also change your whole world.” she continued on. “it’s like seeing the world again for the very first time and the colors are more vibrant. it’s like having a permanent reason to be happy, and a reason to stay.” she explained as the mark sat quietly trying to comprehend it all. 
❝ i wanna know know know know, what is love? ❞
the poor boy’s head couldn’t wrap around the thought of you. 
his heart hammered in his chest as he secretly glanced at you, desperately trying to avoid suspicion from fans and his members. you were just too breathtaking, having the canadian looking back for more. 
the moment he first laid eyes on you, it was like an epiphany. you were the answer to all his questions.
so this is what it feels like, mark thinks to himself as he looks back on all the things he’s heard about love. 
the butterflies, the pounding of your heart, the “seeing the world in a whole new perspective”, mark felt everything and as much as he felt excited, he was scared.
as harmless as it sounds, award shows were a risky thing for idols. being surrounded by fans of different groups as well as said groups themselves always seemed to cause a bit of a stir between fans.
between dating rumors and rumors about beef between two idols, anything could happen.
but usually mark would be okay. he’s been doing this for a long time and knew how to behave.
however what he didn’t expect was to see you, the tiny rookie idol from the newly debuted girl group ‘itzy’. 
nct 127’s table was right next to yours which let mark have a clear view of your pretty eye smile as you laughed at something lia had whispered into your ear. your laugh was bubbly and contagious, the boy having to physically stop himself from wanting to laugh too. 
he was panicking, but mark couldn’t tell if it was in a good or bad way. 
❝ what does love feel like? ❞
your breath hitched as you saw the boy sneak glances at you from the corner of your eye.
the mark lee was looking at you, your heart racing as you tried to deny the fact that he was staring you down. there was no way the dude you’ve looked up to your entire trainee life is noticing you, no way at all.  
everyone has heard of mark lee even if you weren’t into kpop. he was just that iconic. 
you’ve been an nctzen since the very beginning, being there for nct u’s debut stage. in fact, nct was the very reason you decided to audition to become an idol in the first place. you looked up to the team but more importantly you looked up to a certain canadian in the group.
originally doyoung was your bias in nct when nct u first came out. but as the years passed by you found yourself more and more intrigued by mark, having him absolutely wreck your bias list.
since then you’ve been a loyal mark stan, even rapping his part in cherry bomb for your audition tape which ultimately led you to become an idol yourself. 
you refused to believe you were in love with the dude, not knowing a single thing about him. there was no way you could love him, not if you’ve never even met the boy.
but your heart seemed to prove you wrong as it beat wildly knowing mark was sitting right there on the table next to you. 
“you okay bubs?” lia asked in a worried tone, leaning in to whisper into your ear. she saw the way your leg bounced in a fast rhythm, knowing you only did that when you were nervous. 
you forced a smile as you hesitantly looked her way, knowing that she could take one look into your eyes and know you were lying. “i'm fine unnie, don’t worry about me.” you replied as sweetly as you could, wishing the elder wouldn’t notice a thing. 
though you two and yeji were the eldest in the group, all being born in the year 2000, you were the baby of the unnie line. lia and yeji knew you the best, having grown up with you after all. 
the girl only gave you a look before taking your hand in hers to give a soft squeeze. “i know you’re lying but i won’t push you. also mark lee from nct 127 is totally checking you out.” lia said, whispering a bit on the last part. she winked as you flushed, looking away in horror. 
johnny nudged the boy next to him with a small smirk, clearly seeing the heart eyes he was giving the girl in the table next to them. mark jumped a bit at the feeling, looking at his hyung with confusion.
“so y/n of itzy?” johnny said with a small smile as the younger immediately sat up straight. 
“is it that obvious?” mark whispered back with a hint of fear in his eyes.
if any of the fans were to get a hold of this… the boy could only shiver at the thought. 
johnny’s playful smile dropped a bit at mark’s worried look knowing how he must feel. they were idols after all.
“don’t worry, i only noticed because she was looking back at you too.” he said, mark flushing at the revelation.
“really?” he asked a little out of it. 
“i say talk to her after this?” the elder said, laughing a bit when mark jumped in his seat, immediately saying no. 
❝ will love come to me someday? ❞
“unnie why are you making me stay in the dressing room~” you whined as the end of the award show came along.
you just wanted to go home, your body worn out. not from all the dancing but from the way it viciously pounded in your chest whenever you ever thought about mark. 
lia only smirked in retaliation as she brought a hand up to squish your cheeks. “trust me, you’ll thank me later.” she said as she walked out of the dressing room, bumping into a 6 foot tall boy with a smaller boy behind him. 
“oops sorry.” she said a little playfully, as lia gave a wink to johnny knowing their plan was going accordingly. johnny only gave her a small smile, but if you looked closely you could see the mischief in his eyes. 
“hyung where are we going?” mark asked, a little weirded out by the two’s interaction. johnny only ignored the boy, dragging him by his arm as they walked down the hallway. 
“hyung i swear if this is a prank i’ll-” mark’s words were cut off as the two entered a door, only to see your confused face staring back at him. 
“oh shit.” he cursed under his breath, a little taken aback from how beautiful you were. one whole award show later and you were still as gorgeous as when he first saw you sitting down in the table next to his. 
your confused face quickly turned to an embarrassed one as you noticed the boy, turning another shade of red when you noticed he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“hi y/n, my name is johnny and this is my band mate mark.” the taller boy said, holding his hand out in a handshake. 
“h-hi i’m y/n.” you stuttered, not expecting to see the boy you’ve been daydreaming about for the past two hours to be right in front of you. 
mark gawked at the sight of you, his mind malfunctioning as the words seemed to get stuck at the tip of his tongue.
“markie right here has something he wants to ask you.” johnny said, pushing the younger in front of him with a grunt. 
this seemed to knock him right out of his trance, a hand coming up to the back of his neck as he stared down at the floor with pink cheeks.
“do you maybe wanna-”
“yes.” you blurted out, a hand covering your mouth in shock. “i-if you were gonna ask if i wanted to hang out sometime, the answer is yes.” you said a little shyly as the boy smiled. 
all this time mark thought he was gonna find love, but maybe love found him instead. 
“i’ll pick you up at 6 tomorrow evening.” mark said with a sweet smile as he took a step back only to be pushed back up again by johnny.
“you don’t even have her number you dumbass.” the elder scolded, disappointed at how dumb the boy was. 
your laughter caught both of the boy’s attention as you put your hand out with a small smile. “you want my number or nah?”
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kuroos-moon · 3 years
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E-girl S/o 
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☾ pairings: ushijima x reader, oikawa x reader, kuroo x reader 
☾ request: headcanons for Ushijima, Oikawa and Kuroo reacting to or being interested in/dating a girl that is kinda goth/e-girl/edgy? Like they wear a lot of black, like scary movies and video games, have a very sarcastic personality?
☾ warning/s: none
☾ a/note: not rlly sure if i did e-girls justice on this one im sorry 
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Ushijima Wakatoshi 
• Doesn’t get the “oh, I didn’t expect girls like y/n are your type” 
• Like?? Uhm, wdym it’s self-explanatory you’re just so eye-catching 
• Yes, you caught the Ushiwaka’s eye 
• You’re not dating or anything, let alone have started a conversation 
• But there’s an impressive number of people who know he likes you a lot
• Wakatoshi’s blunt and genuinely honest for most times if not all of his life 
• “You like anyone?” “Yes.” “Really? Is it that cute girl from your cl-
• “Y/n L/n.”  
• Knows how much you love black bc it’s not rlly hard to miss, you wear it on you every chance you get
• And now you’ve cursed him with remembering you every time he sees the color 
• You heard of the rumors that one of the nation’s top three aces likes you and you don’t believe them ofc 
• Not that you don’t know you’re pretty, you love your reflection but you just reckon you’re not his type yk? 
• He’s more of an admire and fall for you more from afar type of dude
• Totally stops and stare when you walk in the gym wearing a short black skirt and a black top, with boots and chains and all 
• Doesn’t know a thing about fashion but damn, you’re so hot?? 
• Cannot hear even his own coach
• Hopes you’re not going on a date 
• “Geez, y/n, is it someone’s funeral?” “Ah, Satori-chan, why are you even out of your cascket?” 
• Kinda thinks you’re mean bc you’re sarcastic and his humor rlly isn’t up to your level lmao sorry but he wants to know what’s it like to actually talk to you 
• So he does, once he bumps into you on his way out of the gym and you just awkwardly stare at each other 
• “I like your style. Your outfit.” He says, and he is not even shy on the outside at least
• “uh thanks?” you just kinda smile at him bc ydk what youre supposed to do this is wakafreakingtoshi we’re talkin bout 
• “you like black a lot.” “yeah, I do, what of it?” 
• “you really look good in it. You own the color,” he says that like it’s no big deal before he walks away 
• You totally crush on him after that encounter 
• Basically, he doesn’t have a type. he cannot distinguish cute girls, e-girls, or any ‘type’ of girls
• What he could so naturally distinguish though, is you—his lovely darling in black—and the rest of the female population he couldn’t care less for 
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Oikawa Tōru 
• You’re his most treasured babygirl and no he doesn’t take any criticism 
• Your taste in fashion? 💯/💯
• Is maybe a tad bit too in love with your pretty boy and e-girl dynamic in pics bc his Instagram is flooded with them 
• Hypes you up in your socials, in his, and in real life 
• Goes for captions like: “choke me like you hate me, y/n-chan” and “step on me and I’ll apologize instead” 
• He’s so cheesy but you love it :>
• Lets you pick out his clothes once in a while though you have different tastes and preferences 
• You return the favor too sometimes and it’s not even a compromise on either of your parts 
• You just have fun with your own things and you’re having fun in trying out things the other likes too yk? 
• One thing that shortens his lifespan is when you watch horror movies together 
• HOW ARE YOU NOT SCARED? Loves spending nights like this with you nonetheless though
• “y/n-chan is the ghost gone?” “yup, you could open your eyes now.” “thank g- hey!” 
• Is the rare male teenager who’s kinda knowledgeable in make-up products bc of u
• He knows what kind of eyeliner you use and if he sees something kinda cool when he’s out, he’ll buy it for you
• Or tell you about it: “y/n-chan do you know this eyeliner called ***? I don’t know if it was the lady’s sales talk but I think you’ll like it”—wholesome and thoughtful
• Flexes you a lot and will not tolerate all the “Tōru and y/n don’t really look good together” 
• “Right? She just doesn’t complement him right.”
• He’s childish and more so when agitated, not even Iwaizumi could hold him back
• “Oh yeah? THEN LOOK AT MY FABULOUS NAILS” flexes all ten of his fingers which you painted black just last night on your bedroom floor 
• You just flip your hair in their direction and drag Toru away bc you’re too unbothered <33 
• “y/n-chan back me up here, you have the bitchiest attitude towards me so let’s work together and unleash our sass on them so they shut up, okay?” 
• It’s really rare for him to be that way with his fans but he’s the numero uno y/n-stanner ofc he won’t take that crap 
• “your makeup and taste in clothes aren’t even half as good as y/n’s.” sticks his tongue out ✨maturely✨
• Hates when he has to play Karasuno bc you once mentioned you could imagine Tobio having the same aesthetic as you 
• You also might’ve jokingly told him that “Toru I should’ve gotten a boyfriend from Karasuno, it’d be cool to tie their jacket around my waist and cheer for him at the same time.” 
• Was so mad at you about it and refused to talk to you for days because he’s just so not childish at all 
• “Ugh, why don’t they just change their team color to pure orange. Chibi-chan domination.” 
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Kuroo Tetsuro
• Already took an interest in you from what he observes is an interestingly snarky character 
• Has been seeing you in only your uniform at first though but then he finds himself thinking a bit too much about you one night
• Stalks your Instagram <33 
• Jaw drops, heart beats a tad bit faster, his yearning grows 
• You’re so pretty. So good in black. Your poses? The whole vibe of your feed? He doesn’t know what to do with his admiration you’re just so freaking meant for him
• He gets it’s not the usual style for most girls in school, and tbh he didn’t know he’d like it so much, he just does now
• Knows there was no saving him once he starts imagining scenarios about you before he goes to bed
• This dork starts to know more things about you—it’s really cool that you play the same games as him 
• Is up to date on your posts, your ig story, and your tweets but why in the world are you still not in bed at 3 in the morning? 
• You just love gaming, huh? Should he start a conversation with you about it? He played that often too with Kenma
• He just can’t seem to though bc he’s nervous and lowkey intimidated 
• Once witnessed you jokingly exchange snarky comments with your friends and you even flipped them off 
• It’s settled then, he’ll graduate without talking to you sad kuroo noises 
• You once posted a pic flexing your matte black nails on a weekend and when the weekday came, he was so excited to see them in person 
• But your nails are no longer painted, and he was so disappointed bc they looked rlly attractive to him 
• Voices out his thoughts mindlessly. “You removed your nail polish.” 
• Everyone—including you—is surprised. Your desks aren’t even next to each other but his body was facing you 
• Cringes internally once he realizes he had said it but is so surprised when you smile at him. 
• “It’s not allowed in school, it’s a shame, you think they were pretty too, right?” 
• He cannot function, he totally did not prepare for this—and to think he had so many nights imagining different scenarios about you. 
• He was rlly popular and you thought you acted too confident; you just curse yourself for it. “Oh, uh sorry I thought you saw my post.” 
• You look away, embarrassed. “Yeah,” he chuckles a bit. You cringe. 
• “Black really suits you, and your nails were pretty, wish I could’ve seen them today, that’s all.”
• And who would’ve thought your relationship would bloom since then 
• All because he’s so interested and mesmerized with everything about you <3 
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General Taglist [Open]: @noyasbitchh @dinablossom @haru-the-secret @strayczennies @lalisbitch @tinymidgetsstuff @animebs @astrealia @kittykitkatstrawberry @hajimesbbygrl @kellesvt @24hr7dysdizzy @arnxldss @elianetsantana @vicassa @floraraine @beanst0ck @leinnah @kageyamasgirl @deafeningart @minibobabottle   @franko-pop @moonlightaangel @throughtheinterstices @micasaessakusa @dixonsbugaboo @thevillagehiddenintheinternet @ultzuko
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dilfdarthvader · 3 years
For the bad things prompt!!! Padawan anakin hiding an injury from obi wan (if you want it could be a 2 for 1 and be school struggles too!)
Im also avoiding packing (it stresses me out so much that's its not done but doing it also stresses me out so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
yay thank you for the prompt!! the injury is more “attempted to hide an injury” but, you know, anakin had other priorities.
relationship: obi-wan & anakin
rating: T
words: 1.5k
send me prompts!
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Anakin hated literature. No, really. He thought it was useless, pretentious, and not at all applicable to his role as a future Jedi Knight. He especially hated his current literature classes that he had to take as a Senior Padawan— currently, he was stuck in a class on High Republic Romanticism.
Obi-Wan wasn’t either a fan or a detractor of literature, but he saw some almighty importance in the classes. So Anakin was dutifully signed up for this course. The only positive was that this was his last literature class ever. If Anakin had it his way, he’d never write another essay on the various literary lenses and how they apply to some book from centuries ago.
Speaking of essays.
Anakin had been having a good morning, until he happened to glance at his datapad and noticed the shining notice: HRR essay due today— read plot of Coruscant Parks.
Unsurprisingly, Anakin had not read the Starnotes for Coruscant Parks, which he assumed had to be the most boring book ever.
(Not that he’d know for sure. Because he hadn’t read it.)
His stomach clenched still the reminder of the essay. He was already barely holding on to his passing ranking. Obi-Wan wasn’t a huge stickler for grades— it’s not like he expected Anakin to get Exceeds for every class, or even Acceptables. But he at least expected Passing. Falling into the Remedial category was met with longer Archives hours.
Anakin could not handle longer Archives hours.
If Anakin couldn’t finish the essay today, which honestly seemed pretty doubtful, he’d quickly dip below Passing. And that meant the teacher would contact Obi-Wan.
This is not good.
Anakin blinked at the datapad in horror a few times, processing all of his options.
There was, of course, one option. It was risky, but this particular teacher only accepted essays in person, not via upload. Which meant that if Anakin didn’t go in person, he wouldn’t have to hand it in. And that would give him another night cycle to get the essay done.
The only risk was if the teacher contacted Obi-Wan to let him know he’d skipped, but attendance for Senior Padawans wasn’t monitored as closely. He could get away with at least one skip. Obi-Wan would never know, the essay would be done, and he’d maintain his Passing grade.
It was foolproof. All he had to do was get out of the Temple. Maybe do a circle around Coruscant.
Nothing could possibly go wrong.
Anakin, unfortunately, hadn’t taken into consideration his tendency to crash, or other drivers' tendency to slam into you causing you to crash.
He was over the Western Hemisphere, easing back towards the Eastern, when the Force screamed at him to watch out. Anakin was, as it were, on edge about being caught by Obi-Wan, and therefore immediately started looking out for ships owned by the Temple.
Which meant he completely missed the van ship barreling towards him. That is, he missed it until it slammed into him, causing his own ship to slam into the side of a nearby building. If Anakin were to retain consciousness from this, he’d be aware of his final oh, shit that was broadcasted out through his bond. The bond he shared with a certain Jedi Knight who’d been (unsuccessfully) working on fixing a caf machine for the past hour.
A few thousand miles away, though certainly just a short drive on the city planet, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s head popped up from where it had been by the broken caf machine, his eyes narrowed.
And when he reached out in the Force to find out why his Padawan, who should be in his High Republic Romanticism class, had just sent out a distress call, he was very unhappy to discover that said Padawan was not in the Temple, or on this side of the planet.
With a growl worthy of a tooka, he grabbed his robe and headed to the hangar.
Anakin awoke as he was being loaded into the back of an ambulance. When he opened his eyes, he saw the face of a togruta EMT, who arched an eyebrow when she noticed his eyes fluttering.
“Welcome back, Padawan,” she said.
He glared, though even moving his face muscles caused him to wince. “How’d you know I’m a Padawan?” he asked, ignoring how his words slurred.
The togruta rolled her eyes. “You have a braid and a lightsaber, dingus.”
“Don’t try to move,” she said. “You definitely have a concussion. Probably a broken rib or two. Wouldn’t be surprised if your left ankle is broken.”
Anakin scowled. “Is anything not broken?”
She shrugged. “Your spine seems fine.”
Well that’s always a positive.
The EMT continued to load him into the back of the ambulance. “Do we call the Temple or your, uh, what do you lot call them. Master? That’s a bit weird, yeah?”
Anakin sighed. “Master.” Anakin paused, considering. “But do you have to call him?”
The EMT rolled her eyes. “Feel like that might get you in more trouble, yeah? If you just disappear?”
Anakin pouted. “But he doesn’t have to know, does he?”
She shrugged. “Your funeral.” Before turning to walk out the door. “We’re heading to the hospital in just a minute,” she said, tossing it over her shoulder.
It was only a few more seconds after that when Anakin, now very nervous about Obi-Wan finding out, nervously poked at their bond. Hoping nothing would come of it.
He got a very annoyed poke back. A poke that demanded his location. His state of being. Anakin could feel that Obi-Wan was currently trying to find him.
I’m fine, Anakin tried to think at him. Nothing to worry about.
Obi-Wan sent a feeling of disbelief. The general vibe of I can feel your pain, my young Padawan, was sent through.
Anakin had a feeling hiding this injury was not possible.
He really, really should’ve gone to class.
Honestly, there’s no issue here. I’m about to go to the hospital—
Humor and worry, an interesting combo, colored their bond. Non-injured people don’t get transferred to the hospital.
Anakin glared at the wall in front of him. Smartass.
The EMT walked back in. “Still going to avoid calling your Master or whatever?” she asked.
Anakin’s glare shifted towards her. “He felt my pain. He knows anyways.”
“He felt your pain?” she asked. “That’s weird. Your lot are weird.”
Anakin snorted. Tell him about it.
“What’s his frequency, then?” she asked.
Thinking about numbers hurt his head, and he let out a low groan, rattling off the number with a wince. She looked at him in sympathy, before grabbing some tubes nearby, bringing them over to where he was laying.
“What are you giving me?” he asked. He’d never liked the doctor.
“We’re going to knock you out for a bit, get you ready for bacta.”
Anakin pouted. He hated being knocked out.
Maybe he should’ve just gone to class.
When he awoke again, it felt like no time had passed at all. And yet, he was in a bed in a hospital room that was most assuredly not the healer's wars in the Temple. He let out a small groan as he felt the residual soreness of his body, before he heard the shuffling of feet next to him.
“You’re alright,” his Master said, coming to stand next to him. He looked worried, his eyes scanning Anakin’s face. “You had me concerned.”
Anakin winced. “Sorry,” he whispered.
Obi-Wan hummed. “Do you want some water?”
Anakin nodded, gratefully taking the glass when it was offered. His throat felt parched.
“You’ll need to take it easy for a few weeks,” Obi-Wan said. “We’ll be doing light training. Nothing strenuous.”
Anakin nodded, finishing the glass and placing it in his Master’s outstretched hand. He shifted a bit in his bed, remembering why, exactly, he’d been in the speeder in the first place.
“Am I in trouble?” he asked.
Obi-Wan arched an eyebrow. “I think this was a good enough lesson on skipping class, hmm?”
Anakin huffed. “I didn’t finish an essay,” he admitted. “I just needed more time.”
Obi-Wan let out a long breath, reaching up a hand to rest on Anakin’s neck.
“Let’s just agree that you’ll ask for an extension next time,” Obi-Wan said. “Instead of breaking numerous bones. The first option is much simpler.”
Anakin blinked at him. “I can ask for an extension?”
Obi-Wan blinked back for a moment. “Of course you can ask for an extension, Anakin. Essays are late all of the time. It happens.”
Anakin continued to stare, before groaning and throwing his head back onto the bed. “I’m an idiot.”
Obi-Wan chuckled, giving his neck a small squeeze before stepping back. “Don’t think you’re getting out of extended Archive hours.” He paused, before crossing his arms and giving him a stern look. Anakin shifted in his bed. “And you know better than to attempt to hide an injury from me, young one. Do not try that again. Am I understood?”
Anakin blushed, but nodded. When Obi-Wan continued to glare, he let out a quiet “Yes, Master.”
Obi-Wan smiled. “Good. Now, we can discuss what you’re going to tell the Council in regards to the crashed speeder that wasn’t authorized for use.”
Anakin groaned again, just accepting the pain that came with the motion.
Yeah, he really should’ve just gone to class.
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theanonymousb · 3 years
My 20 Best Korean Drama
1.    Hi Bye Mama
Genre: Fantasy, Drama
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Cha Yu-Ri (Kim Tae Hee) has been a ghost since she died 5 years ago. She left behind her husband Jo Kang-Hwa and their child. To become a human again, Cha Yu-Ri carries out a reincarnation project for 49 days.
Meanwhile, Jo Kang-Hwa (Lee Kyu-Hyung) works as a chest surgeon. He was loving, but, after his wife died, his personality changed. After 5 years, his wife Cha Yu-Ri reappears in front of him.
2.    It’s Okay to Not be Okay
Genre: Romance, Drama
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A story about a man employed in a psychiatric ward and a woman, with an antisocial personality disorder, who is a popular writer of children’s books.
Moon Kang-Tae (Kim Soo-Hyun) works in a psychiatric ward. His job is to write down the patients’ conditions and deal with unexpected situations, like if patients fight or they run away. He only earns about 1.8 million won ($1,600 USD) a month. The woman (Seo Yea-Ji) is a popular writer of children’s literature, but she is extremely selfish, arrogant and rude.
3.    Angel’s last Mission
Genre: Romance, Fantasy
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Kim Dan (Kim Myung-Soo) is an angel. He is also a troublemaker and also optimist. Lee Yeon-Seo (Shin Hye-Sun) is a ballerina who does not believe in lve.
Dan then receives a mission. If he succeeds, he can return to Heaven. His mission is to find true love for Yeon-Seo, but soon falls in love with her.
4.    Prison Playbook
Genre: Black Comedy
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Je-Hyeok (Park Hae-Soo) is the best relief pitcher in Korea. He will to the U.S and sign a contract with a major league. One night, he hears his sister screaming and sees a man running out of her apartment. Je-hyeok and the man get into a physical struggle with Je-Hyeok striking the man with a rock. Later, Je-Hyeok receives a 1 year prison sentence for using excessive force. Devastated, Je-Hyeok must adapt to life in prison.
Meanwhile, Joon-Ho (Jung Kyoung-Ho) is a friend of Je-Hyeok and works in the prisonas an officer. He waits for Je-Hyeok’s arrival.
5.    Chicago Typewriter
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Friendship
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This drama follows the lives of two men and a woman through two eras; one during the 1930s Japanese occupation of Korea and the other in the 21st century. Han Se-Joo (Yoo Ah-In) who was a writer in his past life and a bestselling author in the present. But Se-Joo is depressed with writer’s block so he can’t write his next book.
Yu Jin-Oh (Go Kyung-Pyo) owned a bar in his previous life. In 2017 he is a talented ghostwriter who can bail Se-Joo out of his predicament, but the mysterious man has a condition for his services. Se-Joo may not be able to meet it.
Jun Seol (Im Soo Jung) was a sniper. Now she has extremely variety expertise. She is a former Olympian hopeful, a veterinarian and a book lover who runs her own delivery service. She oscillates between extreme fandom and an anti-fan of Se Joo.
The intricately woven story of these three characters unfolds to reveal strange mirroring connections between the time periods as well as possibilities for past lives to be redeemed or improves in the modern world.
6.    Uncontrollably Fond
Genre: Romance, Melodrama
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Sin Joon-Young (Kim Woo-Bin) and No Eul (Bae Suzy) were in love in ther younger days. But uncontrollable circumstances separated them and they went their separate ways. Joon-Young is now a superstar actor and singer, while No Eul became a producer-director of documentaries. When their path cross again years later. Joon-Young discovers that No Eul is now very different person than he remembered – materialisticand willing to do anything to get ahead.
7.    Penthouse: War In Life
Genre: Suspense, Life, Drama, Family, Mature
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The residents of Hera Palace, a luxury penthouse apartment with 100 floors, have many secrets and hidden ambitions. Sim Su-Ryeon (Lee Ji-Ah), who was born into wealth, is the queen of the penthouse apartment. Cheon Seo-Jin (Kim So-Yeon), the prima donna of the residence, does all she can to give everything to her daughter. Oh Yoon-Hee (Eugene) comes from a poor family background, but she strives to enter high society by becoming the queen of the penthouse, the pinnacle success in her eyes. A battle for wealth, power, and prestige at Seoul’s most coveted penthouse begins.
8.    Crash Landing On You
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Military, Political
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Yoon Se-Ri (Son Ye-Ji) is an heiress to a conglomerate in South Korea. One day, while paragliding, an accident caused by strong winds leads Yoon Se-Ri to make an emergency landing in North Korea.  There, she meets Ri Jeong-Hyeok (Hyun-Bin), who is a North Korean army officer. He tries to protect her and hide her. Soon, Ri Jeong-Hyeok falls in love with Yoon Se-RI.
9.    Itaewon Class
Genre: Romance, Business, Friendship, Life
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On the first day of attending his new high school, Park Sae-Ro-Yi (Park Seo-Joon) punches his classmate Jang Geun-Won, who was bullying another classmate. The bully is the son of CEO Jang Dae-Hee (Yoo Jae-Myung). The bully's father runs restaurant business Jagga where Park Sae-Ro-Yi’s own father works. CEO Jang Dae-Hee demands to Park Sae-Ro-Yi that he apologizes to his son, but Park Sae-Ro-Yi refuses. Because of his refusal, Park Sae-Ro-Yi gets expelled from school and his father gets fired from his job. Soon, an accident takes place. Park Sae-Ro-Yi’s father dies in a motorcycle accident caused by his ex-classmate Jang Geun-Won. Burning with anger, Park Sae-Ro-Yi viciously beats Jang Geun-Won. He is soon arrested and receives prison time for the violent assault. Park Sae-Ro-Yi decides to destroy the Jagga company and take revenge upon CEO Jang Dae-Hee and his son Jang Geun-Won. Once Park Sae-Ro-Yi is released from prison, he opens a restaurant in Itaewon, Seoul. Jo Yi-Seo (Kim Da-Mi), who is popular on social media, joins Park Sae-Ro-Yi’s restaurant and works there as a manger. She has feelings for Park Sae-Ro-Yi.
10. Hotel De Luna
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Horror, Fantasy
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Jang Man-Wol (IU) is the CEO of Hotel del Luna. The hotel is situated in downtown in Seoul and has a very old appearance. She made a big error many years ago and, because of this, she has been stuck at Hotel del Luna. She is beautiful, but she is fickle, suspicious and greedy.
Koo Chan-Sung (Yeo Jin-Goo) worked as the youngest assistant manager ever at a multinational hotel corporation. He is a sincere perfectionist. He looks level-headed, but he actually has a soft disposition. Due to an unexpected case, he begins to work as a manager at Hotel del Luna. The hotel's clientele consists of ghosts.
11. Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol
Genre: Romance, Comedy
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Goo Ra-Ra (Go Ara) is a pianist. She has bright personality. Something happened that caused her to become bankrupt. She doesn't have anything now and she is frustrated with her situation.
Sunwoo Joon (Lee Jae-Wook) doesn't care what other people think about him, but he has a warm heart. He is free spirited and doesn't have a specific dream or goal for his life. He makes ends meet by working part-time jobs.
Goo Ra-Ra and Sunwoo Joon meet at the small private piano academy LaLa Land in a country village.
12. 18 Again
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Youth, Drama, Fantasy
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Tells the story of a husband named Hong Dae Young (Lee Do-Hyun) who is on the verge of divorce but finds himself back in his body when he was at the prime of his life 18 years ago. He ends up changing his name to Go Woo Young when he becomes 18- years-old again. Meanwhile, his wife Jung Da Jung(Kim Ha-Neul) joins the workforce as an anchorwoman later on in life after raising their 18-year-old twins.
13. Goblin: The Lonely and Great God
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Fantasy
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In ancient times, Kim Shin (Gong Yoo) is an unbeatable general in wars, but the young King (Kim Min-Jae) is jealous of Kim Shin and kills him. Kim Shin becomes Dokkaebi (Goblin), possessing an immortal life. At first he thinks that he is blessed, but he realizes that he is cursed.
Closer to the present day, Kim Shin has waited 900 years for a human bride to end his immortal life. One night, he saves a dying pregnant woman (Park Hee-Von) who is destined to die. Meanwhile, the Grim Reaper (Lee Dong-Wook) is unable to find the dead pregnant woman. The woman gives birth to a baby girl named Ji Eun-Tak (later played by Kim Go-Eun). 9 years later, Ji Eun-Tak lives with her mother and is able to see ghosts. One night, her mother suddenly dies. On that night, she meets the Grim Reaper.
In the present day, Ji Eun-Tak is a high school student. She still sees ghosts and hears their whisper of “Dokkaebi’s bride.” She now lives with her aunt’s family, but she is mistreated by them. On her birthday, Ji Eun-Tak sits by the sea with a lighted birthday cake. At that time, Kim Shin suddenly appears in front of her. Kim Shin does not know why, but he can hear her voice and appears in front of her against his will. Coincidentally, Kim Shin lives with the Grim Reaper at the same house.
Now, Kim Shin appears in front of her against his will, whenever she turns off the lights. One day, Ji Eun-Tak tells him that he is Dokkaebi and she is his bride.
14. It’s Okay That’s Love
Genre: Friendship, Psychological, Comedy, Romance, Drama
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Jang Jae-Yeol (Jo In-Sung) is a mystery writer and radio DJ. He suffers from a obsession. Ji Hae-Soo (Gong Hyo-Jin) is going through her first year fellowship in psychiatry at a University Hospital. She chose psychiatry because she doesn't want to perform surgeries. After she meets Jang Jae-Yeol, her life goes through big changes.
15. Let’s Fight Ghost
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Horror
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Hyun-Ji (Kim So-Hyun) studied for most her life before she died at the age of 19. She is now a ghost and has wandered around the world for several years. Hyun-Ji then meets exorcist Park Bong-Pal (TaecYeon). Hyun-Ji and Bong-Pal listens to various stories from ghosts and sends them to the otherworld.
16. Hospital Playlist
Genre: Friendship, Comedy, Romance, Life, Medical
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A drama depicting the stories of people going through their days that are seemingly ordinary but actually special, at the hospital, a place known as the microcosm of life - where someone is being born and someone's life meets their ending. The five doctors are longtime friends of 20 years who started their undergrad in 1999 in the same medical school, and now they are colleagues in the same hospital. The drama will also deal with a story of a band formed by the group of doctors.
17. Fated to Loved You
Genre: Business, Comedy, Romance,
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This drama is the story of an ordinary girl, Mi Yeong, (Jang Na-Ra)who has neither outstanding looks, a prestigious college degree, nor any other charming qualities, facing her whole life abruptly changing when love comes knocking at her door. While on vacation, she accidentally happens to spend one night with Lee Gun (Jang Hyuk) and even gets pregnant from that night. Because of this incident, her life will never be the same, and this fateful encounter brings love that transforms this not-so-special girl to an attractive, charming lady.
18. Go Back Couple
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Life, Fantasy
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Choi Ban-Do (Son Ho-Jun) and Ma Jin-Joo (Jang Na-Ra) are both 38-years-old and a married couple. Choi Ban-Do has been burdened with being the breadwinner and Ma Jin-Joo is a housewife with low self-esteem. Even though they loved each other when they married, they now hate each other. They both regret marrying at such a young age. The couple travel through time and find themselves as 20-year-old university students, when they met for the first time.
19. To The Beautiful You
Genre: School, Teen, Romantic, Comedy, Sports
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Kang Tae-Joon (Minho) is a gold medalist in the high jump, but he has been mired in a slump due to an injury. In order to help her idol, a girl named Koo Jae-Hee (Sulli) disguises herself as a boy and enrolls at the same all male high school.When Tae-Joon (Minho) is competiting at the World Junior Competition, Jae-Hee (Sulli) watches him on TV in America and becomes very touched.
Despite her friends telling her otherwise, Jae-Hee cuts her long hair by herself. She then flies to South Korea, with a plan to stay with Tae-Joon who is now injured. Jae-Hee disguises herself as a boy and enrolls at the all boys Genie Physical Education High School. On her first day at school, Jae-Hee goes up the stairs with her suitcase, but her suitcase bursts open and all her clothes fall out. A boy comes by and helps her pick up her stuff. Jae-Hee realizes that the boy helping her is none other than her idol Tae-Joon. In her excitement, Jae-Hee sits on her suitcase, which proceeds to slide down the stairs.
20. When the Camellia Blooms
Genre: Triller, Comedy, Romance, Family
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Dong-Baek (Kong Hyo-Jin) is a single mother living in the small town of Ongsan. She runs the bar-restaurant Camellia, while also taking care of her son Pil-Gu (Kim Kang-Hoon). The people of Ongsan frequently gossip about Dong-Baek. She grew up as an orphan, is a single mother and runs a bar where many of the men in Ongsan frequent. Regardless of what the locals may whisper about Dong-Baek, local police officer Hwang Yong-Sik (Kang Ha-Neul) is deeply in love with her. Meanwhile, Dong-Baek's ex-boyfriend Kang Jong-Ryeol (Kim Ji-Suk) suddenly reappears in her life. He is a famous baseball player, that hid their relationship when they dated. While Dong-Baek tries to find happiness, something truly sinister lurks in the background. A serial killer roams Ongsan and Dong-Baek may be a target.
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wild-battlebond · 2 years
Digimon Xros Wars: Hunters Ep25 liveblog
The last episode!!!! Tagiru and Gumdramon's final silly moment!!!!!
NOOOOO RYOUMA'S PARTNER WAS THE EVIL ONE........ even right up to the end, there's digimon feeding off the hearts of humans & betraying the mutual strength and protection they've given each other by partnering up
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oh so the true quartzmon is all about body horror huh. and it is actually kinda freaky, too... well-executed.
so since quartzmon absorbed the data of the Digimon that Ryouma fought via hollowing out Astamon and hiding in there... so Ryouma probably was the hunter who mistreated MetallifeKuwagamon, but it was only kinda his fault because he was being manipulated
and Ryouma wanted to be like Taiki and be strong so much that he didn't even notice he was being manipulated...
the animation right now reminds me of the style of late-series og xros wars, which is a very very bad omen. two xros wars finales sullied by the same shitty key animator
i was right tho, not only has Tagiru taken on the mantle of the hunter who will take down Quartzmon, but he has also taken Taiki's place as the 6th hero
the brave snatcher is unexpectedly heavy, just like the burden of the role of a "hero"
oh yeah and Taiki gave Tagiru his goggles and that's also significant. i just forgot since Tagiru normally wears goggles anyways
well the animation is normal now so maybe it's fine
also just noticed that Quartzmon has a clock motif. and, of course, the majority of modern watches and clocks use a piece of vibrating quartz to keep time...
'i have the data of your teammates. your rival. and this old man you don't really care about.'
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Quartzmon absorbing the data of others but still retaining their consciousnesses + the way Tagiru and Arresterdramon are being digested, brings back to mind the ill xrosses that the antagonists would do in og Xros Wars where'd they'd absorb data like this
quartzmon's roots look like the ps2 home menu
it's that forme change again! again it feels like the context surrounding it was cut for time, but it's clear that it's activated by the bonds between him and Tagiru!
AND tagiru chikara is being played as an insert song... awesome
and similar to those past enemy xrosses, the data of his friends is able to still exercise their own will and help defeat Quartzmon from within
& the way the song cuts out as they enter the eerie calmness of where its roots are, the eye of the storm... it's good editing
and they won and the world is fine hooray
it turned into an egg...
and they're in the void
aw man all the digimon are leaving & it doesn't even have the bittersweet "we'll keep improving our respective worlds" feeling as the og xros wars finale, this is just regular sad...
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peace has returned and we can finally play basketball again NO TAGIRU LOOKS SAD
the. the old watchmaker, was the reincarnation of... Bagramon???? i was kinda wondering how they were justifying xros loaders being handed out willy-nilly since it was established bagramon made them, but i wasn't expecting this.... i was just accepting the discrepancy at face value...
so some stray Digimon got stuck in the real world
well that's good im glad they can stay together in our hearts and the non-existent post-story
right, so, the closing thoughts… well, i’ll probably elaborate on this more in separate posts, but… i liked this show lot! it may not have nearly as much Plot as most Digimon series do, and it mostly sucks at being a sequel to Xros Wars, but I’m always a fan of the “Digimon are causing trouble in the real world” type of concept and Hunters was no exception! the silly-but-high stakes generally works pretty well, they had fun generic cartoon plots like Restaurant Wars and Diving for Treasure, and I think that Tagiru and Gumdramon’s high energy did actually hold things together! i don’t think the series would have been able to pull off that same kind of “fun” feeling if Taiki had still been the protagonist, for example. i’m not sure if it’s what one might call a ‘good’ show, but I really enjoyed it and had fun watching it, and that’s what matters most!
this is the last liveblog I’ll be doing in this format (i’ve grown to prefer watching episodes in full & then talking about them afterwards), so thanks very much for reading this far!
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yooooo i was so excited when i saw that u made a girls of virtue quiz! out of all ur original works it holds a special place in my heart lol, im a big fan of girls who are just genuinely awful and also body horror as a metaphor 👀 cowardly in particular is one of my faves, because (and sorry if this interpretation isn't right im just going off what i can remember about her character ) she's got the vibes of a kicked puppy that would generally make the average person take pity on her but she's also so desperate to avoid further violence that she is completely willingly to throw them under the bus or use them as a meat shield if it means she doesn't have to take the hit. and, with all that pent up resentment she probably has bubbling under her skin, being able to take it out on someone else even if it's indirectly is something she would take a vicious kind of joy in. honestly i feel that she might actually be one of the harder girls to actually get through too in spite of initial appearances cause she's so wrapped up in her own self-preservation that she'd literally do anything at all, morals or loyalty be damned. truly, she is a pathetic wretch :] and i love her ❤️ though despite saying all that, beginning (who is actually who i got when i took ur quiz) really is my true beloved. alas, i am a basic fool and seeing someone choosing to be kind, clumsy and unsure but still trying nonetheless, in the face of what seems like a hopeless and cruel situation really hits my soft spot. also seeing how the other girls interact with her is just delightful. someone offers them basic decency and respect and they have a fight/flight/freeze response and it’s simultaneously pitiful and hilarious. ive gotta go reread this now, thank u for the cool quiz 👍
I took a lil while to answer this because,,, well,, *scream*. 
You flatter me, anon. Way too much. oAo I read this whole thing and practically started vibrating with !!!!
The fact the GoV “holds a special place in your heart” is killing me ksjghs. That is just so nice to hear. And yes!! Cowardly is one awful lil girl~ You’re pretty correct about her character too, which pleases me greatly. I’m glad I’m conveying her properly enough that people can understand! :D You’re very right that she’d be hard to genuinely get through to... 
Beginning is a special girl. The way I put it recently is that what makes Beginning different from a lot of “kill ‘em with kindness” protagonists is that she’s not doing it because she has no other choice. She’s not weak and “choosing” to be kind because she can’t fight. She’s just as strong as everyone else, and choosing to be kind because she can choose. And that’s what terrifies everyone. They can’t ignore the fact that she could very well decide to be a threat, but is actively refusing. 
I love it too though ngl. Writing their reactions this whole time, and the slow degeneration of how everyone has gone from dismissive of/mean to Beginning to either terrified or just plain Upset has been a great experience. XD
Thank you again!!! I love feedback like this sm. People like you are the reason why this story will get finished. 
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