#i really do feel fucking amazing rn and I'm not joking or being sarcastic
finalshaper · 9 months
you know you've done something right when your own community violently hates you
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
I discovered so many cool ifs thanks to your blog. I must say your taste in characters and stories is exquisite. Do you have a certain type of favourite ROs as in are there some romance tropes that you always go for? I'm a sucker for the emotionally unavailable ROs, so Orion and August have me in a chokehold rn. I'm honestly having so much infamous brainrot after reading that amazing demo. Do you prefer gender-selectable or gender-locked ROs? I personally don't mind either way as long as they're well written and portrayed. And you're so right we need more NB/Trans ROs for sure! Specially more that are POCs! <3
Oh, anon you don't know how much this makes me SMILE! Not so much about my tastes (though I'm smiling on that too, you flatterer :-P) but because of the IFs. I think Interactive Fiction is such a delightful medium with SUCH potential, and I love trying to stuff it into more people's faces.
Oh, man. I've actually been thinking of this -- because I once semi-jokingly said/had the thought that I always go for the characters of color [that's not TRUE, but I feel like I'm more inclined to give them a chance regardless of trope as long as I find the character intriguing enough] because I want to make sure they get love. So, I feel like I haven't really been looking at games/stories through tropes of late -- because IFs haven't yet reach a place where I'm afforded that? I don't know if I'm making sense.
BUT this question definitely took me back, lmao. And it is going to expose why TWC will always be on my neck, as well as that I am a LITTLE bit of a liar (because thinking on this made me realize though I may try and be broad with my interests to support characters of color, my subconious is a clown and likes what it likes werew lmao).
TL;DR I do love the stoic ones. I do love the ones that seem indifferent and/or cold or just So Serious and Don't Have Time For Your Tomfoolery but also have a sense of humor, a sense of justice/loyalty, and can get super soft/flustered for MC (but not just mc but their loved ones:
A du Mortain 🤡
Orion Quinn (Orion chuckling at Rowan's jokes privately? I knew he was the one for me BUT THAT SOLIDIFIED IT. I AM GONE FOR HIM)
August Pierce (letting themselves be suckered into things by their sister, being flustered by MC in a romance??)
Calderon (Andromeda Six)
Elliot (OFNA) - though I haven't gotten far in ofna.
D (atoc)
I love the soft and bright ones. Sometimes they're sarcastic (but to a point. There's a reason why I love the Scott McCalls more than the Stiles Stilinkis), they're mischevious. They don't need to have a dark past but I'm not against it. They're still KIND despite all they've gone through. Their hearts are just so BIG. And if you throw in a bit of friends to lovers? I'M THERE.
F Hauville.
Bash (a6)
I think Victoria might fit here, but more of a hardened shell version (which I wanted to add I feel this type has a lot of subcategories that I also enjoy). A more defiant version, a version who is less impulsive, more in control? idk what im saying. Which I'd also put Ayame from A6 here.
Skye Cortéz from Skin and Scales.
I feel Kiran from Unseelie will fit this.
Those are clear off the top of my head but there are other ones I like. I love characters that have poise but also are cunning (I think A from ATOC would fit here if you need an example; Sabir from the Exile, Straasa from TSSW, Leonie from Reaper's Bay .... that theyre all black is a coincidence -- one I JUST realized wqere lmao), I love childhood friends to lovers as I stated, I love enemies to reluctant allies to friends to lovers, I love second chance romances (or reunited friends that turn to romance). I'm blanking at personalties, right now. I'm sorry.
Oh, negl. Sometimes I go for the 'fuck everyone but you' Villain. I like it when the powerful "bad" guy (gn) is obssessed with MC. Like, not an RO but for an example Falk. Or an actual RO Manerkol from The Soul Stone Wars. Krios from Dying Stars.
Sometimes, but not always, I go for the hopelessly devoted and utterly loyal to MC bodyguard sort like Kai from Reaper's Bay. Devoted and protective does usually get my pitter patter - like John from Made Marian, but like I said not always. Especially if OVERPROTECTIVENESS can be a point of discussion between the pair (ie mc and the ro).
There are other stuff but i am blanking right now.
As for gender, I don't care generally -- but I do tend to shy away if there isn't an NB option when they're gender selectable, and if there isn't I want at LEAST ONE NB ro (more than one) that isn't gender selectable. I like it better tho when it's all gender selectable or like two are gender selectable and the rest are set genders but evenly so.
and yes that SPECIFICNESS -- you make a point I hadn't even thought of: DEFINITELY need more trans/nb options, PERIOD, but please writers and artists should consider having them of color as well!!
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May i have a romantic mcu and harry potter match up please :)
Hi my name is rex, i’m queer and use they/them pronouns and i’m 15. And i would prefer someone not over the age of 18 plz.
have like a caramel colored skin-tone and im 5’3 (short king). Rn i have a purple-pink short mullet and i have pretty curly hair(the ethnic popped off hehe), im pretty chubby but i have an hourglass shape, im pretty busty(im a fuckin k cup bro😭) and thicc thighs(thicc thighs save lives, sorry i’ll stop). I dress pretty alternative but i cant just choose one subculture tho, i wear a lot of heavy eye makeup. I could say i dress kinda “showy” but thats kinda what only fits me, but also who gives a fuck.
Im a libra sun, scropio moon, and gemini rising. This means that im a pretty social person and always wanna hang out with friends and just have fun, but moon in scropio makes my emotions rlly haywire and kinda boosts any sorta negative emotion, which is hard when you have chronic anxiety and major depressive disorder. Which also means i take medication for it, which i forget a lot. And because of these things i have anxiety tics, where it ranges to making noices and twitching a bit to full on hitting myself and saying random shit. But I really like making people laugh, it makes me feel helpful, but im also good at being to mother figure for people. I also like playfully bantering with people, like i love you but will full on roast you and get into fake fist-fights. I am a bit of a violent person at times but I have a punching bag and boxing gloves which help a lot. But I only get that angry when someone uses an insecurity of mine against me or is talking bad about someone i love, cause it you do that im beating your ass. I do have a bit of body insecurities mainly about my hip-dips and stomach. But because im curvy i get hit on by adults a lot and its creepy as fuck.
My hobbies include art (painting, drawing), sleeping (because i stay up mad late😭✌🏽), reading comics, Marvel and D.C superheroes, and super villains, cartoons, and anime/manga.
My favorite music genre’s are rock, alternative, emo, rap, and a little bit if indie music.
Personality: funny, sarcastic, creative, kind, inappropriate and the right times. Like im not gonna pull out a dick joke in front of your family
Better pic on what i look like:
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Two matchups coming right up :)
For hp, I match you with...
Harry Potter
It's no secret that Harry has suffered a lot in his life, so having an S/O who can make him laugh would be amazing for him.
I feel like Harry probably has a similar taste in music as you, so the both of you would just be introducing each other to artists and/or songs you like.
The two of you having entire conversations that are at least ninety percent banter.
You and him are a force to be reckoned with when someone manages to get both of you angry.
Playing Quidditch with just the two of you as a date. It starts off rather competetively, but eventually you're both just flying around talking, only occasionally throwing the ball anymore.
Comics are probably something Harry enjoyed while he was living with the Dursleys, so you two spend hours talking about your favourites.
Tries to paint with you exactly once. He somehow gets paint on the ceiling, and it's only be sheer luck that McGonagall neverfound out.
And now for the mcu. I couldn't think of that many characters under 18, so I'm sorry if this is a little predictable. Anyway, I match you with...
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MJ is all about playful banter with her loved ones. Bantering with her is like one of those pro tennis matches: it goes back and forth so quickly that it's easy to lose track.
We see in Homecoming that she's pretty good at drawing, so drawing dates are a thing. You know, just sitting together and drawing, only talking occasionally.
If you were to try and introduce MJ to comics, she'd pretend she didn't really care about them at all. But then, secretly, she gets super into it.
MJ would love your height. She thinks it's adorable and will occasionally tease you about it, like when you can't reach something on the highest shelf.
You can count on her to help you remember to take your medication.
MJ isn't the most social person, so she prefers to hang out with just you. However, occasionally, you might be able to convince her to go some place that has other people.
Teaming up in arguments with Peter and Ned. Poor guys don't know what hits them lol.
I hope you enjoyed these! Thank you so much for requesting, and have a lovey day/night :)
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