#i really feel like dhawan was done dirty
verloonati · 6 months
It pisses me off so much that during chibnall!who one thing they never got right is the master/doctor relationship. And obviously Sacha dhawan is a great incarnation of the master, he just suffers from the same bad writing as most of this era, but also, yeah the Dhawan!Master is written with an obsessive resentment about the doctor, and like, sure, that's a little bit surface level unhingedness that never litteraly goes into the character, and his plan are basically subjecting the doctor to his power point lore presentation. But most of all, the doctor is not written to show any kind of care towards him. She is scared, disappointed, appalled etc, but she never shows him any kind of love.
And imo that's the thing that defines the master as a character, is that the doctor loves them so fucking much they're able to forgive absolutely anything, and they love the doctor so much they kill galaxies in their name.
Even the most evil incarnations of the master (especially the war master) slightly let their guard down in front of the doctor.
And of course it's not to mention the fucking racist bullshit that was Spyfall part 2.
Overall It's just such a waste to have an era rely that much on an amazing characters with themes and motives that are so easy to write, and do nothing with it, except fuck around a bunch with cybermen and oh the time lords are gone again I guess. Look he's doing a funny dance now. He's turned himself into Rasputin.
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davosmymaster · 4 years
To the Ends of the Universe
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A/N - Hello!!! How’s everyone doing? Just wanted to say thank you to the people who left a comment/liked the post about this one shot. I really hope this fic won’t dissapoint anyone.
Special thanks to @wonders-of-the-multiverse​ who has been there from the very first second. This fic initially started as both of us just daydreaming about the Master as usual and well, here we are XD. She was also my incredible beta reader.
As some of you know, English is not my first language, so I apologize in advance for any mistake. This is also my first fic on tumblr YAY
I really hope you have a good time reading this!!!
WARNINGS - Blood, mentions of nightmares, it’s pure fluff basically with hints of angst
PAIRINGS - Dhawan!Master x Reader (The Master x Reader)
WORD COUNT - 6,062 words
 The dimly lit hallways exploded in a bright white light as you rushed to the medbay, the loud thumping of your heart stuck in your ears as you forced your legs to keep the pace for just one more second.
 As Opposed to The Doctor’s, The Master’s TARDIS had always looked quite dark and unwelcoming, almost as if it wasn’t pleased with having anyone wandering around inside her. This time, however, a white flickering light guided you through the maze-like corridors to your destination. It was a big change from the dirty tricks she used to play during the first few months of your stay.
 The floor under your shoes quaked as the ship took off, the harsh trembling sending your body forwards and your shoulder crashing against one of the metal doors. You rubbed the tender spot for a second, the worry that had overwhelmed you at the sight of blood quickly being replaced by a wave of pure annoyance and agitation.
 “You could help me a bit here” you whispered through gritted teeth towards the TARDIS, the pain in your shoulder slowly dissolving into numbness.
 A low groan seemed to come from the walls and the energy inside it. The metal disappeared as the door slid open to reveal the grey colour of the medbay.
 “O-oh” you gasped “sorry”
 Once inside the room and without a thought, your body automatically went for the second drawer in one of the cupboards.
 Traveling the stars wasn’t as safe as you would have liked, and both the Master and yourself had gotten hurt more times than either of you remembered. As years and years passed you had surprised yourself in the most appropriate situations, becoming aware of the fact that you could find almost anything in the medbay at this point; even if you couldn’t understand the advanced medical technology a time lord could have gathered all over time and space for god-knows-how-long.
 “I’m back!” you announced when the control room appeared in front of your eyes again. The figure of the Master was leaning against the console, eyes too focused on his own empty fists to be considered normal. His hair was more disheveled than usual, the fringe coated with blood as it brushed across the top of his eyes. “Master”
 He jumped in place at the sound of your voice, one of his hands instinctively going to his coat’s pocket as a reflex. The wound on the side of his head was still bleeding, although the oozing flow of blood seemed to have lessened considerably since you had last seen him. His skin was much paler than usual and the dark rings under his eyes were looking much worse than that morning. You couldn’t help but think that he looked miserable, even beyond the blood staining his face and clothes.
 “Are you alright?” you whispered. You took a step forward cautiously and didn’t look away from his eyes, trying to find all the answers to your questions in those big brown orbs.
 “Why wouldn’t I be?”
 He quickly backed off, putting as much space between the two of you as he could. You watched him wander the room, walking in one direction before changing his mind the next second. You clenched your hands around the medical supplies, the weight of all the things you were carrying reminded you why you had left the room in the first place.
 “Have a seat somewhere” you demanded, although it sounded angrier than you had intended, almost like a bark. “You’re still bleeding”
 Your heart hammered in your chest as a response. The silence fell between the two of you, the atmosphere suddenly running out of air. He looked like a madman right there in front of your incredulous eyes, bleeding and pointing at you like he pointed at his enemies after stating a threat. He had never glared at you with angry eyes before.
 The Master had been acting odd for some time now. It all started with a change in his plans. One day, for no apparent reason, he took you on a trip to one of the most beautiful planets in the universe. The blue dunes of sand under an orange bright sun permanently eclipsed by one of its forty-three satellites. It seemed to be the perfect place to have some rest, at least it was until some of the natives recognized the Master and threatened to kill both of you.
 Surely ‘the most beautiful’ didn’t imply ‘the safest’, as the few civilizations that lived there had been at war for more than a millennia. The only thing all those aliens had in common was, somehow, the desire for the Master’s dead body. When the TARDIS set off again, as far away from the planet as she could, you realized he had done the first good action in a long time: he had left behind two civilizations unified for a cause greater than themselves, to get rid of him once and for all.
 Most of the time you couldn’t choose where to go, he always traveled whenever and wherever he needed in order to gather weapons or artifacts. Other times it was merely to have some fun, and on some rare occasions you would manipulate him to use his bloodthirstiness to do some justice.
 Those trips weren’t as usual now, or maybe he just had stopped telling you the truth about his intentions. Burning planets, dangerous ships and poisonous waters became beautiful trips to sightseeing constellations and the most delicious dinners served next to the colorful Medusa Cascade. No matter how beautiful or safe the place seemed to be, there was always someone or something interrupting the dates you were trying to enjoy with the Master. Not that he would call them dates, anyway.
 You used to read him like an open book. When he said “you’ll slow me down” in reality he meant “this is gonna turn nasty and I want you as far away from here as possible”. When he said he wanted to be alone, that was probably the last thing he wanted. And most of all you were almost a hundred percent sure that the strange words he whispered into your hair when he thought you were asleep meant “I love you” in Gallifreyan.
 But you still hadn’t managed to persuade the TARDIS to get you a Gallifreyan dictionary with the words’ pronunciation. It was definitely a work in progress though, or it had been until you realized that the Master and yourself had been slowly growing apart for the last few months.
 “(Y/N)” he said, his voice almost as low as a whisper “I- I shouldn’t have-”
 “You’re right, you shouldn’t have” you responded firmly. There were a lot of things you were willing to forgive him for, but yelling and mistreating you wasn’t one of them.
 He groaned in pain then, drenching his fingertips in the blood clot in his temple. Your own heart shivered in your chest at the sight, concern quickly burning your insides as a white hot fire ran through your veins.
 “Don’t touch it!”
 You quickly walked the space keeping you apart and gave him a gentle smack to his wrist. He avoided your eyes, fixing them instead on the rolls of unopened gauze, alcohol, towels, and those strange alien band-aids that accelerated the healing process up to five times faster.
 In a flurry of movement the Master moved, his hands quick to try and snatch them from you. But you had known him for a long time and knew exactly what he was like.
 “I can do it myself, I’m not a child”
 “I know you can-” you replied softly, your mind trying to convince itself that he was acting weirder than usual because you had underestimated the damage caused by the blow he had suffered to the head. “-but I’m not as sure about the rest of the sentence.”
 He raised one eyebrow in response and you watched him try not to grimace in pain again.
 “Here” he pulled away from you and walked to the front door of the TARDIS, opening it with ease. The old wood-like doors pulled back to reveal a black nothingness filled with thousands of distant flickering stars “I need some air.”
 The Master took a seat at the border. His back rested against the doors, one of his legs dangling out into space, the other bent beneath him on the floor.
 “You’ve definitely taken quite a hit.” you laughed, “There’s no air in outer space!”
 He smirked with closed eyes, calmly breathing in and out through the nose. “Don’t tell a Time Lord what can and cannot be in outer space. Now get to work, if you’re not going to let me do it myself.”
 You took a seat in front of him in the small space between his figure and the open door, one of your legs also dangling out into space. Leaning in, you pressed the gauze soaked in alcohol against the open wound to finally stop the bleeding. The Master clenched his jaw as much as he could, hissing in pain.
 “Sorry” you apologized, “Keep the pressure on yourself, I’m gonna clean you up.”
 He leered at you, the corner of his lips smirking lasciviously. You rolled your eyes, taking the wet towel in your hands and proceeding to clean the dry blood away from his chin and cheek. You cleaned his short beard the best you could and tried to get rid of the blood clots in his fringe, unsuccessfully to your dismay.
 You could feel his eyes piercing yours, his fingers gently sliding across the skin of your shoulder, softly brushing your hair to get it out of the way. You fixed your eyes onto his own only to catch him avoiding your gaze, his attention stuck on staring out at the endless sight of the universe.
 The Master kept his eyes fixed in nowhere in particular while you worked on his wound. You slowly opened one of the band-aids and tried to avoid his hair as much as possible, so you could place it on the side of his head; just above the temple. Now you just had to wait a few minutes to remove it. You had used those curious things several times before and although the healing was sped up, the thing never failed to leave some kind of scar. But even with those odds stacked against him, the Master was always lucky enough to never get scarred- likely thanks to his own unique biology.
 You let yourself fall limp against the door and tilted your head to whatever the Master was looking for. The sight was beautiful as it had always been, millions of stars were almost swallowed by the black nothingness that separated planets, constellations, solar systems, and asteroids. And even at the incredible sight of all of this, you struggled to find something that could possibly retain the Master’s attention for more than a split second.
 “Are you alright? You’ve seemed a little distant lately” you asked again.
 Fixing your eyes on his features you searched for any sign of discomfort, either physical or emotional. At the lack of response your gaze started to wander, his hand catching your attention as he played with something inside of his coat pocket.
 He was likely twisting and curling the TCE between his fingers. It was a trait you had noticed during your time travelling with him, his fingers fidgeting without fail whenever he was deep in thought. It happened every time, he would either tap four beats on any surface he could find or get something to entertain his restless fingers with, most of the time the ‘thing’ being his TCE.
 The memories from the day filled your head then. He had looked distant the whole time, from the very first second he landed the TARDIS in one of the three planets that formed the solar system of one of the seventeen suns in Kasterborous. It was the closest you had ever been to Gallifrey and, still, it was far enough to not be able to admire the beautiful planet that had watched the Doctor and the Master grow into adults for centuries.
 “I’m just planning my next scheme to trap the Doctor”
 You nodded, although you didn’t believe a thing of what he said.
 The words of what you had been thinking for endless nights poured from your lips before your mind could make up an excuse for his strange behavior, like all the other times. No one could blame you, after all you were just trying to protect your heart and mind from shattering.
 “Is it me?” you asked finally, your voice betraying you and showing more emotion than what you had intended.
 The Master suddenly turned his curious gaze to you. So he was paying attention then…
 “Don’t you think I haven’t spotted how distant you’ve been lately” you added, although lately didn’t seem to be the right word. Obviously you had realized how much time he spent alone in the library and how his visits to the room you both shared were becoming less and less frequent. He always claimed he didn’t need to sleep as much, but you had been apart for enough time for you to notice that it was just a cheap excuse to not be there.
 “Do you not want me to be here anymore?”
 He frowned at your words.
 “Are you still happy?” you asked with a hoarse voice, feeling the familiar weight of tears building up in your eyes at the low wheezing sound of the silence. You clenched your jaw and tried to swallow the tears. “Don’t lie to me.”
 He just stared at you in silence for a second, mouthing like a fish out of water, until he finally blinked and tried to make a sound.
 “I-is not-”
 “Just-” you cut him off, feeling again like a lie was about to spill from his lips. “-you seem sad, distant, you’re not happy and you’re lying to me.”
“No-NO!” You snapped when he tried to talk again, “Don’t try to deny it, I can tell. I know you”
 “So…” Anxiously you took a shallow shaky breath “It has something to do with me, doesn’t it?”
 He pressed his lips together for a second but soon relaxed again. Changing his expression, the shimmer in his eyes shifted as he smirked slightly, the dark circles under his eyes failing to achieve the frightening look he was striving for. Maybe it would have worked with anyone else, but not with you.
 “You humans are so vain, always thinking the universe spins around you.”
 “I’m being serious, Koschei”
 He took a breathless gasp, almost as if he had been hit. The name of a time lord was one of the biggest, best-kept secrets in the universe. Only a handful of people had known (or would ever know) the real name of the Doctor, and due to the Master’s lack of sympathy and his trouble to connect with people to an emotional level, even less had known or ever would know his.
 ‘How many?’ you had asked when he confessed his real name one night, his forehead pressing against your sweaty collarbone.
 ‘Only you’ he had whispered, right before kissing your shoulder “and some Time Lords at the Academy, but they are not important.” you heard him take a deep breath, his nose pressed against your throat “All dead now.”
 Those times seemed out of reach. You even asked yourself if he regretted telling you.
 “Not you.” he whispered defeatedly, his head falling to his lap “It could never be you.”
 “What is it then?”
 He shifted his whole body to face you, squirming in his place and unable to keep still. He removed his hand from his pocket, clasping your own tightly.
 “It’s me.” he whispered in a choked breath and looked at your eyes “It’s so selfish of me to want you forever even though I know I don’t deserve you.”
 “Don’t say that!” you replied, struggling to believe the honesty in his voice and eyes. “You’re not serious. You can’t think like that after everything we’ve been through!”
 He focused again on your hands firmly entwined.
 “I believe it because… you’re so good” he looked away briefly towards the stars, before turning his gaze back to you again. “And people like me don’t get good people by their side or moments like this.”
 The Master stroked your palms with his thumbs, suddenly finding them more interesting than his own thoughts. After a few moments he gave a shaky sigh, backing off once more.
 “And if the past few attempts haven’t been proof of that, then I don’t know what could it be.”
 “Proof?” you questioned, “Proof of what? And what do you mean by the past few attempts?”
 He froze in place, and you frowned at his sudden stiffness. His shoulders tensed and body solid as he sighed deeply, his eyes fluttering closed as he tried and failed to relax his posture. The Master grumbled to himself in defeat, his hand dipping back into his pocket and playing with the TCE or whatever he had found to fiddle with once more.
 “I-it’s nothing. Just rambling.” he shrugged in an attempt to consolidate his own thoughts, but not even you believed his body language. “You do it a lot, ramble I mean, ugh, it’s your fault. I’m getting your bad ha-”
 “Does it have something to do with the last few stops?” you insisted, although you knew from personal experience that pressuring the Master to talk more than he wanted was never a good idea “All those… extravagant places, the two dates at the Medusa Cascade…”
 You would have laughed at his disgusted look if the atmosphere wasn’t so tense between the both of you. So you just gave him a crooked smile.
 “Yes, Master. That’s what it’s called when a person takes another person for dinner to talk and have a good time, especially when the place is that fancy. I loved it even though...”
 He watched silently as you told him about the whole date and everything that happened afterwards, despite him being there by your side. Although the dinner had started off with good intentions, it had quickly slipped into a tone of awkwardness through no fault of his own. So much so that the chasing and ‘running for your lives’ had been very much welcomed, although he didn’t notice it. He even apologized once you got into the TARDIS. It was fair to say that he was beyond annoyed the first time.
 A month later, when the second date was just another failed attempt in another restaurant in the Medusa Cascade, he had been furious. That was one of the reasons why the console room (or the living room of the house the TARDIS was disguised as) was even messier than usual. He had broken some chairs and cups before following your steps as you had stormed out to the library.
 The Master realized as he watched you talk that there would be no such thing as a perfect time. He silently admired the star light reflecting in your eyes and highlighting your features, oblivious to everything else. He couldn’t believe the fact that fate had found a way for both your souls to meet and connect. It didn’t matter in the end how much he had tried to distance himself from any other form of life in the universe, because at the end of the day you had always been there, always. He didn’t believe in fate, but when he looked back at the few possibilities there was for him to meet a person that he truly cared about, it was hard not to succumb at the idea of a force greater than himself pulling the strings to figure everything out.
 Even if he dared to think for a split second about not seeing you again, he wouldn’t be able to keep his pieces together. The Master wanted to do the right thing for once, and if fate surprisingly existed, he was certain it absolutely despised him. Countless times he had tried to have a full minute in silence with you, just enjoying each other’s company with a beautiful view, and the same amount of times his plans had been ruined by someone or something trying to either kill him, obtain revenge or obtain revenge via killing him. Until that precise moment he had never had regrets about all the people he had annoyed.
 He wondered what he could do now. Kasterborous was the last place on the list, and he was beyond exhausted from trying. On the other hand, he couldn’t give up on you. His best dreams were always about you, but so were his worst nightmares. And whenever and wherever he was he could always be sure about two things: his love for you and his conviction that as long as your heart was beating, so would his.
 How had he expected to make it perfect when your lives had always been so messy? After all, that was the whole basis of your lives: chaos, adventure, nothing ever occurring according to plan. And still, everything seemed to always find a way to fall into place. Not even the tardis had felt like a home before you, but now home seemed to be in his hands whenever he held yours, and he would be so lost if your hand ever left his.
 A sudden current of hope swallowed him whole.
 “Travel the universe with me.” He whispered, loud enough for you to hear.
 You couldn’t help but chuckle at his pleading. However, your laugh died with ease when you turned around to find a pair of saddened eyes.
 You leaned in and stroked his beard in your palm, using a few seconds to admire his lips and features. Sighing, you repositioned yourself with both of your hands in his lap, your eyes staring intensely at his own as you held his attention on yourself.
 “I already travel with you, idiot.” You gave his hands a gentle squeeze, “What’s wrong?”
 The Master took three shallow breaths, his sight lost somewhere in your hands above the fabric of his trousers. You moved away from him again, gazing worriedly to how distant he seemed to be from his own flesh. It was at that moment that his hand emerged from the concealment of his thick purple coat pocket, his fist trembling and knuckles a stark white colour.
 An idea quickly surged in your brain, and you fought to swallow the dry lump in your throat at the fear of something serious happening to him.
 However, that fear quickly vanished when his fist relaxed and his fingers slowly curled open; revealing what was inside for the light of day to see.
 For a split second you thought he wasn’t holding anything, but then your mind acknowledged the shape of a ring sitting proudly in front of your incredulous eyes. The ring was so tiny in his large hand that you couldn’t properly see it until his fist was completely open and flat, it seemed almost a crime to keep something so beautiful concealed in the shadows.
 The ring was silver, encrusted with white circular gemstones that you didn’t even bother to try and name as without a doubt they weren’t from Earth. The central gem shined a dim light almost invisible until he lent his hand to the side. For a second you could have sworn you had seen a fine black line inside of it, the thought quickly dismissed as a trick of the light as your eyes filled with unstoppable tears once again.
 The only thing that could make you look away from the small piece of jewelry was a gentle squeeze to your shoulder, that and the fact that the Master had quickly stowed the ring away in his coat pocket once more. Your trembling body kept your eyes locked on the empty space it had once inhabited regardless, that was until you heard his panicked voice breaking through the loud thumping of your heart in your ears.
 The Master had positioned both his hands against your cheeks which were now wet with your tears, his thumb tracing the contour of your cheek and drawing you away from your reverie. Only then did you dare to look at him again.
 “I-I’m sorry. I-” he took shallow breaths, blinking away the tears forming in his eyes at light speed. “I’m so sorry. Don’t cry, please. Don’t cry.”
 “W-” you tried to ask, but the words in your mouth didn’t seem to appear fast enough in your mind “W-what’s that?”
 He leaned in and pressed his forehead to your own, still wiping away the tears that littered your cheeks with his thumbs. Even from that angle you could discern how one tear slipped away from his right eye, licking gently at the hot skin behind only to die in the corner of his lips.
 “Nothing.” He stated with a shuddered exhale, suddenly cutting himself off by chewing his lip “It’s nothing!”
 “It’s a ring!” You cried in return.
 From all the things you expected from the Master, marriage was very low on the list. He despised most planets and sassily commented about any tradition and culture that wasn’t his own. You had never even bothered to think about marriage, especially after knowing that weddings on Gallifrey were mostly arranged, a mere game to obtain political power and status amongst the community. In Gallifrey weddings weren’t enjoyed and at the end of the day, they didn’t mean anything either; it was just a convenient tool for both parties.
 But you weren’t a Time Lord.
 You were human.
 Just one more human traveling the stars.
 During your travels, you had learned that the meaning of marriage was a timeless concept to the future of the human race, no matter how long someone had been away from Earth or how many millenniums had passed since the Solar System had been destroyed to dust. Some things simply stayed the same.
 So he knew what marriage meant to the human race, and most importantly, he knew what marriage meant to you, for the both of you.
 “No” he tried “No, it’s…”
 “Don’t lie to me” you growled, pushing his shoulders back “Don’t you dare lie to me. I’m tired of getting pushed away. You always, always, do that. And it hurts”
 You buried your head in your knees, your arms wrapping around yourself tightly as tears silently escaped your eyes without remedy. It happened regardless of how you felt, were you happy? nervous? sad? You didn’t even know at this point. The thing with the Master was that he was always so hard to comprehend, despite all the years of traveling and living together. In the end he was always true to his spontaneous, chaotic natures, never failing to surprise you at the least expected moment.
 The Master moved closer, this time pressing his forehead to your shoulder. A second after you felt your own shirt getting damp, your heart tightening in your chest even more, if that was even possible. Knowing that not only was he only trying not to cry in front of you, he was also trying to hide, trying to find somewhere safe to let himself break. It was hard not to think about how much exhaustion and courage it was taking him not to get on his feet and run as far as he could.
 He always had struggled to put his emotions into words, and expressing the depth of his feelings for you was still something he wasn’t quite used to. Even though he had never said I love you openly, you also knew he didn’t need to.
 The Master was the kind of person whose acts always said more than his words. The way he supported you in everything you wanted to do, the soft whispers to wake you up and his habit of making a single cup of coffee in the morning just for you (mostly because he didn’t like the taste). You had spent an endless amount of nights in his arms when you couldn’t sleep, countless days curled up tightly next to him when sickness took over your body. You didn’t remember what nightmares felt like anymore, you hadn’t had one since the first night he shared with you. Yet still, you preferred them to the terror swallowing your body whole when his own nightmares woke you up in the middle of the night.
 “Of course it’s a ring.” he finally admitted, “Im selfish enough to not want you with anyone else or anywhere else. I want you here for as long as we have.”
 His confession was sealed with a feather light kiss against the exposed skin of your neck. “I’ve been trying to ask you for a long time, but it never works out. I fear this will have to do”
 When you pulled away, he quickly wiped all the tears from his face in a rapid and almost angry manner. But even with his cheeks partially dry, you could still see the redness tinted around the edges of his eyes and the tip of his nose, still spot the remnants of tears clinging to his eyelashes.
 You pulled his hands away from his face and cleared away the final tears that slipped across his cheeks. A choked sob tearing from his throat as he tried to take a steadying breath. You could clearly see the conflict he waged with himself, especially so when his hands turned into fists and his jaw clenched so tightly you feared he would break a tooth.
 Pressing the tip of your thumb against his lip, you caressed the soft skin you were dying to kiss. Looking deeply into his eyes, you could tell he seemed to be finally paying full attention.
 “Look at me.”
 “I’m looking at you.”
 “No, you’re not.” You exclaimed, “You’re thinking, not looking. Stop torturing yourself in that head of yours and just… look at me and see.”
 Frown lines marked his face and you took the chance to get rid of the white band-aid that stuck to his forehead; revealing the pristine healed skin underneath.
 “What do you want me to see?” The Master ventured after a moment of silence.
 “How much I love you.” You brushed the tip of his nose with yours and slid your hand against the soft hairs in his jaw. “You need to see it, and believe…”
 His short chuckle was melody to your ears.
 “It's impossible not to see it, love.” He smiled sadly, your skin shivering under his touch as he slid two fingers under the fabric of the shirt’s collar. Lazily he outlined your collarbone, his hands roaming and exploring your skin as though it was an uncharted planet.
 You smiled to yourself, knowing it was yet again another sign of his nervous quirks; the constant need to entertain his fingers with something.
 “It’s there every time I look at you.” The Master continued, “And unfortunately, I never believe what I see.”
 Somehow, you already knew what he was going to say, the words nestled deep within your heart. Closing your eyes, you gently pressed your lips against his own, the moment brief and chaste before backing off almost immediately afterwards.
 “I’ll have to make you then.”
 Leaning forwards your hand reached outwards, pulling the pocket of his coat round as you brazenly dug down into his pocket. It wasn't hard to find the tiny piece of jewelry, but it was definitely harder to free your wrist from the Master’s grip.
 “Please…” he begged with pleading eyes “What are you…?”
 Eventually, and without a word, he let your wrist go. You licked your lips, feeling the coldness of the ring nestled against your own palm but too afraid to open your fist to give it a proper look.
 Taking a deep breath, you finally encouraged yourself to do what had to be done.
 Even before giving the ring a second look, you slowly slid the piece of jewellery on to the place it belonged; where it would always belong. Then with baited breath you drew your gaze carefully across every inch of it, committing every shine, every detail to memory. The circular gem in the middle caught your attention for a lot longer than when you had initially seen it, and you found that the more you fixed your eyes on it, the clearer the thin black lines became inside of the gem.
 You could tell it was gallifreyan, the entwined circles were hard to mistake for any other language, the black dots inside the circumferences were almost impossible to see. You struggled to find the meaning, even with the knowledge from the classes that The Master had given you in the past.
 He seemed to be holding his breath when your eyes watched his features again. Noticing your eyes on him, he swallowed loudly. His whole figure relaxed. His shoulders falling back against the wood-like door, his constant frown fading and hands falling limp in his lap. With nifty fingers brushed away his fringe in an attempt to remove the hair from his eyes.
 He was clearly overwhelmed by the situation and you did understand his reaction, after all he had been trying to propose for a long time.
 “What does it mean?”
 His grin was the biggest he had ever made, his eyes recovering that special shine you hadn’t seen in months.
 “Why do I even bother trying to teach you?”
 “Why do I even bother treating your wounds if you make me want to punch you in the face afterwards?”
 “Uhm… let’s see…” He jokingly teased. Catching your left hand, he brought it closer to his eyes, his gaze fixated on the ring perched on your finger.
 With a steady voice and growing confidence, The Master pronounced a series of sounds that you couldn’t quite comprehend, your mind still flaring with recognition for them as the words he always whispered in your hair during the night.
 Before you could protest about not speaking gallifreyan, he promptly translated.
 “Hold my hand to the ends of the universe.” He took your hand and gently pressed his lips to the ring and the skin around it.
 “This is my promise” he finished with a whisper.
 Your breath was caught in your throat. You only remembered you needed to say something when he warily gazed to your own incredulous eyes. You had no idea what he would decipher in your gaze, as your own torrent of emotions were hard to decode even by yourself. But you caught sight of the huge amount of hope installed in his eyes and your heart hammered in your chest at the sight.
 “Yes, I do.”
 The Master chuckled, your attention catching a glimpse of the happiness exploding in his eyes. It was like watching a supernova explode in before you. He let his head fall to your intertwined hands once again, sliding his fingers to tighten his grip around your own as he held your hand.
 “I wanted to propose to you.” he smirked, “Not marry you on the spot. We have time for that.”
 You chuckled and he lent in, his lips gracing your cheek as he kissed you once more. With his breath hot against your skin, the Master released a shaky, relieved whisper.
 “Thank you, love.”
 With a gentle touch, his hands wandered to the small of your back urging you to lay down on top of him. You followed his guidance with little resistance, hands pressed against his chest as you could hear the rapid beating of his hearts despite the numerous layers of clothing he always wore.
 Excited at the sound, you shifted your hand directly above his hearts, the gemstones in the ring sparkling and reflecting the flickering light of the stars on your finger.
 “I love you.” You whispered as his hands traced circular lines in your back. He made an amused sound and kissed the top of your head.
 “I love you too,” He answered without a moment's hesitation.
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kill-for-cookies · 4 years
Promise is a beautiful lie (pt. 2)
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Words: 3194
Warning: angst and some fluff
Note: um, guys, when I finished writing this chapter today, I didn’t think it would be this long. Oh, and just wanted to say, the first two parts are like prologue. But I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Previous parts: 1
"Hands up!" obviously, it wasn't for you, because your hands were still up.
"Or what?" you may have had your back to him, but you could feel his daring grin.
"She'll die" wait, do they want to arrest you or kill you? Or both? Honestly, none of this is particularly encouraging.
Actually the only thing you could think about was what the Master would do. Return to the TARDIS or kill them or... Well, no, that option was definitely not possible. He definitely wouldn't give up on them. Although recently he treated you differently, friendly and nicely. But he wouldn't do it for you anyway. The Master isn’t one to give up. After all, give up means to lose, and he'll do anything to prevent it from happening. But something inside you said the opposite. Even though you were willing to kill him yourself for setting you up. But why would he get out of the TARDIS if he planned it all?
His deep sigh brought you out of your thoughts. You could feel him slowly raising his hands behind your back. If there weren't the spears few inches away from your throat, your jaw would fall. He did what? He? The Master? Gave up? Is it the same person we are talking about? Honestly, the more time you spent with him, the more you doubted it.
"Come on. Let's not make them more angry" the Master whispered in your ear when he lined up with you. You wanted to argue with him because how can you move when you have spears pointed at you. But you realized they were long gone and you had something heavy on your wrists. Handcuffs. Best day in your life. First the Master gave you hope of the Doctor's return and now the guards on some unknown planet had arrested you for something you didn't do. And unlikely you would. They must get something wrong and take you by mistake. You would never steal anything, right? And especially not with the Master... That's crazy... Or... No, definitely crazy. And that's out of the question!
You were in thoughts again and this time you paid for it. The guard standing behind you (how did he manage to move there?) strongly pushed you with obtuse end of spear so you almost met with a stone (is there any soil on this planet?). You were going to fall, but the Master's hand stopped you (for the second time in a short period. What's wrong with the Universe today?). And for God sake, he was smiling at you, like he's been in your head and seen you worried about how you behaved in front of him. You wanted to damn him, but something stopped you. You could feel his imperious gaze inside your mind. Okay, that's creepy.
You were going down the corridors, the luxurious corridors. The walls were ochre, and the columns, which there were many, were made of crystal with golden patterns. Outside the Palace wasn't very big. High, but not big. But inside, it looked like a whole city. City in the city. But you didn't admire it very long, because you were taken to the lower levels. And also you kept thinking, trying to understand the situation in which you found yourself. Ugh, but why you? And why with him? If you were traveling with the Doctor, this would never happen... Because she would never let you do this... Although, one day the Doctor mentioned that she stole the TARDIS... In any case, the situation would have been very different!
"Y/N, I wanted to tell you..."
"Shut. Up" you just hissed back at him. Your face was stony, coldly calm. The Master could swear that he felt goosebumps all over his body. But he wasn't going to show it to you.
"But..." The Master tried to continue, but when he met your eyes, he immediately forgot what he wanted to say. There was fire in your eyes (maybe it was the lighting, but who cares?). The fire was brighter than on Gallifrey when the entire great civilization of the Time lords turned to ashes. It was fucking threatening but God, he'd lie to himself if he said they weren't driving him crazy. Oh, if you only knew what power you had over him at this moment. Maybe one day...
You still continued to go down these countless corridors resembling a maze. You should remember the road you took to get to the Master's TARDIS. But you were distracted, still trying to understand your mixed feelings. At this moment you came to a spiral staircase seemed endless.
'Brilliant. Is there any way to escape from here?' you whined to yourself. 'Stop, he... giggled? I'll kill him for it!'
'Come on, sweetheart, we both know this isn't going to happen. You like me too much. I can see it in your mind' you almost gasped when you heard it. It was so strange. Yes, the Master was in your head before, even when there was a encounter with the Kasaavins, but he never communicated with you telepathically. This was so unusual for you.
'Get out from my head!'
'Well, if that's what you want...' after that, you felt a stone fell from your shoulders. It was so much easier to feel, to think.
Surely, the guards seemed a little suspicious when you two looked at each other changing expressions, but didn't say anything out loud, but honestly they didn't care.
Finally, you were taken to a prison cell and roughly pushed there after removing the handcuffs. There was a loud turn of the key and retreating footsteps. Now you were alone with the Master. Not to say that you were particularly against it, but you certainly weren't jumping up with delight. You both stayed quiet, but honestly you just wanted to get back on your fucking couch and look up at the night sky. What the hell got you out of your comfy flat? You went to the cold brick wall and slowly rolled down it sitting on the damp floor of the prison cell and taking a deep breath. It was almost midnight when you ran away from home. Why don't you go to bed early?
"Why? Why I'm trapped again when I really believed you? And I really believed you. Now what? In prison and hell knows how to get out of here..." you paused, as if trying to come up with a plan, which you didn't do. "Ugh, I don't even know who I'm mad at more: you for bringing me here or myself for being so naive" actually, it was more like thinking out loud than addressing to the Master.
"Y/N, listen, I wasn't going to bring you here" you turned head to him. He joined you on the floor, but he took off his coat and put it on the bench to not get it dirty. "Well, I wanted to, but not you from April 2020" you were willing to believe him. You really were. Besides, it sounded very convincing. But hell, it was like last time. And how did it all end? Oh, yes, your friends and you almost crashed on a plane.
"Oh, really?"
"I'm not lying. I swear by my hearts I didn't. You are here by accident. And I have no idea why they took us. Well, maybe I do, but I haven't done it yet."
Something deep down believed him... This was so strange. Aren't you supposed to be enemies? Well, he's the Doctor's enemy and you're the Doctor's companion, so he's your enemy. It makes sense, doesn't it?
"Let's say I believe you. But why are you acting like this?"
"Don't you want me dead? We're on opposite sides of the fence" he really seemed confused. Or at least he was a very good actor, which you were willing to believe.
"What? No! It's just a long time to explain..."
"Oh, don't worry, I have lots of time now!" there was a twinkle in your eyes again. He was just glad to have cut off telepathic connection, or...
"And this is quite difficult..."
"I can handle it, thank you" you interrupted, giving him a sham smile and glaring at him.
"Well, where should I start?.. I'm from future. From your relatively near future, where we are together...." you didn't want to know if that was the end of the sentence or he didn't finish it. You could no longer hold your anger and maybe you would regret it later. You didn't care.
"Together? With you? Go to hell! This will never happen!" rage flowed out of you like a fountain.
"Never say never, love" he purred with a smug smile. You didn't notice the two of you were gradually getting closer to each other. Now his face was so closer to yours that you could feel his warn breath.
"Shut up!"
"You're so beautiful when you're angry" his hand stroked your hair and moved to your chin, causing you to awe. "Just like me" you wanted to complain, as you usually do, but his hand tightened on your chin. "Shh, don't argue, it's true, and you know it" all your displeasure disappeared and something pricked you right in the heart.
"You two, stop talking!" the guard's voice was rude. Oh, so you weren't exactly alone. It seemed you really were dangerous criminals so they decided not to leave you alone.
"Don't you want to get out of here?" not even a few seconds passed after the guard's phrase. Either he didn't hear it, or he just ignored it which seemed true.
"Do you have a plan?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Don't I have always?" he winked. Damn it, he was unsufferable! It pissed you off. But for some reason.... No, that was crazy. But you enjoyed it. Maybe it's just new feelings (after all, you have never quarreled and argued with Fam and Doctor) or... No, this is completely crazy! Yes, he was attractive, but no more. Right?
"So what's the plan?" you got up from the floor and brushed the dust from your clothes.
The Master didn't answer you. Of course, he didn't. You're just a human, a stupid human who won't understand his super-elaborate plan. Okay, you need to calm down and put all these unpleasant thoughts behind you. Arguing wouldn't help. You needed to get out of here, not talking. You went to your cell door to look through the small window where the guards were. Just needed to figure out how to open the door and distract the guards. It was simple. You had a couple of ideas in your head when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Oh, no, we're not going to escape from the cell" his voice was a little quieter and lower than usual, but there was glee in it. You frowned and tilted your head.
"What do you mean we're not going to escape from the cell? We want to get out of here, don't we?" oh, he was definitely amused. Honestly, you really wanted to slap him, but again this unpleasant feeling in your head... It's like he was back in your head. Damn, isn't he tired of it?
"Yes, it is. But I have this" he waved a device at you. Well, it was obvious to you right away. It explained so much. Just because you see something for the first time doesn't mean you don't know what it is, does it?
"I think I should feel better, but what is it?"
"It's TCE. Tissue Compression Eliminator. It's very useful. Is someone pissing you off? Press the button once and BAM! Now he's a miniature figure!" he was very excited when he told you this. Yes, maybe he was a little different, seemed that all this madness and anger had become much less, but this didn't mean it had disappeared. Perhaps, then it wouldn't be the Master. "But it has a couple of other functions. Like this one!"
A few seconds after pressing the button nothing happened. You were beginning to think his brilliant plan didn't work again, but at this moment you realized that you were wrong. You heard the sound of the materializing TARDIS. Oh, God, how you missed this sound! It was definitely the best in the Universe. You couldn't help but smile, and your eyes were a little wet with joy. Your eyes met Master's. He looked at you so tenderly, as if he hadn't seen you for a long time. It was a little disturbing, but the thought quickly faded from your mind. You would deal with it later.
"How... How did you do that?" you were so overwhelmed with happiness that you could barely speak. "Did you summon the TARDIS?"
"Well, roughly speaking, yes. Remote control. Useful thing for these situations" the Master gave you the widest smile you've ever seen. He was obviously proud of himself.
But you two didn't enjoy it for long. Apparently, the guards heard the sounds of the TARDIS appearing and unlocked the door of your cell. You didn't have much time to think when the Master's hand grabbed yours and dragged you into... A column? Ah, yes! Camouflage device. It's so unusual to see it in action when you travel with a Doctor. You were lucky. Very lucky. Just as the Master closed the door behind you, a spear flew in your direction and got right into the door. Not into you fortunately. Leaning against the door, you both took a deep breath and burst into a laugh. Yeah! You had made a great couple.
When you both finished laughing, the Master went to the console. You were even a little sad that you were both distant. Honestly, you liked his company... Well, he was more relaxed and it suited him very well. During last time you didn't think he could be like this. But now... Now you saw a different side of him and he was attractive in that way. A little arrogance and dominance, of course, but you could stand it at least. You didn't even realise you were still standing at the door and watching him running, jumping and dancing around the console. Damn, you really liked it and didn't want it to end.
"And you're home!" he exclaimed as he turned around and quickly approached you.
"Are you sure?” you crossed your arms over your chest and raised an eyebrow in disbelief, but your voice was playful.
"Well, if you insist, I can go first."
After that he ran out of the TARDIS. He must be several thousand years old and was acting like a child. It was actually nice and made you smile. Lucky for you he got out of the time machine and didn't see it. Coming out of the door you saw your house, the street where you lived. You were home. Oh, you missed so much the good old London. There were tears in your eyes. Who would have thought you were going to be so homesick in a few hours?
"Thank you" your voice was barely above a whisper.
"I said I'll drive you" he turned his head toward you as you lined up with him. Fortunately, you managed to wipe tears so he didn't notice.
"I think it's time for us to say goodbye. It was nice talking to you. I hope you do, too. Although I don't think you'll admit it" it was as if he was reading you like an open book, though it wasn't so hard to guess.
"Bye" your voice sounded unsure, but sincere. You were already moving away from him when you felt the Master grabbed your wrist. You quickly turned to him trying to understand what was wrong.
"Before you leave, promise me something..." The Master said this a little timidly and uncertainly. You just tilted your head and waited for him to continue. "Promise me you won't lose faith in me."
"Excuse me what?"
"Promise me you won't lose faith in me. I know I can be irritable and insufferable, but please promise me."
It doesn't bother you at all. Not a bit. The Master, the scourge of the Universe, asked you not to be prejudiced against him. This is completely normal. It happens to you every day. From other side, he hadn't killed anyone this time and was calmer. You couldn't say it was friendlier, because It was the Master, but at least it was calmer, and that meant a lot. Brilliant! What would you do? And also he looked at you. Why the hell he was looking at you? Those damn eyes!
"I... I don't know" you just wanted to sink through the ground. Wait... Did the Master make you puppy eyes? Would he use it in the future? Damn it! "Fine."
"What?" apparently, he didn't think for a second that you might agree.
"I promise you" oh, you would probably regret it later. Maybe not. The Universe is so unpredictable, miracles happen. Maybe this is one of them, who knows?
The Master didn't say anything to you, although it was clear that he was happy. He jumped up and down, clapping his hands. Nah, he was definitely a child. Hell, you'd be lying if you said you didn't like seeing him like this. He even looked normal and you could even get used to it.
"Thank you" the Master said tenderly, taking your hands. His eyes were sincere and happy. You really wanted to see this more often. And it would remain in your memory. 
He kissed your hand like a true gentleman and it made you smile. You just nodded, pulled away from him and walked slowly toward the house without taking your eyes off him. Somehow you managed to get to your bed, changed clothes and just passed out. This was a really hard day (or evening?).
A knock on the door. What was happening again? You started damn this person. Your eyes barely opened and looked at the clock. 5 am. 5 fucking am. Seriously? What normal human would knock at this hour? You rolled over and put a pillow over your ears so you wouldn't hear it again. But as soon as you started to go back to sleep, you heard the knock on the door again. Damn, even the pillow didn't help.
You slowly and lazily got up from your lovely and most comfortable (especially at this moment) bed and went to the front door. You almost opened the door when you realised. You asked yourself this question. What normal human would knock at this hour? That was it. And now you were fully awake. It lasted a few minutes until you heard a loud sigh and some rustling. You couldn't think of anything better to do than hide behind the door. When it opened, you wouldn't be visible. And you did it just in time because a second later the door opened. Your heart was pounding. Now what?
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imthedoctorlove · 4 years
Promise - Dhawan!Master x Reader
This was requested by @theaussietimelord​. I’m so sorry it’s taken me this long to write. I hope it’s what you wanted. 
Warnings - Angst. 
Tag List - @startrekkingaroundasgard @whittakerjodie @icarusinstatic @oswildin @wonders-of-the-multiverse @imagine-whatever @koschei-taylor @twentysomethingloser92 @thefandombandit @mymagicsuitcase @help-i-am-obssessed @scarletraine @zoewernsman @hellothedoctorisreal @zelda2248 @rvgrsbrns @theaussietimelord  @asimovethroughthisworld @line-viper @payton-1-jones 
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You stood with your arms crossed as you watched the Master dance around the console as he plotted in the coordinates to the next planet he wanted to desolate. 
“Tell me again why I have to stay here?” 
The Master let out an exasperated sigh. “Because I don't want to be distracted by you trying to get yourself killed. Again.”  
You threw your hands to your sides in frustration. Why did he keep bringing that up? That was months ago and nothing happened. Well, apart from you nearly got decapitated, but how were you supposed to know that the kid you insulted was the crown prince? God, the Master was really starting to rub off on you. 
“I promise I’ll be careful this time. I’ll stick to you like glue and keep my mouth shut. How’s that? Please, just let me help you.” You grabbed a hold of his arm when he didn't reply and forced him to look at you. “And just so you know, if you do leave me here, I’ll just follow you anyway, I’ve done it before.”
“And what’s to stop me from tying you up?” Your faced flushed at the thought and the Master grinned as he delve into your mind and saw all the dirty thoughts that circulated. He came closer to you and whispered in your ear. “You do exactly what I say and if you’re good, I’ll make your fantasies a reality.” Before you could stutter a reply the Master bounded out of the Tardis with you following close behind.
How long had you been on this planet? Not even thirty minutes and the Master had managed to start a war, that must have been a new record. You pushed your sore limbs to go faster as you tried to catch up to the Master who was just a head of you. He turned to see where you were and made a motion to tell you to hurry up. Relief filled you when the Master’s Tardis came into view, but it was short lived as an explosion threw you off your feet. The adrenaline in your veins forced you to stand, but you stumbled you on your knees when you saw that your path had become blocked by debris. 
“(Y/n)!” You heard the Master’s voice as he clambered up the other side of the debris and appeared at the top. His eyes were wide as he scanned your body for any injuries. “There’s no way around, you’re going to have to climb!” 
“I can’t!” You said instantly as you took in the hazardous wall of rocks and metal. 
“Yes you can! You’re going to do it right now or I’ll leave you behind!” There was no way to tell how serious he was, but the fear of being left behind motivated you to climb. You arms and legs screamed with the strain. The Master held out his hand to you as he guided you to him. “Just a little higher, (Y/n)!” You stretch out your own hand as you scaled the last few rocks to the top. A broken sob left your lips as you felt his hand in your own, but it soon turned into scream as you felt something grab a hold of your legs and pull. 
“Master!” You screamed as you were yanked away from his hold. 
“(Y/n)!” The Master tried to get to you, but the aliens that had grabbed you fired plasma bullets in his direction. He brought out his TCE, but it was blown from his hands. Your eyes connected and you saw a promise in his eyes that he would come back for you before he disappeared over the wall of debris. 
The Master ran back to his Tardis and piloted her into flight. He would be damned if he let you die. How was it that a human like you could have such a hold in him? He was brought out of his thoughts when the cloister bell sounded. 
“No no no!” For some reason, he couldn't get the Tardis to land, but when the Master wanted something, nothing could get in his way. He opened up the time rota and put all the power into the engine. The Tardis groaned in protest as sparks flew from the console, but the Master didn't relent until the Tardis crashed through whatever it was that prevented him from landing. With a new TCE in hand, he sprinted towards the doors and threw them open. The landscape which greeted him was not what he had expected. Gone were the primitive huts now stood a gleaming city. “No, this can’t be right.” He ran back to the console. The coordinates were correct so why - it was then his eyes trailed to date. The Master’s knees buckled beneath him - there was no way that you were still alive. 
A knock on the door brought him out of his reprieve. He looked over to see one of the aliens that had kidnapped you and his anger flared. He grabbed the alien by the neck and forced it to kneel. 
“Any last words?” He spat.
“The prophesy has been fulfilled.”
“Prophesy? What prophesy?”
It was then that something caught his eye. He brushed past the alien and walked into what looked like a town square. He could feel its gaze burn into his back as his feet carried him to a statue that stood tall and proud over surrounded by crystal water and fresh flowers that bloomed around the base. 
“She said you would come.” The alien from before came to stand next to him. “She spoke of you often.” 
The Master eyes burned with unshed tears. “What happened to her?” He asked as he brought up his hand and cupped the statue’s face.
“She set us free. When we took her, we had every intention to kill her, but she showed us a better way. She learned of how we had been scorned and persecuted by a parasitic race that ruled over us. Her heart bled for our suffering and so she led a revolution that freed us. We made her our leader and we flourished in life and technology. Under her rule, we have gone out into the universe as healers to help the broken.” 
“That sounds like her.” It took all the strength in him not to go on a murderous rampage. 
“She left you this.” The alien brought out a small device and handed it to him. The Master didn't even spare it a glance as he pocketed it in his jacket. He gave one last look to the statue before returning to the Tardis without a word. He couldn't hold in what he felt anymore as he screamed. Everything he touched - he destroyed. Oh, how he had wished he had told her sooner. How she had made him feel. How whole he had felt with her by his side and now he was hollow. 
He went back to the console and put it flight. 
There was no telling how long he tried to get back to her, but it was no use. 
The Master crumpled to the floor in his ruined Tardis exhausted and defeated. 
It was then he remembered what the alien had handed to him. He pulled it out of his pocket. The device warmed to his touch. 
“You took your time. I thought I was never going to be activated.” 
The Master’s hearts clenched at the sound of your voice as he took in your ghostly projection. You looked a little older to how you were when he left you. 
“What is this?”  
“Cool, isn't it? Vestrians are geniuses! The formatted my consciousness into that device in your hand so when my body gave up with age I would be able to live on. Say something, please.” The Master jerked away from the strange sensation of your touch before relaxing. Your hand waved over the device in his hand and you became solid. 
“That’s better. I -” You were suddenly crushed into a hug. The Master pulled away to press his forehead against your own. 
For now, you both fell silent as the words that needed to be said could be uttered another time. 
You closed your eyes and smiled. 
He kept his promise.
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iwouldfuckthemaster · 5 years
N/S/F/W Alphabet - Academy!Era Koschei
We’ve decided we want to try our hands at these >:3 
This one’s for Academy!Era Koschei (He’s a young adult. Don’t make it creepy), but we plan to also do Delgado, Ainley, Simm, Dhawan, and possibly Missy.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
You have to tell him what you need the first few times, but after that, this boy is a rocket when you two get done. You should get a stopwatch and click it when he gets up. Within 45 seconds, he’s gotten you a fluffy blanket, water, cleaned you up, disposed of whatever he used to do said cleaning up, and he’s back with you. It’s a talent.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite part of his partner is their stomach. He loves leaving kisses on it or gently running his hands across it, seeing them giggle, blush, or just otherwise being soft. His favorite part of himself is his eyes. Even without hypnotic suggestion, people have commented that his eyes are beautiful. He’s a conceited shit, so he took those comments to hearts.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He will rail for hours about how primitive humans are (much to Theta’s dismay), but he has no right to, because he loves seeing his cum anywhere near his partner. On their face, chest, back, ass, inside them: he doesn’t care. That primal sense of claiming his partner is too good to pass up.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
As much as he makes fun of humans, he’s gotta admit... some of their... practices involving sex are pretty appealing. Timelords are pretty stuffy about, well, everything, so they don’t really discuss things like kinks, fetishes, toys, etc. The openness and creativity humans have concerning it have him curious.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s been in the academy for almost two centuries at this point, so he’s had some... encounters. He’s got a general handle on what he’s doing, but like most young adult men, he’s much more confident than maybe he should be.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any where he feels in control (which can be any, if he knows what he’s doing). Top favorite is usually missionary, so he can see his partner’s face and reactions while also having the easiest time controlling the situation.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
This boy is an absolute goofball all the time, and that doesn’t change during sex. Even at his kinkiest, he’s still smiling and keeping spirits light.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Theta made a comment about how human men shave down there, and after several hours of Koschei making fun of it, he started getting paranoid and self-conscious, so now he keeps things pretty trimmed down there, unless something big is happening that keeps him from keeping up his typical habits.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It depends. He’s very light-hearted, not typically into super serious sex, but even when he’s goofing off and laughing, the love he has for his partner (if it is his partner and not just a casual encounter) never falters. You can see it in his eyes.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Not super into it. We headcanon that Gallifreyans don’t entirely have the same level of sex drive humans have naturally (of course, they can still want to have it, but it’s not as much of a physical need) so he can generally hold off any desires until the next time he sees his partner.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
When it comes to the academy, uniform-immaculacy is held as an absolute must. Therefore, Koschei “Fuck The Rules” Oakdown will absolutely come apart at the sight of his partner exposing parts of their body that they shouldn’t. Wearing just the tunic without pants, rolling up their sleeves, anything like that will have him just staring and gawking.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His room. He may be a rebel, but he’s not stupid. Anywhere that someone may catch them is an absolute no-go. He prefers the privacy and safety of his own room, away from prying eyes (unless Theta decides he wants to rant, in which... hope the blankets are over you two).
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Combined with what I said on ‘K’, his partner showing off their intelligence is a huge turn on for him (and that continues through his incarnations, not just this one). Whether they’re telling off someone for being stupid, ranting about some complex matter, or just doing something that takes intelligence to do properly, it’ll have him melting.
Also, kissing/biting his ears and neck will get you pinned to a wall.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Impact play is a huge no for Koschei. His strict (and, as we headcanon here on this blog, abusive) upbringing in the house of Oakdown has him absolutely against the idea of enjoying corporal punishment.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
That’s one of those things that he stole from one of Theta’s “Check out this weird thing humans do” rants. He’s not entirely used to giving or receiving, but he enjoys both. He loves the pleasure he can give his partner, but hates not being able to see their face as well as he can in other positions. However, it’s the same for him receiving; He doesn’t like not being able to see your normal facial expressions. He prefers normal sex (or telepathic sex but that’s a whole ‘nother ballgame)
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Usually not rough, but definitely fast. He doesn’t want to accidentally hurt his partner (one of his biggest fears), but he’s also a giant ball of energy, and he’s got to get it out somehow.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Lots of quickies before classes. He can be slow, but it’s a rare occurrence, usually saved for special occasions. He prefers just a quick “Holy shit you’re hot let’s go right now” than actual premeditated sessions.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’ll risk anything but getting caught. Like I said in ‘D’, the stuff Theta’s told him about has him curious about some of the kinkier things humans do. You want to bring a whip and chains into the bedroom? Uh... alright, hell, why not?
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Again, giant ball of energy. Depending on the kind of school day he’s had, he can go for hours. Given, most of those hours are just Koschei “Service Top” Oakdown absolutely assassinating his partner with teasing, but even after that, he has quite the endurance.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own toys, and quite frankly, he’s a bit confused about the concept of them. There’s hardly any such thing as a sex toy on Gallifrey, so all he knows is what Theta’s told them about human ones. It’s weird.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This boy is hella Bastard Energy. Like I said above, if time allows, he’ll spend hours teasing, edging, and overstimulating his partner. He’s an ass.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Again, being caught is a giant fear for him, but if he’s somewhere he knows he can be loud, he can get pretty noisy. It’s mostly just attempts at giving orders (keyword: attempts), his partner’s name, and whimpers.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
This is kind of a general Gallifreyan culture headcanon, but I HC that sex was considered extremely taboo/primitive by Timelords (those outside the Citadel didn’t give as much of a shit). So Koschei, being not only a Timelord-In-Training, but also a member of a highly-distinguished house, was terrified of being found out about what he’d done.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Semi-long (about 9 inches), but not super thick.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He doesn’t get horny often, but when he does, it’s an absolute tidal wave. He can go from “Nah, don’t touch me” to pinning his partner to a wall and going to town in half a second.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He usually has to part from his partner before sleeping (again, the risk of getting caught), but if he gets to sleep by their side, it doesn’t take long at all before he’s clocked out, his arms around them and his face buried in their neck.
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