#i really just felt like drawing some loft windows + its shadows on the wall + a specific peach-pink kinda sunlight lighting so here it is!
mienar · 4 months
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at the artist's loft
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mona-stay · 7 years
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black-light party - peter hale 
Requested by from wattpad  Prompt - Peter and y/n go to the blacklight Party in Derek's loft. Warnings - none all fluff, Pairing - Peter Hale x reader Story You walked up to Derek's loft your heels clanking each step you took. Peter smirked "what are you thinking sweetheart?" he asked seeing the look of annoyance on your face. "you said we was going out, on a date! I thought you meant to a bar or for something to eat. I didn't think you meant a night in your nephews" you told him. Peter just laughed more making you look at him suspicious, "I know but I had other ideas Derek's not here and well the mayhem twins are having some form of party" he said holding your hand tight with one hand as he grabbed the door handle with the other. "and I also thought it would be the perfect place to show off my gorgeous girlfriend" he said bending down to kiss your cheek.
You and Peter had been going out with each other for a few weeks but hadn't had an outdoor date, you had always cooked meals with wine and a movie at his apartment or your home. Your relationship wasn't a secret but no one knew you and Peter was couple ether. so when peter told you he wanted to take you out it felt special and real, not that your relationship wasn't real just you wanted more people to see the power couple you both was. as the door slid open half of the beacon hills high school was there all in glowing paint and glow sticks dancing round "wait is this Danny's black light Party?" you say to peter overly excited " you've been saying all week about this party, you looked gutted when it was cancelled. So when I told the twins they could use the loft I thought you'd devastated if you missed it" he said with his arm around your back. shrieking you tuned and hugged him "thank you Peter"
Peter chuckled seeing how excited you was kisses you going to get a drink. He hated party's and a rave party certainly wasn't his thing, but he knew how much y/n really wanted to go. Making her happy was all that mattered to him. He watch as she smiled and laughed with stilinski, he could sense her happiness and joy walking back to her. Taking the time to admire her beauty as she glowed under the fluorescent lights.
You watched everyone dancing to the dj set up by the window. You couldn't help think where was the little furniture Derek had and how mad he was going to be if/when he found out. "y/n, your here!" a drunk stiles point to you "yes captain obvious" you laughed back. Stiles had orange lipstick all over his cheek "you having a good night" you say pointing it out to him. Peter came over handing you a drink. Stiles watched as Peter kissed you putting his arm around your waist. The look on stiles' face made your giggle as he was putting 2 and 2 together. "are.. you to.. going out" he said slow. Peter smiled "yes is that so hard to believe" he said to a very confused looking stiles. Stiles started asking you questions like 'why are you going out with him? Did you know how evil Peter was? Why would you choose to date a psychopath?" after telling stiles you loved Peter and Peter loved you, How you had been seeing Peter for a while and it was non of the packs business who you spent your nights.
When stiles left you Peter was mumbling annoyed about his questions. You turned to the paint table picking up a paint brush walking to peter his eyes clasped on you. Slowly you took your top off leaving you in a short vest top you looked at Peter "we can moan about stiles or do you want to paint my body" you say flirty waving the brush at him. Peter growled biting his lip smiling kind of all at the same time "definitely paint your body" he said before he started to paint around your collarbone.
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Peter's gentle touches made you shiver, light hums escaped your lips, especially when he would kiss your neck before painting. Peter was always different with you kinder and softer but he surprised you tonight. You had been used to his constant touching you and kisses behind closed doors, but you didn't expect him to be this affectionate with you in public too making you love him more. When Peter finished you looked to see butterflies and flowers neatly painted over your chest. You giggled "why butterflies" you asked him taken back by his choose "because sweetheart, I get butterflies every time I see you" he said before pulling you into a deep loving kiss. 
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Lydia was looking round the loft, she saw Allison and Isaac dancing "ugh finally" she said aloud to herself next she saw stiles dancing madly with girl "awkwardly" she said Turing to see Aidan dancing with two girls "predictably" she said pulling a face. Next she saw Peter with y/n kissing in the middle of the dance floor like to them the was no one else there but them "very unpredictable but I like it" she smiled watching her best friend looking into Peter's eyes smiling, in a way she hadn't in a long time. 
Lydia was about to walk over when something triggered her banshee senses. Walking upstairs and out onto the balcony, she looked round unsure why she came out here. Quickly 5 ninjas surrounded her, One put its hand on her neck just under her ear. Looking into the glowing yellow eyes she let out a small cry before the omi ninja dropped her.
After a few dances Peter held you still his arms around you pulling you into his chest "so are you enjoying our first public date?" he asked winking at you. Blushing brighter then the uv paint you nodded "when you said date I thought dinner but your full of surprises Peter!" you answer "I love you y/n I wanted you to be happy" he confessed "I'm always happy when I'm with you and I love you more" you said smiling back Peter kisses your cheek close to your ear "it's not possible" he whispered. Before you could argue back with him he turned his head. "what's wrong?" you ask seeing his sudden change, making you feel nervous. Peter smiled at you "stay here kitten I'll be back now" he said before walking up stairs. Part of you wanted to follow him when Aidan came asking if you had see Ethan. "not in a while want me to help you find him" you say. He nodded yes and you both went different ways to find the twin.
Allison and Isaac were in a room the twins was using as a party storage, you walked in as she was looking at a mark under his ear "have you guys seen Ethan I think Aidan is...." you stopped talking when you saw Ethan on the floor having some kind of fit. "Ethan" you scream running to his side dropping to your knees. Isaac and Allison looked shocked but not surprised at seeing him. Isaac told you to hold Ethan. He grabbed the twins arm "what are you doing?" you asked in a panic "triggering the healing process" he answered you before snapping Ethan's arm. A growl came from Ethan as his eyes flashed blue. You, Issac and Allison helped him up about to take him to his twin.
Outside the room the music stopped, Derek's roaring voice could be heard telling everyone to leave. When you all got to the main room of the loft Aidan was lay Lydia on the floor Scott with him helping her. She looked just as shaken as Ethan did. Kira was stood with them looking nervous at a very angry Derek. Before anyone could speak a noise caught all the wolfs attention, you turn to see what they was looking at when masked ninjas filled the room. You looked at one of the slowly walking backwards terrified by its glowing firefly eyes. You looked round seeing Aidan next to you "guy's why are they only looking at us" he called out. You went to run as you saw they had surrounded only you and Aidan. "what do we do" you say fear filled you voice. Derek, Scott and Isaac all looked at each other nodding. They flicked their claws out making the shadow ninjas turn looking at them.
Aidan stood in front of you trying to protect you, Scott had been thrown across the room Kira ran to him. Derek snapped one of their necks smiling after but it quickly drops as the thing seems unharmed by it. Derek was also thrown across the room. The omi turned to Aidan holding his head, Scott Isaac and derek all to hurt and injured to do anything. You pulled a light off the wall smacking it over the closest one. They dropped Aidan facing you next, you screamed as they walked to you backing up dropping the smashed light.
Peter had found Lydia with Aidan telling him to take her to the others he looked round the upstairs of the loft for her attacker, when he was surrounded by them, after they held and tested Peter he fell to the floor in a fit, he heard the scream of his soul mate, triggering his wolf side he felt something he had never before the need to protect, snapping out of the fit caused by the omi he ran to y/n. Jumping in front of her eyes glowing, saving her was his only goal.
A body dropped in front of you pushing you back into the corner. A loud terrifying roar sent vibrations through your chest. You had seen Peter as a werewolf before but this was scary, you wasn't sure if it was because you was being attacked but something in him was more beast then man at the moment. Peter stood blocking you from the omi, Derek had now gotten up taking on the one who sent him down. Scott was also on his feet gaining the attention of another.  The last Three of them moved closer to you drawing out their swords. They ran at Peter who was fighting their swings and slashes. His body hid most of the fighting from your view. You could see Isaac helping Aidan. Little bits of Derek fighting, you could hear Scott but not see him. Peter had managed to kick one of them away but the other two ran at the same time to him. One of the had somehow come up behind you and Peter saw the sword out the corner of his eye. He spun round pushing you down as the ninja stabbed him instead of you.
You screamed as you saw the metal cut into his skin running at him the omi ninjas vanished with the sunrise. You saw Peter stand up pulling out the sword from his shoulder running to help him. He grabbed your face, his blue human eyes scanning you all over for any sign of injury before hugging you tight. Planting kisses on your head. "when I heard you scream I thought I was going to lose you" his voice shaking a little. You leaned back a little, his arms still round you tight looking up at him "you saved me" you burly say. "of course I did y/n I love you I would never let anyone hurt you" he said leaning down giving a sweet loving kiss on your lips.
A cough came from someone behind you making both you and Peter turn. The Pack all looked breathless holding someone up or a part of their body that was hurting. "what?" Peter asked looking at the confused expression most of them had. "I never thought I'd see the day Peter hale put himself in danger for someone else" Scott said. Peter put his arm around you before boldly saying "well Scott that's something I only do for the person I love" smiling down at you.
this au imagine is request from my wattpad hope you like it :)
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kaylacantadult · 5 years
NaNo Day 1: Nightmare
Words Written: 1685
Total Word Count: 1685
Goal: 50,000 words
How it Went: Today was kind of hard for me, I’ve barely scraped my word count in at 11:45 (over an hour past my bedtime btw). It wasn’t my best writing; the wording is mediocre, the plot is nonexistent, the characters say things that don't make sense, and my details are vague, but you know what? I finished the day, and I like where it’s going and that's what really matters! This weekend is going to be tough for me because I have so many assignments to finish, but I feel really motivated to push through! 
Content Warning: mentions of sex at the end. Nothing explicit.
Snippet of Prompt 1: Your nightmares start invading reality a little bit at a time.
      It started a few months ago, out of the corner of my eye I would see it; a quick flash as I checked my rearview mirror, an odd reflection on windows as I passed. It was so dark it absorbed any light that came near it, it lived in perpetual darkness. It didn’t bother me at first. I was used to strange things happening around me. I had a knack for drawing the occult towards me. I was three when I met my first witch, seven when I found my first vampire, twelve when I accidentally found Mothman. Things that go bump in the dark don’t scare me because usually, they were actually pretty nice. The witch I met gave me a small pendant that I still wore around my neck. It was protection from the others that moved at night.
      I’ve met ghouls, ghosts, were-creatures, giant spiders, reapers, angels, and devils, all of them perfectly nice, none threatening or mean. They just wandered the earth like I did, looking for some purpose to find. Once it began invading my life more, I invested in better locks for my doors and windows and started calling all the witches I knew for protection. I could hear it every night now, its talons scraping against my roof as I tried to sleep, its high pitched cry echoed through the valley every night.
      It disappeared for the most part during the day. I would see it around corners, hiding from my view, non-threatening during the daylight hours. There would be massive, two foot long feathers invading my herb garden and gouges in the earth around my chicken coop.
      I lived a little way out of the city, close enough that I could easily drive to pick up anything I might need, but far enough that I had space for a sustainable garden for myself, my animals, and enough spare leftovers to send boxes of vegetables to the food bank. Outside the city, I had the space to do my own thing, I didn’t have to worry about so many things showing up to bother me.
             I was pulling weeds out of the garden today, I had tilled the land a week ago, but had gotten so caught up with dealing with the pixies’ problems that I hadn’t been able to get to planting. That was my plan for the weekend:
-   Weed the plot
-   Set up irrigation
-   Plant
An easy enough plan for the weekend, especially since the tilling was done, and this was one of my smaller plots.
I readjusted my sun hat, pulling it to cover my face and my dark hair. My overalls were mud and grass stained from kneeling along the edge of my garden. My gardens were surrounded by a sturdy rock wall, just over waist high. It was covered in moss and vines. It’d been there for a long time and it wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. There were a few colonies of dragon fly fairies that lived in the cracks and crevasses of the wall. In one corner of the yard, there was a weeping willow, with a small platform haphazardly nailed in between two branches; a makeshift tree house.
      A small tapping came from the other side of the wall.
      “I told you, Leif, not today,” I said, “I’m busy.” I yanked another weed out, its thorns doing its best to rip through my gloves.
      “I was just wondering if-“
      “No Leif.”
      A small face peeked out over the top of the wall.
      “Can I at least hang out?” he said. “It’s lonely out here.”
      “You have 14 siblings Leif, how can you be lonely?”
      “They don’t count.”
      He plopped himself down beside me, his bare feet made indents in my soft tilled dirt. I scooped him up by his shirt collar and set him outside of the garden, I didn’t need him tamping down the earth.
      “There’s milk in the fridge if you want it,” I said.
      He shrugged. “Did you know there’s a bird in your yard.”
      “There are lots of birds in my yard,” I said
      “Yeah, but this is a big one.”
      “I know.”
        I had my first nightmare when I was six. I could still remember every detail perfectly. It repeated itself a few times growing up, but I hadn’t had it for years. No matter how old I was when I had the dream, inside it I was also just a little kid.
      I was walking in the creek by myself. The cottonwood trees loomed up above, impossibly large, bigger than the whole world. It was daylight, but as I moved under the trees, it turned black as night. The sun disappeared completely behind the dense branches. I was sure that the trees had grown so tall they wrapped themselves around the sun and made it burn itself out.
      My mom had been walking with me, but once we reached the trees she had disappeared, lost in the trees with the sun. I could feel it before I could see it. Smell it before I could hear it. I turned my back to the trees and ran. The dirt roads pounded under my feet. I couldn’t look behind me, but I knew it was there. I knew the road and didn’t at the same time. It looked the same as the ones I knew; tan dirt and desert brush surrounded me. The road crumbled at the edges, yellow grass, dry and hard as thorns ripped the dirt up at the sides. Cottonwoods gave way to mesquites and I was running down a road I knew and didn’t know.
      I reached my house, a white mobile home, in the middle of a small plot. It was one street over from the freeway that ran through our small town. I locked all the doors, latched all the windows, and thanked the stars we didn’t have a chimney. I could hear it now, its heavy body on the top of our roof, scratching off the shingles. It smelled like every rotting thing I’d ever smelled. Fruit long fallen off a tree, the dead cow my mom and I had found on a hike, milk sat too long in the fridge, the leaves that collect in mushy piles in the fall.
      I covered my nose and screamed.
  Leif picked up one of the feathers. It was bigger than his entire body. The rank of death leaked out of every fiber.
“Put it down Leif,” I said. “You’ll catch something from it.”
He whipped it around like a sword instead.
“What is it doing here?” He asked.
“Things find me.” I adjusted the strap of my overalls, which kept slipping off my shoulder.
“Is it nice?”
“Not sure yet,” I said, pulling the last weed out of the land. The dirt was already pushed into perfectly aligned parallel lines. Satisfying to look at. I loved the smell of earth stuck under my fingernails. I could see the bird’s outline hiding within my weeping willow.
“Maybe we should get it a present,” I said. The terror that followed the bird shook me to my core, but all other scary things I had ever met were just misunderstood. Maybe this one was too. Leif followed close behind me as I went inside to grab salmon out of the freezer. It was rock solid, but I hoped the bird wouldn’t mind.
I marched my way over to the tree, glaring at the shadow within it. I shoved the fish into the branches, taking a breath when my hand disappeared into the shadow. I felt its beak gently take the fish out of my hand. Its eyes glowed through the branches, watching me as it ate.
Leif stood just behind me, watching the bird. His arms were wrapped around my knee, squeezing tighter as he watched it gobble down a fish the same size as him.
  That night, there was no scratching on my ceiling, just the soft clambering of the bird curling up around the warmth of my chimney. It pecked a few times at the roof’s shingles, knocking them off just as it did last night. In the morning, I could see it at the edge of my freshly weeded garden, eating the scraps that had been left there the day before. It churred softly when I walked outside. I chucked another fish towards it. It snatched it up and darted back to the willow tree.
If it made a nest in my treehouse, I’d kill that thing.
 I called a witch friend over that afternoon She took one look at it and told me it was my baby. My forgotten dreams needed to be remembered and showed themselves, invading their way into our lives. She made a pot of too-strong-tea and lectured me about the strength of memories for longer than I thought possible. I made cucumber sandwiches because that’s what felt right.
“Traumas need to be acknowledged.” She said, “Your brain knows that even if your heart doesn’t. That’s why you made him show up.”
We watched as the bird climbed on my wall and tip toed carefully around its ridge, its massive frame looming, carefully balanced.
She stripped my shirt off as she explained it and unclasped my bra in an overly businesslike manner. I ran my hand through her buzzed short hair, marveling at its fuzziness.
Her skirt dropped in a puddle on the floor and she tugged me up the stairs in my too-tight house.
“Tell me about the dream again. Maybe there’s a deeper meaning we can find.”
I grinned back, following her trailing hands, “Yeah. Maybe there is.”
 We watched the bird that night, wandering around its new space, it found the river and ate so many salmon that I was afraid it would kill them all off. My witch cozied up against me. We were squished in my loft bed, overlooking my too small cottage. She looked over at me and grinned, she liked a new project. 
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emilieideas · 7 years
The Inside of an Apple, Joshua Beckman (2013)
[Stars] pg. 1
“drunk blue / palette of early / night / in which / an electric / light swings / over the yard / it is a branch”
[I live] pg. 2
“on the lit hill trees / tall before a white cloud mountain / and seen // I saw them yesterday / and again today they’re shown to me”
[bird & stream] pg. 3
“river’s graceful”
The Inside of an Apple
“I saw a picture being still / and I was still too / having seen something.”
“empty field / covering the ground / with little bits of its stone / dipping down and / sloping upward // so always where the earth is / no one’s really there.”
[Along the river] pg. 6
“in a cold ramble”
[Quit &] pg. 7
“In my chair I waited / while on some mountain / nearby there was / cold beautiful snow / I was certain.”
Silver streamers dazzling winter
“I let my body down slow which is / what they say to do, like a whale / with its breathing and floating / in the ocean.”
“It’s a silly betrayal / of my own thoughts / to invent or remember”
[In the air along the river] pg. 10
“In the air along the river / sailed beauty and cuspish the swallow / sweet brown dirt caked in the banks / made us think, and the water / which surrounded our legs made us feel / and then the boat drifted back / into the hollow”
“its form / translates as / object made of / stone or clover”
[I’m not with my blue toes or my doggies] pg. 13
“I stared a bit like a shadow at a book”
“An actual family of little white turnips / rolling over in the boiling pot like some / clouds is how I act”
[silvered out night] pg. 15
“silvered out night / abstract as a bath / and cloudy as a little cup / of white tea / or a window / or a streetlamp // (later) // it’s rainy / and the cool air / is all around my head”
[damp sprung run] pg. 20
“summer’s alaska / crooked on the wall”
The Plant
“The earth feels made to the sky, no?”
“then go get hid in someone’s mouth like a candy”
[strands of gold] pg. 26
“the sun / and the little peach / float around each other / all day”
[Being of lambskin mind] pg. 27
“Being of lambskin mind / and singular thought, / I bleated out some thing / about the flower / before I ate it. // Green and yellow / are two colors / found in my field, / I looked around / and thought proudly.”
[Being in ways insatiable] pg. 30
“flapping like a wondered idea.”
[reveling in the] pg. 35
“reveling in the / light / not of a / thing, just left / the door open / like it was summer // and walked out”
[shell plucked] pg. 39
“kept around / for this big house to enclose”
[Raise while you can] pg. 47
“I drew a little line / so the deer could cross”
“On certain days the lake feels like / a pair of fingers / clasped down on a metal notch / with soft white gloves”
“I’m embarrassed about it now / but my face was the same face”
“Here I have convoluted two natural things: // A family of antelope / turned to look at me // and a froze lake / beside which I have waited, / my life to proceed.”
[Daisies are calming] pg. 49
“down, out, on the river’s water to float / you into me”
“says the fish, goodness / I’m just pleased we ended up here together.”
That’s Not What I’d Do
“my little dressed-up poem, it’s / got a hat it’s got these fancy shoes it feels / like everyone’s watching it when everyone’s not”
Early end of year
“little lifts of cooler air”
[Park hurt calls] pg. 62
“‘Do you hope for mastery of yourself / or of the other living things / or of the other unliving things, / I think you must decide.’”
[Not gloss year candles] pg. 65
“my home so / full of air this summer / now was big was cold”
Full of scarlet
“in human time the sky / it’s animals really / their pumping hearts it makes their bodies / full with blood and their skin / with all those feeling nerves / I feel that too”
[Couldn’t then see] pg. 74
“fish’s leather coat / but it’s people / the vibrant / calcium in their bones”
[Not as in some] pg. 75
“curled fascination”
[The burdened cry] pg. 76
“ran short too soon / it cast briefly / a rough and bold figure”
[stars which] pg. 79
“living also mouth / of the north / I threw / myself onto the couch / (cassiopeia) / which in ancient times / was like drawing a dot of light / through some overcasting fabric / that flapped about beside the sun / The Curtain / is what I’d call our constellation”
“fill of sky”
[living real things] pg. 81
“with my now / now love’s question”
“that’s where you are / a big white picture / of a glacier / in your office”
[a bit of] pg. 82
“a bit of / combed hair / combed”
“cold outside / a sad sort of / fold in your eye”
[I saw hearts in Proust] pg. 84
“and when I made my bed / with those clean white sheets / a slipped into it my body / I felt as if the whole sleeping world / had come to make me quiet too.”
[falling terrors of] pg. 88
“falling terrors of / feeling night / so gotten down / this storied tumbling / roar of wind / and batted brush / I write / of canyon rocks / and point out pretty / colored shapes / then cower in my shaking room”
[hot in my frame] pg. 89
“hot in my frame / this human way / to feel around / on my shoulders / on my face”
[Lofted cold falls] pg. 90
“and pooled as pooled / in cloud above / the shallow swells”
[Let my still dark soul] pg. 91
“A made whistle / floating out a window / arranged.”
“Some little thing / fell and I picked it up / and up it kept on going.”
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