#i really want to see the Logan and Kurt fight scene in detail
panbotter · 5 months
Wow I'm speechless
Also Spiderman cameo let's gooo
Oh my God I can't believe Charles came in at the last second God dammit dude
Also Logan and Kurt is not the duo I expected but they are the duo I needed
Also Logan this entire episode..... Wow
ALSO the summers family OMGGGG I love them all
I feel so bad for Roberto too... Fuck
This was such a good episode they raised the stakes to an insane level and Magneto went and fucking demolished them wow I hope someone's talked about what he did in detail because I'm still speechless
Also all the heroes/villains who they showed on screen??? AHHHHH WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN I WISH I KNEW WHAT IT MEANT
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stargazerley · 6 months
Remember It
I had a whole thing prepared and saved in drafts to continue after ep 5 but then I watched it and decided that particular post will have to wait. My thoughts on this episode are....well we'll get there. If you haven't watched it--Do that now because I'm not pulling any punches. Also this is very long so be warned.
As always I'm focusing on our Rogue and Remy moments. Those Jean/Maddy/Scott/Logan....that shit is not my concern. (Short answer it's messy as hell and I hate it.)
The episode starts with Rogue, Remy and Erik in the Blackbird heading to Genosha. Remy makes a comment about how long they are taking and Erik decides to remind Remy that the latter cannot fly. For what reason I don't really know, as if Rogue won't catch the Cajun. Rogue tells them to shut up and play nice. (good on her)
They arrive and Remy is unexpected again earning a comment from Erik. Soon after they are ambushed by Kurt (hell yes the fuzzy elf) who tells them that a lot has happened since they last saw him (though we are not granted the details). Kurt proceeds to show Remy and Rogue around Genosha. Here we get a glimpse of the mutant island. It's nice and everyone seems happy to which Rogue makes a comment about "him" being right. Obviously "him" is Erik.
We learn that apples apparently cost $10 to which Remy remarks on the price and Kurt brushes it off as a necessary evil (not his words). We then get more cameos of mutants (awesome btw) and eventually a long coveted Remy and Kurt scene wherein Kurt is everyone's favorite guy. He proves to be a "shipper on deck" telling Remy that Remy and Rogue belong together and they should cut the act and just get married. (Seriously I love Kurt. He rocks.)
Next up we have Rogue talking to Erik and learning that he wants her to rule Genosha with him (there's a whole scene with Moira, Emma Frost, Banshee, Sabastian Shaw, and Madylene). Rogue declines, offended that he seems to have set it up but Erik assures her that he didn't want this and that it was something Xavier would have wanted. He also proceeds to address Remy's feeling for Rogue as "you make broken men feel whole." She leaves to think about his offer.
She then goes to Remy and explains everything. She tells him of her past with Erik and how they had something special but it wasn't like Remy. Remy is understandably upset at the secrets, saying he was fine keeping things unofficial. She admits she loves Remy that he "lights up everything he touches" and that she "can't touch his heart." This leads Remy to tell her that "some things are deeper than skin."
She doesn't believe him and tells him she'll take Erik's offer despite not being in love with him anymore. Remy tells her that Erik will break her heart and that when he does, Remy will be there for her. Until then they shall remain as friends. (Seriously perfect this man.)
At the gala, where Erik is presented as the future of Genosha, Rogue makes an entrance as Remy watches. He leaves as Erik and Rogue dance, holding hands and being very physically intimate. He doesn't see that after a kiss, Rogue tells Erik that Remy was right- "Some things are deeper than skin." She leaves to find Remy.
All hell breaks loose as a massive Sentinel attacks. Rogue finds Kurt, injured and without her gloves she is unable to help her brother, Thankfully, Remy arrives and assures us Kurt is alive. Remy goes off to find the Morlocks and lead them to safety while Erik and Rogue help out where they are.
Remy and the Morlocks are attacked leading to a showdown where Erik is protecting the Morlocks and Rogue and Remy by keeping the latter two away from the fight. Erik fails and Rogue, grief-stricken, tries to attack the Sentinel, Remy stops her. The machine turns to a group of mutants, including Kurt and Remy charges in to save them.
He gets close but is impaled, at which point he says the title of the episode while charging the entire Sentinel- "The name is Gambit, mon ami. Remember it." Rogue finds him in a crater, dead- "I can't feel you."
Ok so more or less that ended up as a synopsis of the episode because the whole thing was basically about Romy. The Key notes we get are:
Kurt being a supportive brother and rooting for the relationship giving us a beautiful line "love is not without sin".
Rogue wanting to do what is best for mutant kind even if that means she cannot be with the one she loves.
Remy deciding that he can wait for her to be ready and will be her friend until that time comes.
Rogue deciding that Remy was right "some things are deeper than skin."
Erik accepting Rogue's decision and saving not only her, but Remy as well.
Remy proving that despite what he thinks of himself- he is a hero and a good man.
This episode broke my heart but handled the Erik/Rogue/Remy triangle very well. It is so mature in stark contrast to that of Scott/Jean/Maddy/Logan. Logan being the most mature person in that entire mess, knowing that Jean and Scott love each other and that he can be her friend. Cable (who was the orignial person in the series to say "My name is_. Remember it.) made an appearance confirming that he is Nathan and that he has already tried to stop the attack from occurring. We can only hope we get a chance to see him succeed and see Rogue tell Remy their love is deeper than skin.
Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to go find something to stop these tears. Until next time, "look to the stars for hope shines bright." (I know that's the wrong franchise but it works. Apparently the Watcher was visible in the sky at one point.)
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Ocean au (Kidnapping final part)
N/A: Something short and straight to the point if we´re lucky.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @everykurt @muninandhugin
Once the words register in her brain- the synapse took less than a minute or even less- Kitty Pryde drops her goofiness and looks at Felicia with determination in her eyes, the same kind when Columbina does face missions where is kill or die. "Magneto took my sister" is a question and at the same time is not.
Felicia can say to anyone´s face her past never involved blood, per se, she stole things or money, but, Columbina has her own story and Felicia is never one to ask for details.
"Where ...Magneto lives?" Columbina has no witty or jokes in her tone only an icy tone who could match Kokoro in her worst days. Magneto is famous for two things 1) being extremely powerful meta-human 2) never leave a prisoner alive for longer.
"I´ve no idea...no one wants to get closer to that lunatic" Columbina´s stare is not too pleased with this response. "But Logan must know where is..." and Felicia has the speed dial while Kitty already is out of her door and her cat and dog aren´t present in this location.
They do what they must ...and let´s not depend on eldritch abominations so much!
There´re many stories and speculations concerning every single meta-human in New Gotham. Kurt knows because of most of those stories are just Ryder being a troll.  "And this means Columbina and Kokoro are in love" Ryder read a response of his latest tweet and can only chuckle at this.
Kitty Pryde phased through the door without caring for an explanation and her eyes - usually warm and inviting, looks completely different now- and she speaks in a way that makes Ryder remember a few theories about Columbina, of all people, An assassin guild trained her and she rewards them by killing their enemies.
"Katzchen?" he asked rose from his sit as Kitty takes a deep breath trying to calm herself as it seems.
"Ryder, you know many secrets about the city and sure you know this one...where Magneto is?" Her tone is firm and it gives no argument in her command. Kurt can´t deny how turning on this is, but, he´s sane enough and controlled enough to not ignore such question and her implications.
His eyes are narrow and the man only speaks. "Magneto lives in one place in New Gotham and this is not information any news will ever hear for obvious reasons...he lives..."
Dark Claw wonders when his life becomes like this. Nightcreeper is speaking with a serious Columbina-for once being a tad bit sane once knowing about the situation- Felicia looks afraid and Sparrow for once is sharing the same sentiment.
Magneto is on his list, Dark Claw ponders silently, but can Dark Claw really defeat him? Even can back up?
"Frau, we´ll save your sister. I promised!" Nightcreeper speaks in a soft tone surprising only Sparrow who never saw him in such fashion, not that he was ever malicious, but, he was never this kind either.
"You´re ..." she trails off looking at his golden eyes for a moment. "thank you, why Magneto took my sister?"
Dark Claw and Nightcreeper together a replied as if this is a presentation and Kitty will grade them. "Magneto believes your sister is his long lost daughter and wants to make her the heir of his empire" and despite the situation, Felicia and Sparrow can chuckle at this little interaction.
"What the hell?"
"Jinx" Nightcreeper replied giggling madly and Dark Claw groans at that.
Lorna is out of her blindfold and watches the scene -completely incredulous and even speaks the name "Jupiter" and "Cosmo" in a melodious whisper to see if it is a joke. It isn´t- as Magneto is facing Loki and Enchantress. Being the Oracle meaning you have access to information and information is a type of power too.
Ok, his magic is cut 90% once out of Norway so...wait, this applies to Enchantress too?
Yep, it applies to her too. Ok, I must leave before they notice I´m here.
She slowly leaves as Magneto is spurring some nonsense that Lorna has no interest in hearing whatever this old man is saying, however, when Magneto tossed the already defeated Loki and Enchantress to the side it gives his undivided attention to Lorna.
"Lorna! my daughter, you´re saved now!" Magneto states and Lorna only frowns at this.
"Not your daughter"
"I´m your father! Our powers are proof of our connection" and Lorna´s eyes twitch at this and she speaks the name "Cosmo" and "Jupiter" one last time hoping this is a joke. It isn´t.
The large commercial building was abandoned as the company moved to another building or something like that, Nightcreeper theorizes the firm was a ghost one and they change location to look less obvious, whatever the case may be...this is where Magneto is hiding.
"We must be careful, Magneto must ..." whatever "must" was in Sparrow´s tongue dies as she sees part of the building being used as a weapon and Magneto and Polaris are fighting.
"Never mind!" Columbina blinks at the scene. "Sometimes, I forget she can do that!" is her explanation and she phases through the car and goes to see the fighting of two meta-humans.
Sparrow and Felicia blink at this confession. "She forgets Polaris can weld metal?"
Nightcreeper laughs amused and Dark Claw is mentally writing this in his mind.
Magneto is not happy for having to fight his lost daughter nor to have to face another meta-human. "Lorna is my daughter!"
Columbina makes a gross-out face. "EWW, you´re talking about our mother. Watch your mouth!" Magneto lost his concentration to respond to Columbina the truth of his parentage in regards to Lorna and Lorna used this time to knock him off.
"My father is Carmen Pryde. He has green hair like mine and has the same powers ...and I meet my grandfather and grandmother" she said lifting Magneto by the collar and looking less than impressed. "and you´re no way near my genealogical tree"
How the JLX see Lorna defeating a man who claims to be her father? Well, the man in question is Magneto and this is more concerning than if he´s her father or not, Quicksilver and Wanda managed to put him in a place where he can´t use his powers. The Amazon stares at Dark Claw as they both agree in two things.
1) It would be foolish for Dark Claw to face them man alone.
2) And Magneto won´t be locked down for long.
Polaris is not in a great mood when one of the heroes ask if she´s the lost daughter of Magneto. "OH MY GOD!" the only person who didn´t make such a question was the Green Witch. Who only know found out about Loki´s plan and sees her girlfriend hovering around as if is not a big deal.
As she hovers in the air, wanting to ignore this day, only comments one thing with Columbina. "Were you worried about me?" and Columbina only speak "duh" and Polaris continues "good, now you know how I feel when you go to those crazy adventures"
Green witch and Polaris talk in private.
Nightcreeper and Columbina leave when the area starts to get too crowded.
"So...you phased through my door thanks to an SCP?" Kurt Ryder asked not sure if he believes her or not. There´s 50% of chances this being a lie but at the same time...her cat and dog aren´t normal...
"Yes, I did and I´m sorry if I made you believe ghosts are after you, Kurt" she replied now joking.
Kurt will ignore the ghost's parts. "why you were so concerned and wanting to know where Magneto is?"
Kitty blinks. "I thought he kidnapped my sister, but, it was a big misunderstood, she kind look like Polaris and people bewildered and thought it was my sister"
Kurt Ryder stares at her eyes for a moment. "But is your sister alright?"
Kitty nods. "Yep, as I said, it was a big misunderstood. She´s fine...she´s with her girlfriend"
Magneto is not allowed to get any visit, per se, however, that never stops anyone from having a chat with him. Polaris enters and the man gazes at her eyes waiting for her to do or say something.
She shows him a DNA test. "I want to give you this!" and leaves. The test says Polaris and Magneto aren´t related in any sense of the word. Now, Magneto is confused.
"Where is my daughter?" Magneto asked and no one replies.
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