#i refuse to ever go near guardians tower again but not because its bad. its very good the theming in there is great
blookmallow · 1 year
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ok i changed the tiers and made my own colors bc red to green feels completely backwards to me but heres some disney takes dont kill me
rise of the resistance isnt on here but thats an S for sure. i skipped a few things i havent done/havent done in so long i cant really judge it anymore (my shame as a disney fan is i havent actually been in the tiki room since i was like 10 but to be fair no one ever wants to go with me sjdjg)
some clarifications:
- i know peter pan and alice arent really top quality rides. they’re old. but its the nostalgia for me i cant help it
- small world is a disneyland icon and i have a lot of nostalgia for it but i just dont enjoy it as much as i did as a child so i was really torn on where to put it. this is not an anti small world space
- i just dont care about the nemo ride im sorry its mostly screens and i never really enjoy it much whenever i go
- all the fantasyland darkrides are the same in my head i havent been on pinocchio or snow white in so long i cant accurately differentiate them. the existence of mr toad is fucking hilarious to me though. nobody remembers the movie and the ride inexplicably ends with You Literally Go To Hell, which does not happen in the movie. why was this made. how has it survived so long. i hope “mr toad goes to hell” stays there forever
- i said what i said i dont like splash mountain i never have it feels cursed as fuck in there and it deserves to die long live princess tiana
- what the hell is that last one. i cant figure it out. i could draw you a map of disneyland from memory and i cannot identify that ride. it looks buggy but i do not remember anything like that when bugs land existed? the ride vehicles for the little train ride were heimlich, its not that is it?? the rest of the bugs land rides arent there. did something from another park get in here? ive only been to disneyworld once so im not the expert on those. help me i dont know who i am if i cant decipher disneyland trivia
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diddlesanddoodles · 4 years
The dress was a buttercup yellow with white rimmed sleeves that dragged on the floor. Nenani stood very still as Lolly carefully pinned the dress in several places to get the fit just right. Her mother stood to the side, watching with an odd mixture of emotions.
“You look beautiful, Nenani,” she said. But there was something in her eyes that made her look sad.
“The sleeves are so long,” Nenani said, tilting her head to look at Lolly and flapping her arms. “I look like a bird...”
“It’s the fashion right now,” Lolly said with a suppressed grin. “All the ladies at court are wearing them long. You will be turning heads when they see you.”
“Why do I need to be turning heads?” Nenani asked, feeling nervous. After her talk with Jae and Farris about the upcoming dinner, she was beginning to have serious reservations about the whole ordeal.
“Because you’re going to a dance,” her mother told her straight faced. “And it’s better to go wearing the proper shoes.”
Giving her mother a befuddled tilt of the head, Nenani asked, “Huh?”
“This dinner will be our first introduction to the Vhasshalan court in an official capacity,” Oira told her. “It would be better to make a good impression. And clothes are the first thing they will see. Well, aside from us being human that is. People at court have a certain capacity to be shallow and cruel. It was true in Silvaara and it’s true here in Vhasshal. We have to present to them a carefully painted picture so we can’t give them anything that might come back to haunt us later.”
Nenani looked up at Lolly with an anxious look. “I don’t think I want to go...”
“Don’t fret, Nenani,” Lolly told her gently. “All you need to do is stand there and look pretty. His majesty and your mother with handle everything else.”
As Lolly finished the fitting, Nenani could not strike the feeling from her mind that she was not going to enjoy any of it.
It was a little awkward carrying her dagger and the roll of leather, but even as Jae asked for the fifth time if she needed help carrying anything, she assured him she was fine. But as they rounded the edge of the guard barracks and made their way to the smithy, Nenani turned to stared at Jae as he walked beside her, noting the bottle in his hand. When he looked over and saw her staring, his brow furrowed. “What?”
“I thought you were going to get rid of that,” she said, pointing to bottle of whiskey.
“I am,” Jae replied with a dismissive shrug. “I’m givin’ it to Connar. To try and bribe him into making your belt for you. Not that I think he would refuse you. But a little bribery never hurt. Plus, it’s easier to give this away then just dump it.”
“I don’t understand how you could drink that stuff,” Nenani scrunched her nose up and adjusted the roll of leather under her one arm. “It smells terrible.”
“Wasn’t drinking it for the flavor,” Jae assured her. “But a lot of folks swear it’s the best tasting whiskey you can get. Keral’s famous for it.”
“Still smells bad.”
“Funnily enough,” Jae shot back with a smarmy grin. “So does Keral.”
In all her time living in Vhasshal, Nenani had met all the resident humans save for one; Connar. He was a metal and leather worker in the King’s smithy alongside his guardian, Hev. Another name Nenani was familiar with, but had no face to match it with. The metal medallion around her neck, Jae’s neck, and all other humans in the castle were all made by Connar. Ostensibly due their smaller size, the job was much more suited to human hands than a giant’s.  
And as they drew nearer to their destination, the steady beat of metal striking metal became more pronounced and there was a metallic bite to the air itself as though she could smell the forge in the smithy just as she could smell the ovens in the kitchens. But instead of crusty loaves of yeasted breads, the only thing being pulled from the mouth of Hev’s fiery forge were the glowing bars of heated metal.
The smithy was a wide squat structure more reminiscent of a barn than a proper workshop. There was no door, rather the whole front of the building was left open. Tables were strewn with tools and weapons of all kinds and all in varying states of manufacture or repair. There was a barrel off to one side filled to the brim with flat metal blanks in the vague shape of a sword, only waiting to be heated and shaped into their final form and given a hilt. The walls were filled as well with swords and daggers, axes of varying sizes from a small hatchet to an enormous battle ax. And then beneath all of it, Nenani could heard the great breathing bellows of the forge and waves of heat hit her face as they approached.
They passed under the shadow of the smithy’s interior and Nenani scanned the walls as they pushed inwards. So much metal and weaponry and leather. It reminded her of the first time she was taken into the kitchens where she saw all the knives and cleavers therein, but even that paled in comparison to the sheer number of blades hanging from the walls and laying atop tables.  
“It’s pretty nice coming here in the winter,” Jae told her. “Stays nice and warm. But the summer is just brutal.”
Nenani paused to look over at a mace casually leaning against the leg of the table, marveling at the idea that anyone could pick up something so lumbering and heavy. It looked like it would be a challenge even for a giant.
Beside her, Jae slipped the bottle of whiskey under his arm and cupped his hands around his mouth. “HELLOOOOO!”
From further into the space came a response. “Hello?”
Jae turned to her and grinned before yelling back, “Hello!”
A pause and then a confused sounding, “Hello who?”
“Hello you.”
“Hello me?”
Another pause and an amused response came back. “...Jae? Is that ye?”
The young man laughed and called back, “Yeah, its me.”
There was a series of clanks and the sound of something shuffling around the dirt floor before a giant head peaked out from behind a wall near the back of the room. He had a round pleasant face and a dark, short cut beard with streaks of grey. His long black hair had been pulled into a long queue and it swung out from behind him when he poked his head out. Large brown eyes stared at them and then there was a flash of white teeth. “Well so ye are!”
The rest of the giant’s body followed his head from around the wall and he walked with long legged strides over to the pair of humans. A dark leather apron covered him from his chest down to his shins with the tawny fabric of his sleeves rolled up over thick burly arms. Despite considering herself very well accustomed to giants by this point, Nenani could not quell the sudden nervous bubble that form inside her as he bore down on them. He was more broad shouldered than either Farris or Bart and perhaps even taller. He towered over them for only a moment before he dropped down to one knee, leaning forward even more to be closer to their level. His face and arms were deeply tanned and there was a faint dusting of metal shavings stuck to his face and beard.
“Been a while since yev been down this way,” he said to Jae with an easy smile. “Was startin’ to think ye didn’t like us no more.”
“Nah, nothing like that. Things have just been kind of...hectic?”
The giant threw his head back with a loud short bark of a laugh. “So I heard. Some nutter tried to kill ye? Threw ye off the roof was it? Must be goin’ up in the world if someone found ye important enough to try and assassinate, lad. I’d congratulate ye, but it sounds like it’s more a pain in the arse than anythin’.”
“Nah, no such luck. I was just collateral,” Jae replied, gesturing with his thumb to Nenani. “He was after this one. Hev, this is Nenani.”
The giant’s thick eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Ah! So yer Farris’s lil’ squeaker? Ah, well, I suppose yer a Princess too, eh? Please excuse the state of me, yer grace. Always get a bit manky in the shop.”
“I’ll make you a deal. Don’t call me ‘princess’ or ‘your grace’ and I’ll forget everything else,” Nenani replied with a small smile.
“Oh?” Hev asked and then looked to Jae in confusion.
“She hates the titles,” he explained. “Best to just drop them.”
“Ah, well. I’ll try to do that, but forgive me if I slip once or twice. I don’t mean nothin’ by it.”
“Is Connar about?” Jae asked, holding the bottle up with a grin. “We got a commission for him.”
Hev dipped his head and huffed in amusement before lifting up again with a nod. “Oh, sure. He’s just nappin’ over near the rag pile. Cold weather makes his leg ache, so he likes to build himself a lil’ nest over there. I’ll get ‘im fer ye.”
Hev pushed himself back onto his feet and after a few quick stride of his long legs, disappeared back behind the wall. His voice could be heard clearly enough. “Connar, ye up? Come on then, wake up. Oi! Ye lazy bum. Put yer shirt back on. How can ye be complainin’ about the cold when he ye haven’t even got yer damn shirt on? Now get dressed and try to pretend yer civilized fer all of a few minutes, eh? Ye got company.”
There was a fainter groan and then a curse. “Huh? Wait...Really?”
“Yeah, Farris’s ward’s is here t’see yer sorry arse. Y’know...the Princess?”
“The...Princess? Wait. What?! Ah, shit!”
Hev gave a loud laugh.
“Where’s my shirt? Hev, where’s my shirt?”
“How should I know?”
“Well, I put it there and now it’s gone!”
“I didn’t steal yer grimy little shirt. What’d I even use it fer?”
“I dunno. Hide it for a laugh?”
“Ah, not this time.”
“Dammit...I know I had it...”
“...ye check yer pants?”
“I said did ye check yer pants?”
“...wha…? Why would I check my pants for my shirt?”
“Because it’s tucked into yer arse, ye fuckin’ dolt.”
“What? Oh! Hey! There it is!”
There was a pause and the Hev said in a contemplative tone, “Sometimes I wonder how ye ever managed to miss seein’ that trap. And sometimes, like now, I don’t wonder quite as much.”
“...fuck you, Hev.”
“Love ye too, lad,” Hev replied cheekily and then shouted back at Nenani and Jae. “OK, yer grace. He’s decent enough. Oh, sorry. Already forgot about the title thing. I mean...yeah, yer good to come on back.”
Nenani shot Jae a look of confused amusement and he just grinned back. Rounding the wall that Hev had disappeared behind, the floor dropped two steps and opened into a large round room with a cone shaped ceiling that ended in a sharp point. Flat openings near the pitch of the roof were opened to the outside, letting smoke and heat escape. The farthest wall from the entrance was dominated by a round bricked forge that, to Nenani’s eye, looked very much like one of Quinn’s ovens, only much much larger. Around the lip of the forge were long black metal poles. Some were nestled into the glowing coals or leaning against the forge itself. Off to the left side was a large bellows, sitting on the ground and positioned perfectly for a giant to step upon it with their foot to breath air into the fire. Next to that sat a giant black anvil with on large hammer resting upon it.
To the right of the forge was an open barrel of water and just beyond that was a large pile of rags, all colored black from soot and dirt and it was there that Hev stood, looking down at a human as they adjusted their shirt and quickly tried to force their messy mop of hair into something presentable.
When Nenani and Jae hoped the last step and down onto the dirt floor, Hev looked up at them and flash a grin. “Ye might need to forgive the state of this one’s dress as well. I’d say he’s just feelin’ under the weather, but...he never really looks any better than this.”
“Shut it you.”
Nenani found herself slightly taken aback when she finally laid eyes on Connar. She had expected an older man by the way everyone spoke of him, but he was surprisingly young. Older than Jae, but perhaps more Riley’s age. Perhaps even a bit older, but only just.
Connar was a lean, dark haired young man with thin gray eyes and his face was marked with faint white lines across his tanned skin. Old scars. His hands were similarly marked, but the most prominent feature of his person was the distinct absence of his left leg. In it’s place was a carved wooden replacement. From his left knee down, his leg was gone and he stood instead with a false one peaking out from the folded fabric of his gray trousers. However, instead of a plain round peg as Nenani had seen before on some sailors, Connar’s fake leg was carved as though to mimic the real leg he had lost. It had even been oiled and polished and he wore a shoe as well to match the one on his right foot.  
He must have seen her staring at it, because when she looked up to meet his eye, he wore a knowing expression. “Lost it to a snap trap a couple years back,” he explained. “Some fucker was pouching on the King’s land while I happened to be trespassing through it and snap! No more leg.”
Her eyes widened in horror at the prospect. “That’s terrible!”
“Oh it was,” Hev agree vehemently. “Lil’ fella almost bled out in my arms.”
“But you’re not here to listen to my sob story,” Connar said, waving a hand and looking down at the roll of leather under Nenani’s arms. “Have a project for me, your grace?”
Hev bent down and tapped Connar on the head.
“She doesn’t like titles.”
“Fine! You just needed to say. Ugh, that hurt!”
“Ah, I didn’t get ye that bad.”
“Says you,” Connar shot back, rubbing his head and wincing. He shook off the pain and annoyance and turned his attention back to Nenani and Jae. “So, what’ve you got for me, your-not-grace?”
“Nonna gave me this,” she said, holding out the dagger. “And I was wondering if you could make me a belt for it.”
Connar reached out and took the dagger, pulling it from its sheath and inspected the blade. Holding it to the light, he turned his eyes to Nenani. “You’re Thorn?”
“On my father’s side. Yeah.”
His eyes drifted down to the amulet around her neck. “And what about that?”
“It’s a fire opal,” she explained. “It helps keep my magic from spilling out all at once so I don’t die.”
Above them, Hev grunted, his eyed wide. “That can happen?”
“Yep,” Jae answered for her. “Almost did.”
“Well, that would be bad,” Connar replied. His eyes lingered on the metal chain. “Might want to swap that chain though. The links are far too thin to be holding up something that heavy. It’s gonna bust loose if you’re not careful.”
Connar slipped the dagger back into its sheath and then inspected the leather work of it. He hummed appreciatively. “They’re well made. The metal is very good. The blade needs sharpening, but I don’t think they really sharpen these. They’re ceremonial if I’m remembering right. Can’t have little kids stabbing each other, I suppose.”
He handed it back to Nenani, but as she tried to reclaim the dagger, the roll of leather fell from her arms. Connar picked it up and let it unroll. Holding it up, he whistled. “This would do well for a nice belt. But, is that all you’re wanting? Just a belt? There’s a lot more material here.”
She shrugged. “What else could you do with it?”
Connar gave her a devilish grin. “Oh, so many things. Tell you what. If can trust me enough, go on and leave me this here leather and come back to see me in...oh, about two days? I’ll have something for you.”
She nodded and smiled. “Okay.”
Jae stepped up and held out the bottle to him. “Here. Something to sweeten the pot.”
Connar’s eyes lite up. “Is that what I think it is?”
“Yeah,” Jae replied. “Promised Farris I’d keep away from it. So I’m back sucking lime flower leaves.”
Connar quickly rolled the leather back up and slipped it under his arm before eagerly grabbing up the bottle. “Well, that’s your loss,” he said and then looked back to Nenani. “Let me revise my previous statement. Come back in three days and I’ll have something you’ll absolutely love. And I’ll see about getting a better chain for your amulet too.”
“Thank you!” she said excitedly.
Conna held up the bottle. “No, thank you.”
Despite the cold weather, the repairs on the west wing were coming along at an astonishing pace. All the broken roof tiles had been pulled off and the masonry underneath taken apart, stone by stone, and finally the fire damaged wood beams. Large new timbers had been delivered and installed to replace them and the masons were now laying back the foundation stones with fresh mortar. But as the giants worked, their craftsmanship was not the focus of Nenani and Jae’s fascination.
“How would it even have gotten there?”
“It must be part of the original structure. Like the tunnels.”
“You’re saying that the humans who built those tunnels would have also been the ones to build that?”
“Well, who else would have?”
“There’s no way!”
“They must have, though. Unless ancient Vhasshalans did.”
“It’s huge!”
“What? You don’t think humans can build big things? Have you ever seen castle Nethwyn? Well...I guess you haven’t. But’s it’s freaking huge too. The great hall was big enough to fit a hundred people and thirty giants comfortably. At least that’s what I always heard.”
From the vantage point of a high gable, Jae and Nenani stared down into the open wound of the west wing’s roof and at an enormous stone head that rose up from within the thick walls. It was nearly as tall as a giant and three times as wide. The damage done by the dragon’s attack had revealed it when work began on the repairs and more astonishing was that there seemed to be more the further down they went. The back of its head faced into the corridor and was the majority of what was visible while its face, still obscured by the outer stone wall, looked out into the valley.  
“I thought Warren was just having a laugh when he said they found a giant head in the wall,” Jae said. “Or that maybe I just understood what he was telling me. Yaesha had given me some potent tonics.”
“Do you think there’s more of them?” Nenani asked.
“Maybe,” he said lightly. “But seeing how dug in that one it, it might take another dragon attack for the others to be dug out.”
Nenani made a face. “I wonder if he’s gonna have them wall it back up.”
“Don’t know. Seems a pity to cover it back up again.”
A short silence fell between them.
“So,” Jae said, breaking the quite, and tilting his head to peer at her curiously. “You ready for your official debut at court?”
“No,” she replied, her eyes watching one of the workmen slather a trowel with mortar and place a vaguely square shaped stone into place and giving it a rapid tap with the butt of his trowel before turning back to his bucket and beginning the process again with the next stone. “But I’ll be there. I’m just gonna do what Lolly said and just...sit there and look pretty. I guess. The dress is pretty heavy so that might be all I can do anyway. Are you going?”
He sighed. “Warren asked me if I would come and I tried to make an excuse, but Rosanna answered for me. So I’m going. And she’s already picked out my clothes for me and everything. And I swear she’s deliberately choosing the doublets that are just constricting enough for me not to be able to have any free movement. It’s like what I imagine wearing a corset’s like.”
Nenani laughed. “She knows you better than you give her credit for.”
“I mean...it’s nice not having to look over my shoulder all the time, but really. She’s starting to act like she’s my mom. Just this morning for example! When I went to talk to Warren, she didn’t like how I combed my hair and then did it for me. And Warren had the biggest shit-eating grin. It’s been years since I’ve had the urge to hit him, but ugh...got really close then. Could have done with that arm of yours. Wouldn’t thrown my damn shoe at him.”
“Yale must be right, then,” Nenani giggled. “Maybe she’s practicing being a mommy on you.”
Jae glared at her with an unimpressed look.
“So, speaking of the dinner,” Nenani said, steering the conversation away from the subject of the Queen. “Do have any pointers for me? On what I should and shouldn’t do?”
“Oh sure,” Jae replied. “A warning: a lot of courtiers might try to mess with you.”
“Mess with me?” Nenani frowned. “How?”
“Nothing too bad. And I don’t think Eldherst will bother you. I’m gonna bet he’ll be pestering Warren about the armory again. I just mean a lot of the Lords in power now were there during the war and some still harbor...ill feelings towards humans. Though not overtly. They’re a lot more...subtle about it. One or two of the older ones just saw me as Warren’s pet when I first came. One of them even asked me once wear my leash was and why I wasn’t on it. Should’ve told Warren about it, but I was still a kid and just wanted to leave. But I told Keral the next day. Supposedly he crushed up a dried red dragon pepper and slipped it into the Lord’s snuff box.”
With a look of horror, Nenani put her hand to her nose. Her mind supplying the mental image of someone snorting even just a small bit of regular pepper sounded horribly painful. But her horror turned into giggles and Jae grinned with her.
“For you though, the one I’d look out for most is Lord Calem. Tallish guy. Always wears this hideous yellow coat and wears too much cologne. You’ll be able to smell him long before you see him.”
“Why? Does he not like humans?”
“No. Opposite in fact. He is...very friendly.”
She looked at him askance. “How...is that a bad thing?”
It was Jae’s turn to make a face. “He’s a well meaning, but totally condescending idiot with no sense of personal space. And when he drinks, he gets all...cuddly. Especially with humans. I’ll tolerate Kol’s nonsense to a point. He’s my friend. But not Colem. He’s one of the main reasons I stopped going to those things.”
“What?” she laughed.
“Yep. He’ll want to pet you. Like...a pet. Like a dog. After two glasses of wine, he’ll get all up in your face and try to pet on you,” Jae said with a grin and then shrugged. “And since you’re small and cute, better watch out.”
She blinked at Jae’s choice of words, feeling her face flush.
“What?” he asked, looking at her.
“Nothing,” she replied quickly.
“...serious. You all right? I mean, the guy’s annoying, but he’s no Thrist.”
“It’s not that.”
“Then what?”
“...you just...well...you called me cute.”
“Uh huh..?” He drawled, squinting at her and she felt the heat in her face increase and she turned away from him to try and hide it. He leaned into her field of vision, a single eyebrow raised. “You feeling okay?”
“You sure?”
“Because you’re red.”
“I’m fine.”
“Like...beet red.”
“I said I’m fine!”
He smirked at her suddenly. “Oh.”
“Shut up,” she snapped and rose to her feet, turning to the open window behind them and hoping down onto the table below.
Jae leaned over to peer at her. “But I didn’t say anything...”
She glared at him. “I said shut up!”
With a smug grin so reminiscent of Keral that she felt the very real urge to punch him, he said, “You...you don’t fancy me do you?”
“No!” Her fingers sparked as she slammed the window shut and then pulled the latch down for good measure.
“Hey!” Jae got to his feet and pushed at the window. “Open up! Geez, Nenani, I was just joking!”
Nenani pretended she couldn’t hear him as she carefully climbed down the table leg, too angry and mortified to feel any pride in having gotten down off of a table all on her own.
“Nenani! Come one!”
“There are other windows!” she called back as she rounded the corner to find the tunnel door.
BONUS ART: Oh look! It’s ol’ Hev. 
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grimtwin · 5 years
Favorite ZoNa moments?
All of them of course!
Their first time meeting! Zoro saves Nami from Buggy’s crew as they made to attack her for refusing to kill Luffy. Fending off something like five or six attackers easily, Zoro casually asks her if she’s okay. 
Then on Usopp’s island, where Nami and Zoro are trapped behind an oil slick. Nami steps on Zoro so she can safely cross, while Zoro gets stuck. A short while later, when a couple of Zoro’s are taken from him, Nami tries to retrieve them. Even after taking a brutal hit from Jango, she’s able to kick Zoro’s swords to him, which kind of annoys him, but she has this cheeky, “is that how you thank someone?” line, and Zoro gives her his thanks, before whooping ass. That and his terrified reactions every time she’s attacked during this fight with the Black Cat Pirates.
Then we jump to Arlong Park for a few more scenes. This is one of the biggest shipping moments for the two, for a lot of fans. After getting nearly bisected by Mihawk, Zoro’s pretty banged up, and gets taken prisoner by Arlong’s crew. After some cheeky back and forth between Zoro and Nami, Arlong says some pretty fucked up things about Nami being a cold hearted witch who would even forget Bell-mere’s murder for money, which clearly upsets Nami. That doesn’t go unnoticed by Zoro, who then throws himself into the water. He’s bound at the legs, with his hands tied behind his back, and one of the most gruesome wounds we’ve ever seen in OP...so no way is he getting out of that. Until Nami dives into the water and drags him back up that is. Kudos to Nami’s strength here btw, she’s gotta be strong as hell to do that. Anyway, Zoro calls Nami’s bluff here, telling her he knew that she couldn’t have let him die and to stop acting cool which infuriates her enough to stomp on his back. She then asks why he has so many bandages on, and in the English dub, he flirts a bit by saying he didn’t have another shirt and didn’t want Nami to be distracted by his chest/abs, to which she immediately punches him as hard as she can in his Mihawk wound.
After a dramatic flashback and Nami stabbing her arm to slice away the Arlong tattoo, Luffy and the crew go to kick Arlong’s ass. It’s here were we get the next short, but sweet moment that I like. Zoro’s wound has been hit a few times, he’s got a stupid high fever, is damn near dead on his feet at this point, but he’s fighting Arlong in order to give Sanji and Nojiko time to save Luffy’s life. He gives Nami a thumbs up, saying he’s good, but in his weakened state, Arlong gets the better of Zoro, and is holding him by the throat. Its then that Arlong tears away Zoro’s bandages, and that’s when he, Nami, and the rest of Cocoyashi’s villagers see just how fucked up Zoro is right now. Zoro’s got this death glare that startles Arlong to his core, Nami’s lets out a horrified gasp, and Arlong knows he has to kill Zoro here and now because it’ll be too dangerous to let him live. Well...that is until Luffy finally shows up, freed from his stone prison at the bottom of the ocean, grabs Zoro by the shirt color, and throws him several hundred yards to the back of his head lol. 
I suppose the next instance would be at Whiskey Peak. The crew has just made it to the Grande Line, and survive a hellish wave of storms...all thanks to Nami, and no thanks to Zoro, who was napping. When he wakes up, Zoro is interrogating Ms. Wednesday and Mr. 9, who jumped on their ship, and just when he’s about to uncover some secret, Nami shows up and beats Zoro’s head in. She’s pissed he was sleeping during all the chaos, and even though Zoro tries to get tough with her, she just beats him some more. We all know who wears the pants...or short skirt in that relationship. Later, the crew are happily welcomed into Whiskey Peak’s village, where a massive party is thrown for them by the villagers. The crew is having a grand ol’ time, drinking eating, partying their asses off and we see both Nami and Zoro engaging in a drinking contest. Zoro “goes down” around the 13th tankard of booze, while Nami “goes down” around the 15th. It’s then that we learn that the village is one of 100 Bounty Hunters, who aim to kill/capture pirates making their way into the Grand Line. Just as they unveil their big secret, Zoro appears on top of a house, in one of the most bad ass moments of his up to this point in the series. He was faking being drunk, saying no way would he trust a village welcoming pirates into their midst. He then announces he knows they are Baroque Works, and proceeds to beat the shit out of the entire village in a dope ass fight.
And after that tussle, Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine’s Day show up! It seems they have an intruder in their organization, and it’s Miss Wednesday, aka Princess Nefertari Vivi of Alabasta! They’re on the hunt when Mr. 8 pleads with Zoro to go save her, as he is actually Igaram, Vivi’s royal guard. It’s then that Nami appears, agreeing to help Vivi..but at the cost of one billion beri! Zoro questions what she’s doing there when Nami says the same thing he did earlier, that she couldn’t trust a town welcoming pirates, and that she could handle way more booze! These two are can handle their drink alright. Nami and Igaram negotiate, and after coming to terms, Nami commands Zoro to go save Vivi! He immediately refuses until Nami counters that her contracts are HIS contracts as well, and that Zoro still owes her payment for the money she lent him at Loguetown. She guilt trips the ever loving hell out of him, and Zoro has no choice but to run off and save Vivi. 
Now we’re at Little Garden, the isle of giants and dinosaurs. The Straw Hats food reserves are low at this point, so Zoro and Sanji decide to have a contest of who can bring back the bigger dinosaur and most meat, very much like Dory and Brogy did 100 years prior. After some running around, Zoro kills his prey and is trying to make it back to the ship when he gets lost; big surprise right? During his search for the ship, he suddenly sees Nami leaning against a tree and happily calls out to her with a big ol’ smile on his face...but cut to black. It was all a trap set up by Mr. 3! A wax dummy of Nami, who has now captured Zoro, Nami, and Vivi! More stuff happens with the other characters, before we’re shown that Nami, Zoro, and Vivi are attached to this big candle with a spinning top that, as it melts, will spray a wax coating over the trapped victims, turning them into statues. Zoro being cool as shit, decides that if they’re just going to die as statues, he’ll cut his feet off and go kill Mr. 3 before this can happen. Just as he goes to do this, an action which horrifies both ladies at his side, Luffy, Usopp, and Carue show up, and Zoro stops about half way through his legs. The pooling blood freaks Nami out, who berates him. A short while later, things are looking bad for Luffy, Usopp, and Carue, so Zoro decides if he’s going to become a statue, he’s going to strike a cool pose. Again Nami gets angry with him, and Zoro jokes with her that she should have taken a better pose too. All three, plus Brogy are completely encased and wax...until Usopp, Luffy, and Carue set them on fire! The wax melts, Zoro, Nami, and Vivi burst out of the towering flames, and take out Ms. Valentine’s Day and Mr. 5 in one shot! 
Next, we fast forward to the Alabasta Kingdom. For years, Shichibukai and leader of Baroque Works, Sir Crocodile, has engulfed the country in a civil war, all for the goal of gaining access to a poneglyph, a stone with the location of an ancient weapon known has Pluton, carved into it. And under his employee are the assassins partners Mr.1, Daz Bones, and Miss Doublefinger, Zala. During all the chaos of the final battle, these two would become Zoro and Nami’s opponents, tricked into following the Straw Hats away from Princess Vivi. Zoro tells Nami to stay quiet and hide, but it’s the assassins golden rule to take out those that are weakest first, so they immediately go to attack Nami. Just before Mr. 1 is about to cut her down, Zoro comes to her defense just in the nick of time once more! (In the anime he gives her a cocky grin) The two separate to take care of their own battles, both bloody and brutal, and after Zoro and Nami prevail, Zoro collapses in the street in need of a nap from blood loss. Nami finds him soon after and smacks him awake, but since she’s had her foot and leg stabbed through by Miss Doublefinger’s needles, she can’t walk to well, and gets a piggy back ride from Zoro as they search for Vivi and their friends. 
Onward to Jaya! This one is short and sweet. After Luffy and Zoro take a massive beating from Bellamy and his crew, a fight that held no meaning for the Straw Hats so they just didn’t counter, Nami is thoroughly pissed at for being mocked and made a fool of. Later on, when Luffy goes to confront Bellamy for stealing Norland’s gold, Nami asks Zoro why he didn’t go with Luffy to fight. A small, but cute, argument breaks out between the two. They fight like an old married couple! Just get hitched already dammit!
Further still, it’s up to Skypiea! Here we have a lot of good moments between the two. After Pagaya and the people of Skypiea rat the Straw Hats out to Eneru, the Going Merry is attacked and dragged off by some massive sky shell fish. And on the ship, are Robin, Chopper, Zoro, and Nami, where they’re carried to an area  where they are meant to be used as sacrifices for Eneru and his warriors. While trying to leave the sacrificial alter, the crew is attacked by Sky Sharks, which try to eat Zoro right away. He gets soaked during the scuffle to kill the sharks, and strips his shirt off, to which Nami goes into his room and then tosses him a new, dry one. Nami warns Zoro that God and the guardian priests are in the forest and are too strong to compete with, but Zoro tells her he’s never prayed to any god because he doesn’t believe him him. Chopper thinks this is cool as hell, and Nami cries, saying she doesn’t know Zoro lol. So Nami, Robin, and Zoro leave the alter to go check some things out, and during their trip, some delightful arguing and banter takes place, and Zoro saves Nami from several sky sharks and a sky alligator trying to devour her. He had been taking the lead on their journey but slowed down to walk behind Nami so he could protect her more easily.
Later on, during a hellish battle set up by Eneru, involving his forces, the Straw Hat Pirates, and the Shandian Warriors, Zoro are fighting alongside with the gargantuan sky snake Norla. In the ensuing chaos, Norla swallows Nami and Aisha appear in the midst of the battle, and are attacked by some goat men under Eneru’s command. Zoro, Wiper, and Gan Fall protect them...but soon after, Gan Fall, Nami, and Aisha are immediately swallowed by Norla. In a fit of anger, shock, and urgency to save Nami, Zoro tries to swiftly deal with his opponents at the time, Ohm and Holy, who activate a cage of iron cloud barbed wire to trap the combatants inside, while also fending off Wiper’s attacks. After defeating Ohm and Holy, the ground beneath his feet is blown away by Eneru and everyone falls to an area below. In all that, Norla spits up Gan Fall, Nami, but then Eneru attacks the snake, and fries it with a massive electrical attack. Zoro, seeing this, is terrified for Nami, until she pokes her head out from behind a rock, revealing that she’s fine. Zoro almost looks annoyed that he was caught looking so scared.
I could continue on, but this is crazy long as is...so this is a good stopping point!
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get-rammed · 6 years
Long Dong Silver
Just gonna slap down some basic info on all my characters. It's gonna get long. Also a few retcons to previous characters. Oof yeah, it got LONG
Dakota-7 - age: 123 - class: Titan - race: Exo - height: 6′5″ - Ghost name: Cassie
Personality: Good fucking dude. He’s an incredibly happy guy. Always nice, never mad. Like seriously, he’s a genuinely good dude. Will give you the clothes off his back, and if he has none to offer, then he’d help you find some. He’s too nice though. Often is taken advantage of. Also super naive about a lot of things. Tries to see the best in even the worst of people. Which usually just ends up with him hurt. Which is why Cassie is a panicky worry wart of a Ghost.
Background: Woke up inside of a tree. Like straight up. A tree grew around his body. Took Cassie a long fucking time to get his ass out. Traveled alone for a long time before Cassie finally was able to convince him to go to the city. He’s not anyone real important. Just a mechanic that occasionally helps out Amanda. Doesn’t know much about his past life, and is told it’s better if he didn’t know. He’s okay with that. Gotta focus on the now.
Fun facts: Vex are the one enemy he CAN’T go near. His tech was built heavily off of the Vex to the point that there’s a small backdoor they can use to override him and basically puppet him around (thankfully there was very few of his model produced for this reason). He has no memory of the incident that barred him from ever going near the Vex, but he’s told he’s better off not knowing.
-He’s a good mechanic. People go to him for uh, not quite legal Sparrow mods to be equipped. Ones Amanda can’t apply as the Vanguard watches her. 
-Learned to speak the enemies language so he can chat with them and trade parts every now and again
-As gentle as this boy is, and as kind as he is, you’d think he’d be a huge sub. WRONG. He’s a hardcore dom. Very demanding and vocal. But always makes sure his partners are having a good time. Sweet boy that loves to cuddle his partners
Alexis-137 - age: will not share - class: Hunter - race: Exo - height: 6′1″ - Ghost name: Ripper
Personality: She’s quiet. Cunning. Always watching and listening. Loyal as hell. Keeps most of her personality to herself. Less people know about her the better. 
Background: A contract killer that got the option for an upgrade she couldn’t refuse. Smart, fast, and no remorse. A brutal killer that survived the Collapse. Still went after her targets, just found a few were now a little harder to kill. Easy enough when she figured out their new floating friends had to go. World may have ended, but she still keeps her word. Ripper came to her and told her what he was and then what she was. She brushed him off at all points. Gonna add a bit for Ripper here as well. He had to swallow that his Guardian was a murder. One that had no issue killing other Guardians. So long they were on her list. She only knows all this now, because she kept a journal. Knows everything about her past life. Refuses to forget every life she’s taken. It’s not fair to them. Even though she’s far nicer now than she was, actually cares for Ripper now an all that, she still kept up her business.
Fun facts: 137 is not the amount of times she’s rebooted. She’d be completely nuts if that was the case. It’s the amount of Guardians she’s silenced.
-She has never once rebooted. Fit perfectly with her new body and anything she saw, she was supposed to see. As hardcore as she is, she’s still far nicer than she was when Ripper first found her.
-Dakota is her actual son.
-A previous set of Vanguards asked Alexis to be their silencer so to speak. Someone spoke out? Shame. The current Vanguard don’t like the idea of her and told her to leave.
-She’s the reason Rook isn’t an active Guardian anymore. She was ambushed and missed her shot at his Ghost, simply wounding her instead of killing her.
-Her and Manthres have had a long history with a lot of clashes. End up getting together because they’re both old and tired.
Rook-14 - age: 289 - class: Titan - race: Exo - Height: 6′6″ - Ghost name: Kari
Personality: Kind older Exo. Tries to be everyones hot dad. Kind of keeps to himself a bit. After his Ghost was attacked he went private, too scared to talk to a lot of people. Became a little paranoid. (He’s a newer character. Still workin’ on em). Dispite his almost kind of harsh intro to most people, he’s still a huge flirt
Background: He used to be a well loved and popular trainer. He just wasn’t quiet on his opinions on the Vanguard in power at the time. Which landed him on the list. He knows someone tried to kill him, he doesn’t know who, but it worked. He survived the incident with just Kari getting hit unfortunately, and had to keep quiet. Opened a bar on the city and now gives advice if you buy a drink. 
Fun facts: Found and trained Alison. Also taught her how to swear
-Sugar daddy material. Like straight up. He fucking loves getting his babies anything they want. Adores seeing them happy
-A giving partner. Honestly just loves to go at it honestly. Nothin’ real special about it. Unless he can convince Riot or someone to join in. Then it’s more fun for him. Double dick a partner ;)
Alison-1 - age: 97 - class: Titan - race: Exo - Height: 7' - Ghost name: Ophelia
Personality: Alison is that big sister that hits you over the head and calls you a moron all the time. To be fair, you were a moron and she was just making sure you knew. It's in a loving kind of way though. Kind to those she trusts, and cautious with those she's unsure of. She can be a wee bit unapologetic and brash. She's a Titan, what do you expect. Alison is hot tempered, a little cold a times, and is far more powerful than most Guardians. With a resting bitch face and a height that towers over most, she's intimidating through and through. A little over confident. An by a little I mean A LOT. She can admit she’s not the brightest though. Much rather fight shit than talk to it. She’s quick witted and street smart though. Scan talk just about anyone out of something if she wants it. A little vain, never catch her armor being the same colour for more than a week.
Background: Alison was found and taught by Rook-14. She didn’t like to listen, and he didn’t have the energy to deal with a cocky new rez. He taught her patience and a good way to shut up the new guys. Shove them into enemy fire and wish them the best of luck. She had the opportunity to learn more about herself in the past and turned it down. With the nightmares she has of her previous life, no thanks. She was a high ranking Guardian that used to just get sent out to take out high priority targets as they knew she would get it done. But found herself being punished for going against what was asked of her. It saved her Fireteam and another one. The Vanguard appreciate what she did, but they still had to punish her. Which landed her in a training position. She found it fun. She likes training new Guardians. Makes sure they know how to hold a gun properly and protect themselves if they’re out of ammo. Guardians trained by her have a better start than most. 
Fun facts: While she doesn’t know why, but she always gets terrified when someone goes down. She knows they’ll get up, but she’s terrified that they might not one time. 
-Often has nightmares of the Vex. Ophelia assumes its part of how she died. Alison avoids Vex if possible. She also avoids sleeping, which she already has a hard time due to being an Exo. Which means she always kind of tired
-Guardians trained by her, appreciate what she’s taught them and often bring her gifts
-Often used as a bodyguard when she’s not assigned to train
-Can and will throw your ass out of harms way if you’re not listening to her. Don’t want to stop fighting that thing that is way stronger than you? TOO BAD. TUCK YOUR ARMS
-Is one of the first working Exo prototypes. As such, she often experiences issues with parts of her just not working right. Sticking or just shutting down. If the Light had been gone for more than five years, good chance Ali would have died. A fatal flaw was found in her model of Exo after her disappearance. Too soft a metal was used internally and eventually the part breaks apart and slowly tears the inside apart. Incredibly painful and slow way to die. She’s good though. So long as the Light doesn’t go out again
-As a lover she can be either sweet or vicious. Depends what's asked of her. She's a giant softie for her partner(s). Lots of gifts and a fuck ton of attention all the time, but especially after she plays rough. She adores making her partner feel amazing
Yana-9 - age: 67 - class: Warlock - race: Exo - height: 6′1″ - Ghost name:  Jenka
Personality: Over confident asshole Warlock. Smarter than you, and she’ll make sure you know it. Can admit though that she can’t fight very well, which is why she always has a bodyguard of some form with her. Flirty as hell
Background: Yana woke and knew nothing of herself, but knew she had to research something, anything. The city provided her the opportunity to study various Golden Age tech and history. They assigned her Riot. They got along well, sometimes a little too well if ya know what I mean hur hur. Then during a regular mission gone wrong, Riot dipped out to guide some Cabal away from Yana. She was knocked unconscious and couldn’t respond to Riot’s calls. She was found and taken away to safety by some passing Guardians. Yana didn’t know what happened to him for the longest time and just assumed he left her for dead. Five years after the incident Mena found Riot and forced him to apologize to Yana. First thing she did was slap him then hug him. Now they’re cool, but aren’t really quite on talk like they used to level
Fun facts: Currently poking around Mars by Ana’s request
-Fast. Like she’s stupid fast for a Warlock. Easily outrun a Hunter or her bodyguard if needed
-Once talked some Hive out of killing her. She was out of ammo and her bodyguard was down for the count. She just started yelling weird facts she knew, and they got so fucking bored they just left her
-Got her name from her Ghost saying “Yeah, nah.”. Her original name has been scratched out
Riot-4 - age: 4378 (he's a long living alien. He's a little older) - class: Titan - race: Rokin - height: 6'7" (30' in his actual form) - Ghost name: Cherry
Personality: before his incident he was over confident and a massive narcissist. Very much all about him. Gave little regard to anyone but Yana, the Guardian he was protecting. After his incident he calmed down a /lot/. He's still over confident, but now it's so he doesn't cry. He's a huge coward. He's now a "I'm depressed, have PTSD, and I want to die every second I'm alive, but at least I'm hot?" kind of person. Relatable. He's a lot sweeter now. A very giving partner. Out for their pleasure over his own. A little on the grosser side, as he constantly flirts and makes dirty jokes toward everyone. He can't turn it off at this point
Background: So like, I introduced an alien species to Destiny, because I can. The Rokin. Giant shapeshifters. He was part of a scouting crew. Come to Earth, see if it's fit to be used as a resource planet and come home. Didn't work out that way. The crew got stranded, with the remaining being Riot and Mena. She died and he got stuck by himself. He survived the collapse and just kind of lived as a drifter. He ran across a smell he knew and damn near screamed. MENAOHTHANKFUCKYOU’REALIVEOHMANIWASSOSCAREDDIDYOUKNOWSOMEWALRUSLORDSREALLYDON’TLIKEOTHERPEOPLESGHOSTS? BECAUSEBOYHOWDYTHEYTRIEDTOKILLCHERRYLIKETWICE. THEY’REKINDAMEAN. ANYCHANCEYOUWANTTOLIKEPROTECTMYASS? THANKYOUDEARMANYLOVES. He was excited when he ran across her as a Guardian to say the least. Zavala assigned him to be a bodyguard for Yana. It went well until they got separated and he assumed she was dead. He's a weenie and blended in with the Cabal instead of facing the Vanguard. For five years he had to act like a Cabal. Which meant killing and torturing Guardians. It fucked him up pretty bad. Mena found him on accident and was quick to drag him back to the city for him to explain what happened. He left out the killing of Guardians part. Only his friends know
Fun facts: Riot is a huge fucking slut. Uses sex as a coping mechanism. Keeps his body and mind busy. He always enjoyed sex, but now just does it to keep busy. Also a pretty kinky bastard. Loves the weird stuff. Kind of a huge sub, but will dom if requested. Would rather do quick and hard without learning names. But doesn’t mind slow and easy with learning about his sexual partner. Shape shifting comes in handy for when he wants to go get a good egg dicking from a Hive Knight. Fun fact. His dick is at default an ovipositor. Rokin come from eggs. He can make it anything his partner wants or needs. Unless he’s bottoming, then dicks don’t matter
-Thick as fuck southern accent. He needed to learn English, and he needed to learn it fast. Family he hid in liked western movies, and had southern accents themselves. So he adopted the accent when speaking English. Other languages he doesn’t have the southern accent, but instead mimics whatever accent he learned the language in
-Was once mated to Mena. They have two kids together, but due to a rather harsh dispute, they lost their kids and their lives. Which is how they ended up on Earth in the first place. They had a lot of time to talk about it and are a little better with one another. To where Mena will allow Riot to join in on outings with her and Dakota. Kota never minds, he likes Riot. Mena would love to have the both of them, but she’s still got some deep seeded rage against Riot that won’t allow him in that way again
-Is terrified of relationships due to a lot of the things that happened to him. He knows he’s got a lot going on mentally and emotionally, an he doesn’t want to dump that on someone else. He’s also still hurt about Mena even though it’s been well over 600 years. Which to be fair isn’t a lot to their species
-Due to the Rokin being a species the Traveler isn’t familiar with, it was unable to take their memories
-Not banned from Crucible. Mostly because Shaxx thinks he’s a giant weenie, which he is, but also because Riot won’t even step foot in a Crucible arena now
-Dis boy can cook. Took up cooking when his anxiety kept him up at night. It’s also how his friends know he had a nightmare, which he gets a lot of. If there’s a sudden large amount of food for them, well, Riot couldn’t sleep. Usually find him passed out in the kitchen somewhere. Mena drags him back to his bed and lays down on top of him. He still likes sleeping by her. Her weight and just having a living body near him, helps him sleep a lot better
-Constantly has nightmares. Can’t sleep for shit most nights. Often slinks into a friends bed to sleep next to them. He’s not weird about it. Just kind of flops down next to them. They all have blankets in their rooms now for him. Unless he goes into Alison’s bed. Then that’s just to get fucked and enjoy her aftercare
-He just really wants someone to hold him and make him feel loved tbh. He’s got a whole lot going on and can’t function right anymore
Mena-4 - age: 3897 - class: Titan - race: Rokin - height: 5' (40' in her actual form) - Ghost name: Fletcher
Personality: She got some pretty heavy retcons from the orignal post I made about her. She’s still a happy nice being. Can actually experience any emotion at any level. She doesn’t show other people much about herself outside of being nice and quiet. Keeps her on peoples good sides. Too many people have tried to cross her and she had to embarrass them in front of everyone. Sassy needy little thing. Not that anything she says you’ll understand, but it’s how she moves that tells you, you’re being taunted. That or Fletcher laughing and translating will let you know. 
Backgroud: She was sent to Earth to blend in with our top scientists to see what was being studied. She performed her task perfectly. Started chatting, well, started interacting with a guard, Dakota. Ohhhhh what a coincidence I know. They get together, and adopt a kid together. Mena goes to work and has to help one of the first gen Exos wake up. Alison. Ali, uh, didn’t wake up happy. Woke up confused and angry. Too bad her claws were designed to tear through metal, because Mena’s skin was soft. I’m saying a freshly woken Exo Alison killed Mena on accident. Lol whoops. Woke up at the bottom of a lake.To say Fletcher was surprised is an understatement. Not often your Guardian turns out to NOT be human, but instead an invading alien. Alexis had helped Fletcher look for her Guardian. She wasn’t surprised about Mena’s form. As in her journal it said her daughter in law was an alien and dumped in this lake. She was just a little surprised she had Mena’s Ghost with her. Alexis filled her in and gave her advice. She took Alexis's advice and dooted around as an Exo. On her way to the city she ran across Riot. Dragged his ass with her. Alexis introduced Mena and Dakota just to see what would happen. Dakota obviously has no memory of Mena, plus last either had seen of the other they were both Human. So Mena is just meeting some random Russian named Dakota who just happened to know the same Alexis she knew. Oh shit wait, you have a picture of your wife? Shit boy that’s me. She kept that part to herself as to not freak Dakota out. It’d be weird to know everything about someone while they know little about you. So she’s letting the relationship rebuild naturally. It’s going well
Fun facts: Mena and Dakota were married before the collapse. Obvs. It was on accident, she never meant to fall for a Human, but he was SO SWEET
-Mena was stuck learning to understand Earth languages as fast as she could so she could understand our maths and sciences, but she didn’t have time to learn how to speak any of it. Leaving her effectively mute on our planet. She’s trying to learn some now. Dakota is attempting to teach her Russian, Alison Spanish, and English from Victoria. It’s not going well. Fletcher translates when Mena speaks in her own language
-The Vanguard know of her and Riot. Know what they are. The Vanguard ask they keep it secret, as the regular people already have enough to worry about. Nothing about Mena and Riot would be a comfort to them
-BANNED FROM CRUCIBLE. She would always make bets she could do matches without dying or taking any damage. Of course when you can make your skin soft and squishy, or hard as hell, it was super easy. Shaxx caught wind and since he know what she is, he had to bring down the ban hammer. Plus she’s fucking wicked with a gun. Got a lot of complaints
-Soft girl. Like so soft. Squish squish. Just likes to get fucked. Don’t matter how. Just give it to her. Usually likes to be the power bottom, but doesn’t mind changing it up For her the more the merrier. Same goes for relationships. Her and Dakota have an open one. Could include a partner or two for sex, or to just join their relationship. They don’t mind either way
Manthres, Slayer Of Light - age: 683 (there’s no real data on Eliksni life spans sooooo) - class: variation of Titan - race: Eliksni - height: 11′ - Ghost name: Veros
Personality: Old and kind of grumpy. She’s been through a lot of shit and literally just wants to die already. Sarcastic. Grandma to literally everyone though. She hated Guardians, Human and otherwise, but ya know. Kind of had to reevaluate after Veros found her. Now she just wants all her children to come back from their missions safe. Absolutely will not take your advice. She knows what she’s doing. She’s old what do you expect
Background: This has a few changes from what I’ve said in the past. She is an Archon Priest for a long dead house found herself at the doorstep to the House of Devils. As their Priest role was filled at the time, she just got a high ranking Captain position instead. She didn’t mind. She didn’t get as much Ether, but still enough to survive in her massive form. Ran with them for years until Siva. Then her and her crew noped the fuck out. Found themselves as outcasts. They were enjoying a successful Ether grab when the Cabal attacked their ship. Everyone was dead outside of a hatchling, Xinos (who, yes I’m aware was originally spelled Zinos. I straight up DO NOT KNOW how I fucked that up. But at this point it’s just going to stay Xinos), and Manthres herself. She laid dying and she was so thankful. Finally her pain would go away. Lol nah dude. Howdy I’m your Ghost, let me just heal ya real quick. Veros convinced her to go the city and meet her new leaders. She begrudgingly agreed. Everyone stepped out of her way when she showed up. Everyone stared. Not every day an Eliksni Guardian shows up. Even less so when one is as big or well known as Manthres is. Needless to say her reception wasn’t a warm one. Even from Zavala who was informed he was her Vanguard as she was a variation of Titan. Everyone is a lot kinder to her now, but that still doesn’t change what she’s done. Which is why she asked to stay dead after she dies. She doesn’t want to forget her life or those she’s killed. That’s not fair to the lost lives
Fun facts: She had to drop the ‘Slayer Of Light’ part of her name for obvious reasons. She earned it in the first place from a dying Guardian that was sent in a Fireteam to kill her. The information on her was blurry. No one knew she was THAT big until she showed up at the Tower. Only one to meet Manthres and survive is Alexis
-She has slaughtered hundreds of Guardians without caring to learn their names. But we do the same to her kind in the thousands. Who between the two of us is really the bigger threat?
-Riot taught her how to bake cookies. They’re not the best but they’re not ass either. She likes to make them for her Fireteams. Likes to give them out after missions for a mission well done
-Has gone on raids. But only to the Leviathan as Calus is kind enough to allow her to watch and still get free shit. Mostly because his tailors need time to measure and make her armor. Gives them something exciting to do. NEW BODY SHAPE OH HELL YEAH. But also because she is a rarity upon his ship
-Not a fan of how people are now pushing her to stay back in the city. She understands they don’t want her to die, but she has to someday. She’d rather die in the field than among the penned cattle
Victoria-1 - age: 3 - class: Hunter - race: Exo - height: 5′5″ - Ghost name: Axel
Personality: She is an incredibly new rez. Still in the “I’m going to do everything because I can’t die.” phase. Little firecracker. Hyper as shit. Likes to stick things in her mouth (thankfully she has Teren now so shE’LL STOP THAT SHIT). Kind of ditzy. She never cared much for learning. Not when she can snoop around to find neat shit and stab people
Background: Woke up on Venus and touched everything. Poor Axel. He wanted a Guardian that explored, and he got one, but he’d have liked getting one that would stop trying to fucking go places she can’t be. The Vanguard gave up on even trying to get her to do the missions they want her to do. She never does them, and when she does she half asses them. They let her do her own thing until she mellows out
Fun facts: Met Teren on the Leviathan. Asked him for a tour and sucked his dick in the Underbelly. They’ve been happily together ever since. She often calls him Sweet T
-Alison trained her. They often talk still. Mostly Victoria just blowing up Alis phone with pictures and texts of what she did for the day. Ali doesn’t mind. She thinks it’s cute
-Can see and react to things really well, but is actually pretty deaf. Neither her nor Axel know why, and looking for the right part to fix her isn’t going well. It’s a small piece that’s super delicate to the point no one bothers to scavenge for them. No one minds speaking up for her. If she can’t quite hear them, she watches lips, if that’s not an option, then Axel just morse codes it at her in flashes. It’s the best she’s got
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gretchensinister · 8 years
Forces of Destruction (gen)(1/6)
Original Prompt:
Ok, so, one of my favorite AU concepts is a seemingly innocent/ well known by all character turns out to be something rather ancient and potentially very dangerous. (read http://archiveofourown.org/works/298326/chapters/477661 if you're a part of the Sherlock fandom, and http://spam-monster.livejournal.com/2938.html?thread=6341242 if you're a part of the watchmen fandom.) Now, seeing fics like http://archiveofourown.org/works/615129 that refer to just who long bunny has been around (and others that suggested even longer than that), and taking into consideration all his skills (time-traveling, shape-shifting, and so on) bunny really looks to me like the perfect choice for such an AU. While preferably Gen, I wouldn't mind other ships too: Perhaps even giving ships like Bunny/Tooth or sub!Pitch/dom!bunny a chance? Bonus points for reference to how phookas are originally have a trickster-ish nature, and maybe to how bunny got over it or never really saw the appeal?
The Guardians have to fight a being from far beyond Earth. Only Bunny is able to defeat it, and Jack realizes he has to ask why. When he does, he finds out more about Bunny, Sandy, Pitch, and the Man in the Moon than he ever thought he would. I draw from bookverse, but in my own peculiar way.
When he tried to remember what they had been fighting, Jack could never picture it clearly. But he remembered how they fought—the Guardians, and Pitch, too. Pitch had been the one to warn them it was coming, insisting that they quickly negotiate a truce, referencing incidents that only Sandy and Bunny seemed to recognize. They had drawn up a treaty right then and there, and a good thing, too, for the threat—whatever it was—had arrived within hours. There had been no question of starting the battle at once. There could be no delay, this thing must leave their world before it met anyone else. The battle was very much unlike fighting Pitch. None of the Guardians, or even Pitch, had encouraged it, but Jack still felt some shame at how quickly he was removed from the fight. The light from his staff, all the ice and snow and wind he could summon—all these were as nothing. He knew whatever they fought knocked him out of the sky. He knew he had watched the rest of the battle from a cocoon of living vines. He didn’t remember what had happened in between. He hoped he wouldn’t need to remember. They had all lived, hadn’t they? Yes, they had lived, despite that battle. Jack remembered North, wielding not only his swords but a repertoire of spells that shook the earth and air, and how these were less than mosquito bites to what they fought. He remembered Tooth, guiding every single one of her fairies—there must have been millions of them—into action as a single being, and not being able to move the bulk of what they faced by so much as an inch. He remembered Sandy and Pitch, working in an accord that surprised him. He remembered them crafting and sending forth vast, strange forms of light and shadow against their adversary, and, though he didn’t know how he had known, Jack knew that the constructs he had seen were tiny fragments of what Pitch and Sandy were truly creating. He remembered that Bunny had glanced at him with concern when some of these forms coalesced into being, and he remembered a pounding headache settling in behind his eyes. And he remembered the constructs breaking themselves—all of themselves, even their unseen parts—against their enemy. (Why couldn’t he remember what it looked like? He must have looked at it hundreds of times during the battle.) He remembered the fear he felt, seeing the constructs break. In the bones and in the pit of his stomach he knew that no force on earth, and few beyond it, would have been able to withstand an assault from both Pitch and Sandy together. “It’s not the right kind for us!” Pitch had yelled to Bunny. “Stop messing around with boomerangs! There’s nothing in it! Just make it stop, make it—” Some attack from the enemy had connected with Pitch, then, and Sandy had abandoned his attack on the creature to catch him and lift him away from danger. He flashed a few symbols brightly at Bunny before moving out of Jack’s field of vision. And then…and then. Bunny had stepped into the enemy’s path. And when he did, he didn’t look like the Bunny Jack knew. Where he walked, flowering plants sprang up, and in his wake they continued to grow, upward and outward, until a line of forest stretched out behind him. He looked up at the thing before him and tilted his head to the side. He held out one palm toward it, not as a gesture to tell it to stop, but more as if Bunny was feeling for something in the air. Jack saw him nod, and then kneel so he could press both of his hands against the ground. What Jack saw after that wasn’t everything that had happened, he knew that much. What he didn’t know was if he wanted to ask more. In the cold, rocky plain of the battlefield, brilliant green grass spread from Bunny’s hands in a swift wave. The enemy ignored this, but only for a moment. It paused—the first time during the battle that it had done so much as that—and, though Jack cannot remember seeing any of this, he remembered thinking that it had paused in confusion because the grass that had spread from Bunny’s hands refused to be blighted by its touch. “That’s right!” Bunny had yelled, waving his arms in huge arcs. “I know where you’re from! And if you won’t take the hint from my friends that you should go back on your own, then you’re not going to be going back at all!” It seemed, then, that the grass under the thing had sprouted into a tall forest, though that wasn’t all that had happened, just like Pitch and Sandy’s constructs had been more than what they appeared to be. It had to be more than what it looked like, because the trees pierced the being cleanly, easily. A long blank followed in Jack’s memory, then. Possibly the thing had screamed. The next thing he could remember was opening his eyes, and seeing no blank space. Instead, what he saw was a huge island of trees and plants towering over the barren plain. And then, Bunny’s face next to his protective cocoon. “Hey, Frostbite,” he’d said. “You’re not going to want a lot of what happened here today. And you should rest.” That had seemed so nonsensical—rest? He hadn’t done anything! But, again, his memory was fuzzy, here, and it was only when he woke up in a cool room in Dreamland that he had really started to feel like himself again. And now, months later, he realized he couldn’t really let it go. “I have to ask,” he said aloud, and the wind picked him up to go find Bunny. He found him on the battlefield, picking flowers. Picking flowers, and making them disappear. The flowers, and the grasses, and the trees, and all the other plants—well, Jack had flown everywhere on Earth, and none of these plants looked quite like anything that had ever grown on this planet. “Hey,” he said, shyly. “I have questions.” Bunny nodded and dug up a bright orange flower. He cupped it in his hands and acted like he was folding it, until somehow it wasn’t there anymore. “I can’t give you your memories back. They’d be bad for you. That thing we fought wasn’t the kind of thing you can look at with human eyes and a human brain, and you’re still too close to that.” “So you took my memories?” “I made it so that Tooth could. Anyway. Now that you know that ground rule, what do you want to know?” “What was that thing we fought? I know you knew. Pitch knew, and so did Sandy—didn’t they? Well…what was it? And why did you know but Tooth, North, and I didn’t?” “Good question,” Bunny said. He folded away a green, spiky plant. “That thing was, for lack of a name, or any I’d care to use, a force of destruction. Pretty simple thing, really, but hard to stop by most means. But I’ve done it before, and once we realized what it was—this one was mimicking something similarly nasty—it was only a matter of focus.” “If you’re trying to lead me into asking what you did to get rid of it, well, I do want to know that, now. But I still want to know why you knew about it.” Bunny met Jack’s eyes and made a slight nod. “All right.” He beckoned him over to a boulder near the edge of the grove. “It’ll probably be better if we’re sitting for this.” “Well…that’s…that’s a good start?” Jack swung his legs nervously. “Most of my soul isn’t human,” Bunny said. “There was a human who was ‘me’ at one time, but the Man in the Moon wanted my/his soul as a vehicle for my ‘other’ soul. I needed an Earth soul to survive on Earth. My soul that isn’t human is that of a Pooka—a technologically advanced, spacefaring race that participated in the largest interplanetary empire the galaxy has ever seen. I’m the last of them. Or most of me is.” Bunny smiled a little. “I remember being a lot more uptight than I am now. I’m sure everyone’s glad that my human soul changed that part.” “What? What? You’re an alien? You’re the last of your species? What happened? There’s a space empire? You have two souls? What? What?” Jack had never been told any news that would have buckled his knees before, but now, he was very glad to be sitting. “I…yeah, I’m an alien,” Bunny said, and looked down. “And there’s no galactic empire anymore, for the same reason that I’m the last of my species.” He looked back at Jack. “Pitch Black.” Jack couldn’t come up with even one coherent question this time. “Of course, the Pitch Black that overwhelmed the stars is mostly gone, now,” Bunny said. “As is Sanderson Mansnoozie, wish-granter and star pilot. Most of Pitch and Sandy’s conscious souls are human. But the Man in the Moon couldn’t give them the powers you saw them wield. Those things, they can only do because of those other soul remnants living within them.” “Wait, wait, wait. The Man in the Moon created Pitch?” Bunny stretched his legs. “As he is now, yeah. Sometimes I wish I’d met the person who became the Pitch we know—you know, before his soul got tied to that of a planet-killer. But how do you ask? Pitch and Sandy have very, very few memories of the empire. The personality influence is heavy, and eerie. They know how to spot things like the force of destruction we fought. They know how to use their powers. Personally, I think both of them would like to exorcise that hazy past from themselves, for a lot of reasons, but they’d be powerless without it. Or so the Man in the Moon says. I still haven’t figured out why he didn’t want Sanderson Mansnoozie’s soul being the main one in Sandy.” “I’m…going to have to think about that for a really long time.” Jack leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “Maybe you should switch to telling me what you did to the force of destruction, instead. Does it have anything to do with what you were doing to those flowers?” “Got it in one,” Bunny said. “So, a force of destruction ultimately wants to destroy a universe, but it wants to do that slowly, because as soon as it destroys a universe, it ceases to exist. All of these flowers, trees, plants—well, they’re mini-universes that I created. Doing all right?” “Um,” Jack said. “The blades of grass contain only about a zeptosecond each. Even the trees are only picoseconds. I made a lot because I knew the force of destruction would try to avoid them if it could. Destroy one of those, and everything is over for it. A force of destruction can only destroy one universe completely. And now I have to fold every single one of my mini-universes back into this one. I wouldn’t want any of them growing. Any amount of time and space can.” He paused. “I think the plant forms of these universes are the way plants looked on the Pooka’s planet.” “I’m…I’m in over my head now,” Jack admitted. “I’m glad that thing is gone forever, though.” “That one’s gone,” Bunny said. “There are more. Lots more. The Pooka were technologically advanced, like I said. We had time travel. We thought we knew how to use it. Paradoxes resolved themselves, as far as we could tell. When Pitch emerged, we tried so many times to change the past and prevent his rise. It never worked, and every paradox and no-start-point history we created—well, they didn’t resolve themselves. They created forces of destruction, like we just fought. If anyone had known…Pitch wouldn’t have been the only one jumping into our space with a planet-killer ship.” Bunny sighed. “And with all the time that passes, the forces of destruction get bigger and smarter and more sentient. Luckily our universe contains billions of years and proportional space, and so far, the forces of destruction haven’t grown fast enough to be an immediate threat to it. The real problem is that they’re attracted to sentience. Anyway, I just hope I can figure out how to teach others how to do what I did.” “Aren’t we immortal?” Jack asked, looking more nervous than ever. “The Man in the Moon uses technology from the empire to prolong life indefinitely,” Bunny said. “If it fails, or if he decides he doesn’t want us to be immortal anymore, then we’d start having real problems.” “But he wouldn’t do that…right?” “I don’t think it’s likely currently,” Bunny said. “But the thing is…I think that the Man in the Moon made Pitch into a being like the Guardians because…he doesn’t want to lose any souls that lived during that interplanetary empire, not even the one that destroyed it. He wants it to be remembered. I think he ultimately wants to recreate it, and he can’t do that without beings like us.” “And what else do you think about that?” Jack asked. He sounded as if he already guessed at the answer. “It was an empire, Jack. A lot of innocent people died when it fell. A lot more innocent people died as it rose and sustained itself. If I’m committed to stopping forces of destruction, I have to be committed to never allowing an empire like that to rise again.” He turned to Jack. “I don’t really want you to worry too much about this, all right? And remember, the Man in the Moon doesn’t know all this. He was only a baby when the empire fell. He only has children’s history books to work from. You probably know how nice they can make empires look.” “Um…yeah. Sure.” Jack was silent for several long moments. “So. I know I probably can’t help with cleaning up all this.” He gestured to the remaining plants. Universes. Universe-plants. “And maybe I can’t help with much, I mean, seriously. But…I’m on your side, Bunny. You can count on me, for whatever I can do.” “You’re a good Guardian, Jack,” Bunny said. “And thanks.” He smiled. “Never stop being you, all right?” “I promise,” said Jack, a little surprised by the emotion in Bunny’s voice. “All the way from the bottom of my lake.”
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