#i refuse to ship him with qui-gon
phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Jedi arranged/political marriage pretext I'd like to see more of: Jedi DO leave the Republic, and the marriage is of a Jedi, probably a council member, to secure the safety of their members on their new home planet.
The Mandalorian angle has the benefit of being less closely tied to Republic rule, and could be very tasty and easy to justify with either Obitine or Jangobi, both of which I enjoy. Depending on where in the timeline it happens, the spouse varies.
But I think that if it's Mandalore, especially Jangobi, a heavy part of the argument for getting the Jedi settled and making up for 'draining resources' is shoveling as many people as possible into Agricorp work on the deserts of Manda'yaim.
As an Obitine fic that takes place between TPM and AotC, it's really easy to justify?
Like just. The Jedi Council going "okay do we have any planets where we could move, and there's a primary ruler that would be open to marrying a Jedi for protection from the Republic and… wait. Someone get Kenobi."
(This also works for BailObi, but Alderaan is unfortunately still staunchly Republic territory, while Mandalore's status is a lot more vague.)
With the Jangobi angle, it would be a lot more "Mand'alor Fett captures a Jedi because he's been hearing rumors about them expanding their influence, gets the story that they're actually looking to move, and are basically going to be refugees, and decides that there would be no power move that would secure Mandalore's independence from Republic bullshit like getting their best warriors on his side, but he needs to prove that he's in control to the Death Watch-style extremists, so he's going to have to marry a Jedi for. Reasons."
IDK it's arranged marriage fic, we don't need a whole lot of justification.
God it's so easy to make these about Obi-Wan (consider: Quinlan/that one force-sensitive Stewjoni prince he saved and messed around with a few years ago), but it would be really funny to make this Anidala by shifting ages around a bit or starting the war later. Just like.
Naboo, the planet the Chancellor of the Republic is from, has taken in the Jedi, threatening secession, and refusing to give them back. Senator Amidala has married one of them. Everyone has questions but none of those questions are getting answered. Count Dooku of Serreno has made overtures to join the CIS but Naboo is uninterested. Amidala has been unavailable for her comment due to being on her honeymoon. Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi has only offered that this entire situation is a headache and he'd love to know where he went wrong.
I'm trying to figure out what other ships I could do with this. I think "senior padawan Barriss saves Tatooine's accidental ruler-through-incredible-violence Anakin from an attempt at retaking the planet by the Hutts, spills some personal woes while tending to his wounds (she can't leave the planet yet anyway and wasn't even supposed to be here), and he wakes up like 'hey if you need to move somewhere you can come to Tatooine, I'd marry you in a heartbeat'" would be a fun one, and also immediately collapse as like. A'Sharad overhears Barriss's report and goes to fight Anakin about it personally for inviting more settlers to a planet that's already trying to crowd out the native populace. That would need some tweaking... maybe Anakin's actually already done something similar, and led an exodus of Hutt slaves from Tatooine and settling them on a new planet, and needs help keeping Hutts and other slavers away from trying to take back their slaves? Not sure Anakin would suggest a marriage, though. Someone else might, but not him.
I considered Blyla, but IMO the plot only works if the Jedi are in decent standing (instead of suffering from war propaganda) with the galaxy at large and only need to escape the Senate's influence, not widespread hate.
OH wait if Anakin took over Tatooine when he was a teenager and then gave control to his mom, because she's the smartest obviously, and Qui-Gon survived Naboo, then maybe Qui-Gon/Shmi???
I'm struggling to think of more ships or pick one to drag on an AU adventure. Help. My brain is trying to argue that Obi-Wan marries Hondo and the entire Temple ups and leaves for Florrum.
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imharnaannesta · 13 days
You know what would’ve solved almost all of my problems with the Jedi and Qui-Gon Jinn in particular in The Phantom Menace?
If they just tested Anakin’s blood after getting on the fucking ship.
Literally all the other story beats could work without his force sensitivity as a motivation and his force sensitivity being the motivation for those story beats makes them feel super weird and exploitative.
Like, Shmi and Qui-Gon could have had a chat about human rights and child welfare instead of his little spiel about how they would’ve noticed Anakin as a baby if he were born in the republic. Shmi has plenty of reason to ask Qui-Gon to get her son to the republic, where he would be a person, who presumably has rights (although the movies never really address that directly (how does voting in the republic work? Can Jedi vote? I don’t know)), and who wouldn’t be forced to compete in wildly dangerous races. Shmi could beg Qui-Gon to get Anakin off Tatooine and Qui-Gon and Padme have good reason to agree. Anakin is volunteering to do something extremely dangerous for them with no expectation of a reward. They owe him.
Then Qui-Gon has a clear reason, other than Anakin’s chosen one potential, to manipulate the dice roll in favor of Anakin. He’s essentially been asked to.
Anakin proceeds to win and maybe then give an indication that he suspects something.
Anakin says goodbye to his mother not expecting to become a Jedi but still intending to come back for her.
Then on the ship Qui-Gon has Obi-Wan run Anakin’s blood test, and that’s when they realize that they have stumbled across a child who is possibly the chosen one and, if nothing else, far too powerful to lose track of.
It would make Qui-Gon seem a lot less like he was dangling the idea of safety for Shmi’s son in front of her to get his hands on the chosen one if he doesn’t know until after. Plus it solves my issue of him not explaining what being a Jedi involves or that the council might not want to accept him to Anakin because, again, he doesn’t know Anakin’s potential until they’re on the ship at which point he’s got a lot going on with the whole Sith thing. And it solves my issue of him being totally ready to shove Obi-Wan into his trials and ask him to take Anakin on as he dies because instead of deciding to bring an extremely powerful child, who is too old, traumatized, and very attached to his mother, before the council, knowing how they’ll likely respond, without a plan that doesn’t involve jumping to replace Obi-Wan while Obi-Wan is still his Padawan. Instead he can’t let the child they separated from everything and everyone he’d ever known without knowing how powerful he could become disappear into the general population, especially suspecting that the Sith have made a comeback.
When he knows before taking Anakin off Tatooine it feels like he’s really motivated by Anakin’s potential rather than Anakin’s best interest. And it makes the Jedi council’s reluctance less damning to me if there was a plan to ensure Anakin was cared for before Qui-Gon realized his potential. When it seems like Qui-Gon wanted Anakin for his potential the Council’s refusal to take him feels a lot like a refusal to take accountability for Qui-Gon’s actions, when as an organization they are at least somewhat responsible for ensuring that members of their organization aren’t doing things like manipulating vulnerable women in dangerous situations to give their child up and then trying to get them into the order based on their potential power despite them not being an appropriate candidate and without any alternate plan for their care.
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The Bond Between Us ~ 4
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Word Count: 3,800ish
Summary: The battle on Naboo. Your new friend is lost. Your and Anakin’s fate is decided.
Notes: This is the last chapter for The Phantom Menace.
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You and Anakin quietly followed your two Jedi friends to the landing platform. You were shagging, disappointed at the fact that the Jedi Council refused to train you and Anakin. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were failing to quietly discuss the situation with the Council and their decision.
“It is not disrespect, Master, it is the truth,” Obi-Wan argued.
“From your point of view,” Qui-Gon retorted.
“The boy is dangerous—even the girl. She’s extremely powerful for having no training.” 
You jolted back, almost physically hurt by Obi-Wan’s comment. Obi-Wan could feel it but chose to ignore it. You began questioning if you could even trust the young Jedi. Just the other night he had promised to help you. Had that been a lie?
“They all sense it,” Obi-Wan continued. “Why can’t you?”
“Their fate is uncertain, not dangerous,” Qui-Gon argued. “The Council will decide their future, that should be enough for you. Not get on board.”
Obi-Wan glanced back, barely meeting your gaze before you snapped your head away. He could feel your hurt radiating through the Force and he was kicking himself for throwing you in with Anakin. You and Anakin were vastly different, Obi-Wan could already sense. He sighed before reluctantly boarding the ship, followed by R2D2. Qui-Gon headed over to you and Anakin.
“Master Qui-Gon, sir, we do not wish to be a problem,” Anakin said.
“Yes, Master,” you responded, agreeing with Anakin.
“You won’t be. I’m not allowed to train either of you, so I want you both to watch me and be mindful. Always remember, your focus determines your reality. Stay close to me and you will be safe.”
“Master, sir… I’ve been wondering… what are midi-chlorians?” Anakin asked.
“Midi-chlorians are a microscopic life form that resides within all living cells and communicates with the Force.”
“They live inside of us?” You questioned.
“In your cells. We are symbionts with the midi-chlorians.”
“Symbionts?” Anakin repeated.
“Life forms living together for mutual advantage. Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to you, telling you the will of the Force.”
“They do?”
“When you learn to quiet your mind, you will hear them speaking not you.” Qui-Gon looked at you, knowing that you had already been working on that.
“I don’t understand.”
“With time and training, Ani, you will.” Qui-Gon noticed the Queen was on her way over. “Y/N, go inside and help Obi-Wan. Anakin and I will greet the Queen.”
“Yes, Master,” you responded. 
You headed into the ship, using your senses to find Obi-Wan. He was in the cockpit, going over the flight plan with the captain. When he sensed you, he turned to glance your way. You could tell that Obi-Wan felt guilty about what he had said but that didn’t stop it from hurting any less. You diverted your eyes as you went to stand beside him. 
As Obi-Wan continued to talk with the captain, he tried to send you apologetic waves through the Force. You could feel them but weren’t taking them in. 
“Thank you, captain,” Obi-Wan said. “We will let you be.” You followed Obi-Wan out of the cockpit. “Little star,” he breathed out. “I didn’t mean—“
“Do you really believe I’m dangerous?” You asked. The way your voice seemed so small and afraid, threatened to break Obi-Wan’s heart. 
“I… What I meant… I didn’t—“ He cut himself off with a sigh. “Y/N…”
“It’s okay, I understand.” Your shoulders sagged, bearing the weight of what he said. “It’s why the Council doesn’t want me and Anakin trained… I guess we will be sent back to Tatooine.” You noticed the Queen and her party getting on the ship. “I’m going to get out of the way.”
You quickly went away, hiding in one of the available rooms. You closed the door and cried. So much had happened in such a short period of time, it was overwhelming. Obi-Wan had followed you to the room. He stood outside as you cried, feeling guilty for everything that was going on.
“What is going on here?” Qui-Gon asked, coming down the hallway.
“It’s Y/N,” Obi-Wan responded with a sigh. “I may have said something to upset her.”
Qui-Gon shook his head. “Leave her. She will have to learn to deal with her emotions. Besides, she is only nine and it has been a long few days. A little rest will do her well. Come, we must talk with the Queen about a plan for when we arrive at Naboo.”
“Alright, Master.” Obi-Wan glanced back at the door before following Qui-Gon.
Naboo was gorgeous. Lush green plant life, with flowing blue waters. It was so vastly different from Tatooine, you were beginning to question why anyone would chose that hot, sand planet to live on. You had landed in what they were calling a swamp, sticking close to Qui-Gon’s side.
“Jar Jar is on his way to the Gungan City, Master,” Obi-Wan informed Qui-Gon.
“Good,” Qui-Gon responded his thoughts clearly elsewhere.
“Do you think the Queen’s idea will work?”
“The Gungans will not easily be swayed, and we cannot use our power to help her.”
“I’m… I’m sorry for my behavior, Master.” Obi-Wan briefly met your gaze, sending a wave of apologies to you before focusing back on his Master. “It is not my place to disagree with you about the twins. I am grateful you think I am ready for the trials.”
Qui-Gon looked at him for a long, silent moment. “You have been a good apprentice. You are much wiser than I am, Obi-Wan. I foresee you will become a great Jedi Knight.”
When Jar Jar came back, he led the group to a clearing in the midst of old temple ruins. There they were met by the Gungan refugees.
“Jar Jar, yousa payen dis time,” the large Gungan who seemed to be in charge said. “Who’s da uss-en others?”
Queen Amidala stepped forward. “I am Queen Amidala of the Naboo. I come before you in peace.”
“Naboo biggen. Yousa bringen da Mackineeks… Dya busten  uss-en omm. Yousa all bombad. Yousa all die’n, mesa tink.”
“We wish to form an alliance—“
Suddenly, Padme stepped forward. “Your honor,” she said.
“Whosa dis?”
“I am Queen Amidala.” She pointed to the girl dressed like the Queen. “This is my decoy, my protection, my loyal body guard.”
You and Anakin were stunned. Looking out the corner of your eye, you noticed Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon give each other a knowing look. They must’ve sensed it the whole time.
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“I am sorry for my deception,” Padme continued, “but under the circumstances, it has become necessary to protect myself. Although we do not always agree, Your Honor, our two great societies have always lived in peace until now. The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build. You are in hiding, my people are in camps. If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever. I ask you to help us—no, I beg you to help us.” Padme dropped to her knees, getting gasps from her group. “We are your humble servants… our fate is in your hands.”
Slowly, Padme’s Captain and his troops bow down. The handmaidens are next, followed by yourself and Anakin and then the Jedi. 
The head Gungan began to laugh. “Yousa no tinker yousa greater den da Gungans,” he said. “Mesa like dis. Maybe wesa bein friends.”
“Little star,” Obi-Wan called for your attention as you had lost yourself to your thoughts and the Force around you. 
“Yes?” You responded, looking up at him nervously.
“Are you alright?”
“I am fine… just thinking.”
“Care to share?” You shook your head, still hurt by his comments before. “Little star, I am—“
“They’re here!” Anakin yelled, running over to Padme, the Jedi, the Gungan Generals, and yourself.
Four speeders pulled up to the group. Captain Panaka and a dozen or so guards pile out to join the group.
“What is the situation?” Padme wondered.
“Almost everyone’s in camps. A few hundred police and guards have formed an underground movement,” Captain Panaka explained. “I brought as many of the leaders as I could. The Federation Army’s also much larger than we thought, and much stronger. Your Highness, this is a battle I do not think we can win.”
“The battle is a diversion. The Gungans must draw the Droid Army away from the cities. WE can enter the city using the secret passages on the waterfall side. Once we get to the main entrance, Captain Panaka will create a diversion, so that we can enter the palace and capture the Viceroy. Without the Viceroy, they will be lost and confused. What do you think, Master Jedi?”
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“The Viceroy will be well guarded,” Qui-Gon said.
“The difficulty’s getting into the throne room,” Captain Panaka said. “Once we’re inside, we shouldn’t have a problem.”
“There is a possibility with this diversion many Gungans will be killed.”
“Wesa ready to do are-sa part,” the Gungan leader stated.
“We have a plan which should immobilize the Droid Army,” Padme told them. “We will send what pilots we have to knock out the Droid control ship which is orbiting the planet. If we can get past their ray shields, we can sever communication and their droids will be helpless.”
“A well-conceived plan,” Qui-Gon began. “However, there’s great risk. The weapons on your fighters may not penetrate the shields on the control ship.”
“And there’s an even bigger danger,” Obi-Wan added. “If the Viceroy escapes, Your Highness, he will return with another droid army.”
“That is why we must not fail to get to the Viceroy,” Padme replied. “Everything depends on it.”
Padme led the Jedi, yourself, Anakin, R2, and a group of Naboo troops to the main hanger of the palace. Captain Panaka led another group to the other side of the hanger. While the groups signal back to each other, Qui-Gon leaned over to you and Anakin.
“Once we get inside, you two find a place to hide and stay there.”
“Sure,” Anakin answered with a nod.
“And stay there!”
“We will stay there,” you confirmed.
The group began attacking the droid troops in the hanger. Anakin grabbed your hand as he pulled you to hide under one of the Naboo fighter ships. You watched as Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon used their lightsabers to deflect some of the oncoming fire. Anakin and you ducked as rouge shots were sent your way.
“Get to your ships!” Padme ordered.
The pilots and R2 units run for the Naboo fighters in the hanger. One of the pilots jumped into the fighter that you and Anakin were hiding under.
“Better find a new hiding place, kids,” he said. “I’m taking this ship.”
You and Anakin ran. Anakin jumped into the next available ship while you took to hiding underneath it. R2 was pulled up into the droid seat of the ship. The star fighters exited the main hanger, quickly began taking on fire.
“My guess is the Viceroy is in the throne room,” Padme stated after the few remaining battle droids were overwhelmed. 
“I agree,” Qui-Gon responded.
“Hey! Wait for us!” Anakin called, going to crawl out of the  cockpit.
“No, you too stay there,” Qui-Gon ordered. “Stay right where you are.”
“But, we—“ You tried.
“Stay!” Qui-Gon pointed sharply at you.
As you watch them head for the exit, you notice the fighter from Tatooine standing in the doorway. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stepped forward.
“We’ll handle this,” Qui-Gon stated.
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The two Jedi took off their capes and ignited their own lightsabers. Their opponent also took off his cape and ignited his lightsaber, both ends of it lighting up. R2D2 called for yours and Anakin’s attention, motioning to the far end of the hanger where six wheel droids rolled in and transformed into their battle position.
“Oh, no,” Anakin said. 
You looked at the Jedi as they were fighting with their opponent. You knew that they were too preoccupied to do anything about the droids that were now attacking Padme and her troops.
“We gotta do something,” Anakin added.
“What are you planning to do, Ani?” You asked. You suddenly jump away from the ship Anakin is in as he begins to move. “Ani!”
Using the ship he was in, Anakin began firing at the droids at the other end of the hanger. You leaned up against the wall, taking a few deep breaths. Suddenly, you heard something tell you to clear your mind. You closed your eyes and focused on cleaning your mind. 
Keeping your eyes closed, you began to walk toward the middle of the hanger, following what the Force was telling you to do. You stopped in the middle, facing the droids. You could feel the heat of the blasts as they zoomed past you. Shakily, you held out your arm and thought about what you wanted the Force to do. You wanted to stop the droids or at least keep them away from you and your new friends. You opened your eyes when you felt a wave of Force leave you and heard a crash. You had sent one of the droids flying back into a pillar, falling into pieces. 
You looked around to see that Anakin had shot down the rest of the droids and was flying away. You were now left alone in the hanger. Qui-Gon had told you to stay put, and you really didn’t want to upset him, so you decided to hide behind some supplies near a corner. 
You were resting your head on your knees as you held them close to your chest when you heard a ship enter the hanger and begin crashing into things. Peeking over the supplies you were heading behind, you noticed that it was Anakin’s ship. You had to stop yourself from running to him when you noticed more droids coming into the hanger.
Run, young one, you thought you heard Qui-Gon’s voice say, almost like wind whooshing by.
You looked back at Anakin, noting that he and R2 were doing just fine, before running out of the room. You had no idea where you were headed and it didn’t matter when you suddenly became overwhelmed with an agony that wasn’t your own. Falling to your knees, you gasped for breath. You tried to use the Force to search out what was happening. You only came back with that the feeling was Obi-Wan’s, which wasn’t good at all.
Jedi were supposed to be void of emotions, especially ones that were rooted in the dark side. But all he could do was scream as the anger filled him. Qui-Gon slumped to the ground as the electric gate opened, now allowing Obi-Wan to access the room that his opponent, Darth Maul, and his Master were in. Darth Maul attacked Obi-Wan relentlessly, with Obi-Wan just as easily attacking back. Even as he drew weary, Obi-Wan attacked until he was able to cut Darth Maul in half with his lightsaber. Darth Maul fell down the energy pit to his death as Obi-Wan rushed over to a dying Qui-Gon.
“Master! Master!” Obi-Wan called out, kneeling beside him.
“It is too late…” Qui-Gon rasped. “It’s—“
“Obi-Wan promise… promise me you’ll train them…”
“Yes, Master.”
“One of them is the Chosen One…. They will… bring balance… train… them…”
Qui-Gon died in Obi-Wan’s arms. The Jedi Padawan cradled his Master as he quietly wept.
Obi-Wan carried Qui-Gon’s lifeless body back to the hanger, where Anakin was still in one of the ships. 
“Obi-Wan!” Anakin shouted, climbing out of the ship and running to the older Padawan. “What happened?”
Obi-Wan simply shook his head as he laid down Qui-Gon’s body. He looked around, noticing that you were not with your brother. “Where’s— where’s Y/N?”
“I—I don’t know. My ship flew out and I was having to fight and when I came back she was gone.”
“No.” Obi-Wan quickly ran. “Y/N! Y/N!” As he called for you, he started searching for you using the Force. “Y/N!” The Force led Obi-Wan to a small closet. Obi-Wan threw it open to reveal you crying into your knees. He immediately feared that you had been hurt. “Y/N.” He crouched down beside you. “Y/N, what’s wrong? What hurts?”
You looked up at Obi-Wan. “I… I felt something… something awful… something so… sad. I… it hurt…. It hurt so bad Obi.”
That’s when Obi-Wan realized that you had felt his emotions the moment Qui-Gon had been injured. “Oh, little star.” He pulled you into him, holding you carefully against his chest. “I’m so sorry.. that was all my fault… I am so sorry.”
Obi-Wan held you as you cried into him, tears slipping down his cheeks as well. Obi-Wan’s Force signature came around you, trying to help in comforting you. Yours responded in kind. You had no idea was you were really doing, but you followed Obi-Wan’s example. The two of you stayed that way until a group of Naboo guards found you two and told you that you two were being searched for. 
Obi-Wan had you stay close to his side as the two of you collected Anakin and went to meet the grander cruiser in the main hanger. The new Chancellor, Palpatine, exited with members of the Jedi Council behind him. Obi-Wan led you and Anakin to him. Following his example, you bowed but you couldn’t help but feel something very off in the Force.
“We are indebted to you for your bravery, Obi-Wan Kenobi,” Palpatine told the young Jedi. “And you two, young Skywalker’s. We will watch your careers with great interest.” Palpatine headed over to Queen Amidala, your group following. 
“Congratulations on your election, Chancellor,” she said. “It is so good to see you again.”
“It’s good to be home. Your boldness has saved our people, Your Majesty. It is you who should be congratulated. Together we shall bring peace and prosperity to the Republic.”
The setting sun streamed into one of the palace rooms on Naboo. Obi-Wan was kneeling before a pacing Yoda.
“Confer on you, the level of Jedi Knight the Council does,” Yoda told Obi-Wan. “But agree on you taking the twins as your Padawan learners, I do not.”
“Qui-Gon believed in them. I believe in Qui-Gon,” Obi-Wan responded.
Yoda sighed. “The Chosen One one of them may be; netherless, grave danger I fear in their training.”
“Master Yoda, I gave Qui-Gon my word. I will train both Anakin and Y/N…. Without the approval of the Council if I must.”
“Qui-Gon’s defiance I sense in you. Need that, you do not…” Yoda thought for a moment. “Agree the Council does. Your apprentice, one of the young Skywalker’s will be.”
“One? But they—“
“Attachments, the Code does not allow. The boy, your apprentice will be.”
“Master Yoda—“
“Powerful, the girl already is. Controlled by emotions, the boy is. Two different things, they need.”
Obi-Wan sighed. “How separated do they need to be? They are old enough to know that they are twins and have a relationship.”
“Name change, one of them will need.” Yoda paused. “Sensing one of them trying to listen in, I do.” Using the Force, Yoda opened the room doors to see you sheepishly standing on the other side. “Come in, young one.”
You came in and nervously stood in front of Obi-Wan and Yoda. “Master, I am sorry. I shouldn’t have tried to listen in,” you quickly apologized.
“Understand the need for answers, I do. But patience.”
“I overheard that the plan is to separate my brother and I. Is that right?”
“I would like to offer to be separated and my name changed.”
“Y/N,” Obi-Wan breathed out in surprise. You could feel the tinge of hurt radiating from him. He had promised that he would help you, and he felt like he was failing you already.
“My brother is emotional and is already having a hard time with Qui-Gon’s passing and leaving my mother. Staying with Master Kenobi would be more beneficial.”
“Agree with you, I do, young one. Leave to talk about your new Master, I must.”
“Thank you, Master Yoda,” you replied, bowing slightly.
Obi-Wan and you remained silent as your eyes followed Yoda. He walked out, closing the doors behind him. Obi-Wan turned his attention to you.
“Little star, you did not have to offer yourself up like that,” Obi-Wan told her. “I promised that I would help you and I was going to fight to keep it.”
“By helping Ani, you are helping me, Obi,” you responded. 
Obi-Wan was in complete awe. For such a young age of nine years old, you were more powerful and mature than many of the other Jedi.
“You are very wise, little star,” Obi-Wan said with a small smile.
You shrugged. “I learned quickly to keep a calm head and be the voice of reason since Anakin often jumps into situations before thinking them through.”
Obi-Wan shook his head. “You should have to do that.”
“I promised my mom that I would do what I can to take care of Ani. I will hold to that promise, no matter what.”
You stood between Obi-Wan and Padme, with Anakin on the other side of Obi-Wan, as Qui-Gon’s body went up in flames. Many members of the Jedi Order, R2D2, Naboo troops, the new Chancellor from Naboo, Jar Jar, and other Gungan warriors, were all surrounding the burning body. Feeling Anakin’s uneasiness, Obi-Wan turned to him.
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“What will happen to me now?” Anakin asked.
“The Council has granted me permission to train you,” Obi-Wan answered. “You will be a Jedi, I promise.”
“What of Y/N? Will you be training her as well?”
“Y/N will be trained by a different Master.”
“No.” Anakin shook his head. 
You came around and brought your brother in for a hug. “It’s okay, Ani. We’ll be okay. This is good for both of us.”
“I don’t want to say goodbye to you too.”
“It’s not goodbye. We’ll see each other around. I promise.”
next chapter >
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palfriendpatine66 · 9 months
WIP Wednesday - Sithywan edition
Look, I don't actually know that I have it in me to write a plot heavy, multi chapter fic set in a galaxy far far away. This may or may not happen. All I know is that I have *ideas* about what would happen if Obi-Wan joined Dooku after Geonosis, and I had to write this intro to get it out of my head. Read more for the angsty intro below
Obi-Wan watched helplessly as Dooku’s crimson blade slashed through the air and made contact. The air filled with the scent of burning flesh and Obi-Wan was filled with horror as Anakin’s body, now short one limb, was tossed carelessly aside as though he were a rag doll. 
A wave of despair, of anguish, swept over him as the Count, the traitor, stepped forward to finish the task he had started, his blade raised against the last of his lineage.
He slowed his advance and cocked his head to the side as though tasting the pulse of anger that radiated through Obi-Wan at the thought. The pause gave them a moment of reprieve, nothing more, but it was a moment that changed everything.
Anakin stirred against Obi-Wan's side, a pained whisper of apology on his lips before he lost his battle to maintain consciousness against the pain from his wound. “I’m sorry, Master.” 
Dread turned to certainty. Obi-Wan couldn’t lose another to a Sith blade. 
He wouldn’t. 
He wouldn’t watch helplessly as his padawan was run through, just as his master had been. 
He wouldn’t cradle the boy he had promised his master to protect as his presence left his body to become one with the Force. 
No. He refused to do it. And he didn’t have to, he realized, awash with relief. 
There was always a choice. 
Obi-Wan's mind raced. It was a terrible choice, but one he had to take.
“Wait, Dooku!” he called out desperately.
The Count smirked, so sure that everything was going as he had planned. Obi-Wan would do whatever he had to do to let him think that. He had to.
“I see now, the power you have. So much more than I knew, then the Jedi taught me. Teach me. Like you taught Qui-Gon. Become my master as you were his. Show me all you have discovered of the ways of the Force. I would know it all.” 
One elegant eyebrow rose skeptically as the distant sound of ships reached their ears. There wouldn’t be more time to decide. 
“You would join me, padawan of my padawan? Submit to my teaching, become a learner once more?” 
It went against everything he was, but Obi-Wan knew he had to. 
For Anakin. 
For all the Jedi who died this day, senselessly, because of him. 
For all those who would fight in the war to come. 
If he could learn the enemy’s secrets while he learned from Dooku, he could end this war. If he could touch the dark side, but somehow stay in the light. If he could just -
He would do it.
He had to. 
“Yes,” he confirmed. “Yes.” 
“There will be time for discussion later,” the Count observed blandly, as though remarking on the weather and not his window of opportunity to escape capture and possible death. 
Obi-Wan had the strange sensation of being lifted and carried to the Count’s solar sailer with the Force, his injured arm and leg dangling uselessly, his head lolling back to the sight of Anakin’s still body splayed on the ground. 
He had stayed in the light for Anakin once before, after Naboo. That had only been a moment where he had brushed against the dark side, not a continual battle to keep it at bay, but he had. He would do it again, he vowed as they rose from the landing platform and the battle raging below grew smaller and smaller until it disappeared. 
He had to. He’d made his choice.
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lilredghost · 8 months
your recent tag on that poll just made me think of werewolf anakin/vampire obi-wan. like with christopher lee as count dooku it's just too perfect. qui-gon as the adopted son who refused to be turned and raised his own adopted son away from any knowledge of the supernatural. dooku, in his grief after qui-gon's death, not giving his grandson a choice and turning him literally the same week as qui-gon's funeral. anakin as the neighborhood child who used to incessantly follow obi-wan around and notices he's missing Immediately and obsesses over his childhood crush idol's disappearance for Years until it leads him to the supernatural and he ends up getting bitten by a werewolf and instead of freaking out he's like I Will Use These New Skills And Connections To Find Obi-Wan and eventually when he DOES find obi-wan, obi-wan is like... what? anakin? lil ani? the kid i used to help with his homework and build model ships with? that's you? and he proceeds to have a crisis over that little boy (who he's missed all these years) having grown up hot.
Oooh see as a werewolf-fucker and also an avid obi-wan-fucker I initially was like hm I think I'd rather if Obi-Wan was the werewolf and Anakin was the vampire. But!! I can just see Anakin putting his new freakish senses to use and literally tracking Obi-Wan down by scent
Obi-Wan meanwhile has been whisked away training to get himself under control for years. His eyes are always sensitive now. Food doesn't taste the same. He can't sleep.
And he's on a grocery run looking at twenty dollar boxed wine and trying to decide between a red and a rose when someone fucking POUNCES on him. In the middle of the grocery store.
The wine spills everywhere. Glass breaks. People scream.
Obi-Wan turns around, fangs bared-- but the man who jumped him isn't attacking. He's just holding Obi-Wan, beaming so hard that Obi-Wan can see his metaphorical tail wagging.
(And oh, actually, the man does have a tail. Fancy that)
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
Now that I've taken Obi-Wan as a muse, I'm subjecting y'all to my thoughts. Starting with the Hero Of The Confederacy arc of The Clone Wars comics.
First, the cover, cause it fucking kills me
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Average dinner with the most chaotically dramatic Jedi lineage.
Now for real, this arc is one of my favorites because of how emotional it makes me and the depth it adds to the Obi-Wan–Dooku–Qui-Gon situation.
First, a quick summary of the plot. During the clone wars, Obi-Wan is invited to dinner with the royal family of the planet Valahari because of disputes related to the fact separatist ships that gunned down innocent people were found to have Valahari engines. Up until that point, Valahari remained neutral in the war. But given that their engines —Valahari is known for making the fastest ships in the galaxy— are benefiting the Separatists, the Republic wants to ensure that doesn't happen again. Obi-Wan insists they must try to solve this peacefully, secure an alliance, because he knows the royal family and is close to them. But Obi-Wan is not the only one trying to achieve an alliance.
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So Obi-Wan goes there (with Anakin, obviously, do NOT separate them) and this is how he is received:
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A whole extra layer of depth is added to this fondness when we read further and find out that Elodore is, in fact, an old flame of Dooku's and that Dooku still has feelings for her, to the point he helped her destroy all information the Jedi had about her force sensitive son, who she refused to give away. So, Dooku is a more-than-a-friend of the royal family, Qui-Gon was very close to them and so is Obi-Wan.
And Dooku is there, too.
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This situation kills me. Obi-Wan is close enough to Elodore and her family that later —when he sneaks into her bedroom chambers by climbing in through a window— she doesn't think anything bad of him. So now I can't stop thinking about how, last time Obi-Wan was in a situation like this with Dooku: sitting at a table for dinner full of other people, he was probably very young (Elodore's words about him having grown into a handsome young man and Harko mentioning Qui-Gon's death imply they haven't seen him in a while, over 13 years), he was probably quite young. So I can't help but think about a young Obi-Wan having a fancy dinner with the royal family, being chided by Dooku about how he should sit straight and get his elbows off the table, only for Qui-Gon, sitting between them, to hunch over and put his elbows on the table, smiling with feigned innocence like he doesn't know why Dooku is glaring at him now.
Then, Harko Vane is killed by Ventress because she messed with his ship, Anakin is framed for it and while the Jedi Order knows that it was not Anakin, Valahari is out for justice and of course whoever brings them justice for their dead ruler is gonna earn their loyalty. So everything turns into a race against time as the Republic is trying to punish Anakin for a crime he didn't commit, and Obi-Wan is trying to prove his innocence (Does this remind anyone else of a certain plot with Ahsoka?).
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It's a nice parallel with the Ahsoka being framed for a crime she didn't commit arc. Especially because we see how differently Anakin and Obi-Wan deal with what's basically the exact same situation. While Anakin went after Ahsoka, wanting to secure her safety before they proved her innocence; Obi-Wan trusted his Padawan, he trusted that Anakin would be able to keep himself safe and alive without him while he went above and beyond to prove Anakin's innocence. Obi-Wan succeeds where Anakin failed.
Harko and Elodore's force sensitive son, Toffen, is also out for revenge against Anakin, going down a dark path, so there's that extra threat. Dooku actually tried to save both Harko and Toffen from ending up dead, but fails and their deaths along with the fact Obi-Wan went straight to Elodore to prove Anakin's innocence showing her Ventress, Dooku's apprentice, messing with Harko's ship, completely kill any chance he had of being with the woman he loved. Which causes even more hatred towards Obi-Wan and Anakin, and towards Palpatine because later, Palpatine throws the whole "no attachments" thing back at Dooku for failing to ensure an alliance with Valahari all because of an old love.
I wish we'd gotten more arcs like this in the actual show.
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jedi-hawkins · 3 months
Bryn (Jedi OC) x Obi-wan Kenobi
So Bryn, my Jedi oc, is in a poly relationship with both Hunter and Obi-wan (fully consensual, and codywan is also cannon in my oc au, no clonecest). This is an amazing character workup, in combination with TBB S3 premier, it really got my writing flow going!
I originally found this character question sheet by a reblog from @anxiouspineapple99 months ago - go check out their work, it’s incredible! See the og character question post by @shiny-self-shipping here.
See the post about Bryn and Hunter's dynamic here!
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Who makes the other blush all the time and who finds it adorable?
Bryn makes Obi-wan blush more
Who sings in the shower?
They both do, but Bryn does so in a quieter voice, Obi-wan belts with his whole chest in the 'fresher.
What would their song to each other be?
From Bryn to Obi-wan: Happy Accidents by Saint Motel
From Obi-wan to Bryn: Like Real People Do by Hozier
Who embarrasses the other in public with kisses and pet names?
Not that they can be super openly affectionate, Obi-wan is the flirt master of the Jedi Order, so he is a little more touchy than Bryn in public (a hand on the small of her back, a quick shoulder pat/rub, fixing her hair, wiping something off her cheek). And of course he calls her 'my darling,' people who know them turn a blind eye or assume it's just their long-standing relationship as working Jedi and Obi-wan's innate flirtiness.
Who curses, and who reprimands the other for it?
Bryn uses true swears more (kark, kriff, etc.) Obi-wan uses more moderated swears (blast, etc.) Neither really reprimands about it.
What small quirks do they love about each other?
Bryn was always forgetting/losing her comm device. Eventually when the Clone Wars started, Obi-wan got her a conducting headset so she would literally be wearing her comm and couldn't lose it as easily. Obi-wan always leaves his tea mugs laying around half-finished, and he never uses a coaster (it's tea rings everywhere, but Bryn loves it)
Who makes the other laugh more?
Bryn makes Obi-wan laugh more during daily life with little to no effort. Obi-wan makes Bryn laugh more through intentional actions when he can tell she needs a distraction/pick me up.
Who gets jealous easier?
Neither really get jealous. They are both secure in their relationship to one another and are highly dedicated to their duties as Jedi. Bryn and Obi-wan also encouraged poly relationships with Cody and Hunter. Maybe Obi-wan gets jealous because Anakin listens to Bryn only a little bit more than him?
How did they know they were right for each other?
They came to the temple as younglings at the same time and basically grew up together. They always had an innate bond where they could sense how the other was feeling. They have a long history of working missions together and when Obi-wan admitted his feelings for Bryn (Freudian slip when they were protecting Duchess Satine), Bryn realized she felt the same. They both know duty comes first, but each other is a close second.
Who brings up the subject of kids first?
Kids were never on the table. That doesn't happen for Jedi. They do consider Anakin their child in a way, since Bryn (in my au) was the one to discover Anakin while she was with Obi-wan and Qui-gon rescuing Queen Amidala. Qui-gon was originally going to give Bryn Anakin as a youngling, but when he died, the Council ruled Obi-wan would take him since Qui-gon was the only Jedi Master present at Anakin's discovery and Obi-wan was Qui-gon's successor.
Who's adorable when they're sleepy, and who gets grumpy and irritable?
Obi-wan isn't super cuddly in his sleep, but he is very touchy in the morning and refuses to get out of bed (not a morning person) He'll be grumpy until he gets at least one cup of tea before 0500. Bryn is moreso cuddly before bed/during the night, but she won't mind a few morning cuddles before bringing Obi-wan his tea and getting a strong cup of kaf for herself.
Who's more protective?
Neither is super protective, they know each other can handle themselves. Bryn perhaps worries about Obi-wan more since he has Anakin to worry about.
How do they express their feelings (Words, visual art, a song, etc.)?
They have an inside joke that started when Bryn came to help Obi-wan and Qui-gon rescue Queen Amidala. When Bryn left to go into Mos Eisley, Obi-wan gave her a single Republic Credit and asked for a souvenir. "It doesn't matter what it is so long as it's you that brings it back." Bryn never got a sourvenir, but instead gave Obi-wan the credit back when they parted ways and asked for a souvenir. They continued the tradition, handing the same credit off, but sometimes there will be a little trinket from whatever world they were off on too.
Where would they go on a 3am adventure?
They are both animal lovers. They'll often sneak away to stroll through the temple stables or the base kennels to dote on the animals.
Who has a hobby only the other knows about?
Obi-wan is actually fairly talented with crochet. He originally picked it up because he rescued a loth kitten that was half frozen to death and he made it a little blanket (it was super lumpy and misshapen) but now he'll crochet little beanies for the tubie clones, or blankets for Jedi younglings, or meditation mats/pillows. It's a very meditative practice for him and the tactile feel of the yarn is grounding for him.
Bryn is extremely gifted with accents and impressions. She has put on accents for undercover assignments, but only Obi-wan has heard her impressions. She did it one night randomly after Obi-wan had a bad day and her impression of an exchange between Commander Fox and the Chancellor had him crying from laughter.
How do they hype each other up?
They'll make sarcastic jabs at each other either before or after debriefing meetings, or even on-mission to break the tension/pressure that comes with being a Jedi General. It reminds them to not be so hard on themselves in the most serious time of their lives. If the receiver makes a jab back, then the instigator knows they're okay, if not, then that's a cue for a private check-in later.
Who picks flowers for the other?
Obi-wan picks the flowers (he has no idea what species they are) and gives them to her as a game. Bryn identifies them (a niche interest of hers) she is never wrong.
Which one wears the "I'm with stupid" t-shirt?
Obi-wan, but only because Bryn gave it to him to wear around Anakin.
Who's the better dancer?
Surprisingly, (perhaps not) Obi-wan. Bryn can hold her own, both in lively dancing at 79's and in a ballroom, but Obi-wan is shockingly light on his feet and a master of hip grinding.
Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes?
Obi-wan infodumps about the weirdest things, Bryn listens and laughs along at how passionate he gets about different topics. Obi-wan is definitely a war history buff and the galaxy has had a lot of war so the info never ends.
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jetiisyandereclones · 10 months
Hello, I'm starting a new tag game in order to spread some love for OCs!
If you get this message take it as a chance to rant about your OCs, tell us why you love them, why you created them, their tragic past, anything and everything you'd like to share! Go nuts! Then, to continue the love, send this to other people who need a chance to talk about their characters.
Ok, vera sai.
My main girl.
Trigger warning, this has alot of dark themes
Vera sai was born in France in the early 1400s. Her mother, esthianna durand, was a child prostitute forced into servitude after her lord father was beheaded by his people. Esthianna, being a bastard child, was able to slip by without attracting their notice.
Vera's father was a handsome but despicable man with a taste for the very young.
Esthianna was 14 and pretty and a prime target.
Vera's father kept her mother untill she got pregnant at 19, deeming her to look too old to please him.
He cast her out and she was forced to live like a hermit in the woods outside of town, eventually giving birth to her daughter, catherine durand, or as she would later come to be known as, vera sai.
Vera was born with strange birthmarks all over her body. Swirling patterns that gracefully covered her from head to toe. Beautiful, but concerning.
Whispers of the word witch and devils whore had already been caught around the town. She feared what may happen to her baby.
Wsthianas fate was sealed when a strange craft descended from the sky, come to see her from another world.
Come for her catherine.
Qui Gon had sensed the immense, but patchy force cry of young vera sai, and followed it. Followed it through a wormhole.
There was a language barrier. Esthianna had never heard basic before and Qui Gon had never heard of french.
He could only impress, through the force, that he meant no harm to the young mother or her baby.
But things turned sour.
Esthianna had agreed to Qui Gon to take both her and her baby away to wherever he had come from. To somewhere he assured her was safe.
She only asked he give her one night to prepare.
It was one night too many.
The Vera's father had caught wind that his old whore had been visited by someone from the sky and claimed witch craft.
He demanded that esthianna and her demon spawn be brought to the town square, to burn at the stake for their sins.
Well. Esthianna, seeing the mob, ran.
She ran for her horse, getting shot in the leg with an arrow. And when her horse got shot only a couple of meters from the concealed ship, she limped to it.
But she did not know how to get in and no one was coming out.
So seeing no other choice, she bundled her baby up and left her at the foot of the ship, limping away to draw off the mob.
They caught her and dragged her to the town square. Ripping her dress from her body and shaving her head.
The town leader demanded to know what she did woth the child.
Esthianna refused to say anything.
He burnt her alive.
Back at the ship, qui gon had returned with obi wan and anakin from a scouting trip, the lights and screams from the town having attracted him back down from the mountains.
They found the young child crying at the hatch to the ship, and qui gon, sensing something awful had happened told obi wan to take her and anakin inside while he went to look for esthianna.
He was horrified with what he saw then.
The young mother, tied naked to a pyre, screeching and howling as flames consumed her alive.
He ran back to the ship before anyone saw him, and immediatly charted a course for home.
He needed to meditate on this tragedy.
He needed to clear his mind, and his guilt.
But obi wan approached him, holding the young child.
"Master Qui Gon....what happened?"
Obi wan asked.
"The child's mother has been killed, obi wan. She sacrificed herself to save her daughter."
Qui gon chose not to divulge the exact circumstances of the poor girls death.
"I...see." obi wan swallowed, not exactly sure how to respond to the news.
The baby cooed from where she was bundled in obi wand arms, teaching playfully for his padawan braid.
"Master. The force....it is strong with her, but odd...I've never sensed a signiture so...."
"Unstable. I agree. It is...unusual. but perhaps for the best. I can sense her powers are immense. If they did not dip as drastically as they do I dare say they would rip her apart.
Now....she needs a name."
Qui gon said gently, laying a hand on the infant's head.
"Master...I heard the woman talk about something...she said...Versailles? She spoke of it so often...and with so much fondness.
Perhaps her name should be Vera Sai?"
Obi wan suggested, his finger held in a grip but the young girls small, chubby hand.
Qui gon hummed.
"True one who is divine....a... powerfull name to pick. But I think it suits her, my young padawan.
Welcome, vera sai....you will be a great jedi one day"
That was vera sais origin, where she came from.
I originally made her because I wanted a jedi oc shenwas powerfull. But sort of strayed from the image of a powerfull jedi created by anakin and ashoka.
Shes powerfull, but unstable. Because of this she had great difficulty in learning how to controll her force powers. Instead, she leant heavily into theory, history. And most of all, the physical aspects of the force. She was a prodigy of martial arts. Going through the jedis training programs quickly.
Later on, when it was time to make lightsabers, it was revealed that she could not weild one.
Khyber Crystal's are extremely unstable. The stable energy of the jedinweilder flowing through them is what makes the lightsaber usable.
Vera said force energy was extremely unstable.
A small pulse from her just activating the blade, cause it to explode.
Because of this, she could not complete her padawan trials. She was forced to stay back and watch 5 year as do what she couldnt.
It made her bitter. Angry.
Shed go out at night, into the deeper levels. Drawn to the crime ridden underbelly of coruscant. If she couldnt protect like a jedi, shed protect like a mercenary.
This phase lasted about a year, when the council gathered to discuss her future.
Should she be allowed, at the age of 16, to become a padawan?
Or should she be moved to the corps?
In the end. Two jedi master fought to take her on as an apprentice.
First was master krell, who saw her potential for violence and power and wished to harness her as an asset.
The second master, was shaak tii.
She wished to help vera and beleive the structured, disciplined environment of kamino would be beneficial to the girls journey.
Master yoda debated and meditated over his options and decided that vera should go with master shaak tii.
That is how she came to be on kamino, and training under alpha 17 and fordo. She later met the batch.
After another soul draining lesson in the force woth shaak tii she was going for a walk and happened upon a group of cadets playing on a landing dock in the middle of a storm.
The bad batchers had snuck out to explore kamino.
Vera was about to tell them to get back inside when a particularily strong gust of wind threw an empty crate at one.
The tall, lanky, grey haired boy was hit in the head and knocked into the sea.
Vera immediatly started to run, dropping her robes and demanding the others get away from the edge, before diving in after the boy.
She didnt thinknabout her own saftey, or the massive power of the water crashing over her.
She saw only the drowning, young clone, in startling clarity.
For the first time, it clicked for her. The force lined up and she was able to weild it to get this boy, and carry him to saftey.
Before she knew it, the was in her arms and she was gluing up back onto the platform.
She ran him to the closest med wing. Feeling him shiver and curl against her.
She jumped levels useing the force, leaving the other boys to follow.
It was the first time she was able to weild the force properly, and the first time meeting the bad batch.
The second time she met them was during the invasion of kamino, where vera came across them fighting off the droids.
She led them to where fives, echo, rex and cody were barricaded with the cadets, and started to instruct them.
She was the one who first handed the grey haired boy a long range weapon, and told him to stay by echo and fives up in position.
He took shot after shot after shot.
Perfectly lined up.
Vera couldnt help but remark that he wasnt letting any droid escape his crosshairs.
He called himself crosshair from that day forward.
Vera would later on become a spy for the republic, taking on missions in the deepest of enemy territory.
Her biggest mission?
Spy on count dooku himself from within his own home. She did that for 3 years.
Her lightsaber Crystal's came from inside his vault. She stole them before abandoning her mission.
Her Crystal's were special. They absorbed light and energy, of which she had plenty.
During this time she also took on a padawan.
Bode akuna had list his master to the war and needed someone to complete his training. Vera volunteered. Completing his force training, as well as showing her some of her own tricks. Espionage, intelligence, infiltration, and force abilities that she had mastered over the years.
Bode was a quick learner and within an year and a half, had graduated to knighthood.
Because of this, vera was given the rank of master.
It also tore a divide between her and anakin. Anakin wanted to be a master but couldnt due to his padawan never having graduated to knighthood. Yet vera could come in last minute and take the title?
It was a fact he was bitter about.
And then to rub salt in the wound she was given a spot on the council, which she refused.
Around this time she had been growing close to another jedi, Nazra Ra'shii.
They had known eachother a long time, and decided once the war was over, they would leave the temple together.
That's why vera turned down a spot on the council. She didnt intend to stay.
And that's when the war ended early. When the clone family AU starts.
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trishacollins · 1 year
So I had a star wars fragment pop into my head, and I had to write it down to get it down. It won’t become an actual story so here’s the basics.
It goes like this when Anakin Skywalker is knighted, Depa Billaba has a vision so intense that she is unconscious for three days.
 When she wakes up, she tells her former master her vision. That the revelation of a Sith Master will be a trap that will nearly extinguish the Jedi forever.
 It could have ended there, save for one thing: Mace has heard this vision before, from Sifo Dais. He could dismiss it, but he doesn’t. Instead, he reaches out to Jocasta Nu and requests her advice.
 There are two paths, two choices the elders could make. In one universe, one path, the elders do as they always do. They log the vision, they put it in the archives. They forget until Mace Windu lies dying after confronting Palpatine. Dead, murdered at the hands of Anakin Skywalker. The order sputters, the flame that has lit the galaxy for thousands of years gutters and almost goes out.
 In another, Jocasta Nu proposes a simple idea: What if we take the vision at its face?
 And so they prepared. Prepare and practice evacuating the temple, with the secret held tight between the three of them. Hidden behind the most logical of cautions. The separatists favor planting bombs, what if one was discovered at the temple?  
 Every seven months, the temple empties, the young charges are safely stored on the ship, the archives and the elderly masters too old to fight vanish. The ship they use takes two jumps, and then they return.
 If a few more younglings than normal make their way to Ilium for kyber…well. Those reports are simply never turned in. They are not ready to build their lightsabers yet.
 It’s a drill, a very common one, that the students are not inclined to discuss. It’s the same as the emergency atmospheric pressure loss drills, timed and corrected.
 It becomes part of the temple culture.
 So when Anakin Skywalker comes to the masters and tells them of what Palpatine has told him, Mace makes two calls. One to his old Padawan and one to Jocasta Nu.
 Depa sends out a fallback alert to active Jedi and Padawan pairs, and Jocasta – in an hour, before they have made it to the senate building, the Jedi are gone.
 The halls are empty when Order 66 is heard. When the troopers and Skywalker arrive, there is nothing but ghosts and echoes to be found.
 Some still die. Masters unwilling or unable to leave their soldiers. But many still more survive. The youngest to fall is sixteen, young and confident.
 The children are safe.
 Mace joins the force with this in his mind, Depa’s mind touching his as he fades away. He joins Qui-Gon in watching, waiting as the world unfolds around them. The shatter point is so exquisitely painful that only the steady, calming beat of the children living keeps him from losing himself in the force.
 Depa is with Yoda to receive an injured and tormented Obi-Wan and a dying Padme. Depa, who recognizes a force bond without looking, cuts it so neatly that Palpatine at the other end still believes her to be dead.
 Anakin – awakening – feels the cut-off part of him, the loss, the empty hole where his wife used to be, and mourns. His failure hangs heavy on him. The darkness swirls around him. His fall is deep, but perhaps not so deep as it was wished.
 Padme – awakening – is told her husband died after his betrayal. She mourns him, and thinks she may be the last person in the galaxy that does. – She is wrong, for Obi-Wan’s grief rises and falls with every breath, an agony of confusion that tries to drown him.
 Palpatine scours the galaxy for the Jedi – he finds some, and Vader finds others. But they are gone, far into the unknown reaches, prepared to lick their wounds and survive for the moment.
 Padme is invited to join them, but refuses. A choice is still made. A daughter, Leia, placed into the arms of Bail Organa. A son, Luke, cradled against her chest as her heart breaks. She joins Obi-Wan on Tatooine. Joins her brother and sister-in-law. There’s still a funeral. There’s still a grave. But she’s not in it.
 It’s hard work, and the suns are not kind. She feels she looks nothing like herself by the time Luke takes his first wobbly steps into the main area of the farm. They’re all smiling, and she lets herself be *home* for a little while. Just the wife of a dead free man, the mother of the first freeborn Skywalker. A moisture farmer.  
 Nothing more, nothing less.
 But when Bail calls, desperate for help to find Leia. She must go. She must go with him to save her daughter.
 Which leads to a moment, a shatter point.
 A pistol in hand, pointed at a monster, her child pushed behind her and rage so hot it could rival the suns. “Stop.” Is a command, not a request.
 The hulking black monster that had been about to snuff the life out of her Jedi protector freezes, and for a moment there is only silence. Even the uneven, mechanical sound of his breathing stops. Leia pushes close behind her, Obi-Wan shudders on the ground. “Don’t-go!” Obi-Wan calls, begging her. The weight of something terrible in his voice.
 Padme can’t move, can’t step away from Obi-Wan. He is the last person she has. The last tie to her old life.
 “Go! Please!” Obi-Wan is trying to get up, clearly in a massive amount of pain.
 But trying, flames flickering on his skin. “Back up.” She orders the hulking creature. Sith, she presumes. Palpatine’s new lapdog. How much and how little has changed in the past ten years.
 The Sith obeys, staring at her. She walks sideways to Obi-Wan, keeping Leia behind him, keeping her gun trained on the creature. She offers him a hand, though he outweighs her. He’s gasping in pain as he grasps it, letting her pull him to his feet.
 Obi-Wan is unsteady, but mobile. “Leia, help him.”
 She gives her daughter a look, and though another mother has mothered her, the look is apparently universal, and Leia puts an arm around Obi-Wan’s waist.
 “Padme.” The hulking Sith wheezes.
 She grimaces at the recognition and Obi-Wan flinches again. “Padme-“
 She shakes her head. “Go.”
 “Padme.” He repeats, urgent.
 “I said, go. We’re all leaving this place.” She snaps, and the hulking figure flinches.
 Someone fires, it’s not her, but it never reaches her either. The scream of the hulking black figure shudders through the air and the bolt is launched back the way It came with a below of fury.
 They escape in the resulting chaos of the Sith turning on his own forces, cutting through his own soldiers. There isn’t time for an explanation until much later, hidden away.
 She can’t cry, or she’ll never stop.
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unleashthegoats · 8 months
DELETED SCENES: MOD NATCH'S PREQUEL FILM SUMMARIES (with emphasis and notes by mods Sugar and Angela)
So originally for Episode 2: The Jedi Were Always Right, Mod Natch was going to rewatch the Prequels and then summarize the entire trilogy as quickly as she could, but it turned out to be a little longer than anticipated and we wanted to get to the fun nitty gritty analysis stuff a little quicker and we decided not to include this section in the final draft of the episode. However, there are some really fun pieces in Natch's notes for the section, so we've decided to release them to the world of Tumblr for everyone to enjoy.
The Trade Federation (evil twins) have a blockade of Naboo. Qui Gon and Obi Wan show up to negotiate (they do not negotiate, they get attacked)
QG and OW sneak onto droid ships to get to the surface of Naboo and meet Jar Jar, who takes them to his city and force manipulates the Boss to give them transport so they can get to the city of Naboo. Also QG convinces the Boss to let Jar Jar join them 
The evil twins capture the “queen” and tell her to sign a treaty, she says nah bitches. The J crew (the Jedi and Jar Jar) show up at the palace and rescue her and her squad. They get onto ships with the goal of going to Coruscant 
Their ship is super damaged (but not destroyed, thanks R2D2) so they can’t make it to Coruscant, so they go to Tatooine, bc the Hutts control it and not the Trade Federation 
The twins tell Lord Sidious the queen escaped and he sends Maul to find her 
Jar Jar, Qui Gon, R2, and Padme go to the city in Tatooine and meet Watto and baby Anakin. Watto can’t be mind manipulated into selling them things for credits. They get caught in a sandstorm and meet Shmi 
Anakin offers to podrace for QG and crew so they can win the prize money and buy the parts for their ship 
QG takes a blood sample and has OW analyze it, they discover he has OFF THE CHARTS midichlorian counts
Jabba the Hutt is at the race with his little gay cousin or whatever from the clone wars (note from mod Sugar: it turned out to be Gardulla the Hutt, NOT Ziro the Hutt)
Anakin is very competent in this podrace and wins, which means bc of a bet QG made he gets to take Anakin 
Conveniently Maul does not catch up with them until they’re at the ship, but QG fights him off
Anakin gives Padme a carved kind of bead thingy 
They make it to coruscant, Palpatine becomes the new supreme chancellor 
Qui Gon tells the Jedi Council about the Sith Lord and also Anakin. They don’t want to test him, Qui Gon convinces them, they test him and they’re like he’s too old to be trained. Qui Gon says fuck it! I’ll train him! Obi Wan is ready and Obi Wan is like YES I SUPER AM READY FOR THE TRIALS
Jedi council say go to Naboo with Padme who refuses to stay put and draw out the Sith
When they get to Naboo, Jar Jar brings them to the Gungan’s sacred place and Padme (real Padme) begs them for help
They have the Gungans draw the droids away from the palace so they can go capture the viceroy, and they’ll send pilots to knock out the droid’s control ship 
Fights: Gungans vs droids, Anakin and R2 as pilots, Maul vs QG and OW. Gungans barely win. Anakin accidentally blows up a reactor (convenient), flies away as the ship explodes.
Maul kills QG but OW kills Maul. QG’s dying wish is for OW to train Anakin
Mace says that was for sure a sith and yoda says damn that means there are 2. There are always 2 
ABRUPT cut to huge Naboo celebrations where Padme gives the Gungan leader a plasma ball thingy 
Intro: several thousand systems under Count Dooku have said they’re leaving the republic (these are the separatists)
The Jedi are overwhelmed, so the Senate is voting on creating an army of the republic 
Padme gets to coruscant and her double gets blown up 
The Jedi Council meets with Palpatine and Padme and the Loyalists (Jar Jar and other people) enter. The Jedi don’t believe Padme’s theory that Dooku tried to kill her bc he was a Jedi once, so he CAN’T be a murderer. Palpatine says what if Jedi protect Padme, but specifically Obi Wan 
Enter Anakin and Obi Wan. Anakin is immediately weird around Padme
Enter bounty hunter Zam and her bottle of centipedes. Big chase after they get into Padme’s room, OW jumps out the fucking window, they have like a car chase, they catch up to her in a club, OW cuts off her hand but someone in a jetpack shoots her with a dart before she can name the person who hired her
The Jedi Council send OW to track down the bounty hunter who killed Zam, and send Anakin to protect Padme back in Naboo. 
Anakin throws a tantrum in front of Padme
Obi Wan’s journey: 
Obi Wan has a great scene at Dex’s diner and finds out his goal is Kamino
He does MAKE it to Kamino even though someone erased it from the Jedi archive. When he shows up they’re like the prime minister is expecting you! Your clone army is going great! 
We meet boba, who is a very cute young child, and jango, who is a very cute adult man. Jango says I was hired by Tyranus (it’s NOT subtle)
Obi Wan calls the council and is like I think Jango Fett is the bounty hunter we’re looking for! Also did we order a clone army? And they’re like ??? No? Pls grab Jango for us
Obi Wan vs Jango in the rain on Kamino, then pt 2: asteroid field 
OW finds the droid factory and the separatists talking about having a droid army 
Anakin’s journey:
Padme and Anakin arrive at the lake house and have an awkward bad kiss and some conversations where Anakin is jealous of her first crush or first kiss from model UN or whatever and also fundamentally disagree about how the world should work
Anakin and Padme have the weird fireplace scene 
Anakin has a nightmare about Shmi and says he has to leave, Padme goes with him 
On Tatooine Anakin finds Watto and finds out his mom has been freed and also married a farmer. We meet Anakin’s stepbrother and his girlfriend and Shmi’s husband, find out Shmi was kidnapped by Tusken raiders 
Anakin goes to find Shmi, she dies, he does lots of murder
Anakin throws another tantrum with Padme
OW gets a message to Anakin which they forward to the council and he gets captured on film lol. Padme is like we are closer to Geonosis, we should go after him ourselves
Also meanwhile Jar Jar is manipulated into proposing the senate give the chancellor immediate emergency powers and they CHANT “palpatine” which is very culty 
palpatine says I’m gonna create an army. Yoda says I’ll go see the cloners. Mace says I’ll go rescue obi wan
Padme and Anakin go in the droid factory and get captured and also Padme admits her love for him that exists I guess
Big fight on Geonosis against the beasts and also the droids
Lots of jedi die. Clones show up. Also Jango dies and there’s that devastating shot of Boba with his dad’s head/helmet
We see the separatists freaking out about the jedi having an army and Dooku takes the plans for the death star to his master on coruscant 
Dooku vs OW and Anakin: anakin loses an arm. Yoda shows up, we see Dooku’s lightning powers, Dooku escapes while Yoda saves OW and Anakin from being crushed to death 
Clone wars begin. Anakin and Padme get married.
We are at war, General Grievous the droid leader has kidnapped Palpatine 
Strong start with another space plane fight. Also Anakin has the scar now (note from mod Angela: he slipped in the shower)
They rescue Palpatine, Anakin kills Dooku, Grievous escapes pretty quickly. They crash land
They have the line about him being shorter than expected that made tcw so hard to write 
Anakin is in Coruscant? I guess? And Padme is pregnant. She wants to have her baby in Naboo
She’s wearing the charm baby Anakin made for her
Anakin has nightmares about her dying in childbirth. He goes to Yoda for help
Palpatine says you’re going to be my representative on the Council. The Council don’t like that but they say fine, but you’re not a Master yet 
Obi Wan asks Anakin on behalf of the council to spy on Palpatine for them
Palpatine says we found grievous and also plants this Sith legend of a sith lord who could keep people from dying
The Council sends Obi Wan after Grievous. It’s excellent. We meet Cody. He kills Grievous it’s great (note from mod Sugar: OBI-WAN kills Grievous, not Cody, although it should be noted that Cody absolutely COULD'VE killed Grievous if he'd had the opportunity)
Anakin reports back to Palpatine that OW found Grievous and the clones are attacking, and Palpatine reveals himself as the Sith Lord
Anakin tells Mace that he’s discovered that Palpatine is the Sith Lord, Mace goes after him, Anakin follows bc Palpatine promised that only he could teach him how to keep Padme from dying. Anakin arrives and assists Palpatine in killing Mace, and then becomes Palp’s apprentice. 
Anakin is crowned as Darth Vader and ordered to kill all the Jedi in the Jedi Temple, then go kill the Separatists on Mustafar (which is where he told them to go lmao)
Anakin and a bunch of clones kill everyone in the Jedi temple, including the Younglings 
Order 66 is executed, Obi Wan survives but we see a LOT of scenes of Jedi being killed by clones across the galaxy
Yoda on the Wookee planet is feeling the loss of all the Jedi, but he does eventually escape. Thanks Chewbacca for the assist!
Bail Organa sees thousands of clones attack the Jedi temple and goes to intercept/save some Jedi, so he gets together with Yoda and Obi Wan. 
Anakin tells Padme that he’s going to Mustafar and that the Jedi tried to overthrow the Republic 
Obi Wan and Yoda go back to the Jedi temple to change the signal that’s calling all the Jedi to fall back there. They kill a lot of clones. Obi Wan finds the security recordings of Anakin doing more murder
In the Senate, Palpatine reorganizes the republic into the Galactic Empire
Obi Wan tries to get Padme to tell him where Anakin is and she doesn’t. He guesses that Anakin is the father. She and C3P0 fly to Mustafar, and Obi Wan sneaks on board 
On Mustafar, Anakin killed all the Separatists - yellow eyes
Padme shows up and desperately wants Anakin to not have fallen to the dark side but he super has. He force chokes her because he thinks she intentionally brought Obi Wan to kill him. 
Obi Wan and Anakin battle on Mustafar while Yoda and Palpatine battle on the Senate floor
Yoda doesn’t succeed in killing Palpatine, but he safely escapes with Bail’s help 
Obi Wan cuts Anakin’s legs off and leaves him burning in the lava (note from mod Sugar: he also cuts off Anakin's remaining arm)
Padme gives birth to Luke and Leia and dies
Palpatine finds Anakin and they build him his Darth Vader suit. Palpatine tells Anakin that he was the one who killed Padme 
Bail takes Leia. Obi Wan says he’ll take Luke to Tatooine and watch over him. Yoda says he wants to teach him how to commune with Qui Gon’s force ghost. 
We see Padme’s funeral, it’s beautiful and so sad and she has the bead Anakin carved in her hand
Vader and Sidious are on a ship looking out at the beginnings of the Death Star being built
We end the movie with Luke’s new parents looking out at the Tatooine sunset (note from mod Sugar: it's technically Luke's aunt and uncle, but you know what, they're effectively acting as parents so it's not inaccurate)
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Tell me all about your favorite WIP!! Give me your deepest thoughts about your favorite ship (if you want to). <3
oh adi you do not know what can of worms you've just opened!
my favourite wip is honestly really hard to choose! but i've been really enjoying working on my jedi!padme au recently because there's just!!! so many little plot threads to connect!!! and i've been having so much fun layering it all together!!!
i think my favourite thing about it, though, has got to be padme herself. setting her as a jedi with a very complex background (i refuse to elaborate but. i am having fun creating Lore for this (deep magic from the dawn of time, if you prefer)) has been really interesting, especially with how she perceives things compared to others. she struggles with her identity as a jedi, especially as she sees the order doing things she disagrees with. in the flashback in chapter two, we barely brush the surface, and yet she's just so angry. her angry comment about being the sith they're looking for doesn't come from nowhere.
she also has such fun relationships with obi-wan and qui-gon! putting her as obi-wan's lineage brother just gives them such a sweet relationship, if very silly at times, and they both have a very deep-seated struggle with the idea of being a jedi. yet they go about it in very different ways - anger vs. striving to be the best. and qui-gon. look. i do love him. but he's not exactly the best at dealing with this stuff? he does care, he truly does, but he's not got the best track-record, let's say, at actually showing it.
and we haven't seen much of it yet, but knowing anakin and his family is going to utterly mess padme up more (in a good way). they are everything padme craves. spoiler alert! the clone wars is about to begin! and padme is going to have a horrible time because the clones are slaves. that is a fact. the jedi using them is a betrayal, especially to padme, and she will not stand for it. i have very complex feelings about the jedi, so i warn you in advance. we also have padme and anakin falling in love, which is as fun as it usually is
my jedi!padme au, at the end of the day, is about family. it is about the complex families and relationships they all have, and how they end up playing out. it is about the family padme came from, the family she joined with the jedi, the family she finds along the way. it is about trust and betrayal. it is about choosing what you know is right, despite everything. it is about choosing light over dark.
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The Bond Between Us ~ 65
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 1,840ish
Summary: Time passes, though things really don’t get easier.
Notes: The start of the Empire Strikes Back! 
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Three years passed in the slowest of fashions. Despite your desire to run and hide—to live out your life by yourself—you could not leave Leia and Luke behind. It was your duty now to protect and watch over them.
You didn’t like how similar the Rebellion felt to the Clone Wars. It made you miss those of your past even more: Ahsoka, Padme, Crak, Cody, Rex, Anakin, and even Master Yoda. There is no one you missed more though than your beloved husband, Obi-Wan. And no matter how hard you tried to connect with him through the Force, you always came up empty. You remembered that Obi-Wan had said that it took ten years for him to connect with Qui-Gon. Unfortunately, you did not have the patience or faith to endure that. 
Luke often asked you to train him. Occasionally, you would give in and spare with him but you refused to teach him in any of the matters of the Force. He was kind and understanding about it at first but as the years went on he grew more confused as to why you wouldn’t. You refused to give him any actual answer. There was too much baggage, you felt like, and it was too risky to tell Luke more information than he already knew. It was not time to tell him—or Leia—the truth about everything.
Han stuck around, though he constantly complained about staying and made excuses for leaving but never actually did. The two of you grew close as you would spend time together on his ship drinking. You got to know him well and he you—for the most part. 
You often complained to Han about how the Rebellion was worsening your PTSD, which was true. You were struggling to get to sleep and when you did sleep, it was full of nightmares. You were reliving your worst memories, over and over again. 
Han would often respond to your worries by telling you that he was going to get out of there and he would take you with him. You always wished that you could go, but told him you couldn’t leave Leia and Luke. He would question you as to why causing you to switch the subject, in which he never questioned you.
You hadn’t had an experience with the Dark Side like you had had that night, but you could still feel the darkness inside you. It was like it was waiting for the perfect moment to completely take hold of you.
Due to the Empire continually after them, the Rebellion had to keep moving from place to place. You were now located on the frozen, wasteland planet of Hoth. Currently, you were in the makeshift command center where, unfortunately, you spent most of your days.
“Captain Solo,” General Rieekan greeted the man as he came into the command center. “What’s the situation?”
“There isn’t a hint of life in the area,” Han reported on his and Luke’s recent life scan outside the base. “But all the perimeter markers are set, so you'll know if anyone comes calling.”
“Good, and Commander Skywalker?”
“He’s checking out a meteorite that hit near him. He’ll be in soon.”
“With all the meteor activity in this system, it’s going to be difficult to spot approaching ships.”
“The Empire won’t look for you out here. I’d say you’re all set with means it’s time for me to get going.”
“You’re leaving?” Leia questioned, straightening up beside you. You rolled your eyes. She and Han had such thick sexual tension but were too busy being petty with each other to do anything.
“That’s right.”
“You’re an extraordinary fighter,” Rieekan said. “I hate to lose you.”
“Thank you, General. But there’s a price on my head. If I don’t pay off Jabba the Hutt, I’m a walking dead man.”
“I understand. A death mark is not an easy thing to live with.” The General shook Han’s hand. “Until our paths cross again, may the Force be with you.”
The men gave each other a nod before Rieekan moved away. Han turned to you.
“I’ll miss you, kid,” he said with a small, playful smile.
You shook your head as you moved over and brought him in for a hug. “Still older than you,” you retorted.
“Still don’t care.” He pulled back to get a good look at your face. “Are you sure you don’t want to come? There’s plenty of room on the ship.”
You sighed. A large part of you wished that you could run away from your responsibilities here, but you couldn’t. “As much fun as that sounds, I need to stay here.”
“Shame. Chewie’s not as fun to drink with.”
You chuckled. “Stay safe.”
“Always am.” He smirked. “May the Force be with you, Y/N.”
You weren’t necessarily a big fan of that phrase right now but you weren’t able to not wish him well in the same fashion. “May the Force be with you.”
You gave his arm a squeeze as you walked away. Back at your station, you kept an eye out on Leia and Han. Han had moved closer to Leia.
“I guess this is it, Your Highness,” Han said, with some genuine feeling.
Leia was clearly angry. It was written on her face and you could feel it in her Force signature. Han shook his head, realizing that he would not get any warmth from her.
“Well, don’t get all mushy on me,” his tone was cooler now. “So long, Princess.”
Han walked out of the room. Leia stewed for a moment, glancing your way. You gave her a look that tried to tell her that she was being a little hard on Han. She huffed before marching after him. You shook your head and continued working.
“Han!” You ran through the base calling for the man, hoping it wasn’t too late. “Han!” You came out in the hangar, thankful to see the Millennium Falcon was still there. “Han!”
The man turned from where he was under his ship to face you. He chuckled. “I knew you’d change your mind, kid. I’ve already—“
“No, no, that’s not it.” You came to a harsh stop in front of Han, who placed his hands on your arms to steady you. “Why haven’t you been answering your communicator?”
“I shut it off.” He pulled away and turned back to his ship. “I didn’t need her royal holiness badgering me about staying more.”
“It was about Luke. He hasn’t come back. We don’t know where he is.”
He turned back to face you. “What do you mean, nobody knows?” He started looking around and yelling, “Deck officer! Deck officer!” Han found an officer.
“Excuse me, sir,” the deck officer said. “Might I—“
“Do you know where Commander Skywalker is?”
“I haven’t seen him. He probably came in through the South entrance.”
“It’s possible? Why don’t you go find out? It’s getting dark out there.”
“Yes, sir,” the deck officer rushed away.
Han looked back at you to see you emotional and panicky. Over the past three years, Han had learned a lot about you, and yet nothing at all. One of the things he had somewhat learned was how to read you. Slowly, he came back over to you.
“We have to find him, Han,” you said desperately. “I have failed at protecting everyone in my life. I cannot fail at this.”
He was confused at the true meaning behind your words but wasn’t going to push it. “This is not on you. I’m sure he’s alright.”
“No, you don’t understand. Luke is our only hope. He has to fulfill the prophecy because me and Ana—“ You stopped yourself quickly as you realized you were spilling too much information. “We just have to find him.”
Han was going to say something when the deck officer rushed up to the two of them.
“Commander Skywalker hasn’t come in the south entrance,” the officer informed the two of them. “Maybe he forgot to check in.”
“Not likely,” Han responded. “Are the speeders ready?”
“Not yet. We’re having trouble adapting them to the cold.”
“We’ll have to go out on tauntauns,” you said.
“There’s no ‘we’, kid. I will go, you need to stay here.”
“The temperature’s dropping too rapidly,” warned the officer.
“That’s right, and my friend’s out in it.” Han hopped onto one of the already saddled tauntauns.
“Your tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker!”
“Then I’ll see you in hell!” 
Han then rode out of the base. You stood at the opening, watching him disappear into the snowy wasteland. R2 beeped as he rolled up to you.
“I’m worried about Luke too,” you replied. R2 beeped and whirled. “Yes, I know how important he is, R2.” Once again, the droid beeped. “No, I cannot be the Chosen One. It’s up to him now.”
It didn’t take long for Leia to join you at your post, watching the horizon for the men to return. C3PO and R2 were both with you. R2 was trying to pick up any signals from out in the blizzard.
“General,” one of the officers came up to you, “all the patrols are in. There’s still no contact from Skywalker or Solo.”
“R2 says he’s been quite unable to pick up any signals,” C3PO added. “Although, he admits that his own range is far too weak to abandon all hope.”
“Your Highness, General,” Rieekan came up to the took of you as he spoke, “there’s nothing more we can do tonight. The shield doors must be closed.”
You hated that you hadn’t gone after Luke with Han. Standing here, helpless, was not something you were okay with.
“Close the doors,” Rieekan ordered the officers, who quickly obeyed.
As the doors began to close, you closed your eyes and focused on the Force. You branched out to try and sense something, anything, from Luke or Han. You flinched slightly as you felt something all too familiar. Something you hadn’t felt in three years.
“R2 says the chances of survival are 725-to-1,” C3PO said, trying and failing to make you and Leia feel better. “Actually, R2 has been known to make mistakes… from time to time.”
“3PO, out of the kindness of my heart, please, shut up,” you told him, still keeping your eyes shut. 
You reached out with the Force once again to see if the same familiar. When you did, your eyes snapped open and you spun around, rushing toward your quarters. You ignored Leia’s calls of your name. Once you were in your quarters, you leaned back against the door.
“Obi-Wan,” you rasped. “Please, show yourself to me… I know you’re there.” 
There was no response. The feeling in the Force was even gone. Your head hung as tears sprung up in your eyes.
“I need you, Obi,” you began to cry. “I am not strong enough for this… just… show yourself to me… please.” You slowly slid down the door to your knees. “Why have you abandoned me?”
next chapter >
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SOME OF MY FAVOURITE BITS OF Karen Miller’s Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth
- Obviously the infamous scene of Ahsoka watching Obi-Wan and Anakin. “At least [Anakin] had Master Kenobi’s company for a little while. She was sure that accounted for [Anakin’s] relief. They cheered each other up, those two. No matter how dire the straits, Anakin and Master Kenobi always managed to find a joke, a laugh, some way to ease the tension and pressure of the moment. Between the two men lay absolute trust. Absolute faith.”
- The two of them getting so lost in each other, like only 10 pages into this book, that they literally forget that other people are in the room. (”They stared at [Ahsoka], startled, as though for a moment they’d forgotten she existed.”)
- Ahsoka telling Torrent Company: “No more dying. It's against regulations.”
- The Republic running the war like an absolute circus. They lose all comms, but ‘trust the force’ or whatever and go ahead with the plan anyway. Yoda gives battle orders that are “cryptic”. Anakin and Obi-Wan refuse to include others in their plans, which are “vague” and very much improvisational, driving Admiral Yularen to absolute despair in the process.
Yularen: when should we launch the battleships? Anakin: I’ll signal you Yularen: okay, what’s the signal? Anakin: Obi-Wan will know Yularen: okay, Obi-Wan, what’s the signal? Obi-Wan: we don’t actually have a signal, but don’t worry, I’ll tell you when Anakin psychically force-messages me Yularen: *starts mentally composing his resignation*
- Obi-Wan and Anakin making breakfast plans together. Like they actually decide what time they’ll meet and everything. In fact, Obi-Wan is willing to delay his own breakfast so they can eat together, because Anakin wants to sleep in (*have morning sex with Padmé)
- “Obi-Wan indulged in his own swift smile. Yes. They were indeed working in sync. And he realized then how much he’d missed this. Had missed Anakin and the way they could read each other without the need for clumsy words. [...] Working without Anakin was like working half blind.”
- Ahsoka and Rex’s relationship! He calls her “little’un” and she literally stands guard at his hospital bed when he gets injured. It’s everything.
- Both Anakin and Obi-Wan being (almost uncharacteristically so?) generous with their praise towards their respective padawans, and yet neither Ahsoka, not Anakin considering the praise enough.
- This is especially funny, considering Obi-Wan tells Anakin he should never “feel bad for being extraordinary” (which in turn has Anakin think “How could he be extraordinary and let Obi-Wan [hypothetically] come to harm?”) and that there is “no escaping the fact” that Anakin is “the most gifted Jedi the Temple has ever seen”, that sometimes he can’t imagine who he’d be today if not for Anakin, and god, this one makes me deranged: “I cannot deny this: knowing you has made me a better Jedi”
- Meanwhile, there is this one bit where Obi-Wan is super judgmental about Palpatine having a soft spot for Anakin, like I’m sorry, have you ever looked in the mirror, sir
- Anakin immediately getting attached to every single person he meets, and being very dramatic about demanding Obi-Wan help him save them all, which prompts Obi-Wan to proclaim in his head: “He’s as bad as Qui-Gon. Picking up strays...”
- When Obi-Wan literally spends minutes mid-battle just staring out a window, worrying about Anakin, and fucking Admiral Yularen has to be like ‘he is a very capable young man, you know, I’m sure he’ll be fine?’ This is only made better when 200 pages later, Anakin stares at a boarded up window, worrying about Obi-Wan, and a kidnapped scientist, who met them two seconds ago, has to awkwardly pretend she believes him when he claims he’s not worried about Obi-Wan.
- In fact, throughout this whole novel, Anakin and Obi-Wan do not stop worrying about each other, and actually most of their conversations start with ‘are you okay?’
- At one point Anakin reroutes an entire medevac ship to get Obi-Wan off-planet, then - instead of doing his job of escorting humanitarian aid delegates - calls ahead and orders a fucking admiral to escort Obi-Wan to the medbay. Then he calls ahead to the medbay to make sure they’re expecting Obi-Wan.
- Related: the scene where Obi-Wan tells Ahsoka off for worrying about Anakin and not focusing on the present, then proceeds to worry about Anakin and not focus on the present.
- Anakin being super attuned to Obi-Wan’s body. There’s a bit where he feels that Obi-Wan didn’t get medical attention for his battle wounds, then later on can sense Obi-Wan’s physical aches and tiredness, like his own
- How according to Bail, Obi-Wan stares at the Jedi Temple “as though it were a long-lost lover” and with “longing” in his eyes
- Threepio asking after Artoo when Anakin calls, to make sure he’s okay after battle, awwwwww
- Yoda having the biggest soft spot for Obi-Wan, his fave grandchild. He bonds with Anakin over forcing Obi-Wan to stay in the Halls of Healing. He invites Obi-Wan to tea. He sleeps in the comm centre, so he can immediately hear news on how Obi-Wan’s mission is going. He tells Obi-Wan he’s been drawn to him since he was an infant, because Obi-Wan burns in the Force’s light. They tell him Obi-Wan’s comming him and he’s like “Excellent.” Some very relatable stuff there, ngl.
- Anakin being super unhinged, in the most iconic way. He throws a chair out of frustration, sits on top of a table in the Archives, punches a wall because he’s angry, asks Obi-Wan what a tauntaun is, refers to his past self as a “meek little Padawan” (this has Obi-Wan losing it), gets so mad that Padmé’s not home that he breaks a laser turret with his hand, tells Obi-Wan to “just sit there and be wrong”, sends a whole hangar full of people home early from work, because he “prefers to work [on his ship] without distractions”. Like he is truly mad and I love him.
- Similarly, I adore how Obi-Wan is an absolute insane person during 75% of this book. Half the time he opens his mouth is to be unhelpfully sarcastic, the other half is to chide Anakin, like he is 5 years old, just before acting like a 5 year old himself. Some glorious characterisation there, Karen Miller, hats off, honestly.
- Obi-Wan praising Anakin to anyone who will listen and constantly making excuses for him whenever someone criticises him! This bit stands out in particular:
Obi-Wan: do you regret letting me train Anakin? Yoda: well, you did your best Obi-Wan: um, that’s kinda vague...? Yoda: you have to admit he’s a bit difficult Obi-Wan: EXCUSE ME WHAT DO YOU MEAN DIFFICULT Yoda: you know him better than anyone, surely you can admit he can be difficult Obi-Wan: *changes the topic, but keeps thinking about how Yoda is so so incredibly wrong, and how Anakin is the best*
- “You know, General, some say young Skywalker’s the crazy one, the reckless one, the Jedi most likely to go down in a blaze of glory. I used to say it - but now I’m not so sure. In your own quiet way you can be just as terrifying.”
- When Anakin leaves Obi-Wan alone for two seconds, so he just starts aimlessly wandering about the Temple, like some lost youngling or something
- Padmé having so much love Obi-Wan. It makes her so happy seeing him and Anakin smile together because good friends like that are hard to find !!!! She tells Anakin to bring him back safe from their mission !!! When she worries about Anakin, she sometimes also remembers Obi-Wan exists and is also in danger !! (No, seriously though, she is very cute about Obi-Wan this whole book.)
- “My Master would die before he’d let anything happen to Master Kenobi.” Ugh, that’s just. Yeah.
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mayxthexforce · 3 months
stop reblogging these bc i'm legally obligated to fucking yap
obi-wan and maul we have an insane amount of verses for these two. 'redemption' and kss are my favourites (tho i have a soft spot for the two grumpy old men on tatooine together). they're fun and weird and they shouldn't work but they really do. maul has haunted obi-wan since that faithful day on tatooine. not bc of what he did to qui-gon, but bc of what obi-wan did to maul. it's something that obi-wan never forgives himself for. it's something maul never forgives him for even tho, technically, it did free him. and then obi-wan has kept maul going through the worst moments of his life. a burning passion whether it's good or bad (it's bad), a reason to continue on, a purpose - aka the only thing he's ever wanted. they both go against everything they know when they love each other but they do and it works and it's so fun to write and explore. you and your obi-wan have really helped me develop maul so much in the past,,,, idk 10 months?? 11??
drakka and maul i like their origins. i love them chasing each other around coruscant and drakka pushing maul outside of his comfort zone. it's almost like a little romeo and juliet thing. maul Knows she's a jedi, but she doesn't really know he's a sith. they should be enemies, but they're not. they're just playing catch.
quinlan and maul our first ship!! i like these two a lot. there's something so soft about them meeting on tatooine before everything happens. quinlan characteristically ignoring what he Should be doing as a jedi and maul being swayed into ignoring what he Should be doing. quinlan giving maul the gentleness he's craved, but refused to acknowledge. treating him like something that isn't just a tool to control and use.
kilindi and maul quite literally the first person to ever show maul a shred of decency. i like them a lot as just besties who had some romantic tension as they grew up together. i like the tragedy of what Could have been, but what never happens. maul has to repress the whole thing to even be able to move on from it.
Who do you ship with my muse?
Bonus: Include why you like the ship!
MAUL'S ORIGINAL HAREM 😂 love to see them all in the same ask, it's like they're in a car trip (someone —probably Obi-Wan— would get thrown out of the car if that was the case). They're all so dear to me and I love how each ship unfolds in a completely different way despite the fact they all involve Maul. They all love Maul so much in such different ways. From the decade old obsession to the what could have been.
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chocobothis · 1 year
Solus and Anakin for the alt ship ask! I'm curious about this level of fuckery.
To start with they are absolutely a relationship capable of just happening in the Temple. Solus spends enough time in Just Enough Trouble that she gets various details as "punishment". Anakin is not at all any better. He may be worse because he's a self-admitted slow-learner and isn't exactly subtle. They've 100% had punishments together either working the radio transmissions or patrolling Coruscant.
She would help him cheat on his Padawan Homework. Absolutely no two ways about it because a.) She doesn't much care to be here and b.) It's not like she's not already ass deep in these history tomes anyway.
They have a general interest in flying and ships too. Also sparring because it's fun to tumble around against each other with various weapons.
Baby!Solus and Baby!Ani got to the Temple around the same-ish time. She went into Katarn Clan but he was taken as a padawan as Qui-Gon choose to exit the mortal coil. I refuse to believe Huttese isn't his first language and Basic came secondary. Meanwhile, Solus Ve'tra (now Solly Vetra) spoke almost exclusively Mando'a for the first five years of her life. So there's some Solidarity in that and both being Outer Rim Brats.
Solus discovering part of the Geonosis Buffoonery she's arriving for is because Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan checks out. This is now A Later Problem because hey there's Manda'lor Jango Fett (Coward and Traitor) and now there's his head on the ground. Anakin can take care of Anakin. She's got other shit to take care of.
Anakin has Interesting political views and well Solus thinks Death Watch is making sense so that's sure going to feed into each other. She's just far more Subtle in her approach because she's Total Politician. It also means she's Less Thrilled about Palpatine because Anakin talks about this like it's Totally Normal and she's just making WTF Faces. Also possibly debating if she could get away with this. Her ancestors stormed Coruscant and raided the Jedi Temple she can totally kill one dude anonymously.
You know what Family and Attachment Thing that Anakin has trouble with? Yeah, that's an Encouraged Mandalorian Trait so she's just out here like, "You know...we could just ditch the Temple and the Order and go live in the Mandalorian Sector? I'm technically a Countess on Krownest and it's all snow, no sand." Which would honestly do this child some good because play to your strengths. Also his engineering, flying, and fighting spirit are very appreciated and she absolutely brags about it. She wants him to feel good about himself.
"The Jedi aren't here to free slaves?"
Buddy you phrase it right and there's absolutely some Mandalorians itching for a fight and to tell the Jedi Order to go fuck itself. Look they just did it better. It's not at all something his tinier politician partner knows how to do. She's not good at rallying people at all. It's not like she's a born leader and trained at her grandfather, a man who served several Manda'lore as advisors, knee.
(Jai would vastly prefer Anakin to Pre. There's no question there.)
They're also kind of lean into each other's types. Anakin seems to enjoy shorter, cultured women who are excellent fighters and politicians. Solus, in her men, prefers Dumbass Blond in Armor (There's clearly other traits but like that will get her attention fast.) TCW!Anakin is hitting those requirements.
This is random but they both sky themes to their names. The tra in Ve'tra is straight up "star field".
Send me an OC + an alternate love interest for them and I’ll tell you what I think of the idea
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aq2003 · 2 years
What would you say are some of Obi-Wan's biggest character flaws?
the biggest thing to me is his underlying fear that he's failing the people he cares about. you see it more at the forefront when he's a padawan but i think it's something that he still definitely ends up carrying into adulthood. the one thing that keeps haunting him is the fear that he isn't good enough to raise anakin/that if he had died in qui-gon's place anakin would've been better off. (side note: i like to think that qui-gon on mortis wasn't actually force ghost qui-gon but actually the direct manifestation of obi-wan's feelings at the time. bc obviously the chosen one prophecy put an unfair weight on anakin the most but it also affected obi-wan as well).
anyway it's just. like. the seed of self doubt of it all that causes him to crash and burn when his fears are realized. obi-wan immediately blames himself for anakin's fall—upon finding out abt it in the rots novel he basically says "i should've died, maul should've killed me on naboo". he goes into hiding on tatooine thinking he's in part responsible for his family's deaths. this is so very essential to me. the way he initially refuses bail to go save leia because for so much of his life he's had these horrible doubts about himself and then he was proven right. helping people is the core of what makes a jedi but he doesn't believe he can do that anymore because his loss of hope is centered at his loss of faith in himself. etc
the other thing is that (in the PT and tcw) he's got a mild arrogant streak and you see it best w/ maul, ventress, and grievous. by far not a major flaw but it's just. this detail about him that keeps him grounded i think. a lot of this gets ignored bc fandom calls it flirting but to me it's him just. constantly talking down to his enemies for fun. biggest example of this: the one ep in the ilum arc where he found the time to leave a snarky goodbye message to grievous telling him the ship he was on was about to self destruct. bro why did you do that. now grievous knows to actually escape the death trap you set for him. please
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