#i remember before mithrax came back in splicer
macgyvertape · 10 months
it's like 4am but I'm running Seraph's Shield mission for the first time since Season of the Seraph and I'm sad the seemingly forced way Rasputin got killed off had such a chilling effect on the Eramis appreciation fandom. Such that I never saw more than a few sapphic enemies to lovers Eramis/Guardian, like there was even the whole thing with "surrendering" to House Salvation (aka captured by pirates) that other fandoms would have jumped on.
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thefirstknife · 1 year
I want to talk about Lakshmi-2 again since her story came back as relevant, as well as touch on Savathun since she's coming back. So this is going to be a retrospective on their involvement in Season of the Splicer!
A lot of people weren't around for Season of the Splicer or maybe don't remember it as well. That season was a lot and one of the most important parts of it was that at the time we still didn't know about Savathun impersonating Osiris. SOME of us who dedicated a lot of time to figuring it out have speculated it and were pretty much 100% convinced that Osiris in Splicer was NOT Osiris, but this wasn't confirmed until after Splicer ended.
I think that the misunderstanding of this event has also led to misunderstanding Lakshmi and what she did in Splicer. The entire season's story takes on a completely different vibe if you know that Lakshmi was heavily manipulated by Savathun whose presence in the City had a major goal of destabilising leadership and drawing attention away from her own schemes.
This isn't a post to justify anything that Lakshmi did; her actions in Splicer were unambiguously bigoted towards the Eliksni. She used her xenophobia for personal political gains while putting a vulnerable population in danger with her words and actions. Lakshmi's xenophobic preaching resulted in direct violence against the Eliksni. There is no excuse for that, no matter what's the origin of that xenophobia. I want to make that clear before I dive into this.
What happened in Splicer?
Season of the Splicer was the third season in Y4 (Beyond Light). It focused on a mysterious phenomenon known as "the endless night" which wrapped the Last City in perpetual darkness. This was done by the Vex. Nobody knew how to deal with this, including every single Guardian and scholar in the Tower so out of desperation, we turned to the Eliksni for help; sacred Eliksni Splicers had means to enter the Vex Network and find a root cause as well as a possible solution to the problem. This is how Mithrax and his House of Light were invited to the City, in an unprecedent move for an alliance with the Eliksni. Splicers and Guardians together have the unique power to manifest physically in the Vex Network and deal with the cause for the endless night. Long post under:
Accepting the Eliksni into the City was tough. Most humans have experienced some form of violence at the hands of the Eliksni. Our past is filled with wars and battles against the Eliksni. The first big battle for the City, Battle of Six Fronts was against the Eliksni who wanted to breach the newly built wall and attack humanity. Battle of Twilight Gap was a final fight against united Eliksni houses that got close to conquering the City, only to be held off at the Twilight Gap as the last line of defence. This battle was saved, in part, because Mara decided to reveal the Awoken and stop House of Wolves from joining Twilight Gap which essentially prevented Eliksni victory, but spurned the Reef Wars which devastated the Reef; both the Eliksni and the Awoken. This is but a small selection of the biggest conflicts that show for how long this has been going on and how many people were affected by the wars with the Eliksni.
This is all after the Eliksni arrived to the system just as our Collapse finished and they wasted no time settling in a world just beginning to recover from the Collapse. Early human settlements were routinely entirely destroyed by the Eliksni who were stronger and better equipped than humans; until the Risen showed up. But even with the Risen, ordinary humans still continued to suffer to both the Eliksni and the Risen and their combined conflicts. Stories about Amanda and Safiyah are but a fraction of stories of ordinary humans who had to deal with Eliksni attacks. This also includes civilian Eliksni; many Eliksni were literally just survivors of their own apocalypse and had nowhere else to go, while dealing with unfathomable desperation about being abandoned by what they saw as their deity. Both humans and Eliksni were exploited by their leaders and pushed to constant wars.
This is important to understand because it gives some context to why some citizens of the Last City were somewhat reluctant to accept the Eliksni being there, on top of the growing paranoia about a City plunged in an endless night at the hands of the Vex. Humans didn't just wake up one day thinking "Eliksni are stinky!" there were legitimate reasons for being afraid. Mithrax's daughter Eido confirms this in her logs, telling us that the Eliksni are well aware that they were the initial aggressors on humanity. The same can be applied to Eliksni as well; many Eliksni have lived with the knowledge that at any point in time superpowered immortal humans can descend from the sky and start indiscriminately killing them. They have horror stories about this, most notably about Saint-14 who led a long crusade against the Eliksni, including against civilians who wanted nothing to do with the wars. Putting Saint-14 and Mithrax in the same City during a Vex-induced anxiety was a ticking time bomb.
Luckily, Saint-14 is a kind man who is capable of reflecting and being compassionate. Once Mithrax explained how the Eliksni view him, he got deeply ashamed of his actions and sought to atone for his past. It took a while, but the Eliksni accepted him and he became great friends with Mithrax and was willing to lay down his life for Eliksni who, at the end, he claimed are his people equally as anyone else in the City. At the end of the day, the leadership of humanity and the Eliksni decided to put everything behind and start anew, which was the right thing to do. Everybody suffered in the past, but nobody has to continue suffering in the future. Giving everyone a second chance is literally the core theme of Destiny.
The Lakshmi-2 Problem
On the other hand, there was Lakshmi-2. She was the leader of the Future War Cult, one of the City factions. Factions in the city were representatives of the civilians; Future War Cult, New Monarchy and Dead Orbit were the three that operated for the interest of the civilians. Lakshmi was immediately deeply against the Eliksni settling in the City. She proceeded to be a staunch advocate for their removal, broadcast weekly radio messages with anti-Eliksni sentiments and stoked the anxiety and paranoia of the citizens, directing it towards the Eliksni. At one point, the animosity towards the Eliksni turned to violence as well, and the Botza District, where the Eliksni were settled, was attacked and their settlement ransacked. Many Eliksni were harassed in the streets and some were attacked. Lakshmi's broadcasts were a huge part of this violence, which ended with her broadcasting about taking matters into her own hands which resulted in opening a Vex portal to the City (specifically to Botza District to attack the Eliksni).
The fandom immediately hated her for that and with good reason. A lot of people were confused because they didn't think it was right to portray her as a warmongering politician which was always strange to me. She was the leader of the Future War Cult. Her messaging was always that of political warmongering. It's in the name. Splicer just amplified this because the situation was happening in front of our eyes and for other reasons influencing Lakshmi.
Lakshmi was shown actively using the Device, a prediction machine owned by the Future War Cult since the Golden Age which was made back then by Maya Sundaresh who founded the FWC and invested into this Device which is a mesh of Vex technology. Maya called it a "mind-ship" and shown that it was capable of displacing one's consciousness, allowing you to see the future, past, other timelines, or possibly something else. The contemporary FWC found remains of the Device and continued to use it for the same purpose. Using the Device proved to be largely damaging or even lethal to those put in it. A lot of the "futures" that users saw would be that of utter Darkness, war and collapse so they decided to spread the message that "war is all there is" and that there will always be some fight happening in the future and that we must always be ready for it. Lakshmi used this to prove that this whole thing with the Eliksni is that fight; the inevitable yet another clash between human and Eliksni that endangers us all.
It's important to note that using the Device is not safe and it's not reliable. It often shows stuff that is hard to interpret or even completely false and based on what the users wants to see. This shows with Lakshmi with a lot of the visions she was seeing. Even her own fellow FWC members were distraught at her behaviour at the time with some deciding to resign, believing that she was becoming corrupted and going mad. This is relevant because it shows that her close colleagues noticed that she was acting strangely.
And she was. Because of Savathun.
At the time, Savathun was in the city, masquerading as Osiris. Before Splicer, she tried turning us to war with Caiatl, which failed. After that failed, she turned to the ace in her sleeve; Quria, the Taken Vex Mind she was gifted by her brother Oryx back in the Books of Sorrow days. Savathun instructed Quria to manipulate the Vex into creating the Endless Night in order to create a problem for the City that will destabilise its leadership, and cause panic and infighting. Savathun was the one who, as Osiris, suggested that Mithrax and House of Light be invited into the City, knowing full well that it will cause issues. She wanted those issues. She wanted a panicking anxious population on the brink of slaughtering each other, gossiping, spreading lies and misinformation. She needed it to keep her worm fed and she needed it to keep eyes off herself, while she schemed to figure out how to get the Light. She needed time to investigate archives and find materials and learn as much as possible so a little background chaos was perfect for that; nobody will pay attention to an old man who recently lost his Ghost when there's bigger problems at the horizon.
This was possible to piece together during Splicer, but Savathun helpfully admitted to it all in the season after, in Lost. Of course, she framed it to appear that she was being helpful, but we as players have more information so we can piece together everything she's done. Savathun infected both Lakshmi and the City with her viral song. Lakshmi's last broadcast detailed that "Osiris" aided her in opening the portal. Savathun spoke to Lakshmi on multiple occasions. We also have proof of this from the other side, from the perspective of Osiris who could see into Savathun's actions while he was being held prisoner. This lore was the POV from Osiris, from Lost (after Splicer) and it shows Osiris seeing through Savathun's eyes as she was actively influencing Lakshmi. Osiris didn't even know who Lakshmi was; she gained prominence after he'd already been exiled. But he saw an "Exo woman" with "vacant eyes" and Savathun's "true voice" humming to her.
Savathun, besides creating both of the main problems (Endless Night and Eliksni in the City), also worked tirelessly to fuel violence in the City by corrupting Lakshmi-2. Savathun whispered in her ear, running suggestions by her, enticing her day by day and ultimately being the one who made her open the Vex portal in the middle of the City. Lakshmi, on top of being already driven mad by the Device, was also being driven mad by Savathun who desperately wanted the City's leadership to fight. It got to the point of suggesting a coup against the Vanguard. Lakshmi-2 and Executor Hideo (New Monarchy) got as far as to try recruiting Saint-14 to help them with the coup; when he refused, Hideo feared that he will tell Osiris everything and snitch on them, but Lakshmi was convinced that Osiris will stop Saint from saying anything. Why? Because it wasn't Osiris. The "Osiris" that Lakshmi knew was actually Savathun who would indeed try to stop Saint from outing their coup plans.
I want to stress again that Lakshmi wasn't innocent in this whole debacle. She had her own bigoted beliefs, coming from trauma; at the end we learned that Lakshmi-2 survived the sack of London by House of Devils back in the Dark Age. She has personally experienced a traumatic event of Eliksni attacking and murdering humans and destroying their settlement. The problem with Lakshmi is that she didn't even attempt to deal with that trauma or solve it. Saint was also traumatised, as were many other Guardians and people in the City and they all decided to put it aside and work towards getting better. Lakshmi held onto her trauma and never got over it. She confronted the Eliksni (Namrask) who participated in the sack of London and told him to his face that to her, he will never change from a conqueror he was, despite his very honest attempt to do so. Namrask, much like Saint-14 decided to put his warring past behind and to change and be a different person. And as much as Saint, he has the right to do so. Lakshmi denied it from him and instead still held onto her original belief that Eliksni cannot change and cannot be good.
Unfortunately, Lakshmi also never got a chance to change, given that the moment this all started, she was roped in with Savathun who wanted a City leader to sow chaos. Maybe without Savathun and the Device, Lakshmi would've turned out better. Maybe she would've thought about it more, learned to forgive, learned to accept the Eliksni (much like Saint), but she never got the chance before Savathun corrupted her. I feel like people forget that, or maybe even don't know about it. It's much easier to just hate Lakshmi and call her racist and talk about how violently she should die. The nuance and tragedy of her story is often pushed aside or not mentioned at all.
This is even more tragic now. Lakshmi was violated, deeply, in a way that is truly impossible to comprehend. She died, erased, in proximity to an alien entity. In her body, a new identity was installed, a combination of Maya and other Exos that participated in the "chorus" with her as the "conductor." She did not consent to this and as we've seen from her research into Spontaneous Exo Reset Syndrome, she was at least somewhat aware that something horribly wrong had happened to her. She was directed by impulses that were not entirely her own. Her interest in the Future War Cult and the Device are both suspect now, given that those things were Maya's obsessions and Maya used Lakshmi as a proxy; a twisted way to create a "child" by imprinting a part of yourself into them.
And as if that wasn't enough, she was grabbed by Savathun, a master in manipulation, lies and corruption who didn't care about her or about the City or about the Eliksni. I hope people can also realise that it was Savathun who used the bigotry against the Eliksni as a tool with zero care for actual victims of this bigotry. Eliksni dying in violent attacks around the City were nothing but an accessory to Savathun; accessory to her plans to ruin us while she's looking for a way get rid of her worm with the Light. It was entirely selfish, through and through, with no regards to either humans or Eliksni. In this case, I would put more blame on Savathun than Lakshmi for any kind of bigotry towards the Eliksni; Lakshmi could've learned better had she gotten a chance, while Savathun had many chances and simply did not care.
Lakshmi was an incredibly interesting character to me since I first saw her. This is partially due to her VA (Shohreh Aghdashloo) whom I adore to death so just hearing her speak had me enchanted. But Lakshmi and the FWC were always my favourite faction and I didn't like how the community boiled them all down to just xenophobia towards Eliksni as if there was nothing else to them and as if they all agreed with what Lakshmi did in Splicer. At the same time, people ignored the same xenophobia first and foremost from Savathun who had zero reason to even remotely object to Eliksni being in the City, or even New Monarchy who also participated in Lakshmi's schemes. It was only ever Lakshmi, a woman whose trauma was manipulated against her by an entity known for toppling down entire civilisations with the use of manipulation and corruption. Savathun infiltrated many civilisations in the same way she did ours and they all ended up much worse than us: her infiltration of the Harmony led to their downfall and her corruption of Umun'Arath led to the fall of Torobatl. A lesser known example is told to us by Rhulk, of a species (Kalarahnda) he came to destroy but that destroyed itself upon seeing him because someone (Savathun) alerted them to him so they spent centuries preparing their entire civilisation for his arrival as per her instructions. When he arrived, they self-destructed their whole planet, believing they're fulfilling a great prophecy of mass sacrifice to ascend. This was Savathun's doing; instead of helping them escape Rhulk, she orchestrated their demise purely to take the satisfaction of it from Rhulk. Not to help those people, to spite Rhulk.
I'm adding this because I want to absolutely stress how much Savathun does not care for any lives other than her own. Entire civilisations crumbled into dust due to her manipulations. We've talked about this before due to some of the stuff writers said about Savathun recently and I feel like people simply forget this or want to excuse it, but are super quick to judge Lakshmi in a way they never would Savathun; the actual person who orchestrated her actions and ultimately her death.
I think they should both be judged, albeit in different ways. And I definitely think that the blame for what happened to the City during the Endless Night and specifically for what happened to the Eliksni should fall mostly on Savathun, not Lakshmi. It was Savathun who even orchestrated the endless night to begin with. Lakshmi was complicit and she had her own issues that she should've worked out in the centuries she's had to think about them. Savathun probably chose Lakshmi because she was an easier target; already with a problem against the Eliksni. A believable victim, someone that wouldn't take much to convince and corrupt. I'm also of the belief that, as Osiris, she also tried to do it to Saint-14, but he's a much more principled person than Lakshmi.
So they both suck. Both Savathun and Lakshmi were using the struggles of the Eliksni as a tool for their own gains which contributed to untold Eliksni suffering, but in the grand scheme of things, it was Savathun that forged it all from the bottom to the top. She made the Endless Night, she directed the Vanguard into going to Mithrax and the Eliksni for help, she orchestrated their settlement in the City, she spent time picking a target in the form of Lakshmi to spread propaganda and force people to be in a perpetual state of panic and misinformation for months, while she tended to her own goals of gaining the Light.
And once more, Savathun's attempt to put us at war with someone, ultimately led to another alliance. At the end of the day, compassion and friendship in the face of danger prevailed because Destiny is fundamentally a story about hope.
It's just something I wanted to recap and remind people if they aren't aware or don't remember. Because I feel like the new information will reignite the old "Lakshmi is racist" spiel with complete disregard of everything we know about her and with complete disregard of the actual culprit of the bigotry in Splicer: Savathun.
This doesn't mean that you can't dislike Lakshmi for what she's done. You absolutely can! We can't claim that all her actions were because of Savathun; as a matter of fact, she was chosen by Savathun because of how maleable she was. It's not easy to just turn someone into a bigot. The new information definitely adds to the tragedy of Lakshmi's life and to how much she was manipulated by those around her, but it doesn't remove her own fault for what happened.
This also doesn't mean that you have to hate Savathun. Just be aware of some of the more heinous stuff she's done and don't ignore it or view it as not important. Savathun's actions should be condemned as much as Lakshmi's, if not more so, but I'm not here to compare who's a worse bigot. They've both done horrible things to humans and Eliksni in a situation where we needed to stay united. And in the same way we can discuss the complexity and tragedy of Lakshmi, we have to acknowledge it for Savathun as well. She was a victim of manipulation as well, someone who took millions of years to realise that those she swore her life to are liars. She will eventually have to reckon with that.
Luckily, the outcome was ultimately in our favour, although not without consequences. Many Eliksni were attacked and died. Lakshmi died and the rest of the factions were exiled. We now can't simply ask Lakshmi about the new revelations, we can't get more information from her or the FWC, something that might be able to help us understanding and defeating the Witness. There's still a chance to find out in some way, but it would've been so much easier if we could simply ask someone who is in the City.
Splicer was a really good season, I highly recommend going through the story of it if you haven't played. DLV has everything in the playlist I linked and the official channel has just the cutscenes. Being there was truly a whole special experience because of the stuff with Savathun and Osiris. I cannot stress enough that the majority of the players did NOT believe that Osiris isn't Osiris. The theory was out there but it was largely not listened to. Some even used lore tabs that explicitly confirmed the theory from Splicer to claim it debunks it. It was a wild time. The wildest of all was the ending where people were genuinely saying that the ending to Splicer changed their mind to NOT believing it was Savathun. It was one of the most mind-boggling time in Destiny for me and I think that the misunderstanding of that whole plot made a lot of people either forget or not properly understand Savathun's involvement with the events of Splicer. If one played through the whole thing believing that was actually Osiris, Savathun's actions may have eluded them, especially if they didn't engage with a retrospective of the season. I believe that understanding how Savathun manipulated Lakshmi is important for understanding Lakshmi as a character, especially now with these new reveals (and possibly directly because of the new reveals; perhaps Savathun also targeted Lakshmi because of her origin). But at the end of the day, Lakshmi is still someone who couldn't let go of her xenophobia which made her the best target for Savathun to manipulate. That one is on her, regardless of all of her origins and trauma.
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ahungeringknife · 10 months
365: June 24
Eric hanging out with @eyesupguardians's YW because that's fun and I love putting my OCs in my friends' sandboxes and seeing what happens owo
All the little pieces of metal and wires on her Splicer Gauntlet shivered and folded when Hawke landed on the moon. Vanguard had the Vex network dives open for normal Guardians with the right clearance so Hawke didn't recognize anyone with her on sight. Her friends had sat out for the day. They knew what it meant to take a day off. Day off? Sounded fake. She didn't know how to do those. So she was working.
That and someone had to use the Splicer Gauntlet on these things and Mithrax only trusted so many Guardians with it. Usually he sent one of his Eliksni Splicers along if Hawke wasn't around to crack the Vex Network.
It wasn't hard work but the Vex were always shocked and pissed when Guardians showed up to wreck their shit. Especially on the Moon. As if they could let the Vex get a foothold here on the Moon. That was too close to Earth for everyone involved's comfort. But the work let her mind go blank and she just focused on the shooting, the Light. She was a terror with her throwing knives and caused plenty of muffled explosions on her side of the battlefield to take her full attention. She kept off local comms, not interested in the banter really. She just wanted to do the job.
She only really came up to the surface to remember other Guardians were here with her when she heard the snap of Stasis and she looked around half expecting one of Eramis' lieutenants. She wasn't always in touch with the common Guardian so she was genuinely surprised when she was in time to see a Hunter launch a Silence and Squall. She considered herself a good shot and have excellent aim but both kamas landed right in the eye of two different hydras. The precision needed for a throw like that from twenty feet in the air was no fluke.
She punched a goblin as it shambled over to her as the ice storm ripped through the higher rank Vex, freezing them solid in Stasis. Before they could start to chip and shatter a Nova Bomb seemed to just aparate inside the chassis of one of the Hydra and exploded it. Shards flew everywhere, covered in Void goop that stuck to the rank and file Vex making them shutter and become volatile. A Void grenade made them explode in a magnificent display of Light. She'd never seen another Guardian use Stasis before other than her own clan, let alone use it in combination with a Light.
"Woah," she said and her eyes were drawn to the Hunter who landed on the dilapidated habitat who made a familiar and shocking hand sign at a Warlock on the ground. She'd only seen other Hunters use that sign language together. The Warlock responding in like surprised her enough that a Minotaur got close enough to slap her to the ground.
Fucking Minotaur.
She surged to her feet, shoving Solar Light into her gun with a tremendous crack as it became empowered and golden in her hands. One shot shattered the shield, the next took the head off the Minotaur and the third went through into three Vex behind it. She unloaded the rest of the shots into some Hobgoblins taking sniper shots around the edges of the old houses.
A bullet whizzed past her helmet and a Wyvern shrieked from a bullet to its core. She'd been focused on the hobgoblins and hadn't heard the weird chicken Vex approaching.
She didn't have time to contemplate who'd been watching her back. Her Splicer Gauntlet shivered and all the metal bits moved in unison, pulling her towards the conflux. She still wasn't sure quite how this worked but she was able to manipulate the lattice into a construct. The unlocking tower rose like a great tumbler of teal and magenta energy. She had to keep it going, the gauntlet spinning and clicking as the other Guardians correctly sequenced the lock. The tumblers engaged and it rushed into the ground, creating a great sink in reality.
Just by proximity Hawke jumped in first and the rest rushed to follow. The Vex Network anywhere not around Hawke was unstable for Guardians so they kept up. She wondered if she was recognized. Maybe not. She was wearing similar armor as the rest. When your gear wore out your Ghosts recreated it out of what was around. It was wires and cables and scrap pieces of metal and plastic. Other than the Gauntlet she didn't look dissimilar to several other Hunters running the Splice.
They didn't get far into the Network before catching the attention of a higher mind. The Hydra roared in its horrible machine voice as they came upon it. The Hydra put up defenses; impregnable walls, immunity shields, and summoning an endless stream of Vex for them to fight. But this mind was nothing. She'd faced worse. It was nothing compared to Aetheon, or Predothos. The mind shattered but the way ahead of them was sealed, the way for the Vex to get out was also closed.
Hawke finally switched over to local comms to gather everyone up. They needed to get close to avoid missing their ticket out of the Network. There was a ton of cross talk but Hawke narrowed it to the Hunter she'd seen using Stasis outside.
She was standing over a Warlock who was poking at the remains of the Hydra they'd just killed. "There's nothing there, babe, just get over it," she sighed, holding her gun- a long barreled scout rifle Hawke mistook for a sniper rifle at first- up and resting on her shoulder. Her armor was almost the same color as the Vex Network, all aquas and magentas with splashes of yellow like she'd been spat out of a candy store except for her helmet which was a blank black glass front. Her cloak trailed down to the heels of her boots, an older Hunter who took care of their cloak. But her armor itself was... weird. Hawke couldn't quite put her finger on why.
"No I was sure I saw part of it disjoin before it broke apart," the Warlock said, a mechanical buzz to his voice Hawke recognized as belonging to an EXO. He matched her in vibrant colors, his robes a well polished leather. He'd been the Warlock with the Nova Bomb, had to be with the Nezarac Sin.
"Well you can't spend all day poking at Vex guts," she said in a surprisingly patient tone for how insane this Warlock sounded. Hawke noticed a change in her stance and their gaze met through their helmets. "You need something, Young Wolf?" she asked, not meanly just curious.
Well she hadn't meant to be noticed, just be nosy. "You used Stasis," was all she said, their comms narrowed enough she wasn't across all comms. Which was good since Saint and Mithrax were bickering with Osiris about... something.
"That's my business," she said defensively.
"Didn't think the Vanguard allowed it," she'd sure been chewed out by Zavala about it. Not that she really cared.
"Vanguard doesn't have much authority on Hunters nowadays," she said simply with a shrug. Hawke had never considered that. She always just did what was needed or what she wanted. It didn't occur to her that normal Hunters actually did heed the call of the Hunter Vanguard.
"You got a heck of an arm," Hawke said. Landing the kamas so precisely back on the moon was impressive. She wasn't even sure she could do that. And the ice storm had come around a few times after that initial one too.
"Heh, yeah I guess-
"Yeah she does!" the Warlock cried.
"Hawke, you need to get out of there," Saint suddenly boomed in her ear, startling her.
"Right," she said, nodding.
"Everyone form up," Polaris said over comms and the other five Guardians came to stand around.
"Come on, stop fussing with that," and the Hunter dragged her Warlock over to Hawke. He'd been poking at the Hydra carcass again.
The Gauntlet shivered and spun, all the pieces snapping into position to create an elevator up and out of the Vex Network. The tunnel spat them out into the air high above the moon's surface and allowed for about ten seconds of free fall. Two Guardians fucked up their falls. One face planted, one broke all the bones in their legs. Hawke landed lightly, catching herself at the last minute on the Light.
She went over to properly close the Splice, the Gauntlet whirling around her arm and wrist. The other Guardians started transmatting away or getting onto their sparrows if they'd just come from patrol. The Nezarac Sin Warlock came over as the Gauntlet worked, she helping it along. Mithrax just said think about what she wanted it to do and it'd do it. Sounded crazy but it usually worked.
"So how does one get one of those? Or on the list Mithrax trusts?" the Warlock asked curiously over a narrow beam comm. Not quite private but private enough.
"Uh... don't be a fuck head I guess?" Hawke said not knowing how to answer that really. The Warlock laughed.
"Or you know a guy, or girl," Polaris said.
"So I could know you?"
The Hunter came over, having left her sparrow when the Warlock didn't join her. "Savant are you bothering the Young Wolf?" she asked, annoyed with him.
"What? Noooo! I was just trying to be friendly," he whined. Hawke smiled slightly in her helmet despite herself. It was funny. The Hunter was about two heads shorter than the Warlock, Savant, and he was whining at her and slouched.
"My friends usually get on the short list, yeah," Hawke said slowly.
"Really!" Savant asked.
"Short list of what?" the Hunter asked.
"Who can wear a Gauntlet."
"You do not need to wear a Splicer Gauntlet."
"But it's so cool!"
The Hunter looked at Hawke. "Young Wolf, don't let my precious idiot here anywhere near a Splicer Gauntlet."
"You never let me have any fun."
"This was fun!"
"... I guess."
Hawke giggled as the Gauntlet finished what it was doing. "Who are you two?" Polaris asked for her. Thank the Traveler. She didn't want to appear rude.
"I'm Savant-3," the Warlock said.
"Eric," the Hunter said. "And he does not need a Splicer Gauntlet," she shot him a look through her helmet.
"But it would be so helpful with my research-
"You have so many dead Vex on your ship, and in your apartment, and in your workshop-
"Yeah but those aren't from the Vex Net!" he insisted. "These are different."
Eric just sighed and looked at Hawke. "Do not put him on the short list," she told her, deadpan.
Hawke... laughed. "Sure. Whatever you say," she said.
"What? You'll listen to her but not me?" Savant asked dramatically.
"We're Hunters," Eric said.
"Uggggh! Fucking Hunters," he groaned and marched off all in a huff. Eric giggled.
"Is... he going to be okay?" Hawke asked Eric.
"Yeah," she said and Hawke could hear the smile in her voice. "He's just moody he couldn't collect any Vex from the Network. Even though he has some already."
"Do you guys help in Splices often?" she asked casually. These two were fun.
"Sometimes. We were on the Moon and passing by. Better than being stuck in that Endless Night," she crossed herself in a traditional Hunter way to ward off bad luck. Hawke didn't do that kinda stuff or was even that superstitious but she found herself mimicking the motion.
"So maybe you'll be around for the next Splice I find?" Hawke asked.
Eric took a beat. "Sure," she said.
"Eric now you're the one bothering the Young Wolf," Savant's voice came over comms sounding so dejected and whiny.
They both giggled. "Maybe see you around," Eric said and gave the casual Hunter two fingered salute before walking off. Again Hawke found herself mimicking it. She went over to her sparrow, a sleek SIVA inspired thing and saw Savant looked like someone had peeled an Eliksni pike and covered it with bones and chains and set it on fire. So some weird Eververse thing Hawke was shocked was even allowed. They must have been talking over private comms for a moment because there was some gesticulating before they turned their sparrows around and sped off.
"Well they were neat," Polaris said. "Ready to transmat?"
"And search for another warp in the net?" Hawke asked.
Polaris sighed the sigh of 'my Guardian never sleeps', "Yes. For another place to splice," she allowed.
"Yeap," Hawke said and Polaris transmatted her back up to her ship.
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So I want to explain the significance of my Destiny 2 sleeve I'm getting.
TW: su*c*de, mental health talk
Before I was diagnosed with PTSD, I struggled. A lot. During the pandemic especially. I had nightmares every single night, multiple times a night, for years on end, and oftentimes avoided sleep as a whole to avoid the nightmares. They'd be followed by sleep paralysis at worst, and a night terror at best.
When I had those nightmares, I often thought of ways to escape them beyond sleep. Including ending everything once and for all. I was such a depressed mess, so fucked over, that I thought death was the only escape at that point.
But when I felt this way, since no doctors were available since it was the pandemic, I always fought back with a distraction: Destiny 2.
Blind Well runs. Menagerie runs. Strikes. Power level grinding. You name it, it gave me a distraction, and therefore, a reason to live. And so I kept living.
I put on 40lbs, playing D2 and eating shit for months upon months, but I was alive. I could lose the weight, but I could NEVER lose my life. I had a reason, a purpose, with this one videogame, to keep going. And so I did. And I kept playing it. And I never stopped.
And then, one day, when doctor's offices opened again, I immediately got help. I started seeing doctors weekly, and started new medication, and finally, things started looking better for myself. The nightmares went away, I got my official diagnosis from 2 different doctors, and I began working out again. But I never did find myself staying away from Destiny 2 for that long. I always came back to it. It was a comfort, and I always found the seasonal activities to be a great distraction. Especially during Season of the Splicer.
And then, I recognized, I wanted to memorialize my favorite game on myself forever.
So I went ahead and did just that.
And I began working at getting a sleeve. With Cayde-6, Mithrax, Saint-14. The House Light symbol, the tricorn, the Titan symbol, the Ghost. And two quotes combined. "Eyes up, Guardian. The light always finds its way." A reminder to myself that I carry the three strongest men with myself, and a motivation, as well as the will of a Guardian, and my people, the Titans, and House Light.
I plan to extend the sleeve to my upper thigh, featuring my Titan, my Hunter, and my Warlock. But I need to save the money and get the first half of the sleeve done first.
I'm alive today, going strong, still getting help, and getting better. But I'll never forget my past, whether for better or worse. Sometimes I wish I were really a Guardian, with a clean slate and everything, but I know I'm just me. But that's enough. :) Being me is all I could ask for in life. Stay true to myself, and never stop fighting. Remember, don't give up, always get help. Giving up is cowardice, getting help is strength. Take care, Guardians. Eyes up. :)
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changingourdestiny · 3 years
Nightlight Part 1: Endless Night
Fireteam Paralight awake to the Last City being plunged into darkness with the sun nowhere in sight. Ikora and Osiris have no doubt about it being the Vex's doing but with no answers on how to fix it, they turn to unlikely allies for them but familiar allies to Paralight: Mithrax and Tif of House Light.
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Next Part: Here
“I know I said to ‘party until the sun rises’…but this is NOT what I meant.”
Cayde and Fireteam Paralight all stood at the Helm’s front window at the endless night sky…at 11am. The sun hadn’t risen at all that morning with strange glitch-like wisps in the air. Rae let out a sigh, “Can…can someone pass me that cushion over there?”
“Oh, sure.” Crow picked up a nearby cushion resting on the war table and handed it to the Stasis Vanguard. “Thank you.” Rae calmly accepted the cushion and held it to her face before letting out a stressed and frustrated scream into the pillow. As her scream faded, Adam hesitantly spoke, “Are…are you ok, Rae?”
“My stress levels are PERFECTLY healthy, guys!” Rae said with a forced grin. “Uh huh…sure…” Blaze scooted away from Rae a bit as the sound of footsteps approached. Zavala and Ikora entered the Helm. “Thank you for coming on short notice.” Ikora began. “Figured we’d be called up here at some stage.” Blaze replied, “Usually when things take a turn for the crazy, we’re the ones that are called. And the sun being gone is kinda hard to miss.”
“Very true. With that said, allow me to deliver your briefing.” Ikora began, “As you saw, for the first time in humanity’s long and storied history, the sun did not rise. Osiris tells me it’s a Vex simulation that has plunged the City into an endless night. It seems they’ve found a way to harness our energy against us. And even in all his wisdom, Osiris can offer no solution.”
“To do something like this to the Last City…” Cayde muttered, “Whatever the Vex are planning, they’re confident enough to target our home turf.”
“That or they’re becoming desperate.” Zavala added. “The Vex rely on logic. Whatever their plan is, the chances of success for them are high enough for them to execute it.” Rae chimed in. “Rae’s right.” Ikora agreed, “I don’t know what will happen if we can’t break the Vex’s hold over the City. I do know that we must protect our people, no matter the cost.”
“Agreed.” Adam nodded. “So, what’s the plan? How’re we gonna pry the Vex’s robo-hands off the City?” Blaze asked. “The Vex are machines…” Ikora replied, “And no one understands machines better than the Eliksni. Osiris and I could only think of one we might turn to. And I believe you’re acquainted with him and one of his captains.”
“Wait…you mean…?” Rae perked up in realisation. Ikora nodded, “Mithrax, Kell of House Light. My spies report he claims to be among the last Sacred Splicers; those with the power to commune with machines. He may be our best and only hope.”
“I didn’t know he was a Splicer.” Rae muttered, “He never made it obvious during the times we met him and Tif never mentioned it either.”
“It makes sense that he would try to keep it hidden.” Crow replied, “House Dusk and the remnants of Salvation would find the abilities of Splicers useful against their enemies.”
“Hmm…fair point.” Rae said before turning back to Ikora, “Do we have any information on his location?”
“My Hidden report that both Mithrax and Tifawt were last seen on Europa, helping Variks evacuate Eliksni defectors.” Ikora explained, “Both the Vex and Eramis’s loyalists are down there hunting for survivors, shooting anything that moves. Be sure to shoot back. We need Mithrax alive if he’s to help us with our Vex problem.”
“Right.” Rae turned to her Fireteam, “You heard Ikora. Let’s hit the skies.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Fireteam Paralight hurried out of the Helm. Cayde went to follow but was stopped by Ikora. “No. You’re still in trouble for the last time you snuck out. Besides, we need all the help we can get for crowd control.”
Rae couldn’t help but feel sorry for Cayde as she heard his disappointed groan from down the hall.
“Oh, the Vex outside are frightful~ But the Light is so delightful~ Knock them down, blow-by-blow~ Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow~”
Blaze sang to herself as she shot down Vex after Vex with Firelight. “Nice Dawning carol.” Crow chuckled as he fired a round from Hawkmoon into a hobgoblin, “You should remember them for this year.”
“I’m already working on ‘Sainta Claus is coming to Tower’!”
Crow let out an amused snort at Blaze’s pun as Rae tuned into her comms, “Ikora, any luck on locating Mithrax?”
“You’re closing in on some residual signals. It could be Eliksni bound for House Light…or it could be more of Eramis’s loyalists.” Ikora replied. “I think I see an entrance in the ice.” Adam yelled from several feet away. “Let’s go say Velask.” Rae said as she slid down the ice into the hideout. The four Guardians landed with a faint clang onto the metal plating of the hideout. “Velask? It’s Fireteam Paralight. Is anyone here?” Rae called out before contacting Ikora again, “Empty. Looks like the Eliksni cleared out before the Vex showed up.”
“See if you can learn where they’re headed.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Over here!”
Rae looked up to see Blaze by an Eliksni terminal with Crow typing away at it. “I think we found something. Some sort of looped audio recording.”
“I’ll patch it through to Ikora as well.” Crow added as he played the audio.
“-over their possessions. Trigger message repeat. This is Misraaks. To those who renounce the violence of House Salvation and seek refuge in the House of Light, I will be landing a Skiff near Asterion Abyss. Bring only what you need. We must prioritise survivors over their possessions. Trigger message repeat.”
“Asterion Abyss. That’s their rendezvous point.” Ikora began, “A single Skiff recently touched down near your position. It’s got to be Mithrax. Hurry, before he takes off.”
“Uhh…we should hurry but I don’t think he’ll be taking off.” Adam said as he stood near a cave opening looking over Asterion Abyss. In the middle of the ice and snow was a crashed ship with smoke emerging from it. “Oh no…we gotta hurry!” Rae exclaimed as she began to climb up the ice with the rest of the Fireteam not far behind. As soon as they were on smoother turf, the four Guardians summoned their Sparrows and began to speed across the snow towards the downed Skiff. “Mithrax sure is wrapped up in dangerous business, huh?” Blaze muttered. “It’s a bad time to ask for a favour, true.” Ikora replied, “But he and his House of Light still worship the Traveller. And due to your previous interactions with him and Tifawt, he’ll trust you more than the rest of us.”
“I just hope we’re not too late.” Rae sighed, “The second we get there, we secure the crash site and help any Eliksni that might have survived.”
“Crow and I can handle any Vex or Salvationists that are around while you and Adam can protect and heal survivors.” Blaze added.
“Sounds like a plan. Let’s move!”
Upon arriving at the downed Skiff, all that remained was the smouldering wreckage, Eliksni bodies, and Vex swarming the ship. Rae prepared to shoot at the Vex with Lumina when-
A hobgoblin that was standing atop the wreckage was suddenly shoved off by an Eliksni captain from behind with two goblins that were standing either side of it getting sliced by arc blades. The captain wore purple, blue and grey armour with the usual furry mantle at the back and the back spikes. The armour looked slightly different to a standard captain’s, mainly the boots and gloves. That’s when Rae realised it. Only one set of arms. Short for a captain. And the last piece of evidence came when the captain punched a harpy with a Stasis-covered fist.
“Tif!” Rae exclaimed with a smile. As the last Vex fell, the captain spun around at Rae’s yell, only seeming to notice the Guardians’ presence just then. “Paralight!” The familiar voice of Tif came from behind the captain-esque helmet of the Titan. Tif ran up to Rae and hugged her, lifting the Warlock off the ground slightly as they did so, “Oh my Traveller, your timing couldn’t be better! We’re trying to evacuate Salvation defectors but the Vex-”
“We know. We actually came here looking for you and Mithrax.” Rae explained. “Wait. Really?” Tif cocked their head to the side before shaking it, “There’s no time to wonder. Misraaks is keeping the refugees safe but I don’t know for how much longer they’ll last. Please hurry!”
“Lead the way.” Rae nodded. “Berhane?” Tif began. “Pike is at the ready!” Berhane chirped as a Pike appeared beside the Titan. “Follow me!” Tif yelled as they hopped on and sped across the icy tundra, Rae and co. in tow.
Visibility decreased slightly as an icy wind blew in. “We should be close.” Tif yelled as they came to a stop, “Misraakskel, are you there? Paralight are here!” As Tif called out, Mithrax emerged from a nearby cave. He wore different attire compared to the last time Rae had met up with them. His upper right arm was heavily mechanised, and he wore a grey and purple helm. “Guardians, I find you in the Light.” Mithrax greeted, “And on your signal…Ikora Rey?”
“Mithrax-kell, it is an honour. We have been searching for you for a long time.” Ikora greeted from the comms. “This is known. You are not the only one with hidden eyes.” Mithrax nodded, “Many enemies pursue my House of Light. We did not wish to be found.”
“Then times are desperate for us all.” Rae chimed in, “The Vanguard need your help.”
“Oh yeah…the Vex have been messing with the City, right?” Tif began. “You know about that?” Blaze asked with surprise. “Yes. Vex systems pulse with talk of the City’s Endless Night…but my people demand much protection.” Mithrax explained, “If Paralight could assist Tif and I in blinding the Vex here, we can speak more without risking bloodshed.”
“Blinding the Vex…we’ll do whatever you need, Mithrax-kell.” Rae nodded. Mithrax motioned for the Guardians to follow as he ran to a large clearing in the ice. He held out his mechanical arm that began to glow as a sudden pulse of Vex energy opened up a hole in the ice, “I have opened the door for you, Guardian. Will you walk the path of the Sacred Splicer?”
The four Guardians glanced at each other before nodding. “We’re ready.” Rae replied. “You might wanna hold onto your tummies!” Tif suggested, “I did this once and it gets weird. WHOOHOO!!!” Tif jumped cannonball-style into the hole with Fireteam Paralight jumping in after them. In a flash of light, the Guardians found themselves slowly descending onto a series of teal, geometric platforms in a vast purple void filled with geometric creations emerging from below. “Is this…some sort of Vex simulation?” Rae asked as they touched down. “The path before you is no illusion.” Mithrax explained through the comms, “You venture through the Vex domain itself, where the machines guard their most precious secrets. I will clear the way. Tifawt, can I count on you to guide the Guardians?”
“Yes, Misraakskel!” Tif responded with a smile.
“Very well. Good luck, Guardians.”
Rae looked out at the vast space before her and sighed, “Alright. Let’s start the crazy.”
To Be Continued…  
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changingourdestiny · 3 years
Nightlight Part 2: Stress
As it’s revealed that not everyone in the Last City is willing to accept the House of Light within their walls, tensions begin to rise. But just as things feel like they can’t get any worse...
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Previous Part: Here
Next Part: Coming Soon…
“Don’t get me wrong, I hate the Vex. But they have great taste in aesthetics!” Blaze said as she and the rest of Paralight hopped from platform to platform. “Watch out!” Rae yelled. “Huh- WHOA!!” Blaze skid to a halt upon seeing they had run out of platform, narrowly avoiding falling into the abyss, “That was close. Thanks, Rae.”
“Hold fast, Guardians.” Mithrax’s voice came through the comms, “I will alter the fabric of this Vex system to aid you.”
“Much obliged, Mithrax-kell.” Rae replied. “I don’t think I’ll ever not be surprised by splicers.” Blaze spoke as the small group of Guardians pushed forward, “I mean, I shouldn’t be surprised that splicers can mess with Vex stuff – they are machines after all – but it’s still impressive.”
“I know, right?” Tif beamed, “I remember when Misraaks first showed me his abilities. It’s so cool!”
“Speaking of so cool…” Blaze smirked upon spotting a Vex launch sphere before sprinting at it, letting herself be launched forward, “WHEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee……...!!!”
Crow chuckled as he watched his fellow Awoken Hunter go soaring off into the air before face-planting onto the platform across the way, giving a thumbs up to the group shortly afterwards. “You’re crazy if you think I’ll let you have all the fun.” Crow called as he followed suit, tripping over and falling onto Blaze upon landing. “They’re idiots.” Rae laughed. “But they’re our idiots.” Adam added. “So, let’s be idiots together!” Tif finished as she flopped onto the launch pad, Adam following suit. Rae sighed with a smile as she muttered to herself, “The heroes of the system, ladies and gentlemen.”
 “Tif has a weird habit of getting piggyback rides from the enemies they’re trying to kill…”
“I mean…it works, so why change it?”
“We’re here.”
Everyone transmatted down into the Botza Ruins in the Last City, which had been transformed into a camp for the House of Light refugees. Ikora had offered Mithrax and his house shelter in the city in exchange for aid in dealing with the eternal night. In the centre of the courtyard, Rae could see Mithrax and Tif discussing something with Osiris and Lakshmi-2, the latter Rae was surprised to see. Upon getting closer, Rae noticed Tif seeming uncomfortable as they stared at Lakshmi. “Lakshmi’s here. Greeeeeaaaaat…” Blaze groaned. “Is something wrong?” Crow asked. “Lakshmi and Blaze have a…unique…would ‘rivalry’ even be the right word?” Adam asked, scratching the back of his neck. “She thinks my future vision is bs.” Blaze replied, “I don’t even care about my future vision – I haven’t even gotten a vision since like…3 years ago, I think? I dunno. It’s her attitude I hate. Her whole ‘holier than thou’ mentality.”
“She’s that bad?” Crow turned to Rae. “She’s…a little much at times. And a little creepy.” Rae muttered the last part before speaking up again, “Let’s, uh…go see what’s up.”
As the four Guardians got closer, they could begin to hear the conversation.
“My people shelter beneath the Great Machine.” Mithrax began, “This is beyond simple generosity. I must thank Ikora for her gift.”
“This sanctuary is not granted by Ikora alone, but by all who live in the Last City.” Lakshmi replied before Osiris interjected, “Yes, and on their behalf, let me extend a welcome. I am Osiris, and this is Lakshmi-2, Future War Cult leader and City representative. And I believe you both are already well acquainted with Fireteam Paralight.” Osiris nodded towards the approaching Fireteam, acknowledging their presence. “My greatest appreciations to you all. The House of Light thanks you.” Mithrax thanked. “Your House can best show gratitude by keeping to itself.” Lakshmi replied harshly, “I know your assistance with the Vex will benefit us all, but not everyone in the city is so open-minded.”
“I think your voice box needs to be checked out, Lakshmi. That sounded like a threat.” Blaze said with a dead-pan expression before being elbowed by Rae, “Ow! What?! Just sayin’.” Lakshmi seemed to glare at Blaze for a brief moment before turning back to Mithrax and Tif, “You appear to be settling in. I will leave you to it.”
“If you require further help from us, you must only ask.” Osiris added. “We shall.” Tif spoke up, “There are several modifications we will need for stable Ether production.” Rae seemed surprised at Tif. It seemed like they were a completely different person. Instead of their usual relaxed posture and somewhat air-headed smile, Tif was standing up straight with their hands neatly folded behind their back and a serious expression on their face. They spoke in a polite and respectful tone which was completely different to Tif’s upbeat and peppy tone. “Submit a proposal to Ikora. She seems willing to get you anything you need.” Lakshmi replied, “I must return to the people in the city. Future War Cult has foreseen great misery for them in the days ahead and they will need an advocate. I often forget how highly those in the Tower have placed themselves.” Rae noticed Lakshmi glance at her as she said the last part before continuing, “The air is thin there. Best not to breathe too much of it.” And with that, Lakshmi transmatted out of the ruins. “If I may speak freely,” Tif began, dropping their demeanour, “She’s super creepy and kinda mean…”
“You must understand, this situation is tense for us all, young Titan.” Osiris began, “This encampment perches on the edge of decree and democracy. I hope your stay with us will be…uneventful.”
“As do we.” Tif sighed as Osiris left. “I’m just saying,” Blaze began in a hushed tone, “If you guys wanna ‘accidentally’ blow up the FWC room, I know two rogues who could make it look like-”
“Blaze!” Rae said in a warning tone as she frowned at Blaze. “Kidding! I’m kidding!”
“Sure…” Rae sighed. “Do not worry, Raekel.” Mithrax began, “My people have no intention of causing trouble while we are here. We will do all we can to aid in freeing the Last City from this eternal night.”
Rae seemed caught off guard by the title, but gave a humble smile, “I’m glad to hear it. I look forward to working together again, Mithrax-kell.”
“Don’t worry, Rae! This is an alliance House Light has wanted for a long time. We’ll show the Vanguard their trust wasn’t misplaced! Hus shan, hus den!”
“Hus shan, hus den.” Rae nodded.
‘Yeah…yeah we can do this! If we work together, we can do anything!’
“Uhhh…is she ok?” Tif asked with a worried expression as she stood outside the meeting room aboard the Helm with the rest of the Vanguard and Paralight.
“Oh dear. Rae having a mental breakdown?”
Everyone turned to see Marcia and Drifter approaching from down the hall. “It was bound to happen sooner or later.” Drifter chuckled, folding his arms, “I’m surprised it took the kid this long. I was certain she’d break around the time Moondust found the Pyramids up on ol’ Luna.”
“Not helping, you two.” Blaze groaned. Cayde walked up to the door and gently knocked, “Sunrae? You good?”
“You overstressed yourself again, didn’t you?”
“Want a hug and tea?”
Cayde slowly opened the door to reveal Rae sitting at the meeting room table with her head down in defeat as a concerned Ghost floated around her. “Thank the Light you’re here.” He began, “I was worried that if she kept going, I’d have to revive her. And before you ask, no I will not repeat some of the things I’ve heard over the past 15 minutes. I didn’t even know half of the words she said were words…”
“That bad, huh?”
“Alright, c’mere Sunrae.” Cayde sat beside her and gave her a side hug, “You gotta stop overstressin’, y’know. Otherwise, you’ll end up like Zavala, Ikora and Osiris.”
“What do you mean?” Rae looked up from where her head was resting on the table. “They kept stressin’ over stuff and now look at ‘em. They stressed so much that their hair fell out! Ikora bare held on to hers and Osiris was only able to hold onto his beard!”
“W-what…?” Rae tried to withhold a giggle as Blaze, Crow, Marcia and Drifter tried not to laugh at Ikora and Zavala’s unimpressed faces. “Yep! In fact, it’s already starting. You have bald spots riiiiiight…here!!” Cayde started messing up Rae’s short brown and plum locks. Rae couldn’t help but laugh as she struggled against Cayde’s never ending hair-tussling. “What about you then?” Rae giggled as Cayde finally began to let up, “Did you lose your hair?”
“Oh, yeah. I had absolutely be-yew-tiful golden locks that attracted all the ladies! But I got straddled with Vanguard duty and POOF! All gone!” This earned another laugh from the Stasis Vanguard.
Rae took a breath, finally calming down from both the laughing fit and her stress. Her attention was brought back to the table as a teacup was placed in front of her. But instead of Ikora, it was Marcia handing her the tea, looking to the side, “H-hey, don’t look at me like that, ‘kay? I can make tea too, y’know.” While Cayde was cheering up Rae, Marcia used that time to make tea using the set Ikora usually kept in the meeting room.
“Thanks.” Rae smiled. “W-whatever…” Marcia muttered.
 “Um…am I interruptin’ something?”
Everyone turned to see a familiar brown-haired human Hunter with a long poncho. “Azzy!!!” Tif ran and Azara and hugged her tightly, picking her up and spinning her around in the process – something that was very comical to watch since Tif was two inches shorter than Azara. “Hey, Tiffy!” Azara chuckled as she was set down by the Titan, “Hey, y’all. Long time, no see.”
“Azara? What are you doing here?” Rae asked. “Found out Tif was livin’ here with you guys. Figured I’d come say hi.”
“You…” Marcia began, a wary look in her eye, “You’re Phyonysian, aren’t you?”
“Yup. But don’t worry about it. I’m not with the others.” Azara shrugged, “Got the hell outta there quickly. Too extreme for my taste.”
“If they trust you, fine. But I got my eye on you.”
“Duly noted.”
“Well…” Marica stretched before walking towards the door, “I’ll leave you guys to your boring Vanguard stuff. I’m goin’ down to the Annex for some air. Comin’ Drifter?”
“Nah. Got some stuff to handle for a bit. Might join ya after.” Drifter replied.
“Suit yourself. See y’all. Try not to go insane from the stress.”
“No promises!” Rae yelled after her as Marcia disappeared from around the corner, Drifter following suit not long after.
 The meeting had gone on for a while now. FWC had been suspected of causing trouble for the Eliksni as damage had been caused to their encampment. Thankfully, after a lot of tension and consideration, Saint-14 declared himself an ally of the House of Light which was reassuring to Rae and Tif both. According to Tif, Saint had been told as a scary bedtime story to young Eliksni. But to the Eliksni who were present at Twilight Gap, he was a nightmare turned reality, making it somewhat relieving that he was now an ally to them. Lakshmi, on the other hand, was seeming to become more and more hostile to the Eliksni. She claims that she saw a vision that the Eliksni would bring ruin to the Last City and was trying to rally the city folk against the Vanguard.
“She’s not making our job any easier…” Rae sighed. “Agreed.” Zavala sighed, “Unfortunately, the best thing we can do is show the people that we are doing out best. We keep fighting and put the safety of the city above all else.”
“Agreed.” Ikora noticed, “In other-”
Out of nowhere, Blaze fell out of her chair, clutching her head in pain. “Blaze!” Crow leapt up from where he was sitting and rushed to Blaze’s side. “What’s happening?!” Tif exclaimed. “I’ve seen this before.” Firefly whimpered as she appeared hovering over Blaze, “She’s having a vision!”
“So that’s her ability…” Azara muttered. Before Rae could question what Azara meant, Blaze let out a large gasp as she sat up with a terrified expression. “What is it? What did you see?” Rae asked. Blaze looked up at Rae with horror in her eyes.
 “Marcia’s in danger.”
 To Be Continued…
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