#i remember this dropping luckily when i was in my dorm room and sitting bolt upright
roy-kents · 5 months
we all remember where we were
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nightbrightwrites · 4 years
A Good Classic
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~ A/N: I’m a bit nervous about posting here; I love writing but I’ve never written an imagine before. Hopefully you all like it, and feel free to let me know what you think and what you want to see!
Summary: You’ve always loved to read, and you weren’t going to let moving into the dorms separate you from your precious tomes! What you didn’t account for, was how the hell you were going to get everything upstairs. Luckily for you, a certain lightning bolt boy was ready and able to offer some help, and maybe get a date out of it too...
Reader is male, btw! Trans or cis isn’t specified, but I am a trans man myself so there will definitely be more trans male oriented content in the future!
Disclaimer: Most of the books mentioned here are English classics; I didn’t want to misrepresent any Japanese titles that I haven’t read. Thank you for your understanding!
You had never regretted your love of reading. It had been a constant in your life for as long as you could remember, and moving into the U.A. dorms wasn’t going to change that. When you woke up that morning, it had been with excitement at the thought of finally moving your books into your dorm. The past few days had been setting up the shelves, and now it was finally time to fill them.
What you didn’t ever think to consider was just how the hell you were going to get all the boxes to your room on the second floor, especially because the elevator was still getting fixed after a certain SOMEONE lost their temper once again.
Thanks Bakugo.
Getting the many boxes to the dorm building wasn’t too bad; you’d had the help of some of the other students of U.A. But none of them could stay, so the task of getting every box up the stairs and to your room, not to mention unpacked and organized, fell onto your shoulders. The sun was shining as of now, the air sweet with the promise of flowers blooming with the incoming spring, but if the forecast was to be believed and rain was on its way, then you needed to get it together and fast.
Before you could steel yourself to bend over and grab the first box, someone calling your name grabbed your attention.
“(Y/N)!” Kaminari was jogging to you with his ever present grin, boyish in its charm and more than enough to bring your own smile rising to the forefront. “What’s with all the boxes?”
At the reminder of your plight, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “I brought some books from home-”
“Some?!” Kaminari’s eyes bulged as he looked around at the many boxes surrounding the entrance. Luckily no one had needed to get around you, but you wanted to get these books safe and sound before the rain started.
“Yes, some!” You scoffed. “What can I say, I have good taste and I didn’t want to leave them behind! I just...” You rubbed at your temple. You thought about asking your classmates, but you didn’t know where they were and something didn’t sit right with leaving your books out here while you ran to find someone.
“Did you text someone to help? How’d you even get all of these here?” Kaminari looked way too amused in the face of your frustration, though he raised his hands in placation when you turned your gaze onto him.
“My friends helped me get them here, but they didn’t stick around. And I...don’t have anyone else’s number.” That was a lie, completely and utterly, but you also refused to admit that the thought of texting had completely slipped your mind. it just wasn’t something you were willing to admit, especially to Kaminari who’d never let you live it down.
“Yikes.” Kaminari looked around at your situation one more time, before his eyes met yours once more. He seemed to be considering something, lips pursed in thought, until he finally gave a lazy shrug.
“I’ll help!”
Saying that you were taken aback was an understatement. “...You?”
Kaminari’s bright grin dropped, and you had a to bite back a snort. “Sorry, sorry. I just wasn’t expecting that. Thank you, you’re the best!”
“Ah ah, don’t go singing my praises yet, pretty boy!” Kaminari kept talking, but your head was a little more focused on the pet name. Pretty boy, huh? No one had ever called you that before, and you...kinda liked it. Even though it threw you off balance, it was worth it for the butterflies that erupted in your stomach.
“Hello? Earth to (Y/N)! Don’t make me have to zap ya!” A hand waving in front of your face snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Were you listening to me?”
“No.” With that, you picked up a box and headed inside, rolling your eyes fondly at Kaminari’s protests. Soon enough you heard him stomping behind you, muttering something about the box being filled with rocks instead of books.
“So, Pride and Prejudice, huh?” Kaminari lifted the book with a raised brow.
You two had managed to get the last box inside just as the rain started, and both of you were exhausted to say the least. You didn’t want to keep him any longer, but he offered to unpack your books and you really could use the help.
You weren’t, however, going to take his shit. “Kaminari, I know for a fact that you like the classics just as much as I do.”
“Pfft, what? No way-”
“I know that you sit in the library every Friday before curfew to read in the little corner over in the history section. I sit there too sometimes, it’s very comfy.”
Kaminari sputtered for a moment, during which you took the time to load up your poor shelves with more literature. Listening to the usually confident boy sputter for a moment was a lovely soundtrack, though you silently prayed he didn’t short circuit. Your poor books couldn’t handle it.
“...S-So are you just stalking me or something? If you liked me that bad you could’ve just asked me out.” He chuckled, still slightly off-kilter. He hoped he was sounding at least somewhat flirty, but from the funny look you gave him, he wasn’t doing that good of a job.
“In your dreams, maybe.” You chuckled. “No offense, but I don’t think you’re my personal Mr. Darcy.”
“Mr. Rochester?”
You paused. “Is this your way of telling me you’re gonna lock me in the attic?”
Kaminari’s grin never dropped so fast, and you had to stifle a snort behind a hardcover.
“Come on, throw me a bone here (Y/N)!”
“I’m free tomorrow.”
Kaminari blinked, feeling his face heat ever so slightly. “H-Huh?”
“You wanted a bone, yes? I’m free tomorrow if you wanted to-”
“Yes!” Kaminari fist-pumped, already running through ideas in his head. “You won’t be disappointed, (Y/N)!” He sprinted out of the room, careful not to trip over or God forbid, step on any of your books.
“Kaminari, we’re not done-! And he’s gone.” You sighed, shaking your head fondly. Luckily you were almost done shelving, though it took you a bit longer than usual; your mind was a bit preoccupied with your date tomorrow.
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lavenderslemonade · 4 years
Playing Animal Crossing While in Quarantine HC
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Pure fluff
Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima, Tamaki and Aizawa: Playing Animal Crossing With Their S/O While in Quarantine
I’ve been obsessed with animal crossing these past few days! If you want to visit my island some time or just chill, DM me and I’ll send you my switch friend code!
Also, if there’s another My Hero Academia peep you want me to do that isn’t on this list, leave me a message in my inbox and I’ll do them next! Also, please feel free to leave a comment!
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- The two of you had the game pre-ordered and once you got it the two of you became hooked. You refuse to let Midoriya onto your island till you have everything set up how you want. However, Midoriya lets you visit his island frequently. He has a little park area on his island, a little picnic area where the two of you can have little dates since he can’t take you out on real ones.
- He won’t let you in his house. You don’t know why, but he won’t. Before you can get near it you see where he’s dug holes or blocked the entrance off with large items so you can’t get through. “Midoriya, I wanna see your house.” You state one day over the phone as you keep hitting the large fish tank he’s put in front of the door with your net.
- You finally get in one day when he accidentally takes the fish tank away when he hit the wrong button, and you just bolt inside. You hear him freaking out on the other end of the phone begging you to please not look at his house. However, it’s too late. It’s...actually not that bad. He has normal rooms much to your surprise.
- Midoriya starts chasing you around his house as you scope out what he’s done with the place. Bathroom, Kitchen, Bedroom, Living room, it’s all pretty normal. Then you get to the basement. You knew it was too good to be true. His basement is nothing but All Might. Midoriyas avatar is behind you sweating and freaking out. However, you reassure him that it’s okay, you’ve seen worse. No really, you went to Minetas island to be nice, and like I said, you’ve seen worse on that island.
- If there’s something in the Nook shop that he thinks you’d like he’ll buy it for you and surprise you with it the next time you come over. If there’s a fossil you can’t find, or one or two bugs you need for Blathers then he’ll try his hardest to find them on different islands and give them to you. If your anniversary or birthday was coming up and couldn’t spend it together during quarantine, he’ll try to come up with a surprise for you.
- You leave your switch for a few minutes to open a few gifts that your relatives had sent you through the mail, and get a piece of cake that your parent(s) got for you. You keep your switch on so Midoriya can run around your island and do as he pleases. While you’re away he begins planting flowers all around your house that he’s collected. Has a little picnic set and places it in the middle of the flowers. Luckily the flowers start to attract butterflys and different insects.
- When you come back your heart is warm from the display, and the two of you spend several hours just talking and doing little things together like collecting the bugs the flowers brought in or fishing.
- He has a switch, but he didn’t buy the game when it first came out. Why would he? It was too cute looking for his taste and he remembers some of the girls playing that stupid background music to help them concentrate while they studied back at UA. It drove him up a damn wall then, so why would he put himself through that torture now?
- It wasn’t till he became annoyed with you that he decided to get the game. You were one of the people that had the game pre-ordered and ever since you got it, plus went under quarantine, you’ve hardly paid Bakugou a lick of attention. He was on the phone with you trying to have a conversation, but whenever it was your turn to talk or answer a question your line was just dead. He’d call out your name snapping you out of your trance, and apologize to him due to you trying to catch a butterfly.
- It was okay the first few times it happened, but then it became annoying. How your line would be quiet then randomly “If I can’t one more fucking sea bass!” blares from your end causing Bakugou to nearly drop his phone in surprise. “Are you still playing that stupid fucking game!” He’d growl into his phone. Goes onto Amazon once the two of you get off the phone and order the game. He won’t pick up whenever you try to call him, which honestly makes you feel pretty guilty.
- However, your guilt flies out the door when you see the banner come across your screen stating a visitor was arriving. You rush to the docks to see who it is and you’re surprised to see a mini Bakugou avatar walk out of the little airport. Quickly, you grab your phone and call him. You had hit the joy emote as you waited for him to pick up, and as soon as he did you couldn’t help but squeal in excitement. “I can’t believe you got the game!” You’d state excitedly as you watch your screen.
- Then an ax appeared in his hand, making the color drain from your face. “Please don’t...” You whimper. Honestly you expected him to chop down all your tree’s, however he simply chased you for about five minutes. Once he’s cooled down he listens to you gush about all the little dates the two of you can go on, giving him a tour of your island, and even showing off the big fish you’ve caught. He’s a little irked because he’s just started the game and hasn’t caught fish as big as yours yet.
- He complains about his hate for Tom Nook. You watched as he tries to hit Toms tent with an ax to no luck. He goes around your island and shakes all the fruit out of your trees much to your displeasure though he drops his own fruit from his island in front of you stating he wants you to plant them.
- Bakugou has a shirt that looks like his hero outfit that he wears most of the time. If he’s not wearing that shirt then he has a regular black shirt with a skull on it. The Bakusquad usually visits each others island, though they don’t visit Denki’s as much since it’s about just as bad as Minetas. It’s not perverted like Minetas, but it’s not really put together well and he wears the dress that looks like it’s a bikini...
- Bakugou is known to uproot Mina’s flowers when she’s not looking to give to you later, and easily gets irritated if one of the bakusquad catches a fish he was trying to get.
- He tried to name his island Hell, but that’s not allowed. So he followed Jacksepticeyes example and named it Hel
- He has a large bed in his house so that whenever you come over you can crawl in with him and pretend that the two of you are cuddling. He has Moose on his island AND HE WANTS HIM GONE!
- He didn’t pre-order the game before it came out, in fact he didn’t even own a switch. He’s never really been that interested in video games, and has mostly been spending his free time reading and spending time with his siblings. You keep sending him images of fish you’ve caught, the small garden you’ve set up beside your house, and when you spotted a Wisp across the water. He could tell you were having a lot of fun, and was surprised to find out that Midoriya and the rest of Class 1-A was playing the game.
- Thus, he ordered a switch and the game so he could play with everyone. He sends a picture of his avatar once he’s gotten everything set up. Though, you’re not surprised that his character has white hair instead of red. You call him and answer any questions he has, helping him learn the ropes of the game. once he’s got a good bit of things done, and Timmy and Tommys shop has been set up, you allow him to visit your island. However, he won’t let you visit his yet.
- The two of you mostly goof around collecting bugs and fish. When the sun sets you have a bench near the edge of the water that the two of you sit on together. Todoroki starts a garden on your island just for you. Yeah, you have one that you started, but he wanted to start one where it’s just flowers he’s brought you. If he’s visiting a fellow classmates island and sees a flower he thinks you’d like or would look good in the garden, he’ll take a few thousand bells and drop it at the island owners feet before typing “I want the flower.”
- They’re not complaining because they got a dept to pay. Will go straight to your island and plant the flower.
- He has Marshal AND Raymond on his island, and honestly you feel a bit jealous. He’s converted pictures of you and the two of you together from his phone to the nintendo app so he can hang up pictures of y’all in his house. His house is honestly pretty simple, just like his dorm room. He even has a bamboo noodle slide beside his house. Actually a good chunk of his island has bamboo on it now, which doesn’t surprise you.
- The two of you actually dress up your characters to go on mini dates together. It grosses Bakugou out. “Why the fuck are y’all dressed like you’re about to go someplace fancy?!” Bakugou would type out while hitting Todoroki with a net much to his annoyance. When he’s bored Todoroki would make little outfits for you and send you the QR code. You mostly wear only what Todoroki makes now.
- He insist’s on helping you pay off your debt to Tom Nook, but you won’t let him.
- Like Midoriya he and you both pre-ordered the game. Surprisingly he’s played the past Animal Crossings as well. Before quarantine the two of you would actually listen to soothing animal crossing music when you study or were taking a nap. Your island is more developed than his since he doesn’t want to do the time jump cheat.
- The first room he has added onto his house is turned into a gym. He gets along so well with Tank, and usually can see his character running with Tank. Sucks at designing clothes so you designed him a Red Riot costume and emailed him the QR code. He lets you design different outfits for him and will put on little fashion shows for you. The two of you usually visit Sero and Minas island together, and sometimes Bakugou when he’s on (which is rare), and Denki’s.
- Everyone clicked the surprise emote when Denki appeared in the bikini dress. The two of you will go on fishing dates together, and if he catches a cute insect or a hard to catch fish, he’ll give it to you. One of the only things he’ll try is trying to grow a money tree, which surprisingly works.
- You logged on one day for one of your dates and he stated he had a gift for you. He’d hop off the bench y’all were sitting on and give you a huge stuffed bear from the Nook store. After that he’d take you to the town square where some of his villagers were singing Bubblegum KK.
- Has a large bed so the two of you can ‘snuggle’. His house is pretty ordinary, he keeps all his workout stuff in the back room. He’s the type that uses half his island to store the fish he’s collected to he an turn them in all at once. He’ll spend two-three days collecting fish nonstop, and then selling them to Timmy and Tommy. He see’s it as just a bit of revenge for the insane dept Tom Nook has put everyone in.
- He surprisingly pays close attention to the decor of your home. If there’s something he thinks you’ll like, he’ll build it and then change it’s color so it can fit with your homes aesthetic. Both of you download the nintendo switch app and convert photos of yourselves to put in your homes. He wants to go visit Tamaki, but you try to convince him not to since you know he’ll probably cause the older boy to have an anxiety attack with how hyper he is on the game.
- The two of you decided to be nice and visit Mineta’s island a.k.a “Hentai Island”. As soon at the two of you read the title you knew you were in trouble. His avatar frequently wears a shirt that has abs on it, and somehow it’s more disturbing than Denki’s Bikini dress. He tries to flirt with you in the game “Do I look manly enough for you now (y/n)?” you can basically hear him salivating from the other side of the screen.
- After that you and Kirishima vow never to go back. He’s not allowed on either of your islands either. Kirishima allowed him over once and he just kept staring at one of the pixel images of you Kirishima has on his wall. Luckily, while he was over Kirishima accidentally shook some wasps from a tree, and while he was running away they attacked Mineta.
- Both of you were too busy to pre-order the game, but Fatgum knew how much both you and Tamaki enjoyed Animal Crossing. He had actually caught the two of you playing on your break on your 3DS’s. He knew that some much was going on in your lives due to it being your final school year, plus the ordeal with saving Eri. Thus, he pre-ordered two of the games as a surprise for the two of you.
- However, due to not knowing when you’d get quarantined, once the games arrived he personally mailed them out to the both of you along with a little letter. When the two of you got your copies, you were surprised and ecstatic. Both of you sent a thank you text to Fatgum and began playing right away. Both of you spent a few days to yourselves, wanting to get your island organized and to surprise each other. You tried catching all the butterflies you could to give to Blathers and make the museum’s butterfly garden as nice as it could be!
- Neither you or Tamaki time jump since you want to experience the full calming effect of Animal Crossing. Tamaki honestly feels a bit intimidated by  Bam, but he loves Fuchsia. When the two of you finally visit he each other, you insist on going to his island first. He has flowers all around Fuchsia’s home and you could see a few buds sprouting around the new homes that were being built, his way of welcoming his new villagers.
- He’s made a large garden for you at the top of his island, where none of the villagers can really disturb the two of you. Because there’s nothing more awkward than Tamaki spending time with his S/O in a romantic setting and then trying to take them to the secret spot he set up just for Dom to be sitting on the bench meant for the two of you. He doesn’t want to be mean to the villager, however, watches from the side as you pull out your net and start thwacking Dom with it till he moves.
- Tamaki watched Dom leave, before joining you on the bench, and deciding to send the sheep some flowers as an apology for making him move. But like, it was a mini date for the two of you and he really wanted to watch the meteor shower with you from that said spot. And the end of the night you give him the outdoor picnic set you needed cherry blossom petals to make.
- On your island you tried your best to collect as many butterflies as you could along with a few other insects and koi for aesthetics to surprise Tamaki with. He’s honestly shocked with home many butterflies you had caught. With the time frame of some of them it means you’ve probably been up early in the morning to late at night trying to catch specific ones. Blathers probably has nightmares now about butterflies.
- Both of you aren’t really big fans of Tom Nook, but Tamaki loves Isabelle, Timmy and Tommy. Whenever Mirio and Nejire visit, it’s chaotic. The two of you will be chilling in the town square watching Marina sing into the mic that Tamaki set up for her, meanwhile Mirio and Nejire are chasing each other with nets and beating each other over the head. Mirio accidentally plucked one of Tamaki’s flower hybrids and Tamaki quickly clicked the distressed emote.
- Tamaki takes very good care of his plant life, literally going around and watering them everyday. So you were able to replicate the hybrid and planted it in the spot where Mirio had accidentally plucked the other one.
- Due to your busy schedules, Aizawa has a switch lite that he plays on when he’s taking breaks at school or when he’s just resting at home. Meanwhile you have a full on switch. Both of you pre-ordered the game and play it side by side at home. Aizawa is pretty resourceful with his materials, keeping things in his storage as to not waste room and going out to collect more stuff.
- His first two villagers were Rudy and Pashmina. You watched as his eye lit up at Rudy, knowing your boyfriend was crazy for cats. He tries to follow things step by step, collecting items to sell and pay off Tom Nook and steadily becoming frustrated with the more dept the damn raccoon put him in. Meanwhile, you’re using the time jump cheat to get things done quicker and make your island look like legit paradise.
- You’ve went to his island to find him catching fish and trying to give it to Rudy. He doesn’t really use emotes. A good bit of the time you see that he’s online, thus when you go to visit his island you’re surprised to see he’s not greeting you at the docks. You go to his house and you’re not surprised to find his avatar asleep on the bed. You go to the living room to see your boyfriend passed out on the couch, his switch resting against his chest as he snoozes away.
- You frequently bop him in the head with your net when you want attention, because he’s usually focused on completing tasks for Tom Nook and selling items to Timmy and Tommy. You finally stop when he pulls out an ax and just stares at you. You peek up from your switch in your chair in the living room and just see Aizawa glaring at you from the couch. “...I love you.” You’d state with the most innocent look you can muster.
- Barold moves onto Aizawa’s island and AIZAWA WANTS HIM GONE. You’d noticed online how the character had been getting a fair amount of disapproval, but it couldn’t be that bad. Well, Aizawa led you to Barolds house and you were amazed to see the surveillance stuff he has up, and you agree with Aizawa. Boi gotta go.  
- You decide to mess with him one day so you send all his students his switch friendship code, and Momo helps you design the schools uniform for the students. Some even make their hero costumes. When he gets on one evening he’s horrified to see all his students sitting in classroom chairs in the center of his island. Some of the villagers are passing by trying to talk to them, and you’re chilling on a bench. You walk over to your boyfriend and pull out a party popper and spray confetti over him yelling “Surprise! They wouldn’t pay attention on Zoom, so I thought they’d pay attention on here!”
- He just stares you down from his side of the bed. You refuse to look up from your switch to meet his irritated gaze.
- You’re not allowed on his island for a week.
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thejilyship · 4 years
Butterfly Garden
What is this? Another fem!jily one-shot? Yes. Of course it it. Happy NYE
wc: 3.5k
ff.net | ao3
Lily had to practically drag herself up every single staircase between the hospital wing and the Gryffindor common room. It was well past midnight, and while she had a note in her hand from Madam Pomfrey, excusing her for being out in the corridors at such a late hour, Lily had run into no one on her way up to the tower.
Her feet were sore, her back was sore, her head ached, and she was beat. She had spent the entire day volunteering in the hospital wing after there had been a bout of food poisoning that had left the entire hospital wing completely full. Lily hadn’t known just how many students could be housed there before today.
When she finally slipped into the seventh-year girl’s dormitory, as quietly as she could, she toed off her shoes by the door and mustered up all the strength that she had left, to take a shower. She needed to was off this day before she could truly rest.
She walked silently past a snoring Marlene, then her own bed and Jamie’s were empty in the middle, with Mary sleeping quietly at the end.
Lily looked at Jamie’s empty bed for a moment and then shook her head. It wasn’t Lily’s job to wonder where Jamie was, or why she wasn’t in bed. Of course, Jamie was supposed to be in bed, as it was after lights out, but still, Lily didn’t need to worry about it.
Luckily, she was too tired to think much on it. She dug through her trunk, casting a silent muffliato spell to contain the noise, and then went to take a quick shower.
When she came back out, the entire dorm seemed even darker. A cloud must have been covering the moon now. She almost cast lumos, but Mary never slept with her drapes drawn shut, and she didn’t want to wake her.
So, she dropped her dirty clothes at the foot of her bed and slowly shuffled along until she felt her pillow. She pulled the blankets back, crawled onto the bed, and then pulled the drapes shut.
She collapsed in a heap of exhaustion, thinking that her bed didn’t quite smell right, it smelled better. But before she could think about why that was or match the scent to anything, or anyone, in particular, she was asleep.
Jamie was dead on her feet.
By the time that she managed to drag herself up the staircase and open the door to the seventh-year girl’s dormitory, she thought that maybe she should have just slept on the couch in the common room.
She managed to keep quiet as she closed the door behind her and started toward her bed, the window between her bed and Lily’s, now glowing faintly as the sun started to make it’s slow climb over the mountains. It would still be as hour or so before it had truly risen.
She tripped over a pile of clothes she didn’t remember leaving near her trunk and managed to catch herself on the post of her bed.
That’s when she noticed that Lily’s bed was empty.
She narrowed her eyes and looked toward the bathroom. It was only four in the morning, no one was up now, but Lily’s bed wasn’t only empty, it was unslept in.
Lily wasn’t one to break the rules, that’s how she had become the Head Girl, but perhaps she had fallen ill with food poisoning as well. Or maybe she had crashed in the hospital wing after helping for so long yesterday.
Jamie had helped out for a few hours, but she needed to leave before the moon came up so she could help Remus. He had finally transformed back into himself about thirty minutes ago, and so Sirius, Peter and Jamie sneaked out of the Shrieking Shack before Madam Pomfrey came to collect him.
She sat on her trunk and pulled off her shoes, then stripped out of her clothes and dropped them onto the pile of clothes already at the foot of her bed. She pulled on an oversized tee-shirt and then walked around and pulled back the drapes. She didn’t remember closing them, but she was too tired to worry much about that.
She climbed in, tossed her glasses on her bedside table, along with her wand, closed the drapes around her and curled up in a ball. She pulled the warm comforter all the way up to her ears, took a deep breath and let it out.
Tonight hadn’t been the worst night. Remus had even seemed to have fun for a while.
And they had managed to prevent him from-
The blankets were tugged from Jamie’s hands, exposing her shoulder.
Jamie blinked into the dark and then noticed the sound of someone breathing next to her, on the other side of the bed.
She stuck her hand out of the drapes and pulled her wand in, casting lumos as she sat upright. A pile of red hair was sticking out over the top of Jamie’s comforter, though the rest of Lily was concealed.
Jamie blinked at the blurry shape of Lily Evans’ head for a moment and then panicked. Had she gotten into the wrong bed? She was about to jump out of the bed and hope that no one would ever find out about her mistake, but then she caught sight of the stuffed animals at the foot of her bed, the black dog and the fawn-colored deer that Sirius had gotten her for Christmas. A gift that Remus said was a bit too on the nose but had caused them to all laugh.
This was most definitely her own bed.
And Lily was in it.
Lily Evans was in her bed.
Why was Lily Evans in her bed?
Lily shifted, part of her face becoming visible as the blankets moved down a bit. Jamie flicked her wand, and the light went out.
She laid back down, though this time she made no movement to cover herself or get comfortable. She simply stared at the top of her bed, her lips pressed together, and her brow furrowed.
What was she meant to do in this situation? Should she wake Lily up and ask her what the bloody hell was going on? Should she get up and go sleep on the couch? Should she grab the mirror and beg Sirius to tell her what to do?
She looked back toward Lily, though she couldn’t see her in the dark.
Had Lily meant to climb into Jamie’s bed? She had noticed that Lily’s bed was untouched, and those clothes that Jamie had tripped over, they must have been Lily’s. Which meant that when Lily got back to the dorm, she had gotten in Jamie’s bed instead of her own.
Lily had never done that before, so it didn’t seem likely that it would be an accident. But it seemed even more unlikely that it would have been on purpose.
They were friends, very close friends even. It had taken them a long time to get to this point, and while Jamie was still very much in love with Lily, and likely always would be, she didn’t think that Lily felt the same way.
So she took a deep breath and tried to think about this in a different way.
Lily had slept in Mary’s bed before.
Actually, Lily had slept in Mary’s bed so many times that Jamie had to go and get her teeth looked at by Madam Pomfrey because she’d gone to bed clenching her jaw and grinding her teeth and woken up with a sore mouth.
But Lily and Mary were best friends, and it didn’t mean anything to them to share a bed.
Lily could have gotten into Jamie’s bed for the same reason that she normally went to Mary. But she’d found Jamie’s bed empty and then fallen asleep while waiting for her to come back to the dorm.
Jamie didn’t really want the reason that Lily was asleep in her bed to be because she thought of Jamie in the same way that she thought of Mary, but it seemed the most likely of options. She supposed she should be glad to have gotten so close with Lily this last year, but she didn’t think she would ever stop wanting more, not where Lily was involved.
Jamie relaxed a bit and turned toward Lily, carefully pulling the blankets up over her shoulder again. The room outside the bed was slowly getting lighter, and while the drapes kept out most of the light, Jamie could see the outline of Lily’s face now.
The redhead sighed, nestled against the pillow and then, made Jamie question whether or not she needed to get her ears checked.
Jamie was pretty sure that she was dead now.
There was no chance that in the land of the living, Lily Evans had just sighed her name while sleeping in her bed, so the only other option was that she was dead.
She supposed that she could have been dreaming, but this seemed a bit too real to be a dream.
Lily stirred and then her face screwed up before she was sitting bolt upright in bed, a hand on her chest as she looked around.
Jamie slowly sat up as well, not wanting to startle her anymore than she already seemed to be.
The dream she’d been having that caused her to say Jamie’s name, did not appear to be a good dream.
Lily’s gaze locked on Jamie, she could feel it more than she could see it.
“I’m in your bed,” Lily said quietly.
So maybe she hadn’t climbed in on purpose.
“S’okay.” Jamie shrugged, trying not to sound as disappointed as she was. “I’m guessing you thought it was your bed.”
Lily ran a hand through her hair, pushing it back away from her face, something that Jamie had noticed her doing more frequently. “Yeah,” She nodded, her voice quiet. She looked away from Jamie, and Jamie felt her stomach drop. Lily was going to leave now, she was going to go back to her own bed. “Yeah, I must have-“ She cut herself off and rubbed her hands over her eyes now. “Did I wake you?”
Jamie shook her head, “No. I just got in, actually. Almost fell asleep before I noticed you were in here. You’re kind of a cover hog.”
“Am I?” Lily was still covering her face, and it was still dark, so Jamie was at a loss as to how Lily was feeling about the situation.
“Yeah,” Jamie clenched and unclenched her fist before she laid back down.
“It’s alright, I don’t mind sharing with you.” Jamie squeezed her eyes shut and buried a hand in her hair.
But then Lily laid back down. “I’m still sorry. I didn’t even ask.”
“You didn’t realize it was my bed. It’s not a big deal.”
“Feels like it is,” Lily said so quietly that Jamie didn’t think she was meant to hear. “Why did you get in so late?”
Jamie sucked in a breath, glad that Lily didn’t appear to be about to leave. “You know how it goes.”
Lily turned her face toward her, and Jamie wished that there was a little more light. Jamie was already blind without her glasses. “What an informative answer.”
“I was with the lads,” Jamie shrugged. “Not one of us own a watch so time is easy to lose track of.”
“Fine, don’t tell me.” Lily looked back up, pulling the blankets back to her chin. Jamie hid her smile in the blankets.
“When did you get in? It had to have been late.”
“Nearly one? It was late. I didn’t realize that the hospital wing had all those extra rooms in the back. It’s completely full.”
Jamie nodded. “I wonder why the food went bad.”
“That is a mystery for someone else to figure out. Madam Pomfrey had me making tonics all evening.”
“I should have stayed to help longer.”
“I shouldn’t have stayed quite so long,” Lily laughed quietly.
Jamie wanted to reach out to her, but she kept her hands to herself. “We should get some sleep. You’ve only been asleep for a few hours and I’ve yet to get any sleep at all.”
Lily was quiet for so long that Jamie was starting to think that she had already fallen back asleep, but then Lily rolled on her side to face Jamie and sighed. “You’re right. G’night, Jamie.”
“G’night,” Jamie said quietly, her stomach rivaling any butterfly garden.
Lily didn’t fall back asleep, she laid awake with her eyes shut until Jamie’s breathing had slowed and evened out. When she was sure that the other girl was asleep, she opened her eyes. It was slightly lighter now, but Jamie’s face was still mostly in shadows.
She couldn’t believe that she’d gotten into the wrong bed. That she’d gotten into Jamie’s bed.
Lily had fancied Jamie for, well she wasn’t really sure. When she had told Mary a few weeks ago that she was pretty sure she fancied Jamie, Mary had laughed at her and said that she had been waiting for Lily to tell her that for years now. When Lily had looked rather confused about Mary’s response, Mary calmly and carefully explained to Lily that she had always known that Lily had fancied Jamie.
“You pay more attention to her than anyone else in the entire school,” Mary was sitting cross-legged on her bed, painting her nails a bright yellow. “You always have. You may have just realized that you fancy her, but this is not a new thing.”
Lily was then forced to think back on her rocky relationship with Jamie and she had to agree with Mary. Lily hadn’t known at the time that she sought out arguments with Jamie in the beginning of sixth year because she wanted the other girl’s attention and couldn’t think of another way to get it, but it made sense to Lily now.
She shouldn’t have stayed in her bed though. Mary had informed her on multiple occasions that she talked in her sleep, and after the dream that she’d had about Jamie that had woken her up, she didn’t think she needed to be taking this kind of risk.
She still felt a bit flushed from the dream, and then waking up and finding that Jamie was very much in bed with her for real, had only made her more flushed.
When she had seen Jamie sitting there beside her, her fingertips and lips had burned with phantom touches that hadn’t happened.
And now she was laying next to Jamie, staring at her as she slept.
She needed to pluck up the courage to do something about this crush she had, but she didn’t know what she was meant to do. Her and Jamie were finally friends. They were finally past the point where they had to argue about everything, they spent most of their time together laughing now instead of shouting. Jamie was one of Lily’s favorite people in the world, and she didn’t want to do or say anything that would jeopardize that.
As Lily watched Jamie and tried to come up with the words to a conversation, she wasn’t sure she would ever be brave enough to start, Jamie rolled onto her stomach and stretched out, one of her legs brushing up against Lily’s. Her entire person was closer to Lily now, her face at the edge of the pillow and Lily’s in the middle of her own.
It was four in the morning. She wasn’t going to find the words that had eluded her for the last month now.
And if she shifted closer to Jamie before she closed her eyes and fell back to sleep, well, she could hardly be blamed.
Jamie woke up with her face buried in dark red hair.
This was an excellent way to discover that last night had not been some kind of fever dream brought about by a lack of sleep. Lily really had gotten into Jamie’s bed, and then decided to stay there.
And at some point, the two of them had tangled themselves together.
Jamie didn’t think she could move any part of her body without waking Lily. Their legs were entwined, Jamie’s arms were wrapped around Lily’s middle, her nose in Lily’s hair. And Lily was just as wrapped up in Jamie.
One of her legs was bent, hitched up over Jamie’s hip, her head was tucked mostly under Jamie’s chin, and she had her arms between the two of them, but one of her hands was resting on Jamie’s arm, as if it might be keeping Jamie’s arm where it was.
Jamie could feel Lily’s breath against her chest, through her tee-shirt, and she slowly took a deep breath, trying to ground herself in this moment. She slowly reached up with the arm that Lily wasn’t holding and started playing with Lily’s hair. She didn’t want Lily to wake up like she had earlier and jump out of her arms. She couldn’t see Lily’s face from this angle, so she was a bit surprised when Lily spoke up.
“Are you awake?”
Jamie was confused, but she smiled, “Just woke up.” She said quietly, still twirling Lily’s hair around her fingers. “At least I think I’m awake.” She said this even quieter.
“It’s pretty late.” Lily’s grip on Jamie’s arm tighten slightly, but she didn’t move away. “Marlene and Mary both left, so I’m guessing it’s after ten.”
“It’s Saturday.” Jamie shrugged, “We can have a lie in.”
“I think we have.”
They were both so still, both talking so quietly, so afraid to shatter something.
“Right,” Jamie wrapped a strand of Lily’s hair around her index finger. Lily slowly shifted her leg off of Jamie’s hip and Jamie tried not to feel too disappointed. “Guess we should find something to eat.”
“Yeah,” Lily paused. “In a few minutes.”
James pressed her lips together and nudged her nose against the top of Lily’s head. “I’m sure we’ve missed breakfast already anyway.”
“Probably.” Lily agreed.
Jamie’s throat started to feel dry, as the only words she wanted to say now were a bit telling and she was not finding a reason that she shouldn’t say them. Not when Lily was tucked up against her like she was, not when she was staying put, when she was asking for just a few more minutes.
Her heart started beating faster and her grip on Lily tightened. Lily pulled her face away from Jamie’s chest and tiled her head so she could look at the other girl. Jamie gave her a small smile. “Alright, Evans?”
Lily gave her a small smile. “Your heart is racing. Are you alright?”
“Don’t call me out,” Jamie muttered, attempting to hide her face in Lily’s hair again.
“Sorry. I’m alright.” Jamie peeked back at Lily, her eyes clear from their current distance. They were sparkling. “Brilliant, actually.”
“Did you really not mean to get in my bed last night?” She asked softly.
Lily slowly reached out and brushed an errant curl away from Jamie’s face. “Happy accident.”
Jamie felt her smile growing. “Yeah?”
“I think so too.” Jamie looked over Lily’s face, emboldened by how close she was keeping to Jamie, how she was looking at her. “Won’t be an accident when I do it tonight though.”
Lily bit her lip, still grinning and Jamie felt her hoard of butterflies return in full force. “You’re gonna get into my bed tonight?”
Jamie nodded, twice and quickly. “If it means I get to wake up like this, you’ll have quite the time keeping me out.” Lily laughed and it had always been one of Jamie’s favorite sounds in the world, but there was something special and light about the sound now.
“Let’s go on picnic.” Lily said. “Before I go back to the hospital wing, let’s go on a picnic, just you and me.”
Jamie’s heart joined her stomach in it’s fluttering. “Yeah?”
“If you want.” Lily amended unnecessarily.
“Are you kidding? Of course I want to go out with you- not that you just asked me out, you asked me on a picnic-“
“Jamie, will you go out with me?” Lily interrupted, still laughing, her smile the widest that Jamie had ever seen it.
“Yes,” She nodded, leaning forward to bury her face in Lily’s shoulder. “Yes, yes, yes.” Lily’s arms wrapped around Jamie’s neck and she started combing her fingers through Jamie’s hair until she thought she might just melt.
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emotionalgirl101 · 5 years
Zone | Changbin
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Scenario; possible mini series Pairing: Changbin x reader; 3racha fic Summary: Your assignment is due in a week, and you and your assigned partner can’t seem to agree on anything. Or can you? Warning: Soft dom!Changbin, arm kink, subtle power kink, fingering, marking, hinted voyeurism - Smut 16+ Words: 3,222
Tonight was not your typical Wednesday night. Usually, you'd be spending time in your dorm, curled up on the couch with a quick-to-make dinner, maybe watching tv or talking with a friend or two. However, it was getting close to exam season, meaning all your assignments were due at the same time. Luckily, you only had one left and it was due next week. That's why you were at the boys' dorm.
You had been paired with Changbin, which you didn't mind at all. You had spent most of the semester sitting at the same group table in your class. You wouldn't say you were that close, but you would say that he was a friend from class that you saw occasionally. Changbin was funny. He had a great sense of humour. He was on the stoic side at times and took to sarcastic humour for a bit of fun, but you'd caught him a few times being cutesy and embarrassing himself in front of his close friends. He didn't know that, though.
You were locked up in the boy's room, since his other housemates were in the main living area when you arrived. Changbin had clearly anticipated this, with the desk space already set up for the two of you upon your arrival.
You hadn't really started on anything. You had both chosen the topic together with ease, but the disagreements started when the conversation turned to how you were going to approach the essay. You believed the question was asking for both an analysis and opinion. Changbin was adamant that there was no opinion needed.
"It says it clearly right HERE! 'Discuss how you would be affected by the causes of-"
"No," he groaned out of pure frustration, "it's 'you' as in 'people', as in 'humans' in general. Not what you personally-"
"Me?! Unreasonable?! Your the one jumping at an answer when you haven't even gotten a reply from the tutor yet!" He lowered his voice but the venom was clear.
You were so exasperated, you were going to scream. You opted for whisper yelling so you wouldn't irritate his dumbass even more. "Well, why don't we explore both options and then continue with the CORRECT one once we get a reply?!"
"We can't afford to! We have so little time that we're both free. Can't you just accept your misreading the question."
"SHUT your mouth before someone comes in here." He growled.
If you were being honest, you loved when he was riled up. You remember the last time you heard him like this. You guys were walking to your cars after class. You turned to walk down the next corridor when you found two students in a very heated, very public argument. You could tell from the body language, the unrest in the clenching of their jaws, both of their arms crossed and staggered breathing, that it was going to go down hill fast. You hadn't realised that one of the guys was Changbin's roommates.
You didn't know the full story at the time. The guy had been harassing their younger roommate, Jeongin. It seemed like this guy never shook the jock mentality from high school, and Minho had finally had enough. He stepped in to protect Jeongin. The more the asshole talked, the harder it got for Minho  to not snap.
"Shit," Changbin swore under his breath. Wordlessly, he left your side. You thought he was crazy for getting involved. He immediately stood between Minho and the guy, facing the unfamiliar boy with his arms out patiently in front of his chest and bag still slung over his shoulder.
"Look, you both need to cool down," his head swung towards Minho, dressing him down as well. You were hopeful that this move made it clear to the aggressor opposite him that he wasn't taking sides. "let's move this somewhere else." He went to usher them into the secluded courtyard nearby, still being the only thing separating the two involved. Changbin eyed them both constantly, making sure nothing happened would while their guards were supposed to be down, and you followed behind them cautiously.
You kept a little distance, watching a younger boy, Jeongin, follow your lead. You heard footsteps and voices fading away. If it weren't for classes commencing at this time, you were sure the crowd would've followed. There was something about people gravitating towards drama that no one understood. It seemed a little part of everyone enjoyed spectating.
Changbin had dropped his bag near were you stood, leading the main culprits to the centre of the courtyard, and began to mediate. Well, at least he tried.
It was clear that the guy no one knew had a short temper. Every time Changbin uttered a word against him that made perfect sense, his nostrils would flare, and you could imagine his vision turned a bit more read. When Changbin did the same against the other, Minho, the boy would smirk with some sick sense of satisfaction. Minho kept a straight face throughout the whole exchange. This first perception of him being the mature one was quickly shattered once you met him properly.
Out of nowhere, the antagonist shoved Changbin when he wasn't focused on him. He barely stumbled and his eyes quickly became trained on the slightly taller guy. His tone was menacing. "Don't you dare. touch me. or my friends. again." He growled, "Now get the fuck out of here before I show you what i just saved you from." The guy's face when pale. Just like you, he noticed the unintentional and subtle flex of Changbin's toned arms when he seethed with anger. He near bolted out of there, Changbin's gaze following his every move, before they locked onto you. That turned you on way more than you liked to admit.
Ever since, whenever you played 'Short Kings Anthem', you thought of him.
You took a second to recover, and a victorious smirk spread across his lips. Whether it was the fact he thought he'd one or he noticed that you faltered, you didn't know, but the annoyance was right back at the forefront of your mind now. "Fine." you managed through gritted teeth. "See? You know i'm right. You're just too stubborn to admit it." "Bite me." You muttered, turning back to the desk. "Where?" "What?!" He cackled seeing how flustered you were at the unexpected response. Your eyes were boring into the desk. "I'd say 'fuck you' but you'd take the wrong way, too." "What if I take it the right way?" He whispered in your ear. His voice was low again but didn't harbour the same angst as before. The effect was still the same. You squeezed your thighs together and tried not to fall into whatever trap he was setting. Then you felt his hands. His left arm was situated on the back of your chair, but his right hand took purchase on your thigh. His hand gentle rubbed at the clothed flesh, getting higher and higher, teasingly. You released a shaky sigh. His right hand coming to pull back your hair that was obstructing the side of your face. You knew he liked it. He liked seeing you flustered. The control he had over you. How your cheeks were dusted pink and the rest of your complection paled. That you had to control your breathing, biting your lip to stop anything from slipping past them. He enjoyed how you could meet his eyes. You could feel his breath tickling over the flesh of your neck. His hand was still making it' way up your thigh, closer and closer to your heat. His other was playing with your hair. His hand finally reached your covered heat. You closer your eyes and willed yourself not to give in. His lips ghosted over your ear. "Stop biting your lip." His tone hit you again, a moan rolling out as you let the plum flesh go. You could feel is smirk when he pressed his own lips to your neck, ever so gently, barely touching the skin. You gasped softly. He did it again, this time with more veracity. You responded instantly, more notes being pulled out of you with every touch. "Those are the moans I love to hear." You could feel how wet he was making you. Every touch made your skin burn, a sense of lust taking over you. You had leaned back against the chair, relaxing into his control. His fingers kept playing with you over your clothes and kisses being peppered up and down your neck. You let your eyes flutter open, his arm perfectly in your line of vision, as your neck was craned away from the man beside you to allow him more access to your neck. You watched his muscles flex as he continued his movements. His veins lightly visible from the prolonged attack on your core. You moaned at the sight, slightly bucking up into his hand. He chuckled between kisses, slowly drawing back to see what sparked the reaction. He caught on quickly. He rubbed your clit with his thumb, testing his theory, and was satisfied when you bit your lip. Your eyes were glued to his arm. "Arm kink, huh?" You whimpered as he purposely flexed for you. You gasped, allowing your right hand to latch onto his thigh. You saw him swallow nothing. That didn't help you in your current situation. Your eyes moved to his face, narrowing in on his lips. As if he read your mind, he leaned in. The first kiss was gentle and warm, the ones that followed were heated and passionate. You moaned against him when he increased the pressure on your clit. You broke free of his lips, resting your head beside his own on his shoulder and your left hand came up to tangle in his hair. He continued his movements from before, kissing your neck and rubbing at your core, as you whimpered and gasped and every touch. You didn't notice the other set of eyes on you. Your right hand moved up his leg and began palming his hardened length through his jeans. He let out a groan, "That feels good, princess." and your breath hitched. You continued like this, both of you slightly picking up speed, until Changbin noticed how your breathing became more ragged. You could feel yourself slowly shifting from a simple sense of pleasure into how you felt when your orgasm began to build. Your eyes were shut and mouth agape when Changbin slowed his movements and pulled away from you. You almost whined until he reattached his lips on yours, allowing his tongue access when he wordlessly begged for it. He stood you both up without ending the kiss, arms moving to feel up the rest of your body. You found yourself exploring every inch of him, too. He kissed along your jaw, and your fingers tangled in his hair once again. "Do you want to keeping going, princess? Do you want more?" You whined out your consent as he gently pushed you back towards his bed. He rid you of the clothes on your bottom of half, stripping himself quickly as you tore off your other layers. You lazily let them fall to the side of the bed and onto the ground. You didn't notice the slight movement through the gape in the door. You lay back as Changbin climbed on top of you. He kneaded your breasts and left marks on your decolletage, never ceasing his movements as you wrapped your legs around his and tangled your fingers in his hair. You moaned a little louder than before. You bit your lip again, lifting your free hand above you to grip onto the sheets. Changbin looked up at you, taking your chin in his palm so you would look into his eyes. He removed his and, never breaking eye contact and moved it to your heat. The sight only making you wetter, whimpering when two fingers entered inside you. He moved them slowly at first, eyes never leaving yours, biting his lip at how much of a mess you were becoming. His pace increased. So did your moans. The drowned out the soft sounds coming from the doorway. Your orgasm was starting to build again. It was written all over your face. However, as much as Changbin wanted to please you, he had something else in mind. He pulled his fingers away from you and two his lips, smirking as he saw you already and your eyes on him. He reached into the draw of his nightstand as you whined protests from the loss of contact. "Binnie, please. I need you." He groaned at how need you were. A similar sound came from the hallway. Once he finished, he returned to you, stroking his protected length as he lined himself up. He leaned over you, "Remember, not too loud, princess." You nodded as his face came close to yours. "Ready?" he smiled warmly. His action contradicting how sweet his tone was, as he slammed into you before you could reply. Simultaneously, his mouth swallowed the cry escaping your lips. His grind started of slow enough, your face contorting in pleasure. You both tried to stifle your sounds with messy kisses and bitten lips. Changbin reinitiated his assault on your torso with his lips. Your hands scratched and clawed at whatever parts of his body you could get at. "More." You sung. He obliged, picking up the pace, but it wasn't enough for either of you. He sat up, pulling you with ease onto his lap. He gave a few shallow thrusts, focusing on the sensation of your lips on one another's. He went back to your neck. You arched your back. You through your head back, revelling in how it made you feel. You didn't feel his stare. Changbin's patience was waning. He picked your whole body up, still decorating you with kisses, especially on your face. Still inside of you, he pinned you to the wall, holding you up effortlessly. Your fingers traced his biceps and vienes. You clenched. He hissed yet smirked at your actions, enjoying you taking full advantage of his supply to your kink. "This might hurt a bit, baby." He hushed, moving a hand behind your hand. Then he slammed into you. The new angle did wonders, exploring every place within you. You couldn't stop the moans and cries leaving your lips with every thrust. He went harder and faster, your audible pleasure spurring him on. He started groaning and growling in time with your whimpers and sighs. You felt the pressure building, your eyes blurring, trying to focus on the shadow by the ajar door. You couldn't focus, not with how good Changbin was making you feel. You choked out a warning, trying to prevent yourself from being so loud. You pined for relief. For him. For the feeling that he would allow to wash all over you. You finally reached your high, in synchronicity with him. He rode out the feeling for both of you. Once both of you were satisfied, he returned and laid you down on his bed. You both basked in the afterglow, limbs wrapped in each other. Bated breath. Tingling sensations hitting you like waves on a shore. After a few beats, you dared to sneak a look at your counterpart. His eyes were already on you. You shared a tired, knowing smile, alone in the room. He leaned in and kissed you. You returned it without question. He smiled at you again, brighter this time. He then moved, still on the bed, grabbing some tissues. He returned to your side. "When I invited you over, I was only 70% sure this would be the end result." he said nonchalantly, being gentle to touch you, understanding how sensitive you were. The tissues in his hands used to clean you were tossed into the bin soon enough. You scoffed, "70%? Really? You're that confident." "I remember how you looked at me that day i threatened that asshole for going after Minho and Jeongin. I saw you. I saw how turned on you were. You pressed your legs together, then walked away like it was nothing." You were taken aback, almost chocking on air. "I-- fuck you, Seo Changbin." "Round two, already?" He teased. You hit him playfully, watching as he pretended to wince in pain from the blow you just struck. "Go freshen up in the bathroom. I'll check if the tutor replied yet." Ahh, yes. Even as amazing as that was, your hot sex couldn't fuck away the assignment lumming over your heads. You dressed yourself, accepting the oversized shirt and sweatpant Changbin gave you to change into. He told you there was a spare towel in the cupboard. You stepped into the hallway, mind left you reeling from what just happened and how good you felt. Though, at the same time, you couldn't help but fear the embarrassment that would come from being called out by one of Changbin's roommates. With that thought in mind, you were quick to collect yourself and almost sprinted to the bathroom closes to Changbin's room. You made a sharp turn, colliding into some. Great. You looked up to see Jisung. He seemed nervous, or maybe that was you. "H-hi Noona, um.. sor-sorry I'm in a rush. I'll see you later." You chalked the stutter up to him freaking out over being late to wherever he was going. You prayed to a higher power that he hadn't heard you. You weren't exactly close with Changbin's roommates. You knew them all, but were only really close to Chan and Minho, Changbin aside. Speak of the devil. Chan announced his arrival with a slight cough, eyes meeting yours in the mirror as he leaned on the doorframe. "Hey Channie~" You sung, hoping to sound like your usual self. You retrieved the spare towel and tried to just casually but the spare clothes from Changbin to the side of the sink. "Don't act so innocent, I heard you" You winced. Who were you kidding. The neighbour probably heard you, so of course Chan did. That's when it sunk in. Fuck, hopefully Jeongin wasn't poisoned by the filth of what happened behind Changbin's bedroom door. You let out a shake groan of self-reproach before looking back to Chan's smirking reflection. Sometimes you hated how much he teased you. Then again, you made it easier for him. Especially with the events from the same evening. Your next words came out a bit pained. You didn't really want an answer to them after all, did you? "Did the others-" "Lucky for you," He pushed himself off the frame, arms crossed, "most of them went out awhile before it all started." A sigh of relief. You felt a bit better that it seemed to be just Chan who cottoned on. "Well, I hope you enjoyed it." You deadpanned, watching as he decided to leave you be and tossing his last words over his shoulder. "Oh, well I know someone did." -----------------------------------------------
A/N: This was my first smut and I plan to write more since it wasn’t as awkward as i thought~  Credit to the owners of the few prompts I used and I’d love it if people have requests to please submit! I’m having a mental block with Question atm so I wrote this to hopefully stir up some creativity. If you like this please check out @skzsmutnetwork​ for more!
latest | Zone II (Teaser)
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Secret Secrets
this is just me farting out an idea ive had for a while lmao; i hope its coherent
(while both characters r 18 they still cannot legally drink; also ooooo colored font C8)
Mondo was jostled awake at 2 a.m. by the incessant, shrill ringing of his phone. As he rubbed his fingers over his still exhausted eyes and cursed himself for picking the most irritating ringtone on the planet, he grabbed the device and briefly glanced at the caller I.D. Surprisingly, it was Ito Mitsuo. Mondo knew all too well that his friend hated talking on the phone...something must be up. His worried heart woke him more as his thumb tapped on the screen to answer the call. "Ito...?" he mumbled, voice hoarse and soaked with sleep.
"Heeeeyyy, Ōwadaaaa..."
Well, Ito didn't SOUND like he was in trouble. In fact, it almost seemed like he was sort of giddy. Mondo couldn't keep the sigh in his mouth from coming out. If this was some kind of crank call, he'd be pissed. "What're you doin', callin' me this fuckin late...?"
"I gotta...like...I gotta ask a biiiiig favor."
"Which is...?"
"Can y'come pick me up? I ain't seen a cab inna min'."
A cab? "Jesus Christ, what are you doin' out?" Mondo said with a start, sitting bolt upright beneath his sheets. They weren't supposed to be outside the campus at night, especially not this late, and if Ito was anything, he was afraid of getting caught breaking the rules. He heard his friend huff on the other end in response.
"Nunya. Now, please...can you, like, super-de-duper hurry? It's starting to raaaain..."
Shit, what was he supposed to do? He couldn't just let his friend be stranded somewhere in town. "Fuck, fine. Just text me the address." He swore he heard Ito giggle before the line went dead.
Mondo let out an annoyed grunt as he wildly slapped his hand on the bedside table in search of a hair tie. This really wasn't like Ito. Mondo, personally, had snuck off campus more times than he could count, but he was close enough to his friend to know that this was really, really uncharacteristic.
As he slipped his loafers on and swiped his motorcycle key from the table drawer, his phone let out a text tone. Then another. And another. Tonight was certainly going to be at least interesting.
The building was a step above a shack, probably one of the oldest izayakas Mondo had ever seen. He could almost taste the liquor in the air around it. From the looks of the one guy outside, though, it wasn't grimey enough to keep patrons away. His motorcycle came to a halt right in front of that person, whose hoodie was drawn over their head. Their sneakers were soaked from rain and a cigarette dangled from their lips.
The green strands of hair floating from the inside of the cowl were enough to give their identity away before they lifted their head to release the smoke in their mouth.
"Ito? What the fuck are you doing at a bar?!" Mondo's shout garnered Ito's attention very quickly, the man nearly jumping at the sound. His reply, though, was indignant. "I-I already, like...y'know, I like, TOLD you, nunya." Ito wobbled on the balls of his feet and nearly fell backwards, despite only standing in one place. As Mondo dared to step closer, the stench of cheap sake and tobacco filled his nose. He could feel bile churning in his stomach. Was straight-lace, anxious Ito really...
"Holy shit, are you drunk?"
"What, you gonna fuckin', uh, call my dad on me?" He punctuated himself by taking another long drag off his cigarette. This was worrying, to say the least. It felt like Mondo was exploring uncharted territory; some of the guys in the Crazy Diamonds pulled this kind of shit, but Ito?
Mondo grit his teeth behind his lips. "God, you fuckin' reek of booze, dude...and put that shit out, it smells damn awful." The drizzle around them picked up a little more, but the rain did nothing about the vice between Ito's fingers. Suddenly, that vile smoke was being blasted in his face, and Mondo let out a vicious cough. "Feels fuckin' gooooood..." Clouds billowed from Ito's mouth as he spoke.
Alright. That was enough. He was too tired and too worried to keep putting up with this shit. Mondo ripped the cigarette from his friend and crushed it in the palm of his hand. The burn from the still-lit tobacco felt like nothing on his calloused palms. "Hey, man! What the fuck?!" Ito slurred in protest, still gawking from the display, "That was, like, my last, uh...my last one!"
"Your lungs are thankin' me. Now, come on, get on the damn bike. I wanna go back to bed." Mondo stared Ito dead in the eye as he dusted the black remains from his hands...or, well, as much as he could stare into the eye of someone who's drunken vision was glazed over. His friend wobbled a little more and tried to glare, but ended up looking like a pouting child.
At last, he relented. "Fine..." With a huff, and a slump of his shoulders, Ito stumbled to the motorcycle. Finally, a little progress.
It wasn't a long drive back to the campus, but it sure as hell felt like it, what with the rain pelting them like bullets. Mondo always hated biking in the rain; the water would ruin his hair and undo all the hard work he put into it. Now, though, with his curled top tied back, the stuff was just shooting him straight in the eyes. He felt a little envious of Ito. His friend's face was buried into his back, safe from the onslaught from the clouds.
His long, spindly arms were wrapped around his waist, and Mondo thought he was secure until he felt his grip slumping, nearly falling off his chest. Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. He was dozing off. Thinking as quickly as he could, Mondo reached one hand behind him and slapped Ito's leg with a whip crack. His friend squawked and his grip returned with a vengeance, nails digging into his sides as he held on for dear life.
"Hey, don't fall asleep back there!" Mondo shouted above the rain, "You let go a'me, and you'll fuckin' crack your skull open on the street." Shit, Ito really was drunk if he wasn't yelling at him for that slap.
Instead, Ito just nuzzled deeper into his back, his lips moving against him as he mumbled, "M'kay..." The sensation of his friend's warm breath against the cold, wet skin beneath his soaked tank top sent tingles shooting up his spine. Mondo found himself about to protest but the words were strangled in his throat.
This is fine. He's probably just an affectionate drunk. It's harmless. Mondo chanted that three sentence mantra in his head over and over as he felt Ito's grip loosen. His safety hold on Mondo's torso was quickly evolving into some kind of embrace, and he felt more of those tender, warming sighs on his spine. As it got more and more difficult to concentrate on the road, the mantra only got louder in his brain.
As they left the school storage shed as silently as a sober babysitter and a drunk person could, Mondo saw Ito dig into the pockets of his jeans and his hoodie. He looked semi-panicked. Oh, God, what did he do now?
"Oh shit...oh shit, dude."
"I lost my fuckin', like...my KEY."
Mondo swore he could feel a migraine blossoming in his head as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You lost your God damn key, of course." Well, what now? Ito couldn't get into his dorm, and it's not like Mondo could just abandon him here. There was only one solution he could think of.
"Alright, whatever, you can crash in my dorm tonight. I think I got a sleepin' bag somewhere." Suddenly, a pair of long, skinny arms were thrown around his neck, and Ito became the world's most intoxicated necklace as he dangled gleefully from Mondo's neck. "Fuck yaaaay, slumber party with my bestest best bud, Ōwada!" Ito squealed as his legs kicked in the air. The volume of his voice was enough to make Mondo wince. "Jesus Christ, keep it down, you moron! Everyone's asleep!" he hissed.
Ito released him and dropped to the cement with a wet thunk. "Whoopsie doodle..."
The rain got worse as they made a perilous trek to the dorms, and it was extremely difficult to see where they were going, but somehow, eventually, they made it inside. It was difficult to minimize the tracks of water across the building floor, and Mondo prayed that they'd be mostly evaporated in the morning. Luckily, though, they didn't have too far to go, and in the blink of an eye they were in his dorm. Thank God, he was itching to get out of these dripping wet loafers.
"Alright, well, here we are. Just don't make too much of a mess, capiche?" Ito just seemed to wobble in a circle like a bobble head, a stupid grin on his reddened face. "Oh hot damn, I'm in Ōwada's room...where all his unmen'chibles aaaare..." He started to wander across the room when Mondo grabbed his shoulder. "Come on, man, at least get yer shoes off. Don't track mud all over the fuckin' place."
Ito blinked at him, and then sheepishly looked to the floor. "F-forgot."
"Yeah, I know you 'forgot' your key, dumbass---"
"NO. I forgot...I forgot how t'untie my shoes."
Mondo stared at him incredulously, his mouth hanging open in shock. "...oh, my fuckin' God." They must've served him some kind of memory-erasing cocktail. Or maybe he really was that far gone.
Ito gave him another wide grin. "C'mon, I'll give ya a biiiig kiss if y'help meee!" Fuck, yeah, he was completely gone. Mondo sighed as he pushed him to the bed. "Just...sit down," he ordered, exasperated, "Sit down and don't move." Ito did as he was told and plopped onto his sheets, peering down at Mondo uselessly while he undid the sopping knots of his shoes. Immediately when he got the first shoe off, all five of his senses were assaulted with the scent of a combination of nail polish remover and sharpies. "Fuckin' A, did you pour sake down your socks or somethin'?!" Jesus, if Ito wasn't gonna hurl by the end of this, Mondo would.
"Can't remember. Probsablyly."
Another irritated groan escaped through his grit teeth. Was this how Daiya felt when he was a kid and stepped in some shit and they had to get his sneakers off? At least Mondo had an excuse, then, for not knowing how to untie his shoes. Ito was just a damn idiot.
When his shoes were finally off and tossed by the door, Mondo rose to his feet. He should probably get him something, right? The pipes were probably still off for the night...he had a water bottle on the table. It was probably still good. Probably. "Alright. Okay. Alright," Mondo uttered, desperately trying to get some kind of mental hold on the situation, "Please tell me you remember how to drink before I get you some water." Ito scoffed and bounced himself off the bed so he could stand. "Oh, baby, I'm th'fuckin'...BEST at drinkin'."
Great. Mondo couldn't help but roll his eyes as he grabbed the water bottle. He took Mitsuo's hand and manually wrapped his fingers around the plastic, because God knows if he didn't, he might drop the fucking thing. "Here. Drink all a'this 'fore you do anythin' else."
Ito promptly ripped the cap off and swung it back, sucking down huge gulps of water at a worrying pace. Mondo balked as he witnessed this, helplessly protesting, "Holy shit, you don't need to chug it!!" But it was too late. His friend had gulped down the entirety of the contents in seconds.
"You wan'that kiss I promised ya...?"
That question came out of left field and smacked Mondo in the face.
He was frozen where he stood as Ito inched closer to him. "I been told I'm real good at kissin'...y'wanna fiiiiind out...?" His hair was down and a mess, and his glazed brown eyes were burning holes into his body. As drunk as he was, the way Ito was looking at him, his sight seemingly drinking in every part of him...it was almost sort of sexy---
Mondo immediately stopped his train of thought in its tracks and backed up a good three feet. No. No, no, no. "Okay...shit. Slow down, there, cowboy, you're...you're way too fuckin' drunk."
As Ito hobbled closer, the side of his hoodie sliding off his shoulder, Mondo brought his hands up, prepared to shove him if he needed. He needed to get him to sleep pronto.
"Y'wanna know a secret, Ōwada? Like a secret secret...?"
"...what?" Fuck, why did he answer? He shouldn't indulge Ito when he's like this! But it was too late.
"When I'm with y'like...like right now, my heart goes..." Ito's intoxicated brain seemed to struggle to find the right words. "...it does like a boom boom boom in my chest, y'know...? Like, so hard I feel it."
"It's doin' it again...I want YOU t'feel it."
Before Mondo could even properly react, Ito's hands were curled over his arm and bringing his palm to rest over his heart.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
It was like someone was knocking into his hand. The knocking, the thudding, the beat...whatever it was, it made Mondo release a sharp exhale, and his mind felt like a warm cloud had settled inside it. His heart. Ito's heart felt like it was beating for him. Mondo's body quivered at the thought even crossing his mind, and suddenly, he became aware of his own dull thudding in his rib cage. He wanted to hold him closer, just a little bit. Enough so maybe they could feel their hearts beat together. And Ito's pulse was so close; if his fingers trailed to his neck, maybe he could feel---
His senses came back to him violently with whiplash. Mondo nearly jumped back against the wall as Ito's flesh suddenly became a red-hot iron. Don't. No. He couldn't. What was wrong with him? "Okay. Shit, fuck, that's enough. Lemme find the sleeping bag, and---"
When he looked and saw Ito's face again, tears were streaming down his cheeks. His shoulders were shaking as he hiccuped, and his eyes were lined with red. Oh. Oh, no. "Oh, God, Ito, you good?" Mondo tried, daring to step a little closer.
"You're not...never gonna...I'm..."
His garbled speech was muddled and slurred, and Mondo could barely understand what he was saying.
"Hurts...hurts a lot...I just...all the time, I...you...you won't..."
Something was hurting him? "Ito...?" Mondo didn't know what to do. He could deal with lost keys and forgetting lessons from kindergarten, but he didn't know how to help him with this one. Mondo wanted to pull Ito into a hug, but God, who knows what would happen after that. Shit, he couldn't even figure out what was making him cry. And apparently, neither could Ito, because he promptly stopped crying out of nowhere, returning to his previous wobbly state.
Well, he must've forgotten what was wrong, which was alright in Mondo's book. As Ito absentmindedly wiped his snot on the back of his sleeve, he gave the biker another doofy grin.
"Mmm, sleepy..."
Sleepy was great. All Mondo wanted for the wildest 15 minutes of his life was for Ito to go to sleep. Now he just had to find that sleeping bag. As he opened the doors to his closet to search, though, he heard the rustling of his sheets. Mondo turned his head to find Ito crawling into his bed, still fully clothed and soaked to the bone.
"Fuck, come on, man, that's MY bed..." Mondo grumbled just as his hands found his sleeping bag. Ito didn't respond in the slightest, instead choosing to nuzzle his face deep into his pillow. Mondo swore he heard him mumble something as he curled into himself beneath his sheets...something about smelling? He wasn't sure, and right at this second, he was too burnt out to care.
"Fine...fine. I'LL take the sleeping bag. Jesus..."
When the bag was unfurled, he shucked his sweats off and crawled inside. Mondo's polyester surroundings weren't the most comfortable, but hey, better than nothing. He especially didn't want to risk crawling into bed next to Ito. At least, not when he's drunk...somehow, within minutes of him thinking that, Mondo was asleep for the second time that night.
Mondo was wrung from his slumber on the floor in his bedroom by the sound of someone being extremely sick in his bathroom. From where he was, he could turn his head to see his impromptu guest hunched over his toilet holding his own hair back. Oh. Cool. So it wasn't just a super bizarre lucid dream.
"Ito? Hey, you alright?"
Weakly, Ito flushed the toilet and rested his head against the side of the bowl. "I feel like I got hit by a fuckin' train, but I'm alive," he ground out.
Mondo couldn't help but chuckle as he pulled himself from the sleeping bag. "That's the important part."
Mondo watched as Ito crawled on his hands and knees out of the bathroom before he came to a stop beside his bed, wincing at the sunlight streaming in. Ito looked like hell, but at least he was safe on campus and not waking up in some alleyway.
"Hey...Ōwada, I didn't, like, do anything weird last night, right...? Besides losing my key..."
"...you stole my bed, but other'n that, nah. You're good."
It was probably better this way, him not knowing. Shit, if Mondo pulled half the crap he did, he'd probably be so embarrassed he'd die.
Ito's eyes slipped closed, like he was taking a break from the light. His hair was disheveled, and his lips parted to let out an exhausted sigh. He was...fuck, he looked pretty, like this, even though the smell of the bar and the cigarettes still hung on his clothes.
Ito abruptly stood, then, and almost limped to stuff his feet into his shoes. Mondo didn't really want him to go.
"Well, I'm gonna get outta your hair," Ito announced, "Either gonna try to call maintenance for a new key or pass out in the library...I'll decide on the way."
"Yeah, good luck, buddy."
Ito gave a tired wave back to him, and was about to open the door when he suddenly stopped. Mondo couldn't deny his heart jumping a little. His heart...fuck, his heart.
"Oh, hey, Ōwada?"
"Thanks. I...I owe you one."
Ito gave him another smile, before finally, he walked away, out into the hall. The door clicked shut when Mondo stood up. He was...sad to see him go. But why? Why was he thinking all this weird, fuzzy bullshit? Especially after last night...he should think Ito was gross, at least.
Mondo flounced on top of his bed, still damp from Ito's body. If he breathed in deep enough, he could smell the faintest bit of him lingering.
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Sleeping at Sleepy's
“I swear to fucking God Dinah if you try to make me go with you to that-”
“Chill out Mila damn, I just need help picking out a new mattress for once I move in with Mani,” Dinah cuts in as she finesses into the parking lot of the mall that Camila’s been taken to in the false claim of Dinah wanting to buy her dinner at Chipotle. Camila should’ve known there would be a catch.
“Fine but I got a solid hour of sleep, if even that much, last night so don’t expect my feedback to be helpful, I’m going to find every mattress ten times more comfortable than it is,” Camila replies as she unbuckles her seatbelt and pushes her sunglasses up on her nose so the sunlight won’t make her feel dizzy again.
She’d been up all night writing an essay on the French Revolution and the effects on the rest of Europe and blah blah blah she doesn’t remember the half of it, only that she had to turn it in by the class at eight o'clock in the morning. She’s finished the essay at roughly half past six, quickly proofread it, and fallen asleep with her head on the desk, only waking up about twenty minutes later when her wheely chair slipped further back and her body flew forward since the desk was no longer there to hold her up.
“Now Mila we only have an hour so we’re gonna lie on as many as these bad boys as we can okay?” Dinah says as they finally make it to the large, two story Sleepy’s in one end of the mall and walk towards the first set up, king beds.
“Dinah no offence or anything but king beds? You aren’t going to be able to afford this no matter how comfortable it is,” Camila protests after about twenty minutes of watching Dinah roll around to test out the bed. She’s tied them too but she’s afraid if she lies down for more than a minute she’ll fall asleep so she’s been bouncing back up.
“Let me live out my dreams Chancho okay? If I want to pretend I’m able to treat myself I will pretend I’m able to treat myself now you shut your mouth.”
Camila rolls her eyes and opens her mouth to argue back but she catches sight of something that makes her stop in her tracks. A light grey fuzzy blanket covering a twin sized bed, which may be small but woah that looks comfy. She can’t stop herself from wandering over towards it and is almost close enough to jump in and block the world out when she’s cut off by a group of kids running by.
“Damn kids,” Camila mumbles as they beat her to the bed and hop in, messing up the set up and getting their dirty shoes all over it. She’s about to yell at them because she’s lacking sleep and that’s so rude, what type of parents let their kids act like that in a store? Singlehandedly elongating the jobs of a few people and ruining products. Before she can yell though someone else cuts in and now her heart stops more than it did when she saw the fuzzy blanket.
She’s probably Camila’s age. Jet black hair, green eyes Camila can see glistening from feet away. She’s scolding the kids, but not in a mean way, just telling them to move and to find their parents but they don’t look scared, they look like they just talked to an angel and Camila’s pretty sure they did.
She watches as the mystery worker runs a hand through her hair in frustration once the kids are gone and begins folding. She watches as she tugs one of the sheets off the bed and goes to redo it since the kids had kicked it out of place, she’s going to watch her as she fixes the pillows to but Dinah chooses then to walk up and pinch her side making her yelp in shock and green eyes turns their way, locking eyes for a minute then going back to work.
It happens like two more times. Camila will spot the beautiful worker, get lost in staring at her then Dinah will drop something or roll of a bed and scream and the employee will catch her eyes and smirk before turning back to work as Camila scrambles to not blush and to help Dinah.
Finally Dinah starts looking at more realistically sized mattresses and they end up oer with queen sized and full. Camila didn’t mean to lie down for over a minute but she honestly couldn’t help herself at this point and it’s not like Dinah actually needs her help so when Dinah gets up she doesn’t bother following.
“I’ll be over here,” Camila mumbles as she sinks further into the tempurpedic bed. She vaguely hears Dinah say something back but she’s out before she can process it and her last thought is ‘maybe I shouldn’t fall asleep in a Sleepy’s’.
“Umm, excuse me?” an unrecognizable voice breaks into Camila’s sleep riddled brain.
“Mm,” Camila whines out as she clutches onto the sleep she’s finally getting and snuggles deeper into the warmth.
“Miss? Can you wake up please?” the voice speaks again and Camila starts to come to her senses a little bit, realizing the bed is much comfier than the twin bed in her dorm and the voice isn’t her roommates and- wait a minute it’s comfier meaning she should stay sleeping.
“Five minutes,” Camila mumbles out as she makes up her mind and decides sleep is necessary right now.
“Oh? Umm… yeah okay I’ll um… yeah,” mystery voice replies and Camila doesn’t notice it because she’s already drifting back to sleep.
“Hey, you kinda need to get up? It’s been like ten minutes instead of five and I would give you longer I promise and next time- if you ever fall asleep here again which I doubt but- next time I’ll let you have like an hour, but I have to close up,” mystery voice is back and Camila hears it clearly, the hand on her shoulder a moment earlier having been the thing to wake her up.
It takes her a minute to process what the voice has said, even though she hears it clear. Because you see, the voice is really attractive, like raspy and shy kind of and just really cute and hot together and Camila takes a few seconds to think about that. And then she takes a few seconds to wonder what’s the weight on her arm and how someone’s hand could be that warm. And then, finally she takes note of the words “I have to close up” and she suddenly remembers lying down on a mattress while Dinah talked to an employee and she doesn’t remember ever getting up and holy shit this is about to be embarrassing.
“Holy fuck,” Camila bolts upright and almost knocks the employee onto the floor next to the bed but luckily Camila had chosen to nap on a queen sized so there was room enough to save the fall.
“Sorry shoot did I scare you? I should’ve like eased your wake up and not just sat here and started-”
“No frick it isn’t you I’m just- god I can’t believe how embarrassing this is,” Camila groans into her hands and sits up more in the bed and runs her hands through her hair to neaten it up, hoping she doesn’t seem as much of a mess as she feels. “I am so sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep here and I probably made you have to stay longer than you usually would and, fuck I’m sorry.”
“Woah hey calm down it’s fine, really I had to go clean up some of the comforter’s anyways, kids messing them up all the time… really it’s okay, I wouldn’t have let you keep sleeping if it wasn’t,” the employee responds and Camila finally turns to face her and looks like her luck just keeps going up because this is the same girl from earlier that had taken Camila’s breath away. The same girl who probably caught her staring like twelve times with her jaw dropped in awe of how beautiful she is.
“I’m still sorry though,” Camila replies after a pause in not knowing what to say. “I mean, work sucks and having to wake some idiot up from her nap before you leave doesn’t help anything.”
“Well it isn’t too bad if it’s a cute girl and not some old dad,” the worker laughs and Camila laughs along and tries not to blush at being called cute. “Really though I figured you must’ve been tired if you were able to crash in the middle of a store so the least I can do is give you five more minutes when you ask.”
“Thank you then, I guess I was pretty exhausted,” Camila answers and accepts the mattress manager’s hand to help her up out of the bed. “I don’t know how Dinah convinced me to come with her anyways I mean I barely got any-” Camila stretches as she speaks but stops mid sentence because damn it where is her best friend? “Fuck, you haven’t happened to see another girl lingering amongst the mattresses have you? Tall, blonde, tan, obnoxious?” Camila questions because there goes her ride.
“Umm no, you’re the only one left in the store, probably in the whole building at this point it’s like… 10:30. Mall closed half an hour ago, I almost didn’t notice you since the store was cleared out like an hour ago,” the raven haired girl answers not exactly knowing why the other girl looks so anxious all of the sudden but then it clicks since she had just been talking about the friend she came with and she’s asking if Lauren has seen her. “Oh, umm… do you like need a ride or something?” she asks as she leads the way to the main exit.
“Umm… yeah I guess she must have left? Maybe she didn’t realize I was sleeping…” Camila trails off as she follows the girl down the flight of stairs towards the exit doors of Sleepy’s. She knows Dinah most likely left her there on purpose. Whether it was because of some plan to embarrass her once she noticed that she was asleep or if food or Normani had distracted her and she had left and assumed Camila would end up alright.
“I’m Lauren by the way,” the green eyed girl says once they make it to the doors and she has to grab her bag from the checkout area next to it before turning to face Camila with her hand outstretched for greeting even though they’ve been talking for a few now.
Camila takes the hand and smiles back at her, “Camila,” she replies and tries not to blush at the feeling of the soft hand in her hold.
“Well Camila I don’t want to come off strong or anything but if you really need a ride I have time to spare?” Lauren offers up in case she didn’t make the offer clear the first time. “I mean unless you live like an hour away… which actually I could probably still take you maybe if you needed a ride because ubers can be creepy at this time of night and also I wouldn’t want you having to wait outside since the mall security won’t let anyone inside the building past-”
“Lauren, Lauren calm down it’s not- I only live like ten minutes away in the dorms for University of Miami. So if you’re sure about giving me a ride I would really appreciate it,” Camila smiles and Lauren blushes because of her awkward rambling but nods in agreement before leading the way out.
It takes Lauren a minute of struggling to pull down the security gate for Sleepy’s and Camila smirks but holds in her laughter so Lauren doesn’t get embarrassed, plus if Camila ever tried to pull one of those down she’d either fall and look like an idiot or not be able to pull it at all and look like an idiot so she’s got to give Lauren props.
“So you go to Miami?” Lauren asks in attempt to make small talk as they walk through the darkened mall towards the main exit. “What are you studying?”
“Yes I do, I’m currently majoring in physical therapy and minoring in sports medicine,” Camila answers, feeling more badass than ever walking around an abandoned mall even if it’s because she feel asleep in a mattress store. If she ignores that small fact it feels kind of like she’s doing something sneaky or illegal. “What about you? I’m assuming the dream isn’t to sell mattresses forever? No pun intended,” Camila jokes and Lauren can’t hold in her laughter there obviously because dreams of selling mattresses? That’s genius.
“Not exactly no, I graduated from FSU last year, my dad got sick so I came back this year to help out with my little siblings but he’s better now,” Lauren explains and wonders if it was too much information but Camila just looks at her with interest so she assumes she’s okay to continue. “I took part in the nursing program though so hopefully I can get back on track for next semesters, I might look into a few courses at Miami so I don’t have to move back.”
“That seems like a lot of work this past year then, you know moving and helping out, I’m sorry about your dad but glad to hear he’s doing better,” Camila says as they push open the big doors and pulls her coat a little tighter around herself because even if it isn’t freezing in Miami there is always a chill that comes at night and since Dinah ditched her it is in fact night.
“Yeah it has been pretty busy but hey, at least naps on the job are easier, right mattress girl?” Lauren jokes and Camila laughs but also blushes and Lauren nudges her in the ribs and she blushes more because Lauren just touched her even if it was in the most platonic was ever.
They make it to Lauren’s car, a white Jeep wrangler, and hop int either side. Lauren is quick to switch the heat on and Camila is grateful for that because her cheap hoodie isn’t pulling any luck for her.
“Okay so I’ll drive towards the dorms and just tell me instructions on the way.”
Camila smiles when Lauren puts on The 1975 quietly while they make there way and they make small talk but not a lot, eventually they’re both humming along to the music and not caring about whether or not they really know each other, it feels comfortable.
Camila learns more about Lauren’s music taste when she lets Camila put on Ed Sheeran’s new music but they do argue over whether Shape of You or Castle on the Hill is better, eventually agreeing to disagree because obviously once you’ve made up your mind on that it isn’t going to change.
“Okay so it’s the first left then straight for a little bit,” Camila instructs as they pull into the dorms area. It’s almost eleven now and Camila had told her roommate Ally that she’d be back by nine but luckily Ally is a sweetheart and won’t be too mad, probably just worried sick.
“So what year are you?” Lauren asks, lowering the music so they can talk for the last minute.
“Junior,” Camila replies with smile as she zips up her sweatshirt in preparation for the awkward run up to the door of her dorm. “So you got two years on my but that’s nothing where it counts,” she jokes and Lauren laughs. “And it’s this one on the right.”
Lauren pulls up to the side of the road and both girls go quiet, not quite knowing how to end the night.
“I umm, thank you for the ride and everything,” Camila says as she turns in her seat to face the nervous looking driver. “I’m sorry I fell asleep at your job but also I’m kinda glad I got to talk to you sooo,” Camila trails off and Lauren lets out a laugh at her bluntness.
“Yeah I’m glad too, thank god you were tired or I would’ve been bored cleaning up, instead I was laughing at the girl who fell asleep in a mattress store,” she teases and Camila playfully smacks her arm as both girls laugh.
“Well I guess I should go,” Camila concludes and Lauren nods in agreement but neither girl looks way from each other. “Can I have your number? In case I want to order that mattress or anything?” Camila asks nervously but trying to keep her cool and Lauren sees right through her and blushes.
“Yeah umm… yeah here let me,” Lauren stutters out and looks for a pen somewhere, fumbling for a moment in the glove compartment but coming up with one. Camila holds out her hands and Lauren hesitantly takes it and pulls the cap between her teeth to write her digits on the smooth hand offered to her.
“Thank you, it was really comfy and all so I’ll probably call you soon, maybe discuss business over dinner this weekend?” Camila grows bold and Lauren blushes and nods.
“Yeah I’d umm, I’d like that.”
“Okay well um,” Camila breathes out and decides to go for it, leaning in to press a short kiss to Lauren’s warm cheek and grinning when the older girl’s blush deepens, “thanks again for everything, you Mount Rushmore,” Camila continues and laughs at Lauren’s questioning look. “Like cause Mount Rushmore is made of rocks? So I’m saying you rock, get it?” Camila elaborates and Lauren gives her a confused look before bursting into the cutest laughter Camila has ever seen.
“Goodnight Camila,” Lauren smiles teasingly, not addressing the horrible joke but giggling still at it as she studies Camila’s wide grin at her own joke.
“Goodnight Lauren,” Camila smiles back and opens the door, stepping out and shutting it before leaning into the window which Lauren opened as she stepped out. “I’ll see you around?” she bites her lip and Lauren nods before speaking again.
“If you ever need a nap or date or something, you know where to find me,” she jokes and Camila’s been smiling since like ten minutes ago and she thinks she’s going to really like Lauren.
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