#i saw it on auction😭
ncityprincess ¡ 1 year
after party
pairing: husband doyoung x wife oc
power couple kim doyoung and y/n unwind after work event. i was picturing this couple living somewhere like the hollywood hills or las vegas or something 😭 i think it’s a sign that i need to travel soon lol. anywho, enjoy this fic! ❤️‍🔥
minors do not interact
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the sleek luxury car zoomed down the highway, taking you toward the outskirts of the big city. your head rested on your husband’s broad shoulder as you listened to him hum absentmindedly to the song on the radio.
the two of you had just left your company’s annual charity auction. you and doyoung were lucky enough to work for the same company, and in the same department.
you two had met in college. you were eager to dive into the world of marketing since the very first day of freshman year. you had walked into the lecture hall with a smile on your face and wanted to choose the perfect seat for you to absorb every bit of knowledge the professor had to offer.
the other shy freshmen had taken the closest seats in the back of the room, most likely trying to avoid the professor’s sharp gaze. meanwhile you, and apparently one other marketing student, had chosen to sit front and center. doyoung moved his stuff out of your way as you went to take your seat, and the rest was history. you two had graduated together, applied for the same company, moved up the ranks, and eventually got married.
the darkness of the night set a romantic mood in the air. you looked out the window and saw the miles of mansions and land that stretched the landscape. it reminded you how far the two of you had come over the years.
the driver stopped the car in front of you and doyoung’s home on the hills and let the two of you out. you loved living in a secluded section of the city away from all of the hustle and bustle. it was a little slice of paradise that you would forever be grateful for.
doyoung reached into his wallet and grabbed some bills to tip the driver. you both thanked him, wished him a good night, and headed for the house. the slight night time humidity made your body feel warm and cozy. you slipped your hand into doyoung’s, allowing him to guide you towards the house.
“you have a good time tonight, darling?” doyoung leaned down and whispered in your ear. you felt a shiver run up your spine at the closeness. “yeah, tonight’s auction was so much better than the last one. the energy was incredible.”
doyoung squeezed your hand lovingly, “you’re right. it was a great turnout this time around.”
“and the moët was lovely too of course.” you smiled mischievously. doyoung chuckled and fished for his key to open the door. he guided you inside by the small of your back and locked the door behind him. you sighed and placed your purse on the couch. tonight was fun, but you were happy to finally be back at home.
doyoung quietly came up to you and kneeled down to help you take your heels off. you rested your hand on his shoulder to keep yourself from falling over in your slightly tipsy state. “man those things were killing me!” you exclaimed. doyoung grabbed your heels and placed them in the coat closet as you walked into the kitchen.
you reached into the cabinet to grab two wine glasses and grabbed a bottle of wine from the wine fridge. it was tradition for the two of you to unwind after a big event. you guys weren’t necessarily social butterflies, but your line of work required you to schmooze and mingle a lot.
you walked back into the living room and found doyoung manspreading on the couch with his suit jacket and button down discarded, leaving him in just his white tank top and dress pants. you couldn’t lie, he looked absolutely delicious like this. his black hair all disheveled in front of his face. his skin slightly flushed from the alcohol. you loved your hardworking man so much.
you set the glasses down on the coffee table and plopped down next to him. “the only thing i didn’t really like was the food. the chicken was super dry, and supposedly they brought in this five star chef to cater the event,” doyoung scoffed as he poured the two of you some wine. he handed you your glass and pulled your feet into his lap. you let out a relieved sigh as he massaged your sore feet with his free hand. “ok so it wasn’t just me? i kept trying to like, put some gravy on top of it to give it some moisture but it wasn’t working out.” you giggled. of course, the two of you were in sync.
“let’s make some real chicken for dinner tomorrow. deal?” doyoung smiled.
“deal!” you agreed before continuing. “oh! and did you notice how kara barely said two words to me? i think she’s still upset that the board rejected her proposal and went with mine instead.”
doyoung ran his hand up and down your shin soothingly. “oh well, she’ll get over it. your proposal was the best, which is why the board picked you.” he said matter-of-factly.
“okay, don’t gas my head up too much baby” you giggled. the two of you continued to sip on your wine and gossip about the night’s events. at one point, you had went into the kitchen to cut up some fruit to snack on.
“open” you said as you gently pressed a grape against doyoung’s lips. he flashed you a curious look and slowly parted his lips. you pushed the grape into his mouth and he ate it while keeping his eyes on yours. “mmm, these are delicious baby. my turn, come up here.” he patted his thigh, beckoning you to sit on his lap. you crawled on top of him got comfy.
doyoung took a grape from the bowl to feed you. “say ahh” doyoung said softly and placed the grape inside your opened mouth. you chewed it as seductively as you could and placed a gentle kiss on his lips after you swallowed it. “mmm, yummy.”
doyoung captured your lips in a heated kiss and moaned softly into your mouth. kissing doyoung was an out of body experience for you. he kissed like a starved man, yet he also kissed like he had all of the time in the world. like he wanted to savor you. make it last.
doyoung turned you around on his lap so that your back was pressed against his chest. you sighed and wrapped an arm around his head as he placed sensual kisses on your neck. doyoung growled lowly once he felt your hips grinding on top of his hardening member. doyoung slowly moved his lips up toward your ear.
“can you suck on these baby, for me?” doyoung whispered, grazing your earlobe softly. he held up his hand in front of your face and you quickly grabbed it with both hands, shoving his two middle fingers into your warm mouth. the intimacy of the situation made you continue moving your hips.
you noticed doyoung bunching up the long fabric of your evening gown up toward your hips so he could get to the spot he wanted to feel most. you eagerly lapped up doyoung’s fingers, much to his (and your) pleasure. doyoung’s hands were magical, you were sure of it! sometimes you’d find yourself staring at his hands while he’s doing the most mundane tasks just because they turn you on so much.
doyoung pulled his fingers out of your mouth, noting the way you whined softly at the loss. “oh don’t worry darling, we’re just getting started, aren’t we?” with that, doyoung shoved his hand into your lace panties and rubbed his fingers up and down your dripping slit. you bucked your hips against his hand, not expecting the sudden impact.
doyoung kept up his ministrations until he felt like you were ready to take his fingers. he slowly pushed his middle finger inside, followed by his ring finger. you let out a delicious whine, making him press a wet kiss against your neck. soon after, you felt his fingers speed up. you couldn’t help but bounce your hips up and down on his fingers, it felt so good.
“that’s a good girl, you gonna cum for me? huh? gonna cum all over my hand just like this?” doyoung teased. his breath and filthy words against your skin mixed with the harsh movements against your g spot sent you over the edge. you let out a beautiful melody of moans, throwing your head back against your husband’s shoulder.
doyoung finally pulled his fingers out of your body and grabbed your jaw roughly to plant a passionate kiss against your lips. you both moaned into the kiss, ready to feel each other even deeper. doyoung pulled your dress up over your head and laid you down onto the couch. you pulled your ruined panties off and watched as doyoung rid himself of his fancy clothes. his broad body loomed over yours, sending butterflies right where you needed him most.
“doieee, need you.” you whined, hoping it would get him to touch you quicker.
“darling, doie’s gonna take good care of you. you just lay back and let him take care of everything.” he purred out.
doyoung climbed back onto the large couch and laid down behind you so that you two were spooning. doyoung loved to fuck you forwards, backwards and sideways. but spooning was his go to position. he loved the intimacy and passion this position brought. he lifted your top leg softly, like you were made of glass. you shivered in anticipation and pressed yourself closer to his chest.
doyoung took his hard dick in his hand and ran it up and down your wet folds, still sensitive from your previous orgasm. once he finally bottomed out in you, he let out a prolonged groan, hands gravitating toward your soft tits. “god damn baby, you’re so tight like this.” doyoung praised.
he wasted no time building up a sharp and quick rhythm, each thrust making you let out high pitched moans. you and doyoung shared of moment of eye contact, relishing in the erotic situation you two were in. he stared deep into your eyes, loving how much you enjoyed being fucked like this, right on the living room couch.
“don’t you love having this big house all to ourselves, baby? we’ve really made a nice life for ourselves, huh? imagine if we had a few kids running around.” doyoung quipped.
your stomach felt like it was doing backflips, and you noticed your dripping core clench around his dick at his dirty words.
doyoung noticed it too.
“oh what’s this? think we should switch up the dynamic around here? maybe pop out a few kids, get you nice and pregnant so we can fill up this whole house?”
doyoung didn’t wait for you to answer as he rolled you over onto all fours. he kneeled behind you and took his length in his hand, slamming it back into your wet pussy. you both let out sounds of satisfaction, this new angle really penetrating you deeply.
“god you’re perfect, y/n” doyoung sighed and gripped your hips, making sure to pull you back down to meet his thrusts.
“mm, yeah?” you moaned out, turning your head back so you could admire his sweaty body putting in work.
“yeah baby. so perfect. so. perfect.” doyoung couldn’t hold on any longer. he reached his hand around your body to get to your aching clit, helping to finish you off. your breathing got shorter and choppier the closer you were to climaxing. you wrapped your hand around his hand that was working on your clit and came hard.
“babyyyy i’m cumming!”
doyoung let out a deep, guttural sound of pleasure and emptied himself into you. you whined as he continued thrusting into you, until you both finally had enough and he pulled out. you were completely spent, but you felt an intense feeling of love for one another. too tired to move, you allowed doyoung to lay you back down against his chest like you had before.
doyoung kissed the top of your head and caressed your hip. “i love you,” he whispered softly. “i love you too, doie” you replied gently. doyoung waited a beat before he brought the topic back up.
“….so about those kids…”
the end ❤️‍🔥
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cat3ch1sm ¡ 1 year
Alright, first things first, I hope you are doing fine and stay positive for anything in your life, I don't know you but stay safe and healthy^^
I kinda feel bad bc I have already requested from you and I don't want to pressure you.
But I need more Kurapika context bc I have already read everything about him on here and I wanted some more
Okay, onto the actual thing now😅
I still remember that scene when Kurapika comes in the hotel with the scarlet eyes on gift package and that idk-remember-his-fucking-name rich dude which he punched later (or before?😅) started talking shit and then he said "Idc who I kill right now".
So like, what if the Reader, who has no moral compass or anything( like a Zoldyck), gets seriously enraged and starts punching and kicking him until Kurapika tells them to stop (I love the clueless with morals x no morals and entirely devoted to them)
Take your time, I don't mind, and stay safe and sound ^^
Love ya🦋
🌿~ hello, my lovely insect hashira! don’t feel bad for requesting again, you can send as many requests as you’d like. here’s your request, ily<33
☕️~ also sorry if some things aren’t totally accurate to the actual scene and stuff😭been a minute since i watched that particular arc
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ gender neutral reader (may be fem!leaning), mentions of violence and blood ahead
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It was a dark night- literally and figuratively. The sky was a deep shade of blue, and it was almost midnight. But Yorknew City was far from at peace. The notoriously terrifying and powerful group of thieves known as the Phantom Troupe, or the Spiders, had just unleashed a brutal attack on the city’s largest underground auction, resulting in the disappearances and the deaths of hundreds. The whole city was in a state of chaos and panic, and the mafia group you worked for’s job was to be in the center of it- despite the state the city was in, you still had a job to do, and against all odds you’d managed to pull it off- along with your colleague, Kurapika.
Regardless of the success of your particular task, the walk back to the hotel was silent, the mood between the two of you grim. You were shaken by the loss of several your coworkers and the carnage you’d witnessed, while Kurapika, walking beside you, carried the item you’d won at the auction close to his chest, his eyes not even visible behind the shadow cast over his face. Inside the small box he held were the Scarlet Eyes- one of the only pairs left following the massacre of his family, the Kurta Clan. Despite how you may have been feeling, you knew for a fact he felt worse, knowing he was carrying the eyes of a dead family member, their memory disrespected and tarnished by the greed of the mafia.
Neither of you said anything while you were walking, the mood so heavy it seemed to weigh down on your throat, preventing you from speaking. You wanted to say something to soothe Kurapika, but you knew that really, there wasn’t anything you could say to help him, and you felt very sad for him as you watched him with his head low and his aura despairing.
It was then, though, as you two were crossing a bridge, that you saw a silhouette in front of you. It was Zenji, the short, pudgy man with a big nose and glasses that had been pestering you and Kurapika earlier as Nostrade’s bodyguards, appearing over and over again just to criticize you two and mock your skills and how young you both were, calling you both incompetent. It wasn’t necessarily a surprise that he was there all of a sudden, but you knew that it was absolutely the wrong time for him to be here. You stole a glance over to Kurapika, wondering if he saw the man in front of him, but his dark demeanor didn’t change, and he simply continued to walk.
As you two got closer to Zenji, neither of you acknowledging the man’s presence, he lifted his beady eyes and fixed them right on Kurapika. “Bastard.” He scoffed, his eyes narrowed. “You think you can just walk away?”
You figured he was talking about Kurapika’s blatant dismissals of Zenji’s insults earlier, and how Kurapika had punched him after he got a little too cocky. You guessed Zenji’s ego (and nose) had been injured, and now the idiot was here to get even. But Kurapika just kept walking, still ignoring Zenji. You knew he was in somewhat of a catatonic state after gaining the Scarlet Eyes, and you didn’t want this guy to agitate Kurapika further. So you chose to not engage simply for Kurapika’s sake, even though every muscle in your body screamed to beat this man to the ground.
He turned his attention to you now. “You too. Neither of you are getting off easy tonight.”
It took everything to not reply to Zenji, but you knew more drama tonight wouldn’t be good for you or Kurapika. So you didn’t acknowledge him, either.
Zenji was clearly agitated by being ignored, his jaw clenching as he let out a growl. “Tsk…”
Still no response from either of you.
Zenji, reaching his limit, finally reached for a gun strapped into his belt and pointed it at Kurapika, then you, then back at Kurapika. “Stop before I blow your heads off!”
The sound of Kurapika’s voice seemed to startle both you and Zenji, both of you turning abruptly to look at Kurapika. His voice was low and ominous, sending a chill down your spine when you heard it.
Zenji’s eyes widened with fear and fury, and he cocked the gun at Kurapika. “Don’t be-“
“Just stop.” Kurapika spoke again. Just then, you noticed an odd light from the corner of your eye- and when you hesitantly turned your gaze to Kurapika, you felt your stomach turn at the sight. His eyes were glowing a menacingly deep red, his hair hanging in loose blonde strands over his shadowy face. There were no words to describe the raw fury in his expression, and Zenji stumbled backwards in surprise, letting out a fearful gurgle.
“I don’t care who I kill right now,” Kurapika intoned, the glowing of his eyes only getting brighter and brighter as his rage increased. “And it might as well… be you.”
Zenji’s whole body was shaking now from pure fear, the only thing leaving his mouth incoherent croaks. The aura Kurapika was radiating was so intensely foreboding and malevolent that, even if it wasn’t directed at you, you couldn’t help your blood from running ice-cold. But once the trepidation settled in your stomach, you felt the anger begin to bubble up in your own mind. For someone to drive Kurapika to want to kill without cause… to awaken his fury like this- as Kurapika moved closer and closer to Zenji, who was frozen in his place, you knew instantly that you couldn’t let Kurapika go down like this. Zenji simply was not worth it.
And before you knew it, you found yourself flying at Zenji, fists raining down onto the man like a merciless hailstorm and your feet slamming into his doughy body with as much force as you could manage. Both you and him crashed to the ground, Zenji grunting in pain with every hit you delivered to him. You didn’t even really know what your goal was; all you knew was that you wanted to hurt him, swinging at the most painful areas you knew of: pummeling at his mouth, eyes, nose, and kicking at his crotch. Blood and saliva flew from his mouth as you managed to knock out a tooth, and his already injured nose began gushing blood like a waterfall. You clawed at his clothes and shattered his glasses, everything but a blur in front of your eyes.
Then, abruptly, you felt someone grab you from behind and yank you harshly from Zenji’s battered body, but you were still swinging, not ready to let him go. Zenji scrambled backward on all fours, blood staining his face and tie and his suit full of rips.
You struggled violently against the hands that held you back, twisting and thrashing in every way possible to try and break free, falling to the ground and taking Kurapika with you. “Y/N! Y/N, stop!” Kurapika shouted, keeping his grip on you despite how much you fought him. “Stop it!”
For a moment the words didn’t register, the only thing on your mind being Zenji, but when your rage-clouded mind cleared you remembered Kurapika’s voice, finally stopping your struggling. Kurapika let out an exhausted sigh. “There you go. Y/N, it’s just me- restrain yourself, alright?”
When you finally looked up at Kurapika, breathing heavily and body still heated with fury, his expression had faded from his previously seething one to a more melancholy expression. The anger was still there, of course, his eyes still a luminescent scarlet- but as he looked at you, you didn’t feel the anger as you had felt it earlier. You allowed your body to relax, slumping over a bit with your head resting on his chest. You both were sitting in the middle of the street, Kurapika behind you.
“Why did you stop me?” you asked, sounding exhausted yourself. Your fists were bruised, achy, and stained with Zenji’s blood. “I thought- I thought you wanted to kill him.”
Kurapika exhaled again, breaking eye contact with you and staring straight ahead. “It was just a warning, really. I couldn’t kill him because the repercussions would get in the way of my goals for the future.”
“So why didn’t you let me do it?” you pressed, genuinely perplexed. “I have no such compunction. I could’ve just killed him.” Your jaw tightened. “God knows he deserved it.”
Kurapika looked back down at you, the storm in his eyes settling a bit. “I’m not letting you kill anybody, Y/N- and certainly not him. He isn’t worth it.”
“Well, I don’t care,” you protested. “I still could have killed him. He doesn’t have any right to do anything he’s done to you.”
Kurapika didn’t say anything for a while, but when he looked back down at you, he had a smile on his face. Not quite a happy one, but not quite unhappy. “If I let you go after everyone who’s ever caused me pain, you’d be dead. So… just don’t worry about me, alright? And don’t do that again.”
You frowned, but reluctantly nodded. “Fine...”
Kurapika sighed again and wrapped an arm around your shoulders from behind you, letting his arm rest there. He didn’t move, the box containing the Scarlet Eyes sitting beside you. You just let him rest his chin on the top of your head. It seemed to help.
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unexpectedbrickattack ¡ 1 year
bro your pepperman and peppino comic hasn’t left my brain since i saw it. i just love the dynamic of a ginormous freak and peppino being both intimidated and flustered.. bro i wish there was more of those two
I should draw them some more bc i really like the dynamic ive written for them 😊 For u anon, i will share some minor (silly) thoughts ive had about them
-Pepperman absolutely has a little baby crush on this man. TEENY TINY. The kind of crush that means nothing- hes a little 💅🏾 and hes an artist like ur gonna be a little gay w all of the friends you make; thats just the way it goes 😭 Like Peppino is sooooo handsome and soooo strong and he can cook and hes smart and he doesnt stand down when confronted (he LOVES this the most). So people in Peppermans Rich Friend circle notice the complete 180 his personality does when Peppino is invited to outings. Its not that Pepperman is being weird and shallow or fake, its that Peppino is probably his First Friend that wasnt rich and snobbish in anyway. Some part of him really REALLY wants to impress Peppino and it makes him act a little ‘foolish’ heehee 😊
-Following up on this, Pepperman visits the pizzeria out of the blue like MONTHS after he first invites Peppino out for the art sessions and like okay maybe they are friends MAYBE…but like he is still kind of anxious bc the last time he came here he almost got his skinned so part of him is like ‘maybe hes only amicable bc feels obligated to cooperate within the walls of my studio…’ BUT he shuffles awkwardly into the shop and Peppino not only waves but SMILES at him while hes attending to a customer and Pepperman is like ‘HEEEHEEUHEEHOOO………….’
-Peppermans art is worth a fortune; he is very well respected in the art world and any pieces hes made (including self portraits) are absolutely stunning. His abstract art is as beautiful as his realism; auctioning them off and doing occasional commission work is how hes acquired most of his wealth. Because of this, it is a MASSIVE show of good faith and comradery that Pepperman will often gift art to Peppino. Unfortunately, Peppino will not accept statues or huge marble sculptures BUT Pepperman is delighted to see Peppino accept paintings and mini sculptures, even if he LOOKS a bit confused about it 😭
-SO… when Pepperman comes by the shop some weeks later, he is overwhelmingly excited to see one of his pieces hung up on the walls. The feeling of having his art fawned over in an art exhibit does not even BEGIN to compare to the excitement of seeing his art being displayed in this common mans shop. Its a portrait of Peppino, stylized, w some funky lookin colors. Nothing fancy or particularly evocative. Just. Peppino! Looking a bit wistful with colors winding around him.
Even Peppino is like (snrk) “Dont you have your fancy arts in a museum or something? Dont see the big deal ‘bout ‘a this.” But its HUGE its like…suddenly it is not just his muse entertaining his artistic vision…his muse VALUES his artistic vision………..it makes him SO happy. He thinks about it for days. Its like; he had no idea that this is what it felt like to have…inspiration and motivation from an Outside source. His art, while breathtaking, felt like it lacked something…Rich. Years and years of self reflection and introspection and Never expanding his horizons, never realizing he was Capable of expanding his horizons until now…he is just a lucky little pepper 🫑🌶✨
#answered#chattin#long post#peppino#pepperman#this is also why i refuse to make human designs for him and vigi bc otherwise i will Not be normal 😭😭😭#also i did not add this but i think it helps to know that pepperman is-#-younger than peppino. hes like. it is funny to try and age a fucking pepper#but comparitively he is like early to mid 30s#so hes technically a rich brat in peppinos eyes; just like the noise#but pepperman is more eccentric than bratty….#he IS a dick and hes brash and a bully and he dangles money over peoples heads#at least#he USED to#but peppino was a man with a failing business and his house on the line#and saddled w debt#and when given the opportunity to become RICH beyond his comprehension#he said ‘no. i want this shop. i worked for this shop and i fought for this shop. im not going to give it up after all that’#and he just. kept working! he comes to work early in the morning and he leaves right as the sun is setting#and he works on his expenses and utilities in his small little office in the back of his shop. hes just. some guy. who owns a pizza shop#and something about that like FLIPPED a switch in peppermans brain#and now hes a little obsessed…#well he was a little obsessed after he got his ass handed to him on a platter but now its a bit less Crazed and alot more Fond#hes fawning a little bit and he has no idea its happening#peppino knows tho heehee#but its sweet its not serious its just admiration and peppino can deal w that 😊
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gayshrug ¡ 5 months
pit babe ep 7 thoughts
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brain go brrrrrr
[- kinda unrelated but i've now watched boys journey and this entire cast is sooooo lovable and passionate. it makes me appreciate the work they put in so much more. i have to apologise to north and sonic simply because michael and topten are so sweet. funny coincidence that i actually thought their scene was hilarious this week]
- charlie really seems like he's come to terms with the fact that he might die because of tony/ their plan. he was so quick to tell babe he'd die for him (and i don't think it was tactical in a "he'd never say yes so i can use this to make him feel bad about it" kind of way) and was barely fazed by jeff's vision. like, this boy's #1 mission is to keep babe safe at this point. pretty fucked up but..... uwu
- i already said this in a text post but oh my god there HAS to be some kind of backstory to pete's infatuation with way. that was not the way someone behaves around a work acquaintance or someone you had a couple of drinks with. like, the way he looked at him 👁️👄👁️ WHAT DOES IT MEAN. did he legit admire him from afar when they still lived at tony's........ tell me everything
- kim's/ benz's manicured nails YES LORD they look so pretty. the duality is insane. i love everything about him. idk if it's a stereotype re: korean people in thailand (the honor/ pride theme) or what but i keep rooting for him harder and harder each episode. he truly does not take anyone's shit. he's legit willing to die for his principles and i appreciate that. didn't think our first kenta/kim encounters would be like this but i'll fucking take it. they can tend to each other's wounds, emotional and physical
- so. alpha/enigma breeding facility. human trafficking. ORGAN HARVESTING. tony really is a jack of all trades. have i mentioned that i hate how hot he is
- the charlie/babe encounter at the mansion KILLED ME. pavel does despair so, so well. i'm still not over the lip wobble and charlie's shock. like that boy was wholly unprepared for that scenario. he legit couldn't form a single coherent thought. relatable.
- everybody was so focused on the mpreg (😁) that i barely saw anyone talk about how jeff is also meant to be sold off at the auction 😭 charlie and kenta are keeping his location under wraps but like....... is tony that disconnected from xhunter...... like, jeff's gotta be in the background of one of sonic and north's videos right
- the toothbrush ad with way's depressed face and fake smile KILLED ME like these sponsors will really sign off on anything
- babe breaking down ripped me apart like. i don't wanna talk about it. i don't wanna think about it. him blaming himself for trusting someone for once in his life............ fuck. if it weren't for the FUCKING hypnotism, way would've done an alright job comforting him. had to stumble at the finish line as always, huh (nut is so good)
- babe waking up from his nap looking like a rumpled baby chick tore me to pieces. that is my sweetest, loveliest boy.
- the confrontationnnnnnnnnnnn. i feel like a lot more could've been said (charlie...... use your words.....) but i'm making my peace with it happening off-screen. that aside, i loved their back and forth and babe's emotional turmoil and charlie's desperation but also calmness. like, charlie is set on his goals and he wants babe there with him but he'll attempt to take down tony no matter what. he has intrinsic motivators but his love for babe is a driving force as well.
- mpreg! mpreg! mpreg! i, too, want to breed babe's pussy. but if i can't, at least charlie shoots his cumshot every chance he gets
- charlie's backstory 😞 God, no wonder all of tony's kids are so emotionally complicated. babe and way are "too" emotionally volatile, charlie and jeff are "too" closed-off.
- idk what is is about the intimacy between charliebabe but i don't ever get sick of it. i could watch them make out or trade little pecks for hours and never get bored. there's just always that drop of devotion and ~getting lost in each other that i adore more than anything else.
- that being said, charlie having a comeback with the mommy/daddy kink mere minutes after he told babe that he was at risk of being forcibly impregnated SENT ME. girl your timing 😭 keep that knot down
- just a little thing but i loooooove love love how messy the back of charlie's head always gets whenever he and babe make out like. the hands keep handsing hard. puppy.
- OK listen. i was willing to tolerate the friendship revival between babe and way at least partially but WHICH SANE PERSON. brings red roses to a dinner the literal day they're under the impression that their best friend is going through heartbreak. like. CAN YOU BE NORMAL. CAN YOU JUST BE A FRIEND. planning to shoot your shot when you know your bestie is emotionally devastated is sooo vile (affectionate) (i love nut too much to seriously hate way but it's a close call)
- riding dick in a convertible. i am so sorry to say that no other show has ever been this consistently iconic. i need the fucking boxset. and i need that scene (minus the soundtrack) tattooed to the insides of my eyelids. babe was really throwing it back in the middle of a random street. AND it was charlie's idea. "let me help you relieve stress" but babe's the one bouncing on it......... the powerbottom/pillowprincess dilemma
- sorry to keep harping on this but when babe had to grip the headrest while breathing like that....... pavel you're so sick and twisted
- alan being the voice of the masses as always. also......... sailub in tanktops or w/e is my weakness
- sonic and north gossiping like that KILLED ME like. babe was on the other side of the glass door the entire time kings 😭 north..... i'm sorry to say those slaps and punches were deserved
- THE PREVIEW. jeff overhearing tony and (possibly) way??? the destroyed hotel room with blood on the mirror? charlie throwing himself in front of babe to protect him as always?????? DOMESTIC ALANJEFF? whose mansion is that..... is alan that loaded? or is that someone's safehouse??? northsonic developments? way being a little bitch? winner with a GUN? charliebabe trying to escape...... a hotel while dressed like they work at a casino? what isn't happening next week holy fuck
also the outtakes...... pavel ☹️ you did so well
tl;dr: still so fucking glad i get to experience this weekly. the FUN. the ANXIETY. the HORNINESS. i love it here.
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delopsia ¡ 6 months
I saw this post today abt how all the best horses go to heaven with no tail because their person couldn’t bear to be without them and cut the tail hair off to remember them by. And it’s got me emotional because Rhett is totally the kind of man that would go to auction and find horses that are really old/not doing well and he would give them all the love and care for the rest of their lives no matter how long or short their time is with him. And he would 110% keep every horses tail because every horse deserves all the love
And now I’m crying over this
You cannot do this to meeeeee 😭 Rhett and having a whole wooden box of tails, with their little nametags and photographs to remember their faces by. He begged his dad not to sell the old ranch pony, Peppermint, when he was little because they all knew she would wind up in a bad place and had to work extra around the ranch to pay for her feed as a result.
It's an odd little snowball effect; after Peppermint, he finds an old mare that wandered up on the property and keeps her when nobody claims her. She only has six months left in her, but she's the sweetest little thing, and one way or another, she's referred to as Sweetie until her last day.
Then there are the two donkeys that Royal brought home from an auction. didn't know they were sick until that weekend, and the vet's only suggestion was to end their suffering. They didn't have names, but Rhett kept their tails anyway.
He bids on a horse with a broken leg that the owner tried to conceal and makes sure to call the vet that the sheriff uses after he wins. It's expensive and the longest night of his life, but he doesn't regret sitting with that little two-year-old until the pain finally left their veins for the last time.
When he has ranch space of his own, he starts taking in old ranch horses from the surrounding area, giving them a nice pasture until their time comes. Collects binders of pictures and memories and talks about them like he'd known them since they were born. If he's lucky, he'll move up near a tourist town and open up a small business that lets visitors spend time with the old fellas. Sharing their stories and making sure their memory will live beyond their last breath.
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notyouraryang0dd3ss ¡ 8 days
"These aren't bad lyrics you just took them out of context 😭😭😭😭" and then the context just makes it worse. I can't handle it. The line could be "the sky is blue" and the full context is "I looked at the sky/ the sky is blue/I saw the sky/ it was a color/ bl-UUUE" like it's still trash. Now it's long winded trash. There is no difference in the 2 messages there's nothing to clarify. Like, I hated English but I did well and her lyrics are so generic. They sound like she got a 9th grade assignment prompt. "Write a short story containing a keychain, a car, and a fork" "write a rhyming poem about your summer" it's all so juvenile. Anybody can put a few deepish lines in their essays every once in a while. It'll still be a c+ essay if you're talking in circles until you hit the word count. She's a C student who doesn't take the notes then complains that the teacher is out to get her.
That’s the word! The lyric is juvenile. Taylor Swift demonstrates she does not understand how racism works not only then but now.
Chattel slavery was an economic system built upon the kidnapping and exploitation of west Africans. Reducing anyone who participated in this economic system (enslaved Africans did not participate, they were exploited and abused) to simply “racist” is an injustice to enslaved Africans. It dismisses the violence slave traders, masters, auctioneers and more committed as a microagression rather than participating in a violent economic system rooted in the dehumanization of Africans.
You cannot remove chattel slavery from the 1830s, like how you cannot remove the Trail of Tears, like how you cannot remove the Gold Rush. These historical processes shaped daily life during this era she’s choosing to romanticize.
So yeah, the lyric was juvenile at best and bait at worst to get people talking about her album. Whether her ignorance in the line is deliberate or not, she relies on bait like this in her music to disguise its her underwhelming and below average songwriting.
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seraphicalsuccubus ¡ 1 month
I have never read the princess bride but have seen the movie and it's one of the greatest films of all time.
Your story about the book just is beautiful I hope you enjoy carefully reading it
I strongly encourage you to read it !!! it’s such a good fucking story, my god. it’s been my favorite book and film for over 20 years, ever since I first saw it as a child and then begged my mom to let me read her copy of it when I was a little older and could understand more of it.
I fell in love with the story so fast. like, the film is obviously fucking stellar just absolute PRIME and a love story for the ages, like total fucking fairytale fucking elegance. but the book ??? my god. it’s on par with the Hobbit, my other all time favorite singular book, and the Dragonlance Chronicles. at least, the main trilogy of the Chronicles. I actually used to have a GIANT, like we’re talking a little over 1,300 pages, almost FOUR FUCKING POUNDS OF BOOK THAT’S LIKE 3 INCHES WIDE with nearly 10 inch tall pages packed full of small font that is also annotated by both authors, has a bunch of not only full color but also glossy like photo-esque illustrated pages, and was even signed by Tracy Hickman himself because one of my mother’s good friends bought and got it signed for me at a convention he went to just because he knew how much I loved those books and how often I begged my mother to let me read the three she had on her bookshelf so he bought me my own special collector’s kinda copy. and I don’t know what happened to it 😭😭😭 I have to buy a fucking new one and it won’t be signed anymore and I’m so sad about that. I think it’s up in my mother’s attic with all the rest of my books from when I read like non-stop every day so I’ll never see that or my red leather bound with a red leather box sleeve, a huge fold out and very detailed map at the back, LOTR 1976 collectors edition that was given to me by my grandmother on my father’s side again either lmao 😢😩 (just looked online for prices on both those books and I’m 😭😭😭 because Chronicles is like $95 for the hardcover on Amazon, and the correct 1976 LOTR red leather edition is up for auction with bids starting at fucking $250 with considerable amounts of wear and tear from use/heavy reading. it was definitely a well loved book, but I’m not willing to spend that much on a damaged edition of it, so I will not be getting my hands on that version again. maybe the Chronicles though, one day 🥺)
but, anyways, I do still REALLY wanna read the series him and Margaret Weiss made of the twins. I just NEED to learn more about Raistlin and his Test™️ and Caramon and everything that goes into their backstory more because I never got around to getting my hands on that collection of Dragonlance books.
ANYWAYS wow i fucking RAMBLED I’m SO SORRY omfg ASJDKDHSJD if you read all this, I feel bad btw if you did lol, but I hope you’re having a good day and that this weekend wasn’t too bad for you at least !!! ☺️
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devilbrakers ¡ 3 months
KNOCK KNOCK 👁️👄👁️ PLEASE can i get a 3, 5, and 10 or 11 for jasper my best friend jas <33 OH AND a sneaky 15 >:3
3. How does your detective personally feel about M’s pet name? And with it now being used unsarcastically in the Book 3 demo, has that changed?
It pissed them off SOOOOO bad in book 1 which is funny to me. But now they have more mixed feelings on it. On one hand, they like it now that it isn't sarcastic bc no one has ever used a pet name for them before (at least with any genuine affection behind it) but that also means Mason holds genuine affection for them which is scary FJDSKLF. Jas is fond of him but not in love yet since they take a long time to really form genuine connections with people. It's not really something that's much of a roleplay option (from what I remember. I have soup brain so it very well could be 💀) but in my mind palace, it is.
5. Saying that M has the carnival picture, how do you think your detective will react once they find out they have it?
Really depends on when it's revealed. At the beginning of book 4? Jumpscare, truly. While Jas is sentimental, they certainly didn't expect him to keep it. They probably wouldn't have at the time. So to see that he did would make them a little guilty but also some warm fuzzy feelings they're not all that familiar with. Later on though, they'd think it's endearing.
11. If on the Douglas route, what is your detective’s feelings on this? And how do you think M feels about this?
SOOO I think Jas is on the Douglas route? They don't really interact much with Bobby bc they think he's annoying jfdklsf and there's no prior connection. But they like Douglas even if he grates on the nerves every once in a while. But Jas is understanding of his situation with being the mayor's son and whatnot, and thinks that he has some potential. As for how Mason feels? I truly don't think he'd care that much bc it's purely platonic and it's not like he rly talks to Douglas 😭but i could be wrong
15. What is your detective’s relationship with Rebecca like? If they saw the conversation that she has with M before the end of Book 2, what would they think?
Abysmal LMAO. Jas tries to keep it as professional as possible but just seeing her keeps all those wounds open, you know? They can't forgive her, at least not at this point in time. Being neglected like they were really just... fucked them up (which showed more in their youth) and they hold that against her. It's just hard not to feel like that sad, angry kid again when she's around but they're usually able to keep it in check. EXCEPT for that scene in book 3 where you're getting ready to go the auction. Jas cried talking abt that birthday which was incredibly embarrassing for them since the team was listening 🚶🚶🚶
As for the conversation with Mason: her trying to be any sort of involved with their personal life would piss them off pretty bad even if she wasn't rly prying from what I remember. It's too little, far too late.
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sioneve ¡ 5 days
Love Live Shopping Haul
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this arrived last week… Love Live artbook by one of my favorite illustrator, Noizi Ito-sensei…. 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏
I started a new segment #sioneve blog because I need a place to VENT MY FANGIRLING........ twitter limits my fangirl capacity due to that word limit
THIS IS REALLY special because i have been following noizi ito-sensei since the beginning of my exposure to anime (thank you shana & haruhi). And kid you not, i was surprised to find out that she draws a lot of Love Live Art
honestly i haven't found much information if Ito-sensei is actually part of the official art team? Because for a fan she sure draws Love Live a LOT… which i'm blessed for that (Reading her message in the artbook, looks like only a fan, but she did a cover art for Love Live Anthology)
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this is her illustration that broke me, I remember I made a post about it on facebook
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Here are some of my favorites from the artbook!
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AND THIS IS THE MAIN STAR ☺️ nkmk doujin by the nkmk god itself, the one and only ooshima tomo-sensei ☺️🙏
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tbh ooshima-sensei works aren't really my cup of tea. i can't feel the love between the pair if you get it??? maki is way too hornY and aggressive 100% of the time (in GL i prefer fluffy, soft, pure love & fuwafuwa and thats why you'll never see me making NSFW) + had to tape it because i don't want people in my house to accidentally open it 💀
But this Crystal Sugar and Machine Gun Series is so good, had a nice story build-up, superb angsty story and superb art. So this one is an exception, thank you for your service
Extra I bought it all secondhand, fortunate enough there's a local marketplace that put these gems up for auction. It was posted a few months ago and I just saw it this week, I thought I was too late BUT THEN THESE BOOKS WAS STILL AVAILABLE! Is this destined to be my possesion?? ahh I will treasure it I'm starting to get actively collecting Love Live merchandise now that I can earn my own money, hopefully I can make a Maki shrine this year
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sarahhillips ¡ 11 months
And I’m at it Again, I’m Toasted Watching Liberty’s Kids
United We Stand
To think from the opening montage that Benedict Arnold was supposed to be a role model for Sarah and then he turned his back like that.
Oh fuck this is the episode with the tarring and feathering.
“Leave your politics on board!” Is the same thing parents tell their kids before Thanksgiving.
Would you like a live chicken sir
“And passions, as you know, can makes mens blood run hot.” So, she is a dragon girl. Give her a dragon.
Henri hanging off the press handle 😂
“Facts can be stubborn things.”
That dude did nothing wrong and James is sick in the head for thinking that that’s funny.
James, you’re being a dick. Listen to John Addams.
DaggerQuill sounds like a 4chan username.
Moses is like ‘Oh lawd with this boy’
Sarah being just as excited about seeing the new land as her dad.
Henri the sheep whisperer 😂
Patrick Henry rocking that plum coat.
Hey mom I just met my bestie Mrs. Addams
Sheep to the rescue! 🐑
Omg James not the sailor guy again
Ok Dr. Sexy
James how did you know that tars that hot
Moses is like ‘Oh we going in there to see him.’
Well, now you know James
Sarah saw the redcoats acting out of line and said ‘We’re not doing this shit today’.
Sheep: 1 Redcoats: 0
Liberty or Death
“James, we’re going on a roadtrip.”
Moses is ballsy af
James doesn’t bathe and that doesn’t shock me.
“Omg road trip? We’re totes coming!”
I could never imagine pushing a wagon up a hill like that.
Lady Phillips also wears a golden locket so I’m sure Major Phillips got both of them lockets.
Sarah’s like ‘This place is nice’ then sees the auction block and is like 👁️👄👁️
And then Moses goes off by himself like he doesn’t have a target on his head in this town
Nooooo poor Cato 😭😭😭
Sarah, why didn’t you hit that man.
Harrison is a c*nt.
I’d like to know more about Cato and Moses as children.
Patrick Henry craves violence
Cato already has his mind made up about being a regular character on the show
The cup of liberty? Sounds refreshing. I’m thirsty af.
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shuro ¡ 6 days
fun facts about my neopets!
mostly like, how i got them! bc idk why but i keep all this information tucked in my brain all the time
weetjetokje was My Very First Ever Xweetok rescued from an 18 year old account that i thought was lost to time until i submitted a ticket and was able to get it back! as soon as i got her, i vowed that she'd never leave my side again and painted her starry! i believe i rescued her from the pound shortly after creating my account, since she's around a week older than the account itself.
bliaz was a gift from someone i can only imagine was a former unconverted trader who just wanted their former UC plushie cybunny to go to a good home. they randomly messaged me after seeing my board post looking for one and just offered to adopt her out to me 😭 she was born in 2001!! she is my oldest neopet
on the subject of gifts, the following other pets were random gifts:
Northdawn - the thing that sold me on keeping her was the fact that she's a royalboy grarrl, but her gender is female. i LOVE royal pets with funky genders, this is a thing with me (Jittomiru is also a female royalboy pet!!)
i gained a reputation for being a Xweetok Fanatic on the neoboards, and thus quite a few people just Gave Me their painted xweeetoks bc they knew i'd give them a good home. this includes:
who were both given to me/traded to me by the same person! she wanted Snomad to go to a good home so she struck me a good trade deal, but she just gave Soahpe to me! :3
Mortanio has a similar origin story in which another person on the boards who LOVES xweetoks had him, but wasn't feeling inspired by his character. so they agreed to trade him to me on the premise that i keep him as a permie since i was looking for a halloween xweetok at the time!
Lilovia also was obtained like this!! she was technically my third robot xweetok i owned, and her previous owner agreed to do a robot xweetok nameswap with me bc i told them i'd keep Lilovia as a permie!
star_saver was a pound rescue who i saw was stuck in there since 2015 on lost and pound. it made my heart hurt bc his name was so sweet, so i exchanged one of my pets so that someone would rescue him from the pound, paint him relic, then trade him to me. (this is a weird arbitrary rule neopets has regarding trading pets for customs. don't worry about it)
i got InfernalCreature and Muimie from the same pet auction house last fall! this is a recurring bit where i will walk into a random pet auction house (or pah for short) and leave with one or two permies i didn't intend on getting.....i don't know why but these are the ones i usually end up latching onto the strongest too????!
i spent like a week THROWING all the fodder i found at FireEmblem's former owner before something struck their fancy and they agreed to trade him. i then rejoiced for like a month afterwards. he was the reason i got into neocash trading! bc i kNEW he needed to have a kickass custom to match his name.
prince_curse was another pound rescue who i had painted darigan then traded to me. i actually did trade him once in a pah, but i immediately regretted it and traded him BACK when i saw him listed in another pah :'3
Yhgo was obtained through a giveaway from a little group called "Second Chance Robotics" on the boards! they zap pets robot and then adopt them out to people! they were celebrating a milestone in their group, so they were giving away a robot draik to celebrate. robot draiks are notoriously tricky to obtain, as you can ONLY get them via the secret lab ray. i ended up applying and i wasn't chosen. BUT! the people in the group loved my application so much, they agreed to send me a completely DIFFERENT robot draik! and that's how i got Yhgo! :D
i think i might have rescued TroubledAngel from the pound bc i really wanted a stealthy gelert and that name just SCREAMED edgy guy to me. i used my premium perk to paint him stealthy bc this was back when stealthy paintbrushes were REALLY expensive
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silverloke ¡ 12 days
sobs lol i know i shouldn't check the mlp auctions but i still do and i'll never learn
ANYWAY the incredibly pretty baby cherries jubilee is on auction and is currently on like $50 which is kinda cheap for her but i remember the time i saw an auction with her for $40 BUT I DIDNT BID because nobody else was and i thought it was a well-made custom bcj because what if other people saw the custom paint job when i didnt lol anyways when that auction ended unsold it went up again and somebody else snagged her 😭😭😭😭 anyways long story short i don't have $50 and even if i did i couldnt afford to spend it on a plastic 80s toy atm because of that pesky no-job thing lol </3
being a collector is hard </3
(seller has baby hopscotch as well and i'm most definitely following that auction to see the end price to see how much mine is worth now, because atm she is on for way too cheap)
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eclipsedsuns ¡ 3 months
I just saw what d20 is doing for an auction of their minis and stuff from fantasy high and I already thought it was so cool and then I saw they’re donating everything to the Palestine children’s relief fund and I’m so 🥺
i know and i love them so much😭😭😭. also i’m going to spend $10,000 on a corn cutie
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eileen-crys ¡ 3 months
Mary sold garden lodge 😭😭😭
Yeah I saw... it's sad, but no surprise after the auction. I just hope whoever buys it will be considerate enough to respect that the wall and the green door are placed of pilgrimage for Queen fans, and will keep the villa private and tidy.
I'll always hold to the opinion that Mary should've given Queen-related items (MV outfits, lyrics and recording books) directly to the band for an eventual Queen museum NOT in GL, it's a shame that Montreux will keep having replicas of his outfits because she's been stupid and never gave a shit about the band.
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bastardblvd ¡ 1 year
just saw this post about grindtown... & wanted to give my 2 cents...
it's a coffee shop on the first floor... but if you pay extra, you'll get access to the real grindtown - which is on the second floor & up... the real grindtown is a strip club... where our lovely slimeballs strip & dance in order to be auctioned off for the night & please us lovely readers / viewers.
i like to think mei mei (from jjk) runs it. she started it after gojo lost a bet & he became the first employee.
i also like to think she told toji she'll give him 5 bucks if he gets her at least 10 hot guys to work there. & toji just kidnapped 10 other slimeballs that he deemed attractive & took them to mei mei.
i think makima might be the co-owner alongside mei mei.
IT'S LIKE A SPEAKEASY 😭 you have to answer the barista's riddles three to be granted access to the main attraction. ALSO MEI MEI GIVING TOJI $5 TO KIDNAP MEN FOR HER CLUB HJFSDKSL HE'S LIKE WELL SHIT... the funniest part is toji having to select guys that are 'attractive enough' like who is he picking? what is his taste in slimeball men and why is it slimeball!shiu?
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cherienymphe ¡ 6 months
girl so you wouldn’t give it up for like 5k..? cus ngl i think i would..but it def depends on the guy. like if find him attractive then i think i would 😭 but if he ugly and i wouldn’t even look twice in his direction if i saw him on the street idk if i’d do it at all or maybe i’d do it for like 50k like you said..
If I was experienced yeah but girls be auctioning off their virginity for much more than that
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