#i say this 100% as a joke -- i understand anyone who's upset bc i have been there and i get it
robotsandramblings · 6 months
"well that episode didn't answer anything"
well sometimes i don't need answers. sometimes i just need hot girls and hot guys doing hot girl shit and hot guy shit and a can of whoop ass with a dash of laser sword 🤷
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thehighladywrites · 9 months
How would the acotar boys react and comfort a asexual reader?
acotar men x asexual reader
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summary: you’re asexual, how do the acotar men react?
warnings: mentions of violence
amara’s note: thank you for the request anon, i hope you like it💗💗
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Rhysand, Lucien
They understand perfectly well
Are proud that you told them and it honestly just prompts them to spoil you even more, to be more romantic
They understand that sex isn’t something everyone desires or want, especially after what they went through Under The Mountain.
Will fight ANYONE who says anything about it
They just focus on the other parts of your relationship bc they’re not animals who are only in it for the sex
They let you take control and if they do something that accidentally crosses your limits, they make mental notes of not ever doing it again unless you initiate it
They act like they always have, just with new guidelines
Your love hasn’t changed or decreased in any way
We all know this guy is very handsy and touchy, bro exudes sexual energy
He notices how you look kind of apprehensive and back off when he initiates something that will 100% lead to sex
I feel like he would be a bit conflicted when you tell him bc he views sex as something intimate and super casual, something he enjoys doing.
But he doesn’t like sex nearly as much as he loves you so he researches more about it and adjusts
You sit down with him and explain your feelings
He asks if he can kiss you, touch you, hug you, where your limit is and you explain where you draw the line
He realizes that he can’t joke and tease like he usually does bc his words and smooth actions bring women to bed with him
He doesn’t mention it because he doesn’t want you feeling conflicted or upset so he tones the secual jokes and innuendos down
If he ever feels turned on or something, he’ll jerk off privately bc he can’t imagine ever making you uncomfortable so he does it unnoticeable
He also picks up a new hobby with you to fill the space where he usually fucks
Whatever hobby you guys pick up, get becomes an expert in, literally anything
Azriel, Eris:
In my head, sex isn’t life or death for them, they manage without and it doesn’t affect them
They are very busy anyways
When you tell them that you’re ace, it makes no difference, only makes them more romantically charged instead of sexually charged.
They understand and recognize that a relationship is beyond sex.
There is love, care, banter and a lot of feelings involved
if anyone even ATTEMPTS to say something about it, they will most likely die or get seriously injured
Seriously, they don’t play when it comes to defending their love
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🏷️ tags: @infinityfandoms @amygdtjhddzvb
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poswiecenia · 9 days
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NAME: da name is miles. sometimes called kilometers as a joke , ive had the alias satan before ( stemming from the hetalia rpc from all things , we don't talk about that era ) and uh. yeah ? milays. a single mile. 
PRONOUNS: he / they baybee. 
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: usually discord but if i would rather keep distance until i can figure if we can get some dynamics going it'll likely be through the tags of posts or tumblr im's. 
NAME OF MUSE(s): man. looks at my roster. c'mon now LOL. go here to find out but my main braincell has lumine in it thank u
BEST EXPERIENCE: thinking emoji. probably running into jamey and those currently in my affiliates and developing various oc's and interconnecting plots and stuff that have found their way to the dash itself. its been super uber fun thank u.
honesty when it comes to communication if something isn't a vibe to write anymore. it doesn't save fact not to say anything , it just makes situations even more dire or worse since it begins to pent up and then explode into something really bad. just be honest with what you do wanna write vs what you don't wanna write anymore. while yeah it might upset some people .. lack of communication isn't a price to pay for losing friendships or wild shit going down.
singleshipping. i can't due to trauma. and those who give the vibes that my muse interpretation is theirs and only there's but in a way that makes it uncomfortable ? miss me with that, thanks.
MUSE PREFERENCES: those that have gone through shit but are still able to be kind in some capacity even though it would've been understandable to see them crack and be cruel. characters with morally gray morals and don't see the world as a black and white slate. muses that are also full of sunshine and are innocent and haven't gone through the world to ruin that for them. characters that have a position of power or have immense power themselves and will do anything in their power to keep others safe. sad dads. old men who are tired.
PLOTS OR MEMES:  to begin things i'm usually partial to memes to get things going just due to my own braincell being unsure just yet but once things get going and im like waow this is super cool and will work . . plots fr. both are good and fun but something tickles when i can plot af.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: both. sometimes i wanna just do itty bitty meme responses and sometimes im totes down to clown with long form replies that are 1k words long or smth.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: honestly whenever. late in the afternoon into the evening sometimes flies more but its very ??? just dependent on my mood ig. sometimes i'll write 4 things then take a nap for 6 hours and then write 4 more LOL. 
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):  some of my muses i kinda place bits of my brain into but uh ??? probably my oc's im most like bc i put pieces of my hopes into them. but beyond that idk i don't think any single muse i write is like. super like me 100%.
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tagged by: @glacialswordsman + @aguilareye ( thank u guyyyyys :3 ) tagging: @draconicfool, @dawnbrst, @fckurselfie + anyone else who wanna.
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also who said stede wasn’t in the wrong for the “born of the devil” comment. who said they were even comparable. two things do not have to be comparably or equally bad for both of them to be some degree of bad or harmful. stede’s comment was clearly worse however the intensity with which you all argue ed has never done anything wrong is annoying. i hope ed gets another love interest in s2 or something so you can all go ship that and leave stede alone
im sorry u see ppl say “ed has never done anything wrong in his life ever” and think we’re being 100% serious. im sorry that ppl making silly jokes abt their favorite pirate blorbo makes u so annoyed u keep hopping into the ask box of anyone who has anon turned on to argue abt it. truly. that sounds stressful for you.
i only brought up stede’s scene bc of how vehemently you seem to want to make stede seem like a helpless victim and ed like an uncaring asshole in e8. jack’s comments and general assholery were enabled equally by both ed trying to make his two friends get along AND by stede’s continued lack of communication. stede is not a large person, and he is enthusiastically effeminate/flamboyant, so how the fuck is ed supposed to know that comments like “who’s the big gal?” actually matter to stede??
the bar scene and the jack scene are both moments where ed and stede are trying to keep a social interaction going smoothly, and giving into peer pressure in different ways. ed gives into the classic jack ribbing that he’s used to without really realizing how upsetting it might be. stede describes ed as bloodthirsty to keep his table of douchebags smiling, even when he knows it was the wrong thing to say. one of those scenarios is more understandable to me than the other.
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themkultra · 2 years
do NOT take this the freak way 
but like how did we get so entrenched in the culture of “if you’re an adult interacting with minors you must be tiptoeing on eggshells 100% of the time otherwise ur grooming them” where we get these huge callout posts/warning docs abt like . literally a “ur mom” joke or smth of that cadence, like im specifically curious about what makes 17 a minor but like the SECOND you turn 18 its like “YOU MUST TAG EVERY POST U MAKE THAT HAS THE SLIGHTEST PENIS MENTION WITH MINORS DNI, DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT TALKING TO MINORS AFTER 8PM, AND DONT YOU EVER DARE TALK ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH THEM EVER BC UR GONNA GROOM THEM!!!” like bro its 12:06am on ur birthday, 7 minutes ago it wouldve been fair game??? like what??? i dont get it genoiuenly also i think 18 should still be considered “minor” but also i think we need to reevaluate what minor/adult even MEANS in ONLINE spaces specifically online. like ive been told i cant talk about a funny hookup story with someone whos like 5 months younger than me bc i had just turned 18 . where is the logic in that. like ur brain dont stop developing until like 25 or smth. ON THE OTHER HAND i totally understand the reasoning thats like, oh ur at different maturity levels and diff stages in life, thats why you should be cautious when talking with someone younger than you and yeah thats totally fair! but i also think its making a lot of adults think that they can no longer have the same friendship relationship they had before with their friends who happen to be minors, which is kinda sad bc like come on penis and sex jokes are fucking funny we’re not puritans here and anyone whjo thinks teenagers dont think abt sex is living under a rock AND AGAIN IM NOT A FUCKING FREAK IM NOT ACTIVELY THINKING ABT TEENS HAVING SEX im just saying, why are we treating all minors like sterilized fabergé eggs who must be handled with like 6 layers of starchy white gloves as to not upset their delicate balance . i think its healthy for teens to have adult friends who treat them like adults IN THE RIGHT WAYS bC a lot of times all the adults in their lives treat them like babies when they want to be recognized as the individuals they are. i think im a much better well rounded person bc i had adult friends (technically parent’s friends that talked to me when they were over) when i was younger that taught me shit abt like, yknow, being an adult and growing up while still having healthy boundaries. like i think tumblr is soooo far removed from real life im realizing this more and more if real life was how tumblr is it would be insane tbh. imagine a highschooler goes up to you and asks for directions on the street and u have to be like “IM 18 IM AN ADULT DONT INTERACT WITH ME I MIGHT GROOM YOU” like ?????? jesus? anyway go ahead flay me alive if you like but again i leave you with this:
i am a normal person if whatever you think i may be implying is nasty then obvsiously im not implying it and youre reading this wrong on purpose
also since when could you get crucified for talking about anything relating to different age relationships without being accused of being a freak. go outside
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peligrosapop · 6 months
People are walking contradictions but I am steady about mine. I expect people to respect my disdains for certain things just as I respect for them to like them and we can agree to disagree. Bigotry is not respected tho. Also, sometimes I don’t feel like reading religious zealot crap 🤫. Please leave me alone. Gracias. lmao sometimes I swear some people have never been confronted on their views but at least I don’t anon my opinions unlike you all
Oh, but that wasn't (only) about your... joke towards islam. Several times I have seen you make comments that leave an unsavory feeling in my mouth but i enjoyed some of your other content such as the liberation of palestine, pr and congo, so didn't unfollow or anything.
My views have been confronted many times (especially when you have a family member who is a far-right supporter) and i have learned that no one will ever agree 100% with someone else, but there are ways of expressing stuff and yours wasn't the best and mine also wasn't! I admit and I apologize because I could have worded it better and with more respect.
And while it might not have been your intention to hurt anyone (but reading your replies i think it was), your ...joke and subsequent comments did not reflect your (supposed) intention of criticize or make a ...joke or whatever it is.
I also have conditions that make it harder to proofread and stuff, but i can acknowledge that i am not alone, so i try to read something at least three times before posting just so i can make sure my ideas are clear.
Yeah, adults are flawed too, but you would think experience would help understand the world a little bit better. The world and society are not perfect, no one is, but we can try to do as we preach. Many times it sounds like you don't respect someone else's opinion and you might not mean it, but that's what happens.
Also, i prefer anon because the internet is not a safe place. Yeah, just by having a social media account i might be contradicting myself, but i am steady about mine too and i want to see fun gifs and pics of my favorite people. But if i can make it safer, i will. And i am not talking about you just to be clear, but rather people on the internet that might not understand that some things should stay on the web.
Just want to finish off this by saying that this is not an attempt of trying to be better than everyone else and be on a moral high horse or anything like that like it often happens on the internet, but rather an attempt at making people see that sometimes it's good to take your time before commenting on something. And I include myself in that group because we are humans, we make mistakes, and we just need to try and learn from them.
edit: I went back to read this. I don’t have to respect all of people’s opinion but they have a right to have them. I am not specific to Islam, I think all religions are silly. Christianity is so much more annoying to me bc it is more in my face but for some reason people don’t get as upset here when I do say it🤷🏽‍♀️. Have a nice day.
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HIHIHI I HAVE A REQUEST IF YOURE UP FOR IT KASJHDASKD i was wondering if you could do tsukishima, akaashi, and kageyama (you dont have to do all of them if you dont want to) with a s/o who loves giving affection but doesn't really take it *seriously* when they recieve it? like they think that the character is joking bc they could never actually be that amazing? (sry if this made absolutely no sense just ignore it if you want kaskjasd)
Warnings: potentially some swearing, Akaashi saying “good girl” which I do think deserves a warning, Y/N having some insecure moments, but all fluffy endings promise!
Characters: Tsukishima Kei, Akaashi Keiji, & Kageyama Tobio, all with a fem!Reader
A/N: okay @lucyheartfilias-wife i know this took foREVER for me to finish and I’m so sorry xD but i kept going back and forth between ideas so this is what we ended up with! I hope they’re decent enough!! <3 Not of the following gifs are mine! Creds to the original creators :)
Haikyuu Masterlist
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Tsukishima Kei
If Tsukishima knew one thing, it was that he was a lucky boy. Somehow he had managed to make a girl who was probably made of sunshine and rainbows, like him back and somehow figured out how to keep you around.
Although he always had an annoyed look on his face when they did, anytime the team asked about you or mentioned you to him, he was always happy to subtly brag about you.
“Our little Tsukishima has grown up hasn’t he?” Sugawara laughed, slapping pats to the back of the tall first year. “You’re not blackmailing her are you?” Tsukishima just rolled his eyes in response.
“It must be nice to have such a pretty girl around!” Noya whined loudly, punching the wall angrily.
“It is,” Tsukishima smirked, enjoying the immediate anger that Noya tried to turn on him. Daichi held the wild libero back with an exasperated smiled, shaking his head.
“She’s really smart too isn’t she?” Hinata gaped, having only really heard of this girl that Tsukishima was dating but Yamaguchi said it was a girl in their class so she had to be smart.
“Anyone’s smart compared to you,” Tsukishima scoffed but shrugged. “She’s the top of our class.”
Everyone made sounds of excitement and surprise, the upperclassmen nodding in approval, “Who knew this salty bean pole could find someone smart and pretty to like him back?” Tanaka snickered and Tsukishima just rolled his eyes.
You hadn’t meant to overhear the conversations happening in the club room but you were just waiting for your boyfriend against the railing. To say you were a bit embarrassed was an understatement. And that embarrassment was probably written all over your face because when Tsukishima finally came out, his cheeks turned pink seeing your expression.
“What?” He asked after a beat, avoiding your eyes as he started to walk towards the stairs.
“You know you don’t have to lie to your teammates right?” You asked him eventually, giving him a small smile. “I’m sure they know you’re just being nice.”
For once, you had actually surprised Tsukishima. Normally he could tell exactly what you were thinking but this time, he actually stopped in his steps and looked at you like you had grown a second head in the last few moments.
“Lie?” He asked, tilting his head up in thought before scoffing a bit, “What part of what I said was a lie? For that matter, how much of that nonsense did you hear?”
The word nonsense rang in your ear repeatedly, echoing all your insecurities further into your subconscious, “I dunno, how much were you saying?” You retorted, glancing at him with a shrug. “Come on, I wanna get home before it gets too dark,” you decided when he didn’t answer right away. The two of you started walking, Tsukishima clearly deep in thought because for once on your way home, he wasn’t complaining about the boys or listening to music. He was just… walking.
“When did I lie?” He finally asked at your doorstep, as if realizing if he didn’t ask now, he never would. He grabbed your wrist before you could turn away and leave without answering him, tugging you closer so he could look right into your eyes (he could always tell when you were lying to him).
“What?” You squirmed a bit. You knew exactly what he was asking but did you really want to admit it?
“You said I lied to my teammates. What did I lie about?” His frown was tight, eyes as serious as ever. “I’ve been thinking about everything I said to them and I can’t think of a lie that I told. Was it about everyone being smarter than Hinata? Because I really was telling the truth.” The little smirk at the end made you feel like he was trying to keep this lighthearted. But the topic weighed so heavily on both your shoulders.
You could feel Tsukishima keeping your gaze right on him, and knew if you looked away, he might just get more upset. So you were forced to just look at him awkwardly, as if he was looking through your very thoughts.
“I asked you out didn’t I?” He continued when you didn’t respond right away. “Doesn’t that make you my girlfriend?”
You let out a little laugh, surprised that that’s what he had come up with after that very silent walk home. “Yeah, I suppose so,” you smiled, finally pulling your eyes away from him and staring at your hands as you fiddled with your fingers.
“So what-”
“They’re just being nice,” you tried to tell him awkwardly, cutting him off from asking one more time. “I’m not… I’m not everything they’re pretending I am. And you don’t have to keep up the charade with them.”
Tsukishima’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, what charade could you possibly be talking about.
“I know I’m not as pretty as your managers,” you explained quietly. “And I’m sure being surrounded by them all the time has got you having some high expectations and standards for girls. That’s why I was surprised when you asked me out… but I know it’s probably just cause we’re always together and we study together. I know I’m pretty helpful when it comes to schoolwork so-”
Tsukishima started laughing. Like genuinely, throwing his head back, from the bottom of his belly kind of laugh. Your eyes widened as you watched this normally cool and collected idiot snicker himself practically to death.
“T-Tsukishima?” You blinked, poking him a little to make sure he wasn’t just having some sort of weird seizure.
He finally ran out of breath, standing back up straighter than ever and hitting the top of your head (not as gently as he should’ve, how rude), “Listen here, shortie,” he huffed, leaning down slightly so you were forced to look at him. “I have high standards for anyone I even keep around me. The only one who’s exceeded my standards for dating though, is you.”
You watched him, blinking nervously as if he was going to laugh in your face again and tell you it was a joke.
“I didn’t lie to them, idiot,” he shook his head, flicking your forehead. “You’re way too pretty to be as self-conscious as you are.”
Words would never solve your self-consciousness, you knew this. But if there was ever a moment that would ever come close - it would be this one.
“Go inside alright,” he grinned at you, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead and shoving you closer to your door. “And the next time I compliment you, you better accept it.”
You couldn’t even retort anything back before he ushered you inside, gave you a cheeky wink, and started to head home.
You were still very bad at accepting Tsukishima’s compliments and almost felt tortured with how much he could try to get you to understand how much he loved you. So naturally, Tsukishima just did it more and more.
Everything you did became a compliment, just to make you all hot headed and make him chuckle. He would praise you for being one of the smartest people he knew after a test or assignment, he’d say you were the cutest person up on the stands after his volleyball games, would just shower you in aggressive amounts of affection (well aggressive for him).
And then one day…
One day you day you didn’t fight back as much. And Tsukishima just smiled because he would never say anything to you he didn’t mean.
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Akaashi Keiji
Akaashi was literally an embodiment of everything that someone could want. He was calm and wonderfully humble, his voice was like a mellow song that you could fall asleep to and he had the most amazing biceps that just made your heart flutter every time you saw them.
He was everything you could ever dream of which was both incredible… and not at the same time. It almost hurt to know that he was this unobtainable boy standing near you. Sure, you were dating - but how long until he realized you were beneath him? How much longer would it take him to realize that there was better.
You couldn’t hide these thoughts from Akaashi and more often than not, he’d give you a look like I know what you’re thinking, stop that, and then tell you he loves you before you just nod and smile and try to focus on something else. He’d let it go there, but he’d probably spend the rest of the day with you trying to convince you he really meant it.
But today he wasn’t next to you to read your face. Today, he was going to be down on that court, showing off his incredible reflexes and sports ability, and you would be up here. Blending in with the crowd. You were a filler character - something to fill the stands with and not be noticed. Unoriginal. Boring.
“Y/N!” Bokuto ran to you, grinning as wide as ever. “Look what I brought you!” He held up Akaashi’s jacket happily, waving it over his head as he jumped up and down in front of you.
You tried to put on a smile, as if you hadn’t just been spinning in your insecurities a few seconds ago. Your eyes focused on the jacket that Bokuto was trying to put on you, blinking as you came to the realization that he had 100% stolen this from your boyfriend without his knowledge, “Bokuto, won’t he need this?” You offered with a small laugh.
He shook his head with a grin, “He practically discarded it somewhere. I thought I’d come bring it to you! It would probably make him super happy to see you in his jacket! And you look so cute in our colours!” Bokuto declared, patting your head. You tried to start telling him that he should bring it back and that you weren’t really sure Akaashi would want you wearing it, but suddenly you could hear his coach on the court screaming from him to get his ass back down there. “Whoops! Gotta run! Cheer hard for us!” Bokuto gave you a thumbs up before running down.
You stood there for a moment, face feeling hot as you start to smell Akaashi’s scent on the jacket. How did he manage to smell this good all the time?
You could hear whispers from people in the stands, some people wondering who you were or if you were Bokuto or Akaashi’s girlfriend, since it was Bokuto who gave you the jacket.
All the ruckus from his coach made Akaashi actually look over, smirking a bit while Bokuto was getting scolded. He sheepishly made his way over, trying to seem all innocent to his best friend.
“Where the hell even were you?” Akaashi asked, throwing him a toss as the boys warmed up.
“Oh! Just dropping something off to Y/N for you!” Bokuto grinned, nodding in your direction as he received the ball nice and high.
Akaashi shouldn’t have looked over. But he did. His eyes locked onto you and saw you in his jacket and for a moment, he definitely spaced out. His whole brain was just thinking about you and nothing else and he didn’t knock himself out of it until Bokuto’s pass knocked him right in the head.
“Akaashi! Are you okay?” Bokuto laughed, knowing the pass had been pretty soft. Akaashi’s cheeks turn a bit pink as he shook it off, running after the ball.
You were wearing his jacket. And you looked so good in it.
After a complete win for the game, Akaashi was so hyped up to see you. You had worn his jacket the whole game and he had to avoid looking at you because you were just so distracting.
But now that it was over, he wanted nothing more than to swoop you into a hug and admire you. You gave him a huge grin when you caught up with the team, excitedly cheering them for their win and giving Bokuto high fives.
Akaashi watched you with a small smile on his face. You glanced over at him and gave a nervous sort of smile, noting there was a difference in how he was looking at you. “Oh! Here, you’ll get cold soon when your adrenaline stops pumping,” you said, pulling the jacket off.
“It’s alright,” he insisted, smirking a bit down at you. “You look gorgeous, I don’t want you to take it off,” he admitted with a smile, patting your head adoringly.
Your face gets all hot again, avoiding his eyes quickly, “Alright alright, Mr. High Off Of A Win,” you laughed nervously, poking at his chest gently. He raised an eyebrow at your dismissive behaviour.
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t go spreading stuff that isn’t true,” you shrugged, shoving your hands in the jacket pocket. Sure, you liked the jacket but there was no way you were as pretty as he was making you out to be. Gorgeous? No way.
Akaashi’s eyes darkened slightly hearing this, taking your chin into his fingers and tilting your chin up so you were forced to look at him, “You think I’d lie to you?”
The question made you shrink inside, noting his hardened expression. He didn’t like it when you were hard on yourself, always made you notice all the little great things about you. But this wasn’t a private conversation, and people were starting to stare, which just made your face go even warmer. “N-No,” you mumble out shyly, trying to look away but he kept your gaze.
“Good girl,” he smirked at you, tapping your nose gently, “Now take the compliment. And wear my jacket more often, alright?”
You couldn’t help but nod at that point, Akashi smiling in his satisfaction before dragging you off for the team’s celebratory meal. The pit in your stomach that liked to tell you you were a filler character was slightly less intense now, after talking to your boyfriend. Akaashi had such an effect on you and there was no denying it. How could a guy like that be with a girl like you, you would never understand. But there was such an honesty in his eyes, and he was right after all, he wasn’t the type to lie about these things… so maybe. Just maybe. There was some truth to it.
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Kageyama Tobio
Kageyama wasn’t the best at noticing hints and subtle things, and honestly, he’d rather if people were just blunt and to the point with him. But with you, he knew that he would have to learn between the lines. It wasn’t because you weren’t great at communication (and let’s be honest, even if you were bad at it, Kageyama was in NO place to call you out on that), but rather, Kageyama understood that at some point in relationships, it was important to see what the other person wanted.
So when he started really trying to read you, he found himself almost discouraged by a reoccurring instance.
It was real subtle at first, and in that moment, Kageyama probably wouldn’t have noticed. But he probably just smile at you and press a kiss to your forehead, thanking you for always thinking of him.
“You’re always so thoughtful, Y/N. I appreciate what you do for me,” he told you, almost like he was thanking a teacher for their help on homework which just made you laugh.
“Don’t be silly, Kageyama, it’s just a milk box,” you insisted, giving a little wave to his teammates before he left.
But it wasn’t just a milk box and even Kageyama could see that. He had forgotten his lunch today and you had shared yours with him. But he always had a milk with his lunch and you didn’t have one, but he didn’t have the chance to actually buy one before he had to head back to classes. He didn’t think he had mentioned anything about the milk, or even hesitated to eat without it. But you had still gone out of your way to buy one for him and bring it to him after classes.
You had even apologized that it was later than he usually had his milk, as if you should’ve known to get it earlier. Kageyama was amazed that you even went and bought him one. He held the box in his hands for a moment before getting called over to start practice, promising himself to have the drink right after practice.
It wasn’t just that you brushed off his appreciation for what you did for him. Kageyama always felt something was wrong when he complimented you. So much so, he had to awkwardly ask his upperclassmen for help.
“Oh our little Kageyama needs help with his girlfriend hmmm?” Tanaka laughed, hands on his hips like he was some sort of relationship expert.
“I dunno why you’d come to us,” Daichi admitted with a smirk, leaning against a nearby wall as he considered the question. “It’s not like any of us are really all that experienced with girls.”
“But you know how to… communicate,” Kageyama explained, playing with his fingers as he shyly stared at the floor. “I’m just worried I’m… doing that thing that Hinata says I do. Where I think I’m complimenting her but I’m actually hurting her.”
Sugawara chuckled and threw his arm around his first year’s neck, fluffing up his hair playfully, “Aw! Little Tobio is growing up!”
“What kinds of things are you saying to her?” Asahi asked, offering Kageyama a smile as the blueberry boy tried to fix his now messed up hair.
Kageyama thought about it for a moment, not having to think that far back to remember an example. “This morning, she was wearing her hair differently,” Kageyama told them, gesturing towards his hair as if to act out how her hair was. “And I told her she looked very pretty.”
The boys just looked at him, as if expecting for there to be more. “Okay and?” Noya piped up, shrugging.
“That’s it,” Kageyama blinked. “Should I have said something else?”
“Why would you say something else, Kageyama?” Daichi raised an eyebrow, noting the distress in the setter’s eyes.
Kageyama huffed, remembering how you awkwardly turned away, as if he had said something brash, “She just said ‘you don’t have to do that, Kageyama’ and changed the subject. But I don’t know what she meant. Was… Was I not supposed to tell her? She did look very pretty but should I have kept that to myself?”
Sugawara gave him a sympathetic smile, “I think you did fine, Kageyama, don’t worry! Maybe she was just embarrassed.”
The others agreed, Tanaka explaining to him that some people were bashful when it came to their appearances.
“But she’s the most perfect being in the whole country!” Kageyama burst out, his forehead creased with concern. “Why shouldn’t I tell her?”
“Just in the country?” Asahi chuckled and Sugawara smacked his arm.
“Don’t tease him, I don’t think Kageyama has ever left the country!”
“Maybe she’s just not used to you complimenting her. Like how you weren’t too used to holding hands with her at the beginning of your relationship,” Daichi offered, remembering how red the boy’s face was you first took his hand at a tournament. He didn’t even know he had to hold your hand back and just had his hand staying there stiff.
Kageyama nodded slowly - he could understand that. It just took some time and then he was okay with it eventually. Now he would grab your hand out of instinct and it wasn’t something foreign to him.
After talking to his upperclassmen, Kageyama felt a little better. Perhaps it wasn’t his words then, maybe he just had to do it more.
But after a week of trial and error, Kageyama still couldn’t understand why you still seemed so uncomfortable. The day after consulting the second and third years, Kageyama had told you he really liked the way you hummed and that you had a really nice voice (he really did like it, it was his favourite thing to listen to).
But you just flickered your eyes away from him, offering a nervous laugh, “It’s nothing,” you mumbled before quickly asking him about his practice schedule.
So Kageyama thought maybe you just didn’t like talking about your singing. So when the two of you were studying, you noticed his laser focus wasn’t on his work but instead on you. His eyes were so trained on you, it was like how he was on the volleyball court.
“Kageyama?” You blinked in surprise, catching him staring at you. “Are you alright?”
“You’re really smart, Y/N!” He blurted out, a firm nod afterwards like confirming what he was saying. “I appreciate you always coming to help me work!”
But you just squirmed in your seat, turning your eyes back to your work, “I really don’t know all that much.”
It had been a week of this back and forth, Kageyama desperately trying to find what was going on. Was it him? Was he just not using the right words? Could he actually be being really rude and didn’t realize it? Was it his face? Was he supposed to smile more?
Finally, Kageyama felt like he was at the end of his rope. He didn’t know what to do now.
“The sunset is really pretty today!” You beamed as the two of you walked home from his practice. He glanced over and noticed the brilliant colours in the sky. It looked nice sure, but how could you understand that that looked pretty and you didn’t?
“I think you’re prettier.” He stated simply. Kageyama didn’t really know what lines were cheesy and what weren’t. But you did and your face just overheated immediately in response.
“K-Kageyama, don’t say things like that!” You insisted, staring to walk ahead.
“Wait!” Kageyama yelped, grabbing onto your wrist and pulling you back to him. “What am I doing wrong?” he asked you desperately, his eyes wide and searching yours for some sort of answers.
You stared at him for a moment, confused by his words, “Wrong?” You repeated softly, noticing how upset he looked.
“I…” Kageyama’s voice faltered as he watched your eyes. “I keep trying to tell you how amazing you are. You do all these things for me, you help me when I’m upset and you always help me train. You throw balls for me and Hinata, even when you’d rather be at home. You call me during my jogs just to keep me company. You bring me milk when I forget mine. And you always compliment me when I’m feeling like I’m not 100%… so what am I doing wrong? Because everything I say to you… it doesn’t seem to work.”
Something in you clicked. Is this why Kageyama had been acting so weird this week?
“Kageyama… I do all that because I like you and I want you to be your best,” you explained softly. “And I compliment you because I mean it! Not because I’m trying to make you feel better. Or try to boost your self-esteem.”
There was something in your tone that Kageyama couldn’t place. What was that in your voice?
“Why are you sad when I try to tell you things?” Kageyama was practically begging you for an answer. He didn’t understand how to read things from your tone, he wanted to desperately to understand but he just couldn’t grasp it. “Sugawara told me that complimenting people on things makes them feel good… am I doing it wrong? Please just tell me, I’ll be better! I’ll be the best boyfriend!”
Your smile was almost sad and Kageyama’s heart tugged a little in his chest, “I don’t want you to say things because you feel like you have to say them,” you sighed softly, now avoiding his eyes. “I know my hair is a mess most of the time, I know that my singing isn’t some professional level shit, and I know I’m not the model kind of girl or those gorgeous girls who come to your games. I don’t need you to try and convince me otherwise…”
Kageyama’s mind felt like it was blowing up. What were you talking about?
“Don’t be so stupid,” Kageyama whined, huffing at you and poking your forehead, “You think I’m lying about these things? You think I say them because I feel like I have to?” Kageyama shook his head, taking your face into his hands. “I’m not the best with words, I know this. But you are…” Kageyama’s face twisted into a funny expression as he tried to find the words he wanted, “the most perfect thing. You’re like when I make a perfect set and the spike goes right past the blockers!”
You couldn’t help but smile as he went on talking about volleyball. You weren’t surprised - he often related things to volleyball to understand better.
“You… are the perfect jump serve. Seeing you is like I’m winning full sets at Nationals!” He expressed, looking at you with wide eyes in hopes you were understanding. “I’m not trying to make you feel better about yourself, Y/N. You are everything I could possibly want. You make me feel like volleyball isn’t the only thing that matters anymore. I want to hear you sing all the time and I love your hair no matter how you think it looks.”
Your eyes were welling up with tears as he spoke dramatically, looking up at the sky as if that would help him figure out his sentences better. When he finally looked back at you, he jumped back almost immediately in fear.
“N-No! Don’t cry! I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have brought up volleyball again! I-”
You laughed and quickly shook your head, grasping his hands in yours, “Happy tears, Kageyama,” you explained softly, almost immediately burying your face in his chest as you drew him closer for a hug. “Thank you,” you whisper.
Kageyama wasn’t really sure what you were thanking him for but he hugged you tightly anyways. He hated seeing you cry and he would squeeze them all out of you until there was none left if he had to. “You are very pretty.” He stated, pressing a kiss to your head.
And this time, you didn’t argue. You just stayed there in his arms, and listened to the genuineness in his voice.
Haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@scphiredrafts @aurumk @devilkittymusic @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @lucyheartfilias-wife @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @wolfishwriting @livy384
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juhaksworld · 3 years
TBZ reactions to their s/o being shy and having an rbf in public but really talkative around ppl they know
requested by: @dalivanmagritte 
i’m reallly sorry this took me so long to post! T__T I thought I’d be able to finish it in one day,,, but that unfortunately was not true. I hope you enjoy! <3
would be so used to you being super talkative and fun that whenever you were both in public he was surprised by how scary you could look when not smiling. like he’d look over and see you zoning out bc you felt really uncomfortable around strangers and he’d be like “shoot i need to go talk to her before someone thinks she’s plotting murder” so he’d rush over and be like “whatta thinking about that makes you look so grim?” and you’d be like “oh i was just wondering if I should wash my clothes when I get home or wait until tomorrow” and he’d like blink--- and then shake his head wondering how you can be so different around strangers than you were when you were around ppl you were comfortable with. he likes to stay near you most as much as possible in public bc he knows it makes you more comfortable.
the first time you met he was like “oh she’s scary!!” and then his friend introduced you to each other and you became friends and then he completely forgot about ever thinking you were scary bc you were so talkative and silly around your friends. but then after you started dating you went out together and he left for a moment and you started to feel really uncomfortable around all the ppl there and so you stopped smiling and looking around with interested and just sat there with a serious face avoiding all eye contact and when he came back he had a flashback of first meeting you and was like “ummm hey” and you looked up and smiled and looked like your usual self that he was use to and he was like “you look mad scary when you’re not smiling” and you laugh and you’re like “I know. It keeps the weirdos away” you don’t spend that much time around ppl you don’t know after you started dating him though, so it’s all good
I mean, he sort of has an rbf too so you’ll would connect over that, like the first time you met you were at the library studying and you both looked so scary everyone avoided y’all so you started sitting at the same table so others could sit together away from y’all and then one day something funny happened and you both laughed and you both looked so pretty smiling that everyone in the library was like *mouth drops open* anyways, you and younghoon kinda start liking each other bc you’re always together at the library so you start dating and you’re so happy together you forget how scary you both look until you go out into public alone and look like murder is on your mind. You have a picture of each other smiling as your lock screens so you remember to smile and not scare ppl in public. 
he’d tease you a lot lol. he knew you for a long time so he kinda got used to your rbf when you were around unfamiliar ppl so he teases you so you smile and look cute again. and he knows you could talk for hours once you're around ppl you like, and he loves that more than anything. he actually realized he was in love with you while watching you zone out across the room. like he always thought “where would this girl be without me” and then suddenly he was like “wait--- i need her more than she needs me” but he just loves seeing you looking all scary in public and ppl lowkey being afraid of you and so you approaches you all coolly and is like “YAH!!” right in front of your face and everyone is like “this dude is gonna get socked in the nose for that” and then you just smile and he’s like “yes. mission accomplished” and everyone’s like “hold on she looks really friendly when she’s smiling!” but they never get a chance to talk with you once hyunjae is around bc he keeps you all to himself knowing you feel more  comfortable and happy that way and he loves listening to you talk.
legit thought you hated him at first and was like “shoot i made this girl hate me and idek what i did” and then one of your friends walks up and you start smiling and he’s like “oh. that girl is beautiful! and she looks really friendly once she smiles” so he tries to get to know you and you instantly like him so you begin talking freely with him and he’s like so whipped for you whenever you smile which is often when you’re talking. so he just listens and listens while you go on and on. and he just loves that he won your trust. he wonders how he could ever think you were scary until you’re left in the corner of the room by yourself and you feel afraid around a lot of strangers so you stop smiling and talking and avoid ppl and he’s like “sjkfjskdksjdkjksjdk I need to go talk be with her rn so she’s happy again” and basically that’s how you start dating. while you guys are dating it’s pretty much the same thing-- he loves listening to you talk and he loves more than anything that you’re comfortable around him.
you were at the library and you zoned out and you were staring all scarily in the same direction kevin was sitting in and he *that meme of the kid holding the cup and who keeps looking sideways at the camera* like he really thinks you’re gonna approach him about something he never did. so he goes over to you and he’s like “are you ok?” and you jerk out of your daydream to see this really cute guy looking at you worriedly and slightly scared and you’re like “ohhh ummm yeahhh why do you aks tho???” and you smile a little bc gosh he’s cute and he’s like “gosh she’s cute” and he’s like “oh nothin” and uses a cheesy pickup line to get your number and you start dating/ become bffs and he lowkey loves that you look so scary when you’re around other ppl but then open up like a flower in the sunshine with him and you and him laugh and talk like there’s no tomorrow whenever you’re together bc you’re both pretty talkative. y’all are inseparable! but like he picks up the habit of looking scary and avoiding eye contact with ppl bc of you and his friends are like “?????” but he doesn't even realize how much he’s been influenced by you. 
he meets you through mutual friends and they warn him like “yeahhh she looks really scary around ppl she doesn’t know but be warned, she’s SUPER talkative once you get to know her” and chanhee’s like “scary around ppl you don’t know? a girl after my own heart” and so you immediately click like---yeahh bffs! you both look scary in public tbh, but when you’re alone you just talk and talk and he just listens with heart eyes bc he loves listening. and you always look so happy when you’re with him or your friends and he’s just like “ahhhhhhh she’s so cute!!!” even when you look like you want to murder someone out in public. you’ll both just glare at ppl together when out in public sometimes even though you’re happy together, just to annoy your friends lol. chanhee never judges you or forces you to talk with ppl when you’re feeling uncomfortable. he 100% understands and instead of saying things like “you should just tryyyy to talk to someone new!!!” he’d be like “what? you’re feeling uncomfortable? mmkay, let’s go...rn!” and y’all would leave-- doesn’t even matter where you were at.
would be like “??????” the first time you felt comfortable enough around him to open up. he thought your gloomy face and quiet personality was who you always were and he was starting to fall in love with that part of you when you burst open like the sunshine and just talked and laughed freely. and then you’re like “oh,,, i’m sorry. did i startle you?” and he’d be like *shocked pikachu face* “oh my goodness no! your laugh is ADORABLE!!!!” and then he’d constantly do things to make you smile and laugh and bring up topics he knew you could talk about for days bc he’s just so in love with you. every part of your personality is endearing to him. he’d tease you after you’d been dating for a while and he knew the limit to which he could tease you without going too far. he’d pretend not to know you and look all scared if he ”happened” to end up standing next to you and like jokingly make a “help me” face to his friends and then someone would notice and start to walk up to him to rescue him from the scary quiet girl and then he’d start laughing and hold your hand while you rolled your eyes.
confused. how could you be so different around strangers than when you were with him? even with your friends your social battery would run out soon. but when you were with him?? you had no limit to your energy and excitement and you showed your happiness so easily to him whereas with others you looked scared and skeptical even if you were happy. he worried about you a lot at the beginning of your relationship,,, like you’d be standing there zoning out, not talking to anyone, and he’d be like “gosh, is she ok???? did someone say something upsetting to her????? did she receive bad news????” and he’d rush over to you as soon as he could whenever he saw you starting to look abandoned and sad out in public. after dating for a while you learned to just constantly hang on to his arm bc he protected you from strangers trying to converse with you. when you two were alone you both talked a lot but you laughed even more, like you would have deep meaningful conversations and then just switch to telling the lamest jokes and rolling on the floor dying with laughter and then he’d just look at you while you were smiling and wiping away tears from laughing and he’d smile thinking he was the luckiest guy in the world to have you--- all to himself!
wouldn’t even be surprised the first time you hung out together and you really opened up. like he could tell there was a lot more to you than your quietness and rbf. when you first started dating some ppl that knew you both would be like “she looks scary af. what if she’s really boring and like,,, mean??” and he’d *cue the tongue in the cheek thing* “shut up”. once you two were dating for a while he would get so used to your talkative bright personality that when ppl are like “ohhh! you’re dating y/n! the really quiet girl?” he’d be like “who tf are you talking about! I’m dating y/n” and they’d be like *confusion*. he knows your quiet personality in public is a part of who you are and he respects that, but like he doesn’t really even remember that part of you, bc most of your time together is spent alone and he knows that’s when you’re most comfortable and your true self. absolutely HATES when ppl misunderstand you and then hold that against you. you don’t really care but he gets really protective over you.
would think it was SO cute! he would coo and tease you gently when you were in public together making you crack a smile. when you started dating and he saw that you matched his energy he would be ecstatic! like he could not wait until you were home and in your comfort zone so you could be crazy together and laugh and talk for hours. sometimes in public old ladies would be like “deary,, you must remember to smile sometimes for your pretty bf here” and Eric would be like “????” “she does, but only when we’re alone” and then he would like flirtatiously smile at you causing you to blush and causing the old lady to feel kinda uncomfortable (as she should) literally does not phase him at all that you’re so different around strangers. like he doesn’t understand it, but he doesn’t think it’s weird either. if you’re standing there like “ughhh i hate ppl” written all over your face you’ll just smile to himself bc yeahh he just thinks it’s cute that you’re that way (idek) and then when someone tries to talk with you and he’s around he’ll swoop over and be like “hi. I’m her bf and spokesperson, how can I help”
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yandere-sins · 2 years
honestly MOOD! i write readers with ambiguous genitals sometimes, or at least i try to, and i think it comes out okay, but it's not super easy when you want to write about the reader's sensations in a ton of detail.
it's like. it can be done, it can be done enjoyably, but being explicit about what the reader has downstairs allows you to really write about how it feels, what they're experiencing, etc. like I JUST WANNA GO HAM HERE I WANNA BE FULL HORNY and i can't say "clit" bc not everyone has that so where does that leave us huh???
and... man daskhlfkh your anons. genitalia =/= gender,,, i understand afab has the "f" in it but it's just shorthand so ppl dont have to say "tits/vagina" in the tags dsgjklhg
you are 100% right that it is free food and i am happily, gleefully waiting in life for the buffet to open back up <3
Yeah, exactly, it comes out okay and it works but it's like an itch on your back that you can't reach because it's in a very awkward spot. Like I said, if you are not into mostly writing butt stuff, I'd say it's tough luck to really unleash the full potential of the sex scenes. No matter what you write (even if you'd go out of your way to write intersex bodies) someone will be upset who doesn't agree, so in the end, better just to stick to whatever you want to do. ^^
Thanks ♥ Stories will resume soon!
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If I can't serve anyone, imma serve myself I guess lol. Thanks, with mutuals like you @elsecrytt I know I am surrounded by the right people for my personal decision and it's always good to hear ♥
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Yeah :/ Hottake but from now on, when nb people take off their clothes there's just a galaxy underneath.
Jokes aside, the anon was probably just against the use of female bodies or nonbinary pronouns. We'll never know which...
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Thanks for your interest! I do ^^
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Yay! :D You're valid anon :3
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Nope! Don't know about that, please reference my fandom list in the future! ♥
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adorable-deku · 3 years
Uuuuh oooohhh that au game sounds interesting! Let's see Depravity and purple!
depravity is a very good word but it also means that ur getting an edgy au congratulations (do i make other kinds????)
alright, in this au, afo is a demon lord who can steal the magic of not only fellow demons but also humans, which is how he ends up becoming the demon lord
he is infamous for having loyal necromancers who resurrect all his enemies in the most horrendous forms and, worst of all, make them completely loyal to him. thoughtless on their own
izuku, of course, is the demon prince
what u thought this wasnt a dfo au? jokes on u thats the only thing im good at
inko is a human, so izuku is half demon half human and a lot of demons dont like him too much for it. hes running away one day (from demons who dont know his identity only that hes got human blood) and ends up meeting one of the humans' knights
its all might, of course. he has no idea that izuku is the demon lord's son, only that hes human (he is not visibly a demon, but he can transform. like pull out out horns, a tail, some scales, glowing eyes and whatnot) and deserves some love. izuku is not injured, just exhausted. he has the same powers as his father but to a lesser degree. all might also doesnt know that, and izuku has no problem keeping it to himself
hes not a bad kid, but the teachings of the demon kingdom have been soaking into him since he was young
so hes essentially raised-ish (hes nearly an adult, but looks younger than he is) by all might while shimura tenko, 100% human, is being raised by the demon lord in secret
while izuku was being raised by afo, he wasnt sheltered at all, he knew what his father did and how he did it. but it was exposure to humans that taught him how wrong it was
izuku doesnt have the visceral horror towards his fathers deeds that people around him have, but he does care about how they feel, so he doesnt like seeing them upset, so by association he becomes disgusted by his father
people tend to like izuku bc hes charming and very sensitive to how ppl feel, but occasionally hes so ruthless it seems out of character. it isnt out if character at all, izuku tends to draw very strong lines between People He Likes and Everybody Else
he would never hurt the people he likes, but he doesnt have the same compunction for the rest of the world. hes p overprotective over the people he likes, almost going overboard, but he tends to try to avoid doing things they dislike
its kind of important to keep in mind that izukus morals are found mostly in his relationships to the ppl around him. he dislikes the things that make the ppl he liked upset, but if that wasnt a person he liked, he probably wouldnt care.
this is key because when nobodys around and there wont be any witnesses, izuku has very few morals at all. he wont do things that make the ppl around him upset, but what they dont know wont hurt them
he wants his friends, the human knights, to win against his father, so he does not hesitate to wipe out whole groups of demons to accomplish this goal.
remember, he has his fathers power
the humans are surprised by how much easier the war seems to be all of a sudden. as izuku kills his way through, he gets stronger by stealing the magic of the demons he kills.
eventually they get to the demon lords castle
all might and the demon lord fights. the demon lord almost wins when he sees his son. hes actually a pretty loving father by demon standards which in human standards is like. a really terrible father
demons tend to have children then leave them to fend for themselves, but the demon lord raised his son for years and years. even without the human blood, most demons think that izuku is a spoiled rotten prince
you cant say that the demon lord really cared for izuku, but he ensured that he was fed, clothed, sheltered, and taught him how to fight. most people would see this teaching how to fight as abuse, and they would probably be right because it started very young, when izuku didnt even know what a fight was
anyway all might is on the ground and the demon lord is standing over him. he sees his son. understands where izuku has been all this time. hes glad izukus not dead but also realizes that izuku is no longer on his side
izuku kills the demon lord, but its pretty clear to anyone watching that the demon lord doesnt put up much of a fight.
you see. the demon lord position is passed on when the demon lord dies, to the next strongest demon. guess who that is
its izuku, of course. nobody on the human side knew until that point that he was a demon at all. he only transformed in front of other demons, who knew and assumed everyone else knew as well. he also pretty much left no witnesses who had seen the demon features
izuku midoriya becomes the demon king, and now has to convince the demon kingdom to no longer be at war with the human kingdom while also dealing with incredible distrust from the people he was very close to before
all might, especially, is suspicious
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
Bokuto, Atsumu and Osamu with a smol S/O pt. 1
Anon asked: I already like ur blog! I wish you good luck could you do headcannon w/ Miya twins, Oikawa, Wakatoshi and Bokuto gf (who is only 5'3) is mad at them but she looks so cute and funny bc of how smol she is compare to him
A/N: I relate to this - I feel like sometimes I imagine the haikyuu guys around my height and then I google their heights and i’m like….wow they are all a solid foot taller than me. These are pretty short bc so many characters. Will post part 2 of this request soon!
Part 2 with Oikawa + Ushijima here!
Bokuto Koutarou
Poor owl is panicking because WHAT DID HE DO TO PISS YOU OFF
So when you’re mad he’s scrambling to fix whatever he did to make you angry
But at the same time like he knows you’re mad but you. Are. so. Cute
Like ?????? How is he supposed to deal with this
He’s literally a foot taller than you so he always has this urge to play with your hair or pick you up 
Depending on how mad you are - sometimes this will make you laugh, other times it might make you more upset (bc you think he’s not taking the situation seriously)
The longer he’s been in a relationship with you, the better he gets at reading your moods
When it’s something minor he’ll tickle you, cuddle you, give you cute “apology kisses” and say sorry a million times
If it’s something more serious he’ll leave you alone and go mope for a bit on his own but eventually will come back and talk things out
Is so earnest in trying to understand what made you mad and fix it, it’s hard to keep a super angry expression on your face
If you pout my man is GONE it’s too cute for him to take - your puffed out cheeks and puffed lips are so adorable 
Bokuto is a simp for you and you only
Will do anything to make you feel better he is so wonderful and genuine 
he is best boyfriend material
Miya Atsumu
secretly your height/smolness is one of his favorite things in this world and GOD are you adorable *cough cough* size difference kink
Will tease you by refusing the bend down when you want to kiss him so you either have to jump or climb him for a peck 
Probably doesn’t want to admit it but he enjoys giving you forehead kisses
His nickname for you, before you started dating, was ‘chibi-chan’ bc you are just so smol
Enjoys ruffling your hair to mess up your hairstyle a bit - although if you tell him it annoys you he’ll do his best to stop
Kinda still messes with your hair just out of habit because it’s literally right in front of his face how can he not
When you get all pouty bc of his teasing he’s can’t help but smile and coo at you bc omg you’re so adorable
Sometimes it pisses you off, but in general if it’s light hearted teasing he’ll probably stop and peck you on the cheek sheepishly - it’s his way of apologizing
Once some of his teammates joined in on teasing you about your height and calling you “chibi” and he got MAD 
You seemed upset so he lead you out of the gym and walked you to your club 
When he got back he chewed them out and made them ALL apologize to you before practice the next day
Miya Osamu
Osamu is very respectful - he won’t make jokes about your height if they make you feel insecure
But if you say you don’t mind he’ll sometimes play pranks on you at home like putting the rice on a higher shelf so you have to get him to lift you/he has to get it for you
Ofc, he won’t do that for anything that’s important to you
FOREHEAD KISSES every day, all the time 
Whenever he hugs you he just revels in being able to surround you with his large frame 
He’s always the big spoon no questions asked
Has a habit of showing up behind you and just plopping his chin on top of his head and joining the conversation
Tells Atsumu to stfu if he goes to far in teasing you about your height - will not stand for anyone making you feel bad bc you’re smol
You probably get mad bc you had a bad day + forgot your lunch at home or something
So you’ve been pouty and cranky all day long
Osamu is trying his best okay - he is being very supportive boyfriend + giving you all the kisses and hugs but also your angry face is too precious for him
At one point you stomp your foot out of frustration and I think a part of his soul dies and goes to heaven bc a pouty small gf is too cute for him to handle
Does his best to calm you down 
Is 100% weak to your pout - literally just pout and he’ll come running to simp for you
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tobesobri · 2 years
re the posts i made a couple days ago
so ik i should probably just leave it be at this point but this has been in my mind since i made those posts and i wanted to address it so.
i was 100% in the wrong to be on here comparing and contrasting experiences like i did and i do know better so idk what i was thinking but it was stupid and tbh i was typing without thinking at all. being ignorant.
i understand jokes. i understand poc relate in ways i and other white people never will. saying a song is for your experience as a poc is valid and how i answered asks invalidated that and that’s completely unfair. so i own up to that and anyone who was online and saw those posts before i deleted them i apologize for doing that and being ignorant, hypocritical and for upsetting you.
i won’t be answering anything that comes to my inox about this bc i don’t want to open up conversations i don’t need to be having while being white so im just going to leave it here.
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spnshameblog · 3 years
i really hate when, in an attempt to not be unhealthily obsessed stans, people pivot 180 degrees and say incredibly weird things or borderline threatening things. or not necessarily when they don't want to "worship celebs" but when they dislike some of them, like i just saw the other day someone in spn fandom answer an ask about why they've been suspended from twitter that it was bc they said actors should be burned at stake. how is that not extremely weird to say?
Yes, i completely agree and it so annoying bc its utterly performative. Like ive seen people viciously hate on jackles a few days ago and now theyre back to just reblogging gifsets of him? Idk if its a me problem, but once ive worked up enough rage to actually make angry posts about it, i dont "get over it" within the week.
So yeah, i feel like a lot of the anti jackles posts of the past week came from ppl who saw ppl being vocally upset about the goings on and wanted to look supportive without actually understanding the problems. Like, this attitude of his isnt anything new and while i absolutely get that people are upset (i am too!!) ...... why are ppl calling for his head NOW? The walker info has been around for a while, he has literally always been weird about destiel and while that doesnt mean its less infuriating, it kind of shows that people only got upset about it once they saw other people on their dash get mad about it. Which is normal to a point, but people feel this need to be THE MOST ANGRY and the MOST visibly upset about it in a way that just screams "look at what great and correct opinions i have" and then they forget about it a week later.
but this ask was probably about that post where someone listed a few shitty things misha has said, which irritated a lot of ppl bc it was mostly stuff that happened years ago and he has apologised for and modified his behaviour wrg to most of these. i agree to a point, theres no need to intentionally dig up missteps and present them in an inflammatory way just so you can show the world how good and critical you are about the celebs you like. on the other hand posts like these (when they include context and whether or not somebody has apologised and made up for the mistakes) can be good, bc they show that even famously wellmeanin people like misha can fuck up and that you SHOULD tell them that theyve fucked up, but that theyre capable of seeing the error of their ways and leaarning from them, too.
its not anyones job to educate celebrities, especially about stuff they should already know, but if everyone reacts to their fuckups in a “well, all celebs are trash anyways and anyone who looks up to them is naive and should feel stupid for being disappointed”  type of way, then how is anything ever going to get better? some people arent willing to learn, but you wont know that unless you try.
and yeah, i hate the casually violent way people talk about actors, too. this might be an inside joke in your tumblr bubble, hell, even I tag stuff as “killing that man” every once in a while, but you cant expect everyone to immediately catch that as a joke, especially when you do it on a platform that person is also on. and the ‘burned at the stake’ bit.......... lmao the way people actually, 100% unironically say this bc they want to look intellectual and aloof. babe, you reblogged a gifset about this man 10 minutes ago, nobody believes that youre “above stanning celebrities”. and, fyi, its not ok to wish harm upon a celebrity, even if you really really dislike them. why are you surprised that people dont like it when you wish bodily harm on a person, joke or not.
the supernatural fandom didnt invent “being a fan of an actor”, people have been doing that for years and there have always been people who go too far or who excuse inexcusable behaviour, but the way people act like any kind of admiration or affection for a celebrity is toxic or ‘too parasocial’ or naive is such bullshit.
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calpalsworld · 3 years
Not "autistic anon," but also autistic, (being called maybe ableist made me want to put this out there before go to bed) i thought Zane was depicted that way purposefully by the writers. He has stereotypical traits like taking things literally, and has an actual humor switch. The writers have done things with Zane before like have him lose bodily autonomy (during that one Wu's teas short) and did something with his voice be it making him unable to be understood or talking too loud and the forced pirate voice by Jay. (what you're doing isn't too different from that, right?) I thought it was just a little iffy to distort his body and memory bc that could be interpreted as something not that I'm sure what exactly, it's some kind of disability. I dunno. I'm not good with putting this to words. I hope this makes sense.
Sorry I went to bed but now I’m awake 😭
Also I ended up totally spilling all my thoughts here rather than only specifically replying to you please forgive me context: my scary zane concept design, & my ninjago rewrite i refer to a lot 
Im a little confused but I think I get what you're saying? You're saying the Ninjago writers absolutely DON'T write Zane well (you listed examples of this) and you don't want me to fall into the same trap?
I had the opposite logic earlier. I thought: If Ninjago writers made Zane have stereotypical autisitic traits while also being a dehumanized robot, I may as well embrace it, say he is autistic blatantly, while also making him do funny/cool non-human robot things, so its clear as possible the two aspects of his character are literal and separate and not a metaphor for each other. But you're right! I do have a choice and I dont have to embrace things! :)
Like there were a couple ways I was gonna reject the original, for example, I never wanted Zane to have a funny switch, and I hated how other characters could fuck with Zane and he didn't even care 😬. I want to change that stuff. So youre right, if I am changing shit like that, it would be counterproductive for ME to GIVE him MORE traits along that theme. 😬😬😬 I should try to feel less obligated to portray Zane like he originally is. I still like the concept of "scary zane" (for reasons i explain below the cut) but I might tone it down a bit like with the claws and weird proportions and shit. I’d def make him look more skeletal and undead. That was my original intention, but i didnt execute it as good as I could have.... idk if anyone could tell thats what he was supposed to be like...my bad! But rn I dont wanna redesign him I wanna draw other stuff like normal alive Zane. Sorry LMAO 😳. Like I said in some earlier asks I think, I think Im gonna focus rn on how I should portray season 1 normal not dead Zane so thank you and feel free to share any other Zane thoughts ^_^ SOME OTHER THOUGHTS:
Also I Wanna Argue Some Stuff But I Understand its a Weak Argument Since All of This Context was Just In My Brain (so don't take this as an argument, just as me rambling): I don't want messed up things to happen to Zane and for it to just be ignored. I think if Zane is going to have fucked up things happen to him, as all characters must, its best for it to happen during a season where he actually addresses his feelings about being a robot (learning to accept that he will always be himself, regardless if hes "human" or the "original" or whatever. (thats how I always interpreted his emotions)). But I wouldn't have the other Ninja be very phased by Zane's looks because the whole point is they already love who he is (seasons 1-3 were about getting to know Zane) and now Zane himself just has to learn the physical, robot part of him is okay. Its about person-hood rather than humanity. Because the season focuses around Zane's soul, and because he lost his original body, I feel like I could mess around with his current, temporary body and have fun and make it scary. Because that body should be irrelevant. I understand it possibly being upsetting for an autistic character to be designed like this, but other people I talked to see it the opposite way. They find it comforting for him to look so different but still be himself and be so loved. SO IM ABSOLUTELY NOT saying its wrong to be bothered or to hate it or to feel any way. Just that I personally think it would be cool for Zane to be portrayed with a little spice lol, so thats why I like scary Zane for season 4.
Another Thing I Wannna Say But Is REALLY Hypocritical: (this isnt directed at anyone I just REALLY want to say this) I know I say "this is Zane but scary, he looks like fnaf" so he's obviously dehumanized, but I always felt like "scary" is more of an objective fact. Its an instinct. But what's "not human" is subjective. I think there is a problem with saying anything different from "average" human is dehumanized because that could extend to real people. Lol I know its bad for me to compare FNAF-ass Zane to real people, but I mean he could be real. People can have exposed teeth, and people can be shaped weird. And when someone first sees a person who looks like that they'll probably think "woah those features are scary" by instinct. And that surprise doesn't make someone ableist obviously. But bring that person’s humanity into question is NOT an instinct, and is fucked to shit. This is kinda a bad point for me to make since its about the fictional FNAF Zane I drew, and I am NOT implying ANYONE was thinking like this. [especially not the original asker anon who I am totally forgetting about at this point OOPS]. But I just thought it was an opinion of mine I couldn't go without mentioning when talking about dehumanization and disabilities.
^^^ I think you (anon) understand what I mean and might’ve said the exact same thing as me if you were writing a long ass response? I think this because you started to bring physical disabilities up and you said it was "a little iffy." ^_^ So we agree, but I don't see Zane's relation to real life disabilities as "a little iffy" I see it more like "complicated"? IF THAT DIFFERENCE EVEN MAKES ANY SENSE?????? I feel like a lot of things about Zane are really just complicated and need the right context, rather than the concepts necessarily being wrong -- NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT! THATS THE WHOLE REASON I DO THIS STUPID REWRITE! XD thats why a lot of my rewrite SO FAR has been the same concepts and plot beats, but different dialogue n specifics and such. I like a lot of concepts in Ninjago but I dont think they were presented correctly.....! :( So I guess all we can do is wait and see if I make Zane offensive or not....???
Also something about the memory part - yeah i agree i was surprised no one thought that was weird to make jokes out of his memory issues..... BUT I am like 100% firm on making his memory take longer to come back because I think its stupid how quick Zane was able to recover from literally dying. Like its just dumb to me. Hate it. (also bc memory & soul mechanics is ummm kinda important in my rewrite.... for reasons). Another memory thing btw, I was going to make his original amnesia come from hitting his head in an attack against the Skulkin when they stole his dads corpse, rather than his dad fucking choosing to make him forget. (its a sweet & iconic scene, but Um, WHY?!!!?!?!?!?) He has to follow data recovery instructions he finds in his dads diary. I think in that context it makes moments of memory loss somewhat different for Zane's character? Instead of loss of autonomy associated with disability, its a literal violent loss of autonomy associated with being traumatized by physical force. Idk how to phrase it exactly but I think that makes some vibes different?
Sorry, I think I got really distracted, and I don't know if I responded well to your points. Because uhhhh I think I agree with your stance actually? If I understand correctly? Fuck Ninjago writers for making the robot lose autonomy (a stereotypical robot theme) while also making him seem clearly autistic (NOT A HAPPY THEME FOR AUTISTIC PEOPLE) and not addressing it. And also auuugh Zane with a weird body is a difficult topic - kinda sussy pretty iffy.
Lol anyway idk if this made any sense and I REALLY rambled on you. but this was nice 👉👈 more Zane criticism pls love you and i love zane. i hope u dont feel mad at me because then it would be weird that im saying that lol. if you do feel mad at me tho you can send another ask (ILL TRY TO JUST LISTEN NOT RAMBLE NEXT TIME) but assuming ur chill rn, love you thnx
Take this page, don’t mind cole’s ass.
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enoshimatroll · 5 years
i h8 having to make my twitter private but being told that people i don’t even follow look at my tweets makes me really uncomfy
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hauntedzone · 3 years
man fatphobia in tma fandom... i hated how none of the other characters were ever drawn as fat. no one else just the soft uwu squishy bean (how fandom characterized martin actually made me hate him by the 3rd season lol) which is like... i made me So Uncomfortable as a fat person. and the way jon was portrayed as unhealthy skinny got like.. borderline fetishy at times especially in fic and like. its hard for me to blame this on other people and i wouldnt want anyone who wrote him like this to see this ask and feel bad but the constant waxing poetic abt like his thin wrists and exposed ribcage and whatnot was genuinely super upsetting to me and really effected my body image especially because the only fat character they ever thought to write was like... idk how to describe it really but like there was a very clear disparity in the way they were described and meant to be related to by the reader u know?
also straighttma my beloathed... they had this like disgustingly fatphobic post about flesh avatars (cw for extreme fatphobia but if u just search for "straighttma fatphobia" in the search bar it should be the first thing). i understand its a parody blog but some of the posts and that post in particular especially was just legitimately upsetting. especially since it was anon submitted and i have no way of knowing if thats coming from a thin person or not... and in general i dont really find an expicitly bigoted version of a show particularly funny. like ive definitely made and enjoyed jokes about like characters being cishet reddit bros or whatever which i think comes with an implication of bigotry but... idk i just didnt like it
my response gets long so readmore time. i posted under some tags for bl, if youre in one of these tags and see this id prefer no reblogs on this
i never really got into fanfiction in general aside from reading maybe one or two on sparse occasion, so i cant lie and say ive experienced similar to you, but based on the art ive seen during my time liking the podcast, those descs of martin & jon do check out. (aside from that one artist with tall & fat jon, that was cool.) im sorry youve experienced that, i know one of the reasons people participate in fandom is to find belonging and seeing someone portray people like you in an unempathetic way in that setting must have been incredibly hurtful. i think its important for any media creator to understand that when they write diverse body types, sexuality, race... etc, that their intention shouldnt be to score diversity points, but to communicate to readers that arent cishet white thin abled (etc) that your artwork is also for these people
also god i forgot about straighttma... i couldnt find the post you were looking for bc tumblrs search is busted as hell. i think straighttma was kind of funny as like a 1-post idea maybe but as an entire blog idk, especially since the whole show was ALREADY full of shit youd expect from a white british guy. its sort of like, oh heres a way to sort of imagine awful people in a joking context (and i feel like white people are often looking for a reason to make racist jokes anyway), and also simultaneously makes the indirect statement of "arent we so grateful that the show and creators ARENT like that? arent we glad to get good representation?" even though the show and representation sucks ass honestly. its like the opposite of media criticism
i know i keep going back to this point and i absolutely dont intend to direct attention away from what youre saying bc youre 100% correct, but it feels like the fandom would have done everything in their power to kiss jonny sims pasty ass and defend him to the death. and it was incredibly stupid.
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