#i see leto and i have the same reaction i do when i see one of the whalbergs: rage
flatstarcarcosa · 9 months
lays down on floor bc i wanna develop the lore for my ship with mike but his tags are a minefield and any recent content for him is hot garbage.
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 7 months
Those leto fan girls are so annoying and pathetic actually. And I'm off anon because I don't want their asses to say I'm "weak". No one cares you're not part of the fandom anymore. And yes the evan fandom can be awful. But so much of the toxicity was often caused by them. And sorry we are gonna call you out for stanning someone with multiple allegations against him. It is not the same as when people slander evan to defend emma. There are actual allegations against that man. People are not obsessed with them just pointing out how stupid it is to complain about EVAN'S fandom when you stan a man like that. Like it's laughable actually.
well! happy sunday night all. i have dozens and dozens of messages about this topic and i don't want you guys to think i'm ignoring you - i am not. but i don't think it serves anyone to dogpile and make post after post about this. @evanboodaddy @letsxriot i received your messages as well so i will address this here:
i just want to start off by saying this: i'm not here to police who anybody is a fan of. i really do not care if someone is a fan of jared leto, not because i believe he is innocent of the allegations against him - quite frankly, where there is smoke, there is fire. the odds are very likely that he is a nefarious person who has done things that would be unforgivable if proven. but they are not proven at this time - no arrest or charges, and i am not familiar enough with him to make a conclusive judgement and even if i was.. he would be one of like, a million men in hollywood who are guilty of just as bad and worse, so i do not have the time nor mental bandwidth to be concerned with his proclivities.
but outside of that? look, no one can constantly troll/make remarks intended to inflame, and not expect to get a reaction. it's disingenuous to act as though you are minding your business and evan's fans are being unfairly critical. to be honest, i am well aware the only reason you both have taken a turn and are speaking against evan's fandom is because you feel you were essentially pushed out because people ''hate'' and want to cancel you. every time you logged on it was like you were fending off people upset with you, but if you were truly above it, you would not be incessantly speaking on evan and his fans in a derogatory manner, - you'd simply move onto the next male celebrity you stan, as you both have done previously, no big deal. your accounts did not begin as evan fan accounts, in fact, before dahmer you both never mentioned his name. what is happening now, you becoming fans of someone else and moving on, is par for the course and nothing to apologize for. no one should be mad at someone quietly moving onto a different fandom, for any reason.
i hope you will consider that you can participate in fandom and not feel the need to dedicate the majority of your time to engaging with people who hate the celebrity you stan. and to be fair, you have no right to talk down to the anonymous people on my blog when you created numerous troll accounts to argue with ''haters'', per jessie herself. you perpetuating a cycle of making remarks to anger people and then being frustrated you're disliked is not serving you in any positive way and it doesn't have to be like this. fandom is to enjoy, and i don't see how this is enjoyable. you are setting yourself up to be in a constant loop of hate and defending your fav against every person who speaks negatively about them. i will not disagree that there are some very toxic and draining people in this fandom, but allowing them to affect your enjoyment of it is a decision as far as i'm concerned. if you two stop addressing the fandom i'm pretty sure all would be forgotten by most in a couple of weeks, but the tit for tat will just keep things continuing in perpetuity.
either way.. only you can decide that. i understand a lot of folks are riled up but i just don't see there ever being a resolution to this and it's just ridiculous to me, i don't see the point in continuing to address inflammatory tweets that are obviously baiting you to do just that.
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aggro-crap · 2 years
Every thought I’ve had while watching Glass Onion again
I have a million thoughts about Glass Onion and I need to get it off my chest!
First of all, I really need the people calling Blanc’s accent “bad” to just stop. He is from Louisiana...his name is fucking Benoit Blanc for fucks sake! That’s a Louisiana/Cajun accent. For those who don’t know, “southern” isn’t a singular accent the same way “european” doesn’t describe any specific accent. It’s a generalization. Every southern state has slightly different accents and cadences that define each region. 
So Miles Bron is obviously a clear depiction of Elon Musk, we see details hinting to other billionaires as well through wardrobe and props. The very first scene shows Claire getting her box from Miles delivered by an Alpha Courier van...Amazon Prime anyone? Even his clothes throughout remind me of billionaires like Musk and Steve Jobs. 
Duke’s mom calling him dookie cause he’s a piece of shit. And then casually solving the “genius” puzzles from across the room, she’s a treasure.
Yo-Yo Ma giving us a little lesson in classical music. This entire movie is a name drop.
Blanc in the bathtub on a zoom with Natasha Lyonne, Stephen Sondheim, Angela Lansbury, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. How the hell do they know each other? Did he solve cases for them? Does he know them through Phillip? And the hesitant denial when Phillip asks if he’s in the bath again is pure domestic excellence, that is his home now. 
As someone who worked retail throughout the pandemic, I had a visceral reaction to Birdie’s sparkly mesh “mask” (and then she has the audacity to say she can finally breathe again when she doesn’t have to wear it at the pool!?). With each mask and the way they’re wearing them (or not wearing them) we know exactly what kind of person each one of them is. Though I can’t quite figure out why Andi isn’t wearing one, either to facilitate the scene with that dramatic reveal or does Helen make the conscious decision to not wear it because Andi wouldn’t have worn it? Also high tech snap bracelets? Sure I guess. 
Approaching the island Lionel asks if the dock is a Bansky, and the captain says “piece of shit” and just lets him believe that’s the name of the island in greek. That shit is so funny. But also, wouldn’t having a glass dock be totally slippery and dangerous? Like I can just imagine his contractors telling him its dangerous and not advisable to have it set at low tide and him just being like I know more than you just do it my way!
The way Duke pimped out Whiskey to try to get Miles to do what he wants just kinda breaks my heart. It shows that he knows she’s smart and capable but the uncontrollable hurt on his face when he sees them hug is gut wrenching. I cannot believe I feel bad for this dude, Rian Johnson you are masterful.
The look on Miles’ face when he sees Andi arrive on the island and then when he sees her again after he shoots her is fucking priceless. It’s very ‘why won’t this bitch die?’ Either she chose not to tell him she had a twin sister or this is just another example of his stupidity. 
Derol. Just Derol. I saw someone else on here mention that he’s a personification of covid and it blew my mind. He’s always drinking Corona and saying ignore me I’m not here? Fucking genius. He almost accentuates the absurdity that is Miles Bron when he’s giving his little introduction speech and Derol walks through followed by the robot with everyone’s bags. I cackled!
Also I’ve never heard the term “flat tire” for an untied shoelace before and I will absolutely be using that from now on!
The hourly dong? Assigning rooms by chakra? His little bracelets and shit? Its screaming fake namaste bullshit.
Benoit is such a shady bitch for referring to the box as children’s puzzles having not really seen any of the puzzles because Helen smashed it. Easily one of my favorite moments in the whole movie. 
Jared Leto’s hard kombucha...
I’ve never met a person with a serious allergy, let alone deadly, that does not carry an epipen for emergencies, like wtf Duke? But that fancy lil gun you got there never leaves your side cause you never know what’s gonna happen right?
When Blanc tells Birdie “It’s a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought for speaking the truth” and her only takeaway is “Are you calling me dangerous?” Like girl if he is then he’s calling you dangerously stupid! Which is absolutely the truth.
Miles handing Peg a red solo cup is sending me through the roof. That motherfucker had to go out of his way to get that for her! There’s plenty of glassware in that room and he just had to give her a fucking plastic cup like she’s not worthy of anything more. I could’ve killed him right there for that tbh. 
The entire concept of Miles buying the Mona Lisa just because he can, and then installing his own override of the security built to preserve the most famous painting in the world which then becomes the reason it gets destroyed reminds me of Kim Kardashian ruining Marilyn Monroe’s dress for a fucking red carpet. She did it because she wanted to be associated with her, not out of love or respect for the actual piece of art. Don’t get me started about altering Michael Jackson’s clothes so her child can wear them. I’m not sure of the timeline but I think that was also something that happened after the movie was already done so I’m starting to wonder if Rian Johnson has some of that Simpsons prediction mojo.
I love how excited Blanc gets to reveal the mystery. Every time he is downright giddy, at least until he realizes how dumb Miles is which infuriates him because he hates dumb games.
Honestly building a literal glass onion on your own island because you miss you favorite bar where you met your friends and want to relive the glory days is one of the saddest and most pathetic billionaire antics I’ve ever seen. 
Why did Claire’s husband call her and she ignored it? Is that the moment he got the news about Andi’s death? But Duke doesn’t get the notification until after she leaves the room. 
I like how we’re constantly reminded of the Mona Lisa’s presence with the security door shutting in response to what’s happening in the room. It almost feels like an additional character. 
I just love how the second act starts at exactly the halfway point. It really satisfies my brain having so much time to go back and dig through all those glass layers.
Who’s out here thinking that Phillip is a professional baker with all that flour on his face?! That man is just doing his best in a pandemic with a partner that lives in a bathtub.
Janelle Monet is so fucking talented it hurts
I don’t like the way Birdie shouted at Andi on the boat that she shouldn’t be there. Like wtf. But I love when Birdie shows Peg the email and she immediately knows that Birdie didn’t actually mean any harm she is just so dumb she really thought sweatshops are just a place where they make sweatpants. Peg is a real one.
That little notebook stopped a whole bullet wtf?
Omg why can I feel that drop of hot sauce running down my face 
I really hope that after this at least some people start seeing through the lies and misdirection used by these billionaire con artists and politicians but I fear I may be asking too much of the general public. That’s why ben shapiro went on his little twitter tantrum about terrible writing or whatever. Like bro if you’re not smart enough to understand symbolism in cinema, especially when it’s literally spelled out for you step by step in this particular instance, then there’s this little thing called not saying anything at all. He just doesn’t want to be exposed for what he and others like him are actually doing. ~~misdirection~~
I’m sorry but if it were me I would’ve put that napkin in my pocket or something not just held it out for him.
Benoit Blanc really just gave Helen the tools to take that fucker down and just waited at the beach with Derol to watch it all burn. And finally smoke his cigar I’m so happy for him. 
If there’s one thing I respect about Birdie its the respect she has for these pieces of history being destroyed, even when Miles drops Paul Mccartney’s guitar on the beach she’s like so concerned and I feel that.
My take away from this is that I am already so excited for Knives Out 3, I could watch an infinite amount of these movies. 
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jessleto but it's jessica overstepping (in some way leto couldn't care less about) and trying to make amends through a little seduction ☺️
I finally got to use some of my favorite headcanons in a fic! Mid-era, vaguely nsfw, and also on ao3.
Say the wrong thing to one person one time…
Jessica is trying, she really is. The boundaries she sets for herself grow less harsh as time passes, but she still-
It might be an incident. It might not be. It’s too early to call. She needs to run damage control anyways.
There is an art to how she maneuvers her life, every cautious step with full awareness of the ecosystem around her and of her specific place in it, and she knows she could just let this go and get comparable results but there is still that part of her that wants to earn the loyalty her partner shows her because that is how the world still works in her mind, that is how-
He used to ask for her presence, innocent requests with optional implications. In more recent years neither of them has tried at all, intimacies become a part of quiet domesticity. For her to initiate…
It is unlike her to slip into his study earlier in the evening than they would usually cross paths, and even more unlike her to wear a dress that exposes more of her skin than she is comfortable with but oh she has a point to make and-
Her partner responds to the sound of the door, glances at her and she can see the emotions cycle through his face, worry always dominant around her, always-
“What did you do?” So casual, barely an accusation just an understanding of their existence.
“Not sure yet,” Jessica murmurs. “But I would like preemptive confirmation-“
Intimacies do not fix them. She is above this behavior. At the same time, her programming hasn’t felt so strong in a while, and-
She clears the distance and takes kisses, deep and desperate. She knows she does not owe this anymore, but still-
“That much of a possible incident,” he breathes against her skin.
“Could still be nothing, but… if it isn’t, it would be in my favor if you have a recent memory that my mouth still has uses.”
She hopes the implications are clear enough to go unspoken, how she may have gotten herself in trouble and what she’s about to do and-
“Do as you will, my storm.”
She knows he delights in these rare moments of assertiveness from her, knows he wishes it would happen more but… her descent into more submissive tendencies was a part of her rebellion, she hopes that is understood, and these flickers-
There is no need for such reflection right now, she thinks as she falls to her knees. Later, perhaps, but not now.
She knows this is safe, knows her partner will tangle his hands in her hair but will not change her pace. Minimal skin exposed and the safety of it, no one else has touched him in a decade and she believes that fidelity like nothing else in the world and-
Eyes closed, instincts high as she takes his part into her mouth. This is hers as the rest of the body it is attached to is hers, and this act she only initiates when she needs to prove herself…
Not that he’s any better, she reminds herself, but not like she’s about to complain about such an apology method, whereas this-
Senses up, aware of his reactions, the changes in his breathing as she moves, changed tension in his hands – not to hurt never to hurt but to keep her close – and an uneven pulse and-
She is efficient in this, as in all things. There is no reason to tease him when he aches for her, and she has perfect control, and a flick of her tongue, and-
He falls apart with her name on his lips as he always does, and from her current position she cannot see the beauty of it, and that awful voice in her mind says this is all she is good for, and-
She separates their bodies and still the surprise as he hands her a cloth, still-
“You do want what you want.”
“Was that good for you?”
She knows the answer well enough, felt it in how the tension in his body released as his prick did, knows that it’s just as well she was in a mood because she would’ve had to handle this at some point in the evening and at least it’s done now and-
“You are more than I could ever ask for.”
Something in her melts, something deep and vulnerable and sacred and-
“Remember that, when-“
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
5 Anti LO Asks
(Note: All of these asks are before episode 206 (Season 2 finale) so some may be dated.) 1. it's always privileged ppl who are LO's biggest fans because they can see themselves in persephone's shoes :/ meanwhile nymphs are actively looked down upon and its written off as "funny" or "deserved" (minthe deserved better)
this comic sucks lol
2. I see a lot of people say the early art was more detailed but tbh it really wasn't? the quality was very loose and inconsistent, but what made it interesting was it was more fantasy like with strong composition and use of color/contrast (which LBR here, it's a few more swipes of a brush, it not that much more work if at all) which makes it's decline into such flat, static poses and colors all the more jarring. Her style has if anything become more complicated technical-wise and its worse for it.
3. What’s confusing to me about Eris’ design (wow she really only showed up for two episodes huh) is why does she look like a off brand harpy? Why do the rest of her family just look like people but she’s the random one out? Hell, why in general does it seem Rachel’s only extent into anything beyond boxy man/tiny and curvy woman is at best wings and maybe some horns? She clearly struggles with same faces/bodies yet does nothing to tell anyone apart. It’s so weird and lazy.
4. See it's funny because Rachel is framing Apollo as bad for loving his mother and being loyal to her, but Hades is framed as good for being so loyal to his mother who quite literally gave up trying to protect him and happily had TWO MORE kids with his father while he was imprisoned in his stomach. I get their situations are different and all but Rhea has done nothing to deserve such unquestioned loyalty and love while we're supposed to hate Leto because Rachel said so.
5. So with the new episodes - canonically 10 yrs have passed right? So Persephone should be 30 now (cause I think the last time we saw her she was 20?) - but she looks and acts the same? (Actually I take it back she seems to have regressed character wise) And yes, I know there's that thing RS set up where Persephone stops aging so she looks the same (so she doesnt have to draw Persephone any different / older I guess) but after 10 yrs we see her.. Basically mope around, talk to a tree of Hades and act like the same teen she was yrs ago. She does start to take ownership of her actions then Immediately pulls back on the statement with a very haunty look on her face as she states "well its not All my fault" which semes to imply she doesnt think she should be punished for the murder she commited?? And then she goes on to talk about how she thinks her green hands are a turn off as though this is her biggest concern? And later we see her mope about then act excited about her ears getting pierced so it doesnt seem like shes taking her job of regulating spring very seriously. And she asks zeus to send a letter to Hades but doesn't ask to see her aging mortal mother? Not even the nymphs seem concerned about Demeters whereabouts cause their too busy fawning over the idea of persephone having sex with Hades At Last (which is implied when they give her a condom - like props for trying to promote safe sex but still).
Things that seemed to be big deals also no longer seem to hold weight? Like minthe and Daphne are fixed no problem? As far as I know (I haven't seen the fp chapters) We don't even get to see persephones reaction to Daphne being turned into a tree nor minthes reaction to being non-plantified? Shes just chilling and is her usual sassy self?? Shes not complaining to Zeus that shes stuck with the woman who almost killed her??
Aside from that we have Apollo and Artemis being crowned and Hebe looks lile a carbon copy of her mother...
And I'm gonna actually push back on that earlier anon ask - yes techncially Artemis could have asked for anything but I doubt Zeus would've followed through with Artemis' request if she had asked for persephones banishment to be lifted. Like it would be too easy an out for Persephone plot wise so I guess she banished herself? (Idk maybe Artemis knows he wouldn't do it and her self esteem is so low that this is the next best thing in her mind.) Like I think its the same reason why Apollo asked for Leto to... Be unbanished .... but didnt ask for Persephone to be made into his wife because I don't think that's something Zeus would have budged on despite saying they Could ask for anything, he means within limits that he set. Could he do it? Sure. Would he do it? Doubtful.
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fluxofthemouth · 11 months
What can completely break your muse?
What would be your muse's last words be if they died right now?
Ordinary hitting him and attacking him could do it; he's got resolve and intimidation going for him, but he's just not very large or strong. If you took away all of his money and influence and told him to start over again, also, I think he'd be more likely to sink than swim. He is also pretty self-destructive without any outside push at all. If you want to see him completely break, it may be as easy as sitting down to watch.
Spoilers for a 60 year old novel that inspired several movies, but so hmm, when Piter died in the book we see it from someone else's perspective, and they note that he looks astonished.
I take two things away from this. First, Piter has been actively playing with fire and poking hornets' nests for the entirety of his professional career: on the scale of helping the Barony compete with/sabotage the operations of other nobles in various ways, and also on the scale of daring to be a cheeky nuisance to Baron Vladimir himself in their interpersonal interactions. Up to this point, he has survived all of it. So when he realizes he won't be getting out of this one, it's like the astonishment of watching the Jenga tower finally fall. I think he would have this same kind of astonishment no matter how he died, especially if this alternate death scenario *also* caught him with his hand in the cookie jar of hurting people for personal gain.
The second thing I take away is that he's not really socially attuned to anybody in that room, except maybe Duke Leto, who just killed him (kind of heavy handed as far as social gestures go, but Leto sure did get his attention). Like, if Piter had said anything, it would have had to be *to* somebody. And what is there to say to his terrible boss he hates? What motive could he possibly have to spend his final moments seeking out that kind of company? He doesn't look to anybody for help or connection or to see if they're safe or anything. It's a very self-contained, 'oh fucking hell, here I go' kind of reaction (that, and 'oh fucking hell, Leto, you've just killed me').
So I think that if he died 'right now' (that is, in the scenario of any of his current threads), he would have someone around to turn towards. Unless it's a parallel play kind of thread, most threads exist because there's an interesting and meaningful connection to explore. I think he'd have that same kind of 'astonished' reaction; surprised but not surprised. Depending on how he died, I think he'd either say absolutely nothing, or just start talking and keep talking, like everything was normal, until he physically couldn't anymore.
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jomiddlemarch · 3 years
I thought to myself: I am wiser than this man
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“He’ll fall in love with you if you let him,” Marsail said matter-of-factly as she turned the page of the account-ledger for the kitchens. Jessica had waited for a fortnight after the binding without making a request to meet with the Mistress of the Household, a position she might have thought was hers as the Duke’s Lady except that she had spent the weeks before her transfer poring over what texts she could find about the hierarchy of the House of Atreides and its primary fiefdom, the seaworld Caladan.
She had waited the fortnight and on the day that she began to consider the material she’d reviewed faulty, she had taken her last sip of tea and found Marsail at the threshold of the dining room, her grey hair dressed in the coronet of braids worn by the female staff; on Marsail, it looked like an iron diadem. The conversation had been brief, a time set for the formal meeting which would be held in the Mistress’s office. There had been nothing in Marsail’s manner then or during the interview that would have led Jessica to expect such a personal comment. It was a matter of some delicacy to decide how to respond, to encourage further confidence, which would be exceedingly helpful as Jessica worked to establish herself, while revealing little of her own intentions and reactions. Did Marsail expect Jessica to be pleased by the prospect of Leto’s love or was it a warning?
“You are confident,” Jessica said. In the language native on Caladan, the word differed very slightly from confidant, the slight rounding of the final vowel one an off-worlder would not be thought capable of mastering, though Marsail’s gaze had a sharpness that told Jessica the older woman knew what Jessica meant and appreciated the approach, a feint that enticed.
“I’ve known him since he was a boy, when there was only peach-fuzz on his cheeks, though you’d hardly believe it, seeing him now,” Marsail said.
“What wouldn’t I believe?” Jessica asked.
“What a pretty child he was and what a terrible scapegrace. Until his mother died when he was twelve,” Marsail replied, paused, holding Jessica’s eyes as if they were in an interrogation. “That he could love one like you, someone bound to him. Someone brought to him as an asset, a resource.”
“An ornament,” Jessica said, striving to keep any bitterness from her voice. Why should she be bitter to be an ornament for the Duke of Atreides, especially once she saw how fine his castle was and how exquisitely appointed, how well he cared for those who served him?
“It was Thufir Hawat’s doing, his and your Reverend Mother’s,” Marsail said.
“He didn’t want this,” Jessica said, a conclusion she had been hesitant to draw but had wondered about every day since she arrived. Sometimes at daybreak, when she woke alone in a wide bed, sometimes in the late afternoon in this late autumn when the darkness came all at once, that last hour of light heady, treasured, made to be shared, his eyes upon her, his hands always loosely clasped between his thighs.
“He isn’t a man driven by wants, Duke Leto,” Marsail said. “You must understand that if you haven’t already, if you mean to make a success of yourself. If you mean to be the mother of his children and not only the woman who bears them. Duke Leto agreed, when it was clear that was the only way forward. Did you not do the same?”
“No,” Jessica said. “My acceptance wasn’t sought, required nor considered. I am a Sister of the Bene Gesserit, I am a seed to be scattered.”
“Malakíes,” Marsail said, without any venom, but with something far worse: pity. Jessica realized she had heard the same note in Leto’s voice, the morning after their binding and had seen it in the glance Gurney Halleck had given her in the moment the wind of Caladan took her veil. “With all due respect to the Sisterhood, their ways are not ours. We may be forced to positions we didn’t seek, but we don’t turn away. There is no call we would not answer, but the answer in itself is a choice, the how and why of it.”
“Are all in the household as forthright as you, Mistress Marsail?” Jessica asked.
“In the proper time and place, yes,” Marsail said. “It’s valued here, in House Atreides and Caladan. I don’t imagine it’s what you’re used to, any more than you’re used to the sound of the ocean or the gulls.”
“No, it’s not like Wallach IX,” Jessica said. Marsail nodded. She could leave it there and ask about the wine cellar or the hothouse fruits or she could walk further down the path Marsail had laid, a risk, because she could not know where it ended and what she would find in herself when she got there. “You said, if I let him…”
“It doesn’t take a Sister of the Bene Gesserit to see he’s drawn to you,” Marsail said. “Against his better judgment, I’d wager he’d say, but he’s not one to pretend to himself. You’ve clearly been trained in all manner of ways to make yourself indispensable and pleasing to a household and its master, but that will only take you so far here. If you want something more than the obligation he feels to all under his protection, you’ll heed my words and begin to consider who you would be, now that the choice presents itself.”
“It was not only a warning, then, what you said,” Jessica replied. “Nor a threat.”
“No, though you’d be wise to consider what being loved by the Duke would mean as his Lady. He does not do anything by half-measures. And the Atreides are as passionate as they are stalwart,” Marsail said. She painted the picture of a complex man, passionate yet not commanded by his desires, capable of great loyalty, great sacrifice, eager for what? The ascendance of the Atreides? The Imperial throne itself or something else, some principle he wished to uphold in the face of universal disdain or indifference? Jessica had been told only to conceive the Duke’s daughter and raise her to be obedient, receptive to the Sisterhood’s precepts, fertile, as if everything else was extraneous, as if she were the soulless machine whose existence the Koranjiyana forbade. Marsail regarded her steadily, patient as Jessica’s teachers had rarely been, trusting the student to see what was hidden and the grasp its significance. To see beyond the instruction into further fields, areas unsurveyed, unmapped, treacherous and rich. Marsail said Leto’s mother had died when he was twelve and that she had known him since he was a little boy; she was the woman who had guided him longest, whose wisdom he had sought most often and now she was his devoted servant, a deputy he would allow the greatest latitude, as much as Halleck and perhaps even more than Hawat.
“His Lady and not his Duchess.”
Marsail smiled. When was the last time Jessica had received such direct appreciation for her own acuity? It would not have been remarked upon among the Sisterhood, the simple fulfilment of her intellectual ability; achievements there were the expectation, only dereliction worth recognition and correction, swift and severe.
“Just so,” Marsail said. “A place apart, for good and for ill. It hasn’t been done here in several generations, but the people will accept what Duke Leto has agreed to, for they know who he is and what his word means. They will accept his child. You—”
“I will always be the Bene Gesserit off-worlder he loves,” Jessica finished. “As he trusts me, so will they and no further, but there will be no move to conceal their apprehension as they would for a Duchess, even one borne of a lesser House.”
There was a silence between them, one that allowed them to return to the account books and ledger if either chose. Such a moment might come again quite readily or not at all. Jessica, who had been ferruled more than once for her impulsivity, decided she would ask what she wanted and brace herself for the blow of Marsail’s words.
“Should I want to be loved by him?”
“A question worth considering, to be sure,” Marsail said, without any hint of mockery. “The love of a good man, a man who tries, most persistently to be good and do good, well, it may not be as rare as the spice, but it’s rare enough for all that. But you came here with your own aims in mind, those the Sisterhood gave to you and those held in the most secret confidence of your soul, and you must decide whether being loved by the Duke suits your ends.”
“I notice you do not ask whether I love him or seek to,” Jessica said. Marsail reached over and patted Jessica’s hand, the same one Leto had taken first in the binding.
“That is something that will never be asked of you by any in the House,” Marsail said. “You may speak of it if you like, but we will see what you do and that will be enough for us. And in any event, you should know Duke Leto prefers white wine and the cellars need replenishing. I thought from the Lucasta vineyards in Toumba unless you feel strongly about importing a vintage from Kaitain.”
“No, the local wine will be best,” Jessica said, appreciating the neat way Marsail had brought them back to their ostensible task and allowed her to show an allegiance to Caladan, one that would please Leto when he took the first swallow from his flute, his eyes regarding her as he drank and then watched her reach for his glass to do the same. Her lips would be where his had been, a gesture he must recognize as only hers, with nothing of the Bene Gesserit in its coquetry and nothing of the concubine in its assertion.
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supernovafeather · 4 years
Imaginary Bliss (18+)
Duke Leto x F!Reader
Warnings : smut, sex pollen (dub con), hallucinations, oral sex (female receiving), dirty talk, swearing, pet names, praise kink, spanking.
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Breathing is hard even with only a thin sheet covering you. You keep your eyes closed as the doctor wipes your sweat off your forehead, your teeth clenched as he rambles about your state.
"And as you can see nothing seems to be working," he adds before turning to the Duke standing there. "I have the regret to tell you that we can only wait for an improvement. Any improvement."
You hear your ruler humming as your throat gets dry. During a scout mission in some unknown caverns, your helmet got damaged by the enemy. Apparently you breathed something bad because you are the only one of your team suffering from such weird symptoms. Headache, cold sweat appearing, lungs feeling weirdly heavy, tickles in your belly, dehydration. Everything got worse during the medical examination out there and now that you are back... you start worrying.
This worry turns into a short panic as you turn your head towards the Duke, watching him behind your half-closed eyes. The man is staring at your raising chest with a deep frown, his hands clasped behind his back. You know he notices how painful and hard it is for you to breath.
"M... My Lord... it will... be ok," you manage to articulate while closing your eyes to save some strength. "I... I just... need some... rest."
"Don't talk please," he mumbles as he walks closer to your bed, taking your wrist between his fingers to test your reflex, but your arm simply falls onto the mattress without any reaction from you. "This is something serious. Keep your calm. This could help."
"I'm... as calm... as a... a stupid rat... trapped alive... inside a burning... dune. It's hot there. Like... crushing... there," you breathe out weakly trying to lift your hand to show your chest, but you can't even move it the slightest. "I... I'm sure... that would... have the... same effect..."
Your eyes roll back under your eyelids as you feel about to faint but you manage to keep consciousness. At least that's what you think as you wake up in the same bed, in the darkness. No, not exactly the darkness. A window lets some moonlight entering. It's beautiful outside, the stars are marvellous, like some milk droplets illuminating dark ink. This makes you smile. You never have the occasion to admire the stars. During the day, it's normal you can't see them even though they are present. But at night... that's a shame.
A strange shiver travels across your body and you blink. You feel better. You can move more easily, and your breathing is nearly back to normal albeit a bit too slow and deep. Yes you definitely feel better as you feel this enjoyable sensation of excitement in your veins. This time you repress a chuckle, rubbing your face in tiredness. Most of your symptoms disappeared and your hormones are doing whatever they want. Could be worse, right ?
Trying to fall back asleep, you close your eyes. After all you need to rest but... you are distracted by your swollen clit. There is no dirty thought crossing your mind but you rub your thighs. You like the sensation. It makes you bite your lip. Your brain must need some release after your risky adventure, like couples having sex in some dark corners of the castle every time they come back from a dangerous mission. But you are single so... you don't have many choices.
However... this feels good when you rest your finger on your panties. Your nerves are... sensitive. Shit you really must need it. You're soaked. You can also feel how perky and sensitive your nipples are under this thin and soft nightgown. You exhale as you rub your palm against your clit under your panties, spreading your legs as you stare at the closed door. You hope nobody come to examine you and... shit this feels good. You are clenching against your own hand without needing any finger.
Your mouth starts forming an "o" as you close your eyes, your wetness making some noise even under the cover. How better this would feel if this was Leto's hand. You don't know why you think about him. Well yes you know why after all this is not the first time you fantasize about him but...
The cover is suddenly tossed to the side and you stop moving, pressing your thighs around your hand and your heart like about to explode. What... what happened ? Everything is in the dark. There is no one else... what the... well you must have kicked the cover with your foot...
You wait for a few seconds in silence, your eyes looking for any sign of a presence but you are definitely alone. Once a bit more relaxed, you tense up right after.
"Dirty minded," says his amused voice. "Such a dirty minded little thing."
This time you freeze. That's Leto's voice. He is whispering to your ear. You feel his hot breath. He is here. In your bed. You can't move. You can't talk. You can't prevent this internal heat from increasing. Your forearm is getting brushed by a calloused hand, gently.
"I know what you want and even more than that," he says as you turn your head to him, only to witness his absence from your bed. "Not there."
A cardiac arrest is threatening to take over your body as you watch the Duke standing in front of the bed, in his perfect military uniform. You can't see his face in detail, but the moonlight gives away his grin. His eyes are hidden.
"My Lord," you whisper in a pitiful voice as you tighten your grip around your hand with your thighs to hide from him. "I am sorry... I shouldn't..."
You blink just once before having him kneeling by your side on the ground. You didn't even see him walking. It's just like he got teleported there. And he is so hot with those seductive eyes...
"This dirty girl likes when her Duke watches her touching herself," he states with an amused smile, his hand rubbing your bare leg up to your thigh as you peacefully lay back under his tender gaze. "Relax. Just let me..."
For one second you open wide eyes before staring at the ceiling, biting your hand to muffle your moans. He is now between your legs. His tongue is playing with your clit, you can feel it. You feel the warm and wet tip pressing and massaging your swollen clit. You don't dare to look at him. You feel his beard. He shouldn't... he's Leto Atreides. Duke of Arrakis. That doesn't make any sense.
"Sir... sir...," you whisper before moaning at how he starts sucking on your clit several times in a few seconds. "Sir... shit... why are you..."
Nothing makes sense so you look down at your legs, shock paralyzing you. He is not there yet you feel everything. Shit you're hallucinating. Shit this feels so good. Shit stop moaning his name. Stop that he is not there. But you blink and he is back, eyes closed as you whine, his tongue licking your folds hungrily. He is holding your legs tightly.
"Leto... No you're not him," you whisper as you stare at the ceiling, feeling his arms pulling you towards him as he keeps licking and sucking on your clit. "You're not him... You're not real..."
He stops. He still holds you. But stops. You whine, staring down at him. This grin.
"Not real ? What are you feeling my sweet ? That's me taking care of you like you deserve," he whispers before kissing your soaked folds. "That's your Duke you think about. Your Duke pleasuring you. That's my face you see between your legs."
"Hallucination. You're an hallucination."
He hums before eating you out hungrily, your voice dying in your throat as you try to process how realistic everything is. His tongue, his breath, his beard. It stings and scratches yet feels good. You grab his hair as he presses harder against your pussy, his tongue plunging farther into you as your body shakes.
"An hallucination," you whisper in a high-pitched voice as you tighten your grip on his hair. "An hallucination... I'm... I'm dreaming... and... shit... shit Leto... I... right there..."
You moan as you close your eyes, guiding him with your voice as you feel two fingers rubbing your walls. He keeps sucking on your clit, the wet sounds more than sinful.
"'Leto... my Lord... I...," you try to say but nothing else seems working other than some isolated words and sounds.
This orgasm is silent, your body arching backwards as he keeps fingering you. Your back falls slowly onto the mattress as your hips move by themselves around his face, your folds rubbing against his face. It lasts for a long time, until you are out of breath and staring at the ceiling in a confused bliss. Your blood is still boiling and when you look at the area between your legs he is not there anymore. That's your own fingers still inside you, your legs wide open.
As you have enough strength to wash yourself quickly, you erase any proof of what happened. You still don't know if that was a dream, a vivid fantasy or hallucinations. Maybe a mix between everything. You still feel everything, that's so...
You close your eyes, as you rest your hands on the sink, calloused hands on your hips. Hallucinations. You are having fucking hallucinations. That's not a dream.
"I'm proud of you."
This makes you look up at the mirror in astonishment, his expressive brown eyes capturing your gaze immediately. He is sincere as he hugs you by behind. You feel his body pressed against yours.
"What," you whisper as you can't get your eyes off him. "What did you just say ?"
"I'm proud of you my sweet. Arrakis should be honored to have such a devoted person ready to defend it. Your Duke is so proud of you my angel."
This makes you swallow hard as you breath quickens. Hallucination. That's an hallucination. Leto Atreides would never say that. Certainly not while rubbing his hardening crotch against your ass while kissing your neck. No. He wouldn't do that. He barely shakes your hand when you meet for briefings or reports. You shouldn't shiver at this. But his words...
"So am I your angel my Lord," you ask as his hands rubs your belly under your nightgown. You see his reflection as he stares at you with this piercing gaze. "You just said it..."
"You are my angel, my kitten, my sweet, my dear," he says before rubbing your breasts as your nightgown is almost completely removed from you body. "You are everything you want to be to me. I know you want it. You can be my precious angel like you can be my slut. I can take you gently like I can fuck you hard to make you scream in your bed," he adds with a grin as he pinches your nipples. "Imagine everyone running into your bedroom to see you cumming to an imaginary Duke Leto Atreides. This wouldn't be good for you."
You bite your tongue as he spanks you hard, your grip tightening on your sink. He looks down at your ass before spanking you again.
"My Lord... you're... imaginary... you don't exist. You're something made up by..."
Everything stops as he steps back from you with a smile, your moans resuming.
"Yes. I'm made up. But can you feel it ?"
Yes you feel it. It's... it's moving inside you. That's not his cock it's... He's not inside you. It's like your core is reacting to an invisible presence. You could almost imagine him thrusting gently. Like his cock is there. You turn around, staring at his face.
"An hallucination. That's it you are an..." but you get interrupted by a loud moan as you lower your head, something reaching the deepest spot inside you gently and staying there. "You're not fucking me... you're not fucking me... that's just hormones and my brain..."
You moan again as it thrusts, stretching your walls. You moan again as your ass hits the sink because of the more brutal motion. Then it comes back to the slow pace, making you close your eyes. You whisper his name as he hits the same spot dozens of times. It's so perfect.
"Sir... you're..." and you bite your lip as you give up any resistance only moving away from the sink to lean your back on the wall, your legs spreading slightly. "Keep going sir... please keep going..."
You want to experiment but when you open your eyes he is there, he is pounding into you, his body pressing you against the wall. His lips silence you in a deep kiss as he grinds inside you. You embrace everything. You stop thinking.
Like the previous one, your orgasm is silent. It's like your body is following the same pattern and you just press against the wall before sliding slowly to the ground, your lungs working properly only when your buttocks hits the floor. Out of breath you look around, alone again as you feel your juices leaking from your folds, still clenching. You wait for a few minutes but nothing happens. It's like he could appear at any moment but you seem to be definitely alone there. You wash yourself again, your bliss turning into worry as you wonder whether this would keep happening. Fortunately - or unfortunately - your hallucinations cease.
When you open your eyes you wake up in your bed, peaceful and relaxed as the doctor and a maidservant arrive. Trying to ignore the memories and ending thinking this was some fever dream, you just listen to the confused man noticing that your symptoms disappeared during the night. When Duke Leto visits you later that day you are more than embarrassed, still laying on bed. You clench around nothing under your cover as you feel his palm on your forehead but he doesn't notice anything and leaves, satisfied with your condition.
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jazzanddaydreams · 3 years
Evidence and reasons to ship Sophiana that literally no one asked for
Disclaimer: I myself am a multi-shipper, so I ship both Sophiana AND Dexiana (and sokeefe of course), but anyway here's my reasoning for Sophiana (no hate to the other ships). This is WAYYYYY overly long and my adhd brain is crying trying to proof-read it so fair warning
1. Representation in this series. Even though I know it probably won't happen with these two, I can still dream. 
2. Both Sophie and Biana are strong independent females who have been sucked (mainly unknowingly) into love triangles in the midst of whatever mess is going on with the Neverseen. 
3. In the beginning of the series, Biana seemed to hate Sophie, but after persuasion from Alden, became friends with Sophie. From there, the two of them have had a couple of rocky moments (Alden's memory break, where she didn't hate Sophie, she just wouldn't talk to her or anyone, which is less harmful of a reaction that Fitz's. Also when Stina reveals that Biana became friends with Sophie initially because of her dad) but overall have been growing into good friends. 
Now for my evidence (be forewarned there's a LOT, but still not all my evidence bc I mainly skimmed through my books I had on hand): 
Book 1: 
Fitz in the first book is shocked when Sophie says she thinks Biana hates her, stating that they're  pretty similar (first book, I don't remember the page number or exact quote). 
 Page 272, in general, when Sophie hands Biana her midterms present, and Biana asks if she's coming over for dinner. After that interaction, both Dex and Maruca (Biana's best friend at the time) are glaring at Sophie. Maruca's reaction can be explained by being best friends and feeling like she's losing Biana (though hmm....), but Dex's reaction is a bit harder to explain, thus my reasoning. Dex at this time has a major crush on Sophie, and yes he hates the Vackers, but that doesn't explain why he's mad at Sophie, unless he feels like he has competition from Biana for Sophie's affections, and is glaring to try and stop her from forgetting he's an option (oh boy my poor child). 
Also just through the rest of this book, when Sophie is having troubles or avoiding her, Biana is actually worried, and cares about her friend, not lashing out at her, just wondering if she's going to come over, and being obviously disappointed when Sophie declines her invitations. "She's right though. Red is definitely your color." 
Book 2: 
Page 567. "'Uh, I've always known that,' Dex said, sitting on her other side. 'But remember? I like weird.' 'Me too,' Biana chimed in." We know later that this statement from Dex was him literally saying that he liked Sophie, but the big thing about this is that Biana agrees immediately after. Before Fitz agrees. This could be read as just friends, but I read it otherwise. 
Book 3: Page 590. Biana is fighting Gisela on Mount Everest, in extreme conditions. Sophie looks at her and is like "Did you know Biana could fight like that?" like she's impressed, and I mean it's very impressive because she's taking down an adult in extreme conditions, but they're in the middle of a fight, and Sophie takes the time to notice and point out Biana's fighting skills. Which seems a little bit ship-y. Later on this page she is written as smiling at imagining Biana fighting Fitz and Keefe and smiling, and then screaming when Biana almost dies, along with Biana's former crush (Keefe) and her brother (Fitz). 
Page 511. Biana literally hides in Magnate Leto's office when Sophie was getting her ability restricting circlet (HIGHLY FORBIDDEN AND DANGEROUS) and watches in silent support. She breaks so many rules doing that, and then to top it off, on this page she says she doesn't "think I could've been that brave." Which is extremely sweet given the circumstances, and knowing just how much she risked going in with Sophie and yet calling Sophie the brave one, it's just very sweet. 
Book 4: 
(Oh boy I love this one there's so much fuel here.) 
 Page 9. "Dex pretended to gag, while Biana stared at Keefe's arm around Sophie." This is generally read as Biana being jealous of Sophie getting Keefe's attention, but it can also be read as Biana being jealous of Keefe being able to get that close to Sophie in that way (and that is how I am choosing to interpret it). 
I would also like to point out that Biana chooses to run away with Sophie to be with the Black Swan. She doesn't have to. She could stay in the Lost Cities and serve her minimal punishment, then get back to her life. But she chooses the dangerous option to BE WITH SOPHIE, which speaks a lot about these two and how their relationship has grown from mutual animosity to ride-or-die friendship. 
Page 31. "'But we're in costume!' Biana argued. 'Yeah, but you guys will stand out. I mean...look at you. You look like models.'" Sophie literally says Biana looks like a model (along with the boys of course, but she's including EVERYONE in her group) (plus she also comments in her head NUMEROUS times that Biana is gorgeous, or pretty, or looks like a princess, and I don't know about you but I don't go around thinking about how gorgeous all my friends look, I mean they're all amazing people but I don't go around thinking "oh wow [friend] looks like a fabulous princess with their on point makeup and effortless looking outfit." It's just a little bit indicative  that Sophie might like Biana as more than just a friend, hidden in the deep reaches of her oblivion at least). 
Also I would just like to point out that on page 38, when the group sees the statue of David, Keefe immediately reacts to it, and Sophie has no immediate gross out factor, she's just like yeah it's art and this dude is naked so what, which I find a bit telling but idk. 
Bonus: Biana finds the fact that the statue is naked a bit disgusting, and is terrified at the thought of running into it, which also seems a bit telling. 
Page 77. aka the page where Biana compliments Sophie's eyes and calls them "striking and unique." 
Page 168 "The soft sound of Biana's breathing made the room feel warmer"
Page 615 "...especially when she realized Biana was there too. She pulled her soggy hair forward to cover her face. 'It's cold here.' 'It is,' Biana agreed. Sophie couldn't tell if the strain in Biana's voice was exhaustion or something else." This is after Biana and Alvar interrupt Sophie and Keefe basically cuddling in the cold after almost dying. This could be interpreted as Biana being sad that Sophie seems to be choosing Keefe over her, and she's struggling to deal with that. 
After these moments, Biana kind of fades into the background, along with Dex, until around book 8 (and even then....yes I'm a bit bitter that my girl doesn't get page time), so I'm going to skip ahead. 
Book 8: 
page 135. "...next to her daughter wearing a peacock blue gown with shimmering gold beading that was almost as stunningly beautiful as she was." Reminding you of her constant appeal to Biana's appearance, and also this is after Biana has been MAJORLY scarred, yet Sophie still finds her beautiful and oh look I'm crying now (onto the next!) 
Page 256: "'You okay?' Biana asked, plopping down beside Sophie on the grass and reaching out to brush some of the fallen pinkish, purplish, bluish petals out of Sophie's hair." this kind of thing is generally reserved for Fitz or Keefe, so I was SHOCKED when I read this. She's pulling the 'brushing the person's hair out of their face' ploy and I'm so here for it. 
Also, just Biana's reactions to Sophie dating her brother are a bit odd, as if she is only reluctantly okay with them being together. 
Unlocked (8.5): 
Biana's file: page 76. "Ultimately, though, Biana and Sophie have grown to genuinely respect and admire each other, and are now well and truly friends." This is under the heading explaining that Biana has trouble making friends because of complications with her brother,  and then goes on to mainly explain Biana's friendship with Sophie, which just...points toward the slim possibility of Sophiana. 
I'm not holding out a lot of hope, because I know it's probably not going to become reality, but I do have my reasoning and a decent amount of evidence, and I still can enjoy my ship from afar as the ship wars rage on. Because with these two gals, we could: 
1. Have the possibility of a healthy relationship where neither party is afraid to tell the other something
2. both balance each other out personality-wise
3. they've also gone through some rough spots but in all have retained a steady friendship in which Sophie isn't afraid Biana will betray her or hate her for anything (unlike SOME boys (I'm sorry, I love Keefe it’s just his decisions haven’t been all that great lately)) 
So yeah, tl;dr Biana and Sophie have the possibility of being in a great relationship built on support and trust and I put way too much effort into this
(Part 1 bc I’ll have more evidence eventually)
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rinharu-purple · 4 years
Lucien: MLQC’s Mastermind
Yes, I said that Lucien is the creepiest LI in my opinion, and I wouldn’t choose him in a million, billion years. BUT, Lucien is by far the one person, who is pulling the strings and is the driving force of the MLQC universe. He is the only person who acquires all the information from all sides and is connected to every important actor in the story. Therefore, Lucien has become the second LI I’ve started to follow more attentively. Mind that the ranking ist 1) Gavin 2) Gavin 3) Gavin 4) Lucien ;)
In my manifesto, why Gavin is MC’s choice, I’ve already mentioned briefly, that Lucien has the strongest EVOL among all the characters but is also the strongest character (it’s not the MC or the Black Queen, let’s not fool ourselves)
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The Machiavellian
Before we talk about Lucien’s part in the MLQC universe, we should first look at him as person and observe the elements that make up his personality.
In the game, all our guys have their personal priorities. Gavin and Kiro are on the front line, fighting for peace and prosperity, Victor, well...I don’t think that he cares for anything else besides MC, maybe his position. But with Lucien, his priority is not a person or a concept, but rather a philosophy. Lucien wants to see the next step in human evolution and is determined to take any measures necessary to see it to it’s end. Other guys can not stand oblivious to other things that come up their way in achieving their goals but Lucien only has his eyes on the prize and to him nothing else matters, no one else matters and no ethics matter. 
Machiavellianism denotes cunningness and claims, that those dark triads use whatever means necessary to gain power. If we consider the choices Lucien has made throughout the story so far, we can clearly find his manipulative ways in getting other actors to the positions of his conjecture. He lies to MC and hides his personality as Ares, penetrates Black Swan to use their facilities, but also uses LFG’s resources for his R&D projects all the while concealing his true nature. 
Another trait of a Machiavellian, is that he is charismatic and friendly, all the while displaying no emotions. I think, there can be two possible reasons as to why Lucien has limited display of emotions. The first possible explanation has something to do with his parents passing and the trauma he suffered afterwards. Among all LIs Lucien is the one with the most loveless childhood and teenage years, the most important years in developing one’s psychological traits and during those years Lucien received alongside with Kiro the most blows. That resulted in him losing the connection to his emotions as a defense mechanism. 
Another possibility might be him losing the connection to his emotions as a result of a chemical reaction in his brain due to excessive testing Black Swan objected him to. Lucien’s EVOL was created in a lab and he was the first man-made Evolver. Lucien is called various times a psychopath, because he shows signs of psychopathy such as lack of remorse, empathy or compassion. It is said that that kind of behavior might occur due to a misconnection between the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and the amygdala. Considering the fact that Lucien’s parents were killed right in front of him and that he was both physically and psychologically abused for the coming years, this might have led him to experience an imbalance in his chemical balance. One might argue, that his altruistic actions in the orphanage are an evidence for his compassion, I think it is yet another disguise for his unethical ways of reaching his goals.
The Orchestrator
In all honesty no one is actively seeking alliances and keeps tabs on other’s actions for their agenda like Lucien does. Maybe Commander Leto but he mostly fails in drawing others to his side, because he is not able to speak in their pendants’ language or resonate with their perspective. Lucien, on the other hand, is gifted with an extraordinary ability to observe his surroundings and companions, making it very easy for him to talk to them in their terms and desires. Lucien doesn’t show much empathy, UNLESS, it contributes to his cause, in that case he can perfectly put himself in other’s shoes and plays them in such a meticulous way, that they join him willingly.
That is how Lucien directs MC successfully in entering the Black Cabin or in understanding the evolution core.
Lucien is not exactly a piece on a chess board, but is a player, who knows all the pieces very well, knows the rules of the game, has observed many games and took notes of how they all has turned out and therefore knows what kind of a game he is going to play. Just watch closely. how he co-operates with Kiro and the Black Queen. He knows that Kiro is using Black Swan for his goals, much like he does, so he uses his hacking abilities to access to information. The Black Queen is the initiator of everything in S1, so he makes sure to stay close to her. He knows that Victor is searching for MC and trying to understand the Evol gene, there he has an investor. 
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The Cool, Calm and Collected Type
in the MLQC universe, everyone loses their composure at one point or another, because...who wouldn’t? Time and space warps constantly and people are also changing their stances depending on the time-space constellation they find themselves in. 
MC loses her cool almost on a daily basis, Gavin was in a constant haywire in the Daybreak era, Victor literally threw people into black holes in CH11 and freaked out as he saw the Black Queen for the first time and Kiro walks around in a bipolar state. So, everybody is pretty unstable due to understandable conditions but we never see Lucien lose his cool and this is one of his best qualities. 
Here is the thing about Lucien. This guy is always at least one step ahead of everyone and he achieves this by two simple rules: 
1) Acquire all possible information
2) Observe everyone and everything at all times
Why am I saying this? It lies in the basis of anxiety and angst. We humans tend to feel uncomfortable in the face of an uncertain situation, meaning in the wake of the unknown. MC is constantly anxious, because she doesn’t know what is going on, why is everyone after her, why is she blessed with the unconditional affection of 5 equally attractive men? (ehm, but not quite equally ehm *Gavin* hihi, sorry, Gavin-stan gotta Gavin-stan ^_^). Anyway you get the picture. Gavin went haywire in CH22 because he was pushed in a tight spot and therefore had angst. Same goes for Victor in CH11 his mind went blank as he saw history repeating itself and then in CH18 when he saw with his own eyes what could the girl of his dreams might become.
We don’t see Lucien in such deadlock situation though do we, and I think it is mainly because he is always prepared for every possibility and he can calculate them meticulously, because he possesses the largest chunk of information and also keeps tabs on everyone and everything that’s going on. So, when a crisis occurs he doesn’t freak out, sure he gets surprised at times, because the outcome of a a certain situation is the possibility, which he calculated to be no higher than 1% and yet there it is. But since he’s already took this into consideration, he has a plan. Combine this with his knowledge about the persons and organizations involved in the matter, then you have a calm Lucien, who is in control of the situation. Thus, he is calm. You can actually also bind this behavior of Lucien with that of a predator, whose movement are languid, is non-reactive and doesn’t mind turning his back to his opponents, since he doesn’t perceive them as a threat.
If this wasn’t enough, Lucien manages to joggle all of this without exposing himself. Even in the last stage of the play he never gets caught. Unless he willingly exposes himself, as in the case of revealing Ares to MC. MLQC actors can usually see through each other and use their weaknesses to meet their own ends. MC is obviously Gavin, Kiro and Victor’s weakness and their opponents can see this pretty easily. IT’s not quite the same with Lucien though and he doesn’t let himself be blackmailed or threatened by any weakness. He always keeps his cards close to his chest. 
Considering the fact that Lucin is the least outstanding LI, this is pretty impressive. So I guess this makes him the embodiment of the phrase “still waters run deep”.
The Renaissance Man
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Lucien is a man of science and aesthetics. Explaining phenomenons with associations and loading them with philosophical substance. He doesn’t necessarily perceive things bluntly as they are, but interprets them in a meaningful way. The way he associates MC with a butterfly, how he wants to entrap her in ajar, so she wouldn’t get away, alas taking the only resource of color in his life away. Not only that, but he can also break down the matters at hand to its fragments and can therefore work his way up from there. He is blessed with a strong deduction ability, so he can connect the dots easily, come to a conclusion and act accordingly. No doubt that the other guys have very good deduction abilities, but because Lucien always has a bit of an information more than them, he can find the solutions just a little bit faster in my opinion. 
Reading is a necessity for his guy much like eating and drinking, Which is why we see him reframing events in the context of a certain story he’d read at some point in his life. With time, I will add here some of his quotes about certain situations to explain what I mean. Or even better, if you have some, that are evident in you opinion, you could add them in the comments. I really enjoy reading/hearing Lucien’s philosophical, scientific explanations to certain moments in MC’s life. They are always to the point and helpful.
So this is my very first analysis on Lucien and I have to admit, I still have  so many material to check on him, so if anything is missing please bear with me here :)
I was watching Joe’s Twitch while I wrote this, so there are many spelling, grammar mistakes, which will be corrected gradually.
This post will get better and better, scout promise!
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hakutaichou · 4 years
[CN] Main Story: Chapter 33-3 (Lucien Route)
🚨 Warning: This post contains REALLY BIG spoiler from main story which some of them have not been released in JP, TW, Global, nor ASEAN servers. 🚨
A/N: cuz the cn server using “Wuhui”, in english means “ball, dance party, and prom”, I’ll use “ball” like victor’s dance date?
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- Part 0 -
Waiter: Miss MC, are you going to the ball alone?
MC: ...Yes.
Waiter: Let me have a clear eye.
I put the invitation letter on the tray and walked into the hall of venue under the guidance of the waiter.
Three days ago, Commander Leto publicly announced that he would hold a Evolver Ball, inviting the backbone of society, which has almost become hot topic in the city.
Lucien, who was also invited by Commander Leto, agreed with me to meet directly at the venue.
The splendid banquet hall was full of chatting and laughing guests. I searched for a long time, but I didn’t see Lucien.
On the other side of the venue was a long floor-to-ceiling window, and the long table under the window was full of self-gathering food. I walked over unhappily and picked up a glass of champagne.
As soon as the champagne was brought to my lips, my phone suddenly rang--- It was from Lucien.
Lucien: Has arrived?
MC: Yeah, I looked for you for a long time but couldn’t find you.
Lucien: Don’t worry, there’s still some time before the ball begins.
Lucien: Compared with this, I’m even more curious why you chose to “get drunk” as soon as you come.
MC: Can you see me? where are you?
I quickly put down the champagne glass and looked around, but still didn’t find his shadow.
A low laugh came from the other end of the phone.
Lucien: Now turn around, go straight in the direction of 9 o’clock, see the long table at the entrance?
I followed his instruction and walked to the table near the entrance.
MC: And then?
Lucien: When people are not paying attention, squat down.
MC: What?
I clutched my phone, and squatted down in confusion according to his instructions, feeling quite an kind of undercover joint.
At the foot of the table lies a self-defense knife, which looked very familiar.
Lucien: I just remind you that something dropped when you came in.
Lucien smiled in a good mood. I was stunned. I quickly picked up the knife when no one was paying attention, and my face flushed.
MC: Lucien, where are you?
I stood up while whispering, but when I turned around. I was stopped by a strange man.
Strange Man: Miss, can I ask you to dance?
I covered the earpiece, put down the phone, and waved at him awkwardly.
MC: Sorry, I already have a partner.
The man walked away disappointedly.
Lucien: Mm, good job.
There was a low laugh on the phone, Lucien seemed to say something, but was disturbed by the intermittent noise. 
There were more and more people in the venue, and the signal was intermittent. I looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows and the terrace outside, and I had an idea.
Pushing open the door leading to terrace, the distracted voices and music are isolated, and the cool night breeze awakens people’s spirits.
MC: It was too noisy to hear you, what did you say?
Lucien: I said, you can turn around.
This time, the sound came not from the earpiece, but from behind me.
I froze for a second, the turned around abruptly.
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In the blurry night, Lucien stood behind me, his dark eyes smiling.
Lucien: Why didn’t you speak?
MC: ...I thought that your hide-and-seek game would continue.
Lucien: Because my partner seems to be very popular, I can’t just sit back and watch.
He looked down at me, the curvature of his mouth bends again.
Lucien: Any interesting findings from the ball just now?
MC: No, it looks like a normal ball.
I thought this ball must be full of traps, but after so long, I couldn’t find any clues.
MC: But you must know something, right?
Lucien: To reveal the answer in advance, it’s better to experience the process of solving puzzles in person.
MC: Is it the same as before?
Lucien is noncommittal, at this moment, the door behind him was suddenly opened untimely, and a strange man walked towards Lucien quickly.
???: Professor Lucien, Commander has something to discuss with you.
Lucien turned around, looking at the man in front of him coldly.
Lucien: I don’t want to be disturbed right now.
???: But this is very important to Commander, you must...
Lucien: Do you want me to say it again?
The man was stunned, a trace of unwillingness flashed across his face, he turned and left.
MC: Lucien, that person was...
Lucien: It seems that this isn’t a suitable place to talk.
He blocked my question lightly, I didn’t speak, and looked straight at him.
MC: If you have important things to discuss, I can wait for you here.
Lucien: I don’t want my partner to be taken away again.
Lucien smiled softly, he leaned down, and kissed the back of my hand.
Lucien: Miss MC, can I ask you to dance?
His voice was gentle and tender, even the kiss that fell on the back of my hand was soggy.
In the depths of my mind, that similar and cold memory automatically played back---
[Flashback: Chapter 23-10]
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Lucien: The one and only Black Swan Queen, I will witness your coronation.
I bit my lips.
MC: Lucien, the person you are invited is Queen or MC?
Lucien was startled slightly, as if he understood what I was thinking, and the asked back.
Lucien: Will you accept Ares’s invitation or Lucien’s invitation?
I shook my head and looked at Lucien firmly.
MC: To me now, it’s all the same.
MC: No matter what your position is, since I have agreed to your invitation, This dance will always stand with you.
MC: Even if you and I choose a different position after this night, I will prove it to you in my own way.
Lucien tilted his head, meeting my sight, the breeze blew his forehead, and time was silent.
Lucien: Then I should cherish the time of this last dance.
He took my hand.
Lucien: It seems that it’s still too noisy in here.
Lucien: I know a secret place that won’t be disturbed. Would you like to go with me?
The door to the venue was opened at this time, and the long overdue star walked into the venue amidst everyone’s exclamation. His eyes looked around, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.
Victor casually rejected the champagne handed by the guests who came to show off, and he walked alone to the empty deck, putting on a specially constructed headset.
Outside the venue, the officer lurking in the dark turned on the communicator, and reported to the other side.
Officer: Report to Captain Gavin, their action is about to begin.
- Part 1 -
The noisy voices gradually drifted away behind me, I followed Lucien, and ascended the last step of the stairs.
He seemed to be very familiar with the structure of building here, and he let me straight to this very hidden attic.
The floor was white with moonlight, the ball downstairs seemed particularly lively, and the sound of music could be heard clearly even in the attic.
He turned to face me, leaned slightly, and made a silent invitation.
I put my hand on his palm, as if I was giving out my heart at the same time.
Lucien held my hand, like the leader of this dance, but very gentlemanly catered to my unfamiliar pace.
The distance was close, and I can almost hear his expanding breathing and heartbeat.
In the dim attic, the light floated up and down, and the surrounding objects turned into fuzzy black shadows, shaking in my field of vision.
For some reason, my consciousness seems to drift further and further with the music, and it doesn’t belong to me at all.
Even the body seemed to have lost control, it only moves with the lead of the person in front of me.
The chaotic mind seemed to be covered by fog, and only a vague voice echoed from far away.
???: MC.
Who is calling my name?
I tried my best to chase this voice.
MC: Lucien...
I murmured that name, and my thoughts were pulled back to reality.
I seem to wake up from a dream, my consciousness is a little fuzzy, and I don’t remember what just happened.
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Lucien: Are you awake?
I looked at him blankly, my temple still aching.
Lucien watched me quietly, with surprise in his eyes, but also a little relieved.
Lucien: You really became stronger.
MC: What happened just now? What’s wrong with me?
Lucien didn’t speak, and let me to the stairs.
The air is extremely quiet, only music flows slowly in the air.
I followed Lucien’s eyes suspiciously to the meeting place downstairs.
I just noticed that, there were no people talking in the entire ball hall, nor the clicking of champagne glasses.
The people who originally danced were pinned in place motionless, with dull and hollow eyes.
Lucien: These Evolver are controlled.
MC: Controlled? Since when?
Lucien: That dance just now.
His gaze swept across Commander Leto on the stage, his voice was low.
Lucien: This piece of music combined with some kind of sonic jammer will have an effect on Evolver’s brain waves and play a hypnotic effect.
Lucien: Once they walk into the sound field of this melody, they lose their self-awareness.
MC: So I just....also because of this song?
Lucien’s words made me gradually realize the seriousness of the situation.
MC: In other words, Commander Leto’s motive is actually to control all Evolver?
Lucien nodded lightly, and looked back at me.
Lucien: These invited Evolver are all important figures in society.
Lucien: Once they are controlled by Commander Leto, his resistance to doing things in the future will be much less.
Thinking of the true motive of this ball, I shudder. Once this plan succeeds, the consequences will be disastrous.
Lucien seemed to have guessed my mind and comforted softly.
Lucien: Don’t worry, his plan won’t succeed so easily. Moreover, not everyone will play his tricks.
Lucien said very firmly, the anxiety in my heart eased a bit, but suddenly thought of another thing.
MC: Wait, did you let me be hypnotized just now?
Lucien gave me a calm look, and there was a curve in the corner of his mouth.
Lucien: In fact, this effect in quite interesting. I also want to see your reaction.
MC: Interesting? You won’t take the opportunity to order me to do something, will you?
Lucien: You might guess as well.
He suddenly drew closer, grabbed my wrist playfully, and pulled me close to his arms.
Lucien: Do you feel any difference?
His voice was stained with a faint ambiguity, and accompanied by a warm breath burrowed into my ears.
I ran away from his sight, the voice became smaller and smaller under his watch, with a guilty conscience that I didn’t even understand.
MC: No... I just feel dizzy, my consciousness is completely out of my control... It’s like being held tightly by someone.
MC: But what exactly did you order me to do?
Lucien: Just kidding.
Lucien: You woke up before I thought of something of a fun way.
Lucien: Perhaps this is what makes you unique as a Queen.
There was a smirk on his lips, I wanted to say something, but a strange noise suddenly came from behind him.
The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty and silent attic, Lucien turned his head, saw the person coming, his eyes became cold.
Lucien: It seems that some disobedient people are bothering us.
As soon as the voice fell, a person in black walked over from the side of promenade.
In the darkness, a small snake wrapped around the person’s wrist hissed, and the scales glowed with blue light.
The brightly lit hall behind her, with a snap, plunged into darkness.
- Part 2- (Mission stages)
- Part 3 -
Lucien: Why are you here?
Lucien turned to face the incoming person, the whole person seemed to have faded away from the illusion of gentleness, which easily made people feel a kind of fear.
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Artemis: To solve you and Queen.
Lucien: Whose order is it?
Artemis: It doesn’t matter whose order is, you just need to know that tonight is your death date.
As soon as the voice fell, Artemis raised her hand, the gray mist that was born out of thin air carried a suffocating danger, and instantly rushed toward me.
Before I could react, I was pulled by Lucien and held firmly in his arms.
Even after avoiding that attack, the cramped attic had almost no room to escape.
There was a tension in the air, and I could feel Lucien’s tight murderous aura.
Artemis frowned, raised her hand again.
MC: Be careful!
The gray mist like a living creature, swiftly attacked him like a snake.
Without thinking about it, I raised my hand, feeling the convergence of the abilities flowing in my body, the kind of fluctuation that I had once appeared again.
The transparent water ripples that appearing out of thin air, spread out in circles, like a white barrier blocking us.
Artemis was shocked and ran back a few steps, the gray mist slammed back and disappeared into the air.
The crooked attack was threatening to save his life, I happily looked back to Lucien, only to find a trace of complex emotions that I couldn’t understand flashed in his eyes.
MC: It seems that I forgot to tell you, this is the new power I have gained soon, although I’m not very skilled in using it.
Since I got Evol back, I have often rushed to many dangerous places in order to investigate. Several times I used this unskilled attack to resolve the crisis
Lucien: You did very well.
Lucien’s voice was very soft, and I thought in a daze that the expression had passed by just now was my illusion.
Suddenly Artemis stopped, put her head in pain, as if fighting desperately against something.
Even if I don’t know what happened, I dare not to relax my guard.
After hesitating to attack again, Artemis raised her head again, and looked at me.
This time, the expression in her eyes was more murderous than before.
MC: Lucien, she is...
Lucien responded with a faint smile, showing an expression that he could watch the game in his spare time.
Lucien: Let me see your growth.
MC: ?!
Before I had time to say anything, a thicker gray mist came towards me from Artemis’s palm.
I took a deep breath, tried my best to use my abilities again---
The next second, a whirlpool-like white beam pierced her.
Artemis who was got hit, clutched her chest and coughed violently, with a trace of blood on her lips.
I turned my head nervously, but Lucien gave me an approving look.
Even though she was injured, Artemis didn’t seem to feel any pain or mood swings.
She is like a murderous machine who has been programmed.
It’s no way to laugh like this all the time, my heart sank and calmly took out the knife hidden at the base of my leg for self-defense, and pressed it in the palm of my hand.
MC: Wait, you must have a reason to kill me!
Artemis still walked towards me indifferently, looking at me like a dead thing.
While she wasn’t paying attention, I threw the knife out quickly---
When the tip of the knife brushed her hair, it was corroded into a piece of scrap iron by the black mist in her palm.
The spreading mist was too fast, I couldn’t avoid it, and my arm that was rubbed instantly felt a tingling burning sensation.
Artemis forced me into the compelling space behind her, looked at me condescendingly, and raised her hands wrapped in black leather gloves again.
Lucien: Enough.
The gray mist that was going to swallow me in the next second, disappeared without a trace as Lucien’s voice fell.
The pain as expected didn’t come, I opened my eyes, saw Artemis’s had was tightly coppered by Lucien.
He stared at Artemis, there was a sharp and cold breath in his sight.
Lucien: It seems that you have a lot of laziness these days in the organization, and you have actually fallen into his plan.
Under his shackles, Artemis couldn’t move, she could only look at him angrily.
Artemis was about to fight back, but Lucien slashed the back of his neck with hand knife, and collapsed unconsciously to the ground.
I clutched my wound, looked at Artemis who was lying aside, a sense of unreality arose in my heart.
Lucien didn’t speak, squatted down and looked at me, checked my wound.
Lucien: Does it hurt?
I shook my head nonchalantly, I just wanted to speak but I didn’t know where to start.
Lucien: Sorry.
Lucien: I originally wanted to see where your abilities have grown, so I didn’t make a move for the time being.
MC: My ability?
Lucien: Mm, It’s far beyond my imagination.
I shook my head gently.
MC: Actually, you don’t have to be sorry... If I were to attend the dance alone, I would definitely encounter the same danger.
MC: If I can have more experience in the battle, maybe I can last longer.
Lucien was stunned, then smiled, and carefully treated the wound briefly for me.
Lucien: The wound is not serious, you can only endure it for a while. Follow me.
I followed Lucien and walked to the lower level of the attic, and there was a faint sound of messy and dull footsteps in my ears.
The brainwashing music stopped at some point, and the controlled Evolver gradually woke up.
A group of men in black with guns quickly broke into the hall and aimed their guns at all Evolver in the venue.
Man in Black: Don't move!
I couldn't help but take a step forward, have a panoramic view of the chaos in the entire venue.
MC: What's happening?
Lucien: Commander Leto just issued the shooting order.
He leaned against the wall, looking down at the chaotic scene below.
Lucien: The Evolver who came to ball tonight, none of them will go back alive.
MC: His brainwashing plan was ruined, so he wanted to seal it off?
Lucien frowned, suddenly walked to the corner of the attic.
He lifted the black oiled paper there, I took a breath---
There is a sniper rifle already prepared.
Lucien knelt on one knee, checked the magazine without hesitation.
Several dull gunshots were heard below the venue at this time, and the short flames were quickly extinguished in the dark, and it seemed that Commander Leto's men had started the action.
I looked at Lucien nervously, faintly guessing what he was going to do, but I was not sure.
MC: Lucien, you---
Lucien: Don't worry, just teach them a lesson.
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The sharp whistling sound brushed his ears, and the bullet's fire flashed in the distance.
Lucien's eyes reflected a touch of brilliance, his slightly squinted eyes, pointed the muzzle at the panicked man in black through the scope.
The messy gunshots and screams, mixed together to become the most perfect cover, and almost no one noticed what was happening here.
He calmly pulled the trigger again.
With a "bang" gunshot, another man in black fell over his shoulder.
It was the first time I saw Lucien like this, he was like a dangerous and calm predator.
The gunpowder turned the direction of the gun. This time the person he aimed at was, Commander Leto.
There was a faint smell of burnt in the air.
The bullet flicked over Commander Leto's head, hit the wall behind him like a joke.
Commander Leto, who was unable to control the development of the situation, realized the severity of the situation and quickly ordered his men to protect himself.
I looked at Lucien subconsciously, not understanding his intentions.
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He wiped the muzzle, looked at the chaos underneath with interest, as if it was just an impromptu performance at the official festival.
He loaded the gun sharply again, squinted at the scope, and fired.
With the last shot, the bullet clanged to the ground.
Lucien turned towards me, as if not caring about what happened behind him.
Lucien: Never mind.
The gentle tone that seemed to have passed away made me feel unreal.
I looked down the venue, faced each other. STF officers still don't know where the bullet came from, and Commander Leto on the stage collapsed with his shoulders that had been shot.
It was only then, I suddenly remembered a fact that I had ignored just now.
Whether it was fighting Artemis just now or shooting right now, Lucien never used his Evol from beginning to end.
If as he said, Commander Leto's music is aimed at Evolver, then why can Lucien stay sober?
MC: Lucien, where's your Evol?
Lucien lowered his head, said briskly while removing the magazine.
Lucien: I threw it away.
- Part 4 -
The silent corridor was empty, my ears were still buzzing with gunfire.
Thinking of what Lucien had just left behind, I couldn’t calm down.
When was he, why did he abandon his Evol?
I raised my head, looked at Lucien who was walking ahead, hesitating to ask this question
MC: Lucien...
Before I could finish speaking, Lucien suddenly stopped and dragged me behind him.
Lucien: There’s a situation outside.
On the other side of the corridor, the cumbersome human voices and footsteps passed by, almost hitting us.
Fortunately those people didn't stop, they all continued to chase forward.
I was close to Lucien's chest, his steady and powerful heartbeat beside my ear.
It seems that he is so calm and powerful no matter what the occasion, It was nothing like the person who had just hit the commander with one blow.
After a while, the corridor gradually calmed down.
Lucien: Never mind.
Realizing that Lucien's direction was not leading to the venue just now, I couldn't help asking.
MC: Don't we need to go to the hall to see the situation?
Lucien: Don't worry, someone over there has taken over. Those Evolver will be fine.
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Lucien's tone was very brisk, not as if it was fake, and my heart that had been hanging high since just now finally fell back to where I was.
Only then did I realize that Lucien brought me to the central control room.
The door of the central control room was hidden. Perhaps it was the chaos that had transferred everyone away, but there was no one to guard it.
Large and small surveillance screens were broadcasting the situation in the venue at this time, and indeed another team rushed over.
Lucien called out the archive monitored in the ball hall, copied a copy to me.
Lucien: I watched your new show, maybe these will help you.
MC: Thank you, I didn’t expect you to pay attention to these...
Lucien: Since my program consultant has not received a formal termination letter, I will still do my best.
Knowing that he was joking, my heartstrings were still lightly touched by his words.
In the half-bright and half-dark light, the computer behind me made a faint operating sound, and I suddenly had the illusion that Lucien would accompany me to work overtime at the company.
If everything goes back to the beginning, he's still the famous "program consultant" and I'm still the clumsy little producer.
Since then, those ordinary but unique memories in my life, he took me to appreciate it.
Many words come to the lips, but only one "thank you" is left.
Lucien tapped my forehead lightly, and the corners of his lips burst into laughter.
Lucien: What are you thinking?
I shook my head and smiled at him.
MC: I was thinking that the cooperation between us has been very pleasant.
When leaving the ball hall from the back door, the streets at midnight were quiet and deserted, and the helicopters hovering in the sky kept roaring.
Gunshots reverberated occasionally in the venue, the gate was heavily blocked, and team members wearing NW uniforms kept coming and going.
I looked at the tall building that was blocked behind me, realized that the night was over.
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Lucien: Does the wound still hurt?
MC: It's better already.
I hesitated, but still spoke.
MC: Lucien, I have a question to ask you.
Lucien: What is it?
Lucien looked at me quietly, as if waiting for a long time.
MC: You... why you give up your Evol?
The flickering light spots swayed in his eyes, making me unable to see the emotions hidden deep in his eyes.
Lucien: Don't you ask how I did it?
MC: Because it is you, I feel that you can do anything easily.
MC: I never doubt that you can do everything you want.
MC: But in fact, many times, I just want to know the reason.
As I spoke, I looked at Lucien and waited for him to continue.
His expression was faint, as if he was talking about something ordinary.
Lucien: If you want to pursue true evolution, you must cut off some extra power.
Lucien: Those redundant branches may bear sweet and huge fruits. Many people will be attracted by these fruits and even forget that their ultimate goal is to grow upward.
Lucien: And such a person will die of his own greed, sooner or later, buried in the rotten fruit.
Lucien stopped and looked at the shadow of the tree swaying in the night. The shadow was stretched very long by the street lamp.
Under his calm eyes, there seemed to be a deeper shadow than eternal night.
This kind of Lucien gave me a strange sense of familiarity, as strong as the first I knew him, but it seemed that there was something more.
Police: Are you two the guests who attending the ball tonight?
The silence was broken, and a man in a police uniform walked up to us from the other side of the road.
MC: Who are you?
Police: I'm the police officer in charge of investigating this dance.
The man showed his credentials, his eyes flashed with surprise when he looked at me.
Police: Wait, are you the producer of "Miracle Finder" on TV today?
MC: Have you watched my show?
Police: Of course, it's not just me, people in our entire bureau are watching.
Police: Thanks to these programs you made, we learned more about the truth about social events.
Police: Since both of you have been invited to this ball, is it convenient for me to go back and make a report with me?
I looked at Lucien hesitantly, a trace of apology appeared on his face.
Lucien: Sorry, I still need to go back to the institute for something urgent.
Lucien: MC, can you do it yourself?
I let out a sigh of relief, smiled and waved goodbye to him, and the haze that had filled my heart that night seemed to gradually dissipate.
Lucien looked at the girl who was going away, put a smile away, and walked in the other direction.
Next: [F4, Assemble] Chapter 33-4
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mimssides · 3 years
Never Met You
Chapter 6: Nostalgia
Memories can heal and hurt. They fill their lives and form their opinions and growth. They shall give themselves time to remember.
After the ambush, the castle had been under high alert. The king’s meetings had been reduced to a minimum and he was to stay in his own now heavily guarded wing. It had been a relief to hear Logan simply agree with Janus’s proposal. Unlike Roman, who was anything but happy with the measurements Janus, Green and Virgil himself had come up with, Logan had seen the reason behind it and was following their instructions as well as he could.
Now Virgil had time to rummage through the castle and check it from bottom to top. While Janus was coordinating the court, he had begun to search for possible breaches, questioning his way through the servants, guards and the workers in the courtyard. Janus had sent Green to go with him. Despite the short time Green had spent here he had made a few connections already and Virgil could use all the help he could get when he was talking to people.
Socializing was just not his thing. He was a guardian first and everything else second.
Right now, they were training though. Virgil had wanted to see how fit Green was and got pleasantly surprised by his ability to keep up with him. Not many could do so and it made it easier for Virgil to let him be close to Roman. It was hard for him to let anyone close to Roman these days. Especially, after the whole assassination attempt.
“Not, hah, as good, hah, as yours,” Green panted and leaned forward to catch his breath.
Virgil smirked and shoved him just when he straightened up. He stumbled, caught himself and giggled like a child before he shoved Virgil back. They continued nudging and shoving each other as they walked to the edge of the racetrack and sat down. Virgil had two water bottles taken with him, one for Green and one with a straw for himself. With no comment he shoved the straw under his shawl and drank as Green did the same.
“Is it very hot?” Green asked looking over the training grounds.
Virgil fiddled with the hem of his shawl and stared just in front of himself. He knew what Green was talking about.
“I’m used to it. I know how I have to breath that it doesn’t bother me. Also, the snake has made them give me one which is lighter and easier to breathe through. So, it’s fine.”
In the corner of his eye, he saw Green nod. He shifted and spawled his legs in front of him and leaned back. Something told Virgil that he had dropped the topic and he felt himself ease up a little. He never liked to talk about his face. It was just a sore topic.
To get himself into a better mind space, Virgil decided to focus on something else. Quietly he went through the last few days, over what he had seen and learnt. Frustratingly, not much had come to light about the intruders and all possible points of entry had been guarded thrice as much as before. There had been no new breaches but in the light of King George announcing he would hold a meeting with Logan in two weeks' time, it might only mean that they are waiting for the outcome of said meeting. Logan had invited him for the meeting and offered to meet him at the boarder but the King had insisted of coming to Theana and meeting Logan there in person. While that meant a lot of preparations and much more nightshifts for Janus, it lightened Virgil’s worries immensely. Like this he knew that there was top security with no intention of harming their king or prince.
Green shifted next to him, pusing one leg under his butt and leaning forwards as he looked down to the green grass. He let his hands run through the single blades and smiled.
Two days prior Virgil had seen him for the first time together with Patton. The boy had excitedly run up to him when they were questioning a farrier. The second when he had spotted Virgil, he had stopped and almost toppled over because of his sudden halt.
Virgil was used to the reaction; many people were scared of his appearance and he did not expect this little child to be any different. And yet, when Green called for him, the boy had come closer and had watched Virgil carefully. Shyly, he hid behind Green’s leg and gave him a curt wave.
“He’s not dangerous, kid. You can say hi,” Green said to him in a voice so warm it could have melted butter.
And to Virgil’s surprise the boy came out of hiding and actually said hi to him. And after he had said hi awkwardly back and almost died of pureness this kid radiated when he smiled at him, Green had praised Patton fondly for being so nice and brave with a stranger.
Virgil wasn’t quite sure if encouraging this kid to talk to strangers was a great idea, but at the same time he could see how much Green cared and how close this boy was to him. He talked and acted like a father around him and in Virgil’s mind that rised a few questions.
Green did look quite unassuming in his white tunic and the brown trousers but he had an air of strength and might around him, which was hardly deniable. And yet he gave himself as a simple man who just liked feeling the grass on his skin.
“You like to get dirty,” Virgil stated.
Green looked up and with no hesitation responded: “Oh honey, you haven’t seen anything dirty of me until you have seen me in bed.”
Immediately, Virgil swatted him in the arm and Green cackled loudly at the way the tips of Virgil’s ears flushed. He was close to simply get up and walk away but did not do so as the curiosity was too big. He really wanted to know what Green’s secrets might be.
“No, seriously now!” Virgil insisted and punched him again for good measure. “Why do you enjoy the ground work so much? Most soldiers don’t mind getting a bit dirty and all, but you seem to thrive in it.”
Green chuckled and scratched his chin. It was stubbly and the moustache didn’t look nearly as well kept and pristine anymore as it had when Virgil had met Green for the first time. And yet somehow Virgil found that the work seemed to make him look happier and more alive than before.
“It’s gonna sound strange to you,” Green admitted after a few moments while looking over the training court, “but I didn’t get to get messy all that often as a kid. I couldn’t go outside and sit in the grass or role around in the fields. I was – preoccupied with other things. So, this is like a second chance for me and I’m having the time of my life doing this, quite frankly.”
“Yeah, I know it’s weird, you don’t have to rub it in, Brooding Beauty-”
“I didn’t- Brooding Beauty? I – What?” Virgil stammered at the nick name.
Again, Green chuckled and Virgil was considering to just walk away again. Yet he decided against it and took a deep breath before he looked down to his knees. It was always on his mind. Always something that kept his thoughts moving and one of the few things he could not talk about with Janus.
“You need to swear that this is going to stay between us, man.”
The rustling of the grass next to him told Virgil that Green had straightened his back and was now watching him closely. Somehow it felt familiar.
“Prince Roman said something along those lines when we first met.”
The wind was blowing his hair away from his eyes. Not far away from them he could hear the carriages being pulled around, people walking and talking. And yet there was no sound that could have given away Green’s presence next to him.
“I – I thought. I mean it’s said that he met you when you interrupted his carriage on his way to Sictes because you were chasing away some sheep thieves? When would the prince have had the time to say something like I just said?”
Virgil smiled. He looked up to the sky. The sky was a steely blue, no clouds but no clear sunlight either. It was like had been on that day.
He had run after the thieves because they had taken a lamb and he wanted to bring it back to its mother. On his chase he had crossed the road and apparently startled the horses on the prince’s carriage. He hadn’t even noticed as he ran through the underbrush. His focus was solely on the two men in front of him and as suddenly arrow after arrow was raining down on them. He barely caught himself from being hit as well. On was pinned against a tree as the other got hit in side and stumbled, dropping the poor lamb. Quickly, Virgil had shot forward and caught it barely before it could run away and possibly get lost mercilessly in the thick forest.
“And who might you be? Another thief? What are you doing chasing those buffoons?”
Virgil shivered. The voice was unmistakable and the tone harsh and cutting. He lifted his gaze, cradling the little animal closer to his chest and watched of all the people who he could have come across in the forest no other than Caroline Leto. A woman, no taller than 5 feet 2, black hair pulled back in a ponytail, greenish tunic and pants blending in perfectly in the background, a short bow in her hands which was pointed directly at Virgil’s forehead.
Even if Virgil had wanted, he could not utter a single word in that very moment, as someone crashed against his back from behind.
“Prince Roman had gotten out of the carriage the second it had halted completely,” Virgil continued to tell and finally looked up from his knees to meet Green’s gaze full of wonder. “He had spent more than a decade in the castle and it had been all too much. Too much of his parents, his responsibilities and his fate. He needed to get out, which was why he had agreed to the journey in the first place. So, when something happened that felt new and like an adventure to him, he didn’t hesitate for a single second. He got out to chase us, and out ran his guards with ease. I almost fell over when he crashed into me but caught myself and then helped steady him. I remember how he looked up at me, I think my – uh my scarf had moved down a bit and it caught his eyes. He didn’t look at me like other people did, with fear and disgust and all that. But with awe. And then he looked to the queen. And you know what he did then?”
Breathlessly Green said: “Did he smile at her?”
“That bloody bastard smiled at the so called ice queen and told her that her aim was amazing. She just raised an eyebrow and was about to threaten the both of us and he just kept being charming and friendly towards her. He stood in front of me to shield me from her arrow. And that had her finally convinced to lower her weapon and look at him more closely. I think she at first hadn’t recognized him, and only now realized who he might be. Since, you know, the Thea family hadn’t attended any public event in over a decade, so most people didn’t actually know how Prince Roman looked like as a grownup.”
Virgil paused for a moment, the flash of clarity in Queen Caroline’s eyes rushing through his mind. It was an image for the ages.
“She was surprised and said to him that she hadn’t imagined their first meeting to take place in a forest like this. And Prince Roman laughed and said he didn’t think so either but that he enjoyed it far more than a stiff and cold thrown room. And then they just chatted for a bit. As if no one hadn’t threatened the other with a short bow a mere moment ago. I was dumbstruck and couldn’t say anything, when Prince Roman asked me if I could help them getting the two thieves to his carriage so they could be dealt with in the next town. I just grabbed one and the prince took the other as Queen Caroline followed us and reminded the two thieves that they couldn’t flee anywhere with her weapon. They were then put in the carriage and Roman took one of the horses of his men as the Queen took another. They escorted me with the lamb back to its herd and asked me to come with them to the next village. On the way to there, I was walking next to Prince Roman and quietly listened to him and the queen talk. She was rather cordially and smiled quite a bit when she heard him speak. She praised his astute eye for her aiming skill and asked him if he didn’t mind that his clothing had gotten all dirty and ripped. And there it was when I heard the prince say that he didn’t mind his clothes getting soiled.”
     “Muddy and ripped clothes are proof that one has walked the world, are proof that one lives and experiences things. They are testament to our lives and I until now I have been kept in a pristine little cage behind glass panes which kept all weather and wear away from me.”  
Minutes of silence followed. Virgil didn’t mind. He could think that Green was letting that information slowly settle in his mind.
“You care for him.”
Green looked over to Virgil with wide eyes. Virgil stared back and continued: “J said that at first he thought you didn’t like Prince Roman, as you tried everything to avoid meeting him. But seeing how you act around him, after Prince Roman telling me himself that you were nothing but kind to him, I now see that J miscalculated. You care about him far more than you would like to admit. And I don’t know why but I am grateful for it.”
Green swallowed.
“You are?”
“I am, yes. He can need all the help and protection he can get. He’s can have a terrifyingly low sense of self preservation. J always says it runs in the family,” Virgil said and pulled his eyebrows up.
Green cleared his throat and laughed half-heartedly. With a grunt he stood up and Virgil did the same. It was time for them to continue with their day and get around to check the guard stations for unusual sightings.
           I can go.      
 █████ was pacing around in his room. He knew it was the smart thing to do. He knew Roman was a better diplomat than him and he had a better way with words than him. It made sense to send him on this mission and not go himself or send Logan or Janus.
 But Roman was his only ███████. He was the only one left in his family and letting him go for the very first time ever was not as easy as Janus and Logan made it out to be. Especially, not now. Not when he wanted to ask Logan-
 “You wanted to see me?”
 Roman had entered █████’s chamber. He was already wearing his outfit for the journey to Sictes and █████’s heart ached. Slowly, he turned around and closely looked him over. He looked cleaner and more put together than █████ himself did. He reminded him more and more of their Roman’s mother.
 “Aww, look at fancy you!” █████ said teasingly but the wetness sparkling in his eyes betrayed him.
 Roman sighed and walked up to him. They looked at each other for a moment and eventually █████ lifted his arms a little while shooting Roman a pleading look. Roman easily complied and pulled him into a hug.
 The whole situation was hard on Roman as well. In all those years they never had left their homeland nor left each other's side for a whole month. This was new and scary for both of them but it had to be done. Roman had promised to help █████ as well as he could in his times of needs.
 “I have to go, ███. You know I need this,” Roman mumbled into █████’s neck and he felt him pressing him even harder against his chest.
 “I know,” █████ mumbled back before he finally let them part from the hug. “I know you have to. This place always haunted you more than me. And I’m glad I don’t have to deal with Caroline.”
 Roman could not help himself but snickered at the comment and shoved █████ in the shoulder. They laughed for a moment before █████ guided them towards the sitting area and sat down with him on the divan. They remained quiet for a short while, just relenting their own thoughts and enjoying the other’s presence.
 “You are sure you can do this, right?” █████ said in a small voice.
 Roman bit his lips and took █████’s hand. He squeezed it, let go and signed: “I’ll be fine.”
 Around █████ he dared to not talk and sign as much as he pleased and █████ was glad that Roman still felt comfortable enough around him to do that.
 A tap on █████’s shoulder. He looked over. Roman signed concerned: “Will you be fine?”
 He took a deep breath and folded his hands in his lap. Would he be fine? There was Janus. He was like a brother to █████ at this point. He knew so well what was going on in his head, could predict so easily what others deemed to be unpredictable about █████. He would take care of Roman. He had promised so and █████ knew he would do anything to keep that promise.
 And then there was of course Logan. Logan, who had accepted the position as his Military Advisor at first, later also the title of his International Relationships Advisor and even as his Council for the Education System. Logan, who was loyal, smart and lovely. Logan, who had begun to flirt back three years ago. Logan, who had finally kissed him the first time two years ago. Logan, who had told him that he loved him right after that first kiss.
 “I think, I will be fine...” █████ said with a smile on his lips and he took something out of his pocket.
 Roman watched as █████ fiddled with a box and suddenly realized what it was. He inhaled sharply and █████ looked up to him, his hands tightening their grip around the box.
 “You’ll ask him?” Roman said breathlessly and stared at the little box.
 █████ simply nodded and exchanged a look with Roman. They hadn’t been together for a long time. The burden Logan would have to carry as part of the royal family was huge and no one knew that better than them. They had lost their Roman’s parents because of that burden.
 And yet Logan made █████ happy. Roman could see it every time they spoke together and, in every moment, when they managed to catch a glimpse of the other during meetings. They gave each other a safe place to retreat and a strong shoulder to lean on on bad days.
 Roman began to grin and put his hand over █████’s to stop him from clenching his fist anymore.
 “It’s about time. He’s certainly eager to finally spend every night with you!” Roman joked.
 █████ simply grinned at the comment and fiddled a little more with the box. On other days he would have complimented Roman’s slightly suggestive jab but right now he was simply too nervous to do so.
 “We both know that he will say yes. There’s no need for you to be nervous,” Roman reassured him as █████ didn’t say anything else.
 █████ huffed and shook his head still staring at the box in his hands.
 “I know,” █████ said bitterly, “he will. But – This is going to be so much on him and I – I’m thinking of making it even harder for him, Ro.”
 Roman blinked and █████ looked at him seriously. They had the same thought.
 “In case of your death you want him to become king in my stead, don’t you?”
 █████’s lips were pressed together in a thin line and Roman let out a long breath. Then he let out a laugh and leaned his shoulder against █████’s side.
 “He makes a better king than both of us combined me, ███. I’m not going to fight you on this. If anything, I’ll encourage it even,” Roman told him softly before he fixed █████’s unruly bangs.
 █████ let Roman fuss over his hair some more. He truly had inherited their Roman’s mother’s elegance and warmth and █████ tried to indulge in it as long as he could until Roman would undoubtfully have to leave. And he knew that Roman indulged in it as well.
The rest of the day was rather uneventful. Nothing new had been seen and they had to head back as empty handed as in the last few days. Green was quieter during all of it and Virgil was questioning himself if it had been something that he had said this day when Green suddenly started to talk on their way towards his quarters.
“What gave you the idea that I care about the prince? What of my behaviour gave it away?” he asked rather quietly.
For a moment Virgil mused and then replied: “I think it’s a bit the same behaviour you show around the boy; you soften your tone and have the patience of a saint. Frankly, I think it’s your fatherly side that is coming through.”
The steps next to Virgil stopped abruptly. He stopped immediately as well and turned to see Green’s mortified face. His breath hitched, sweat started to build up on his brows. Virgil did not hesitate and after a short “Can I touch you?” which was answered with a nod, he pulled Green away from the street into the little room he called his. Slowly, so very slowly Virgil managed to get Green grounded again as he told him how to breath and had him drink two glasses of water. The first one he almost completely spilled due to his shaking hands but the contents of the second glass made it almost completely into his mouth.
Several minutes later, after the panting and shivering from Green had subdued Virgil sat down next to him on the bed. Green let himself fall backwards on the bed and Virgil watched him closely. To his surprise Green’s eyes met his and were clearer than he had expected them to be after such an intense stress reaction.
“What on earth gave you the idea that I could be a father?”
Virgil furrowed his brows.
“I told Janus that I didn’t have anything to do with kids-” Green spoke further but Virgil cut him off.
“J asked you if you worked with kids. At least that’s what he told us and that’s not the same thing as being a dad and the way you treat Patton reminds me of how J’s father treats kids. He is like the only good reference I have for a father figure and you check all the boxes. Sorry, I assumed wrong. Didn’t think you’d freak out that much but, uh, sorry, it’s – it’s fine! You don’t have to tell me anything about this. I was out of line.”
Green had closed his eyes. He threw his arm over his face and only his mouth was visible now. He began to grin bitterly.
 “We were trying.”
It had been so quiet that Virgil had almost missed it. Almost. But he heard and his mind was racing.
These three words told him so much more about the mystery man than he had ever expected to find out. There was a we, a partner of sorts who was close enough to start a family with Green. But this partner was no longer in the picture. But why? How had Green, who fought quicker and harder than most people he had ever met, lost this partner?
And more importantly, how did Green cope with such a loss on his own? Looking at his still body, at the tenseness in his arms and the forced smile on his lips he wasn’t dealing well.
With a broken voice Virgil mumbled: “I’m so sorry, dude…”
A snort.
“Whatever for, Gloom and Doom? You’re not the one who took him from me. Took my life… It’s fine. Don’t tell Janus, the prince and especially not the king. They’ve got better things to worry about. They shouldn’t waste their time on some stupid no one, who is dealing with things that can no longer be changed. It’s fine.”
He lifted his arm and sat up.
His eyes darted down to his feet.
He lifted his gaze and met eyes with Virgil again. A little smile, sincere yet small.
“But for what it’s worth,” Green said and put his hand on Virgil’s shoulder, “thanks for thinking I’d be a good dad. Didn’t think I’d ever turn out to be good enough for that.”
Link for AO3, Taglist, Masterlist, and next Chapters are in my first reblog!
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Last one for today :)) Jess x Leto
❝  not everything needs an explanation.  i care about you.  i don’t have to sit here and figure out why.  i just do.  so maybe you should try just accepting it too.  ❞
Early-era, PG-ish, also on ao3.
Her worry changes over time.
The attention she is shown two years in is, if anything, more concerning than the awkward beginnings she endured. Jessica was not given a specific timeline to compare the actual direction of her life to and make modifications accordingly, but she suspects none of this is-
He’s in love with her, he has been for some time, and he’s at least aware of her enough not to say anything about it. What is she supposed to do with this development?
The issue burdens her on a cold afternoon, walking along the shore with gloved hands entwined. He has a sense of place that she envies sometimes, a desire to show her everything and make her love it too, and-
“What do you want from me?”
She does not turn to confirm but she can envision the look in his eyes well enough, the here-we-go-again affectionate frustration that already looks natural when it happens. This is what lifetimes are built on, she thinks, this kind of understanding just enough about the other person in one’s bed and-
“What do you mean?”
“I know you care for me, but… to what end? To what purpose do you-“
She wants him to say in daylight what has only been said after intimacies with their bodies still too close, that he would have a child by her and thus have justification for their proximity, that there is a plan beyond what they are now because she needs some kind of plan and he needs to come up with it because she can’t won’t isn’t sure-
“Not everything needs an explanation,” he murmurs. “I care about you. I don’t have to figure out why. I just do. So maybe you should try just accepting it too.”
And that is how the world works for him, she thinks, biting her lip to keep from escalating. Circumstances have not created a need for nuance, and there is something pure and innocent about this affection, how blatantly the outside world is ignored and-
“You could have someone else. Someone more suited to your tastes, perhaps. You choose me. Why?”
He stops moving and turns towards her, slips his other hand beneath where she’s curled hers into the side-seam of her dress, and there is something about the intensity of this man that she does not yet understand and-
“Do you not see how much better my world is with you in it?”
“That still does not mean-“
“I love you because you do ask these questions. You challenge me and-“
“I have never heard such a reaction considered-“
“You are not what I thought I wanted and you are better for it. Does that calm you?”
Jessica hears what is not said, that someone shortly before her arrival had made a few pointed comments about her tendencies towards being a submissive wallflower and then she wasn’t quite that and-
“Would you change me, if you could?”
He glances away for a heartbeat, steadying as he can, and she knows he is holding back too for her benefit and she wants to push through that and-
“I know you would do whatever I would ask. That is why I will not.”
“What is the point of power if you do not use it?”
“Curiosity. I would see what you become if not limited by-“
“You cannot know if you will care for that version of me the same.”
“I can choose to. I can accept that you are in my life and I want you there, and I would hope you have at least found some comfort for yourself in-“
“I have. More than I thought possible.”
And that is the tragedy of it, she thinks sometimes, the way he has corrupted her, the way-
“Will you have faith in me? Just as long as it takes you to become calm.”
“That may never happen. Would you wait for me too?”
“For you? However long it takes.”
0 notes
antiloreolympus · 3 years
12 Anti LO Asks
1. arent some of the copies of that lo book upwards of $40 dollars if not more? like bare minimum ive seen it at least $20 even for the paperback but it goes way up for the hardcovers (tho the second vol already had a pretty massive markdown by what i saw on amazon which was ... weird). wt readers flip out over paying a few cents for fast pass, why would they buy the same thing they already read for free for a much higher price thats not even formatted correctly and kept all the typos?
2. i swear LO is making me into a pearl clutching nun. I get its trying to be ~pro sexuality~ or whatever but its so hamfisted in trying to do so and everyone and everything is so horny for??? reasons?? like no one talks or acts like this.
3. the way rachel "designs" characters deadass looks like how NFTs work. she just uses the same template and changes one or two things and calls its unique.
4. Does anyone know a comic where Persephone ACTUALLY chooses to go to the Underworld? Because LO and Ficlets still has her be kidnapped and Punderworld has it just be an accident she ended up there.
5. i think whats annoying me too about all these flashbacks is that im not sure whats actually true?? which i think is maybe the point but even when we see it from h or p's POV it comes across as the worst option? like helios' version actually made persephone look better than reality, hermes' flashback gave her personality and set their relationship better, meanwhile we get it from hxp and hades is just a neglectful ass to a literal child meanwhile persephone just looks like an idiot? like?? 💀
6. The biggest thing to me is these ancient stories don't belong to us, and modern "retellings" are not the "natural progression" of mythology, it's just people taking known stories and more often than not just making fanfic with the creator's biases. LO is allowed to exist, but Rachel is not "keeping the mythology alive" or "adding to the canon" as her fans claim. LO doesn't even fit a loose retelling, and it is not nor will ever be as legitimate as the actual texts. Sorry to be harsh but 🤷🏿
7. The way my skin crawled at the Niobe part… that’s so dumb if RS wants to portray Artemis as good and Apollo as bad why would you choose that myth like 😭 “hey Artemis only killed 6 instead of 7 like her awful brother” how does that even make sense??? Also ofc cutting so much of the original myth like-
From OP: Yeah, it doesn’t even make sense because we hear Leto is a sun goddess in LO but not the goddess of motherhood.
8. i dont get why all of a sudden now persephone wants to be queen? off of what? first its set up on she had goals to get her degree and have freedom, but now she just wants to be his wife? why? second, even her idea of making elysium is just her trying to relive her own guilt, not that she actually cares about the dead. her motives are out of nowhere and purely selfish, which the latter would be fine if LO didnt set up one set of goals but drop them to be hades' wife instead with no reasoning.
9. i think the biggest issue with this trial plot line is one) so dragged out, who cares, but two: hades is both leading up and during this whole thing has been so cartoonishly awful that i dont even care if he points out something right. a broken clock is also right twice a day, but that doesnt mean it still isnt broken. not to mention its very easy to make him look "right" when rachel purposely makes everyone else so irrational/wrong that he looks correct in comparison. that isnt a win, actually.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
10. FP SPOILERS// Hades basically tells Persephone that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger in reaction to learning about her sexual assault and that really rubs me the wrong way because that kind of trauma doesn't make a person stronger, it damages you and as you heal you become stronger in spite of what happened so idk that whole diamond pep talk just irked me idk if anyone else feels the same way
11. Fp) Helios (thought it was Hera at first lol) she gives you HOMEMADE birthday cards as a bribe each year how dare you report a homicide she committed... Of course now we will get to know the real story is completely different and Perse is an angel who allowed those poor mortals to duebabd Minthe co. are such a horrible people for lying. She can't do anything wrong. Also, seriously? Russell? Such a Greek sounding name again.
12. I shouldn't be as annoyed as I am that episode 184 was basically more pointless stalling, it's honestly just a trend at this point. Is it bad that I actually laughed when Helios told Persephone that her birthday cards ain't shit? The way she actually tried to guilt-trip him for reporting her murdering people by saying "bUt I mAdE you Birthday Cards!!11" and him njust not having that shit. Beautiful. Also, as much as I was never a fan of Smythe's demonizing of Apollo, I'm not sure I like the direction she seems to go in now, namely the implication that Apollo's predatory behavior is really all Leto's fault because she encouraged it. It's yet another female character Smythe villainized just so Persephone could be the most perfect woman of them all in contrast to all these manipulative harpys on Olympus.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
a meaty pack of anti LO opinions:
(1) Older version of lo had much more better design. Hades and other males didnt have such a big nises, there wasnt so much same face problem, colors qerent so neon and eye hurting, persephone didnt have different hair every episode, not every female was so much shorter than man(some were only a little shorter some were more shorter) so there wasnt same body syndrome
(2) Reading through peoples comments and opinions on LO on this blog, makes me realize that RS has done the ultimate storyteller mistake of not have written any manuscript or thinking through the themes and characters beforehand. If you write your comic based on fan reaction, then the story is ultimatly doomed. I'm no experienced comic artist myself, but I can only imagine how exhausting that kind of situation would be for someone like her.
(3) A big issue too is that RS has created a cult of personality around herself. Other WT creators don't interact with their fandoms like she does. She's in their discords and making the rules for them, she's in their (private!) fangroups forcing them to conduct what they say, she's barging in on their posts and obviously looking at all sorts of threads for praise or criticism to get angry over. That's not a good thing, especially when we can tell she dictates her writing choices off fan response.
(4) What was the point of that episode other than the pomegranate symbolism which we've used like 4 times already and a cliffhanger we didn't need? Maybe establishing Persephone is insecure but we've done that already too
(5) The new fastpass episode really annoyed me. She's literally just stretching out the story at this point. *Spoilers (for 147)* When Artemis confronts Apollo, she decided to introduce a whole new character to interject into the conversation. I wouldn't mind if we weren't 147 episodes in and no trial in sight. Like, the character just came out of nowhere to defend Apollo.This really just felt like a way to add more hype while ignoring how long it's being dragged out. (the same anon adding:) I just realized, the myth surrounding that goddess (It's Leto btw), if Rachel chooses to follow it, would make Apollo related to Zeus.I'm dying inside.((*The title was because her and Leto were friends then, Hera made her an outcast (hence pariah).*))             
(6) I think LO's crown is sliding a bit. Down to Earth is now the top romance series (rating wise). I see this as a great thing as it means that maybe other series will be able to get more recognition instead of LO being the main focus. 
(7) Prepare yourself: according to LO fastpass spoilers Apollo is on the track to redemption (yes, after raping the main character! And trying to blackmail her!) because it's being revealed his actions such as chasing after Persephone and lack of respect towards women are due to [drumroll please] him being manipulated and abused by Leto! Who told him to try and get together with Persephone! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
(8) I just cant with the recent chapters of LO. Do we rlly need a back to back mindless shipping fother between H and P? We get it, their horny for each other. Moving on.
(9) I actually liked the panels in the recent LO chapter. It was filler and fluff but for once the composition it was nice
(10) by @jackcinephile : I know this is stupid, but I just needed to get my thoughts out there. The general response to the newest LO episode really bothers me. I don't like how many people clearly think one-sided relationships are ideal. Everyone is saying that Persephone shouldn't have to do anything for Hades while he continuously worships the ground she walks on. Hell, he's practically committing treason by keeping her safe in his home. All Persephone does is smile and look pretty. Hades is risking everything for Persephone and she barely does anything in return. I'm so upset by this because I used to think this is how relationships are supposed to be. It's wrong for Persephone to barely put in an effort, especially when Hades goes above and beyond for her safety and happiness. Both partners will always be of equal value and importance to each other, in any kind of relationship. So far, everything in this relationship suggests that Persephone's sake is far more important than Hades'
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by calligomiles)
“Hmm...Hey, Doctor?” Gummy was looking through the kitchen access logs during a break in her shift as the Doctor was stopping by for a very late lunch/very early dinner. “Can you think of a reason someone would be coming in here around 22-2300 every night?”
“I’d say midnight snacks, but it’s a little early for that. At that time regularly, or just a general question?” He was sitting at the cash register table with Jessica, the accountant for the week.
The chef took the tablet with her and showed him. “See here? Someone has come in at exactly the same time for the past two and a half weeks. That’s kinda weird, isn’t it?”
“Two and a half weeks?” A string of neurons fired together, and he had a sudden revelation. “That would be Cutter trying to skirt around the kitchen ban. I’ll have to talk to her.”
“Cutter? Wait, the one who chopped through a cutting board? But the appliances are working as good as ever, and I haven’t noticed any food or utensils damaged.”
The Doctor sighed. “Still, we shouldn’t encourage this kind of thing.”
“Then I’ll talk to her,” the Ursus resolved. “If she’s not hurting anything, and she really wants to use the kitchen this much, there’s gotta be a reason, right?”
“True...Jessie-Cat, what do you think?” He fished around in his ramen for the last piece of pork.
The Feline looked between the two of them. “I, um, think Miss Gummy is right. Whatever Miss Cutter’s reason is, it’s more important than following the restriction you gave her, and she’s normally good about following those, from what I’ve heard.”
“Well, that’s all three votes accounted for.” The Doctor found the piece at last. “Gummy, you’ve got my permission; talk to Cutter tonight and find out what’s going on. Report your findings tomorrow, which I’ll make sure to tell Matt you’ll be taking off as compensation for the late hour.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that, Doctor. I’ll still be up bright and early for breakfast!”
He smirked. “Actually, I need you to eat into some of your PTO so you don’t lose days. I’m doing the same next month, as a matter of fact. Isn’t that right, dear?”
“That’s right,” Jessica confirmed with a smile. “You’re sure you can’t tell me where we’re going? I’m not good with surprises.”
“Heh. We’ll talk about that later tonight...” The Doctor looked at the Ursus, who was innocently whistling and drying a cup she’d finished washing. She totally wasn’t imagining what it must be like to have something like the two of them had, no way! That’d be silly. She was just, you know, doing dishes like normal.
Not that that would fool the Doctor, of course.
Fast forward to after the dinner rush, and the kitchen had been mostly closed up except for a single workstation meant for the nocturnal and peckish Operators to be able to make their own food. The chef was in the pantry on her phone, scrolling through her feed and seeing pictures of the rest of the USSGG doing their thing - Rosa catching Istina falling asleep with a book in her hands, Zima and Shaw at karaoke, Leto and Beehunter at an underground brawling ring (which they’ll probably get scolded by Dobermann for) - which in combination with the conversation from earlier had her in kind of a dark headspace. (Yes, of course the light was on in her pantry right now.) Just as she put her phone away to properly mope, there was a beep as the door from the outside opened. ‘She’s here,’ Gummy determined, which was enough to break her out of her funk...for the moment at least.
“Tonight is the night.” A recognizable voice, but not one she’d heard often. Probably her. “After I make this right, the Doctor will let me back into the kitchen during normal hours...I hope.”
‘She really is determined, huh?...Wait, that smell. Is that honey?’ Something began to stir within her. Oh no; it was happening again.
As Cutter peeled the seal off the bottle of honey she’d brought for the baklava she planned to make, there was a strange sound from the pantry. The Vulpo grabbed a cleaver, brandishing it like she would one of her throwing knives. “Come out where I can see you.”
“Honey...Gummy bear likes honey~” The Ursus staggered out of the pantry, tongue hanging from her mouth like a dog cooling off from a run. “Must...drink...the honey...”
“You can’t have all of it, but I don’t need all of it.” The chef-to-be grabbed her measuring cup, filled it with what she needed, and handed the chef the bottle.
In seconds, it was drained, but the almost zombified state Gummy had been put in remained. “More.”
“I need that much.” Cutter set aside the knife, but continued to stare the Ursus down. “That was all I could give you.”
“Mooooore!” The chef sniffed the air with a deep inhale.
The Vulpo’s eyes narrowed. “No.”
“Give to Gummy bear!” She charged.
“I need it for my mission.” The merc muttered an apology under her breath before winding back and punching the Ursus in the mouth as she came within range. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you there.”
That did stun her for a moment, but all Gummy did was lick her lips as they began to bleed. “Mmm...Red honey.”
“...You’re scary.”
“Give Gummy bear more, please?” The chef grabbed the arm the Vulpo had punched her with and pulled the fist towards her. “Give to Gummy bear?”
Surprisingly to her, Cutter found herself unable to extricate her arm from the Ursus’ grip. “Are you...going to eat me?”
“Gummy bear not hungry.” Despite this, she used her other hand to unclench the fist - admittedly with some help, as the merc didn’t want her fingers broken on a mission like this (too many questions).
“Then why-” Gummy began licking the Vulpo’s fingers. “...Why?”
There was no answer for some time, as the Ursus was busy removing the blood and miniscule amount of honey Cutter had gotten on her fist from punching her in the lips just after drinking the bottle. This also took long enough that the chef came back to, hand in her mouth until she immediately pulled it out. “Um...Did I hurt you just now?”
“No. I punched you in the mouth, and you licked my hand for awhile, but you didn’t hurt me.”
“That’s, um, good.” She still had the aftertaste of iron and honey in the back of her mouth. “You’re making baklava?”
The merc nodded. “Were you waiting for me?”
“I noticed you were sneaking in, and I wanted to know why.”
“I’m not very good at cooking, and I can’t control my strength,” the Vulpo replied, “but learning to cook and bake has been the best way to learn to control my strength, too. The Doctor forbade me to practice, but if I don’t, I can’t improve.”
The Ursus nodded. “Okay, that makes sense. I’ll, um, be sure to tell him when I talk to him tomorrow. Are we, um...You won’t tell anyone what happened with the honey, will you?”
“Only if you tell me. I’m still confused.” Cutter was looking over her hand for any marks. Surprisingly, there weren’t any.
“Oh, right.” She scratched the back of her neck. “You know how a lot of people call heavy drinkers boozehounds? I’m kind of a honey-hound. Like, once that smell hits, I kind of just black out and wake up sometime later...usually somewhere or doing something I never would have done.”
The Vulpo was still looking her hand over. “That happens to me sometimes after sitting in the sun for a long time...Do you want to sun-bathe with me sometime?”
“Eh? But didn’t weird you out just now with that hand-licking thing?”
“It was weird,” the merc agreed, “but...” She dipped a finger in the measuring cup of honey.
Gummy’s eyes flared open. “You want me to do it again?”
“I liked how it felt.”
“...I shouldn’t have any more though.” The Ursus maintained control. “No, that’d be really bad.”
Cutter shrugged and licked her finger clean. “Hmm. That does taste good, I guess, but- Gummy?”
“Sorry.” Her tongue had snuck free again.
“It’s okay.” The merc began unpacking her supplies. “I’m going to make this, and then I’ll leave the kitchen. Do you want to stay and watch?”
She nodded. “You don’t mind, do you?”
“Stay as long as you want.”
“Cool.” The chef suddenly found something to fix about her hair. “And I’ll take you up on that other offer.”
The Vulpo blinked. “Did I say that out loud?”
“Huh? Yeah, you did...I think.” It occurred to her they might now be talking about different things.
“Hmm. Okay.” Cutter stopped unpacking, closed the distance between them, gave her a still honey-sweetened kiss, and would have gone back to work if she didn’t immediately register Gummy’s reaction. “That wasn’t it.”
The Ursus shook her head before making a strange giggle-hiccup sound. “Nope...It was better~”
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