#i see the appeal of an evil cougar! i do! just not that one!
gideonisms · 2 years
sorry if i'm late! 🔥 Cytherea
Oh now here's something I DO have a controversial opinion about, which is that I do not like her one bit and it's not for the reasons people commonly list! in this series, everyone's committed a few murders and creeped on someone in a necromantic fashion. Those weren't my favorite houses anyway. rip but I didn't have much time to get attached. I have a lot of sympathy for anyone living in pain that long and having to speak to john gaius the whole time--or at least I would, if her personality wasn't specifically calculated to irritate me!!
I even understand her relevance to the plot and themes and theoretically I get the appeal of gideon/ cythere a. But every time she spoke to gideon I found myself vaguely annoyed wishing we could get back to other characters. I simply have a petty hatred that cannot be overcome. omg shut UP about Gideon's biceps. stop batting those eyelashes it looks stupid. "pretend I'm five and explain it to me" GOD could she be trying any harder. couldn't even get a personality of her own had to steal one from poor dulcie and didn't even do it right. cytherea hate club sorry
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og-doeiika · 5 months
For the ask game: Micah: 7, 21
Arthur: 8, 12
Dutch: 4, 25
Yea!!! Thanks for asking!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Body appreciation. Micah is like unconventionally attractive.
I also like how despite the fandom thinking Micah-likers are all racist and nasty everyone I've talked to on tumblr has reached a similar conclusions for how they enjoy him:
He's hot
He's so evil and bad that the justice that comes for him is the hottest part of dealing with his shitty personality. There's nothing hotter than justice
He's so fun to watch going insane-o
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love humiliating him: making him lose battles, get hurt, ask for help when he doesn't want it- Humiliation that is well deserved. He is very proud so for him to be humiliated is crushing! There's nothing hotter than justice
I don't like navigating his emotions. He is so very keen on keeping a strong front that it feels out of character to write him emoting to others.... He's sooooo lame for that
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I don't like how the fandom uwu baby done no wrong-ifies him. My man has killed so many people. That is no to say his redemption doesn't hold any water, but I feel like people sand down his meaner qualities and perceive him in a way I find less interesting/appealing/canon compliant
I also don't like how set in stone the fandom is about their own personal HCS- that is to say I don't like how others agree on a certain HC and treat it as canon. This is more of a complaint about fandoms in general, but since Arthur's story starts with the downfall of the VDL gang there is a lot that is not revealed to the audience. There's many ways to interpret/extract THE ESSENCE from him.
It's more of a complaint for those who like or see X character and don't realize one's view and enjoyment of the character is different than theirs. Said person will judge the other and not understand the multitudes of ways one can interact with the character/media/whatever. It loops back to Micah lolol
This point sort of contradicts my first point lol-- (NO I don't like this interpretation vs. no you all should be more loose and not judge other's interpretations)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I think he did some really unspeakable things in his past. Arthur's more... I wouldn't say chill, maybe his more realistic view of the world comes from fucking up, seeing fucked up things, getting fucked, doing fucked up things.... Arthur probably tortured several people, maybe watched over people as they starved, bled out- fun things
Another HC is that Arthur was a sexist, snotty little boy + young adult and then through living life he developed empathy later on. It's just a thing I see in men sometimes. I think Arthur thinks about those bad things he did. Sometimes there's guilt and sometimes there's nothing, like when he talks about killing animals for no reason.
I also think Arthur's love of animals is not universal- It's more of an observation, but like a lot of people: if the animal isn't aesthetic or useful there is no emphathy. -Like wolves, cougars, fleas, ticks, parasites- he wouldn't feel bad about killing them for no reason. Charle's bison mission probably sunk in his mind, to care for the bison, but it would take convincing for him to have empathy about killing a wolf or to consider what it means to have a healthy population of parasites in an ecosystem.
What I am saying is Arthur would be one of those people who say we should intact mosquito and wasp extinction (we should not.)
Arthur finally sees the gaps in the extent of his empathy when he's dying from TB
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I would LOVE to see Dutch in my little pony, all the rdr2 characters in fact. ALL OF THEM. Can you imagine the drama???
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I learned about RDR2's story through fanfiction at first so... "Omg Arthur's dad..?!" and now that I'm playing the game.... "UGH SHUT UP DUTCH. I KNOW YOUR SINS." I am more.... neutral to him; he's okay...
I am stuck in chapter 4 and I can't help but roll my eyes at everything he says,,, 😅
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tomomiisasleep · 2 months
i never pointed it pu but it's been on my mind for a long time: shouldn't Pyrrha's body fix her nicotine dependency ?
wouldn't Nona's disguise be more successful with facepaint?
and why does Ianthe care about Cam anyways? or is it Gideon who cares? is she even there?
and this is an important but late question: why does the sixth want to open the locked tomb? or do they ?or do they just want to help BOE? I don't understand why. Pyrrha's not a war criminal.
why is it that Ianthe can't see Pyrrha's eyes have changed?
“You challenged the Sixth for its keys,” she said eventually. “You named the time. You backed down, but I had right of reply. We didn’t consent. Or reject. I accept the challenge of the Third.”
“Stop being so fucking dramatic—”
“Staaahp being so fucking dramahhhtic,” Crown mimicked, in a high-pitched voice.
Crown was pleading, “One fight … one last duel. You challenged her with Babs, you know, back on Canaan House. I didn’t do it. So follow through, for me. You always do things for me, don’t you? My heart’s own … my necromancer.”
Prince Ianthe Naberius shuddered.
wow I bet they fuck each other raw everynight
the weird sexual tension between them is suffocating me
“Yes, Warden, I will always know you.”
“Personally? She’s the last thing I have left of a woman I tried to trick into loving me, and got played myself. And for you? She might be you, kiddie.”
wow Wake really got some game. but she killed her.
The corpse looked at her in such mute, helpless appeal—spoke to her in her first language—that Nona did not have to think about what she did next. She leant down and laid a kiss right on that cool, dead, crooked mouth.
that's your first kiss? come on!
ok fine that's like the first time their bodies touched after Gideon died, it is romantic
a living desire to take the corpse in her arms like Kevin’s wanting desire with his dolls. To own, to squeeze, to cosset and destroy.
wow ok Pyrrha uhhh landmine redheads am i right
Harrowhark Nonagesimus couldn’t have rolled aside that damned rock unless it was fresh out of the vat.”
so Pyrrha actually knows that it's open???
“Not my girl. Unlike some of us, I’ve never much seen the allure of an evil cougar,” he said crisply. “Good morning, Gideon.”
I will never look at Cytherea the same again
It was in Kiriona’s every movement—the bright, swift flexions of her arms, and the way she swung her legs, big and brash, and the weirdly easy, light grace with which she moved her dead body.Nona had never seen anyone so sad in her whole short life. It made her nearly afraid to die.
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“Gideon … G—, you died for nothing.”
they have pre-resurrection memories?
so Nona's not Griddlehark merged spirit, but A.L. and Harrow merged spirit??? is that it??
“Maybe that’s for the best,” said Pyrrha. Then she opened her mouth and said quietly—“A…”
I knew it... Pyrrha did say that she didnt hate her like the others do
“Don’t, don’t, don’t. Don’t do this to me, Pyrrha … Pyrrha, just let me die. It’s nicer. I can’t bear it.”
NO she's just a baby why why why
Then she leant down—she kissed her brusquely and briefly on the forehead—and, startlingly and even more briefly, on the mouth. Nona, who even then could never ditch the lessons of the hand and the mouth, watched that kiss and felt very sad. It was like watching Pyrrha stealing something she didn’t want to take—reaching out for the juicy, cherry-red part of the oven, even when she knew that all it could give her was a burn. And Nona saw Camilla, with her cold, navy blue mouth, and could tell that Camilla understood.Camilla said, “Could you try not to be such a chicken hawk, Pyrrha?”
what if like John had not actually been seperated from A.L.'s soul the whole time and no one coould really be seperated(*sleeptalking*)
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steadywombatart · 5 years
FMK (Jacob Seed/Female Deputy)
“Hey Jacob! Jacob, Jacob, listen…listen Fuck, Marry, Kill the Hope County Law People, go!
Sitting, as always, at the radio, Jacob Seed looked at her splayed drunken figure on the couch and arched an eyebrow “What?”
“Come on, you know, who would YOU, Jacob Seed, MARRY, FUCK and KILL from the Hope County Police. You go and then I’ll go about you Seeds, aren’t you curious?” She tried to make it sound appealing and wiggled her eyebrows at him and he had to admit that he was pretty sick of trying in vain to contact any of his brothers on the radio. He welcomed the distraction.
Facing his chair towards her, she eagerly sat up on the couch, looking expectantly at him.
He gave the slightest of sneers and chuckled to himself. The Rookie Deputy was an entertaining bunker companion, especially when she was just the right amount of drunk, like now.
“Well, let me see… Fuck Joey, that’s an easy one.”He said, trying to sound sure. Her face fell for just a second in disappointment but she quickly recovered “Yes, well that’s an obvious one…Joey’s pretty hot”
but he had caught that flicker of disappointment in her expression and was, frankly, a bit surprised. Was she sorry he hadn’t picked her? Could the Rookie have the hots for him? Wasn’t he too old? Too scarred? Hell, too…evil, in her eyes?
She took another swig of the bottle to fill the silence and said “Who would you Kill then?” although, once again, she was trying to hide her expression, being drunk was not helping her and besides she was pretty transparent when she wasn’t drunk. Jacob could almost read her thoughts and feelings just by looking and listening to her, she was so easy, so… innocent.
“Easy, i’d kill Peaches” she cocked her head to side, confused “My cougar? What’s she ever done to you?” he replied “You have a cougar named Peaches? You mean Ms Mable’s cat?”
“Well, yeah, I did… She just kinda…passed her to me. But if it’s not her, who do you mean? Who’s Peaches?” he chuckled, remembering the terrified face of the Deputy “Staci Pratt” she hung her head down, presumably thinking. As the silence went on and she didn’t move, he started to think that maybe she’d passed out. Shrugging inwardly, he prepared to try the radio again. Maybe this time, he would find someone, anyone at this point, would be something.
“I can see that. Ok, Marry, who would ya?” He turned to her, trying to act like she didn’t just kinda scared the shit out of him. “Hmm… Let me think…Ah…Yes, I know.” eyes wide and leaning forward she asked “Who? Who?” “Well, I think the Sheriff and I would get along just fine. We’re men of similar age” she snorted and fell back to the couch, laughing “ Come on Jacob, you’re not quite at the Sheriff’s age yet!” “No, but we’re the closest. And I just think we could make a good couple you know” “Oh yeah, I can just imagine you two lovebirds drinking beers and fishing your romantic days away” “Sounds good to me. Despite appearances, and before all this with the Cult and Joseph, many many long years ago, that’s what I wanted.” He rose and walked to the couch, extending his arm for the bottle of whisky, which she passed. Taking a swig, he plopped down, stretched his legs and settled one arm on the top of the couch. “Aaaaah…” he let out as the burning liquid passed through his body.
“Thought you couldn’t drink, you know, Cult rules and all…” she asked, settling on her knees, facing him. “Well, as the world seems pretty fucked right now, and I’m having this delusional conversation with the Rookie Deputy who, in matter of fact, caused this mess we find ourselves in, I think I’m entitled to a little drink.” She hiccuped and giggled “Yeah, I guess so…” and laid her head on the side of the couch. Nudging her with the bottle, he didn’t quite dare to touch her, not yet, he prompted “It’s your turn, Rook.” Still with her eyes closed she answered “Fuck Faith, Kill John because he scares the hell out of me, and Marry You, of course”
He did his best to suppress his surprise, not very hard, considering the present state of the Deputy. Taking a few breaths, and trying to settle his heart who started, unexpectedly to beat madly at her casual words, he asked, keeping his voice under control “Fuck Faith? Why not Joseph? He’s half naked most of the time anyway” she mumbled something incoherently and then said more clearly “I don’t know, crazy mystical witch turns me on, I guess. Joseph’s too…intense, I think he’d fuck me as like a duty you know? No passion, just business. Faith on the other hand, I have no idea and with the Bliss in the mix, oh boy, that’d be something to tell the grandkids about” she laughed and eyes closed, sleepily slid forward on the couch, almost touching his shoulder, but still not quite. His heart danced wildly in his chest, he hadn’t felt like this, hell he didn’t think he had ever felt like this, was even capable of wanting someone anymore, not after all the shit, all the sacrifices, all the things he’d done that left him broken and hard at the same time. What was it about her? Was it just the fact that they’d been stuck together in this bunker for 6 weeks now and for at least some years? No, if he was honest to himself he had felt something like excitement when he first saw her entering the church, that night that seemed like years ago now. She was trailing behind the Sheriff and the Marshall, arms stiffly at her side and looking side to side like she was about to bolt out of there at any second. That’s what she should have done, then none of this- but he wasn’t quite sure he didn’t want this situation he was in now to not have happened. This was an impossible opportunity. Opportunity? For what? he couldn’t admit it yet, no words could yet describe this… hopeful feeling in his chest.
She had stopped behind them and stared wide-eyed as Joseph spoke, the Marshal interrupting him, the Sheriff trying to prevent an escalation. And then, as Jacob got nearer to his brothers on the altar, he stared at her as the Marshal gave her the order to cuff Joseph. She held on to the cuffs, staring wildly at Joseph’s eyes as he spoke to her, moments passed, enough to let him think she would refuse and just walk away… but then, swallowing so hard he saw her throat muscles harden in tension, she had cuffed his brother in a quick movement. And then, well, everything happened. And now here they were, underground in some preppers’ bunker, she drunk as a skunk and almost falling asleep, if she wasn’t already, at his side. At his side, the Deputy, the one his brother had prophesied would kill him and his brother, was drunkenly almost passed out on the same couch as him. And he was feeling, like… A scenario flashed in his head, grabbing her face and kissing her hard, she grabbing on to him just as desperately; her, moaning so sweetly underneath him as he- “Yup, you’re the man for me, Jakey boy. You’re my chosen Seed” she blurted out suddenly as she turned belly up and lay her head across his legs. He froze, not knowing what to do in surprise. She raised her hand to his face and with her finger pressed against his mouth she continued happily “You’re the man for me, Jacob Seed. Even though you prefer the Sheriff… I would definitely try to se-seduce you away with, using my…my womanly…what’s the word..? Wiles! Yes, my bewitchingly womanly wiles and you’d be mine forever! AH! What do you say to that!” Her arm dropped from his mouth to across her forehead as she closed her eyes and went quiet. Trying to shake himself into control, trying not to think about the fact that her head was in his lap, so inconveniently close to- trying not to think about her drunk, surely meaningless words, she was pissed, she didn’t really like him, how could she? He did the only thing that occurred to him in the moment, he finished the rest of the whisky, wishing to be drunk as fast as possible, anything to help him deal with this.
She didn’t say anything else and judging by her light snoring sounds, she had fallen fast asleep on his lap, her arm still across her face.
He was thankful she had passed out because any much more of this and- he didn’t know what he would have done. The scenarios that kept recurring in his mind of her underneath him, on top of him, exploring everything, tracing his scars with kisses and - Stop this, you are weak! You should take this opportunity to finally kill her once and for all! Stop this torture, this weakness you’re inflicting to yourself, all because of this girl, this woman who is, well, was their enemy!
But a surging hopeful feeling in his chest told him “this isn’t what was supposed to happen… this is all a mistaken reality, this couldn’t be happening…Joseph said she would kill me, kill John, kill Faith… We were his sacrifices, nothing more. But now, how do I find myself in this alternate reality where my killer, my passed out, drunken killer is snoring happily away on my lap while I yearn for her as an adolescent boy…? He looked down at her peaceful sleeping face and his hand moved involuntarily to just grazing her hair at first, then, seeing no reaction on her part, he settled it on top of her head, caressing her as gently as he knew how. Which wasn’t saying much. He didn’t have a lot of experience in this side of life. He hadn’t ever wanted or desired anyone like this until now.
She mumbled happily in her sleep and turned to her side, her face facing his crotch. He froze again. This was too much, he had to get out of this. Before he could think of anything, she was moving her hand next to her face, which meant it was directly on top of- oh Joseph almighty, give me strength. Holding his breath and not daring to move too much he said weakly “Deputy? Hey Deputy?” No reaction, he exhaled slowly and inhaled, trying to keep himself under control. He shook her gently on the shoulder with his other hand “Come on Deputy, you need to wake up now” she mumbled and still sleeping put her head on his stomach and both arms around his waist, holding him. “Oh shit…” she felt warm and comforting and how long had it been since anyone had held onto him like that? Had it ever even happened? In that moment, he lost his fears and anxieties and just acted, acted on instinct. Both arms holding her he lay himself down on the couch and settled her on top of him, she still holding on to him. Like they did this every day, it felt so familiar. He felt her body on top of him, and a warm feeling coursed through him as he crossed his arms on her back, making them as close as could be. He could feel her breasts pressing against his chest and her slow, deeper than before breathing as she settled in. He held her, face buried in her hair, feeling like this moment could pass any time and he couldn’t let it go. Desperately, desperately he held her as tears flooded his eyes. This felt unreal, this was dream, it couldn’t be happening. That this young woman, who he had yearned for, honestly, unknowingly, all his life, was now in his arms, across his body, so close to himself they felt melded together. This had to be wrong, it had to be. He was her enemy, he was too old, too scarred, too ugly, too fucked up in his head, too disgusting for her. And besides, she was drunk, wasn’t he just taking advantage of that? She was the one who said all those things about marrying him and laying provocatively on his lap and touching his mouth…she wasn’t that drunk, surely? Was this a game she was playing? Did she have some purpose in seducing him? They were stuck together for the foreseeable future and of the two, he was clearly the expert survivalist, so why try to cause him harm, the only person who could probably make her survive this. The tips of his fingers were ice cold and his hands felt like blocks of ice from the dread at his racing thoughts. But then she sighed and said so low he almost couldn’t make it out “I’ve been dreaming of this for weeks… You feel so good, your body feels so good against mine” and she pressed herself closer even, her legs entwining with his. “Jacob, you should know, I’m taking advantage of you right now” she said while resting her chin on his chest and looking at him, a playful tone on her voice. Butterflies flew inside his chest, an impossible lightness, a tantalizing excitement coursed through him as he couldn’t help but happily chuckle at her statement. “Here I was thinking I was doing the same to you, Deputy” she smiled and said “No, it’s definitely me who’s taking advantage, I’m not even that drunk, I just wanted you to think I was. It gave me…courage. And call me by my name, I have one, you know?”
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mbtizone · 7 years
Jughead Jones (Riverdale): INTP
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Dominant Introverted Thinking [Ti]: Jughead questions everything. He uses his internal logical framework to decide what makes sense and what doesn't, relying more on himself than facts. Jughead is detached and sarcastic, which can sometimes lead him to make inappropriate jokes that others admonish him for ("Do you think I can use Jason Blossom's death as an excuse to get out of PE?") When Archie reproachfully tells him not to joke about Jason's death, Jughead even states that "sardonic humor is my way of relating to the world." Jughead doesn't just go with whichever explanation is the most probable. He considers things from every angle and entertains every possibility that crosses his mind. Sure, Betty's theory that Jason was running away from his parents is more likely, but what if he was actually on the run from drug dealers? He doesn't just want to solve Jason Blossom's murder. He wants to understand it and analyze it. What are the implications? How does it effect the town as a whole? He wants to know all of the hows and the whys. Jughead is good at accurately assessing situations. He thinks practically and can usually come up with the best way to get answers (finding information from Jason's room and the Blossom house). Jughead's habit of constantly asking questions makes him a pretty decent amateur detective. He wonders about what connection Archie might have to Jason Blossom's murder after remembering that he canceled their road trip over Fourth of July weekend. Jughead doesn't use his emotions to make decisions - he wants to remain impartial, objective, and does whatever makes sense to him.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: It’s easy for Jughead to make connections and see possibilities. He’s comfortable coming up with theories – especially when it comes to the murder of Jason Blossom. Jughead has great intuition. He noticed the way one of the Grizzly Scouts looked at him, so he tracked him down and told him that he could tell that the boy was hiding something and got him to confess what he knew. After the drive-in is destroyed, Jughead tells his father that maybe they’ll save all of the pieces and rebuild it in a century and wonder about the people who once lived there. Jughead tries to get Archie to think of the future after finding out about his affair with Miss Grundy. Where do you see this going? What do you want in the long-term? Jughead is witty and a talented writer. He’s able to see things for more than they appear to be and uses his powers of keen observation, deductive reasoning, and his talent for piecing together bits of information to construct a larger picture to investigate and report on the murder of Jason Blossom.
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Tertiary Introverted Sensing [Si]: Even though Jughead doesn't enjoy participating in Riverdale's various traditions, he has a certain fondness for his own, personal rituals and likes things that are familiar to him, such as the hat he wears every day. Jughead looks forward to going to a double feature each year on his birthday, which he prefers to keep low-key because he hates his birthday. When Archie and FP caution Betty against throwing Jughead a party, she ignores them both and throws him a party that dozens of kids show up to, leaving Jughead extremely uncomfortable. He would've preferred if the three of them had just gone to Pop's for some burgers and milkshakes, even though that's what they always do. When the Twilight Drive-In is destroyed, Jughead tries to appeal to Mayor McCoy, telling her about how his parents would sneak him and his sister in when they were little because they couldn't afford tickets for all four of them. Although he wants to save it because he's been living there, he also has a lot of sentimental feelings for it and doesn't want to see it demolished because of all of the memories he's made there over the years. Jughead often reminisces about happier times and the way things used to be. He tries to get Archie to do the right thing by reminding him of the person he once was.
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Inferior Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: Expressing his feelings doesn’t come naturally for Jughead. He has a hard time saying and doing the “right” thing. Jughead uses humor as a defense mechanism because he doesn’t know how to properly relate to the people around him, and because he doesn’t like to let himself be vulnerable. Jughead wants to be able to be there for his friends and girlfriend in their times of need, but he struggles to find the best way to help or support them. He can be capable of it, though. When Betty breaks down about her family falling apart, he tells her that she’s holding it together. She’s their rock. Jughead resides in moral gray areas – he’s comfortable there and bases his judgments on what is best for everyone If he tells Archie about Betty’s sleuthing, he betrays Betty. If he tells Betty about Archie’s affair with Grundy, he betrays Archie. So he just won’t say anything to anyone. He prefers to stay out of other people’s affairs and keeps his social circle small. Jughead claims he doesn’t care what people think or say, but he struggles with feeling like he doesn’t “belong” with his friends at Riverdale High. He doesn’t want to blindly follow the crowd, but he evidently struggles with this, as indicated by his argument with Betty at his birthday party, where all of his pent up feelings of alienation come to the surface. He can become insecure and lash out under stress, telling Betty that they’re on borrowed time, and will only last until she gets “sick of slumming it” with him or Archie decides he’s interested in her and she goes running to be with him. He enjoys his independence and autonomy, and doesn’t want to be like all the other sheep, but simultaneously struggles with it. Jughead doesn’t have a full grasp on morality, but he wants to. His novel is bigger than just the murder of Jason Blossom – he needs to know if Riverdale is a good place or a dark, evil place. Jughead tries to convince Archie to go to the police about hearing the gunshot (“A kid is dead, Archie! And you’re worried about some… Some cougar?”)
Note: Even though he's a relatively new character, I've already seen many debates regarding Jughead's type. I see him equally typed INTP and INFP. I completely get why people see him as an INFP, but I see a stronger case for Ti than Fi and I don't see any inferior Te in him (or any Te at all, for that matter). If you concentrate on his inferior function, I think Fe definitely stands out. He's textbook inferior Fe. The deciding factor for me was the fight he had with Betty after she threw him his surprise party. He does pose a lot of moral questions, and he is interested in exploring those themes in his book, but he seems to approach it from more of an intellectual perspective than an emotional once. Even though he's curious, he maintains a certain level of detachment through it all. He's an INTP, he's just not a "typical" INTP.
Enneagram: 5w4 4w5 9w1 Sx/Sp
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Jughead: By morning, everyone would be talking, texting, and posting about it. We’d all be feeling it. That the world around us had changed, maybe forever. That Riverdale wasn’t the same town as before. That it was a town of shadows and secrets now.
Jughead: Do you think I can use Jason Blossom’s death as an excuse to get out of PE? “Sorry, Coach, I’m just too depressed and freaked-out right now to do pull-ups. Archie: Don’t joke about Jason Blossom. Jughead: What? Sardonic humor is just my way of relating to the world.
Jughead: Archie. Weirdest thing. This summer, we were supposed to go on a road trip over July 4th weekend… Which you bailed on at the last minute. Is there something you wanna tell me, pal?
Archie: Jug. What’s up? Jughead: What’s up is I saw you, Archie. In the music room. With Ms. Grundy. Archie: Keep your voice down, my dad’s inside. Jughead: I’m trying to help you, dude. I’m trying to be your friend here. Even though we’re not anymore. How long? You and Grundy? Archie: Since the summer. I like her. Jughead: So I’m guessing she’s the reason you’ve been acting weird since summer? Archie: One of them. Jughead: One of them? There’s more? Archie: We were at Sweetwater River on July 4th. We heard a gunshot. The gunshot. Jughead: Dude, you have to tell somebody. Archie: I can’t. Neither can you. If people find out about Grundy- Jughead: A kid is dead, Archie! And you’re worried about some… Some cougar? Archie: Don’t call her that. Okay, she’s not like that, she cares about me. Jughead: Stab in the dark. I’m guessing she cares more about herself. She’s the one who’s telling you not to say anything, right? Look, I saw you guys. She’s messing with you, man. And she’s messing with your mind. Archie: What the hell do you know about it, Jughead? Or about me, even? Jughead: Nothing. But I used to know this guy once. Archie Andrews. He wasn’t perfect but… He always tried to do the right thing, at least.
Jughead: We’re not gonna hug in front of this whole town. So why don’t we both just do that bro thing where we nod like douches and mutually suppress our emotions? Archie: Yeah, but as friends, right? Jughead: To be discussed, over many burgers, and many days.
Jughead: To someone on the outside, peering in, it would’ve looked like there were four people in that booth. But I was there, and I can tell you. Really, there were only three. A blonde girl, a raven-haired girl, and the luckiest red-headed boy in the universe. For one shining moment, we were just kids. Those bright neon lights of Pop’s keeping the darkness at bay. Giving way, as all nights must, to a morning of reckonings.
Jughead: Cheryl and Archie both say they heard a gunshot the morning of July 4th, but they don’t know who fired. Dilton Doiley: Sherriff Keller already asked me about this. And like I told him, my Scouts and I, we didn’t hear anything weird. Jughead: Well, did you see anything weird? Dilton Doiley: A white-winged crossbill. A long-eared owl. Oh. And Cheryl, sitting by the river, soaking wet.
Grizzly Scout: What the hell, man? Jughead: I saw the way you looked at me. During Grizzly training. You’re hiding something. Grizzly Scout: It’s Scoutmaster Doily. He’s lying. Jughead: About what? Grizzly Scout: The gunshot. It was him. He was teaching us how to shoot targets. Jughead: Dilton Doiley shot the gun on July 4th? Grizzly Scout: He’s a hardcore survivalist. He says if we don’t protect ourselves, no one will.
Jughead: Look, I am, by nature, a conscientious objector. Not saying anything to either you or Betty, was the most moral, apathetic choice I could make. Archie: But, Jug. She’s not going to write about me and Grundy in the paper, is she? Like she did with Chuck? Jughead: Dude, seriously? Okay. Come on. Think about what you’re asking. If there was even an iota of a chance that something could hurt you in any way, Betty wouldn’t do it. Probably. Archie: Oh, my God. Jughead: I’m kidding. But maybe she has a point. What do you see happening with Grundy, long-term? What do you want? Archie: I want to be with her. I don’t know how, but I wanna hang on to what we have for as long as possible. Jughead: Yup. I feel that. Trying to hold on to something a lot older than me, too. Archie: Just… If Betty’s gonna do anything crazy, can you please let me know so I can do something to stop it?
Mayor McCoy: I’m sorry, but the Twilight Drive-In? It’s a blight that’s become a cesspool, and a hangout for criminals and transients, and the deal’s done. Andrews Construction is scheduled to demolish the lot on Monday. Jughead: Mayor McCoy, when I was a kid, my family and I would go to the drive-in all the time. We couldn’t afford tickets for everyone, so my sister Jellybean and I would hide in the trunk until we parked. We’d sneak out. It’s like my home. Mayor McCoy: That’s a very sweet sentiment, Mr. Jones. But the future of Riverdale is at stake.
FP: They’ll tear that booth down, too. Raze the whole place. Send it to the junkyard. And us with it. Jughead: Yeah… Maybe they’ll save it. All the pieces. Store it in the town hall attic, and rebuild it in a hundred years. Wonder who the hell we were. FP: Hmm. So where are you gonna live now? Jughead: I’ll figure it out, Dad. I always do.
Jughead: Why does a rich kid sell drugs? Betty: He was running away from his parents. Jughead: Yeah. Probably. Or drug dealers. Betty: Oh, my God. Is that possible? Jughead: It’s a theory. Yours is more likely. But why would he have to run away from mommy and daddy? Betty: Because they’re monsters. Jughead: Yeah, but why, specifically. Betty: Well, we can’t exactly just ask them. Jughead: So we have to ask Jason. Betty: Are you proposing a seance or- Jughead: No. Dead men tell no tales. But their bedrooms, their houses…
Jughead: I didn’t do it, Betty, you have to believe me. Betty: Of course, I was with you, and I know who you are. Jughead: Those Paradise Lost kids went to death row because they wore black and they listened to Metallica. I don’t wanna become a scapegoat.
Betty: You’re not actually upset that I threw you a party, are you? Jughead: It is nice, Betty. I appreciate it. It’s just I would be happier if it was just the four of us in a booth at Pop’s. Betty: Yeah. But we always do that. I wanted to do something special. Jughead: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Betty: Why is everything so doom and gloom with you, Jug? Why can’t it just be normal for once? Jughead: I’m not normal, I’m not wired to be normal.
Jughead: You do know my dad has a drinking problem, right? Betty: Of course I do. I didn’t think people would be drinking tonight. I didn’t plan on Chuck and Cheryl, and the rest of the school crashing, okay? This was supposed to be just your friends. Jughead: You and Archie are my friends, okay? Everyone else, including Kevin, including Veronica, are people that, two months ago, I would’ve actively shunned. Betty: Why? Jughead: In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. I don’t fit in, and I don’t want to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That’s weird. Betty: Why are you getting so upset? It’s just a party, Jug. Jughead: It’s not just a party. It’s the fact that you don’t know or even care that this is the last thing I would want. You did this for you. To prove something. Betty: To prove what? Jughead: You’re a great girlfriend. I don’t know. Doesn’t it ever occur to you just how different we are? Like on a cellular DNA kind of level? You’re a straight-A student. You’re a cheerleader, for God’s sakes. You’re the perfect girl next door. Betty: I hate that word. Jughead: I’m the damaged loner outsider from the wrong side of the tracks. Betty, come on. Who are we kidding? We’re on borrowed time. Betty: What the hell is that supposed to mean? Archie: Betty, I’m not one of your projects, okay? Like solving Jason’s murder- Betty: No. You’re not a project, you’re my boyfriend. Jughead: Until you’re sick of slumming it with me, or until Archie changes his mind and says he wants to be with you?
Jughead: Weekdays, from 8:25 a.m. to 3:01 p.m., we adhere to a strict regimen. Everything in our lives controlled. But then something like the murder of Jason Blossom happens, and you realize there is no such thing as control. There is only chaos. Nevertheless, some of us strive to impose and maintain order in what is, fundamentally, an orderless world. A fact which would very soon be confirmed in ways none of us could have foreseen.
Fred: Sorry to be missing your birthday this weekend, Jug. Jughead: Oh, you will not be missing anything, Mr. Andrews, I barely acknowledge my own birthday.
Betty: And all this time, I thought you were a lover, not a fighter. Jughead: I’m both. I’ve got layers. You were doing something nice, it’s just that sometimes, when people do nice things for me, I short circuit. Maybe I’m not used to it. Maybe I’m scared… Of getting hurt. Or being rejected for being myself.
Jughead: People like to say that the death of Jason Blossom changed everything at Riverdale High. But certain things, certain traditions never change. Take Homecoming, for instance. Though Jason’s jersey had been retired, the Riverdale Bulldogs would still be playing their arch-rivals, the Baxter High Ravens, with the River Vixens cheering them on. As in previous years, graduates from days of Riverdale Past will come to town to relive their more youthful, more carefree days. Or to make up for lost time.
Archie: Betty, about the Homecoming Dance, can I play a couple songs? I kind of told my mom that- Whoa, you don’t want me to? Betty: No, no it’s not that, Archie, it’s just, um This dance needs to be fun. And your songs, as amazing as they are- Jughead: They make you wanna slit your wrists… In a good way. Veronica: In an amazing way.
Jughead: I’m a little terrified about the social experiment of it all, but I think it’s good for our families to get to know each other. I think it’s important for us. Jughead: So the worm turns. Mary and Fred. A possible rekindling? Archie: That would’ve been a Li’l Archie’s pipe dream. Jughead: Stranger things have happened, man. Like for instance, my dad shaved. Which is the equivalent of tectonic plates shifting. I was thinking, maybe it’s time I go back and live with him again. Archie: Based on the fact that he shaved? Jughead: Well, he also hasn’t missed a day of work, and he quit drinking. Archie: That’s – That’s great, Jughead. But maybe you should wait a little bit longer just to make sure it sticks. Archie: No, dude, I’m telling you, something has shifted. I mean, he even asked to read my work. The essays, the articles I wrote about Jason. Archie: Your dad did? Jughead: Yeah. And he read them. Even more surprisingly, he engaged with them. He asked me questions about them. Archie: What kind of questions? Jughead: Like who I thought did it. Your dad asked you who you thought killed Jason Blossom? Jughead: You repeating everything I’m saying is getting really annoying. Archie: Crap l forgot. My mom likes almond milk in her coffee, and we don’t have any, so I’m gonna go get some. Jughead: Well, you are a terrible liar, Archie. Off to a late-night rendezvous with a certain raven-haired princess? Relax, man, I’m just giving you a hard time.
Jughead: How did you – When did you guys know to go to my dad’s trailer? Veronica: We knew he’d be at dinner with- Jughead: That’s why your mom invited my dad and I to dinner? So these two could break into my his trailer while she interrogated him? Betty: No, I didn’t know what they were doing. But yes, that is why she invited you guys. Jughead: To think I was gonna pass on moving to Toledo with my family for you. Betty: What? Jughead: When we went to my dad’s trailer, you asked me if I believed him. I said I did. Wasn’t that good enough for you? Betty: It was. It was good enough. I didn’t – I tried to stop her. Jughead: You could’ve told me, you could’ve warned me about this. Betty: You were so excited, Jug, I didn’t want to disappoint you. Jughead: So instead you lied? You all lied to me?
Jughead: As long as you’re with me, you’re writing articles about me and my dad, trouble’s just gonna keep coming at you from all sides. Betty: It was just one jerk. Jughead: It’s not just one jerk. It’s Mayor McCoy. It’s Sheriff Keller. It’s Weatherbee, it’s Social Services, it’s the entire multiverse telling me that I don’t belong here, so why don’t I just do everyone a favor- Betty: Hey, hey. You belong here just as much as everyone else. This is your home. You know that, right? Jughead: Yeah.
Betty: Wow, it looks great in here. Jughead: I cleaned it up after Sheriff Keller thrashed it. Just in case my dad- Betty: Until he gets out, I’m not giving up on him, Jug. Jughead: Hell no. That is why I love you, Betty. I love you, Betty Cooper. Betty: Jughead Jones. I love you.
FP: Why Jason Blossom, huh? Out of all the things you could write about, why pick a dead kid? I don’t know. Jughead: It was sort like he picked me. Tell the story that no one was gonna tell. Or even know how to tell. From the outside, looking in. FP: Who do you think killed him? I mean, you and Betty are in this deep. You gotta have an opinion. Jughead: To me, I don’t think the question is, “Whodunnit?” I think the real question is whether Riverdale is a place of good or a place of darkness and evil. FP: Or both. Most things are both.
Jughead Jones (Riverdale): INTP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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Winless Browns Participate In 2008 Cougars As Worst NFL Group, Going 0.
The only thing authentic and also constant that you are going to see on my skin is my smile," mentions Asha Lata (name changed on demand), along with an obvious radiating smile. The Montpellier Court of Allure regulationed in 2006 that a married couple can certainly not name their little one Joyeux, which indicates delighted" in French The courtroom cited the unusual attributes" of the title as something that can create issues for the youngster. To carry out this, he recommends connecting the person's describing facial feature to their swapped title." Because we are actually regularly much better at keeping in mind faces compared to names, you can conveniently blend both so you remember both.
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thesnootyushers · 8 years
Following on from Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, we now move on to the worst series in the entire franchise. Power Rangers: Turbo.  God this entry is rubbish.  So let’s get it over with.
So, the series starts with a three part episode called ‘Shift into Turbo’ with Rocky who will leave the series after this, appears to help ease the transition and facilitate Justin’s introduction.  It also takes the part of the audience who maybe hadn’t seen the Turbo Movie through the events, as his friends relate the story through a five minute montage.
Throughout this three part episode the main four are graduating High School and must start finding their way in the world. Zordon and Alpha are also leaving to return to Eltar. In their place they leave Alpha 6 and Dimitria (a sorceress/sage from the planet Inquiris). Divatox comes to earth to get revenge on The Rangers by taking over Earth.
There are a few more episodes of filler as The Rangers adjust to Alpha 6 and Dimitria. Then comes The Blue Senturion.
He arrives Earth from the future with the Millennium Message.  This is a warning that the United Alliance of Evil including, Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd, The Machine Empire and Divatox, would conquer the universe and divide it up amongst themselves.
Divatox  had kidnapped him and turned him evil, after she found out what actually was the Millennium Message. Blue Senturion attacked The Power Rangers, but The Rangers turned him good again. He could not play all of the Millennium Message for The Rangers because it had been damaged.
The Senturion proves to be an excellent ally and helped The Rangers on many occasions. He stays until the end of the season.
Turbo also brings us two new characters, Carlos a soccer player in High School and a Cheerleader Ashley.   Who feature in the next big episode ‘Passing of the Torch’.  After a visit from her mother, Mama D, Divatox is inspired to take down The Power Rangers by removing their leader.
While heading to the outskirts of Angel Grove to go camping with Adam, Tanya, and Justin, Tommy and Kat are ambushed by an army of Pirahnatrons (Divatox’s footsoldiers), with Tommy being captured to be dumped into the Vortex of Eternal Doom and Sorrow, while the others fight the Flamite at their campsite. Luckily, a pair of young teens in the midst of moving to Angel Grove, T.J. and Cassie, spot the disturbance and come to The Rangers’ aid.
This episode is significant because the time has come for the four veteran rangers to pass on their powers to a successor of their choosing. They have chosen T.J., Ashley, Cassie, and Carlos to take up their respective mantles as the Red, Yellow, Pink, and Green Turbo Rangers, with Justin remaining at their side as the Blue Turbo Ranger.
In this series we also meet The Phantom Ranger. He is from Eltar, Zordon’s home planet, his power source is an Eltarian Crystal.  He seems to be close to Cassie. He sticks around for a few episodes, although we never find out his identity.  Phantom Ranger gives The Rangers new Rescuezords to help them recover their stolen property.  This gives them even greater power as now there are two sets of Zords (and two sets of toys to sell).
On the villain front, we meet General Havoc, who is Divatox’s brother and has built her a space base and also a Zord called Metallosaurus. He uses it to capture the Turbo Megazord and plans a trap to steal the Phantom Rangers Crystal to control the stolen Megazord.
In another stroke of merchandising genius, we also see the introduction of two sentient cars that help The Rangers one of which can turn into a hovercraft for The Red Ranger. They are called Lightning Cruiser and Storm Blaster. They are not Auxiliary Zords and can’t join the Megazord but The Rangers can pilot them when needed.
The season finale is a two part episode called ‘Race into Space’ in which Divatox enlists the imposing Goldgoyle, a Zord sized monster and thug for hire to destroy The Rangers once and for all. Though The Rangers destroy him it is at the cost of both Megazords and also their Turbo weapons. When they teleport back to the Command Chamber they are spotted by Divatox’s henchmen who learn the chambers location.
Dimitria tells The Power Rangers that Eltar has fallen to evil forces. The Rangers want to go and help Zordon but Dimitria tells them that they are the last line of defense from evil and that she and the Blue Senturion will leave Earth at once to help Zordon. Outside the Power Chamber, teams of Piranhatrons assemble. Divatox send her forces to attack. The Rangers detect the attack and prepare. Alpha tells The Rangers that there are too many of them, but T.J. tells him to open the outer doors. Alpha wishes them luck as the team charges outside.
Outside the Power Chamber, The Rangers fight swarms of Piranhatrons as Lighting Cruiser and Storm Blaster lend their assistance. Soon, the Piranhatrons overwhelm Lightning Cruiser and Storm Blaster and take them captive.
The Piranhatrons, led by Elgar, use a battering ram to force their way inside the Power Chamber while another team of Piranhatrons scale the Power Chamber’s walls and get on the roof.   The Rangers try to fight off the Piranhatrons, but are overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and are barely able to defend themselves and protect Alpha. Elgar enters the chamber and sees the energy tube wide open. Realizing that neither Zordon or Dimitria can return to Earth if he destroys it, Elgar picks up a hammer and throws it at the tube, smashing it to bits. Elgar then places detonators all over the Power Chamber. Outside, Divatox waves goodbye to the Rangers as she detonates the bombs inside, destroying the Power Chamber completely.
Later, Elgar and Divatox commence a search for The Rangers’ bodies, with The Rangers hiding amongst the wreckage of the chamber.  Suddenly, a flaming ball of light approaches Divatox and informs her that Zordon has been captured and that she is to leave immediately for the Cimmerian Planet. The messenger then tells her that the order was directly from Dark Specter. Fearful of this name, she agrees and tells The Rangers that she’ll soon be back as she and her forces leave for the Cimmerian planet.
The Rangers decide to follow Divatox into space and save Zordon.  Alpha from the wreckage has saved the Power Decoder, which he explains is crucial for their journey into space.
  After helping his fellow Rangers get into space, Justin tells them that he can’t go with them as he wants to stay on earth.  The Rangers brace themselves, as they head off into the unknown on their mission to save Zordon….
This is an awful series and one that almost nailed the coffin shut on the entire franchise. The response was so poor and ratings fell so hard that the next series was going to  be the last.
The first reason was the movie, it was really poor and people brought the baggage from that into the new series.  The second reason was they totally abandoned the Zeo powers without any real explanation.  Thirdly and most infuriatingly,  The Blue Ranger from Rocky to Justin following an injury to actor Steve Cardenas.
Casting a twelve year old actor to play Justin was a major mis step and turned the character into one of the most hated in all of The Power Rangers universe. To explain how he is always with the Rangers they make him a child prodigy, who gets transferred to High School.
When he morphed however he grew into an adult and then reversed back into a child when he powered down. It was stupid. As  kid it I thought it was stupid, I hated it. I was filled with fury, the likes of which I would not feel again until 2001 (this would not be at Power Rangers but at a character in another show).
In my later years I realised it was the writers way of trying to appeal to a younger demographic and bring them back into the franchise. All it did however was annoy nearly all of its fan base, with the younger kids not caring either.
They also replaced  Zordon, The Rangers mentor and Alpha, the snarf -like side kick in the first episode of the series. This was a massive change as these two were two of the longest serving characters.
I did not care for their replacements. Dimitria was Zordon’s friend but she didn’t control the Morphing Grid. She hadn’t fought Evil for a millennia. Even as a child, I was outraged.  How dare she come in and start changing the way things were done!
Alpha was replaced with Alpha 6  and he was soooo much worse.  They looked identical but Alpha 6 used some sort of  jive talk.  Remember when I talked in vol. 4  about racial stereotypes? this was probably the most offensive one. Especially since it made no sense, he is an alien robot, why do they try and make him sound like Vanilla Ice doing a Biggie Smalls impression.  It was awful and another  nonsensical change.  Looking back after all these years with(slightly) more mature eyes and a lifetime of following the franchise I never understood why Dimitria and Alpha 6 were introduced.
Now, onto the villains.  Divatox* was also an unusual  choice. She wasn’t really scary, She came across as a bit of a Cougar. I fancied her, even as a child. Unlike previous villains she was a pirate, so world domination seemed like an unusual goal.  She doesn’t seem evil just spoiled and bratty. Even Rita, though she would get angry, had a scariness about her, she was magical and dark and radiated power.  Towards the end however when Divatox hired Goldgoyle, that was a good move, it fitted with what her character is supposed to be.
Her henchman are useless. Elgar, her nephew, is Power Rangers version of  Jar Jar Binks. Absolutely bungling, comic relief. He can even be beaten by a non morphed Justin, one on one.  He can be beaten by a twelve year old. So why he was continuously given jobs to do is beyond me.  While the other villains henchmen were also played for comic relief or bungled but they could all hold their own in a fight and any that couldn’t we never saw fight. eg. Squat and Baboo, two of Rita’s crew, were never put into a situation where there was combat.
Only Goldar and Rito ever got into a fight with The Rangers. Usually, a single Ranger alone could not take them, it usually needed them all.  Rita although she never did enter the battle physically I believe she would have been a contender, just the way she carried herself and what she could do with magic made her a viable threat. Divatox was a Yummy mummy in a metal breast plate and a half mask that  never fitted properly.
So given that Divatox is a luke warm villain, It annoyed me how she was the one to beat The Rangers. It should have been Zedd and Rita. They were more powerful, conniving, sneaky and opportunistic. It just didn’t sit right. Another way of alienating the fans.
I want to take this opportunity to address a major cast change that happens 20 episodes in. After the actors playing Tommy and Kat wanted to leave, the writers and show runners then decided to replace the entire veteran cast. The in universe explanation was decent in that The Rangers were no longer teenagers and deserved their own normal  lives. It echoes what Zordon said to Kimberley when she left two years earlier.It just came out of nowhere. It should have been built up, as should the replacement Rangers. Introduce them, show us why they are worthy, let us become familiar with them. Instead Ashley and Carlos get one episode before they take over and TJ and Cassie are introduced in the actual episode where the powers are transferred, it’s too quick.  After having a massive overhaul in the early episodes, to then spring four totally new people on us is mad. Whats more Tanya chooses Ashley as her replacement but hasn’t even met her.
Previous power transfers have usually had a lot more build up. Tommy got five episode arc when he first arrived on the scene.  Adam, Rocky and Aisha had six episodes before they had the power transferred. Katherine had a whole story arc. Tanya was the exception but it was only one character so it wasn’t as bad. The Gold Ranger had several story arcs dedicated to him.
It was yet another ridiculous change (see a pattern?) that made no sense. Even the in-universe reasoning is flawed. Why would you totally remove experienced soldiers who have years of experience and replace them with four untrained teenagers? In the MMPR pilot episode, Zordon had no choice when Rita escaped. He was desperate and needed to act quickly. Those five grew and learned how to be Rangers. You could have had Adam or Tanya (who’s actors hadn’t expressed views to leave)  stick around for a bit just to act as a trainer or advisor, much like Billy did in the previous series.
In reality it was a case of writers and producers being at sea with a show that was failing. Two cast members had expressed interest in leaving, both Katherine and Jason David have said they assumed it would of been at the end of Turbo. So they could have stayed around longer. Yet the producers panicked and decided to once again mix up the status quo and just replace all the veteran cast. The reasoning was a new cast would mean new audiences  could jump in and not get lost with the old characters backstories. They could just start afresh.
I understand this model from the production crew, but then why not start with this. It would be a better way of establishing the new cast. You could even, although it wold have been risky to do so, establish them in the Turbo Movie.
The final episode, which in my opinion is the only good episode in the entire series. Hell its a fantastic episode. To see the Command Centre just get torn apart is brutal. Then when the tube of Zordon and Dimitria was smashed I was stunned.
The first wave outside the Command Chamber is awesome. The swarms of Phiranhatrons attacking and The Rangers running out to face them makes for a striking image. It proves how brave these Rangers are. The other Rangers had never been tested against such odds. Whats even better is when they are losing and must retreat back inside the chamber. Carlos and Justin are both scared. It struck a chord. They should be, they have no Zords, no Zordon, no Dimitria and no Turbo weapons while outside is an army of evil Aliens. It’s honest, it’s human, its believable but even in spite of their fear they stay to fight.
When Alpha 6 tells T.J he will teleport them all to safety. T.J responds with ” No Alpha, we will protect this place until the bitter end”….I was welling up as a child. I still get the feels now. They hadn’t been Rangers long, but by god they were doing the best job they could, they were even ready to die for it.
The second wave of attack when the Piranhatrons break in is devastating. It is a very well written, filmed and edited scene. You see the swarms of enemies pouring in and dropping down. There are explosions, smoke and sparks in the periphery and the Rangers are fighting for their lives. The screen is packed with enemies just suffocating the rangers. I also love how  The Red Ranger gives up one of the outer doors he is protecting to save Alpha. Just diving over a panel and wiping out the enemies attacking the little robot. Sadly I cannot find any images for it.
The cliffhanger ending also really worked, we were left wondering on so many things: What had happened to Zordon? Who was Dark Spectre? Why was Divatox so afraid? What would The Rangers do in space? What about their Powers? It ended on a such a down note.
To repeat this is a bad series, there are too many changes and things that aren’t clear or have no place and purpose. I have not even mentioned The Phantom Ranger or General Havoc.
What is interesting is the Sentai this is based on, called Carrangers,  is a Parody of all the previous seasons. It is meant as joke/homage to the series. It is important to note that the Japanese Super Sentai series started in the Seventies. The series Mighty Morphing was adapted from, was the 17th season overall.
Some of the American writers wanted to stick with this idea and do more comedy/parody the other half wanted a more serious theme to fit with its maturing audience. Here lies the problem I can see elements of both throughout. Justin in particular, some of the monsters, the Blue Senturion and Divatox are all very kiddish and silly.  The ending however seems serious in tone. If the writing/production staff didn’t know what kind of story they were telling then its audience definitely wouldn’t. What we got was a messy mockery of everything we had come to expect.It also explains changes, directions and shake ups that came across as stupid. Its a shame because Zeo did a good job giving the series real credibility.
Like with Zeo all the Sentai footage was used, which was lots of cars crashing into each other. Lots of people hated the Turbo Zords. I liked them. I will admit it was two sports cars and three 4×4 trucks each in a Ranger colour but they were fine.  I loved the Rescue Zords which were more individual and just looked cooler.
Rescue Zords
Turbo Zords
The Turbo morphers used morph into Turbo Rangers were a car key and wrist ignitions. See what I mean about parody?. This is something else that turned people off the series. They preferred the mystic animals/dinosaurs as opposed to cars.
Over 42 years of Japanese Sentai Series and 23 years of Power Rangers, there are only so many themes you can have for Zords, without repeating yourself. Animals and cars would be used many times again in future Power Rangers series as would Dinosaurs. They had all been used numerous more times over in Sentai. I will be honest the Zords never bothered me, I always had more investments in the costumes.
With plummeting viewership, large downturn in merchandise sales and a mauling by TV critics. The show was told the next series would be the last. Since the original idea back in 1992 was only supposed to be 40 episodes they had come a long way.
So the writers decided to go out with a bang and do as much as they could with what they had. They got rid of Justin and once again went back to the drawing board.  What came next would be arguably one of, if not the best, entry, in the franchise.  That, however is a story for another day…
*A fun fact about Divatox, the actress who played her in the Turbo film, Hillary Shepherd Turner, fell pregnant before the series started filming and was replaced until mid season. The actress who played her for the first 25 episodes, Carol Hoyt, also played Dimitria.
          The Power Rangers Legacy: Volume 5 Following on from Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, we now move on to the worst series in the entire franchise.
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