#i see the word nano and my monkey brain makes me pog irl
p-pamda · 1 year
oh?? gamedev arc?? maybe one day make nano game...? 👀
gonna be honest and admit that when i started I haven't thought of it, BUT then remembered that Nano was gonna be first a game when I was 8-10, went to comic since I saw the game thing too difficult to be real. I still do-!
i've put thought into it, and Nano is my STUPID baby. I think i would like to (in the good case that I can actually one day put two pieces of code together lmao) Do smaller games first, to build up my skills, to be able to make the idea I want true.
Im reading a lot of shit already and trying to learn math(skull emoji) I got a BIG list of lil projects to work on already-! Silly ideas that i keep rounding up the more i learn!Its fun
If my brain allows it, Nano game, will be a yes (I can dream) But first others will come, and I hope yall enjoy them aswell-!<3 I'll be sharing more about them when I can finally put things together by myself-!
But for now, theyre all just thought bubbles that I keep getting excited to share with everyone one day!
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