#i shall inflict everyone with the same sadness that i have when thinking of angst
sorrinslays · 1 year
Still black and bruised
One shot
Basically Leo processes his feelings about the death of his pet turtle, Stripe. Donnie is trying to make him feel better
This is my iteration of the TMNT franchise which is why it might seem out of character.
(Trigger warning:
-Animal death
-Thoughts of self-harm
-Mild description of animal corpse
-Slight description of overstimulation (I think, I'm not sure what the fuck that is)
-My iteration of the franchise)
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simsadventures · 5 years
The Real Me
Alpha Thor x Omega Reader
Summary: Thor suffers from depression and slight PTSD after leaving the battle with Thanos. What happens when he finally meets the one person he’d been waiting for his whole life?
Warnings: a/b/o dynamics, slight angst (I guess) symptoms of depression, self-loathing, assuring, fluff, spoilers to the end of Infinity War and Thor’s appearance in End Game
Word Count: 2462
A/N: This was written for my lovely @p8tn0lish for my Followers Appreciation Challenge, the prompt being 19. Let’s take it one day at a time, shall we? Hope you guys’ll enjoy it. If you’d like to request any of the other prompts, feel free to do so, it is still open xx
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Thor Masterlist__Masterlist
Thor loved his new life. Valkyrie was pretty much taking care of the new Asgard that they built together. He didn’t have to be the Mighty Thor, God of Thunder anymore, he could just be Thor, the guy playing video games with his friends, drinking soda and eating pizza all day.
If anyone told him before the shit hit the fan with Thanos that he would end up here, he would laugh in that person’s face. But now he was acting as if this was the best life he could’ve lived. He no longer had the faith of many worlds on his shoulders, the only fates he now had to care for were his characters in games, and he liked that. The lack of responsibility was freeing.
He didn’t even use mirror anymore, the once playboy of Asgard was now more into what the crust on his pizza looked like than if the pizza didn’t stick in his beard. And there was nobody to point these things out. He was hidden at the very end of Asgard, with Korg and the others, and they really didn’t give two damns about Thor’s appearance, as long as he’d play the games with them.
Valkyrie did give it a few tries, but after like 5th, she gave up. She didn’t have the energy to manage one whole race, or what was left of it, the relationship with other countries and planets, and also if Thor was taking care of himself. She was sorry for him, she really was, but she wasn’t the right one to help him.
Everyone in Asgard thought Thor needed his Omega. He was getting older, and although he was God, he was old enough to finally settle down. His ruts were also getting tougher and tougher, and some worried that even his Godly body wouldn’t be able to take another strong rut like that.
Naturally, they wanted some of their own to be the next queen of Asgard, but after a while, even back at the original Asgard, people realised that that wouldn’t be an option. And with how much time he started to spend on Earth, even his late mother believed that his Omega was hiding somewhere there.
So when three young Omega wandered to Asgard in Norway, more than a few of the citizens prayed that one of them would be the right one.
You wanted to have a trip across northern Europe because you heard nature was beautiful there, and as an excited hiker, you wanted to get to know something a little different than what you were used to. You even knew that the new Asgard was set somewhere in Norway, and you and your friends all agreed that you have to see it. Not for Thor (though you wouldn’t mind seeing the God), but for the different culture, you were sure you’d see.
Your holiday was going great, but a few days into the trip, your head and belly felt a little strange. You knew you weren’t getting into heat, you had one almost two months ago, and it never happened to you to have two so close together. But you were fidgety, butterflies in your belly, even though you barely left the forests and you were almost always alone with your friends. And you were definitely not in love with your friends.
It only got worse when you entered Asgard, to the point you actually had to sit down in a near pub, to try and get your own body under control. Your friends weren’t much help, to be honest. They would always say that those are precisely the symptoms the books talk about when describing meeting your true mate. You just rolled your eyes at them and continued to mind your own business. True mates were a myth created by desperate Omegas trying to believe in something.
You befriended one of the single Omegas in the pub, and after hours of mindlessly talking about nothing and everything, she insisted on all three of you sleeping at her place that night. It was about a 10-minute walk from the pub, as she lived on the outskirts of the city. You were gladly following because you couldn’t wait to have a good long shower, and a night of sleep somewhere better than in your tent.
You just got out of the shower, and changed into your PJs, when you heard the most beautiful voice you’ve ever heard.
“Who else is here? I can smell her.”
“Just one other Omega, my king. Her name is Y/N.” She paused a little, and looked up the stairs, where you were currently frozen to a place. “Here, come down, please, Y/N. Our king would like to speak to you.”
You took a deep breath and skipped down the stairs. And there he stood in all his mightiness. You saw that he changed from the times you saw him on TV, but he was no less powerful and beautiful than what you did remember.
It was especially his eyes, which drove you to him. They were full of warmth, but at the same time, you could see the loss in them too. And there was nothing you wanted to do more than run to him and hug him tight.
As you were thinking about this, a low growl could be heard from the depth of his chest. “Mine.” That word awoke something in you. You took a sharp breath and then it hit you. The smell of chocolate, cayenne pepper, and what smelt like the rays of sun enveloped you. Your eyes fluttered shut, and you took another deep breath. You could smell this for the rest of your life.
Your eyes suddenly snapped open, and you stared intently at him. There was more than a big possibility that you would actually smell this for the rest of your life. This was the smell of your true mate, and even if you didn’t believe in such things 3 hours ago, you now knew that all of it, the fairytales and myths, they were all true.
“My dove, beautiful Y/N, my name is Thor Odinson, and I believe we are mates.” He said this, with a smile on his face, which suddenly faltered, when he looks somewhere behind you.
Thor didn’t even think when he smelt you. All thoughts were concentrated on you, and the fact that he had to find you. When you were there, in front of him, he couldn’t believe his own luck. You were perfect, with those big Y/E/C eyes and beautiful curves, he was sure the Gods sent you to him because you were the mightiest woman that ever lived.
He wanted to devour you there and then, but then caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror, and he suddenly remembered why he lived in such seclusion. He never wanted to have someone close to him, who could be snatched away in a blink of an eye, and here you stood. The mate he was so desperately searching for all those years was finally here, and he couldn’t imagine such perfect woman being able to love the sad and broken man under all that facade.
He turned around and all but ran from the house of your Asgardian friend. You didn’t understand his motives, all you could think of was that you had your true mate right there, and he was running away from you. And you were stubborn enough to run after him.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going, just because you’re a king you can’t just let me standing there!” You yelled at his back. It made him stop in his tracks and turn his head in your direction.
Even in the shimmering light of moonlight, you could see his face was wet from tears. You could swear you heard your heart crack.
“My apologies, my queen, I’m not a good enough man for such a beautiful creature like you. Please, go, and find a man that would be able to take care of you.”
You took a few steps forward, so you were now not even meter apart. You gently touched his cheek, and he leaned into your touch, still crying. You wiped away a few stray tears and smiled at him lovingly.
“I don’t know what happened, Thor, but I’m here, and I want to be yours.”
He shook his head violently and tried to step away from you, but you caught his hand in yours and kept him in place. “I am but a broken man, no real Alpha like you deserve, my dove. I lost everyone, because of my own failures, and I don’t want to you be the next victim of my inabilities.”
You squeezed his hand tighter, “is there a place, that is not outside, where we can talk without being interrupted, by people or by this freaking cold?” You laughed a little. You wanted to talk to him till your last breath, but you would prefer to do that in some warm room, under a blanket, or something.
“See? I don’t even see when my own true-“
“Shhh, don’t do this to yourself. I’m a big girl, I can talk when I’m cold, and I’m doing so, so please, take me somewhere inside, handsome.”
He blushed a little at your comment, obviously not believing your words. This beautiful man was so insecure that it physically hurt you. You wanted to inflict pain on everyone who made him feel that way, and you set a goal, maybe a lifetime goal, to make him see the way you saw him. So what, he had a belly, you didn’t mind that. A little dad-bod never hurt no-one. His hair needed a brush, but you were happy with the length, and if he let you near his beard, you would just cut it here and there, and it would be perfect. He was perfect, and you wanted to make sure he knew it.
You came into his house, and three other guys were there. “Hey, boys, would you mind actually going to your homes tonight? I got- I got a thing here, with my true mate.”
When Korg heard the words, true mate, he sprang to his feet, grabbed the other two and sprinted out of the door, yelling good luck, as Thor closed the door. He looked around and smiled at you apologetically. The house was a mess, to say the least. But who were you to judge? You gave him a reassuring smile, took the pizza boxes sitting at one of the ends of the couch, grabbed a nearby blanket, and snuggled under it.
Thor smiled at how homely you suddenly looked. As if you were meant to be there, in his lodging, next to the fireplace.
“As I was saying, I don’t know what happened for you to think all those things of yourself, and I don’t know your character well enough to be able to assure you right now, but from what I know, you are an amazing person, Thor. You saved what was left of Asgard and-“
“But I couldn’t save it all, and I couldn’t save the Earth from Thanos either. I’m supposed to be God, Y/N, and I failed my own father, and I failed everyone on each planet.”
You sighed and scooted over closer to him. You again took his hand and interlaced your fingers with his. “But the fate of the world is and never was on your shoulders. Nobody blames you and the whole team of Avengers for what happened. For some reason, it was supposed to happen this way. You are not a failure, Thor.”
“But I lost everyone I ever loved, everyone I ever cared for is now dead. I don’t know how to live in a world where they aren’t. Before the showdown with Thanos, I had a purpose, I wanted to kill him. But now that I failed, what am I suppose to do?”
He was crying again, and to your surprise, you found your own cheeks wet from your tears. “Let’s take it one day at a time, shall we? I also lost members of my family and friends to the snap, and it hurt like hell, and some nights, I can’t sleep because I just want them back so much, you know? But now we have each other, and it will be a steep road, for both of us. But I believe that if we genuinely want to be better, we can.
You know what I see when I look at you?” You asked him, and he closed his eyes. “A fat, disgusting man, a broken figure? Something like that?”
You kissed his cheek, and he took a sharp breath. “No, I see a perfect man, a man that had to deal with much more than is ok, and he survived all that. I see a survivor, a fighter, and the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. You think I care about your body? God no. I care about the soul, Thor, and from what I can tell, yours is amazing, maybe lost right now, but I know that you are a passionate man who cares for his family and friends, and who would do anything for those he cares about, am I right?”
He nodded a little, unable to speak up. “Than that’s all I need to know. I’m not perfect either, there’s no gap between my thighs, and my boobs are weirdly shaped, and my hair’s a mess, but I’m me, the real me. And I want you to be the real you with me. If it means you’ll cry, and need me to hold you, I’m here for you. If you need to scream and create a few thunderstorms, I got one real cute raincoat. I’m here for you every step of the way, that is, if you want me, of course.”
“Dove, you are the most perfect woman I’ve ever seen, of course, I want you, I simply don’t want you to wake up one day and realise that your mate is not worthy.”
“But, don’t you understand, Thor? You are worthy. Worthy of my love, but most importantly, worthy of your own self-love. I want you to see yourself through my eyes, and because you’re now stuck with me for the rest of our lives, I’ll make sure you see yourself that way.”
Thor looked up and looked into your eyes. For the first time since they killed Thanos, he was hopeful. His heart still ached for all those he lost, but with you, he could see his future, and for some reason, it was brighter than ever.
Forever Tag:
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msbeccieboo · 6 years
Arrow 7x08 brain dump
It wasn’t that bad!!
So like many I was a liiiittle bit disappointed this week. I really tried to recalibrate my expectations, but I think I was so pumped by the surprise fabulousness of last week and then the buzz online (so naive I know) of the advanced reviews for this week.  I was also doubly excited as it was the first time I was watching it via live stream (wow...all the adverts) rather than waking up super early to stream it the following morning (I’m in the UK).  I just think that we could've spent more time on the personal life of THE MAIN CHARACTER(S) after he had been in prison for half a year, but hey, live and learn.  Luckily I have ZERO hopes for the crossover so next week should be fine haha!
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However, I have slept on it, seen everyone else freak out, and decided it could have been way worse, we got some quality Olicity fluff/angst content and Felicity is still the driving force of the storylines this year in both timelines so PositiveOutlook!Beccie is here!
So the episode...we didn’t get our shower shenanigans scene...*pouty face* (my review last week got flagged cos I wrote the ‘explicit’ s*x word twice, so all naughtiness shall hereby be referred to as shenanigans, until I get bored of typing shenanigans).  HOWEVER, the feelings of PTSD we got from Oliver in that scene, and throughout the episode, were great, and something I hope we continue to see and actually be acknowledged.  Oh yeah, and we got the FLUFFIEST SCENE TO EVER FLUFF!!  The zip!!  The mirror!!  The rubbing of the wedding ring!!  The RECITAL OF THEIR WEDDING VOWS!!!  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!  Ahhh and then some bed shenanigans 😉😉 (which could have been a bit longer, really Beth, come on!!).
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Source: oliverxfelicity
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We all have Felicity, we all have!!  We have been starved and we just want some good foooood!!
Then there was the gala, with allusions to Oliver’s first meal *cough Felicity*, a smidge of Laurel side-eye (always fun), and a classic forever-rebloggable gif from Mrs Smoak-Queen:
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Unfortunately the gala also came with NTA.  Rene bitching that they didn’t get an event thrown for them when ‘they’ caught Diaz...err excuse me now, who caught Diaz??  At least it makes a change from Curtis being the whiner of the episode!
Then we see the shit hit the fan with the break-in and Felicity’s reaction to it, or rather, Oliver’s reaction to Felicity’s reaction to it haha!  Oliver’s cry of “Felicity” before diving across the room to protect her (yes I swooned), was swiftly followed up with Badass!Felicity pulling a gun and shooting the intruder, like a boss!
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
Oliver is shocked and mad that she has a gun....huh? Why?  She’s protecting herself and her family in their own home, not, say, seeking out criminals and inflicting bodily harm on them willy nilly like some kind of....vigilante???!  How many times have we seen her knock a villain out before, except this time Oliver sees the anger, rage even, in her, and THAT is what could harm her, that is where his fear lies and that is what he is really concerned about.  This is followed up with a rather delicious Olicity angst scene, which may I add, WE ALL HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR.  We all wanted to see Felicity lose her shit over what Oliver did and show him how she has had to change because of it. The sad part was seeing the way Felicity sees her ‘old self’ as weak.  The important thing to see here is that this is how Felicity is feeling because of what she’s been through the past few months, not what the writers, or Oliver think.  Oliver's look of incredulity when she said that was a thing of beauty.  Girl you have never been weak, you are just scared and angry, and this is something that Felicity will come to accept over the season, I am sure.  Again, Olicity are walking in each others shoes, and Oliver will need to be her light this time and show her another way to channel these feelings than do something that she may regret later.
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Source: oliverfelicitygifs
Their conversation continued at the end of the episode, which is where people are freaking out I think.  I’m not worried.  I found it annoying that they effectively ended Season 7a at this point of their discussion, but Olicity are not splitting up!!  The red pen mention... “I love you more than a human being should love another human being” *my heart*...then the notion that they are growing apart/moving in different directions, but Oliver is there asking how do they get back on the same page again.  Oliver will not let Felicity walk away again....Felicity won’t walk away again...they are acknowledging that they have changed/grown independently and will just need to learn to grow back together again cos they are endgame!!!! 
Oh and Emiko Queen is the new GA, and Oliver’s half sister...I am SHOCKED (I’m not shocked).  I did have a giggle that the charred remains of the Queen mansion were still stood there as full-mansion-sized charred remains ~5 years after said-charring 😂😂
Future timeline
So, on first appearances it seems that Maya is not our Olicity baby...apparently William doesn’t recognise her.  One of the first things I did think when we actually saw her interacting with William et al was how reminiscent of a young Thea she was...the only alternative option I will accept for her is that she is Thea's and Roy's...especially as Roy wasn't with them to meet her.  But her and William....totally had that ‘we have a secret’ eye-contact thing going on.  The season theme is legacy, why go to the trouble of casting a relatively well-known actress and hyping her up weeks and weeks before her first appearance for her to not fit into that theme in a major way?  Girl is a Smoak/Queen or a Queen/Harper or I’m out!
Also, it seems that they are trying to make us think that Oliver is dead in the future too....hmm ok then, Oliver and Felicity are dead and before she died Felicity was also evil and wanted to level the Glades...
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(I think this is the first time I’ve actually used this gif!  Yay!)
Things I wasn’t keen on...
Dyla...I think I need to watch their scenes back cos I zoned out a bit there...why are they seeing Lizard boy??  Actually I DON’T F-ING CARE BE GONE ALREADY DIAZ!!!
When is Oliver gonna find out that Dig has been next to useless the last 6 months?  Cos there is no hint of him having the slightest clue...this would also help him to understand Felicity’s position better.
The Max Fuller storyline was just essentially to show Oliver working for the SCPD and using a different route of justice, so why did they need to spend sooo much time on it?
My main gripe with the episode wasn’t the way the Olicity angst was dealt with necessarily, but rather the lack of time dedicated to it.  I also think that the episode requires a re-watch as soon as I get home to fully digest and make sense of it.  Sometime recently I seem to recall @jbuffyangel saying something along the lines of, if you have to re-watch the episode straight away to understand it, it's kind of a crappy episode.  I would somewhat agree in this case, but we did get some goodies in there...I think I will enjoy this episode better when the season has finished and I can binge-watch.  That’s how I watched nearly the first 4 seasons of Arrow and those are some of my favourites (I didn’t even mind Ray upon binging!).
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