#i should be doing a snooze prolly
softleesam · 1 year
not to be dramatic but if I don't receive affection soon I'll die probably
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mcbeetlebeeb · 2 years
fucking hate tumblr why do you do this too me I was just about to get done with this fully and it fucking deleted itself whywhywhy
anyway gay headcannons for you also songs
cause it's nearly five in the morning and fuck you!
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Draco Malfoy
so hear me out
he fruity, at least a tad
bi energy, homosexual even.
seems he'd still..? pester you even if in a relationship
not in crude ways of course
pretty much being captain obvious
and little witty quips here and there but nothing to hurt your feelings
he looks like a bath person
I will not and never will debate this it's happening
I mean look at him, he looks like he smells like way to expensive of shampoo too even be shampoo yk?
but not pungent- subtle like somethin u only sniff if he walked by or was in a close vicinity
some fancy shit idk lavender and?? pine and very gently of soot, like smoke but not from any smoking but from candles and setting shit on fire sometimes
yeah he's the bitch 2 take baths with you
and he doesn't even care for it that much in a "pervy" sense
just likes sitting in warm tub with you, across from you or next too you
he don't care, it's bath time
"two bros chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart cause their not gay!"
type of dood too have hundreds upon thousands of stashed away unfinished or scrapped letters too you
you'd stumble upon it crumpled in the trash or on a desk and decide too open and read it
prolly giggling at the letters, trying to think up of what he could've been thinking when he crumpled this and why
when he walks in on you, originally trying to find where you ran off too in his common room
watching you, blissfully unaware of the soul leaving that boys body
he is
internally shriveling at the fact he didn't burn those or- dispose of them properly
until you notice him and he brushes it off like it was nothing
he is still mentally evaporating at the thought of you reading silly poems and or simple wrightings he never sent
he'd notice that you have more than one in your hand and physically cringes at the known fact you've read some of them-
he's embarrassed as all fuck and is desperately trying to cover himself up
shoving the remaining letters and papers into a desk drawer, putting his hand out in request of the return of his other ones
the ones in your hand, in which you look down at then back at him
'no I don't think I will' you tell yourself, running off with them, shoving them into your shirt
he comes sprinting after you before you could even show anyone else-
the song I shall slap down tis
like cmon, your touch starved, hes probably somehow more touch starved..the puzzles..the dots..connect- th em.. please.
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Ominis Gaunt
vaguely angry as well but that's cause tired
you'd end up finding him in the undercroft or even in strewn out places of hogwarts, sleeping
on the floor no less but he don't care
sitting down next too him as he snoozes, leaning on his leaned over head, shutting your eyes
feeling him stur awake, you lift your head, even without saying a word he says your name
in a questioning tone no doubt, he turns to your general direction, blinking sleepily at you
you'd chuckle softly at his expression and you see him relax physically, you assure that it's you
he smiles slightly at the sound of your chuckles
he looks like he'd smell like?-.. clean warm linen, secrets and marble-
makes sense? no?
too bad
he'd ask to feel your face, to mark out your features a bit for himself
he's known you all this time should he not know your face?
his hands are nimble and soft with long fingers tracing your jaw a bit before palming one side of her face
you sigh softly and lean towards his touch
bringing his thumb up to brush over her lashes, his thumb coming up further to brush over her eyebrow
his other hand feeling her neck, sliding it up too cup her other cheek
he feels you smile against his hands and his eyes widened a bit, feeling your faces divits and smile lines
he just can't help but smile over you smiling
you let out a chuckle at his smile forming, letting him feel your face still as it warmed under his hands
song I fart out is...
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I'm sleepy so I'm stopping it here- I was going to wright more bout sebastian for self indulgent purposes but I'm slheepy 💤💤 so have this for now cause tumblr ate my other post 😔
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kookiestiddies · 3 years
the way we are | 1
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pairing: jeon jungkook x female reader
genre: drabble series, college au, enemies to lovers >:), pining, fluff, angst, and smut (in later chapters)
➔ He got on her nerves and he knew it. She took his heart and she doesn't know it yet.
wc: 2.6k
warnings: swearing, mild injury, reader is grumpy, mentions of flashing (???), attempted humour, typos and grammatical errors prolly
notes: okay hi. i posted a teaser for this a hott while back and have only just decided to post it lol purr so slay🤡. it's also no longer a one shot ahaha 🤡. there'll be no fixed schedule for this bcs I have commitment issues rip so good luck to ya'll honestly. happy reading! feel free to lmk your thots :8) 👍🏼
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The hallway is empty. The dingy overhead light casts a warm glow over the space outside your apartment and is your only other company there. Aside from him of course. You’re both standing there, facing each other. There’s barely a hair’s width between you two.
When did he get so close?
While both you’re breaths are picking up, you take a moment to look through his features. His strong jawline and chiselled cheeks are relaxed now. His hair’s been messed with by the wind, but it somehow doesn’t hinder his handsomeness, only adding to it. He’s softly biting his bottom lip. His eyes are looking into yours; they’re filled with something you think you recognise from your own reflection in the mirror.
He starts leaning closer to you, eyes shifting their attention to your lips - and you do the same. Soon enough, you feel his breath warming the lower part of your face. Both your eyes lower shut, giving into the tension in the air.
Just before your lips touch...they don’t. You’re about to raise a sound of protest when he beats you to it.
“Y/n,” he breathes out.
Gosh, the way your name rolls off his tongue.
“Can I kiss you?”
You let out a snort at that. Of all the things you’ve said that he remembers, of course, it’s that. You don’t recall his arms ever coming up around your waist, but they’re there now and you feel him chuckling.
“Please, can I kiss you?” he asks again while he gently rubs your back. You nod in response.
“That’s not enough. I need to hear you.”
You barely manage to push out the last syllable before he brings his lips onto yours in a devouring kiss.
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3 years ago...
Fuck yeah!
That’s what you think to yourself as you try to catch your breath; an impossible feat considering the fact that you’re lugging along 3 thicc overpriced textbooks. And not to mention the fact that you’re racing across campus because it’s only the first day of your college career and you happened to be late.
Sure, maybe it could be considered your fault because you hit the snooze button five times too many. Maybe you only further sealed your fate by taking too long in the shower. However, in your defence, it should be decreed a social injustice for classes starting earlier than 11 am to be acceptable. Rest and hygiene come first about all else, yup yup.
You were so focused on reaching the destination that you missed to sound of the bell ringing overhead the campus coffee shop entrance on your side, signalling someone’s rushed exit.
So imagine your surprise when you find that your race to the class that’s 2 minutes away from starting is brought to a halt when you’re suddenly sent flying perpendicular to the direction you were going in by an unseen force only to land harshly on the lawn in front of the coffee shop.
You see it all happening in slow motion: you’re rapidly reaching the ground but not before you jut out your arms to hopefully prevent your face from getting too intimate with the muddy ground. Your ultra-premium textbooks leave your grasp to land in-
Oh NO!
A puddle.
While you sit there in shock, barely processing what just happened, you hear someone swearing nearby from the direction of the coffee shop. You look up towards it to find a pair of doe eyes looking back at you. The owner of said doe eyes is crouching ahead of you; a boy, around your own age. You know this because of the freshman ID card swinging from his neck.
Your cousin had told you that freshmen were ever enthusiastic enough to actually wear their student tags and that students will most probably get over it around their 2nd semester.
Before you can take a good look and process him, he’s already up on his feet and quickly picks up a bag scattered haphazardly next to him. You snap out of trance and call out to him as he makes a move towards the main campus buildings.
He hesitantly stops and looks around at you. “What?!”
What’s with his tone?!
“Where do you think you’re going? You knocked me down!” you say as you get up haggardly.
“I’m sorry, but I’m already late for my class, I’ve got to go,” he replies quickly and starts scurrying away.
“WHAT?!” you yell to his retreating back to no avail. Oh, now you’re mad.
An angry pout forms on your face as you mull things over. The sheer audacity of that stupid boy.
You pick up your bag and your now wet and ruined grand piano of a textbook set with a groan and angrily huff your way towards class, which you are now officially late for.
Imagine meticulously planning out your first day at college from hour to hour, only to end up becoming the loser that shows up to class late with a
Operation Have A Positively Impressionable First Day of College: FAILED.
You would continue your run to class if it weren’t for the fact that your knee was sore as a result of you getting to 2nd base with the grass which led to you limping the rest of the way.
Maybe people are kind, maybe it was the fact that your anger and annoyance were monstrously visible to anyone passing by, but thank fuck, everyone moved away from you as you stormed your way to class. Thanks to your encounter with that fuckhead tarsier of a boy earlier, your mood is now at its lowest setting and you simply cannot tolerate anyone else for the rest of the day probably.
It can’t possibly get any worse, right? Wrong.
When you finally make it to class, you were 4 minutes late and three significant things happened one after the other:
#1 You had to face the embarrassment of 200 pairs of eyes, plus the lecturer”s, witnessing your walk of shame as you cautiously entered the class like a gazelle.
2# All the seats towards the front were taken up so you had no choice but to find an empty seat towards the back of the class.
3# By your luck, you realised too late that you were seated right in front of an annoyingly familiar face.
He tried to hide from you.
You know this because he looked at you straight in the eyes, visibly panicked and lied his head on the table with his hoodie and arms shielding him, pretending to be asleep.
Tch, pathetic!
You took your seat with a huff and your bench mates knew better than to start up the awkward Day-1 pleasantries and small talk with you.
Thankfully, the rest of the class went by as smoothly as can be, though you did feel the heat of someone staring at you at the back of your neck. You tried your best to ignore it by forcing all your attention toward the lecture.
When the end of the class came around, you were quick to exit the class.
Frankly speaking, you’ve had enough of today.
As you turn down the hallway, you bump into Nayeon, a friend you’d made during the freshmen orientation.
While you were still deciding on whether you should project a more introverted or extroverted personality onto all the new people you’d be meeting in college, Nayeon made the choice for you by taking up your neighbouring seat and starting a conversation with you about the shitty AC in the hall. In less than an hour, you’d already gotten to know all about her eight exes and how two of them almost gave her STDs and one of them almost gave her a whole baby. You were still contemplating which one would have been worse.
“Y/n! Oh, thank god you’re here! Y/nieee, today has been such a nuisance and it’s barely 12 pm!” she cries while sliding her arm in yours as you both start walking in sync towards the college cafeteria.
“You know, Mercury must be in retrograde or something because my day has been awful so far as well,” you say with a downward tilt of your mouth.
“Oh? Does that have anything to do with your whole ‘I’m a Persian cat who just woke up’ cosplay thing you’ve got going on? Lovin’ the limp by the way. It really adds to the whole vibe” she retorts with a cackle. You can’t help but giggle along with her until you remember the reason for your haggard get up.
“Ugh, there was this idiot who knocked me over on my way to class this morning and he ran off without even bothering to help me up. Look at what happened to my textbook!” you cry and show Nayeon your super nastay and thicc textbook, now reduced to a damp and muddy stack of papers.
“Ew, what was his problem?!” she asks and you giggle at her disgusted look. You’re both quiet as you reach the cafeteria and get some food on trays. “C’mon, you can sit with me and my friends,” Nayeon says as she leads you to a table that seats a group of people you have yet to see around campus.
“Hey guys, meet Y/n. She doesn’t really know anybody around here so she’ll be joining us” she says to everyone at the table nonchalantly, your embarrassment at her pathetic description of you going unnoticed. You blush while offering an awkward greeting to everyone.
The table hosts three other characters: the first boy wears what could possibly be the most fashionable attire you’ve seen around the campus along with a bright smile that competes with the Sun. “Hey, I’m Hoseok but you can call me Hobi,” he introduces himself and offers his hand for you to shake.
The second boy has a pretty face, a lovely smile and dainty air to him. “I’m Jimin! Nice to meet you,” he says.
The other girl has pretty pink, shoulder-length hair and sports and even prettier smile. “I’m Chaeyoung, it’s a pleasure to have another pair of tits aboard!” she says and you laugh awkwardly at that.
You take your seat and set your food on the table along with your ruined material gworl textbooks. Hoseok peeks a curious look at them, you notice, but he doesn’t say anything. But his question is abundantly loud, so you answer it for him anyway.
“Some turdball knocked me over this morning on my way to class and they dropped right into a puddle,” you say with a pout.
“Oh? Does that also explain the Mother Nature cosplay you’ve got going on right now?” he replies with a cheeky grin and you know he’s making fun of you.
Is he sizing you up??
“Oh this? This is a meticulously thought out fashion choice honey. Don’t you guys think it’s avante-garde?” you retort exaggeratedly which sends the table in a fit of giggles, including Hoseok, whose laughter rings louder than the rest.
“Also, what’s up with you guys and cosplays? Nayeon made a comment earlier too,” you bring up. Somehow, it causes Jimin to spiral into a choking fit and the rest of the group starts knowingly laughing.
“Oh, you’re gonna LOVE this!” Chaeyoung bellows towards you.
She’s interrupted by Jimin who whines “Chae, for the love of God, can you please shut up about that?! It’s literally not even funny anymore!”
“Yes it fucking IS! Go on Chae,” Nayeon urges on.
“It’s an inside joke right. When we were in high school, mister cool guy over here took part in a fucking Joker & Harley Quinn cosplay competition with one of our other friends. This idiot here was Harley and he fucking flashed the whole audience with his ass hanging out from under his skirt the whole time!”
The whole table hollers with laughter, except for a violently blushing Jimin. In between your giggles, you ask Jimin “Did you guys win though?” The table erupts in another round of laughter as Jimin mutter an angry “No.”
“OH MY GOD, THERE’S EVEN A VIDEO! Nayeon, where’s that video Jungkook took?” Hoseok yells.
“STOP!” Jimin yells but it’s too late.
In lighting speed, Nayeon whips out her phone and shows you what truly is Jimin’s ass hanging out from under a skirt as he prances about the stage in true Harley Quinn fashion. There’s another handsome boy next to him dressed in a Joker costume. “That’s our friend, Taehyung, by the way, and Jungkook is my younger brother,” Chaeyoung adds.
“Jesus fuck, do you have that video on standby or something? You pulled it out so fast,” Jimin whines qt Nayeon. “I have it saved as my live wallpaper babe,” Nayeon replies and sends a flying kiss towards Jimin which earns her a swear thrown at her face in return.
“Speaking of Jungkook, where is he anyway? His class should have ended by now, right?” Hoseok queries.
“Hmm yeah, he was in the same class as Y/n actually. Did you see him?” Chaeyoung turns to you. Your attention is still focused on the phone in her hand as you reply, “Sorry, I was a little preoccupied to notice. Besides-,” you lift your head to look at her.
“I don’t even know what he looks like,” you say with a smile.
“Look out for someone who looks like me, duh,” Chaeyoung teases.
“Well, speak of the devil, here he comes,” Hoseok says and shifts his attention to look over your shoulder.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late. I had to sort something out with my lecturer,” an eerily familiar voice says behind you.
You don’t want to turn around.
“No worries man. By the way, say hi to Y/n, she’s watching your video of Tae and Jimin at the comic fest,” Hoseok says with a bright smile.
“Huh? Hmm, kinda weird that you came over just to watch Jimin hyung’s ass reshaping the world,” the new guy acknowledges you and you feel him approaching from behind.
“You’re all horrible,” Jimin says.
The table erupts in a fit of giggles and you suddenly feel a warm hand on your shoulder.
You have to turn around now.
You’re turning around.
“Hi, I’m Jung-” he stops halfway and his eyes widen as he realises who you are.
You fake a wide smile and say “Hi Jungkook. I think we’ve met before,” you say harshly and look at him straight in the eyes. You’re pouring every bit of spite you have crawling around your body into this look. And it seems to pay off with how Jungkook gulps loudly and looks at you with doe eyes.
The whole table has turned to witness your interaction now.
“Oh, you have? Huh, what a small world we live in,” Chaeyoung chirps.
What a small world indeed.
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Hi there! May I request some fluffy Bakugo, Shinso, and Todoroki (separate) hearing their fem crush mumble their name in their sleep? Like they happen to find their crush napping in the dorm common area or something? I hope it's not too weird but I am beyond weak for stuff like that! Thank you and have an awesome day!
Three of my favorite boys… I have a lot of favorites though so prolly shouldn’t say that.
Crush HCs too?
You’re pandering to me, Ace!
I’m weaaak for stuff like this.
I use 2nd person for everything nowadays so IDK if I bring in pronouns all too much??
So this’ll probably end up unspecified again, sorry!
~ Dari
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Bakugo Katsuki
he’s ready to shower after coming in from a long round of training with Kirishima
Kiri ran off somewhere else so he headed back first
only to do a double take at the sight of you settled on the smaller couch in the common room
he knew he was staring and it was kinda creepy but he’d be damned if he didn’t take a moment to admire your peaceful features
when he felt like he’s been staring for too long, he goes to leave
and his fucking heart just jumps into his throat when he hears his name from your lips
slowly, he turns his head to you, a little fearful that you were awake the whole time
but the fond little smile on your still sleeping face really sold it for him
made him blush enough to start steaming a bit from his sweat
he’s got a bit of a pep in his step when he leaves, although he’ll adamantly deny it if one of your classmates bring it up
Shinsou Hitoshi
it’s probably late as fuck honestly, this boy is busy for the rest of the time
since general studies likely expects higher academic grades than the hero course, he’s got to keep up
of course, his crush on you was important to him and such but he couldn’t let it consume every thought
on top of his training for his transfer, he unfortunately doesn’t have as much time to hang out with you, much to his dismay
he comes in after an intense training session with Aizawa and immediately spots you just snoozing away on the couch
after getting you a blanket and a glass of water, making sure to write a small note for you when you woke up
taking a minute to kind of let his heart melt at the fact you trusted everyone in your class enough to sleep out here
is just about to leave, about to turn away from you but his name falls from your mouth and he’s stuck in place for a moment
as his heart speeds in his chest, he’s vaguely aware he’s not tired anymore
the burning of his ears signifies he wouldn’t be getting any sleep that night as he heads back to his dorm
Todoroki Shouto
he walks out of his room and down the hall since he had woken up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep
makes tea in the kitchen and doesn’t really notice you right away until he hears the sound of shifting
his eyes shoot straight to you and his heart just melts and he’s smiling at the sight of you
finding you utterly adorable, he’s as quiet as possible, making sure not to risk wake you
after he finishes his tea, he figures that he should take you to your room but with the lock likely being on it, he might not be able to enter it anyhow
so he does the second best thing and grabs you an extra blanket from his own room to make sure you were comfortable
takes care in tucking you in, making sure to move slowly
just as he gets up, you whisper his name and his heart starts careening against his ribs and he’s gotta go before the intense heat from his left side wakes you up
as he rushes away, he’s suddenly filled with the urge to confess to you
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scigebabadook · 5 years
hello uwu firstly i’d just like 2 state tht i love this rp and all the members in it so very much. the sheer amount of talent this one (1) rp has is ... outstanding ... let me give u all an uuhhh. standing ovation, yes, that. me alone in a theater, clapping slowly. shia labeef style. this is the only rp im in (u guys own my ass) so i lov 2 see us all thriving. bein our best. doin our best.
TW ANXIETY / MENTAL HEALTH ; seConDly i’d just like 2 apologize for my uuhhh lack of activity this last week (and so). to b frank its been a mixture of going out irl and spending my energy with my friends to mental health also, mutually, owning my ass. i’ve had rly bad anxiety at night recently ... which like, wouldnt b a problem normally bc u just yknow. snooze. sleep. but ive always been somebody who gets their work done during the nighttime. i spend most of my hours awake ( ask me how many all-nighters i’ve pulled this week bein. terrifed. ) at night so this was rly detrimental to both my ability 2 rp and my ability 2 like. exist in general. like i’ll admit that there’s been times this week where i’ve done the Bare Minimum with my replies ( n i prolly havent communicated abt it as i should have ) n there’s also been times where i’ve heavily considered going on a semi-hiatus bc of how. bad my anxiety has gotten ( not to do with anything rp-related btw. just irl worries! ) BUT i believe i’m doing better now so !!! i hope for a rise in my own activity !!! so also, thank u to everybody who has been patient with me & if by chance i miss a reply / haven’t done one in a while pls feel free 2 shoot me a ( mildly threatening. it motivates me. ) message. i can promise u i have it opened in another tab already. 
n that’s all. once again. i lov this rp so much and i lov all of u in it. from the way the characters r written 2 like. the threads themselves. i lov stepping into this world. having untreated mental illness sucks, eat the rich, i’m gna hopefully do some mf replies now b/c i intended 2 do some last night (i fell asleep bc i’d been awake for over 24 hrs) and y’know. fuck around a lil bit b4 i go out w/ some pals 2nite. woo ! froths at mouth.
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craemation · 7 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALLIE !         you’re prolly asleep and i hope that u’ve slept well. ignore the graphics i never know... what 2 do for like birthday graphics, i could make an edit or smth but then we all know how long i spend picking fonts dsjfkljls and then eventually go with arial ( ok... i used arial for this ) BUT ANY SAID THE WAY, YOU’RE ONE OF MY MOST FAVOURITE PEOPLE ON THIS WEBSITE. i don’t think u realise how much u mean to me, i know that we haven’t talked much this month but that honestly doesn’t matter, u should take all the time u need to bounce back or whateva. but like honestly if u need me i’m always here for u, whether u need a distraction or u need 2 vent etc whateva!! u need just kno that i’m here 4 u. also i’m jus tackin this on the end bc im too lazy 2 go back and add it on ( plus i’m on a roll ) but i like... had started this last week and actually forgot abt it, and also forgot abt timezones... i had an alarm set so i could actually do smth about it but i literally just snoozed it like i do with all my alarms. but anw jack reminded me and i was like “fuck” bc i actually completely forgot?? that timezones existed and ur probably in one of the worst timezones ever. the only reason i still see u around is coz like ... we BOTH never sleep
you’ve offered me so much support in more than one way and honestly ?? you don’t understand how much u helped me thru things. like i don’t think i would’ve been able to go thru w what i had if it wasn’t for ur support. and honestly, recently u even texted me when i wasnt feeling too good and u werent either, but like u still took the time to send me ur love / positive vibes, like it takes a lot of effort for someone not in a good mental state to do that for someone they care about or y’know, just anyone in general and i spent the entire day thinking about it, it really honestly did make me feel better. i wish i was jus sayin that but support in anyway really helps a lot and i’m honestly gonna stop it here before i talk about this particular thing 4 too long coz we both know i’ll end up rambling w/o meaning 2 
me, writin a wordy post abt u: idk! i’m not really good w gettin everythin dooown ^_^ JKLSJFDL ok ok but like, i’m so grateful to have ever met u, i’m grateful 2 jack too coz he’s the reason we even started talking, like i’m so so glad that i decided to follow u, it was one of the best decisions i’ve ever made. like you honestly are one of the most beautiful people i know, inside and out #nohomo and ur honestly so talented?? i’ve seen u write as various different characters and ?? u have such a good grasp on every1 u choose to write ( specifically the characters that i’m familiar with ), like that’s so amazing to me bc it’s rlly admirable to see
BASICALLY I JUST LOVE TALKIN 2 U SO MUCH. u really do make me happy and whenever i talk 2 u, i always end up smiling. and i love that we bond over little small things, like mysme or u even watchin knb w me and then us never continuing it bc i never finish things. i love being on voice call w u, like i normally join when i see u there bc i can’t relate to anyth jack n somewhat talk abt bc it’s mostly just sonic or mario or.. idk a different video game and all i play is devil may cry and bratz. and it makes me really happy whenever i join the call and ur just “JANNAHHHH” IT’S SO CUTE. UR SO CUTE I LOVE U. SO MUCH. ur really caring and loving, and it’s genuinely so so nice 2 see a person as beautiful as u on this Hellsite, u deserve the world and so much more. i love u i love u i love u. I HAVE SO MUCH 2 TALK ABOUT BUT I’M GONNA STOP HERE... COZ I DIDNT REALISE HOW... LONG THIS IS BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLIE, I HOPE U HAVE THE BEST BIRTHDAY. I WISH I WAS THERE TO CELEBRATE IT W U ♥ ♥ ♥  /  @kundimn
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vampiresmiled · 5 years
✩ nutkins
nutkins married life ? they’d kill themselves, just making that loud and clear. jot it down, memorize it, – show up at their murder-suicide funeral.
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who is more likely to raise their voice? not a question. luka raises it for absolutely no reason. they’re out of sauce for their nuggets at mcdonalds ? somebody’s getting ratatata’d … who threatens to leave but never actually does? i feel like it goes like this. they’ll say they’re going to leave but when they turn around to go the other person’s like “ also you stink ” so now they have to turn back around. they cannot not have the final word. they’re pathetic. who actually keeps their word and leaves? i think the first person to break the cycle would be scout. like, if she didn’t fight back obviously he’d bounce. but if they were doing that back and forth shit, she’d be the first to ditch ‘cos she’d get her feelings hurt or some shit, y’know. who trashes the house? um, considering it already happened … do either of them get physical? luka would slam her against a wall for the teensiest shit. he’s a bitch like that.how often do they argue/disagree? so much. it’s unhealthy but that’s business, baby.who is the first to apologise? my ass was gonna write neither but did she not just show up at his door with money and an uwu sorry x ? normal circumstances though, definitely neither. she just needs him right now, let’s not talk about it.
who is on top? insert that one gif of veronica lodge straddling reggie mantle. but let it also be known that all imagined scenarios of them fucking have been vertical, so. yes, i consider these things. who is on the bottom? get pegged luka. who has the strangest desires? i feel like they’re both pretty odd. luka could be like “ do you, per chance, wanna fuck on the bar in silhouette’s, m’lady ” and scout would be like “ i thought you’d never ask, mister ” any kinks? luka definitely has a thing for her cheerleading uniform, calling it right now. boy didn’t get to boink any of them in high school and now he’s projecting onto her. who’s dominant in bed? him. she’s a brat, though, as we all know, so she’ll make him work for it. is head ever in the equation? scout will blow him in his car. does he have one ? isn’t it a motorcycle ? she’s getting him a car solely for this purpose. if so, who is better at performing it? luka, unfortunately. she’ll still choke on it, though.ever had sex in public? did we not hc their first time to be in silhouette’s bathroom … who moans the most? scout is loud and annoying always.who leaves the most marks? luka. and she has to work real hard on hiding them. sometimes she gives him a taste of his own medicine and when she does, he’s not a happy camper. who screams the loudest? i refuse to engage in this question anymore. who is the more experienced of the two? clearly, luka. he’s slept with half the town and everyone she’s slept with are either a. gross, b. her step-brother, c. a girl whose name i never headcanoned. do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? they don’t do romance. they fuck. hard. rough or soft? did i stutter.how long do they usually last? i feel like they can go on forever. like everyone else is getting one of them o’s but scout is out here channeling her inner owl all night, every night. is protection used? literally, no. she’s on the pill and he doesn’t like how it feels with a condom. that’s ought to end well.does it ever get boring? if it does, they’ll switch it up. i have so much faith in them in that department. where is the strangest place they’d have sex? ed’s desk. sorry pal.
do your muses plan on having children/or have children? hell to the no. scout is pro-abortion and luka is pro-beating-scout-up-if-she-wasn’t.if so, how many children do your muses want/have? none, zero, nada. who is the favorite parent? neither of them. i don’t see them becoming remotely successful parents if they opportunity presents itself. scout would want a nanny. she had one and she turned out just fine ! and luka would … not want to be there. who is the authoritative parent? the nanny. who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? luka. scout is all about that flawless academic record, y’know.who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? still luka. when he comes around during mandatory visitation, he gives them chips and then he lets them play video games in another room ‘till he leaves.who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? scout. for the image. now i’m gonna say something controversial. i feel, maybe, if they did luka would be into soccer games and such. he would be the weirdo to watch the games from afar and then leave. who goes to parent teacher interviews? scout, no doubt.who changes the diapers? the nanny, love that bitch.who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? see the answer above.who spends the most time with the children? reluctantly, scout.who packs their lunch boxes? say it with me … THE – NAN–NY.who gives their children ‘the talk’? animal planet.who cleans up after the kids? you thought i’d say the nanny, didn’t you ? jokes on you … it’s the maid !who worries the most? scout. eighteen years of this shit ? she’s exhausted. who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? luka is out here cussing in front of his children that he sees twice a year ? oof. 
who likes to cuddle? neither of them are big into cuddling, but … it happens, y’know. she sits in his lap a lot despite meredith’s protests. probably luka’s, too. he likes it, though. she can tell from his raging boner.who is the little spoon? hear me out … he won’t spoon her ‘cos he’s an asshole. but battered and bruised luka ? exhausted from whatever shit he just went through ? he’ll be getting a small latina backpack whether he cares for it or not. s*ft kisses against his back and arms tight around his torso … it’s kind of good shit, if you ask me. who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? depends where they are. if it’s some fancy schmancy place, then luka. if it’s silhouette’s, then scout. who struggles to keep their hands to themself? luka has a tendency to like, always touch her to move her out the way or just make sure she stays doing nothing stupid. scout has no excuse and just straight up grabs his arm. “ stop taking my hand ” – rey to finn, the force awakens. how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? sober, not even 2 minutes. high, 2 hours. thanks for coming to my ted talk.who gives the most kisses? scout, obvi. what is their favourite non-sexual activity? bickering. they do kinda like it. anything illegal is also exhilarating. but their favorite thing … smoking ! you know it is, bud. you can scrap everything i’ve said above if they’re high. high!nutkins are big time touchy-feely and they will snuggle. where is their favourite place to cuddle? he’s a big boy, so the bed. who is more likely to playfully grope the other? scout. she will smack his ass and he cannot stop her. that said and playfully erased, luka is the type to grab her ass when nobody’s paying attention. and frankly, i cannot blame him. it’s a good ass. how often do they get time to themselves? like all day, every day. they make their own schedules, bitches. 
who snores? luka seems the snoring type. she’ll get him those nose strips to save herself some headaches. i say as if he stays long enough for her to take notice.if both do, who snores the loudest? GHHHHHGHHHH – luka snoring. do they share a bed or sleep separately? separately. but, but – when HIGH … uwu.if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? they start out far apart and then, you know . . . who talks in their sleep? i bet, I BET – if she has to stay with him ( in the many scenarios which we discuss in the privacy of imessage ), she will mutter shit in her sleep. like his name. tragic. he can pretend he didn’t hear that.what do they wear to bed? scout wears those fancy silk nightgowns and he prolly sleeps shirtless. if she’s at his place, though … t-shirt and panties. say it with me, PANTIES. are either of your muses insomniacs? maybe luka, maybe.can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? scout, she needs her snoozes.do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? side by side : her arms snaked around his and just her wittle chin on his shoulder. who wakes up with bed hair? he … got no hair. who wakes up first? in terms of bouncing after accidentally falling asleep, luka. he’s just out the motherfuckin’ door. otherwise, she’s an early riser.who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? she’d try, and then he’d have to swoop in to save the day.what is their favourite sleeping position? as far apart as humanly possible. who hogs the sheets? luka, that rat. do they set an alarm each night? scout does but, y’know.can a television be found in their bedroom? in luka’s, maybe. in scout’s, doubtful. depends on if she moves into the dang hotel or not.who has nightmares? i feel like he should have nightmares due to all the murders he commits but … scout sure as hell got none.who has ridiculous dreams? neither, they’re boring.who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? luka and his long, annoying legs.who makes the bed? scout. and 2 minutes after she’s done he flops back down on it and messes it up. what time is bed time? 3 am. witching hour. ‘cos they’re from hell.any routines/rituals before bed? murder.who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? LUKA. that sun of a gun.
who is the busiest? scout. she has school, that’s a lot. he has murder, that’s easy and breezy. who rakes in the highest income? luka, but she still has more money than him.are any of your muses unemployed? i mean, technically scout. but not for long. who takes the most sick days? luka. without a shadow of a doubt.who is more likely to turn up late to work? luka. he’s never on time. fix that shit.who sucks up to their boss? luka sucks ed’s dick every thursday afternoon, but go off i guess.what are their jobs? he’s a cupcake maker and she’s a child of god.who stresses the most? scout.do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? i wanna say they do but they don’t, really, let’s be honest. time to move to paris and reinvent themselves.are your muses financially stable? scout is, he wishes.
who does the washing? nobody. i mean, i’m assuming he does his own but when he inevitable crashes at her place, the maid staff.who takes out the trash? he is the trash, so. get out of her hotel room, lukey boy.who does the ironing? hotel service, kay.who does the cooking? luka. and he’ll teach her. we’ve been over this. one day she’ll be able to make instant noodles without instantly burning the house down.who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? see above.who is messier? he is. but without, like, somebody to clean her shit up – she’s pretty messy, too. which is why she cannot live with him in his stupid trailer without maid service. who leaves the toilet roll empty? luka. and she hates him for it. who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? luka and scout. they’re kin that way.who forgets to flush the toilet? they don’t have a toilet, actually.who is the prankster around the house? neither of them. despite acting like children, they’re more mature than that. who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? neither. luka has to be organized and scout got her license revoked. lots to think about.who mows the lawn? what lawn.who answers the telephone? scout ‘cos he doesn’t have one. sucks.who does the vacuuming? me, personally.who does the groceries? nobody. she can’t cook and luka forgets.who takes the longest to shower? obvi, scout.who spends the most time in the bathroom? scout spends like an hour and a half in there. perfection takes time.
is money a problem? for him, lol.how many cars do they own? she’ll inherit her dad’s car, xoxo.do they own their home or do they rent? own, bitch. at least they will.do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? don’t ask me this shit ever again.do they live in the city or in the country? eye – do they enjoy their surroundings? fuck, no. i said what i said, time to elope to paris, bitches. go get a passport, luka. it’s time !what’s their song? bang bang by miss nancy sinatra.what do they do when they’re away from each other? celebrate.where did they first meet? silhouette’s. super romantic. how did they first meet? she asked him to merk her father. it was real cute. love at first sight.who spends the most money when out shopping? uh, is this even a question. he doesn’t have the money to spend, she does.who’s more likely to flash their assets? SCOUT, obvi.who finds it amusing when the other trips over? luka, he’s an asshole that way. and he’ll make her walk in her high ass heels through the most difficult terrain just for the sake of seeing it happen, too.any mental issues? they wouldn’t be getting together if there weren’t any.who’s terrified of bugs? scout screams when she sees ants. she hates ants. don’t ask.who kills the spiders around the house? she’ll kill the spiders. swat them with her pumps.their favourite place? the hotel, xoxo.who pays the bills? scout.do they have any fears for their future? nope. i mean, she fears getting caught for merking her father but other than that, nope.who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? scout. we’ve been through this, kay, she’d buy him a nice outfit and she’d take him out for dindin. except, driver roll up the partition please. who uses up all of the hot water? scout, and she’s not sorry about it. if they showered together they’d save water :~)who’s the tallest? her, obviously.who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? both. she’d do it for cutesy purposes, he’d do it ‘cos he’s invasive and annoying and she’s taking too damn long. it’s not gonna go any faster with your dick up her ass, luka. who wanders around in their underwear? luka. and she absolutely loves it.who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? scout and then he turns the radio off.what do they tease each other about? she’s rich and spoiled, he’s dirty and emotionally stunted. who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? scout would claim to but that shit’s hot, okay. he’d probably ask her to slow down with the polo’s. ain’t got nothing against those knee socks, though, now do you.do they have mutual friends? jesus. who crushed first? scout. oof.any alcohol or substance related problems? loads to go around.who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? luka … that sloppy piece of shit.who swears the most? his middle name is i-cuss-to-assert-myself-as-masculine, if you didn’t know. 
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reme-d-y · 7 years
that’s just mean
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?Alex
2. Are you outgoing or shy?kinda inbetween
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?matt at some point 
4. Are you easy to get along with?i think so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?Probably 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?people that don’t suck 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?fuck if i know 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?refer to#1
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?nah i’m very open with my sex life
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?Kyle… 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?“i’m excited”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?All my Friends- Hoodie Allen, Slow Burn- State Champs, Machine- Misterwives, Life in pink- the ready set, young & menace- fall out boy. 13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? yes very much so 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? meh
15. What good thing happened this summer? i started the process of loving myself 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? heck yeah
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? prolly
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? i wish i could. he’s been gone since april 2016 19. Do you like bubble baths?yeah
20. Do you like your neighbors?no
21. What are you bad habits?over thinking
22. Where would you like to travel?Australia tbh 
23. Do you have trust issues?lmao ya
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?getting to kiss my pony 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?legs
26. What do you do when you wake up? hit snooze 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? neither 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? cait 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? yeah
30. Do you ever want to get married? someday
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? yeah
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? fuck probably Hoodie & G lmao
33. Spell your name with your chinkuddyd. that worked 
34. Do you play sports? What sports?i ride horses 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? yeah 
37. What do you say during awkward silences?nothing i create awkward silences 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?literally goody grace 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? honestly pac sun and shit like that
40. What do you want to do after high school? i’m already after high school and i still don’t know 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? unless you like kill someone, then yes
42. If youre being extremely quiet what does it mean?either mad or stressed or upset . lots of options 
43. Do you smile at strangers? yeah 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? neither wtf 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? duke usually 
46. What are you paranoid about? being alone forever 
47. Have you ever been high?haha ya
48. Have you ever been drunk?yeah i’m an annoying drunk
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? nah i have 0 regrets 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? red 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? yes but not anymore 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? please tell my anxiety to fuck off
53. Favourite makeup brand?Naked 
54. Favourite store?idk
55. Favourite blog?mine
56. Favourite colour?purple 
57. Favourite food? pasta
58. Last thing you ate?a salad 
59. First thing you ate this morning?fruit 
60. Ever won a competition? For what?jumping animals that walk on their toenails over colorful sticks 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? suspended i punched a freshman when i was in 7 th grade for bullying my brother 
62. Been arrested? For what?no 
63. Ever been in love? yes twice 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?Oh shit aighti was in the backseat of my friends old truck and we were on our way back from her boyfriends aunts camp or something and i was laying in the backseat bc i was tired af (prob didn’t have a nap) and the guy i liked like lay ontop of me and then apologized and i was like ?? for?? and he goes “almost kissing you” and then i was like “don’t” and then he kissed me and then he told me not to have a panic attack, he knew me pretty well at that point😂🤷🏻‍♀️
65. Are you hungry right now? no
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? no
67. Facebook or Twitter? facebook
68. Twitter or Tumblr? twitter 
69. Are you watching tv right now?no
70. Names of your bestfriends? cait, & matt
71. Craving something? What? sleep
72. What colour are your towels? whatever color i find 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? a ton in my moms basement 
75. Favourite animal? all of them
76. What colour is your underwear? blue
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? see previous question
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? black
80. What colour pants? blue
81. Favourite tv show? archer 
82. Favourite movie? fuckidk
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? who actually likes mean girls 2 tho 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? mean girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? regina bc i’m a bitch too
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? all of them
87. First person you talked to today? alex
88. Last person you talked to today? cait
89. Name a person you hate? hahaha
90. Name a person you love? cait
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?always
92. In a fight with someone? kinda
93. How many sweatpants do you have? 4??
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? a lot
95. Last movie you watched? fuck icforget the name but it was cute
96. Favourite actress? idk
97. Favourite actor? idk
98. Do you tan a lot? never
99. Have any pets? a lot
100. How are you feeling? p good
101. Do you type fast? yes
102. Do you regret anything from your past? yes
103. Can you spell well? yes
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? lol ya
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yes
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? yes
107. Have you ever been on a horse? lol ya i never have nope
108. What should you be doing?idk nothing 
109. Is something irritating you right now? yeah
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? me rn
111. Do you have trust issues? didn’t i already answer this
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? stepmom 
113. What was your childhood nickname? lizard (oh wait that’s still my nickname) 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? ya
115. Do you play the Wii? no wtf is that even still relevant 
116. Are you listening to music right now? no
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yes 
118. Do you like Chinese food?duh
119. Favourite book? maze runner 
120. Are you afraid of the dark? no
121. Are you mean? YES 
122. Is cheating ever okay? lol no wtf
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? no i can’t even keep black shoes clean
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
125. Do you believe in true love? yes
126. Are you currently bored? yes
127. What makes you happy? attention
128. Would you change your name?nah
129. What your zodiac sign? scorpio 
130. Do you like subway?no
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? ummmmmm unsure
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? didn’t i do this one already too
133. Favourite lyrics right now? “i’m about to go tonya harding on the whole worlds knee”
134. Can you count to one million? if i tried but i’m not gonna 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? prolly all of them
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed
137. How tall are you? 5’6
138. Curly or Straight hair? straight 
139. Brunette or Blonde? both rn
140. Summer or Winter?summer 
141. Night or Day? idk dude both 
142. Favourite month? october 
143. Are you a vegetarian? no i need my chicken nuggies 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? white
145. Tea or Coffee? both
146. Was today a good day? idk it’s only 230 
147. Mars or Snickers? snickers 
148. What’s your favourite quote? i don’t have one
149. Do you believe in ghosts? prob
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? all my books are in boxes so imma pass
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