#i should make that a proper thing so i know how timeline (EVEN though theres actually 1 million of them because Lol hes 2 billion)
autistickfigure · 7 months
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skeletorific · 5 years
man i bet it's super odd for the ancestor trolls to be putting out pale feels on anyone, much less a human. I can just see the most frustrated lil ball of horns and teeth trying to figure out if theres, ya know, *room* in a human's life for moirailegence with this whole platonic structure called a family and the only-one-romance-a-hooman standard/stigma and. they need a pap just tryin to figure it out! If you wouldn't mind, i'd love to hear your take on how psiionic darkleer, n dualscar would do
Me skating the fuck in to answer Ancestors requests. (I’m assuming this is in reference to my Ancestors live on Earth C timeline, but the headcanons themselves will work for just a general human interaction, I promise)
So, a note about Earth C and quad: I really can’t imagine that troll, human, and carapacian concepts of romance wouldn’t start to mingle, at least to a certain extent. After all, the three species come up at the same time, right alongside each other.
Quadrants aren’t exactly the norms for humans even there. Our reproductive needs are different, for one-thing. Additionally, I have to imagine that even without the social coding of Earth-A, a good chunk of humans would probably still tend to be fairly monogamous, especially if one of the primary texts left behind was written by a human woman raised on human monogamy who took only one lover herself. However, there’s probably a healthy chunk of humans who go by quadrants, trolls who go by human romance, and some who mix and match (for instance, “This is Ben, my significant other, and this is Meryll, my kismesis”). Its something most people figure out as they get older.
However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the ancestors have cottoned on to the nuances of it all. Getting the idea of human monogamy through their heads was hard enough, and once it happens, of course THEN they have to catch pale feelings for one of the squishy fucks!
The Psiionic: So, unlike the other two on this list, Captor has actually had some experience with relationships that are a little more....fluid. Vantas and Leijon’s relationship always fell squarely in the middle of the chart, borrowing elements from all and none. Hell, his OWN relationship with the two of them tiptoed pitch, pale, ashen, and flushed depending on the day of the week. So, while he does still broadly conceive of things like an Alternian, its not necessarily an insurmountable barrier for him.
How he proceeds depends a lot on whether or not the human already has an s/o. If you do, he ultimately just bites the bullet and asks to talk to both of you (bringing Vantas and Leijon along for emotional support). He doesn’t want to move in where he’s not welcome and he’s got no designs on your flushed relationship. He’s quiet and his voice is shaking a bit as he struggles to keep his nerves (and by extent, his psiionics) under controll. But he’s never seen the point in fucking around the pricklefrond. Either you feel the same, or you don’t.  
If you don’t have an s/o, though, he just sort of carefully allows himself to become a feature in your life. He’s a little shakey socially but he puts the effort in to be around you. Captor’s never gonna be the most effusive emotionally, but he does make a point to give the occasional genuine compliment as to how he appreciates who you are, and what you do. When you’re having trouble he has a tendency to just sort of materialize in the background to offer his help. Pale flirting is all about trust, both engendering it, and demonstrating it for each other. No matter how oblivious you are, its hard not to notice that his walls are usually so high for others, yet they seem to come down around you.
Despite aforementioned not-fucking-around-the-pricklefrond, its possible he won’t ever use the word moirail for you unless you ask him about it. You’re human, and he doesn’t see the need to regale you with the complexities of troll romance if you’re both happy with the current arrangement. One way or another, though, Vantas runs at the mouth and spills the beans to you, and you have a good long talk about it.
Executor Darkleer: This guy, on the other hand, is a staunch traditionalist, paired with the fact that he ultimately thinks he’s somehow unworthy of love in any form. 
Years of social conditioning don’t just fall away because you and your former empress shop for box wine at the same liquor store now. As an expatriate, Zahhak was literally forbidden from contributing to the filial slurry, and was far too isolated to acquire a moirail. The best he had was the occasional frustrated shoosh-pap from Mindfang just to snap him out of his moods for a bit. Now, the old empire may have fallen away, but he’s still to some extent punishing himself. As a result, as soon as he figures out he’s catching pale feelings for a human, he starts avoiding you at all costs. He can’t allow himself to fall into any kind of temptation. The very qualities that attract him to you are the same reason he’s convinced you deserve something better.
Fortunately, there was no way you were friends with Darkleer in the first place if you were the type to let social avoidance turn you off. After a couple of weeks of not hearing from him (and a few confusingly smug texts from Mindfang when you ask her if he’s doing alright and her only response was “Go find out. I’m sure he’ll 8e more than alr8 ;;;;)”), you show up at his hive and bang on the door until he finally lets you in.
If you were hoping for a big confession, you’ll probably be a little disappointed: he’s not the type. But he does let you chastise him for withdrawing like that, finally extracting a promise that he won’t do it again. All the while him thinking that this, too, could be part of his penance. To let the human stay with by your side....but not allow yourself the luxury of what you truly want....why its almost scandalous-
Yup. He’s pale edging himself, and will continue to do so until you finally break down and demand he explain why he’s being so weird. Or until Mindfang loses her patience and tells you herself, if only to get him to stop leaving soliloquies in her DMs. Either way.
Dualscar: Another traditionalist, but he’s never really been lucky enough in love to be that picky about the system he falls under. The last proper, long-lasting quadrant relationship he had was his kismesis with Mindfang, and well.....kind of a funny story how that one went, honestly.
Assuming you’re single, his way forward is pretty easy. He reads up on human romance for 48 hours straight and presumes he knows what the fuck is up. Honestly its not terribly different from moirallegiance in some respects. You’re supposed to uplift your partner, and plenty of sources recommend that your s/o should be your “best friend”. Conversations involving your feelings are a norm, and humans even have the concept of a “fated match”, something pretty integral to Alternian moirallegiance. As for the rest, well, he can lean into some of the redder aspects of his feelings, pull out the old Ampora charm, and leave the rest in Lady Luck’s hands, right?
Well....for the first few months it works fine. You’ve always been close with Dualscar, felt like you got each other on some level, and to some degree a romantic relationship felt like a natural extension of that. He can be sweet, showers you with gifts, and is good at listening to your problems and letting you bitch without making you feel like you’re burdening him. He’s funny, in a bitchy dad kind of way, and frankly kind of dashing. 
But something’s off. You notice he seems to shrink down a little bit when you try to get a bit more physical with him. Not like he dislikes it, necessarily, more like he’s...confused. While you feel closer with him than ever, there’s none of those flowery declarations you find tucked in his journal, dedicated to great loves in his past. Even on your end, you feel like you still just think of him as like.....a best friend, but more so somehow? Being romantic with him as you would be with a human feels...wrong, You reflect each other so well and so closely that its like you’re a piece of each other, and calling him your boyfriend feels like trying to call yourself your own boyfriend.
The truth comes out when you try to break up with him and in a panic he explains himself to you. Running through a long (and somewhat incoherent) crash course on troll romance, with a special focus on moirallegiance. He’s stumbling over his words (unusual when he’s sober), half waiting for your eyes to widen in shock and for you to end things forever.
So imagine his shock when you blink a few times and say “why the hell didn’t you just say so?”
As Peixes would say later, “L-Eave it to an Ampora to mak-E s)(it way mor-E glubbin complicat-Ed t)(an it n-E-Eds to b-E.”
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daloverboi-blog · 7 years
How DBS should've been (IMO)
In Super at least, they don’t know what to do with their characters. So they just keep trying to fight their way out of every corner with Goku and Vegeta but nothing ever changes. No one learns anything or grows. All they do is unlock another Super Saiyan hairdo
Resurrection F Arc
They should have left Goku and Vegeta out of it. Focus on what everyone would do if they weren’t around. They started to do this, but then they didn’t. Keep Goku and Vegeta away while Frieza attacks.
Hell, send Piccolo to Namek. They shouldn’t rely on him either. Maybe he’s trying to learn some ancient Namekian fighting style so he’s been gone a while idk. It’d be a great way to make him relevant again. Maybe he learns how to go from a Super Namekian to a Namekian Dragon. (Not literally turning into a Dragon. Dragon is just a title. Basically it’s a name for the Red Eyed Namakian transformation from heroes.) Awesome, now he’s got purple God Ki with red lightning sparks. He’s equal with Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza now. They can stop avoiding him because he doesn’t have a Flashy new power up.
Now we FINALLY get to see the Earthlings shine. Well more like, eat shit and get fucking trashed. They didn’t see this coming, they’re not prepared. They haven’t trained in years. It’s so desperate and bleak, just like on Namek. Now, when we hit that low moment with Gohan it hits way harder to see him struggling to become a Super Saiyan. Bring 17 and 18 back that way, I’d love to see a reverse of Future Trunk’s timeline where they save Gohan instead of killing him. If you’re going to foreshadow Ultra Instinct , do it here, and do it with Gohan. He has to fail though, that’s important.
Then if you HAVE to, let Vegeta catch wind of Frieza coming back and make up an excuse to go back to earth. Goku’s an idiot, so he just buys it and stays with Whis to train. Vegeta FINALLY gets his revenge on Frieza. One on one and sends him back to hell proper. Then he comes back to finish training with Whis, and Goku is completely oblivious to everything. It would have been hilarious and great.
The Future Trunks Arc
First off, how is this not titled “The Black Future Arc”
The Future Trunks Arc
The Black Future Arc
Instead of all the Time rings, alternative time lines, body switching, and potara retcons, just make Goku Black, a grown up Goten from a timeline where Zamasu has manipulated him into agreeing with his messed up world view. It’s way more interesting and less complicated.
I know, I know, how it sounds, but it could work. Just roll with me, this post is already long enough as is.
Goten is evil now because Goku was never around and Xeno kept demanding that he come play with him. His Visit’s to Xeno keep getting longer and longer and one day he just never comes back. The Earth gets attacked one day and without Goku there A LOT of people die. Maybe Goten is defeated and has to watch Chi-Chi die or something. Even though they have the dragon balls, the experience sticks with Goten, blames his father and Yada, Yada…
Zamasu hates the way the universes work. Hes told Kai’s shouldn’t interfere or what ever. He doesn’t hate ALL mortals. Just the corrupt ones. He’s just more black and white about it. He thinks Mortals like Frieza and the violent uncontrollable races like the Saiyans should be wiped out. He thinks the best way to teach a species not to fuck up would be to Wipe them out to the bare minimum needed to continue starting with the most corrupt, and force the last living members of the race to “try again”.
He thinks Universe 10’s God of Destruction is a lazy tyrant who would rather destroy anyone who bugs him slightly. So, he cooks up a plan to train and manipulate his own God of Destruction candidate, overthrow the current GoD, become Supreme Kai and institute his new hands on approach to teaching. Shin and Kibito visit him and Gowasu and, after Shin mentions Goku and looking him up on GodTube Zamasu’s like, “I need a Saiyan."
Enter lonely disillusioned Goten who feels weak.
(I’m aware that theres some holes here but look at how long this post is, just go with it.)
Basically the rough plot would be something like this:
- Goku and Vegeta prepare to leave to train with Whis. Goten and Trunks ask if they can come along, but get denied.
- Future Trunks and Mai, come from the future asking for help because this dude calling himself “Black” is fucking the world up.
- Bulma suggests he and Mai just stay in this timeline.
- Beerus threatens them both with destruction if they don’t return to their time within 24 hours because time traveling is a crime and all that jazz.
- Goku and Whis travel to visit Xeno, who wants Goku to be his friend and live with him. He gives Goku a button that will allow him to visit whenever he pleases and vice versa.
- F. Trunks, Vegeta, and Goku begin training in the Hyperbolic Time chamber. Cause 24 hours and blah, blah, blah…
- Heroes arrive in the future, to fight Black “Oh no, it’s Goten!!!!” -gasp- and F.Zamasu!?! -double gasp-
- over like 4 or 5 episodes: Zamasu destroys the Sensu beans, we get Future Goten’s backstory and why he’s evil. Super Saiyan Rosé happens and we get an Emotional Trunks V Goten fight. Black doesn’t switch sides but he does begin to doubt his own motives long enough for Trunks to fuck up Zamasu. Zamasu forces Goten to fuse using the potara earrings. (Slight retcon here: Supreme kai’s who fuse with ANYONE using potara fusion, will retain the dominant personality, regardless of difference in power. Think of it as a weird countermessure kind of thing specifically for situations like Elder Kai’s with the Witch. It makes sense and really doesnt change much.) Almighty Zamasu,(instead of Merged Zamasu), kicks a bunch of ass, and kills Trunks, who dies along with Mai, protecting Vegeta. (Its super touching and sad)
- A. Zamasu kicks the exhausted desperate Saiyans asses. Goku remembers the deuss ex machina. I mean the Xeno button and calls Future Xeno to Earth. We find out Future Goku DID try to come back to earth to help, but F.Xeno erase’s him for leaving. F. Xeno destroys the future like normal and Vegeta and Goku escape.
- Goku, and Vegeta, make it back to the present and go with Beerus confront Present Zamsu. Zamasu attacks, same as the show, and Beerus destroys him.
- Whis reveals that only a Destroyer can alter a timeline rather than creating a new one. When a Destroyer uses the "Hakai " technique, that person is destroyed in every timeline. To prove it, he shows F.Trunks in his new timeline introducing Mai to his parents and a good, but lonely F.Goten being invited to dinner with them. Which saddens Goku. (He’s a bad father but, he’s not heartless)
- Heroes go back to earth and find F.Xeno lodged in the time machine very confused. (Since he wasn’t in his timeline when Beerus destroyed Zamasu, he was unafected and still exists or whatever. Shutup, its MY story.) Goku gets an idea and uses the button to bring F.Xeno to the present Xeno so that they can be friends and Goku can stay on earth.
- Whis asks Goku and Vegeta if they’re ready to go train. Vegeta is but Goku decides to hang back and asks Goten if he wants to play.
- The end
I’m fine with the other Arcs I guess except for the Universal Tournament of Power Arc but with all the issues it has I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Gohan totally should have been the one to get ultra instinct though. Don’t put in 10 fighters if you’re only going to use 2.
Hope that answered your question.
TL;DR: I think it needs Character development.
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