#i should not have added the numbers because i could fuss with this into infinity but you know!!
madamescarlette · 1 year
King Of My Heart
Begin Again
The Way I Loved You
Call It What You Want
Cornelia Street
Don't You
a TS tentative top 10 à la Maria @itspileofgoodthings 💖💖💖
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manggojooz · 6 years
Bad Timing
Prompt: In life, timing is always bad, and I, always ran away.  
pairing: Taehyung x reader
word count: 2.5k 
genre: angst
warnings: nothing? maybe shelter dogs 
comment: my first attempt at writing something here... wrote it mainly because I couldn't find many fics that was the old school pure love romance kind of thing that I dig. Please don't be mean to me xD
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“I thought I could join you guys, hope you are ok with it?”  
Saying “no” in this situation was hardly an option, but it took you a solid three seconds before stammering a “yea, of course”. In life, when some things are not meant to be, the universe has a strange way of making sure to let you know with bad timing.  
How did it get here?  
Being the most friendly and outgoing person in class, it was all too natural for him to be the one organising class events. You probably should also add on the fact that Taehyung was immensely popular in school and any event he is part of would mean at least the attendance of half the girls in class. You wouldn’t be considered on the shy end yourself, but it is safe to say you still lacked some confidence in major social settings - likely attributable to various past events.  
When Taehyung came running up to your group of friends asking if all of you would like to go for the movie outing on Friday after lessons, there was a mini “village meeting” of sorts where your friends glanced around and asked each other “are you going? I'll go if you go...”  
By some form of unwritten social formula, it was quickly decided that they were going together but then Joy, whom you are closest to, suddenly remembered that you don’t do Friday afternoons and she casually said, “Y/N probably can’t come since she has to go take care of her babies.” The rest of your friends ended up giggling or looking at you with hope in their eyes that you may forgo those “babies” just for one afternoon. But this is the one thing you couldn’t compromise. If you could have turned down project meetings, field trips and even Joy’s birthday party for your “babies”, what is a movie outing even?  
You were looking around hoping someone will change the subject when you saw Taehyung’s look of what you would say is a mix of mild confusion and slight amusement. To that, you quickly made a move to clarify, “what they mean is I have to go volunteer...” and for no apparent reason other than to end the conversation on a non-awkward note, you added, “you can come one of these days too, if you want to.”  
“OK, but what do you volunteer as? A baby-sitter of some sort?” The confusion was now on you because did he just say “OK” to an invitation to volunteer with barely any knowledge of what it is about?  
“No no, I just volunteer at the dog shelter not too far from school. They are always short-handed and I have to go every Friday so I can’t join the movie outing, I'm sorry.”, you said while shooting a look of slight exasperation at Joy.  
And in a tone that was a tad too high for his husky voice, Taehyung exclaimed “I didn’t know there was a dog shelter near our school!”, making at least half of your friends shrink one inch away from him as a result of the sudden outburst.  
Where did you go wrong?  
You thought he must have forgotten and that is the reason why you were staring at him with a lack of response when he asked one week later, “So I assume we are going to the dog shelter tomorrow? What time are we leaving? Do I need to bring anything along? Can I just go in my uniform or do we have to change out?” A moment of silence passed when he suddenly added, “oh yeah and please don’t tell me I need to get my parents to sign anything.”  
Apart from collating the answers to his barrage of questions, the more trying exercise was to get over the fact that he is actually coming to volunteer with you. 
Were you being presumptuous?  
The walk to the dog shelter after class the next day was … uncomfortable.  
“Why is it that no one else comes along with you?”, Taehyung asked, salvaging the both of you from the lack of conversation that is starting to feel a little suffocating for you.  
Glad to have something to talk about finally, you replied, “Not too many of my friends are fond of dogs, let alone shelter dogs. The work isn’t easy and some of their parents are concerned that they may be hurt while doing it.”  
“So, why do you go?”, he attempted to prolong the conversation.  
The reasons were complex and it was personal, to say the least. These were things that you wanted to forget but they clung on to you. Dark yet powerful things that you did not want to share with anyone. Not just anyone, not just this boy whom you barely knew as your classmate. “Just because, I guess. I like doing it.”  
In the following weeks, you were more surprised than anyone that Taehyung went to the dog shelter with you every single Friday afternoon. Time is like an adhesive that slowly bonds people to each other. And you spent lots of time with Taehyung on those Fridays.  
The proof of such bond was in the smallest things. Like how Taehyung looked unsure and scared when Rudy (a mongrel on the larger end of the size chart) first approached Taehyung when he reached the dog shelter that first Friday and you had to drag Taehyung by the wrist to slowly approach Rudy to pet him. Or that time Vivi the Poodle scratched you while you were trying to cut her nails and Taehyung was fussing over your tiny wound. How you found out Taehyung had a pomeranian at home called Yeontan and how Taehyung started sending you lots of messages during lesson time, most of them about dog behaviours, unethical dog owners and even dog memes, occasionally accompanied with a glance towards you or a raised eyebrow to indicate that you should be checking your phone.  
“So, are you guys like besties now? Besties while taking care of westies!”, one of your friends quipped to a rather awkward lack of response due to the lame attempt at making a joke.  
“Joy I think you are losing your ground!”, another one of your friends added. They would tease you ever so often in between lectures and this was just one of those instances again while the hoard of you were having lunch in the canteen. This bout of teasing was brought about thanks to Taehyung walking by and loud whispering a “See you later” while giving you a small tap on the shoulder.  
Were you starting to feel a little more excited today because it was a Friday again?  
But then you looked at Taehyung walking back to the table which his squad usually occupied. “You know, there are some people who are ‘your friend’...”, you said while grabbing on to Joy’s arms, “... and there are some people who are just ‘everyone’s friend’.”, you said while flicking your head in the direction of where Taehyung was sitting. It’s just like dogs, you thought. There are the Akitas that are fiercely loyal to its owner and there are the Golden Retrievers that just want to befriend anyone who looks remotely interested.    
Maybe you should curb that stupid excitement.  
What were you afraid of?  
Taehyung and you would always go grab a bite after visiting the dog shelter and this Friday was no different. Over time and many milkshakes, you have come to realise you shared many commonalities with him and you two were now excitedly oogling over the latest trailer of this movie that you can’t wait to catch.  
“You know, I have wanted to ask this for a while now, but why are you doing this with me every Friday without fail?” You were not quite sure whether it was the sugar rush from the milkshake or just the sheer amount of curiosity that had piled up within you, you just decided to ask Taehyung this while you two were waiting at the bus stop.  
He didn’t answer immediately. A part of you felt hopeful for something and a part of you was immensely afraid.  
“Just because I like it, I guess?”, he answered without looking at you.  
For the next few moments, your heart was yelling at you to share your story with him but your brain was firing back with debilitating frightful thoughts. Should you tell him? Will he judge you? What if you lose everything that is now? How did it even get to this point where you felt that there were stakes that could be lost?  
Almost as if the heavens wanted to slap you awake, your bus came, abruptly ending your pointless self-torturous decision-making process. Taehyung looked like he was about to say something in that moment too but then he simply flashed his usual boyish smile and told you to text him when you reached home, something which was now a routine for both of you.  
While on the bus you couldn’t help but think, would it have been different if only the bus didn’t come at that damned time.  
What were you supposed to think?  
Nothing. Your mind was malfunctioning at that milkshake place again after the latest dog shelter visit because Taehyung said while rubbing the back of his neck, “Y/N, you know the movie premiered today, do you think you want to catch it... maybe some time tomorrow? With me?”  
This was not the first time someone asked you out to watch a movie. But this was the first time he asked you out to watch a movie, or in fact, it was the first time he asked you out to do anything other than your volunteering stints.  
“Yea, sure, what... I mean when do you want to...”  
“Great! Tomorrow 2pm at the cinema ok?” 
Was it just never meant to be?  
To say you barely managed to sleep a wink the night before would be an understatement. You ran through an infinite number of scenarios of how today would turn out just like how Doctor Strange ran through a gazillion outcomes of the fight against Thanos in Infinity War.  
But even then, you did not foresee what came to be.  
It took you an entire morning to decide what to wear. You didn’t want everything to seem like it was too intentional, you just wanted to be presentable. Well, you strove to look better than presentable but you weren’t sure if you managed to achieve any of that.  
Being you, you arrived at the cinema ten minutes prior to the agreed time. For what seemed like an entire day, you were mentally preparing yourself for it. You wanted to tell Taehyung how you started volunteering at the shelter and the reason why it was so important to you. You were prepared to let him know a part of you which you never even opened up to your closest friends. You wanted to thank him for being a part of it, being by you side and just making you feel comfortable and special enough to want to share this with him. And, you even got him a present on top of all this, because... just because. If this is what others may label as a confession then let it be so, you just wanted to be honest and open up to him this one time.  
“Hey Y/N!”, your eyes shot up from your phone screen which you were mindlessly looking at and met the familiar dark brown eyes before noticing someone else beside him.  
“Hi, Y/N. Taehyung told me you guys were catching the show today and I thought I could join you guys, hope you are ok with it?”  
“Yea, of course…”, you barely managed to utter that in response to Hyejin. She was your classmate too, part of Taehyung’s group of friends, both of them being in the school’s dance club.  
The rest of the time before the show started was basically spent watching the two of them engaging in friendly, or more than friendly, bickering. They bickered over whether salted or sweet popcorn was better, with sweet popcorn prevailing because after three minutes they finally decided to ask for your input; they bickered over whether this movie is likely to be better than the last one they watched; they were pretty much bickering like your parents do but about topics that were much more millennial.  
It'd be a lie to say that you were not hypersensitive about the two of them sitting next to you down the aisle throughout the movie. Finally when the credits started rolling, you were all too ready to get up and leave.  
“Y/N, there’s this awesome pasta place nearby that we want to try out, let’s go.”, Taehyung said to you almost as if you were already aware of this part of the plan. 
“Isn’t it more like you wanted to try it out and I am just forced to go because you will be paying for me”, said the bickering other half. “Hey hey hey, you were the one who said that I can’t just buy you anything off the streets and that I should start buying you food of better quality”, Taehyung's rebuttal was met with an eye roll from Hyejin and a gentle slap to his arms.  
There was eventually a moment where all you could hear was soft muffled voices and then you felt your chest tighten a tinge; was it physical pain, was it your fight or flight reflex kicking in or was it some form of other emotion? You couldn’t even tell.  
It doesn’t matter either. You honestly didn’t care what was going on between them, all you could think about was how embarrassing you were. Just why on earth did you think that you were so special? Why did you allow yourself to be deluded into thinking that you were different? When will you stop overthinking the intentions of his actions? Those small things between him and you, they were and will continue to just be the smallest things to him, so who are you to think otherwise?
“It’s ok, you guys go ahead. I have somewhere I need to be”, and without waiting for any reply you walked down the aisle and out of the theatre as fast as you could, literally escaping the situation.  
In that moment you realised, if it was never meant to be, the timing would always be bad, and you, would always end up running away.  
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dr-dendritic-trees · 5 years
Here be the Endgame thoughts, they are filled with spoilers. 
So, I had SUPER low expectations for Endgame. I have been finding the big teamup movies increasingly cumbersome, I still can’t summon the energy to sit through Infinity War.
But on the whole I thought it was a very good movie. I enjoyed it more than I didn’t.
Whether you like Endgame or not, in my opinion, comes down to whether you personally found it emotionally satisfying. If you did, great, if you didn’t, I’m not here to try and talk you around, I’m sorry to hear the movie didn’t do it for you, and I hope you find some really good fanfic to make up for it.
And in the end, that’s what it came down to. It worked for me. It happened to have in it, the things I personally needed it to have. It met my expectations.
I didn’t want to get bogged down in post-apocalyptic details of the Snap, and I wasn’t, and I wanted to not have the universe reset by unwinding time, because that trope almost never works for me, and they didn’t.
I did get emotionally resonant call backs, cool fights and interesting character interactions. And quite frankly, my home fandom is Halo and I received the gifts of the team in matching armour, and glorious heroic deaths. 
But the biggest reason why I felt leary of Endgame going in, was that I didn’t feel ready for an ending. I didn’t have an ending I wanted, because I wanted about a dozen per character. I still do, and I knew I wasn’t going to get that. But I really felt like the movie honour that. That’s what the time-travel mechanic is based on. You can’t change you past, but we can have an infinite number of avengers, making trouble in infinite New Yorks.
That’s basically it. Keep reading for character by character breakdown (starting with the bad bits, moving onto the good bits).
Unfortunately the fact that most of the movie was good, made the bad bits bad:
1. The much played up “gay character”. What crap. Seriously. That was nothing. There’s a lot of things about endgame that I think need to be viewed Doylistly, especially the character endings which are, of course, based on actor contracts. But this isn’t it “its a superhero movie, what do you expect” explains the lackadasical time travel, it does not excuse making a huge fuss over such a piddling little gesture.
2. Clint: What a fucking disaster. I hated every single thing about it. Part of the suspension of disbelief of a superhero movie, along with superpowers is that our heroes are going to beat up rooms full of people, and that’s going to be good, and we’re going to cheer. So I didn’t have time, in the tiny little clip we got, to feel anything at all about Hawkeye slicing through rooms of ‘baddies’. So the whole, fall-and-redemption arc fell totally flat, and added to that, I got to sit through the image of a white man slicing through rooms of people of colour, and it was gross, and I didn’t like it. I get that Clint has been criminally underdeveloped by these films. But it was too late to fix it in Endgame, they should have just admitted it.
Also, it cost us the alternate take on Clint and Natasha’s final scene that my friend suggested “I have to save you you have a family” vs “No, I’ve had a family, I’ve had all that time, you’ve only just found yours, so I have to send you back to them”. 
3. Thor: Not only was everything they did with Thor a small-minded mean-spirited joke, it was one they kept dragging on and on and on. I hated it. That being said, two points. Firstly, in a weird way, I feel slightly better about Frigga’s death now, giving her agency over it makes it marginally less fridgy. And also, the final Thor look, with the braided beard! Superb! Amazing! Wonderful!
4. Wanda: for the first time ever I had a feeling about Wanda. I was surprised.
5. Bruce: I have no real feelings one way or another, about the professor hulk thing. It sets up the end of the movie well, I think on balance they’re more interesting as characters when they’re split up. But maybe it’ll grow on me.
6. Nebula: I still haven’t seen GOTG2, but I love Nebula now! I love her and Rhodey together, I want them to get a movie.
7. This isn’t a character, but the overall rhythm of the finale, where the avengers finally avenge the world and then  the dead they avenge come help them fight. It could not be better, it was wonderful. Also the final scene with all the ladies brought me joy beyond telling. I’ve subsequently seen some critiques that it was “just pandering, not real feminism” but I just don’t care guys. Its an action sequence in a big final act showdown, all it needed to be was pandering. I love to be pandered to, quite frankly.
8. I still haven’t seen Captain Marvel, but she’s extremely shiny and exciting and I am in love with her.
10. Steve: Steve fighting himself (complete with Winter Soldier callbacks) was amazing fanservice, but also surprisingly moving, as a commentary on Steve as a character. Steve with the hammer was everything. As to the ending, I liked this more the day after the movie than when I first saw it. Overall I thought it was really good. I know a lot of people longed for Steve to get a retirement, but honestly, I would never have found that believable. Steve, will always fight. And even though Steve’s been circling around the idea of ‘moving on’ since Avengers, he never did. So I felt this completed things. I like the implication of openeness. Steve is the moral core of the story, so Steve, as the keeper of the infinity stones works for me. I’m sure he and Peggy kicked Hydra ass across all sorts of parallel timelines and it was great. One quibble: I would have put that dance in Peggy’s office, I think it would have called back to Peggy’s arc in Agent Carter better.
12. Bucky: I mean, I ship it too and all, but where Steve has been failing to move on forever, Bucky hasn’t. He’s got a whole life, and ultimately, the life he has in the films, rather than our hearts, hasn’t had a lot of Steve in it. I’m fine with letting the man go back to his goats in Wakanda. I trust that he and Steve have made their peace. And quite frankly I now ship Sam and Bucky like never before.
11. Natasha: I loved it. I loved her arc. Did you guys notice that she and Steve switched places in the movie. Steve pulled of a heist and an undercover mission, and ran off to find a life. Natasha became the leader of the avengers and sacrificed herself for her family. It was perfect. My only complaint is that I wanted more of what we got. If the cut out all the bits I didn’t like, we would have had time for a much longer ending for her, and also for Steve to see 2012!Natasha. I just rewatched Avengers and they hit it off so fast and I wanted that.
12. Tony: It was perfect. It hurt and everything about it was amazing. In some ways I feel like there isn’t much more to say, other than that I am choosing to believe that Tony’s extreme Dad skills have created an alternate timeline where Howard is a much better Dad. Also, while much gets made of Tony and Steve’s original disagreement (you’re not the guy to make the sacrifice play), I feel like that was basically resolved in Avengers itself. For several movies now Tony and Steve’s disagreement has been about trading freedom for safety, about the suit of armour around the world. And Tony cut the wire guys. He kept the world safe, and no one had to sacrifice but him, and he died surrounded by three people who were protecting the world in armour he made. And I bawled my eyes out and look forward to doing it again.
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blackcatkita · 6 years
Mark/Dani 💕
Thank you for asking Asti! You know how much I love Mark and I’m so glad you requested them!
who hogs the duvet- Neither. They either fall asleep in each others arms or spooning and they have a Queen sized bed because Mark thinks “It’s the perfect size to have enough room without being too far away from each other.”
who texts/rings to check how their day is going- Both, but Dani does it more because she makes her own schedule. When she’s out researching places or interviewing people for her company, she always makes sure he knows where she is, just in case, so he doesn’t really need to ask. He will text her between meetings to see if they have plans or just to say he’s thinking about her.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts- Usually Dani but with the work she does she has an unfair advantage and because of that Mark thinks his gifts are never good enough to show how much he loves her. He knocked it out of the park for their first anniversary, taking her on a tour of all their favorite hang out spots from their college days. At the end of the night he set up a projector screen in the back yard and they cuddled on a blanket watching Avatar under the stars, the first movie they went to see together. 
who gets up first in the morning- Mark during the week because he has to go to work and Dani can work whenever unless she has a meeting scheduled. On the weekends Mark likes to sleep in, so Dani gets up early to make breakfast.
who suggests new things in bed- Dani though it doesn’t go past a sexy outfit she knows will drive him crazy, a new position or her trusty scarf.
who cries at movies- Dani cries often during movies and Mark never really understood how she could cry in a public theater... until he saw Avengers: Infinity War. (Drabble coming soon!)
who gives unprompted massages- Both. Since they both spend a lot of time on the computer, their necks and shoulders get knotted up. Mark’s tell is when he rubs the back of his neck and Dani’s is when she rolls her shoulders. Whenever one of them sees the other’s tells, they make them take a break for a massage.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick- Dani fusses over Mark, because she feels bad that he is “dying”. He is so pitiful, it’s hard for her to not laugh at how adorable she thinks he is.
who gets jealous easiest- Neither one of them gets jealous easily. They have to attend a lot of events because of Mark’s job and he loves making his co-workers jealous, because he’s with the most beautiful woman in the world.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music- They have very similar taste in music, so it’s either both of them or neither, depending on who you ask. 
who collects something unusual- Dani inherited her grandmothers souvenir spoon collection and has continued the tradition, getting a new one when they travel to different places.
who takes the longest to get ready- They are both pretty low maintenance in their day to day lives but when they have an event to attend Dani definitely takes longer. She loves the way Mark looks at her when she’s all dressed up, like he’s the luckiest guy in the world.
who is the most tidy and organized- Mark, but Dani isn’t messy either. 
who gets most excited about the holidays- Dani, she loves everything about the holiday season, decorating, shopping, spending time with family... Mark likes the holidays but what he loves most is how excited she gets and how her eyes sparkle when they light the tree the first time. 
who is the big spoon/little spoon- Mark is the big spoon, Dani is the little spoon unless she is sleeping tucked beside him with her head resting in the crook of his shoulder.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports- They are both super competitive when playing cards, board games, or red herring but Dani knows better than to play video games with Mark, he would mop the floor with her.
who starts the most arguments- They know each other so well that they don’t really argue and on the rare occasion that they do, Mark is able to discuss the problem calmly, helping Dani see things logically.
who suggests that they buy a pet- Mark. He wants their kids to have a dog so they can learn responsibility. Dani thinks they should start with a guinea pig.
what couple traditions they have- On their respective birthdays, the rule is they get to pick the movie and the other has to watch it without complaint. Mark picks a movie with a basketball player in it. every. time. Also, every Sunday, Dani gets up early to make breakfast for them but every once in awhile, Mark beats her to it and serves her breakfast in bed.
what tv shows they watch together- The Crown and the Flame, Game of Thrones and they re-watch Lost, over and over.
what other couple they hang out with- Brooke and Keo, Horatio and Tara and Ben and Amanda (OC)
how they spend time together as a couple- they make dinner together every night, they snuggle on the couch with a bowl of popcorn watching movies or their favorite shows and have “date night” at least once a week. 
who made the first move- Dani thinks she did the first time she met him, when she wrote her number on his chest but it wasn’t until years later when Mark confessed his feelings that they finally accepted they were always more than friends.
who brings flowers home- Usually Dani does the grocery shopping but when Mark goes to the store, he always brings her flowers.
who is the best cook- Dani is the better cook but after taking a few cooking classes together Mark can definitely hold his own in the kitchen.
tagging those I think like lovehacks. If you want to be added to LoveHacks writings (or if you don't) just let me know!
 @kinkykingliam @writtenbycandy @darley1101 @theroyalweisme @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @katurrade @mfackenthal @debramcg1106 @alicars @flyawayblue56 @josieschoices @alwaysthebestchoice @kennaxval @mariamatsuo @penguininapinktuxedo @endlessly-searching-for-you @sstee1 @speedyoperarascalparty @mitalijoshi @chiarace @never-ending-choices @drakelover78 @scarlettedragon
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omgnotanothercpblog · 8 years
To Infinity...And Beyond
Check, Please! 14 Days of Love, Day 4: Love Spells & Day 5: Soulmates (Read on AO3) 
(I am so behind, but I couldn’t think of anything good for Day 4 until I looked at Day 5. I hope to eventually catch up - fingers crossed!)
Spring 2016
Dex and Nursey were walking to the Haus together.
“Why do we need a special meeting for this?” Dex grumbled. “How long does it take to say ‘Yo, dibs’ and shake my– our hands?”
“Or ‘You suck, no dibs for you’,” Nursey added.
“Would they call us in for that?” Dex wondered and Nursey shrugged.
“I don’t think so. We’ll find out soon enough, Poindexter. Ch-“
“Don’t say it.”
“You should though.”
Nursey was right, as much as is irritated Dex to admit it. They were literally one minute away from the Haus – he could wait that long. He just didn’t understand all the fuss.
Dex continued to grumble as they walked. Every so often, Nursey’s shoulder would bump his – Dex was sure it was deliberate, because every time it happened, Nursey would cheerfully say ‘Oops!’ Dex started to bump into him the same way, and by the time they reached the Haus, they were shoving each other playfully. They ended up with Dex holding Nursey in a headlock, although that was more to keep Nursey from falling on his face when he tripped.
When they looked, Ransom and Holster were standing on the porch of the Haus, staring down at them with their arms folded across their chests. Dex fought the urge to stand up straight; they were his team captains, not his parents.
“Frogs,” Holster intoned, ignoring Dex’s muttered “We’re not fucking freshmen.” “We’ve called you here on an important matter. Enter.”
Nursey’s shoulders were shaking as he stumbled up the steps. Dex grabbed the back of his jacket to keep him upright.
“Step into our office,” Ransom said, as solemn as Holster had been. He held out a hand to indicate the living room.
Nursey flung himself down on the green couch, slouching against the arm. Dex sat at the other end.
“Nursey. Dex,” Holster said.
“Derek. Will,” Ransom said with a pointed look at his co-captain.
Neither of them said anything else. Dex was starting to get impatient again. He drummed his fingers on his leg and waited.
“Captains,” Nursey said easily.
Ransom and Holster stood there awkwardly until finally Ransom said, “Okay, so this is about dibs.”
“We’re giving our dibs to you two-“ Holster said.
“But there’s something you have to know before you accept.” Ransom grabbed a small book sitting on the television stand. “Okay, I’m just going to read this.” He opened the book and began to page through it.
“Wow, this is just as awkward as when Cohen and Berger gave us this talk.”
“Is this about the Haus ghosts?” Nursey asked and Dex stifled a groan.
“There’s no such thing as ghosts,” Ransom said immediately without looking up from the book in his hand. “Okay, so. Magic.”
“What?” Dex asked flatly. Ghosts? Magic? Was this some sort of dibs hazing ritual?
“Disclaimer,” Ransom began, reading from the book. “Residing in this Haus will potentially cause you to meet your soulmate.” He closed the book. “There.”
“You needed the book for that?” Dex asked. He wasn’t going to acknowledge the nonsense that had just come from Ransom’s mouth.
“Soulmate?” Nursey apparently didn’t share Dex’s resolve. “That’s a thing?”
Holster nodded. “We were just as skeptical as you when we heard. So, now that you have informed consent, we can officially offer you dibs.”
“Wait, informed consent?” Dex burst out. “What kind of bullshit are you trying to pull here?”
“Yo, Dex, chill.” Nursey shifted closer and put a hand on Dex’s forearm.
“Don’t tell me to fucking chill, Nurse,” he growled, but his hands unclenched from the fists he hadn’t realized he was making. “I don’t appreciate people trying to make a fool out of me.”
“Just let me handle this,” Nursey told him and turned to Ransom and Holster. “Tell us about the soulmate thing.”
“We’re glad you asked,” Holster said. He pulled over an easel with a large pad of paper on it from the corner of the room. He flipped the cover open. On the first page they had written ‘Magic Shit with Ransom & Holster’. Ransom pulled an extendable pointer out of his pocket, opened it, and tapped the page.
Holster tore the first page off and let it drop to the floor. On it, there was a child’s drawing of a house, labeled Haus and the number 2010 written in big blocky handwriting.
“The time, 2010. The place, here. The Valentine’s Day kegster” As Holster spoke, Ransom tapped each picture. They let the information sink in and then Holster went to the next page.
This one had a cluster of circles on one side – heads, probably, because some of them had stick figure bodies. Next to the cluster were two figures, one a generic stick person labeled Good SMH bro, the other drawn with a triangular lower half and long hair to represent a girl. Another stick figure, labeled douchebro, was drawn horizontally underneath them.
“It was the biggest kegster the Haus had ever seen-“ Holster began.
“Until we arrived,” Ransom interrupted.
Holster nodded. “Unfortunately there were douchebros in attendance. One of them tried to take advantage of a guest who’d had a little too much to drink and our unknown former teammate did what any good member of the Samwell Men’s Hockey team would do.”
“Knocked him the fuck out,” Ransom said and slapped the pointer on the fallen stick person.
Holster went to the next page. “He then called a cab for the young lady.” This page had another cluster of stick figures, apparently carrying the douchebro, with two stick figures off to the side again, this time next to a really badly drawn taxi. “While the rest of the team got rid of the douche and his friends.”
The next page showed a picture of Glinda from The Wizard of Oz. “What nobody knew was that the young lady was in fact-.”
Dex snorted and Nursey smacked his arm with the back of his hand.
“A witch,” Ransom said with a hard look at Dex.
“A good witch,” Holster clarified. “And she said,” Holster pitched his voice as high as he could until he sounded like a demented animated chipmunk, “Blessings upon this house and all who dwell in it. May you all find your heart’s truest companions.”
“Well, something like that,” Ransom said. “Bro had been drinking and he didn’t remember exactly what she said. In fact, the whole night was a bit of a blur for him, so some of the details may be off. But…”
“Ever since then, 99% of Haus residents have met their soulmates.”
With that, Ransom and Holster both looked at Nursey and Dex expectantly.
“Okay.” There was a faint note of skepticism in Nursey’s voice, but mostly he sounded like he was humoring their co-captains.
Dex was just done though. “You expect us to believe any of that? Without any proof?”
“There’s these.” Both Ransom and Holster pulled down the collars of their t-shirts, showing matching infinity symbols just over their hearts.
“Matching tattoos? That’s your proof?”
Holster shook his head and Ransom blew out a frustrated breath. “They’re not- Look, all we’re supposed to do is let you know this shit before you accept dibs. You don’t have to believe us.”
“Thanks for telling us,” Nursey said. “I’d hate to be caught off guard by something like that.” Only Dex seemed to notice his subtle sarcasm. 
Nursey stood up. “If you’re offering up your dibs, I accept.” He held out his hand and Holster shook it.
“They’re yours, man.”
“Dex?” Ransom said, his hand outstretched.
Dex stood up and took it. “I accept, too. Thanks.”
“Time for pie,” Holster crowed. He stashed the easel and the pad of paper in the corner again while Ransom slapped Nursey and Dex on the shoulder.
“C’mon, Bitty baked a bunch of mini pies for us to celebrate.”
Dex and Nursey hung back as Ransom and Holster went to the kitchen.
“What was that all about?” Dex hissed.
“No idea, but who cares? We got dibs.”
“You don’t believe that soulmate bullshit, do you?” Dex didn’t think so, but Nursey always managed to surprise him when he least expected it.
“Course not. Let’s go, roomie. There’s pie.” Nursey nudged him with his elbow and left the room.
Dex shook his head. He wondered what Ransom and Holster had been trying to pull. Soulmates? Really?
Valentine’s Day, 2017
Dex dropped out of the top bunk, landing with a thump. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, then bent down to shake Nursey awake. Nursey groaned and turned over to bury his face in his pillow. Dex smacked his butt. “Practice. Let’s go, birthday boy.”
Nursey groaned again and rolled out of bed, somehow ending up on his feet. He straightened and leaned against Dex in a brief hug. “Morning,” he mumbled.
Dex kissed the side of his head, then nudged him in the side. “You can have the shower first.”
Nursey nodded and stumbled away, his eyes still half-closed.
Dex yawned again and scratched his chest, right above the infinity symbol over his heart.
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