#i showed my dad and he was mostly just annoyed that power cables are made of steel and not copper
gender-trash · 2 years
minecraft with technical mods is like crack to me because i love automating shit. i dont think i can go back to unmodded minecraft :/
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murcuryretro · 4 years
3:09 a.m (est) 7-8-20
So JUST now, I was watching a T.V show called “Toys that made us” which actually inspired me to never stop dreaming. Althought the sales of toys have dramaticllly declined,the passion and creativity behind these toys is what makes them LEGENDARY. There are toys that will be forever KNOWN. Imagine creating something that never dies , making history as well. Amazing, truly inspiring. Now with that being said, decided to write down some of my thoughts before going to bed. Before logging in, the wifi randomly had cut off, cutting off the show I had been watching, and decided it was a sign to get on the laptop instead. I get on it, but to my “surprise” NO WIFI. I then ask my bf whos been sitting on the couch playing with his new switch for a few hours, pretty much since I got home from work Ive seen him sitting there and still is, IF he can please check the router. Anything the requires some brain power , is too much for him!!! I over loooked it for so many years, now its starting to bite me in the ass. He then gets up to check the wires, and ask if I had pay. I said no but its not due yet. Also even if it was overdue they dont CUT everything off until way after. ANYWHO, I use my hotspot so that I can check, and its not due until the 15th, SO AGAIN, i ask him to check the wires, because there were clear instructions on the screen about what might be wrong and it wasnt the WIFI it was the router itself. So we had internet , just wasn’t properly transmitted. So after asking him to check the router, he quickly starts complaining about the mess the last cable guy made, complaining how he cant turn it on and, giving me an attitude and a tone because he just can’t, doing the bare min, literally TOUCHED 1 wire and gave up, saying he feels better if someone else disconnects the wire to check, as he goes back on the couch, THEN complains how we HAVE To call them and give them a piece of our mind since we are paying customers. Funny thing is , when we says “we”, he means ME. He would never actually get on the phone and explain to a company his fustrations. It would be me, while hes most likely sitting on the couch playing video games or REALLY mad sitting on the couch not playing video games, because of the wifi. What bothers me most is the lack of responsiblity he takes on. Also like he wants to avoid all grown men responsiblities, its become the biggest turn-off and been thinking of ways to have real conversation with him without him getting butt hurt because he is very sensitive, also he plays victim and I cant let him do that. He is not a victim at all , in anyway, but the second i confront him about something he is trying to avoid, he plays victim. Im so tired of being the one that has to constantly asses every situation were ever in. Hes the man for goodness sake. In reality he’s a beta and I’m in alpha. which makes this kinda hard. Previous relationship , we were both alphas and as much as we did bump heads, we also agreed on a lot and learned things together as the are new to us. Other times, we both take the lead in situations and it was like working with 2 heads rather than 1. Now it feels like just 1 head with 2 people. And like they always say, 2 heads are BETTER than 1. I just feel so lost, because I’m so use to have a Man that can handle business without me, who uses their OWN judgement, I don’t even want to talk down on him, but as time goes on and were not doing anything for ourselves,I start to feel this hole, void, in my heart, something is missing, something is wrong. Why is he such a good person with a great heart but lacks what makes a person resilent. For years he has lied to everyone about having his license. Why ? Im not sure, not that I lived with him for a over a year, I know why, hes scared of real life responsiblities that he would have to handle himself because no one else will. No health insurance, even tho its free now in days, because thats just another responiblity he does not want or care to have, Even for his own health. UNLESS I push him, which I have brought up so many times, but I can not do it for him.Then his license, I have asked him to get it and he said okay, never did, asked him again, said he will do it, does it and forgets the date, then he says he will make a new date, havent heard anything about. I dont know how much more I need to annoy him about ?! Since I’ve met him  Im the ONLY driver, driving us everywhere. Any place, its me. Since 2016, its 2020. Not sure whats stopping him, He also brags a lot about the money he makes and he saves it, buys some toys for himself, and takes me out on dinner dates. Which I apprecaite so much of course, but I wish he would do more for himself. Hes just so scared of life I believe, I could be wrong, but thats all he seems to prove since Ive met him! Very sensitive and he likes attention. NEVER noticed that until a FEW people brought that up and I do see that very clearly now. Its hard to have a partner who only values what he says and disregard me. I can let him talk and I go along with it, he on the other hand, cant wait for me to stop talking and he never gives any kinda feedback because he wasnt really listening. Im getting pretty tired of it. Im starting to think I may have made the wrong decision. Whenever something is wrong its like I need to be the leader of the problem and fix it myself, and I think he thinks I like the idea of being the head bitch in charge but in reality its exhausting and just one sided. I have never seen him actually take control of a critical situation without my help. I always end up being the one to finalize everything, as if he HAS to go thru me. Which I do appreciate but it just also feels like he does it to hand me down the rest of the solution. Like NO! Once in a while would be nice if he did things that turn out fine, all alone. NEVER happens. I know of everything and mostly fix it myself.Even THINGS, Hes not hands on so things that would need a quick fix, something my dad would fix easily, john would have a total meltdown and give up fast as fuck. I thought having a person this gentel would be good for my soul but I think its the opposite. Since the day that we rekindle our friendship 2 years ago,I started using hard drugs, LITERALLY the day after we hung out at a show we were both at. I havent been okay since dec 2018 and i though dating him would make me feel better and help fix that void in me, so far, nothing.... I can see I’m stringing this relationship along and Im not sure if I should continue.I have very high hopes with living an amazing life with him, I always saw it in him , that WE would be perfect for each other. I think I based a book by its cover and the first two pages and ran with it. Without reading the whole book, and its not turning out so much as what I thought we would be. He quickly became like a grandpa once we started to date, and then telling me he didnt like when i went out, it was just so shocking considering that we , him, I and all my friends would go all the time, he loved he things I loved to do too, so wtf ?! He almost changed into a person I didnt want to date, the second we started to date. So confusing and almost decieved. Almost he faked how chill he was to get closer to me, It wasnt until a year ish later that I realized , I have been seeing only 1 side of him, the side he wanted me to see, and I loved it, and then the real him I didnt Know and frankly Im not sure if I really like. He loves me so fucking much, but I dont feel fulfilled. Something feels very off, I am missing something and I truly dont know what it is. I hope that we can help each other grow whether alone or together, I just want to know what I wanna do with my life and I need more motivation than what Im getting right now. I feel like im slowing my life down and going no where. I dont like it and I dont want this going on any longer.I NEED to find my way!!!! I hope hes there either as my bf or my friend and we work things out. wish me luck in whatever  I choose to do. THNXX  
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ficksdiffusion · 5 years
The Tunnels, part 2
Part 1
- A corridor this deep below the surface – repeated dr. Light with bewildered disbelief after listening  to his son’s recounting of the exploration.
He was sitting at the table, with the whole Light family gathered in the living room of the house. Behind him, the wall was decorated with family picture of dr Light, Suna, Aki, Tsuki, Mini and Rush. Next to the big photo hung a framed picture of dr Light's late wife and Suna's mother.
- Could it be connected to the first tunnel found under the city? - Suna asked.
- It’s difficult to say. From the description it actually appears that the one under the city lays deeper than the corridor inside the mountain. Paths connecting them would have to be under the mountain. Not to mention their supposed length.
- Is it certain that it’s not possible to dig through the collapse? - inquired Tsuki who was leaning on the wall further away from the table.
- Certain. – Suna assured him – Drill Man had a good day then. Moreover, Ground Man confirmed those findings. And there’s the issue of danger of having several buildings collapse if digging would be attempted.
- What’s left is to gradually check every branch of these tunnels – Aki commented. He listened and simultaneously played with Rush. - Since there was a hidden entrance in the Carbōnem Forest surrounding the mountain, maybe there’s more? - He thought aloud.
- And no one had found them yet? The tunnel entrance inside the cave was hidden from the view but not obstructed. - Tsuki was skeptical.
- But the cave entrance was – Argued Aki – Without the information from Night we wouldn’t find it. - He paused. - However, it is strange that no cavers were interested in that particular cave, while other caves located outside the forest attracted people.
- There is an actual reason – dr Light spoke out – During the Hard Age, forests were extremely dangerous places for humans. Even today, years later, this reservation against entering forests stayed with people. Many don’t realize they have this reservation.
They’re not entirely wrong to feel this way, Suna mused silently, remembering her first encounter with Wood Man.
- And despite jointed efforts to remove any ERW and other threats, some areas were not cleared to this day.
- What about the battontons we brought? Can anything be learned or extracted from them? - Tsuki asked, thinking about the annoying bots. He did try very hard not to destroy some so dr Light and Suna could take a look, but the damned things were falling apart even when he used minimal power.
- It is yet to see. Even in mostly intact ones processors were damaged. Strangely fragile. Analyses are going to take some time, but I don’t think it is a hopeless case.
- I thought it was strange that their power station was still working ‘cause it looked super old. But cables connected to it went through the ceiling. And Wood Man found mostly solar panels mostly buried under rocks hidden higher on the mountain. Explains why the station still worked and why the battontons were so under-powered. Maybe that’s why they were falling apart. - Aki shared his thoughts on the matter.
- Inadequate servicing? -  Suna offered a possible reason.
Dr Light scratched his head.
- I am not sure whether this could be the cause for their strange fragility. But let’s say it is a possibility.
Aki patted Rush once more and leaned back to the back of the couch. The dog laid down next to his feet.
- Is it possible that these tunnels were a part of, for example, a mine? - Aki inquired.
- There is no mention of a mine in the archives. However, numerous documents and records were destroyed or lost during the Hard Age. Some were restored through memory chips donations, but countless were lost forever. We have no way of knowing if there was a mine or anything else.
- So every snippet of data counts. - said Tsuki. Now, decision of the council made more sense to him.
– Yes. the council really hopes that maybe, just maybe, some kind of historical documents will be found.  - Dr Light confirmed.
- Maybe. – said Aki, unsure.
- The thing is - Tsuki began - exploration of the inner structure is going to divert us from inspecting the tunnel under the city. Which was the original instruction. – He pointed out.
- I’m taking care of it. - Suna hurried to explain. -  Bert has already declared he’s going to help us to determine if the found fragment of the tunnel is in fact its end. Tomorrow we’re meeting with Wave Man, he knows layout of the sewers by heart which will be very advantageous if anything was not on the sewers map.
- That’s great, Suna! – Aki said enthusiastically.
- Good. - said Tsuki with relief.
- Speaking about help, I’ve got something I hope will ease the exploration. - Dr Light started, then suddenly stopped.
- Where is Mini? - He asked, only then realizing the robot’s absence.
- On a date. - replied Aki.
- Ah.  – The scientist went silent for a moment, then continued. - Before we’ve got a confirmation that the other part of the tunnel under the city was completely blocked, I was thinking about constructing a scanner device that could be installed on a drone, allowing the difficult to reach areas to be mapped and explored safely. Now that’s off the table, I repurposed those scanners.
He reached into his pocket and put a small, thin disk-like device on the table.
- Their strength and usefulness to you is in their number.  You can install one on a wall next to an entrance then next one per, for instance, every kilometer of the tunnel. Each can make a 3d scan of area around them, they also have various sensors build-in. And, what is the most important, they connect to each other and can transmit information and commands to a specific scanner. You can send a query through the device closest to the surface and receive data from a scanner many floors below.
- And of course, they can also send data to a drone. Should situation call for it, we could send a drone with a camera or additional sensors, and continue exploration remotely.
- That’s so cool, dad!  
- We could use my new drones for that – Suna beamed, imagining the possibilities.
- The spacial data gathered by them will be used to create a map in real time. Mini will oversee the process so you will have access to the map. - Dr Light finished.
- The map is going to come in hand when we’ll be preparing reports for the council. Good way to show them the progress of exploration. - Aki pointed out.
- Certainly better than trying to describe slope of each pathway. - Suna deadpanned.
Aki pulled a face, comically offended, while Tsuki snickered loudly.
Dr Light smiled, then glanced at the watch.
- When Mini is back, tell him to come see me. - He stood up and looked at his children. - Still, be careful. All of you.
- Don’t worry, Dad. - Suna assured him. – We’ll take care.  
Tsuki acknowledged dr Light’s words with a nod.
- Aren’t we always? - Aki said with confidence.
Thomas Light smiled and headed towards his lab.
Suna yawned.
- I don’t know how about you guys, but I’m going to sleep.
- Not yet. But tomorrow we’re gonna be fully charged. After all we're going back to explore the unknown!
It sounded cheesy, but the puns caused his family to laugh – or roll eyes and smirk, in case of Tsuki.
Aki leaned down and in a swift move, grabbed the ball laying next to Rush's mouth. Before Rush managed to react, Aki threw the ball across the room at his brother – who caught it in his left hand without a flinch.
As Rush quickly turned and run to him, Tsuki pushed himself off the wall.
- Time for late evening walk – he smiled, waving the ball.
Rush barked with excitation.
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 202: Rival Break and the 3rd Set
Previously on BnHA: Momo made a giant cannon and used it to fire a bag of emergency supplies over the onomatopoeia wall back to her pals. The bag contained some fungicide which Tokoyami and Hagakure doused themselves with to ward off Toadette’s horrific quirk. It also contained a pair of night vision goggles which Toko used to track down Toadette and Kuroiro. For a moment it looked like he had them both contained, but then Toadette sprouted some mushrooms in Toko’s fucking windpipe, cutting off his air supply and causing him to release them. Meanwhile Kendou showed up to rescue Manga from Hagakure’s flurry of invisible attacks. She’d managed to knock Momo out, but not before Momo sprouted a bunch of steel cables from her left side to tie Kendou up and attach herself to her while she herself was still attached to the giant cannon. So basically she slowed her way down, and tbh they would have had this if Hagakure and Tokoyami (and Aoyama, who got captured before any of them) hadn’t dropped the ball. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. But anyway, so the round went to B Team, and now the classes are tied and we’re about to move into the third round.
Today on BnHA: Since Momo and Kendou’s teams absolutely trashed the battlefield, Aizawa and Vlad announce a short break before the start of round 3. All Might takes Deku aside and asks him if things are all right with his quirk. Deku says he’s fine, only to be interrupted by Kacchan who’s all THE FUCK ARE Y’ALL DOING HAVING THIS WEIRD CONVERSATION SO CONSPICUOUSLY and he makes them fill him in. Kacchan’s response to the whole OFA situation is to basically egg Deku on to become stronger already, and it fucking works is the thing, so y’all know this one-page conversation is easily the most “!!!!” I’ve been about this series in fucking ages omg. But anyways, so then round 3 starts up with Team TetsuPonyHoneSen VS Team TodoIidaShoujiRo. Shouto briefly thinks back to when he was like six fucking years old and Endeavor was trying to teach him a new fire technique by being an abusive dick. Shockingly this method didn’t pan out, but Shouto’s been thinking about it again recently since watching his dad battle the Noumu at Fukuoka. Meanwhile Iida is hyped to win since he’s representing his brother as the successor to the Ingenium name. And Tetsu is also hyped because he’s always fucking hyped! So basically everyone is getting ready to do their best and this should be good!
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 223, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
oh wow Toadette is actually offering Tokoyami a throat lozenge like I was joking about earlier. haha. only the reason it was a joke on my part is because I thought it was fairly obvious that a fucking lozenge wasn’t exactly going to do much to help after you sprouted fucking mushrooms all along the inside of his goddamn windpipe! these kids are fucking savages I swear to god. they’re out for blood
anyways he’s still coughing and hacking and she’s telling him to go see Recovery Girl before this turns into one of those hanahaki fics
meanwhile Momo also appears to be ill after using her quirk as much as she did, and she’s shaking and doesn’t seem to be able to stand, so two sarcastic asshole robots are wheeling her off to RG as well
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yeah I’m gonna need you two to shut up. were they specifically programmed to be douches? this is someone’s idea of a joke isn’t it
anyways I hope my girl Momo is gonna be okay. Kendou go with her please!
Shinsou’s all “wow everyone got really fucked up” and Aizawa’s just like “yeah that’s just how it goes with hero training” as though this is in any way acceptable lol. well I guess it’s been a little while since U.A. did anything outrageously irresponsible though, so maybe we can cut them some slack this time around. plus ultra?
(ETA: nope I take it back. within three chapters all four teachers will be idly standing by shrugging their shoulders and hoping none of the kids fucking burn to death by accident. lesson learned, never ever cut the U.A. faculty any slack whatsoever.)
btw I almost forgot to mention it but it’s super cute that Shinsou is hanging out next to Aizawa. they have clearly built up some kind of bond by this point, and as usual I’m delighted by any and all instances of Aizawa being a dad
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did I mention that Manga’s quirk is seriously unbelievably strong though?? is there an onomatopoeia for “All for One-destroying weapon” that I don’t know about that he could speak into existence perhaps? hmm?
also smh at these teachers being more concerned with the property damage than with the attempted murder. Tokoyami’s fine by the way. but sure let’s scold them for doing some mild damage to your industrial training site which you specifically created for this very purpose
so apparently they’re going to change the stage? or “move the stage” at any rate? does this mean they’re cleaning up the training ground, or are they moving to one of the other areas? I’m not quite clear here
but at any rate, Vlad says they’re going to take a short break which I’m all for because it means more chances for the kids to interact!
look at them interacting!!
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so I’m just going to assume the two speech bubbles on the right are Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, yes?
also, Manga, I’m gonna need you to stop whining about how your ultra-powerful and crazy broken quirk gives you a sore throat. fuck outta here with that nonsense son. I assume the only reason no one gave OFA to you is because the series would already be over
Deku is happily taking notes on everyone’s growth while Ochako watches, and it’s super fucking cute. I am shipping this more these days now that she’s not losing her damn mind any time she thinks about him and he’s not on the verge of passing out whenever she gets within two feet of him
and now All Might’s coming to say hi to his apprentice!
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are y’all gonna talk some more about the Avatar State. because if you are then I’m the one who’s gonna start taking notes omg
so he’s beckoning Deku over so they can have a quick private chat in the corner
Mina’s all “well aren’t they close~” and I know she’s just making a mild observation, but once again I’m reminded of how these two are just the absolute worst at hiding their secret. like for real though
so All Might’s asking Deku if anything has felt off since their last conversation
and Deku says “nothing in particular”, which is a bit of a curious answer since he could have just gone with a straight “no”
All Might says he’s planning to ask Gran whether or not Shimura ever mentioned anything. I doubt it though, otherwise you’d think he’d have brought it up before now. not everyone is as cagey as you when it comes to passing on vital information
anyways, he says for the time being Deku should take care since he’ll be facing off with Shinsou
and interestingly, he says Shinsou is a piece of the puzzle as far as the Vestiges/Traces are concerned
really? I mean it’s true that Deku first saw them during his initial fight with Shinsou, and now he just so happens to be fighting Shinsou again on the same day that he had that crazy dream. but is that not just a coincidence? how could Shinsou actually be involved with this?
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(ETA: speaking of onomatopoeia, Kacchan has his very own complete with exclamation point lol. what happens if Manga uses this. do the letters explode)
holy shit I was wondering if he was gonna get annoyed since he could hardly fail to notice them sneaking off to chat while he was right fucking there
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oh my god. Kacchan/Deku rivalry. it has been so fucking long you guys. it’s been 80 fucking chapters!!
things I love:
for reals though, he’s making sure they remember that he’s part of the OFA squad now. that wasn’t just a one-time thing, he wants to actively be involved. I don’t know if they actually realized this before, but now they’re aware so I hope Deku tells him the next time without having to be asked
also him yelling at them to be more fucking secretive for christ’s sake lol. RIGHT?
and him immediately getting competitive and reminding Deku of what his goals are. they always do this with each other, and it’s honestly so important. the shounen rival relationship is, at its core, one of constant growth. if done right, the two rivals will each be the one person who can always unfailingly push the other when they think they can’t go any further, and nudge the other back on track whenever they start to go astray. and that is so, so important, and it’s especially important for them to keep establishing this relationship now, when for once things are actually calm and there aren’t any villain plots or other angsty things going down for the time being. because this quiet period is not going to last. and there will come a time when Izuku will need this type of push again, when the fate of the world might even depend on it. they help each other to focus and they keep each other grounded, and this shit right here is why it’s my favorite relationship, and I can’t say enough good things about it
lastly, this is fairly subtle, but you can see that this is Katsuki’s way of reassuring him. like, he realized Izuku was... not unsettled, exactly, but certainly confused and still trying to figure out what the hell is going on. so he immediately sets onto distracting him. and I’ve gotten completely distracted by my own excited ramblings and I haven’t even finished the damn conversation yet, but I bet you anything that it worked, too. because that’s the power of rivals, dammit
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I fucking love it you guys. every damn time. this is what keeps sucking me back in. this is why I’m reading. give me some good old fashioned shounen rivals showing their concern for one another in the most indirect way possible and it fucking works
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like, I don’t really have much more to add other than what I already said, lol. although I will say I’m fairly sure that not only is he not actually pissed off, but he’s actually relieved that Deku did smile, and it was the exact effect he was going for, which is why he called attention to it before immediately trying to play it off like h was mad
anyway, so that was everything to me you guys, but the show must go on, and we are now all set to begin round 3! and it looks like we will be staying in Ground Gamma and that they’ve just relocated to a different part of the stage, or something. idk
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so Sen is the only guy in this round who we haven’t already met, although I don’t think we actually know Pony’s quirk. Honenuki’s quirk is of course the quicksand quirk of cavalry battle fame, and I’m looking forward to seeing that in action again
meanwhile they’re up against these legends!
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once again I can’t for the life of me figure out how they can possibly screw this up. but we know they will somehow! guess they’ll just have to get creative
and now a quick flashback of Tokoyami, who you can tell is feeling better because he’s coming up to Todoroki and just rambling on and on for no real reason
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no you don’t you boob. calm the fuck down man. go eat some ice cream and lie down
well what have we here
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friendly reminder that I ship these two. by this point I think I ship Todoroki with almost as many people as Bakugou and I’m not quite sure how that happened. this boy is more social than I give him credit for
so now Shouto’s thinking back to his dad’s battle against High N’ Tight Noumu
and what’s this?
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the prominence burn thing? or the flying thing? I personally think he ought to learn the flying thing first
and now some flashbacks to Endeavor being abusive
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jesus christ. please tell me Shouto is smoking from his own quirk. please tell me you didn’t actually set your child on fire you utter trashpile of a man
and what the hell is with the shinai? because the fire wasn’t fucking enough??
props to Horikoshi though for showing this. it’s not pleasant to see, but the fact that he doesn’t shy away from it even after starting Endeavor’s redemption arc is really important. none of his past deeds have been erased. he’s not pretending it didn’t happen or that it’s okay now because things are finally starting to get better. it’s such a fucking mess, and I really, really appreciate that we’re being confronted with it even now and nothing is being swept under any proverbial rugs
correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like this is pretty rare for redemption arcs, both in Eastern and Western media. usually once the former bad guy starts down the right path, the story stops addressing those past sins, presumably in the hope that audiences will eventually forget about them. but not only is Horikoshi not doing that, he’s actively showing us the bad shit again in vivid detail, the resulting effect being something like “hey, just in case you forgot...”
anyway, so here’s more confirmation that Todoroki Touya is in fact Dabi
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just fucking confirm it already you cowards. it’s not like you’re trying to hide it; you purposely alluded to it so overtly at the end of the Endeavorhawks arc that no one could possibly fail to miss it. so I really don’t know why you’re playing games with it at this juncture. he must have some sort of plan here but idk
anyway, he says that Shouto is the one, and that he can pass this technique on to him and only him
I wonder if Touya accidentally immolated himself with a failed prominence burn. god I want to know what happened so bad uggghhhh
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they’re so cute omg
Ojiro says he had no idea anything was wrong because Todoroki’s expression “never really changes that much”, and he’s impressed Iida could tell
it’s because they’re lovers, Ojiro! but not really, but do you agree with me that they should be? because if not then I really don’t know why you’re wasting my time here tail boy
Iida’s all “but of course!” and says he’s the class president and is always there to lend a hand to a classmate in need. and sure. but also, lovers
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(ETA: his face is so cute here too oh my god. fucking adorable.)
so now he’s putting on his helmet, and he says he’s also representing Ingenium’s good name
is this in reference to what Tokoyami said earlier about him and Todo representing the #1 and #2 heroes? did your feelings get hurt bud lol
and he’s reminding everyone that he placed third in the sports festival, “so allow me to show you all!”
damn, somebody sure is fired up
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you better watch it son, this enthused 40-year-old nerd is stealing your boyfriend before our very eyes
now we’re cutting to class B!
and Tetsutetsu is also all fired up!
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no one thinks you’re dumb, Tetsu! just passionate!
lol but he is acknowledging that this is one of the less strategically balanced class B teams
but he has a plan to address that!
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kick some ass!!
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and stfu Sen. he has exactly one specialty so of course he’s gonna lean into it. nothing wrong with that
now I’m honestly starting to wonder how he would fare against Todoroki. he might be the only one who could actually stand up to the Prominence Burn attack if it turns out Shouto does have it
...or he might melt. but surely Shouto wouldn’t actually fire a potentially lethal blow during a training exercise... right?
(ETA: ...)
so now Vlad is grumbling about how THEY JUST SAID not to destroy the whole fucking stage, and here Tetsu is, destroying the stage
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nice hero name! but it definitely is a misspelling! I’m sure it’ll be corrected at some point later on though
lol this group is something else
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this is definitely my favorite class B team to date lol. and Honenuki’s personality is in such stark contrast to his somewhat terrifying appearance, who knew
also props to my boy Sen for having the appropriate reaction to being pitted against Todoroki freaking Shouto. though you could have had it worse, bud! it could have been Bakugou or Deku. at least you guys are somehow going to win which I still can’t get over
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lol because it’s literally their only choice given the makeup of their team
well, bring it on!
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afishwithfeathers · 7 years
Journey to Microwavia
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If you've never seen "The Wizard of Oz" or "Lord of The Rings," then this will be unlike anything you've ever seen before. 
Once upon a time, there were two children.  Sally was 10, a free spirit, and the only girl in America who enjoyed eating lima beans.  Phillip was 15, a handsome lad known mostly for his overuse of the semi-colon.  
One day, the two children were playing together at home.  They had set up a series of treadmills in the kitchen, and had tried to recreate the famous Ok Go music video “Here It Goes Again,” with disastrous results.  The two children had gone flying across the room and fell into the open microwave oven.
Passing through a vortex, they landed in a dewy meadow, in a world unfamiliar to them.  It was a magical fairy tale land filled with elves, unicorns, dragons and podiatrists.  The first creature they encountered was a fairy named Ethan.  He explained to them that the name of this magical and wondrous fantasy land was Microwavia.  
Sally was fascinated by the strange new world they found themselves in.  Her older brother, as always, refused to believe in fairy creatures and magic.  There were two reasons for this.  The first was that, as he had grown older, Phillip had lost the ability to believe in magic and wonder.  The second reason was the only a brain damaged idiot would believe such horse shit.  
Phillip had trouble believing he was speaking to an actual fairy.  Only a month before, Phillip had attended a stage production of  “Peter Pan” with his parents and sister.  In the second act, there was a scene where all the children in the audience were supposed to clap, if they believed in fairies.  Phillip's parents had caught him not clapping.  The media later blamed Phillip personally for Tinker Bell's subsequent death.  
But here he was, in the magical land of Microwavia.  And despite his reservations, Phillip and Sally befriended Ethan The Fairy.  
Ethan told the children how years ago, an evil witch had placed a horrible curse upon all of Microwavia.   Because of this curse, all the people in Microwavia spoke in pop culture references that were painfully dated.  
“That witch is more annoying than Steven, the nerdy teenager dude from the Dell computer commercials,” Ethan said.  “See how awful we have it here?”  
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Ethan led them on a journey through the strange and magical lands of Microwavia.  Everything in Microwavia was strange and magical.  And if it wasn't magical, it was strange.  And if it wasn't strange, then you could be damn certain it'd be magical.  Everything was strange and magical and magical and strange, and by the end, you just wanted to fucking puke. 
Ethan brought the children to meet Goz, the great wizard of Microwavia.  He was a wise old man with a long flowing robe and white beard.  Goz was famous throughout Microwavia for his sage wisdom, his magical powers and his creepy propensity for asking attractive young men if they wore boxers or briefs. 
Goz immediately recognized Phillip as the chosen one, the leader whose coming had been foretold for many generations (also as a briefs man). The good people of Microwavia had waited many generations for a savior to come along, one who would lead them into glorious battle against the evil witch.  This savior would have to be a person of unblemished character, and Phillip was just such a boy.  Phillip always told the truth, believed in equality for all, and had never gotten to second with a girl. 
But Phillip rejected his destiny as the chosen one, preferring instead to go water skiing.  The old wizard grew sad upon hearing Phillip's decision.  “Is that your final answer?” the wizard asked, referencing the long since cancelled game show “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”  Phillip said it was, but when his sister called him a coward, he reversed his position. 
“I'll help you; it's the least I can do,” Phillip said. 
Phillip led the good people of Microwavia into battle against the evil witch and her armies of the night.  Goz the wizard died on the battlefield.  Phillip was emotionally devastated by the death of the wizard, whom he had met for the first time an hour earlier. 
The battle raged on.  Phillip personally fought with the evil witch, clashing swords in a duel to the death.  Phillip fought valiantly, but the witch had taken fencing lessons at the local community college, and was the better swordsman.  When she knocked the sword from the boy's hand, it appeared that the good guys had lost.  But Phillip suddenly discovered his magical powers, and was able to magically create a new sword made out of tin foil and used duct tape. 
They continued their duel for the fate of Microwavia.  Suddenly, the old witch made a stunning revelation to the boy. 
“I am your mother!” she said.  But Phillip wasn't having any of it. 
“There's no way my dad was that drunk!” he replied, and stabbed her through the heart with his sword. 
Phillip and the good people of Microwavia had won the battle!  And Phillip had learned a valuable lesson:  The power of magic can always conquer evil, and it can also come in handy when trying to get a tough stain out of a carpet.   
Upon viewing the dead body of the witch, Ethan said, “That witch is deader than Hillary's Presidential run.”  At last, the curse was lifted, and all of Microwavia rejoiced.   
Phillip and Sally were both moved and surprised to see Goz the wizard magically resurrected.  The wizard explained that he had not really died in battle.  He had only pretended to be dead, to avoid paying his cable bill. 
Phillip and Sally decided to remain in Microwavia forever.  They would live out their lives in a world filled with magic and wonder.  Plus, they wouldn't have to take gym. 
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