#i simplified her outfit a bit tbh
feathersandthorns · 1 year
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The Winter Maiden
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bethrnoora · 5 months
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mfw all kingdoms shall fall before my army of the risen writhing dead
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toxictac · 1 month
Welp i totally didnt forget to upload the drawing yesterday, that wouldnt me what you talking about-? Anyways did a little redraw of two character, they didnt have any relation but i guess now they do lol
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They do look cute toghter tho, btw the left one is suppose to be a snake/dragon lady that shoots darkness of her mouth and the other one has a scythe made of light
I think is a nice contrast
As for their og look here they are
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Preliminary Round: Final Fantasy
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Propaganda Below cut
When she first shows up she's wearing matching outfits and wielding matching grimoires with her twin brother, but when she properly joins the game's main cast it becomes clear that she has swordswoman energy so incredibly strong that as a magical prodigy her chosen fighting style is "manifest sword out of aether and then hit people with it." She later simplifies this to merely wielding a sicknasty crystal rapier; As we know, fury and compassionate outrage are more powerful under when concentrated, which makes this tiny elf sword nerd a volatile pressurecooker of heroism. She's here to care about the little guy, make frustrated noises, and charge off to solve and/or cause problems, and truly what else is swordswoman energy about?
She wanted to use a sword so bad she summoned one made of pure magic, before a friend gave her an actual sword because he was worried about the toll summoning a sword made of pure magic was having on her, I love her and her brother so much. One of them is trans (they did the identical but different-gender twins thing). At one point Alisaie mopes because her and her brother didn't get new outfits when everyone else did. She then jumps off of a balcony because she saw an opportunity for adventure. Canonically doesn't like pickles on burgers (she put them on someone else's plate!! the scandal!!)
she fights with a sword and shield— very classic paladin flavor. she’s achieved and maintained high ranking status for her combat prowess!; nobody is immune to hot lady knight especially when she is over six feet tall and in full plate armor tbh . easily the hottest defector from the evil empire in xiv. also she can pilot a big robot so that’s automatically a point in her favor imo
She's the leader of the gladiator's guild. Gladiators are the class that use swords and shields. She kind of gets sidelined once it upgrades to the Paladin job for a bit, but then they went 'no Mylla and her guild are cooler than these idiots' and did a tournament arc
She uses a Gunblade. A sword thats also a gun. Said to be very rare because it takes so much skill to use. Does lots of slashing and backflips. Later becomes Champion of A God and sword fights a guy for eternity. Later becomes champion of a Different god and uses lots of different swords; She is dramatic and has lots of character growth and is awesome.
She has the class Holy Knight which enables her to use Holy Sword techniques as long as she has a sword equipped, which pretty much makes her the most powerful swordfighter your party can recruit (with the exception of Cidolfus Orlandeau, who has her skillset plus extra); You meet Agrias at the start of the game, and it's a few chapters before she joins your party permanently during which she gets quite a bit of screentime. This is significant, since Tactics lets you dismiss any character that's not the protagonist, and consequently the story is written to not assume you have any particular character in your party except for guests, meaning Agrias gets more story time than most characters that join your party.
starts out as a swordfighter with a big sword with a skull design. #girlboss; ffx-2 is a Wild Ride already but that they gave us a goth lesbian with a sword as our third party member was a great choice. i love her and also ffx-2. it's underappreciated.
Swords are one kind of weapon she can wield. Her ultimate weapon is known as Apocalypse.
She was turned into a Magitek knight by the Gestahlian Empire which she betrays. Swords are one kind of weapon she can wield. Her ultimate weapon is a sword known as Save the Queen.
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moe-broey · 8 months
It is extremely difficult to design modern outfits for Alfonse though idk what it is. Sharena will look good in anything from flannel docs lesbian outfit to cute overalls to something sporty to high femme dresses (tbh I still wanna draw her in one of my fave old dresses ..) but Alfonse. There are def a few routes you can take keeping his character/personality in mind and I think they look good/are super cute and make sense but like... esp for me personally, thinking of the v specific way I draw/stylize him...
AH. MAYBE. MAYBE I FIGURED IT OUT BC I HAVE NO PROBLEM DESIGNING OUTFITS FOR HIM IN FEH CONTEXT...... it's cause that bitch is always wearing tights and long shirts that (esp depending on how you draw it) border on being dress-like to straight up robes/skirt-like garments WHICH makes sense for him in universe bc that's p standard wear for men in Askr, in the Order of Heroes specifically. Like
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Seliph's resplendent stands out to me as a huge example of this, and you can kinda see it in Corrin's too! Though I do think resplendents often take a lot from the chara's base outfit (both standard and resplendent Seliph having tunics, both Corrins having leggings ect). But speaking of Corrin, espp the lengthening of that bit of fabric at Corrin's hip, looks a lot like Gustav's garments!
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Who may be a better measure for men's dress in Askr (normal attire, for a king anyway, and a cultural festival outfit). But I do also think you can glean some details off of resplendent designs too!
Also actually.
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This Day of the Life comic that acknowledged Sharena's absence from the DoD banner (BITE BITE KILL KILL SO MUCH HATRED IN THE WORLD‼️‼️‼️) implies that their outfits may have been identical, just in their respective signature colors (blue and pink). And even looking at Alfonse and Sharena's base art, they have a lot in common!
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And looking at Seliph and Corrin again, the puffy sleeves seen on Sharena and Henriette aren't necessarily gendered traits. ACTUALLY.... GUSTAV HAS THEM TOO! Alfonse's outfit is an outlier sleeve design wise!
Which is to say, there aren't actually a lot of strict gender differences in attire here. A lot of the clothing looks/feels androgynous esp when viewed through a modern lense (like I'm sure there's a lot of real-world historical inspo that goes into the designs, I just know fuck all about that LMFAO 😅). And esppp the way I've come to draw Alfonse a lot, I do emphasize what reads as femme -- giving him longer shirts, simplifying the strappy armor on his thighs into. Over the knee socks. Over the leggings/tights. 🫣 And that's not even getting into the knee high boots and heels!!!!
WHICH IS. Actually SO FUCKING DIFFICULT. To translate into modern fashion esp typical standard men's fashion, in a way that still feels true to him as well... bc I do believe in femme/androgynous Alfonse supremacy 😤 But he is ALSO. SO IMPORTANTLY. He is VERY MUCH just some guy who is heavily defined by the role he's been put in. Which is also kind of difficult to sort out, what Would he wear, if the standards were completely different and also if he was choosing for himself?
SINCE. I'M CERTAIN idk if I wanna dig for it but -- I'm CERTAIN all his outfits have been picked For him to some degree. The Order of Heroes outfit is a uniform, the bunny outfit is implied/stated to be picked by Sharena. The yukatas in their duo are 1) Hoshidan and 2) I think Anna was the one who picked them? Might be wrong on that, but I do feel like there's a castle dialogue about it. And of course, the DoD outfits are implied to be cultural Askran wear, and going back to that comic -- it seems neither Alfonse OR Sharena have much of a say in what it looks like (her being uncomfortable "showing that much leg" -- that, if given a choice, she may have wanted something more modest).
So like. There is. So much going on here actually.
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bugborgs · 1 year
I am learning to draw and I am enamoured by the way you draw these charecters, do you have any tips or suggestions to help a newbie :)
aww thank you so much, that's very kind of you! :')))
this is a bit of a boring answer but truly the best way is to just draw them a LOT! the more you draw them, the more you'll learn how to draw and then simplify their (very often excessively complicated lol) outfits and design details. i'm a little rusty since this blog was inactive for some time, but there was definitely a point in time where i had basically memorized nebula's vol2 outfit just because i drew her so often haha
as far as character specific tips, references are your best friend!! i would try to search around for anything like, in-character photoshoots or set photos and the like. get an hd rip of the movies and just trawl through and screencap any different angles and such you can find. (same applies if you're going for comic designs, just trawl through the panels for what you need!). also, those very intricate Hot Toys sixth scale figures are REALLY good references! I have the Nebula one that came out a few years ago and it has truly been an invaluable reference for her complicated-ass outfit lmao
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i know they're a bit of a splurge though so if you can find like, photos of the figures that works too, you're just limited to whatever angles they take for the photoshoot. but when the nebula figure was up for pre-order i used the photo references of the figure that sideshow had on the pre-order page for refs and they worked really well.
i would also suggest not stressing about getting every single little detail right, because doing so is impossible and frankly a pain in the ass. if you look at nebula's actual design vs how i draw her, depending on the art and how detailed i feel like being, i tend to simplify things quite a bit and cut out little details.
looking at how other artists draw a character can also be helpful! there have been times i've only noticed new details in a character's design after i've seen someone else draw it, haha.
i'm not sure if you're a newbie to art in general, or just to drawing these characters, but if the former then just as a general tip study anatomy and use life references! it's a boring answer but it's also the most helpful one, truly. i've gotten a lot of use out of the Morpho series of books by Michel Lauricella! There's several in the series so far and each book focuses on something different (for example there's one on musculature and one on simplified forms) and has some helpful advice on how to break down anatomy and learning to draw the human figure.
also, finally, just get really REALLY obsessed with one or more characters and draw them all the fucking time if i didn't spend several years obsessively drawing bugborg all the time my human anatomy probably wouldn't be at the point it is now tbh LOL
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piper! for the reblog game going around rn, the whole 'reblog and tell this person how you picture them' game, i actually have, like, the most clear image of you! like, clear in the way that anything you imagine is a little bit blurry, but, like, you get the point.
Anyways, you have a huge floor-length gown, super fluffy, tons of layers, eached trimmed with ruffles. In my brain, those layers go between being pink + white, yellow + green, and blue + pink. The dress has short sleeves, each with that little circular pattern. You have a massive red bow (which i likely picked up from your old alice yabusame pfp), and your hair looks the same as Claire's hairstyle in your current profile picture, sans those little hair ribbons, and also I recolor her hair color to black for you. You always appear rather short (sorry) and drawn in a simplified style, and you're often also holding a heart-shaped staff made out of gold and with a few pink crystals embedded in it.
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tunnaa-unnaa · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet&Violet 2nd trailer: Compliments and concerns
New pokemon look awesome! Let others theorize about lore, I’m here for the game mechanics and graphics. Let’s dive in to the trailer for a deeper look!
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^ Confirms what we saw in the announcement trailer: Pokemon centers in the field are like rest stops. Notice the beam of light on the roof, so they are presumably easy to find when you’re out there. I like the palm trees here heh.
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^ Game crests. The designs imply Scarlet = modern, Violet = traditional. Art deco vs art noveau kind of thing.
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^ Professors Sada and Turo however have the opposite theming, and theirs matches the legendaries. Though instead of “traditional” I’d describe Sada “primal”, with the loin cloth style outfit, claw jewellery and ACTUAL FANGS. While I otherwise don’t mind her design, it’s a bit offputting to make your “savage feral lady” darker skinned, though the 3D render is much lighter. Racial stereotypes and whitewashing in the same character, ah. Generic-white-man Turo over there is just forgettable and boring. So overall not a fan of these two. Maybe they’ll have character to make up for the designs.
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^ While I enjoy seeing the starters rendered, I can’t say the art direction is very pleasing. SwSh had a lot to improve when it came to graphics, but its art direction knew what they were doing. These guys just look kinda blurry and their shading is messy and lifeless. There’s hope it’ll improve before release, like it did with Let’s Go and BDSP.
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^ This rival battle scene looks incredibly rough. The trainers are insanely far apart, small pokemon are barely visible in the middle, scenery is completely uninteresting and that building(?) on the left is the ugliest block of graphics we’ve seen in any game so far. Some red and yellow stuff poking through under the “doors” and just overall a wth experience looking at it.
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^ Science guy is here! I just wanted to highlight the contrast in detail between clothing and the backpack, as well as the player character and the npc. A bit jarring tbh. BUT. I do like the speech bubble design. It matters a lot to me - we have to look at these bubbles constantly when we play so them looking neat is a must.
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^ Multiplayer in the same world sounds super fun, a big push forward from SwSh. It also looks like you’ll have your pokemon following you so YES, FINALLY THEY GET IT. The world here looks a bit empty though, so I hope it’s not as shallow as it was in PLA and we have actually interesting things to find out there.
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^ I like the backgrounds here, implying very diverse scenery, but I can’t say the same for the player customization. If it wasn’t for gen7 and gen8 with their sports uniform nonsense I wouldn’t have to worry, but the fact that all of these characters are simply wearing color-coded school uniforms is very concerning. If they lock us into wearing this kind of outfits for the whole game I might as well die.
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^ This is terrifying.
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^ ^ Smoliv sneaking and catching scene shows us it’s not PLA mechanics and instead we’re back to classic pokemon style battles and catching. Honestly glad, it wasn’t a concept I wanted for all upcoming games. I want to highlight the hideous background though. The completely flat, blurry ground and untextured tree trunks are... well, yikes.
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^ Battle UI is super simplified! I’m conflicted, because although it is nice and sleek, it’s also a bit unpolished almost. Having the opponent status over its head PLA style kinda makes me think you can have battles against multiple wild mons at the same time. If not, the UI choice is a bit odd since it could just use the traditional diagonal corners style.
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^ ^ Prepare yourselves to people complaining about attack animations, because we’re back to pokemon standing still and performing motions instead of actually moving. Although I did enjoy the PLA mobile battle arena style a whole lot, I can deal with this coming back for now. It’s a stylistic choice at this point, and saves a lot of dev time that they can spend on more important things.
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^ Pokemart, healing, and? I wonder what the third kiosk is for. Also fun to see that it really is a rest stop, with a couch and some tables. Why they felt the need to keep the “corporations and advertisement are just part of the pokemon world now” from SwSh I’ll never know.
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^ The two most important pseudo-legendaries are in. We can rest easy.
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^ The venonat looked huge so I was excited for pokemon sizes to be back from PLA, but maybe it’s just close to the camera. Gosh please keep the size variations, it was the most fun thing to come out of that game.
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^ That’s one ugly cave, though at least it’s not a path disguised as a cave like Crown Tundra in SwSh. What I’m saying is it’s alright but it lacks atmosphere completely.
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^ Are these gyms? Activities? Some hints towards a new gimmick? Hard to say yet. At least they look more interesting than SwSh gyms.
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^ Koraidon and Miraidon look absolutely fantastic! The trailer-exclusive render of course makes them look even better, but just overall their designs ooze coolness! Nice to have some lizard-inspired legendaries!
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^ If Riddler is correct, they’ll be Dragon/Fighting and Dragon/Electric and have multiple forms that the player can ride on in the overworld. Heck, just look at them! - Miraidon already looks like a vehicle, with jets and all. - Koraidon has literal reins on its head. - Both of them have “wheels” on their chests. Not literally, but you can’t deny the look. - Both of them have handle-looking extensions on their shoulders and backrest shaped extensions on their backs.
So it’s not hard to believe. Personally I wish they just gave me a bike and a surfboard and let the legendaries have more dignity than to be reduced to a school kid’s taxi service.
Closing thoughts:
Overall I’m very excited for the games, but it keeps disappointing me how lackluster the visual design of the pokemon games seem to be consistently. What Scarlet&Violet might lack in the visual department I hope it makes up for with new pokemon designs, a fun playthrough experience and a competitive meta without goddamn dynamax.
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fuumiku · 3 years
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Ok so! These are all alternate designs, if you want the official ones that I’ll be using, go here: https://fuumiku.tumblr.com/post/676095519737659392 I recommend reading the info I have on there first!  The first pic was my very first designs of them. As you can see, both have has some changes, but zim’s changed the most between the two. The second one is just if the back of Zim’s breasplate(?, idk how else to describe it tbh) was black instead of red, bc I think it’s neat. Third pic is a hue change, bc color is my biggest weakness and idk what I’m doing most of the time lol. In that one Gaz’s scheme is more blue and Zim’s is a bit more orangy. Last two pics are alt colors for Gaz’s suit, in the first her breastplate is darker and in the second it’s her body suit that is darker. I think it gives them an extra spice but I don’t want to overthink it
So, now that that’s out of the way! Here come all the details for those who like observations and rambling!
Misc explanations: Gaz’s eyelashes and eye sclera become bright purple when transformed. Untransformed, her eyelashes are just black, it’s stylistic more than anything. The color change is a nod to Adrien’s eye sclera becoming green as Chat Noir, plus it’s cool. Chat Noir kind of has a metal theme because of the pole and his bell along some other details, so I went with it here as well, I decided to go with a silver color rather than gold or any other metal because it fits both her current and original show color scheme more, even if her eyes are of a pretty molten gold color here. Gold just isn’t goth I’m sorry /j Zim’s pak is stuck in the suit/armor when transformed, so he can’t use it when he’s hero form. I think it makes sense + it evens out the battle odds and spices up the story more imo. I didn’t want Zim to have any of his human disguise on when transformed as a hero, because it just makes more sense to me. Both in Miraculous Ladbug and Invader Zim, the general population is oblivious even to obvious cues, so my story won’t act as if his green skin or anything else is super peculiar or a dead giveaway for his civilian self (except for Dib of course, wink).
Aesthetic things: Gaz’s design is kind of themed after the cheshire cat, since they’re both purple. Since Gaz feels more free as a hero, she can and will grin creepily at stuff before enjoying dooming them. This theme. The leather(?) lace in her hair represents the cat ears, of course, but also the tail, since it hangs pretty long behind her. At first, she wasn’t going to have stripes at all, going instead for a ripped suit with a lighter purple layer of cloth under, but when I pinned down the cheshire theme I decided to change it. She still has some ripped cloth on her thighs though, maybe I’ll take it out to simplify when making the comic. Imo the cat ears being an updo with black lace works better for her than, say, having a cat ears accessory pin in her hair, since it has a gothic vibe of sorts. Zim’s is pretty straightforward for this category. Yep, it’s a ladybug... Ladybug stuff going on here... Though I can note that I made the area around his eyes black so that his eyes can pop out more.
Nods to original designs: Gaz’s hair has always been a mix of sharp angles and curves, which makes it very fun to draw and stylize, and is also what gave me the idea for the hair-cat ears. Her miraculous, the cat skull bell, is a nod to her original skull necklace in the show, which she’ll be wearing in my comic as her civillian self! Gaz’s eye sclera may be purple, but her eye iris is orange with some yellow, because of her hazel eyes in canon, the color is exaggerated when in hero form. The stripes on her arms, and the stripe effect of her boots is a reference to her striped sleeves and pants in the show. Now Zim! His suit is kind of a mash between the ladybug hero suit, his usual invader outfit in the show and the tallests’ designs. The high collar and sharp gloves & boots are based on his usual outfit. His breastplate armor, though, is based on what the tallests wear, if you look at Tallest Red you can also see that the colors and the shoulder spots match almost perfectly. The stripes on his arms and belly are a mix of his invader outfit and the tallests belly hoop thingies. The nods to the tallests further solidify my name for Zim!Ladybug, “Overlord”, which I just find neat. On his back, the breastplate goes over his pak, making a ladybug wings-like bump. I wanted them to be black with red spots so it looks more like a pak, the number of spots + their position is to look more like a pak as well. The general pattern of having three spots per limb is also for this. The shape of his mask around the mouth area is meant to look like the irken logo’s mouth shape.
Functionality: In the show the superhero suits are mostly minimalistic and spandex, but I really wanted to give them some sort of armor, hence the breastplates. Gaz wearing millitary boots for fighting just feels right. Gaz also has steel toed boots shaped like a cat’s paw, so she can break bones and be cute <3 I’m unsure if the heels being steel as well was a mistake though, maybe it’s just ugly lol. I’ll be using a simpler style for the comic though so maybe I’ll just ditch it. Zim’s pak is also covered by his breastplate, so it’s mostly safe from being slammed. Since Zim canonically has no eyebrows, having the black part on his mask will really help me show emotions without it looking weird or breaking irken canon.
General color stuff:  Gaz’s “black” is heavily skewed towards a purple hue, for the cheshire them + it just harmonizes the design more imo. Zim ratio of black & red is more skewed towards black, especially compared to Ladybug’s hero suit from the show, as a nod that he’s more evil haha. Honestly Zim having pink teeth really fits well with his color scheme here imo.
Parallelism with colors: I kind of wanted them to have a different color hue to complement each other. Either Gaz being a more purple-blue and Zim a fire orange-red, Gaz representing cold colors and Zim, warm colors. Or and I decided to lean into this one more, a more pink-purple color scheme for Gaz, which would make her more warm with a reddish tint (Plus it fits the general hue of Disney’s animated cheshire cat), and Zim’s would be more a pink-red magenta, which is closer to his canon red color anyways, and it’d represent cold colours moreso. + it gives them a pink hue in common, which is great for harmonizing and color composition.  Their eyes also are a nod to each other somewhat. If you notice, Zim’s eyes have a pink hue highlight, leaning towards Gaz’s purple theme color, while Gaz has orange eyes, leaning towards Zim’s red. I’m just a sucker for them complementing each other haha
Hope you liked these explanations and that it gave you some insight! Most of this came to me instinctively, but it was fun to see just how much I could pick out from how I designed them. Will I revise everything I wrote to proofread? ... Nah
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abbynx · 3 years
How would the La Squadra family react to you having a crush on the former boss' daughter, Trish Una? An 'everyone lives' AU because I am in denial. This is going to be a long one as a one-shot, so I made it to headcanon form.
TW: Mentions of injuries, blood, and death
Genre: Platonic, Found family
~ Found and raised by Risotto and the entirety of La Squadra, you grew up within the vicinity of the underpaid mafiosi as a remarkable kid who has extensive knowledge about offing someone without leaving evidence. Well, not that you would be doing that, it's just that they thought teaching you some basics might help you if ever the moment comes and you'll find this useful. That, and self-defence too. ~ You were always under the watchful eye of anyone in the La Squadra, so you found yourself being sneaky just so you can escape them at times without being noticed. They were uber protective of you and to be honest, it can be overbearing at times. ~ You get along with all of them, as you were quite the chameleon. You can match with Prosciutto's stern and strict attitude, be as brooding and intimidating as Risotto, have fun and make jokes like Formaggio, etc etc. ~ Everything was alright, of course, but there's the fact that the assassin branch of Passione were being underpaid, I mean come on. The group begrudgingly accepted this, until Gelato and Sorbet rebelled and failed. They served as the catalyst for the entirety of the La Squadra to betray Passione and overthrow the boss, but waited for a perfect opportunity to do so. ~ The death of the couple Gelato and Sorbet left a hole in your hearts. You found yourself hanging around the couple whenever you felt like it, and intimidating as they look they welcome you with warm arms. ~ And among those days as a thirteen year old, you found yourself sitting at the edge of Risotto's bed, putting a hand over his shoulder to calm him down. Out of the entirety of the La Squadra, he was person severely affected with grief at the death of his teammates, seated at the edge of his bed and cupping his face and choking at his denied sobs. ~ Two years after, it was then the perfect time to strike and wipe out the boss. At the form of his daughter, they strategize to kidnap her, extract information of his identity from her, and strike on the boss. You were reluctant for them to act out this risky mission after seeing what happened to two remarkable assassins of La Squadra who paid the price of punishment without the boss even speaking. And they didn't even plan to involve you in this operation, not even if your Stand is powerful. ~ One by one, they fall apart and it was you're sole mission was to recover their maimed remains and nurse them back to health, travelling to myriad parts of Italy with a van you stole enough to fit the entirety of the La Squadra and with medical equipments. They were barely breathing, but you got to work with what you have, robbing hospitals of equipments and shoplifting from shops for food. Staying up late at night to tend to them, making sure their heartbeats remain steady at the duration of the night. Some of them, their states were worst than the other, you found yourself focused on Illuso and Pesci, as their bodies were the most mangled among others. ~ They all survived thankfully, all mortally injured but survived. Around those times you stayed up late at night tending to their needs, working with your Stand to make sure they live normally again. Tears were shed, hugs were exchanged, numerous 'ow's!' and 'ouch!' were exclaimed. ~ You caught wind of the boss being defeated and honestly, you couldn't care less about it. All you want was that your family survived and functional again. And with that need, you wait for the new boss to find out about the people who attempted to hinder them at their trip, and find you. And by this time, you were ready to bargain your life for them. But instead of being greeted by death, somehow, the new boss opted torecognise the group's strengths and skills as assassins, and offered you guys a chance to prove yourselves worthy to be recruited back in Passione and not be killed. He comissioned your group with important missions to assassinate other branches of Passione dealing criminal services to children, and paid you handsomely in advance and promised more if you were back in Passione. ~ The squadron were
confused, but chose to take the job and easily wiped out those type of people from Passione. Since all of them were in a better state, a little rusty so they took you on the job and for once in your life as one of the La Squadra family, you were made official and made into an assassin along with them. ~ The squad was successful, and earn their selves back in Passione. Although the interaction with the Bucci gang was awkward, you were all professional and civil and seemingly buried the hatchet. ~ Soon after they were able to get back on track in just a span of a year, they offered you to get back to school and lead a somewhat normal life. You accept and enrolled to a private boarding school and unbeknownst to you, so did a certain pink haired sixteen year old. ~ It was in the middle of a school year, too, you've been getting weird looks from classmates. Honestly, you didn't think high school would be this severe and kinda regretted returning to school when you're already content with being homeschooled with the help of Melone and Ghiaccio. I mean, you're an assassin for god's sake but you can't just kill people because they whispered rumours and insults behind your back for being... You honestly didn't know why they treat you like this. ~ Days later, a certain Trish Una also enrolled back to school in an attempt to restore some point of normalcy in her life. Like you, she found herself as a target for whispers at how she looked so snobby and bratty despite being so quiet. ~ I'mma write a whole ass one-shot of you meeting Trish because I can't pass up to simp over her tbh. ~ You found yourself befriending her, oblivious at the fact she is affiliated with Passione, and was the daughter of the old boss, and the girl your family had been trying to kidnap for the sake of overthrowing the old boss. Like her, she was oblivious at your affiliation with the assassin branch of Passione as well. ~ You stuck together at school, just traumatised kids being pals and trying to live a normal life, bonding over anything really, having one teach the other complicated mathematics, until you two started to hang out outside of school where at weekends after school, you two would go out in the nearest mall to shop and perhaps eat in a cafe. ~ The whole La Squadra were refreshed at how you always smile all the time and stare off into space, they were confused at your sudden concern over your appearance and choice of apparel, you started to go out more, etc. They were confused (but never spoke of it out loud around you) at the change, but supported you nonetheless because it was normal to do as a teenager so they let you be. ~ One day, Trish decided to ask you for a study date at the café you frequented at in a Saturday morning and for some reason, you just had the urge to look your best despite just studying. Indecisiveness room over you, prompting you to seek advice from the most fashionable member of the group, Prosciutto. ~ He gave you the advice you need, and so you thanked him to turn away, leave and try the outfits he chose, when Formaggio suddenly spoke beside him: "Ohhh~ Y/N's going in a date~" Formaggio teased, lips pouting playfully and voice in a painfully high, poor attempt to imitate a school girl voice. "What? Does wittle Y/N has a cwush?" You stopped in your tracks at that, glancing at the cheese man with furrowed brows in confusion, but cheeks scorched with the sudden flow of adrenaline from the situation he's put you in. Without hearing a context of anything as he happened to just be walking by he stops, and Melone chimes in as he looked up from his monitor, "A date? With whom?" "You're going on a date?" Prosciutto raised a brow, perhaps preparing a nice, long lecture for you to endure for like an hour. "Is that why you're dressing up nicely?" "I— no!" A rush of overwhelming feeling of confusion, denial and something more mixed in your systems and became more incoherent and incoherent as you try and process things further. "I'm just going out on a study with a friend of mine. I'm not going out on a
date. What? I'm not allowed to get dolled up and look pretty while reviewing?" You try to jest to get yourself out of the situation. ~ After that's over with, Prosciutto let you go with the suspicion of you seeing someone in secret but you deny that wholeheartedly. Jesus now that they mentioned you were out going out on a date with someone, your chest grew tight with something you can't fathom, but more on confusion. "We're just friends hanging out to review, nothing else. Isn't it normal to want to dress up for a friend and look decent... Right?" You attempt to reassure yourself in your way there. ~ You arrive at the café where Trish sat, and just gawked at how effortlessly beautiful she is. She just looks so divine and elegant and beautiful and cute and adorable no matter what she does. She invites you over the table to study and all you could of was the fact it was only you two in the cafe apart from the employee but you are with her, alone... Like a date. Well it is a study date after all, meaning it's for friends. Right? ~ At the duration of the date— study date that is, you were concentrated on  simplifying a lot of lessons for Trish to understand better, but upon that concentration you found yourself fixed on her. The way she bit her lips glossed with pink strawberry lip gloss whenever some questions were difficult for her to solve, the way her emerald gaze would dart up to you after answering for reassurance that she did a great job, the way she'd smile in triumph upon getting questions correct... ~ After that day, you proceeded to question yourself what Formaggio asked earlier, "Does wittle Y/N have a cwush?" And within that newfound realisation, yes you do. But you refuse to feel more of it... Not when she's around of course. ~ Days later, by accident, the secret was let out of the bag. Illuso caught glimpse of a poem you were writing beside him as you lounged around in a Saturday and scanned through it, looking for something he can tease you for it, and successfully spotted a misspelling. As he was about to correct it for you, he then realised you were writing, and addressing a poem towards the girl they were intending to kidnap a year ago. ~ The jerk Illuso is, snatched your notebook away from you, transferred himself in the mirror realm, and began to read it out loud for the others to hear. At first the others just thought of it as normal, it's a day to day occurrences among all you after when they slowly became intrigued to what you've written and listened to Illuso, as you did all your might to get it back. That's when they all heard your fancy towards Trish. ~ Now that connects the dots to why you always smile and stare off into space, dress nicely, and among other stuff you do whilst in love or ahem— as you claimed, 'having a crush' ~ Formaggio began to tease along with Illuso, whilst you only hid your scorching face behind your hands, holding the urge to murder Illuso for that. He knew what's up the moment you've been in a sickly sweet mood, along with your lovesick smile but needed further proof to tease you for it. ~ Prosciutto is rather nonchalant at the news, I mean, it's not new for teens to experience these things. As long as it doesn't really spiral to obsession he's going to let you be. ~ Pesci would be happy for you but under these circumstances of the revelation, he feels your pain and tries his best to comfort you because omg, he can't get through people teasing him, let alone see his loved ones being teased. ~ Melone is simply amused and quite frankly, not surprised. He predicted this will happen sooner or later, as he silently held out his hand in front of the fuming Ghiaccio, waiting for the bet money he has won over. ~ Ghiaccio was fuming not specifically towards you, but at how the revelation has come too light a few days early for him to win this silly little wager he had with Melone. Now, he's like twenty dollars poorer. Like Prosciutto, he's nonchalant and chill about it. ~ Risotto is particularly happy for you because for once, you were happy and somewhat
having a normalcy he has craved for you to have ever since he had kept you in La Squadra as a family member instead of an assassin. On the surface he's unfazed, but inside he is supportive and thankful you were happy. ~ Overall, they're all just supportive of you.
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lordeasriel · 4 years
I really care about your opinion, how do you feel about the bbc show and the way it's going?
I feel like before I give my take, I need to say that I understand the show is its own thing, and while I do wish they did a better job adapting certain things, I understand that sometimes there is a need for radical change or cut, especially when your budget is not super high (which HDM does have a lot of money into it, still is not a super big budget production, so they have to worry about these things). And I do enjoy many things about the show, but my overall vibe is mixed, to be honest. I’m stating this now because people often question whether I like the show or not, becaus I do criticise it a lot, and I simply have a critic view of the things I like, which is why I discuss them a lot and it can be overwhelming.
My main issues with the show are these 3 things: (which I’ll put under the cut because this got a bit longer than I wanted to lmao sorry)
Lack of worldbuilding and loose lore: I’ve been talking about this since day one, and this mostly applies to season 1 because I can’t judge season 2 yet because it’s not fully aired yet, but the show suffers from lack of worldbuilding, especially in Lyra’s world, which is the world that sets everything in motion. I still dislike the fact they introduced Will mid-NL, I don’t think he needed all those episodes to establish something that easily could’ve been done in S2 and because they gave TSK a lot of time, other parts of Lyra’s world suffered considerably, mainly the witches and the Magisterium.
The show doesn’t really expand on those two groups, especially, and I think that’s not good, especially the Magisterium (which they have over simplified by making it one big baddie, or so it seems at least, not to mention that implying a single leader for them practically ruins Marcel Delamare’s arc in TBOD and I’m very mad about that lmao). A lot of the Magisterium plot has that infighting aspect, which creates tension on their side as well as against their enemies, but the show doesn’t really explore that or the nuances of the Church, and they also don’t explore how varied the witches are, and I feel like this is a serious mistake. (The portrayal of the witches is by far my least favourite thing in the show, if I’m being honest).
Dull parallel world (and lack of daemons): this ties a bit with the worldbuilding aspect, but this is mainly about design choices. I think the show doesn’t make Lyra’s world as unique as it should be. On its own the world looks pretty and the outfits of most of the cast are great, but when you realise that Will’s world is intertwined with that, you don’t really feel like these two worlds are vastly different.
There is an odd situation in which Marisa’s fashion feels 30s/40s, but most of the men from her social circle (not fair to compare with the gyptians) just wear plain suits and they look much more modern. And while I get that they went for a timeless vibes, with different eras and styles, Lyra’s world feels like a caricature and it doesn’t feel believable. The colour palette is mostly the same for both worlds (even in s2, it’s hard to tell much of the difference because either the scenes are indoors or at night.) This, paired with the lack of daemons (which has been discussed many times in the fandom) kinda bums me out.
Marisa’s oversimplification: I’m mentioning Marisa, specifically, because she is the one that suffers the most due to this writing issues, but other characters like Lord Asriel, MacPhail, the general collective of the Witches, they all suffer from the writing trying to take away the nuances of them and make them flatter than in the book. Marisa is the worst because without her complexity and her flaws, she simply gets dull and boring and flavourless, and it’s kinda what has been happening in the show in my opinion. All she does is weep and she has no strength that doesn’t rely on a random fit of rage that dies out and she gets upset. There’s some great moments, like when she mimics the Monkey, but most of the time she’s just a shadow of who she is supposed to be.
The show tries really hard to make her a Scorned Mother - right from the get go, they try to makes us see how she wants Lyra, how she struggles with her “bad nature” and how that affects their relationship. There is this lingering implication that Lyra was taken from her against her wishes; they make it seem like being a mother to Lyra is her driving force, the only reason why she seeks power and influence. And that is the opposite of Book! Marisa, who is a force of nature, ruthless and ambitious, with not an ounce of maternal instinct.
She does eventually decide to help Lyra, instead of harming her, but even that action comes from a narcisistic place: Lyra is to her a possession, something that belongs to her, and that she wants to preserve. The show just handles her badly, falling into overused, boring tropes that struck far from the book version.
These are usually my main complaints about the show, and they upset me every episode to the point I’m practically ignoring them now lmao The show does a lot of good things too, making Will less of a prick, restoring Lyra’s personality from the first book into S2 Lyra (so far, please keep it that way), Mary is looking great too. They have mostly a great cast, and they did improve the daemons this season (except uh, there are far less daemons to show because of the other worlds - and the Ruta Skadi daemon change pisses me off tbh).
They do have a lot of interest in the show, but the writing (the main issue to me) feels clunky and childish, with the show toning down most of the themes that make His Dark Materials so special, especially to me (which frankly I expected them to do, but it still stings a bit). They make the Magisterium a single bad entity that feels more Authoritarian-Fascist, than a theocracy (even if they sneak in the religious symbols and rituals and garments, it’s just not a good portrayal, it’s very tame and shy); and they try to justify Marisa’s actions (especially in current interviews, there’s lots of talk about how her background will play in the show to “explain why she is the way she is”). The fact the Magisterium is portrayed as pure evil makes it looks less familiar than it should be, and therefore they don’t look scary, they seem like a caricature, a joke.
A lot of the essence of the characters get lost, and the core message of the story too, like when Iorek and the Gyptians tell Lyra she can be one of them, to support her lack of “proper family”, when that is the opposite of the books message. It doesn’t make sense for them to change that, other than maybe Jack Thorne wanted to because it makes the story feels less hopeless, but it’s why he fails to adapt these character - he doesn’t capture the essence, he tries to write these character with gaps in them.
However, the thing that annoys me the most is how they portray Asriel. It’s just... it’s bad. Really bad, which is a shame cause James is talented as fuck, but he had little time to film for season 1, and then they portrayed him very poorly. That scene when he addresses Roger in episode 7 is ridiculous, Asriel would never behave that way; there was relief in him finding Roger was there too, yes, but not to that extent and not in such a cringe way. Asriel is not deranged or irrational, he is a man on a mission, and Roger was a tool (there is no pleasure in Asriel taking his life and no excuses - it needed to be done and he did it); they just needed him to sound creepy in the show for whatever reason.
I hated how they handled the bridge scene for Asriel, Lyra and Marisa, but that’s long and complicated for me to explain here. In S2, there has been some mentions of him so far, including the implication he might have ruined Cittàgazze himself and I frankly don’t understand where did they get that idea. But the cherry on the top was Thorold telling Marisa that Asriel was gonna kill Lyra and that’s just-- that’s so dumb. That’s genuinely dumb writing, because Thorold knows Lyra followed Asriel to the mountain, and while I do believe Asriel would have killed Lyra if Roger wasn’t there, there is no way Thorold should know or consider that Asriel was gonna hurt Lyra, because Roger was there. In fact, Thorold’s interactions with Asriel in episode 8 already disprove this, so either Thorold was lying in S2 for the sake of, I don’t know, chaos or whatever, or the person who wrote this was a five-star, solid gold, fucking moron.
I’m not gonna mention the lost episode because that was no one’s fault, but the fact that they discarded an episode that all information we have on imply that it was important to set up the backstory of the angels and the city, it’s... concerning. It means they wrote something parallel that should’ve been woven into the season.
The truth is, I still watch the show on Sundays, and I still like some stuff they do (especially Mary’s stuff, so far), and despite me slandering the show per your request anon lol (cause unfortunately my honest opinion is mixed, I just don’t try to overfocus on the negative on Tumblr, I mostly talk about it on discord or private), I do think anyone who has read the books should watch the show.
For me, personally, everything I love about HDM is barely on the show - complex characters, the philosophy, the oppression by religion, the interesting world - and the vibe I get is that they’re adapting a coming-of-age love story, which is the last and - being fully honest - the least important message these books give us, but unfortunately they were set to making a family show from the start, and my expectations were high and unmatched, and a family is what we’re getting: toned down, cute, pretty visuals and soulless (heh, pun intended), philosophically speaking. I expect a certain pattern going into S3, but I always like to hold out hope that they will hire better writers (apparently Jack Thorne already wrote 4 scripts, so there you go lmao), and try to give HDM the adaptation it deserves. The truth is, if you’re a picky, canon reliant person like I am, the show might be a struggle, but if you just like the story for the teen romance, or if you don’t care about overthinking a show/book, then most people can have a good time with it.
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kaimactrash · 4 years
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Welp, it's been another year, 12 month, 52 weeks, like 360 something days, certainly happened... Even if I wish it hadn't in the way it had.... Oh well.
Arts about the only consistiantly positive elements in my life and I'd say I've made soem progress, tho not as much as I'd like.
So let's go month by month!
January features one of my neopets oc, Streeps, a wizard ixi! I loved, and still love, how this piece came together, the pose is fun, the background is atmospheric, and the colours are niceee, it's fun to play with simplistic background while I learn them!
Febuary we have my awful, terrible, conniving, bratty twins, Siann and Safaia. I love them so much, they're meant to be pretty low level villains in intelegence and physical strength, but both are very crafty and seem to be able to fumble their way to success now and then! This was both of them being redesigned and I'm so happy with it, feel like they look way more related now!
March brought my farewell project to su, one of the few fandoms I've made a bunch of fan art for, and that I've followed since the pilot dropped, I love and miss that show to this day, flaws and all, can't love paswg and say SU had too many problems. 😅😂
Speaking of problems, Rose...oooh boiiii is there some big issues with her actions and behaviours at times but... Damn is that one hell of a design, I mean both designs tbh, Dylan wouldn't have her ominous eye shadows in December's pic if Rose had never existed. 😂
Anyway I picked this one of my whole series bc I think it look nicest of the set, but I do still adore my Garnet pic that started the month, so honorable mention to that!
April brought the 6 fanart challege, bc 2020 is year of the challenge I guess 😂
Peach is such a comfort character, when ever I see her I just want a long hug, some how I don't think I've drawn her before seriously, so it was really nice to make some art of her, pretty sure this was the only one in the challenge with that level of shading. 😂 I need to draw peach again, feel free to suggest outfits of versions of her!
May has my redesign of shihosu, tbh I think that may be my favourite image of the whole year, I'm so proud of my development of her species and her individually and I love love love her, sadly I know I gotta simplify her a bit for ease while making the comic cuz she's important to the plot. But mmmm I am in love with her new design so bad.
June was a commission piece featuring a goregous monster design, find out more here https://www.deviantart.com/kaimactrash/art/Drawolfie-Trade-3-844906161 .
I love how it came out, I drew one sketch and the person asked me to change the pose and it was 100% the right descion, I love how the final piece came out ❤️❤️❤️
July is the introduction of two characters who I love very much and will be the main drive of the first arc in the frenrar comic! They're very personal and precious to me, and I hope I can do them justice in my writing and art!
August is a close contender of my fave of the year, but since it was a dtiys ill hold shihosu at 1st place. 😝
I had sooooooo much fun with that one, the colours the lighting, the pose, I'm just real happy with how it looks.
September I remeber being a month i was damn near unable to focus for more than a few hours, so kept making art I didn't love, but I quite like how the checkers piece with my oc Griep Tavros came out. I have a real soft spot for her and I'm really happy with her design.
October brought the OC-tober challenge, and so 31 days of art, still, the top spot was not as close as I'd expect, then again... I'm probably very bias to shihosu, I adore her.
November I simped for the milf witch Eda! I'd only watched a few episodes then, but now I've seen all of season 1 and I would die for eda, luz, and actually like 2/3rds of the cast tbh. 😂 I'd 100% checking out the owl house if you haven't yet!
And now, we find our selves in December.
I think this was the toughest month to pic as while I loooooove the Dylan pic, I do also love this pic of my new neosona, but Dylan won out, she's very good at getting her own way. 😂
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onedivinemisfit · 5 years
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Witcher!AU lineart - I gotta power up before colouring this =v=;
I love the fact that the happy family works so well with the fundamental story of the Witcher tho, it’s just found family doing their darndest for one another. xD
More on the Witcher!AU: LINK
AnS (c) Akizuki Sorata Art: Me
Obi: Dressed in a silghtly tweaked version of the Master armor of the Witcher Cat School from Witcher 3. Basically I just simplified it for my own gains. His swords aren’t directly ripped from anywhere, just something I threw together to look like a pair. (I ADORE his look as a witcher tho just WOW) tho I realize I didn’t give him a lot of other knick-knacks tho, where you gonna keep ur potions darling?? That’s on me, sowwy~
Shirayuki: Her outfit is a mash-up of different concept arts that were meant for Ciri actually - I just picked the bits I wanted most, in order to make her look sort of... casual witchy? Practical, comfortable, but still feminine. Her fancy staff, Imma be honest, I ripped it straight off TES:O because of availability. xD It looked exactly like the sort of Nordic magic waver I needed to complete her Skellige girl look~
Ryuu: Tbh I’m not sure yet how I’m gonna incorporate him, does he take Ciri’s role or does he not? Like atm all I have is that he’s a Northerner (of some kinda, Cintrian or not lol) and like Obi n Shirayuki, he’s half-elf too. I just like the idea; none of them being completely accepted in either society bc of their heritage, and the challenges it brings. Y’know. Drama lol. 
His outfit is taken straight from Witcher 3 concepts, one of the baggier armor designs for Geralt - felt that’d go straight with Ryuu’s style in the manga. To give him a specialty that sets him apart from the other two, I just dropped that bomb in his hand lol. His sword’s a gift from Obi. (Sword is reffed from Witcher 3 too btw)
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seasmoke · 5 years
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Romantic interests... of a sort. There are heaps of Dunk and Egg characters I want to draw but I’ll start with these three. 
I wanted to do a height chart lineup to better visualise the characters so I had to commit to full bodies and unsurprisingly it took longer than intended!
notes on costumes for anyone interested under the cut
I went ham on pinterest trying to find references for historical clothing so here’s some of what i put together! 
Tanselle- her dress is the most historically accurate since it’s very heavily referenced from an early 17th century Persian painting. Those trailing under-sleeves probably (definitely tbh) aren’t a practical choice for painting but they were too pretty to omit. I swapped out the updo that was seen in the original painting for a more relaxed style, since Martin gives no indication her hair was up. 1600 is way too late for the vague medieval time period of asoiaf imo, but the cut of the dress is simple enough it doesn’t obviously point to a later date.
Rohanne- this was pretty much entirely fantasy since I based it off of her archery outfit in The Sworn Sword.  Her long braid is way more evocative of early medieval british costume to my uneducated eye, but she’s described to be wearing a jerkin, which wikipedia tells me was only worn from the 1550s onward. 
All the references i found were of very ornate jerkins that looked obviously late-renaissance, so I simplified the design. Martin has Dunk pay attention to her ‘well shaped breasts’ (eugh) but jerkins were tight fitting and structured so there’s really no way to tell what someones chest looks like underneath.
Her boots are directly referenced from a 15th century illustration of longbow archers so there’s something accurate I guess.
Side note: she’s described as wearing breeches, but breeches tended to be an undergarment over which tight-fitting hose were worn so I went with the latter. 
Daemon- This is based on the outfit he’s first described in, and is a bit of a mix and match of various styles that were seen in the 15th century. The parti-coloured hose came up often so I had to add them, I love that this quirky style was so commonplace and every piece of media set in the late medieval/early renaissance era that doesn’t include them is committing a heinous offence. 
The doublet is a simpler variation of the really puffy sleeves you seen in late 1400s/early 1500s men’s fashion, similar to this example. Generally the form-fitting doublets were veeeeerrry short and those thin tights did absolutely nothing to hide one’s junk so I added a bit of length for some modesty. 
There doesn’t seem to be much of a precedent for sigils decorating the front of one’s doublet, so the design is entirely fictional. I spent way too long trying to find out what fiddles looked like in the 15th century before giving up and using a more modern design.
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head-and-heart · 7 years
The 100 Ask Game
Thanks for the tag @istilldothiseveryday ! This looks fun :)
1. What would you get arrested for on the Ark? 
Protests? Can you get arrested for that on the Ark?
I dunno. I have a very strong personality I’d probably get into to some kind of trouble politically on the Ark 2. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground? 
Nah. I’m very much alike with Clarke in the way I think and as much as I may like to stick my middle finger up at the council if I was sent down on the dropship, I think I would see the value in having the Ark (aka. a functioning society) follow us down to the ground. I would be scared out of my mind of the Grounders - back up would be nice. 3. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..) 
Probably a mangled mess of metal cause I’d shut down that shit SO hard
4. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be? 
Maya. I understand that her surviving doesn’t really make any sense and they needed her to die for jasper’s arc or whatever BUT TBH SHE HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL??? Like, I stanned her team-up with Bellamy so hard; I’d literally sell my soul to satan for her to be incorporated into the delinquent’s group. Can you imagine her suiting up and going on hunting missions with Harper? Attending Lincoln and Bell’s sparring lessons? Sharing her music with Gina at the bar????? Helping out Abby and Jackson in medical???? Having heart to hearts with Clarke about her mom (and Clarke’s dad), who both died rebelling against the system??? Cracking jokes with Monty?? imagine if she went up to space with the squad, and what their relationship could have been like then! She could be their medic on board. 
People always simplify Maya to her relationship with Jasper (and yes they were cute) but SHE COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH MORE. She was smart and courageous and selfless - she had fire and wit and strength and i m i s s her. 
She’ll never see Earth, never breathe real air, never float on the water, never meet Riley 
We’ll never get to see her grow up and it makes me sad
5. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? 
Raven and Monty because they’re GENIUSES obviously.
Lincoln and Bellamy so I don’t fucking DIE lmao - I know they got my back (my poor boys - both too selfless for their own good)
Clarke cause the Angry Cat game is strong and she’s got a real knack for not dying even when she should, probably, be 110% dead 6. Minty or Briller? 
Briller. Tragically, Bryan only started to interest me in 4x02 when they gave him more dimension by visiting farm station. 
Also ... how can you say no to chickens?  7. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!)
Uhhh. Keit? Kayt? 
What a lame name 8. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious
i don’t know him
9. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? 
I doubt I would take it. Unknown drug with unknown effects? Sounds pretty sketch. I don’t see myself going for that - I’m a generally skeptical person. 10. What character do you relate to most & What character do you like the least not including the obvious ones like Pike, etc… 
Definitely relate the most to my INTJ queen Clarke Griffin! 
And Octavia is probably my least favourite character. I can see why some people like her and the merit in her character arc I guess but tbh she just IRRITATES me to no end - she has certain characteristics that really grate at me. Obviously, some characters are horrible people (like Dr. Tsing ew) but Octavia just infuriates me because of some of her characteristics.
She’s not for me. 11. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical) 
Something practical cause I’m boring. 
Cargo pants. Ark-issued t-shirt. And a nice warm jacket. The jackets the characters wear on this show are pathetic - they barely look like they keep the wind out. And only Bellamy zips his up. smh vancouver is colder than it looks - all that humidity
As for a trademark thing? 
I’d be the only arker with an “I <3 BELLAMY BLAKE” t shirt probably
12. Favorite type of mutant animal?
Bellamy’s three-headed doggo he hasn’t found yet
anyway i still have hope
13. What would your job be on the Ark? 
I think I’d follow in Raven/Monty’s paths a bit and go into something mathematical like engineering but knowing myself I’d probably end up moving into politics later on. I have too many strong opinions to put up with the Ark system lol 14. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?
Oh HELL no. I’d probably throw up all over it. I’m sorry Clarke. It’s not like that’s ACTUALLY how blood transfusions work anyway *intense side-eye at The 100 “science”* 15. If Lxa wasn’t Heda, but she’s still alive right? then who would make the best commander? 
None of them. Bellamy x Clarke leadership duo. I don’t care about the Grounder commander system - it’s all kinda bs anyway. 
None of the individual leaders on this show have done a good job. They’ve always functioned best as a team (which is why I want the Bellarke leader couple back) 16. If you were a grounder, then where would you live and who would be your mentor? 
I mean I know she went all cray cray and they all died but probably Luna’s rig. I don’t want shit to do with the other clans, who are always warring with each other. And I think Nyko would be a pretty good mentor. I’d like to learn medicine.  17. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty? 
Let’s be real, I’d probably start crying about how Bellamy and Clarke are in love and wHy cAn’T tHeY jUSt bAnG aLrEAdY ... and Finn would be real mad about it if he was in charge of picking my ass off the floor like in “Day Trip” 
ha! I think it would be worth it 18. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake? 
I mean ... I definitely wouldn’t lead a manhunt to kill a thirteen year old girl so I can say with a lot of confidence that I would NOT follow the Murphy route. Not so sure I’d just pardon her though. I think the delinquents needed some kind of prison system. Charlotte did murder a kid. Even though she was a child, there probably should have been some kind of consequence for that (though not killing her would be ideal) 19. Who should be the Chancellor, if anyone? 
Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin co-leading motherfucking power couple
I will accept no less in canon. just let me fucking have this
20. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod)What is the one thing you would snatch while there? 
Oh, the iPod for sure. I literally don’t know if I could live without music. I’m listening to it ALL the time - I’m listening to it right now. RAIGN is playing *cries in Bellarke* 21. Do you think you’d have caught the virus spread through camp or would you have been immune like O.ctavia? 
I’m a weak ass bitch so probably 
and on the basis that I don’t like any of the people who ARE immune then maybe I don’t wanna be - what’s the point of surviving in a world where you’ve only got Finn Collins and O.ctavia Blake for company?  22. What would your grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? 
I want whatever makeup L.exa’s got from Polisephora. You think she’d share some of that eyeliner? 23. Favorite quote? 
“Shouldn’t there be more to life than just surviving?” - Clarke Griffin (2x14)
24. Can you forgive Murphy for his actions? How about Bellamy?
Yeah. I feel like we’re kind of past this point in the plot. They’ve both showed development and change and I think we’re definitely at a place in the story where both of them are intended as sympathetic characters to the audience. 25. If one of the characters was in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? NOOOOO ALREADY SO MUCH DEATH NOOOO 
I’m going to answer this as if all of our characters were thrown into the ring and I have to predict which one would win. 
I wanna say Octavia because I think she’s independent and - er - determined enough to take out someone she knows if it came down to being the two of them to grant her own freedom and survival. Whereas, someone like Clarke or Bellamy or Kane would probably just nightlock it cause they’re self-sacrificial af. 
But then I also think maybe Murphy ‘cause cockroaches never die (thank you Raven). 26. Least favorite ship? Favorite ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC 
Least favourite ship that people actually like? (aka. not something like Clarke and Jaha)
Probably B.echo (as a romantic relationship, not necessarily sexual). Hate to be basic and predictable but I think I would actually die if it were endgame.
how dare
If you asked me this a few months ago I would have told ya Niytavia but now that we’ve gotten more teasers about Octavia’s character in Season 5 I’m not sure if I want her anywhere near her (I like Niylah when she’s hot, but not cooked, ya feel?)
So maybe Jasper and Raven. Idk. I liked their friendship. Still bitter about Season 4.
I don’t really ship anything besides Bellarke that much. They’re an anomaly for me. 27. A song that should be included in the next season, like when Radioactive was? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo? 
Tbh RAIGN goes hard af so anything by her would be pretty lit. 
I mostly only associate songs I listen to with Bellarke when I’m applying them to the show so I’ve got like 100+ songs that I would love to use for them but its hard to think of a context where they would fit in with the tone of the show
And I want Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir to cameo. They don’t need to say anything - they just need to stare soulfully into each other’s eyes in the background. 
... or makeout
Whatever. 28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time? 
Steal the wine. Have karaoke battles. Drunkenly cry because RaVEn iS sO sTrONg and sO gOoD (and he would cry with me - he WOULD). 
Gossip about Bellamy’s butt.
The possibilities are endless, really. 
29. Opinion on Emori? Roan? 
I don’t really have a strong opinion on Emori. I feel like our knowledge of her is still so limited. She’s still barely interacted with anyone besides Murphy. But I’m guessing that may change in Season 5. I’d like to see her interact more with Bellamy, since they both have siblings (and Emori was the disgraced child too, just like O). Not many people can relate in that sense.
I really liked Roan but TO BE HONEST I found him more intriguing in Season 3 than in Season 4. He was literally up there in like my top four or five characters in Season 3 - I was so excited to learn more about him! In Season 4 he didn’t have much of a character arc, he was just kind of there to look moody and badass.
But honestly Roan is one of those characters that I don’t think was necessarily intended to be funny (as opposed to characters like Jasper and Wick) but his interactions with Clarke, Bellamy, and Echo offered up the occasional piece of comedy gold. He went too soon. Forever mourning the bromance that he and Bellamy could have had.
30. Would you want to be an extra that is killed off in a brutal way? 
I wanna be Satisfied Girl.
Or Riley. Everyone loves that guy
so ... no? maybe? does it come with the job? 31. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of?
CADOGAN. @metastation has ruined me; now I just want more!
Also any of the Eligius crew tbh 32. A character you’d bang? 
Omg like all of them.
Bellamy and Raven are up there tho. 
And highkey Bree could get it. She looks like she knows what she’s doing.
Echo’s hot but i dunno chains and choking aren’t really my thing
Anywayyyyy I’m way too late to the party so I won’t tag anyone but like if you feel like doing this GO AHEAD ! And you can tag me in your post if you want too
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gardenjays · 7 years
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this is called: I only use one (1) pose for outfit references because it’s the easiest pose for me to draw and it’s only outfit refs they don’t have to be special
just me rambling about the characters a bit under the cut rip mobile users sorry
anyway I finally got around to redoing the main 3 from my scifi comic! good news is I finally figured out how to draw hairlines/foreheads so I can finally draw Jarek and Meri the way I always envisioned them, aka with spiked up hair and using goggles as a headband
still not entirely satisfied with 82′s hair but that’s okay for now. I at least finally gave her a Good outfit and better colors that don’t hurt your eyes to look at
alright I added a read more to this so this is where I ramble alright
first. Jarek. not gonna lie when I did the Big Reboot of this story like 5 or 6 years ago (yikes) I highkey based his looks off a guy I rly liked at the time. and then made some changes based on my drawing ability but all u need to know is he literally has dark skin and blue eyes bc at the time I had a HUGE crush on a dude who had dark skin and blue eyes. also at that point aka the first time I ever drew these characters he still had basically that same outfit. since then I never rly made design changes except like. having a better design for the vest and the shoes and making his sleeves short instead of rolled up. but this time around I also changed his pants to make them darker and bluer so there’s not AS much gray cause there’s a lot of gray in this story but it felt like too much you know? and I made his shirt green instead of brown bc with his skin color, a brown shirt is hard to make look nice unless it’s a very dark color but if it’s dark then it starts to blend with the vest you see my problem? so clearly I needed a new color and I chose green bc his boyfriend’s eyes are green therefore Jarek’s favorite color is green okay next!
Meri! my son! my boy! I love him! fun fact of the day: a couple years ago when I did the original outfit refs as I was drawing him I was like “lol I headcanon this character is trans cause why not” and then I realized he’s my own character so at that point I decided he’s trans. cause. why not. also he likes kpop. cause. why not. tbh since the first time I drew these guys his design hasn’t changed much either. I think originally his hoodie was a little more..complete lol it was a full hoodie. and I used to put a lot more detail into his belt to make it like a utility belt but tbh it just got annoying to put that much detail in so I simplified it WAY down this time around. also I think when I did the first outfit refs I changed it so his hoodie’s sleeves were cut off and he had that 3/4 length sleeve shirt underneath, but this past time I also cut off the bottom cause it makes him look Cool. ALSO! for the first time I finally gave him gloves lol idk why I didn’t before. it’s cute! plus it’s practical considering he’s like the Engineer of the group and does machine stuff a lot. and last thing: goggles. I used to draw them hanging off his belt cause I rly wanted them to be an integral part of his Look and for a long time I didn’t know how to draw them as a headband. but now I can! so finally they’re a headband and they’re less of a pain to draw. pushing his bangs back also makes him look younger which is also what I wanted so bonus!
alright last one S-82. this is rly long lol. the first time I drew her was when I did the first outfit refs a few years ago actually! and then 2 years ago I redid her outfit refs cause I just wanted to update them, but I didn’t change much of her design that time around. mostly her outfit was like a super simple black dress with some highlights in that bright blue. and when I did THESE updates to design at first I was like “eh I like her outfit I’ll keep it” then when I looked at it for a reference I was like “JK I DO NOT LIKE IT” so I gathered new outfit refs which was a longer and harder process than I thought (don’t look up “scifi outfit women” bc it gives u sexualized alien costumes) and then mashed my fav elements together to get this! which is still simple enough to draw quickly and nicely and also Looks Good. also I redid some of her colors cause her hair was a rly gross shade of yellow? and it was so light that to get enough contrast her skin was PAINFULLY white so I just darkened those a bit and yay!
okay end ramble
oh also Jarek’s gun holster is white bc he got the blaster from a cyborg. and all their stuff is white. that’s why it looks so weird lol
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