#i so wanna do character sheets but like my mindset shifts
creativebrainrot · 2 years
slowing down on the art for a bit but ive got some stuff left to complete (nsfw memes 👀👀 and another portrait i started cause i was feeling like shit) art hibernation just means i actually play gw2 for once instead of drawing gwyn, again lul
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marvelmymarvel · 2 years
Do I Wanna Know?
Uvogin x Reader
Synopsis: At first, the cat and mouse game was fun, but he was slowly growing restless. He wasn't going to lose his cool though, he wanted you to come crawling back. However, it only took Hisoka cornering you in a club for his restlessness to boil over and for the stupid game to end.
TW: Sexual Assault (very minor), panic attacks, Hisoka (yes he's a trigger warning)
A/n: Uvo is strong and I believe he could pick up anyone. Comfort character for real 🤗 oh BTW! For all my queens who also have panic attacks - intense change of temp helps with those (splashing face with cold water for instance) just a tip!
Song: Do I Wann Know? By Arctic Monkeys (Link: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=pqrUQrAcfo4&feature=share)
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Six months.
It's been six months since you and Uvo last kissed. Six months since you clung to him like a lifeline. Six months since you proclaimed that you were head over heels in love with him.
And it's also been six months since you last looked his way.
He was growing restless at the way you moved around him like he meant nothing to you like he wasn't even there. You'd only look at him if he called your name, other than that you acted as if all 8 feet of him were invisible.
It was driving him crazy.
He knew why you were playing this stupid game, but he didn't know if he could atone for his mistake. You said you loved him, and what did he say?
Nothing... Like the idiot he was.
And now he was paying for it. He still couldn't get the image of your heartbroken face out of his mind, sometimes it would wake him from a deep sleep that he had hoped would be an escape from you. But that never happened. You were everywhere. In his brain, in his line of sight, in his sheets, on his clothes, on his lips.
But he was stubborn, oh so God damn stubborn. Despite being the one that broke your heart, he wanted you to crawl back to him, as it should be. 'You were below him' he would repeat every time he thought of reaching out to you, and while it would help stave off the urge to corner you and tell you he loved you more than life itself. It didn't last long.
It was a vicious cycle, and the more the cycle continued, the worse it got. His restlessness was starting to show physically. His eyes were heavy with sleeplessness, cheeks hollowed from not eating, and his legs bounced with anxiety. You took note, of course, but didn't pay any mind.
Whatever he was going through didn't involve you.
God how he wished you'd just come back to him, maybe then he could return to who he was. Not some love-sick puppy who couldn't stand the thought of you not wanting to breathe the same air as him. But he had to stay strong, you were beneath him. You should be glad to be breathing in the same air as him...
But that mindset was slowly starting to shift as he sat across the club watching you swing your hips against Hisokas. His eyes narrowed and his legs shook, anger and jealousy taking over every cell in his body. How dare you dance with Hisoka when you clearly belonged to him.
You didn't pay any mind to the giant and instead focused your attention on the magician feeling you up. 'It was just fun! You weren't playing a game' You thought to yourself, but you couldn't deny that your eyes kept flicking over to Uvo to see if he had finally caved. Okay... So maybe you were playing the game.
Uvo had it coming though.
Hisoka spun you around to face him, one hand ripped you closer to him as the other roughly cupped your face. His nails dug into your skin, and you winced a little at the pain. 'I'm enjoying this...' you once more repeated in your head, though you knew it was a lie. Hisokas hooded eyes grew mischievous, he quite enjoyed inflicting pain on you. Whether it be physical or emotional, he enjoyed it. He wasn't dumb, he knew you were doing this to get a rise out of the spider in the corner, and he'd be lying if he said toying with both of you wasn't exciting.
So why not kick it up a notch?
"We should get out of here" Hisoka purred, head lowering so you could hear him better. Your fingers curled into his shoulders, instinctively moving closer to him as the dancing bodies bumped into you. Fear shot through you as Hisoka nipped at your ear. You didn't want to sleep with him, didn't want to do anything with him. But now you felt stuck. "I think that's a terrible idea-"
"What? You're going to say no to me?"
His hands traveled lower down your body, causing goosebumps to erupt along your skin, but not in a good way. You inhaled sharply, eyes darting to where Uvo was, but the dancing bodies blocked your view. And if you couldn't see him.
He couldn't see you.
"I think I'm good thank you-" you tried again and this time you tried to push him off of you, but he grabbed your wrists locking you in place against him. "H-Hisoka please let me go" you whimpered out, lips trembling as you began to grow claustrophobic in the sea of people. He could do anything to you and no one would be able to help. Your eyes had wandered around again, frantically looking for any other Troupe member, but you found none. You yelped as Hisoka dug his nails into your wrists, yanking your focus back onto him.
His eyes were dark, bloodlust oozing from him as he took in your fear. He got off on it and loved it so much. If Uvogin wasn't so head over heels in love with you, he would have captured you by now and made you his little plaything...
Maybe Uvo would share you-
Your knee flying up into his groin cut off his dark thoughts. You had hoped the pain would have made him let you go, but he gripped you harder and recovered quickly. If anything, the fight made him even more excited.
Your chest rose and fell quickly, the world spinning a bit as he ripped you once more into his body "You know... I like it when you fight dirty"
"Let me go" you yelled, hands pushing at his chest as your fight or flight once more kicked in. He didn't budge, but you didn't stop. Your screams for help grew in volume and grabbed the attention of a few people, but none of them did anything.
"LET ME GO" You shoved hard and Hisoka flew back, for a second, you felt proud of your strength and ability to push him off with such force.
Until you realized it wasn't you that did it.
A large hand grabbed Hisoka's collar before roughly ripping him off of the ground. The 6-foot magician looked tiny as Uvo lifted him to eye level, and you could have sworn that fear flashed across the magician's face at the mere sight of Uvo.
A snarl was carved into his lips, eyes blazing with fury and his aura was deadly. Those within a 20-foot distance stopped dancing and stood wide-eyed at the interaction. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" His growl caused you to feel light-headed, both from relief and terror. "I just wanted to have a little fun" Hisoka muttered, he was trying to stay calm but he seriously misjudged Uvo's strength.
And love.
"I should kill you right here and now for even touching her." Uvo's tone once again made you feel a little seasick so you decided to just sit down, maybe that would help... You zoned out everything around you, eyes blankly watching the way Uvo continued to scream and threaten a still-dangling Hisoka who had somehow grown paler. Your ears began to ring, why was it hot all of a sudden? Reaching down to your boots, you tried to untie them in the hopes of cooling off. Your head felt heavy, your mind racing as you fought to get your feet free. Uvo noticed your frantic look and panicked actions, he knew you were most likely seconds from passing out thanks to the way you were hyperventilating.
He turned his gaze back to Hisoka, "I won't kill you today. But if you ever so much as breathe in her direction. I will kill you"
"You can't kill a Troupe member" Hisoka whispered, the thought was comforting, but Uvo's smirk wasn't. "Fuck the Troupe's rules. She's mine. Got it?"
Hisoka nodded and he let out a sigh of relief as he crashed to the ground. He would most certainly not be playing with you again...
Your fingers were still shakily trying to undo your shoe, and you didn't notice how blurry your vision was getting until a large thumb was clearing away the tears. Hiccups fell from your lips and you began to hyperventilate more as the person pulled you into their embrace. Your hands moved to fight them off, afraid they were either some random person or it was somehow Hisoka, but Uvo's soft coos calmed your fighting.
You couldn't catch your breath, part of you was wondering if you were dying. "H-he tried to-" you cut yourself off with a sob, head shaking as you tried to fight off the memory of what just transpired. Uvo sighed internally at the state of you, he always hated when you felt fear while he was around.
Your breath catching with each inhale brought him back to the task at hand. Moving his arms under your back and legs, he lifted you with ease.
He moved swiftly through the crowd as you curled deeper into him. He had hoped that his presence would calm you, but your breaths were still catching and he could tell that if he didn't shock you out of it you would indeed faint from hyperventilating. He picked up the pace, eyes locked on the exit as he gripped onto you tighter, "Uvo" you whined out as the world seemed to tilt. Your fingers dug into the flesh of his shoulder as if holding onto him would stop you from slipping into a dreamless sleep.
"Almost there" he muttered, eyes narrowing at the people who got in his way. Your eyes closed and you began to welcome the darkness.
A sharp inhale of cold air filled your lungs as the winter breeze penetrated your scantily clad body with ease. Your eyes were wide and Uvo watched as you slowly started to calm your breathing, he had managed to get you out here in time before you truly fainted but he knew that the fear you felt remained.
But now without you panicking, he could make you feel safe.
It took a couple of minutes for you to realize Uvo was still holding you. Clearing your throat, you moved a leg to signal that you wanted down, but he only gripped you tighter. He shook his head at you, and that's when you saw it.
You didn't know what exactly had caused the fear to be written all over his face, but you had a feeling it was centered around you. Opening your mouth to calm him down caused him to shake his head once more. He set you down then but quickly had to catch you again as your legs wobbled like crazy. Your hand instinctively grabbed his arms, stabilizing yourself against his warm body.
It was silent, and some people gave you weird looks as you held onto him like a lifeline. Uvo wanted you to crawl back to him, needed it. He was too stubborn to just talk to you. Too stubborn to say it. His eyes widened... Say it...
"I love you"
Your heart seemed to stop for what felt like the millionth time this evening. Slowly lifting your gaze, you took in how flustered the 8-foot giant was. "You do?" You weren't sure why you asked, all that he's done in the past 10 minutes would certainly point to love, but you had to make sure.
He nodded slowly, eyes searching yours for a sign that you felt the same.
A soft smile graced your lips and you grew bashful under his gaze. "I uh... Love you too" you whispered out with your eyes trained on his chest. His free hand moved up your body before resting on your face, forcing you to look up at him. The height difference was shocking and any normal person would run away in fear. But not you. No no.
You felt safe.
"Are you okay now?" His serious question made you heat up, no one (other than him) has ever cared about you this much. It was both uncomfortable and sweet. Nodding, you let your gaze flick up to the starry sky. Uvo smiled down at you, thumb caressing your cheek as he took in the way the stars sparkled in your eyes. Before he thought it through, he leaned down and captured your lips with his. Your eyes closed, shutting off the dazzling glow as you melted into his embrace. He had to practically hunch over to kiss you, so it wasn't long before he was lifting you once more to be at eye level with him.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, hands coming up to play with his wild hair. You could once more feel stares and pulled back shyly. Uvo shot a glare at a group of men looking your way and you hid your face in his neck out of embarrassment. He opened his mouth to bark out a threat but noticed your shivering.
Shutting his mouth, Uvo let you down and quickly ripped off his jacket. You sighed in relief as his heat and scent encapsulated you in pure serenity. "Let's go home. You'll freeze to death in that outfit"
You nodded and let him guide you back to his apartment in the city. You didn't expect the night to go the way it went.
But you were not complaining.
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barneslives · 6 years
Where were you in the morning (1/3)
Summary: Sebastian and reader bump into each other way too much. (Inspired by the song Where Were You In The Morning by Shawn Mendes)
Warnings: Implied sex; drinking; I think swearing? Not sure. Sad ending, but here’s part 2.
Pairing: Sebastian X Reader
Word Count: 2515
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She was rushing through the café, trying to get her coffee as fast as she could to go home. It was almost 5pm and she should’ve been home by 4. Other than the coffee that she desperately needed, there was a 30min subway trip to get home. Basically, her dog would have to wait just a little longer. She paid for her espresso and scanned the room a little. She smiled, thinking about how much she loved trying to read every single person in the room. She took a step back trying to lean against the counter and then bumped into someone.
- Oh! I’m so sorry I didn’t see- She started apologizing and then she stopped. Are you kidding me? How was it possible? He smiled wide when he recognized her. She felt her heart melt inside completely. - I'm sorry, I'm definitely a fan but I'm not a stalker. - She said giggling when she saw him for the third time that day. New York was a big city, Manhattan was a big island. Why the hell were they bumping into each other so much? That was the third time TODAY, she completely lost count how many times she saw him through the week.
- Don't worry about it. I guess we live in the same neighborhood? - He said, trying to read her reaction when she didn't respond right away. - Right? - He insisted, blue eyes piercing through her brain. She couldn't think straight, she was completely lost in his eyes. She shook her head a bit, when he frowned his forehead.
- Hm, actually no. I've just been spending a lot of time here in Soho lately, I guess. - And she really was. Trying to get in the mindset of that part of town, trying to create some kind of character that resembled that side of New York. She knew New Yorkers pretty well, but there was something on that neighborhood that she just couldn't figure out.
- And why is that? - He asked, eager to keep the conversation going. She raised one eyebrow, seriousness written all over her face. He tried to break her walls with a smile and, even though it didn’t show on her face, she completely fell apart inside. When she opened her mouth to speak, the barista called her name.
- I’m sorry, I gotta go. Maybe we’ll bump into each other again and I can answer that question? – She gave him an apologetic smile and rushed to get her coffee. He tried to say something, but when he opened his mouth, she was already at the door leaving.
She got home and apologized to her dog, that couldn’t care less about her being late. He jumped up and down like a mad rabbit. He was happy to see her and that was it. He didn’t care where she was or what she was doing. He was just glad she was home.  She smiled at the thought. If only she could find a man that would let her be, just like her dog. She put his food in a bowl and watched as he ate the whole thing while wagging his tail. She gave him just a little bit of attention and then turned to her notes, reading them and trying to separate what was relevant and what were just her feelings. She sighed, trying to take in that part of town and trying to memorize every little thing she loved about it. Sebastian’s face kept popping into her vision even though she was trying hard to block it out. She took a deep breath. There was no blocking that man out. He was way too gorgeous. Those deep-ocean-blue eyes, his jaw line, the way his shirts looked just a little too tight when she could see them underneath his layers of clothes. She sunk into those tiny moments where she saw him. He always had a wide smile and a little bit of sunshine in his eyes. She hated the warm that the sun brought, but she loved his warm gaze staring at her. She sighed. Tomorrow was her last day in Soho for now.
She rushed through that café again. What was it about her subconscious that she passed about 10 places and didn’t go inside? She just kept praying she wouldn’t run into him again. God never really heard her, though.
- Hey! I was hoping to see you here! – He said with a cheerful tone. She sighed and turned to smile at him. That man was a crime. There was no way in hell someone should be allowed to be that gorgeous. – Are you sure you don’t live around here? – She could feel the curiosity in his voice. And she could also see it in his eyes. Why did he care?
- Yeah, I’m pretty sure I don’t have that kind of money. – She smiled looking down at her shoes. But she could still feel his curiosity floating around her. She didn’t feed it. She just kept quiet waiting in line to pay for her coffee, with him right behind her. When it was finally her turn with the cashier, he pushed her gently out of the way, standing in front of her. She opened her mouth to complain, but then she heard him order two coffees. One of which was the same she asked for last night. She blushed and felt the air in the room get a little bit thinner. Her heart started racing and she could feel it beating on her fingertips. She got so lost on those feelings she almost missed him walking around her to a table. He grabbed her hand before passing her completely and then he looked at her with worried eyes.
- Are you okay? – He asked, she could sense the worry in his tone. She almost felt panic in it too. – You look a little pale. – He stopped where he was and just waited for her to reply. Brushing his thumb against her wrist, almost feeling how fast her heart was beating through her veins. She shook her head. Blinking a little and feeling all the air come in at once to her lungs.
- Yeah, I’m fine. – She lied and took her hand to herself. – Why did you do that? – She asked, crossing her arms around her chest, trying to hold herself together.
- I really wanna get to know you. – He smiled. She tried to control her breathing. – Are you okay with that? – He asked, after she went silent for a bit. Why why why, her brain kept asking her. They were just strangers passing through each other and smiling for about a week now. There wasn’t anything special. Her brain kept making up excuses for her to leave, but instead she just smiled. Sure, she answered in her head. And she smiled wider.  His smile got bigger too. Almost as if he could hear her. - Could you please answer my questions? I mean, they are not that complicated. – He said jokingly, but he really wanted her to say something.
- Yeah, sure. A cup of coffee, why not right? – Yeah, right. Why the hell not?
It was one of those cheesy days. They walked around, they talked about life. He showed her his favorite places in Soho, she took notes on all of them. She still wasn’t answering much of his questions; she just kept coming up with some of her own. He just let her have it. He got used to it after de fifth time she didn’t answer him. She was just such a lovely sight. The way she watched everyone and everything around her just made him even more curious, but he didn’t feel rushed. He let her have her safe guards and answered every single question she asked about him. And every time he did that, her heart broke a little. She wanted to tell him about her, she wanted him to get to know her like he said. But her walls just wouldn’t come down. She should’ve been home by now, but instead she texted her neighbor if she could stay with her dog for the night. When she got a positive response, she squealed happy screams in her head. Why though? She’d be home by 10 anyways.
- So, where to next? – She asked, excited to see Soho at night. He still didn’t know why she was researching that part of town. Hell, he didn’t even know where she was from. He smiled at her excitement and took his hand to his chin in deep thought.
- We could go to a bar. I know a great one just around the corner from my apartment. – He dropped his hands to his side and looked at her. Smiling. He always smiled when he looked at her.
- Okay. – She answered, seeing some lust in his eyes. She squinted her eyes.
- But? – He asked, before she could continue. She took a deep breath and just shook her head in denial.
- No buts. Just, okay. – She lied, forcing a smile on her lips. He nodded and they went to the bar. 
- So, here’s the thing. – She babbled through her words, alcohol seeping through her breath. -  You are very lovely. – She pointed out to the bartender, who brought her another shot of tequila. Sebastian laughed out loud. They both had a very high level of alcohol in their system.
- Are you trying to hit on him? I don’t think that line is taking you anywhere. – He said reaching for her shoulder to comfort her. She turned fast to look at his hand, the whole room spinning out of control. She grabbed the counter top of the bar, holding on to it for her life. His reflexes being a little slow, he got up and held her shoulder in place, when he saw how pale she turned. – Are you okay? – He asked with that little hint of panic in his voice, feeling the alcohol get out of him completely.
- Yeah, I’m fine. – She brushed him off. He was way too close for comfort. She looked as his shoulders relaxed and he sat back down on his chair. – No, I wasn’t trying to hit on him. – She answered. He stared at her in confusion, alcohol coming right back to his mind.
- Are you answering a question? Do I get another one? – He asked jokingly and she just stood silent. He took that as a no and ordered another shot. And that was the last thing she remembered before waking up in a strange room at midnight.
She opened her eyes slowly. All the lights in the room were turned on. She felt her heart beating in her head and let out a groan. Then she tried to situate herself. She was in a bed, covered with linen sheets. There was someone next to her. She definitely was naked.
- Oh god no. – She let out and then lifted her hands against her mouth. She felt someone shift underneath the covers. She just stood there, frozen. Oh god oh god oh god. She started to remember some flashbacks from a few hours early and right when he wrapped his arms around her waist, she knew exactly where she was. She felt Sebastian’s breath against her neck, a smile creeping up on her.
- That’s not what you said. – He responded, teasing. His hands now exploring her body, just as he did a few hours ago. She jumped and sat on the bed, when his hands were reaching for her breasts. He didn’t move after that, waiting for her to say something.
- Do you have any water? – She asked. Well that was a stupid question. – I mean, where can I get some water? – She kept staring out the window beside the bed. It was a floor to ceiling window and you could see the whole city. She just took in the sight, not wanting to turn around. He answered, but she didn’t listen; her head buzzing from the tequila shots. She just kept staring out the window, hoping she would just wake up in her bed somehow. He sat beside her and gave her a glass of water. – Thank you. – She said, still looking at the city lights. They just stood there in silence for a while. When she finally grew the courage to turn his way, she didn’t regret it at all. He was wearing silk shorts and nothing else. She looked at him, eyes trailing and remembering exactly where her mouth was just a few hours ago. She felt her legs go weak and looked away, glad she was sitting down. – I’m sorry. – She finally said something. His heart skipped a beat and he looked at her. Worry in his eyes, frowning his forehead.
- Why is that? – He asked, hoping she would answer him.
- Well, first. I’m sorry I jumped at you like that at the bar. – He tilted his head a bit, curiosity in his eyes as she continued. – I took way too many shots, I shouldn’t have done that. – She finished and gave him a weak smile. He laughed.
- And second? – Was he pushing his luck with her? She smiled.
- Nothing, I just like saying “first”. Bad habits. – She lied. She was going to say she was leaving, she wanted to make up an excuse so bad, she almost got up and ran out. He smiled at her, and then he saw her relax her shoulders and take a deep breath.
- Can we go back to sleep, then? – He asked, hoping she would stay the night.
- Depends. Can you make me breakfast in the morning? – She asked, all smiles. He nodded, breathing a sigh of relieve. – Okay, then I’ll stay the night. – She answered before laying in bed again and pulling the covers. She turned to her side, looking at his coffee table.  There was pen and paper on top of it. She thought about writing her number right then and there, but turned to the other side when she felt a weight coming down on the bed. He laid sideways too, staring at her as she felt her whole body warm up to his eyes. He cupped one side of her face with his hands and when she didn’t flinch, he moved forward, kissing her so softly. She could feel her whole body tremble for more. She pushed him softly, hearing him complain under his breath. – Sleep. It’s Saturday tomorrow, we’ve got all day. – She said and he nodded. He slept right after, alcohol still numbing his whole body. She just kept staring at that pen and paper on the bedside table. Then, at around 5am, she got up slowly. He didn’t move an inch in the bed, he was deep in his dreams and she was glad. She put her clothes back on and stopped by the door. Taking one last look at the skyline and then at him, before she left.
Here is Part 2!
I’m really sorry if there is ANYTHING wrong in the writing, I have read this four times and tried to get it to look its best. 
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