#i started goofing off and just being Ouma it was so much fun
kaedesfleawaltz · 7 years
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“Oh, I’m just the supreme leader of an evil secret organization. That’s all. I gotta say, it’s pretty impressive. My organization has over 10,000 members!”
Here’s more pictures of my Ouma cosplay during the day 2 photo shoot. They all turned out amazingly and cosplaying Ouma was incredibly fun and I can’t wait to cosplay him again. I had a fantastic time at AR and can’t wait for the next con!
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themysteryofwriting · 4 years
Some Apologies Go Nowhere
Kokichi took a breath as he got back to his room. That trial...hadn’t gone as planned.  
When Shuichi had lied effortlessly like that, and even the person who had been able to prove him wrong believe him, he just lashed out.
The plan had been to let Gonta win, to have it so it wasn’t fun for the people watching anymore.  To end this game that they had all been trapped in.
And his plan to have everyone rely on Shumai backfired at that moment, all of them believing him full-heartedly instead of questioning him.  It’s a good thing he wasn’t the blackened otherwise they all would have been doomed.
Despite the fact that Shumai had been able to handle it, Kokichi couldn’t shake the feeling that he should apologize to him. 
It was clear that he had bad anxiety after all, which is why Kokichi had tried to separate Shuichi from Kaito, who ironically ended up being a suspect, to try to make him break down.
Anyone could tell Shuichi was doing most of the work in the trial with the others just following along.  The only reason they had made it this far was because of Shumai.
Well, Kokichi should probably go apologize before he forgot.  As long as Shumai wasn’t with Bakaito and Makiki everything would be fine.
….Kokichi was not in the mood to get attacked for trying to apologize today.
After peaking out to make sure no one was wandering around, Kokichi shot out of his room and slid down the staircase, stopping in front of Shumai’s room.
Kokichi took a second before knocking, glancing around making sure no one was around again before knocking on Shumai’s door.
“Kaito I thought we didn’t train on,” Shumai started, trailing off once he saw Kokichi. “What do you want Ouma?”
Kokichi had to hide his shock from how pissed Shuichi sounded.  Kokichi hadn’t even known until the trial earlier finished that Shuichi could get angry.  
It was strange seeing the normally shy, awkward, and blunt boy now furious in front of him.
“Awww am I not allowed to talk to you Shumai,” Kokichi asked, ignoring the feeling of dread he got from having Shuichi look at him like that.
“If you’re just going to keep goofing around, I’m going back to bed.”
Shuichi started to turn around and Kokichi panicked. “Wait!”
Shuichi turned back around and glared slightly. “What?”
“I wanted to apologize,” Kokichi blurted out before Shuichi closed the door on him.
That made Shuichi pause for a second.  “...You have one minute.”
Hmmm it would be hard to get everything out in a minute. Buuut it was a minute or nothing so he could at least try to apologize before Shumai slammed the door on him.
“I wanted to apologize for pushing you too far during the trial Shuichi,” Kokichi started. 
As he spoke he noticed Shuichi startle slightly at being called Shuichi.  Well, it wasn’t his fault that Shumai was just so much more fun to say.
“I shouldn’t have done anything that I knew would hurt you as much as that could have.  I’m glad you didn’t get hurt tho Shumai.”
“And,” Shucich asked after it seemed like Kokichi was done, which he was.
Kokichi cocked his head confused.  Was there something else he needed to apologize for?  He had apologized for almost hurting Shumai, so there shouldn’t be anything else he needed to apologize for.
Shuichi must have realized that Kokichi didn’t realize what he was talking about so he glared so more.  “Really Ouma, you really think that there’s nothing else you need to apologize for?”
Kokichi quickly ran through his head, rocking on his heels.  There was nothing else he needed to apologize to Shumai for.  
Sure there was other stuff that he had done to try to help Gonta win the trial until he lost his temper, but he shouldn’t need to apologize to Shuichi for that.
“Nothing I can think of,” Kokichi hummed, not understanding why he was still upset at him.  He had apologized, that was supposed to make everything better...right?
“If you don’t realize what you still need to apologize for then maybe you deserve to be alone,” Shuichi said before slamming the door, leaving Kokichi alone.
For a few minutes, Kokichi could only stare at the door.  He..couldn’t believe Shumai had said that to him.  And to think...he was planning on letting him know about his plan.
After a few minutes, Kokichi stormed back to his room, ignoring the hurt he felt.  Whatever his plan would work better alone anyway.  He didn’t need anyone.  
It didn’t matter how much he cared for them. They would only hurt him.  And he couldn’t afford to have attachments.
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kyukun · 5 years
Operation D.I.C.E. HQ! (OumaSai)
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i love writing dice sm tbh. theyre all so much fun to write and aaaaaaa
hope you enjoy!
title: Operation D.I.C.E. HQ!
summary: Shuichi finally caves in, and Kokichi takes him on a little adventure. What's the point of this adventure you might ask? Well, to make Shuichi his second in command of course!
word count: 1425
~~ prompt starts after cut! ~~
"Saihara-chan! Just the detective I've been looking for!" 
 Saihara raised an eyebrow from his book, staring into the purple eyes that beamed so bright and hopeful at him. "Yes?" He asked. He wasn't quite sure what Kokichi wanted. His facial expressions weren't any help either, but then again, they never really are. He could be saying one thing but mean the total opposite. Whatever it was, it wasn't any good he bet. 
 "I need you, my beloved Shumai, to go and investigate a place with me." 
 Huh? That was certainly an… unusual request. Regardless, he pressed forward in order to get to the real deal. "A place?" The question came out more like a statement but the latter continued and answered. "Yes! It's a super super duper secret place that I really want you to come look at with me! Please?" He pleaded further, clasping both his hands together while his eyes were in puppy dog mode. 
 Well, he had no reason to object, and his curiosity seemed to get the best of him yet again. Besides, he trusted Kokichi. 
 For the most part.
 Kokichi was pretty playful in nature. Despite saying malicious things, Shuichi knew he would never act on them. Kokichi wasn't that type of person. He sighed, setting down his book on the table in front of him. "Fine. Uhm, right now?"
 "Absolutely. Come on, I'll lead the way." He giggled, taking the detective by his wrist and leading him out of the room which they were in before. Shuichi swore he saw Kokichi smirk but maybe he was just seeing things. He followed the smaller leader for what seemed like hours. Though, it was only an hour but it still took forever. The place was hidden, well, sort of. It was some sort of alleyway in between two stores. The area was definitely sketchy, but lively.
 Shuichi felt uncomfortable. "Uh, Kokichi? Where are we?" He spoke up, timidity arising in his voice as he nervously glanced around as Kokichi paid no mind to his apparent hesitancy. He knocked on the door in what he could only assume was a pattern. He remained silent as Kokichi held his hand in his, beads of sweat forming in his palm as his nervousness had begun to dwell on him. 
 There was a slit on the metal door that had opened only a bit to peer at the two. "Red scroll, yellow scroll, blue scroll." He spoke, earning a raise from Saihara. Was that some sort of pass code? A Japanese tongue twister? The person behind the door nodded and opened the door after sliding the open slit closed. Kokichi turned towards Shuichi and flashed a toothy grin. He had a bad feeling about this. "Well, come on in."
 Shuichi felt Kokichi release his hand as he waltzed into the suspicious room nonchalantly. The room had posters as well as graffiti on the inside with pink fluorescent lights. Where exactly was this place?
 He walked in and noticed the room was somewhat empty other than a few desks and a bookshelf pushed up against the wall. The person that held the door open was in a clown mask and had a scarf and an outfit very similar to Kokichi. They had a red afro that was almost cartoonish to a degree. He waved gently at the figure who in turn, waved back. The latter shut the door and locked it with the hatchet that was attached.
 Kokichi walked over to the bookshelf and pulled on a book. Shuichi was startled with the shelf had begun retracting to the side, leading to a secret passageway. "After you." Kokichi teased, motioning for Shuichi to walk inside of the darkened area. Shuichi complied and walked inside, Kokichi and the other person following him inside. He walked through the hall and noticed it was… like a hideout.
 Like a stereotypical movie villain hideout but it wasn't. Sure, it may have looked the part from afar but you could see most of the "villain" aspects of the lair were props. The room had a mix of blue and white lights. Kokichi skipped in front of the group and held his hands open wide. "Welcome to the D.I.C.E. headquarters!"
 Shuichi took a look around and saw eight other (he assumed) members who were in similar outfits as the person behind him. They joined him and took off their mask, as did the others except one. "Kokichi, why am I here?"
 "See, I knew you'd ask that. So… I lied!"
 Of course.
 "I knew that if I told you where we were going, you'd say: "Aw man, sorry. Maybe next time." or some shit like that!" He rolled his eyes and collapsed down onto the dark greenish couch in the corner beside the door. "Right…" He trailed off and glanced around the members. 
 So they are real then. Interesting.
 "Oh! How rude of me. I should introduce everyone to you!" Kokichi sprung up from the couch, bits of the couch cushion springing from underneath him in all its yellow, fluffy glory. Kokichi took the detective by the hand once more and walked him over to the group who were greeting him with friendly smiles. Kokichi pointed first to a young girl with long brown hair and a braid to the side of her head, though she still wore her mask. He wondered why.
 "This is Two! She's not much of a talker but she's great at prank planning." Two waved, and Shuichi did the same. Next to her was another girl, she had an outfit similar to the rest but the only difference was she had cleavage showing. She was a bit taller than Two, maybe around two or three inches taller. "This is Three. She's basically our mom!"
 "Pleasure to meet you, hun." Three extended her hand with a grin. Shuichi shook her hand and moved along to the next, "He's Four. Prepare yourself." 
 "What?" Before he could process Ouma's warning, he felt a pair of large yet fluffy arms grip him and held him tight. Next thing he knew, he was in the air as Four hugged the life out of him. "So you're the famous one we've heard so much about huh?! Man, Boss does not shut up about ya!" His voice was loud yet joyful. He could see Kokichi in the corner of his eye begin to fluster, "Ahaha! Four! What are you talking about, you big goof?" His words were drawn out but still menacing. 
 Four blinked absentmindedly before making an "oh" sound and set down Shuichi. "Nothin' at all, Boss." 
 Shuichi held his suspicions but decided to ultimately drop it. "Anyway, that's Five, Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine." 
 "The one behind you is One."
 Shuichi stared as the group of misfits gathered in a circle, whispering amongst themselves. He couldn't help but somewhat admire what Kokichi had been doing. They all seemed like such a big and happy family. He was happy Kokichi had them. 
 The day continued. Shuichi and the rest of D.I.C.E. had played a bunch of games together and Shuichi (reluctantly,) ended up helping on planning for their next prank. Kokichi could see how brightly the detective shined. And in this train of thought, he pulled him aside. "Saihara-chan, you seem to be enjoying yourself."
 "Yeah, I really am." He giggled, glancing back at the others who were sat in a circle playing a round of Connect Four. His eyes then drew back to Kokichi, "They're all great. You know, you're a great leader. They seem to respect you a lot."
 Damnit, Shuichi. Why are you so unexpectedly smooth? The leader felt his cheeks turn red, "W-well yeah! But… you know, sometimes even leaders need breaks from their subordinates sometimes so…"
 "Would you mind… joining me and being my second in command?" Shuichi couldn't see much of his face, but he could tell he was red. Kokichi had one hand on his scarf, which had been brought up to his face and the other had been placed on his hip. His eyes were averted but Shuichi didn't mind. He smiled at Kokichi warmly as if he were the cutest thing he'd ever laid eyes on. 
 Shuichi said nothing and instead took this opportunity to untie Kokichi's scarf. The smaller male stared at him in confusion, watching as he wrapped the scarf around his own neck. Shuichi bent down a bit, tilting his chin upward with his thumb and index finger and kissed his lips gently.
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thundercracer · 6 years
Iruma Miu thinks her friends being in relationships is pretty fuckin' cute. But she's still single and she's being forced to participate in Kaede's stupid fucking flower toss. Basically just a typical wedding bouquet toss lol
Part 2 now available!
Available on AO3
Iruma couldn’t help but smile a bit. Maybe she and Angie would be the next ones getting married after all.
Kaede looked stunning in her white gown. Light blonde hair curled loosely, bundled up atop her head. Shuuichi looked nervous beside her, smiling shyly at their guests through dark bangs. The two had just gotten married, and Iruma was thankful that the two had finally sealed the deal.
The ceremony had been nice and seeing everyone get together was always a fuckin’ blast. The sixteen of their friends rarely all got to be in the same place at the same time, and she hadn't seen some of them in a long while. Not that she’d ever admit she missed any of the fuckers.
The couple of the hour was trying to entertain family and friends as they all spent time enjoying the reception. She noticed some of the others not quite staying away from the alcohol and briefly considered joining them before she noticed Momota and Ouma drunkenly singing and dancing, looking absolutely trashed. Though she could hold her alcohol perfectly fucking well, she didn’t want to end up like those dumbasses. Besides, Harukawa and Amami were gonna kill them later, she just knew it.
That thought made her smile at their expense… for a moment, before she frowned. Somehow a very fun concept came to mind. She was still single. All her friends were out getting married and having kids and living their lives and she hadn’t even been dating. “Married to fucking science, baby!” as she liked to phrase it. Iruma shrugged off the thought as quick as it came; it didn’t matter. They couldn’t all be Shuichi and Kaede, after all.
Well, some of them could. She decided to hang out around Tenko, Himiko, and their brat for a bit. The two had gotten married pretty quickly out of high school and had managed to adopt a little boy named Hiro a couple of years later. Tenko was hesitant about Hiro at first, but the little tyke captured her heart quickly enough and she pledged to raise him to be a respectful boy and not a degenerate male. Himiko thought the situation somewhat hilarious and endearing, and Iruma found herself agreeing. They were apparently trying to aim for a second adoption.
She told them they were fucking sappy and, after a bit, she found herself seated with Gonta and Ryoma. The two were just settling into their relationship and were still in somewhat of a honeymoon phase. Though they were literally about to be beat out of that spot since Shuichi and Kaede were leaving that night on their actual honeymoon. Iruma loved spending time with the huge and small men and goofing around with them a bit, but they were a bit much she had to admit.
Iruma spent the rest of the night like this, hopping from her friends and trying her best to enjoy the night. That was, until all the ladies of the party were gathered together for Kaede’s bouquet throw. She tried to sit it out, but Kaede insisted.
“Miu! Come on! It’s all the single ladies! You’re single and a lady, you have to see if you’re getting married next!”
Scowling and muttering, “Well obviously I’m not, Bakamatsu,” she ended up giving in and found herself standing in a small crowd of other women. Almost none of her friends were in the group except for… Angie.
She was one of the ones Iruma rarely got to catch up with and she hadn’t seen her in a while. She was still as smiley and pretty as Iruma remembered her.
“Oh! Miu Miu! Are you gonna catch the bouquet?”
“Eh, maybe.”
“You should be more excited! Do you not wanna get married? Angie’s gonna catch it and she’s gonna get married to someone super cute and smart! Just you see!”
Iruma smiled. Just as hyper as she always was. She found herself missing that energy and thinking that she should spend more time with Angie outside of group events and parties that happened only a few times a year.
She was snapped out of her thoughts by Kaede announcing they were starting the toss.
A competitive part of her wanted to catch the bouquet and she saw Angie shoot her a sly smirk as if sending her a challenge. This caused something to churn in her belly and she couldn’t help but grin back and prepare for the throw. She suddenly felt excited for something she wasn’t supposed to have any interest in.
Kaede turned around, and the bouquet of white lilies and purple hydrangeas was sent soaring over her shoulders. Iruma saw the bouquet coming right towards her and she reached out to grasp it, feeling the bundle fall into her hands. The sensation of another pair of hands grasping around hers and the flowers overtook her.
She looked up and saw Angie, their fingers wrapped around each other and the stems of the flowers connecting them. They’d caught them together. A subtle sweet scent of flower petals enveloped them.
“Wow Miu! Look! We’re gonna get married next! Atua’s given us his blessings!”
Iruma’s cheeks bloomed pink like the petals of a peony at Angie’s words and she could only stand and stammer in response.
The other wedding guests, friends and strangers alike, congratulated the women on their catch and wishing them luck in their endeavors of finding wedding partners soon.
As the night seemed to be settling down, Iruma found herself at a table with Angie, Kiibo, and Ouma. Ouma was drunk off his ass and was tittering at Kiibo about something. Angie was still ecstatic about the two of them catching Kaede’s bouquet.
“Miu! Who do you think you’ll get married to?” Angie sighed dreamily. “It’ll probably be someone so super smart, don’t you think?”
Iruma shrugged. “Eh, I don’t really see it happening Ange. I’m more of a-”
She was immediately cut off by Angie’s offended gasp and the other girl slamming her hands on the table. Kiibo looked over sharply in concern - though Ouma looked over slowly and confused - as Angie began rattling off.
“But we caught the bouquet! We have to get married next, Miu!”
“Listen, Ange-” “No Miu! The flowers and Atua have already blessed us! We have to get married and that’s final!”
Ouma started giggling to himself.
“What’re you laughing at, you goddamn abortion?”
“Why don’t you two just get married? Nishishishi, you’re practically saying it already!”
She glanced at Angie nervously, expecting to see an amused smile and quick response at the read, but all she saw was a flustered woman. Dark skin flushed deeper and oceanic eyes dilated in surprise. Angie seemed like she was trying to open her mouth to respond but wasn’t quite able to.
What the hell is with that reaction!?
“Shut up, Kokichi,” she muttered. “You’re drunk off your ass. Amami’s gonna be pissed.”
That seemed to silence him as he appeared to be, for the first time, considering the implications of his boyfriend finding him that hammered. He groaned loudly and pressed his forehead to the table.
She eyed Angie in her peripheral again, and saw the woman smiling, albeit a bit more nervously than before. It had seemed that Ouma’s drunken comments had affected her somewhat.
Iruma couldn’t help but smile a bit. Maybe she and Angie would be the next ones getting married after all.
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How would the DRV3 boys react to their fem s/o picking them up in celebration?
I remember I was writing this on my school computer but I fucking lost it when I closed my computer so time to rewrite again. I remember I took this as celebration meant graduation, so I hope that’s what you meant. Some spoilers for Rantaro and Kokichi’s talents.
Shuichi Saihara
He was a pretty good student, mostly A’s.
* His graduation was long but sweet.
* He was smiling like an idiot all the way through. Almost crying, too.
* He was going to miss Hope’s Peak, after all.
* Afterwards, he knew he’d probably have to walk home.
* His family texted him they couldn’t be here, and that they were VERY sorry, but he was alright with it.
* All of the others went home, Kokichi in his… Limo? Rantaro with a nice car, Tenko and Himiko with their bikes, etc etc.
* He was about to start walking home until he heard something familiar.
* “Hey, Shuichi! I’m right here, y’know?
* His S/O.
* He didn’t expect this, but he was overly happy with it.
* He came in, and you drove to a nice diner as celebration.
Rantaro Amami
* He was overjoyed but somewhat sad.
His grades were pretty ok, somewhat bad because he traveled so much.
* He would have to get used to not going to Hope’s Peak, for every day to be odd as always.
* Even though he usually went off to pursue his own adventures in different countries and continents. Being the Ultimate Adventurer, he was prone to do it eventually.
* After it was over, he wiped a few tears away. Hugging his friends and bidding them goodbye, probably not for the final time.
* He walked out, he was just going to call an Uber or walk, but his S/O waved at him.
* Ah, so he was getting secretly picked up? That was nice.
* He went in, as his S/O hugged him and kissed him.
* Got a little bit heated, but it was nice. ;)
Kokichi Ouma (oh god)
* He was pretty damn bored. Honestly, he never liked graduations, they went on for too long just to hear peoples names being announced, they get some things, and go on their way.
His grades weren’t really good but not bad. D-to-B student. He wasn’t really good at math or English.
* He pranked some people, by making a lot of water drop on them with the help of his members filling the bucket every time he gave a thumbs up symbol.
* Everything was quite fun when that started, sometimes they filled it with fake pee, kool-aid, or really cold ALS Ice Bucket challenge type water.
* When he was called, he ran up, gave a thumbs up, and panta fell down on his face. He drank it somehow. He could hear the entire school giggling, including his members. Well, that was nice. 
* Afterwards, the members of DICE helped get a limo for them to party in. Yes, continuity our god.
* His S/O pulled up in a taxi, only to be surprised by this.
* Kokichi offered for his empress to ride with them, as it was only fitting.
* They had a fun night, full of partying and pranks.
* He will admit, Hope’s Peak was a lot of fun.
He struggled with some topics (generally English, art, etc)
* Although, there were MANY cases of Robophobia, and most people were just interested in him because he was a robot. He didn’t mind the latter much though.
* There was a TON of instances were Kokichi would tease him because he was bored. He even got oil spilled on him, presumably by Kokichi as well.
* It was overall good. He was going to use his new flying capabilities to get home, but S/O came. At least he wouldn’t have to waste fuel.
* He was happy, and his S/O took him out to the park!
* The view was very nice, 
Korekiyo Shinguji
* His school year was rather entertaining, he was the receptionist at a haunted house, he studied many interesting things to satisfy his anthropological thirst.
He was rather happy with himself, his general grade was that he was an A-B student.
* His sister and S/O would be proud.
* It was a long and emotional experience, graduation. He found it was a very interesting way of celebrating the final school day.
* After the long process was over, he bathed in this final day of Hope’s Peak.
* Ah, what an interesting school.
* His thoughts were interrupted by his S/O, running up and hugging him.
* Hm, he should have expected her to visit.
* They walked to a museum, to see all of the beautiful relics.
Gonta Gokuhara
General grade was C-to-B’s.
* He was actually crying. Lightly, but crying.
* He was sad he wouldn’t see his friends. He really liked to hang out with Gundham, Tsumugi, Kaito, and Kokichi, so not seeing them (or at least not on a daily basis) is saddening.
* But he was happy nonetheless.
* His bug friends in his cage were congratulating him, at least as he heard.
* He went out, confused as to where he was going to go from now on.
* Oh, his S/O came! How nice of her!
* He struggled getting in the car, but it happened eventually.
* They went to look at bugs! S/O is very nice to him, isn’t she?
Kaito Momota
His grades weren’t much, but two D’s and a few B’s and C’s.
* He was yelling things like “Hey, guys I did it!” and stuff when he was called.
* He could go to space now too!
* Happy child
* He walked out, the proudest man alive
* He wasn’t aware his S/O even knew about this, but apparently she did, as she pulled up in her car and yelled “Hey, you amazing bastard, get in!”.
* He happily jogged in the car, as you drove to sightsee.
* Ah, he really was happy that day.
Ryoma Hoshi
Grades were generally C’s.
* He could care less, honestly.
* He walked up when he was called, and half-assedly grabbed his graduation certificate.
* He just wanted it over with.
* Afterwards, he was just going to get a taxi to get him out.
* Goodbye Hopes Peak.
* However, his S/O was there, honking.
* Well, that was a lot better than a taxi, he supposed.
* He smirked, his S/O hugged him tight.
* He got in, as his S/O drove him to get some hotdogs. Nice.
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This was actually really nice, considering no one really cares about the graduations of the characters. Can you guess which scene was the best to write? hint: It has to do with spilling things on people on purpose. - Mod Himiko
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[how about halloween headcanons for the boys and their s/o?]
!! I'll be doing this one! Halloween is my favorite time of year. (P.S I would also like a hug. Mod Ouma keeps hogging them)
~Mod Kiibo ============== -Gonta Gokuhara-
• He's practically a big baby when it comes to Halloween, he's super giddy for one reason..
•Bug costumes!! That's right, you're practically doomed to spend the whole night being a lady bug while he's dressed up as a beetle.
•It's not all bad though, you two win the costume contest together! Everyone thinks you're so adorable together!
•Gonta is so happy too! He keeps calling you his adorable lady bug. How does this big goof keep finding ways to make insects into romantic gestures?
•The picture you two took that night was promptly slipped right into the sleeve on the cover of his journal.
•After a big night of fun you two settle down in bed and watch a horror movie together. How can you be scared when Gonta's cuddling you? ============= -Kaito Momota-
•Halloween! He's never been entirely crazy about it, but you're so passionate about it. He respects that!
•So he agrees to go out with you for the night, you are his s/o and he wouldn't want you going alone anyway.
•He had no idea you two were heading to a 'haunted' house. How could you not tell him!?
•You came here expecting to hold onto his arm and feel safe, maybe even get to wear that cool galaxy pattern jacket!
•Nope, he's terrified. You should have known about his fear of the supernatural!
•The rest of the night is spent cuddling. He's not even mad! He got to hold you so he's happy. ========== -Kiibo-
•What's Halloween? He had to look it up but to say the very least he's enthralled. He wants to try everything!
•It'd be a little silly if an eighteen year old robot started trick-or-treating though, plus he can't eat any candy so you two agree on skipping that.
•You both dress up though! Ironically enough you both also agree on vocaloids! It's ridiculous but he's so excited.
•You both carve pumpkins after going on a hay ride! He carved the usual crooked grin and triangle eyes into his! It comes out really good? then again precision is simple for a robot.
•You two might not win the costume contest, but you have a great time at the party together! Time for the real stuff..
•Horror movies! It.. Didn't go /too/ well for you, but he had fun! You were too busy answering questions to be afraid of the movie, even so he was there to cuddle.
•You both had an amazing day. Having him around makes all the holidays so much more fun. ========== -Korekiyo Shinguji-
•He loves Halloween. It's a marvelous time of year that sadly lost it's way as time passed. Though he hasn't exactly given up.
•He's literally the best person to go to for ghost stories and when it comes to you he's so pleased to share! You two decide not to go anywhere tonight either.
•So you grab a bunch of snacks, set up a makeshift flashlight campfire and bundle up. He finds it adorable!
•Korekiyo spends the whole night happily telling you old folklore that's surprisingly creepier than you thought! The way he talks about it is also a little unsettling, he must really be getting into the spirit.
•After all is said and done you start getting a little jumpy, so he decides to wrap things up.
•The rest of the night is spent getting to cuddle him while he plays with your hair! Totally worth the nightmares. ========= -Ouma Kokichi-
•April fools is his favorite holiday hands down, but Halloween is just as fun with the right person! Unfortunately for you, you've chosen the wrong person. Your night already starts out with crying.
•It's okay, it was just a joke! He didn't expect you to actually cry! Then again, he did go overboard. Barging through the front door covered in false blood..
•He agrees to do whatever you want as payback (as long as its not too boring though.)And you decide on the costume contest!
•Ouma goes to whine like usual until the most mischievous grin strikes his face. He parts the room with nothing more than his signature 'Nishishi~' You're screwed.
•He picked your costumes out. They.. Kind of match? You get this slightly revealing cop costume and he's rocking sleek black leggings and stripes. If that isn't the cutest damn thing..
•Dammit s/o it's supposed to be sexy not cute!! But you two do get a lot of compliments! You even won the couples costume contest. Ouma is proud! For someone who didn't really want go, he really had fun. (Ouma hogs the candy prize)
•You two play a very fun game of cops and robbers when you get home~ and as most things it ends with Ouma changing the subject before getting to the best part. You're starting to think a little devil costume would have suited him better. ======= -Rantaro Amami-
•He doesn't seem to favor it, he's really just chill!
•But when he finds out you love Halloween he's on board! He celebrated with his sisters all the time so he's the king of activities.
•He helps you plan out your entire day! First, you two will carve pumpkins,then head to the party, once it's nice and dark, a haunted house!
•After you both carve pumpkins he helps you get into costume and does any sort of makeup, whether it be special effects or just normal dolling up is up to you! To say the least, you win thanks to him!
•Off to the haunted house. It is pretty dark out after all! He laughs off the cheap attempts to scare you both
•You get scared though! But you have a sturdy guy to cling to for comfort so everything seems a little less frightening.
•You get home in time to crash, get comfortable and watch whatever movies are playing while snacking. This was a halloween worth remembering! ===========       -Ryoma Hoshi-
•You were so tempted to dress him up as a gremlin, a furby, a munchkin, anything small and cute! Don't you dare.
•He's not one for holidays but you drag him along to the costume party! He didn't dress up though. You two didn't win anything clearly but he did dance with you
•The haunted house must have been more his thing!
•Nope. He was stoic. The whole way through. Not even flinching! That was why you loved him the most. Even staring at a literal living nightmare he wasn't scared.
•He was nice enough to hold your hand when you got scared and reassured you that none of this was real
•Once home you two lay down in bed and fall asleep watching horror flics ====== -Shuuichi Saihara-
•He likes the holiday! Even more with you. He didn't really celebrate on his own
•He even plays along with everything you excitedly planned!
•You win the couples contest by going as Sherlock Holmes and Watson. He also leads you in a few dances!
•Later on you both head to a haunted house. You're both pretty spooked to say the very least. But Saihara holds you close! Either out of fear or to protect you from the horrors
•You watch some horror movies together of course! But when things get a little tense in the room he decides to change the atmosphere.
•He literally put Clue on. But he loves the movie! So it's easy to see why he'd think it would help.
•To be fair it does, the comedic aspects stand out and really take the edge off of all the terror the night ended with!
•You're not sleeping alone tonight though, Saihara stays by your side the entire night ===================
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