#i still dk if i would listen to their music on my own but it was a v good show it was so theatrical and fun also the opener was rlly good
zemnarihah · 1 year
also i inexplicably saw ghost
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wonuwrites · 7 months
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Always Sabotaging // A DK One Shot
Pairing: Idol! Lee Seokmin (DK) x fem!reader
Type: ≋ (Fluffy/Angsty)
Word Count: 2.084K Words
Summery: Y/N has had bad luck with love, after fighting with her boyfriend, Seokmin, she walked away but was it worth it?
Based off this song
Playlist for this one shot
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Fights happen, that's just the way of life. Deep down you knew that but you couldn't help but hate yourself. Why could you not just hear him out? Why did you have to assume the worst? Why did you not listen to him but them. Those damn voices of self doubt, those sabotaging thoughts. Why, why, why?
You had never been someone who has had a great time with relationships. In fact, everything you know about love is negative. Everyone in your past gave you more reasons to assume that fairytales were bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Every time something went astray, you would walk away because you were taught that fighting leads to heartbreak and it just wasn't worth it.
However, you knew that Lee Seok-min was different from everyone else. He was gentle, kind, and made time feel like it stopped whenever you were with him. Meeting him was a happy little accident and when you first met it seemed too good too be true. Looking back at your first encounter it was like it out of a movie scene.
You were closing up shop for the night. You owned a local floral shop with your best friend of fifteen years. You had already flipped the sign from open to close and just had to finish a few more things before you could finally leave for the day. You were sweeping some fallen leaves while listening to one of your favorite kpop songs, Kidult by Seventeen, humming along to it when you heard the bell of the door chime. You quickly spun around in shock and were confused because you swore you locked the door just moments before. However you were even more confused to see who was huffing and puffing while locking the door. DK from Seventeen. Yes, the guy whose vocals were now playing on your Bluetooth speaker. Before you could say anything he made eye contact with you and spoke, "hello ma'am, I'm sorry I was being chased by some people and need a place to hide. Is it okay if I stay here for a minute?" You didn't know what to do so you just nodded while trying to figure out what the hell was going on. You then heard screaming so you quickly pointed behind the counter for him to hide. While he hid you shut the curtains and turned off the lights. You quickly ran behind the counter and saw the distressed idol in front of you and your heart sunk.
Being an idol was anything but glamorous, anybody knew this. However, people have dreams and you understood why someone would want to become an idol. Especially DK. That voice deserves to be heard.
The silence and your thoughts were quickly interrupted when you crouched down in front of him with a safe space between you. "Are you alright? Is there anything I can do?" You whispered. You were normally shy especially around men but for some reason, you were calm. You felt like you were supposed to be the brave one in this situation so that is what you did.
He gave you a weak smile before shaking his head, "you are doing enough by letting me stay here. Thank you."
You nodded and just sat there in silence. You didn't realize your Bluetooth was still on and that was when DK realized what was playing and looked at you smiling. You blushed and stood up to grab your phone.
"Ah, where are my manners," you said nervously as you went to search for your phone, "I was just listening to music to help make cleaning go by quicker." "It's okay, you don't have to turn it off just for me." "No, no, it's not for you," you said quickly causing him to raise an eyebrow, "I mean- I don't know. I uh."
Smooth (Y/N), Smooth.
Your sudden shyness made him giggle and he stood up. You quickly switched the song which of course went to another song by Seventeen. This made both of you giggle. You in embarrassment, him because he found you precious. He didn't really look at you until now and you were gorgeous and just so nice. He felt guilty for the way he just barged into a "closed" floral shop to hide from a mob. He was just trying to get some fresh air and it happened out of nowhere. He reached up to scratch his neck before clearing his throat to make some small talk. "You said you were, uh, cleaning?" You nodded. "How much more do you have to clean? Can I help?" "Oh, just have to finish sweeping and count some money but it's okay. I got -" "-Please," he interrupted, "I insist. It's the most I can do. You helped me hide." You pursed your lips together and thought about it before ultimately sighing and standing out of the way, "OK. Are you okay with sweeping?" "What, do you not trust me with money?" He asked teasing you before walking past you toward the broom. You blushed and was about to tell him that's not what you meant but as if he was reading your mind he gave you a wink. "I'm just messing with you. Of course I am okay with sweeping." He grabbed the broom and walked back to where you were sweeping prior to him coming in. You watched as he picked up where you left off and couldn't help but smile softly. You then went to the register and started to count the money in the drawer. There was a comfortable silence between you with only soft music, from his group mind you, playing in the background. You both ended up finishing sweeping and counting money around the same time. He walked back to you and set the broom against the wall. You looked at him a bit embarrassed as you realized the reality of the situation where he essentially just worked for free and you cleared your throat. "Thank you for helping me, I feel bad though. Can I pay you for your services?" He gave you a confused look before shaking his head no. "What do you mean? You don't need to pay me." "I uh. I don't know, I just feel bad." "Don't, trust me it's okay." "Are you sure?" He nodded and then looked at you once again. Once again, he couldn't help but find you beautiful. Part of the reason he wanted to stay was to be with you a bit longer before you both went your separate ways. However, the silence and your charms made him want to get to know you more. He realized this was a once in a lifetime chance. He then cleared his throat before stating, "well…" You gave him a puzzled look. "Well?" "There is one thing you could do for me." "Anything," you insisted causing him to chuckle and smile his infamous beautiful smile. "Will you go on a date with me? Say Friday night?" You were shocked. The DK from Seventeen just asked you to go on a date? Do you know how many people would kill you for this? You found it sudden but knew you would be an idiot if you said no. Like, how often would a chance like this happen. "Oh. A date? Um yeah of course." His smile grew wider making yours grow wide as well. "Fantastic, it's a date then… uh," it was at this moment when he realized he did not know an important detail. Your name lol. It was at that moment you also realized you had not told him your name and you giggled in embarrassment before saying, "my name is (Y/N)." "(Y/N)," he repeated, "gorgeous name by the way." You couldn't help but blush before saying a thank you. "It's a date then," he said while looking down at you. "It's a date."
♥End Of Flashback♥
Angry tears fell as you remembered your first encounter. You were angry because you let your fear take over and just would not even fight. You honestly can't recall why you were fighting to begin with. All you knew was that you missed him and regret walking away. It was not his fault that the voices of the past were louder. It was not his fault that he did not know about that part of your past. You just wish you could take it back but it feels impossible. You sighed as you wiped your face and stood up. You were defeated but also needed to get ready for your shift. Your friend understood and told you to take as much time as possible but honestly, you could use the distraction. After about a hour, you were finally ready. As you walked outside, you noticed the sky was also sad and grey. Fitting. You sighed as you put your headphones in and made the familiar walk to the shop. Half way there, you realized you should have drove or stayed home because it had started to rain. You cursed under your breath and started to pick up the pace. Soon enough, you got to the shop. You shivered as you walked in. "(Y/B/F/N), I'm here~" you called out as you closed the door. It was a tradition you both had when you came in. You didn't hear her say anything but the cashier who was working said hello on her behalf. You walked into the back when you heard distant whispers coming from the office. That was odd. You ignored it at first as you went to the coat rack and hung up your drenched jacket. You then walked toward the door to just show face when your stomach dropped. You saw your friend and Seokmin in a heated discussion. "Look, for the millionth time, I don't know when she will be back, Seokmin, I'm sorry." "Please, I really need to see, (Y/N), it's important. She won't answer my calls." "Have you thought there could be a reason?" "I've done mental gymnastics, (Y/B/F/N), I don't understand and that is why I need to talk to her." Your heart sunk even more then it was. You didn't realize how much he was hurting as well. Made you hate what you did even more. "I'm sorry Seokmin, I really am. I'm just as confused if it helps." Seokmin just sighed and wiped his face. "I know, I'm sorry I'm bothering you with this. If you see her, just tell her I stopped by?" Your friend sighed before looking up and making eye contact with you. You put a finger to your mouth and was about to book it when Seokmin realized she was looking over his shoulder. That's when he turned around and saw you. Both of you just stared at each other for a moment. Not knowing what to do. Your friend then cleared her throat and walked past him and put a hand on your shoulder, "I think you can tell her that, Seokmin. I'll be up in front, I think you both should talk it out." With that she left leaving you in a silence that used to be comfortable but now it was uncomfortable. Neither of you liked that. It hurt more then the fight. It hurt more then you ghosting him. You don't know how long it was before you both broke down into tears and wrapped each other in an embrace. "I'm sorry," you cried into his chest. You both held onto each other as if your lives depended on it. "What happened?" he asked as his rubbed circles into your back. "I don't even remember, I just remember being afraid." "Of me?" "No, no, never you." "Then what?" That's when you sighed and pulled him deeper into the office and shut the door. You knew in order to fix this, you had to open up and explain what why you were the way you were and why you walked away. Surprising to you, Seokmin was understanding and supportive. He held your hands as you talked about everything and it got easier. "Thank you for sharing, (Y/N), I know it wasn't easy to do," he whispered while kissing your hands, "I will do everything in my power to make sure you see love to be a beautiful thing." You sniffed while looking him in the eye, "what if I get scared again? What if I sabotage us again?" "I'll be with you fighting that battle with you, I won't leave you alone." fpgjgnjrggrjg this is first writing in 2 years. pls be nice
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veryberryjelly · 1 year
could i have a 🥐 for a golden trio era character (no poly ships) please? and congrats on graduating btw <3
(btw this is oddly formatted cuz i still dk how to write abt myself 😭)
my hogwarts house is slytherin & i'm an intp. i've been told im observant, 'mature for my age', 'elusive' & creative, and that i could do a lot of things if i choose to and set my mind to it. i can be really funny, vulgar & charismatic, but also aloof and cold. im a bit of a slacker and i get into my fair share of trouble. i also keep a small amount of friends.
my favourites books are the secret history & the goldfinch. i like journaling and reading but i tend to procrastinate a lot. my fave fruit is pomegranete. i tend to associate certain places with how deeply i felt or an eventful moment that happened. i have an eclectic music taste and usually listen to songs from/before the 2010s, mid 60s/early 70s & 50s. once in a while i will listen to some modern new releases, though. the song ive been listening to on repeat recently are sleepwalker by akiaura, your face by wisp, noisy sunday by patrick watson and you know im no good by amy winehouse. other than harry potter, i know mcu (spiderverse films <33), the umbrella academy, the twilight franchise, the walking dead and lord of the rings. i also like silent films. i love daydreaming and sleeping. i have the burden of the oldest sibling. ans i plan to taste all the best wine i could get my hands on, but that probably won't happen.
idk if this i a necessary description but i have olive/tan skin,  black wavy hair, freckles & dark brown eyes. and my aesthetic would probably by beatnik and midwestern emo combined (and 'older brother' core but minus all the videogames).
𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
i ship you with...
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theo nott !!!
i have no hard reasoning for this apart from the fact that i get the sense you'd both get along so so well !!!
i know theo likes old times music and he would 100% put some on and just twirl you around your dorm room whether it's just the two of you or if the room is full of you're dormates
his friends have grown used to it and at this point just watch in adoration as you two get so wrapped up in your own world.
theo will take you on a trip to taste the best wines in the world, probably to italy during your last summer at hogwarts and he makes sure it's the best trip you've ever taken.
theo will also go to see every marvel film in the cinema with you if you asked.
he loved those kind of films so he is very excited to see all of them
doesn't let go of your hand through the whole movie. <<33
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MGR office au part 4 - a day in the life on Monsoon
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Making of a cyborg from Ghost in the Shell plays quietly in the background.
Wind blows, rain falls, and a certain someone was still grieving the loss of his beloved Nintendo Switch. Monsoon was restìng in what one could call a bed (He had demanded that Armstrong provide him with one of those glass, clynder vats that one sees in sci-fi movies. He filled it with lcl. If memes were the DNA of the soul then this fluid was the primordial soup of life) when he remembered there was a second option. Being part of Desperado meant he was no stranger to all sorts of crimes and this would be no exception.
He turned on his elaborate gaming setup and selected his NORDVPN50%#GAMERSRISEUP account and selected one of those shady countries. Now it was time to pirate some switch games. He knew that Valves steam deck was capable of runing a decent switch emulator so he went onto their website and ordered one. While he waited for it to be delivered, he went on nyaa to find some more degenerate weeb music to listen to.
Soon chocolate disco was playing and he went to look for switch roms. While browsing he noticed their retro section. "Such a massive amount of consoles to chose from. As a consumer, what is the point when one can simply pirate?" He was looking at shmups when he noticed the rythmn section. "They may not have project diva but perhaps I shall find something."
He saw Samba de Amigo and Guitaroo Man but was looking for more of a challenge. Then he saw it. Donkey Konga. He instantly hit the download button and loaded up dolphin. The Nintendo logo flashed and soon the screen was displaying "DONKEY KONGA" along with a cute musical number. He started on the DK rap only to notice that his timing was off and he was scoring poorly. He soon found out that HDTV's interfere and give input lag so he went on EBay and ordered a CRT with a Nintendo GameCube that included Donkey Konga and a pair of bongos.
Eventually his package arrived and he set everything up in the office. "The hell is that?" questioned Sundowner. "If you must know, it is Donkey Konga. I need something to play in my spare time since SOMEONE broke my switch. Now go sit in the corner and watch the master of gaming at work!" He selected hard mode and then chose the Kirby theme song. He detached his hands and began to clap to the beat while he dislocated his feet and used them to tap the bongos.
Sundowner gave a whistle. Two hours later and the rest of the gang was watching in amazement. Suddenly Armstrong arrived. "Care to tell me what's happening?" Sam spoke up first. "We're watching Monsoon play this weird monkey game and taking bets on it. I've already lost $200 to Mistral." He put his head down in shame while his French coworker flipped through the stack of bills like it was a card deck. "I see..." Armstrong readjusted his glasses and waited for the song to end.
"That looks like a fun game son. Mind if I try? I used to play college football you know." It took immense will power for everyone else not to shout back "WE KNOW!" Refusing his bosses orders seemed like a bad idea so Monsoon relented and gave Armstrong the basics. "Seems simple enough". The Senator chose easy mode and selected on the road again. The game started and everything seemed fine until he went to smack the left drum and it shattered into a million pieces.
Monsoon's eyeballs would be bursting out of his skull if he still had them. "Heh. Guess I don't know my own strength." Armstrong chuckled. He then said he had an important business meeting he needed to go to so he promptly left. Sundowner approached him. "So... do you still want the monkey game?" At this point he was exhausted. "Do as you please, I have no use for it." Sundowner smiled and attempted to play with only half of a controller (much to Mistrals amusement).
Monsoon returned to his room and wrote down some edgy poetry. "Dear diary, if life is so fair then why do roses have thorns?" Suddenly he got a notification. His steam deck had arrived. He was no longer mopey and went to retrieve said item. After returning, he booted up his pc and connected to the wired. He noticed that steam was having another sale and couldn't resist. He bought over 30 games including project diva. He pressed his palms together in a praying position. "Thank you Gabe sama."
Suddenly he got a discord notification. A member was shit talking his taste in anime. That wouldn't do. He quickly responded "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my position in the Desperado organization, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Africa, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in the art of Lorentz Force and I'm the top killer in the entirety of the Cambodian mafia and World Marshal Inc. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over discord? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Denver, Colarado and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, scrub. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with sais. Not only am I extensively trained in hand to hand combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the buildings and helicopters in Denver and I will use it's electromagnetism to it's full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will stab you repeatedly with dystopia and ask you if it hurts. You're fucking dead, kiddo. You're dreams are going to dissapear and I've just added you to my cringe compilation."
He then promptly blocked the user. "This is what you get for insulting Evangelion!" And with that he began to play komm susser tod and began to watch the rain pour down outside his window.
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emberwood-if · 2 years
deep in the taylor swift mania today, imagining my MC having a little listening party in the most ~vibes~ area she can find, idk, making prison a bit more tolerable. who do you think would most likely join MC of their own volition?
the most vibes area would be the rundown greenhouse/lake spot thingy (still dk what to call it) in the woods that you guys have not encountered yet
Most likely to join MC?
Alex: most likely stumble upon them and decide to join cause they’re bored, would end up enjoying themselves
Finn/Fera: they love music and they’d prob be the one to suggest to MC the best place for the ~aesthetic~
Perry, ofc, whenever MC is involved he’s all for it
the others would take some convincing, but Kade/Kiera would like the peace of being away from the housemates and just listening to music
MC would likely stumble upon Nora/Noah first because they’re always hiding in the nooks and crannies of the house lol and N would end up staying but doing their own thing, until eventually they get curious and peek over MCs shoulder to look at their phone
Dani wouldn’t go off their own volition but MC could end up convincing them (they’d prob enjoy it)(but never admit it) lol
I am now going to listen to MIDNIGHTS, hope you liked the answer hehe 🫶
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justkpopjokes · 1 year
SEVENTEEN as Alternative/Indie/Rock Songs
Several years ago, I started making this list of all the alt/indie/rock songs I associate with Seventeen! It’s my favourite genre of music, so I’ll be doing these for a few groups.
This was originally going to be a GFX series, so Jeonghan and Jun have links to my GFX posts. Otherwise, links are to the songs on YouTube!
King — Zayde Wølf
Seungcheol is King, what else needs to be said?????
Mr. Wølf has got a full(?)/clean voice that I think matches well with Cheol's vibe
This is Gospel — Panic! At the Disco
((Check out the GFX here!))
Thought of Hannie when listening to the piano version actually
I think the fact there’s 2 official versions with different vibes kinda show Jeonghan’s softness vs the fact he’s cool af
(Like ALL HIS HIDDEN TALENTS?? ok Jeonghan I see u)
Heart of Gold — Foreign Figures
The warmth this song radiates reminds me of Shua
I think it fits his vibe and he could sing it!
It’s not exactly his style, but he could rock it
Top of the World — Greek Fire
I feel like Junhui could sing a ver. of this where the tune is the same but has different instruments and less of shouting
Like the verses definitely fit!!
Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
((Check out the GFX here!))
Bonus bc it’s technically indie pop not rock (though someone did make an alt rock cover!!!)
On that note, it’s also kind of like a ballad which wbk junhui slays
Junhui’s softness matched with Alec’s!! They both got soft voices like cotton candy
I still think Junhui’s voice is very purple and fits this song
This song is definitely more of a fun/silly vibe than the others, which gives me Hoshi vibes!
I had another song for Hoshi that he could dance to, whereas this one is more of just a song to jam to than one he’d dance to
Though the singing style sounds kind of like Hoshi (in a rock context)
Man or a Monster — Sam Tinnesz ft. Zayde Wølf
Ngl if Wonu sang this... I would cry
The vibe of this song fits him really well imo
And the lyrics are smth I could write a fic abt w/him!! The point is it’s very vibey
Way Down We Go — KALEO
The piano is an immediate tie in to Jihoon's vibe
Soft indie rock!! Maybe not something he could sing himself, but it reminds me of him
Call Me Fighter — Matt Beilis
This has soft verses but then the chorus really ramps it up
It’s like... such epic vibes and I feel like Hao could cover it if it was a little different? (like what I said abt Jun’s)
He could pull off the verses in Chinese for sure
Monster — Willyecho
I FEEL LIKE A *beat drop* *guitar riff* MONSTER
If you don't see Gyu playing electric guitar to that then idk what to say
I really love Mingyu as this song lol, he could really rock parts of it!!
Hell No! — Mel Senese
I think Dokyeom could sing this
But also I picked it because the vibe is definitely DK’s vibe (maybe even BooSeokSoon)
Like the hook and chorus give DK energy
Birds — Imagine Dragons
Originally I had this one for DK but I think Seungkwan’s voice fits the entire song better rather than DK who fits just the chorus/bridge
Like Seungkwan could sing this!! Maybe it’s not entirely his vibe but he could!!
I think this being more vocal-driven than other Imagine Dragons songs also lends to the Seungkwan vibes
Dreamin' — The Score ft. Blackbear
Sorry can I get a cover of this from Vernon pls thanks Mr. Chwe 👉👈
Lyrics kind of fit him too; if you told me he wrote this song I would believe you
The lyrics are abt pursuing your dreams despite what other people say & that could be tied into his own issues, while having a vibe that fits him imo
"Listen to me now as I wash away my fears" YOU CAN’T TELL ME THAT’S NOT A VERNON LYRIC
Play with Fire — Sam Tinnesz
I would be lying if said I didn’t imagine myself w/Chan dancing to a choreo I made of this LMFAO
I think Chan could rock this song sO HARD if he made choreo
((ALSO I made this post literal years ago; SKZ Hyunjin did a dance for this song which is exactly what I was thinking of at the time))
Citizen of Heaven — Tauren Wells
This is gospel rock lol but I think this fits like a very specific early era of SVT
Like Shining Diamonds era and around that time!!
Can’t Stop Me Now — Oh The Larceny
Ok I don’t think this actually fits them vibe-wise, but nothing can stop these 3 like cmon now
So this is more of a theme song for them rather than smth they’d sing themselves
Revenge, And A Little Bit More — Unlike Pluto
Pluto himself calls his style electronic rock so I’m including it lol
SVT could make a choreo to this and I would cry
I’m not sure why I thought of perf. unit but somehow it works??
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itisaterriblelove · 1 year
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One of the very best things about being friends with someone for so long and so completely was that Elle didn’t even bother to ask any questions. We could operate on the same brain frequency sometimes. I knew that if I showed up to anyone else’s place at this time of night – well, okay, morning because it was fucking one am – there would at least be a couple of inquiries about my sanity or, in DK’s case, some grumbling about interrupting his cuddles with Jemma Moss. He could be such a selfish asshole sometimes, I swear. And stingy with his cuddles, too.
But because Elle loved me and was literally the best person in the universe, I only had to wait eight minutes before she came out of her dorm building carrying her purse and a blanket because the air had started to catch a chill. Her eyes were still wide, a shimmering green, so I knew that I hadn’t woken her up.
She yawned when she pulled my truck door open and hopped in, but her smile was soft and warm when she looked over at me and kissed me on the cheek. “Couldn’t sleep?” 
I shrugged a shoulder instead of answering aloud and cast a wry grin in her direction. She was well versed in my spontaneous bouts of insomnia so I knew that I didn’t really have to explain it to her. On nights like these I always showed up to her place and we picked a random direction to drive in until I found a spot that felt like a good place to stop. She was usually the navigator, I was the driver, and we just kind of let fate do whatever it wanted with us. 
“I’m controlling the playlist,” she announced and pulled up my phone to start rifling through her options. “And whenever you want to tell me what’s wrong, I’m all ears.” She didn’t bother to give me a chance to object to her decision to dj, so I already knew that it wasn’t a fight that I was going to win tonight.
It was fine. We both knew that I didn’t really mind.
“Nothing’s wrong,” I countered while she poked around on my phone. There was nothing on there that she couldn’t see and, anyway, her biometrics were hooked to all of my things. Because Elle was the person who was responsible for wiping my searches clean if I died unexpectedly or fell into a coma or some shit. So the government wouldn’t think I was on some serial killer schtick if shit went down… I was just curious, damn!
“My brain just won’t stop,” I made a turning motion with my hand and she nodded in understanding. “Why were you still up?” 
“Sketching out a design for a new dress,” she beamed at me and my heart turned over. I fucking loved the way her designs gave her so much joy. “I just finished up when you called, so perfect timing. Ohhh!” She squirmed, excited all over again, and pressed onto the screen with her finger. “Secret music!”
I chuckled because I recognized the playlist immediately after hearing her words, as my own guitar sounds came streaming through the truck speakers. “These are not secret, baby. Just unfinished.”
“Yes, but you’ve never played them for me,” she cut an accusing look at me from the corner of her eyes and I didn’t bother to dispute it. Okay, so, we didn’t have any secrets. That was true. But fuck. I hadn’t ever played her this particular set of songs probably for a reason. And not one I wanted to delve into, so I just didn’t bother to respond.
Elle got quiet as she listened and I concentrated my attention to the road ahead of me instead of categorizing her reactions to the sporadic hints of lyrics and ever-switching melodies playing through the speakers.
She was a quick study, so by the time the playlist repeated Elle was humming along. “These are good, Gav!” She smacked my leg lightly in what I knew was admonishment for keeping them from her. “I didn’t know you were writing your own stuff. Why doesn’t the band play any of these?!” 
I hummed, but I could feel the rush of heat sliding down from my cheeks to my neck. “Eh… Cressida’s pretty particular about the mood of our songs. These don’t really fit.” They weren’t love songs, exactly, but they weren’t… not… Cressida and Aidan had some kind of ban on love songs.
Besides I didn’t want to fucking share them.
The songs weren’t about being in love. They weren’t. But they were whatever the fucking platonic adjacent of that was – the way that I felt about my friends. The ones that I knew I would keep forever. So, yeah. They were kind of personal and the irony of Elle softly humming along was not lost on me.
“Your singing’s not so bad. We could go on the road together,” she teased, bumping her shoulder into mine, and I grinned back at her. It wasn’t the first time she’d said something similar or that I had agreed to it, either.
“I thought that was already the plan.”
“Unless you dump me for DK. He gets kinda pouty every time I say we’re going to have our own two-man band one day.”
“Yeah, yeah. That fucker doesn’t know how to share,” I scowled playfully out the windshield, seeing a nice little turn ahead that looked like exactly the kind of place that I wanted to stop.
“Only him?” Elle teased, aghast. “I’m pretty sure he’s in good company with you on that front, mister.” 
I made an affronted sound as I found my spot and pulled over. “The fuck, Elle? I resemble that remark.” 
She giggled as she swung her door open, following my lead. “You really, really do.” She hopped down and clapped her hands. “Okay! Now for something lighter!” And she switched the music to a really pop-y boy band that I absolutely fucking refused to admit I knew the name of and started belting out the lyrics with her arms thrown wide.
I turned the music up a bit and followed her out, glancing up at the sky with a long sigh. It was a beautiful night out and there probably weren’t too many of them left. I knew once the cold really seeped in it wouldn’t let up again for months and I wasn’t looking forward to it.
But tonight the air was decent and the stars were bright, and I was in the company of my absolute favorite girl in the fucking world.
“Sing with me, Gavin!” Elle crowed, taking my hand, and so I danced with her and joined my voice with hers as we used the truck’s headlights for illumination under the stars.
And this was why we took these drives on my sleepless nights. I knew that when I got home my head wouldn’t be unsettled anymore. Instead I would just feel like everything was exactly as it should be, even though I also knew there would be a niggling part of me wishing things could stay exactly like this forever. Just never fucking change.
It was a fool’s hope, for sure, but I could afford to hold onto it for just a little longer yet.
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bryan360 · 2 years
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
What’s up to my good friends and OCs alike? It’s finally time for a very 🎄🎅🏻Merry Christmas of 2022 something to give; including at DA that I posted in the morning. Link Here
Now that’s settled though, it time I’ve promised to one of my closest friends after making such Christmas gifts to their beloved OCs. Thankfully one of my OCs got them delivered just in time for the holidays, but hoping this is far I’m going for of making it through. What that being said, let’s get started for the Speedster family as giving by the Rabbits family and Mikey.
🐰🖌Maxwell: For Spot and Riya, an each Nintendo Switch OLED systems for the first time you two earned. This is our idea after knowing your creator friend really hopes if he can get his own system.
🐰👊💥May: We know about that it’ll be a cost a lot to afford, but we actually did save a lot of money to order online….with our mom and dad’s help though. Hope you two enjoying your system, but make sure to take care of it.
🐰🎤Windy: Same goes for their parents as we giving their gifts as well. Don’t leave them hanging as I giving Rita her VR headset. That’s right, a VR headset that I originally saved it from few years ago than you think. You luckily that we still had some money to afford two Switch system this year.
🐰📚🍌Scottie: Not bad thinking, honey. As for mine when giving to Bonn though, it’s actually my DK boxing gloves that I previously own during school years. I do like this gloves as much for a video game fan, but I think it’ll fits on him when doing boxing practices. Hope he can take care of them.
🦊⚽️Sam: It’s okay, dad. At least giving your gift is better than to buying a new one sometimes. However me and Brown had something for Murukir and Cude to give.
🥜Brown: We went to a plushie store not while back if there any dolls for them to enjoy. So here they are holding Mario and Chowder plushies. Hope this is something to take care as well and during sleep time. It happens where I snuggle things. (In thoughts: with my tail at least.)
🐱Mikey: Cool, man. Though what they wanted really want to have; while snuggling around is have them to listen through chill vibes music. Thankfully for Miya that I’ve picked up ordered Brookstone Cat Ear Headphones. Same way from our creator friend if you remember back in 2017, but had some problems that show its age. Let’s see if her own headphones can hold it up well.
🐰🖌Maxwell: Mhm. Now as a continuation on giving gifts is Baco and his hamburger pillow; because why not? At least knowing he likes hamburgers, right? However is saving for Shadow R and Lisa that me and Emme can agree on….if it’s alright. 😅
🦌🌻Emme: Sure does! Thought that we can give away our clothes to them like the way you’ve do with your Speedster friends and so on. There’s plenty more inside their boxes to open up, but we would’ve brought our A/W clothes if I would to reveal mine. I’ll remember that the next time I can give you guys. It’s a promise. 👍
🐰🖌Maxwell: Mhm. And finally goes for Alex (his OCself) and Sammir when giving away a PS5 from Jumbo and a soccer ball from Sam.
🐘🎮🧹Jumbo: That’s right; especially after working hard with my dad when getting such earnings. Though in Christmas time, I thought it’ll be okay if giving one of our friends as much I was. No worries. 👍
🦊⚽️Sam: Good for you, then. Hope he understand after receiving his gift from yours. As for mine is having our next HTF friend playing his soccer ball that themed colored of a Kickety-Kick Ball. Hope he like this gift I got for him; especially for being a “Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!” fan.
Looks like that all the gifts giving to our friends we’ve work hard saving and spending. Here’s to our closest creator friends have a good festive day of Christmas this year. However you may wait for a bit of revealing my own gifts because it didn’t arrived just yet. Sorry if it takes time after convincing my mom which gifts I’m getting this year. Hope everyone understand. Anyways, have a good Christmas Day of 2022 and ahead for new year!
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The Speedster Family, Cude, and Murukir created by my P-Pal; @murumokirby360
Shadow R created by @carmenramcat
Lisa created by LadyFeliz (formerly known as LisaDots123)
Alex (his OCself) and Baco created by @alexander1301
Sammir created by @rafacaz4lisam2k4
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jinhogae · 2 years
mutuals as svt songs & members + why please!
i love when we get to do this !!!! let’s go in svt’s age order
scoups / ash: @bisexualhobi - this works perfectly in my brain. ana is a leading figure for me in good ways and entertaining ways and they are not afraid to be honest while maintaining their boundaries and also being just ... a very fun person to be around! and an absolutely dependable friend, who just feels so solid and ride or die to me, i don’t ever have to worry where i stand with them. ash goes without saying. it’s svt’s most innovative and out-there song and fits them perfectly, and it’s like if anyone asked ana to make an svt song, that would be it.
joshua / second life: @kimtaegis - annie got josh the last time we did this, but it remains true bc if i am a deranged air sign, she is the person i somehow octopus attached myself to (sorry for being late, best friend !!!). there is a lot of depth to annie just as she is as well as to the beauty she inherently carries and how she sees the world. there is something so steadfast about her and i wish the whole world would see how great she is from the surface to every part of her. that’s also why i chose second life, it’s what i’d tell her in a song. it’s what i’d carry around in place of her wherever i am.
jeonghan / our dawn is hotter than day: @beyoonce - this makes sense for so many reasons. first of all, since our secret santa exchange, i just enjoy seeing ann on my dash - it reminds me just what a genuinely mischievous person she is while being so true to herself and so her. she keeps it real! somehow that reminds me of jeonghan, who is obviously a master trickster but true to himself. and odihtd always reminds me of ann (alongside simple) bc when it’s winter here, i know it’s summer for her.
junhui / GO!: @blingyjjong - the joy in life is about being every part of yourself, no matter how messy or not quite fitting or not exactly polished that is, as well as starting over (and over and over). it is quintessentially about getting up for your own sake. nina is always so jun-coded to me (it just makes sense to me! exuberant and yet so very real) and the song may be dk’s solo ost, but it’s a sentiment she deserves to hold in her heart all the time.
hoshi / happy ending: @ohoshi - the world has to crash and burn before i will not give you this song. it’s just so you and it’s just something i will always relate to you and i know you understand how good it is (bc it is, quite frankly, this good). the absolute unrelenting happiness i get when i listen to this song is what i get whenever we chat as well. and hoshi is a complete no-brainer, fierce as you are and determined to pull people along towards is a greener pasture. and i love and admire you for that grit, that honesty, and also for the levity you carry when i can’t.
wonwoo / fallin’ flower: @hwiyoungies - another one that is a no brainer! not only is belle my favourite wonwootual (<3) but also a person whose thoughts i usually agree with, as well as just someone very soft- and well-spoken (and rational when fandom spaces can not be that). also i still remember you liking my post about the best three svt songs being of their japanese discography, so one of those does belong to you and the beauty of fallin’ flower feels very much like your blog and posts feel to me.
woozi / vernon / all my love: @suuho - and when we will see you and woozi in the same room, only then we can be certain you are not the same person !!! anyways, anything but them would be a disservice to how i see you (the center of the world), to how you are towards the people you care about (which is extremely caring and nonsensical about it), and to how important it is for the world to know you are the very lovely grounded half of my bouncy and excited braincell but you also are the other half of me. i love no one more than you, my tiny gremlin guy with pretentious music taste, and that is why you also get all my love ...... no other song could ever say it better.
minghao / i can’t run away: @chanonara - there are not many people that i feel are subsequently so close in how i see the world, but abigail, you are one of my favourite people to talk to because you understand all of what i say with heartfelt care and i never not feel like we are on the same wavelength. the song choice may seem out of place for anyone but us, but i think you know exactly why it is here. you know where love should be placed and how.
mingyu / let me hear you say: @woozi - tumblr user yza woozi, what’s it like to feel like a very beloved backbone to my caratblr experience, because that is what you are. not to mention the distinctiveness you bring to all of your gifs, which reminds me of mingyu’s love for photography and how he uses it to document his life among and with svt. similarly expressive people! let me hear you say just feels like a song that matches your vibe, it could play in the background of your blog and posts and i’d be content!
dk / rock with you: @shownu-ssi - who else! who else but the most artistic and easily serotonin inducing person for the same type of person in my life. there is no one more fitting to when i think of dk than you. from your fierce creative spirit and singular care for the art you want to create to this only being matched by your love for people, and your love for this world, and your hope in it (and joy for the little things of it). it couldn’t be anyone else. rock with you is a song that gets me to tear up on a good day, not out of sadness, but because it reminds me so much of how happy i was this time last year. you made the colder season better, and we carry that through all the other seasons.
seungkwan / my my: @wonjinist - i just think there is something relentlessly optimistic and engaging about seungkwan and i just think that you can be the same, eri. sometimes when i have bleak days, seeing you on my dash and posting about so many different groups you love and all the songs you enjoy brings some much needed vibrancy back as well as makes me smile! my my is an mv that just feels so similar to your blog, as does the song, and i just love both a lot.
dino / hey buddy: @wonublr - hey buddy !!!!!! lee, you are easily one of my favourite people i met in caratblr, you bring such warmth and excitement and mirth to every one of our chats and just like with dino, i am simply rooting for you to succeed in everything you do and for you to express yourself any way you want to. and it’s so amazing to see every time! not to mention, thank you for making me more creative and inspiring me as well. hey buddy just fits you so well, because it has the same energy you have in my mind.
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toumoromoro · 1 year
Fishing for the moon in the sea at night
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Just finished the game, it was pretty fun. 
Ok first why does this game has 3 names? Fishing for the moon in the sea at night / Towelket one more time 0 / Yorunoumi2
I have wanted to play this one for a long time, I have said it a couple of times before but TK4 is my favorite TK game (maybe one day I will explain why in detail) so a “remake” immediately caught my attention. In the end the game was completely different from what I expected it to be. While it borrows some concepts and story beats from TK4 it really is its own thing.
This game look so pretty. One of my favorite things about the series is watching how the art progresses in each game. I absolutely love how the world of the inn looks. White, black, red and blue look so nice together, and thanks to the border it’s like reading a story book. 
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Also the sprites look nice, it’s the same style from 5 so I have no complains... ok maybe I have one complain. Mocha’s sprite. I’m sorry but the sprite from 4 is still the better looking one. Oh also Buritoba and Sekken-bako got new sprites and now they actually look like TK characters. It bothered me a little how normal their sprites did look in 4. They were literally just girl#1 and girl#2.
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I almost forgot to talk about my favorite sprite, that’s right Nekojita’s(?). This weird fusion of Warawau and Nekojita that came out of nowhere. I love it, it’s adorable. Their palettes are pretty similar so no surprise why it works so well.
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Music was good as always, I could listen to Furikusuku’s mansion theme for hours.
About the gameplay, almost no battles this time around. There are a couple of mandatory fights, but you are basicaly guaranted to win. I think it’s alright, battles have always been one of the weaker points of the series, and this game clearly wants to focus on the story. I hope they return in the next games though.
This game is pretty unique in the sense that you need to play it multiple times to actually understand the story. It has a “route system” where you can date 1 of 11 characters and depending on who you dated you get a different ending. Most endings are pretty much the same, but some are essential to understand what’s going on. On my first playthrough I went for Koucha and after beating the game I was so confused that I blamed the MTL, but no, it turns out a lot of concepts and lore are in the other routes. Even the Koucha route splits! And did you know some dialogue can change based on the gender you choose? So save a lot if you play it. I ended up using all 15 slots. 
And this brings me to my first complaint. I think the route system ended up hurting the story overall. One of the things that I really did like from 4 is the amount of time you get to spend with Mocha and Koucha, we get to see how their relationship evolves, them interacting with others characters or just fooling around, by the end of the game you know them pretty well and you care if something happens to them. In this game you spend very little time with the character you choose, so the more emotional parts didn’t really do a lot for me. I understand that asking Kanao to write that much dialogue for 11 characters is just unrealistic so I wish we had less routes so the other routes could have more dialogue.
Trying to piece the story together was pretty fun. I understand “The true purpose of the inn”, “The story of Mocha and Furikusuku” and “The sins of the Inkeepers”, but I’m still confused about concepts like the Tokage and Uikechuke transformation. You get 2 examples for the Tokage one, but almost no info for the Uikechuke transformation.
This game introduces Smile DK, I think she’s okay, but she only really shines when she’s with Nyanyamo, they are really funny together. Also I really like what’s been done with Nyanyamo design and personality. If I had a top 5 she would definitely be there. Pucchi remains a consistently good character. PPU was there and had more lines than in 4. Please give Agochu her labcoat back.
Overall a fun and solid game, but I have to admit that I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would.  Maybe I had too high of expectations. 
A now some trivia: 
1) If you examine the game files it looks like a Buritoba route was considered at some point before being dropped, I didn’t even notice until I read a thread in Japanese Yahoo.
2) If you extract the StringScripts for the game there’s a lot of dialogue for what appears to be a route in which Koucha is possesed by Furikusuku. I couldn’t find any info about this, so please tell me if it was actually implemented in the game.
3) To unlock the Moochasu route you need to go on a date with him before going to Barrieland, then you need to tell Kyuuri or Chihedo that you love her when she confesses, so she connects the inn 1 day earlier. Finally you need to be on the Koucha route so you can go to the inn when you get the wedding ring. Moochasu is inside the bath, give him the ring and you are done. Took me a while to figure how to date him so I hope this helps someone one day.
Next game is:
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I saw that ask abt txt being not too "outstanding" n god it triggers the satan in me. I'm tried of 4th gen kpopies degrading txt for being the only ones with quality music. I mean, i bet there isn't more than five 4th gen idols who r truely into music n passionate abt it n knows their way with it. And txt as a whole is an all rounder group so non fans or casually fans dk much abt their individual potential. Txt is the future of kpop n 4th gen leaders for a reason, tbh i wouldn't care abt 4th gen if it wasn't for txt. Music is basically dead in kpop- no bgs especially 4th gen release good music, hell it aint even music at this point. I had to literally unstan so many groups cuz of their latest releases.
Skz is fine tho, but manic wasn't it without Felix's chorus, still they r skz so i can say they'll do fine. I was kinda disappointed with gbgb at first but after a few listens i grew to lyk it tho it isn't txt lvl at all. The bsides were all basically soty material. Also this y i lyk txt cuz they give no skip albums. If kpopies weren't shameless n had conscience they would admit no one except txt(n btsvt) have no skip albums. Txt is superior in versatility n quality, it makes them stand out in a industry of random tictok sounds n loud beats.
i feel like i walked in on a fanwar i wasn't aware of. do txt regularly get hated on by other 4th gen bg stans? i only hear from non bg stans and txt are the token bg for us so i only hear positive things about them
but anyway i didn't feel like the original ask was hateful, though i did side eye how they said that the only thing keeping txt afloat is the concept and production as if that's not the case for most groups? only a handful of idols are self-producing and tbh even if they're self producing doesn't mean the songs they put out are automatically better. you could produce a song and have it be terrible, i don't get the obsession kpop fans have with self-production. producers exist for a reason
but i still feel like your tone isn't helping. we're here to talk about things rationally and you getting this defensive is exactly what i was talking about. like idk the rest of the bg so i can't say who is or isn't passionate about music. i'm sure all stans say the same thing about their own idols but all i know are txt and they seem genuine to me and while they're not the most talented idols, i was attracted to what they have to offer, yes mostly their songs and concepts, but also taehyun's voice is what ultimately pulled me in. he doesn't have the most range and isn't the most technically good singer but his voice has soul and emotion and that's what i look for idk yeonjun isn't the best dancer but he is very entertaining to watch and i personally like his singing voice. beomgyu isn't the most gifted in any particular area but his expressions to me are top notch, i just enjoy watching him so much like he does the cutest expression when doing cute concepts and is very emotive when doing sad songs. i still watch his lovesong fancams regularly because idk it just feels like he really is experiencing heartbreak lol
anyway i'm ranting by now i just mean to say that even though i love txt a lot and they're my favorite 4th gen group, i wasn't triggered by that ask at all. what they said is the truth and i can accept that. the only clarification i would make is what i made in the first part of this response.
i feel like responding with such things as :
"bet there isn't more than five 4th gen idols who r truely into music n passionate abt it n knows their way with it."
"Txt is the future of kpop n 4th gen leaders"
"If kpopies weren't shameless n had conscience they would admit no one except txt(n btsvt) have no skip albums."
is the triggered response i didn't want. none of these are verifiable. for you an album is a no skip but to others it's all skip. like i'm sure all other stans think the same of their groups.
and even though txt are definitely more known to the general public, i think skz are the 4th gen leaders
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withleeknow · 4 months
the stars aligned for you being a june bangtan baby!! . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ for me still with you reigns as his superior single ✨️ that specific jk/jin take two pre-chorus GOD the lyrics and harmonisations still give me butterflies 😭 (🥺💌 = https://we.tl/t-Mfc5dpyl4d)
[🍙's note-to-self: I'm so ready to indulge in your bangtan works] + no pressure at all with your semi-hiatus; when inspiration comes it'll come gracefully in time ♡ also the way you've updated me on your skz-WIPs like your own teaser schedule ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
lmao how stacked is this multistan sandwich getting, no way you're also an aespa girlie 👀 ok svt lowkey give me a headache IN A GOOD WAY! ONLY BC! there's so many of them to be entertained by their chaos 😭 I'm mostly a dk (&dino) girl - that iconic heeseung effect lowkey happened with these two 😫 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeVP98fn/ I found this during my hs-rabbithole and I genuinely haven't been the same since
+ today's hyperfixation: cue “go little rockstar” https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeVP7DxY/ he's radiating black cat energy (tmi: I'm the black cat in the golden retriever dynamic with my bsf which might explain why im extra fuzzy towards this man) 🖤
ONIGIRI HAVE YOU SEEN THIS AAAAAAA "per request from the artist" HE'S NOT EVEN HOME YET AND HE'S ALREADY MAKING ME CRY 😭 oh the envy that i have for the people who get to attend... how does it feel to be the first fans to see and HUG kim seokjin after he's been away for 18 months 😭
god i really do love still with you so much. jungoo absolutely kills it with his artistry and i hope we'll get to see him be more hands-on with his music when he gets back
ahh i actually only started listening to aespa very recently. up until a few months ago i thought they were 3rd gen idols lmao for some reason i always thought they debuted not long after red velvet 😭
i love dk !!!!!! wonwoo is probably at the top of my thirst list but dk is the most precious and endearing and funny 😭 i have never seen them in the same frame before akldakjfdsa that is certainly.......... something 😳 you're really influencing my heeseung brainrot here. i've been watching fatal trouble vids since you mentioned it the other day and i just- *eyes bulge out of head*
god he really is just so sharp from every angle.. biting my fist and whatnot.. i never thought i'd be into enha like that but here we are 😭 omg me too my friends tell me i'm a black cat !! you really are my other 🐈‍⬛ half 🥹
i had to save the best for last bc WHAT THE HELL IS THIS
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i adore you to the moon and back, i truly think you're one of the best things that's ever happened to this blog and i'm so happy you stumbled across my little space here 😭 coming back to kpop after a decade really is an experience that not many can relate to but i'm really glad that i get to share that with you :((( tbh once upon a time i also couldn't see myself being a kpop stan past a certain age (twt stans think everyone over 20 is on the precipice of turning into dust lmao), but now being a kpop stan as an adult is so much more fun and fulfilling! getting into bangtan 2 years ago let me reconnect with my creativity and it's really helped me a lot, not just in terms of it being a comforting lil hobby but it made me realize what i wanna do for my career yk (i wanna be a graphic designer or at least work in media lol). and getting to buy merch with adult money! and meeting wonderful pocket friends that can turn into real life friendships! maybe i was meant to be obsessed with kim taehyung 2 years ago and that made me return to kpop bc otherwise i would be missing out on all of these joys 😭 this got so rambly lmao i'm sorry tldr i love you 🥹
0 notes
snallavanta · 6 months
had a dream that i was on a drive with mingyu and he had to stop by his office (guessing this is the hybe building) to get something. anyway, i wait in the car and i was looking through his stuff because i’m nosy and i found a thumb drive labelled 17 is right here and i was like “WOAH? the new comeback album? i’m gonna listen to this rn before mingyu comes back”
so i plug the thumbdrive into the aux and listen to the album and it’s so dang good that i turn the volume up so much that the car starts vibrating a little.
i’m having fun, bopping to fire alone in the passenger seat of the car. it’s late at night so the atmosphere was really peaceful and vibey.
suddenly i see s.coups, vernon and wonwoo coming out of the building. and i get so anxious because what if they see me and ask me what i’m listening to and they’re sooooo gonna have my head when they find out i’m listening to their comeback album before the official release. so i bend down and kind of hide myself so they wouldn’t notice me. they walk really closely to the car and at this point i’m sweating because if they come any closer, they can DEFINITELY hear fire coming from somewhere. but the universe was on my side, they all dispersed in different directions and i managed to escape the wrath of the hiphop unit.
anyway, more people come out—joshua, jeonghan, jun, dino, dk; some of them in pairs while others were alone—and so far no one notices me having my own personal rave in one of the cars.
then the8 and seungkwan comes out. i don’t know whether it was by chance or i was just pushing my luck earlier but they immediately look in my direction. i see them squinting their eyes and at this point, i know it’s too late to try and hide because they’ve already seen me. it would make things even more awkward if i tried pretending like i didn’t see them now.
on the stereo was a new unreleased song playing and i know if they hear this, i will DEFINITELY be dead. there is no bullshitting my way out of this one. as my sweaty fingers try to lower the volume of the music to stop the aggressive pulsing of the car, i see seungkwan walking in my direction (we kind of knew each other so i’m guessing he wanted to come over and just say hi).
the stupid touch screen monitor won’t detect my finger agonisingly pressing the down button and at this point, they’re a good 5 metres away from the car. i can see their faces extra clearly under the streetlight and i DO NOT want to be cussed out by minghao rn because he looks like he’s running on 2 hours of sleep and 5 coffees.
anyway, in a moment of sheer panic, i decided to ditch the stupid volume button and just press pause for now. i can get myself out of this mess somehow. maybe i’ll just say mingyu had it on the aux but i have no idea what song it is.
boo is looking extremely giddy, a huge grin on his face, and he’s practically skipping to the car now, the8 cautiously following behind him. he knocks on my window and i cautiously lower it, giving him a big smile to ignore the fact that the name of the song was behind me in an agonisingly huge font size 72. he’s very excited when he talks to me and we catch up for a bit, minghao kind of minding his own business but giving me a polite smile.
with the both of them sort of in their own world, my hand closest to the stereo turns the whole thing off. better to be safe than sorry. not a minute later, mingyu appears, jogging out of the building with his hair slightly disheveled. he sees me talking to seungkwan and the8 and gives a small wave. beads of sweat are forming on my forehead. the thumbdrive is still plugged in and i most definitely cannot lie my way out of this one because mingyu will see through my bullshit.
for some reason, the three of them didn’t see each other when they were in the building so now they’re having their own personal catch up session outside. not very pleasant to have in the cold weather but an amazing time for me to cover my tracks. i quickly unplug the thumb drive while they’re all distracted, throw it into the glove box where i found it and give mingyu the sincerest “i’m so glad you’re finally back” smile i could muster to hide the redness in my cheeks. probably a result of both the cold and my increased adrenaline.
anyway, i listened to the new album. it was a bop. and i didn’t get caught. win win. dream over
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beastfury5580 · 2 years
Donkey Kong Z Episode 5
*In a black screen, donkey kong was walking then stopped and looked at the audience with the thumbs up saying "Ook!" then walked off and vanished. DKJR and Cranky appeared moments after that*
DJ: I thought I heard someone in here. Cranky: Must be nothing. Now listen here you whippersnappers, just because you have all those fancy smancy phones and how you can look through anything you'd like to know, that doesn't make you smarter or better than ya parents! Don't ever disrespect them just cause you have a phone! You need them a lot more than they need you. DJ: Have humility and honor and always stay pure of heart. Don't give into technology too much or it will control you.
*DJ and Cranky kong walked out of the fourth wall break black screen*
OP - Dragonball Opening English
DK (Narrating): Last time on me Z. Spyro and crash were captured by gruntilda after finding the fruit gems first, my guess is either mewtwo or k rool told her and decided to mess them both up good. But we sure showed her, before mewtwo deleted her from existance that is. Crash was briefly edgy but he managed to snap out of it, having him talk was too weird, much less aku aku being silent. Now we're about to discover mewtwo and lucario's pokemon world thanks to lucario's wish. Is the shadow alliance gonna invade that place next? Find out on me Z! *Hoots*
Episode 5: Into the Galar Region (After lucario used the crystal coconut to resurrect the pokemon universe. The crossover gang went into the galar region, while in the region, mewtwo managed to obtain the strawberry, grape, dragon fruit, peach and watermeleon fruit gems all on his own and lucario went against mewtwo once again but was easily defeated again. Lucario gave everyone time to find the rasberry fruit gem just so he can call the galar region starters and legendary pokemon Zacian and Zamazenta to defeat mewtwo.)
A Moment's rest before contiuning - Final Fantasy X - Calm Before the Storm [Extended]
DK: *Yawns as I stretched and walked out of my room* Diddy: *Yawns while stretching then follows DK* Man I feel great, I can already tell today's gonna be a good day, I can see it now...well expect for the view.
*DK's buttcheeks are jiggling in front of diddy's face as he walks and diddy following from behind*
Fox: *Looking into the ship location* Slippy: *Working on new upgrades* DK: Morning everybody. ^_^ Krystal: Good morning donkey kong. Spyro: Hey. Crash: *Speaks gibberish* Falco: Sup. Dillon: *Just nods* Lucario: *Looks out the window in silence while still holding the crystal coconut in my hand* DK: So what's up? Fox: Look.
Into the Starry Way - Shenmue Music: Pray to the Stars
DK: Whoooooa. Fox: We've just arrived in starry way. Diddy: *Whistles with amazement* Banjo: I've never thought space would be this breathtakingly beautiful. Kazooie: Me either. DK: Can I eat one? Krystal: *Giggles* No DK, you don't eat stars you look at them. DK: What are stars made out of? Fox: Technically speaking they're made of gas. DK: Soooo if I was to fart in space, would I be able to make stars come out of my butt? Falco: *Facepalm* Not how that works DK. -_- Peppy: Why do I feel deja vu with this conversation? Falco: Honestly me too. Lucario: "How can you all casually talk at a time like this?!" Krystal: Lucario you seem depressed. Lucario: "I've never felt this homesick in my entire life, all those innocent trainers and pokemon gone, all because I failed to save the planet. And I miss it so much....I just wish for my homeworld to be restored once again...is that so much to ask?"
Crystal Coconut's Power / Lucario's Wish - Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep OST - The Key of Light
*The crystal coconut glows then a bright orb flew out of the great fox then went further away and exploded into a flash of light then the pokemon homeworld appears in front of them*
Pokemon Universe Restored - Pokémon Gym / Evolution - Super Smash Bros. Brawl
All: WHOOOOOOA!!! Diddy: Lucario! You wished for your home planet and the coconut answered you! Mewtwo: "I knew you couldn't resist Lucario. Now I'm going to destroy it again, and this time, I won't make the mistake of killing you." Lucario: .... Slippy: Finally. I'm going to land on that planet. Hang on everyone!
Mewtwo: "Klump, krusha!" Klump and Krusha: Yes mewtwo? Mewtwo: "Now that the pokemon world has been restored, go there and find the five fruit gems. After that, I'll destroy that planet again." Neo Cortex: Why destroy a planet if you can conquer it? K Rool: Because he's afraid of being captured by pokemon trainers! *Walks in* Mewtwo: "I'm warning you right now k rool, reframe from this outburst immediately." K Rool: I don't think so! You know you're weak and you refuse to be tamed by human trainers, so you destroyed the planet just so YOU remain invincible, right? Mewtwo: ..... K Rool: Well let me make this clear to you when you do fail? I'll take back command of the shadow alliance. Mewtwo: "Right, continue following a coward who hides behind his troops, takes bananas from apes, and dresses up like it's Halloween somewhere." Gnasty Gnorc and Tiny: Ohhhhhh! K Rool: Shut up! Mewtwo: "Just face it k rool, you have no true ambition here, I do. The only thing you're capable of doing is failing along with being a disgrace as a villain. You can't even keep your troops in line. So maybe you should go through middle school first before you go pointing fingers at "mature adults". K Rool: Why you self-righteous, inconsiderate- Mewtwo: "I have put up with your foolishness for far too long, be silent and let's continue with the mission. And then I shall see what to do about you next." *Flew off* Gnasty Gnorc: Dude that was awesome! K Rool: Huh? Neo Cortex: You stood up to Mewtwo. Not even I would've been able to do that. Emperor Andross: I personally don't see pokemon as threatening but I'm glad someone said something to him. He's far too power-hungry and crazy. Ripto: More so than the sorceress. Sorceress: Hey! Ripto: I mean the way he killed those kremlings was just too far. Klump and Krusha: We respect you boss! K Rool: Well, It's about damn time.
Lucario: "No, no, no! We have to go there and now! Mewtwo is going to destroy that planet again!" Fox: Wait, if the other Pokemons are back the mythical and legendaries can help you defend Mewtwo. Lucario: "Wait...Zacian and Zamazenta! I have to find them." Fox: Good, you go ahead and do that. We'll continue finding the fruit gems. Lucario: "Just don't let him take my home away from me again, please..." DK: You can count on us Lucario. Diddy: Besides we all owe you big time for helping us. Lucario: *Nods then ran off*
*As the ship landed into the galar region, lucario ran straight out and so did everyone else, donkey kong transforms into his super kong form and flew up to outer space to face mewtwo*
Fox: Diddy kong. Diddy: Yeah? Fox: You'll be staying in the ship with me. We've got some training to do. *Walks off* Diddy: Oh right. *Follows Fox*
Galar Region - Wild Area (Version 2) - Pokémon Sword and Shield OST (Gamerip)
Lucario: *Stopped to look around* "Just how it was before. I just hope I'm not to late." *Ran off to find them* "They should be at the mountains."
*Zacian and Zamazenta came up from the mountains then leaped down until they reach Lucario*
Zamazenta: "What is your business here Lucario?" Lucario: *Kneels* "You must believe me. Mewtwo has gone power-hungry and destroyed this planet after my battle lost against him. I came across an old friend and wished for my home to return. Mewtwo is on his way and I desperately need your help to stop him at any cost. I beg you." Zacian: .... "Mewtwo has destroyed us all before? We've been given a second chance. We must take action upon this matter" Zamazenta: "Agreed. We will help you defeat Mewtwo, such violent destructive actions will not go unpunished." Lucario: *Stands up* "Thank you both. We must warn the others." Zacian: "That we shall."
Mewtwo: *Floating up in space* "It's like I never destroyed it. Cannot let my weakness be known, otherwise, they'll use it against me." *Points my finger at it* "I sense Lucario and the others are on that planet, he won't live this time." Super DK: Hey hairless cat! Mewtwo: "WHAT?!" Super DK: BANANAAAAAAAAAAA SLAMMA!!!!!! *Flew up to mewtwo and used chi energy punch to his face* Mewtwo: *Flew back but not too far as I quickly stopped myself then my psychic energy started glowing around as my purple eyes glew with anger* Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! Super DK: Amazing, normally when I punch bad guys they all go flying and vanish but not you. Alright, I love a challenge! Mewtwo: "Your very presence mocks me." Super DK: Sorry did you just say kiss my butt? Mewtwo: "ENOUGH!!!!" *My psychic energy began to glow even brighter and bigger as my anger grows* "I have never met someone who is just as obnoxious as the other dumb-headed villains I work with! K Rool may have failed to kill you but I won't fail to make his mistakes!" Super DK: Well at least I have friends unlike you. Mewtwo: "Care to elaborate on that fact?" Super DK: You're far too close-minded and most of all psychotic, everybody fears you, including the other villains. Mewtwo: "Fear is how you get people to respect you." Super DK: No it doesn't! K Rool is much more of a decent villain than you are, all you are is just a psychopathic murderer that doesn't care about anyone but yourself! Mewtwo: "Listen to this monkey, he thinks he knows everything about me. If I recall, the name donkey is referred to as a dummy, correct?" Super DK: I'm not dumb, I may not look like it but I'm smart and I'm special, father and grandpa said so themselves, and I don't care what you or anyone else thinks. Mewtwo: "Very well then. Enlighten me "smart ape". Hit me." Super DK: Okay you asked for it.
*Super DK flew towards Mewtwo to punch him then Mewtwo teleported but then super donkey kong teleported himself behind Mewtwo and kick him right in the face*
Mewtwo: *Flew back then rubs my face which has a red spot from the kick* Super DK: Heheheheeeee, you missed meeee. *Hoots mockingly* Mewtwo: "Never have I heard such insolence!!" *Shot purple energy beam out of my finger* Super DK: *Slapped the energy beam aside* Can a dumb ape do that? Mewtwo: *Growls as I continued firing multiple energy beams*
*Super DK slapped every single energy beam until there was nothing but smoke as Mewtwo stopped firing finger beams and checked to see if DK would fall then he had his hand out as the smoke cleared*
Mewtwo: "WHAT?! This is impossible!" Super DK: Hehe. It might work if I didn't discover my super kong form. But since I did, your normal attacks won't affect me. Mewtwo: "Silence!! You insist on going on and on about your cocky nature! Super DK: Right, so the fact that you're power-hungry makes things better?! You've destroyed the only home that Lucario had and cared about, all because you're afraid of feeling weak to people! All because of both pokemon trainers, all this talk about being superior to everyone just because it's right for you. There's no honor in any of it! Mewtwo: "It's the ONLY way to keep those villains in line! You wouldn't understand. I was experimented by pokemon scientists for years! YEARS!! Cursed to live in the presence of an original mew! I don't need pokemon trainers to train me because I'm strong enough as it is!" Super DK: Look, maybe you just needed a friend, or someone to look out for you. I can help you. Mewtwo: "I do not need your pity. Besides, a simple-minded simian like you could never understand what power truly is. Now I command you to step aside or I'll kill you where you stand. Super DK: You'll have to survive this fight first!
*Super DK gave out a battle cry as he flew towards Mewtwo then they both punched each other while teleporting in multiple directions while dodging each other's attacks. Mewtwo tried to use his tail to smack DK in the face but he dodged and flipped back*
Super DK: You know for a so-called superior pokemon you sure are bad at beating me. Shadow Mewtwo: "Enough of this!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" *Transforms into my shadow form* You've fought well and managed to dodge some of my best attacks, but you've caused me enough trouble. This distraction will only prologue the inevitable. Soon as I take the fruit gems for myself I'll destroy those so called "villains" and become this worlds creator. Super DK: *Mimics* I'll destroy those so-called villains and become this world's creator Shadow Mewtwo: .... "What are you doing?" Super DK: What are you doing? Shadow Mewtwo: Stop that! Super DK: Stop that! Shadow Mewtwo: Stop that, this instance! Super DK: Stop that, this instance! Shadow Mewtwo: Stop that, right now!! Super DK: *Giggles* Or what? You still haven't taken me down yet, you're just a grumpy kitty cat. Shadow Mewtwo: "I grow tired of your childish games!! YIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!"
*Both of them continued fighting and dodging*
Eyecatch A/Donkey Kong Z will be right back - Donkey Kong Country OST - Stage Clear
Eyecatch B/Now back to Donkey Kong Z - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Soundtrack - World Clear
Diddy's Talk with Fox - Shenmue Music: Fukuhara's Confession
Fox: Now then, what do you know about jeet kune do? Diddy: Basically a lot of kicks and punches. Most important balance. Fox: It's more than just punches and kicks. Now you've learned kung fu from lucario, but you can transcent yourself in doing both fencing and boxing all in one, combine all three and you have jeet kune do. You gotta be fast, alert while also being unpredictible, react to every opponents movements before they could do so. If you gotta dodge, do so. If you gotta hit, hit'em hard and fast. Diddy: So being invisible basically. Gotcha. *Got into fighting stance* Ready. Fox: Good, than your training will begin.
Teaching Diddy Jeet Kune Do - Shenmue Music: Swallow Dive (Game version)
*Fox went into fighting stance as they both circle around each other then went closer to hit each other*
Diddy: *Speed dodged Fox move with a counter strike of kicks and punches* Fox: *Grabs and parry's diddy's kicks and punches then punched diddy two times until I started jab kicking with an Infinite amount of flurry strikes* Diddy: *Back flip to avoid getting hit them spin on my hands to do a side sweep* Fox: *Backflips to avoid the side sweep* I think you understand the jest of this. Diddy: I do. Fox: Good, then let's get serious.
Show me what you've learned/Fox Vs. Diddy - Tekken Tag Tournament Arcade OST: Law
*Fox ran towards diddy and began to fight seriously, making him much more harder and challenging*
Diddy: *Kept dodging until I got hit two times and flipped over* Oogh! Fox: Come on, you're faster than me, try harder! Diddy: *Got back up as my chi flow through my body giving me extra boost and powered through against Fox* Fox: *Speed dodge leaps around then ignited myself and flew towards diddy using the fire fox attack* FIRE!! Diddy: *Uses chi to create a shield barrier and bounced Fox away from me* Hah! Fox: *Slides back then dropped my fighting stance* I think you're ready. Diddy: *Flips back landing on my feet then bows* Thank you for training me. Fox: No prob. Now let's get those fruit gems. Diddy: Yeah.
Shadow Mewtwo: "Why won't you stand still?!?" Super DK: *Shakes my butt at mewtwo* Here kitty kitty! Shadow Mewtwo: "You-" *points my finger up in the air and makes a giant purple ball of energy* "Just made a BIG mistake, dumb ape! A BIIIIIIG MISTAKE!!!!!"
*Mewtwo moves his finger down as the giant orb went toward the planet but super donkey kong got in front of the orb and tried to stop it with his bare hands*
Shadow Mewtwo: "IMPOSSIBLE! Not even Lucario would be able to stop it!" *Growls as I made the orb stronger and forced it through DK* "You'll die along with the planet!!" Super DK: *Groans as I hold the orb for as long as I can to prevent it from moving closer to the planet* GRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! ARRRRRRGH!!!! *Punched through the giant energy ball*
*DK's punch made the giant orb explode*
Shadow Mewtwo: "WHAT?!?!" Super DK: *Pants* Is that all you got kitty man? Because honestly, you're wasting your energy. Shadow Mewtwo: "So are you. How long do you think you can last against my power? You can't win donkey kong. The moment you mess up I will be the one to kill you where you stand." Super DK: As long as there's still chi energy left in me. I won't let you have your way. Shadow Mewtwo: "You're heroic attempts are pathetic! If I have to make a point then so be it." *Points my finger at him as purple energy glows* "Once I fire this homing laser, it'll go straight to your heart, faster than you can even catch it. You shouldn't have just let things be but you insist on- Super DK: *Grabs shadow Mewtwo* Shadow Mewtwo: "What?! I can't move! Let go of me!" Super DK: How about this. I'll go down on this planet and I'm taking you with me! Shadow Mewtwo: "No! I refuse!"
*Super DK flew down to the planet then flips into a ball and started spinning while becoming on fire because of the planet's atmosphere*
Diddy: What!? No way! K Rool: I'm afraid you have no choice in the matter. Neo-Cortex: Mewtwo has become far more powerful than any of us including you, we're going to have to work together to stop him. Diddy: Uh no, this is YOU'RE problem that you have to deal with, so keep us out of it. Fox: Besides why should we believe you? If you expect us to trust you two then you're sadly mistaken. Lucario: *Ran back to the others* "Has anyone seen DK?" Spyro: We thought he was with you.
*A loud crash came in front of everyone as they all shook from the impact, Mewtwo passed out on the ground as his shadow form went away and DK's super form worn-out*
DK: *Stands up* WHOO!! *Dust my hands off* That oughta knock him out for a while. Diddy: DK what the heck happened?! DK: Oh I was having a catfight with Mewtwo and I managed to knock him out. Lucario: ?!? K Rool: Whoa.. Fox: I- *Noticed Zacian and Zamazenta walking up* Zamazenta: "We'll take him from here before he wakes up." Zacian: "Thank you for stopping him ape." DK: *I scratch my head and chuckle* Awe it's no problem guys. Lucario: *Walks over to Mewtwo while he's passed out then clench my fists* "You were everything I despised, you've destroyed my home and nearly killed an innocent young ape all because of your relenting fury. You deserve EVERYTHING that's coming to you. *My aura came to my hand as I point my paw at Mewtwo then fox stopped* Fox: Don't. Just let your anger rest. Please. Lucario: ..... "You're right. It's finally over." Mewtwo: *Opened my eyes quickly*
*A raging explosion blasted everyone away from Mewtwo including zacian and Zamazenta, Mewtwo immediately got up then flew towards DK and used psychokinesis to choke him*
Lucario's hatred for Mewtwo - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess OST - Midna's Theme
DK: *Started gasping and gagging for air* Mewtwo: "YOU!!!!" I will not be HUMILIATED by the RUNT of the litter!!! And now I'm going to teach you a painless lesson! A lesson that will- AGH!!" *Got hit by the aura sphere* Lucario: "NO!!! Your fight is with me Mewtwo!" Mewtwo: "Fine then" *Throws DK down* DK: *Gasping hard and started coughing trying to breathe* Lucario: "You would kill an ape by choking him to death?! You're a monster!" Mewtwo: "I can sense you're angry and hate. The intensity in your soul. The burning passion of warrior courses within you!! That's what I want to see from you." Lucario: "SHUT UP!!! You treat everyone and pokemon trainers like their nothing but things! But their not! Pokemon and their trainers are living beings like we are, you have NO right in destroying this planet or the lives that live on it! And if I have to take you down so be it!" Mewtwo: "Good, time for our round 2 shall we?
Mewtwo Vs. Lucario ver.2 - Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 1 OST - Battle Theme #4 (Challengers) (1080p HD)
*Lucario and Mewtwo went into a fighting stance and started fighting fast and hard while dodging and blocking each other's attacks in a lightning-fast motion including in the air, as the battle continues to intensify, Mewtwo's dark powers began to affect the weather as lightning shoots everywhere and clouds darkened the sky. All the villains rushed in as well as Klump and krusha and the newcomer Koriju to witness the battle*
Diddy: Guys we gotta do something, we can't let it go on like this! Krystal: I'm sensing Mewtwo's power growing even stronger, at this rate Lucario still won't stop him alone! Lucario: *Breaths heavy* Mewtwo: "Face it, you cannot beat me and never will!' Lucario: "No matter what it takes, I will take you down even if it cost's my life!" *Speed attack then gave out an aura blast towards Mewtwo* Mewtwo: *Used psychic blast to destroy the aura blast then throws a shadow ball at lucario* K Rool: *Steps in front of Lucario and slapped the orb away* Lucario: "K Rool?!" K Roo: That is quite enough! Mewtwo: "Move aside you annoying waste of space!" Neo Cortex: Um he's not going to do anything. The sorceress: It's time k rool got his command back. Ripto: It's for your own good Mewtwo! Mewtwo: "What is the meaning of this!? I was the one who lead you to the fruit gems you will NOT get rid of me like some pitiful lackey!" K Rool: We're only teaming up with the heroes to stop you Mewtwo. Mewtwo: "Fools! All of you! Do you not realize what you've done? You've disgraced yourselves as villains by siding with our enemies!" K Rool: As far as I can see it, you're not a villain, your just a godlike tyrant that thinks everyone is inferior compared to you! A villain has to have standards on what they do that's bad, not over the top! And even though we help the heroes sometimes but that doesn't mean we don't like it, it's just a mutual partnership to stop an even greater evil such as yourself, and then things would get back to normal, hasn't THAT ever crossed your mind!? Diddy: K rool.... K Rool: And there's just another thing you have to know! I could have led the way in finding the fruit gems! Yet here you were, stealing my thunder just because what? You know everything there is to know about anything?! You're not a god Mewtwo! You're mortal just like all of us! That also has weaknesses same as us! And all of us are going to make sure you see that in the afterlife! Mewtwo: "How.....dare you?!? YOU'RE ALL TRAITORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
*Mewtwo transforms into shadow Mewtwo but started to transform even further thanks to his mega evolution and becomes Mega Shadow Mewtwo X*
Lucario and Team Vs. Mega Shadow Mewtwo X - Time Crisis 3 Music - Final Mission - Arcade - Stage 3 - Area 3 Boss [1080p HD]
DK: Okay NOW I think it's time to step in and help Lucario.
*Lucario transformed into his mega evolution and got ready*
Mega Lucario: Let's end this. DK: Okay K rool, we're partners but ONLY for now. K Rool: Indeed. Time to beat up a crazy cat!
*K Rool and DK went up first as Mewtwo used laser focus and psychic beam out of my finger as they both quickly dodged and jumped up*
K Rool and DK: BANANAAAAAAAAA SLAMMA!!!! *Punched Mega Shadow Mewtwo X right in the face* Mega Shadow Mewtwo X: *Used recover to heal me than future sight*
*In future sight, Mewtwo witnessed Spyro, ripto, and the sorceress attacking him at once while gnasty gnorc bashed him with his mace then after the future sight, he witnessed the attack take place but used mist to stop them from doing so and used psycho cut as crescent projectile blades hit all four of them at once until Zamazenta came in front of them and blocked the psycho cut using wide guard then used iron head by knocking Mewtwo down with a headbutt attack*
Mega Shadow Mewtwo X: "Damn it all!" Mega Lucario: RAAAAAH!!! *Used Dragon Pulse as I opened my mouth* Mega Shadow Mewtwo X: *Simply opened his paw and absorb the energy* Dillon: *Rolls into a ball as I move towards Mewtwo then flew up a steep grassy hill and dive down* Mega Shadow Mewtwo X: *Grabs Dillon's rolling attack with my other palm* "How many times must we go over this? I've become more powerful than any pokemon! Including you! *Throws Dillon towards Lucario* Mega Lucario: !! *Dodged* Emperor Andross: Oh shut up!! *Started shooting at Mewtwo with my blaster rifle*
*All the star fox team worked with Andross and fired all their blaster rifles then Mega Shadow Mewtwo X used a double team to attack but crash bandicoot stopped him with his spin attack then neo cortex fired his raygun at maximum power along with crush's double lasers on his back*
Mega Shadow Mewtwo X: "OOOOOOOUUUUUGHHH!!!" *Flew back from the raygun's laser* Neo Cortex: Do it now!
*N Trophy used the time to stop while dingodile used his flame thrower to combine with N Gin's laser cannon, N Brio throws his potions at Mega Shadow Mewtwo X while Tiny Tiger, Fake Crash, Gulp, Klump, and krusha simply gang up on Mewtwo and started bashing him and beating him up inside a cartoon cloud with fists and kicks are going out and back until N Tropy unfroze time, leaving Mega Shadow Mewtwo X getting beaten up as he kneels*
Mega Shadow Mewtwo X: "No....No.....enough....." Mega Lucario: "Do you submit?!" Mega Shadow Mewtwo X: *Psycho energy began to glow intensely as I got even angrier* "I SAID, ENOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!!!!!!!!"
*Psychic energy blasted everyone away*
Diddy: DK are you okay?! DK: Owwww....can I have a bandage for my booty? Ouch... Diddy: *Chuckles* Yeah you're fine. Mega Shadow Mewtwo X: "That does it!! You little insects have caused me enough trouble! This is going to end RIGHT NOW!!!" *Has the five fruit gems in my hand*
He has Five Fruit Gems?! - Wild Arms 3 OST 08 - Death Wire
Falco: He has the fruit gems!? Koriju: You idiots! Klump and Krusha: We didn't know! We swear! Mega Shadow Mewtwo X: "So now, how about this? I'm not going to use these fruit gems for some infinity wishes oh no...I'm going to use this to boost my power even more! Just enough to blow this planet up again! Along with all of you in it!!! We're all gonna die together, whether you all want it or not!!
*Mega Shadow Mewtwo X flew straight up into the sky as high as he could then absorbed the fruit gems power and started evolving again but grew even stronger and more monstrous, gaining two more eyes and spikes on his back, tail, and two more horns on his head*
Chaotic Mewtwo Alpha: "I must now put an end to this conflict! Now diiiiiie! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA" *Lift his hand up and started forming a gigantic Psy ball* Krystal: What's he trying to do?! Mega Lucario: "The psyball! Something that big could destroy us all!" Zacian: "Lucario, he's becoming much too powerful for us to stop him." Zamazenta: "This is your only chance, you have to take him while he's weak."
Spirit Sword Emerges - Sono Na wa Captain
Zacian: Everyone! You must give Lucario your energy so he can stop Mewtwo for good!
*Everyone nod their heads and hold their arms and hands out as everyone started giving mega Lucario spiritual energy to boost up his aura powers*
Zamazenta: "Pokemon from around the world! Hear me! Mewtwo must be stopped if this planet is to survive! Give Lucario all of your energy!"
*All the pokemon who have arms raise their hands up while others that don't simply close their eyes and focus, all of their spiritual energy flew into a large stream and went right into Lucario as he absorbed all of it as his blue eyes started glowing when he opened them. After all the energy was gathered into Lucario, everyone put their arms down*
Krystal: Lucario how do you feel. Mega Lucario: "A whole lot stronger now" *Opens up my hand and summons the spirit sword* All: Oooooooo.
Mewtwo's no more / Lucario wins! - Time Crisis 3 Music - Mission Accomplished - Arcade Completed [1080p HD]
*Mega Lucario jump up extremely high and flew into the air towards Mewtwo before he could throw the psi ball*
Mega Lucario: "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" *Cuts through Chaotic Mewtwo Alpha* Chaotic Mewtwo Alpha: *Felt a strong cut going through but noticed the psyball is falling down to me* "NO!!! AHHH~AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"
*The Psy ball went into Mewtwo and exploded in a supernova, killing off Mewtwo entirely as Lucario landed on his feet, the fruit gems fell on the ground behind Lucario, dark clouds went away as it clears the sky, making it bright and sunny again*
Eyecatch A/Donkey Kong Z will be right back - Donkey Kong Country OST - Stage Clear
Eyecatch B/Now back to Donkey Kong Z - Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Soundtrack - World Clear
DK: So...now did we win? Fox: Yeah I think we did. Diddy: Lucario did it! Mewtwo's gone!!
*Everyone started cheering for lucario while Koriju just fold his arms and smiled while petting zacian and zamazenta, Lucario turned back around and revert out of mega evolution then immediately started laughing as he fell on the grass*
Lucario: "I never felt so cleansed in my entire life! Incredible!" *Laughs*
*K Rool and the others got the rest of the gems and snuck out fast back to their ship*
Crash: ?! *Jumps up to get everyone attention and points to the villains getting away* Aku Aku: Hey! They're getting away with the gems!
*Koriju froze all the villains with his ice breath as he simply walked over to them, taking the five fruit gems from them*
Koriju: I'll be taking those. Thank you. K Rool: *Grunts as my hands twitch* N...o F-f-fair! Lucario: "Well done Crash. It's time we send these villains flying."
*DK and Crash teamed up and knocked all the villains into the sky*
Lucario: "What are we to do about their ship?" Fox: Destroy it so no one can ever use it. Lucario: "Allow me." *Uses aura blast to destroy the ship* Diddy: Hey! Were missing one more gem. Koriju: No we have not. I have five of them in my hand now. Diddy: *Looks at what Koriju's holding* Oh, sorry. Fox: So who are you anyway? Koriju: I am Koriju Koopa, samurai of the northern ice lands. After finding out my true family I was reassigned to a new island to become its protector. Daisuke: *Sniffing fox's butt* Kota: *Licks my paw and rubs my ears with it* Fox: Right.. *Rub Daisuke head* We appreciate your help on stopping those villains. Now we can get back in track. Lucario: *Turns to everyone* "Thank you all for helping get my home again. We no longer have to worry about Mewtwo." *Bows* Diddy: You're not thinking of leaving are you Lucario? Lucario: "Of course not. I would much rather continue the journey until the end." Koriju: I actually came just before the clouds emerged from the sky. Before Mewtwo's demise, I caught those two stealing the five fruit gems moments before my arrival.
Wild Area - SDGF - Neotopia
*Klump and krusha are walking around the wild pokemon area*
Krusha: What are we looking for again? Klump: Mewtwo said that the five fruit gems are somewhere, either a pokemon has it or it's hidden somewhere. Krusha: What happens if a pokemon DOES have it? Klump: Well we can't challenge it to a pokemon battle since we have no pokemon, we gotta make it simple and quick.
*Pokemon Pidgeotto and Braviary flew above them holding the gems in their talons*
Krusha: Awe no, those pokeman got the fruit gems! Klump: Oh don't worry, I'll get him. *Aims my rocket launcher at pidgeotto and braviary until a katana blade went up to my throat* EEP!! Koriju: If you value your life, I would suggest you not to harm those creatures and drop your weapon now. Klump: W-who are you?! Daisuke: *Growls at Klump* Kota: *Roars at krusha* Krusha: Scary tiger! Koriju: Who I am is of no importance. Now drop your weapon.
*Krusha and Klump moved away from Koriju*
Klump: We got a better idea. *Whistles*
A Koopa Samurai Appears / Koriju Vs. Kremling and Gnorc Army - Naruto ost Strong and Strike
*Kremling army and gnorc army surrounded Koriju, daisuke and kota*
Klump: We got a pokemon to catch. Krusha: Nice knowing yaaaa.
*Krusha and klump ran off to follow the pidgeotto and braviary, leaving Koriju to enter his swordsman stance as the gnorc and kremling armies rushed toward him as a kill counter appeared for Koriju to cut through every single one of them as the counter goes down*
Klump: Time to stop those birds! *Pulled out the gun and some as I ran* Krusha: You're going to kill them?! Klump: No! This is just to stun them!
*All of a sudden daisuke is chasing after klump and krusha as daisuke jumped and bite klump in the butt*
Klump: WAAH!! *Ran off* Get it off me! Get it oooooff!!!! Krusha: I'm trying but it won't let go! Koriju: Is that really all you got?! Klump: Eep! *Crouch down shaking* Don't hurt us! You win! Krusha: *Fell over and held the white flag* We give! Koriju: Good. Saves you the embarrassment of getting slaughtered. *Whistles*
*pidgeotto and braviary flew down over to Koriju and dropped the two fruit gems*
Koriju: Thank you, boys. *Petting pidgeotto and braviary*
*Pidgeotto and Braviary flew off back to their nest*
Koriju: Let's go boys. *Walks off with Daisuke and Kota* Klump: Man I hate that koopa.
*Flashback over*
Koriju: I managed to find the other three fruit gems right before I saw the clouds darkened and that's when I rushed over here with those two crocodiles. Kota: *Licks my paw then yawns and rubs myself* Fox: Well done. Falco: Well now what? The villains have been defeated and Lucario planet has been restored. Fox: I guess we'll just have to rest here and take a break from space travel. There are still more fruit gems to collect including since now we have the crystal coconut back. Diddy: DK would definitely love a good rest wouldn't you big buddy?
*Everyone noticed DK isn't around as they all looked around*
Diddy: DK? DK: *Starting peeing on the bushes after holding in my urine for so long* Ahhhhhhhh. Hehehe. ^_^ Lucario: "He will be fine. Everyone enjoy your stay in pokemon world. I'm going to find my owner." *Ran off* Spyro: We will lucario, and thanks for everything. DK: Woooooo. I've been holding all this in since that battle in space. Feels so good to finally let loose. Diddy: Should have known. *Got on DK shoulder* Let's look around. Hopefully we don't get mistaken as a pokemon. DK: Not yet. Almost done. Slippy: *Was about to walk off then suddenly felt my bladder being full* Wait! *Went over to the bushes where DK is using as I pulled down my pants* Krystal: I don't think we should watch. Fox: Agreed.
*Everyone went walking around the wild area*
Slippy: *Started urinating fast* Ahhhhhh.... DK: You too huh? Slippy: Mhm. ^_^ Falco: It's amazing how big this world is. We must come again to explore. Fox: That would take years my friend. Perhaps on our retirement plan. Pikachu: Pi, pi, pi. *Walking around then started rubbing myself on fox* Krystal: Awe it's pikachu. Fox: *Picks up Pikachu* A wild Pikachu. Wonder if there's a poke shop near by.
*Everyone went their separate ways for right now while donkey kong and slippy are still emptying their bladder*
Diddy: You guys done yet? DK: I am. Though how cool would it be if we peed in space? *Laughs* Diddy: It'll probably just float endlessly. Slippy: *Laughs* That would be fun. *Finished finally then took a big leaf to clean myself* Diddy: Slippy wait! That's a leaf pokemon! Slippy: Huh? AH!! Bulbasaur: Bulbasaur! *Used vine wipe to smack slippy away from me* Slippy: Ow! Okay, okay I'm sorry! *Hopped back rubbing my hand* Bulbasaur: *Walks off disgusted* DK: PFFFFFAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! *Laughing hysterically as I fell on my back, kicking my legs and feet* Slippy: Man, who'd ever thought pokemon would be that sensitive. *Pulls my pants up* Diddy: Most of them are anyways. Let's go find the others.
Taking a break from space travel - Kekkaishi Original Soundtrack Training days
*DK got up from laughing and walked off to find everyone, everyone is now sitting on the grass where it's next to the great fox*
Peppy: There you guys are, we just found a spot to relax in.
*All the pokemon are running around the wild area while also flying in the sky*
DK: Good. I could use a nap from all that fighting. Koriju: *Meditating alone by the trees while daisuke and kota lay next to me* Falco: *Trying out some pokemon food* Man we have to take some of this with us. Their food is amazing. Fox: Me and falco came back from the pokemon shop and delivered the pikachu there. Falco seems to like the food here. Krystal: In that case we will stock up on food before we leave. Falco: Already bought some for me. *Chuckles* Peppy: Falco you're gonna get fat if you keep eating those. Falco: Am not besides have you tried them? *Gave Peppy some poke puffs to try* Peppy: No but I will anyway. *Grabs some poke puffs and eats them* WHOA!! Falco: See, told ya. Eevee: *Hops then looks up to spyro* Eevee! ^_^ Spyro: Oh hey little guy...or girl. Whichever. Russ: *Laughs* They must REALLY like you dillon!
*A bunch of small pokemon snuggle up to dillon including bird pokemon hanging onto his shoulder and head*
Dillon: -_- Fox: Lucario must be enjoying his time. We'll wait a little longer. DK: *Sniffs around smelling different foods* Oooo I smell something spicy. Krystal: Must be their curry and noddles. I'll be sure to order those on the go. Banjo: *Watching kazooie fly with the other bird pokemon*
*Hours later as the sun sets everyone made it back to the ship along with Lucario*
Krystal: This planet is nothing but beautiful. Koriju: Hai. The sun setting reminds me of my home in japan. I would often practice with my sword in the early morning to keep my skills sharp for battle. Spyro: So.. you're coming with us then right? Koriju: Hai. On my honor as a samurai, I'll slay our enemies, when they do not expect it. *Went inside the ship* Daisuke: *Nuzzle my face on spyro's face* Kota: *Follows Koriju* Slippy: Wait, has anyone kept their eyes on Crash? Knowing him he would have wondered about on his own. Fox: Aku aku is with him so I doubt it. Slippy: Oh right. Aku Aku: See I told you it was this way! Crash: Hah!! *Waves at everyone as I ran up to them* Diddy: Where were you two? Aku Aku: Crash got distracted by the pokemons and landed in the city. Spyro: We might go there tomorrow. Aku Aku: Oh we're staying? Fox: We're taking a break from space travel for a while. Russ: Dillon and I are going to explore and meet back here tonight. Spyro: I just hope they don't mistake me as a pokemon. Lucario: "You're not on the Pokedex so you're good" Spyro: Well that's reassuring.
*The sun later sets on the great fox, meanwhile in outer space, all the villains are still frozen in ice as the kremling dreadnought flew and opened its bay doors as every villain flew inside the doors closed. Every villain is inside the defrost tube as it warms up k rool first, the tube drains all the hot water as k rool came out*
In Space / The Supreme Commander's Arrival - Twilight - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
K Rool: Whoo!! *Cracks every bone in my body including my neck* I feel so much better. ???: I have recovered you and everyone else right on schedule. K Rool: Supreme commander, it's wonderful to see you again. How goes the conquering in space? ???: Conquered five planets in this quadrant of the galaxy. I have instructed the kremling space pirates to guard them with their lives. K Rool: How delightful. I need your help. Donkey kong has gotten stronger than I thought, now thanks to that super kong form I can't even face him yet. I need more power to destroy him. And I think I found the solution to that problem. ???: And what of klump and krusha? K Rool: Should they fall again. Kill them both. ???: Consider it done lord k rool. I'm afraid of this so-called "super kong". I'll be sure to put that ape in his place.
End of Act 1
Things are about to get even more serious / End of Act 1 - Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex - Opening - Inner Universe - Full HD
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seokmins · 2 years
Surprise, it's me! The healing you've sent my way did its job, I think. Was suddenly in the mood to do things, go out, get shitfaced with friends (doing a GoSe drinking game, of all things). All thanks to your magical powers! 🥳 How are you, though?
I just noticed that your username underwent a change after all! 😁 It's the holiday spirit, it gets the best of us 😘
I am like "miss you" every time I hear Baekhyun's voice in any track, solo, EXO oder SuperM, so I absolutely get it! And Taemin also needs to come back asap, that precious human being. I mean SHINee overall is doing fine in his absence, as expected, because they are SHINee, duh, but there is still something missing. I want them all free and together again.
Who my other two ults are, you ask? Firstly there is Jay B from GOT7 and secondly -- and that might thrill you (or not, idk) -- it's DK. It's a longer story how he got in there, but idk if you are interested. But yeah, it's those three and I think I've chosen wisely (unless Baekhyun or Seokmin give me secondhand embarrassment, but I will suffer through that with fondness). Who are your ults?
I've heard that there is new stuff in the works for KARD. They just did a tour, I think, and they've got a new management/CEO, so it's understandable that they haven't had a cb yet. They probably had to settle in first.
Ooof, that list of songs you sent. All those songs really float my boat. So I guess you are more into the uptempo stuff than the quieter, ballad-sy songs?
So good to hear you're doing well <3 that sounds like a lot of fun and I'm super glad hehe! I'm doing okay ~ hanging in there 💪🏻
yes!! i decided to be a bit festive for the holidays haha but I'll go back to normal afterwards <3
Omg yes, i saw smth on spotify about baekyun so that's super exciting, when i have more time I'll have to look into it 👁️ and omg ik it's been ages since we had taemin back let alone shinee altogether freed ahah, like you said they can sincerely hold their own but we need them together to be complete!!
mr jay b is such good taste 🫦 i think his vocal color is just so distinct and lovely to listen to and I've loved a lot of his solo releases!! also omg seokmin hehe i love that and ofc if you want to share i'd be interested in listening <3 ajskdjf yes we must all suffer from secondhand embarrassment unfortunately 😭 which is okay as long as they are not getting into any terrible scandals or doing horrific things on the side 🙇🏻‍♀️
as for my ults ajksdjf i'm terrible i usually go for vocal and/or subunits but like at this point I've lost track of mostly everyone 😭 which i feel bad for but it's so hard for me to stay updated on everyone esp w/ how much content svt gives us but i'd say like booseoksoon, 3racha, and a few from ateez/nct/monsta x are in there too </3
i'm glad to hear that about kard! I wish them nothing but success and good luck, i know they are pretty generally loved outside of south Korea so i hope to see them tour more places near me, that would be nice! but i hope the transition isn't too rough.
ooh i'm glad!! technically yeah, if i'm actively listening to music i prefer upbeat things esp cuz i usually am doing a lot of active work around the house or outside. but i do love ballads i just don't listen to them as often 😭 more so if I'm like driving somewhere long or just chilling haha.
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3s-diary · 2 years
woah, its novemeber and i remember writing the holiday report posts in bio class after the holidays, then forgot to do the rest of it, which is okay however, that was a whilw ago but the quick recap is in week 5 i went to the netherlands which was partly really nice bc i hung with my homie there and partly really awful bc i. felt so dysphoric and lonely that i cried a lot and stared at the. wall or ran away from the restaurant once so no one would notice. overall i was happy to be gone from home tho and had a few happy moments, im really thankful for being able to go. since we both graduate next year, i hope the person i always meet there and me will see each other again at all. just one day after i went back home me and my friends left to go to a youuth hostel which was really just a fever dream. on the train ride there dipsy was anxious and nauseous all the time bc she gets like insanely scared of being late or anything. when we were there however we hung in the hostel, the food was okay(im a picky eater so that was a big worry) and we went to the store to get snacks and stuff to drink.the next day we tried to go to a nearby memorial, which didnt work bc we didnt get how the bus traffic worked at all, which is why we got really frustrated and me and dipsy wanted to gi home whilw pou wanted to keep trying and we just sorta went home pissed and did nothing afterwards and i was really depressed as soon as i had alone time and any thoughts passed my head. every "social break" we took, was sorta dipsys decision and she either went for a walk or watched shameless whilw pou slept and i listened to music and overthought. i didn't like them, but well come to that. im not quite sure anymore, but i think we went for a run afterwards which was really okay and then (after i almost had a breakdown over the community showers, but i lickily managed to shower when no one was there) went to dinner. i think during that as well as after pou started crying, which she did often (or had general emotional outbursts) which me and dipsy sometimws didn't know how to handle, for my part ir was especially because i was very deep inside my own problems and couldn't even care for myself. then we started drinking and after we got in a fight again we went for a huge walk in the middle of the night and i told them all the things ive never told noone before, like my eating issues and the stuff about my relation to men , and essentially all the stuff that happened with my ex bsf as well as every thing that happened with my dad and mom. (yeah, in the middle of the night, wasted, in a city weve never been before). i still dk how to feel abt that but they tried to understand, and pou told us about how she doesnt get along with her dad and about all the boys who were assholes towards. her. it was really,,, weird somehow how we just spilled everything we stfu about before all at once, I don't even know what else to say about that but it was just . a situation.
the next day we went to the city and ate pitza as well as got funny little drinks and walked around. in the evening we (for WHATEVER REASON) decided to walk to the memorial we couldnt get to before so we started going at like 11pm. however when we already walked for a bit dipsy said we should return bc its like totally unsafe and we could break our legs(bc the route was really leading up a hill and through a forest) and i was really mad bc we just decided altogether to go there, however i was so emotionally drained that i had no energy to really even argue. pou got really pissed as well and they argued whilw i felt like just disappearing tbh. we ended up going, on the way there i started crying and when they asked what was wrong i tried to explain how ive been feeling to drained and lonely all along and thought it would get better here but it didnr and i cant do this anymore ans they hugged me but didn't know what to say so we kept walking vut i couldnt stop crying and didnr wanna talk to them. the 2 of them tried talking out some of our conflicts, which wouldve been nice to see but i didnr partake bc all i wanted to do was die and idk tgose 1.5 hours we walked in the dark were a huge fever dream, all i didn was wish i was dead and cry my eyes out .whwn we got there it was cool, i managed to stop crying at some point. we literally walked back on a street without a side walk so wehad to jump into the bushes everytime there was a car, which was so weird and dipsy was so anxious about it and the conversations we had were really weird kinda and idk what the hell was up. we found a few books on the street which pou wanted to take with her but we thought it was creepy (and nowadays everything is a sex trafficking method,so...) so we talked her out of it and we got in a fight abt that and then we got into a fight about ehich time we should get up cus we had to check out at 9 am. like. whatever the next day dipsy was anxious throuufhtout the whole trip again but yeah we got home. that was our trip together and its the weirdest thing thats ever happened to me, i also feel like it wouldve wenr a lot different if all of use wozldve been in a better mental state, we always sorta fuck up hangouts when at least one of us is doing bad, it just really ruins it. but yeah we were home.
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