#i still do not understand why kazuichi had to carry him around like
graveyard-society · 1 year
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so this is basically what happened in that one episode of the anime right
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sjskjsk, hi!! ive had this idea for a while, so can i request a platonic child!reader with Gundham, Kazuichi, Kyoko, and Sayaka? Like the reader is around the age of 10 or so, and somehow got into Hope's Peak Academy and is very clingy? Thanks so much ♡
(i kinda evil laughed at this request, which I don't do often. But the things you can do with this idea) AMAZING!!!!
This is such a cute idea, my blossom!
Thank you very much for requesting and don't forget to take care of yourself and stay hydrated!!! - mod Chiaki
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Gundham, Kazuichi, Kyoko and Sayaka reaction to child! reader being a student at Hope's Peak Academy
Gundham :
♡ As surprised as you when you see him
♡ You with your small form, him and his Devas and a scarf when it was clearly hot outside
♡ "Who is this fiend?"
♡ What is a child doing here? Is it a student? Is it just his foolish imagination? Are you someone's kid??? He doesn't know and he isn't sure if he wants to know
♡ "Who are you calling a 'fiend?'" You retorted back.
♡ Probably won't spend as much time with you as you would want, but he still kinda thinks you're quite admirable
♡ You got to this school and you also seem smart despite your age, will never say it out loud though
♡ But he won't mind if you hang onto his leg really tightly and walk around with him everywhere
♡ "Your strength has always been admirable, mortal. Touching the skin of Tanaka the Forbidden One comes with a price," would melt when you smile up at him because you think it's a compliment.
♡ Will let you play with his Dark Devas and cuddle with them
♡ He thinks it's really cute
♡ If he and Sonia are going on a trip or something, he's taking you with them
♡ So you end up looking like a nice family
♡ "Look, look! Aren't those animals cute?" You pointed at them as you looked back at Gundham and Sonia with a grin.
♡ "Ah, you're right! They're beautiful," Sonia grinned as she held your hand tightly, beaming down at you.
♡ Afterwards, will go on more trips with you
♡ Will not, I repeat, will not let Kazuichi get closer to you
♡ He thinks he would have a bad influence on you and your pure aura
♡ He likes to teach you about animals and loves how you can keep up with his speaking habits
♡ When you know each other quite a bit better and he's really comfortable with you, he'll let you sit on his shoulders (of course, being mindful to the Devas) and let you play with them and his hair
♡ He will carry you like that all day, every day if you want to
♡ "Your power is flowing through me, little one," he said with a small smile.
♡ He looks like husband material and like he's your father, so expect people stopping him on the street and telling him that he has a cute child ♡
Kazuichi :
♡ shocked baby
♡ "How did a kid get in here?"
♡ slowburn on how to be a good big brother
♡ Would be kind of curious how did you get through the security and would also think that you maybe got lost
♡ "Are you lost?" He kneeled down to your level with a grin on his face, surely thinking that this is a piece of cake.
♡ "I'm not lost, I go to this school."
♡ Wouldn't believe it, he wouldn't believe it at all
♡ He's the person who'll cause a ruckus and get the attention of a teacher who explains to him that in fact you're a student here and in fact you're his new classmate
♡ Wouldn't know how to talk to you so he would spend most of his time running around and trying to get Sonia to notice him
♡ But if you came one day to him and decided to help him with fixing something, he would be so happy and excited to teach you
♡ Would also love to share lunches with you and spend time with you
♡ He would as well complain about a lot of things
♡ "I just don't understand why Miss Sonia spends so much time with him!"
♡ "Cheer up, Kazu! You have your good points as well!" You spoke up from beside him, casually eating your sandwich.
♡ Yes, sometimes you'll have to encourage this man-child
♡ Won't mind if you hold his hand at all times, because he is really fond of you and sees you as a younger sibling
♡ Will play with you even if the others tease him about it too much
♡ "Really? You're playing with them? Aren't you just acting like a pedophile?" Hiyoko taunted him.
♡ "No, I'm not!"
♡ Will sacrifice everything for you so if you need help with something and he has a chance to be with Sonia as well, he won't know who to pick, but he adores you so he will help you
♡ He will let you watch him while he's fixing or making something, it makes his confidence rise higher
♡ "I want to play something," you whined out from beside him.
♡ "Really? Now? But I have to fix this!"
♡ He wonders if parents have it this hard with children, because sometimes he's feeling like he will die
♡ But he appreciates you nonetheless and will spend time with you, also will become as clingy as you
♡ So you're like two peas in a pod ♡
Kyoko :
♡ She isn't interested that much??
♡ Like she was a little curious why you were there, but having you as a classmate won't really bother her
♡ She won't even try to socialize or get to know you like her other classmates
♡ But will surely be surprised when you take a liking to her and follow her around the school
♡ At first, she'll try to lose you to the best of her abilities, but it doesn't work
♡ Because you caught up to her and held her hand really tightly
♡ "Why are you running away? Do you hate me?" You muttered out on the verge of tears.
♡ Naturally, Kyoko doesn't know how to react because she herself didn't have the best childhood. But she still tries
♡ "I don't hate you," she answered, nothing less nothing more. But would feel her walls come down a little when you cheered up after hearing that.
♡ You will follow her around, holding onto her hand
♡ Won't let you come and solve a case with her, as much as she doesn't mind dead bodies she doesn't want you to see one
♡ So she will give you to Makoto to be a babysitter, he won't mind, he'll just be surprised at first
♡ If you cry hard enough and don't let go of her leg, she will take you in her arms and take you to the crime scene
♡ Solving the crimes with you in her arms
♡ If it's especially gruesome she will ask you to not look and hide your face in her neck and hair
♡ "Turn around," she patted your head as you turned your head away from the scene.
♡ Won't mind teaching you stuff and helping you with anything
♡ She's a bit stoic and a little rough around the edges, but she loves your affection
♡ Won't let anyone bully you
♡ She has such a soft spot for you ♡
Sayaka :
♡ Kind of surprised when she sees you, but also thinks you're cute from the get go
♡ "Where are your parents?" She kneeled down to your eye-level with a kind smile.
♡ "I don't need my parents here," you told her, only to confuse her.
♡ But she quickly understood that you were her new classmate and she would take almost immediate liking to you
♡ Would be the easiest to get close to out of the four
♡ She would play a lot of games with you and talk to you a lot
♡ She will sing to you at all times, especially when she sees you smile because of how well she sings
♡ Won't mind if you're clingy and want to hold hands all the time
♡ She will hold your hand even before you can reach out your hand and she will walk around like that with you
♡ Most probably babies you and cooks for you when she has the time
♡ Will teach you her choreographies and will literally combust from your cuteness if she sees you trying to imitate her moves
♡ Will also love it when you come with the rest of her classmates to her concerts
♡ She will meet you in the backstage and hug you really tightly
♡ "What do you think? It was fun, wasn't it?" She would grin when she saw your smile.
♡ Sayaka won't hesitate to protect you and will be nicknamed as your mother
♡ Will take you on a lot of trips with her and won't mind showing you to her idol band
♡ When her fans see you with her on multiple occasions, she won't mind (as long as you and your parents agree) taking a few photos and uploading them on her social site
♡ But she will protect you and do anything for you to not get caught any backslash
♡ She completely adores you ♡
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shslrose · 4 years
Hope - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Reader
Summary: You try to recover the Ultimate Yakuza from despair, but things don’t go as planned when you begin to develop feelings for each other.
It had been a while since Makoto Naegi had recruited you. You had become close friends after surviving the Killing Game of Hope’s Peak Academy together, along with Aoi Asahina, Kyoko Kirigiri, Toko Fukawa, and Byakuya Togami. Makoto had a plan to save the Remnants of Despair using the Neo-World Program, and he needed your help to develop the technology. You worked alongside him and Alter Ego in order to create the program, and during the development, Makoto asked you to have sessions with the Remnants in order to learn more about the psychological trauma that Junko Enoshima and Mukoro Ikasaba had inflicted upon them. So, against Future Foundation orders, you had been secretly meeting with the Remnants in an undisclosed location unknown to your boss, Chairman Tengan.
Your primary subject was none other than Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu. 
Initially, you seemed to make no progress with him. He would open up a little, only to go right back into despair. During your first session, he merely grinned while you asked him about Junko and the despair he helped her spread. 
“Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu… the Ultimate Yakuza, and former student of Hope’s Peak Academy,” you stated, reading his file. You sat across from him, a table between the two of you. He was handcuffed to his chair, as a precautionary measure.
“Damn right,” he replied, despair swirling in his one eye, the other being covered up by his eyepatch. 
“You, along with the other despairs, have killed so many… do you feel regret?” You asked, carefully. You leaned forward in your chair, eager to hear his response.
“Regret?” He asked back, before laughing. ��Hahahaha, why would I regret killing any of those bastards?  Death is natural for the weak, it’s survival of the fucking fittest!”
“Was Natsumi weak?” You asked, with a cold tone. Suddenly, you watched a thousand emotions flash through his eye. Shock came first; his eye widened at the mention of his beloved sister.
“Natsumi…” he muttered quietly, as though it was the first time in a long time that he’d thought of her. A sadness took over his expression, and for a moment you thought there might be tears welling up in his eye, but just as quickly as it had come, the sadness dissipated and was quickly replaced by despair.
“My sister….my little sister…. Natsumi…” he continued muttering, “her death…. brought me so much despair! So much glorious despair! Hahaha!”
He was gone again, his mind consumed by despair once more. It didn’t matter, you had seen it. For even just a moment, you had seen genuine emotion in him, and you knew then that there was hope for not only him, but for all the Remnants. You wondered if you could get him to show emotion again…
“Despair?” You asked. “Is that why you killed Sato? Because you wanted to feel despair? Or, maybe you wanted to make Mahiru feel despair?”
At the mention of Sato’s name, you watched as pure rage flashed across his face.
“That fucking bitch...Sato!” he exclaimed. “Despair had nothin’ to fuckin’ do with it...I had to kill her, for Natsumi…”
You watched his rage bleed into sadness as he continued. “Natsumi… she came to Hope’s Peak for me… she wanted to be the Ultimate Little Sister… she should have been the Ultimate Yakuza, and everyone knew it. She would have been a better heir to the Kuzuryuu clan, but…”
He trailed off then, as if the rest were too painful to remember. You reached across the table, and placed your hand on his.
“I’m sorry for your loss, Fuyuhiko.”
He said nothing then, just stared blankly in front of them. Despair and hope were waging a war within his mind, and it was all you could do to pray for hope. 
Over the past few weeks, you felt as though you had made significant progress bringing Fuyuhiko back to the side of hope. You began to think that the Neo-World might not even be necessary; perhaps you could bring the Remnants back to their former selves without erasing their memories of despair.
What you did not know was that Fuyuhiko had a plan of his own: to convert you to the side of despair.
With each session, he felt himself growing closer to you. He wanted you to feel the chaos of despair, just as he did. 
You would never admit it, but you felt yourself growing closer to him as well. You hated yourself for it: it was unprofessional, it was wrong, Naegi was counting on you, how could you let yourself get distracted?
You recalled your last session with him; you’ve been encouraging to recall his memories of being a student of Hope’s Peak.
“Kazuichi was obsessed with Sonia,” said Fuyuhiko. “Still is, I guess. The bastard was always fuckin’ following her around. ‘Suppose she liked Gundham better though.”
Ah, Gundham. You had met with him a few times, but he would always start shouting about “unleashing pandemonium” on you, so your sessions with him were few and far between.
“But that Teruteru bastard was even worse than Kazuichi,” he continued. “That pervert would fuck anything with a pulse!”
You laughed then, and Fuyuhiko began to laugh too. Sitting across from you, with his hands bound to the chair, he had nothing to do other than stare at you and admire you. It dawned on him that he loved the sound of your laughter, it brought him hope. But before long, despair settled in again, and he felt a strong desire to hurt you: he loved the sound of your laugh, and so he longed for the despair he would feel at the sound of your screams. He could imagine himself standing over you, with a revolver in his hand, listening to you beg and cry for your life. The despair it brought him to imagine you in pain was absolutely glorious.
Meanwhile, you considered how different the Remnants were now, compared to Fuyuhiko’s classroom stories. You had to ask about it once more.
“Fuyuhiko, I just don’t understand. It seems like after Yukizome became your teacher, all of you were filled with hope… it just doesn’t make sense, how you’ve all ended up like...this… Please, tell me, what did Junko do to you all?”
He ignored your question almost entirely, simply grinning before repeating your words back to you. “After Yukizome became our teacher, heh...Chisa Yukizome…Hahahaha!”
You didn’t understand. What was so funny, you wondered. It was impossible for you to know that Chisa Yukizome herself, your esteemed colleague, was also a Remnant of Despair, and had participated in turning the students into Remnants.
“Please, Fuyu,” you begged softly. “I want to help you, I want to fill you with hope. Tell me what filled you with despair, so I can reverse it…”
“I can’t tell you… but I’ll show you,” Fuyuhiko said slyly. You didn’t have time to consider what he meant, because in a flash he rose from the chair, bounds undone. You hadn’t noticed him freeing himself, he must have distracted you with his stories in order to free himself without raising suspicion. He brandished a sharp object in his hand, and you wondered if he had crafted a makeshift knife out of a utensil given to him earlier.
“Fuyu…?” You asked, terrified. In seconds, he had thrown the knife across the room and directly into your chest. It cut deep, and the pain of the wound and the betrayal burned deep. Blood began to pour from your chest, painting your crisp white shirt a bright magenta pink.
He rushed to your side, and you could see genuine pain in his expression, despite the despair that swirled in his eyes.
“Watching you die… will bring me so much...despair!” He murmured, as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled your dying body closer to him. “Seeing you in pain… pain that I inflicted… makes me feel so hopeless…!”
“F-fuyu… please,” you gasped, before coughing up blood. It was pointless; your words could no longer reach him. Any pleading only pushed him further into despair. The hopelessness of the situation filled you both with despair.
Suddenly, the door swung open, and there you saw Makoto, Toko, and Kyoko. 
“Y/N?!” Makoto exclaimed, shocked at your injuries. At the sight of your blood, Toko fainted immediately, and then awoke as Genocide Jill. Using her detective skills, Kyoko quickly connected the dots between Fuyuhiko being free from his bounds and your injury.
“Genocide Jill!” Kyoko called out. “Apprehend the Remnant.”
Using her scissors, it was easy for her to pin the yakuza to the wall, although Kyoko did have to restrain her from killing him, as Genocide Jill was eager to kill the “adorable little man.”
Makoto had already rushed over to you, picking you up and carrying you out of the room.
“Don’t worry Y/N, you’re going to be okay! I’ll get you help, okay? Just stay with me,” Makoto said, trying to keep you calm. “I’m glad I came when I did.”
“Perfect… timing,” you mumbled, barely audible. “You...really are… the Ultimate...Lucky Student.”
Makoto chuckled, still carrying you out of the room. Over his shoulder, you could still see Fuyuhiko, who Kyoko was interrogating. Maybe you were delirious from the blood loss, but he almost seemed relieved that you were being saved; it was as though he were hopeful you would survive.
The Neo World Program was successfully completed. Despite it being hijacked by Izuru Kamakura, a few of the Remnants were able to survive the Killing School Trip, and now it was time for you, Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, and Byakuya Togami to enter the simulation for yourselves, in order to prevent Alter Ego Junko Enoshima from spreading despair to the entire world.
It had been a while since you had seen Fuyuhiko, and although you had physically recovered from your injury, you hadn’t recovered from his betrayal. He had tricked you, manipulated you, and then tried to kill you. Of course, he had been under the influence of Junko’s despair, and you would be lying if you said you didn’t still care for him. You wanted to save him, you wanted hope to win the battle against despair within his mind
When you entered the simulation and appeared at the class trial ground, you were incredibly shocked to see the version of Fuyuhiko that stood before you. He was filled with both hope, and despair. His heart was full of hope, full of love for his sister Natsumi and best friend Peko and classmate Chiaki, but also full of despair, from the grief of losing them.
Initially, he was willing to side with despair, to let Junko take over, if it meant he would get to see his best friend, Peko. You couldn’t let that happen, you couldn’t allow despair to consume him again.
“Fuyuhiko, please!” You begged, causing him to focus on you; he remembered you slightly, you had been in the 78th class of Hope’s Peak Academy while he had been in the 77th. “I...I know you don’t remember me, but I remember you. And I’ve seen hope in you, Fuyu. Please, don’t fall into despair. Choose hope. For Chiaki. For Peko. For Natsumi. Please, choose hope for me.”
He could not remember you, but upon seeing you plead for his hope, he felt something. A connection. A sense of deja vu. He knew that, in the real world, you must have been something to him, something important. 
“Y/N…” he muttered, allowing your name to flood his mind. Hearing your name escape his lips, it filled him with hope. “I… I choose hope! Let’s end this fuckin’ killing game!”
And so, Hajime, who had remembered his other identity of Izuru, ended the killing game, and the surviving Remnants woke up, cured of their despair. 
It pained you to see the others, who had remained comatose. You had faith in Hajime, who declared that he would use the talents he had gained from becoming Izuru in order to save the other Remnants. 
After the simulation ended, you reunited with Fuyuhiko.
“Y/N… you saved me. You gave me hope, when I was filled with so much fuckin’ despair,” he said. “Even though I hurt you… you still believed in me… but I don’t deserve your forgiveness. Not after what I…”
He looked at you, wincing when he noticed your visible scar from his attack.
“Fuyuhiko, please, there’s nothing to forgive you for. It wasn’t your fault, it was Junko’s.”
“Junko,” he said through gritted teeth. “That fuckin’ bitch. If she wasn’t already dead, I would fuckin’ kill her. Because of her despair, I… I wanted to hurt you… so that I could feel the despair of seeing someone I.. someone I love… in pain.”
A blush came across his face as he finished, and for a moment, you couldn’t believe what you heard.
“S-someone… you love..?” You asked.
“Don’t fuckin make me say it again, Y/N…!” He was visibly embarrassed, refusing to make eye contact. You were sure this was the happiest day of your life, Fuyuhiko had been cured of despair, and confessed his love for you. You were absolutely speechless, so he spoke again.
“Should’ve done this a long fuckin’ time ago,” he said, before his hand on your waist and pulling  you into a passionate kiss. 
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Gundham x Reader one-shot: Seasons of Love
Spring, the season of new beginnings and the blossoming of life, that was when he had first met you. It was towards the beginning of the school year. With his ever-loyal Devas by his side he had set out to explore this new domain, after all he and his companions would be living in such a large facility for the next three years, knowing the lay of the land would be useful.
Stepping out onto the field he found himself trailing along it on a stone pathway. Sparse wispy clouds speckled the sky, the sun’s rays so warm and inviting while the air cool, for a moment one might think they were high up in the mountains. Which made it even more of a surprise when his Devas skittered away! Gundham kept a vigilant eye out, allowing them to wander for a moment since they were likely getting antsy from being in his scarf all day in an unfamiliar place. What he found curious though, was who they ran straight too. A person in Victorian gothic clothing, looking dreadfully exhausted, sighing as they flipped through a writing pad. They sat on the stone planter which held a small cherry tree. Several of the petals had fallen atop them, so simple and plain, beautifully contrasting with the more complex designs in their clothes. Even their posture, how they carried theirself, there was this sort of contrasting elegance to it. Slumped over, resting their chin in their palm, their legs crossed, foot swaying to the beat of some tune unknown to Gundham.
“Hmm? Oh, hello little ones. Come out here to revel in the splendor nature has given us today as well?” They looked to the Devas who scurried about beside them. They lightly chuckled, placing down their writing pad. “You seem to be in lively spirits. I should hope your time has been in better graces than mine and you’ve not come here for shelter from some beast which may wish to harm you.” They raised a brow, smirking at the Devas’ chattering. They sifted through a bag they had beside them and took out something. “My, since you have dared to be brave enough to travers these horrent plains, I suppose you do deserve a reward.” They gave each one a seed from the bag in hand. “Hold thy tongue for a moment and answer me this. You hold a high enough power level to speak with the Four Dark Devas of Destruction!?” “So the Overlord himself finally approaches.” They glanced to him, briefly shaking their head before their attention had returned to the Devas. “Sadly, that is not a power I hold, though one I would give much to achieve. Having created and traversed many worlds, even if I may not understand the language I may read and interpret action and tone. That is the power of Y/N, the stringer of fates, the Super High School Level Playwright.”
With tired eyes you gave him a strained smile. “Hmm, I see. Not as powerful as myself or the Dark Devas, yet still much higher in level than a mere mortal. I’ll grace you with my name, never forget it for I am Gundham Tanaka, the Supreme Overlord of Ice. This is the name that shall rule the world!” He sat beside you, the Devas immediately hopping into his lap or burrowing into his scarf. “I can’t seem to find your true power though, an impenetrable fog has consumed thy being, making searching out your true form nearly impossible.” “Yes, even I can not seek out myself. I am lost, unable to find my way. I had come here in search, yet all has still left me. As of moons ago, this begun, the endless chase, and now a curse most foul has befallen my world and so here I lay, frozen in time.” A sigh escaped you and you flipped through the writing pad, beautiful handwriting sprawled across every last page, and yet something seemed lacking. From what he could glean they were all dark tales, but it seemed there was no reason for such bleakness, no tale to tell through it all. Seemingly a reflection of what you were lost in, only feeding it more and more in an endless cycle.
“Huh?” Your drowning thoughts came to a stop hearing the pitter-patter of little paws against stone and paper, and seeing the Devas trot across the writing pad, one even perching on your shoulder. “The Devas wish for more tribute from you, but that of a different form.” A giggle soon erupted from you feeling the Devas scurry about, their whiskers tickling their neck. You held them close, a light blush spreading across your cheeks as you pet them or lead them around with treats. Man, though animal, was one step away from them. It was not often The Overlord of Ice found such beings to be beautiful, but in that moment, perhaps it was how such a person got along so well with himself and his Devas, perhaps it was how the sun rays has beamed between the leaves and how they framed your figure, perhaps it was but the spring air, perhaps it was all those, whatever the reason may be, he instantly found a connection with you, and it was one he’d like to nurture.
Summer, the season of fun and excitement, that was when you had officially gotten together. Chiaki managed to organize her rambunctious class into a trip to the beach, and Gundham had invited you, Hajime was coming along as the honorary member of the class and the others liked you, so it was no surprise to them that you had showed up.
“A castle worthy of gods to survey this new land, truly the Overlord of Ice has mastered many arts.” “Of course, for this is but one step for the Tanaka Empire, I must master all things!” You simply adored hearing that uproarious laughter as you watched his Devas race about the sandcastle. Now was your perfect chance. Suddenly that laughter was cut off, Gundham frozen for a moment wondering what exactly had happened. Seeing you giddily running away with a water gun in hand he immediately puzzled out why he was cold and wet. Thankfully you had the forethought to avoid shooting his scarf. Swiftly he scooped his beloved companions into his scarf and took the second water gun you had conveniently left behind. “Wait, San-D!? Where are you!?” A malicious cackle filled the air, even greater in power and volume than the crashing waves. He looked up finding you standing atop some large rocks by the shore. “Poor, foolish, Tanaka. Haven’t you realized it now!? San-D has joined my crew, and together we shall take over this island!” You cackled once more, San-D simply sitting on your shoulder munching on a seed. “Wha- How could this be!? You fiend! Stand down from your perch atop that treacherous cliff and face me in battle! I shall show you the true strength of Gundham Tanaka!” “Tch, how pathetic, if an Overlord of the most horrendous and dangerous of Waters wishes it, come face me yourself you coward! What kind of king of all things, even pirates such as I, are you even if you can’t reach me!?” “Fine then, I shall steal back my treasure. Pick a god and pray that you may survive this fight scoundrel of the seas!”
You dashed about, kicking up sand wherever you went. It was a fierce battle filled with betrayal and trickery; even underhanded tactics were used! “Nevermind, hide me!” “What the-” You ducked behind her just as a shot grazed past the pair of you. “Hah! No longer can yee fight, for I have captured the Queen! Take another shot and I won’t hesitate to pull the trigger!” “Not the Dark Queen!” Sonia looked between you and Gundham in confusion for a moment before noticing you had a water gun pressed to her back. “Ah, I’ve been taken hostage!” “You WHAT!” You, Gundham, and Sonia ignored Kazuichi’s panicked cry as she continued. “Don’t worry about me Tanaka, do whatever you must!” “Hah! The Overlord is much like the ice he so controls, he may seem cold hearted, but he can melt and lose his edge, he’d never attack you! Now he may never seize this day and it is mine and mine alone!” “Is that so?” Before you knew it, Sonia had done a leg sweep, knocking you onto the ground, in the process she had even taken your water gun and shot you. “Excellent move, I would have expected nothing less from the Dark Queen!” You shrieked, holding San-D, shielding the little creature as you ran from their shots. “What’s going on here!? I heard a scream!” “Nidai!” You dashed up to him, absolutely beaming. “Teach me how to be the greatest at water gun fights!” He smirked, seeing Gundham and Sonia not far away chasing after you. “Alright! Let’s do this!” He passed you a tub of water balloons from seemingly out of nowhere and that was how your battle had grown. Soon Kazuichi and others had joined your side while Akane, Hajime and others had joined Gundham and the entire shore had become a battlefront for you.
When the sun had begun to set, that orange, yellow, and purple sky was reflected across the rippling water, all had collapsed, the battle having no winners. Out of breath you sat by the shore, dried off and ready to head back to Hope’s Peak, simply waiting for the others to get ready. It was a little lonely with San-D having returned to Gundham’s side, but soon you’d be packed in a car or truck with many of the others, so you wanted to enjoy the peace and space while you could. Then… someone sat beside you, but you didn’t know who it was till several hamsters had ran across your lap. “Ah, so the Overlord of Ice, now pirate king wishes to gloat over his well won victory?” “…” “Supreme Overlord?”
Finally, you had turned to face him, finding his seemed to be lost in thought, his face partially buried in his scarf. “Wrighter of Dimensions… the world you had summoned us all to, it was an extravagant event I had not found, let alone partaken in, the like of in eons. I give you my thanks for this… Though I have yet to reach my treasure.” “Hmm? I know not of which you speak, is there a meaning undefined to me laced in your lines?” “…” He… blushed. Pulling up his scarf he attempted to hide it though. “A being such as you, only you have yet to cease to astound me. Never has there been any akin to you. As much revelry there is in locking horns, attempting to out match one another… I find… the most… the most… fantastic, most astonishing of recollections were formed when you are by my side, not across. My treasure… it not yet exists, but it is one that which can only be formed with you. I… I-I- Ugh! BE STILL MY RACING HEART!” You desperately held in telling Gundham how adorable he looked when flustered, you wanted him to take his time with this and not accidentally tease him and possibly hurt his feelings. Taking a deep breath, he locked eyes with you. “D-do you too treasure us together? If so then… would you partake in courting rituals, to… a-are you my soul’s mate?”
“o-okay.” You would have said more, spoken it within Gundham’s flowery vernacular as you always had with him, but in the moment, you mind was blank, you weren’t setting the scene or manipulating the world for a story you were just… in the moment.
“Wait, does this mean they’re dating now?” “Uhh-” “Yes, Yes, they are! I’m so glad for you Tanaka!” “Are you sure?” “Hey, if Sonia says they’re dating, they’re dating!” Gundham abruptly stood up, wiping around finding his entire class hiding behind various items and Kazuichi lighting fireworks while Ibuki began to play some rock love ballad. “WHAT SORT OF DEVILRY IS THIS!?” Chiaki looked to the others for a moment before looking back to the completely flustered you and Gundham. “Celebrating you two finally getting together. And I win the betting pool.” You now stood up. “You guys were making bets on this!?” “Oh, no, not about IF you got together, but WHEN, we all believed in you two.” “THAT’S NOT THE POINT! Though I do appreciate the support.”
Autumn, the season of departure, that was when he first said he loved you. The Devas huddled close in his scarf, seeking shelter from the chilling winds that rolled past the early morning hours, tossing the leaves off the trees, carrying them along through the air and across the ground. He didn’t wish to remove his hand from his warm pocket, yet he must to unlock his room. He adjusted his arm for a moment, making sure the package tucked under it wouldn’t fall out before dispelling the barrier which sealed his domain.
As he yawned tears percolated in the corners of his eyes. After placing the box and scarf on the bedside table he flopped onto his bed. As his Devas hopped onto his pillows and raced around his bed, he took the package. He first opened the letter attached to the box. Though you texted and video called everyday you still sent letters which always filled the Overlord with unimaginable excitement. Just as always it was a script and notes you had sent in a desperate attempt to not get stuck working on it when you were supposed to be out partaking in plays, not writing new ones. He kept it in the file folder where he had placed the others for safe keeping… not before reading the entire thing first, he simply could not resist to see the rough draft of your creativity since you were alright with him doing so. Then when opening the box, he found the most beautiful of jewelry, this time a small broach, one that would fit perfectly on his scarf, an abstract, light design fit for one such as he. Though he planned on donning it not long later in the day he still placed it on the shelf where all his pieces were spread across, covering the whole thing. Countless rings, necklaces, earring and many more, all from this single trip, Gundham had planned on getting a separate box for it all once you had returned, given he wasn’t sure how much more you were going to send to him.
Then his phone came to life, screen turning on, an alarm playing. Unlocking it and accepting the video call he tried rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. “Aw~ Good tidings my Supreme Overlord. I trust that veil of darkness had enamored thy mortal form?” “Most certainly.” “And did my most recent artifact find you well?” Smiling Gundham pointed the camera towards his collection. He swore his heart melted hearing your giddy laughter. At least you weren’t able to see his ever-darkening blush. “My Emperor… this tribute, as much as I adore it all, I can’t stifle myself from being concerned. You only have so much time and gold to give, do you leave enough for thy own wellbeing?” “… Tanaka, I may only find calming respite sending you my affections. No space, no sight, no hearing, I long for even the smallest of embraces. Giving you my sentiment in any form is the only way to put at ease my aching heart. You have no need for concern, this will be just the same when I return. Due to your poison, I may not touch you so I must give my affections in forms such as this.”
“I love you too.”
Gundham froze, dropping his phone in the process realizing what he had just said. Immediately he heard his Devas chattering away. “S-shussh! Enough! Cease! I- Enough of that! I may express my feelings to my partner, it’s not-… My own Devas how could you do this to me?!” He covered his face with his hands, kneeling to the ground unable to stand on his unsteady knees. “Uh… My Overlord?” Then he remembered the phone, the smile so evident in your tone. He scrambled to pick it up, dropping it again a few times in the process. “I-… Just… re-return when you can!” And he ended the call…
Gundham almost missed class that day embarrassed yet… happily indulging in that entire encounter.
Winter, the season of endings and romance, the season… the season he first kissed you. Awaking the morning of his birthday he was surprised by the amount of gifts he had received in the mail, and… many were from strangers? Very confused he went to class anyway where he ended up explaining the experience to his classmates. That was when Nagito and Sonia pipped up. “Ah so it seems Tanaka’s fans are celebrating too.” “Tanaka, here I’ll show you!” At the computer room Sonia had shown Gundham the message boards made of Hope’s Peak, ones of specific students, such as him. “So many already know of my rule. Excellent. And they even pay tribute!”
The moment class had come to an end you were already by his side, holding his gloved hand. “So, have my ears been deceived, or have you received the tribute you rightly deserve from the world?” “Indeed, I have. Though no matter gifts of the thousands may never compare to a single moment with you.” “ah, so my Overlord is feeling affectionate today I see.” His blush darkened at your sickeningly sweet tone, and he stiffened as he felt how you so tenderly squeezed his hand. He could see how you were holding back. He so appreciated how you had always respected his boundaries with touch, instead lacing your affection through words and gifts, but… at times he wondered how affectionate you would be if he held no reservations… “Well, should you be prepared let us set off for our ritual!”
It was a lovely and calm evening, the pair of you simply walking through a few botanical gardens. Most places were already decked out in holiday cheer, some parks even offering out cocoa for any who visited. Having been on your feet for hours, you decided to rest at a gazebo. To Gundham’s confusion though, you stopped before the building, even letting go of his hand. “My Emperor?” “My apologies, it’s but nothing. My gaze had just caught something.” “Certainly, it’s not nothing, you’d never let loose your embrace otherwise.” After appearing to think of something for a moment you pointed to… some plant tied to the ceiling of the gazebo. “Moons ago, back when autumn had taken root, when I was training in America I learned of their traditions. One such is that should a pair stand under mistletoe when ice and frost had consumed the world… they must kiss.” Gundham simply stared as you walked inside taking a seat. “Just a tradition I recalled, as I said it’s but nothing.”
You simply looked out to the gardens and forested shrubbery that surrounded you, cooing over the atmosphere the snow had made blanketing the world. Then with a questioning expression you looked to him, feeling he held your upper arms. And you froze as he leaned in.
And he stopped.
Gently, he gently placed his bandaged hand over your mouth before closing his eyes as well as the distance between you. The grip of his hand on your arm tightened as his heart pounded in his chest, nerves striking him as if it were lightning. As he parted his breath hitched, shakily letting go. “… You okay, Tanaka?” Unable to speak he simply nodded, covering his face with his scarf, desperate to hide his blush. You smiled, your own blush darkening as you placed your hand atop his bandaged one. And Gundham lightly pressed your fingers together, loosely interlocking them.
Spring, the season of meetings, the season Gundham was rather fond to see again. Though he had experienced the passage of time for so long, the seasons seemed to hold new meaning to him now. He wondered what new meaning he’d find for spring this year with you.
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vdragon-creations · 4 years
More Danganronpa Headcanons!
Why? Because I can! And I have to wait for a Commissioner to get back to me about a WIP I just sent!
I Think I’m gunna try my hands at making some Headcanons for Mondo, Ishimaru, Leon, Kazuichi, and Kiibo this time a round! Just cause I wanna try and explore new characters. (And totally not because I fell hard for a certain Robo Boi! WHAAAAAAAT! YOU CRAZY GURL!) I’m still loyal to my man Yasuhiro! But I gotta spred the love! Cause these boi’s need it! Also, wanna mention that these are more like...Non-Killing Game AU Headcanaons. So yeah! ^^ 
Let’s do this!
Is a Semi decent carpenter, but there was that one time he fucked up the legs on a chair, and now one of Asahina’s shorts has a rip in it where there was a stray nail sticking out.
She wont let him live that down. And neither will Sakura.
Get’s pretty embarrassed/pissed off if someone touches his neck! The dude’s jacket practically covers that entire part of his body, so he’s not used to feeling anything touch him there!
He once let out a girlish scream when Leon poked him there once to wake him up during class! The rest of them are surprised Leon wasn’t killed right then and there.
Once he participated in a little competition between the classes to see who was the arm wrestling champ. He got pretty far till he had to go up against Gonta. He lost by a landslide, but he felt better loosing to a dude like him at least. 
Totally escorts any female classmate or student home on his bike if they ask, or he sees some creep hanging around them. 
He does get embarrassed about it though, and ends up yelling at them. This results in one of three things.
The girl runs away!
The girl just politely declines, and walks away kinda creeped out!
Or a mix of all, with the addition of the dude sees this, and get’s spooked himself, and fucks off
Has a bit of a panic attack and dies inside if he sees someone leaving the men’s restroom without washing their hands!
Carries scented hand sanitizers with him! At all times! No matter what! And must offer some to every single one of his classmates! 
Once he tripped in the halls while chasing after another rule breaker, and had to be carried to the nurse’s office. Now that alone wouldn’t have been a bad thing, except Sakura was the one who did it, and she carried him bridle style, much to his dismay. 
Mondo and Leon teased him about that one for months.
During Christmas, he’ll start screeching about PDA anytime he sees a Mistletoe, or people under it who are about to kiss! 
But will ultimately be the first one forced to stand underneath it by is classmates.
Stays behind after school hours to either clean, or poke his head into every class room to see if the teachers need help with anything.
He’s totally that guy who during the Gym Class or Sports festival, is bitching about how short the girls shorts are, but not realize he’s staring. There by making HIM the creep! 
Leon of all people was the one to point this out to him, only adding to the shame.
It’s not hard for him to start catching feelings for basically any girl meets.
Totally has an Instagram where he posts shirtless pics! He’s pretty popular thanks to that, and his Baseball Skills.
Purposely taught himself English so he could flirt with some of the American and British chicks who visit his profile and leave comments.
He’s pretty used to going from girl to girl, so it’s safe to assume he’s used to getting dunked on by the girls he’s dumped. Getting called a pig, dirty looks, even some of them going so far as to pour their drinks on them at lunch. This he can handle!
Wanted so badly to start a band with Sayaka, Ibuki, Kaede, and Kazuichi! (Probably due to the punk look Soda always puts on!) But he was promptly let down by all of them! Cause Ibuki had her own shit to deal with, Kazuichi because he had no experience with music (at least any good ones, Stay tuned for that! ;3), Sayaka cause she’s already part of a group, and Kaede because punk wasn’t exactly her thing.
But what really stresses him out is when one of his Exes just.....doesn’t really seem to care! It feels so outta place to him, and it actually makes him pretty paranoid. Wondering if their plotting for revenge or some shit! So he’ll spend days after breaking up with a girl like this, just kinda....being a little bitch! XD
Secretly, I’m pretty sure they all turned him down because they thought he was coming on to them to a degree. 
Is a lot like Yasuhiro, he doesn’t like birds, but not because he thinks they work for the government. It’s because he doesn’t like most animals, they remind him of Gundham.
Miu makes him HIGHLY uncomfortable! Sure, she’s hot and stuff, but she’s a whole other level of fuckery that he wants no part of! She’s banned from entering his workshop, and so Kiibo is usually the one who comes in to grab something if Miu needs it. He completely get’s Kazuichi feeling put off by Miu.
However, Kazuichi is still pretty insistent on asking Kiibo if he can take him apart every time he comes to get something for Miu. Making the poor robot very uncomfortable!
He’s pretty jealous that Miu get’s to play with the Robot and he doesn’t. Get’s kinda salty about it.
Teruteru once gave him the idea that he should try to serenade Sonia. And so he did! Or at least he tried to. He got over the fence to the girls dorms, ripping his clothes in the prosses. Then when he got to the window (he thought was) of Sonia’s room, he threw a rock that was a bit too big at it, cracking the window and scaring the girl in the room! Waking up the whole dorms and he booked it out of there! 
He attempted this one more time, and was better prepared. But Sonia opened her window to see a Kazuichi dressed in a Ghillie Suit and wearing an army helmet holding a guitar! When he started to sing and play, it was now obvious why Ibuki refuses to let him sing along with any of her music! 
A girl from a neighboring room called the campus security to repot a strange dude outside the Girls dorms, while another one poked her head out of her window and began to throw things at him. 
He left soon after, but was caught by security and reprimanded. Now he refuses to listen to Teruteru has to say about anything.  
Often get’s bossed around by Mui to get her things. He finds it rather degrading, but when she’s not being bossy, she’s helpful to him. So he puts up with it, as a way of saying thanks. 
One of these tasks he’s asked to do a lot is going over to Kazuichi’s Workshop to barrow tools and such. He hates doing it though, since Kazuichi is always wanting to take him apart. So he does his best to make these visits quick!
Miu gave him the ability to remove some of his heavy armor so he can wear clothing like normal. Surprisingly, This was his idea! He wanted to be able to enjoy the comforts of soft fabrics like most humans. And it would help him blend in a bit better.
Gonta and him get along very well! Mainly due to both of them having a hard time understanding things like sarcasm, harsher jokes, and certain social cues. This usually leads to them both learning at the same time when they hang out!
Miu is his wingman, weather he knows it or not! She’s always wanting to add new functions to him to make him more appealing. One of these is a thin velvet like coating on his armor that’s meant to make his metal less harsh on the skin if you touch him.
Another one of these features is a type of diffuser at the top of his skull under his hair! It releases a pleasant scent into his hair, similar to pheromones. The scent changes based on Kiibo’s emotions. 
Kokichi likes to openly mock Kiibo in front of new people. Like a lot!
Kiibo actually releases steam when he get’s too Angry or Embarrassed, but this is really rare. 
Get’s really curious about Occult, Paranormal, or Religious things. Sure, he finds some of it to be very silly, but he can’t help but wonder why some humans like those things! 
Some holiday traditions he finds weird too, and in some cases, a bit Robophobic. Like giving candy or sweets out on Valentines Day, when....well, he can’t fucking eat it! So he feels excluded in times like that.
He’s really confused about most PDA! Especially kissing! So humans just like...put their mouths together? And that’s like....supposed to mean deep affection? What’s so great about swapping fluids like that? Couldn’t they get sick? QUESTIONS! ANSWERS! HE MUST HAVE THEM!
His Ahoge doesn’t just change shape and move to show emotion, but it also tends to point in the direction that he’s attention is drawn too. Even when he’s trying to pretend he’s not looking at something! His hair is a dead give away!
Has a built in “Cellphone” in his head. Miu added it so it would be easier to contact him if needed. 
Everyone in his class has his number, except Kokichi! And it will stay that way!
.......Until Gonta gave it to him by being tricked into doing it!
And now he has a small panic attack every time his “Cellphone” rings. Praying to all that is good that he doesn’t hear “HEY KIIBOOOOOOOY!~<3″ on the other end!
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skylights2000 · 4 years
Blush (Kazuichi x Fem! Reader) Part 1
This is my first story with a Female Reader, but if you guys don’t like it that way, I can rework it to make the reader Genderneutral. Let me know what you think 💜
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
Kazuichi had only agreed to this stupid ritual because Sonia asked him, and Miu said she’d drag him here herself if he didn’t show up.
He’d gone through the motions, trying his best not to panic, but that all went out the window when the lights above their heads burst, showering, Miu, Sonia, Gundham, and him with sparks.
He stood there, frozen in horror, as smoke swirled from the center of the salt circle they’d made. A figure slowly appeared as the mist began to vanish. The lights flickered back on, and standing in the middle of the circle was what appeared to be a woman.
She was wearing a dark purple t-shirt and black jeans. She would look like a regular person if it weren’t for the dark spirals that curled up her arms, and the pair of curled, dark purple horns that protruded from her head.
She looked around the room before her eyes settled on him. She moved silently and at a speed his eyes couldn’t keep up with. In a heartbeat, she was standing at the edge of the salt circle, her dark purple eyes boring into his.
He jumped, stumbling backwards. She held out her hand, frowning when her hand met the barrier created by the salt circle.
“Mm, that’s unfortunate.” Her voice was soft, slightly deeper than most women he’d met.
She hooked her thumbs through her belt loops and turned to face Sonia and Gundham. “You called?”Gundham nodded calmly. “We wish for you to imbue this mechanical being with a living soul.”
She moved back to the center of the circle where Kiibo laid. She crouched down beside him, inspecting it quietly.
“What?!” Miu screeched. “You have to! Please!”
She turned to Miu with an exasperated frown. “It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s that I can’t.”
“How is that possible? Your power is quite immense from what I can tell.” Gundham asked curiously.
“Even with my power, giving this robot a living spirit would take too much of my energy. I’d be completely immobilized. If I went back to my world in that condition” She scowled darkly. “I’d be ripped to shreds.”
“Then stay here until you’re strong enough to go back!” Miu countered fiercely.
The demon ran a hand through her hair, frustration written across her face. “It doesn’t work like that.”
“Why not?!”
“I’m a demon. My energy doesn’t replenish on its own. I gain energy from others through physical touch.” She explained.
“Then touch one of us!”
“No!” She snapped, finally losing her cool. “Taking that much energy from a human at one time would kill them!”
Miu finally went silent as she processed the words. “Then can’t you take someone’s energy a little at a time?”
“I can in theory, but it’s hard to find a human that’s willing to agree to something like that.”
“Take Kazuichi!” Miu offered, ignoring Kazuichi’s sputtered protests.
The demon glanced at him, a ghost of a smile dancing at the corners of her lips. “As tempting as that is, I don’t think you should be volunteering your friend without asking him.”
Every head turned to Kazuichi, and he instantly stiffened under their gazes.
“I..” He looked at Kiibo, the metal robot that he and Miu had painstakingly made by hand. They’d spent months building and improving the robot until it nearly looked like a real person. He glanced to Miu, who was watching him with a painfully hopeful expression.
He swallowed thickly, squared his shoulders, and locked eyes with the demon woman. “I’ll do it.”
“Are you sure?”
He nodded stiffly, trying to hide how nervous he actually was. She shot him one last doubtful look before shrugging and turning away from him. He watched in shock as her fingers grew into long, black claws. Just as she was about to dig them into the ground, Sonia spoke up quickly. “Wait!”
The demon paused, head raising to look at Sonia from where she stood. “Yeah?”
“You can’t carve anything on the ground. We don’t own this building.” Sonia explained.
The demon glanced around the room before nodding. “Take me somewhere where I can.”
She leaned forward and picked Kiibo up as if he weighed nothing. It had taken both Kazuichi and Gundham to move Kiibo the few feet to get him in the circle, but she carried him with ease. She stood at the edge of the salt circle, and Sonia kicked some away to make a path for her.
The demon woman nodded gratefully and moved to stand beside Sonia. “Lead the way.”
Gundham led them outside the building and into a grassy area outside. “Put it here.”
She laid Kiibo in the spot Gundham was pointing to and told them to back up. She used her claws to draw a large circle around Kiibo, carving several strange symbols inside as she went.
When she was done, she crouched down next to Kiibo and took one of his smooth, metal hands. The symbols she carved began to glow, softly at first but rising until the light lit up the area around them. He could hear her talking, her voice carried by the wind that swirled around them, whipping his hair into his face. The words were different, spoken confidently in a language he didn’t understand. Her body began to shift, the spirals on her arms began to curl all the way up her neck, framing her face and branching across her cheeks. A pair of large, dark wings protruded from her back, shielding their eyes from the blinding explosion of purple light that followed. The light slowly began to fade until all that was left was a soft glow coming from Kiibo’s chest. Once it faded, Miu rushed forward, cradling Kiibo’s head in her lap.
The demon girl shifted to sit on the ground, using one arm to hold herself up while the other was clenched in the center of her chest. “..He’ll wake up..tomorrow..” She choked out, each word strained and laced with pain.
“Are you okay?” Sonia asked worriedly as she crouched down beside the horned woman.
She nodded stiffly. “Just..took more than..I thought it would..” She glanced back at Miu. “You need..to take him..inside..” At the curious looks she received, she clarified. “A storm..is coming..”
“You can sense the shifting of the weather patterns.” Gundham spoke up, tapping his chin thoughtfully.
“Whatever, just help me with this, man.” Kazuichi said.
He and Gundham worked together to carry Kiibo back into the garage while Miu and Sonia worked together to cover the markings in the dirt before returning to her side.
The demon had clambered to her feet, swaying dangerously when she moved. Sonia and Miu rushed forward to catch her, supporting as much of her weight as they could. She was taller than both of them, so it was a bit difficult, but they managed to help her into the building.
By the time they got inside, her wings had vanished and the spirals on her skin had receded back to their original place. They helped her over to a bench nearby, and she sat down, leaning her head against the wall.
Miu glanced over at Kiibo and smiled softly. “Thank you.”
She laughed breathily. “You better enjoy that damn robot. Nearly killed myself for it.”
Miu grinned at her excitedly. “Hell yeah, I’ll enjoy it!” As if to prove her point, she ran over to the robot man and began excitedly tinkering with several things to get him plugged in. She assumed it was so that he could charge.
“Oh my, how rude of me!” The demon glanced at Sonia when she spoke. “My name is Sonia Nevermind.” Sonia held out her hand happily, and when the demon woman hesitated, Sonia took her hand instead. “What’s your name?”
“...Call me (Y/n). That was my human name.”
“You have another name?”
The demon, (Y/n), nodded but didn’t specify what that name actually was.
Sonia squeezed her hand gently. “You can have a bit of my energy.”
(Y/n) turned to her sharply, eyes narrowing skeptically. “You’re sure about that?”
Sonia nodded seriously, and after a second, she felt a spark at her fingertips. When (Y/n) removed her hand from Sonia’s she still didn’t look great, but she no longer looked like she was in pain. “Thank you.”
Sonia smiled sweetly and headed off towards her friends. (Y/n) watched as she tapped the pink haired man on the shoulder. What had they called him, Kazuichi?
(Y/n) watched Sonia’s mouth move, tempted to use her stronger hearing to hear the conversation, but she decided against it. She shouldn’t be eavesdropping.
She really wished she had though when Kazuichi started walking towards her.
He approached her hesitantly, like she would suddenly rip out his heart. She was honestly a bit offended by his reaction, but she supposed she couldn’t blame him.
The portrayal of demons amongst humans, both in writing and in word of mouth, was quite horrendous. Most of the things said about demons were actually wrong.
Many people claimed demons were monstrous beings that were created by and served Lucifer, but that wasn’t entirely true. Every demon was once human, but only the vilest, most horrible demons served under Lucifer.
She was not one of them. She had been born a human, though her father was, indeed, a demon. Her father was a truly wretched demon. Being his daughter had plagued her from the beginning, filling her head with horrible thoughts and desires for destruction.
In the end, it started to become too much to control. The only way to fix it was to perform a ritual that would denounce him as her father. The only problem was that the ritual would kill her.
She’d done it knowing that, and for that, she was to be locked out of heaven for one thousand years as her punishment. She was currently 999 years old. One more year and this hell she’d suffered would be over. She would be allowed into heaven and have any remnants of her father cleansed from her soul forever.
That thought had been enough to keep her going, to keep her hoping.
She was so lost in thought that she didn’t realize Pinky had reached her until he was standing right in front of her.
He pointed at the spirals on her arm that had begun to shift, almost like they were flickering. “What’s goin’ on with those marks?”
“Since I’m only half-demon, it takes a certain amount of energy to keep up my demon form. Soon, I’m gonna have to switch back to my human form.”
“You’re half-human?”
“Yeah. My mom was a human.”
He shuffled awkwardly. “So what now?”
“Whaddya mean?”
“Aren’t you like” He waved his hand as if that would answer her question. “feeding off me?”
Her eyebrows drew together. “You say that like I forced you to agree to that.”
“You did!”
She glared at him, not even caring when he flinched. “I didn’t tell you to do shit. In case you’re forgetting, I even asked you a second time if you were sure about it. The second you said ‘yes’, it became your problem. I don’t know about here, but in the demon world, a promise is a binding contract.” She scowled at him, irritation written across her face. “You think I wanted to be here? The only reason I showed up is because I owed the on-call demon a favor. If I knew I’d be knocking on death’s doorstep for the second time, I woulda said no.” She snapped angrily.
She pinched the bridge of her nose, telling herself to calm down. Her father’s spirit came through much worse when she was angry, and that was the last thing she wanted. “Listen, I’m not here to start a fight. Figure out what you wanna do. Until then, leave me alone.” With that, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.
She wished she was still human. If she was, maybe no one would look at her with such disgust. She was tired of the fear in people’s eyes when they saw her.
‘Just one more year, kid’ She told herself.
Just one more year.
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idnek83 · 4 years
First Christmas
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Soda Kazuichi/Tanaka Gundham
Tags: Christmas Fluff, Established Relationship, Lots of causal smooching, No Smut, Implied Sexual Content, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair 
Summary: Soda and Gundham get ready for their first Christmas together. It's not much, and they definitely spent too much on questionable decorations, but, somehow, it's still perfect.
Read on Ao3
Christmas with Gundham was… different.
Neither of them had come from families where Christmas had been a huge thing. Soda was used to a discount tree and mismatched ornaments, some of which he had made himself with spare parts from the shop. As far as presents went, he usually got some new socks or something else practical, and, on years where his parents had the money to spare, a new screwdriver or wrench to add to his personal collection.
He had never woken up to piles of perfectly wrapped presents under an equally perfect tree, but he always enjoyed the day as a kid.
He had asked Gundham what his own Christmases had been like growing up, and between his eccentric words, Soda had gathered that they had had somewhat similar experiences: modest decorations and practical gifts.
The biggest difference appeared to be the “abhorrent feast” Gundham’s mother would serve every year.
“The angle who bore me created such fierce dishes; they would cause the toxins in my body to become so concentrated I could hardly withstand them myself.”
Soda cringed at the idea of spending every Christmas sick to your stomach, but couldn’t help but be touched by the idea of Gundham forcing himself to eat whatever his mother served him just so he wouldn’t hurt her feelings.
Soda usually just had take-out for Christmas, it was one of his favourite parts of the holiday.
But like he said, Christmas with was different.
At some point in November the topic had come up, and the two of them had started making plans for how they wanted to spend their first Christmas together.
They ended up going tree shopping at the beginning of December.
A little pop-up tree shop had shown up just down the street from their little apartment, and when Soda had seen it, he ran home and excitedly grabbed Gundham. He began to ramble about how he wanted to get the biggest, fullest tree he could carry, sweeping Gundham up into his arms as he did as if to demonstrate. Gundham had just laughed at him and allowed himself to be carried as Soda began to sing random bits of Christmas songs off key and dance around the apartment.
“While I am enjoying this ritual, my beloved, I do not see how it will procure us a tree.”
Soda blushed and place Gundham back on the ground, looking slightly embarrassed and, in Gundham’s opinion, very cute.
“Shall we?” Gundham reached for his boyfriend’s hand and moved to the door, watching as Soda immediately perked back up.
“Hell yeah.”
They made the short trek to the tree shop, Soda gushing about the amazing tree they were going to get the whole way. However, once they arrived and Soda actually got a look at the price tags on those big, full, amazing trees, his face fell. He knew they were expensive, but damn, they were really expensive.
Gundham had picked up on his disappointment, and began doing his best to make excuses for why the ‘amazing’ trees were actually subpar; a hole here, a strange lump there, and branches to weak to hold “proper seasonal embellishments” all over the place. Soda knew exactly what Gundham was doing, but just nodded along and squeezed his hand a little tighter as they looked for a more reasonably priced tree.
They ended up finding one that was somewhat sparse, but it was tall and had a good shape to it and, most importantly, was in their budget. After paying, Soda made quite the show of lifting it himself, hoisting it over his shoulder and flexing his free arm in an exaggerated manner to make Gundham smile.
It had been a little trouble getting it through the narrow halls of their apartment building, but a few minutes later, they had it set up in a corner of their home, undecorated but bringing a festive feeling to the space all the same.
Gundham noticed Soda’s previous bravado had died down and he was alternating between glancing up at the tree and down his hand where he was absentmindedly rubbing at some sap.
“What is wrong, dearest consort? Does this tree no longer please you?”
“N-no, it’s just… Well, I guess I just feel kinda dumb? I made a big deal about getting us the perfect tree and-“
“And you succeeded in doing so.” Gundham placed a hand on Soda’s cheek and kissed him. He was used to his boyfriend’s tendency to doubt himself, but that didn’t mean he was just going to let him do it. “Perhaps this tree has more space between its limbs than you had wished, but that will only make it easier for us to adorn it as we see fit.” He wrapped and arm around Soda’s waist and drew him closer, hand still on his cheek. “We shall create the most formidable display with it, we will be the envy of all who gaze upon it, and all will know us to be true masters of these yuletide rituals.”
Soda began to laugh as Gundham kissed him again.
“You’re right man, we’re gonna decorate this tree so good that it makes all our friend’s want to throw their trash trees out.”  He finally returned Gundham’s kisses, and they both decided to spend the rest of the evening in their bedroom.
“We should probably buy some ornaments soon, starting to feel weird just having a naked tree in the corner.
After a very pleasant evening, Soda and Gundham had decided it best to leave decorating the tree for the next day, only to realise in the morning that neither of them actually owned Christmas decorations.
The weather had been bad that day, so they put off shopping. However, a week had now gone by and the tree remained bare.
“You are right, my love.” Gundham stroked Soda’s messy hair and kissed his forehead. “Should we wait too long, we may find an inadequate selection as well.”
Soda untangled himself from Gundham’s arms and the blanket he had thrown over them once they had finished making love on the couch.
“We could probably do it now, if you’re feeling up to it?” Soda waggled his eyebrows at Gundham.
“You know full well it takes plenty more to render me immobile.” Gundham flashed a smirk, half humorous and half suggestive.
Before Soda could get to wrapped up in the thoughts of the last time he had immobilized Gundham, making him scream over and over until he was too tired to move, Gundham stood up. He began to dress himself, laughing and tossing Soda his boxers when he noticed his boyfriend getting excited again.
“There will be plenty of time for that later, dear consort, but for now, the tree demands adornment.”
They had dressed, much to Soda’s disappointment, and headed to the store.
Once they had arrived Soda wished they had put off shopping for an entirely new reason. There were just so many options. If they had waited and there really had been fewer ornaments available, then at least I would be easier to make a choice.
Soda looked to Gundham, but he looked just as overwhelmed by the selection. There were aisles upon aisles lined with various Christmas decorations, and at lest two appeared to be solely dedicated to tree ornaments.
They shared a look before heading down an aisle at random, hoping they would know what they wanted when they saw it.
It had been at least 20 minutes. Soda and Gundham had walked up each aisle a number of times and Soda was starting to feel exhausted. They should probably just grab something at this point. The only thing He had really manage to decide was that he liked the gold ornaments best, but that still left way too many options.
“Gundham, I’m going to die if we don’t pick something soon. Please, just grab something and lets go.”
“If you are sure…” Gundham glanced at the closest shelf, considering the selection for half a second before grabbing a box of gold and silver ornaments. “Do these suit your desires?”
Soda loved Gundham so much. “Yes. Beautiful. I love you. Let’s leave now.” Soda kissed Gundham and took the box from his hands. He moved to leave but caught Gundham glancing to a shelf just a little further down the aisle.
Soda turned to see what Gundham was looking at. It took a moment, Soda was at the point where all of the ornaments were starting to look the same, but he was pretty sure he knew which set Gundham was looking at.
He walked over to the shelf and picked up the box of all black ornaments.
“These ones too then.” He proudly proclaimed and begin to walk towards the tills.
“Dearest… you do not have to do that. I understand my taste can be a bit… ostentatious…” Soda knew Gundham sometimes got a little embarrassed about how much he liked anything that looked dark and/or mysterious, but he also knew his boyfriend genuinely enjoyed that stuff too.
So he just squinted at Gundham and reached for a second box of black ornaments before finally heading for the tills.
Gundham chased after him, obviously a bit flustered. He kept muttering apologies and telling Soda he really didn’t need the ornaments until they finally made it home.
Once the door shut behind them, Soda took Gundham’s face in both his hands and kissed him.
“Done apologizing? Get it out of your system?” He stared at Gundham until he nodded. “Good. Cus I love you and your stupid goth style, and I think these ornaments are fucking sweet.” Soda kissed him again. “Gonna have the most badass tree anyone’s ever seen.”
Gundham was smiling again, a soft embarrassed smile, but a smile nonetheless.
“Shall we begin then?”
An hour later Soda had to admit that 3 boxes or ornaments may have been too many, but the tree looked awesome and he wasn’t going to complain.
Covered from top to bottom in black, with accents of gold and silver and some warm white lights in between, the tree was a sight to behold. Yeah, it looked extra as hell, but Soda really did think it looked badass. Hell, even if he had hated it, it would have been worth it to see the look on Gundham’s face.
Gundham was openly smiling at the tree, looking as happy as he had been on the day Soda had admitted his feelings to him, and it was making his heart melt.
Soda wrapped his arms around Gundham from behind, and hummed into his shoulder.
“Y’know you really do have good taste, babe.” He couldn’t help but playfully bite at Gundham’s neck, making him laugh a little. “You fell in love with me after all.” He blew a raspberry into Gundham’s neck and they both dissolved into a puddle of smiles and laughter.
It was tacky. Soda knew it was tacky, and he picked up a back up just in case Gundham hated it, but he couldn’t resist it.
He had been out looking for a tree topper, probably some kind of star since neither of them were religious and an angle would look out of place on their tree, which had been “imbued with dark and mysterious energies.” And he really had planned on finding a nice star, preferably a gold one with some black accents or something to match the rest of the tree, but then he saw it.
The tree topper was a hamster. It’s arms and legs were spread wide, so it was vaguely star shaped, and it was dressed like Santa. Soda had choked when he saw it. Then he immediately bought it, grabbing a more generic looking gold star only after he broke out of his ‘buying-a-stupid-thing-Gundham-might-hate-but-might-also-love’ haze.
Now, standing at in front of the door to their apartment, Soda felt unbelievably stupid. It had just been a dumb waste of money. Gundham was gonna hate it and make Soda sleep on the couch for the night to make him think about what he had done. Ok, well, whatever. He’d just show Gundham the back up star and return the hamster later, he never even had to know about it.
He entered their apartment and the tension in his body immediately began to fade. Gundham was in the kitchen, humming along to Christmas music and pulling something out of the oven that smelled like it might be gingerbread. He turned and smiled at Soda before returning to what he was doing.
Soda set down his bag and started taking off his winter gear. While he was hanging his jacket, he heard Gundham approach him.
“Did you find an adequate decoration, dearest?” He placed a slightly flour covered hand on Soda’s shoulder and bent to kiss his cheek.
“Mmhm, it’s in the bag-” Shit. He kicked off his boots as fast as he could and turned. “Wait, Gundham-“
“Oh, this is magnificent. Excellent choice, my beloved, dark consort.” Thank Hamster Jesus, Gundham had pulled the normal star from the bag.  “Hmm? What else did you-” Soda retracted his thanks from Hamster Jesus, he could rot in Hamster Hell.
Gundham gently set the gold star down as he starred in horror at the abomination that was the hamster Santa star.
“Look, Gundham, I can explain. I just-”
Gundham burst out laughing. He clutched the Hamster Santa to his chest and absolutely cackled.
“Uh, Gundham?”
Soda watched in horror as he witnessed what he could only assume was Gundham snapping and going absolutely bat-shit insane. He had doubled over and fallen to his knees, still laughing so hard that Soda was sure he couldn’t breathe.
Gundham took a deep, shaky breath and wiped tears from his eyes before setting Hamster Santa to the side and extending a hand so Soda could help him up.
At least, that’s what Soda had thought he wanted.
Gundham pulled his boyfriend to the ground with him, expertly rolling Soda onto his back and pinning him below him. Gundham bent to kiss all over Soda’s face, laughing a little again.
“Um, so…” Soda was at a loss for words. Had he broke his boyfriend with the shitty star or-
“I love it. It is terrible and I do not believe I have ever loved an object more.” Gundham laughed a little and sat back on his knees, reaching for Hamster Santa again and allowing Soda to sit up. He turned it in his hands and chuckled.
“Uh, really? You sure it’s not too, uh, tacky?” Soda smiled a little and placed a hand on Gundham’s thigh.
“Oh, it is incredibly tacky. Were I freed from this mortal shell and once more able to access the full depths of my dark power, I still do not believe I would be able to find any object more so.” Soda frowned, but Gundham kissed him again. “And yet, it brings me great joy to think you saw this and thought ‘what better gift could there be to bring my beloved, than an abomination which depicts a fusion one of his most cherished dark beasts with the blasphemous idol of a once holy day.’” Gundham laughed again and patted Hamster Santa with more affection than it really deserved.
“Uh, yup, my exact thoughts, word for word.” ‘Hamster funny, give Gundham’ was close enough to what Gundham had said, right? “But really, we don’t have to put that one on the tree, we can just put it somewhere else, or return it, or-“
“This beast will adorn the most honored spot on our tree, and I will not hear otherwise.”
“But won’t it kinda ruin the, like, aesthetic?”
“It will make the aesthetic, my love, and we will place it immediately.” Gundham stood and pulled Soda up with him, giving him another kiss on his forehead before pulling him to the tree by his hand. He proudly handed Hamster Santa to Soda. “Do the honours, my dearest.”
Soda grimaced as he was handed the tacky decoration, he really didn’t want to ruin their tree, and besides-
“I can’t reach the top of the tree, where’s the-” He was cut off by Gundham wrapping his arms around his waist and lifting him into the air. Soda couldn’t help but laugh, he liked being picked up by Gundham almost as he liked picking him up. “Fine then, have it your way.” He (gently) slammed Hamster Santa on top of the tree and crossed his arms defiantly, playing up his fake annoyance.
Only to lose any semblance of actual irritation when Gundham hoisted him slightly higher and threw him over his broad shoulder. Soda let out and incredibly manly squawk as Gundham patted him on the ass.
“Thank you, my consort, allow me to express my deepest gratitude.” Gundham’s voice had taken a very familiar tone, slightly deeper than it already was, and Soda found he no longer wanted to protest as Gundham carried him to their bedroom.
Christmas day had, admittedly, been fairly similar to the Christmases Soda had growing up. No giant pile under the tree, and mostly practical presents. Emphasis on mostly, Soda thought as he leaned back against Gundham’s chest on the couch in his reindeer onesie. Gundham wore a matching one. It hadn’t been planned, they had both bought each other the same stupid onesie complexly by coincidence, and they had both lost their shit laughing when they opened them at the same time as well.
Even if the day itself hadn’t been all that noteworthy, Soda couldn’t happen but think this was the best Christmas he had ever had. The chaos leading up to it had been so new to him, but he already cherished the memories he had been able to make with Gundham. The tree hadn’t been the full, perfect one from his dreams, but decked out in their badass gold, black, and silver ornaments and topped with sweet, tacky, little Hamster Santa, Soda knew it was definitely more memorable.
The gifts hadn’t been huge, or extravagant, or expensive like the ones he saw in movies growing up, but they had been thoughtful and full of love and even a little silly. Soda couldn’t think of anything he would have rather received.
He leaned his head back against Gundham’s shoulder, and his boyfriend kissed him without looking away from the book he was reading. Soda let out a contented sigh.
Sitting in Gundham’s arms, surrounded by their questionable decorations and thoughtful gifts, and wearing stupid matching onesies.
This was a perfect Christmas.
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Goodbye Despair, Chapter 0: On the way to the School Trip (Part 1)
            Hajime honestly didn’t know how to feel being on a boat at this time. The infrequent rocking back and forth was unsettling enough, but they were also on a boat… with them. People who had brought the world to its knees. All fifteen of them, on one boat. In cells, mind you. But… really, what were jail cells going to do against Ultimates? There was an Ultimate Fighter, for Kami’s sake! An Ultimate Hope that supposedly had all the talents!
            If Mitarai didn’t need to take the last helicopter to Jabberwock, Hajime was sure he would’ve taken it himself. Nanami and Gekkogahara wanted Mitarai’s opinion on something; apparently, the Neo World Program was experiencing a bug, and the Ultimate Despairs needed to be shipped out as soon as possible, because the drugs wouldn’t keep them knocked out forever. Keeping them at Foundation headquarters wasn’t going to work, because they were trying to focus on rebuilding the world, now that the side of Despair was on the ropes. Junko Enoshima was dead, and her faithful lieutenants were hopefully going to be rehabilitated…
            They weren’t out of the woods yet. But if all went well, this would be a step in the right direction. A significant step.
            Hajime blinked and tensed when he heard running footsteps coming up to the deck. Based on how quickly the person was running up the steps, it was probably something urgent. It would have to be, what with how early in the morning it was.
            “Th-They’re awake!!!” Souda’s panicked cries called out to anyone who would hear him… which included Hajime, Fuyuhiko, and Peko.
            “… Shit.” The heir to the yakuza succinctly summed up their thoughts.
            Contrary to Souda’s report, not all of the Ultimate Despairs had stirred from their forced slumber. Kamukura had been up for ages, but he hadn’t done anything of note, and Munakata had made sure to have multiple cameras aimed at the Ultimate Hope’s cell.
            Aside from Kamukura, three Despairs had awoken that morning. Ironically, all in separate sections of cellblocks.
            “See! I saw her wakin’ up, so I decided to go check on the others, and two more were already up!” The Ultimate Mechanic exclaimed while pointing at a young woman huddled in the far corner of her cell, her knees drawn to her chest. Her striking, almost glowing red eyes were staring back at them. However, the expression was neutral, almost nonchalant. There was no heat, no anger, no hatred.
            Then again, this Ultimate hadn’t been very expressive while she was at Hope’s Peak. Pekoyama could attest to that.
            “Figures Ikusaba would be one of the first ones up…” Fuyuhiko raked his fingers through his short, blond hair. “Lemme guess… Oogami and Oowada are the other ones up.”
            Souda rubbed the back of his head as he chuckled nervously.
            “Actually, I’m kinda relieved it’s neither of them… It’s gonna be a nightmare when Oogami wakes up.”
            Peko raised an eyebrow curiously as she crossed her arms, facing Kazuichi.
            “Then who did wake up?”
            The mechanic scratched his cheek as he let out a light sigh.
            “Umm… Togami was talkin’ my ear off, so I got Munakata to take care of him. The other was Fujisaki. He’s kinda like Ikusaba, though – quiet and creepy…” Once again, he laughed nervously, evidently at a loss of what else to say.
            Fuyuhiko frowned deeply as he crossed his arms, his brow furrowing.
            “I guess if Ultimate Despair had a leader besides Enoshima, Togami would be it. Kirigiri was more of the brains behind the operation, though… I’d like to check in on Munakata’s interrogation, but we should leave him to it for now. Souda, mind comin’ with me?”
            The mechanic looked befuddled for a brief moment.
            “H-Huh? Where’d you wanna go? And why do I gotta come with?!”
            The yakuza heir snorted dryly.
            “Because you have similar talents to Fujisaki. Might as well see if we can get the little bastard to crack a little.”
            “Wouldn’t yakuza tactics fit her more?” Souda pointed at Ikusaba accusingly. “She’ll be a tougher nut to crack than Fujisaki!”
            “Soldiers are used to pain.” Fuyuhiko deadpanned. “And I’m not gonna break fingers yet, anyway! Look, just come with me, or you can stick around with the trained killer. Hajime, you good with staying here for a bit?”
            At the proposal, Hajime smiled nervously before nodding reluctantly.
            “Y-Yeah, sure… I stay here. Got it.”
            No, not really, but okay.
            “Good.” Fuyuhiko nodded tersely. “Peko, you keep Hajime safe. She tries anything funny, just knock her back out.”
            “Understood.” The swordswoman primly replied.
            As the yakuza and mechanic left, Hajime stood rooted in place as he mulled over how to proceed. It’s not like this was a “proper” interrogation anyway. They just wanted to understand… why their underclassmen had fallen to Despair. Because before they were million-class murderers, these guys had been normal high schoolers, just like them.
            … Well, as “normal” as anyone from Hope’s Peak could be.
            The point is, you didn’t just change who you are fundamentally without some kind of reason behind it.
            “Ima… watashi no… negaigoto ga…”
            Hajime and Peko both stood rigidly as the singing started. It was quiet, melancholic. And briefly, they didn’t know where it originated from, but they soon discerned that it was the imprisoned soldier, with a faraway look in her eyes. It took Hajime a few moments to place the song, but then he spoke up uncertainly.
            “That’s… Please Give Me Wings, right?”
            “…shiroi tsubasa tsukete kudasai…” Mukuro remained off in her little world. Steadily, she rocked back and forth, keeping her legs drawn to her chest.
            Hajime sighed inaudibly at the lack of response. He should’ve expected as much. The Despairs weren’t going to talk as if they were old friends; being ignored was probably the tamest thing they did.
            Peko wasn’t deterred, however, staring down the caged soldier coolly.
            “Was it painful to lose your sister, Enoshima? Or did you take pleasure in the Despair?”
            That stopped Ikusaba cold. Hajime noted a shift in the air as the two warriors stared each other down, no changes of inflection in their stoic expressions. Hajime nervously shuffled his feet as the temperature in the cellblock seemed colder somehow. He knew Peko had likely stabbed a sore spot with that barb, and maybe that was the point, but…
            “H-Hey, Peko? Why don’t you let me do the talking…?” Hajime coughed awkwardly as he adjusted his tie. Peko’s frosty glare did not waver, and Ikusaba finally addressed them.
            “And what would you know about Despair?” The soldier quipped nonchalantly. Peko narrowed her eyes.
            “I know the 78th Class spread Despair all over the world… leaving billions miserable in their wake.”
            “How clinical of you to put it that way.” Mukuro mused sarcastically. “But what about you? What Despair have you personally experienced, firsthand? And don’t try to say the loss of a random yakuza. They’re about a dime a dozen.”
            Peko bristled at the insult to the Kuzuryu Clan, and Hajime held his hands up peacefully.
            “H-Hey… c’mon, now… The world’s fallen apart; of course we’ve all lost someone by now!”
            Mukuro’s cold eyes never left Pekoyama.
            “The issue is never what we ‘lost’.” The soldier snapped. “It’s ‘what we have left’. And I’m willing to bet that despite aaall that pain and ‘suffering’ you’ve experienced, you can still carry on because of those precious people. Well, not everyone is as fortunate as you.”
            While Hajime’s face softened at Mukuro’s harsh, but true, words Peko’s gaze narrowed.
            “By the same token, just because you don’t have anything left doesn’t mean you have to spread misery to the rest of the world. By the sounds of it, you’re just petty and bitter about others being happy. Despair isn’t anything to rejoice over. Find new friends, and move on with your life.”
            Suck it up.
            Hajime sweated nervously as the temperature in the cellblock took another nosedive. He tugged at his collar as he looked between the two warriors. He didn’t think Peko, of all people, would get under someone’s skin, but lo and behold, she was pissing off the Ultimate Soldier… And that wasn’t a good thing.
            “Get. Out.” The dark-haired girl hissed, her arms wrapping tighter around her knees as she glared at the two visitors.
            Peko arched an eyebrow at her adversary.
            “I was under the impression you were the prisoner here. You do not dictate our actions.”
            Mukuro shook from her spot on the metal floor, but she did not make any sudden moves. Hajime took a steady breath and decided to put his foot down before the situation got any tenser.
            “Peko, could you wait by the door? I’ll handle this.” Hajime rigidly requested. The swordswoman seemed to disagree with Hajime's plan of action.
            “Fuyuhiko said…”
            “He wanted me to try talking to her.” The brunet reasoned, keeping his voice calm, not harsh-sounding. “Needling her like this isn’t going to do us any favors. Just… trust me, okay?”
            He wasn’t making a very rational argument, and he knew it. If Mukuro decided she wanted to hurt him, there wasn’t going to be much he could do about it on his own, even with her in the cage. But… even so. Peko’s presence wasn’t helping. It was nothing against her; talking with Ultimate Despairs was always going to be a chore. Yet upsetting them was a worse outcome than getting “overly friendly” with them. They were volatile enough already, and Hajime wanted to pacify Mukuro before they reached Jabberwock Island.
            It wouldn’t be pretty, otherwise.
            “… My apologies. I got carried away.” Peko bowed her head and closed her eyes for a moment. “I will be nearby, if you need me.”
            As the swordswoman walked away, Hajime released a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding, and ran a hand through his hair nervously. He didn’t like being forceful, and he hated making Peko feel like she was a nuisance. But Peko really hadn’t been doing them any favors by exchanging barbs with Mukuro.
            Hajime turned his attention to the dark-haired woman who hadn’t budged an inch from her spot in the corner. Her eyes were solely on him now, but they contained no heat or coldness, like they had when Pekoyama was there. Her expression was devoid of emotion again, and Hajime was unsure what to feel, himself… or how to proceed, really.
            “H-Hey, um…” Hajime trailed off uncertainly. He winced when Mukuro cut him off in an even tone.
            “I told you to leave.”
            Hajime winced at the steel in her voice. Peko had really struck a chord, and he couldn’t really blame Mukuro for feeling this way… Peko meant well, and she had a point with moving on in life… But sometimes, people couldn’t move on right away. He didn’t know what Mukuro had suffered or what kind of person she was, so he couldn’t judge her, even if she was a soldier. A strong physical talent doesn’t guarantee an equally strong spirit.
            “Look, I’m not here to judge you, alright?” Hajime expressed in a slightly exasperated tone. “Peko was out of line, and I don’t want to leave things at that... It’s not fair to you.”
            “It doesn’t matter to me.” The soldier droned. Hajime couldn’t help arch an eyebrow at the claim.
            “Huh…? But you got really angry after Peko said all that…” He didn’t mean to sound naïve; he just wanted to be direct.
            “…” Apparently, Mukuro didn’t have anything to say to that as she continued to stare, her eyes never wavering. She didn’t even blink.
            Hajime sighed.
            “Look, I think it matters to you.” The brunet insisted. “Why else would you be so hostile so suddenly?”
            “What makes you think it was sudden?” The soldier quipped back. “Ultimate Despair and the Future Foundation are enemies. It shouldn’t surprise you that I have no desire to see your faces.”
            “No, that’s wrong!” Hajime was still insistent. “You were provoking Peko, but something in you changed when Peko talked about moving on…!”
            “It doesn’t matter!” Mukuro barked sharply, causing Hajime to flinch again. “Nothing matters anymore. Nothing that bitch can do or say will affect me. You’re wasting your breath.”
            “… No. This does matter.” Hajime replied stubbornly. He could tell he was getting under Mukuro’s skin, too… But something within him believed this was necessary. “I don’t know if this is your ‘despair’ – ignoring something in your past that meant something to you – but you’re still emotionally attached to that thing. You wouldn’t just… submit to despair without a reason. You wouldn’t care about spreading despair if you weren’t experiencing it yourself!”
            Hajime felt a shiver run up his spine as Ikusaba’s red eyes seemed to flare with new vigor and malice as she glared at him again. He did feel intimidated – how couldn’t he be? – but he wasn’t going to back down.  They had a duty to bring back their underclassmen from the dregs of Despair that Junko Enoshima had dragged them into. Even if the Neo World Program was going to make them forget all this pain and suffering… He had to know. What pain was so terrible that they wanted to end the world?
            The brunet was expecting Mukuro’s rage to peak again… But instead, it all dissipated. The flare in her eyes was snuffed out like a candle. It… truly confused Hajime.
            “I am telling the truth. Nothing matters anymore.” Mukuro intoned coldly. If Hajime wasn’t watching her closely, he would have missed the slight quiver in her frame as she seemed to shake with some emotion. “The others… have buried it in their subconscious. They have moved onto other Despair in their lives… But I am not like the others.”
            Hajime felt another chill run down his spine as Mukuro’s red eyes became so lifeless… They were black holes of nothingness, yet it was still so very different from the look that Junko would sometimes get… With Junko, the Ultimate Despair was practically inhuman when she made this face. For her, Despair was her motivation for everything. When Mukuro made this face… Hajime could tell that this was a woman who had clearly, without a doubt, given up on everything. And it chilled his blood to see this happen in a girl that was a year younger than him. Because there was no motivation, no joy, in plunging the world into anarchy and terror, not for Mukuro Ikusaba.
            “There is nothing left for me. There was nothing left for me when Junko was alive. I hate Despair… I hated my sister… But I had nothing left. It’s easier once you accept that you’re a tool of war, but that does nothing to quell the cruel emptiness inside… You numb the pain, but it’s still there. Just a dull ache now. There is nothing worth saving in this world… so I dismantle it all, at Junko’s behest.”
            Hajime wet his lips as he tried to process this… ‘logic’ Mukuro was using. In theory, it kind of made sense… Mukuro had lost the will to live, but she hadn’t become suicidal. Instead, she killed her emotions and became just a soldier. Just a tool. He supposed he could see that as her Despair, but…
            “Well… what did matter?” Hajime asked quietly. As Mukuro kept silent, he gritted his teeth. “You say nothing matters now, but that implies that at some point, something mattered to you! You haven’t been ‘hopeless’ your entire life…!”
            “On the contrary, we Despair Sisters were born in this world with nothing but Despair within us.” If Mukuro wasn’t still dead in her expression and tone, Hajime would swear she was using snark just now. “It’s not hard to imagine nothing has ever mattered to me.”
            Hajime shook his head fiercely, pointing at her accusingly.
            “I might’ve bought that if you hadn’t said that, unlike the others, you never ‘forgot’ something. You said the others found new forms of Despair, but not you. What happened to make you all like this?”
            It felt more than aggravating when Mukuro fell silent again. She was dodging the issue, and he supposed by now it was possible he’d never get an answer out of her… He would question the other Despairs, but he had this gut feeling this was the root of the issue of everything. How could Junko brainwash her entire class? What pain were they all forced to experience?
            “… We lost our Hope.” The soldier finally said, after what seemed like an eternity. Hajime clenched his fists in frustration.
            “But what does that mean?” Hajime demanded. “You guys had all sorts of hopes and dreams! Don’t tell me Junko attacked each one!”
            Enoshima had been powerful, monstrous, but she hadn’t been omnipotent.
            “We lost our Hope.” Mukuro put more stress on that word, apparently unwilling to elaborate. “Nothing mattered after Hope was gone. Nothing.”
            “Then why did they shift to other forms of Despair?!”
            “Because Makoto would have wanted them to move on… and not one of them was willing to do that. So they killed their own friends and family, and tore their dreams to shreds.” Mukuro informed the brunet coldly. And it was only then that Hajime finally understood, with that one word.
            Makoto Naegi was the one member of Class 78, aside from Junko Enoshima who was dead, that had been part of Ultimate Despair.
            Makoto Naegi was the Ultimate Lucky Student. He had also been the class representative of Class 78. 
            Makoto Naegi was the boy from their class that had gone missing. Just like Mitarai.
            Makoto Naegi… had been Class 78’s Hope. 
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SDR2 Boys (+ Peko if thats alright) with an s/o who's a medium (someone who can speak to ghosts and see them) and they think that they're just joking until they find them having a panic attack from all of the voices that they're hearing
Of course! Thank you for the amazing ask, dear!
Hajime Hinata: 
S/O had always claimed that they were a spirit medium.
And, of course, Hajime didn’t believe them.
It’s not like he didn’t trust them; it was quite the opposite.
He just….didn’t believe in ghosts and spirits.
More often than not, S/O didn’t bring it up, but their hand would tighten on Hajime’s, and they’d grit their teeth as if they were in pain.
One day, they’re walking through the streets at night when S/O starts to hyperventilate.
Hajime had seen one too many reserve course students have panic attacks or anxiety attacks like this, so he gently pulls S/O to another place.
While walking, he’ll let them lean heavily on him, and rub their back.
“It’s alright, it’s alright. Just a little more until we’re home, okay?”
S/O nods through their tears and hyperventilation, quivering like a leaf.
Once they’re home, he takes their shoes off, wraps them in a blanket, and sits them on the couch.
They’re starting to calm down, starting to not shake and cry as much.
Hajime leaves their side and makes them a warm cup of tea.
Once it’s done, he takes it out to them.
They accept it with a quivering and tired sigh.
It’s at this moment that Hajime starts to believe that they can really see spirits.
Words tumble from his mouth before he can stop them.
“You really can see spirits, huh?”
They nod, eyes shut. They look as if they could fall asleep on the spot.
Hajime sits down next to them and runs his fingers through their hair to calm them down.
“Thank you, Hajime.”
Hajime kisses their forehead.
Byakuya Togami:
He was convinced that S/O really did see spirits.
When they were in the middle of a mall one morning, S/O begins to hyperventilate.
He’d frozen, shaking their shoulders.
“S/O?! Are you okay?!”
They shook their head desperately, struggling to breathe.
“P-please…take me home.” They manage.
“Byakuya” complies, of course.
Once they’re in the car, S/O leans their head against the cool window and sighs.  
“I’m sorry…I was just…hearing too much at once.”
“Byakuya” nods sagely, eyes fixed on the road.
“I understand. Don’t worry, S/O. I know it must be tough on you.”  
S/O smiles weakly.
“Mhm. Hmm….let’s go get some ice cream.”
Byakuya smiles.
“My wish is your command.”
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu:
He was a firm non-believer in spirits and such - so the fact that S/O was a medium went completely against that.
Because of this - they generally didn’t bring it up.
But, if S/O held onto his hand or latched onto him in a certain part of the house, then he knew.
S/O had grown up alongside him, like Peko had - except for the fact that they were the child of another high-ranking official in the mafia, and weren’t taught to be used as a tool.
They’d often had breakdowns from it - which Natsumi had made fun of them for.
Until, of course, the spirits came to her defense and gave S/O some dirt on Natsumi.
His sister had shut up after that.
But, one happened while they were at the school.
S/O had to walk over to a part of the school that they usually sped by and stay there for a minute at a teacher’s request.
Being the good student that they were, they went, but told Fuyuhiko that they would need him there.
He’d sighed, but went.
S/O handed him a bag when they’d met up, and anxiously told him to keep a hold of it.
He nodded and took it.
S/O smiled at him, and took his hand, posture rigid.
When they did reach that area and make their way towards their destination - S/O had begun to breath heavily.
They blinked rapidly, and pushed on, looking as if they couldn’t breathe.
The look got worse and worse as time went on, and they eventually collapsed, curling in on themselves.
Fuyuhiko had never seen an anxiety attack first hand, but this seemed like one.
He managed to stop himself from calling out frantically to S/O, and instead scooped them up in his arms and walked them away from that part of the school. 
He noticed their breathing begin to even out, and they slowly relaxed.
Eventually, he stopped and sat them down, propping them up against a wall.
Finally, he looked inside the bag.
Water bottles and a salty snack laid inside, along with some sort of cube and notepad with a box of markers and pens.
He said nothing, only handing them what was inside.
They accepted it with a look of thanks and a kiss on the cheek.
S/O nibbled on the snack and sipped the water, all the while sketching something or fidgeting with the cube.
After a couple minutes of watching them carefully, he said: “Y’know….I can’t really believe all this ‘spirits’ shit….but - if they’re making you do this….then I guess they must be real, huh?”
S/O nodded. “I-it’s alright if you still don’t believe - I can understand why you wouldn’t.”
Fuyuhiko shook his head. “No, I do believe now. Any bastard who goes through you has to go through me first, and that’s that.”
His heart does a little tap dance in his chest when S/O laughs softly in response. 
Gundam Tanaka:
He’s an avid believer that they do exist.
He even does as far as to set up “protective charms” and the whole nine yards to ensure his S/O’s safety.
It’s very sweet, and S/O loves him for it.
Still, despite his efforts, S/O has an anxiety attack in his company one day.
He’s seen animals have anxiety attacks like this, and he’s found that the best way to deal with it is to move them away from the issue or trigger.
So that’s what he does.
He takes S/O to their dorm and patiently waits for them to calm down.
They do - although it takes quite a while and leaves them drained.
S/O smiles at him. “I’m sorry I ruined our day out today….there were just too many.”
He smiled back, a rare sight. “Not to worry, I, Gundham Tanaka and my Four Dark Devas of Destruction will protect you with renewed tenacity next time!”
That gets a laugh/giggle out of S/O, and Gundham is pleased.
And very blushy.
The blush increases that much more when S/O tugs him over to where they’re sitting for an impromptu cuddling session.
Kazuichi Souda:
He’s somewhere in the middle with his beliefs.
He mostly believes them and wants to, but there’s that tiny skeptic inside of him that says it couldn’t be possible.
Most of the time, he’ll just brush it off and shrug his shoulders.
No use worrying about it - he’d rather just enjoy this time with S/O.
S/O was known through the school to have anxiety and panic attacks during class, so they always kept a bag of supplies with them.
He never imagined he’d need it on a date.
Kazuichi - being the teenage boy he is, invited S/O out to the beach to take a dip.
They had happily agreed, and thus the beach date was set.
After some antics over S/O’s swimsuit, they set out to the water and swim for a bit.
In the distance, Kazuichi can see a cliff overlooking the sea.
He points it out to S/O, and they walk over.
He can’t see it, but they’re biting their cheek harshly to keep themselves grounded.
Eventually, they can’t take it anymore, and fall against Kazuichi, quivering.
“S/O…? Are you…ok?”
They shake their head, pale. “J-just….get us to the t-top.” They pant.
He nods, supporting them the whole way. 
Internally, he’s freaking out.
The freaking out increases when S/O’s legs give out from under them and they fall.
But, he picks them up and carries them upwards, up and up until they’re at the peak of the cliff.
He sets them on the sand, leaning against a rock, holding their hand and rubbing absent circles on the back of it with his thumb.
S/O cries a bit - but their breathing evens out and they’re grounded, now looking very tired.
“Sorry….” they sigh out. “I just heard too many spirits at once.”
If Kazuichi still had some of that skeptic in him at this point, it was gone now, wiped clean.
That was not faked. It was genuine.
“‘S okay. I shouldn’t have moved on anyway.”
They smile quietly, looking out over the ocean with him.
“It’s only midday - but it’s so pretty.”
Kazuichi nods, while S/O gasps in what seems to be indignation.
“That’s where you’re supposed to say ‘not as pretty as you,’ or something!”
Kazuichi snorted.
They’re pouting, but the smile in their tone gives away that they aren’t actually mad.
“I’m being serious!”
Kazuichi, to their joy, began to laugh, even though he was trying to conceal it.
They stood up.
“Well, your punishment is to give me a piggyback ride all the way out to our stuff!”
With a sigh, Kazuichi got to his feet too.
“Alright, hop on.”
S/O did so with a little cheer.
Nagito Komeada:
Being, well…who he was - he’d always had some peculiar beliefs.
One of them happened to be that spirits did exist.
When he meets S/O and they start talking - he doesn’t mind the fact that they’re a medium.
He embraces it, even.
And, he abided by it.
If S/O didn’t get a good feeling from a certain place, then he never took S/O there again.
It wasn’t a hard thing to be around, actually. There were few places that S/O wouldn’t go.
But, they did have the occasional breakdowns.
Nagito had experienced a couple breakdowns/attacks himself - so he knew how to deal with them pretty easily.
They had been walking through the forest one day when S/O felt an attack coming on.
They had just enough time to grab his arm in warning before they began to shut down.
Nagito looked over at them in shock, but understood.
He led them to the end of the forest trail, noting where their shaking stopped and started violently again.
They were still shaking and crying, so he led them gently out of the forest.
They collapsed once outside, folding into themselves and allowing the shaking to stop.
He rubbed their back soothingly, digging out a salty snack and some water bottles.
The shaking stopped slowly, and they let out a little sigh.
“Are you alright?”
They nodded, now tired.
“I’m sorry…there were just…too many voices.”
Nagito smiled and took their hand.
“Don’t worry about it. Can you stand? We’ll go home and watch a movie or something.”
S/O smiled.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
They leaned over and gave him a kiss.
“And…thank you.”
Nekomaru Nidai:
He believes S/O wholeheartedly.
That’s why - when S/O has an attack in the middle of a game - he puts the game on hold for just a second.
It was well into the fourth quarter of the game, and by the look of things, they’d been suppressing it the entire time.
He had a lot of experience with anxiety and panic attacks - many players had them before huge games.
So, when he hears that S/O is having one, he rushes over.
Quickly, he takes them away from the situation, and orders someone to get him something salty and a water bottle.
They do so, and Nekomaru takes them out of the gymnasium.
He sets them down in the hall, and they fold in on themselves.
Their breathing evens out quietly, and they give a sigh.
“Sorry…I just…heard too much from where I was sitting and there was nowhere else to go.”
Nekomaru nods in understanding, ruffling their hair.
The person he’d ordered to get them the water and salty snack came back - and he handed them to S/O.
“Munch on these, and I’ll be right out after the game is over. Don’t go anywhere, alright?”
S/O nods.
“I won’t.”
Peko Pekoyama:
She was a firm disbeliever in spirits, but she’d seen S/O have breakdowns.
This, coupled with the fact that the both of them served the Kuzuryuu clan led her to become almost…overprotective of S/O.
It was a little crazy - as they’d never really seen Peko be so gentle around someone.
If not for S/O, she would have grown up completely unfeeling and unsympathetic. 
But S/O really made her feel.
In every type of way.
They’d started dating somewhere along the line, and dates were frequent.
Today’s date, however, was an old dojo that Peko frequented.
S/O wanted some lessons from the Ultimate Swordswoman herself.
Which was fine with Peko.
It was only when they arrived that things went wrong.
S/O had begun to shake and breathe heavily.
Luckily, Peko noticed before it was too late, and steered them away from the Dojo and to a restaurant.
Because of that, the attack wasn’t too bad, and S/O recovered quickly.
“Peko….thank you. I’m sorry.”
“Did you hear too much?” She asked.
S/O nodded.
They sat down, and ordered some food, chatting idly about what they would do with their day now that their original plans went down the drain.
All the while, she was thinking.
She had gotten a strange feeling from that dojo when she visited…
Who knows?
Maybe S/O really could hear and contact spirits.
Teruteru Hanamura:
Growing up, he was raised to believe that yes, there are spirits.
So, when he meets S/O, he doesn’t doubt them at all.
In fact, he believes them and takes much the same measures that Nagito does.
But, he’ll never admit it to anyone but S/O.
The first time S/O has a breakdown, they’re in a restaurant.
S/O had been shaky and pale for the entire meal, and as they’re heading to the car, S/O breaks, falling to the ground.
He rushes over to them.
“S/O?!? Are you okay?”
They shake their head. “J-just….get me to to the car.”
Teruteru does so with difficulty, but does it nonetheless.
After a moment, they calm down, now just tired.
They don’t have to say anything, because Teruteru seems to understand.
He smiles at them in that soft little way of his.
A way that only S/O got to see.
“Let’s go home.”
S/O nods, and they go home.
That night is full of cuddles.
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Can I get SDR2 boy's reacting to their S/O's death after they got into a fight and the S/O stormed off earlier. Like it could be an actual fight or a petty one.
Here you go guys, a bit of a warning for some of the deaths and a suicide mention
Hajime Hinata
It was a big argument, and you didn’t argue with just him but everyone else who decided it would be a good idea to tie Komeada up after the first trial
And so you avoided everyone else and took care of Komeada yourself
He tried to talk to you but you ignored him
So when Twiling Syndrome Murder case was brought out he was a bit nervous
But everything had to be fine, you wouldn’t play a dumb game like that right
But.. he was wrong… oh so wrong
The next morning he went to go check in on the machine.. just in case and saw you
Someone had slammed your face into the arcade machine many times
Small glass shards were everywhere and he couldn’t even tell it was you by the face
When he realized that it was in fact you.. he felt so numb and broken
He collapsed there on the floor and just sat there until the others found out
It took Chiaki slapping him to get him to think again
He was determined to find your killer
During the trial he was much more aggressive
He didn’t care what the others thought, he needed to find the truth
After the trial he wasn’t the same
He was much more colder towards the others
Nagito Komeada
You got angry with him after another one of his hope rants where he talked about how the others could kill him and he’d gladly help
It was more of an one sided agrument than anything else
You yelled angrily at him and he simply took it
He didn’t even stop you when you left
It was his fault after all, he should have thought more about you and how much you actually cared for trash like him
But since then you avoided him, which while broke his heart he allowed
He wanted you to approach him when you were feeling better
Then when you asked to talk to him before night time, he was thrilled
He was so lucky that you wanted to talk to him again
But as he approached the meeting place he realized that his luck struck again
Your body was curled up on the floor
A trail of vomit and blood followed you as blood could be seen on your lips
Splothces of your skin broke out in ugly yellow patches and your cold eyes seem to be wide open in pain
He couldn’t help the craze laugh that fell from his lips as he tugged at his own hair
So this was the consequence his luck decided to bring him next huh, it decided to take you away
As he left to go find the others he could feel a part of his mind unhinge as he dive deeper into insanity
Losing you seem to make him even more crazy if possible
Gundham Tanaka
It was a small and very tiny argument
He was a bit upset that you keep calling his vicious Dark Deva’s of Destruction cute and adorable
You just rolled your eyes at him as you continued to pet Cham-P
He was getting more annoyed at your nonchalant behavior and eventually kicked you out of his room
He spend the rest of the afternoon (pouting) sulking in his room
However as it grew closer to night time you still haven’t came back
He frowned but thought you were simply upset about him kicking you out of his room
The next morning you didn’t show up to breakfast
Worried he lead a search group to look for you
As he looked through Jabberwock park he noticed his Dark Devas acting odd and ran off
Startled he followed them and that’s when he say it
Your body.. stabbed through multiple times and an agonized look on your face
Blood was everywhere
He fell to his knees as tears formed in his eyes, his Dark Devas ran toward him with tiny tears in their own eyes and snuggled up next to him
Eventually he got up and went to get the others
He was numb throughout the entire investigation and trial
After the trial he made a small shrine for you, so that your spirit may find peace
It took a while but eventually he got back to acting with his normal theatricals
(But it was all a farce for his heart was still bleeding inside)
Kazuichi Souda
It wasn’t really a big fight, more of a petty one
He got a bit jealous after seeing you spend so much time with Gundham lately and then soon a small argument started
You left annoyed at him while he worked away in his workshop
He was busy dissembling and resembling a microwave to try and work out his feelings when he heard it
The body discovery announcement was played
He couldn’t help the nervous sweat the coated his body as he heard it play
It was happening again…
With a nervous gulp he hurried over to where the body was, looking for you as he walked
But as he looked at the crowd gathered he realized.. you were no where to be scene..
Could it be..?
He tried to push his way up front but as his classmates say him they gave him sympathetic looks..
He couldn’t help the scream the came out when he say your body
You were a mangled mess on the floor, with your limbs contorted into odd angles
Tears were falling as he babbled nonsense to himself
It was all his fault, he was the one that started the argument if he didn’t then maybe you wouldn’t have..
He was silent at the class trial, the only time he talked was to yell at the culprit as they were dragged away to their executions
He spent the next few days locked up in his workshop
And when Hajime forced himself inside he saw Kazuichi’s dangling body from a noose
Nekomaru Nidai
He didn’t understand why you got so mad at him at the first place
All he did was give Akane a massage, what’s wrong with a team manager doing that?
You left him alone, clearly annoyed but he was confused as ever
It was only after he talked to Hajime did he understand why you might be annoyed
So he searched the islands, shooting your name looking for you
But he couldn’t find you.. so he spent the next day searching.. and searching..
That’s when he found it.. a hand sticking out of the sand of the 2nd island’s beach
He already saw everyone else this morning.. so that meant..
With a shout he ran towards the hand and began trying to dig the body up
Tears where streaming down his face as he wished that no matter whose hand this was.. that it not be you
He couldn’t stop his wails from escaping when he manage to dig up enough to see your pained face
He cried and screamed loudly, why.. why did it have to be you
His screams brought some people to see what was going on
And eventually the body discovery announcement was played
With help from the others, your body was completely unearthed and as soon as it was he cradled it in his arms
It took a lot of arguing and yelling before he let Mikan do an autopsy report on you
He was silent throughout the whole trial, the only noise coming from him were his sobs
With Akane’s and the others help he slowly recovered over time
But he wasn’t as loud and boisterous as he used to be
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
It was over something so silly and stupid
You were teasing him a bit about his height and made a comment about how if he drank more milk he would be taller
He snapped and yelled some awful stuff at you
You run away crying as he just grumbled angrily
After cooling down he realized what he done and felt awful
He went around looking for you to apologized when he heard it
The body discovery announcement
He could feel his heart pounding as he ran towards where the body was
It couldn’t be you.. right?
Once he saw the crowd he pushed his way through
(Even when they tried to get him to stop he had to know)
That’s when he saw the bloody hammer.. and your cracked skull
He let tears fall as he knelt down and to your body
“Why…why did it have to be you.. why S/O..”
He spent some time there before he got up and brushed his tears away
He had a killer to find
He was cold and ruthless at the class trial, ganging up at anyone who might have done it
Peko had to restrain him from killing the culprit himself
After the trial he barely associated with anyone, the only person he would have a decent conversation was with Peko but even then.. it wasn’t the same
Teruteru Hanamura
It was over something stupid
You simply asked if he could stop making such inappropriate comments towards Mikan since she told you it was making her a bit uncomfortable
Then he said something on the line about how he couldn’t help it since she was so good looking
You left after yelling, “Well if you think she’s so fine why don’t you date her! It’s obvious you don’t like how I look!!”
He tried to follow you but you run off and locked yourself in your cabin
So he tried to make it up to you the only way he knew how, with his cooking
He went over to the kitchen spent the next hour making your favorite dish
Then he carried over to your room and knocked on it
“Hey honey? I know I upset you.. I’m so sorry… I’ll try to keep my comments on Mikan to a minimal.. I made your favorite dish?”
No response
He tried knocking but there was only silence
Feeling nervous his hand went towards the doorknob and to his surprise the door opened
And what he saw.. caused him to scream and drop the plate of food on the floor
Your body was slumped on the floor, blood flowing everywhere and a screwdriver in your neck
He was crying throughout the entire investigation and class trial
(However when investigating he never left your body)
When the culprit was found out he was yelling and cursing at them as they were dragged to their execution
The next few days he shut himself in his cabin and refused to leave
Ultimate Impostor
It was a big fight
You thought he was taking on too many responsibilities for the group and were worried about him
But he was determined to be the leader, to make sure another person did not die even if it cost him his life
You were mad that he didn’t seem to care about his own life compared to the others
You left with an angry huff
He was planning on letting you cool down before talking to you again
But the next morning.. as he awoke that’s when he saw it, in the pool in front of the hotel
Your.. your body floating face down in the water
He wanted to scream, to shout..
To cry out for you
But he had to stay strong for the group
However he will make sure your killer faces justice
No matter what
(No one commented on the tears that were shed during your investigation)
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exhaustedeldritch · 7 years
SHSL Apology?
☆ I never remembered the line in the game, but fuck it. *throws hands up* We wing it. I hope this is enjoyable, @most-likely-terrible-dr-imagines  ☆
Out of a class of seventeen students, they were already down to thirteen, a number cursed to bring the worst of luck in some cultures. Even with such a morbid thought in their head, a tired Soul made their way to the restaurant. For once, their hands were free from the baggy sleeves and fingers ran through purple highlighted brown hair. It’d most likely get tied up la..ter. Their mind slowed to a stop at the sight before them. Someone was already there and their sleepy voice played the air to get the blond male. “G’morning…” The blond looked up, most likely freeing himself from whatever thoughts Yakuzas had. “Shouldn’t you be restin’? You did just cheat death, y’know?” Fuyuhiko didn’t say anything as she settled into a nearby chair. His gold colored eye shifted away from them. Yet the silence after their voice didn’t last long as people poured in. Gasps of shock and concern played the air as the group gathered around Fuyuhiko and soon, Hajime slipped in to complete the group.
“I got something I wanna say!” He announced to his audience. His stance widened. One hand, curled into a fist, rested on his hip and the other was in the gesture of offering something, but empty.
“Fuyuhiko, is it okay for you to be moving around like that?” “Well, h-he shouldn’t be okay.”
“Whatever I say after this point, I apologize now if I make a mistake.” Mistake? What’s he going on about? Even Soul was confused and they were good at catching on. “My last name is Kuzuryu and my first name is Fu-yu-hi-ko. I’m still learning about my family’s business. From now on, I hope we get along so we can get to know each other.” There was silence and it felt so odd, but not uncomfortable.
“What the hell was that?”
“N-nothing, really. Just a greeting.” Yet it had to be the first time that he greeted them. Something about the first had some of them relaxing and the topic shifted to what was below the eyepatch- Or the lack there of- until one person spoke up.
“Why are you acting cool and all?! Don’t you understand what you did?!” Hiyoko’s loud and high pitched voice made them turn to her. “Do you think we’d forgive you that easy? Don’t you understand? It’s because of you that Mahiru… Not just Mahiru, but Peko too… are dead!” Soul turned to the male, ready to say something to soothe him if the need arose, before turning to her, wanting to reprimand her.
“This is the first time we’ve been able to get together-”
“So? That doesn’t make us friends or anything. There’s no way a murderer like him can be our friend.”
“Hiyokyo!” Soul snapped. “That’s e-”
“Yeah, you’re right… It really is all my fault. I already know it’s my fault that they’re dead.
“Are you gonna do your ‘so what’ attitude now?
“No.. it’s not that…” With those words, he fell into something similar to a bow. Something wasn’t right. That was clear to Soul by their gut feeling. A panicked cry left Hajime. When had he gotten beside them?
“Stop messing around. Do you think we’ll forgive you if get down and cry?!”
“I don’t think that at all.” In the time it took to process his words, he’d done it. Blood ran down to stain his clothes and the floor beneath. Screams filled the air and Soul found themselves stepping back.
“It’s blood!”
“Fuyuhiko slit his own stomach!!”
“Are you saying he cut his stomach?!”
“I-I didn’t think… you’d forgive me with a half-assed… apology, but… if I don’t do this… m-my feelings… won’t be resolved.”
“Jesus! Shit!” Come on, Soul. You can words. “You son of a bitch! That’s not how you apologize!”
“We need to get him back to the hospital!” “Y-yeah…you’re right! Kazuichi… give me a hand!” A mutter of okay was met with objection.
“I walk… there myself.” The Ultimate Nurse wasn’t having this.
“There’s no way you can walk!” She cried out. “I took the time to patch you up and now, I need to fix the wounds again.”
“…I feel so ashamed…In…in the end… I caused more trouble for everyone.”
“W-Who cares? L-Let’s go!” With quick hands, Fuyuhiko was carried out of a silent restaurant.
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