#bro really just survived a plane crash and came back with a gun
graveyard-society · 1 year
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so this is basically what happened in that one episode of the anime right
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Black Survival characters as RTgame quotes
i have a new way to fill a day when i don’t know what headcanon i could use:special posts
Adela: (Check) There’s a check. Keep popping them in check. (Check) (Check) (Check) 
Adriana: Radical has taken the burgle land really to heart and he’s just setting fire to the forest.
Alex: Hey bro you want some tequila? (yeets tequila bottle at a guy)
Arda:(writes down “Mom i’m sorry”) Good start.
Aya: You cant escape the law! I have the ability to teleport! Don’t make me finger gun you!
Barbara: Well, that was a fast midlife crisis. Happy birthday! Midlife Crisis time!
Bernice: (holds a guy’s face) Ned, I... never said this, but sometimes when I look into your eyes- NO, DON’T, COME BACK HERE-
Bianca: These are all, just, like, weird planet names. Like, Zoton, Cropin, Cragos. Draarendy...? Perotex, m- (laughs) wait, WAIT WAIT- Wait that was just the poor man’s Mars, come on. That last one was just Mares. Could you name all the planets in the solar system? Oh we got earth, venus, saturn, Mares- (written in 10/7 so we’ll see how this ages once bianca gets released, maybe she won’t be the same gimmick as jackie)
Camilo: “It’s just, all those years ago... It was so hard-” Oh no. “I didn’t know how to raise Sarah alone.” Hey ned, let’s do some more dancing! (dances) Doooo doo doo do doo dododo! Haa haa haaa!
Cathy: ‘S a little bit pricy, but fuck it! I don’t know how to play Monopoly, let’s go!
Chiara: “This is the man in question, Edward Romsey. A teacher once, would you believe?” But then he forgot to buy Dosney related products.
Daniel: “Barbara just discovered how to make a Grim Reaper Snowman”... (looks at snowman with a black cape and a scythe) Oh Gooood.
Echion: (fuckboy voice) They call it... The Fortnite, the new violent shooter from Epic Games Studios that kids are dropping out of school to play.
Eleven: I made the smoothie! I made the smoothie! (car crashes)
Eva: Heart’s desires... (reading out options, starts laughing) “to be tall”!
Emma: (petting the side of someone’s head) Stroke him gently.
Fiora: Now remember your training, guys, big circle-shape swings, okay, you wanna try to get a figure A motion, okay? If you remember that, nothing will go wrong in an actual fight. And remember to have fun, it’s an important part of the experiment. (whacks everyone in a row in a few seconds) Who’s next?
Hart: (playing guitar) I call this little ditty Wonderwall. You may not have heard it before.
Hyejin: You’re supposed to click evacuate BEFORE the disaster happens!
Hyunwoo: What could a dog have possibly done to go to jail?!
Isol: Can I take your handgun? This loaded? ....Pal, do you have any ammo? I’m trying to fire this handgun in your store. I’m gonna take this with me, thank you.
Jackie: Oh no, not this again. We did this two years ago, I’m not doing it again! -It’s happening again. I thought I was finished playing Groundhog Day!
Jan: This man unironically says epic, I don’t know if we can trust him.
Jenny: Are there any controls I might have? (the plane starts going down) Oh, B just stalls the engine.
JP: Thanks to VR, I can now be more gay than normal.
Lenox: I’m trying to do big brain plays here, but I’m not a smart woman!
Leon: We have seven thousand viewers for Wii Sports, and we’re top ten on Twitch- wh- why are people here-
Li Dailin: You know how in like, the third Harry Potter, the night’s bus takes Harry to Hogwarts? Like, the leaky cauldron, and... you’re not really sure how he’s dodging all these cars?
Luke: I’ll be, like, sleeping tonight, i’ll be waking up in a cold sweat, and be like “Good air!” His soul has been trapped in Wii Sports since 2009, he hasn’t been able to leave this game. ‘I wonder if the voice actor talks like this in real life as well’. Could you just imagine if he has a wife and kids, and the trainer’s like... (enthusiastically) ‘Good morning!’ ‘Darling, it’s-it’s been like nine years since Wii Sports Resort voiceover.’ ‘I know, right?’ ‘Like, you have to talk like a normal human being again! You can’t just keep putting the family through this!’ ‘Nice air!’ ‘WE’VE TALKED ABOUT THIS! WE’RE NOT IN THE AIR!’
Magnus: (somehow breaks glass by grabbing it) My hands are bleeding terribly.
Mai: “Alice, I want to speak to your manager.” Dude, it’s just coffee. It’s just coffee. ....He’s a karen, isn’t he? (points at him) You’re a karen.
Nadine: (shoots at the bullseye) I’m already a pro. Look at that. Watch me get it again. (shoots at the bullseye again)
Nathapon: (writes down ‘hi my name is Oole’) Always important to put your name on your notebook. You know, just in case you lose it.
Nicky: (swinging wii remote wildly towards mii) Why won’t... you die?! (game starts) Oh that was practice-
Rio: Do you wanna be that guy who reads everything on Wikipedia? Play this game.
Rosalio: Oh jesus- oh, I didn’t expect for there to be consequences-
Rozzi: (jumping off a plane with a parashoot, people start locking hands with the avatar) Lose ‘em, lose ‘em! (shakes wildly to get them away) Get ‘em off me! Get ‘em off me!
Shoichi: ‘Ey Daithi, how much would it cost for me to buy that off ya?’ ‘Uh, one thousand, one hundred and forty- (amount of money changes) Oh sorry, just changed! One thousand, one hundred and twenty nine.’ ‘You’re gonna leave me with a dollar.’ ‘Yep.’
Silvia: (Picks up a gun) Is it loaded? (points it at herself and pulls the trigger repeatedly) Doesn’t appear to be.
Sissela: “Pulmonary oedema”... I can’t even pronounce it, that sounds really bad.
Sua: Oh my god, bless his heart. Ross Bob just came back from the dead to feed the cat. He’s actually the sweetest man alive. 
William: They all keep saying “I’d love to stick around but I gotta go”. They don’t- they don’t have a say in this
Xiukai: Why did the donut cause me to hallucinate so badly??
Yuki: “Fix everything and leave”. I need that button IRL. Fix everything and leave.
Zahir: (accidentally drops glass) I appear to be struggling. (looks around and grabs a tiny drink umbrella) Would you like an umbrella?
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