#i still dress pretty masc you will never catch me in a dress or skirt but the jewelry is new
demadogs · 1 month
been having the weirdest urge to appear a lot more feminine lately. i got my ears pierced today after letting them close over a decade ago. im already planning another piercing. i have the urge to go back to the crystal shop and buy a NECKLACE!!! i havent worn necklaces since i was in middle school. ive even thought of painting my nails… i havent worn nail polish in like 15 years.
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prettyboy-asmo · 4 years
Obey me! boys with trans masc MC
 Some headcanons about the brothers + Solomon and Diavolo with Trans Masc MC. it’s pretty self-indulgent. Obviously not everyone shares the same experiences with their identity.  I took from my own experiences and feelings about things to write these.
TW: Mentions of transphobia (not detailed and not from any of the main  characters)
It doesn’t actually come up for some time, not until you realize that you two are definitely getting closer to being intimate. 
One night things start to get steamy and when you realize you have to force yourself to not run away. You’re still up and halfway across the room faster than Lucifer thought a human could move. Your heart is beating wildly in your chest, and you have to make yourself look Lucifer in the eyes. 
He’s quick to apologize, thinking he made you uncomfortable- he’s honestly worried he’d hurt you or crossed your boundaries. You assure him that it’s nothing like that. You just need to explain something before things go further. 
If you are nervous about telling him, he’ll wait patiently for you to say what you need to say. Reassures you that it changes nothing about how he feels about you. He only cares that you’re happy and comfortable. 
“I’m glad you feel comfortable telling me. I know humans can hold some troubling views on the subject.” He’s never really understood a lot of the human hang ups on things like this, but he knows it’s a big deal for some to share the knowledge with others, it takes trust.
What he doesn’t say is how happy he is that you trust him that much (how proud he is,) 
Will ask if there’s anything specific you need him to do/not do or anything that you might not have that you want or need. (ie: new binder if you haven’t had top surgery, do you want top surgery? He can make it happen.)
If you’re having a particularly bad time with dysphoria, he’ll straight up ask if there’s anything he can do to help. 
He’ll also be sure to call you by your name, or specifically masculine terms 
Someone misgenders you on purpose? He doesn’t hesitate to set them straight. No one’s foolish enough to do it again. 
He finds out on accident. You’re changing when he barges in your room, saying something about being late for breakfast in his usual loud manner. 
He freezes when he finally looks at you, Sees your binder or your scars but honestly it doesn’t really register bc holy shit his human is half dressed and standing in front of him and-poor boy is blushing so hard and is silent because he’s certain he’ll make a fool of himself. 
It hadn’t occurred to you until he went quiet that he didn’t know already. 
You finish getting dressed and his silence is worrying you at this point. You quietly ask him if he’d like for you to stop hanging around him
That manages to snap him out of his daze and he looks utterly confused. “Why would ya think that?” You try to explain that you’ve had people that have stopped speaking to you because you’re trans, or have even tried to tell you it’s wrong. 
“They obviously don’t know anything,” He says, “You’re stuck with the Great Mammon, ya hear? I’m your first guy and you’re my man!” It’s not the first time he’s referred to you as his, but it’s the first time he’s used man instead of human. After that though, he starts doing it more and each time it makes you smile. 
“That’s right, That’s my man!” “What took ya so long, man?” 
If you’re having bad dysphoria he’s very vocal about calling you his man, reassuring you, and asking what you want in that moment. Stay in and just lay around? Sure. find a distraction? He can think of plenty.
He offers you some of his shirts and jackets. “They suit ya,” he insists, even if they’re big on you, “Gotta make sure my man is staying stylish!”  (He won’t admit how happy it makes him to see you wearing his clothes, but you can tell anyways.)
Someone misgenders you to upset you? “What’d you just say to my man?” He’s angry and he’s not about to be quiet about it. 
You mention it off-handedly while discussing your favorite anime and manga. 
You’d started talking about one that actually had pretty decent Trans rep, lamenting that it wasn’t more popular because of how much it meant to see someone like you-
Levi catches it immediately, but he doesn’t say anything about- It doesn’t change anything he feels anyway. 
He does, however, take time to look for movies, tv shows, games, or anything you might both enjoy that has good Representation. 
When you realize what he’s doing you can’t help but hug him tightly  and kiss his cheek, and it makes him blush.”I’m glad you’re happy.” 
Bad Dysphoria? He’ll drag you to his room to binge anime, play games, and watch movies. He knows the distraction helps.
You’re his Henry, and he’s gonna go the extra mile to make sure you’re comfortable, however he can. 
If you use a binder and find you need a new one, he’s on top of it- He’ll offer to make one for you so he knows it’ll be the right size and it will be good quality. 
Someone misgenders you after being corrected? He checks on you first and asks if you want him to do something about it. If he finds out they did it Maliciously? He’s going to do something about that- reminding everyone in the process that he’s the third eldest (and third most powerful) for a reason. 
It comes up when you start spending more time with him- studying or getting book recommendations to pass your free time, You can tell when your interactions shift to something more.
He nods when you tell him, “And your pronouns are He/him, correct?” 
Asks if there’s anything he should avoid doing, anything you don’t like to be called, He wants to know your boundaries then and there so he doesn’t overstep them. 
He spends some time researching. He wants to make sure he understands as much as he can about you, including this- he doesn’t want to ask you directly what your experience in the human realm was, in case it brings up any unpleasant memories. 
You notice the change in his reading list eventually and it makes you feel warm knowing that he’s doing it for you. You tell him if he does have any questions he can ask you. 
He does ask you if you use a binder and if you’re binding safely.
He also asks if Dysphoria is something you struggle with. If you tell him it is, his line of questioning shifts to things he can possibly do to help you deal with it. 
If it’s a really rough day and you admit you don’t want to really do anything, he’ll pick a book to read to you, just so you know he’s there for anything you need, even if it’s just quiet company. 
He also becomes a little more vocal, calls you things like dashing or handsome. 
If someone misgenders you with ill intent? He’s going to deal with it, and it’s not going to be pretty. 
He invites you to his room to show you the new outfits he bought. He does it pretty much every time he goes shopping. 
This time the first outfit he walks out includes a skirt. You already know Asmo doesn’t believe in gendered clothing, or adhering to any sort of ‘norm’ but it’s the first time you’ve seen it so obviously in person when it comes to his clothes.
“I wish I could wear something like that,” the words are out your mouth before you register them, and you flush even while Asmo giggles. He offers his closet to you and tells you to try something on. 
Your hesitance must show, because he frowns a little, looking concerned. “I used to,” you admit, “But people kept telling me that I didn’t need to transition if I liked all that stuff anyways.” 
He’s next to you in a second, hand tilting your chin to look at him, “Fuck those people,” he says seriously, “It’s a shame for a man to hide such a delightful body. It’s even worse for him to deny himself things he likes because of ignorant commentary.” 
He ends up making suggestions on what to try on, starting with a simple skirt and shirt combo. 
You stare at the mirror for a long time, turning occasionally to watch the way the skirt flares up slightly when you do. You catch Asmo smiling behind you in the reflection.
“Do you like it?” You catch his eyes in the reflection, nodding, “I missed the feeling. Thank you, Asmo.” 
“Anything for someone as handsome as you,” 
If you’re feeling really dysphoric he’ll try to pamper you- want him to brush your hair? Face masks? A relaxing bath? An entire spa day? New clothes? He wants you to feel good about yourself and he knows self care is the first step. 
He loves to pick out clothes for you to wear, but he always explicitly asks what style you want, because he wants you to feel as good as you look in anything he picks for you. 
If someone misgenders you maliciously or more than once, he’ll have plenty of words with them. 
In fact, as it turns out many of his fans will also have words if they catch wind- Asmo loves posting pics with you on Devilgram and taking you to the Fall, so you’ve also become part of many of his fans' lives too.
You feel a little self-conscious surrounded by attractive demons- But Beel is a whole other level. He’s tall and solid muscle, and you're envious of it. 
You know you could never keep up with his workouts, but you ask if you could join him anyways, and if he could give you some pointers on good workouts for specific goals. He agrees right away, more than happy to help. 
It becomes a routine and you look forward to your shared workouts, even if it’s just you both doing your own thing, or Beel giving you pointers on your form or him asking you to record him so he can see how his own form looks. 
You’re so comfortable around Beel, that during one of your afternoon workouts you pull your shirt over your head as you stop to take a break and even out your breathing. 
“It’s not good to wear a binder while exercising for so long.” Beel’s concerned comment takes you off guard for a moment and you flush, unsure of what to say because he sounds so casual about it, and you aren’t really used to it. 
You settle for “Sorry,” and quickly go to tug your shirt back on, but he shakes his head. “You don’t have to. Just rest while I finish up.” 
“You’re doing this for you, right? No matter what, You’re a great guy, so don’t push yourself because other people expect it.”  You’re surprised when he joins you after he’s done and it’s the first thing he says. You tell him it does help you feel better about yourself and you enjoy spending the time with him, doing something you both enjoy. And the smile he gives you is blinding. 
If you’re having a bad time with Dysphoria he’ll ask what you want to do. Workout? Movie and Snacks? Do you need a distraction or do you want to just...be?
He’s well aware of the toxic masculinity that can be present in places like gyms and such. He’s never tolerated it, but there’s a new edge to him if he hears anyone saying something disrespectful or hateful. 
If someone misgenders you, he makes his displeasure known but he focuses on making sure you aren’t upset. (Not many would dare risk making him angry anyways, as quiet as he is he’s still intimidating when he needs to be.)
You don’t actually tell him. with how often you end up napping with him he just knows. He doesn’t even say anything about it- he doesn’t see the need to and neither do you. 
He does say something the one time he catches you falling asleep in a binder. “You can’t sleep in that!” he wakes you up and makes you change- he tells you it’s important to have proper sleepwear, a lecture that might even rival one Lucifer's, as he himself begins to doze off. 
After that he makes a point to check to make sure you aren’t wearing a binder before he cuddles up for a nap or for the night (Not that he admits it to you)
He likes to tease you, but he’s always hyper aware of his words. The last thing he wants to do is accidentally say something that might actually hurt you
He doesn’t tend to use overly gendered language with you in the first place, “You’re my nap buddy,” “You make a really nice pillow,” “I like it when you look flustered like that,”
But if he notices/ you tell him you’re struggling with dysphoria more than usual he’ll make the effort to use specifically masculine terms
He’s not the greatest with being open about his feelings but he’ll reassure you if that’s what you need
He doesn’t like seeing you struggling so he asks the best ways to help you feel better, even if he still teases you he’s doing his best to cheer you up or make you more comfortable.
If someone misgenders you on purpose he’s making sure you’re okay. He’ll be even more clingy than usual, glare at anyone he thinks looks at you wrong or he’ll simply drag you back home to laze around and cuddle (He tells you he’s tired and just wants to nap, but he really just wants to keep an eye on you in case it upset you more than you showed.) 
He’ll have a discussion with whoever upset you later, anyways. 
When you realize he’s way older than he looks you’re concerned that he’s gonna have some very archaic views about things. 
Even as you grow closer to him, the thought nags at the back of your mind and it keeps you stuck at a distance despite his obvious flirting. 
He notices, of course. “Am I making you uncomfortable? I can stop if you’d like,” It's a stark contrast to his usual teasing and mystic demeanor, and the serious expression on his face draws some courage from you. 
You manage to tell him without stuttering, and then you flush when you tell him you weren’t sure he’d be okay with that. Saying it out loud makes you feel a little silly- all things considered. 
He hums and tells you he understands, but that he doesn’t care in the sense that if you’re happy and true to yourself that’s what matters most. (It sounds suspiciously like something Asmo would say, but there’s sincerity in his voice and eyes.)
His flirting continues- when he passes you at RAD, when he invites you to study with him, even his messages, simple compliments like “You look rather handsome today,” or teasing “I’m so lucky to sit with the cutest boy in class,” but now that you aren’t worrying about other things, you can finally return his teasing. 
If you’re having a hard time with dysphoria, he’ll ask if he can help. He’ll show up with snacks, movies, books, anything you want to do. He’ll even offer to ask Asmo for the needed supplies for a spa day, if he thinks that might help. 
If someone misgenders you on purpose he’s gonna set them straight. He’s the most powerful sorcerer and he’s not going to let someone disrespect you like that
When you arrive in the Devildom, you actually laugh. A few of the people (demons!) standing around you look concerned. 
“I mean, plenty of people told me I’d go to hell but I don’t think this is what they meant.” There’s some surprised looks but no one mentions it past that, really. 
But it does come up in one of your regular meetings with Diavolo, what had started out as short meetings to discuss how things were progressing during your stay had suddenly turned into hours of visiting over tea and Barbatos cooking. 
He asks you what you meant when you’d said that. It wasn’t the first ‘personal’ question he asked you, and you didn’t see a reason not to explain. So you tell him all about your run ins with the wannabe preachers and ‘concerned’ Sunday school moms and the like and how you managed to offend them. 
He looks curious and you tell him to feel free to ask you if he has a question. He has a few, mostly about if there’s anything making you uncomfortable he might not be aware of, or if there’s anything you need that you can’t get in the Devildom. 
He’s genuinely concerned about not having thought about things like this when it comes to the exchange students, and asks if you’d help him make sure the program was improved and friendly towards all. 
It warms your heart to see him so passionate and ready to learn in order to make others comfortable, so you agree without hesitation
Your visits with Diavolo grow in number after that though some of them remain just friendly visits, some are focused on the exchange program and some of them are far more intimate. 
If you tell him you’re having a rough time with feeling dysphoric, he’ll Invite you over to visit and make sure you’re alright- and if you don’t feel like going out? He’ll come to you, a box of sweets from Barbatos and determined to find out if there’s anything he can do to help. 
He’s all about reassurance, “You’re perfect, and I don’t lie, remember?” 
Someone misgenders you intentionally or is just being transphobic in general? He’s quick to shut that down. He makes it known that he won’t tolerate any sort of hate speech or such behavior, and especially not towards you. No one is going to test Lord Diavolo on that, either.
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ghost-of-a-vulture · 2 years
So i have a very specific memory from 6th grade. A group of girls decided to do a guys hair during an indoor recess. They braided his hair to the best of their ability [i went to a religious school where boys weren't allowed to have hair touch their shoulders, he liked having it as long as he could, but there wasn't much to braid] and used colorful hairties to tie it off. They brushed his hair with their fingers and decorated his hair with butterfly clips. He kept it like that all day and returned it the following Monday. These were generic popular girls, cheerleaders who gossip about boys at lunch and such. He was a pretty basic white boy, and honestly kind of a bully. These kids never really talked.
Im not sure why this stuck with me. I wasn't even involved, i was doing homework in a beanbag chair not far off, occasionally stopping to watch. Both parties bullied me. Not even sure why they let me stay.
But they were nice to him, genuinely, i remember them asking him what colors he wanted and trying not to hurt him. And the other boys didn't mind.
Ive since left that place, it was a terrible environment full of kids who mocked and abused me until i snapped and left shortly through 7th grade, November 2020, i think. Ive restarted my life away from there, new name, new pronouns, a bunch of mental issues ive since been diagnosed with. Ive cut my hair and wear binders and switch between masc and fem at the drop of a hat and tell noone my gender at birth.
For some reason the boys seem to like me more, and to be fair ive always gotten along with guys better. Sure, its not many people, but they treat me like just some guy. I fit in better with the guys [probably because i was isolated for so long do to covid and mental issues and didn't get to do most of the things "girls" my age had done]
I don't know why but honestly, i would like a random group of girls to braid my hair to the best of their ability, to tie my hair up with multicolored hair ties and decorate me with butterfly clips. I think it'd be nice. Id never do that to myself, but if some girls got bored on a rainy day and sat me on the floor to do my hair and gossip i wouldn't stop them. Id wear it all day and return the clips the next and go back to talking with the guys.
I won't do stuff like that myself, traditionally girly things make me disphoric [for some reason i can still wear skirts though] but ill let people do it to me. No, im not going to propose that we make friendship bracelets but if you want to? Alright girls lets go!! Im not a girl, im not a boy, but i will absolutely go to your girly ass sleepover and make your dad nervous because you have a boy over! I will be that one guy at your birthday party! I will spend 2 hours in a bath and bodyworks trying to find that one bath bomb and body spray you wanted and be incredibly awkward but hey i got you a gift! Like i wanna be that generic guy friend that you try to include in your girls nights but is completely out of their element and just there for shits and giggles!!! No i do not understand the difference between those dresses! Yes i will help you pick them out! I have no idea whats going on in this show but i will draw fanart for you! I'll teach you to play my favorite video games and catch bugs and make tents and show you the forest and what fruits and plants you can eat and you can teach me all the girly things you do like makeup and painting nails and slime!! Im ur guy best friend who wears skirts!!!
Like idk gender
This was certainly a rant
Feel free to pull my brain apart in the comments ig
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youarejesting · 5 years
Femme: 16
IMPORTANT: There is a TXT side story in the works and any social media mentioned in Femme will be posted in a separate section in my master list. Just to enhance the reading experience, to be able to see everything y/n posts throughout the story.
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Summary: The year is now 3019. Women were going extinct, cryogenics was the only hope for society. Now Femme Industries is the provider of Females, they use computer analysis and algorithms to match a femme to her male applicants. It is common for femme’s to match with multiple applicants. When you match with seven handsome young men, it is a challenge. But you love a challenge.
Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, Bigbang x GDragon
Starring: Bigbang, GOT7,  TXT,  BlackPink, NCT127 and Twice are going to be introduced and explored fully in later chapters. Rating: Fluff so far
Warnings: Attempted theft, Attempted abduction
Length: 1.5k words
The excitement of stepping outside wasn’t lost but you were so familiar with the surrounding area, you had no hesitation. Following the directions on your phone you were walking past a bakery, it smelt delicious. Admiring the window display of cakes and other sweet and savory pastries, you saw through the window a familiar face. Jimin was serving a customer boxing up a young boy’s birthday cake. Using your phone to take a quick photo you giggled and continued on course. It took a while but you arrived at the uniform store, the owner greeted you with a curious smiling looking around the store for something.
“Hi I am coming to pick up some uniforms for work, it’s an ice cream van its pink” You smiled trying to catch the owners wandering eyes even turning to see what he was looking for behind me. Seeing nothing you turned back and pressed on. “I am looking for at least two uniforms, in a similar pink to the van”
“Of course, we have the logos and colors for the uniform ready, as we have provided uniforms for many years now. This is the new designed shirts for the old man, the frozen spoon’s logo in white on a pink button up. It’s an old school vibe from the old school diner days. The aprons a white with the logo in pink. Uhhhh… what exactly are you looking for?” He said never once making eye contact with you but staring out the door and shop windows. “Is he a bigger man, smaller man?”
“It is for me, I work there” you said and his eyes finally met yours, in shock. He seemed shocked and apologized bringing out a small book of options you found a really cute outfit and smiled. “This one please in the pink but can you make it with a peter pan collar in white and the same for this band around the cap sleeve, pleated skirt to the top of my knee and can I get a white apron like this.” You quickly googled what you were thinking and showed him and he nodded writing it down.
“Okay give me a minute to get the machine started but they should be ready in about 10 minutes is that too long, do you have somewhere else to be?” He said starting up the machine and a touch screen lit up. He placed the fabric roll on a handle and threaded into the machine, this was something you had never seen. Before it was like a giant fabric printer, he added the white fabric to a second roll holder and moved to the touch screen.
“Okay you said primary color is the dress, secondary is the collar and sleeve edge, you asked for pleated, would you like to confirm this is what you are after” He said and you looked at the machine and told him it was perfect, “would you like buttons or a zip the fabric is pretty stretchy?”
“No just something easy to pull on in the morning, nothing complicated” he nodded and declined the buttons and zips option. Adding the logo face up in the logo slot he selected left breast logo. He guided you too a machine that took your measurements, stepping out he hit start and walked to another machine.
The machine started pulling the fabric you could barely hear anything, but suddenly you heard the distinct sound of machine sewing. You were absolutely amazed, this had to be the coolest piece of technology you had ever seen. Reading a code from a costume book and typing it into the other machines touch screen, he turned, “is the type of apron you were looking for”
You looked and agreed with the design, he transferred your body dimensions and he set it to the knee. You asked him if perhaps you could get it an inch shorter than the skirt length. Altering it an inch and receiving your approval, he started the second machine with a white fabric. The first machine was attaching the collar, sleeve and logo before it beeped and the dress was taken out it looked beautiful. The man told you, there was enough money on the account for a three in total. You agreed to make three, he folded each neatly as they came out.
The process took just over ten minutes and he handed you one to try on and sent you to a room, you quickly got changed and looked in the mirror feeling very cute. It was very much what you were going for and you hoped to show the boys at home as well. Posting a quick picture to your social media you got a response almost instantly.  
Heading outside you decided to head home when a man grabbed your bag and ran, chasing after him, you were yelling. “Give me back my bag, I swear. I’m not going to stop” Someone tackled him and snatched the bag and the guy scrambled away and you went to pursue him when a small young man grabbed your arm.
“Leave him, he is just hungry. Here is your bag” He said gesturing in the general direction of the unsuccessful thief. He was really pretty with such androgynous features. He wore a uniform like the boys next door. It must have been after school judging by the sun getting lower in the sky.
“Thank you for helping me, you are really nice” you gave him a genuine smile and dusted off his school jacket. You two spoke for a little while before you looked around confused, you had no idea which way you had come from. He smiled pulling your bag over his shoulder.
“This way Noona” He threw you a smile and you followed him back, talking the whole way and it was then that you noticed that you hadn’t run this far had you. He was busy telling you about his experience with bad guys. You both rounded a corner and you were a hundred percent this is the wrong way.
You stopped and his shoe scrapped the pavement when he stopped. You voiced your opinion on the directions and thanked him, asking for your bag. He seemed very sorry rubbing the back of his neck, “Mianhae. Here, is your bag” He handed it over and when you reached in to grab your phone when he spoke. “I am sorry, they are bad people like you said, I have no choice, or they will hurt me”
A group of five guys appeared behind you, trying to play it cool. They weren’t fooled. Your breathing was erratic and you were nervously looking around. They advanced slowly and you stayed perfectly still, not wanting to get trapped, this was like a game of chess.
However when they got within ten meters, you turned and ran quickly. Running wasn’t your specialty but hiding was, you ran jumped dodged behind a dumpster. Luck was on your side there was a tiny slide space between two buildings. Sneaking along quietly hoping to make it to the other side of the street where it sounded busier. You felt awfully claustrophobic the wall pressed against your bag and every time you breathed in your chest pressed firmly to the wall in front.
You stepped out the other side and began breathing easily, it was in fact louder and busier than the other street but you were still lost. Someone shouted and you tensed turning to see the group coming towards you. They grabbed you dragging you away as you were kicking and yelling at them to let you go. Throwing yourself from their grip they had ripped your shirt and the clasp of your overalls.
You heard another voice this one nasally. “You okay?” he asked you in English and saw a thin young man holding a baby. He pulled you to your feet and placed the baby in your arms with a kiss. You watched gently bouncing the baby, funnily enough taking care of the baby calmed your nerves.
The young man however seemed to unleash some sort of ninja skill, his body moved the way a fish might swim. He never stepped he glided as if the ground was made of the worlds slipperiest ice and he was graceful. A single punch looked like it was a practiced wave from the queen.
“Pammy, Pammy” the baby made grabby hands to the young man and you picked up your tiny bag from Hoseok and the uniform bag and the men ran away leaving the young man on his own. He turned and walked back his lip was split, he scooped up the child affectionately calling her his beautiful baby girl and looked at you.
“Do the Bangtan boys know you are out? I am Kwon Jiyong and this is my daughter Misuk. You are Y/N right?” He smiled shaking your hand, “Do you know your address I can get you a taxi home?”
He started to get dizzy and he held his daughter in his arms and slumped against the wall. “Listen my phone dropped out of my pocket, can I borrow your phone to call my partner Seung-hyun”
“You’re the Masc industries guy, I remember and you had a baby” You said kneeling down, in front of him, you pulled out your phone and it had died. Frowning you told him the bad news and sighed. That’s when you heard your name.
“y/n?” and out from the alleyway ran a very puffed agitated Yoongi.
Femme Media 16
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