#i still have four left to write
neonganymede · 8 months
Once I figure out how I want to upload them, I'll be posting all of the prompts to ao3 too~
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
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cold fruit in a hot kitchen (so i had this great watermelon last weekend)
#so I had this great watermelon last weekend. and the thing is it probably wasn't even that great of a watermelon#but I was four hours into an eight hour shift and we had thrown out all the watermelon salad because no one was eating it#and then our manager ran in and yelled that the client really fucking wanted watermelon salad.#so like six of us servers started frantically chopping watermelon. and the kitchen got really hot#in the way it does when everyone inside it is really stressed because there's no fucking watermelon salad#and after we chopped all the watermelon and the client got their fucking watermelon we all had a moment#where we looked at the remaining watermelon and we were so hot and cocktail hour was almost over anyway and the salads were all plated#and we all went for the watermelon and we ate it with the kind of rabid intensity you only get while eating cold watermelon in a hot kitche#and it was the best watermelon I have ever tasted and several days later i am still chasing the high of that fucking watermelon#and the thing is i know it isn't even the watermelon i'm actually missing#it's the feeling of cool liquid on hot skin and the feeling of a crisis averted and the feeling of camaraderie#that comes with devouring a watermelon in a hot kitchen with six other people who you have nothing in common with except that watermelon.#i don't dream of labor but i am dreaming now of being 4 hours into an eight hour shift eating watermelon in a hot kitchen.#i dream of laughing around the cold fruit in my mouth. I crave that watermelon like i'll die without it.#< honest to god this is real and that watermelon left such an impact on me that i had to draw it and write this. having a normal one#maybe this is insane but working in a team of people you truly like to do something you actually enjoy is so underrated#if only they fucking paid me i could work as a server for the rest of my life. unironically#skribbles
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doverstar · 6 months
an absolute wave of homesickness for Doctor Who (2005) series 1-2 just about knocks me over at the quietest moments of my little life
#it was such a specific time. I was just a kiddo#still living with my parents with a giant bedroom downstairs all to myself#it used to be a hair studio or something for whoever lived there before us. and I had this massive room with a table to draw and write at#and a tiny twin bed and I used to set up a projector against the opposite wall and hook it up to my laptop and watch DW to fall asleep#enthralled. couldn't believe the show I'd found. couldn't believe how much I loved Rose and loved the Doctor#you could not drag me away from it. I could not stop talking about it or thinking about it. Matt Smith had just become the Doctor and I-#-had so much content left to consume. and everything was simple. I didn't have a job at the time and every day was creativity#I used to write so much I'd forget to eat. and Doctor Who was the background music of my life back then#I miss winter nights swearing I'd only watch one more episode before I went to bed. all by myself. my family hadn't discovered the show yet#in that small single bed with four blankets and Doctor Who on the wall. drooling over timepetals and pausing and rewinding constantly#that time of my life was so safe and so secure and my imagination was so hungry and DW was feeding it and it was my first time seeing it#I miss that. I miss knowing it couldn't be ruined and there was more yet to see on live television with Eleven when I got caught up#and meeting Matt Smith's Doctor on my own while my family had just then started watching it themselves with Nine? magic#nostalgia#dw#doctor who#bbc#timepetals#dr who#rose tyler#doctor who 2005#tenth doctor#tenrose#elevenrose#ninerose#nine#ninth doctor#ten#eleven#eleventh doctor
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kay9leo · 2 months
At First Glance...Part X
Chapter 9 <<<||| Chapter 10 ||| >>> Chapter 11
... At Poetic Sensibility
Poetic sensibility is the ability to deeply engage with poetry and experience its meaning and emotional impact beyond the words. It can involve making connections between the mind and senses, and can allow a writer to choose the right word to create a particular tone. – Google AI when you search up “poetic sensibility meaning”
“…so if you recall from Prof. Knorozov’s lecture last week, the symbols represent syllables. And these syllables are arranged in glyph blocks to sound out each word.  The way you’re supposed to read these Mayan runes is different than how we read our English letters. As a general rule, within each glyph block, the symbols are read from top to bottom and from left to right. But sometimes, certain words have their own glyphs like this one.” Sebastian explained to MC as he pointed out to rectangle glyph with waves inside.
It was breakfast and one of the few times he actually got up early to meet up with MC at the Slytherin dining table.
Before The Pensive Reminiscence as he started calling it, Sebastian would stay up late till the wee hours of the night reading book on possible cures and treatments until the letters would start to blur. Or until he passed out. He would wake up the next day with the book tenting over his face.
After The Pensive Reminiscence, Sebastian found himself going to bed on time, flying for fun (to the point he was hiding from Imelda who wanted to challenge him to a racing challenge or organize a pick-up game of Quidditch with him involved), lounging at the clock tower to see the others duel after his own match in Crossed Wands and just plain reading for fun.
Now that he wasn’t borrowing books that weren’t about curse breaking or curses, Sebastian would just pick whatever book struck his fancy and borrowed it to expand his knowledge – just for the sake of learning. Currently he had four books on his nightstand:
Apotropaic: How the Ancient Greek Warded
Unexpected Useful Runes from Around the World
Divine Magic: Myths of Magic Bygone
101 Muggle Scottish Poems to Know
He would rotate between the four books, often sticking to 101 Muggle Scottish Poems to Know and Divine Magic: Myths of Magic Bygone. While the former was a comfort novel, one of the few ways he could feel close to his late parents, the latter was the only book that he was able to gather information about Ancient Magic.
Not that there was much information to gather from it.
Heck, he was certain he could write his own book about MC’s magical abilities with Ancient Magic. He seen enough of what she could do with her special powers. His own book would be leagues better than this one with the information he can pass on to future users if he wrote one.
Not that he ever would.
Even he knew the dangers of having her abilities being spilled to the world.
And he wasn’t going to put his closest friend into danger like that.
MC was in enough danger with Rookwood and Ranrok interested in her. He didn’t forget how the two of them eavesdrops on them. He refused to think of what future ill-thought plans could befall on MC if her special ability came out.
She deserved to live a normal life.
Just like how he was slowly returning back to his.
All thanks to MC.
Life felt normal once more…only it was better.
“So, as you can see, this glyph over here represents the word fire and hot. If you crave this glyph into a stone, when it’s activated by magic, it essentially becomes a magical fire stove without flames. Makes sense?” He asked as he glanced back towards MC.
She was glaring at his notes, running her finger over the glyph he drew up in his notebook. While he was used to her silence as she would mentally take in data, the glare towards his notes was a new development.
“Is something wrong MC?” He frowned.
It has been two weeks since they had reunited once more and continued keeping the flame of their friendship.
While it was close to cooling coals at its worst during the Friendship Hiatus with neither of them feeding the flames, since that last quest to Isidora’s castle (as he started calling it), the fire has been renewed once more. Together, they worked to keep it feed by tossing in fuel to their metaphorical hearth with raids to the kitchen, trips to Hogsmeade, lounging around to talk and play games in the Undercroft, Common Room, Great Hall – essentially any little corner they could claim as theirs for that small portion of time.
“Nothing…just had a rough night.” She yawned.
Sebastian narrowed his eyes.
From the shadows underneath her eyes to her glare as she tried to focus on his notes…It seems as if they traded schedules with her being the sleep deprived friend this time.
“What happened?” He asked, thinking, Did you not need my help?
“Amit and Andrew – YAWNnnn – and I went looking for Astrology tables. It was the first time we had a clear night this week. But we couldn’t find what we were looking for and had to call it a night.” MC frowned as she rubbed her eyes.
“Oh…I’m sorry that didn’t work out for you.” He frowned. “Why did you wake up early than to review with me then? I would understand if you wanted to meet up later. I know what it’s like to pull nearly all-nighters.”
“Because it might be the only time we’ll meet up to review before Ancient Runes class.” MC said as she yawned once more. “And I like reviewing with you.” She said with a soft smile.
“That makes two of us.” Sebastian couldn’t help but smile, even if it felt like there were pixies running amuck in his belly as he met her cheerful tired eyes.
It was as if time itself froze and something had shifted that wasn’t there before.
Before Sebastian even had time to make a comment about how nice her hair looked or how she smelt differently from her usual mellowsweet with the citrus orange perfume that he always associated with her, a letter smacked her in the face and fell into her breakfast.
The owl post was here.
MC groaned as she plucked the letter out of her porridge and flipped it around to see who it came from.
Then it was as if she was dosed with ice water as she jumped up with a frown.
“Shit.” She cursed.
“Is something wrong?” He frowned as she pocketed the letter. She looked at him with sad hesitant eyes, erasing whatever cheer they once held for him.
“I have some business to attend with Fig.” She said as she started putting her stuff away.
“Oh.” He said as he held her satchel. “Do you want me to walk you there?” He said at the last second, wanting to extend their time together. Even if they nearly spent an hour reviewing early in the morning for the Ancient Runes class, it never seemed as if they spent enough time together.
“Don’t worry about it. Review without me. I’ll catch up with you later!” She grinned at him before giving him a peak on the cheek, stupefying him without even casing a spell as she walked away.
Sebastian stood there for who knows how long with his hand on his kissed cheeked until Ominis came and ordered him to sit down and stop mindlessly standing like a mannequin.
Sebastian did as told, mind elsewhere, drifting to whatever MC could be doing without him.
Ancient Runes went as it normally did. The two sat together in the morning with little to say as a quiz was placed in front of them. While the quiz was easy enough, they barely had time to talk or exchange notes as Prof. Knorozov charged into his lecture like a rampaging graphorn. There was only so many notes he could take as he did his best to draw down all the new runes they needed to study.
But it was fine.
MC would cover for him.
She would write down the information needed as he provided the detailed rune drawings. It was why they were both at the top of their class again. It wasn’t as if he missed his chance to talk with her as they split ways for their next class.
They still had dinner together.
But when dinner came, he found himself with only Ominis for company.
MC wasn’t sitting with them.
Instead, she sat between Thakker and Larson as if they were long-time buddies. They laughed as she pointed at something on the table, going over a map she pulled out earlier. Their meals were finished, dirty plates pushed to the side that would be vanished once they left their seat.  While he couldn’t see their facial reaction as their backs faced him, Sebastian knew that stance she held.
MC was going to go on another adventure.
The three of them got up and left the Great Hall, shoulders back and chins held high as their dirty dishes vanished.
She never even bothered to look back and wave goodbye to him before leaving like she did before the Friendship Hiatus.
While Sebastian knew that she picked up that habit because of the Friendship Hiatus. He never thought that it would remain.
Or that he would feel that same hurt from before.
Sebastian couldn’t sleep that night.
He tossed and turned, switched to laying his head on the foot side before deciding there was no point in staying up. When he checked the time, it was only one in the morning. A late night on his new post-The Pensive Reminiscence schedule. An early bedtime on his ante-The Pensive Reminiscence schedule.
With nothing working and a slight fear of waking up Ominis, Sebastian sighed and picked up a book at random on his nightstand and walked out, wearing his nightrobe over his pajamas to keep the chill away. While he wasn’t surprised to see a few students still up at this hour, reviewing notes, going over homework or even playing chess, some were surprised to see him again as he took his usual spot on the couch by the fireplace and sat down to read the book he picked up at random.
101 Muggle Scottish Poems to Know
“Nothing a little light reading can’t cure.” He mumbled to himself as he flipped to the index and searched for his favorite poems – “Address to a Haggis” – he thought it was hilarious as a child. “My Heart’s in the Highlands” – he always had pride as a Scotsman and would tell any city kid who would listen when they went to Glasglow, Edinburgh or even London the rural beauty that surround his small village of Aranshire.
“Tam O’Shanter” was by far his favorite due to the particular way his father would change his tone as he read the tale-like poem to him and Anne during bedtime. A second look at the poem, he found himself rather annoyed with the main character in the harm he caused his loyal mare by causing her to lose her tail.
Sebastian sighed and looked through to see what other poems the book had on Robert Burns.
While Sebastian wasn’t as in tune with muggle culture, he couldn’t deny that their writings were rather delightful. He could see why his father had favored Robert Burns as a poet; so much that the muggle man became his namesake for his second name in Scottish form: Raibeart. Anne herself was also named after their mother’s favorite Scottish poet, Anne Grant. His parents were avid readers – whether it be reading studies for their field, poetry and even plays! His own first name –Sebastian– and Anne’s second name –Viola– came from his parent’s favorite play Twelfth Night. They were both named after the twins in the muggle play. While he didn’t understand it as a child why his parents wanted to built his interest in writing –especially poetry– he could see what charm some of his least poems as a child held.
While “A Red, Red Rose” still felt too lovey-dovey for his taste, taking a second look at “O, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast”, Sebastian found that he actually rather liked the poem now as a young man. While he and Anne would stick their tongue out at how love-struck their father would act when he would sing the poem to their mother, Sebastian found a rather simple joy in reading it now that he understood the meaning behind its words–
“What are you reading?” An unexpected voice said above him.
If anyone dared asked (with his wand pointed at them to help encourage a different question), Sebastian would say that the shout was simply from the joy hearing his friend again and NOT from the blind fright she gave him that had him tossing the book into the air and jumping up, leading him to strike MC’s face.
To top the eventful fright off, his book ended up striking the top her head.
“I guess that serves me right for not announcing myself.” MC laughed before wincing as she rubbed her right eye.
“MC! I’m sorry!” Sebastian said as he got up from the floor and dashed up to her. “Let me take a look at that! I didn’t mean hit you!” He frowned as he gently pulled her hand away from her covering her right eye.
He hissed. Sebastian could already tell the bruising would lead to a black eye from experience.
“Shite. MC I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He frowned as he bit his bottom lip, Okay, so what are some spell I could use to minimize the swelling? I know Glacius at a smaller scale is often used to prevent the swelling…there are also some ointments I can try to numb the pain as well–
“Don’t worry about it Sebastian. Imelda has some cream she uses for bruises. You’ll be surprised how often you can get them during pick-up quidditch.” MC laughed. “She’s more than happy to share them with me considering I’m one of the few that actually plays with her.”
“Oh.” He frowned as MC turned around and picked up a book, mumbling,
“So that’s what struck me.” Then she turned to him. “I never took you for a poet type of guy. Are you planning to woo someone with some pretty words?” She smirked.
“No. I uh…I couldn’t sleep, and I figured reading some poetry will tire me out.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“Looks like it failed. It’s three in the morning.” MC giggled as she looked through the page the book fell on.
“It is?” Sebastian narrowed his eyes as he took a glance around the Common Room. The only souls up at this time were just him and MC. “Oh…” He said as he looked at MC and frowned.
While he was in his pajamas with only his nightrobe for warmth, MC was still wearing the same clothes she had at supper. In fact, they looked worse with her school robe littered with dirt, leaves and cuts. Her face wasn’t any better either now that he took a second look at it. She wore grime like makeup blush and chalk-like dust on her hair as if it was powder. The forbidden forest was her perfume instead of the orange citrus he had grown accustomed to.
Sebastian opened his mouth to speak, but before he could even question where she had been, MC was faster to ask:
“What does this poem even mean Sebastian?”
“What?” he blinked.
“This poem – here take a look. I saw you reading it earlier but it’s written in a Scottish Brogue that I can’t quite understand. See?” MC said as she showed him the poem he was just reading.
“Oh. That’s “O, Wert Thou In the Cauld Blast”. It’s a Robert Burns poem. A classic to Scotland.” Sebastian stated, like a teacher answering a student’s question.
“Can you read it to me in Standard English? There are still some Scottish words that unfortunately I don’t understand. As you can see, I’m still actually rather unfamiliar to the Scottish dialect.” MC chuckled as she rubbed the back of her neck.
“I’m surprised. You been running around the Highlands hamlets for ages now. How did you even communicate with them without me on your quests?” He chuckled, trying to not let his bitterness sweep into his tone.
“It helps when you speak with a foreign accent. Suddenly, everyone’s wants to befriend you instead of giving you the stink eye when you use the Queen’s English.” MC chuckled. “Not that I can blame them. They are rather upset at the Ministry down in London for failing to do their duty up here.” MC said as she sat down at the couch and patted the seat next to her.
“It really shouldn’t be up to fifteen-year-olds like us to take care of the Ashwinders problem. Or the Loyalist.” He said as she sat next to her.
“Or Poachers. At least we didn’t have any issue with them tonight.” MC sighed as she leaned against him, staring down at the book. Sebastian placed his arm around her, giving her a side hug as she partly nested against his chest.
“Did something happen tonight? You know you can always ask me to come join you in your Astronomy Table hunts…even if it’s at a late hour.” He frowned, thinking, I rather you have my wand as back-up instead of Thakker and Larson.
“Thanks for the offer, but I think you would find Astronomy Tables rather boring. I’ve notice how you always do your homework for that class last.” MC giggled as she looked up to him with that bright smile that wasn’t there earlier.
“Not my fault that I find starting at constellations rather boring. When will I ever use that information in the future?” Sebastian grinned at her as felt that warmth in his chest once more when she smiled back.
“I found it’s a rather useful map to navigate by. As long as I know where Polaris is, I can always find my way back home.” MC grinned. “Now no more stalling, what does that poem mean in the Queen’s English? I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that the Scottish dialect can be written down like that; I’m all too used to seeing “proper” English writing.” MC chuckled.
“How ‘bout I read it to you. In Queen’s English for my London girl?” Sebastian smirked as he felt that pixie-like feeling in his abdomen.
“I’m not actually from London you know?” MC lifted an eyebrow with a smirk.
“Could’ve fooled me.” Sebastian laughed as he read her the poem in his best posh voice that would’ve made Solomon proud. Not that his uncle ever cared about him.
Except for whatever he did wrong.
“The poem, in Standard English, is called “O, Were You In the Cold Blast”. It’s written by my da’s favorite poet. Rabbie Burns.” Sebastian said with a proud smile on his lips as he read:
“O, were you in the cold blast
On yonder meadow, on yonder meadow,
My plaid to the angry direction,
I would shelter you, I would shelter you,
Or did Misfortune’s bitter storms
Around you blow, around you blow,
Your shelter should be my bosom,
To share it all, to share it all.”
He said as his voice took on a cantor tone and he found himself singing the next stanza.
“Or were I in the wildest waste,
So black and bare, so black and bare,
The desert were a Paradise,
If you were there, if you were there.
Or were I monarch of the globe,
With you to reign, with you to reign,
The brightest jewel in my crown
Would be my queen, world be my queen.”
“You have a nice voice Sebastian.” MC yawned. “Ever thought about being a singer? They could use you in the West End theaters in London” She said as she smiled at him with those happy bright tired eyes.
“I’ll sing to you if that’s what you like.” He hummed with a smile.
“Can you sing it to me the way it’s written? I rather like listening you sing.” She said as she laid against his chest once more. “You have a rather nice accent.”
“As you wish.” He said with a smile.
So, he sang the original words in the Scottish Brogue he was taught to loathe. And when he looked down to see what MC thought, he found her sleeping soundly against his chest. Without giving it a second thought, he pulled them back, to lay against the couch, with her closer to the inside and him on the edge. Letting her use his shoulder as a pillow as he laid down his head against the armrest, he leaned down and kissed the top of her head before any thought could stop him.
He sighed smiling, as he hummed in a whisper,
“O, wur ye in th’ cauld blast
On younder lea, on younder lea,
Mah plaid tae th’ angry airt,
I’d shelter thee, I’d shelter thee,
Or did Misfortune’s bitter storms
Around thee blaw, around thee blaw,
Thy bield shuid be mah bosom,
To share it a’, to share it a’.”
Soon he fell asleep soon enough, holding her snuggly like a niffler with its treasured gold.
They woke up a little bit before dawn, before their peers would walk down the stairs and the sun’s rays could beam through the lake to greet the Slytherin Common Room.
MC was the first to awaken.
Sebastian knew that as much as he knew his favorite sweet was Bertie Bort’s and his favorite physical activity was dueling as much as he knew who those hands belong to as they slapped his face and the voice mumbling to him as if he was underwater.
Which was odd since they were somehow in the clock tower as well, with her in his arms as they laid down on the couch that was bought up here ages ago. There was no one else here besides them as they waited for their next opponents to come.
Everybody left.
Even Ominis.
They needed to rest up before the next fight. So, they laid down on the couch and took a break. He didn’t even realize he had closed his eyes after hugging her.
Or was it a warm pillow that he found?
“Wake up Sebastian.” She mumbled.
“Five mair minutes…” He mumbled back, snuggling his head against his pillow as he hugged the other in his arm against his torso.
The latter was surprisingly warm.
“Sebastian, let me go! Please!” MC hissed at him as he felt her slap his cheeks once more.
“Ya can’t lea. They’ll be ‘ere soon enough.”
“I need to pee!”
“Fine…juist come back whin ye’r dane. We still hae one mair dueling double tae play.” He mumbled into the pillow. “Can’t let Weasley ‘n’ Prewett tak’ th’ championship spot.”
“Of course not.” MC snorted before softly saying, “Just let me go and I’ll be right back.” She whispered.
“Promise?” He mumbled. He didn’t want to lose her again.
“I promise. Now let go of me you hugger.” She grumbled.
“Bit ah lik’ hugs.” He said as he hugged her even tighter.
“And I like to use the loo.”
“Fine.” He mumbled back. “Juist return afore Prewett claims wur forfeiting th’ match.” He grumbled as he loosened his grip and felt his lovely warm pillow roll over him.
“Don’t worry I will.” She mumbled back, as if she was far away.
“MC?” He said as he grabbed hold of her hand before she removed it from his chest.
“Sigh…yes Sebastian?”
“Kin we go oan another quest? Fur fin?” He mumbled as he weakly opened his eyes to greet hers. “Ah miss daein’ that wi’ ye.” He smiled.
“Really?” She said. Why did she sound so pleasantly surprised?
“Aye. Can’nae let everybody else hae all th’ fin. Ah din’nae lik’ it whin ye lea me behind.” He mumbled, closing his eyes as he felt a warmth on the back of his hand that felt softer than his skin.
“Me neither.” She smiled as she gave him head scritches.
“Guid.” He nodded his head before he narrowed his eyes and looked at her once more in his dazed sleep. “Ye know a loue ye?”
Her hand froze. Then it started moving once more.
“I didn’t know.” She mumbled.
“Ah dae. Ah din’nae wantae lose ye.” He mumbled as he closed his eyes, feeling sleep drag him back into the void. They still had time for a nap before their next match.
“You won’t. I promise I’ll be back. And I’ll get you a blanket and pillow as well.”
“Thank ye. Ye’r th’ best loue.” He said back. “Mak’ sure that ye nap tae. Sleeping is guid fur dueling.” He mumbled as he accepted void as his home and was fast asleep once more.
The next time he woke up, Sebastian found his head on a pillow with a warm blanket warped over him.
Shoot. I didn’t mean to accidently fall asleep like that. Sebastian frowned as he sat up. He was still in his pajamas and nightrobe. The book that he was reading last night, 101 Muggle Scottish Poems to Know, was placed on the coffee table with a note written on top of it next to the muffin that definitely wasn’t there last night.
I didn’t want to wake you. Thank you for your kind words last night. I really needed it. See you at lunch!
P.S. Enjoy the muffin! Stop skipping breakfast to sleep in!
“I feel like I forgot something.” Sebastian frowned. He knew something happened, but for the life of him, he just couldn’t remember it. He shrugged. “Oh well.” He said as he got up and started preparing for the day before he was late for class.
Chapter 9 <<<||| Chapter 10 ||| >>> Chapter 11
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windwardstar · 6 months
you know it might just be that my tendency to overwrite might have something to do with the fact my chapters end up being 15k even after undergoing mitosis
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apocalypticdemon · 3 months
upsides of writing: having fun! writing scenes! figuring stuff out!
downsides of writing: oh my god i've used that phrase like 4 times already. stop it
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cha1cedony · 7 months
They do not prepare you for writing the grand finale of baby's first 100k longfic. I am so sad :( I'm gonna miss it :((((( Good thing I have a bajillion other installments planned but like :(((((((((((((
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moonstruckholland · 4 months
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I’m developing a written language which is the love child of Druidic Ogham and Japanese Kana in a weird poetic format.
#I stripped the 26 letter alphabet down to the essentials and eliminated individual symbols for consonants which sound similar#Like F conjugates into V and D conjugates into T if you strike the symbol through#F and D have their own symbols but not V and T#So the strike through works as a tenten#The consonants are the only part written down; the rest is already there in the form of a fancy looking grid#Where you place the consonants on the grid determines what vowel sound you have#There are four lines going across and two perpendicular waves through them#with the four element symbols and “source”/big bang#the X axis (sort of) represents 4 chronological sections of writing#The Y axis represents “aeiou” and the element symbols correspond to each different vowel#The sentence must be no greater and no less than either eight or sixteen words depending on how big the grid is#But the different writing sections are hatched through in different directions#Section one on the far left goes left to right#Section two in the middle left goes down to up#Section three in the middle right goes up to down#Section four on the far right goes right to left#The consonant symbols written on these lines can be written upside down and backwards and still mean the same thing#because they are all unique and none are reverse image of any other symbols#Blended consonants are simply drawn touching each other; and different parts of a word are broken up into syllables across multiple lines#These can be put together because there are only two or four words per section (depending on the side of the grid)#so different symbols representing the numbers 1–4 float atop or alongside the different syllables to distinguish them from each other#No this is not a practical writing system#It’s more for serious encryption of your deepest darkest secrets that you REALLY don’t want anyone — even yourself — to know#Or I guess it might qualify as a system for writing sigil poetry. I’ve used linguistic magic in the past so this is very in-character
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hailsatanacab · 3 months
Heyyy just read through CETBWA and loved it all over again! No rush but any word on when there might be a chapter 21? 👀
hey!! thanks, i'm very glad you enjoyed it and continue to enjoy it, that makes me really happy ☺️
chap 21 is happening, just very slowly. i'm trying to focus on getting a fic out for the @/dpxdcbigbang before i get back into cetbwa properly, but i've been dabbling here and there. honestly probably won't happen until september tho lol sorry
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britneyshakespeare · 10 months
Actually I must resign to the fact that The Country Wife (1675) by William Wycherley is unfortunately hilarious
#ive read almost all of it since noon#it's a quick read. i only have act v left#first i must say. harry horner is a bisexual icon#secondly i am upset that a man who trashed the legacy of aphra behn could almost equal her in wit#at least just judging by this one play. now this shit is raunchy#im still not as familiar with restoration theater as i am the elizabethan/jacobean eras but like? how is it that plays by women seemed#to get the greater criticism for being bawdy in the restoration era. oh my GOD wycherley#no but it is funny it is really really funny#tales from diana#the editor of this 1959 riverside edition of restoration plays. john harold wilson. he's kind of hilarious#i mentioned him in the tags of a post i reblogged about aphra behn the other day. how he called mary pix and delarivier manley#poetasters of the post-restoration decline in theater... that guy#in his introduction to the country wife he holds no punches for wycherley sdlfasdf#after talking about his four successful plays he says:#'he married unwisely; fell out of favor at court; spent seven years in prison for debt; and wasted the remainder#of his life writing bad verse.' SLDIFSDJIFLDIFSL#if someone said that about me. even though i was already dead. i would somehow find a way to kill myself#maybe 20th century literary academic snobs were funnyyyyy#misogynists granted. but when they attacked each other? funny#also even though i am praising the country wife this play is definitely definitely misogynistic like holy shit#k. ive said enough
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weidli · 8 months
okay one of my flatmates is really fucking starting to piss me off lmao
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gnomewithalaptop · 9 months
Sorry I can't come to the club with you I'm too busy cursing my family members with the forbidden census record knowledge
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pepprs · 1 year
ok actually yeah. i really need to do dishes and go to bed and not stay up late mentalillnessposting a little too viscerally on tumblr the night before i facilitate a workshop in front of the literal president of the university and the vp of my division (LOL about that btw. actively shitting my pants.) but oh my GOD. so saying goodbye to lia was actually fine in the moment. neither of us cried and we talked about all the ways we’ll still be in each others lives and reasons we’ll have to interact in the near future. and she gave me an extremely heartfelt thoughtful gift and we left on a very hopeful note and i felt better and content bc there’s still the rest-of-life and we’ll see each other there. but like an hour before that as i mentioned i was HYSTERICALLY sobbing. in full view of people i know AND people i don’t. and i just sat there and sobbed while everything carried on around me. everything carried on around me!!! and i feel like im about to sob again thinking about it.
#purrs#delete later#idk. i typed a bunch here and then deleted it and now idk what to say. i just feel so lonely. i have had fucked up relationships with every#single older adult in my life and never had someone who could a) stay in my life b) be consistently present in my life c) meet my emotional#needs d) actually See me and accept me for who i am. Like not one person who can be all four of those things. and i have to be all four of t#those things for myself now because im 24 and i missed my chance. but how fucking shitty and painful is that? especially after a year like t#this. the way it’s literally ending the SAME way last year did. huge scary promotion (which i haven’t even talked about on here or to anyone#but lia today actually. but it might be huger and scarier than i thought. which is good but also HUGE -‘d scary. and not a bad thing of bc o#course but it’s so fucking… perilous? like it makes me feel profoundly imperiled because i have extremely good reason to feel that way. and#i have to endure the mortifying ordeal of applying for my own job AGAIN after the first time was so horrible. lol) and also losing a beloved#mentor figure who understood me in a way no one else did which mattered immensely even if they couldn’t do the whole presence thing or#whatever. and now i only have one older adult in my life left (aside from my therapist who doesn’t really count bc i only see her once a#week and we barely know each other still) who is like. here and helping me and i KNOW i am so sick in the head i KNOW and i should not be#writing it but every single day i am fucking terrified that i am being or will be separated from him emotionally or physically jsut like all#the others so. LOL!!!!! i am normal and well adjusted. but it’s like so fucking painful because im grasping at straws but again the reality#is im 24 and the only people on this earth who it is fair for me to expect all 4 from and who should’ve provided it to me are my parents.#and i missed my chance with them forever and now i have to do it myself. and that’s ok sometimes and i can handle it… except in the moments#where im sobbing hysterically and everything carries on. when i am in my darkest moments i want to run to an older adult and have them#comfort me but i truly cannot do that with any of the ones i still have left / regularly interact with for so many reasons. and it’s so#painful it makes me sick sometimes. and now i have to be the romy and the lia i wish to see in this world. but how can i do that when i#haven’t finished grieving over them leaving which feels like leaving ME — NOW — in this moment when i have never needed more support of that#kind more. how can isummon it within myself. im not ready yet. i need a long hug and a hand to hold that won’t (have to) let go. when im#crying i need someone to take me somewhere and comfort me and calm me down. and im 24 so i can’t ask for it. but oh my god i need it. and i#missed my chance. and lia left today and she only ever did that for me metaphorically but… tonight i feel more alone than ever.#and it’s like i don’t even have the emotional intelligence or whatever to ASK for that. bc im playing by ear and i don’t know how to read#the music of it. im self taught. that fucking sucks. that SUCKSSS. also that’s too strong a way to put it liek obviously my friends who are#closer to my age are INTEGRAL to me being able to function and i learn from them and cherish their support. but just like i can’t be a mom#to me my friends can’t either. so it’s like what the fuck do i do. get steamrolled by relentless grief and rage every day i guess.#also side note. everything carried on when i was in brighton too. i came home early ofc but it’s like nothing changed in my absence. and#that has fucked me up SUPREMELY. i think that might be a root of it. like hm… it seems my presence doesn’t have impacts. but idk
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milflewis · 1 year
i’m freeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hmm i know im an english major and i do really love writing essays but i had to re-outline this one four times and restart it twice so i have decided that actually they suck
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