#i stole this meme a LONG time ago if its yours hit me up
mrsvelez · 1 year
Just a Dream
(This is my first time doing this, I apologize for any grammar mistakes as English is my second language!)
You really didn’t know how this happened. It was beyond your comprehension how your real life seemed like a dream. You hold on to your suitcase as if it’s the one grounding you, a sacred link to confirm reality, that this was in fact your life. The feeling of an out of body experience was interrupted by the nice SAT agent saying,
- hope you have a fun time at Miami, girl!
- Gracias… thank you!
The truth is, you hope this isn’t JUST fun. You hope it is heavenly, magnificent, life changing, incredible, painfully amazing weekend. After all, this is the first and last time you plan to travel to meet a “stranger” to have a weekend away. The dream really started weeks ago when you got a notification on Instagram. Probably one of your besties tagging you in another almost too inappropriate meme. But it was actually a message. HOLY SHIT. It was a message from him, Christopher Vélez. WHAT!!? You had almost completely forgot how a few weeks maybe even months ago you sent a drunken racy message to him, saying all the things you want to do to him… and he read it? And answered it? A few polite and funny DMs happened here and there, but then the more you texted the more you wanted from him. One day, you asked about a call but both of your schedules were off, so naturally you thought this wasn’t real, you were a victim of catfishing! Christopher had no option but sending you a video of him laughing at your less than classy written outburst, accusing him of not being THE Christopher Velez. After you received the short video, you lost your mind, screaming and jumping in your bed. Once you were able to recover your breathing, a twisted but delicious idea came to your mind. I would like to come and meet you at Miami, if that’s ok with you. Your whole body was shaking once you pressed sent. The three dots showed up almost immediately. How about next weekend? You heard your jaw hit the floor, and started making all kinds of planning. As an independent woman, you wanted to pay for all your expenses, but he insisted on covering the hotel room for 2 nights. Hotel room? As in 1? must be for me, of course you thought. But your subconscious was already playing some kinky scenarios in your sleep. Repeated images of endless possibilities of limbs, mouths and skin intertwined were abruptly interrupted by an alarm reminding passengers to keep track of their belongings and not to trust strangers. You took one look at your suitcase and laugh about its content - it would be pretty embarrassing if a stranger stole it and look at the skimpy content. Well, maybe not all strangers but, you know…
Looking around, seems like nobody noticed you squirming on your seat trying to alíviate the expectation building between your legs. You licked your lips one more time and grabbed your phone to play some music, maybe some Taylor Swift? On shuffle? First song - I Knew You Were Trouble. Skip. Why is my playlist already playing mind games on you? Then, Dress. Skip again. This feels personal. Next song, Death By A Thousand Cuts - ok, at least a humbling melody, preparing you for this experience to be over. It’s going to be a long flight…
The minute the plane touched ground, your heart moved from your chest to your mouth. There were no brain cells left, just pure unhinged lust. Your libido guided you to the closest restroom to get out of your comfy traveling black outfit into a silky slip on red dress, that you bought at the mall the next day after your decision to “visit” Miami. Your hair was looking somehow bouncy man’s voluminous but you were sure the city heat will be merciless, so you arranged it in the best possible way. Some make up on and you took one last breath as a respectable, decent woman. This weekend, I’m a hoe. Christopher Velez’s hoe.
It’s was almost like a checklist going on in your head so you could feel remotely like a functioning adult: get an Uber. Are you breathing? Open the door and take a sit. Yes, yes, thank God for good weather. No, I’m not from Miami. This is the hotel, thank you. Elevadores? Gracias. One foot in front of the other. Take a deep breath. Knock on the door. Checked the number. Are your feet still on the ground? Yes, no floating away. Check down at your boobs, yes they still look great. No need to check your heart beat, you can feel it pounding in your chest, in your ears, in your…
Feeling completely exposed, looking for security cameras around the hallway as if you were about to commit a hideous crime. An eternity went by until you heard the door unlock. Your knuckles white from your hand being in a tight fist. Seeing Christopher there, right in front of you and within reach at the door made your knees weak, and God knows what kind of grin was on your face, but you could feel the heat crawling up your cheeks.
- hola mami - he said as he gestures to come inside the room. You can feel your heartbeat skip a beat.
- Hola - you’re not sure if it was a word, a sigh, or a prayer.
- como estas? How was your flight?
How could he be so casual about this? His arms go around you to give you a hug, right arm above you shoulder and left arm around your waist. You do the same, feeling the tightness of his chest and taking in his intoxicating scent. Musky and almost sweet. You feel your underwear getting moist down there. Christopher pulls back a little and smirks at you, probably your already have a the horniest facial expresión known to human kind. You let go of the hug after staying in his arms for a second too long.
- quieres algo de tomar? Agua?
You place your suitcase by the closet and walk into the room. Remembering to be fully present in this adventure you choose, you gather all self control you have left to turn on your toes, give the biggest smile matching his, and say as innocently as possible, yes please, thanks! You’re so proud of yourself being able to articulate more than two words. Your breathing is almost too loud, as if you just climb the stairs to get to the 15th floor.
Christopher hands you a water bottle from the mini bar, and when you reach out to it you intentionally touch his fingers. You’re shaking. Sparks fly. Whoa. You forgot what water was for, and put it back on the table next to you, making you both bursting into laughter for the silliness of the situation. Christopher takes a step closer to you and says:
- está bien si no quieres agua, guapa, yo no me enojo.
He’s close enough to touch your forearm, sending electric waves EVERYWHERE. Your mind plays dirty on you and you say with a wink:
- pero no estamos aquí para tomar agua!
Christopher smiles back with his thousand dollar smile, looking up and down on you and says:
- Con ese vestido, se me ocurren muchas cosas mas que podemos tomar.
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
i wish you would write a fic where is just Joel and Niko doing whatever you want!!
Well, do y'all remember the time Joel was chased by a goose and (literally) ran into Niko who saved the day? How's about a cute lil' sequel to this spring fluff prompt story of mine, now turned into fall fluff, maybe? 😇
Hope everyone's having a lovely Sunday ☕
(words: 2461)
If there was something Niko loved doing, it was observing Joel while he studied – or, to be more exact, attempted to study. His leg was bouncing as if with a will of its own, making the text book on his lap shake and Niko wonder whether the man was actually able to read a single word written on it. In his right hand Joel was holding a pencil, supposedly ready to scribble his own notes in the margins; ‘supposedly’, because for the past five or so minutes Niko had neglect his own revision to spy on Joel, the pencil had done nothing but swirl in between Joel’s fingers while his eyes had been fixed on the smartphone in his left hand. Every thirty seconds Joel would drop the phone on the table between them and take a sip from his takeout coffee, even though the steam rising from it should have been an apparent clue that the beverage was still as hot as it had been the last time Joel had tested it.
However, Niko adored the creases on the bridge of Joel’s nose way too much to warn him.
“Ah, fuck,” Joel cursed silently, as to not disturb the peace of the uni library.
(“Porko almost got us an entry ban the other day,” Joel had murmured to him when they had hurried past the head librarian’s desk, the stare of the old man’s burning holes to their backsides. Niko had decided he’d be better off not asking how.)
When Joel’s long fingers wiped his rosy lips off spilled coffee, Niko had to bite his own to muffle a sigh. He was certain a bruise would appear there one of these days, as it hadn’t been once or twice he had had to restrain himself from swooning over the man recently. 
They had been taking things slowly, not least because they had become friends just weeks before the 3-month summer break. With Niko staying at uni to grind away with summer courses for extra credit and Joel moving to another town for a summer job as a sound-something at something-something, they had been able to keep in touch only every so often. Niko couldn’t help but hope Joel had been refreshing their Instagram direct message thread as vigorously as he had, yearning for a reaction to a meme he had shared or for a good night wish to momentarily soothe the pining in Niko’s heart – or make it beat twice as fast. 
There was no trace of sparkle in Joel’s gaze now, however, as he stole a hasty glance at Niko, perhaps ashamed of the sensitivity of his taste buds, before clearing his throat and scowling at the paperback in front of him. They had been hitting the books for almost two hours now, so it was no wonder Joel was becoming frustrated. 
When they had first hung out in the beginning of the new semester in September, Joel had gone on about the job in great detail, but afterwards Niko had been embarrassed to admit to himself that the only detail he could remember from Joel’s monologue was the excited twinkle in his eyes.
Niko stretched his arms above his head and suppressed a yawn.
“Wanna take a break? Think I could grab a coffee too.”
Joel looked up from his course materials with a raised eyebrow. 
“I did ask if you wanted one and you said no.”
“Yeah, but that was almost ten minutes ago,” Niko grinned back. “Besides, I don’t drink the vending machine stuff. I need some Starbucks.”
Joel didn’t even bother being discreet with rolling his eyes, and for a second Niko wanted to do the same when he stood up and Joel showed no signs of following his example.
“Accompany me, will you?”
“Do you not know the way? It’s right across the street.”
“But I’d prefer it if you came with me.”
“Why?” Joel almost frowned, and Niko tried not to let it get to his heart.
“Because I like your company.”
Joel then looked up at him with his melancholic eyes, and the way his blond locks and the rims of the black hood on his head framed his face made Niko want to grab and pull him in for a kiss at last.
After several seconds of expectant silence, Joel averted his eyes again.
“It’s…raining,” he said quietly.
“I have an umbrella,” Niko responded, determined to not leave the library without Joel.
“And, umm, I’m on such a roll with my revision, I’d hate to stop now.”
“Joel, you haven’t moved from page 50 ever since you came back from getting that coffee.”
“Because you keep breaking my train of thought!” Joel raised his voice and immediately slumped further down his seat, moodier than ever, when the group from the next table turned to glare at him.
“Joel,” Niko sighed, “I can’t believe I’m asking this, but…are you, by any chance, scared of the pigeon that has made a nest above the neon sign at Starbucks?”
Joel’s mouth was a thin line and his eyes kept staring at his textbook, which was enough of an answer to Niko, who had to take a moment to collect himself. He sympathised with the man, he really did, as birds could be erratic and insufferable at worst, but there were times when his friend’s ornithophobia took irrational dimensions.
“It’s not gonna do anything to you. I promise,” Niko said with a soft tone.
“It almost crapped on me the other day,” a tiny voice argued back. Tears almost rose to Niko’s eyes, not for compassion as much as for trying to keep his giggles inside him.
“I’ll hold your hand when we walk past it.”
“Because birds are repulsed by public displays of affection? Why, had I known that I would’ve snogged the life out of Porko just to have that satanic creature to leave me the fuck alone and let me get my caramel  ma– I mean, my black coffee,” Joel growled, eyebrows furrowed endearingly. 
“He would’ve loved that, I’m sure,” Niko chuckled as he remembered Joel’s eccentric roommate whom he had had the pleasure to meet on a couple of occasions by now. From what Niko could tell, Joonas was not the kind of man to skimp on snuggles and smooches if he only could help it, and regardless of his loud resistance, it was evident Joel enjoyed it too, even if he might never admit to it.
“It’s worth a try though, is it not? I know I’m not quite like Porko, but I’ll give it my best shot, you know.”
A few hesitant glances and twirls of pencil later, Joel more or less reluctantly slid his book and other belongings in his backpack and got on his feet so that Niko had to tilt his head upwards to maintain eye contact.
“Fine, let’s get you your stupid, fancy and overly expensive specialty coffee,” he muttered as he pulled on the strings of his hoodie like a teenager being told to clean his room, “but just so you know, it’s gonna be you who has to make that call to my mom to inform her that her son has died of a heart attack, and then you’ll be sorry!”
“I’ll give her my deepest condolences,” Niko promised with a hand on his chest and bursted into loud giggles, not caring if he’d end up on the head librarian’s black list.
The closer they got to the entrance of the coffee shop, the harder Joel’s poor heart was beating inside his chest.
Ironically, it wasn’t even because of the damn bird.
All the way from the 4th floor to the entrance lobby of the library, their hands had kept bumping against each other as they had walked side by side, each dreadful time leaving Joel almost as breathless as the next, for he couldn’t (in his horrifyingly illogical brain) figure out whether Niko had actually been serious about holding his hand as they’d pass the pigeon that guarded the front door of the local Starbucks. By the time Niko was finished fumbling his umbrella open and they stepped in the pouring rain, Joel was trembling with nervousness and anticipation.
“You really should start wearing a jacket. It’s not hoodie weather anymore,” Niko remarked.
Joel had no comeback prepared to defend himself, and anyway his chattering teeth would’ve likely made any argument sound way less convincing.
“Fucking hell, are you that frightened of that little guy?” Niko asked and nodded towards the coffee shop about 50 metres down the street, where Joel could already see the blood-thirsty pigeon sitting in its nest waiting for him (fair enough, he couldn’t quite see it from 50 metres away, but at least he could very well imagine it).
“No,” Joel replied, and in a way it was true; the horror of having Niko touch him as tenderly as he had threatened had made Joel momentarily forget about the vicious gatekeeper of roastery products.
“Well, the sooner we get going, the sooner it’ll be over,” Niko smiled. Then, without as much as a warning, he grabbed Joel’s hand in his and started dragging him along the street.
It wasn’t quite as intimate as Joel had feared, since Niko’s hand was partially covered with a woolly fingerless glove, so that for a second Joel thought he might just survive the ordeal, but then Niko’s thumb begun rubbing the back of Joel’s palm, and suddenly Joel felt himself melt under the touch like a snowman in April, slithering down the sewer with the rain water.
From the corner of his eye he could see the movements of Niko’s bright yellow beanie, could sense the man glancing at him, but Joel was far too terrified to return the gesture, as much as he wanted to take in Niko’s fair features. Seeing Niko’s stunning smile on top of holding his hand might have just been the final, lethal blow for Joel.
Joel hardly registered the water dripping on his shoulder as Niko struggled sheltering them both with his umbrella, having to hold it awkwardly with his left hand, since his right hand was otherwise occupied. It was a small price to pay, however, for as helpless as he felt upon such a simple token of affection,  Joel was already dreading the moment they would have safely passed the pigeon and stepped in the coffee shop with no reason to be holding hands anymore.
The agonising thought made Joel squeeze Niko’s hand without thinking, and if Niko hadn’t squeezed back immediately, he might as well let the killer pigeon from hell peck him to eternal sleep. 
Clasping Niko’s hand embarrassingly hard and feeling the man’s body warmth spread to his, had lulled him into such a haze that it wasn’t until he heard a quiet but demonic coo from somewhere above his head that he realised they had already arrived at their destination.
Soon there was another coo, a bit louder this time, and Joel felt hard to breathe.
“Now, don’t panic,” Niko said calmly, stepping to stand in front of Joel. “It hasn’t even noticed you.”
“What do you mean it hasn’t noticed me? I can feel it staring at me, plotting its next move,” Joel said through gritted teeth, already picturing the gory slaughter the pigeon was undoubtedly fantasising in its little bird brain at the sight of Joel.
As if by command, the pigeon flapped its enormous wings (although, according to Niko’s later account of the events, it had merely groomed itself briefly), causing Joel’s pulse to skyrocket in the blink of an eye. He broke away from Niko’s touch, all but ready to run for his life, but the second the soft texture of Niko’s glove left his hand, it reappeared on his neck, the thumb that earlier had brushed against the back of his palm was now stroking his jaw reassuringly.
“Hey, Joel, look at me,” Niko said when yet another murderous coo had Joel inhale sharply.  “Hey now, you’re safe, alright?”
Niko looked up at him, his green eyes without a hint of ridicule or amusement at Joel’s absurd anxiety, and as his thumb kept caressing his jawline and cheek and even the corner of his mouth, it was surprisingly easy for Joel to forget about the pigeon, or the rain drumming on the umbrella above them, or the passing cars splashing water from puddles on their shoes as they drove past. 
Later Joel would realise that Niko had probably been standing on his tippy-toes to have been able to gently boop Joel’s nose with his, a gesture so gentle and loving that Joel almost burst to tears right there and then.
Niko blinked his eyes softly and Joel blinked back at him when Niko’s lips parted again to speak, to warm Joel’s trembling ones with a tender whiff of air.
“You’re safe with me,” Niko whispered, his eyes locked into Joel’s.
At that moment, Joel believed him.
And in the next moment, he felt Niko’s mouth on his, Niko’s nose brushing the side of his, Niko’s gloved hand at the back of his head, sliding off his hood the further back it travelled. The umbrella must have been askew, for Joel could feel droplets of rain on his face; however, the sensation wasn’t half as intense and blissful as the sensation of Niko, of his body pressing against him, of his tongue swirling inside his mouth as they deepened the kiss in unison. Any fear Joel might have felt, of the bird or of unexpected intimacy with a friend he hoped could be more than a friend, was replaced by pleasure and peace of mind, and he gripped the collar of Niko’s jacket in order to grip onto this wonderful alternative universe in which his crush liked him back and hideous pigeons couldn’t get to him.
Even the next, horrid coo couldn’t unnerve him anymore, not with the flood of serotonin flowing through his whole being. Niko, on the other hand, laughed quietly against Joel’s mouth.
“You want that caramel macchiato? On me, if you will. For being so brave and making out in front of the pigeon.”
“Mmh, yes, I think I deserve a venti, the very least,” Joel grinned and pecked Niko’s lips, “with extra caramel. It’s been a rather traumatising experience, after all.”
“Maybe we should go inside to negotiate?” Niko asked, nudging their noses together. “And with all due respect, I think it’s the pigeon who’s traumatised by now.”
Joel wasn’t sure if Niko had actually managed to kiss the ornithophobia out of him, but he did know that the feeling of cuddling and laughing with Niko in the corner of a coffee shop trumped the feeling of fear any day.
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midnightwinterhawk · 3 years
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I put together a little collection of Sterek and Steter fics for funsies. “Just a few fics”, I thought, “nothing too crazy.” Thirty fics later I had to cut myself off and finalize the list. You can thank @the-cookie-of-doom​ for the inspiration. 
These primarily fall under the Hurt Stiles Stilinski category because I apparently like to see my comfort characters suffer. Most of these have hopeful/happy endings but mind the tags. For reals.
Placed under a cut since I have no self control and this turned into a long post.
adore to see your eyes fly by @1001cranes
(11,309 l E)
stiles is a pyromaniac, derek is a sociopath. a match made in some kind of heaven. teen wolf kink meme fill.
take my heart from me by @areiton
(23,188 l NR)
He didn't really mean to adopt Derek's pack of puppies. He didn't mean to make himself important to them.
To Derek.
He just wanted to keep them all safe.
That's all Stiles ever wanted.
"Why Can't You?" by @asterekmess
(3,602 l T)
Now. This was happening now, and he couldn’t be less prepared.
After a long night, things between Stiles and his father come to a head.
And You Say You're Alone by bi_leigh_bi
(30,314 l E)
Between the kanima, the Argents, and Peter's untimely return from the dead, everything has fallen apart. Stiles and Derek try to put their lives back together once the crisis has passed. Stiles deals with the aftermath of being tortured, and the distance growing between he and Scott. Derek attempts to become a stronger alpha and keep his pack safe, and that includes Stiles.
A Victory March by @churkey
(2,688 l T)
When Stiles is eight he learns that nothing will be the same. His dad comes home one day after work and sits Stiles down for a talk. He explains that werewolves and all the monsters are real.
They're real and not hiding under anyone's bed.
Bury the Moon by darthjamtart
(16,592 l M)
First things get bad. Then they get worse. Stiles doesn’t know what he’s sacrificed until it’s too late.
Dying is the easy part.
Love's Violent Delights by @dexterous-sinistrous
(10,685 l E)
Derek caught the way the man’s eyes looked over Stiles before lingering on his ass. He waited for the clerk to place the key on the counter before he reacted.
Stiles startled at the loud noise, turning away from the pamphlets in the display box to see Derek pinning the clerk’s head against the counter. He drew in an even breath, looking between the struggling man and Derek.
Derek briefly looked at Stiles, hesitating before he saw the gleam of excitement in Stiles’ eyes and the hint of lust in his scent. “Ever look at him, or any other Omega, like that again, and I’ll slice your eyes out with my claws.” He shoved the man back, not caring of the commotion that was made as he snatched up the key from the counter.
Empty by @discontentedwinter
(48,034 l M)
Jordan Parrish is the new sheriff of Beacon Hills, a town haunted by its past.
Your Vision Borrows Mine by hazyascent
(188,781 l E)
Stiles has encountered a fair share of monsters before, way out of his league - the kinds that children are afraid are hiding in their closets and under the bed.
He’d even become one himself when he was void. The nogitsune was in his house, his body, and his mind.
But the worst monster he’s ever faced took even more from him and got away with it.
It’s why Stiles has never really been as terrified of werewolves and kanimas and darachs as he should have been. They’re really not that scary, relatively speaking, and he has a whole team on his side. They always found a way to win - until they lost someone they really loved.
Stiles doesn’t know how to be normal, not after everything he’s done and everyone he’s hurt. The nogitsune is gone, but another monster is on its heels.
His uncle is back. And Stiles has never felt more alone.
It Was a Wednesday by @isthatbloodonhisshirt
(80,129 l M)
“What happened? Where are you? What’s that sound?”
Derek jumped, having momentarily forgotten Scott was on the phone with him because Stiles had started moving. He’d stalked over to the other side of the cave, still eying Derek warily and growling, then settled protectively over a mass of clothes, leaves and animal innards. It was probably where he was sleeping.
Lovely. No wonder he smelled like death.
“Stiles,” Derek said, answering Scott’s question. Or, one of them, at least.
“Stiles? What do you—Stiles is making that noise?”
“How fast do you think you can make it to the south lot of the Preserve?”
Tiny Houses by @ohmyjetsabel-blog
(77,183 l E)
"So this is what Stiles does. He lies in Scott’s bed and waits for Melissa to say she’s found someone to get it out of him, to cure him of the wrongness and the bad, and he dreams.
God, he dreams.
He dreams of fire and swollen bellies and that scene in Alien, of giving birth to jackals through his urethra, the whole horrific nine yards. His head is a terrible place to be, he can’t imagine his stomach is much better, why anyone would want to put a thing inside of it."
I'm There in the Water by @spaceprincessem
(15,878 l T)
“But it’s—” Derek paused, his words unsure, “it’s not like us,” he swallows hard, chin dipping to his chest in frustration, “it’s like a…”
“An abomination,” Stiles finished, nodding his head as he finally lets his gaze really look at Derek since Scott had pulled them from the water.
He suddenly wished he hadn’t because the way Derek looks at him makes Stiles feel like he is ten years old again. Like Derek is seeing him for the first time since they accidentally fell into each other’s orbit all those years ago. Like Stiles isn’t a burden or invisible.
Like he is enough.
Or five times Stiles felt like he was drowning and the one time he finally caught his breath
Gunplay is Not Really Our Kink by theroguesgambit
(2,577 l M)
“The rules to the game are simple. One bullet, six chances. You pick it up and take turns pulling the trigger on the other man, or we gun you both down right now. You play along, only one of you has to die. Fun game, huh?”
Derek and Stiles are captured by a group of hunters and forced to play a twisted game that only one of them might walk away from.
The Price by theroguesgambit
(18,452 l M)
Stiles must surrender the most important thing in his life to protect the town… and no one can figure out what it was.
Nieważny by Zethsaire
(2,037 l E)
The pack is gone, everything they've ever cared for destroyed. Now Stiles and Derek hunt the hunters, taking revenge in the only way they know how; blood.
Make Me Bleed by @asarcasticwitch
(2,304 l E)
Peter’s expression contorts, impressed or surprised, Stiles can't decipher, but the grin on his face proves he’s not exactly disappointed with the unexpected turn of events.
“Which bite exactly were you hoping for, hm?” The older man curls one hand around the back of Stiles’s neck, trailing his thumb along his pale, fragile throat.
Stiles tilts his head back in unyielding submission, giving the wolf no room to debate his sincerity. “I’m sure you can figure it out, Alpha.
Two Roads Converge in a Graveyard Town by @cywscross
(15,645 l T)
The Deadpool brings one more assassin to Beacon Hills. A man's gotta eat after all.
when you're going through hell (keep going for me) by cywscross
(57,022 l T)
Peter is abandoned in the aftermath of the fire, and Eichen House takes ruthless advantage. Six years later, when he's finally able to move again, he finds himself in a cell with a boy in a straitjacket.
(Kate’s biggest mistake was letting Peter live. Eichen House’s biggest mistake was letting Peter meet Stiles.)
Don't Fail Me Now by @discontentedwinter​
(36,315 l E)
Stiles goes to Derek looking for help.
He finds Peter instead.
Peter takes what he's wanted for a very long time.
Sanctuary by DiscontentedWinter
(56,525 l M)
The Hale Wolf Sanctuary isn’t just for wolves.
It turns out it’s for Stilinskis as well.
Bite Down by EclipseWing (@shadow-of-the-eclipse)
(27,586 l M)
In which Stiles is forced to survive the zombie apocalypse with a sociopathic murdering werewolf for company.
Into Eden by @graciebirdie
(12,232 l M)
Stiles deciding to bring home the stray alpha he'd hit with his jeep probably made him certifiable, if it hadn't turned out Peter was as crazy as he was.
Before you let go (and the light takes you in) by Issay
(4,032 l E)
Stiles makes one last errand - goes to leave flowers on all the other graves. Fuck, so many graves. The grief is as endless and as inescapable as the sky.
He goes home and there is a thing wearing his father's face, waiting for him in the kitchen.
Call My Name by KouriArashi ( @gingersnapwolves )
(81,370 l M)
After moving to Beacon Hills, Stiles starts having recurring dreams of a man in some kind of prison, who needs his help. Things get so bad that he ends up in Eichen House, where he finds out that the man is real.
Hide my tears in the rain. by MrsRidcully
(6,865 l M)
After  years spent successfully dodging werewolves, evil spirits and wendigos,  it was a drunk driver who stole his Dad, a drunk driver with a  suspended license and a record sheet as long as Stiles’s arm. Stiles  would have laughed at the irony if he hadn’t been so busy screaming.
In My Veins Like Disease by romanoffbarton
(1,140 l T)
He tries to leave once.
Foreshock by @twothumbsandnostakeincanon
(22,816 l E)
The day Stiles’ mom died, he almost leveled his house.
Not on purpose. Not even by mistake, really. More by instinct.
Since then he's dug his fingers into everything his has left, holding on with desperation.
Desperation never stopped an earthquake.
Your Touch is My Choice by twothumbsandnostakeincanon
(2,171 l T)
The first time John does it, Stiles is two years old and about to run into the road.
“Mieczysław!” Heart pounding, John grabbed him by the back of his neck and got a hand around his tummy, snatching him back. “No, you have to stay away from the road,” he said firmly.
Shameful Company by Whispering_Sumire (@whispering-sumire755)
(38,779 l E)
"Did I turn into a unicorn?" Peter asks dryly, and Stiles glares at him for a moment before the laughter bubbles up, unbidden, nearly unwilling, and he looks so surprised at the sound, his shock dimming it for a moment before it bursts through with even more trembling ferocity. A long, thin, willowy hand curls into a soft fist over his mouth, and he's shaking, frail, more tears falling, but the copper of his eyes are glowing, crinkling around the edges and scrunched with mirth.
"No," Stiles chokes, chuckling wetly. "No, fuck you, a unicorn? What, like, Rainbowcreep? Zombiesparkle?"
[About a year before the fated Hale fire, Peter starts having nightmares that involve a woman with red hair. The nightmares lead to a spell that brings a man back through time, and, eventually, though the time-traveler is traumatized in the most horrific ways, and Peter's never been good with or for people, in general, they develop a bond that neither of them expects.]
Would You Forgive Me If I Called You Hope, Peter Hale? (Hope, By Any Other Name) by Whispering_Sumire
(10,099 l T)
Stiles has scars. He owns that, he accepts it, he's cataloged and memorized every single one, he's hyper fucking aware of them all.
"What do you want, Peter?" Having the more untrustworthy of the Pack getting protective weirds him the fuck out, leaves an odd fluttering in his chest, like moths, waiting perilously and suicidally to be burned.
He doesn't like it.
"You're injured," the man says, "and whatever it is, it's put you in enough pain that I nearly fainted when I-"
"- Used your werewolf mojo on me without my permission?" Stiles smirks, and Peter gives him a black look, crossing a leg over his knee and smoothing out some invisible wrinkle on his pants.
"Tell me the truth Stiles, how bad is it?"
[Or: The one where Stiles has scars, is more than a little fucked up, and Peter notices. He helps.]
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 years
A Road To Somewhere.
For prompt: road trip
Thanatos/Zagreus/Meg in the background.
5.7k total, link to part two at the end.
Warnings: some sexual stuff are talked about but the most that happens is kissing and cuddling. Jokes about cannibalism as well. Alcohol uses. No beta.
Summary: Why talk about your feelings with your childhood best friend when you can just go on a road trip?
A/N: sorry for going silent, I was dealing with some medical issues on top of helping my partner with stuff.
To the Anon who requested this, I'm sorry about the wait, I hope you like this and feel free to always hit me for another request!
At three in the morning, your phone rang. 
You groaned as you rolled across your bed. and you squinted at the brightness of your phone. 
Hypnos' photo flashed on the screen, the one where he stole your letterman jacket to nap in on the school bus that Zagreus had sent it to you. And if you kept the photo five years after high school, well that is your business and nobody else's.
You hesitated, not sure you want to talk to him right now. After that night, the only thing you and Hypnos traded was polite, almost cold texts. not your usual meme or lazy chatting about whatever. But something about the picture of Hypnos' sleeping face pushed you to respond. 
You swiped the green button.
"You are coming with me." Hypnos said, or rather slurred.
You covered your face,"Hypnos, dude. Are you drunk right now?"
"You- you said you have never seen the ocean right?" Hypnos asked, ignoring your question.
"Where are you? I am coming to get you." You turned on your lamp, looking for a pair of jeans to wear.
"No- no." Hypnos said firmly and very drunkenly. "Y/N, dude. I'm fine. I'm at my shitty apartment." Hypnos paused, "You know, the one where my brother hooked up with Meg. And Zagreus. At the same time. Which is really effing weird for me."
"I - Hypnos-" you tried to think of what to say. The said incident happened over a little month ago and Hypnos had the misfortune of walking in at the wrong time. Which of course because Hypnos got his heart broken by Meg lead up to Hypnos trying to hook up with you to get over her.
"Look, you always said you wanted to see the ocean right?" Hypnos yawned, which you took as a good sign. Hopefully it means your dumb best friend will pass out soon and not ruin his liver for rest of the day.
"Yeah, what of it?" You asked, frustrated at Hypnos for doing this to himself and to you.
"Road trip!" Hypnos dragged out the words with a laugh. "I will be picking you up tomorrow. Love you bestie."
"Hypnos wait no, we can't just leave." You said. You waited for a response, "Hypnos?" You asked worriedly.
A snore came through the phone and you sighed. You turned off the lamp and laid back down, listening to Hypnos' deep breathing.
You stared at the ceiling, and tried not to think about the last time Hypnos got this drunk. Or about that night or how Hypnos acted like nothing happened the next day.
You rolled over to face your phone and closed your eyes.
You will just stay on the line in case Hypnos wakes up.
"You can't be serious, Hypnos." You said as he went through your clothes, uncaring of any boundaries you may have.
But honestly with Hypnos, you had long lost any boundaries. You knew you should actually try to enforce some but you craved just being near him.
"I am! I need to get away for a bit and you told me you were taking a week off right? And it starts today or last night technically." Hypnos held up a lime green shirt and made a face at it.
"Yes for a staycation, I don't have extra money for a motel or anything like that." You replied, and took the shirt away to place it back on its hanger.
"It's my treat, Y/N." Hypnos leaned on you, his head on your shoulder. You tried not to notice how warm he was against you or his big golden puppy dog eyes. "Come on, a free trip away with your best friend aka me aka the best thing ever with your favorite person ever-" Hypnos rambled.
"Fine, only because you said you will pay for everything." You sighed, You hated how hard it was to say no to him.
Hypnos cheered and pulled you into a bear hug. You savored the warmth despite not wanting to.
You just needed a vacation too. To clear your head. And who knows, you and Hypnos could finally get back to being normal.
Hypnos was in the driver's seat as you closed the truck and joined him in the car. A pen dangled from his teeth as his golden eyes flicked across the map. He glanced at you as you strapped in.
"It will be a two days drive if we only stop when we need to. That gives us three days at the beach or wherever else we end up doing." Hypnos took the pen out and marked a couple spots on the map.
"Couldn't we just use our phone GPS?" You asked.
"Nope, the place I'm taking you isn't a normal public beach and we have to drive through some mountains and mountains always win over gps." Hypnos pointed the pen at you. "Always." He said in a mock doom voice.
You rolled your eyes, and with a finger pushed the pen out your face. "Alright but if we get lost in the mountains. I call first dibs on eating you."
"Ha, jokes on you, bestie. I got almost no tender fat on me. So enjoy gnawing on my worthless bones." Hypnos crackled as he started the car. He tossed the map in your lab and peeled out of the driveway.
His deft fingers quickly found some music as Tom Petty sang through the radio.
Hypnos sang along badly. You covered up your smile, it feel good just near him again even if you didn't want to admit it.
Within minutes, Hypnos had weaved into the midmorning traffic. But even with the traffic, you already feel a little lighter.
The first day of the drive went surprisingly well, even with traffic for the first hour. The skies were a vivid blue with fat, lazy clouds that casted shadows across the land.
Hypnos had the windows rolled down, one arm out of the window and music blasting. His shades should have made him look like a frat boy but you actually liked how they looked with his messy white curls and dark red shirt.
You kept your mouth shut and just watched the landscape change from suburbia to the fields dotted with cows and horses.
It was the most peace you had felt in a long while even with the elephant in between you and Hypnos.
It wasn't until twilight had followed you to the motel that the problems started.
"Is that a permanently closed sign?" Hypnos asked flatly, his shades resting on his head.
You nodded, "I had a feeling the trip started a little too well."
You and Hypnos both stared at the sign, the red and white words mocked you.
"I knew google was lying to me." Hypnos murmured.
"We can just sleep in the car, Hypnos." You followed him as he turned back. "We probably shouldn't drive anymore tonight."
Hypnos shook his head, "Nope, we would get murder so fast." He snapped his fingers to make his point. He threw an arm around your shoulders and guided you back to the car. "Come on, I bet there's another place just up ahead."
"And if there is not?" You asked, noticing how easily you fit next to him.
"There will be." Hypnos said confidently.
At your doubtful look, he said cheerfully,
"Or we could just get murder in a much nicer area."
It was almost an hour before you saw the faint vacancy light just peeking behind the trees.
You gasped, "There! Do you see it?"
"Yeah, I see it." Hypnos replied, perking up. The rundown motel looked like someone's idea of what an old western inn looked like without actually never seeing one before.
But after driving for an extra hour and half, it looked like heaven.
Hypnos pulled up in the first empty spot he found which was plenty of.
"Stay here, keep an eye on the car. Don't get murdered." Hypnos said as he locked the car up. He only looked back once as he entered the building.
You slumped in your seat, exhaustion overtaken you. Your phone buzzed in your hand, Zagreus's name popped up.
'Is Hypnos with you??'
You stared down at the text, why is Zagreus asking you?
'Yeah, why?' you replied.
Immediately, Zagreus responded.
'He hasn't responded to any of our texts or calls.'
In a separate text, 'Is he okay? I knew my talk with him was rough but I didn't expect this. '
You bit your lip, just realizing that you haven't heard Hypnos' phone go off all day. Normally, Hypnos' phone was glued in his hand and he was always constantly texting or playing a game.
You looked up, making sure Hypnos was still in the building.
You replied, 'I think he just needs a break. I will let you know if anything happens but maybe just give him some breathing room. Also what talk?'
Three dots appeared and disappeared a few times before Zagreus' response came.
'No, I know. We just wanted to make sure he wasn't alone. Thanks.'
You rubbed your face, unsure what to make of the texts and that Hypnos, a known phone addict, hasn't been on his phone all day. And that Zagreus didn't bother to tell you what 'talk' he had with Hypnos.
You looked back up and saw Hypnos walking back a grin on his face. When your eyes met his, he waved the roomcard and a plastic bag triumphantly.
You pushed your worries aside for now, Hypnos will talk to you when he is ready.
"Uhh, dude. There is only one bed." You said blankly when Hypnos turned the lights on. All the room had was a single hotel bed and a little table with two chairs. The whole area looked like it never left the seventies.
"And a sofa." Hypnos pointed out as he flopped down on it. The sofa creaked loudly as if threatening to snap in half. "I can sleep on anything, remember?"
"If you are sure." You grabbed the plastic bag from the floor as you sat down on the bed.
You dumped the goods on the bed. There was a healthy mix of spicy ramen bowls, candy bars and cans of soda.
You picked out the one you knew Hypnos liked and set on making dinner.
The sofa kept creeking each time Hypnos twitched or even breath. Hypnos' eyes were close but there was a tension to his body that kept him looking truly relaxed.
You debated on telling him that Zagreus had reached out to you but the tight frown on his face kept you from saying anything.
The microwave gave a high pitch beep and you quickly pulled out the ramen and placed the hot bowl on the table. "Hey, Hypnos. Soup on." You told him as you got your bowl ready.
"Oh. Thanks. Wanna have a soda?" Hypnos asked.
You thanked him as you dug into your own dinner and honestly the cheap ramen was the best thing you tasted after not getting lunch during the drive.
Hypnos was unusually quiet during dinner and while getting ready for bed. You couldn't help noticing that Hypnos never once picked up his phone.
Hypnos yawned and sat on the sofa much more carefully yet the beast still creaked in warning.
You sighed, there was no way you or him would sleep with all that creaking.
"Hypnos, just come to bed. I think it's a queen so we got plenty of room." You told him as you got under the covers. You met his gaze, his eyes bright even with the dark circles under them.
"Okay." He agreed softly. He gave you a look that you ignored as he joined you. He turned off the lights. "Good night, Y/N."
You rolled on your side, back facing Hypnos. "Good night." You yawned widely, already halfway to sleep.
You didn't quite wake up all the way, not at first. You blinked at the wall, small cracks in the blinds allowed for small rays of sunlight to break though. It made the motel room feel cozy even with the ugly decor.
There was an arm loosely wrapped around your shoulders and you sank into its hold with a sigh.
Your eyes closed before your brain realized that you could feel another body pressed against your back, legs tangled together.
You snapped awake, your body went rigid and you heard Hypnos grumbled against your nape.
You relaxed, letting out a breath when you remembered Hypnos was in bed with you. Hypnos, during sleepovers when you were children, always ended up clinging on to you.
It was almost nice, a return to a simpler time. Almost.
It was a very different experience when you both were adults. You flushed when Hypnos pressed a little harder against your body, a pleased, sleepy hum rumbled in his chest.
You could feel him pressed against your lower back and damnit, your traitor of a body was responding. You squeezed your eyes shut, flushed from shame and want.
Your mind flashed back to the last time you allowed Hypnos this close.
You could still remember how he pushed you into his dark bedroom and kissed you again and again. How it felt being under him on his bed. How you almost let him have more.
And you knew you wouldn't survive if Hypnos acted just like he did the morning after.
With the small strength you were able to find, you pulled out of his hold or rather you tried to.
His arm went tight and kept you in the bed, "Where are you going so early?" His sleep rough voice mumbled against your skin.
You ignored the goosebumps he caused and you sighed annoyed. "Come on, you're being a jerk. I need to go get ready for the trip."
"Hmm, we drove more than we planned. We still have some time." Hypnos murmured, clearly going back to sleep. You grabbed the blanket with your free arm and yanked it off the both of you.
Hypnos yelped at the sudden cold and let you go. You darted out the bed and grinned at the scowl Hypnos had. You tossed the blanket over his face and walked away. "Early birds get the worm Hypnos!" You called out as you headed to the bathroom.
You bit back a laugh at the loud groan Hypnos made.
After a quick stop for coffee and pancakes with bacon which Hypnos immediately drowned in syrup much to your disgust of the sheer amount of sugar, you were back on the road.
After an hour of staring out the window at patches of woods between the farmlands, you turned to look at Hypnos.
"What is it about this place that made you pick it? I looked at the map, we could get to the ocean quicker if we went along the other route. " You thought for a moment, "And you know, not to have to drive past the mountains."
"Yeah, if you want to see what everyone else sees and deal with the crowds." Hypnos scoffed. He pulled his shades down a bit to look at you, his windblown curls bounced with the movement.
You prayed he didn't notice your blush.
"Also my mom told me about this place a million times. Trust me, it is going to be worth the wait." And with that, Hypnos focused back on driving.
You turned back to the open window, silently hating yourself for still being attracted to him.
"Hey- is that a cow?" Hypnos asked, already slowing down. You looked down the road and saw the animal. You couldn't help the laugh that came out. "Yeah it is."
The stray cow stared down at the car. It was apparently unconcerned about being hit as it chewed on the grass in its mouth.
Hypnos pressed down on the horn repeatedly and long. The cow kept chewing on its bit of grass, blinking slowly.
"Dumb cow. It knows what it is doing." Hypnos muttered.
You laughed again, "I think that is an oxymoron."
Hypnos scowled and waved his hands at the cow whose tongue had found its nose.
"Well, what bright ideas do you have, Y/N?"
You looked into the bag of snacks down by the footrest. And pulled out a bag of barbecue chips.
"I'm going to lure it out of the road, first chance you get, drive past."
Hypnos pulled his shade down, an eyebrow crocked.
You shook the bag at his doubtful look.
Hypnos' eyes narrowed, eyes sharp and calculating. "That won't work."
"Oh?" You raised a brow. "And why not?"
"Those are barbecue chips, I'm pretty sure even that dumb thing know that smell. And when it smells the barbecue, it will just run you over enraged about the chips."
You leaned toward him, "Wanna make a bet?"
He matched your lean, a bright glint in his eyes. "Sure. If I win, you have to agree to everything I say until we get to the hotel."
"Fine." You agreed. "And if I get the cow out of the way, you can only speak in moos until we get to the hotel."
"Deal." He leaned back into his seat. "Easiest win ever."
You scoffed at him as you got out. "Gee, thanks for believing in me."
You stared down the cow who merely blinked at you.
Hypnos poked his head out the window, laughing "Hey Y/N, when it's moving, start running!"
You shushed him and crinkled the bag at the cow. It took a wary step forward and you opened the bag and it took a sniff.
The cow immediately tried to bite the bag but you took several steps and it followed you. You couldn't stop your smirk at Hypnos' outraged face. "Good cow." You cooed. "Good cow."
You took several steps back into the tall grass and dumped the chips on the ground.
The moment the cow started eating the chips on the ground, you took off like a shot and almost fell into your seat. You barely had a chance to close the door before Hypnos drove off.
You pulled your seatbelt on and waited, a huge grin on your face.
When Hypnos refused to say anything or even look at you, you poked him in his cheek.
"Hypnos." You called his name in a sing-songy tone. "I won the bet. Hypnos. Hypnos." You poked him with each word. There was an evil, childish part of you enjoying this too much.
Hypnos batted your hand away. "Moo fucking moo." He replied sourly.
You playfully frowned, "I don't think cows can say fucking."
"Oh my god."
"They don't say that either."
Part Two
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
Buddy! Congratulations! I’m so proud of you. You deserve it. 💜🤩 this event is everythingggg. When I was reading through the quotes I was picking where it was from and I just 🤩🤩
Can I request a fluff piece with Iwa? (Phrase 5 or 6) written or SMAU it doesn’t matter cause I love all your stuffs 😘😘
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The journey from the hospital to your shared home could easily be classified as an interrogation, albeit an unsuccessful one. After confirming that you were no longer in any pain, Iwaizumi had begun his investigation into the details of what occurred. However, instead of answering each targeted inquiry with a calculated response, you elected to sing out a song-lyric to tease your already stressed boyfriend. With the fibreglass supporting your injured hand and the pain killers lacing into your bloodstream, you felt perfectly normal. Hell, you wished you had the cast when you punched the idiot earlier. That way you could have broken more than his nose.
Once the vehicle pulled into the driveway, Iwaizumi instructed you to remain inside with an unnaturally long sigh. Your brows knitted together in curiosity as you watched him jog around the car to greet you on the passenger side. After tugging open the door completely, his gaze travelled from your cast to the surrounding area.
“You know my other hand works fine, right? And nothing is going to happen, stop that.” Exiting the car, a playful smile graced your lips. It was a small attempt at dismantling his concerns, and it could have worked if he bothered to return his attention to you.
“No.” His refusal was muttered plainly, indicating the matter was not up for debate. That was the thing with Hajime. Once his overprotective nature had activated, there was no stopping him.
“Haj, don’t be mad at me. I’m okay, I promise.” The second after he finished closing the passenger side door, you hooked an arm through his before batting your eyelashes up at him.
“I know you’re fine, but I’m not. I don’t like seeing you hurt.” The athletic trainer squinted at you, swallowing the growl that threatened to sound in his throat. “Can you blame me?” Removing his stare from yours, he fished out the keys to the house. As he unlocked the door and guided you inside, a sigh of defeat rolled off your lips.
“I guess not.”
Iwaizumi was mostly satisfied with your admission, a fact illustrated by the weakened scowl on his features. Now that he successfully brought you into the safety of the living room, he could breathe a little easier.
“Just go rest. I’m gonna make us some food.” He was about to shrug off his coat when his irises landed on you and the facial expression you had adorned.
The infamous puppy dog expression. One of the many expressions that would melt the man’s heart within seconds. With an intake of breath, he curled an arm around your waist, leading your body closer to his. Eliminating the space between your faces, he placed a gentle kiss against your jutted bottom lip then another against your forehead. Each kiss that was applied had more of an impact on your body than the injury he was currently nursing. Noticing your weakened knees, a faint smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth.
“Idiot.” Once he released you from his hold, Iwaizumi administered a flick to your forehead, an action that led your dramatic self to collapse onto the couch behind you.
“My heart.” As you tried to recover from the soft gestures, your boyfriend finally removed his jacket, tossing it against the corner of the couch. Before he exited the living room, the trainer stole one final glance in your direction, humour bringing his eyebrows to raise. Of course, you were pretending to “melt” into the couch.
This was the same girl who punched a guy in the face hours ago? You really were something.
Minutes after Iwaizumi exited the room you shifted on the couch, no longer interested in maintaining a performance for an empty audience. As you squirmed around on the cushions, attempting to find the best position, you discovered his discarded jacket. Plucking the fabric up, a mischievous grin plastered against your visage. If you couldn’t cuddle with your boyfriend, you could at least cuddle with his jacket. 
The cloth had also completely absorbed his intoxicating scent, filling your senses with him.
Yeah. You could sleep like this.
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Dinner took Iwaizumi a little longer than he anticipated. The recipe had stated the prep and cook time should be around an hour – it took him almost two hours. His ego was slightly bruised by his failure to complete the task during the allotted time, but at least it tasted good. After setting the table, he removed the apron from around him and then proceeded to the living room. Not once did it occur to him that he left a certain object within your reach - something you were not supposed to find. 
To his horror, you were no longer asleep on the couch. Instead you were playing a game on your phone with his jacket blanketing over you. Once you noticed his presence, excitement ignited inside your eyes. But confusion joined the emotion seconds later when you traced the panic he was struggling to conceal.
“Come on. Food is ready.” Clearing his throat with an artificial cough, he reached forward to grab the coat casually. Except instead of releasing the fabric, you grasped it tighter, sitting up in the process.
“Why are you being so suspicious?” The question spills from your lips too soon, because the answer is granted a moment later. The final tug on the material had resulted in the emergence of an item you were unaware of for the last two hours. The velvet box dropped onto the ground, the low thud sounding louder than the chaos ensuing inside of Iwaizumi’s chest.  “Haj…”
“It’s empty.” Scarlet coloured his neck as he engaged in a staring battle with the inanimate object. This was wrong – this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. But lying would certainly not fix the situation now. “Okay, it’s not. Let’s just pretend this didn’t happen.”
If you were drowsy before you were absolutely awake now. The butterflies inside your stomach were celebrating and your heart was seconds from caving in from the suspense. “Hajime. If you don’t ask me that question now, I’m going to ask you. And I want you to realize that I don’t have a ring, so I’m going to tie a rubber band around your finger.” 
He hated how he knew you would say something along those lines. 
Lowering himself onto one knee, he retrieved the box and tried to calm the sirens alarming inside his mind. He had something prepared – something he had rehearsed 100 times in front of the mirror, and 100 times in front of Oikawa. So why the hell was he frozen? Slowly his eyes lifted from the box to meet your expecting gaze.
“L/n f/n, you are one incredibly infuriating woman.” A laugh escapes your lips at the statement, and the sound brings a smile to his mouth. “You drive me insane. Sometimes I don’t know if I should be protecting you, or if the world needs protection from you. But what I do know is there is no one like you. You make me want to kill people I don’t know, but you also make me a better man.” The tears blurring your vision cause his heart to shoot up from his chest into his throat, the sensation wasn’t painful, however. It only made his following words sound much lighter. “I love you more than I ever knew was possible. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Whether that means picking you up at the hospital when you’re an idiot, or loving you when you act like a clown… I want to be there for it all. So, will you make me the happiest man and marry me?”
By the time he finally voiced the question you were patiently waiting for, your cheeks were puffed and stained with mascara.
“Of course I will, you gorgeous man!” Instinctively you offered out your right hand, forgetting the protective layer around it. For a moment your eyes flickered from the cast to the ring held out ahead of you. Iwaizumi expelled a chuckle at your dilemma, then took your left hand, slipping the ring on.
“You know in some countries they wear these on the left side anyway.” The adrenaline of the situation had hit its climax, and all he could do was grin at you with love and joy.
Once the ring was settled against your finger, another chorus of sobs rang out as you jumped onto him, peppering kisses all over his face.
“I love you so much. Let’s go get married now.” Pausing your storm of affection, a toothy smile was presented towards him. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes playfully then ruffled your hair.
“How about we eat first and then go get married?”
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A/N: I really hope you guys like this lololol
General taglist:  @haikyuufairy  @newfriendjen @lvoejimin @moonlightaangel @gyozaaaaa @byun-nies @thevillagehiddenintheinternet @amberalisa @graykageyama @yourstarvic @chaichai-the-weeb @dreamstormings @chibishae34 @haikyuusimp91 @volleybloop  @rajablast @idiot-juice-enthusiast @melonmayhere @cuddlesslut  @athenarosaline @memes-and-money @coconut-dreamz  @mismatched-loves @elianetsantana @tsumume @tsukkismamagucci @the-golden-jhope @camcam1617 @azumane-kun @prettyforpapiiwa @swoonhui 
Bolded means I can’t tag ya ~
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theleakypen · 4 years
OYZZ/A-Qing, AU where they meet while she's alive, kiss meme?
(uhhh so this accidentally turned into a full-on fic. Unfortunately, it's only a fix-it for A Jing, not for Songxiao 😭; I’m going entirely by book canon here, except my brain has settled on CQL aesthetics for OYZZ and A Jing, hence the “burgundy robes.”)
Kissing prompt
"Excuse me, are there any powerful people around here? Powerful people who cultivate?" Ā Jing swallowed hard as yet another passerby shook her off. She wouldn't cry! Her dàozhǎng needed vengeance and so did Song dàozhǎng; she had to keep trying to find someone.
"Excuse me, gūniang," came a voice from behind her—a young voice, a boy about her age. "I'm a cultivator. Perhaps I can be of service?"
It took some doing to convince first the boy — Ouyang Zizhen — and then his father that Xue Yang was indeed in Yi City and not dead as he should have been these last many years, but in the end Sect Master Ouyang had reached out to his patron, the master of the Jiang sect, who was known for his hatred of demonic cultivators, and the full might of both Baling Ouyang and Yunmeng Jiang was brought to bear against Xue Yang. Ā Jing insisted on being allowed to accompany them — she had to see this through.
Ouyang Zizhen seemed to have decided that she was his responsibility and he stuck close to her while his seniors prepared for and then fought the battle. "I'm not allowed to night hunt unsupervised, anyway, so I will be your protector, Jing gūniang!"
Ā Jing wasn't going to say no to protection. Ever since she saw her dàozhǎng killing people under Xue Yang's guidance she had felt an overwhelming terror. It was lessened now that she had an entire army between her and Xue Yang, including this strangely earnest boy, but until she saw Xue Yang's dead body with her own eyes, she wouldn't feel able to truly rest.
She took one look at the dead bodies laid out in a row, the two Daoist priests and their murderer, and flung herself weeping into Ouyang Zizhen's arms. He stroked her back, while she shook and wet his burgundy silk robes with her tears, and murmured soothingly in her ear. She liked that he called her "Jing gūniang," as if she really was somebody, and not just an urchin with no family name to speak of.
"What will you do, now that it's over?" he asked, when they were all seated in an inn, waiting for food to be delivered to their table. He kept his arm around her and seemed to be daring his seniors to say anything. Ā Jing was still feeling shaky and uncertain, so she wasn't going to complain. She clutched the little pouch that the cultivators said held Xiao Xingchen’s soul close to her chest, afraid to let it out of her sight even for a moment. They said his soul was shattered into little bits, but that it might heal with time. The least she could do was take care of it until it did. Every time she thought about her poor dàozhǎng, shattering himself to pieces because of his horror at what Xue Yang had made him do, she felt fresh tears prickling her eyes.
"I don't know," she said. "I was traveling with Xiao dàozhǎng so long, I don't think I know how to travel alone anymore." This was probably not true, but all these people knew that she was sighted — she had to play up her helplessness somehow!
"You can come with us to Baling," Ouyang Zizhen suggested. "You could learn to be a cultivator, like us."
"Aren't I too old?" she asked, looking at him sidelong.
"You'll probably never be exceptional," he agreed, "but that doesn't mean you can't learn to use a sword the way we do."
It sounded appealing. It sounded like a lot of work. Well, if she didn't like it, she could always leave. Traveling alone in Baling couldn't be any different from traveling alone in Shudong.
Baling was nice. They let her call herself Xiao Jing, to keep her dàozhǎng's name alive, even if he was now dead. They gave her a room and nice clothes and they didn’t try to take away the two bags that held everything that mattered to her in this world — the wallet she had stolen from Xiao Xingchen, and the Spirit Capture Pouch that held his soul. They added her to the rolls of junior disciples. She had to practice next to seven year olds, and it was hard work, but she never had to worry about her next meal and Ouyang Zizhen came by all the time to see how she was settling in. One time a couple of his big sisters came by and told her to tell them if he was bothering her.
"We'll beat him up for you, don't worry," said the second young mistress of Baling Ouyang. Xiao Jing thought that maybe that was backwards — shouldn't they be threatening her on his behalf? After all, she was a swindler and a thief. But, then, they didn't know that part of her past.
Everyone knew she was a tragic orphan, victimized by the horrible Xue Yang, and she'd played that up as much as possible. Pity was good — people mostly didn't want to hurt you if they pitied you. Mostly people were patient with her uneducated speech and her inability to read and that she picked up cultivation concepts slowly, except the physical ones. The exercises came easily — she'd had to be deft to steal without people noticing, and that came in handy now.
"He's not a bother," she said aloud. "I like Ouyang gōngzǐ."
"Oh?" The fifth young mistress pounced on that, smiling like a cat. "And in what way do you like xiǎodì?"
Xiao Jing blushed at that, and did her best to deflect.
"Your sisters came to see me today," Xiao Jing told Ouyang Zizhen. She pulled a couple of sweets from the wallet she still kept close by, the one she stole from Xiao Xingchen all those years ago, and offered one to him. Their fingers tangled briefly as he accepted the sweet and she flashed back to Ouyang Ruoyin's question. In what way do you like our little brother? She shook herself, willing her cheeks to stop blushing. Back to doing the teasing; that was way better than being teased. "They said they'll beat you up if you keep bothering me."
"They told me the same thing," Ouyang Zizhen laughed. "Am I bothering you, Jing gūniang?"
"Obviously not," Xiao Jing retorted. "I don't give sweets to people who bother me."
"Well, that's a relief, then," he said, smiling at her as he popped the sweet in question into his mouth. He had a very nice smile, distractingly nice. She realized she was staring at his lips, which was definitely inappropriate, and dragged her gaze up to his eyes, which were crinkled in that same smile. Hell.
“Jing gūniang, I—” he began, before she cut him off. Oh well, it wasn’t as though she hadn’t been impulsive before.
“Ouyang gōngzǐ, do you like me?”
Now it was his turn to blush and stammer, which filled her with an obscure satisfaction. “I— yes, I— yeah?” he said. His voice steadied as he took up his thread. “I like you a lot. Your courage in the face of extreme adversity, your devotion to your dàozhǎng, the way your eyes flash in the sun when you train—”
“Okay, okay,” Xiao Jing cut him off again. There was no stopping Ouyang Zizhen when he got poetic. She wasn’t anticipating the danger of letting him get poetic about her, the way it made her skin feel hot and prickly all over. “I get it, you think I’m admirable. Do— Would—” She swallowed hard. Get it together, Ā Jing. “Would you like to try kissing?” she asked, the words coming out all in a rush.
Ouyang Zizhen stared at her, mouth falling open in a pretty silly-looking way. Xiao Jing almost laughed at it, except for how her stomach was turning somersaults. Did she misread things? Ouyang Zizhen did get poetic about all sorts of things, but she did think he showed her particular attention! She scuffed her foot on the floor of the pavilion. “I only meant...” She looked down. “I like you, too, and I thought...”
“Yeah.” His voice was breathless and Xiao Jing looked up with new hope. He was still blushing, and his eyes seemed almost to sparkle as he stepped nearer to her. “Yeah, can I kiss you?”
Xiao Jing smiled and took one of his hands and tilted her face up to his. She’d hit a growth spurt recently—probably all that good Baling food—but he was still taller than her. He tilted his head consideringly, and then lowered his face until their lips met. She felt his nose brushing her cheek and the little sigh of his breath on her mouth. His lips were soft on hers and just the slightest bit sticky. He tasted a little of the candy they’d both just eaten. His hand tightened its grip on her hand, even as his other hand came up to cup her cheek, and she felt that same heat and prickle on her skin as she did when he had been complimenting her.
When they parted, Xiao Jing stepped forward and buried her face in his collar, hiding her flushed cheeks. Ouyang Zizhen wrapped his arms around her almost automatically. “That was nice,” he whispered into her hair.
She nodded and then murmured, “Yeah,” in case he couldn’t tell what her movement meant.
“Do you... want to do it again?” he asked.
“Give me a minute,” she said.
He chuckled quietly; she felt the wind of his breath ruffling her hair. “As long you need,” he said.
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sandalaris · 4 years
10 for 10 for 10
I’ve been tagged by @yossariandawn Thanks for thinking of me! and for all the great questions! (and sorry it took so long. I had a hard time thinking of 10 questions of my own.)
Answer 10 questions, ask 10 questions, tag 10 people.
1. If you could learn a new skill instantly, what would you choose? I’m not sure. I think that if it’s a skill you really enjoy than taking the time to learn becomes part of the enjoyment, so it’d have to be a skill I either only kind of wanted or that I felt was a need over a want. Oo, MMA, good exercise and the ability to defend myself or someone else if I ever need to, and it’s not something I feel really passionately about going through the process of learning.
2. What part of the world (that you’ve never been to) would you choose to live in for a month? Hyère, France. Don’t even have to think about it. About eight years ago I was planning a move and it was on the short list of places I was considering going to. The climate seemed the most ideal to what I wanted to live in and all the pictures were beautiful. 
3. Favorite kind of sandwich or wrap? Grilled cheese? I don’t like sandwiches (or wraps) typically.
4. Show swap! Bring back 3 shows you love, but you also have to choose 3 you like to cancel instead. Oo, gotta think about this one. I don’t want to bring back a show that was already past its peak and I don’t want to say to cancel a show that isn’t ready to end.
Cancel: (I stuck only with shows that I watch and enjoy so I’m not digging at any show just because it’s not my personal preference)
NCIS – I love the show, seen every last episode and will continue watching it until the end, but it’s time for it to wrap up. It well past its prime.
Lucifer – Listen, I love this show, and there’s a ton of great characters and material here to make a long running series, but they have started going in circles with it and that’s making it feel old. How many times can the same characters learn the same lessons before it just feels like the writers are just forcing things back into the same ol’ mold? Let the story grow or move on.
Shameless – It’s a stretch because the finale season has already been declared, but it’s a show that I don’t really need that finale season, even if I will watch and enjoy it, because it’s reached its natural end.
Bring back:
From Dusk till Dawn: the series – I debated on this one. It wrapped everything up so nicely and I’m quite happy with how it ended, but at the same time the writers had plans for the next season and it was never officially cancelled and there’s so much more story that could be told.
Firefly – Although it’s been enough time that it might have to be more of a reboot maybe? Or are we doing the impossible and it’s coming back shortly after it was canceled? Either way, that show was cancelled way too soon.
The Gifted – Yes, it was a bit cheesy but it’s just as good, if not better than, a lot of the comicbook shows still going AND it ended on a cliffhanger. It needed to continue
5. What fandom would you want to get into, but haven’t yet? I don’t know. I feel like I don’t exactly pick my fandoms. I start watching a show or go see a movie or read a book and then if I feel like looking up fandom stuff after I do.  
6. What show or movie do you watch to cheer you up? Probably Community. It’s a good show that has that nice balance of being a ridiculous comedy, but not too silly at the same time. And it hits so many of my favorite tropes. (Leverage could also count.)
7. Favorite condiments? ….salt? That’s technically a seasoning, but I am not a condiment fan. They are mostly gross and just cover up the flavor the food with their grossness.
8. What characters (from different universes) do you think would love hanging out together? Pick as many as you want. I wrote for fun a Kisa (FDtD) and Troy (Community) scene and discovered I really like them interacting (there was other people in the scene, but they stole all my attention in a matter of moments). They connected in a weird way and I loved writing Kisa’s bizarre and confused reactions to Troy. Britta (Community) and Richie (FDtD) would get along well I think. They’d click in that odd way that Richie has with random people and Britta would be a little too oblivious to Richie’s more social flaws/creepy nature, as is her way when it comes to guys with even the tiniest bit of charm and intelligence. Not gonna lie, I kind of ship them now.
I would also put Shawn from Psych with the entire Leverage crew. Sophie is the only one I feel would find him a bit much at times, mainly because she can spot a grift a mile away and Shawn’s kind of always “on” and think it would mess with her trust issues too much for her to be entirely comfortable around him. Nate sees his potential, especially if Shawn’s been brought in to help on a job, and the guy is ultimately one of the Good Guys, and he would go a long way to helping put Sophie at ease. Because Nate’s too smart to be taken in by someone like Shawn and Sophie wouldn’t feel like she’s the only one who sees him for the conartist he is. Eliot would groan and grumble for show, but in the end Shawn’s like a combination of  his two favorite people in the world; Parker and Hardison. Plus, I headcanon Shawn and Eliot as cousins. I think Hardison might find Shawn a little too like himself to ever be best buddies with the guy, but overall they’d get along just fine. As for Parker... I feel like they’d be almost like two kids on the playground who both found out they like the same obscure cartoon none of the other kids have seen. 
I have a little headcanon about Parker (Leverage) and Clint Barton (MCU) having been in the same foster home as kids and having this kind of a past-sibling-esque connection. I like to think that with both their careers they don’t meet up often, but whenever they realize they are in the same place at the same time, it’s a given that they’ll hang out while there.
My roommate keeps yelling over my shoulder Starlord and Micheal (from the movie starring John Travolta) until I agreed to put them. They would get along in a weird sort of fun way that would be fun to watch but hard to be a part of, but since I haven’t see that movie since I was a kid it’s not one I think of.
9. What’s the most underrated show or movie or book or artist that you love and people should really check out?
Ilona Andrews is an amazing author and more people should check their works out. But the most underrated show I think I’ve ever gotten into… honestly would probably be From Dusk till Dawn. I feel like most of my followers are at least aware of it though because I post enough about it, but it was just really good and sort of cut off before its time. A really close second would be Leverage. It’s still the number one show I recommend when people ask me and I just adore it to pieces.
10. What were you obsessed with as a kid?
So many things, but probably Jasmine from Disney’s Aladdin the most. Pretty sure I named more than one stuffed animal after her.
My questions:
1.      What was your first fandom? Are you still a part of it?
2.      Current self care method(s)?
3.      What are three (3) shows you keep meaning to binge watch but haven’t yet?
4.      Do you stay active in fandoms after a new one catches your eye, or are you more a one at a time person?
5.      What was the last movie you saw with someone else? What would you rate it?
6.      Favorite guilty pleasure?
7.      What’s a highly underrated show/movie/book series that you would recommend?
8.      Any new hobbies you’ve started during quarantine? Any you want to start?
9.      What meme do you wish would just die already?
10.  Spread the love to your followers and post at least one link to a fic you’re reading/have read/wish to read/you’ve written yourself/etc. 
I tag: @shyesplease @valeskaj @ithoughtiwasflying @c-sand @mygutsforgarters @bethanyactually @crystallinee-waters @evanberries @nevergonnabemuchmorethanweather @katwithlove and anyone else who wants to do answer! Seriously, I love having people respond even if I didn’t tag someone. 
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sadistic-second · 4 years
Fun new meme here ! write 3-5 things a new rp partner (or those who want to be) should know about you and tag 3-5 people! it should be related to rp and not to other interests.
tagged by: @ivory-paragon tagging:   New followers of mine and those who lurk at me and/or wanna do shit.
I did one of these awhile ago, but fuck if I know what I tagged it as. That’ll be sorted out soon. In the meantime, since Rufus tagged me in this, I’ll go ahead and fill it out again.
1. Ladies. Gentlemen. Everyone in between and outta this world. One thing that I cannot stress enough: Please do not be intimidated by me. I cannot begin to express to you all how many times I have been told this. I promise you I am 100% a Shiba Marshmallow. Yeah, I write some pretty dark and sadistic shit sometimes. But that’s the character, that’s not me. I am more than willing to write with all of you. Just gotta not be so scared of me, okay? Worst that I’ll do is make an awkward joke or spam my dogekek or something. Or my various sweat emojis. Man, gotta love discord.
2. Been actively roleplaying since I was 12. Me doing the math suggests its been 16 years since I started, but I am notoriously bad at math. What’s that one bird meme? “The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math.” That’s me. That’s it. That’s my whole existence. I’ll admit that I verse hopped a lot, be that because of the people I was friends with at the time or just because I wasn’t “feeling it”, who knows. Regardless of that, however, couple things attached to that.
a) I am a novella roleplayer at heart; boy to I love me some details and shit like that. But that’s what I’ve developed into. I am, however, flexible enough to match a comfortable length of my partner’s choosing. Don’t gotta match my outrageous length. Just as long as you’re doin’ your best, that’s all that matters.
b) Or maybe there’s just that one. There used to be more, but then my head was like, “Oh, you think you can be professional for a minute? WRONG!” And I don’t remember what the second point was. :SadDogeKek:
3. Please please please please please please please please please please please please I cannot stress this enough either. It has happened a couple other times and its made me sad. I realize that I happen to reply rather quickly to things that people send me, asks, threads, whatever. Please. P l e a s e. Just because I respond quicker to someone else than I do you doesn’t mean anything against you. Ideas come and ideas go. There’s a flow to all of this and its just one of those things that if I don’t have it in that moment, I can’t do it. Your moment will come and when it does, you too can have quick rapid replies from me, too.
4. This one seems important. Straight up, right now. I Do Not Roleplay For The Sole Intent Of Romance/Shipping. In the early days, just starting out? Yeah, sure. I didn’t know any better. Did anyone else? Probably not. Teenagers, hormones. All that shit. I’m older now, I’ve made better choices in that department. I want you to write a story with me. Go on adventures, get blown up, get kidnapped/ambushed, do mundane boring shit, watch me bounce a bullet off some random metal for a couple hits before it nails the target. Build a foundation with me, put each brick down. Occasionally cause some mischief. If something happens along the way, neat. If nothing happens, awesome. 
There is more to roleplay than just dicking each other down and shit. Cuz damn. 
ALSO, NOT TO STEAL THIS FROM RUFUS OR ANYTHING, BUT I TOTALLY STOLE THIS NEXT BIT FROM RUFUS BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS A REALLY GREAT IDEA TO DO. You know, after I wrote all that other stuff and was like, “Okay, where go from here?” Cuz I’m a dumbass. And I don’t want to just take what he wrote, but I’ll paraphrase it to hell and back at least. (But then I won’t because I can just TAG IT IN MINE so there’s that)
In case no one has clicked on it, a brief “Hey, just to make sure I covered my bases” explanation is here along with the current relationship list. I updated it before posting it here. Basically, the bits I’m stealing from Rufus’s post is the single ship thing. And the established thread interactions thing. Shits just gotta make sense, man. That’s all I’m saying.
I’m not saying no. I just want other things to happen before I consider it, okay?
5. AS YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE, I AM LONG WINDED AS FUCK. Honestly didn’t mean to be, but hey. A lot needed to be said and I had to say it. I only really have four things it would seem. #5 is just going to be used as some sort of final word, send off thing. Which is fine. It still pertains to roleplay related things.
So, so far you should have learned that I’m not intimidating despite whatever this clearly looks like. Please talk to me, plot with me, write with me. Send me random memes, random asks, tag me in shit. And really, that’s the only point I’m going to really drive home. Because it makes me sad knowing I’m losing out on potential partners and things because I’m seen as scary when I’m really not.
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Idol BTS! Doing a live together
Requested by @twiwwo
I hope you like it.... sorry for the delay. Took me long enough to complete this. Let's get it....
Kim Seokjin:
You pushed the door open with your hip while trying to balance the plates of food in your hand. Your boyfriend, Jin, wasn't feeling very good so you offered to take care of him. You narrowed your eyes when you saw him doing a live. A few minutes ago, he was lying in bed while complaining about how he was probably gonna die. Setting the food down, you sighed and turned to leave without a word when he grabbed your hand to stop you. "So my beloved Y/N is here and like I said she's gonna be joining me in today's EATJIN!" He announced as he pulled you to sit beside him. You gawked at him but you weren't really surprised. This was typical of him to do. And it wasn't like you hadn't joined his live before. You smiled and turned to the screen, greeting all the viewers. "So let's get to it then. Just a little warning though, Y/N's a terrible cook so if I seem a little out of it, please forgive me." He said, picking up the chopsticks, his comment making you gasp. "Excuse me?! You know what, I'm a terrible cook, right? Then maybe you should make your own food." You glared at him and placed your hands on your hips. Jin suppressed a smile from etching itself into his face. He absolutely loved teasing you. It was the most fascinating thing to him. But before he could snap back into reality, he saw you leaving the room with the food. He let out a small whine and grabbed the phone before chasing after you. The half of the live consisted of him convincing you that you made even better food than him and you wrapping up the live due to Jin falling asleep on camera.
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Kim Namjoon:
You stole a glance at Namjoon, who was busy doing a live about his new studio, while you tried to fix the figurine he had broken. Smiling, you shook your head and continued to join the broken pieces again. It made you really happy to see how content he looked when he talked on his lives. Getting deeply engrossed in putting together the last detached piece, you didn't notice that your boyfriend had now pointed the camera at you. Namjoon let out a low chuckle before mumbling 'cute' when he saw the way you, involuntarily, stuck your tongue out. You let out a squeal as soon as you fixed the figurine, before clamping a hand over your mouth. You looked at Namjoon to see him laughing while the live stream displayed everything you just did. "How long have you been recording me?" You whined and hid your face with your hands. Moving from the chair to the couch where you sat, Namjoon pulled your hands and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. He leaned his cheek against yours. "Everyone, say hi to this saviour beside me. She saves things from the danger of being damaged by me." He said, making you laugh. The comments were filled with how adorable both of you were. In an awful attempt to give you a hug, Namjoon let the phone slip from his hands. You both stared at the cracked screen while the fans wondered what caused the sudden disruption. "Not again..." You mumbled as you shut your eyes before walking out of the studio, leaving Namjoon to figure out how to deal with this.
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Min Yoongi:
Yoongi was doing a live while you baked cookies in the kitchen. Music was heard through the speaker placed on top of the counter. You started dancing while gathering all the ingredients in one place. Yoongi stood leaning on the counter while he showed his fans what you were up to. He let out a low laugh making you turn around immediately. You widened your eyes while he walked towards you. "This is what the person you all, so desperately, wanted to see was doing." He said to the live stream. You lightly hit his shoulder and went back to making your cookies. Yoongi placed the phone on the counter so that you both were visible. Soon the kitchen was a mess while both of you baked the cookies together. You mixed the ingredients while Yoongi handed them to you one by one. Finally, you put the cookies in the oven and sat down on the floor. Yoongi grabbed the phone and you both talked to the fans until the cookies finished baking. You took the tray out and tried to cool down one cookie. "Review time!" You grinned at the screen and took a bite. Instantly, you grimaced and stared at the cookie. "What is it?" Yoongi asked, taking the cookie from you and taking a bite. He coughed and made a face similar to yours. "I think I handed you the salt instead of the sugar." He concluded causing the fans to send millions of laughing emojis. Not wanting to waste the cookies, you both packed them nicely and decided to give them to the members. This live was by far the best live that you and Yoongi did. "The next live will be the reaction of the members to these awful cookies so stay tuned!" Yoongi announced, throwing up his signature gang signs, sending you into fits of laughter.
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Jung Hoseok:
Hoseok was doing his usual 'Hope on the street' practice. He told you that he needed a partner for this and you agreed to help him. What you didn't know was that he was going to live stream the practice. You suddenly didn't like this idea anymore, his fans had only seen you in photos but today they would see you on live and this made you nervous. "Y/N, I promise they're gonna love you!" Hoseok said while he held your hand. When the live started, you pretended that there was no one watching you. And soon enough, you were laughing hysterically as you danced with Hoseok. He was still teaching you the dance. When you two got tired, you proceeded to take a break. You answered a couple of fan questions before going back to dance. Hoseok was busy showing his adorable dimples when you screamed. The camera almost slipped out of his hands but he caught it on time. "What's wrong?" He asked, moving towards you while the comment section was filled with panic. You squealed and ran back to your boyfriend. "There's a freaking cockroach near the speakers." You said, covering your face with your hands. Trying to be brave in front of you, Hoseok gulped and walked towards the speakers. You watched him carefully, bugs creeped the hell out of you. Your eyes widened when Hoseok gasped and took quick steps back to you, stumbling in the process and falling flat on his face. "You didn't mention that it could fly!" He complained. The camera faced the ceiling before you picked it up while laughing. It was funny, how could you not laugh? The rest of the live, you and Hoseok sat in the corner of the practice room while calling someone to help get rid of the little creature. Everyone had a good laugh whenever they saw this live.
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Park Jimin:
"Please stay warm. It's really cold outside." Jimin said, looking at the camera while reading some of the comments. He stepped outside of his house and saw you kneeling on the ground. Making his way towards you, he turned the camera so that everyone watching the live could get a glimpse of what Jimin was so mesmerized with. Suddenly you jumped and let out a 'YAY' which made Jimin flinch a little. Only when he saw the smile on your face, he relaxed. You placed the head of the snowman on its body and stepped away to look at it properly. Not noticing your boyfriend, you scanned around for any rocks that you could use as the eyes. Jimin placed a finger on his lips and looked at the camera, taking slow steps closer to you. He bent down and grabbed a handful of snow, throwing it at you as you squealed on feeling the cool substance on your neck. You turned around to see Jimin laughing, narrowing your eyes at him. "Game on!" You yelled and gathered snow to throw it back at him. For the next hour, Jimin ran around with the phone while you chased him. The live was certainly entertaining as all the people watching were already separated into teams based on who they support. Getting tired, Jimin stopped running and faced you, seeing the huge lump of snow you held. As you swung your arm towards him, he ended up falling before the snow could even hit him. You gasped, not because your boyfriend fell but because he fell on the snowman you made. Rushing towards him, you moved aside the snow and took the phone to avoid any damage to it. "Look what he did!" You complained to watching armys. While you were busy being mad at Jimin, he pulled you to lay beside him on the cold snow. You pushed his hands away as he attempted to tickle you, the giggles falling from your mouth while the viewers got very interesting angles of your face, good enough to make new memes. Finally giving up, Jimin lay on top of you, his cheek next to yours. The fans gave very hearty reactions although there were some hateful comments. The live ended with the two of you going back inside the warmth of your house.
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Kim Taehyung:
You and Taehyung were the crazy but perfect couple. So here you were, in the middle of the night, ready to blast your favourite songs in a karaoke booth. Taehyung started a live on his phone and placed it in the corner of the room, making sure that both of you were visible. You had been in taehyung's lives before and the fans were very fond of you. You held the mic as Taehyung chose the song. You let out a loud laugh when you heard the beats to "I am the Best" by 2NE1. In a few minutes, the two of you were singing as if your life depended on it. As usual, Taehyung went into his karaoke mode which consisted of him dancing in the most hilarious ways possible. You moved closer to the phone to read some comments. One of the viewers enquired about taehyung's rainbow wig. You held taehyung's hand and pulled him to you while pointing at the comment. He narrowed his eyes and thought for a minute. Suddenly he gave his boxy grin and went away while you shrugged at the camera. Taehyung came back, sporting your green scarf on his head. "Not rainbow but it works!" He grinned, taking your hand and going to choose the next song. The live went on for a pretty long time and two of you didn't look like you were gonna stop anytime soon. After watching Taehyung rap to cypher, you decided it was probably enough for the night. You both gathered your things and left to go home but ended up getting distracted on the way by an arcade. Taehyung held the phone up and placed his other hand on your shoulder, dragging you into the arcade. "It ain't over yet!" He said, striking his signature V pose. The live went on as the viewers watched you both beat each other's scores in the colourful arcade until the sun rose on the horizon.
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Jeon Jungkook:
It was April fools day and Jungkook had been thinking of pranks to scare you. It had become a tradition and you had managed to come up with the best prank every single time. Jungkook sighed and started a live, regardless of whether he was gonna prank you or not. It had been a week since you and Jungkook had bought a car and you were currently out buying groceries. The bell rang, your arrival being announced by loud sobs coming from outside. Jungkook ran to the door and saw you crying, holding the steering wheel of the car in your hand. His expression was so hilarious, you really wanted to laugh. You dropped the steering wheel and hugged him, crying into his shirt. The fans were going berserk, they already figured this was a prank. "They sold us a fake car. I was pulling into the driveway when the steering wheel just came out, kook." You mumbled, sniffling to add more effect. Slowly Jungkook wrapped an arm around you, trying to understand how you managed to damage a new car. His eyes fell on the screen of the phone, reading a comment which stated that this was a prank for sure. He smiled evilly and pulled away from you. "If it's already broken then why not do it nicely?" He said, making you confused. He handed you the phone and went inside the house. "What is going on?" You asked the viewers. Before you could read the answers, Jungkook came back with a bat in his hand. He grabbed your hand and smiled at you, dragging you to the car. He raised the bat in his hand, ready to strike the windshield. "No, Jungkook! It was a prank!" You yelled and held his hand. At first, he gave you a serious glance but soon burst out laughing. You rolled your eyes. "You knew." You said, looking at the screen. Jungkook took the phone from you, still laughing. "I love you all!" He winked at the camera. You jumped on his back as he carried you inside the house. "There's always a next time." You shrugged, trying to look unbothered. Jungkook chuckled and set you on the couch, laying down on your stomach. A good half an hour later of conversing with the fans, you suddenly gasped. Pushing Jungkook off of you, you ran outside. Jungkook groaned, rubbing his elbow. "What happened?!" He yelled behind you. He heard the front door open as he stared at the live. "There was ice-cream in the grocery bag!" You answered, continuing your rescue mission while Jungkook shook his head and laughed.
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angelcatsiel · 4 years
I reblogged an ask game thing the other day but no one sent any asks so I just fuckin answered them all because I was bored and I am learning to not give a fuck what anyone thinks of me and it was fun
1. What is your favorite childhood story of yourself?
This is a hard one. I want to think of a funny one but my childhood wasn’t great. My dad has told me that when I was a toddler, before I can remember, he used to play AC/DC and I used to put clothes pegs in my hair for some unknown reason, stand on the sofa and violently headbang.
2. What is the stupidest way you have ever gotten hurt?
When I was about 11, I was swinging on a swing in the garden, and got curious about what would happen if I put my hands right at the very bottom of the chains while I was swinging. The answer was that I fell off backwards and hit my head. I went in to my dad crying, calmed down, and went back on the swing again. I tried to work out what exactly I had done to cause myself to fall off. I remember thinking, I think I held the chains near the bottom like this... and tested the theory, and fell off again, and hit my head again.
This is one of many stupid injuries. Other considerations were the time I climbed up a slide and hit my head on the bar at the top and knocked myself out, or the time I got kicked by a horse in a field and grabbed onto the electric fence to hold myself up.
3. What was the first PG-13 movie you watched?
Literally no idea.
4. What was the first R rated movie you watched?
I think it may have been the first Deadpool? Haven’t seen that many tbh
5. When was the moment you felt most badass?
When I was about 8, I was at the park with my brother, and this much older kid (maybe about 16 or 17, hardly a kid) with an aggressive dog stole my brother’s ice cream money. I marched up to him and demanded he give it back. He let his dog off the lead and it sniffed around my ankles and growled, and he told me it would bite me if I ran. I stood there and stared him down for a good 20 seconds or so before he called back the dog and walked away. I didn’t get the money back.
6. What is a band you can reliably always love?
Marillion. Favourite band, always.
7. What is your favorite form of self expression?
Probably singing even though I’m very bad at it.
8. What is something from your childhood you wish you still had?
My stuffed rabbit Hoppy. I haven’t been able to find him in several years. Can’t think about it too hard or I’ll cry.
9. Where is your favorite place on earth?
The Isle of Wight. My dad used to take me and my brother there for holidays every few years. It’s beautiful and full of memories, the most precious memories being the time we saved up vouchers in the newspaper to go the year after my dad left his abusive wife and ended up homeless. We were so poor but with the vouchers we could just afford to go, and it was the first time I saw my dad happy in a long time.
10. What is the longest friendship you have ever had?
My best friend @van-helsa124 who I have known since literally nursery and I love her so much.
11. Is there anyone is your life you wish you had met sooner than you did?
Maybe my friend Luce who I only met a couple of years ago, but we’ve grown close pretty quick.
12. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yep definitely. Pretty sure I was visited by my gran after she died and I’ve had a few creepy experiences.
13. What is the coldest water you have ever swam in?
No idea tbh, I don’t swim much
14. How old were you when you learned how to swim?
Maybe 8 or 9? I had lessons in primary school.
15.  What song do you listen to when you’re sad?
Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift. It’s my cry song.
16. Are you an adrenaline junky?
Yep! Love roller coasters and stuff like that, and would love to do something extreme like jump out of a plane or something.
17. What is a song that takes you back to childhood?
I have a few but the main ones are probably Man on the Moon by REM, and You Were Right by Badly Drawn Boy.
18. What is your favorite word?
Not sure I have one. For some reason the only one coming to mind is a place not too far from where my family live called Biggleswade, and I have to say it every time we drive past because I love saying it. I also love saying tiddies at every opportunity.
19. What is your least favorite word?
Don’t think I have a least favourite either, the usual infamous ones (e.g. moist) don’t really bother me.
20. What scent reminds you of childhood?
Cherryade. I drank some several years ago and the smell before I tasted it transported me immediately back to my childhood and a memory I’d completely forgotten, which was my gran constantly buying me a shit ton of cherryade every time I stayed over her house.
21. Were you sad when you found out clouds weren’t like pillows, or did you never think that?
I don’t think I was sad, I think I was just curious and interested to learn, and I tried to come up with new interesting ways of describing the feeling of clouds in my head, since even as a kid I loved to write.
22. When in life did you laugh the hardest?
A few times come to mind and they all involve @van-helsa124. A lot would make absolutely no sense, no matter how much I tried to explain. They’re now ‘friendship memes’. The only one that might be explainable is the first time we ever got drunk, to celebrate achieving ultimate friendship, after we found out that her mum had believed me and her were in a relationship for a year and a half. We even created our own drink, named the year and a half, which was literally just a mix of vodka, koppaberg, rose wine and cloudy lemonade. Tasted better than it sounds. Got me drunk in about 0.5 seconds. Ended the night hugging her trash can trying not to throw up while she read me a destiel fanfic to take my mind off feeling sick
23. What makes you laugh when you don’t feel like laughing?
Old yogscast videos.
24. Do you come from a big family?
Fairly big, lots of aunts and uncles and cousins.
25. What is your favorite part of yourself?
My positivity and the inner strength that I have, that helps me find happiness and courage even when my mental health is low.
26. What is the worst pain you have ever felt?
Trigeminal neuralgia pain (facial nerve pain). Spent 90% of January this year constantly crying and even screaming in pain. Hospital couldn’t do anything for me. I get occasional flare ups now but nothing that severe, but it’s probably going to come back. Feels like someone trying to rip out my cheekbone and jawbone or like someone is literally drilling into the bones in my face, and that’s the milder part. Every so often that pain is interrupted by stabs of sharper pain like electric shocks which have caused me to collapse to the floor screaming. 0/10 do not recommend
27. Do you swear often?
Not super often out loud but very often in my head.
28. Do you get confused for being older or younger than you are?
People always assume I’m younger than I am. I get asked for ID for everything.
29. What is your favorite way to eat a potato?
Probably roast potatoes, but they’ve gotta be done right. Soft inside, crispy outside, and obviously with herbs and spices.
30. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
Honestly no idea.
31. Describe yourself in 6 words?
Slightly unstable yet somehow happy weirdo
32. What is the worst insult you have ever received?
Can’t think of any major insults either lmao no one talks to me apparently
33. Have you ever taken in any media that changed your life?
The Good Place and Supernatural. With supernatural it wasn’t the actual show so much as the friendships it made me and the confidence and happiness the conventions gave me, at a time when my mental health was at its worst, although the show helped massively too. Idc if it’s cringey, it kept me alive. The Good Place changed my entire worldview and actually made me less afraid of death.
34. Have you ever collected anything?
My model horses! I have at least 10 at this point
35. Strangest thing you have ever broken?
As in bones or objects? Can’t think of any objects and the only time I ever broke a bone was when I broke my toe at like 12:01am on new year’s day when I got up to pour myself another drink and tripped over the table
36. Weirdest food you have ever eaten?
I’m not that adventurous with food so nothing that weird
37. Childhood nickname?
My dad would call me Flo. Not sure why.
38. Most people you have shared a bed with in a non sexual manner?
Two. Shared a bed with my best friend and my other friend Josh, once at a convention, once at Josh’s birthday. Birthday one is a bit blurry as I was drunk but at the convention I got to be in the middle and spooned Josh while my best friend spooned me and it was very cosy
39. What is something that makes you fall asleep?
The Marillion song Angelina, or this one ASMR video that’s supposed to be the sound of being in the Impala with the Winchesters. Laugh all you want, I like it.
40. Did your parents ever accidentally lose or forget you?
No but my teacher did once, can’t remember the context, I think she had to drive me and some other girls somewhere for some club event and when we got back to the school she forgot me in the car because I was so quiet lmao
41. If you were a superhero what would your weakness be?
I would be a terrible superhero and have many weaknesses. Loud noises would immediately put me out of action. Someone makes eye contact with me and I disintegrate immediately
42. What food reminds you of home?
Tuna pasta! With this one specific sauce that my mum used to make it with
43. What is your comfort food?
Probably also that tuna pasta. And chocolate. A shit ton of chocolate.
44. Cold room with lots of blankets or hot room with no blankets?
Cold room with lots of blankets, no question.
45. No shoes without socks or no shoes with socks?
No shoes without socks
46. Do you run hot your cold?
I am presuming this means ‘do you run hot or cold’ and the answer is, usually, both simultaneously. My body has no idea what temperature regulation is. Catch me out for a walk in short sleeves in the snow, sweating profusely while violently shivering bc I’m feeling extremely hot internally but my skin is freezing (and yes, I have actually done this). Do I have some sort of legit medical issue? No one knows, least of all my doctors!
47. Favorite condiment?
Probably ketchup. Though I also love garlic dip. Does that count as a condiment?
48. What utensil do you use the most?
Probably my tongs for turning chicken and stuff
49. When are you most comfortable?
Any time I’m home alone, just doing my own thing
50. If you could be really good at one thing, what would it be?
Singing! I would love to be an amazing singer but sadly I am a terrible singer though I do practice every day in the vain hope that maybe my voice will improve. If the neighbours could hear me they would have killed me by now
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langwrites · 5 years
Lang Plays Fire Emblem: Three Houses
So a while ago I said I was planning on playing the story routes in this order: Blue Lions, Black Eagles, Church of Seiros, and then Golden Deer.
The Golden Deer made a liar out of me.
So, here’s an approximation of What Happened During Verdant Wind.
So many spoilers below the cut, you guys. I do a lot of route comparisons.
Okay, I’ve been staring at the “which house do you want” selection screen for an embarrassing amount of time.
This shouldn’t be hard. I had a plan.
But no.
I clicked the Golden Deer, just like that. What the fuck, Claude. I blame you.
Immediately upon talking to this rop of students again, I can feel the difference in the social group from what the Lions were like. The latter were really a bunch of noble kids around their prince, and they felt really tight-knit. Classic Fire Emblem starter crew.
The Golden Deer is the fucking Scooby Gang.
First impressions of individuals:
Raphael, thank goodness, is the one character who absolutely has his shit in order. Sure, he’s bad at book work and thinks everything comes down to MUSCLES, but all of his emotional issues are handled by the time he arrives at Garreg Mach. He’s the brightest of sunshines.
Ignatz needs some more confidence in his art, and also I want to see his painting of Seiros. Now, if only both of his offensive stats and growths weren’t incredibly bad.
I was so close to making him my dancer. Just because he sure as hell wasn’t gonna be useful anywhere else.
Lorenz! I don’t like him. His haircut is a monstrosity.
Leonie! We are going. To be. Besties. Even though the timing of your support conversations are incredibly bad.
Marianne no please don’t be sad everyone loves you
Hilda is the greatest enabler I have ever seen. By which I mean she enables other people to do all her work for her.
Lysithea is going to have the last word with God. And especially he Death Knight.
And finally Claude! Teamwork makes the dream work, so obviously meme work does the same.
I’m sorry.
Mock battle! Marianne’s great and I love her and also the only healer oh god.
OKAY. I have access to New Game+ bonuses. What do I do first?
Immediately crank the Professor Level stat to max to avoid ever having to run short of activity points again.
Next, raise all skills I can’t easily get to at least Rank D+. HEAVY ARMOR IN PARTICULAR.
Third: Boost supports with people whose support ranks are an absolute pain in the ass to earn. Lookin’ at you, Rhea.
Also, put glasses on Byleth (named “Yuri” for this playthrough). Glasses are the bomb. I am the evil genius.
It’s a lot harder with Blacksmith access being story-locked, but I can do this!
As a direct result, every single battle after this point is a complete curbstomp in my favor. Because the grind don’t stop.
I broke a lot more weapons than last time, though.
I will befriend Leonie and Ferdinand if it’s the last fucking thing I do. I will befriend everyone, and I will not get timeskip-locked out of supports! >:(
Ferdinand was my first recruit. Oh dear.
Okay, there are like five born cavaliers in this game. Leonie, Ferdinand, Lorenz, Sylvain, and I guess Dimitri if you’re on the right route.
Last time, Sylvain was a great paladin and a decent Dark Knight before he started getting one- or two-stat level ups for like thirty levels. Similarly, Dimitri was great until all his ultra-secret-awesome promotions didn’t use a fucking horse.
Contrast Leonie who, despite sitting out 99% of the game out of spite from me getting locked out of her support chain, went to endgame with a ten-level deficit and still rocked.
Ferdinand didn’t count since I failed to recruit him last time and he died. These two facts are directly related.
I didn’t use Lorenz at all; I recruited him to keep from having to kill him later.
This time, Lorenz straight-up sucks, Sylvain did the terrible level dance for like the entire game, and Dimitri’s not recruitable.
Contrast, again, Leonie. Her support chain with the player character is hot garbage, but she plowed through most of the game as a mainstay of my team and made it to Bow Knight first out of anyone.
Bernadetta and Ashe as Bow Knights don’t even come close to being as durable as she is, except for Ashe’s absolutely bananas Resistance. 29?! WHY?!
And Ferdinand is also awesome. His only real weak point is Resistance, but he doesn’t need it. He dodge-tanks everything, is faster than Leonie, and has two Saints’ relics he unknowingly stole from Seteth.
He still talks in MLA format, though.
I started putting off recruiting people so I wouldn’t have to level-grind them up to par with the rest of my team.
But if these people wanna join, of course I’m saying yes.
Lord Lonato’s rebellion and Miklan yoinking the Lance of Ruin feel way less relevant on a Golden Deer playthrough than on a Blue Lions one. None of the Herd really know who the hell these people are.
I say that despite having already recruited Sylvain for this playthrough and deploying him in the relevant level. He wasn’t treated as there by the game’s preamble cutscenes.
At least the Holy Mausoleum stuff feels more...handled? Claude actually asks questions about rebellion and about the “assassination plot,” where Dimitri didn’t really.
OKAY SO there’s this whole plot thing where Flayn goes missing for a month. With the Blue Lions, this is handled like a manhunt. Dimitri’s seriousness about the issue rubs off on everyone except Sylvain, and Felix actually correctly identifies the culprit almost instantly. He doesn’t know he’s done it, though, because basically everyone is just throwing out accusations. Manuela is the real MVP.
CONTRAST THE DEER. The very first meeting reads like a Scooby Doo episode, when they’re piling up clues and throwing out suggestions like the gang of goofball teenagers they are. Claude’s got this group running like Persona 4′s Investigation Team. None of them are jaded or frantic, they’re just doing this.
Why did Rhea entrust the investigation to a herd of teenagers.
Anyway, the rest proceeds as usual.
I don’t know why the game tries to drop the same set of hints for each route. “OoooowoooooOOOOoooo, your house leader might be the FLAME EMPEROR.”
The Flame Emperor wears heels. And is still too short to be either Claude or Dimitri. Especially Dimitri. Who the fuck let this kid get so tall.
The only real result of all this bullshit is that my wyvern-riding sniper of doom is not available during the first map where Yuri personally beat the Death Knight into the ground.
Which, by the by, was hilariously cathartic.
It doesn’t exactly matter, since the only unit who can make real use of the Dark Mage and Dark Bishop classes is unrecruitable, but bragging rights.
Remire Village’s drama is about as bad while playing as the Golden Deer. One of the foreshadowing cutscenes, though is excellent:
Claude actually finds a book that depicts The Immaculate One before its debut, only to have it confiscated by Seteth and learn that it wasn’t a library book at all; it belonged to “Tomas.” Like, all of his suspicions--which he shares with the player--start lining up. Censorship! Monsters! Sword of the Creator! What the hell is going on here??
Dimitri’s version of the cutscene involves him being caught investigating Lord Arundel by the player and Sothis. Which--since his route doesn’t meaningfully deal with the Morlocks faction aside from steamrolling them as incidental opponents--seems kinda useless.
Kicked the Death Knight into submission again out of spite.
Sylvain was useful! Mostly because I had him sit there and distract the incidentals while Claude and Lysithea cleaned house, but still!
Claude is the only lord character who seems to understand that the transforming Morlock faction probably needs to be taken more seriously. For the remainder of Part One, no one does so.
Rhea you’ve got some ‘splainin to do.
Marianne’s my team’s dancer this time. She’s a sweetheart. She seemed happy to be asked and to pursue the lessons, and being able to use Physic is a good trait in someone who’s nearly always going to be waaaaay behind the rest of the group.
Dad-stabbing happened.
Boop boop Solon’s dead.
Dear diary: I learned the definition of irony and set the Flame Emperor on fire.
I kid.
But Claude took her out in one completely overpowered shot, because crits are a thing, Flame Emperor class skills don’t reduce damage enough to survive it, and his Dex stat is through the fucking roof. And he was on a wyvern at the time because fuck it, why not.
Claude’s reaction to all of this is a minor letdown compared to the fully-rendered cutscene in the last route.
This would become something of a trend--taking out OP bosses with unexpected critical hits.
I didn’t expect to like Lorenz and now I do. How.
This is hilarious simply because he seems to be the only character that Mercedes hates. What the fuck, man.
Once again, Edelgard invades! Once again, I drop someone unexpected on her head!
Not really. It was Yuri.
Yuri does the timeskip shuffle and we’ll see everyone again after a nap.
Aw, Claude was waiting for Yuri to show up. Adorable.
The post-meetup fight is actually harder than it was in the BL route, despite excessive level-grinding. This is due to three factors:
Claude is automatically on a wyvern, meaning that he has inherent class vulnerability to archers on a map with at least five of them. And less range than they did, for some fucking reason.
Lorenz and Ignatz started out on the same corner of the map and both of them are shitty offensive units who could barely kill a mage between them. (Neither of Ignatz’s offensive stats cracked 20 for another thirteen levels.)
I don’t have Ashe and his personal skill Locktouch, and nobody started with a Chest Key or Door Key, which meant I had to keep various enemies alive long enough to steal all of their stuff. And the enemy item drops came up one short of the number of chests on the map. I want my stuff, dammit.
Randolph, as a boss in Verdant Wind, did not get any better at figuring out when he’s outmatched. Therefore, I killed him with Raphael again.
At least he straight-up died this time.
Claude didn’t even get to set the damn place on fire.
Ingrid is turning out to be way better of a unit this time than she was last time. She’s a little slower, but a lot stronger.
Iiiiiiiiit’s JUDITH!
She only shows up on one map in the entire Azure Moon route, and that’s a damn shame. She’s so cool in Verdant Wind.
A lord-class character who isn’t also a Lord! WOO!
Also her spies are better than anybody’s apparently.
I am choosing to believe that because Ingrid’s family is related to Judith’s, her badassery in this route is the direct result of meeting her distant cousin and absorbing badass radiation.
There’s something funny about having to pull one over on Lorenz’s dad to get anything done. The Great Bridge falls not to power, but Claude baiting Count Gloucester’s entire army to be somewhere else. (FEAR THE DEER.)
As a result, Ladislava dies alone. (As opposed to taking Ferdinand with her due to plot shenanigans.)
Lysithea and Ferdinand’s paralogue was really quite sad, for all that the only named guy who died was deeply unsympathetic. Ferdinand’s dad was an asshole, but he wasn’t the asshole for this particular scenario, and now both of his parents are gone. :(
Felix...hasn’t heard from his dad in a while. Worrying.
Oh, and Caspar’s uncle is still dead, in case we were keeping track of that.
Dorothea’s happier with Ferdinand alive. She did an impression of the Gatekeeper. :3
Gronder Field! FUCK.
I delayed playing this chapter for two solid days because I already knew what was gonna happen. Specifically: Edelgard gets injured and evacuated, and Dimitri drops of exhaustion just in time to get run through like ten times by the Emperor’s rearguard.
I eventually got my shit together enough to do the thing.
Marianne, Raphael, and Ferdinand went after the Kingdom army first. Leonie and Felix hung back and then reinforced them after taking out the archer on the central hill.
Claude killed everyone in the center of the map, which meant Edelgard set the entire hill on fire and if Bernadetta had not been recruited she would’ve burned to death there on the spot.
I sent Yuri to clear the entire left side of the map by herself.
She succeeded.
Raphael KO’d Dimitri with a luck Gauntlet crit, got blasted down to half health by a Warlock, then plunked ineffectually at Dedue until Marianne used her Levin Sword to sort him out.
Ferdinand killed everyone else on that side of the map.
Claude once again got the kill on Edelgard with a lucky crit, after Yuri had killed everyone else (up to and including the Demonic Beasts) single-handedly.
And then the plot moved on. Hilda’s account of Dimitri’s death was awful, Dedue’s reaction was worse, and off we go to punch Edelgard’s teeth in.
Annette’s dad is probably dead now.
Felix’s, too.
No matter how many times I think about it, Claude’s Almyran army reinforcements only make so much sense. How the hell and fuck did he manage to sneak an entire foreign army across a whole country to help with one battle?
But hey, they’re here, and Claude almost admitted the reason why he could do that. And the arrow greeting between him and Nader was cool.
(Spoiler: On top of being the Alliance’s leader, he’s also the crown prince of Almyra!)
The Death Knight had the gall to run from my army.
Yuri punched his ticket for the third time, which was not the charm.
And then Fort Merceus took an intercontinental ballistic missile and suddenly defeating the fort’s garrison feels a lot less triumphant.
Spot the miscolored eyes in this cutscene!
Welp. Fuck it, we’re off to Enbarr. Time to also punch Hubert this time! What a change of pace.
Eyyy, it’s the Enbarr map. I totally forgot to bring Seteth and Flayn along to check out the opera house, despite a whole bunch of characters talking about how they totally wanted to check that place out at some point. No room for deadweights in a map that has SO MANY ARCHERS.
Managed to get the special dialogue between Ferdinand and Hubert, and now I’m sad again.
Killed Hubert with Claude.
And because this is a two-part map, we immediately run off to chase down Edelgard. Due to the player army not doing a really weird 180 in the middle of the plot to kick Cornelia out of Fhirdiad, she didn’t have time to turn into a giant demonic thing! She just has WAY TOO MANY MAGES.
Strategy: Forget what Door Keys are, split the team by Avoid rating, and go to town.
Claude nearly died thanks to a critical mass of Gremories and Mortal Savants (and still, what the fuck is that name), but Dedue-as-guest-character didn’t, so I count that as a win! His defense was so high that the Giant Demonic Beast couldn’t even scratch him.
Claude, Petra, and Ingrid all having Alert Stance as a skill means dodge-tanking is hilariously easy.
Also, Ingrid was supposed to just take a chunk out of Edelgard’s HP bar for the final assault and ended up crit-killing her on the first attack. With a bog-standard silver lance.
Weird as the situation turned out, I guess that means one of Dimitri’s friends really did avenge him after saying they would. Even if Dedue was the only one who had a special cutscene about it.
We rescued Rhea! And the characters being happy about it doesn’t mean I’m happy about it. I want answers, same as Claude, and being forced to RP Yuri being oh so worried about Rhea’s safety felt incredibly disingenuous.
Claude actually yells at her over the “...” she seems to think is an explanation. THE TIME FOR SECRETS IS PAST.
Incidentally, this is why I didn’t end up playing Edelgard’s route as planned. Her logic for kicking two other sovereign countries in the balls felt incredibly self-centered.
At least Catherine’s happy. Same with Alois and the rest of the Church crew.
They are soon going to be not as happy.
I’m filling out the ENTIRE support log before endgame. I have absolutely no idea what characters are going to end up together as a direct result.
The last conversation? Seteth and Manuela’s A+ support!
Because so many of the support conversations are romantic at A/A+ level, I guess we’ve managed to turn this ragtag army into a polyarmory.
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Oh boy, Thales sure is a sore loser.
I say, as though I didn’t kill EVERYONE he knew over the course of an hour and also split his skull open under Seteth’s axe. His racism would have keeled his ass over before death set in.
That sure is a ICBM.
Claude, your route is batshit. What is this genre anymore?!
I wanna point out that, despite seeing Rhea/Seiros do the dragon thing, the player character never told Claude what the fuck that was about. I feel like one of the first things I would have done after the class reunion would be going, “By the by, did anyone else notice the fucking dragon?!”  WHO IS ALSO THE POPE???
ANYWAY. Looooong-overdue exposition time!
I notice that Rhea didn’t out Seteth or Flayn, which was nice of her.
Claude, she can turn into a fucking dragon. I don’t think immortality is that far from being plausible.
Uuuuuuugh fine, fuck everything, I’m putting your head on a pike.
The frantic music is not helping.
Time to kill a bandit king.
“My flabber is completely gasted by now.” Okay, that made me laugh.
Nemesis’s boss mechanic is pretty neat. To kill him at all, you need to kill all of the minibosses in the level and take down his friendship-based-plot-armor.
Or it would be, if I didn’t already make a habit of steamrolling everyone else on the field before tackling the boss at the end.
Cutscene lesson: “Fuck honor duels.” It’s time for CHAIN SWORD LIMBO.
Claude, your bow shoots LASERS. SINCE WHEN.
Also getting kicked across the field by a dude twice his size didn’t seem to actually affect his mood much.
Awww, Yuri smiles now. Adorable. :D
Pairings: Yuri/Sothis (mostly to get them out of the way and see what everyone else would do), Claude/Petra, Raphael/Marianne, Catherine/Shamir, Lorenz/Mercedes, Ashe/Annette, Felix/Sylvain (bad end; the former straight up disappears), Seteth & Flayn wander off, Manuela/Dorothea, Lysithea/Linhardt (again), Leonie/Ignatz, Ferdinand/Bernadetta, Caspar/Hilda, and a couple of people are alone. Cyril gets to actually be a student after the story’s done, though!
Whew, that was fun. Gonna mix up the pairs a bit next time I play through the endgame and see what happens.
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tragictm · 6 years
❝ I love you, will you marry me? ❞ lewis @ cam :)
「 meme  |  @reluctantseer 」
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ITS  AN  AVERAGE  DAY,  at  least  as  far  as  you’re  aware.  or  more,  it’s  an  average  night.  the  sun  has  long  set  and  the  two  of  you  are  strolling  the  streets,  not  a  care  in  the  world,  like  everything’s  normal.  like  you’re  normal.  the  two  of  you  know  better,  steer  clear  of  churches  and  keep  away  from  any  place  that  has  any  chance  of  garlic.  you  don’t  dare  risk  ruining  this.
YOUR  NIGHT  HAD  STARTED  IN  THE  CEMETERY,  your  old  grave  now  hidden  amongst  overgrown  grass,  surrounded  by  bodies  that  would  never  get  the  chance  to  see  life  once  more.  it  had  been  something  about  closure,  your  big  plan  to  leave  the  trauma  behind.  but  that  isn’t  how  trauma  works,  and  it  certainly  isn’t  so  simple  for  you  to  rid  yourself  of  pain.  lou  had  put  down  flowers,  pink  carnations  to  represent  remembrance  and  white  carnations  for  pure  love  and  innocence.  perhaps  less  meaningful  considering  he’d  bought  them  from  your  store  earlier,  but  that’s  just  how  things  are.  funny  that  at  the  time  you  hadn’t  noticed  him  grab  some  red  roses.
THE  NIGHT  IS  COLD,  but  every  second  you  spend  together  is  full  of  warmth.  love  strong  enough  to  brace  the  harshest  weather,  love  strong  enough  to  conquer  death.  you  still  remember  it  all,  climbing  out  of  that  grave  and  wanting  nothing  but  him.  there  was  chaos  when  you  found  him,  his  disbelief  at  both  your  death  and  your  life,  but  once  he’d  reluctantly  made  sense  of  it  all  things  had  so  easily  become  more  real.  feelings  once  hidden  were  openly  shared,  contact  once  avoided  now  sought  after.  the  two  of  you  had  always  been  an  unstoppable  force,  but  after  you  died  your  relationship  only  grew  stronger.
YOU  CANT  PRETEND  IT  WAS  ALL  SMOOTH  SAILING,  there  were  countless  stupid  fights  and  long  forgotten  insults  yelled  in  fear.  those  nights  where  you’d  sit  alone  in  your  room,  desperate  to  speak  but  knowing  that  he  didn’t  think  the  same,  knowing  that  he  was  asleep  without  care.  countless  days  where  you’d  hide  in  a  room  as  dark  as  your  mind  while  he  was  forced  to  deal  with  his  demons  in  the  sunlight.  apologies  rarely  came  in  lengthy  explanations,  simply  nights  spent  together  in  a  bed  with  whispers  about  being  together  forever,  about  never  being  alone.  you  always  believed  it,  and  yet  you  never  expected  a  real  commitment.
YOU’RE  AT  THE  PARK  WHEN  HE  GETS  ON  ONE  KNEE,  the  school  where  you’d  met  being  the  touching  backdrop  to  the  moment.  somehow  the  place  feels  eerie  now,  far  smaller  than  you’d  ever  believed  yet  somehow  a  giant  pit  of  mysterious  darkness.  along  the  fence  fairy  lights  twinkle  like  stars  and  the  wind  blows  just  enough  for  his  hair  to  sweep  the  way  you  like  it.  roses  from  your  store  stare  you  in  the  face,  an  eyebrow  raised  as  you  resist  the  urge  to  tell  him  he  stole  those.  it  isn’t  until  he’s  really  down  on  one  knee,  really  pulling  the  ring  out,  that  the  situation  set  in.
BUT  OF  COURSE  THAT  WAS  WHAT  WAS  HAPPENING,  the  two  of  you  had  taken  a  stroll  down  memory  lane  in  a  way  you  never  do.  from  your  death  to  your  high  school  to  where  it  all  began,  the  whole  trip  had  led  to  this  moment.  tears  begin  to  brim  as  he  speaks,  head  shaking  slightly  in  confusion.  surely  this  isn’t  happening?  you’ve  always  dreamed  of  it,  but  you  learned  a  long  time  ago  that  its  only  ever  the  nightmares  that  come  true.
IT  FEELS  AS  THOUGH  YOUR  HEART  STOPS  IN  THE  MOMENT,  your  brain  ignoring  the  fact  that  it  stopped  a  long  time  ago.  he  wants  to  spend  the  rest  of  his  life  with  you,  and  of  course  you  want  the  same,  but  the  thought  that  hits  you  puts  a  sudden  halt  to  the  excitement.  "but  you’re  going  to  get  old,  and  you’re  going  to  die.“  and  that  is  how  it  goes,  and  that’s  something  you  want  to  share  with  him,  but  that’s  something  you’ll  never  know.  "I  want  to  spend  forever  with  you,  this  is  a  yes.”  spoken  quickly  as  you  take  his  hands,  lowering  to  your  knees  yourself.  "but  it’s  only  a  yes  if  you’re  sure  you  want  this.  if  you’re  sure  you’re  okay  with  getting  old  while  I  stay  like  this,  as  long  as  you’re  okay  with  there  eventually  being  a  whole  world  between  us.“
AND  THEN  YOU  HAVE  ANOTHER  THOUGHT.  a  worse  thought.  "unless..”  something  you’re  sure  you  know  the  answer  to,  something  that  has  come  up  more  than  once.  "unless  you  want  our  forever,  your  forever,  to  really  be…  forever.“
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broken [connor m. x reader]
like what i do? consider buying me a coffee
theres times where we need a little break. where we need to stop and let the world pass by without interfering for a bit. sometimes we just need a time to sit back and think and feel and breathe and just remember im human im human im human and i can be angry or upset or anxious or anything. that im more than what ive gone through, that im more than what some people see me, that its not all stupid. because it makes me feel. because im human. i can feel i can feel i can feel.
this is one of those times.
i’ll try to write happier shit sometime.
warnings: uhhh its a lot of depression shit. it’s also mentioned abt how reader wanted to kill themself but it’s basically just a thrown off line of “i want to die” and doesn’t go farther than that.
           There’s a difference in you that only Connor was able to see. It’s hard to see, otherwise someone else would have picked up on it sooner, but the moment that realization flickered in Connor’s eyes, everything was clear. The way your smile had become plastered on, the spark in your eyes gone; the way you sort of stop putting forth the effort to keep up, your stride becoming slower and your mind wandering away from conversations; the way you just seemed so fucking lost in your own thoughts, sort of drifting away from him and from everyone around you. He watched as your motivation slipped while you were lying beside him, a little blinking line static in position as you knew you had an essay to work on and you knew you had to makeup work from your math class and you knew you had physics to catch up on but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it. And he knew. He knew how it felt, he had an idea of what you were going through, he just knew but he didn’t know how to help you. He didn’t know how to reach out to you and to tell you how he knew what you were going through, he knew how you felt, and that he’s there. So he reached out, his hand taking yours as you snapped back to reality, realizing how distant you’d grown, and he just holds your hand. His hand was cold. His hands were always so fucking cold but you couldn’t complain. His hands were nice and they always made you realize when you were starting to mentally drift away. The cold always grounded you when you needed it to, and Connor was good for that.
          When your eyes met his, he wasn’t sure what to say. He was sort of left with the pit of nerves biting at his stomach, tearing him apart as he just didn’t know how to help you. He didn’t know the words to say, the things to do - anything that could bring back the stars in your eyes. So he just sat there, his hand holding yours, the sound of silence shared between the two of you. You wanted to speak. You wanted to say something, anything, to get rid of that awful silence because it was starting to weigh down on you, to bite and bark at the back of your mind as you felt thoughts wash upon the shore, threatening to pull you under again. Not there. Not with Connor there. Connor shouldn’t have to see you like this - no one should, really. But he tightened his grip around your hand slightly, the smallest squeeze to remind you that he’s there and you’re there and you’re real and breathing and you’re there.
          You ended up closing your laptop and folding into Connor’s arms, shutting your eyes and holding on tight as he just sits there, stiff underneath your touch. He didn’t expect that. But your pressed against him, face buried in his neck and arms tightly wound around him, and he just sort of sat there, before gently wrapping his arms around you. He felt slightly awkward, but he sat there without a word and held you as he felt your hot breath against his neck. Were you going to cry? He wasn’t sure - he kinda hoped not, because he wasn’t good with crying people ever, but if it helped you... then he’d let you cry, and maybe offer up a tissue or something when you moved away from him. But you didn’t move away - at least, not for a while. For what felt like eternity, Connor sat there, you in his arms, simply being and breathing and just existing in the same space. Maybe that’s what you had needed - someone there, even if you couldn’t explain anything away, because you couldn’t. You didn’t know why feelings hit you, but they did, and they hit hard. 
          You finally tore away from Connor when you heard the familiar footsteps of his mother coming up the stairs. She knocked in her usual beat - a happy one-two-three - before calling out Connor’s name. He stole a quick glance at you, before she came in moments later. You always liked Connor’s mother - or, well, his parents in general. Connor always swore they were different when you weren’t there, but Zoe told you about the past and how Connor’s changed over time and how they’re getting better. Maybe it was because you were there. You doubted it, but you couldn’t lie about the fact you sort of liked the idea that Connor might have tried to make a change now that you were in his life. Cynthia had smiled at you, face lighting up to discover you were still here because often you were gone before she or Larry got home from work.
          “Oh! [y/n],” she sort of hummed, “I didn’t know you were still here.” 
          “Yeah,” you said, “time got away from me,” you shrugged, “I should go-”
          “Are you sure? You could stay for dinner, if your parents were okay with it,” she said, “Connor likes having you around.”
          You felt like a kid again, looking to Connor who avoided your gaze. You reached for your phone in your pocket, “I... could ask, I guess. They probably don’t care,” you said.
          She lit up immediately, and suddenly, you just couldn’t remember the last time you stayed for dinner or spent the night at the Murphy household. Had it really been that long? You weren’t really sure. Your memory was foggy of what you did yesterday, let alone the last time you stayed with Connor. Maybe that was a few weeks ago, or maybe a month or two, or maybe longer. Fuck, you really wished you could remember, but you just couldn’t and it was starting to frustrate you. Did it piss Connor off too? That you barely remember the things that happened yesterday, or what kind of ice cream you had that Monday when you were with him and Zoe and a couple of your friends, or even the things you ate for lunch the day before? Probably - but if it did, you’d never know. Connor Murphy was a fucking enigma to you sometimes, and you knew him pretty damn well.
          His mom rattled off a couple things - dinner plans, mentioning your favorite meal because moms apparently just had that knowledge tucked away, how Zoe would be happy that you’re there, how Larry would be happy since you were always a sweet kid to have around. She finally left you and Connor after making a comment about how she’d to see what they still needed for dinner and how happy she was that you were there. Connor’s cold fingers grazed your hand, and you look back to him.
          “Sorry.” He said, eyes flickering from you to toward the door, “she, uh... likes having you here.”
          “I can tell.” You paused, before the smallest smile plucked at the corners of your lips, “but you, Connor? I thought you only kept me around to cheat of of,” you nudged him.
          “Shut up.” He averted his gaze and suppressed his smile as he shifted, pressing his back against the headboard of his bed.
          “Next you’ll be asking for me to spend the night again,” you sort of laughed - but... you actually wouldn’t mind staying with Connor. You liked having Connor around.
          “Well...” He started. Your eyes meet. He sort of shrugged, “if you want-”
          “Yeah. Sure. Why not? I think your cat misses me.”
          He smiled a little, gently nudging your side. You liked gentle Connor, who understood things and listened because he wanted to get better. The Connor who was getting better at last because someone who had experience talked to his parents about how to help a troubled teen like him. At first you thought Connor only hung around you because your dad had talked to Larry one day after seeing Connor and seeing himself in him and seeing his brother in him, seeing the frustrated that had etched into Larry’s features when Connor openly disrespected him in front of his coworkers and made a angry comment about how he never fucking cared anyway before storming off. You thought that he felt like he owed it to your dad to be your friend, or maybe that he was using you as a way to talk to your dad and thank him for helping him. And at first, he kind of was. He never thought you’d actually keep talking to him, texting him to remember his meds, texting him dumb pictures of cats and dogs and dumb memes that made him crack the smallest smiles.
         Dinner with the Murphys was nice. Sure, sometimes there’d be an awkward tension as Connor kept his temper under control, biting back words and drumming his fingers against his leg as he counted under his breath while Cynthia changed the conversation topic to things that were more pleasant. But Zoe talked to you, glad that you were there because “Connor was always better when you were here” for some reason. You plastered on a smile, threw yourself into conversation, and acted as if everything was fine and as if there wasn’t a hole in your chest squeezing every pleasant emotions out of you and turning your blood cold. Connor caught your eyes. You still were hurting. You still looked barely holding together, and maybe that’s because you were. At least someone noticed - even if you didn’t know he did.
         But you realized it once Connor caught you outside at three in the morning, dressed in his shirt and sweatpants because you hadn’t brought anything to change into, crying. You went to stand, to pull yourself together, to stop crying and apologize for it. But he stopped you, slinking down into the spot next to you without a word. You tried to regain control over yourself.
        “I’m here.”
        And you broke. Threads came undone as you started bawling again, curling into yourself as Connor wrapped an arm around you, waiting to see whether it was okay or not. He waited. After a while, you spilled. You told him everything - every bit of drama and pain, every thought that had been crossing your mind and the cold chill prickled over your skin as you realized you just admitted to Connor that you had wanted to die. He grew stiff next to you, fingers digging into your side and you winced before he tore his arm away. He didn’t respond. Anxiety pooled into your stomach, leaving you to wonder whether you’d get sick because fuck you could feel your stomach churning endlessly, rebelling against you. Tears escaped your eyes again and you cracked.
        “Shit, [y/n],” he started, voice soft. “It’ll be over soon.” He paused, trying to remember any of the bullshit he told himself when he was getting into a bad place. “It’ll be fine. Just. Keep on fighting.”
        “It’s not that easy-”
        Connor stopped you. “I know. I fucking know it’s not that easy, but it’s mental shit that you have to get past and I know you can get past because you’re you. And if you can’t, then I’m here and I’ll make sure you get through this shit.”
        You froze. You remembered. “You’ll leave too.”
        “I won’t.”
        “They always leave, Connor, because they get tired of me. You’ll give up. I’m a lost cause. I’m broken.” 
        He didn’t speak at first. Then finally, he croaked, “so am I.”
        The night air fell silent. The two of you sat in silence, Connor picking at the grass while you stared off blankly toward the back fence. The sound of grass being ripped up filled the air, and you finally look over to him. He was thinking, gears turning and grinding as he struggled to find his words. You moved closer to him, resting your head against his shoulder. He reached for your hand.
        “C’mon,” he said, “let’s just... go to bed.”
        You nodded slowly, standing and following Connor to his room. After moments of shifting and adjusting, you end up smushed against his chest, his arms tight around you. He didn’t say anything, but you sort of knew why. He was scared. He was worried that if he didn’t keep you there, he’d wake up and you’d be gone. You don’t say anything. When you finally started to drift off, you caught three more words from Connor - whispered, as if he didn’t want you to hear them.
        “I’m staying here.”
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thewitchqueen281 · 7 years
Experiment 808 AU
Hey so I did actually have someone show some interest in this AU, but I’m awful at formatting so I'm just making a separate text post. Read about each character under the cut. A bit about the setting. It’s pretty distant future, this big lab in the middle of the city was commissioned to make a ton of super soldiers. Not knowing where to start they just... started kidnapping kids. Like from their cribs and everything. Not legal but they can like start from scratch there. By the time most of them are ten they’ve been tortured and beaten and do not want to be there. So they just escape. Because like what are they going to do to stop a bunch of kids with powers.  They run free into the city. They stay hidden in bunkers and hideouts. They are all about 15~16 ish. I haven't decided whether or not Al is still a year younger or if they are twins so, for now, its up too you. 
Anyway, enjoy these stupid teens.
Has gills on his neck and sides, and dragonfly wings.
the wings are red and while he can fly fast can’t fly for a very long time. 
Instead of his traditional black tank top and coat, he wears one of those knit sleeveless turtleneck things with his red coat that ties around in the front.
Anyone with gills is bioluminescent underwater, he glows red in his face and all around his arms.
he wears a different outfit because it hides his wings and his gills. 
still kind of a little shit. 
knows all the other kids, is friends with most of them surprisingly. 
lives with his brother, Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeyes, and Denny Brosh in an abandoned library on the west side of the city. Because they are the kids he trusts the most.
he would live with Ling, Lan Fan, and Winry. But Ling and Lan Fan don't really live anywhere and Winry travels between all the kid's hideouts making sure they didn't break anything.
Likes knives, like really really likes knives
has like twenty on him at all times. 
he actually meets Ling by throwing a knife at him and getting really pissed that he missed. 
Roy Mustang 
Has a salamander tail, sometimes breaths a small bit of fire. 
Doesn't really like people at all. 
is four ten and has a lisp and you can pry this headcanon away from my cold dead hands. 
frequent all-nighters, whether playing video games or trying to master fire breath. 
Wears really baggy cargo pants, he likes the pockets. 
has a haircut with two very long pieces of hair in the front and kinda shitty bangs. 
he regrets this haircut. 
he’s best friends with Riza and Ed because Riza and Ed are also wild kids who won't stop him from jumping off really high places or putting bugs in Al’s tea. 
Likes lollypops, no one is sure why he just thinks they taste nice. 
huge crush on Jean Havoc from the group uptown, The others make fun of him. 
Riza Hawkeye 
Has a cheetah tail and likes to R U N
She's a very fast girl, for a long time everyone thought that was one of the abilities given to her during her time in the lab.
it's not  
she just likes to run. 
despite being a wild teen is the second most sensible one in their group. Has had to drag Roy to bed, but almost everyone has had to do that once or twice.
cant cook for shit. like really. she hates cooking shes so bad at it. 
everyone expects her to be the mom for some reason like they think she cooks and cleans. 
shed rather die, Ed cooks, they take shifts cleaning.
loves long skirts and horror novels. 
likes to think she can talk to ghosts or summon demons. 
or maybe she can. 
nobody really knows. 
Talks to herself on occasion. 
Has gills like his brother. Very small antlers as well.
glows blue underwater near his ears and around his legs. He and his brother have matching symbols on their backs.  
wears a blue hoodie to cover the antlers. 
The actual Mom Friend TM 
Enjoys tea and not having to deal with his brother and CO’s bullshit. 
for once would like to sleep in. just once. 
Would be a wine mom but he is responsible and doesn't drink while underage, unlike almost all of his friends who really don't seem to give a shit.
Sassy, like, really sassy. 
bad at hiding his emotions. 
you will know when he thinks your being a dumbass.
*looks into the camera like he's on the office* 
“Al me and the others are going to jump off the top of the building and see with we can stop ourselves.” “Good luck brother.”
Is friends with everyone and really he loves them all but goddamn. 
One time Ed dated a real shit head and you don't want to know what happened after he dumped Ed. he isn't dead but he won't be walking anytime soon.
Denny Brosh
Has Squid tentacles under his arms and fins on his legs. He glows a bright yellow underwater. 
Knits, like a lot. Every one of them has a homemade sweater from him. the others he lives with wear theirs all the time. Because they do gross things like care about one another in this household. 
Is still really good friends with Maria Ross, he wishes they saw each other more. 
can and will shock you with his tentacles, especially if you make jokes about them. 
Meme dream team leader. 
Al doesn't understand memes and Denny hurts every day because of this. 
has a bright yellow sweater that he knitted himself and then had every single one of his friend sign.
Thinks Kain Furey is super cute. Roy thinks he's super gross because Furey is an innocent Denny!
wholesome meme some days sex jokes on others. 
pretty much all the kids have pretty severe mental health issues, but Denny is one of the few who has tried to help his. 
takes anxiety meds. 
while he doesn't have any sibling this timeline he has his friends and honestly they are pretty close to siblings. 
has called Ed big brother but like everyone has once or twice. Ed doesn't really give a shit and has accepted his fate as the oldest and apparently the most brother like. 
Maria Ross 
Lots a scales, like all over her body. 
has wings but she isn't sure what animal they could be from.
they are big and scaley like her. 
Lives with Olivier, Mei Chang, Sheska, and Winry Rockbell when she's around. They live in an old dinner on the east side of town. 
Would date Sheska 100%. 
Sorta has claws, doesn't matter she enjoys painting them. 
Good friends with Olivier, actually best friends. This is a problem in some ways because Olivier and Denny don’t get along at all. 
Has a gun, only used it once or twice to protect her friends. 
she hopes she never has to use it again.
Sometimes wonders what her family would be like if she hadn't grown up in a lab. Wonders whether of not her family sold her or if she was stolen. She wonders for the other kids as well.
Breaths and cries ice. 
prefers if her friends called her Ria 
Olivier Armstrong  
This bitch got bat wings
they are fucking huge. 
she can’t really hide them so she only goes outside at night. 
she has become a cryptid. 
blurry shitty pictures of her crouching on buildings wings extended, her eyes glowing are all over forums. 
Batgirl strikes again?? 
she thinks its super funny. 
Doesn't really try to hide how she's feeling. 
most of the time she’s Arragont or amused.
Anime character tch. 
Her list of people she dislikes is bigger than the list of people she likes. 
that's a lie she loves all her friend's
she’s just bad about showing it and claims to hate them. 
everyone calls her Livi. 
she hates it but nobody cares. 
keeps her hair in a ponytail.
Mei Chang
has a cat tail, and night vision.
Please don't make any jokes. 
she doesn't want this.
People sometimes pull her tail. they only pull it once though. People learn from their mistakes.
wears a big pink coat with lots of pockets. she keeps both dead mice and her kunai in the pockets. 
Is Winrys assistant when she's around.
loves to help. is crushing on Al from the west side library. Everyone knows but Al. Ed and Ling think that is hilarious. Like it didn't take them months to get over themselves. 
Ling is her half-brother. She isn't sure how trustworthy the info is because it’s something she heard from lab technicians. 
Wants to learn to fight better but nobody wants to spar with her. 
Sit’s up at night and stares at her coffee. 
it’s cold now but she can’t get to sleep. 
Winry Rockbell 
Has butterfly wings, emperor butterfly wings. They don't make her as fast as Ed but it is faster to fly than to walk and she can fly for pretty long periods of time.
automail isn't really a thing. So Winry does general doctor stuff.
she goes between bases and makes sure that everybody is healthy. 
most of the time that isn't the case so shes pretty much always working.
Thinks Mei is a wonderful helper.  
Wears her signature tube top. doesn't travel through populated areas and definitely doesn't by day.
Butterflygirl isn't as cool as a cryptid as Batgirl so she doesn't get much coverage. 
Will still hit you with a wrench don't test her. 
She carries it and her entire toolbox because she’ll be damned if she loses time for her machines while helping out these idiots.
Dating Mothman. 
Mothman is actually Lan Fan. this joke doesn't make a lot of sense to her because Lan Fan doesn't have moth wings. Ling and Ed tell her to shut up and go with it. She rolls her eyes fondly. 
Kain Fuery 
Has ant antenna. he can send messages across radio waves because of this. makes it easy to keep up with his friends. 
Lives with Jean and Rebbeca in what they think was once a club. It's unused now but it does have an underground bunker for some reason.
He is an innocent 
(He isn't) 
keeps a picture of some dog in his pocket. 
he needs it to keep up morale. 
yes, it is just a stock photo of a dog that he stole out a picture frame at wallmart a couple years ago.
He really likes animals. Ed and Roy hate going out with both him and Al in a pair because both of them insist on stopping to pet every dog and cat or whatever animal.
Functional Bi 
Jean Havoc  
Has fins he thinks. they are like spiky and help him swim better. they are all over his back and wrap around his arms. Has gills, and he tends to glow a bluish purple.  
he lives in the club but prefers to be near the docks. 
Loves to swim
Just call him Jean
Please god just call him Jean. 
Olivier and Maria butchered his last name so bad when he first meet him that he is permanently traumatized. 
he’s being dramatic but like, that's who he is??
Disaster Bi 
Pinning? His constant mood?
Ling Yao
Red panda tail and claws. 
Loves sweet things, like so much.
Can see in the dark, loves his night vision
Thinks Ed throwing knives at him is super hot
Ed is Concerned TM 
Doesn't really live anywhere. 
bounces around the bases with Lan Fan. 
Lan Fan is actually his twin sister but they haven't told Mei that yet.
he doesn't know why people don't just know.
Climbs in Ed’s window in the middle of the night. 
freaked Ed out the first time it happened but he got used to it. 
spars on rooftops in the middle of the day. 
For some reason, nobody seems to freak out. 
Kink is love and appreciation
doesn't actually know most of the other kids. Sometimes there will just be a different kid at the base and He’ll be like cool.
Everone knows about Ling though. 
Lan Fan
She has lunar moth wings. Although Winry seems to think they are from some type of butterfly like her. Ed and Ling know the truth and call her moth man. 
She flicks their faces for it. 
loves food. thinks it must be because lunar moths cant eat, that side of her wants to eat E V E R Y T H I N G. 
Or maybe she just has a huge appetite because Ling eats a ton as well. 
has night vision as well.
Is her last name Fan? Not even she knows. 
Everyone calls her Lan Fan though. 
Spars with Ling but prefers fighting with Ed because Ling holds back. Ed doesn't.
tries so hard not to scream at her friends. 
god, she tries so hard. 
This took so long. If you want to hear about specific characters request it and I’ll make another one of these. If anyone wants to write a fanfic send it to me, I’ll be the first one to kudos that ish.  
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topicprinter · 7 years
Hi /r/Entrepreneur, it's Pat from Starter Story again, where I do interviews with successful e-commerce entrepreneurs.Here is my interview with Adam, the founder of Dick At Your Door, an e-commerce store that sells gag gifts such as a large, dong-shaped piece of chocolate that comes in a cute box.Adam is grossing $25k/month and recently quit his job to go full-time on the business.Background.My name is Adam Elliot, and I started Dick At Your Door, an e-commerce shop for people who like to gift pranks, gags, and funny novelties to their friends and family.Our main product is an anonymous prank you can send people in the mail. When they open the package, it looks like a fancy box or expensive present. However, when they actually open the package, it’s a 5oz. solid chocolate penis.Yes, you read that correctly... Dick At Your Door sells chocolate penises you can send as a fun prank to friends and family.How the idea came about.I grew up on a farm in Southwest Iowa. Being from a small town, there aren’t many things to keep you busy, so you had to be creative. This always led to drinking cheap beer you stole from someone’s parents, ramping old cars on the dirt road bridges, and sometimes... prank wars. I guess that’s where I started thinking gag gifts were funny.After art school, I moved out to California to be a photographer full time. I failed. Failed miserably. After one year on the west coast, I hated photography, I was broke, and had taken a job as a telemarketer. It was the worst.Before launching e-commerce storefronts, I worked in sales and as a sales consultant for startups in Southern California. That’s a fancy way of saying, I spent a lot of time pitching new ideas and products to people who didn’t necessarily want them. I’ve always enjoyed talking to people, so it was natural to start getting into sales after my failed art career. I discovered that I was pretty good at understanding what people wanted.Dick At Your Door started when a buddy found a silicone penis mold at a random sex shop on a cross-country drive (thank you Lincoln, Nebraska). My buddy and I thought it would be hilarious to send molds of this in the mail to our friends. Disclaimer: It was hilarious.We eventually threw up a website as a joke to continue the prank and people started reaching out that weren’t our friends. That was the lightbulb moment for us. From there it was perfecting the molding process, finding a real chocolatier (and eventually becoming chocolatiers ourselves), building a secure website that was legit and going forth into the world of dicks and candy making.Creating the product and starting up the business.What started as a joke quickly became a viable business with real opportunity.When we first created our product, it was down and dirty. Just a couple of dudes in the garage melting Hershey chocolate and pouring it into a cheaply made silicon mold of a penis. Looking back to those first days, it was never even in our mind to create a business around chocolate, let alone chocolate dongs. It was always just a funny prank to pull on our friends.Slowly, sales started building. In the beginning, it was a very crude design. A straight black box, a stamp we had custom made, some paper mache to avoid broken chocolate, and a handheld plastic melter to wrap the box.I remember the first time we had 10 orders to fulfill at once. It was a disaster. Took almost 4 hours. It was frustrating and very much not worth our time. Nowadays, we can package and mail 500 orders in the same amount of time. The boxes are custom and ordered in bulk, and we are officially professional chocolatiers. It’s been a long road, and to be honest, I don’t know why we stuck with it. Call it a fun experiment I guess?To add to that, the biggest hurdles were, and have been, finding trustworthy manufacturers who can provide quality packaging at a reasonable. It’s all been trial and error for us, which I wish wasn’t the case. Ultimately, we found that spending the necessary money to find a quality manufacturer for our products have been worth its weight in gold. You pay for what you get.Attracting new customers and growing.It took a long time to get to the point where we were getting one order per day and even longer to hit five a day. To be honest, it wasn’t until I was laid off from my corporate job and committing a lot of time to building the brand that we began seeing any type of marketable success. Getting canned was the best thing to happen in my professional life. Funny how that works.We are lucky in the fact that we have a shareable product that is viral in nature. When we launched our website, we pushed a bunch of social media to build awareness. People love to share our Facebook, Instagram, etc with each other. That’s where we spend most of our time. Everyone loves a good meme and we have found our niche there. Comedy and dicks sell. We are always working towards that next viral post. Valentine’s Day is prime right now.Of course, all arms of marketing are going to be important (SEO, Content, Adsense, Adwords, Facebook Advertising, sharing, interviews, etc). We don’t want to have all of your eggs in one basket. However, social media has provided us with the most immediate and trackable metrics.These are the three of the most important takeaways I've found in regards to growing sales:Content is kingDon’t oversaturate your followers with product posts. 80/20 rule(80% non-product / 20% product marketing)Build an email listWhere I'm at now, and plans for the future.About eight months ago, I decided it was time to dedicate my full-time hours to the business. Since then, the business has grown almost 10x. It’s been a total grind with no real time off, but it’s been the most fulfilling professional step I have ever taken. I am excited about all that I have learned and all I have left to learn. I know that corny, but I don’t care. I love selling chocolate dicks.Short term goals:Growth and systems. We would like to be able to start stepping away from the nitty gritty more this year. That means taking on a more administrative role, rather than chocolate maker, shipper, marketer, owner, etc. With the correct operational systems in place, that transition will be much easier. Automation plus smart people in the right places will help us grow while taking some of the pressure off of ourselves.Long term goals:Build the brand to something outside of dicks. Who knows, really. If this venture has taught me anything, it’s that you can succeed in anything if you can execute with good systems and are willing to get through the really terrible times.Online/e-commerce tools I use.WooCommerceStamps.comInstagramFacebookCanva.comGoogle CloudSlackDropboxSendInBlue Email MarketingWordpressPodcasts, online resources, and books I recommend.Podcasts & online resources:Tim Ferris Podcast - Don’t listen much anymore, but that was a great motivator to get me confident about starting my own companyHow I Built This podcast.Calm App - life is stressful and crazy. Mindfulness meditation has helped me so much in how I manage that stress.Reddit - /r/entrepreneur // /r/smallbusiness // many others - Reddit is a great community where you can learn new ideas, methods, systems, and meet like-minded folks who are doing the same thing as you. It can be kind of lonely when no one around you is doing what you’re doing. Reddit helps give you a network to learn from.Books:Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience - You know when you get so immersed in a project that hours go by and you don’t even notice? That’s flow. This book is about how you can train your mind and body to have a better/easier way to fall into that and become more productive.Who Moved My Cheese - Dealing with change in your life.How to Win Friends and Influence People - Staple of the entrepreneur handbook.Anything Malcolm Gladwell - He has a great way of presenting ideas and methodology that translate well into my business.Advice for others just starting out.E-commerce is all about finding the right niche and understanding the people in that niche. For our products (and my other companies), I have never tried to be the most successful out of the gates. It is too big a mountain to climb and will leave an entrepreneur jaded. Most niches have enough opportunity in it to carve out your own little piece and grow from there. That’s what we have done.That being said, a website owner must concentrate on always having solid content for readers, customers, and especially Google to take note of. SEO is the long game and it’s not exciting, but without a long-term strategy, you could be up shit creek. What happens when social media changes? New Algorithms are released several times a year on these platforms. Those updates have a high chance of screwing up your old methods. Having multiple strategies and back up plans will save you time and money in the long run.Network. I am lucky to live in a metropolis. There are incredibly smart people who can offer great insight into growth. They can help avoid potential pitfalls.Just start. You may fail, but holy shit it will be fun. If you are laying in bed at night dreaming about building something on your own, do it. You will be ahead of 99% of the population by just starting. As stupid as it sounds, just doing the things you need to do when you know you need to do them will help you succeed.When your current project blows up in your face, that means you know understand how not to do something in the future.“The master has failed more times than the student has even tried.”“Sucking at something is the first step to being really good at something.”It will be embarrassing to suck and be new, but don’t let that get you down. People will think what you’re doing is stupid and you’ll feel stupid sometimes. That’s the way of it. If you can get past that part, you’ll be in a good spot. The way I used to get through it was imagining myself six months from that moment laughing at how much I didn’t know back then and how much I had learned. It's always exciting to learn.
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