#i stopped 'knowing what im drawing' at like 2 hours into this its ok
ritoryb · 11 months
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dragonroilz · 3 months
Hey there! I've come across your art ever since I got into Risk of Rain 2 (better late than never, I've been sleeping on this game for years, jesus), and I'm enamoured with it, to say the least. Is there any advice you could perhaps give for an aspiring artist?
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you're getting an essay whether you like it or not.
tl;dr of it if you dont want to read
- learn how to take critique
- dont skip fundamentals
- tracing is okay*
- be mindful when drawing
- you wont see good results for a long time
ok firstly, glad you like my art! i try my best on pretty much everything i make so the compliment is greatly appreciated!!
secondly, you have NO clue how much i love yapping about how to draw. im not an expert on how-to-draw-ology but i like to think i know enough to help other people not swing in the dark when it comes to getting better.
learning how to take criticism is THE most important part. not getting butthurt or at least listening to peoples critiques when they mean well is critical to improvement because its specialized advice for you. you have no clue how many young and/or new artists have gotten mad at me for giving critique when they specifically asked me for it. if youre looking to improve you gotta bite that bullet. not all criticism is valid(dont listen to people who are just tryna make you upset), but good and valid criticism can come from anyone. dont unvalidate someone's critique just because theyre not an artist or "not as good" as you. try and get as much feedback as you can and move onto the next piece instead of fixing something to perfection. you will get obsessed in a very destructive way.
learning fundamentals is another step to getting better. that means actually learning perspective, hands, anatomy, and all of the other stuff people hate drawing. its like lifting weights. most people dont like it but if you want to get stronger you need to put in the time to do the painful stuff.
chris christodoulou(ror's composer) actually made a similar comment about the topic of improvement in his field that was along the lines of "if you want to write music, stop playing video games and read a book". he got a lot of shit for saying that but honestly its true.
you need to treat art as a discipline if you want to get better at it. draw as much as you can for as long as you can before it becomes a health hazard. when im not resting i tend to draw at least three hours a day, not counting the 3 to 6 hours additional hours a day i draw during college. obviously a beginner doesn't need to draw that much but drawing daily is a good start.
if you want resources on where to look for fundamentals, Sinixdesign and Ethan Becker were who I turned to for advice that is relevant to the industry. There's definitely others out there but I tend to do more self studying so i don't know the more recent stuff.
something that they'll bring up is that tracing isn't bad AS LONG AS YOU DONT POST IT AND CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN. it's a good way to see how other people deal with stylization, but its absolutely not okay to post that stuff online. treat it like how traditional painters do master studies. its for your own education, not clout. and you shouldn't be drawing for clout anyway.
last but not least, draw what you love and you'll always love drawing. dont be afraid to hyperfixate and lose interest in things. it will help you continue your art journey. a lot of people in my art school have little to no motivation to draw outside of college because they have no interest in drawing outside of assigned work, which is not a great relationship to have with art if you want to pursue it in the long run. draw what you want to draw when the motivation hits you. if that motivation is risk of rain? draw it. if it's leg muscles then fuck yeah draw that too.
you can stick fundamental practice into your casual art by being mindful of what you are drawing. that can be done by asking questions about what's going on to further the progress of your art. its kind of hard to explain in text, but its basically just keeping in mind how your lines influence the piece.
in the beginning youre going to have ideas and none of them are going to translate to paper. its going to take years before anything will ever compare to whats in your brain and thats just the sucky part. ive been drawing seriously for about 5 or 6 years and theres still a ton of shit i do NOT wanna touch but i have to if i want to improve.
we're all sisyphus pushing that goddamn stupidass boulder and the only thing we can do is acknowledge how far we've come while still knowing that there's more work to be done. but thats kind of the shit that i live for.
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tacodemuerte · 8 months
could use some advice on how to make fun art shamelessly and also. how to. where does uh. the drive. where do u get all that drive. i hav lots of inspo but jts hars to turn it into real drawings and then even if i manage to it takes so much thought and effort that i just stop after that bc i know i would have fun or do well if i go on
the biggest key to drive AND shamelessness is to just stop carING MFIOSMFOISHJD
like u gotta stop caring about what people think and what your work looks like! sometimes we think TOO much, because thinking is easier than actually putting the paint down. but then we over think and we've spent 2 hours on pinterest and suddenly we are out of steam!!
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if youve been around my blog youve seen this! but tese were super ugly little things that i drew bc i was trying to draw christian cage..i still didnt get a good grasp at him and started to feel like everytime i drew him he just got uglIER MOIFSMFOISHF
so i just like..was like ok FINE.. this WHOLE PAGE isgonna be ugly I GUESS!! and i ended up having so much fun making these ugly doodles! it made me excited to do more and draw him again in the future!
once you like , put away that 'butwhat if its bad' and pull out the 'ok its gonna be bad whatever' , you ironically give yourself more fuel and drivE MFIOSMFISH cause its like well if its gonna be bad, and you DONT care, what's stopping you? and you end up making something that's pretty nice! or ok, or just fun to look at!
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this page was another case of that, where i just drew while falling asleep MIFOSMFOISD. i did this a lot for a short time, not the BEST for your health but if you can like the stuff you did half asleep, then you can give yourself some grace and not worry about your work when you out in 200%...
somethings are just irredeemibly ugly but making it is just fun.. remember that art should be fun! it's not all about getting gud..look at this ugly little man, i hate him, but i had fun making him hehe
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nutzworth · 6 months
its been a whole month. but you know what time it is? thats right.
DAY 6: MARCH 17, 2024
STATS: read for 1 hour 20 minutes (WEAK.) pages read: 1359-1592. 233 pgs slur count: 9 + 3 = 12 (dave, john x2. r slur) silly count: 11 + 1 = 12 (wv about his drawings) (i REALLY feel like i missed some... but whatever.) piss count: 2/3 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (dave pissed in his shower)
THOUGHTS: ok i didnt think a lot this round cus its like nearing midnight on a school night so im reading for funsies ok
act 4 has the story bouncing around way more than it did in previous acts. i saw a lot of the exiles today. and a lot of TROLLS! the exiles are so fun today i saw some pm and ar lore and wv pm ar all fought and then they had a meal. and wv and ar are trying to win over pm but she dont care. the WOMEN. panel. so good.
somethin else i reaaally noticed this time around is HOW GOOD HUSSIE WRITES! seriously these kids are talking so naturally its insane. i really like it. theyre so cute. they talk like me and my friends and its really good. hussies a really good writer guys
why did dave say that "i should probably text [john] soon. cus. i love him" why did he say that? and rose's "I know." why? what? im sure this has been read into like a million times but it feels so OUT OF POCKET. why did he SAY THAT? why does rose KNOW? what is anything.
today was the introduction to rose's exile and land. the land of light and rain. the combination of the land and the weird cursive exile and the weird loneliness and silence just really... it really creeps me out ok. "A mother does what's best for her children" with the empty dock with a cut rope and the martini. ugh. "There are footprints in the white sand." oh my god. IT CREEPS ME OUT. its SO QUIET it freaks me. augh. i love you rose
DAVE PEED THIS ROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the next (and last) on the piss counter is in the middle of act 6 so were gonna be sitting pretty for a damn while. daves kind of a freak to be real. he says "voyeurbot" and "little girl" in the same sentence. why did he say this?
PA HARLEY. PA HARLEY ON LAND OF WIND AND SHADE!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!!!! oh oh aaaalso jade mentioned her penpal (JAKE!!!) and it got me a little excited. teehee. i looove jake english you dont even know
ummm dave entering the game... hes not in yet. but hes toying with his big machines and he got his totem and the object out. his egg. yeah. i didnt realize he was just playing with all this stuff and hes not even in the medium yet. craaaazy
WE SAW TEREZI THREE TIMES TODAY! THATS SO MUCH! SHES SO CUTE! i literally love terezi i always forget but i love her. shes so cool and silly and cute and the best. her convo with rose (her first one?) is so funny and awesome and ahh i love terezi. she says that the two of them were destined to be hatebuddies cus theyre both seers. ahhh
she also mentions some god tiers during that convo which was crazy. seer of mind. page of breath. knight of blood. maid of time. hussie just had this stuff on lock huh. why TAVROS'S classpect? not like vriskas? i dont know man.
karkat was so dumb today i cant even talk about him. he showed up twice and fumbled so bad. girl you havw GOT to stop being mean to people and yes that includes yourself. i really like karkat too i cant lie. hes so dumb so sweet. i love you karkat
jack noir just straight up gives pm a hit list for her king and queen for no reason. i mean yes there is a reason hes like "lol i do this to everyone wouldnt it be crazy if she was the one to get me their crowns lol" why does he do that? does he just have swords and symbols on lock? hes literally crazy
rose does her cool knitting needle in the monster thing. DAVE AND KANAYA CONVERSATION! i love them bad. rose and tavros is also funny but tavros types so much like a tool i can hardly stand it. im gonna be real i dont really like tavros. hes just not my style sorry
thats it sorry for not reading for a month. maybe ill do more this month haha. maybe maybe not. we will see ;-) thanks
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im gonna rant abt how much i hate the ghost eyes fandom (as a former fan) bc im just kinda mad rn
so uhh yeah major TW for s3lf h4rm, romanticizing mental illness, su1c1de, sadomasochism, infantilization, and rlly just anything related to that
(also sorry if this looks weird idk how to separate stuff on tumblr)
also DO NOT harass the creator or anyone mentioned here, you’re no better than them if you do that
ok so i read ghost eyes like 2 years ago but i stopped reading about the point where they were on that field trip. i still think it’s a nice comic and i’m sure the author is a cool person, also the art style is awesome. but the fandom is so fucking gross that i’m surprised more people haven’t talked about it. 
for some backstory on this, i used have REALLY bad depression and was cutting myself regularly (i’m much better now, i have medication, therapy, and i’m almost a year clean) i also stopped reading due to the comic severely damaging my mental health and i’m very glad i did. i was younger and immature and thought i could handle such content. this led to me becoming extremely obsessed with the comic to an unhealthy level, and getting severely attached to one of the characters (rudy) because i could relate to him at that time. i seriously thought that i WAS him sometimes.
i understand now that i should NOT have ignored the label and what i did was definitely wrong and if the creator is reading this i deeply apologize. i’m in a much better place now and i’m just glad that i was able to get the help i needed.
ok now to the angry part
if you don’t know what ghost eyes is, it’s a webcomic about a severely traumatized boy attending school for the first time and meeting a bunch of other severely traumatized kids. this comic has a crap ton of triggering/sensitive/disturbing topics (which is not a bad thing as long as you do it right) and like i said before, the creator has kindly put a warning before the comic starts stating that you SHOULD NOT romanticize/idolize/sexualize/kin any of the characters, do not read unless you can handle such topics, and so forth. now i know i should have definitely put the comic down before and not gotten obsessed over it, but i knew damn well enough that it was messed up to romanticize/sexualize any of the characters/things that happened in the book.
there are several scenes in which a character is self harming or harming someone else, and the comments will say shit like “nooo my poor bean” “awww baby don’t do that” or my personal favorite “protect the smol bean.” first of all, the characters are like 16-17, second of all, i cannot even tell you how fucked up it is that people see someone ruining their lives and putting themselves in danger and think it’s “cute” or “anxiety smol bean uwu” THERES LITERALLY A SCENE WHERE SOMEONE IS GETTING STABBED AND PPL ARE DRAWING THIS MF IN A MAID DRESS.
another reason i despise these fans is that they see an abusive relationship and start making ships/kinning them. as someone who has gone through pretty much everything rudy has gone through, i cant tell you how irritating it is to see people shipping him with his abuser or calling him a “cutie patootie masochist boi uwu” cause lemme tell you what-it doesnt feel good to have to put your health in danger and ruin your relationships with others just so you can get off somehow. ITS NOT FUN. the whole point of rudy’s character is to not romanticize someones fucked up mental health.
i could spend hours talking about this group of immature brats, but i’m tired and it’s a school night and i have a test tomorrow. i might add on if i feel like i need to but overall i really hope those immature fans grow up and realize their mistakes like i did, or get the help they need.
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in-my-feels-probably · 9 months
Hi! It’s no worries I’ve been around this app long enough to know it’s kinda buggy lol. Anyways, I actually remembered just now I wrote out my request in a random google doc before I sent it and never deleted it so I have able to just copy/paste!
Congrats on 1.7k!! May I have a romantic hunger games (it can be either the original films or the newer one) option 2 match up please? I go by she/her and am bi with no preference, so any gender is fine.
I’m about 5’5, dark blue eyes, medium length hair thats kinda too dark to be dirty blonde but not so dark that its light brown with slightly lighter blonde highlights throughout. Ive been told I typically wear what would be considered 90s type of style but leaning away from more feminine things tho I’m not opposed to dresses and all.
I do get pretty anxious when thrown in certain situations rather that be talking to a group of people or just one person. But on occasion and definitely when I get to know someone I never stop talking. I am a ranter and rambler which means I could be ranting about something that happened and then start talking about something else that may or may not be related to the original subject. Basically I will always find something to talk about though I do enjoy listening to other people talk. I am considered the mom friend because I tend to be the most logical. Im also a very determined, stubborn person who usually is kinda pessimistic but still has a huge imagination. And despite all the anxiety I am usually a relatively confident person and am not afraid to take up for anyone I care about. Also I am pretty good in school despite having a kinda bad memory. Also an INTJ, Sagittarius, and Ravenclaw.
I absolutely love writing and have for the longest time rather that be random original stories I make up or the various fanfics I have(lol). I also love drawing and painting and recently realized I’m actually pretty good at making art related to animals and the occasional landscape. I’ve also been a big music fan since I was a kid, I honestly dont know what I would do without it. I also really enjoy reading when I get the chance, like I could spend hours getting consumed by whatever I’m reading. Which also travels into me when I’m watching things. As in I spend a good bit of time just binge watching new or old shows. I also really like walking around and enjoying nature. Theres a few nature trails I love going on and would go to the zoo every weekend if I had the chance. Which also goes along to my love for animals. Also I do like going to random places with my friends.
And thats about all I can think of to say, hope it wasnt too much lol. But anyways, thanks in advance :)
thanks for participating :)
since you have no gender preference, i’ll tell you who i ship you with out of both the boys and the girls, and then do the full thing for who i think you’re better suited for.
i ship you with katniss and peeta! i’m gonna go with katniss for this, hope that’s ok :)
katniss is absolutely not a people person. small talk makes her uncomfortable, and putting on a mask and playing a part doesn’t come easy to her. there’s a handful of people she’s comfortable talking to, and the rest don’t matter to her. she’d understand your apprehension getting to know people. but she’d feel pretty special when you opened up to her and started feeling comfortable venting and rambling. she may not be one for talking, but she does like listening. and you could listen to you talk for hours about whatever you wanted, happy to listen. you’re very alike as people. your values, your view on life, your temperament and your personality. you both being headstrong and stubborn could get in the way of your relationship sometimes, but you’d always manage to make her go soft around you. you’d be one of the few people that make her happy and help her feel relatively calm and safe, so she wouldn’t want to ruin that with petty arguments and bickering. you’d learn to work past it together quickly so you could get back to the simple things.
katniss doesn’t have much time for hobbies. plus, i don’t think she really allows herself the time to be idle. you’d have to constantly remind her to take a break and relax for a little while. she’d be too impatient for reading or art, but she’d enjoy hearing what you were reading about or working on. it would give her a sense of domesticity that she craved. and later on after the rebellion, she’d slowly start feeling more comfortable joining you with your hobbies and finding some of her own. i don’t think she considers herself to be a very talented person, but she would get a small sense of accomplishment and pride when she found a hobby she both enjoyed and was good at.
the place she’d most feel at peace would probably be the forest. walking along the streams, hunting for deer, just breathing in the fresh air. it would be a place she enjoyed going alone, but eventually, she’d start asking you to go with her. she’d show you all the best places she’d come to catch something or just clear her mind for a little while. it would be peaceful and quiet, which she’d love. one day, she’d ask you if you wanted to bring along something to draw with. she’d take you up to a ridge she liked to sit at, letting you sit down and draw the landscape while she hunted for a few minutes. eventually, she’d make her way back to you, sitting down next to you.
“no luck?” you’d ask when you noticed her coming back with a full quiver and no kill.
she’d shrug, setting down her bow. “found a few wild turkeys down by the river. some of the hens were nesting. i didn’t want to bother them yet.”
you’d nod, going back to your drawing. she hadn’t been gone that long, but you’d already made significant progress drawing the ridge and hillside that led down into the valley where the meadow was. you could feel her eyes on you as you worked, and you’d eventually feel her chin rest on your shoulder as you started drawing one of the trees, making you smile. you liked when she was soft like this.
“that’s pretty,” she’d murmur, fascinated by the way you worked. “peeta could’ve used you down at the bakery if he knew you could draw like this.”
“i wouldn’t want to upstage him,” you’d joke, knowing what peeta used to do took a lot of time and skill that only he could make look easy.
she’d chuckle, and you could feel her smile as she looked over your shoulder. “i don’t think he’d mind.”
you’d sit in silence another moment before deciding to take a break, setting your things down. you’d watch the ridge together, peering down through the valley where the spring flowers were just beginning to grow.
“you never told me we had flowers like this in the district.”
“they only grow in the spring,” she’d explain, resting her head against your shoulder. “my father told me the soot from the mines stifles them before they have a chance to grow. but out here in the meadow, they’re untouched. they can grow a few feet tall if they’re not harvested right away. you can use the roots for medicine…i used to bring prim some.”
you could hear the hurt in her voice at the mention of prim’s name. she’d grow quiet again, her eyes locked on the ridge. she was afraid if she looked over at you, she wouldn’t be able to keep it together. you figured it was best not to pry about it—not now, at least. instead, you’d pick up your drawing, handing her a few pencils.
“pick a few colors. i want to draw the flowers in too.”
she’d give you a small smile and nod, immediately reaching for the green pencil. you’d grin, setting the rest of the pencils down as you began working again.
“i should’ve known.”
thanks again for participating! i hope you liked this :)
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cozymochi · 6 months
🌻🌻🌻 give us your Words
🌻- A FEW DAYS AGO me and my roommate rewatched all of avatar the last airbender. I mean, we tried to years ago but we stopped because… Ok this might sound ridiculous but we stopped 5 episodes in cuz it was too good, and we needed hardcore stupid for a while. BUT WE WENT BACK IN and wrapped it up in a few days and it’s still ballin’ as ever. I don’t have much to say beyond that.
🌻- YESTERDAY, I got a Shadow the Hedgehog plushie at a comic store because. Anyway, threw on Sonic X (subbed for a change wooo) a few hours later smack in the middle of season 3 to get some Shadow vibes in cuz he is the original scrunkly. …OKAY im actually done talking about him, If I get started on my sonic bs I never stop BUT
It’s absolutely bonkers to me how Sonic X just like…has virtually no music score????? It’s been a minute since I’ve seen Season 1-2 subbed, but Season 3 has barely any compositions at all. And everything is so….slow? You know how anime used to just…stick to one shot or draw something out for a reaaally long time? That’s pretty much every episode. I chalk that up to the mid animation (it’s crazy that this will be the same studio that would eventually handle 2019 Fruits Basket). As much as I do dislike how loud and tonally deaf the 4Kids score is, I did miss the character leitmotifs a bit. I can only imagine what a combo would’ve been like with proper atmosphere. Every now and then I’d HOPE the music would pop off but there’d be whole ass action sequences and score is just a constant low, droning wubwubwubwubwub noise. Once in a blue moon an Adventure 1 event song might play BUT OTHER THAN THAT ITS DEAD SILENCE or wubwubwubwubwub. ITs Just so baffling to me considering how peak the music in the games are, you’d think that’d be utilized in it’s anime. Tho Live and Learn playing at the end of the Project Shadow arc??? Bruh. Cinema.
…Anyway all that said, the Metarex arc is still pretty peak. And I really think Sonic X would’ve benefitted hard from today’s animation standard, cuz it srsly NEEDS that sense of speed to convey the insane stuff more 😩. Though Sonic X as it was would never be made today in the “let’s be safe and squeaky bclean for the brand” landscape. Not enough hurr hurr chili dog 👹 SEE LOOK IM GOING OFF FOREVER THIS IS WHY I CANT GET ON MY BS—-
🌻- If the “talking about watching every disney film” thing ever comes out, I’m dodging copyright by re-drawing the shots we talk about or make new jokes. “But you could just use screenshots” ermmmmmmmm maybe. But what’s MORE extra than trying to go by memory AND try and show off on a thing 80% of people would only strictly listen to? ;) ….Besides, it’d be different I think. Sorta. I’d hope. It’s still in the early stages.
What if I’m not funny whaT if
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gonnagocrynow · 2 years
kinda wanna go off in a long ass rant about everything that's wrong in my life rn but that will just make me sad so here's a long ass rant about everything that's right in my life rn
I started drawing/painting again and some of it is finally positive. I made something for my friend and I'm excited to see her reaction. I've planned something else for another one of my friends and am excited to make it and see her reaction. I bunked a class and got caught but not scolded (by the teacher or my parents). Infact my mom told me "It's ok kids bunk sometimes, its that age, just don't do it too often". I got an appreciation award thingy for work I did that I thought was being taken for granted. A teacher who literally doesn't even remember my name half the time and gives me a lot of work finally praised me and called me the backbone of the club. I wrote a sexy af answer for an english question (which unfortunately my teacher didn't read but the satisfaction stays). My friend read the answer and specifically praised one certain line that I was really proud of. I saw Enola Holmes 2 which I loved. I made 2 random posts about it on tumblr and got like 300 notes on each of them overnight (now they're 500 and 600 notes). Finally actually talked in a group that I was part of but rarely texted in. My mom who isn't very supportive of me doing clubwork or being part of clubs put up the appreciation award I got right in front of the door so anyone who walks in will be able to see it. I listened to my cry song without crying or feeling sad for the 1st time ever. I sat in the park for an hour during which I just listened to music and did the sudoku instead of staring at my phone or something. A cat was running away from me when I pspssed it but when I stopped, it came back to me. I got invited to a new friend's bday party. I did questions from a chapter that I thought was pretty tough. I missed 2 classes but still managed to catch up (mentally, the notes though...). I started working on something that I'm gonna give to all my old, new and current friends when school ends. I talked to my sister after ages, like just talked about random shit instead of calling to ask each other for help. (tw??) I haven't stood in front of a mirror checking if my belly looks good or not for like a week now. My outfit looked good for like 3 continuous days. A smart kid asked for my help with a question. My smart friend who I always check my answers with, checked his answers with me. And I was right. He still wears a bracelet thingy I got for him like a month ago. One of my friends told me I'm an excellent story teller. She also almost cried cuz she was laughing so hard at what I was telling her. One of my friends gave me one of her rings to keep. Her bf is being petty about it (in a friendly way). One of my friends said my posts are always a vibe. I made a reel for my friend's bday and everyone commented saying it's very creative and I made sexy edits.
ok that's enough for now ig, im sleepy and this is TMI, if someone who knows me irl comes across this they would immediately realize it's me so bye
I feel better now
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chockmatsu · 2 years
IT HAS BEEN AN UTTERLY WILD DAY. for those unaware today (well, yesterday now) was the first day of sakuracon, which ray chase (karamatsu's english voice actor) is a guest at!! and BOY OH BOY. well, to start with, sorry (not sorry) for kara saying my name LOL but dw!! i will definitely make a version that ALL karamatsu girls will enjoy :)
okay so you know how i said i peaked when karamatsu's official english voice actor complimented my art
WELL. I WAS GONNA GO TO THE AUTOGRAPH SESSION FOR SURE TOMORROW, BUT I ACCIDENTALLY FOUND HIS TABLE FOR AUTOGRAPHS AT THE EXHIBITOR'S HALL. and it just so happened that i ended up being second in line for when he came back again. and my god. i put the karamatsu folder i was holding down on the table for a sec cuz i had a lot in my hands and ray sees it and me and instantly says OHH I KNOW YOU!! the person who did the karamatsu art i follow on twitter- the karamatsu superfan! LIKE HE RECOGNIZED ME INSTANTLY EVEN THOUGH I WAS IN COSPLAY?? and asked what i was there for and i said ok first off i gotta get a signed print, and he starts pulling out the print and the assistant starts adding it to the bill and he stops her and says "no no this is a gift" and he signs it with a message to me. and as hes signing he says yeah your video was so good, you're such a talented artist and even an animator!! what other skills do you have? and i was like UHH UHH I DRAW AND ANIMATE AND EDIT VIDEOS AND WRITE SOMETIMES... and he was like WOW you can do everything!! yknow we're always in need of video editors, i might be in contact with you about that later! WHICH LIKE WTF LMAO MY KARA SIMPING LEADING ME TO THIS POINT WTF WTFFFF
then i show him the lines i wanted him to say as karamatsu and ask if its ok that it's 2 sentences. AND HE READS THROUGH IT OUT LOUD AND i just immediately crumple to the floor screaming and hes like oh can i come over around (the table he's sitting at) to do this, and he comes over, and i give him my phone with the lav mic and hes like DAMN you even got the proper mic and all!! asks to see the line again, i try to switch apps on my phone, he sees my home screen wallpaper of me and kara, laughs, and then after looking at the line he records the bideo and its all i can do to not just cry on the spot right there. BUT I NOTICED THAT HE FORGOT TO SAY THE I LOVE YOU PART OF THE LINE, so i had to ask him to do it again and he got it right and i was just so happy so so happy. and afterwards he was like you're amazing can i give you a hug? and OFC I SAY YES AND WE HUGGED AND i was like OH YEAH i will have more stuff for you to sign tomorrow!!! and more money HEH and he said oh yeah yeah, like that art you made with yuichi nakamura right? yeah i saw on twitter it's awesome and im just 😭😭 also as a FINAL spaghetti sperg i was like OH YEAH UMMM i know this might be weird but would it be okay if i made a compilation of all of my hornyposting tweets that you liked and printed it out for you to sign and he laughed and was like hell yeah thats hilarious LMAO
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angstysebfan · 3 years
The Past Can Break You - 1
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
AU: Avengers
Summary: You and Bucky have been dating for aa few years. As far as you’re concerned he is the one. But what happens when a blast from the actual past shows up?
A/N: Ive seen a lot stories of Bucky getting his first love from the 40′s back. And I’ve always wondered... what would happen if he was dating someone already? Reader is from this time. Not proofread.
If someone asked you what you loved about being an Avenger, you would definitely say the people. Not even the people you save, but the other members of your team who have become your family. See, you didn’t have a family growing up, and when Tony brought you into the Avengers you had no idea that he was also bringing you into the family.
Sam, Steve, and Thor were your big brothers, always protective. Natasha and Wanda were your best friends and sisters. Tony was definitely a father figure to you as well as one of your favorite people in the world. Bruce and Vision were two very good friends that you knew you could always count on. And Scott was the funniest person on the planet and always made you laugh.
But none of them compared to Bucky. When you first joined the avengers Bucky was new too. You guys became very close friends and eventually developed a very loving relationship. He was nervous at first to ask you out because it had been so long since he dated anyone. When he was back in the 40s he was definitely a ladies man but now he was more reserved and shy, which you didn’t mind.
Before you started dating he did tell you about his first love, Dot. You knew that she was his first love and tried not to be jealous of a woman from the 40s, and you tried not to compare his love to her to his love for you. You knew he missed her, but hopefully now that he was dating you, not as much, as selfish as that sounds.
You now have been dating Bucky for 2 1/2 years, and it’s safe to say that he is the love of your life. You both moved into the same room and spend as much time together as possible when you’re not on missions. In fact you’re out with Natasha and Wanda right now getting a special gift to wear tonight with Bucky.
“What’s the occasion for this again?” Natasha asked.
“Oh nothing, just feel like making him feel special,“ you say with a wink. Both girls rolled her eyes at you and continue searching for the perfect lingerie for you to wear for him.
When you got back to the compound you walk to the common room with your new purchase super excited to show your soldier later.  you see everyone standing around staring at this big contraption that’s now in the middle of the common room. You walk up and stand next to your boyfriend staring at both the contraption and Tony who looks super excited.
“What the hell is this?“ you ask. 
Tony looks at you and see the excitement in his eyes like a kid on Christmas. “I’m not sure. I found it in the archives when I was looking for something. I thought we could all open it up together,” her says.
You look at your boyfriend who gives you a shrug of his shoulders and a smirk, “He has been like this for a half hour,” he says as he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer, kissing the top of your head.
“Where were you off to?” He asks, ignoring the commotion for a moment.
“Oh just picking up something for you… for me to wear… in bed.. tonight,” you say.
You see Bucky’s eyes darken as he leans closer to you, “well can’t wait to see it and rip it off of you then, Doll,” he whispers in your ear before placing his lips on yours.
You giggle as you then lean your head toward Tony and the contraption. You see Tony pressing a few buttons before some air or steam come out the top and the door opens. When the steam clears you all see there is a woman inside who appears to still be alive.
“It’s a cryogenic chamber!” Tony shouted in excitement.
Everyone stepped back to give whoever was in the chamber a few moments to awaken and come out slowly. After they clambered out you realized it was a red headed woman. You hear Bucky’s breath hitch as you all get a look at her face. Suddenly the woman looks at Bucky.
“Jamie?!” She asked.
You look at your boyfriend who is in shock looking at the woman before him. His hand around your waist falls away from you as he starts to step toward her.
“Dot? Is… is that really you?” He asks in amazement.
Suddenly your own breath hitches as you realize that your boyfriend is looking at his first love. The woman you felt you had to compare to. The one you thought he would never see again. She was now in your living room staring at Bucky in disbelief.
“I thought you were dead! How are you alive?” She asks.
“It’s a long story,Doll. One I’ll have to tell you later,” he says as he smirks at her.
She reaches out and pulls him toward her in a strong hug. Your heart slowly begins to break as you feel completely helpless, and selfish at the same time. You see all your friends, Steve included, are giving looks of sympathy.
You start taking slow steps back, not wanting to draw any more attention to yourself. You stumble and stop though when you see her kiss him. Your heart is officially obliterated. No way will you stand a chance next to Dot.
Bucky had his first love back. He didn’t need you anymore. You quickly turned away and leave the room: no one calls for you, letting you go. Bucky and Dot don’t even notice.
Bucky pulls away from Dot, “I’m sorry, I can’t. There is so much we need to talk about, but I can’t…”
He trails off as he finally turns toward the room and sees that you are gone. He feels terrible and steps away from Dot.
“You should go down and see Bruce. Get checked out. I’ll meet you down there. I just have to check on something first,” Bucky says.
Dot grabs his hand, “Please don’t leave me. I don’t want to be alone,” she begs.
Steve steps up, “I’ll go with you Dot. Bucky will meet us down there,” he says.
Bucky gives his best friend a thankful smile before nodding at Dot and turning toward your shared room. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t even know what to think. All he knew is that he was at a crossroads where one or all of the participants will get hurt.
He was terrified.
- -
Chapter 2
Ok so as I said up top, I always wondered what would happen if Bucky’s 40s gf came back while he was dating someone else. I feel for both reader and Bucky in this situation because this is a tough situation. Looking forward to writing it! Feedback is appreciated!
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bittersvgar · 3 years
Number 316
Just you having horns like schlatt, except yours bigger because you're a girl boss obviously.
Also their is some language here but not that much
Ewe-a female sheep
Dsmp x reader? Idk
You were always an independent person, challenging the rules of nature when you had the chance. Its how it got you here, becoming one of the most respected woman in your kingdom. Standing around 5'7 with the biggest horn people seen an ewe ever have, angering many males.
A knock was heard as you tried to sip your tea to calm down the headache happening, watching as your assistant came in timidly.
"Miss Y/n, sorry to disturb you but it seems you have another challenger."
You sighed, putting down your tea as you stood up to smooth out the wrinkles on your suit. "Tell them I'll be there in a minute."
Grabbing your gloves, you look your self in mirror, watching your scars move slightly as you flexed your hand. Placing the gloves on, you walked out of the big mansion you lived in, meeting the crowed that circled around someone.
The crowd separated to let you walk by, which means the closer you got, the clearer you saw your opponent. He was tall, you'll give him that. He was hunched over slightly, wobbling on his feet as he held a bottle of beer in his right hand. He had mutton chops that oddly suited him.
Two person seems to be holding him back, as if trying to convince him to back out, one having fox-like feature while the other had small wings on his back, that where slightly flapping as he tried to pull the ram back.
"I'm guessing your the challenger." You spoke, watching his pals let him go, giving up. The ram just eyed you down, looking at your figure that was shown from the suit you were wearing, which angered you slightly as he didn't even try to hide it. "My name is Y/n, a pleasure to meet you."
You took your hand out to shake, which the male quickly grabbed as he pulled you closer, squishing your bodies together. You tried to back up but he quickly place put hand on your waist, stopping you as he leaned forward.
"Pleasure is all mine."
Angered from his action you quickly pushed him back,causing him to trip, the stench of booze lingering around you, making your headache worst.
"Let's just get this over with." You said, nodding at your assistant who took her microphone.
"Ladies and gentleman! Ram and ewes! We are all gathered today to see another match for dominance! You all know the rules! Do not interfere or else you'll be greatly punished!"
She turned towards the Ram, asking for his name only to not get a response as he glared at you. One of his friends had to step in to tell her his name to continue.
"The challenger today is Schlatt vs our long time winner Y/n!" She showed the crowd an emerald before explaining, " The moment this emerald hits the ground the fight will commence! Now can the challenger please draw your weapon!"
Someone handed you your sword, who you thanked as you twirled it around.
"So what she can do some trick, big deal." Schlatt sneered at her before realising something. "Oh shit. Where the fuck is my weapon?"
He looked over at Fundy and Quackity who just shrugged.
"Are you ready!"
Quackity fumbled with his axe, trying to get it off his belt but he was to late.
Schlatt looked at you, who just stared back at him angrily. He chugged the rest of his beer, wiping his mouth before bringing the bottle up.
You just shooked your head before rushing at him, running towards the right, causing him to swing when you got close. Taking this opportunity, you quickly stopped before moving to the left, making Schlatt stumbled forward.
Taking pity on the man you took the hilt of your sword and slammed it on his back, causing Schlatt to fall on the ground face first with a thud, the glass bottle shattering in his hand leaving small but painful cuts.
"You bitch!"
He said, turning his body around, using his left hand to support his body weight only for you to hold the sword near his throat causing him to lean back to avoid being sliced.
"Admit defeat."
"Suck my dick." He spat, causing you to dig the sword on his shoulder, making his grunt in pain.
"Admit." You hissed, twisting the sword. "Defeat."
"Fine. FINE!" He yelled, grasping his shoulder when you took out your sword from his shoulder. "I LOST OK!
Your assistant smiled, bring the microphone to her lips as she cheered.
Many cheered, mostly ewes as many Rams in the crowd huffed in frustration.
You walked closer to the Schlatt, who was currently being attended by medics.
"What do you want."
You ignored him, your assistant handing you a saw, as squat down to grab one of his horns.
"Wait! WAIT! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" He thrashed in the medic's grip who hold him down for this. His friends also being restrain from trying to interfere.
"My reward." You bluntly said, sawing off about an inch of his horn, giving the saw back to someone as you got up.
"I'll- I'LL KILL YOU!" He yelled, head hurting from the vibration of the horn being sawed off.
"Shut up, it's tradition." You said annoyed, grabbing his other un-injured horn as you turn his head to the crowd. "Besides, look at all the other Rams who tried." You whispered near his ear.
Many rams in the crowd had an inch of their horn taken off, some even had two inches off, meaning they tried to challenge twice only to not succeed.
"Their pride and joy sawed off. And do you know who has their horns."
You questioned him, tugging his horn when he didn't respond, causing his head the be yanked backwards.
"Me. So what makes you think you can kill me."
And with that you let go of his horn. Turning back to your house with a part of his horn in your hand.
'What is this? The 302?'
You thought, blandly staring at the shiny horn in your hands. You walked in your study, pushing a button, the reveal a wall behind the bookcase. The sound of your heels echoed as you walked, before you finally made in to your destination.
Hundreds of horns stood on the walls. Each horn having a name and number on them indicating the order you got them. With your first horn in a glass case, the name 'dad' written on a sign next to it.
You stared at that specific horn, angrily clenching your fist as you grabbed a sign, looking at the last horn number before writing on the sign.
You placed the horn on the wall before placing the sign right next to it.
Schlatt, Number 316
Okay but im kinda proud because i did this in like 2 hours. Also its not proofread so sorry for the mistakes.
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http-mingi · 4 years
room 657. ⤑ jjk + kth ☏︎
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⟶ 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 : you didn't even realise you were calling a hotline. you're best friend jimin gave you a random number. he said it was a surprise ? well you're in for one.
♡︎ 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 : sexhotline!au, worker!taehyung, worker!jungkook, student!reader
♡︎ 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 : ∝ filthy smut if you squint there’s fluff
♡︎ : 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 : sorry i fr forgot to do the word count !!
⟶ 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 : stressed reader, soft!dom jungkook, harddom!tae , big cock!tae, bigcock!jungkook, size kink??, sub!reader, pussy eating, dirty talk, face riding, hair pulling, fingering, cum eating, praise kinda?? unprotected sex, roughsex, multiple orgasms, heavy heavy dom sub themes, brat!reader , dom/sub themes, pet names, daddy!kink, threesome, dirty talk, cunnilingus, orgasm denial, begging, humiliation, creampie, intense orgasms(?), multiple orgasms, cum eating, insecurities, derogatory language, sexual face-slapping, punishments, dumbification, overstimulation, basically pwp.
let's go!
you sighed heavily as your boots clicked along the laminated floor of your university.
today so far had been a hassle. traffic kept you 2 hours late from school you were earlier fired from your job. your ex boyfriend had recently been stalking you and to top it off there was no hot water this morning.
you were beyond stressed.
most of the time you could deal with it you had thousands of stress relieving techniques. but this time you were all types of frustrated, with school, your job, sexually, friendships, family. you sighed heavily as you dragged yourself inside your classroom.
the bright walls of your university aided in your pounding headache. the distinct smell of coffee and muffins flooded your nose as you blinked slowly.
the tall dark bookcases shielding you from the sunlight as you sluggishly made your way to your seat.
you slumped down on your chair as you massaged your temples in effort to calm your self down. your headache clouded your vision immensely you hastily downed your water and some paracetamol nursing your forehead throughout.
you hadn’t been out on a real date in months. it seemed like the universe didn’t want you on dates, you rarely ever found yourself being okay with that fact.
whilst in a trance your best friend jimin walked excitedly into the classroom.
he constantly and i mean constantly reminded you off the things you were missing out on but it wasn’t like you didn’t want to go out but the issue was you were way too busy.
being an english, law and history major meant that you were constantly studying literally.
you did love him though he always tried for you.
"_____ !! " your friend jimin called out to you. you grumbled in annoyance as you turned your neck towards him.
"what." you sighed out tiredly.
" what the- what's wrong with you ______ ?!" he exclaimed loudly.
" jimin... why are you so loud. " you whine loudly.
“ shut up ___ im literally your only friend.” he said nonchalantly.
“ stopppp!” you whined with a breathy giggle.
“ anyways what are you doing here you have biology?” you asked innocently wiping your exhausted eyes.
“ uhhh... well..”
“ spit it outtt.” you say , head tilting slightly.
" sorry _____ i just- i have a number to give you and i don't call it until you get home! trust me you'll thank me later!!”
it looked like a legit number so you decided to trust him this one time.
"come on ____ class ended 20 minutes ago wake up." he whined loudly.
" what.....? " you yawned as you groggily wiped your eyes.
jimin let out an exasperated sigh as he dragged you out of class and to your apartment.
" i love you but sometimes i feel like stabbing you. " he says plainly.
" sorry chim, ive just been really stressed lately. i'll make it up to you i promise."
"you can make it up to me by calling that number, it'll solve all your problems i promise."
" jimin... did you connect me to a sugar daddy or something? " you asked as you flopped down onto your sofa
" something like that." he said grinning
" okay well you can go home now . " you muttered yawning
" promise me you'll call them? "
" okay, okay now you can go. "
as jimin left you groaned into your pillow did you have to call them it wasn't really gonna change anything. but at the same time jimin would do the same for you.
your home was simple, minimalistic but you loved it your soft grey sofa in the corner. your small tv playing comfort noise in the background.
you fought your tiredness to finish your essay due for next week. you ached in places you didn't even know you had the most you were aching was down there.
you hadn't had any sexual action in weeks even months.
you decided to go up to your room to try and relive yourself.
you sighed as your hands hovered over the pulsating area.
as a finger trailed it's way up your slit you involuntarily whined as you got tired of the foreplay you plunged a finger inside your soppy cunt.
your plush walls also fighting to relish your much needed orgasm as you groaned into your pillow.
you moaned, whined, groaned and breathed heavily as you desperately tried to reach your high.
you angrily quickened your pace. you were trying so hard yet you still weren't feeling anything.
in a huff you decided to stop trying to reach your endless high.
in the corner of your eye you saw the number jimin had left you.
it wouldn't hurt to call right?
it wasn't gonna be anything weird..... right ?
you took a small breathe as your fingered trembled attempting to type in the numbers.
1 ring
2 rings
3 rings
" h-hello? " you whispered out meekly
" hey honey, why don't you speak up for us?" the man on the other end spoke in a deep voice
" im sorry i- i don't know what this- is r-really for?" you spoke slightly louder as you stumbled over your words
"it's a sexhotline darling? "
" i- i well oh...” you huffed out , eyes widening softly you were lost in a trance of thought.
you were suddenly put on hold.
your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you gave yourself time to think.
it wouldn’t hurt right?
you were basically an adult, you felt like a teenage girl again.
so you decided.
Putting a client on hold was a part of their fun. It allows the person to wait and to draw out the anticipation. however in this case you were just confused.
you’ve been pacing back and forth inside your bedroom for minutes it was half eleven in the night , and you certainly didn’t think that your attention would be on this instead of your essay.
suddenly you heard another 'hello' erupt from the phone quickly you grabbed your device breathing heavily you gulped and mustered up your voice.
" h- hi i just want you to know that y-you can carry on I've been- struggling and i- need some just some help?" you say whispering the last part.
" you want us to help you cum bun? " another voice said this time it was lighter, kinder in a way.
“don’t make us talk to ourselves, darling.” the other man snarls.
a gasp emits from your dry lips when the tone of his voice turns firm. there was a strict, domineering tinge in his speech that made you sit still. you were too shocked to reply as your mind tried to comprehend the situation that you got yourself into.
“I-I…” you stuttered completely, wanting to smack yourself in the face. the pet names, their voices it was all over whelming you too much.
you let out a needy whine, both of the men groaned quietly into the phone.
" how old are you baby ? " baby. they called you baby.
" i-im 19? "
" fuck, will you be okay with this?" they ask to make sure
jungkook can’t help the soft growl escape his lips. It has been so rare for him to receive callers who aren’t twenty-five and above, and you might be his first time.
“Ohh, baby girl,” he bites his lip, “I think you’re the first client I’ve had who’s so young.” jungkook says to you
“ is that okay , i-im sorry- "
“Oh, its more than okay , baby. You still wanna continue? I can make you feel so…” he pauses, groaning quietly to himself, “so good.”
your pussy clenches around nothing as you felt yourself getting wetter by the second
"  yes daddy. " you say nodding to yourself. you suddenly froze as you realised the contents of your words
taehyung's eyes widen in shock, his mouth agape, certainly not expecting that sudden word to come out of your lips. He throws his head back, closing his eyes for a brief moment as he feels his dick harden.
It was so difficult for him to hold himself back because all he wanted to do was to say the dirtiest, nastiest things that he wants to do to you in your ear. but he had to slow down.
“daddy? Oh, what makes you call me that, hm? baby?”
you feel your throat go dry, your eyes wide in shock. You didn’t know what to respond without being so shocked with yourself.
" i-i just really need you please please please i need it. " you let it all out, you couldn't be bothered to hide it anymore.
“don’t be a brat kitten.“ taehyung snarled into the phone.
“ b-but daddy! please i- i need it so so bad it’s not fair!“ you whined softly as your fingers ghosted your aching, soppy cunt.
they both groaned loudly, as jungkook conversed with taehyung
" kook, fuck i need to do her in real life she's making this so hard for me."
" same here let's just go for it here she's going to make me cum in my pants." he sighed as he palmed himself to your weak whimpers.
" darling, me and tae were wondering if you wanted to do this in real life- we'd fuck you so good honey, you'd become our little cum dump id love to see your body tremble to the force of my cock. " taehyung said interrupting jungkook.
" yes.. please you said as you moaned quietly to their words
" okay bun, we'll text you where to meet us." jungkook breathed out.
the atmosphere was dripping with heavy lust your eyes shut right as you relished their deep gutural voices.
“ i can’t cum daddy please help me cum pleas-“ you begged in frustration
“oh honey, it’s okay sh- sh it’s ok ill help you just be patient okay? you can do that for me right?” jungkook said in a calm tone
" what's your name by the way."
" it's ____." you say meekly
" ____ edge yourself, fuck yourself just do not cum. "
and with that in the call ended
you sighed loudly grinning slightly, you were gonna get your brains done out by two sexy sounding men.
you smiled to yourself giddily as you finally got some sleep.
the next morning you got up and did your daily routine entirely different you waxed everywhere, shaved, exfoliated, moisturised, basically every strawberry flavoured you had in your bathroom.
it was a Saturday, you had time to spare you texted jimin to meet him before you went to meet 'kook' and the other guy.
not to mention you were frustrated beyond belief you had done what they asked you to do and you half hate half love them for it.
on one hand you could cum from any suggestive touch you were given.
on the other hand you couldn't help but want to thank them you felt so ready for them.
you walked to the cafe.
the soft brown walls encompanied the mahogany floors and the cascade of plants across the room as you happily walked into the bustling cafe.
" what's got you so excited." he said grinning like the Cheshire cat
" uh nothing i just had some good sleep last night. " a lie.
" oh really? "
" yeah i even finished my essay!" not true but not false at the same time.
" wow! " jimin looked at you shocked
" jimin do you really have that little faith in me. " you say annoyed
" to be honest no. " he said chuckling
" jiminnn, well i have to be going now i have an appointment soon. " you explain pouting
" an appointment where? "
" somewhere special ? " you say in attempt to hide
" if you say so. " he uttered playfully and he watches you walk away
you stared at the building in front of you as you checked the address again and again it was a massive condo.
you rang the bell of the apartment square and dialled in the number seconds later you were buzzed in.
you took the elevator and anxiously played with your fingers you finally reached the floor you were headed to and walked into room 657 .
" h-hello i-im here it's ______ " you say confused you really made a large mistake.
suddenly turning around, you were pulled into a sloppy kiss. You immediately relaxed into it, wrapping your arms around his neck the deeper it went. Before it could go on too long, he pulled away.
Pressed between both of their bodies, you could help the way your body reacted. Your lips met Taehyung's again and you whimpered.
Jungkook took the opportunity to press his lips against your neck, skimming them over the collar now around your neck.
He hands gripped your waist, pulling your shirt up ever so slightly to touch the skin that became exposed.
Goosebumps across your skin and you gasped into Taehyung's mouth. The elder chuckled, reaching down to where Jungkook's deft fingers explored to tug up the hem of your shirt.
you gasped loudly as you tensed under their touch.
Already, you could feel your mind turning fuzzy, falling into your submissive roll to let them mold you how they wanted.
Jungkook chuckled as you lifted your arms, allowing Taehyung to pull your shirt off. Left in your bra, you couldn't help but cover your chest as vulnerability set in.
"None of that, bun," Jungkook growled softly, ripping your arms away from your chest. "You wanna be a good girl for us right? Let us take care of you?"
"Y-Yes..." You whined, whining when Taehyung leaned down pressing kisses against your chest above the seam of your bra. Gasping, you pushed your chest out to get more of the feeling.
"What a good girl," Taehyung cooed, falling to his knees in front of you.
You leaned back, using Jungkook as support to help Taehyung pull your jeans off completely. He tossed them away in a heap nearby and without wasting a second, his mouth was on your core.
The fabric of your panties put on the side, feeling his mouth on you fully but as he slid his tongue over your slit and caught your clit, you let out a soft moan.
"What a good kitten for us," Jungkook groaned, hands still cupping your breasts. He pinched your nipples, making your back arch as you cried out.
“Is that pretty pussy wet, Princess? Does your cunt ache to be filled by my cock?” jungkook coaxes
The filth of his words doesn’t surprise you, Under his teasing words, you feel yourself grow wet, your lust-filled desire mingling with the humiliation that flutters through you.
"Aw, your pussy that sensitive, baby?" Taehyung cooed pressing his middle finger to glide directly over the patch where your clit was, making your hips curve inwards as the intensity was blare enough to startle you.
He chuckled deeply at that, kind of sounding like a purr and just when you didn't think he could fuck with your sanity anymore than he was already doing, he turned his head to the side and lapped his wet muscle along your jugular vein before enclosing his lips area the area for harsh suck.
you moaned loudly as you arched your back against jungkook. taehyung put one leg over his shoulder to go deeper.
"Daddy!" You cried as his tongue slid through your folds. He moaned at the unimpeded taste of your cunt. Circling your entrance, he eagerly tasted everything you had to offer.
" don't take it all tae, shit she looks hot." jungkook groaned into your neck, biting licking and sucking against your sweet spot.
you whined as you trembled against the two men. you felt hot.
"Fuck!" You shrieked, spasming when he gave you a slap against your sodden folds . " I—!"
" be careful girl." jungkook growled into your ear
you moaned apologies left right and centre as he continued to abuse your aching clit.
suddenly you were harshly pulled away from taehyung's hot wet muscle and pushed into the soft plush bed.
you whined in protest at your denied orgasm.
" now, you're going to choose. me or tae." jungkook questioned sadistically
" i...i can't choose that i okay um jungkook?" you said in a small voice.
" good decision honey, now lie back let me take care of you." he cooed kindly
taehyung scoffed as he sat back
you were more than happy like this, but when you shifted your hips to grind your centre against his, you both groaned open-mouthed into the kiss.
You could feel that he was already hard in his boxers. Knowing that his willing cock was so close to your needy core erased your mind of any thoughts that weren't of him.
When you dragged your clit against him again you keened, the pleasure incredible despite the barriers between you.
he felt so big as you continued your actions
suddenly you felt his large and literally massive cock push into your plush soppy cunt.
you moaned loudly as jungkook groaned.
taehyung smirked as he shook his head.
" get moving i wanna see her squirt."
jungkook rocked back and forth at a steady pace it was amazing don't get me wrong but you wanted more you needed more.
"more! more please harder jungkook please! " you begged.
" princess, don't beg for things you can't keep up with." he chuckled
there was an animalistic gaze in his eye as he started plunging into your pussy, taehyung mouth open jerking himself off at the sight, your open lie open as he ground his fat cock into you.
you felt hot and euphoric and couldn't help but let moans continuously fall out of your mouth.
suddenly you felt a harsh slap on your face. you felt tears well up in your eyes.
Without warning, his cock was rammed inside you. Raw and hard with the way your pussy was soaking wet from your denied orgasm , he began to relentlessly fuck into you.
tears began spilling out of your eyes continuously and your moans became pornographic.
as if he couldn't go any faster he began to drill inside you, your body shook in ecstasy as his fat cock was pistoned into you.
you felt your high approaching, you panicked and begged for them to let you come.
" please! please let me cum ! ill be good , ill be a good girl ! " you cried out towards them
jungkook craned himself to be face to face with you, as he stared at you with his dark and lustful. his wet lips capture yours into a sloppy kiss .
he forced your mouth open and let his tongue glide upon yours. he sucked on the wet muscle softly as you cried out.
everything felt so good, too good.
you came 3 times alone with jungkook and felt overstimulated beyond belief.
" now it's my turn . " taehyung dead panned
" w-what i can't take anymore ill just su- "
" i said. it's my turn. " he uttered in a harsh tone
you wailed in frustration as your body writhed in defeat .
" you're gonna take it . that's what you asked for . " he spat at you.
observing the way your eyes darken, turning neediness, and the way your chest heaves in short breaths, Taehyung’s jaw flexes.
He pressed the tip against your hole, seeing you tense up almost immediately. taehyung rubbed the end of his cock along your wet cunt before sinking himself into you.
" d-daddy ple- ! " you body spasmed against the head board as taehyung suddenly slammed his body into you continuously.
“ you’re such an eager little whore, aren’t you?” he purrs, condescension laced in his tone.
you tightly held onto the relentless man as you felt your high approaching once more.
taehyung’s thrusts became sloppy as he grunted against your neck.
you felt your body swirl and turn around you and you finally came.
hours later
you groggily woke up as you felt your body give out into the bed.
“ hel- hello? ” you said wearily
“ hi princess.” taehyung smirked
“ round 5?” jungkook asked
you sighed as you submitted to them in their bed
here we go again.
5 missed calls from jimin
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gobstoppr · 2 years
a ramble about . having hand and wrist pain that all started hitting me at once .theres no real thesis i just have been thinking about shit . happy disability awareness month .
god for what, over 4months now , ive had chronic hand/wrist pain thats made it fucking frustrating as all hell to do . the things i want to do . i cant play games for hours at a time . i can barely draw for over 30 minutes at a time without a break (oftentimes i have to take breaks long before that point) . i cant scroll on my dash forever since even with the keyboard shortcuts it strains over time (sidenote but CHRIST can i just . but a bookmark on a point on my dash. i want to come back there later and scroll from there . iwant the site to stop lagging ). everything i do i have to consider how bad my bones will hurt from it and if i can do it, if its something i can adjust to make easier on my hands, if its something worth 'wasting' what i call my 'hand stamina' for the afternoon. like oh if i play video game then i wont be able to draw or do shit for like at least 30min .
ive gone to the doctors. ive gone to the tests . its not carpel tunnel they say ! thank you for clearing that option after 3.5 months of pain. now i get to do more trial and error tests to see what i have . ive finally gotten at least like. the orders to let me get physical therapy so hopefully that can help . just side note i fucking HATE decentralized medical care holy SHIT why cant this info just be fucking shared between u guys . i wait 2 weeks between getting to go into the doctor and say 'yea mate it still fucking hurts' so they can give me a different appointment 2 weeks later and so on . its so much fucking treading water . weve been over this bullshit . why do i have to wait 2 weeks to see the dr for 10 minutes and then figure out an appointment . i just fucking . god .
i have to go to college in a month . im not going to be better in a month . im definetly never reaching what was once 'normal' condition for a long time . its . its hard to think about that shit . i feel like ive been trapped ykno.
i remember . for about 3 months. starting in late september 2021. i was having an absolute fucking blast . i had spamton brainrot . i could pump out several small doodles a day, sometimes multiple cleaned up/colored sketches, every couple weeks i might make a fully finished piece . i could spend hours upon hours just. doing what i loved . drawing silly guy who i liked . seeing what the other people in my community were doing . art, creativity is a conversation to me. i see peoples works, i get inspired, i want to create, even if i don't have anything in particular to say at that moment . it doesnt matter i have no ideas for posing or anything . i wanted to create . and i created .
i could be in my element . have this conversation . this feedback loop of inspiration . a constant improvement to my own skills as i just enjoyed art how i enjoy art . i'm mad at myself for not taking more breaks. im mad at myself for not fucking stretching all these years . but i will never regret my time . it was worth every second . and even if im not always interacting with everyone i met thru that time, im forever thankful for getting to meet all of them .
this is sounding a bit mopey huh . ok some quick advice then for this sorta shit in general.
for one . yes i know its fucking hard . but please just stretch a lil sometimes . even just learning one or two u can do pretty consistently can help u get going . this page has alot of good ones.
two . get yourself a good dumbass friend to watch stupid cartoons with you . yes im serious . if it were not for having my sister this summer to watch anime for children i would have gone insane with boredom whenever my hands hurty so i cant do shit . find yourself some bullshit to binge and laugh at . highly recommend the yokai watch dub of seasons 1+2 . good head empty but very entertaining shit . incredible for passing the time
three . find shortcuts for doing smaller straining tasks udont really think about . for example, theres the more prominant things like using keyboard shortcuts to navigate ur dash, but then theres stuff like realizing . oh trying to cut my sandwich with a knife is a kinda weird strain and because the bread is so soft its hard to cut super easily . so now i just . tear my pb+j up with my hands to cut it . jsut rip it . its not fucking worth the nonsense
yeah ok i think im out of things to say for now but yea. fucking hands huh . take care of yourselves gamers . i apologize if this is a bit gloomy
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cedobols · 3 years
i would just like to say that i love your art style so much that i feel Envy. how effortlessly put together it is... amazing lineart, love the way you use color. im jealous of your anatomy skills and the poses you use really bring out the character in your seb and mark!!! whats your drawing practice routine like? do you draw daily? 😭 im aaaaaa
absolutely terrified nonnie pls dont hurt me … i can assure u it is not effortlessly put together! dont be fooled by the rock thats i got by what u see bc its taken me many years to get here (-ω-、)
trick to anatomy is lots and lots and lots of ref. i still make shit up. if someone who actually studied anatomy looked at my art theyd set it on fire “WRONG!” . but i have folders upon folders of ref .. and then once u draw it over n over n kinda learn what sumn is supposed to look like or where which bone is u can slowly stop relying on it so heavily! but reference is an artists best friend!!!!
as for routine: i dont rlly have anything ;;;; after graduating high school i mostly draw every day! bc its my hobby! and passion i suppose. to me its just sumn that i have to do otherwise im so full of ideas and energy i cant sleep. or i feel worthless and like a waste of space. there is no in between </3 
.....its like knowing u need to take a piss at some stage yknow WHAT???....NO....? like its just another part of ur day. sometimes i sit there with a  new canvas open and look for some doc to watch while i draw and then realise its been 2 hours and i havent picked up my stylus so i jus go to bed lol. like u can only do so much
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did everyone get that was that english was it ok zzzzzzzzzz
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bangtanger · 4 years
was thinking for 84 hours where should i post it but as its my creator blog i m doing it here <3 i was tagged by @taemaknae @suhdays @ynki @honsool @jjeongukie @taeyungie @dearbangtansonyeondan @lifegoesmon @everythingoes @flipthatjacketjiminie @yoongi-bts @jiminslight @hopekidoki @cowboyjinbop @yoonqiful @jcngkooks @pjmsdior @hobeah @balenciaguks​ @jinvant @hobibestboy @vjimin @yoongikook AND THANK U SO MUCH FOR INCLUDING ME T_T ik maybe its not a big deal but its a big deal to me and im touched :(((((((((((( also gimme some time to check all ur posts 👉👈 also im in a mood to say that ive collected many pokemons here djfksfhsakjddld ok nvm 
also sorry for a long post ik tmblr fvcks things up sometimes when there is keep reading so dont fight me plz <3
❀ first creation and most recent creation of 2020 
ok this is the fist one (still very pleased with colouring here T_T the stage lighting was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well yeah as always lmao) and this is the most recent (TBH DKJSKDSDK I WISH MY MOST RECENT POST COULD BE A DIFFERENT ONE THE ONE I WANNA MAKE FOR A MONTH NOW THE ONE ID PUT A LOT MORE EFFORTS IN SO IM A LIL FRUSTRATED i literally just missed giffing but couldnt watch anything new so took an old vid i wanted to gif once I DIDNT EVEN USE MYCOLOURING PSD IT LITERALLY HAS ONLY COUPLE OF LAYERS uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :( but whatever,,, it just kinda doesnt show the difference -_-)
❀ a creation u r really proud of 
well 👁👄👁 there r quite few,,, and the main reason is colouring most of these r comps and i a b s o l u t e l y sucked at comps and esp at making the colouring consistent there lol so lets begin lol  1 (u have no idea how muchi love this set) 2 (i fucking mastered it i wanted to remake it for two years and i finally did!! 60 fps smooth good moments iconic performance iconic hair colour his attitude bruh and ofc the fact that i could do sth with colouring,,,,,, and chose such an unusual colour scheme that i doubted jckdckfdk and it still worked out 🥺) 3 (lol i had this idea written down since 2018 as well and this year i could finally collect all moments i needed and oh boi yeah,,, AND COLOURING I COULD ALMOST yeah almost do sth decent with it there r still couple moments id changed but im pleased) 4 (im so happy whenevr i see this CUZ IT ALL WORKED OUT it was such an impulsive comp i literally only saw couple moments for past few years as well where i could see three of them in one frame and suddenly I WAS LIKE I FUCKING MUST POST THOSE MOMENTS SOMEHOW and im so proud of colouring it looks so well T_T) 5 (the colouring ofc im still :o that i could get rid of that shitty shit dkksjkj AND THE MOMENTS ITSELF?????? AND BLACK SWAN???????? EVERY PERFORMANCE???? HAIR?????? OUTFIT???????? EVRERYHTIGNM???????? HIS FUCKING STARE? FACE??? DONT MAKE ME CONTINUE AAAAAAAAAAA also if im not wrong this set in particular made me start my before/after posts 🥺) 6 (i jujst love everything about it e v e r yt h i n g also i could made ppl believe that jin fr has purple hair here when in reality its brown djhfdhskdf one of blending modes or adjustment layers worked this way lol) 7 (i wont even comment this tried a great tutorial with great beautiful resuls for the first time ever and it worked out so well and i like it so much and the whole yoongi here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, also love me some borders that add cinematic feels to some gifs or just make them pretty in a dif way just like i did with prev post i mentioned imo lol) OK LAST ONE 8 (I USED A VIDEO OF STARS AND ADDED IT TO THE GIF FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER I FUCKED WITHMASKING FOR 3 HOURS GRRRRRRRR THIS IS SO HUGE FOR ME!!!!! i cant even explain whew IVE NEVER DID ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE SO I WAS REALLY PROUD TOO even tho i fucked masking up on some layers lmao but lets not pay too much attention to it 👀)
❀ a creation that took u forever
ohhhhhhhh i think this one cuz the moments were long i couldnt decide what do i want to include + it ts file so u kno,,, the speed,,, of processing,, + somehow decided to put them all together + fucked with colouring + had to get rid of the logo and as we know japan likes a lot of big braight text around haha and draw hair in moments where logo made it look blurry + had to adjust the order and all that stuff but getting rid of logo was the longest part 
❀ a creation from 2020 that received the most notes
whew this iconic one im still amazed tbh they looked soso incredible and im glad how everything turned out here <3 (could change some colouring on bg tho so it could look better and more hq :c)
❀ a creation u think deserved more notes 
lol this one cuz i was so hyped to make it cuz their concert in saudi arabia is one of my fav things in the world and i waited for so long to have mood and energy to go throught it to find jk moments and i couldnt choose some for this comp for so long and just,,,,,, overall,,,, the way he looks here............................................................... its a special comp to me haha ill def gif more of it i have shit ton of clips left and also there r other members and i just want to sit and enjoy yhe whole thing to so may find more stuff to gif here lol
❀  a new fandom u joined an a creation u made for it 
i didnt join anything heurheru
❀ a creation u made that breaks ur heart
OKAY LISTEN DSJAKDJHFDKJ THIS ONE IF U KNOW U KNOW AND IM SURE IT BREAKS ALMOST EVERY HEART tbh whenever i see soft smiles or soft interactions or anything like this im just :’( <3 even my serotonin boost tag does it to me cuz its too precious T_T
❀  a ‘simple’ creation that u really love
this one cuz everything about it ah and this one 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
❀ a creation that was inspired by someone else
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk maybe this one ? cuz i never did anything like this before and maybe i saw someones beautiful headers and decided to try one too ? i could do a lot better there is not enough depth but oh well,,, lol
❀  a favourite creatin created by someone else
oh its gonna be hard :) dear every conten creator i hope u dont mind if i wont go though the whole 2020 gif tag but choose form the most recent ones i loved? u know how much i appreciate ur content cuz i never stop screaming about it in tags but truly there r more content makers and i want u to know that i really love ur content :(
@syubb welllllllllllll i wont even comment this is iconique.....
@jinv T_T val i miss u but there should be bday comps with that BIG ASS IMAGE THAT HAS ITS PARTS ON EVERY SINGLE GIF I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN that icant even find dfjksfskj
@jung-koook i literally couldnt choose ehdskjdjksd but i decided this one cuz its sososososososososososososososososososososo well made every single detail here is chefs kiss
@kkulmoon i truly really cant get enough of ur colouring lately T_T
@minhope !!!!!!LITERALLY EVERY PANTONE COMP OR ESPECIALLY 7 YEARS WITH BTS PANTONE ONE IM AAAAAAAAAAAAA and lmao i think this is one of the most reposted things ive ever seen on internet T_T
@jjoon hng amy u know how i feel about ur content T_T decided this one cuz f l a w l e s s 
@hopekidoki stuff like this makes my jaw lie in the floor dsjkdj
@flipthatjacketjiminie idk whats up but it makes me scream like a madman every time i see it.........
@lifegoesmon i cant even explain why i chose this one but everything here is so incredible !!!!!!!!1
@hobeah one of those good fucking bye ones.....
@taeyungie this made me feel so many things and a whole ass a w e so cool T_T
@jiminfilter i will never shut up about bts core jungkook one should also be here
@jinvant i wanna YELL but also u know how much i love ur quality and blacks  T_T and gfxs too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@yoongi-bts i love everything here with my whole heart!!!
@joenns  I WONT EVEN EXPLAIN IM SO HURT HES SO THIS IS SO T____________________T 
@jjeongukie idk i cant get enough of skin tone!!!!!!!!!!!!
@chaylani i really love the colouring and love these posts with highlights T_T
@oncupid cant get enough of every colouring ive seen <3
@taee it was really hard to choose too T_T decided to go with this cuz,, u kno
❀  some of your favourite content creators from this year
ok i may forgot someone + in no order in particular + literally every creator that i follow/whose content i reblog @taeguks @tearuntold @cyphertaehyungie @love4hobi @kimnamtaejin @taejoon @jimiyoong @namkook @taeyungie @jinvant @jinv @6dis-ease @jiminrolls @daechwitas @syubb @syuga @jjeongukie @cowboyjinbop @hope-film @minhope @hopekidoki @joonie @namgination @jung-koook @faerieth @kooksv @lifegoesyoon @yoonqiful @j-sope @chaylani @jiminfilter @jjoon @everythingoes @varietae @seoksjin @dearbangtansonyeondan @ofkimtaehyung @yoongi-bts @gaypeople @seokjinyoongis @agustdfeatrm @joenns @houseofarmanto @namjoon (will miss forever) @thebtsgenre @honsool @vjimin @seokjinite @jiminswn @taee @hobeah @lifegoesmon @taemaknae @gukgi @kkulmoon @flipthatjacketjiminie @jintae @jcngkooks @ynki @yoongikook @yoongiandthebiaswreckers @jiminslight @gwkie @oncupid @eternalbulletproof and many more <3
OK SO i wanna say a special thanks to every content creator ever and also i wanna say that im really glad to be a part of this community all of u r so cool and creative and make such beautiful things and many of u made me feel EMOTIONS with ur sets or not only sets ill be forever grateful that i discovered bts and for everything they do to me without even knowing ALSO THANK U FOR STILL BEING HERE ON TUMBRLDSDFKJ yeah this year was less active there were few issues many ppl went on twt but thank u for still being here also happy new year <3333333 i think i sounded deeper and more emotional when i was commenting ppls gifs :| but its almost 2 am so i hope u will understand dkfjkfsjk im happy there is this corner on the internet that feels cozy and so welcoming <3 i love u i wish u a better year ahead <3 ok for checking notifications purpose ill tag my blog lol @eternal-bangtan
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hi again 🥺🥺 this is for the match ups you are doing :))
appearance :: i am 5'4 and have brown hair and eyes, though my eyes are a little green with sunlight too. i can say i have a curvy body(? and i was told i have a cute and bright smile.
personality :: when i first meet someone i tend to be very shy, sometimes i even barely speak. but once i get to know someone i open myself up a little more (still, i find it very hard to open up to things that are personal or make me sad). i could say im calm, positive and patient but i tend to be jealous a lot and sensitive over not so important things. i do have a tendency to put others before me way too much which causes me to forget about myself.
hobbies :: i love to read ! i usually use my savings for buying new books or mangas :)) i also like painting and drawing but i dont know if i should count those as hobbies now bc they are very related to what im majoring in. I love playing the guitar and listening to some calming music while laying in bed.
aesthetic :: my favorite aesthetics are cottagecore and goblincore. however in my daily life i use a combination of both + a little bit of light academia <3
likes :: greek mythology, conspiracy theories, kdramas, romance and adventure books, fantasy, mushrooms 🥺, cats, guitars, picnics, inceses, meditations, study dates, libraries, watercolors and relaxing//acoustic music.
mbti + zodiac sign :: with my mbti is kinda difficult to say because i took different tests and i had two different types as results:: INFJ and INFP. i relate to both in a lot of ways but i still find myself relating to more people or characters that are INFP. my zodiac sign is virgo, my rising taurus and my moon leo.
type :: i dont know if i have a type? i would love to date someone who understands me and makes me feel loved. who's love language are words of affirmation or/and physical touch. someone who, if he does not share interests with me or preferences in dates, can adapt and be willing to learn about the things that i like. someone who will cheer me up. maybe a little dorky? i dont mind if they are not extroverted as long as we help each other to get out of our comfort zone :)) in appearance maybe just not too beefy ah 😅 lol but other than that, someone who will respect me and will make me smile
i think that is it? sorry for making it so long and thank you sooo much for taking your time to do this 🥺🥺 have a great day 💛💛💛
Romantic Matchup
Tendou Satori
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐚'𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐭
Ok picture this...
Shonen Jump just came out with a new LIMITED EDITION magazine
These things are just disappearing off shelves
There is one. Singular. Copy in the store you are currently at
Obviously you see it
And OBVIOUSLY your gonna go get it!
However when you reach to grab it your hand touched the hand of the one and only
Tendou Satori
Both of you had a deadly tight grip on this magazine rn
Neither of you are backing down
You look him dead in the eyes
“I’m sorry sir but I do believe I touched this first”
He looked right back at you
“I’m sorry ma’am but I’m pretty sure I was the one who touched it first”
You both went back and forth bickering about who should get to have the magazine
And that’s when Tendou came out with the GENIUS idea of...
Rock. Paper. Scissors.
Simple, whoever wins gets the magazine
Thus the match began
Long story short Tendou lost 2-1
Seeing his sad face you decided to be nice and offered to read it together at the nearby park
Of course he was gonna agree this is SHONEN JUMP WERE TALKING ABOUT
So you both headed to the park to read
Honestly you busted out the entire magazine within an hour
And after you finished it you two talked about it for about another hour
And shit since you we’re both at the park, why not have a little fun
You guys spent the rest of the day messing around on the playground
You know... harassing kids and shit
And when it was time to go home you both agreed to meet back up next week to discuss more manga
This became sort of a routine for you two
Every Friday you guys would meet up somewhere and talk about or read some manga
And then afterwards you two would go find something fun to do
And over time he started having feelings for you
But poor boy was to scared to tell you
But lucky for him, you also grew to have feelings for him
So YOU where actually the one to confess :D
And he obviously said yes :)
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮
Omg cheesy moment real quick
He loves your smile
Absolutely fricken adores it
Like he will do ANYTHING to see you smile
He loves how positive you can be!
Sometimes Tendou can get a little down on himself
But you can always pick him back up and get him smiling again!!
And he gladly does the same for you :)
He likes the fact that you get a little jealous 👀
To him it just shows that you care a lot about him
Annnnd last one
He loves the fact that you enjoy manga as well :D
Because you both have something to do together that you both enjoy!
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
Ok so he obviously likes reading manga with you
One of his favorite things to do with you is
🥁 🥁 🥁
Exploring mythology with you!!
Honestly tendous kinda into that witchy type of aesthetic
So mythology, crystals, spirits, he’s ALL for it
One time he even invited you ghost hunting ❤️
Fun times
But I’m pretty sure y’all have a ghost tied to you 😀
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐜
Tendou loves taking you to haunted places!
He genuinely thinks he can talk to ghosts...
He always links your conspiracy theories to paranormal activity
He loves to meditate with you
Especially before a game 😁
He says it “grounds” him
Ever since y’all met you take turns buying weekly shonen jump magazines and snacks
Ok Tendou likes painting
But he ALWAYS makes a mess
Because he specifically likes FINGER painting 🥲
When Taurus and Virgo come together in a love affair, it’s a union of innate practicality.
Both of these Signs employ practicality in their daily lives as the most efficient means to most problems.
They can be quite sincere and devoted to one another; as people, both have a great deal of integrity.
Virgo likes Taurus’s strength and dedication while Taurus appreciates Virgo’s quick mind.
Due to Virgo’s naturally cautious nature, this relationship can take awhile to develop, but once it’s established that both partners are in it for the long haul, it’s like a runaway locomotive, running on its own power and difficult to stop.
These two Signs have much in common: They highly value common sense and practicality; they’re both materialistic but work hard for the creature comforts they so enjoy.
Taurus is more sensual and indulgent than Virgo is; Virgo tends to be the inhibitive force in the relationship, tending not to get involved in the chaos of life in favor of analyzing all available options.
Virgo’s analysis leads to criticism, which Taurus can tend to take too seriously. Conversely, Taurus’s stubborn nature can get on Virgo’s nerves, causing Virgo to criticize even more!
This pair must take care not to take one another too seriously.
The good thing is, they’re similar enough that they can learn to be patient with one another, especially Virgo, who loves to indulge Taurus’s penchant for fine treatment and good food.
Their dedication to working toward the same goals.
Both partners enjoy luxury and nice things, and Virgo likes helping Taurus achieve their goals.
Their common interests and desires make theirs a highly compatible relationship.
𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
𝓜𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓼 ✨ 🔮 ✨
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