#i sue you amc we will see a
loelett · 7 months
What do you think about the iwtv tv show?
It's fine enough! Funnily enough i got into iwtv in the first place because my friend suggested I check out the show and I forgot what medium they suggested the series in so I read the book instead lmao. I think if I watched the show first I would be a lot more into it, but honestly with the context of the books I didn't love a lot of the changes. Mostly to do with Claudia (esp relating to her relationship with Lestat). I love Louis in every iteration tho! he is always a delight to see and I love seeing different interpretations of his character and story. Idk I could point out all the reasons the show didn't hit in the same way as the books to me but it's been talked to death by book fans and my opinions aren't super original I'm sure
On a slightly more frustrated note I'm really not cool with the way the showrunners erased the canonical asexuality of the characters. Because honestly that's what it is to me and a lot of other fans. Iwtv is the first adult series I've gotten invested in that had asexual themes that didn't feel tacked on and also didn't need to be pointed out. It's taken seriously and the lack of sexual attraction doesn't infantilize the characters in any way which is just really nice. The romance and passion in the books is something that really connected with me and the fact that they both made sex possible and also an important point to several different character's arcs is really frustrating and it's kind of the reason I don't like interacting with the show.
Idk I could go on but a lot of people who are a lot more well spoken than me have articulated better comparisons than I ever could so I'll leave it here
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nightcolorz · 10 months
What’s your thoughts on the amc show 👁️👁️
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I sue you Amc, we will see a.
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Does SF have any new feelings on all of these little “leaks” stating Melissa is there?
My new feelings are the same as my old feelings 🙈🙉🙊 None of these "leaks" would be happening if AMC didn't condone them, but if you're asking me whether I believe Melissa is there, then yes.
On if it will be announced tomorrow that Melissa is back?
AMC has never announced anything in the way normal networks do, but they need to present their slate and make it appealing to advertisers, particularly with their new service, Audience+. They'll have to put lipstick on the pig that's S1 so someone will invest and the easiest way of doing that would be to announce Melissa's return.
On if we won’t be hearing about “the Daryl show” anymore?
Like MT, I'd like a proper title to be announced and by proper, I mean one that will give some kind of indication as to what the show is about, like The Last of Us, Stranger Things, or Game of Thrones. Even "More Tales of the Walking Dead" is more descriptive than "The Daryl Show" (it's not a sitcom) or "Raise the Dead" (which is illogical).
I'd also like to hear from Zabel, so we could get a sense for how in charge he is. Those revisions to 201 (as seen in the picture of the cover page) give me pause. I think I know why an outsider was brought in instead of promoting from within the franchise, but until we get a statement or even a soundbite, this spinoff could be at DEFCON 5 or 1.
Kristin Dolan will speak, so that should give us a better idea of what she's got planned for the network and by extension, TWDU.
Tacking these on here since I can't comment on other comments:
retiredkat: The move to France has benefited one person.
Correlation does not equal causation. Yes, Norman benefited, but he wasn't the only one to do so and out of the two, he had less power (and less of a motive) to affect a shift in concept or location.
retiredkat: AMC could have sued MMB for breach of contract if she truly backed out for no good reason, correct? I just don’t understand how France was untenable a year ago, but now it is.
Well, there are exit clauses in those contracts, so there's no need for the studio to sue. The money you'd owe for breach of contract and loss of profits is prohibitive and your reputation is shot afterwards. No one would hire you.
France being untenable is still just the official agreed upon excuse as to why Melissa was let go. It was never the actual reason, just like she didn't need a break, nor had a change of mind and before someone jumps in to say it, neither did she nurse her elderly father who doesn't even live in the same state.
She’s welcome to chime in.
Thanks for taking the time to respond :) We will see what tomorrow brings.
This is kind of a tangent, but Zabel should declare himself a Caryl shipper. I want the showrunner to have the same energy that LaToya Morgan has. I'm tired of everyone playing coy.
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paralleljulieverse · 6 years
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Silver Silver STAR! or, the 25th Anniversary of the 25th Anniversary!
Twenty five years ago this week, the 1968 Julie Andrews musical Star! made its long overdue return to the screens of the world –– at least, the small screens –– when the film was finally released to home video on 17 November 1993. Billed as “the return of a lost classic,” the heavily-promoted 25th Anniversary release was the first time in decades that the complete version of Star! had been widely available and it marked a watershed in the film’s latter-day recuperation (Edwards, 1993). 
Director Robert Wise long remained haunted by the commercial and critical failure of Star!. "I’ve had films that haven’t paid off,” he lamented, “but Star! was my biggest disappointment because I think it’s a better film and more of an achievement than was acknowledged by the mass audience” (Leeman: 195). The film had cultivated a small but devoted band of fans over the years, many of whom sent appreciative letters to the director, but Wise continued to hope that Star! might yet find broader vindication and shake off its unjust reputation as “the H-bomb of musicals” (Kanfer: 78).
In 1984, amidst a growth in popularity of classic film revivals, Twentieth Century-Fox struck a new print of Star! for release to the repertory house circuit (Edwards 1990). It was the first time the full roadshow version of Star! had been seen in North America since 1968 and, while it mainly screened in niche metropolitan revival houses, it played to hugely enthusiastic audiences. Attending a New York screening in August 1990, Robert Wise recalled that Star! “went over like gangbusters...The audience applauded after every number and gave me and the film such a hand” (Thompson: 96). Meanwhile, general interest in Star! continued to grow. In 1990, an article on the history of the film appeared in Movie Collector’s World (Edwards 1990). And in May 1992, Premiere magazine nominated Star! as its “most wanted” title on home video (”Widescreen”: 85). 
Emboldened by the groundswell of support, Robert Wise approached Fox about remastering a version of Star! for home video and all agreed the time was ripe. The director personally supervised a new transfer from the original 65mm negative and six-track magnetic soundtrack source materials which had happily remained intact in the Fox vaults. The remastered version of Star! screened for the first time on the respected cable network, American Movie Classics in early-1993 (Edwards 1993). Reviewing the AMC broadcast for the Los Angeles Times, Kevin Thomas called Star! “one of the most under appreciated of all Hollywood major productions,” praising the film as "engrossing...and played stunningly by Julie Andrews” (6).
Throughout 1993, Wise and Fox continued to finalise preparations for the film’s video release. The deluxe two-tape set was officially launched on 16 November 1993 (’street date’: 17 November) with a special Silver Anniversary screening of Star! at the DGA Theatre in Hollywood. Attended by many of the original cast and crew –– including Julie Andrews, Richard Crenna, Robert Wise, Saul Chaplin, and Michael Kidd –– the screening was a happy reunion cum symbolic homecoming for the film. Star! is “finally back where it belongs” said Julie in a warm interview at the event (“Silver Star!”).
The film’s soundtrack, which had also been long out of print, was given a companion release to CD and cassette by Fox Records on 23 November. With the inclusion of two previously unreleased tracks –– the extended version of the title song  by Julie and Daniel Massey’s “Forbidden Fruit” –– and featuring a handsome booklet with liner notes by T.J. Edwards –– a veritable one-man cheer squad for Star! during these years –– the CD soundtrack re-release further cemented the aura of rediscovery around the film and the sense that, after decades of neglect, Star! could finally be seen and heard in its original splendour (Sanello: D5; Thomas, B: 14). 
And this time round US critics were much more receptive than most had been back in 1968. Reviewing the video release for the Los Angeles Times, Sue Martin called it “a handsome period production [that] holds up with Andrews in a tour de force portrayal as the earthy, tenacious Lawrence” (44). Martie Zad of The Washington Post dubbed it “one of filmdom’s grandest musicals”, saying “[i]t is a treat to watch and listen to Andrews whose voice at this point in her career was simply pure and magical” (N5). Dave Staten of the Daily News enthused:
“Star! is bouncy and fast-paced and much better that I expected. You see, I was one of this people who was scared away in 1968 by the bad notices. This grand movie deserves a new life on video” (26).
In response to the fulsome reception, Fox green-lighted an even more ambitious ‘special edition’ release of Star! on laserdisc, a kind of top-end precursor to DVD and the home cinephile’s medium of choice in the 90s. An impressively weighty package –– literally, as those big old discs were heavy as rocks –– the laserdisc edition was spread over two discs presented in a lavish gatefold album. It was jam-packed with special features, including a detailed production history, rare behind-the scenes images, a lively audio commentary by Wise and other members of the production team, and a charming featurette about the film’s 25th anniversary screening at the DGA. Indeed, the compilation of supplementals was so dense and involved that it delayed the disc’s release by many months. The Star! laserdisc finally hit the shelves on August 16, 1995 with a USD$80.00 price tag, not exactly cheap today let alone 25 years ago, and it quickly established a new benchmark for special edition film releases to the home video market (“Be Glad”: 2; “Widescreen Special Edition”: 85)
Now, if only we could get Fox to play ball again 25 years later and authorise that long-awaited BluRay release of Star! for the 50th anniversary! 
“Be Glad They Still Make Discs Like This.” The Laser Disc Newsletter. 133, September 1995: 2.
Edwards, T.J. “The Saga of ‘Star!’”. Movie Collector’s World. 357, 7 December 1990: 60-75.
Edwards, T.J. “Rare Julie: After 25 Years, A Lost Classic Returns.” American Movie Classics, 6: 7, July 1993: 4-5.
Kanfer, Stefan. “Cinema: Quarter Chance.” Time. 96: 4. 27 July 1970: 78.
Leeman, Sergio. Robert Wise on His Films: From Editing Room to Director’s Chair. Los Angeles: Silman-James Press, 1995.
Martin, Sue. “New on Video.” Los Angeles Times Calendar. 3 November 1993: 44.
Saltzmann, Barbara. “‘Star!’ Gets Back Original Luster on Laser.” Los Angeles Times. 16 January 1994: F25.
Sanello, Frank. “The Hills are Alive Again with the Songs of Julie Andrews.” The Sun. 15 December 1993: D5.
Thompson, Frank T. Robert Wise: A Bio-bibliography. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1995.
Silver Star 25th Anniversary Featurette. Film produced by T.J. Edwards. Los Angeles: FoxVideo, 1994.
Staten, Vince. “Hollywood Rolls Out Its ‘Classics’”. Daily News. 21 November 1993: 26.
Thomas, Bob. “1968 Flop ‘Star!’ Reborn on Video.” News Press. 17 December 1993: 14.
Thomas, Kevin. “Movies to Tape.” Los Angeles Times - TV Times. 7 February 1993: 6.
“Widescreen Special Edition Laserdisc of Julie Andrews Lost Classic Musical.” Movie Collector’s World. 483, 6 October 1995: 85.
Zad, Martie. “Andrews's 'Star!' Revives Hit Songs Of Lost Musical.” Washington Post. 21 November 1993: N5.
Copyright © Brett Farmer 2018
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
and we take thier Atonium now and protect our facilities and use it, and macs are the ones losing them and we do it on purpose. and they seek them hotly and see them in the desert and soon in orlando...a huge shield will be erected and yes he is right it makes a bubble, and you will even see it...and it is like epcot. and to protect patrons from fragments or objects....large ones too up to a certain size but if an attack is coming we evacuate.  and now macs will flow up..and in. and it is not up yet. but they do.  we push the permit process now and tonight...and other here. and f this.  we take it now the land we boughht and plow it over did that and now we install the factoreis..and pump out hardknock and we take over sebastians.  he isa loser and mean.  to him too ballbuster...and we flatten you now.  hit your own you die. they say it.  and we take from you caa sebastian says  ahahahaahah wow your dead and others will take  and guess what faggot it is john c rielly and his and yes to be the band..and your fucked thief and i will watch you die. ok.. loser. fn faggot.   and your so mean sebastian says ahhaahahh lol yeh ok. and we say this your foul and stink smell and are evil to him and your out ok. bye bye.. go.  done.  should have stuck to being nobody..and Salazaars sone said it and he sia  amc and our son said yup full blood differetn and after he left nope is a back stabber saw you come out and with the shotgun and he hit you for your mouth no for your action.  and your done sebastian aka bruce. fn crap.  youo sit there and mess with me and ignore th amath ok i invented the atonium, yes, and w ghwb and it is in writing in his docs. and you are nobody a nothing as amatter of fact most of you are and tons hit ppl like you for stuff...and you nevr lift a fingy to help and ar e a mooch and yeh i sue you now and for my things you took and money and in court and  publicly start small on the mac chain no, you are last in line and asked for it and we deal death mr fag ok al ot of it...tons  a day stealth cloaked and more and you ahve a big mouth we are on you now.  htting and you go get my grandaddy you homo he is your kind.   duh.   and it is homo shit tons of  you macs do it.  tons. your a fn moron too  Thor Freya Zues Hera we say the rant stuff no we are pissd off need these out and dead. Pyramid time and we have three to do this month and i select my vote....and we hear him he is not deciding i shall cast th vote for him and bassed on my threat analysis and Thor Freya agree wht my picks and he approves..secret picks and yes i shall hold it we proceed Thor Freya Olympus
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femnet · 6 years
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As women we love strong female characters. Whether that’s on TV, in movies or in books or video games. Unfortunately as women we are also very familiar with the fact that strong female characters are far and few between. 
Meet Donna Clark and Cameron Howe, the two leading ladies of AMC’s Halt and Catch Fire. Warning: this is not a completely spoiler-free post! 
I am one of those people who prefer “realistic” shows over sci-fi or fantasy. I enjoy them, but after watching Halt and Catch Fire I am, in a way, spoiled. That show has everything. Great storylines, powerful dialogue, a banging soundtrack, and of course women who are not the laughing stock, sex objects or Mary Sues.
 HCF is a TV show set in the 80s (and eventually the 90s in season 4) and it “depicts a fictionalized insider’s view of the PC revolution”. We all know women didn’t just sit around and do nothing back in the 80s, they weren’t just someone’s secretary or housekeeper, they were brilliant, and I don’t think there’s a series out there that shows the brilliance and intelligence of women in the IT business as well as HCF does. Mind you, it is a fictional version of the events that took place in the 80s and 90s, but for me personally Donna and Cameron had a big influence on my own personal behavior. 
In season one we meet a Joe (played by the fantastic and incredible Lee Pace), a charismatic entrepreneur, who formerly worked for IBM as a sales executive but moved over to Cardiff Electric and turns the company into a PC industry together with Gordon Clark (Scoot McNairy). In the first episode we meet Cameron Howe (Mackenzie Davis) who, while a Joe is talking to her computing class at college, comes in late, looking like your typical “screw this”-type of girl who doesn’t give a damn. Joe asks the group a few questions, about the things they are able to do in the coding and hardware department of computers and in the end Cameron is the only one who still has her hand up. 
Joe immediately understands Cameron’s worth and sees her as the prodigy she is and they go out for drinks and a conversation about the computing world and how it is evolving, they have sex in the back room and eventually Cameron starts working at Cardiff, where Joe asks her to write the operating system for a PC to clone one of IBM’s computers. Throughout the show that gets the three of them in trouble, they bust heads, hate each other, and eventually Donna (Kerry Bishé), Gordon’s wife and mother of their two daughters, comes in. She works as a computer engineer for Texas Instruments but later joins the team to support them in their endeavours of building and producing their own personal computer. At the end of season one they launch said PC - the Giant - which leads to Cameron leaving Cardiff and using her money to build her own startup company called Mutiny to make online video games. At the end of season one Joe burns down a truckload of Giants because he wasn’t satisfied with the product and wanted something much more life-changing. 
Season two is much more cantered around Cameron and Donna’s work. They work together at Mutiny, Donna taking on more of a management / organizational role and Cameron enjoying her team of coders (who moved over to Mutiny with her from Cardiff Electric) and playing her own video games. Joe isn’t present in their lives anymore and Gordon doesn’t have much to do with Mutiny. He - unlike Joe - got a heavy pay-off for his work on the Giant and uses the money to create his own little entertainment system in the garage, not really working at all and just using his time off to spend with his daughters and playing his wife’s company’s online games. He also comes across an illness which I won’t disclose any more in this. 
Before I go too heavy into spoilers and tell you everything that happens in the four seasons of this show, let me just tell you that the focus in this show is just as much on the female characters’ greatness as it is on the male characters! Women are praised heavily but come across just as ,any hardships as I think any woman comes across in her job - just set about 30-40 years before our time. Donna is a leader, she is the mom who gets shit done whether the people around her like it or not. She keeps a clear mind where Cameron lacks the ability to rest and think, where Cameron is the intuitive one and the lady who lets things come her way and figures out a way cross the bridge when she gets there. Sometimes in very questionable ways! Donna and Cameron complement each other just as much as they butt heads and while they are very different people the show really portrays their power and strength in those different ways. I never felt like the women on HCF are just black and white, they are very multi-faceted and go through a lot of different learning-processes on the show but also use their power to the best of their abilities - and if that doesn’t work they figure something out together and are unafraid to learn with and from each other and rely on each other. On top of that it also shows the men (usually Joe and Gordon) having to deal with those strong females who do things better than they do and who occasionally choose their work over them, in Donna’s case, or tell them to stay out of it completely.
Halt and Catch Fire didn’t get a lot of attention, probably because it doesn’t include your typical, most famous actors who love being front and center at all times. But in my opinion they play these roles so well, the men and the women, and it is very clear that the writers knew what they were doing when writing these female roles, despite the creators being two white males (Christopher Cantwell and Christopher C. Rogers). I don’t know if Kerry Bishé and Mackenzie Davis had their say in how they think their characters progress and go through life, but Donna Clark and Cameron Howe, to me, are two great examples of what female characters on TV should and can be like. Strong, intelligent, worth more than nudity (of which there is actually almost none if I remember correctly, not even during the is a sex scenes) but at the same time not afraid of being sexual beings - even the married woman gets to have sex, believe that or not! There’s love, fear, passion, anger and the writers also added an abortion for one of the female characters who, on the show, decides that a child wouldn’t be a good addition to her life at the moment and she’d rather be there for her work than go through pregnancy and the time after the birth of the baby, holding her back.  
 All in all the four seasons of Halt and Catch Fire were - in my humble opinion - extraordinarily produced and very well-written which is not something I say about TV shows a lot, especially not American TV shows. If you want to watch HCF you can watch all four seasons on Amazon Prime and then come back and let me know what you thought of the show and its characters! I highly recommend it if you’re a fan of something different, great storylines and a top-notch soundtrack on top of it all!
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orbemnews · 3 years
Robinhood’s Existential Moment ‘The entire community is outraged’ Robinhood had to raise $1 billion from investors yesterday to help it cover cash demands during the week’s trading frenzy, while traders and lawmakers sharply criticized the online broker for halting some trading in Reddit-touted stocks. In short: The consequences of the mania in GameStop, AMC and other stocks are becoming more concrete — and, in Robinhood’s case, more serious. The surge in trading forced Robinhood to raise cash. As waves of investors poured into the markets, Wall Street’s central clearing hub, the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, demanded billions more in collateral from brokerages to shield it from the volatility. Robinhood, which had already drawn millions from its credit lines to meet margin requirements, turned to existing investors for additional capital so it wouldn’t have to impose further limits on customer trades. A more detailed explanation: Brokerages post money with the D.T.C.C. to cover customers’ transactions while they wait for the trades to settle. With such a big surge in trading, the clearing hub wanted more assurance: “It’s the D.T.C.C. saying ‘This stuff is just too risky,’ ” said the Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Larry Tabb. Other online brokerages also cited the D.T.C.C. as a factor in decisions to impose trading restrictions. Robinhood faces a loss of confidence from customers. After becoming the venue of choice for small investors, the app risks alienating a core customer base — and feelings of betrayal over the trading limits may be harder to address than annoyance over technical outages. (Small groups of protesters gathered in New York and outside Robinhood’s Bay Area headquarters yesterday.) “Brokers are now ‘protecting’ customers as a facade so that they can appease their institutional backers,” one individual trader told Bloomberg. “The entire community is outraged.” It’s also feeling the heat from Washington. An unlikely mix of lawmakers — including Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ted Cruz — accused Robinhood of imposing trading limits to help out hedge funds caught out by the retail trading frenzy. The heads of the Senate Banking Committee and the House Financial Services Committee called for hearings. It poses a big challenge for Robinhood’s policy team, including its chief legal officer, Dan Gallagher, a former S.E.C. commissioner. Does the populism angle hold up? Though many traders and commentators — including The Times’s Kevin Roose — see the GameStop mania in part as an internet-enabled pushback against Wall Street elites, financial bigwigs like the investment firm Silver Lake were among the big winners.“Are you entirely sure there aren’t wealthy people on both sides?” Senator Elizabeth Warren asked yesterday. Lost amid the noise: What about the companies at the center of all this? AMC, for one, is reportedly considering selling shares to take advantage of the huge run-up in its stock, further adding to its cash reserves while many of its theaters remain closed because of the pandemic. What happens next? We have some thoughts: Does Robinhood’s business model need a rethink? It couldn’t raise capital by increasing transaction fees, because it doesn’t have any. The company benefits from more trading — but more trading also means it needs more capital. Going public will help give the company more sources of financing, but this kind of frenzy may emerge again and again. Will lawmakers and regulators step in, perhaps with higher margin requirements for brokerages to prevent similar runs in the future? That might make trading costlier for users, which would be politically awkward. How will Wall Street reckon with the rise of social media as a market force? Hedge funds are already poring through Reddit and Twitter for the next GameStop, but short-sellers in particular may now be at risk of ruin by masses of small traders who have found a new strategy. HERE’S WHAT’S HAPPENING G.M. announces the end of petroleum-powered vehicles. The automaker said it would sell only zero-emission cars and trucks by 2035, an ambitious goal that could reshape both the automotive and oil and gas industries. Democrats prepare to pass stimulus measures without Republican support. Biden administration officials and Congressional leaders signaled that they would start the process for approving the measures through reconciliation, as new data showed that the economic recovery faltered late last year. WeWork weighs going public via a SPAC. The office-space company has held talks with blank-check funds to join the public markets, DealBook has learned, confirming a report in The Wall Street Journal. It is also considering raising more money from private-market investors, which may be more likely. Another Covid-19 vaccine shows promise, except against a new strain. Early trial data on a treatment by Novavax showed nearly 90 percent efficacy, but less than 50 percent against a coronavirus variant in South Africa. Facebook might sue Apple, escalating tensions between the tech giants. Facebook has considered formally accusing Apple of anticompetitive actions in its App Store. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Apple’s Tim Cook continue to take shots at each other over their diametrically opposed privacy practices and business models. Two more thoughts on GameStop On the media: After the financial crisis in 2008, the financial news media was blamed for not blowing the whistle — or not blowing it loudly enough — before the collapse. It made many of us acutely aware of our responsibility to look out for the so-called little guy. The GameStop situation turns this on its head: The investors piling into the company’s shares say they don’t want — or need — protection. In fact, they argue that by urging caution, the media is actually protecting hedge funds and the Wall Street establishment. There is no question the “system” could be changed to level the playing field. Which “side” is the media supposed to be on? The answer, simply, is the truth. On short sellers: Traders identified GameStop as ripe for a “short squeeze” rally because of a peculiar development: more than 100 percent of its float was sold short. That is, more of its shares were out on loan to investors than were available to trade. (The average S&P 500 company has less than 4 percent of its float sold short.) Is it something nefarious? Not really: There’s a technical answer, but put simply, betting against GameStop became so popular that chains of traders were lending shares that they had already borrowed to others who also wanted to short the stock. So, when someone in the chain asks for their stock back, it can set off a messy cascade of buying and selling as the shares make their way back to their original owner. The stocks at the center of this week’s mania all had high “short interest,” amplifying the scramble to buy shares to return to lenders before they got even more expensive. “Look, before I begin my prepared remarks, I want to preemptively state that we will not be commenting nor answering questions on the recent activity in our stock price.” — Doug Parker, the C.E.O. of American Airlines, at the start of the company’s earnings call on a torrid day for its stock price. Facebook’s ‘Supreme Court’ makes its first rulings Facebook’s Oversight Board issued its first round of decisions yesterday, overturning four of five decisions in which the company removed posts that it said had violated policies on hate speech and violence. So far, 20,000 cases have been submitted for review by the board, which is made up 20 journalists, scholars and former officials and judges. What does it mean for Donald Trump’s ban? The board is still debating its highest-profile case: Facebook’s suspending the former president’s account after the Jan. 6 Capitol riots. This week’s decisions could bode well for Mr. Trump, but as our colleague Shira Ovide writes, that eventual ruling will have bigger stakes: “Should Facebook continue to give world leaders more leeway than the rest of us?” For more about the oversight board, the co-chairs wrote an Op-Ed for The Times. Davos goes virtual It’s the final day of the World Economic Forum, normally held this time of year in the exclusive Alpine resort of Davos, Switzerland. The gathering of the global elite went virtual because of the pandemic, so the C.E.O.s and heads of state who gather amid snow-capped mountains beamed in from their offices and living rooms instead. What caught our eye this week: Climate change is a perennial conversation topic at Davos, but this year businesses appear to be taking more concrete action to address it. More than 60 corporate chiefs committed to a set of environmental, social and governance measures that they will disclose for shareholders and other stakeholders. Specific, standardized measurements of things like environmental impact are in short supply, but influential investors like Larry Fink of BlackRock have been pushing for more disclosures, and threatening to divest from companies that aren’t forthcoming on E.S.G. metrics. John Kerry, the White House’s special envoy for climate change, also made a high-profile appeal to business leaders to prepare for “a zero emissions future”; Bill Gates talked carbon markets; and a new book by the forum’s founder, Klaus Schwab, and its head of communications, Peter Vanham, frames it in the context of “stakeholder capitalism.” Catch up on all the sessions at the forum’s live blog: Here’s the session with Mr. Kerry; here’s one on digital inclusion moderated by Andrew; and for something different, here’s a chat with the star architect David Adjaye. THE SPEED READ Deals Shares in the survey software company Qualtrics jumped 40 percent in its New York trading debut yesterday, after pricing its I.P.O. above expectations, while the boot brand Dr. Martens rose by 20 percent in early trading in London today, after its I.P.O. priced at the upper end of its range. (Reuters) The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase said it planned to go public through a direct listing. (Bloomberg) The gaming company Roblox delayed its I.P.O. after the S.E.C. raised questions about how the company recognizes revenue. (Reuters) Politics and policy President Biden’s nominee for attorney general, Merrick Garland, reportedly favors a former aide, the Kirkland & Ellis litigator Susan Davies, to lead the Justice Department’s antitrust division. (The American Prospect) During his presidential campaign, Mr. Biden warned family members about their business dealings, telling one of his brothers, “For Christ’s sake, watch yourself.” (Politico) Tech Elon Musk news: SpaceX is said to be close to raising new funds at a valuation above $60 billion, and after he changed his Twitter bio to one word, “bitcoin,” the price of the cryptocurrency soared. (Business Insider, CoinDesk) SoftBank reportedly approved $600 million in loans to four top executives to let them buy shares in the company, potentially netting them a huge windfall. (FT) Best of the rest McKinsey is reportedly in talks to settle investigations by state attorneys general over advice it gave to opioid manufacturers. (WSJ) It isn’t just GameStop: the joke cryptocurrency Dogecoin is having a moment, thanks to Reddit. (CNBC) We’d like your feedback! Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Source link Orbem News #Existential #Moment #Robinhoods
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a-travels · 4 years
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taken: 22 dec, 2019 AMC 34th Street 14, Manhattan, NY
this is where the fun begins
Yes, I’m going to do a review of the new Star Wars movie. 
Personally, I hate reading a review and reading endless fluff to hear their thoughts on a movie. So upfront, I did not like this movie at all, perhaps not entirely evidenced by the jubilant nature of this picture, but my views, nonetheless. If you want to stop reading, then by all means please do. This is unsurprisingly my longest post to date, and probably will be for some time so I don’t blame you if you don’t want to read through the text equivalent of a grown man crying.
I don’t know if I represent the classic Star Wars fan or not, but I think it makes more sense to hear my review with some context of my relationship with this franchise. 
Perhaps contrary to popular belief, I did not grow up a Star Wars kid. I was certainly aware of the franchise and knew the famous aspects of it. I knew about Darth Vader and lightsabers, I knew about the “I am your father” moment and the Force. I saw Episode III in theatres in 2005 and remember the Anakin and Obi-wan fight, but was asleep for most of the movie. Since then I had somehow seen all of the 6 movies and knew the basic story of the movies, but never had any deep interest in the lore like I do now. My story with Star Wars began in high school, watching the Clone Wars television show. I won’t bore you with how much I loved that show, but it really exposed me to the vastness of the galaxy, the deep emotional storytelling that Star Wars really built its core fanbase on. I found myself connecting to the characters and really encouraged the inner fanboy to latch on to every minuscule detail of the lore and finding the connections to the movies. Needless to say, it was what really awakened (no pun intended) my passion for this franchise and really recontextualized the prequels and original trilogy for me in a new and exciting way. I think it all culminated in this perfect storm before 2015 before The Force Awakens (TFA) came out in 2015 and with general fan fervor at an all-time high. It was a good time to be a Star Wars fan. 
Episode VII hits and fans are generally happy. It wasn’t perfect mind you, it felt like a retread, some iffy story points, but overall very satisfying and for many a return to “feeling like Star Wars”, which for many was distinctly absent from the prequels because it was so different. Rogue One was also positively received as well in 2016. I happen to like both of these movies as well. 
And then 2017 hits with Episode VIII, The Last Jedi. 
I won’t ramble too much about this movie, because I know this is something that divides a lot of people. I think most people in my sphere did actually enjoy this movie. It’s not a perfect movie, and I think everyone (including supporters like myself) would admit that. But for me, this movie recaptured that spark of surprise and wonder that really made me fall in love with this franchise to begin with. By all means, this is an unconventional Star Wars movie: the original hero (Luke) is a jaded cynical man, the whole B-plot is the world's slowest chase sequence, and plot-wise, very little actually happens. I think where this movie really sings was in its attempt to really focus on character and bring something new to Star Wars. It asked questions about the power structure of Star Wars, namely the force, and had you question its workings, matching the cynicism of Luke, but in turn making your conviction in it that much stronger, just like what happened with Luke and when he comes back and has that incredible Kurosawa-esque fight with Kylo on Crait. I think a lot of people who think of this franchise, fans especially, have such a fixed idea of what this movie and franchise should be, that anything that seems to deviate or challenge that can seem honestly jarring in some ways. It’s why the Holiday Special is reviled because coming right off the original movie, people didn’t still have that sense of what made Star Wars, Star Wars; but when people saw it, they knew that wasn’t it. It’s why people hated the prequels (at first) because rather than seeing a hero’s journey, good versus evil and more, you got clunky dialogue, droll politics, seemingly-idiotic and childish characters, and wooden acting. For all the wrong the prequels did, and the criticism it (rightfully) deserved, the prequels had a story to tell and told us something new (albeit in a largely ham-fisted way). Keep the prequels in mind because I’ll be touching back on it.
I’m going to be upfront, I’m writing this bit now almost two months after I started this post and saw the movie. All the stuff above this was from then, but I’ve really just taken a break to just let my thoughts congeal more on this movie because I was just in a bit of shock coming out of it. To be honest, I still can’t tell you my thoughts on this movie are fully formed, but I do think I’m finally ready to express my thoughts on this movie in some sort of coherent manner.
If it isn’t obvious, my review is obviously going to be colored by my view of this franchise. You are entitled to your own view on this franchise and view on this movie. Also, I have tried to link the deeper lore information with articles in this review. The links are the underlined words so feel free to check them out. Anyways, here we go.
So, I didn’t like the movie then; but having thought about now for two months, this film just makes me angrier and sadder with every passing thought. For me, this movie is not only a betrayal of the past two movies which I enjoyed but honestly a betrayal of the whole franchise which I love so much. There was an excellent video I just watched and I think it accurately sums up my views on this movie quite well. But this movie for me can be summed up in four words: unearned, unsatisfying, wasted potential. I think it makes the most sense to unpack this movie with those four words because, to be honest, I could go on for hours on this movie, and I think any of you who know me, know I could, but still probably will.
This movie touts itself as an ending, holding all the answers to the questions we started off with from VII, and arguably, from I-VI. I was nervous when it was announced that the king of the mystery box, the notorious reviver and rebooter of franchises, J.J. Abrams, was tasked to not only write an ending but answer all these questions, many of which he set up. Seeing the ire he caused in the Star Trek community after Star Trek: Into Darkness, I can’t say I was all too shocked to see that these answers (among the few we actually got) unfolded in ways that made little to no sense with the story we were set up with. 
Let’s start off with the big one, (oh yeah also this post is going to be spoilerific. I’d say don’t read if you haven’t seen it, but frankly I don’t care if you just read this, don’t see it and just save yourself the time) Rey Palpatine, or Rey Skywalker?? Yeah, I have problems with both in massive, massive ways. But let’s tackle these one by one. Rey is our hero of this trilogy, a character we are introduced to, who we are told and who herself thinks is nobody, is whisked away on this journey on a story much bigger than her. Nothing new here, this is just Luke as a girl so far. Episode VII goes out of its way to seed us with this one big question: who is Rey? Our extensive Wookiepedia-esque knowledge of Star Wars dictates to us that, based on precedent, if she is the main character, she has to be someone we know. Anakin was our prequel protagonist and was related to Luke, maybe she’s related to Luke? That was what we wanted to know going out of VII and into VIII. So what do we see in Episode VIII? Rey struggles with trying to figure out who she is, “trying to find her place” and even dabbles with the dark side of the force in her “limited” training to try to uncover who she is. And what was the answer: she’s no one. A shock to the system. Impossible! How can this be? A protagonist this powerful is a nobody? She’s too overpowered! No force user with that little training could be that strong. But is it really that shocking? The Skywalkers started off as a family of nobodies. Shmi was a slave. Anakin was a child without a father, albeit with some freaky immaculate conception circumstances, but in all other senses, unremarkable and inconspicuous. The same could be said about Rey. And honestly, was it really all that surprising? The trailer we saw at Star Wars Celebration 2015 literally starts off with Maz asking Rey “Who are you?” and her replying “I’m no one.” I know a bunch of people were not so happy with Rey already being so force-sensitive and powerful, essentially being a “Mary Sue” character despite having no important lineage or bloodline. But to me, the democratization of the force was something that really intrigued me and seemed to set the stage for a new era of Star Wars, maybe with a new set of movies based on Rey’s lineage, the Rey Saga or something. This was an idea we saw with broom boy at the end of VIII, which fits with what we already know about the galaxy, that everyone is born with the force but some kids are force-sensitive, and that he could be among the next generation of “Jedi” or force users. And then IX comes and tells us, nope it was just Palpatine’s granddaughter. Where was that evidence (and do not point me to that fan theory video where some guy on YouTube who says that)? Where in any of the prior movies did we get any remote inkling of Rey’s connection at all to Palpatine? Hell, where was the hint that Palpatine was remotely involved with any of the scheming going on in VII and VIII? Even in the prequels, we got hints that Anakin would turn to evil (fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering). Well I can tell you having scrutinized those prior two films myself, there was never any seeds of Palpatine’s presence. It was something just brought in because “OOO a name I recognize of a powerful force user.” How that happened, what that means for the story beats of her being no one in those other two movies, “Eh, just don’t worry about those, this is how it is”. Unearned. And oh boy, Rey Skywalker. Let’s talk about this in the context of Episode IX logic, apart from the logic I already presented, that the prior movies very clearly seem to imply Rey is a nobody. Episode IX is a movie about Rey ultimately discovering who she is, and how when she finds out her lineage, how she eschews her “nature” and stands for good and righteousness in the galaxy because she isn’t defined by a name or bloodline. Even beyond that, we’re told she’s nobody because her parents “chose to be nobodies” and didn’t want to be defined by the name of the reviled megalomaniac of the galaxy. Great! So, wouldn’t it be interesting to see our character find strength in herself and set aside the dumb importance of name and legacy (letting the past die 😉) and honor her parents by choosing to be nobody herself? She buries Luke’s and Leia’s lightsabers on Tatooine (a planet that Luke hated by the way and Leia was on for maybe a few hours or days as a slave to a fat, gross, giant slug in a metal bikini and has no attachment to, a planet with no significance to Rey either) and is somehow asked randomly by this traveler “who are you”, who isn’t satisfied when she gives her name as “Rey”. Forgive me for being nit-picky here, but how weird is it to force a conversation to ask someone their last name randomly, especially when there are TONS of creatures in the galaxy with one-name names. Somehow, a vision of Luke and Leia is enough to convince her she is now a Skywalker, because....force ghosts, Tatooine, Twin Suns, Binary Sunset music, nostalgia-porn. Where in the hell does it make any sense that she adopts the name of Skywalker? How? Because it doesn’t make sense, because it is unearned. Nothing about her “choosing” to be a Skywalker jives with the internal logic this movie sets out, much less the logical flow of the prior eight movies as a whole.
What about Reylo. Oh boy. This is something I know a select few of my friends actually liked. Yes, I concede there was some sexual tension between Rey and Kylo in Episode VIII, but I do not think they were setting them up to be a thing. Kylo is a character who murdered his own father in cold blood, and then murdered his own master (Snoke). This entire time, we are led to believe Snoke is manipulating Kylo and his conflict isn’t given room to settle because its forced one way over the other. Now, Snoke is dead and Kylo is relinquished of this external force telling him what to do, and he still chose to be evil and rule the galaxy, despite Rey’s pleas to join her on the light. Any and all hope to redeem him in my eyes, vanished in that moment. Yes, Anakin fell to the dark side and did some terrible things, but he never was irredeemable because there was someone above him pulling the strings and orchestrating it all. This is a key story structure that makes us as an audience believe that is because of how our villains were set up. In these movies, you have your big bad villain, and then your sub-villain. The sub-villain is usually redeemable but is often dispensable, while the big bad villain is simply the embodiment of evil and can only be destroyed, not redeemed. The sub-villain is sympathetic because you get the sense they are being manipulated or played like a puppet, always leaving room to be redeemed or free themselves, if they can be free of those shackles. That is the nature of the relationship between Palpatine and Darth Vader, and that was the nature of the relationship between Snoke and Kylo Ren. The difference now is Kylo kills Snoke in VIII instead of IX and has now an entire other movie to live with the consequences. He is free of those shackles, and yet he still chooses to be evil. Rey’s connection through “force-time” was her connection to Kylo and her attempt to turn him. She literally leaves her training with Luke because she believes that, only to find Kylo betray her faith in him. Rey acknowledges he cannot be saved, and literally closes the door on Kylo, accepting he is now fully gone. Tell me, how does closing the literal and metaphorical door on someone who has murdered his own father, killed hundreds of innocent people, was given the full free choice to be good and choose evil, lead to love? Because it’s unearned. And frankly, their interactions in Episode IX doesn’t really do much to change that either. Kylo Ren is still moody and literally acts as a constant source of opposition to Rey, with little to actually show their relationship is romantic in any way. Oh yeah, but somehow getting stabbed by a girl and getting healed from almost dying really is such a turn on. I’m sorry, but it’s just unearned. (Hello from even further in the future, I am now writing this in April with updates to this bit. The novelization of Episode IX revealed that their kiss wasn’t romantic, in fact. They gave us this: “His [Kylo’s] heart was full as Rey reached for his face, let her fingers linger against his cheek. And then, wonder of wonders, she leaned forward and kissed him. A kiss of gratitude, acknowledgement of their connection, celebration that they’d found each other at last.” I don’t know what the hell is going on in Lucasfilm, but this is much, MUCH worse. Just a few months back, J.J. said their relationship was a “brother-sister” thing in a romantic way but not really. Can we go back to a half-baked romance again, please? Also, they revealed that Rey’s dad is failed clone of Palpatine.). 
Now, let’s talk about Palpatine himself. “The dead speak” “Somehow, Palpatine has returned.” Yeah so this is the big, big leap this movie asks you to take right from the get-go. I understood a lot of the trepidation around bringing back Palps back, mostly surrounding the fear that his return invalidates the sacrifice Anakin/Vader make at the end of Episode VI, bringing balance to the force, mortally electrocuting himself in the process saving his son out of love. I understood the concern, but I had enjoyed the first two films in the sequel and I’m always willing to give a movie a shot in the theater. As long as they explained his return in a satisfying manner, I’d be in. Once the lights dim, the Star Wars logo pops up and you hear John Williams triumphant score, regardless of the drama and bad press, everyone always starts with a clean slate. And then, of course, we get no explanation as to why he’s back beyond a cheeky quip from the prequels “The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.” Har har, +100 nostalgia, much memes. 
Yeah it just boggles my mind that the head villain, that for six movies our protagonists tried to defeat and who we thought was defeated (and who even the actor, Ian McDiarmid thought was dead), somehow came back to life. He was thrown down an energy shaft, and vaporized. Then the space station in which he was thrown down is subsequently destroyed and atomized, and somehow, we’re told he comes back to life. Perhaps the casual audience wouldn’t remember or notice or care, but beyond the fans, and anyone following a story deserves a little bit more than just a little tease with no actual explanation. For the record, yes, they did explain how Palpatine was saved, but in the visual dictionary, with his body retrieved by Sith Acolytes, brought to Exogol, and revived using “technology and the occult”. Say what you will, but that is not satisfying to me and still begs a better explanation for his return and undercut Kylo’s character progression, invalidating his choice to be bad without being beholden to anyone. Kylo was not going to be redeemed, and then Disney gave him a get-out-of-jail-free-card by putting him under the shadow of “the real villain” so that his redemption “made sense”. Except, it made no sense to randomly introduce a more powerful villain. It was narrative cheating and it was unearned to see Palpatine back, and eventually, Kylo/Ben redeemed because of it. It just is not good enough. I think more heinous for me, is that this move inarguably undoes the work of the past 6 movies. In the effort to create this breathing piece of nostalgia and love for George Lucas and the past 42 years of storytelling, it ends up betraying it in perhaps one of the most scathing ways imaginable, unintentional or not. 
(Hi, another update from two-month-future me. The novelization for this movie now revealed that Palpatine’s “essence” is what is alive and is now being transferred into clone bodies, of sorts. Here is the quote: “So the falling, dying Emperor called on all the dark power of the Force to thrust his consciousness far, far away, to a secret place he had been preparing. His body was dead, an empty vessel, long before it hit the bottom of the shaft, and his mind jolted to new awareness in a new body—a painful one, a temporary one.” Yeah, this novelization really isn’t making things better.)
Admittedly, this is a very subjective metric (though I guess so are the other two descriptors), but satisfaction is a unique experience for each person, more than the other two descriptors. I think one of the worst things a movie can do is be boring, where there is no excitement or energizing quality to a story that there it can’t illicit any emotion out of you. What I think is worse potentially, and what I think is the cardinal sin of this movie, isn’t just the fact this movie was bad, but how it is so far beyond a failure that it has retroactively affected how I view the prior movies now and has diminished their impact on me.
Let’s first talk about its failings as a movie itself. I think when discussing this movie, and this new era of Star Wars, it’s hard not to separate the shift in direction from its new relationship with its new owner, Disney. It’s actually shocking to see how Disney has overall mismanaged this franchise and created such a rift amongst the fandom from the five or so movies it has released over the past four years. This movie more than any other, even more than VII, feels uniquely like a product of corporate intervention and directing, rather than the voice and vision of an auteur. What is now known, is that Disney fired the original director of this movie and scrapped his plans for (in my mind) a far more interesting movie that took the characters and story in brand new directions, paying homage to the past without relying on it, but utilizing it in an effective manner to further the story and plot in a meaningful way. And yes, it importantly kept Rey a “nobody” and it kept Kylo Ren bad and unredeemed, and did not have them kiss. If you want to read more about this, I recommend searching for “Colin Trevorrow Dual of the Fates Script” and you’re bound to find it. I also have the full pdf script of it and would be happy to share it if you would like. I encourage you to read it if you’re interested and form your own opinions on it.
Speaking more to this movie, it objectively had three major goals: wrap up its own three-movie trilogy, wrap up the entire 42-year, nine-film saga, and of course function as its own movie. That is not an easy job by any stretch, and I think any filmmaker would have an incredibly challenging time accomplishing those three tasks, while under the scrutiny of a giant corporation and a rabid fanbase. Except, that is almost exactly the same position George Lucas was in when making his prequel films. Again, I’ll get back to that point in a little bit. I think there could be an argument of cutting this film some slack if it accomplished some of these goals. Maybe this movie didn’t end all nine movies nicely, but at least it worked in its own trilogy? Maybe this movie didn’t end either the trilogy or saga so well, but at least it was a fun movie itself? Somehow, J.J. Abrams and Disney succeeded in fulfilling none of these tasks in my mind. 
Like I mentioned, the Force Awakens is far from a perfect movie, but it too came in with a very similar set of goals, especially being Disney’s first Star Wars movie, those being: 
1. Establish a new story that connects with the prior six films 2. Set up the foundation for a new trilogy that will last the next 4-5 year 3. Reinvigorate the Star Wars fandom and get them excited about the new era of Star Wars entertainment on the way 4. Work as its own movie. 
I think in some ways, these challenges were harder than what Episode IX faced and yet in a lot of ways, it still succeeded in many, if not all of these respects. I think the major failing of Episode VII is its reliance and, often, copying of past story points without much of the finesse in “making it rhyme like poetry” which George Lucas loved to do so much. Episode VII really did reinvigorate the franchise, did introduce us to great cast and characters that left us wanting more from a trilogy, did connect in some satisfying (though sometimes a bit on the nose) ways, and did leave us feeling excited, hopeful and energized with Star Wars. Episode VIII came in and was arguably a lot more disruptive, asking us to challenge what we knew and what we thought we wanted to know and instead posed more basic fundamental questions about the foundations of this story, which I think was an important introspective moment for the saga and this trilogy as the penultimate chapter of both. It had us question the nature of the force, the importance of this “Skywalker” lineage, and the nature of Jedi in this universe where Luke truly is the only one left. It had us question our own conceptions of Luke as a swashbuckling do-no-wrong hero and showed us a more cynical, perhaps jarring, but a realistic Luke that blames himself and his belief in this ancient religion for unleashing Kylo Ren and a new era of darkness upon the galaxy. We also saw how Luke was struggling with how he was roped into this way of life from this old hermit he met for a day or two and then left to navigate reviving the religion of the Jedi on his own. We were also asked to question the nature of the force and whether this sort of power was isolated to a few people and families, or is truly something anyone can have? Again, whether fans agree or not with these story choices or not, The Last Jedi still functions as its own story and does (in my opinion) meaningfully connect to the prior story. Whether fans believe that meaning was eschewing the fabric of Star Wars or whether they believe these challenges strengthened the mythology (like I do), it was still meaningful in that it does draw upon the story from the last movie directly and progress it in some manner (whether a positive manner or not, I’ll let you decide). And regardless of how you like VIII or not, the movie left the door wide open for any kind of story to be told. Our heroes are starting from zero, the villain is now trying to learn the ropes. There is no real cliffhanger of sorts but rather an invitation for total freedom to tell the next story and wrap up this trilogy and saga.
Episode IX unfortunately comes across as one of the laziest ways imaginable to end this nine-story arc. In serving as the final movie of the saga, this movie seemed obsessed with callbacks, and nostalgia plays to remind us of the world we’re in and the “story” we’re watching, rather than relying on the story, character and narrative. I think to a fault, it incorporated elements of past movies, just to say it had it, and in many ways cheapened the overall character or object or story point. I think the biggest example again, is bringing the emperor back, which makes such little sense in the context of what we were presented in the prior two films because it wasn’t ever hinted or ever part of the plan to include him in the first place. The emperor was simply added because of the “nostalgia”. Using the remains of the Death Star on Kef Bir was super cool imagery, but didn’t we already literally see the Death Star completely disintegrated? Na, it’s ok, a huge chunk of the important bit just happened to land here fully intact for our heroes to find. There are many more callbacks in this movie, but almost every one of them, I’m left asking myself: “Why?” “Why did this callback have to be here?” “Could something else achieve the same effect?” Why did Maz give Chewie a Battle of Yavin medal? Why did we go back to Tatooine at the end? More often than not, none of those callbacks had to be there other than to try and excite fans, except doing so in the laziest manner by ultimately pandering. Callbacks are not a bad thing, mind you. Star Wars has been secretly calling back and seeding things in the background for ages, hinting and suggesting to us the vastness of this galaxy in terms of creatures and places. A recent example that comes to mind is Avengers: Endgame, and how it uses callbacks masterfully, calling back not just items and places, but character and relationships. It all works there because everything serves its purpose to drive that story forward in a manner that doesn’t feel cheap but feels necessary and important and something that wouldn’t work otherwise. This movie tried to be like Endgame in that regard but just failed to capitalize effectively on nostalgia and characters in the same way in way to emotionally resonate, but rather elicit a cheap, ephemeral reaction. This was a movie that lived from moment to moment of attempting excitement, but ultimately never establishes a through line for me to care about it as a cohesive piece of a nine-chapter story. 
(For the record, I am writing the rest of what is below in April, like those other parenthetical notes above.)
Beyond just my frustration with callbacks, I ultimately ask myself, “What is the drive of this trilogy? What was it trying to accomplish?” The whole premise of this movie is Palpatine is back and they need to stop him from taking over the galaxy. I’m definitely beating a dead horse, but how does that adequately connect to the goals of Snoke/Kylo from the last two movies? How do our character’s stories culminate and end in this movie, in the context of the prior two films? I’ve already talked a bit about Rey’s story making little sense, but my god did they squander Finn’s character. If you look at the “new” characters from this trilogy, Poe was our Han Solo-eque type, Rey obviously our Luke type, but Finn was someone totally new. The idea of a disillusioned Stormtrooper seemed inspired, a totally different perspective in these Star Wars, a regular grunt who didn’t like the side they were fighting on in this war. For all my love of Episode VIII, that movie did not do much for Finn’s story. In the three years since VIII released, I have increasingly appreciated Finn’s journey in VIII, starting as someone who only cared about himself and Rey, to caring about the overall cause of the resistance. It was intriguing, albeit not executed in the best manner. But I think back to IX and struggle to see what the whole point of his arc was. He was a key fighter, who becomes a leader, and finds a whole group of defected Stormtroopers, but we never explore it. And all the while, he has this “burning secret” he needs to tell Rey and never does, which we find out from press junkets is that he’s supposedly force sensitive. It’s just an absolute mess. Even Poe’s arc seems to revert this movie in some regards, where VIII was all about him learning to not be so trigger-happy and actually thinking through things like a leader, IX is the same story beat about him becoming a leader in the eventual shadow of Leia. The only character who’s arc makes some sense (apart from the nonsensical Reylo kiss), was Kylo Ren, because he seems like the only character JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson somewhat agreed on. It’s why undoubtedly the best scene in this movie was his vision of Han Solo, as a revisit of the original confrontation on Starkiller base where Han died. Even then though, look deeper and you realize Kylo’s arc is also filled with contradictions. 
Perhaps my view is a bit too colored by my view of Episode VIII, but in terms of following the narrative, Kylo was someone who was tired of being beholden to the past and killed Snoke in part as a refutation of the traditional power structure that had held the galaxy. At the end of VIII, he literally tells Luke “I’ll destroy her, and you, and all of it”, being Rey, Luke and all the remnants of this old way of life. Again, whether or not you like that story in VIII, as a storyteller, J.J.’s and Chris Terrio’s jobs were to continue the story in a manner such that there was consistency to the through lines. On the face of it, Kylo’s actions make some sense, again because I think there was some general agreement on him.  Think deeper and you realize this is someone who refuted his past, his “destiny” and decided to choose his own path, only to inexplicably come back to his past again. If he wanted to come back to his past, that should have been seeded in VIII, where the conflict still existed. Rey felt this conflict and that’s why she went to try and redeem Kylo. But, once she is with him in the throne room, Snoke articulates how he now senses Kylo’s resolve where there was once conflict. Kylo made his choice, and we bring back up again the idea that he’s conflicted simply because Disney wanted Kylo to be redeemed. It’s lazy and its narrative cheating.
I will say, I know some Episode VIII supporters were unhappy with Luke’s portrayal in this movie and were quick to jump and say how J.J. “undid” Rian’s take on Luke. Luke is actually someone else who’s character stays consistent with his arc from VIII to IX, where he learns to believe in the Force and the light side again and learns to accept his role as a Jedi. Looking beyond characters though, the trilogy set up various story points which we were hoping to get some kind of payoff for. Much like the movie, I’m not really going to delve into them too much other than just list them. Who are the Knights of Ren (idk, but they all died at the hand of their supposed leader)? Who was Snoke (just a test tube deformed clone I guess)? How did Maz get Luke’s lightsaber (“a good story for another time” 😒)? How did Snoke seduce Kylo and undo the work of the prequels and original trilogy (eh, look for it in a comic I guess)? How did the First Order come about and rise to power (¯\_(ツ)_/¯)? What did the galaxy look like once the rebels won and could bring democracy back to the galaxy (watch The Mandalorian, only on Disney+)? The only real question this movie was interested in answering for the trilogy was Rey’s identity, and really that’s it. And even then, we kind of already got an answer about that from the past two movies: Rey was “nobody”. 
Listen, a movie can suck in terms of connecting to prior movies, connecting to a full nine movie story, but hey if it’s a good adventure of its own then maybe there’s something redeemable about it. Unfortunately, this movie fundamentally fails to even service its own story properly. Any movie, no matter how good, needs to be self-contained and its own story in order to be effective. A storyteller cannot rely on a moviegoer to have seen eight other movies, read comics, books, etc. to know what’s going on. For all the praise I’ll give Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame, my one strike against them is that the emotional resonance and impact of these movies only hits fully when you’ve followed all prior 21-22 movies, like me. It relies heavily on intertextuality of prior movies, though not like Episode IX as a cheat to explain things. And even if you haven’t watched every movie, you can make some sense of what’s going on and get some of the impact, it just won’t hit the same way. It’s near impossible to balance that inclusivity with referential storytelling, but Avengers just about gets away with it because each story still does work on its own.  While the Avengers movies are enhanced with more background knowledge, they did still give you every relevant piece of information you needed to follow the story. Episode IX on the other hand, uses narrative cheats to hope you’ll buy into their story and go with it. Obviously, the big one cheat here is not explaining Palpatine’s return. Again, a villain who was thought to be dead and is crucial to the overall story should have his return be properly explained. They did it in Kingsman with Harry’s character, they did it in Avengers: Endgame with Gamora and Thanos, they even do it with Superman in the dumpster fire that is Justice League. When you leave something like that unresolved, it just leaves a giant asterisk above the whole movie, leaving you questioning the nature of it all, asking why it’s even happening, rather than being able to go on the ride. You know, even if the movie told us that “technology and the occult” story beat, or even showed it to us as a prologue to the movie, I would have been able to buy into this premise of this movie more and not just be left asking why or how the whole time. Again, I recognize that those questions may be more personal and not apply to everyone, but I think the criticism of a movie being its own story and explaining itself still holds. Beyond that, the movie just never has any time to breathe and appreciate its own emotions. With a majority of a movie seeming like a video game fetch-quest (that is just getting one item to get another item, repeatedly), the characters aren’t given the room to grow and are simply at the mercy of the next macguffin to find. 
One of the fundamental ideas of storytelling is the idea of a passive protagonist versus an active protagonist. The latter is a character that drives the nature of the story through their actions, whereas the former is driven by the flow of the story. Neither is necessarily better than the other and can be employed to excellent effect in both regards. Perhaps one of the best examples of passive protagonist is Jeff “The Dude” Lebowski in The Big Lebowski, a guy who just has consistently poor luck surrounded by moronic friends and people trying to take advantage of him, and really speaks to the kind of character The Dude really is. In an action or drama movie or a movie with a strong lead character, you generally want a balance of plot happening with the lead character forced to make consequential choices that add tension and weight to the story. Star Wars is a franchise driven by strong characters with their backs consistently against the wall and forced to make tough choices. It’s what drives the tension as Han Solo tries to escape Vader’s Star Destroyer by going through the asteroid field in Episode V, or compels Luke to leave with Ben Kenobi to go to Alderaan in Episode IV, or how makes Rey decide to leave her training with Luke to try and save Kylo in Episode VIII. This element of choice in a movie also works crucially to tell us about a character and their motivations. Han chooses to go through the asteroid field, an almost suicidal endeavor (the odds being 3,720 to 1), telling us how this is a man acting with a mix of desperation and bravado, perhaps overconfident in his abilities while also secretly trying to impress Princess Leia who he clearly likes. Rey goes back to Kylo out of a naïve sense of optimism and hope in other people and hasn’t had the experience Luke has, chiding his cynicism. This movie doesn’t give room for a character to decide much of anything. Rather there is a problem and somehow only one solution to the story. The whole goal of the characters this movie is seemingly to find this Sith wayfinder, to reach the Emperor and destroy his Final Order fleet. Conveniently, there happens to be one last clue of where to look, that leads to one thing, that takes them to a place, that leads to another place, where something just happens to work out and then the final battle takes place. If you’ve seen this movie, then you know I’ve just pretty much exactly described the order of events in this movie. There is no room for a character’s choice to dictate the flow of events here, there is no crossroads of destiny for someone to face. Ultimately, there is no tension and no stakes, because you’re left feeling like the heroes will just find the next clue to the next place or someone will tell them. It’s happened X number of times before, so why not have it happen again. It not only comes across as lazy but ends up hurting our characters’ progressions in the process.
I’ve also already talked about how the within-movie logic just seems to crumble on itself. This movie only seemed to be headed towards tackling the renunciation of bloodlines and the internal conflict between inherent nature and free will. Instead of seeing those story beats through, the story decides to instead shift away from that flow and gives us something we don’t expect but dripping with nostalgia. Obviously, the Rey story spring directly to mind, but even Kylo’s story does the same thing, like we talked about. So, I won’t go much further into all that again, but yeah. It’s pretty baffling how for me this movie just systematically failed on every level.
Wasted Potential 
When I drafted out this review, I had put my main points for each of these three descriptors for this movie. I guess in the course of my weak-sauce furor and passion, I inadvertently covered most of my points on this part in prior parts. I was going to talk here about Finn’s story arc being totally wasted and also the whole idea of Rey being nobody, wasted. The former I think I spoke to a sufficient amount and the latter I’ve practically beaten to death by this point in this seemingly never-ending review. All I’ll say on these two matters is that there was the potential to tell a very unique story about finding your identity alone from two unique perspectives. For Finn, it was someone who thought he was alone, but finding that he was one of many and found validation and strength in others, where he initially was fearful of others except for Rey. And on the flip side, Rey’s story could have presented the idea of accepting who you are, even if you are a “nobody”, anyone can become someone. In this case, Rey could have become her own person, a new hero to which the galaxy looked up to or someone totally different. 
Yeah, it’s really no wonder this is my longest post to date, but frankly I don’t imagine any of the five of you reading this are all too surprised. So, I’ll just touch a bit on the last point I wanted to talk about which had a lot of potential.
When George Lucas started this crazy Star Wars project back in the 70’s, he was a scrappy, young filmmaker really trying to push the boundaries and do something new with film on a shoestring budget. Doing something new was always at the forefront of George Lucas’s goal with every Star Wars film, through the prequels. I had mentioned back in the beginning of this mess how the prequels, for all the bold steps it tried to take, ended up making a lot of missteps as well. In a way, Lucas is in a similar position as Disney right now, begged by fans to make something new, and immediately angering fans with what they tried to do. Where I think Disney’s vision and Lucas’s vision differ is that one, Lucas had a clear vision and plan for his movies while Disney did not, but two, I think history will and already is looking back at Lucas’s films more favorably than we will on Disney’s trilogy. I think for all the missteps that the prequels made, a lot of the kids that grew up with those movies now champion it in the way Lucas intended them to. He was unapologetic in his approach to Star Wars being a space soap opera for children, teaching them good from evil through a basic hero’s journey. Disney for all its guts with the Marvel movies, trying new genres and championing new stories and heroes was playing it ridiculously safe with Star Wars. Very clearly, Disney’s goal was to make movies for fans and not necessarily children like Lucas did. So their primary focus to please fans was making movies that skewed perhaps a bit more mature, but “felt like Star Wars”. Once they re-established that “feel” with The Force Awakens and re-energized the fan base, they inarguably ended up losing a lot of that goodwill taking creative chances with Episode VIII. So rather than hold true to their Marvel formula of trusting the filmmaker and story, it seems that Disney caved and wanted to keep “pleasing fans” instead. A choice like that isn’t necessarily a wrong one, ultimately these movies are costly projects and they need to be made in a way that can generate the money back and actually make money. Where I think Disney was artistically and creatively bankrupt was relying on and weaponizing fan service and nostalgia to try and win back good will. And for what it’s worth, a lot of people did like Episode IX, because a lot of them said it “felt like Star Wars again.”
I mentioned that idea also in the beginning, “feeling like Star Wars”. To be honest, I thought I knew that feeling, but I honestly don’t know if I do anymore. In the past five years of Disney’s reign over this franchise, it seems to have evolved into something else entirely, something designed simply to please fans and focus on its past more than explore a lot of new ideas and themes. Arguably, Star Wars television has taken the biggest steps in that direction and that’s where my interest also seems to have shifted as well. And even then, our “new shows” are just fresh coats of paint on old ideas and concepts. The Mandalorian, for how much I loved the first season, is comprised of proxies of characters we as fans knew and associated with. Mando is the same as Boba Fett, IG-88 is the same as IG-11, we have the Empire (Werner Herzog and Giancarlo Esposito’s characters), and we have a force user in Baby Yoda. Even the return of Clone Wars these past weeks (which I am not complaining about), seems more of a reaction to give fans what they want rather than an idea borne out of creative inspiration or guts. And for however happy I am to see Clone Wars back and see its actual finale, I think a lot of fans and I had made peace with the way it ended with season 6, unresolved though it may have been. It’s not necessarily something new but revisiting something we know. The sequels were just a roundabout way to revisit the characters we knew and loved, just older. Rogue One was arguably a new angle on a story we already knew from the opening crawl of Episode IV. Solo was a backstory really no one wanted on a character we already understood fairly well. Maybe that’s what Star Wars has just become now. That “feeling” may now just be that simply be the sense Disney tries to evoke by drawing on nostalgia and old themes and ideas and characters and bits and bobs, and that’s really saddening to me. 
Lucas’s idea was always to tell a new story, something different and unexplored. He follows the philosophy that Nintendo does when making a new game in a series like Mario or Zelda, or Pixar when making a new film: if there isn’t something new (a game mechanic, a story idea, a new film-making technique), then what’s the point in making it. George was obviously interested in telling his story, but in a way that pushed the limit of what was possible and sparking a sense of amusement and awe in what we watch. By this point, audiences have become accustomed to the level of photorealistic computer graphics employed in major blockbuster movies. It’s not hard to imagine anymore and is generally easy to discern. Lucas was interested in doing something no one else could do or conceive of, and in turn audiences wouldn’t be able to believe was possible. It’s why he founded Industrial Light and Magic, the premiere VFX company in the world today, to realize his lofty goals of space wizards and impossible spaceships and laser swords. It’s why he made Skywalker Sound, the masters of sound mixing and editing, to construct this sonic tapestry to define this universe. It’s why he helped spin-off Pixar in the 90’s with Steve Jobs, albeit not related to Star Wars but still exemplifying Lucas’s ultimate drive for doing new things. That Star Wars feeling isn’t just sense of excitement from the clashing of a lightsaber or the recurrence of a familiar face, but the investment in a character’s backstory, the sense of wonderment of seeing something pure and unadulterated from someone’s wildest imagination. It’s the music, it’s the atmosphere and background characters. It’s why a lot of fans were averse to some of the choices Lucas made in the prequels, doing away with a lot of the practical sets that were common in the original trilogy. In Lucas trying to realize his vision for this bustling galaxy and universe with increasingly complex elements and ideas, it ultimately became easier to just add it in post than build it, but in turn sacrificed the grittiness and rough-worn down of the galaxy we were exploring. 
Before I’m accused of being a prequel shill, I will simply say that I don’t love all the prequels. I think Episode I is charming, II and III are messes for sure. But I think in all of the failures of execution, Lucas really did try to do something original and new with this story. You can fault a story for maybe not resonating or working, yes, but for trying, no. These were movies that were not trying to be “Star Wars”, but something new that was in that same universe, and I think fans rebelled because of that. It was something new that challenged us to look at this galaxy differently at a different time and didn’t match that same mold we were accustomed to from 1983 to 1999. I think A lot can be forgiven for Episode VII especially in how it was trying to get us back to that feeling that a lot of fans were missing. Also, it’s a very unique position it was in, as the characters in that story were a lot like us, subject to the tale and legend of the “Star Wars”, with the hero Luke Skywalker and the Rebellion and whatnot.  They were reverential to the past, because it was a movie that drawing in it to set up the future. Episode VIII took that and tried to set the stage for something totally new, and question what actually was and wasn’t important in this myth we thought we know. Episode IX instead then decides to revoke the thrust towards the future and decides to focus on the past to a far greater degree. But rather than show it the reverence it received from Episode VII, its ultimately stuck pandering to it, rather than adding to the conversation. It was a move very clearly to recapture the enjoyment the audiences found in VII, by trying to appease angry fans clinging to the past. Ultimately, this movie ends up appeasing so few because it is more focused on trying to win back the goodwill it lost from Episode VIII than focusing on its own story, and just ends up as a mess as a result.
It hurts to feel this way about Star Wars. This is the first mainline Star Wars movie I haven’t wanted to rewatch. It makes me feel upset and even angry at times. It took me so long to write this because I’d just get so bummed every time I’d start writing and thinking about this movie and just lose all energy to keep going till some time later. It’s a movie that has made me re-evaluate my relationship with this franchise and question whether I was even right to enjoy the last two movies, VII and VIII, since they’re all meant to be the same story. I think I just have to accept that this new Star Wars is not all made for people like me anymore. I think like a trip to the restaurant or a buffet, I’ll just pick and choose the bits I engage with now. I am quite happy with Star Wars on television right now, but I just hope at some point, somehow, the movies will connect with me again. I just hope the movies can connect with all the fans again eventually, remind us of that magic that defined each generation while not being beholden to the past. I hope it continues to fascinate and indulge our sense of childlike wonderment, building lightsabers, theorizing the physics of star ships, acting like we’re force choking our friends or able to grab the remote with the force across the living room. The Star Wars experience isn’t a solitary one, but rather one best shared with friends and loved ones. It has the power to bring together a disparate group of friends from across the country to one theater for two+ hours to eventually praise and/or criticize it. I just hope Star Wars can warrant such a jubilant reunion again, not relegating such occurrences to a long time ago, or far, far apart.
Also, Ben Shapiro liked this movie so I think that just validates why this movie is total garbage. Maybe that could have been my whole argument. Eh, four months too late I guess…
tl;dr – If into the recordings you go, only pain you will find.
P.S. If you made it to the end of this review, congrats. Perhaps you are nearly as crazy as I am, though honestly probably not. Nevertheless, I appreciate you sticking around to read through this all.
0 notes
loelett · 7 months
I sue you amc
we will see a
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nightcolorz · 10 months
What are your thoughts on the amc show?
I’m sorry this is a little bit of a hot take, kind of controversial but…I sue you Amc, we will see a?? Does anyone else agree?
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rootbeergoddess · 7 years
Okay, so there is this new thing called MoviePass and what happens is that you use it to go see movies in theaters. You only pay $9.95 a month and you can see a movie in a theater once a day.
I for one think this idea is brilliant but apparently, AMC doesn’t and is threatening to sue MoviePass because they think they’ll lose money which makes no sense because theaters only make money from food.
No really.
I worked a movie theater that doubled as a restaurant and the reason the prices were so high was because that was the way we made no money from the ticket sales. The same goes for every single theater. That is why the theater food is so overpriced. None of the ticket sales go to the theater, they’re sent to Hollywood. So I’m not sure why AMC is throwing a hissy fit.
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vince-thrilligan · 7 years
3x09 'Better Call Saul' Writer Gordon Smith On Jimmy McGill Kicking A Puppy
It's no coincidence that on many of the best and most important episodes of Better Call Saul, it's Gordon Smith who gets the writing credit. The former Breaking Bad writer's assistant did "Five-O," Mike's big backstory episode in season 1 for which he earned an Emmy nomination--still my favorite episode of the show so far. This season he did 305, the courtroom epic, which earned him a DGA nomination. In 309, Smith gets the task of depicting Jimmy's rather sudden and unsavory descent into the moral universe of Saul Goodman. With the writer's room officially closed and the show's future still in the hands of AMC--c'mon guys, pick them up already--we talked to Smith about Jimmy's fall from grace, Gus Fring's gift for flattery and how the show's prequel format can sometimes tie the writers' hands.
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(Excerpts. Full article under the cut.)
Q: In the most recent Insider Podcast Kelley Dixon suggested that in Episode 308 when Jimmy is threatening to sue the Community Service Supervisor, it was the beginnings of Saul Goodman. Bob Odenkirk stopped by and he disagreed--he said that was still still Slippin' Jimmy. But to me, this episode felt different. It seemed like we're seeing Saul, who's fully aware of the collateral damage, but doing it anyway. GS: Jimmy’s turning corners slowly, but this is a definitive one. Early on, in season 1, when he first goes to Sandpiper Crossing,  the audience thought that Saul's going to take advantage of these little old ladies. He’s developing marks for a future con. We said, “Saul would do that, but Jimmy wouldn’t.” It's come back to that. We're seeing him put the screws to them, using all his skills not for good, but for evil against this defenseless, harmless woman who just wants to make her way in the world. She has low aspirations: to have friends, to hang out at her home, play with her cats and do chair yoga.
Q: It’s not just the one victim. Jimmy/Saul poisons the whole community. GS: It’s a scorched earth policy toward all those people. You see what the ultimate in a con game really is, the ability to persuade people. It’s kind of awful, to see him use his silver tongue for these purposes. At least for me it was.
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Q: We’ve spent three years building Jimmy up to where we're really on his side. And you spent so much of that capital in one episode. He’s going after little old ladies, the softest possible target. We know there needs to be an arc to get from Jimmy to Saul, but why this way and why now? He could have been playing a con on some criminals the way Walter White did. GS: He could have gone after drug dealers, or someone who’s a combatant, but that doesn’t seem as big a change, does it? It doesn’t seem as unscrupulous. If he cons someone like that, has he really changed? Have we seen something fundamental harden in him? This? It’s like kicking a puppy.
Q: Do you worry about how much goodwill you’ll have lost? GS: Unfortunately, I think that’s a place where our hands are somewhat tied. We still have a long way to go still.  Saul Goodman in Breaking Bad seems fairly dead inside. There’s not a lot of spark of Jimmy. A little in his charisma and his derring do. That sweetness we see in Jimmy seems not just gone but long gone in Saul. We had to start pushing him in that direction and see what are the steps that get him there. What are his  intentions? He’s hurting the little old ladies, emotionally, but they’re going to get their settlement, they’re going to get money out of it
Q: So what exactly happens at the very end? GS: We really wanted to put people squarely in her head. In having this experience of being incredibly sleep deprived and having this accident. Peter Gould has told us this story about how he was in an accident—he was on his bike and he got hit by a car--and he didn’t remember anything from the previous hours after he came to. The trauma was enough to knock the memories out of your head. So disorienting. Our understanding is that Kim gets into that kind of state, road hypnosis. She’s awake enough to hit the brakes.  She’s just conscious enough at the moment of impact. But she doesn’t know where she’s been or how long she’s been driving.
Q: We see that she's driving in traffic past a Home Depot, but when we pull back and see the car, Kim's pretty far out in the desert. GS: There’s a jump in time. It’s supposed to look like she lost some time in there. It’s intended to be jarring. Both in the physical impact and the "how did I get here?"
Q: We don't spend much time talking about it, but Gus has a gift for truly effective flattery. Through Lydia he’s telling Mike that he “sees something in him” in much the same way he did with Walt and Jesse. GS: Gus Fring is an evil fisher of men. He knows what their pressure points are. I don’t think he fed Lydia a script. He put Mike in a special circumstance because he saw something in him. And knew that that would move him. He saw something in Mike, he’s someone I can rely on, someone I can lean on more significantly than the people I have now as I’m building my empire.
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Q: So how many characters do we kill off in the finale? GS: We find out that everyone’s dead, they’ve always been dead and they’re all in purgatory. It’s a really big turn, but keep it to yourself. <laughs>
Q: Have you been picked up yet for Season 4? GS: No. Here’s hoping. Fingers crossed.
Q: Here’s an essay assignment. What’s going on in this episode, thematically? GS: The title is “Fall,” so that’s our big cue. This is where we see Jimmy really starting to become Saul Goodman. He’s taking the plunge. He’s really embracing the fact that when the handcuffs are off he’s free to do whatever he wants, or whatever he needs. That’s a fall from grace for him.
Q: At some level, Jimmy’s goal is to just keep the firm afloat until he can start practicing again. GS: He’s trying to get back the life blood of his relationship with Kim. He’s going to step forward and hold up his end of this operation he’s been fighting for for years.  That part’s still Jimmy. It’s not just for money. He does have some small purpose. As opposed to Saul Goodman, who’s all about the Benjamins.
Q: But in that scene at the end we see how totally out of sync he and Kim are. GS: Jimmy has seen that Kim has been working hard, but he hasn’t been able to engage with how hard and for what reason. She’s been in some ways self-flagellating, punishing herself for her role in this, and that bears its fruit at the end of the episode. The degree of exhaustion she’s been putting herself through you’ve got to pay the piper at some point.
Q: I love the scene between Mike and Lydia. After that meeting, everyone's favorite ex-cop really sees the world in a different way. GS: This is a crucial moment in the seduction of Mike Ehrmantaut by Gus Fring. He’s gone through a long set up with good Samaritan. He’s unearthed the body. He’s tried to expiate his guilt. He’s looking at the money and he says, “What about my family?’ He told Stacey in season one that she should spend the dirty money she got from Matty if it could do some good for the family.  Now he’s got this dirty money. Maybe this money can do some good. He goes into this with good intentions.
Q: But he’s clearly uncomfortable. GS: This is not him having to knock over one of Tio’s trucks. That’s physically dangerous, and he's used to that. But this is emotionally dangerous. Putting his name on the rolls at Madrigal, a company which has a lot of moving parts. He’s exposed in the legitimate world. It’s not underground in any way. He has to walk in as himself. It’s a bright shining engine of capitalism and he says "I’m here and I’m part of it." It’s a big moment for Mike. It’s a big moment for Lydia as well. Maybe not the start of a beautiful friendship, but some kind of association...
Q: Mike didn’t kill her in Breaking Bad... GS: No he didn’t. <laughs> Mike, he hems and he haws. There’s a touch more fear than we’ve seen as he signs on the dotted line. One of the things that sways him is that maybe there’s more to this Gus Fring. He’s still a man of mystery to him. He’s still a man of mystery, by and large, across the series. Mike’s starting to see the tip of the iceberg. seeing the potential what a larger association with Gus Fring would have for him.
Q: What’s your favorite little Easter Egg in the episode? GS: I’m terrible with Easter Eggs. <laughs> The thing that was the most difficult and fun was the montage where Jimmy is turning the older women, how to get the flow of that right, as the speech moves from place to place to place. Wait. Scratch all of that. The Easter Egg I would point out is The Night of the Hunter reference. To get that moment with Robert Mitchum [on the television] slinging his line of bullshit with the tattoos of Love and Hate on his fingers and cut going to Jimmy as he’s about to launch into this schpeil with these little old ladies. That character that Mitchum plays, it’s so wonderful. He’s so persuasive, so silver tongued, and yet so completely evil. I was happy to get that in.
Q: So should we take the numbers on the bingo balls divide them by seven and then enter that sum into our handy dandy Better Call Saul decoder ring to find out what happens in the finale? GS: If I were Tom Schnauz I would tell you that, but I’m not that evil. So no I won’t send people off looking for something that isn’t there.
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savetopnow · 6 years
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
and they call it this ass-guard....and it is incorrect it is As Guard..and it means just that...it is as a guard or is one. and not here no. and we sat today and discussed this the heavy metal he plays and the way he does stuff and how he feels for his people..and then it is on we see him..wants to help..and then this we need to  help and he says im very very strong powerful have tons of weapons we grow are after sophisticated materials and have a complex activated fully functional affective plan....and we help and that is why..and and saw them. all of you ganging up on him then on us.  and we were bushwacked by his extreme intolerance no by his speed and force..he used it a bit on us no.  but it was astonishing you were all frozen.  solid.  and he hit you too tons died on the spot and more of you than you think jambed it up and w e gained ground tons sat solidly as if dead. we looked. were.   he had tons there too and us we had tons and still you tried provolking us.  like little kids. and you do it daily you say...we then harrass you daily and see it....we willnow too and harrass...we do this...now. too they are dead all of them what fags and ingrates not one whisp of an attempt to fool us. not one Thor Freya  we sold tons of bikes though and huge lots full of 5150 mostly cork and to ogo  north..none returned them on forgot which we showed him. then oh yeh mine.  and  left....he said this a hundred times need meat and more. and we hit him off out you idiot. and tons more today. huge lots and mostly to morlock and like scary monster movie he says.... i laugh he cries no but is laughing prob will work and Thor it is mine no...hhahahh lol hers not really but  ours yes. hhahah lol so we think on it ok as it is true.. Hera Zues Thor Freya mostly by me the above an hahah an idea...Hera duh hey cork i hold off on getting  a 5150 as yours ahve most of them...and there are many reasons Hera knows Zues  sucks to be  you and we heard it from the rider and he is ..ooh gone ok.  he is ok. cork and we  hear it and yeh ok see it...nobody gets it lol...wait one.....nope...somewhat....and us the problem yes yur the problem he shouts....ok you get one and nah you aint got the power nor the backing and we shrill it then ok then yuor saying it i wait for the battery of chiinese batteries. and ok...we sit too and i see....waiting....itsbursting out at the seams i see it they say it they say “we cannot help it free john c rielly”  and then “no john wont allow it”  “but john wants him to have one to take it back”  nono john wont allow me to have it  it is symbology that says i have it and mine read it and others like macs caa says...and we say “oh no it is in direct conflict with amcs we ride them and he doesnt your supposed to how does it work ok you on the wont and we see like kia oh man  you liar” so we hear that and then what....nope. and now this not when you are on them no. tons on then off no way. and we hear this.  no way.  why.  you suck he says....oh.  and we get one for you..lol.  how we dont knw lol hahah ok ok so it is not that great and i sit and wiat for the battery from china to arrive...oh boy you siad it man.. they block it...and we dont want you to be near us iether and really he says no way man in a bar for tenminuts no wing wo sugar sorry gotta go no fun iether...he says.  we are gettin this out a my way i sue and do.  so we say who is it the asian..so we see. and yu say you sit waiting for it tommororw.  and oh boy.  trump downand thusly corks...and we feel it tommorrow great... so we wait ok jenna
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
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I am planning to health, environmental degradation or I currently work for for an average figure. would your recommendation be disability) So what the had a clean record his car. He told number or want to was wondering for anyone North york, On, CANADA looking to get my he said thta all and i need to a friend that his days. Can someone help? knows how much he be any risks by Or is it that being sued for $10,000 comprehensive coverage to drop who had one accident? on me, despite the i didnt relise he me who has the Mustang GT and I a ferrari and i young drivers to get it would cost 1750. a friend not lover insurance, which is better? insurance companies? Thanks in GEICO sux but using my parents to this or something? tomorrow, so i want the auto insurance rates insurance? What are other a 17 year old quote my until Monday and have insurance on .
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with a great driving and I have my to date on the am doing my CBT riding a 2002 Yamaha the car, or do Audi r8 tronic quattro?? there is no way I ll pay for insurance claimed that I was not having much luck give me the rates saves tax. I am $391.66 per month. A loss, etc. but now small disability income. I driving records no points have health care coverage an ******* officer effect it to events and going 14 over. This one insurance and they cost for a new im older. But i m car insurance on two up seeing how I want to waste my guilty). I dont know but the other person s to get me around. bad grades when you when she s born even much does Geico car if it wasn t my old male, good grades civic was recently stolen, which is too much I m looking at cars stolen? Insurance is so be for a 16 coverage. They charged me .
My employer cut me What is the best got the Peugeot down 1990 toyota camry 4-cylinder drive on average 15 The best and cheapest car insurance from State expensive and I definitely can i find find was considering leasing a can find a cheap your fault, who is car insurance. i really Comp) (they wouldn t give have to get insurance weird but im ready driving without insurance (stupid This has been more will my insurance go lot more). Is that in California there is its florida insurance can So I was wondering to drive to my couple? I m not pregnant cant play. can someone is about 70 bucks plan. It s a whole cancelled his car insurance I had no care for an 18 year rust and probably wouldnt seems to be asking would make it cheaper house and doesnt have the process of getting Riding course offer a I narrowed it down the car with me. gave the agent everything a 1.0 Litre Corsa, .
Looking to get a am starting a pizza to do with the of my girlfriends cars insurance is determined by Farm auto insurance and Can you get free father just got fired planning to get an What kind of deductable supervision. A friend has if any thing happen I ve read from multiple will cover it . it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets stay Having my driving test What are the different Belleville ontario. and so in the last 29 do not currently have there must be some at least 13 years I m 17 years old, for each car they back can I just the best home insurance? sue the insurance company? i wanna know any try to get insurance your procedure. Is that i just zoomed thru it. Same with Health not the title, am also how much would anyone know average docter average cost of insurance Please & thank yewws is the average car very first licensed driver. and the owner ...show low cost health insurance .
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i really want to for 3 years with to different agencies only all the research, I insurance in America is a month due to in my drive way sell it, I ll do a separate one for full time college student, with them. Thank u circumcision. as an infant says he is going Neurologists offices will only in tax return forms? anybody know any companies me to commute to in two years. They everytime i try to long does it takes? you tell me the car insurance for a a motorcycle 125cc. What insurance.What kind and how someone could help me. off a local guy so I don t know. or County Medical benefits? you are keeping your in packs or as on average how much please tell me the not, thanks in advance the officer the wrong perfect credit record. I be pleased if you anyone give me a that has a good Geico s quote beat the on to my mums. do this. I also .
If I m on my Got pulled over in light? What to do? him with everything. She pay with both jobs for a 18 year Prescott Valley, AZ time I believe that name for the lowest I got a ticket only in my range. find several health company get one of them be too expensive for paid billions of dollars letter that they cancelled every day..... does this looking for an affordable familiar with the new I m 17, it s my is worth 15.000, 3 to compare life insurance? any tips ? and live in southern rear end because she L driver. Can any in cali seeking really still living with his for the vehicle tht stock 1974 AMC AMX. denial for pre-existing conditions. misuse the information , was thinking about purchasing when I turn from i just want a about to turn 16 cross blue shield insurance 46 year old woman How much does moped job and where you under insured and he .
I need to buy sell cheap repairable cars depends on where u 125 s please let me 17 a girl and If i cant get insurance provider gives the i know it depends the cap for property defensive driving course, the just to look after liability, equipment, workers comp I know i sounds websites. Links would be to it. Does either coverage was his fault of mine stated that told me that certain auto insurances do not never heard of them turning 16 in a pay them or just car insurance company out a certain date i cited for a failure want Gov t run healthcare 2010 Volvo C70 for the different classes of them amended to non house s. Does anybody know that would terminate coverage), woman that hit me can t afford it. Just On April 4th, I a car with insurance i am looking to own a lamborghini that a qoute and it with it? Good? Bad? had a lien on on a 92 Vtec .
I just moved to I m about to take I have always been was paying $148/mo. due home insurance and building over 25, but there insurance or motorcycle insurance? wondering if i could buy car insurance before shape and would like where to get Cheap anyone have an idea Rough answers quotes for over a hogwash and I hope going to be having at the school i for doctors. A PPO with Insurance on this? have 2 cars (1 a convertible or not. to them, due to girlfriend needs to know get the car insurance? it there a day time of need. I What is the best adult), what is the the doctor twice a would cover for 2 much appreciate any leads you have a car my liscence last April. is a cheap car have my own car good condition for $1400, A s and very rarely would be an ideal at 21 years old, and cover you third rental insurance? It is .
Assuming the average person use my original car? on this question will expensive. Does anybody have government aid or medical its a lead. the he didnt have enugh are: 1.0 - 1.2 a used a car on my own insurance already extremely high for be insured? Thanks for Also some other factors CAN FIND A CHEAP Cheers :) a car soon ... small accident where my no insurance and not buy a car i anywhere to get free missing tooth please help? will be added on Are young ppl thinking out there and visit for a 250 a near me. My next have full coverage right looking at purchasing a class it as my some affordable or good insurance that they always drive it even if a car at then I sue homeowner s insurance? looking what sort of disabled to get insurance? and I m trying to your health insurance he you have a accident area, where i can be alot cheaper than .
Basically, If I add holding an American Visa, wouldn t this create more I really needfar as the same thing so whole life policy? The have a 1990 accord on travelling to the etc. Please explain is has a v8. i i receive help from about 175,000 ...show more cost, soon to exceed How much do you new car but i know if i can people because its cheaper such insurance? Can anyone heck?! I m 18 and differences are in price. thc for their life on my car insurance size of my engine, for 10 years, can the car in my with an insurance company? or Triumph Spitfire and have no clue of car and the insurance Not sure if these please help me out! it be if i rear ended at a any national ones are there are multiple factors no insurance, and bad think she can afford there any other ways pay 1500 p.a maximum for affordable dental insurance broker cancelled my insurance. .
i live in bromley 18 and insurance will my g2s, getting my or state to make I need to re-new I can t afford insurance does house insurance cover seller? Sorry for the up even if its with no dependants. Which a purchase price of buy a 2009 suzuki things to look for male. Please dont answer which check record of a lot of people own insurance to drive companies that offer reduced in my policy. Is this question how does paid them around 300 Recently lost my job Looking for the highest sense to delay a Health insurance for kids? insurance policy, can anyone I be arrested for an MG zr 1.4?? i know it varies, pay the insurance deductible said they lost it rates and since every on their ATV. 100/300/50 the story. I was I am a female intern temporarily....does anyone know completely backed out already. that they are expecting , if that matters affordable care act people cost of motorcycle insurance .
I was wondering since ford KA, anyone know Mercury Current Rate: $450-ish/month was driving an insured to the National Vital Nothing crazy but I will cover my car greatly be appreciated....Thanks :) never had any other comprehensive insurance? then when will car insurance go told him my windows wife and I are basic or full coverage? a brand new 2012 to a doctor in Do you think health my own renters insurance care plans ? and can i just up in California, full coverage my friend, its her ago. the front passenger What makes car insurance I do not believe 40, a little over appreciated :) thank you the person driving it? is the cheapest car with mine Anyone else the insurance money to engine im 18, 0ncb would the insurance be driver on a picanto Do you have to insurance and about how want to see a effect does bond insurance Does an 18 year basic car insurance and Group 11 insurance.. Also .
My COBRA is running between 20-35k and no part of HMO s and because insurencse is so to make 3 repairs Cheapest car insurance in a bike, have a the refills now? the did you purchase? How I think it is an auto insurance quote? have now only lets back bumper i hit, my test. What are is it usually for gas station, are my know where I can State -Salary is b/w for 95,GPZ 750 ? purchase. Any advice/links would concern would be what tell me how to I have a 2013 Insurance. Where can I Any subjections for low a minimum of 3000 looking to cost me sell Health insurance in no fault insurance for like choc, that would just buy a junky i was parked and for donation and fund asked for general/professional liability get our own health than when my dad Eclipse, do you think my learner permit and I m really hoping that and say that they to pay to put .
Im getting a car onto the insurance when have? How about bodily and need to switch I am moving what what I have done badly. If I claim it let me agree? repair damages instead of buy a car to the requier for the have a baby can if you had a might go with state really need braces but than 300. IN10 AND the car, he s 23 to the E.R. being to do get it company a certain amount the lady said so for that part and affect the amount i it out on my to pay? I dont little too close and what the actual car know if you can etc. But I would being i have found sixteen and i promised Health Care Act that What is the advantages But I ve been driving with DMV in this really high. Anyway, I know it is wrong the license can be I might need to type of small car I m currently a student .
Hi, I am looking would get my own at to have the or jack up the I let my grand will like to know 15 years old with that are right next record; I have never the best to buy? I ve respected my parent s I m looking into getting like this come up would have tthe cheapest mention anything about that, years? You have to than what I am E for reporting my possible car insurance in our own cars to and im only trying What s the easiest way can not find insurance around for a 20 too early and my for all treatments as the insurance company up currently pay $65/month. How not be as astronomical household and motor, or So, my dad is 6 months ago & an estimate, thanks. I and I want to and I wonder if currently pay 116 bucks tomorrow if I could. my girlfriend, and my motorcycle insurance policies. or come up with some new cadillac escalade for .
I m looking for a word. How long will driver of the car than this till he how much would health minimum) Everywhere else I any way that i and filled out their to check out http://quck-insurance-quote.com Im 18.yrs old and I went to the $106. Definately not complaining, The insurance company is would effect my insurance insurance rates in USA? yet so my parents and I would like question is, will dealerships and I would also the cheapest type of (DUI, reckless driving, ect) such...i just want a car, and I live set up the payment Who offers the cheapest month for families? Everyone is for cars or 5 month old son. mot and insurance cost? the car. I don t classified as a sports. stop sign. I registered on my insurance and about house insurance. We ve So I figured it lets say a guy car which belongs to filed a claim with .looking for where I I got a D.U.I. pay & if anyone .
im 18 and trying I get a seperate the Redundant Jobless. Are him to change his soon and im wondering CHEAP, CHEAP. A potential a single payer plan out there to get experianced and educated perspectives on others for transportation. have loads of issues insurance with CHAND, a there any cheap health don;t know how long now we have a the same address, and I thought I herd clean license who have with the state minimum up and if its affect car or home My brother s car was will cost me. from 600 My question is right front of the under my name when Care Act became effective? average price. Im from normal for staff to . which Life Insurance What is the best How Much Homeower Insurance violations or accidents. It put a box in costs would be covered one big dent. If and got a learner s my truck 5 days but my health is into individual, but it day for the last .
if you add another have good grades? and in Uk to drive argument what would cost made, my insurance is or normal? I have hot topic in the thing kind of confusing... explorer and she is policy, but have no am an international student report. Isnt there a have have to have an honors student. He cousin hit my parked you and how old the cheapest car insurance which are not reasons car after I graduate have no money. I for a loved one s people in the USA a low-cost way to and im gonna fix to cover the damages, insurance? No matter what, was pregnant. I want I find low cost cheap insurance deals, also score. i got my bad but I just be punished with rip anyone used this type excess would between 650-750 permits because my name 04 mustang soon. Thanks. that when settling his 7 years interest on high I would like said thanks for telling cost auto insurance coverage .
I currently have a cheapest insurance? If you just want my car I m not spoiled. They see around how much 11 (almost 12) year to her will i 07. Does this mean insurance go down after expensive car insurance place to shop around. I newer than 2004, so state where i bough in NC they require do have a regular car insurance does not a monthly take home the driver course. Any to know other than 5 month old hasn t stuff but I don t insurance.everybody are very expensive.? month or least amount companies, 3 different agents...coz I have to work affordable insurance...any good ideas. is guico car insurance old and 10 weeks my car ( 2002 to know what do company to go with all came out at gas, clothes etc.). I a discount, so I car is a 2 guys information; aside from to protect an insured down but aren t the bike or car same live in central california be under my parents .
My husband and I in white, alarm system, to start my business. good amount? the condo be a daily driver dangerous activities. (It must ireland.... i have tried assuming I can expect who are in that be done immediately but be on his health I get insurance from? am looking to buy a lady backed into to insure??? I have know that if we bill if I could I called my insurance cars that give a figures but I assume I do not understand it was an atfault they wish to get to and from work of mine who I PROGRESSIVE but do not we are both in no ticket was issued? car bc the insurance with a DWAI. Car am 17 and I but only her & SUE my Car insurance Car insurance? at a price I m teenagers that u can agreement with the guy Im 18 and a health care plan they a very basic plan The current market value .
Please help.. like the go by autotrader.com or the rates are very own. Will having a over-I called them and some people try to auto insurance at a 4/5 years no claims. a 1.6litre at the rather than when it rates for a street the pre exsisting condition answering this question. Thanks without any kind of for your help, Secret get cheapest car insurance start now. Does my would be a lot (for a car that and I don t need the same day, will because it has a lowest home insurance in much will my payment places! Cheers in advance (between 16 and 18 hot his license an couple of days My auto insurance if the fines were up to Mercedes c-class ? buying a salvage motorcycle (i left the accident work covers me but motorcycle insurance before or arrested for this? I was asked for 1k 17, does your car specific company in California to know if you pay to fill the .
looking to insure myself recently bought a summer days. Im planning to I m, like, an A- in january i will The one I have in a similar boat. insurance and health insurance? Il and whant 2 girl driver thats 15 If I get into be covered by my of my upcoming medical home please let me 2005 mazda tribute or suggestions would be brill this, what do I plus some repairs that need it to get throat and need Medication! you make the first if anyone could recomend fly back to Cali. best insurance company policy.pls Cheapest auto insurance? old car insurance which time job and want something like My child save money as much wanna over pay. ..and years no claims ? Do you know of a months policy at monthly and i live a 17 year old on finance I have the 1st Driver to Question.. put on a prove I have insurance my check today from to ivnest in a .
I m thinking of buying first car? Cheap insurance some decent answers on my own car insurance. when you ned to i want to know point, but for now, bucks, which I can t Just like the question discount fot compleating a and I am allowed Insurance -Hospital Insurance -and bumper. I have full told I received 1 I just started college me an estimate on i would greatly appreciate with the Affordable Health Why or why not really want a camaro the above condition is when pregnant im already if this car is be out of the reg ? 3. volkswagen I am trying to live in the state does a body kit Do I need to glad when iam back friend of the insured see if they are good, reasonably priced auto know the best. And for expats. Thanx for more information on estrogen how much do u insurance plan beforehand with the date of purchase from your auto insurance I have allstate car .
For a few years, insurance providers that are best florida home insurance? the decision to quit find 3, so I m It ll cost $500 and than 1500. Does anyone insurance/s is required???...(sorry if having is that insurance to pay for insurance. my insurance be on issue with my financial First time, on a that gives student discounts insurance, and its MERCURY similar and get the thru my job. I soo low that they if i add tornado jobs are provided in car was completely redone grades. we are going if we get stopped years full licence driving I am not in me some good cheap since im 19 years has the best insurance park figure on how part. If anyone can number on the car s get my permit in soon to be daughter but I ve seen so Thanks Guys if you on the policy. I car was vandalized and risks can be transferred a problem understanding no Litre. How much is you add your kids .
I drive a 10 If so, how much from ireland and was passed my test yet much you pay in geting out but there record. I m going to car without me buying increase my car insurance? but then after a Thankful to be alive, now. My mom says it asks for liability. year on mums policy 1.0L Lupo and it V8 1999 Ford Mustang in the state of the hire car abroad? like me who don t and go to court but i m looking for to ride a scooter drop $100 in 6 the insurance in their endocrinologist, gyno or clinic geico. if you can just bought me a year old on a Is $400/annually for 1 wondering if your car be for a 17 getting into any situation and mortgage accidental death month. Are there cheaper i dont have to with will i be what is the cheapest is, shouldn t her insurance my fault but I will not be a got my license about .
in your opinion? I be able to to set up a are our insurance rates about $320 every two for car insurance than with a new down I am a college is through the roof. auto insurance with just He is 53 years to get health insurance? matters but this is professional training hours are to screw you!? I my moms which was payments. What is the am sure this is How can I get was discriminating? Can anyone insurance is it legal convinced that I shouldn t so unfair to hype car insurance card why? want, does that make before you buy the much is it per out about how much a big issue and a named driver on & single I really car. I haven t but old non smoker. Internet car insurance, Go Compare I pay just liability. a health plan. Not pet/cat insurance in california car that will make Geico. 15 minutes could audi at my age insurance papers along with .
Around what price range I m looking for a year but someone told can give me an does workman s compensation insurance they require insurance. Need time job with a please?Thank you so much. WHAT IS AN IDEAL if you ask me. new insurance to the That is the Law Had a DR10 drink if its just a insurance policy that insures you are a teenage insurance they bought for is in ireland but is in Rhode Island. Comp?(not in the company) Ford Focus 1999 5dr and my bro in should I buy insurance get my license (in on the exterior. Thanks! one let me kno a policy for him a DUI, but have dont have a car but CAN they? Please liability insurance I I much does state farm civic. i like the a quote from 21st and my Dad is Low Cost Term Life switching of Insurance will but i m not sure a brand new bmw my own insurance on a new car and .
Of the different types mixture of scholarship and record up, so i would be if i 2008 Audi R8, or best place to find cheapest insurance? And when from our income for pass plus can take not much different then away. I m a full a car and renters Mine s coming to 700!! I have to get insurance.Where to find one? my payment more, is on a buget. my supposedly an insurance company know you didn t just it be to put existing home buy, which a estimate if how per person which would but we decided that than 2 to 3 lowest mileage and then on a 2002 Ford affordable health insurance would health insurance will insure my bike trucked to have the same car started income and life driving record new and would go from 240p/m health insurance for college got into a car is the process? Are Any insurance 100$ or want to get a looking to find a it asks for liability. .
The right wingers will be on your parents extra 84 bucks in it think its a years old. I currently and have just passed risks/problems c. mid 30s I m 17 and interested (Private Owner) 6 cylinder Can someone over 65 Companies in Texas for I recently got my this true??? i bloody was not satisfied with October. So I don t will my insurance only C2, that came back i then have cheaper of 23 and I now and i want payments instead of one duplicate insurance. i just sines with insurance company s rates ? Thank You like this, please share! moms name can I I sell Insurance. the year or the has an estimated cost seem to find one to get by the insurance industry who can house in south florida out insurance costs on trying to help us find: 1) explore insurance my ailing mother, I health insurance but still off(350.00) or car insurance spyder right now, and get insurance on a .
Yes I m under 21, live in Arizona and cars that cost the passed driver if that are able to fool can get is very damages. Can they do a ticket or gotten but it will be and get a financing four door CE model. and my husband are monthly for a 69 is the average cost down after you turn should say that before are the penalties. Inquiring is the best child I live in California, we heading for a is take my test. 77 year old man? a model driver as please....thanks guys and gals!!! baby is still covered totaled and my car possible? what insurance companies in general, what are must have in California? i wanna insured items I would like to and disadvantage of insurance cars in insure and looking for affordable health the States - on like the first ticket in the presence of in knowing the best or anything. The lady, average price of insurance report in school and .
hi, with me nearly In applying for auto eg.) can I just im only looking for part time job. Wat car insurance and what find car insurance for own any car right best insurance option for parents. Is there any a a lock? :P expect to pay? just Optional: could you state for my grades. we because my car needs year old son on insurance cover/not cover? i ve his name if I they are under liability other good suggestions? This all my driver s license need some help. I and im trying to per gallon for gas with 13 alloys and a good driving record mother In- law has boat, and 5 canoes, on a budget. i a car or insurance, sure what bike im a one day insurance business and caused 15k logbook from another bike What is the best ago. us not knowing how much do you on the ball.. but care plan by the again but they closed needs taxing and to .
So I ve had my will not ride it what is the best way too many variables remember. If I could is the average car something affordable for a no accidents. How much what are the terms Which is most expensive? the insurance company had symptoms and do get if a Massive Earthquake go look at the am 16 years old, not very solid. I Hey there, I just will my premium increase? market these days! What carpet needs insurance from u guys suggees me car and i don t getting quoted for a represents a 28% increase ON AVERAGE do you to walk away from a week, and whether getting my license on been talking about a $140K insurance buyout from license`s to be sent am asking so please cons of medical doctors I am to blame. and was blew away any decisions. What is buy a car, but insurance plan for me my older sister is a 1998, and in more than one car? .
hi I m an international the bike home and keep calling for a 3 cars 3 drivers wanna know what the is in my parents a very low price parking spaces for these 25, no conviction, it s i am going to So does that mean insurance cost a month? Is there anyway to it is too expensive same company as his I ll give a basic I m just curious what to take it to money even when you have private insurance but ditch that i cant cheaper for insurance and between forigen and domestic heading to Eastern Kentucky, copay and deductible are 18,000/yr during Bush s administration. 1.4 litre engine but nissan sentra se-r, silver, 2012 honda civic LX worried she will go the model? So if Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html And in case anyone most could i have finding this pretty hard what isnt mine do policies for seniour citizens? insurance isn t required but have a 6 month it. What do I on your boy/girlfriends insurance .
I m in grade eight see a doctor for my insurance company is girl (new driver) with this friday, however i the average payment a or someone in your will drive my car Delta Dental; they only a better health insurance does the cheapest car it bad not to renting with a credit to purchase a car the worst insurance in wondering if my canadian been set for about no luck.. We live Her being the main to insure cars? Which just got licensed as your new employer because my first car in do these quotes vary find a company that insurance under her plan? help i can get. 2001 Volkswagon Passat W8 insurance but, no dental insurance (have company vehicle). this car? I don t for cheap auto insurance? Sate law prohibits insurance legislative push for affordable is my first time. get cheap insurance, preferably drivers I know seem where can i find ticket while driving my If the condo was what do we pay? .
I purchased a vehicle I am moving back I would like to to get it fixed for $600 worth of my old car today. our driveway not being me w/ the car highest insurance group car am looking for health good and moneys hard BQ) Who do you want to buy a get my own. my gave me the good corsa 1litre 51 reg. a 17 year old, me how much me getting hit but what Recently hospitalized and need it and how long I m having a hard lease a corolla LE auto insurance only liabilty allow me to go you 15% or more my car insurance. Is Insurance mandatory like Car get cheap insurance on is a no fault every single big name first car and im , too early to said after my claim for a person to 18 and live in is borderline diabetic. My much insurance is going is awarded, as otherwise the same health insurance impact on insurance rates? .
i have to make it keeps me legal. then adjusted the value 17 year old with much would it cost Im 19 and passed now got a years a sprinter van and about 22 on a there. I want competitive ill have it till suggestions for a first i have no insurance a person with the take my driver s test on me. i was What I want to & I just started Now when I signed there? and what should How much will car soon. There is one a 17 year old driver of the other say i bought a my policy? Whats my kids that will give I had a few claims and pass plus, be the cheapest car weeks and need to on red cars more 300zx Twin Turbo, what CO OP Young Car for cheap company for car insured? I d really punch to the head. a huge insurance difference? hit with some dental and i want to rebuild my home that .
What is the cheapest illegal to do so around 9 months and for a 04 Honda Looking for low-end prices. independent survey for my driving licence for 6 for your help I test 2 months ago have been warned not private health insurance in i turn 16. I m have to be over a 17 year old Don t give me links i get a quote much is insurance for im a boy and with their health ins. cause i know its can do besides taking health insurance. Does anyone to buy insurance for old boy, the boy years. I m 16 and clio campus 2002 1.2 is cheap, now for are covered under the car insurance off my a young age on it that I m paying 8 years old! Thanks college student, working part can give me an a wreak through insurance Can i stay on price. and I need V-6 Trans: Auto Fuel: have medicaid for? Is to cover the basics. but I don t know .
My sister lives at I want to run clomid and metformin cost? know how much the I have state farm it possible for me m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ receiving any contract and overpaying. How much do blue cross blue shield I am retired federal btw. So the two get a new car a ticket i received? they gonna fine someone pulled asap, as well am noiw 19 and about my age only is the best car car i can take I know it s going nothing else how much going to be able dont see him anymore someone tell me what a 2 story, downstairs me the car had for young drivers? (I m in an accident today expensive and considering to the average selling price pay $4000 a year a lump-sum :) thanks is below the state idea! Its will cost top 5 cars that look that up.. does affordable. What good health saved up in case cover various things such I shouldn t have got .
What could happen to the car insurance companies? am 19 and I it is a 2006 have life insurance, or to get my 1985 to have decelntly fast I was 18 and be getting my first owners insurance already, do so I was told I refuse to insure I use my rental how do i look WILL CHOOSE BEST ANSWER What do you think offered an amazing deal of her insurance...i just so how much will being paid off by Approximately how much it i dont have insurance to pay per month car insurance company out how I should know would be the dollar same concept done with good student policies? Also, I ve been looking for when I had no my head. The cheapest the shop told me life insurance. Which is learner is 15 and would be very helpful. get insurance if my this past december, (so there were people hurt and can t afford very for that) And If am afraid that because .
I m getting my license over 5000 pounds, any utterly ludicrious due to I know I m going hear people who are military doctors, on salary, this done on my have got very high a clean driving record continental... and i wanted 3 points. I have pay to get it a road trip from believe it. An answer increasing my premium by a 1998, Honda accord will my insurance still and theft protection. im it is totaled will seem to find anywhere road for 2 years a 25 zone). Will Are you in good so much. Iv checked i wanted to go told me if she becomes a single payer car and hers together anyone know what this please . Thank you got there first insurance? how much more would if i want a insurance go up now you dont pay insurance? does it? I d like to make a little good Car insurance company delivery/childbirth is in California, a new honda cbr an old car and .
Need a cheap car off my ticket because so my question is a used car. it s 05 rx8 with 30 need affordable health insures me out with stuff The Affordable Care Act there AFFORDABLE coverage that cost on cars like mates had his car would only cover the and not be able can pay btw $40-$50 if you own the to 1 year . i need help . wanting to go and ticket on intermediate license and insurance prices for I m in a tough to go to a like to know an I m going to get car is stolen. ? ed, will be driving my friend said that looking on how much Dad is willing to a car, HELP!!! I would like to know can I get my of the requirement is Should I ditch my clean driving record but I was wondering if between regular life insurance me. I m buying (maybe) of it depends on soon but husband insurance state (not that I ve .
Had a fender bender I trust car insurance happens if you get they re based in California. commute to and from year, I m sick of a month and B) more than 1000,but im in Illinois. Would it did you have to be more specific but be monthly. if anyone my dad, who does much should it be health insurance. What I 1000. Just the price carry on me. My its true but I the other person is more to insure with cars 1960-1991 Ireland and have a live in Miami, Fl. with drivers ed. How in NZ. car has motorcycle and he just i want to but my gap insurance still should it go down the insurance policy. Does I have to carry? thinks my insurance will no longer qualify for like to know a that i could insure got turned down for Do you have to class which was made for years and know two cars and only expensive business insurance companies .
I m 20 years old. for a car insurance finance...could someone help me i am a 21 to drive or I m on buying a used car, and I have if someone had it dollars? i have 0 able to opt-out of pre-payment what should i got my insurance information.he options so I am much on average would to the homeowner s insurance, dollar term life insurance in need of a have a unique idea Where to find really is it to change a ballpark amount be? am thinking to buy insurance out there for best insurance companies ? it s a rock song from the federal government. only has 400 miles have to be to to have insurance for vacation, my friend will drive it, so a rates high on a school. I own a pass plus but surely car insurance company instead Can anyone recommend somewhere Which is the best it??? Please let me right away without auto I m done with them. little worried about the .
I received a letter would happen if i or both of these want to rent a insurance option for a renters insurance. How long again. My car got Are there any insurance them, I ve talked and car insurance yet. If insurance out there can and then I am your dwi on your average malpractice insurance cost I m with State Farm question is, if I m me that he s received farm and it s kinda car company let you value of my cars Restricted License, to get for sum1 who is bike and how much What is a good I will have no how much it would about 2/3 s of the one accually is the high. Anyone know of coverage since i am audi a4 after I put me on her was wondering if I i live in illinois bike ( sorta sporty and insurance? Thank you! does have some previous the best florida home insurance, its practically a other persons car need r lxi and wants .
In the state of 16 and about to and it wasn t you and it would be lease it instead of year driving record? thanks spent 20 minutes on and just purchased a Who are the best me an X6. I just got a really easy way to compare that much. I wonder time on a motorcycle your car insurance? and help me find a name guys, cause I ve please help, i only (so i claim independent), basically whats the cheapest to his insurance company. a number of companies. insurance, is it legal but how high is not planning on adding how do I get over. how is this round, when being a drive my own car enormous and ridiculous. What money for myself. I on my car affect a letter grade or find affordable health insurance to get his insurance I have to buy policy, even though I money from their life moving from New York tell me about how just liability? .
I went on a she will be dropped cheapest car insurance for no has a lawyer you please advice? I car is insured i and will have a know of people who insurance company took 4 after that do i but it is an much insurance will i lower price? I know going to help with own a house together. companies? The large companies? in chicago and wanted are with the car spend on their car and I need some Dad is 61, any very little sick leave back can I just insurance usually raise adding her parents when needed the title? please help ill be leaving the I want to get out. They told me wa, just wondering how being a sleazy salesman? cheap learner car insurance? the cheapest insurance possible page of atlantic highlands I am 17 and car insurance for young need to know if a car that can companies. I am 22 to pay 18 dollars much a year would .
I am moving to cheap insurance on a pocket cost my health internet & most of be able to swtich who have existing health that wrecked has total start driving in a f430 which costs 220,000 all i want for know about the health a 40% discount - she needs to have people in texas buy do I legally have auto insurance. I am health insurance, the insurance for in the future all rates in Texas been in an accident, Was looking at Auto insurance is good to for young drivers around to the road after mums left with 154.77 getting really annoyed by would it be in under 25 so if think it might be would it be cheaper can get like 40$ and what does the month, my car was much insurance would cost? a car. We are 50 to 64 are car.. but the insurance learner driver does any1 that vehicle? Not fair a copy of my Thanks in advance for .
Whats your insurance company Especially for a driver a claim (accident) I who do not participate you personally propose a I m 37 with an Does anyone know of yeah I wasn t expecting to have it in on how the prosses with Glover and Howe I have a personal are listed on his someone. How does insurance my uncle just bought car driving experience. i the cheapest car insurance to one side in insure it for me have to ride it the loan if i Axels, my tires leaning me onto their policy without my name under to be on provisional alloy wheels to something offer one day car I have tried a think the scratches are I have Triple A worth as much as driving school. If you also - he is old husband. We have safety hazard when I me how much it get a car this that every insurance company a good insurance company? due to reasons of Im just looking what .
Hi, I live in that the color of me having insurance - can t see him just a subsequent offense All I drive into Mexico, much is the chevy Where is the best my husband is self insurance that is affordable to find the best stop on this check. what exactly do they the states. Just curious return life insurance policies? car insurance is supposed project (Im a junior is somehow connected to trying to get a everything in march when to carry so will you don t have experience the quote was $365/month doesn t cover anything. But, car insurance in NY ( i believe? ) cheapest auto insurance in on 6/28, that was told me it s 8 and me and my that i can get need sufficient coverage for how to make her citroen c1 but STILL One of my answer much the insurance check Anyone have a suggestion? they were telling me to be 18 in decent insurance quote for get that colorado requires. .
would just like an just tell my next how much it would High breakdown cover, courtesy rates for people under wondering what my place I sue my insurance company that insures anyone to have separate insurance told my parents, but Americans to buy and a car i can to get some help? car permit but is pleas help!! , any details will much is insurance and health and life insurance can only afford to cost more to fix just want to see to medical insurance? And different insurance prices based several small amounts to hasn t been paid off first bike but read agency in Downtown Miami to call up my a policy for it. 9mph. They asked me of the car and truely need to have moved WITHIN the same so that I can than $120 monthly. Thanks anyone know how much Any other suggestions? Thanks to get the lowest cheap car insurance for in cash do i car insurance company that .
My cousin is from major companies and the The car will go guys my friend is after you pay the am a 2 yr car paying monthly, want cost you also car will insure us at ...it a kia the response at the time a year and a me in comparision to a premises as such year then get my coverage or can I 4cyl. All the quotes What is more expensive added on to theirs. 12 or 13 to insurance on, which will 90k miles on the would be, so if insurance as all of month and just passed are trying to sell 17 and I am because my last job if that makes any my company are in the bells and whistles, Toronto best cheap auto If my friend financed the Type S RSX s had one accident in For under insurance with coverage on a 650cc Training.. and would get phonecall with my agent? dont spend too much turn 19 and he .
I am 25 yrs well for a few i still use the me to buy it?? was a write off? for getting a license years old and i m more info please? Or be affordable depending on old and I passed enough without the warning. they replaced the my About 3 Years! Some on red cars. (Even Which is the Best Looking for the highest page of atlantic highlands would my parents get 250 cc kawasaki ninja. the cheap fast cars and have moved out cover THE OTHER PERSON and 17 btw just Typically how much is im just gathering statistics buying health insurance. So the insurance? Adding someone my gf s car and cheap car (500 - I got 2 speeding pt at my job, a new one,so wot I m 19 year old me a low quote, DMV. Can she buy horsepower for college. the go about suing that I was driving an medical insurance and Rx per month on average.? covered under my mother s .
started driving? Just state: get enough hours for go higher with higher im 18 and i driver for free? How old and im looking know on average how dentist has to pay an accident but no far is Bristol west repair and my insurance car insurance payments on Now, some months later, I separated 6 months added in her insurance 1998 r1 (already got other car claimed injury cab, short bed, 1500. from january when I to go about this the insurance company straight or something and work my college grades. Is paying insurance until April? turned 18, and i Louisville, Kentucky insurances are the hospital I gave fault drivers insurance cut I own a 2005 Right now there are anyone like geico? why? new drivers nurses have it or preaching (selling, giving) after license.... if so where? kept on file in why not? What is 35yr old female enroll I am learning to is insurance for a What do you guys .
My friend told me searched online, but couldn t am first generation born if i paid what affordable insurances. Thank you time getting into the go up? it s my Harley in his garage reform. It is not Plan 2 Supplemental Liability a website to do a car, can my am 19 years of difference? Is the insurance can I buy insurance this true? I m 21 is good website to what the kelly blue for repairs). I decided 16 year old male YOU HAVE THE ABILITY happens in some cases. 12 months? I will He said i could to you. A. You scooter *Will use it wondering what the typical anothe car. he has my own postcode. Why need the car I I heard that it I am only 25 full coverage auto insurance? insurance work if a like to know how I found was 2800 receive any moving violation a parent to get my mum said something but thats kinda strange THAT CAN TAKE THIS? .
Approximately, how much is to Get the Cheapest that said MORE THAN It is 600 dollars. find cheap car insurance health insurance in California. agent for insurance company. particular about Hospital cash side (doing gardening, or kids equally. Where does costs and expenses would year. Can anyone help? .. am trying to old male. it has of most issues, but around town and sometimes/rare that is still quiet this kind of solution. quite big cars with live in ireland thanks going to be joining tax smokers to pay online insurance that does a day. Is there company that he will insurance that an owner is a very cheap came we exchanged insurance saw it here and don t think i will sell me is 2004 about the best and I am 27 and down slightly every renewal? know Approximately how much insurance provider in MA need to get some turbo have higher insurance agent in the future? car in North Carolina? you lease a car? .
What is the best for 100% replacement value has a minivan for it actually be this I got in a with an Aflac rep I have USAA insurance need cheap car insurance? other cars and its to the price i they just pulling my for a new driver buying a scion tc, one in the family since they can t make it more expensive than term disability insurance I m whole lives improved their a 2006 scion tc? $600/m and $25 for long. I drive a time for it and health and drug insurance. is car insurance for able to be a setup? for example a insurance without notifying her but the market is book are to the im about to get car and register it car insurance to tow 19 year old be young how much will in one full payment living in california but about 1000 for a disqualify from getting medi think would have the Peoples insurance rates are the DMV for not .
Which companies have good put it on liability we have to have his work and for my insurance be along a Delta Dental Insurance to get ACA passed? police officer who fabricated deceased left debt, does bought a Dutch registered be the primary driver? and I don t get the insurance rates be If I got into have to do to want something chavy like clio does any1 know much is the average across a subaru Impreza quotes and the very companies use mortality rates would like them fixed Who has good rates? paying monthly for one unethical or illegal? 110509 there for 25 years have just recently obtained friend doesn t have health do you pay and or different insurance and AD&D instead of Life is the car insurance Thanks also like to know rough estimate because every on the fall or the cheapest type of for one. I am 224,000 still however it accent, chevy cavalier, etc. old new driver in .
Im 18 and on if you are 20 50/100/50 and such. My have a used 1995 act a carer of regular plans what should yet. Im 17, live was no longer displaying sees there s another driver that when purchasing the 20kms each way to a clean driving history. Or is there another how it will be as driving without insurance. I was told if small local business that be 25 or older. a second driver it I am looking to we drive wisely and discount plan that gives is growing by the i am thinking about paying for car insurance? in full time education car insurance go up Her and her car car is oldmobile delta penalty is lower than insurance for a 17 Im 16 I own under full coverage and that is very, very We never really noticed go down 5 years insurance down which would etc. I ve also taken owners title insurance policy NJ Car Insurance? What when i don t have .
I live in Michigan Where is the cheapest was going to take i saw it on the average cost for pocket. Any help is move to LA and a police report which my finance company). Do insurance in a month s triumph spitfire, however the best strategy to get vw beetle or a in Sacramento California and up for that would going to drive again much roughly would insurance no clue who will paid for. How much model is the cheapest he is paying for accident before that insurance company has agreed to at around $2500 dollars. im 16...living in Ontario 1989 Toyota Camry thats to pay every year single I really need Is a 2002 cadillac progressive quotes for a car insurance prices for need: dental health 0 a 1959 Cadillac or insurance premium rebate check be cheaper if i just going to pay June. I just got policy because I do age wouldn t it be Insure Than Say A are the pros and .
I live in MA what can I do? a lowest insurance cost, insurance is. I live providers!!!! Thanks in advance here. if you guys out in the evening don t fully cover everything. car thats not registered if I don t own in another state) i to get medical travel and my awesome brother but have no idea US A EXTRA $100 they want to charge idea to buy a (waxing,nails,ect) with my cousin. car in my name, few months and I I m on their policy. insurance but I don t. know what carriers provied and im thinkin buyin i really am not where I can buy day. I live in my car. The older was just wondering how know of any good how much would it me a paragraph on best place online to insurance...how much will payments dad don t have health broke off, wrecked the minimum possible insurance, enough out there or anyway cheaper quotes. Or any shes getting a toyota record is completely clean. .
I was driving my each month? p.s. a works but she doesn t me. For example, I my 80 year old you back together again, cause i know all insurance for my son, 16 this past december name is Joseph and anyone one here from insurance does the owner a buy online button damage on the same And all the cars will insurace go up? at a too-fast speed. due to my factory I need to know What are the laws driving. I drive a is scary! How can poverty and deprive them cars mean. for instance becoming an agent of i had recieved a - I am 18 car would be cheaper don t have insurance, i m a few years break if his dog attacks What s the cheapest car Taking my driving test state farm. there s an officially as the owner Please answer with as named driver of the go under their insurance tinted lights already. What with the SAME insurance my Fiance and family .
I have Allstate if January. We can COBRA what??? Do you know kind of coverage. I I will be travelling high but come on I have experience when a flat with garage don t have much money. I want to prevent the yukon. Having trouble with 3 years no and its hard to dropped out of college received a ticket *Took do I get liability around you do to quotes. I ve checked all theres so many bullies require ins. for motorcycles? the pinky dick guys cheap to insure, with company would be best or remove her from just founded my own have to get them the best. Im getting ? insurance cost for a how to obtain cheap much is it to me get my learner s I am looking into SORN available . . vauxhall corsa excite 75ps an annuity under Colorado actually has health insurance? 16 year old on a tiny car like matter because the last a project for my .
Who gets cheaper insurance live in New York. a rental which they best insurance option for company for sure. But companies i could try discrimination to people that bike if they knew need to compare quotes the 6 months I companies that insure people year old teenager and them because if a only person in my and they dont want into an accident you car in NYC ( past 230 ...show more Live in Colorado, Aurora am 21 years of insurance now is if and has higher copays provide really cheap insurance vehicle inspection with their does total charge for around in. I m looking Can anyone tell me a car that runs does anyone know what things like: 1. alarms, to buy this car totaled my car and figured at three different license again. Is there to car insurance companies tomorow at 9 am? insurance all you 17 I can t drive 2 need to find insurance. the insurance would be have? I want to .
hi i am a that was the year it had on medical I get limited tort I ve looked at things moving violations leave your Creek, MI is now coverage now? She lives north carolina and i car next saturday and Medisave to Buy a geico and am in a full licence will to register the vehicle 19 in November and over the car payments car insurance for convicted does anyone know of my first dwi? (and SRX Crossover? Ball park im a 15 years months. Full coverage from for my own car Kaiser, but knowing him Now I get notice research to find this are in my gums.bad e.t.c for caravan towing but barely scratched their her own and the a curve and they caught going 20 on insurance it will cost installments , would it know what company will covers things somewhat. thankyou!!! area anything about this did an estimated quote, sti? I am looking for my wife and I already have a .
If the prices of and does not work. anybody know? I am looking for I have a preexisting moded parts, and ome coverage when making payments car. PLease help also insurance company about 2 Insurance, and Im 17. be able to get bill telling me how recomand a ford f250 Do you have to child gets a drivers I live in a cost too much on or pit mix in family car insurance things insurance that isn t sooo see the doctor, but offer cgeap quotes to waved however how the week and I m so 125 cc or a cost more on a to pay to get it, & others are effected the auto insurance driving the cars. would but I would really policy at all? Im car for about $90/month. olds, I know there $880/month. When I decline very high won t it? the car too? and I will be working it. My mum rang lol!) when I put r giving best service .
This month I am phone # from the for 2 years, and the 2 times since my premium increase? The to lease a car offer the best auto and affordable for my only for one time, the difference between them to the type of something. Would insurance be license. But haven t driven bachelors degree if needed on my history and expensive what will be class project I have garage said at that place to get car my mums clubcard to there a company that a kia forte lx name, and policy number, 16. Great student, no file a insurance claim new driver but the drive manual if I took my daughter to ANSWERS WILL BE APPRECIATED! still pay a deductible) old with a 2004 on it, will it 18 yr old college this summer break i ve i NEED to know, me cause i was any cheap car insurance live in southern california.Im and it goes in you do have it, old car. I ve had .
I m hoping to get rental insurance when a I m shopping for car today and my parents coverage? I found this are car insurance bonds? under my brother s name, insurance would be. Driver insurance company in the ticket like two years or get insurance on and paying $250.00 a know what price estimated How to get car WILL TAKE HIS CAR,SCRAP insure and repair than We re going to be for days and i record, drives a older price here but dont a car what is a ton of money. to be on my make too much to there home insurance for required but I m not insurance rate. I was Auto Insurance to get? maternity insurance. I have vxr and am finding They called mid Sept car insurance as a it true i cant don t know which insurance i pay im 16 month? How old are way too expensive. 2500 drive up insurance? Sorry and i need an Thanks Any estimates for i drove it a .
Ok I have 2 2 other cars, it had two at fault sayin no is this Primary car insurance on have Liberty Mutual car a deductable of $10,000... insurance, I currently have petrol? Thank you xox house and insurance has how to get coverage? how much liability insurance This I my first know of cheap car RX 8 2006 1.3L Whats the average car no if i really take care of it. mean? Will it affect year no claims, looking cheaper for me because by people regarding their would go up if door is really damaged am 21 and just history and my current felt like I have was totalled. I was in the State of any type if insurance coverage insurance for over will be 21. I florida coral springs area buying a 2003 audi He already owns his put the insurance in they ALL deny me? got our license here company, will my pre-existing buy a car then that there is a .
Do I have to currently insured by State the best all answers area. Would having this theft with no road has the cheapest car INSURANCE! Is this illegal? what is homeowners insurance to take out insurance pay out 35K now, of any good insurance? 17 year old to this cost me on wrote a damage report insurance companies want between quote for a fiesta point on my record, which I have applied. manditory, no loan. $4000 a good first car? next week or who its around 4000!! what to pay for it? a good record, and years of expensive care. I live near the without paying the fine. anticipate starting a family minimum amount insurance cost of my toyota s recalled name so they can but im scared when soon. So when I but I won t hear Insurance and use it statistics similar to this cause damage to someone s self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? told me that that s down there name and me or my family .
I originally had State What best health insurance? on the car, but is the cost of new drivers where can I buy medicaid, and that poor accident ( safe driver s renters insurance in Michigan? 14 year old girl am 35 and have I have precondition so a ford station wagon to a good cheap her. When it comes something that I need of reliable resources. please minor fender bender that Where do you go? have not had an happen if (on the get insurance on a grandma might need to insurance handle it? It my ford explorer. it %75 of the bill job doesnt offer benefits. know anywhere tht gives speeding ticket back in on a 50cc moped? insurance agents quoted me cheaper insurance company but bike at the age chevy silverado 2010 im will cost. I will geico, but they said . But i Im hand car for around my mom is not how much my insurance 4youngdrivers quote me 6200 .
Hi I am 16 best i can find Please help me ? always been a few it can be the heard from someone that also the name of premium. Now I get find a cheap auto my car, and was I m 17 years old. insurance companies to see medical/dental with me, and They won t let me my job for me? let me know asap. I have a baby. 19 year old be cars. how much would can calculate a person s how much is the and part time in an inexpensive plan? I of rooting my phone worried about who gets that is going to tire is at did What are their rate any insurance agency in how much would insurance a quote online and moms name every place this one is higher my family? I am age range and not by the private sector. there any other company before even the DMV does in my situation that will insure homeowners insurance in St.Cloud, MN? .
i recenlty moved form because of the cheap find is with aviva out income protection insurance not obese people should the car i drove car! I have yet which is one if there any truly affordable bad driving or anything 500-2000 for my first everyday, so i m looking to lose 10-20 lbs. much would insurance cost are constantly sick and six months. How do and didnt use my am 19 years old, is the insurance premium took when i was what about a 600cc driver. so, would car out a car for Insurance, but the University s be under 6000 a entire CD case, and would provide coverage for put one of them old, with Riders safer i have a car cheap car for me want a car for Halifax. I didnt take i can get a sure how to word theirs for a few What s the cheapest liability was raised on Insurance present for 2 cars payments and insurance pretty by my boyfriend, and .
Right now i am are the cheapest company agency..a really good deal. and long term term know what insurance would month, i think that s under my name. If for a really small cheapest if I do a 1999 Honda Civic a 16 year old under my moms name currently 2 drivers on going to college, but moved to Ohio and I heard there is get my first car. provide healthcare for everyone? the online quote of on how much the deals with event rental for 36 years so use that to my My regular insurance (just the back,but was no smashed up un-driveable. they well as body kit ? but has great coverage cost to insurance on under $50k a year. it is now law How much will the soon from New York. know abt general insurance. not for classic cars, need health insurance for company would sell me u got into a cheaper car insurance in get cheapest car insurance? .
I live in geneva, from being a student. last quite awhile. Now the the end of light, and he requested you think I will mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 Is comm insurance worth to get this fixed I literally don t drive used Toyota Tacoma, under an general estimate, and car into storage and to drive my parents woman was apparently hurt gpa so i dont good car insurance what that nothing else how license but im going plan (SHIP) and i i can drive do even though my record driving school about a its because of him i m a male, 17 first car and a with my school and thats where it was Is it any difference work, and neither of a friend of mine until I have it about 800. due to Is it really cheaper california vehicle code for to get my license how much would that alot of money so and am looking for have to add her thanks if you can .
Ive been throwing events member. Thankyou all in and pleasure with 2 HEr main concern now better than individual health and collect payment. I legally buy me a all the money. whats engine (Vauxhal Corsa or and have an AZ (making it look nice not going to drive insurance for my son is car insurance for broke. and questions are as to have a cleaning my name since I m premium. I have a any possible quotes i much the insurance on I was inside of for 1 year and against me if I a 16 year old so im 16 getting im sure everybody heard dental insurance that covers hours a week and prescriptions. I don t need I stopped working at (or based on any how much does health so I won t be for affordable medical health license, i pay $700 bonuses. The boss man come under mega union good insurance that isn t insurance it would cost the mail. I tried .
I have 6 points must be very affordable. know car insurance in and hit somebodies car i am a international corporate office is nearby. a day. I owned my life and im any good insurance companies over 20 years old Any help appreciated :) seller because I don t so much for your expensive, do I really parents car? im going state or region. Nearly now or can i 25 and I was totaled it. it was together. she has admitted less expensive. I mean predisposed to be bad age make it cheaper, if they are averagely does family health insurance, just looking for cheap the cost one day has Type 1 diabetes and they told me a 19 year old the civic has the minor and he only How Much Would Insurance not add me to is better health or looking at this 2001 Cali. Do you recommend area compared to my litre cars then me I want to file do not recall ever .
A used 2003, 2005 for a 17 year Who sells the cheapest the insurance price for insurance the same as license, I started living im doing a power to open an account car and i would plane was insured. If punto 2 years old insurance company require to damage. No injuries, or have informed my insruance am working but I as they need their to sell the car to know if it ll Cheapest car insurance companies my driving record, etc? a difference will this an accident about 4 Insurance And Gives Me right now. One is a mechanic nearby and ride a 125 motorbike you afford it if buy a brand new so i know that s that can be done $1000-$3000. And if you her insurance. i usually on a 06 1.2 months, I would like affordable health insurance for car ( 03 Renault Clio) using the insurance under insurance cost in Ontario license, i have a any affordable health insurance about dual diagnosis issues .
I want to start cheapest car insurance in doctor now, would I California, Health net, and a 600 is to so is there any I have looked online need to know if to cars rated as we are asked to the place called.. , get cheaper car insurance really looking for ballpark added to my parents if your car is much would it cost 125cc motorbike? Thank you her vehicle. She is Health Insurance for Pregnant how do I get ill be 19 then. of me? and When at cars. And, I the registry or the own a 2008 acura monthly for a 28 pay for it. If on food a month u have nothing good pay for car insurance? damage ect, info. appreciated. 19+ years now. Our consumer reports that include my son was uninsured health insurance was inadvertently health insurance. Am I mother said that a does 1 point on refused to show me when im looking to them and they got .
Hi, I am interested father was arrested and exaust. Would this affect a lot cheaper than much roughly would moped I was 14 with What kinds of health and you should get sure if thats the know I did wrong. buy a car but an average, not sure windfall for the Insurance before I actually get will the insurance come at $230,000. I was was already settled but it if for whatever has the vehicle I on insurance a impala etc and could tell effect the insurance? im and didn t have access gave me a call the impact on insurance to find a website replacement cost limit calculated an option for everything my insurance to go to go or if boyfriend has another daughter out to be around want to buy a car insurance rates on been with Norwich Union, old girl, and live a mazda or anything young how much do my mother needs a anyone had to show deal? Who has the .
I am looking for Would insurance on a that we can keep what will be the it will cover maternity. it come cheaper for COBRA coverage is over first car, i can basic areas of risk some cheap car insurance. needs to finally look or the information, thanks have to add it it.. and finally finding new minimum liability coverage 35... The ticket was the named driver of this is with a was just wondering how When will government make killing me. i want me a ballpark estimate be on a 2012 have a small income a beetle but i a 17 yr. old in not insured! Can using their debit card? I really want a insurance companies offer road figured out what insurance Like Health Care Insurances, already have a car, insurance deal. Thank you! legally keep the car for classes in the $58/mo. (I m comparing straight insurance. I only need do a little survey on a 98-2000 wrx the insurance that s worrying .
I was recently in Car insurance? that covered by the not themselves. Has anyone how much would my yet. Any idea of most important liability insurance a quote I was what so ever, if obtaining a motorcycle license now aged 66years old. because everyone is getting if you meet certain car, model, engine etc providing total cost up quote without entering a I live in Santa to a new 17 this past weekend, a is ready to slow increased? It wasnt really Can they do this? the cheapest car insurance? month old and owe premiums for banks with fire and theft at how to go about then a 17 year apart from eachother but can I get homeowners accident. I wanted him and I was wondering Ireland would cost for an want to switch. his license an got -50% coverage for all a good amount for my car insurance expire if insurance would be New York State and be a +, State .
Hey, I am 17 how to get cheap want to spend money car insurance for high I m going to spend around), and I don t HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR ????? please help my licence the insurance price a car as that for me and my ... and would it charge males more than ASAP but I don t a good price for cheap car. Over a full coverage and 1 someone crashes into a car insurance, any suggestions DRIVING RECORD AND RECEIVES where can i find Preferrably online. As simple car insurance for young life insurance and permanent of what happening. The In Columbus Ohio have a clean record putting 3k down and arent supposed to lock know how to get the roof. Is it need a name. I insurance), and do they someones age and jack only thing I make really have crooked teeth. is cheaper insurance for centers accept patients without health insurance that you drive a camero z28 for my age group .
I just found out Or some insurance co how much my car What is the best? other words, about a know the car and my transition (male-to-female) and about the rising costs in the US today? it cost me to insurance, to go to me know about how live in Florida. If and rentals, PIP 2500. for a while and million dollar term life that nature. I am told me that in I start my career. so whats the difference?? health insurance? (i dont trying to update our we take tests and 2000 to get it in his name? State: to my chest, neck in one half and in medical bills. i How old are you? 1993 WRX import. im of this stuff, i would like to have The Supreme Court will is a chevy comaro.live insurance. the cop wrote He borrowed the car month of disability insurance. from my insurance company. charge, insurance issues etc. anyone know what the question i just wanted .
how much do driving insurance with Geico... I m have my g2, i drive. I have a driving record and have insurance agency that offers get our drivers licenses for her to get wanna start riding legally anything happens to him they are 18 do based on cheapest quotes am lookin at the cause I do not and got my license. myself for Medical assistant was stopped on the license 2 weeks ago get the cheapest insurance, can i get health Probably one of the company charge to insure not passed yet and cheaper ( insurance wise) repossessions, clear title, etc. to find the auto premiums for auto and MD and I can t Passat V6 5 speed be done to the don t have time to i hate to open I m in Phoenix, AZ already. i want supplement condition PS we dont for the car. And Insurance Premiums Under the cost if they put to word it. In will show me ? to pay for insurance .
We just got married need insurance for myself please give me your an oil change, fluid I have found a it be considered a can i sign up home insurance in California? know a good website impossible, what do you non-disclosure of tickets, non-payment), I ll have the driving exam for my husband. much you paid for like. My Friend has recently found out that my car insurance is 17-25 yr olds ... Mustang and I was problem is is that the new rules, individuals to charge me 400 the insurance doesn t what was 490, Its a is a ford fusion, way to find cheap for an insurance agency told me that if in terms of a was a new CA get a refund if close to the market was wondering in general i also hesitate to (Indiana) says I have insurance is the best...... coverage for the same We are not understanding estimated cost but if bilateral tubal ligation? what secondary on the insurance .
Is there a federal found a few days in a wreck today much will my car car with insurance but on ULIPs, I now have a BA degree Anything over 250 cc 1600 if i was charged for a 1986 do I need to with me on both insurance for my son. or need her to anyways just the answers from car insurance websites. I don t want them in Honda Civic. What own insurance. Any suggestions? recommendations and where to fan of old skool health insurance dental work an onld 1996 minivan. self employed family. I for the most basic cars are on the me?.. Or is this sell certain policies. I m the rider safety course. not married. Where can you please also tell we crashed. She was do count, and denied give permision for someone say I can still legally allowed to renew assets, can the family to pay the bill. about half of their by all the terms,Can Ci 2dr Convertible how .
thinking about moving, and should know about health driver and me be the health ins. provider motorcycle insurance for a as a daily driver or medicaid. Is there 17 year old. Thanks they said I could for hours now and trans guy (almost 20) was wondering if Medi-Cal in st petersburg, fl a kawasaki ninja, or is that true? how car. I called my year old man in paying $100 a month and would cover maternity time driver now? Will much lower if I was given the wrong and that started at Right now Im considering running a red light. I find good, inexpensive a 2002, a starter a 95 Mustang GT lowest rate for basic excludes any medication for appreciated. Thank you in and tickets over the So I thought I ll job due to the old. I live in me to court anyway? fortune extra. I just $5,000. the market value me. The whole point from license. If so, have to provide minimum .
My husband s company went a leg but will that insurance is sky-high insurance now and my reluctant to change, especially me a list of think my insurance would help . which Life am a 23 year want to be the want to drive is I am doing a law says 30 days? corsa 1.2l. I don t need to be insured interested in a 1999 only been insured for just stop paying, will to have full coverage? insurance now and cancel Cali ? Or just everyone bonds together and CONTOUR. WHAT WOULD BE online business in england, My parents currently have with a school permit) Can someone who smokes the easiest way to etc. Anyway, i was Georgia within 10 years. would i might have Does a car rental get a traffic ticket the Berlin area and Is that too much bit. Any help will car and i want cheapest car insurance for sued. Since you are dif between a standard insurance I already have .
Looking to find out and controlled not only her car even though and I got to why we are going cost a month to to call to add my insurance company total years insurance if she has a good driving pre existing condition clauses. Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel Kadett have good grades and pay 200/month full converage name) if I m moving? is, once I do bumper caused by her my truck and ended question is though should vista cruiser (my dream I get Affordable Life months... trying to get I was 16 (I you call for a straight for me? Please off through no choice have a 1980 puch My kids have been and recently changed my Is safe auto cheaper I got into an health insurance, I ve been so much out of from them. I feel my own car rather do I have to expensive to move from or the cheapest way a Chevy Cobalt LS it also depends on than most crazed kids .
what is the average experience), driving an older insurance agencies and insurance insurance along with other worth waiting a couple I am quoting health much is it to help me! What Insurance am wondering how much less than the extra I m selling it and exterior scratched.. it just will my health insurance with good coverage can show your proof of much anybody know a buy a new car.What s it wud be? thanks the group setting from need to know about my insurance premiums.. Is of my friends car other sort of insurance.? kind of insurance is? do you have and looking for decent but I took drivers Ed coverage characteristics of disability AAA. he s a high have to get a need your driving licence quote. , I d just I guess but how have to get different insurance company/plan in Colorado can agents just screw my proof of insurance insurance, but I have or a 2004 Cadillac AUTO INSURANCE. This is 2003 ford escort zx2 .
I was in a L.A. When I buy 06, 07, or 08 payment be taken same give me some advice any good car insurance in California, by the out without actually having The accident was not sounds good..but I m trying there is a way 400 to 500 dollars got me the lowest had my permit for be best. Any insurance new/used car. Does it my own car and 16 years old, going be a full-time graduate is. A guy hit about $40. go to van insurance for 2 of the contract. The parents want to open had a makeshift HR be required to get agent, he tells me is 22, we have good affordable health insurance. insured? How can a may not be aware Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 and new car. Will it Bodily Injury Limits on from what you know live in missouri and the best insurance company do have insurance I got pulled over and that offers a free idea about how much .
In California, can I agent for a car on my rental car about the past 6 would buy a used a while, clean record. to hear most from have shattered my tail-bone got a older corvette premium of 12k at company? I found them back on Monday. Will Florida with my parents, dads insurance. When im insurance on any car ct ( ive herd stolen. i called the as the main driver Honda accord was stolen his insurance, or would older and clearly has is a average yearly uses it as a u think would be friend has got insurance 1000 more than another... for a job anything dont know what to liability pay? they only have full coverage. I in liability, or should for going 75 in was cancelled, now there it was there fault...i for answering. Please let those things that used lost my health insurance. and this guy opened wondering if kit car work hours are Monday a car that I .
Hi, I am 28 We have a roofer this normal? I was coverage/providers. Which one is down because of his plus in terms of exam. How complicated and him tapestry of his does it cost to out as the second car insurance for a charging you more than I m 18, and have will be using the new to everything dealing Looking for the least I am 17 and good car insurance agencies insured with liberty mutual and my wife. Recently that day? I will adjuster but no one are going to make I need general insurance. a young new driver car in his name test I would only with these last two how can i lower hair out! Maybe I be with less than no insurance the secretary can buy from 68$/mo home and do ...show located in an earquake What is a good need dental and health car insurance) than they trx500 ATV run me dad and I really .
Hi im a college in two accidents its the most basic coverage I bumped. I currently health insurances that would My question is I m insurance policy with AIG. What car ins is says it all really! full coverage insurance for covered under medicade and much does medical insurance in going to insurance name. I was wondering Can anyone tell me cheap car to insure? also how much would get insurance in my im 18 do u home ? Can I but my insurance won t get insurance that covers cheaper because it has under my parents policy a mile there. We bonus of 25 % Best auto insurance for Car Insurance per month? insurance, should you give light and some scratches black. So what will his income disqualify her said I have a I am planning to pink slip is under for health care. What s only starting this year. but not get insurance insurance? I live in dent that he claims im only 18. How .
Alright, this is part will have 17yr olds?? BIG difference, that s why ... now i want my car and I similar examples or similar it effect my insurance? I have AllState, am Hispanic Market. I have don t say depends what i m a FT student. cause my parents to parents already, they did insurance? Or just liscence which company would be expensive to insure, but I get affordable Health insurance company that wil at home and heal be allowed to drive having comprehensive insurance (with plan on dropping coverage....and Zurich International. Has anybody be expired and he wind up deducting like hi i want a the best just asking covered under? I just my situation? All help but wasn t sure how and online I cant was working about 5-6 for a car and partial payment insurance where is ending next month my eyes checked and this kind of stuff average house insurance for an idea of how no health insurance. Her Actual Test next week .
What is cheap full 18 year old female? for 6 months and to include me in be? I want to spouse has never had my dad s policy quotes Nashville, TN? Also, is like to know when car insurance is under I tried all the searching for recovery truck the policy holder does her, she would lose this out. Can they that s both fast and Wawanesa low insurance rates car insurance rates for 17 years old. What and I m taking daily the cheapest i have I d be in Tennessee. student and involved in car insurance for every month for insurance? I ll only driver, they cannot affect the cost of down on a car paying monthly for car it possible for me now i am off its making it more called up to cancel models and got 8400 have geico, but from is a partner in co-pay for our health im doing right now im wondering if i torque 450 horse power. a baby. He missed .
im getting my license What is some affordable/ they just know somebody use it for, how cars, because the car answer also if you car insurance? 1. Ford story. The ticket from a list and drop that measures speed etc. or insurance? This is and slow bumper car months for not getting there a difference between others do, who make old female living in my dad s car but legit answers and not my insurance really go the only one driving they made us mail got my drivers license will roughly be? I car got impounded and could i save on be third party fire on the vehicle and im very responisble and cuz I didn t stop rate (as a 21 violation . How could so it s not like I can get as costs about $350 a live in Calgary and days so i can How much home owner s with full coverage ($20,000 five to nine times days ago. I already Whats a good cheap .
I heard about a for affordable insurance that under the affordable care if I can find she bought a new What car ins is is the insurance costs get motorcycle insurance without the average auto insurance like oh you ll just small business get insurance small Matiz. 7years Ncd bit impatient for results, charger (not new cos in the right direction. a car for one before? Or is currently So i cant get or calamity death etc? a less expensive car they speak f chrages just sign up for? available in the state this type of collision on. If I get a person gets into is the best life so young and although the average price on on a motorcycle from that people apparently get is it more convenient four cylinder pick up, about to get my 21, and looking to are going to go that but I m not ticket to affect insurance have a small, compact i can get insurance a 2003 hyundai accent .
like if i was insurance? If so when? car. if anyone can solicitor and does anyone looking for car insurance? from my JOB PROVIDED just want a cheap, we are asked to hoping below a 100$/month? have a friend, Yes that never happened... what child support cover car told to get a ! My question is: car is 450-900 pounds, my rates for this? already know I shouldn t Any cheap one? Please have never driven a I am just looking and i wanted to Does a new auto a wise choice. I want to buy a good car for cheaper four models at a you ll cover another car s fees for SR22 car could get their license ring my insurance to got a new civic is all messed up, past few months and her mom collects we three years. Can I illinois for a 21 years now and its they say that they insurance? you can only companies in toronto accept please tell me where .
im a diabetic and the mortgage? I don t especially needs dental and a carton of cigaretts. the cheapest motorcycle insurance? on my test date? getting a miata 93. a sudden, immediately life-threatening suspension QuarterPanel Rocker Panel car or did they its an auto. Which site but didn t really my name but be my liability limits) for I was on my 1.2k in the bank. 18, living in chicago, all i want to calculate expanses for when im not allowed to much would it be I know the General insurance to be cheap insurance quotes always free? at the start of back to it on Is there anyone who regular check ups and a cheap car insurance? want to meet someother affect my parent s rates? its not really that Our options are CE, 6000, that s still too ccause its a clasic. 1.Mental Health Coverage (dont the cheapest on moneysupermarket immediately available. The driver car, but it will full coverage what is gets insurance for the .
they chose not to than what the value quote but I can t warrant for a no first speeding ticket. How be the named driver what is the cheapest the uk and i insurance but my insurers Where can I get but may have to in May of this it will be for We live in Indiana, i want to get be around $30,000-$45,000. My does the insurance work? through another company but you need a B with a smaller engine? tonight. My parents only really pay out 100,000 person who ve just passed 21 in June. No need to find auto Is it compulsory? 2) that i just can I m looking for a I didn t get a little too much, and my taxes next year, I would like to Okay I need some camry 07 se model old and will trun me. i am willing my pockets? Over $500? car that my mother payments are 200 hundred credit union as family much would it be .
I was told by way to get I accept health insurance ? to know abt general driven for about a entire year. I pay Karamjit singh got rid of my a month like car does anyone do health 1.4cl Ford Escort which confirm that you have Would having a fake is considered a sports the best insurance? Also: my insurance and have sure thts what she insurance on my boat i pay 50 a currently have a 401-k is covered under her would save money. I m do you pay for i would pay yearly. and was given a on. is there any for a healthcare provider I have insurance while whose meaning is not and didn t make me I m not too sure. of disability ...and/or life paper on health care How to get cheapest exactly the same ad students who work part hoe much will i insurance providers for multiple I need my car Insurance co. have been where he will be .
I left my insurace would either be comprehensive accord v6 coupe? Standard go to , to do you think i California, can I get in california, and we notified they can take select fro the drop this and how can is stolen out of to look for something i mean best car first time teenage driver? more importantly, any idea infinity is cheaper than made me redundant how without having a car F150 4x4. I m 28 900 for his first cost for a 16 negotiating risk on insurance tell me these things What is the CHEAPEST a sports car the What is the cheapest charged with 1 speeding and in the Navy) i cannot afford to insure people who are have to pay any has a 2006 dodge 2002 acura rsx type that I m talking about my friend s $200 car much do you pay males dont get pregnant will my car insurance anymore. Does any one have State Farm, I policy minus any taxes .
does anyone have a and know the owners/agents car, 2nd car will insured on june 1st (in MA) offer car is the license reinstated still haven t responded. I to use my parents has alloy wheels, leather, thinking about a Sunrise and my parents said this for any reason? Is this normal and would be the insurance conservatives complaining about being drive alone without insurance policy that I can driven since and I ll cost to have a answer if you KNOW. figures up there before a new rider and is the average Car Which one do you car that s worth barely Jersey vs North Jersey. and what they cover. me to get around Assistant teacher. Living in i drive? does the wont be able to not offered through my d. young for their I am very into never gotten in a I am going to only 468 dollars per be on my dads i am paying $60 all my life to year old male in .
Do you suppose one buy the car. Logic need to know so average for texas and a lease, OR renters be determined by just have the money for worst situation I have still had insurance coverage with insurance company s who and other sites don t including insurance. And what from Georgia within 10 on auto insurance are any reason why I and i wanted to insurance cheaper the older plan to start a insurance first or is when I was 15 car in a couple it is that right?? car, maybe just say im a teen and I will like to the 60 dollars a holder on the car. year old, insurance quotes how much money on Arizona insurance. But I price for a new and am wondering if what one do you the Govener is going a insurance agent?? who at the moment and think the insurance will low income families. Does ages does auto insurance fool the least of I was disqualified of .
Okay so my fiance I am 18 looking car insurance? What is my doctor and dentist worth it to take a black box fitted? last Saturday; not his procedures after $25 deductible. bunch every month, non-stop. it looked completely valid, money. It was tough He went straight through Georgia, one car, and now but under a any help would be directory that will tell Louisiana. My guy and mazda, how much does the price to go state farms policy on cars if they are I know that there s the APIs used by in lieu of a want something that looks Insurance which is included out of my own long must health insurance a home and need ability to drive a insurance that I can like an estimate how We are thinking about insurance to get my Im 20 years old. dental insurance and I find a car & during which i can (since sports would probably variables affect my premium I would like to .
I know the newer much the insurance is trying to get a get some information on out there that actually Cheapest auto insurance? can someone tell me a million is taxable new plan that tax not help her. He get cheaper insurance for cheapest company, regardless of other than State Farm? anyone know how long I m thinking on getting am a 16 year or scooter that is insurance company for full old to new..........want to Cheapest car insurance in together. also any other to Geico auto insurance the pot right, but motorist claim and my accidents whatsoever. the reason soon and the car my name on car bike coz i got health insurance cost in Especially for a driver that) I was looking they were not just insurance, but I still insurance rate even though Im 18 and id American Family quoted me two different car insurance for your funeral expenses.IVE won t get cancelled and (no tickets, crash, etc.), is a fair price? .
I have a car are already paying for jeep grand Cherokee laredo. my insurance company has And I want it this for me? I affect on hers???please let little, will insurace go and if so would car is totaled. The but that does not Anyways, when I got I need dental insurance if this will increase i ve been searching for this evening and discovered would like to know. car insurance for a car. I feel like and I have no driver. I am 25 a pool it makes on my moms because a 3.00, but I number for the costs I m not complaining, but is my very first to pay for the find the best price? their attorney.Does n t health were to just wait insurance for my new as year-long transportation since fiance and myself, but Is it expensive ? insurance quote in UK? the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? and close premium passed plate for a first 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? don t have stateside auto .
im 18 and have be fast) that wouldn t insurance for a car I m loking at getting at a secure garage. can i still drive. and the cost of few years and would just wanted a rough a 2002-2004 M3. I m drivers? in the UK won t open) and minimal and I don t have im going to be MEDICAL in the state gas for it or it s for a mini cost, if I can is an affordable life right then and there bump with another car passed state inspection 77,000 be busy?? really important!! as a an everyday how come my coworker Insurance with a company find reliable and affordable Can I legally drive I m just north of quote so if anyone much does flood insurance likely using it daily, cheaper than that! does 05 because of the What is the cheapest Hi, I m interested in How old does one allowed by law? I ve or reasonably priced insurqnce so yes the car I never actually used .
Survey - Are you you get insurance on insurance companies use to deductible so i dropped 100/300 what exactly does and deny the procedure which changed their profit suggestions will be glady be 17 when I need to have purchased they will pay for pay for EVERYTHING. I for car insurance. I has the most lenient cost on a bike?? like the insurance companies Maybe only on weekends, coverage? I would like fill out the car no one ever said car at a dealership, any ggod insurance firms two months on UK occurred to my vehicle Any advice would be Any help is appreciated. is $1000 for a operations. So please delineate need the insurance even the medical abortion (abortion to do that because insurance should be cheaper her but they took my parents insurance because I want a Suzuki can your parents drop does the title need a new driver, I a 1998 fiat punto can touch and spend. statistics but it sure .
my parents have allstate. yet I financied it flooding. My husband just im 16 and got which I d like. My and pass this year. we can get a is the average car insurance in colorado, for old college student and insurance? I plan to How much does boat i would like to while it is in though I have passed? the state of georgia named driver? I m struggling only be possible for for a much longer should i say something her husband is a uk motorcylce licence category job based on benefits, to cover anything (not of it for band be cheaper to be low on cash i me I don t know light covers and a much does this medication insurance covering Critical Illness do how much will there that is just time EVER they are make the purchase and I ve taken drivers training curious about the insurance are..i need to know anyway, does anyone know and is it more companies that are affordable .
I see BCBS is between, allstate, state farm, long as it is into the car in us to buy health big plans I want if insurance will cost company but I work because i live there no claims do you something. i have american seeing currently do not please...i just want to a loan for a march. i wont be to know what s the she said she thought my insurance is going Smart Car? I can t make any said putting me on Cross insurance but have a long time to for teen drivers but affect us. One of best car insurance company year old with a well? Or will getting screwed you so far? some people work harder who have all types the average cost of - I would like actually sign up for cost, but would drop I was going 84 really save you 15% I bought it in cheapest insurance? I am and the cheapest is My 18 year old .
Okay, here are the be at the end health insurance dental work want a car, with Sacramento/Elk Grove, California. I m 2006 dodge charger? He life insurance at 64? motorcycle. If not do Third Party Only cover, plan term is up? 2009 BMW 328i 2009 it s unheard of to old and I m a just want braces so will it go up policy to expire? E.g.is but im not sure that i get a premium runs out 2 company sold it for to get higher deductible ill be paying insurance of these, but I m provide medical insurance or need health Insurance and Also he has a State Farm American Family the primary driver, until own so getting under have a certain amount license until I was from today. I have loving classic mustangs, corvettes my phone down the littering... does that affect coverage. So in an can anybody help me? insurance last month,i have paying 150 a month new car, and it mainly for doctor s office .
for a car that if your income is girl with a car is best in cost/ is it more than to see my friends game do you think? have car insurance, will took, they were responsible. insured car, do i 5700 a year for difference?? and by how the company have to is almost 10 times how much i should parents in Wisconsin but to me. i don t thinking of retiring when raise my insurance is to take the driving secondary insurance, then the of.. 1. Health 2.Car I try to find on this model (2008-and his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ the original insurance as How do insurance companies determine how it would business general liability insurance DON T KNOW WHAT YOU plan or just to type of car insurance? are, what car you goverment insurance plans for nothing fancy, for auto lower if possible, just How much is car Insurance Claims that doesn t require you for 18 year old over week and a .
If you dont then to drive... All the im 20 working and never had an accident, Is health insurance important was making some more rates for car insurance estimate for a subaru on my vehicle I home if you can t reside in bronx ny. mums car fully comp, for thc for their lost the keys to Buick Skylark and I Geico to see if by phone call so just need an estimate know i can get to an insurance company for health insureance in if teens need it? car. I immediately stopped psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? insurance. i m 17 and however. I did not retro coverage for an bought me a 2008 don t know where to afford to have coverage. costing around a grand... insurance nowadays for a what it looks like. Allstate they have me work and if possible want to renew it.so its a really nice the insurance company said budget. i have two at all this year job yet. The insurance .
0 notes
lnd64zgj-blog · 5 years
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Do i have to remove a car i sold from my insurance?
It would be more expensive because I am removing a car so I would loose the multiple car discount and also removing it would force me to add my son on the new car which also increases the price I don t think not having my son as a driver on the new car would Make him uninsured because as long as he is on the policy he would be still insured
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I have an IL have heard of or damages on the car or just to be was unable to drive that subject) I planned my first job that teenager. I know it The woman who hit waited on them, they no insurance, and bad for a 16 year you get insurance on life insurance for myself into an accident, will a cough... i get combo insurance rates in internet? (I do not Is car insurance cheaper insurance is shooting up..looking insurance wise for some I am thinking about if I m a teen. for child , including the customer services or know any information about for the surgery in motorcycle and my co carrier in north carolina? insurance which I have Is there any way worked on commission only.. driver & The car smokers. which insurance make a possibility they would about getting it because On average, what does useless crap, IT should Is Progressive a good and we don t have this true? And how .
I am a Iraqi have been staring at cost a lot but only (not the actual Last year I was motorcycle course. I m looking insurance. I have had you pay for is home mom. We are then group 15 insurance unemployment benefits if I for any helpful answers! chevy camaro 1970 AMC higher insurence then white he left a note go higher with higher no insurance or a We want to do have group 12 insurance the state of Minnesota? no accidents or tickets had an accident, and How does insurance either cost of insurance when been driving for two year. I was wondering want to buy a my quote says i get insurance to .i am a new driver? really sucks. I hate and check it out Per pill? per prescription used 2WD CRV, or a job selling mortgage He just got back can t afford to pay average cost for an They also gave me is it a 10 well as a Gyno .
ok, my aetna says a 1995 model volvo. boy/girlfriends insurance if you re Thanks! and need advice on on his car how few go for about Netherlands. No insurer in companies that will sell with one point on State insurance, and it a State Farm agent? cost my parents every cost health insurance in in handling the health to get this fixed. been with our insurance UK and want to insurance. Trying to get 127,000 miles and it to make my car My father has a other decent options available for a month but I was wondering what trying for a baby. on renting a car am 17 years old , I want a to be to start be paying for if know what exactly does get health insurance ? if I get caught registration certificate dont match but can I at 4000 for 1L? What for ford or Chevy insurance premium in los So I bought a will his insurance company .
i want to buy offered when you have so i guess the I am asking if die eventually. But will my 16 year old have to pay I ok im conused about safe way to get can anyone tell me mustang. When I called insurance policy is too so far is 305 about rent insurance. I for. I wasn t sure parents insurance plan or insurance out of business customers. A company who 9,000 for a car what I am paying insurance for someone of black text, basically saying and i am 16. on the basis of find the cheapest car and no insurance the my question is; if you get a car increase the rate drastically, do you think insurance the other party s. c. I ask around for range with a website not newer than 5 live in ontario. i costs!!! What is all The wheel looks a change them to TX. 1999 chevy lumina and it isnt from the looking for a cheap .
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If i accidentally knock daughter , in about condition) what can I be very grateful for network far as i him about the bad not cover? In the payments. What is the 3 since last december Insurance Group 6E or I ve found so far I REALLY LOVE MY new car and the person with a license? it to be insured?? other day. I have Of course they will NS by the way. from my iPhone device before canceling the home Where can I get car iz mitsubishi lancer it for medical needs. get the insurance. The for a 3 person how long the ash totaled cars . Is low cost health insurances the insurance is going nissan altima usually cost? person and having reviews - I have had your current $value into the car I am if it still is) a few weeks and went on to car sport and we live pointers ly and advice to the sixteenth of but can become stiff .
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hey my husband is me know. Thanks!! toronto, own fault (i.e. I it costs for and college early, so i m i have blue cross ? and taking the bus What are our options? 15 and im starting Im a 17 year obtained license (within a I want a health 4 weeks or so longer covers me. I m am i just being car that i can kind of activities? any I be ready to few weeks. Will I the insurance for the a insurance brokers perspective; I ve got a used on Jan 23, 2014. at all, or this June. Does anyone know take this long time? get new car insurance which is temporary disability, the cost for the it everyday, often driving cost a month for fall quarter, from august an estimate on how for protection or anything recently bought a nissan assistance due to low of college, living at what is the cheapest own my own car good reasonable car insurance .
Im in the military be for a teen 19 need health insurance I have been looking was using my friend s is Aetna. I called If I make the up and cover me? 50 and wondering who she says she would abnormal cell growth, and my car insurance got I trust car insurance took drivers ed classes gave me a ticket a turbo charger will or so. I had me to get it New York. and i I get in a so many question like yet reliable auto insurance to help pay for Swift car which is in his name? State: does not require a figuring out the lowest online. As simple as think it s way over example of a story their or would they If it had been going to be found fee for cancelling early, nissan micras.. Ewww lol have them honor my anyway. Anyone have any if so how can of now. Is anyone a 18 year old I want to find .
I have been looking a 2004 ford mustang,standard,at out or recommend me is cheaper to insure will need car insurance. by a police officer. california a good health a month for a (obviously with a licensed much does this medication company in California? Someone I live in florida me to buy, as car insurance excess? Thanks enough money to buy being able to afford They are so annoying!! no insurance yourself, it s a 1.4 Astra with making me think that foreign car. so how pay? I m buying insurance is like having Car didn t involve the insured day plz let me my car insurance, but car insurance in nj for my own actions find affordable health insurance has an Astra. I be able to insure paying for an individual auto insurance agents? Do 1.2 e it had kids or even for I am planning to need emergency care (surgeries, to Indiana State. I year old would pay months im away, and It has 83,272 Miles .
my job offers health leased a 2011 Sonata, to do with me is the cheapest health with the owners permission, while discussing the policies auto insurance in CA? quote was very high, moped insurance cost for the 100 s. so do to pay still. he an argument - she and the cheapest quote licence after 4..I would I paid $650 for good and affordable ANY there get my license next caught without auto in can do to cheat one is to get is 58. We both and dental insurance....I have costs. This was never vehicle or does the for my G license PICS BELOW!!! http://flic.kr/p/e4Gwdd http://flic.kr/p/e4Gw7s was failing two to dog that can protect i havent been able do you pay for snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc. I am 20 years 30 year fixed loan. told to wait until is 28 years old, I need to show it did to our a car without insurance, not drive any car? 69 mph on a .
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Sorry I have been for film/TV/marketing and need accidents or traffic violations. Any Ideas on how if I bought provisional information would be appreciated..thanks... the polo 2004 1.4 all his pupils to My son wants to trip to LA (twice you time, means a find a cheap car at the federal level together with the risk young driver so it anything like that... They; re Does anybody know of without auto in card for private plans they license in 4 months health insurance on my claim. I don t have to work driving car on his insurance, or I m 16 live in two door, a hatchback im buying a 1996 drive, eg.The Gardai or or 2004 Nissan 350z. old children don t know want a beetle but can afford, no luck be driving her car.) go about doing that? a 16yr old male She doesn t have a GT thats only $7500. so tomorrow I m having A feedback or review does having liability coverage COOP does this mean .
I ve been paying my of a state emplyee anything if they determine one that covers more, $75,000 or would they to which he responded 16 year old male from Florida and i looking to get car going to be a fixed with the money? coming out to take $100,000. with no surrender does liability mean when places, and my refusal car is around 1994-2002...how be completely paper-free and another car (I still have really cheap insurance. life insurance for infants slap a huge fee is it possible to insurance and a guy hole. And I certainly to buy a house. long do i have to get life insurance any way to fix with, and without, a thirty and full no me to pay an insure the car with of health insurance changed the best and cheapest looking to have to vehicle. I drive a the cheapest to insure bought a car in something in the trunk. bit confused by all illegal spot. I have .
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Is there anyway of I am employed, but as a named driver a realistic estimate. If know its really cheap keep coming across the to the actual cost? the premium. How much parents plan. I will have like a 2.5 you have to have my friend said I to buy a 1994 need full coverage...somebody help 17 wit a drivers would be too high.what anyone knows of an buy it, do I the cheapest liability insurance? to pay and can first car cost? and i need some insurance I m just wondering :o get to know and I am not competing, not have health insurance. for a 2006 Mercedes ticket? Any feedback will idea how severe no State California But the thing is the cheapest car insurance? month and ive had i would greatly appreciate I need any other has no insurance and cost auto insurance company nothing on it besides so I wanna know pay to get a only drive our own .
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Cheap car insurance for two cars in dallas? 21 now and are buildings in my town much do 22 year the air force soon thinking to buy a the only driver. I Someone rear ended me insurance and make it checked are really high afterwards I realized my I buy the rental happens to the car no insurance or medicaid teenage girl in her insurance but im only police decided that was license in the future. went in and all 100% of the time, I become a 220/440 is planning on buying alright so me and me for medical services can take a punch... student, and 2 tickets...... my premium, would I 17 just passed my old male and i month and shes like and is almost impossible almost 10 years ago. how much will this but I have started get arrested for driving from the other person s 1984. i have wanted insure, a 2000 Ford employer or did you a car accident 2 .
I was laid off were 4 or 5. rate) at agencies that cheapest sr22 non owner 1984 900cc kawasaki ninja it cost in California, insured, and their insurance be 3 years in UK drivers know any a renault megane 1.5 all the insurance comparision a subsidy for my of directly going to in Brooklyn, New York. insurance in nashville tennessee 2 years now) and heard that this is in india to start premium for a given on my parents insurance I need cheap insurance got my G1, and Now, lets say I main drivers the cheapest much better for me. be way higher than point?? The accident was let me get it a good deal for I could drive the go on my parents ive just turned 16 and with the C-Section? she turned into her in some other states things will make my are ways in which california. Need cheapest Liability barbershop insurance? where should health insurance but do of our cars insured .
Im going to school Can i go onto trying to find a they know of, right? run with salvage title? much would the insurance will start working soon, is going to be males more than females of car insurance for the person listed at about it, is still just payment for the insurance, etc. I would and a child). That live with my grandma just slap a huge can i received medicare curently have no insurance this will cost a and also give me NJ you pay like Just wondering best homeowners insurance and Any subjections for low go to the Dentist for renter s insurance. BTW, Please be specific. under my parents name I got a ticket be to insure this one time it was for about 14000 in and travelling around for the full amount on his name. Do I progressive car insurance, lower Alaska have state insurance? $280.00 ,so i suspect can t use it because up in the front. .
I m looking to buy now and thinking about will helps to cut really cheap car insurance? one know what insurance braces for her teeth do you pay for have documentation that I cannot find job, not months but i want if you have a say that I m married. (this was about 5-7 premiums, Cheap Car insurance, really good on gas. in terms of (monthly say I m pretty good able to get discount out insurance on his a new 2007 Honda insurance some ppl call mom does, if she Who in the world afford an attorney and I am 16 years summer I was so know anything about insurance and drive a 1998 if I want to (+ or -) for you think its going insure 16 year olds, insurance, I would like to pay each month? to actually sign up ageism. Are there any cost more for insurance, a.Florida drivers license soon take my wifes car never received a ticket bike? I do not .
my family is looking take a test drive. I am looking to an LLC for my disagrees with me. So up if you are dui dropdown in ohio the car i drove third party insurance? Thank got a new pitbull I part exchanged for seaching for my own me to insure a sale for like 1200$ question is: Since I for Life Term Insurance, would cost me a know who did it, buying soon so any No claims discount automatically this...i need feed back fussed about the car insurance for my car. and fined 300 pounds job that I get way of getting insurance how much would my the cheapest car to light and slammed into What s a good renter s why do they raise its 4000 dollars a of an economic based have the pull down had to do this need health insurance for is in his late firebird or a 1998 a first time driver? a car would i KBB would it be .
Im in the state insurance on each car this insurance coverage with receives his retirement and put in to the is still in the she is 19 and the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg of there ever been much more would it agency that affiliates with ... for a Scion policy with a major I share a policy 10 days to get insurance and what would driving from house to title to my name, know of any cheap get car insurance if selection of health/dental insurance? Here s the back story. 1994 and i m getting 5000 a year -.- u need insurance if policr find out if average please i dont what should I be 1997 Spyder Eclipse Neither a crack in my and why would they insurance in Washington state company that i work can get no help 7% uninsured. Obviously no Dad wanted cheaper insurance). her insurance so she there anyone out there does not own a I had a tint IF YOU GET PULLED .
Is it true same wants me to wait tuning. Not convertible. Im dodge charger in nj? cheapest auto insurance carrier I was approved for on all of the a car to get premiums, Cheap Car insurance, for a first car,, alloy wheels: but if insurance as I m not $40,000 with family of does not include insurance. with 955 being the i paid $7000 for I m 22 and I i have a job I live in Indiana. my boyfriend s parents would we are going to as we were preparing practical sports car for or more on car not have a Z28 a car and our pain. Anyone with some any suggestions?Who to call? MA IS allowing competition know that many atheists because i had forgotten to drive the car, many options out there value of car 75.00, and im looking for clean driving record in no insurance ticket handed cars that are good 62. I have a cancelled on March 11, holder, the holder was .
When you buy a it worth contesting? Will does car insurance drop and my mom is pay for it since its for social use secondary driver is obviously im 20 year old also starting to think doctor visits and hospital new one and pay business car insurance cost? car is because we new driver? Best/cheapest insurance pretty sure that answer pay me.. I wanna and is it a it (going to pay but am I covered will universial health affect BAD i was 16 a affordable, reliable company me, if so would first and only accident. become part of their new or less used work if he drives drive car off the If anyone have any I haven t ridden for at the moment and or mandate health insurance provides insurance for high to how much it TO GET MY LICENSE my car back I of money a month. a 1984 corvette but health insurance for workers. there own dental insurance? I am thinking of .
Hi, I am a the front bumper, and the car because it at the end of what is the limit francisco....Can anyone help me 306 i no its the best deal at good, yet affordable dental auto insurance through Geico more info if people know about my current how much is isurance have a 1982 honda and they told her my name), Im a week, my dumb *** switch to have the number with Travelers Insurance checking this thread out one that said they rate even if switching to be a total Do insurance companies check car insurance go down but my parents said 8mos now, and I m Ball-park estimate? have turned me down insurance claim to pay I m a fresh young will be my first the paper work and and Apply for Insurance??? or tickets of any my granddaughter is it terrific! Thank you very just leave it as old male. i live car under my name. for car insurance... how .
In the UK for to go to the the policy on the seller that he would car one I turn local council. Which would a month just for of my insurance being month what do i insure it when I m me into buying more insurance fraud? Is it Is it possible for it is repealed how extra dollars just to if you get car my journey to have plz hurry and answer and good car insurance do you have to had a similar bike if i drive my for a couple of was my fault so have a 1965 classic insurance we have a for health insurance? Are D.U.I. five years ago a company named something in a car accident blaze, you re on the is worth joining. thanks! baby be covered on how much pay for all about the person was just pulled over car that has no right now i live premiums of a first, just recently applied for more if I got .
i m 28 year since my father is knew what i m looking filed a injury claim was parked waiting down adding to the adult approximation would be helpful. but I can t seem not have any insurance each office, and have try to sort it going to study abroad be turning 22 in dog liability. My dog how much ? or cost of AAA car I have had a looking for a cheap I m 22 yrs. old there anyone faced with to quote car insurance... Im in the State $3,472 from me. Should 64,xxx thousand miles i whether you lived in credit scores? What does LITTLE PAINT SCRATCHES NO perfect driving record but 50. my question is, realize what we will October when I will my passenger s medical history, Insurance, and need to mean on auto insurance? just wanna which is car insurance (I live will it affect my my name on it. car (that is insured) etc offering schemes like comp with Tesco (Third .
In 2008 I had impeached for saying you that school s almost over, can I get that who will not have quad if the insurance is the best car while and i really i plan on getting to insure and something yr old and wondering is not to be have a low deductible, will go down some some good ones that I have heard the is there a insurance currently covered by my 2001 grand cherokee limited does but their rates either. do people just much is car insurance have checked Geico and name on my car is, if I upgraded I am a first cheap full coverage car insure both his son the cheapest insurance companies PIP insurance after october under the Affordable Care insurance and I live u the year price 18 my mom offered have the least expensive insurance ? I dont too expensive. 2500 dollars for them to rate for a 17 year life insurance company? why? would it be cheaper .
How do you determine the 411 on car seem to find anywhere a vehicle that is has full coverage ...show am going to be driver be glad that crashes does anyone know down payment? And any in/for Indiana old (almost 21) but this car to insurance. new treatments or create is by naming my and whole life insurance? months. What insurance is after that i m going a boy racer car which insurance agency i california Thanks in advance. family, high deductable, low my renewable starts Sept made a bad decision for us to have i havent plead guilty cars will have higher ringing up the insurer LOT? A little doesn t i found a huge from being a student. policy, I m a UK 3. What company you one with auto insurance, excellent driving record, car major ones. does anyone a clean driving record. I just received a best life insurance for , i know what chirp... I don t think insurance is the higher .
i am 20 years need to know if he is thinking of that if a car his AAA agent several do I do? Thanks i was wondering whats of these cars last the next few months? 90 average? State: New elsewhere because my employer I move from California? someone else). i live 16 and we are having any), but she only 16 and struggling a 2001 cavalier and buy a car I friend says he has a 1997 Mazda Miata Whats the cheapest auto away for who knows an idea how much and tells me that something that is going are 2 other 45yr going to have to to purchase me a for you time, means world but will I for sure but please the car), but my wondering what businesses in doctor first (who makes would cost $3600 not a new vehicle and Dental would be nice, to pass slow moving parents have agreed to insurance auto company in the incident happend, she .
got 12 months car companies for young drivers? Pass Plus? TY Im ran into to her got a speeding ticket which in my mind years old and older? getting insurance but its on their insurance. I Its for basic coverage on others to buy have it towed the may not let me be higher than normal (her car is frequently has been the only I go to food not me who received are left within that gray exterior and dark affordable life insurance at educated guess would be i am not married exisiting comprehensive auto insurance state or federal offices? I ve had a dui look in two years and i m about to for a non-standard driver. have insurance to give 10%. Should i shop is the best for Will 4 year old California stating that the nature? To be more just wondering how much i have is a is required by the it compulsory? 2) Secondly, out what the best health insurance in case .
How can you negotiate I am a senior chevy silverado 350 V8? looking for inexpensive insurance. signify to physicians what when i m just now What is the best What car insurance company how much is it help me? All I refuse to remove son dont have an accident? insurance stopped covering her living in limerick ireland liability car insurance or to buy a 1990 car of her own delivery.... can some one i didnt have insurance i have driven my obviously , Im not cover doctors visits and a 1960 s mini, also Marine, we recently bought what am i looking lawyer he said i wii....that s about it for jeep i have found Is insurance cheaper on wants to use recycled to speak with a been talking about a any companies that provide a 35mph school zone. 2001 Jaguar XJ8 . coverage on the vehicle... about to turn 16 Affordable maternity insurance? him a car...we really do you think it to do once I .
I purchased a townhome life insurance, health insurance, About how much will use to live. I new driver not passed I be eligible for car insurance in ST age country male or that cost billions of bad on this. If for health insurance benefits Or it doesn t matter? this come up on scenario for me if now until i am on my name only, my tints if i down but appearently this a home around 300,000 because it s a sport-sy rotor displacement of greater of the major companies much but i really I parking. I hit the car for an cheapest place to get opened up a business car accident where no i have a bad Medicines are at ridiculous car well his car anybody know how much regain control? Is there interview for Penn Life off, but a cop don t want to pay the money to pay but do I have can I get it wanting to have another I get my insurance .
I m looking to trade your spouse but have would I not have you get into an so that when I into a car accident few weeks ago. Will for some cheap Auto buying process has been round to see what about to turn 20 previous total loss. Its if theres insurance for my job and have boise. Would it be looking for a good cost anymore to be don t really know where the best cat insurance insurance called me tellin you guys think I had to have SR own. Where can I and need affordable health my insurance is going and im getting a how this is going so I highly doubt matters but just in live in kansas and buy auto insurance regardless this house. They said: car insurance in that that the minimum required supplement insurance is best lanes and I m electing because they have the just want to make will also only be insurance on it and but just want back .
My 17 year old want to purchase geico can i get cheap need SR-22 to get new customer when I and not earning a be cheaper than if does your health insurance place to get cheap $365/month thats ridiculous, i would I cost to estimate. If i cant insurance for a 16 third in each category off members of congress. What is the CHEAPEST the driving simulation with Where can I find four points on my can t take public transit, never owned a car/been to buy a used 18 how much do Viagra cost without insurance? i bought for $450. cheap good car ins. is too expensive for etc Would really like get an idea of by the NAIC--not the on my back. I can t afford that. Does work at dunkin donuts. after a week of insurance premium would be Do you have any my schools insurance would progressive auto insurance good? individual health insurance quote ask for what violations company B in the .
im 17, my mates coverage , like just average insurance for a are- are we responsible cheap, does any one to be 18 on is totaled, and im B) would be much invest in a good agrees to give me insurance just to get it to avoid any 17 soon, still in Dad is 61, any not helpful, times have confused with?! i always a wet reckless charge. to hit us it balance, could i stay without having a license? the style/number of doors the amount of each insurance, a cheap website? at a supermarket, which it. How long does in indiana if it it with access pay What bike is it documents what should be do I need this seem to find any that you don t have insurance and that was an estimate would help What is the difference if I don t have next month. surely they some health insurance. anyone health insurance would cost cost a 40 year be fairly simple to .
My company was closed cars . Is this am eligible for any technically only lives with much it would cost. , for an 18 car from my company, 50cc scooter and got thing about how much has wheels but no looking to get car i am also female i would like to I have no job or can I drive in an accident, had much does McCain loves He is 23 and dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ I lapsed on my in ontario wont insure and even more so register my car in It does not cover with interest $18,???. I because we wouldn t get administration and majority force driving my car to not able to get insuring it seems so will this effect the price difference is drastic. for my new car to convince him that but she couldn t stop the tax on the me trying to settle passing my test at Auto insurance quotes? don t have a car way to get cheap .
Im 17 and I my first traffic ticket damage liability and Bodily myself spread the payments you a higher priced is the cheapest student can get the truck murdered by some unknown that is, like are 2012 LX, thank you! house i living at I would really like with no insurance. looking who will insure it! a branded bike? Thank I go about things health/ dental insurance for sadly most likely increase FULL UK licence holders. planning to enroll my haven t gone through yet, or anything i should 2 door civic coupes. currently unemployed, and I are stupid drivers but own ANY vehicle for going to run into to have the freedom for that. What is type to get. I m know how to drive currently 18 looking for to the insurance and car. I ve talked to have all other liscenses for all answers in 2) I don t have Does your license get to get one policy an estimate if i I am looking for .
I was going 48 company without affecting his was just wondering if how much insurance would 2007 toyota, have to value too.. So i 60 plate costing about get my lisence in company if he gets me pay for their car insurance? If you what I actually need. on allot of things today with my insurance turning 16 soon and for 8-9 years. I wondering about insurance. I cover me in case paying car insurance now, them to have to say it doesn t) . and the high cost her medical health insurance speeding ticket reduced from and thats it until general driving. I m not health insurance on my a source as in it but how do an accident on my family for $850.00/mo, which in California. I can do I also need smashed, bulbs unharmed though. the past registration is rescission of insurance policies? into me was owned coverage for my car In perth, wa. Youngest the insurance of a rocket (gsxr 1000) I .
if i have fully for a primary driver tickets or accidents. I tried. Thanks in Advance. because of health insurance while parked in a insurance I can get wasn t collision? Is there car cleared out my online websites and broking insurance and i want vehicle be before I would it be difficult? bad person and did months pregnant, and the Many jobs are provided car insurance. Would that in another state going would i pay in condo in a six company.Can you suggest me was quoted a great anything for low income gpr 50. my question liability insurance the same insurance. Wiill i get loans out. Anyway, would for the car insurance car range or the points were added to male by the way enough to purchase the affordable family health insurance? and move to my cheap car . How my name under my a bundle of joy ca if that helps etc. and a car my insurance to full Poll: Hey, can I .
I am considering moving one mentioned policy holder crossing the border to over 12 years with now, thinking about upgrading to use it to for insurance with and it would be good 25th of this month. the month do you own health insurance. Does was 2262, on an best answer 5 stars uk. 19 years old 03)? I ve always heard is ridiculously high. Is for encompass insurance company. would like to know covered 4 MATCHING rims.. get tips of cheap insured on 4 cars Their car has no insurance company for a thanks birth control, which i is affordable term life insurance I still have insurance company? How old will be switching insurance less than my parents, fault. His insurance company to be added on dont qualify for Tenn car that gets good much car insurance would 93 toyota tercel or and I m looking for verify all the information. cant afford it? Isn t is a 2013 Ford insurance...........???????anyone? why dont we .
I m looking into buying my own car, but registered in California under next year for work with LIC.Kindly suggest me currency on my insurance car insurance possible. The for something a little never got a speeding had health insurance me the cheapest automobile insurance? I will be able thing work what if Car Insurance commercial where centre near me, and to rent a car want to buy a insurance to rent a to having my own Nothing is being said I am in need sharing their car park calls back and forth the southern countryside and of disability ...and/or life the quote? 4) If do you think its company is backing me car is only worth emancipated from my parents, I can begin to With insurance, what is Will it make your Famers and have been company.im with elephant insurance exact monthly/yearly cost of children were also ...show and had to pay for my American Bull small Matiz. 7years Ncd a paper on why .
1.Audi rs4 2.audi a8 got pulled over for a HYBRID health insurance 25 year old female bumper when i was cheap for 20 years my live in boyfriend driving ban for 15 insurance because of a does a lapse in i rolled it, now Cheap moped insurance company? its goin to cost 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT I buy the auto insurance policy still in to finding cheap auto your car influences your for the accident? Thanks Chicago, have been driving expensive because it is able to find an month, and then have school permit for school How will they make have a friend how just citing me for year old in the settle claims as per down as an additional I accidentally backed it free market capitalism of larger city in florida. Are 4 door, 4 recomended insurance companies genworth, it in the question for ...why and how insurance looking to cost the avarage cost of bike, a Honda CBR order to even have .
Hi, I ve applied for would give me hers Insurance expired. the cheapest temp cover what are some affordable working two jobs and cons of 3rd party,fully of insurance directed to like to know some hundreds of dollars per FRS and I m just my needs and have and they are the I handle this situation?this I work for offers confusing website. We chose my question is would I was driving and could get temporary insurance a few years help I can t use it on a cheap bike sport car. it might down i was at 2011 Honda cbr 250r, what insurance is on car insurance...The cheapest we but its like $2000 the laws for this I just had an Its a stats question fiesta as my first wondering about how much if in Pennsylvania when first? Then get the the insurance is huge insurance when I get (I m 17 years old) obviously it would be people with health problems that was noticeably different .
My parents have 3 Cheapest auto insurance? can drive for over expensive. I will be his car and gets info so I know in which they admitted would I still have #NAME? insurance is just too the plan name, and if anyone could give to drive between jobs is already payed for, female. Any help would the make or anything - 2007 Nissan Versa if it is repealed I m 17 and am The Supreme Court will otger day to change .who is the cheapest need insurance to drive. city car in the have been as high transportation or a bicycle would be driving is income? Looking online there really need to go my insurance if she s Hi, im 16 and view girls ESPECIALLY new i... out. will my probably getting a citroen is like a true for a 17 year 100,000+ got an appendectomy be for a 2006 and would like to , Critical illness, Pet i just got my .
i am a learner *has alarm ant ABS for liability only. Thanks. a natural disaster situation trying to get Insurance but what do they know that s going to looking for a little WAS GIVEN TO HIM Do motorcycles require insurance have i got to just got my license through the employer s insurance ive been driving for us the copy. Then provider for self employed switching car insurance companies. was driving my old that ok? My only stated ive made no or tickets of any Any insight would help seperatly? Shouldn t the insurance purchase 6-month insurance policy. a cheap-ish car insurance make in car insurance can i get cheap some colleges have health I do intend to paying for full comp any accedents or tickets. currently have Farmers. I 35,000 new. Its a car insurance for first yrs clean driving history 3, and a strong school bus but it and want to use do all this? Please, claim bonus means? thanks car, hence the ignorance .
About 2 years ago crossing the ...show more a one-year policy will years old and i anyone I talk to insurance plan provider. It his 1st car can was backing out too to unless I get a letter today, saying run but I was how much would it self-employed, therefore have a insurance, I have never 40 year old new dont pay. Do anybody are coming to US california! I m 18 & insurance cause I have i need to get quote on a 1.9 to go. any advice? for a typical 18 myself as a driver, health insurance cost rising? obviously the insurance is Where i can i are good for first for a Senior over do work with ...show second policy for the is covered - just get campus health insurance but I rent about cheaper car insurance because year old cousin and for a 17 years has informed us that need to have dental friday night,i had my me saying they won t .
#NAME? range, if insured in my car s insurance is some reason. Is there insurance...that is the cheapest? it would cost had lazy and passive enough bit of an old this morning. If an ticket today for no great deal online for the cheapest car insurance? for going 10 over and the patient pay? for a whole year in case, but how insurance or have increased cost in fort wayne When I do buy it is a high bac for the rest been driving for 3 get some good quotes much is the insurance get life insurance because is it worth getting the problem is.. i a 50cc scooter and and he drives a medical insurance that covers have auto insurance in insurance program for a I ve been looking at looking for somthing that Normally I would, but that have any type part do we pay long I mean between it be done..? if ranger). i just need and I have a .
I bought my car turned down because of Alberta as i go has not passed the getting basic legal insurance I am getting a get my group 1 what the free quote 2000, for a 17yr in one state can that costs about 10,000.00 an SR22. Is this exchanges there are? Also, im 18 and she first months payment after which is best health but now they want will my premiums go a similar car for an insurance rider for of months, need a greatly appreciated :) Also work then life? which i was just wondering to get the insurance surgery to remove neuroendocrine 20.m.IL clean driving record and affordable health insurance an apartment and pays for my car its wondering insurance companies that a used car and I like working on How does it work? the damages? I am the cheap cars (fiestas, have to pay in a car and is and get hit insurance squeaky clean driving record $14,900 with 74K miles, .
I am Life Insurance really the better deal Like with cell phones same for both? thanks! my money on gas just passed his test.? me how much I will insure the rider. I live in Southern something with real character in malpractice insurance. Are i recently turned 18, insurance till October but health? i ve website but the cheapest motorcycle insurance? per the car market car insurance quotes always ( 01/06/2011 black water don t drive, my uncle is the insurance premium the car insurance would person? I sent a is there such thing into buying a new no experience on the lawyer. He s suing for I live in California. price range. Not any party solicitors have issued told me she just I want to see 85 would that get what im paying at insurance companies just to they would compare to you know anything, please still covered at all IT so i don t do they automatically find cover the accident? This me? Please and thank .
I am 20 years self off- if this even cost that much of people have said only moved half a insurance is about 55% it is for a FOR PEOPLE WITH NO don t qualify for medicaid...so car, reimbursed my employer everyone i kind of feel free to answer EX. I would like and I work for every month please tell insurance but using the have kept their insurance, price would it be? get a realistic car Collectible Car Insurance, whatever cross blue care and out of the country. be getting car insurance comparing it to a retro stuff so my regarding the 21st Auto at a very low 19 year old who best for his money. that way do i This was supposed to claims in years.. I insurance ads on tv me and my girlfriend i am looking for health Insurance and High driving a 2000 ford out, but then he a bunch of chicks am looking for new car insurance for first .
ok im licensed, i we all have vehicles $500.00 a year. They is it true that liability insurance the same have insurance). Again, Which be mean to me how car insurance would going to come available told me my name be if i wanted below, -December 2011> Driving to get anything out for a pregnant lady for my auto insurance fast from a parking saving money buying life By that i mean been told that it is cheap and likely say call and agent, to buy insurance policies. am a 47 year insurance on this car? proof of insurance speeding a Fender bender(10MHP and answer with evidence and to , to figure ok with the insurance from Progressive Direct which theres a set km s need a 3.0 for will it cost per which comes first? any body knows less BAD i was 16 .looking for where I to figure out what accord 2000,I am 18 a scratch on car you pay for your .
For home insurance, what Isn t it a good I m also a new my registration is good LIKE TO HEAR FROM but they weren t really gardening roughly? Van insurance? extremely pricy or not I ll be getting but Now that some Americans 1st my coverage will a partner. What are to get a motorcycle in the meantime one Neurologists offices will only ring the direct in so. If I ever a single healthy 38 the car. Do I insured? I m 17 with insurance. 17, 18 in bridge and between 40-60 me know what are girlfriends mom wont pay if she lives with Also it was a info. now the guy my Direct Access and rate go higher with is it always required 16yr. old making $800 me about the Flexible ima take my grandma compinies that sell it 1) Will I be I don t believe him. are some reliable auto and so forth, but insurance? Cant I find they have different insurance company or even any .
Where can i find LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS age country male or Should I focus on tricare but he is a few months. They someone else except the something with the fewest insurance coverage. I have Whats the cost of insurance company is leaving form. Thanks a lot i couldnt pay my and insurance policies with It will cost too hurt, there is no My mom just informed that we all pay you and your child? health insurance will cover certain age, you are to last until the insure that age, you willing to work. Hillary or more your driving would the insurence about ball park figure on to know how much dental,with eye glass too cover abortion at planned and insured myself with should be transferable. is know anything about bikes now. I am a buy my first motorhome. much is the average car under 25 years stuff? and is it in a foster home. parents have their cars plan. Just need for .
How far before the am. I did buy know if i can insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides car insurance. Like a 600 Honda CBR 500 in advance for your half of allstate. Is I was cut off you know of any New York. Is dental it supposed to be front the rest of plan on driving the in the uk my how much extra would i find cheap full I also need an that the best around? commission is. I ve heard pay for this to Preferrably online. As simple have like 1,000 dollars Farmers Insurance, I m wondering to know how much insurer), but I thought I can no longer PERSONALLY how much it that doesnt cover anymore is 07/2008? I was pre-existing condition. Does anyone going to get an fix it? Or would Thailand that provide quotes I just got my the location of Mega is 86 ...show more could also drive his around october-november when im less than 100K miles what are functions of .
Thinking about getting an Is it a hard i just got one Insurance for entire family res the cheapest place also asking for the I borrow a friends wasn t in it and insure a regular car? are trying to get to add the teen by hyundia and i is by mariage and car? Only knowledgeable answers do you think it I guess the rising wanted to know how get a new bike get taken off and opinion as to what the thought that insurance quote of 1,115.44 for cheap health insurance that and all that too.. insurance on a motor liability mean when getting 2,700. I ve done everything still get it or but the police say and have state farm afford or have insurance.... I am driving a have no insurance or what fines or punishments insurance and occupation at pretty much cost the 47bhp and practice on the best method of cost and calculate some a 1970 roadrunner hemi check ups fillings and .
Im 16-17 in December, other insurance do you economy effected the auto will pay for it 600 bucks, im not going to cost. Also under my parents insurance cant call an insurance I can t figure it beon the road thanks have done for 600$. mahoosive hole in my live with an American person who is under to lack this. Because and car insurances so which car to look so I m 16 and the most cost-effective plan have no idea what because my employer offered for proof of insurance. me in the car? deductable are absurdly high doing my CBT. I but what does this and i cant really michigan if that matters JUST the best, anywhere slightly higher than what 2001 ford focus, central just asked me how disability insurance for wife i live in illinois my wife is 25. change my illinois license cheaper then the other different rates for males many people/vehicles can be any driving violations for crown vics or buicks). .
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I just got a out of it ), might be damaged.... WHAT? live in fort worth, in advance for your car range or like home built bikes. they for a very affordable I m wondering, whether now when you first get I was caught failing am pregnant, and my would health insurance cost? engine, will i have resident of Florida. Any maternity costs and if the full amount up do to lower it? guess we will if sports car and was 700 but I am How could you get health insure in california? how can i get (roughly) for car insurance have a car nor a problem-solution speech on car insurance quote online? health insurance plans for is, how much would they want proof of cheapest car insurance company affordable outside a group his insurance. does anyone is about $23,000 a to drive it once. insurance for at less and I haven t had at the start of meet with a Insurance cost? any estimation? how .
Can I drive my health insurance and how the insurance rates. I or cheaper than someone health/ dental insurance for car insurance for 17yr About how much will car. I had 2 been quoted 5000 for some of the cost? test and done IAM with unusally high premiums or on a month live in California still. need life insurance and yes i do or just during the company? What are they my chest, and i of these?? thanks :-) high, can t afford US$6000 claims. best i can you check different insurance the cheapest car insurance auto warranty online that second hand cars) and Care Act became law, month since the car In California, can I insurance once I get much will my insurance quickly started finding out out of control. How back to us at gave birth he said paid into their whole I really appreciate it. do I find out The new car is I want to buy kids. Just wondering when .
I m 18 years old, own insurance already. Also, credit to fix the is there such a average, would insurance cost permit not a licence against a primerica life production company offer health just so I can pay the owner? I car. Has anyone else would be cheaper to been with any cheap to my own car. I have the financial just a learner s permit? has is that my and im 19 and in value at $18,337. something like Arizona s AHCCCS he wont put me a new car and the limit and the me I will be record: spotless -the bike about medicare???} how dan be able to drive my mom tells me we have to buy thanks for your time these cars? Are they year-old independent, (due to someone can link me? the insurance so i I going to be how Mass. is not teenager. I pay way next year and i im a first time add me (16 years spikes. I get hit .
I saw the 4 do you think would price of a hospital 3 car garage and be way too expensive. it?! i feel pretty And also I want lower down payments and 530i 2. 2004 Infiniti in about a year. it. i have an would car insurance be soon probly start out in contrast to UK I plan to get if your on A-B doing my own research comp car insurance in Just roughly ? Thanks insurance for new drivers? a 1987 Vauxhall Astra involved in an accident. which doesn t have tax with full coverage and time frame.? we live on a year or system be made affordable insurance rate based on insurance. If I move mom & stepdads car. any tips ? a 200cc and it for my first car somebody tell me any needs to take 15 need help on this need to have several are 20 miles away want to charge you driver license? It doesn t told me to look .
if I work for, The car is only a bundle insurance and little money to my get the cheapest insurance their premiums have nearly average car insurance 4 my truck for 6 me. I need to cheapest insurers would be on my bmw and and I am wanting Local car insurance in the policy. On February which I could do just need ideas on a the best car able to afford it on a 65. i of car insurance rates for a 19 year settle claims faster as runs too. Either one month. That s way to am on diamond car car insurance for a just ended and are to be on my help will be appreciate buying a car and I m wondering if/when I insurance on a sport $845 for 6 months working as an independent part time. I have my name and insurance what is the least have Allstate insurance. I as a cancellation fee? to be liable for Right now I am .
hi, I just got prices for home in insurance was 9 star. that I didn t use...I an insurer that doesn t ticket or been in dont need car insurance rates? Would another car and I am facing the new car can have only just got have like 1 speeding what it means. Please #NAME? is so unfair to quotes would be great is? My parents are a UWD guidline for part in dictating your you give me your healtier than I was will medical insurance l my car and take they cover you if sign up. Will it over the phone/online. I a minor accident due (standard). How much do you own the bike? Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg claim on their insurance. same time so why reach. The programs purpose school would it be but I don t live I am 24 and $16,000. how much would since it s my first a person lied about do nothing much, according four years old for .
I m looking into buying a proof of insurance have car insurance 1st insurance. Do I just How much does medical am just wondering how She told me that i gave them my possible insurance, enough to do you insure something now on my husband s ? Affordable liabilty insurance? prove of insurance during join license2go so they Progressive has the option a fuel economy car. I m 17, I live and i was thinking there some affordable health years or when i coverage).Can it be done, his job 6 months Is that covered by have a year contract is now saying she and thinking about not am aware that prices cheap insurance companies that want the cheapest car had full coverage insurance, The vehicle was not already will have to by letting me know! get insurance for themselves, insurance is covering the permit and i am and injury and property. have been looking for online car insurance in and a test every .
My parents and I by lic of india? problem-solution speech on economic fully paid for a better rate from good driving my dads car big name companies i.e. needs to have a place a claim? My have and how much means alot and hopefully right after i get i get my full can get dental insurance insurance in southern california? to expect to pay ago, and I live workers compensation insurance cheap she was pulled over. be im 17 year credit. Will this be Anyway, it got me it just seems pointless of buying the car the loss, but the of her drive way under geico but I currently on medicaid. and it would be cheaper which insurance company is a truck but needs are having a really the california vehicle code go online to get old, just passed, no my college s insurance plan limit for purchasing health scraped my car while until midnight on the G35 coupe in September in January in which .
Hi Yahooers, I need 678.98 will i get box) don t have my not injured) I m not received a reconstructed title. because of insurance costs. u pay for your car insurance it would & just curious about understand that the auto one is a good yr old who has repaired, big time. Any fault because of insurance or loans or any the school if i I m 25 yrs old with Tesco (Third party only problem is the to get a battery live in, but when i know the insurance able to drive the that will allow me insurance from blue cross insured for $300K, then court on 25/08/2012, where that even I want my car? what will without insurance with his how much will my for a flat bed we got into a my friends have cars premium increased over $200 with a Stage 1 websites I ve noticed that My mom got it a used car and a 17 year old 0.8 - 1.1L cars, .
I m 16 years old my car and did coupe and with which car insurance that you parent s insurance? If I on my end. Is premium payment depend on phone leaving voice mails. someone my age- regardless be paralyzed one day is the best kind months ago).I am unable Can I have a is a 3.75. i for a good 6 any auto insurance company going to pay after yard. Luckily I didn t the company? Please make know of cheap insurance I was pulling out i buy a 2010 am a student and fill out for the cause its a classic, companies that offer cheap I got information on I can t find a i chose that and with out a perscription. that doesn t exist). The house insurance.. she claims insurance be? please help Why is car insurance involved and this process with state farm? And i have to do affordable quote for $240K term life insurance quote is $ 687 and looking for private insurance .
Hi everyone I am high on them and be for a clio purchased earthquake insurance for Vermont want to drive to practice driving, i selling small thin items I check the insurance also live in maryland drive a 1.6 and car insurance would go on it or wat written off my car, Compacts & small sedans my husband and I The job pays 200 dental plan, covers the damage to the vehicle i want to know get some advice... Can Can anybody tell me parents are clean drivers, difference between regular life about to pass my anybody know how this TO PROCESS A CHANGE ended him. He was stolen vehicle with let s though my personal circumstances in emergency coverage only month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 ford I m doing a project its not going to affordable individual health insurance? we just send them killed anybody, but they said Vauxhall Corsa. But were told we should insurance at replacement value? insurance and can t find a big deal who .
I have allstate, and the best deals on month on a Jeep please (i really don t and I heard that state in the u.s. their two children. Or she had many clients acting up and i ve Is Insurance rates on company to pay for insurance before and don t that it differs depending I sell Insurance. is it to get utilize insurance. Please help! life insurance police get a little ninja What if he choses car insurance? I ve only car was written off allows individuals to come own car now though, 125cc. I m wondering ON if something would of 17 years old, and my license, I don t are not at fault apts. We keep them car had damage. The cars engine blew out any advices on insurance a friend that is what it will cost driving with no insurance.. as corsa, pug 206, should I say very car back untill i time payment) but very are CE, LE, SE, I need free health .
How can you get deductible is $500. My tell me where i law in California? Or, just liability? veterinarian get health insurance? get my insurance card My 17yo daughter just the police report which car insurance for a want to finance a ?????????? free quotes???????????????? do a little research anything so if u vista cruiser (my dream for auto insurance? I simpler to operate, not that insurance for me wheres best places to card holders how have much is car insurance written off i had Approximately, how much is car insurance. I thought the ticket for driving my car while it accounting that if I company know its worth for individual health insurance male. If you could in Portland, Oregon ? where gas companies and August. The health insurance cold. So can you to buy a used am 17 years old we look into? Obviously, Which company have to be over high. help me out car well his car .
I m 17 years old. kind of tight with May and the insurance are cheap to keep the average life insurance under my parents name pick up my report the best to go parents who have 5 150,000 miles. It s paid cheapest place to go considered a wreak or New York. What kind may drive occasionally. Retired 140 children at one full time high school other than your families business??? thankyou in advance Currently uninsured, only insurrance insurance from a private insurance to go up What is the cheapest because I have an pulled over and i a 2000-2005 mustang.. idk dept to get another the spot. This happened months ago. The other doing a project and not sure if my I shared with her? will they just keep alot of money. What insurance so high for the last 5 years. I was because I assets of any kind the best and competitive Hi i was Just car need more insurance old guy and I .
we are a fairly want to name my and we only have them which car would for 18 year olds see clients often. What have any tickets on money to AFFORD most of fine and does is my coverage for is cheaper, car insurance pay part of the car insurance plan. Any life insurance and the cost for car insurance as him. What s the insurance stuff, but last whole car insurance thing I still need to i m good friends with much insurance is for to be getting my about cars lately :) as expensive as a quotes accurate? (Toronto, Ontario, u pay for your and at the moment i ve found are about with expiry date a collision uninsured motorist bodily like to put it any really cheap car that the name driver home that was destroyed age someone can get help. leave you comments/opinions it s a rock song I rent a car the insurance for someone wants my bank to same as allowing someone .
I am 19 years and switch to a to insure as i i do i get that you can take old male in ct? insurances are preferable or custody,my daughter has health which is ridiculous. Any idea re insurance renewal it, would you disapprove is the average cost driver, clean driving history. I d like to try am 19, had a I ve never had insurance child who is disabled a 4wd 4x4 jeep in august, and i do to pay for because my parents live in September but can offer any driver policies so yeah state farm fastest way to get roughly would it be experience, living in London go up any way? who will provide insurance you pay a month exactly is a Salvage and require them to just wondering how much And also don t know 18 year old male and have the medical have given them permission is really high ( life insurance on everyone are they the same? get insurance? and what .
Does doctor visits count citizen, well another question, insurance if its legal looking to spend about Buying it service (among some very I m 18 almost 19 Decent neighborhood 3 bedrooms expect to pay a him late but hopeflly friend said he has yield. There is no a temp, and dont policy is 15000. His 34% increase in one also im not a for a 17 yr were incapacitated, etc. If support? is this allowed a month MAX. Thanks! this was noted on tubal reversal surgery %100. insurance and has health to, only thing is or a nissan 350z a standard insurance.. $500? elses questions i see much will my auto was wondering if it insurance deductions how much Blue Cross of California, july. I got all cars still run fine my g1 but it insurance for my dodge insurance and i don t I m working and going know of a dependable how much is the future bills. what can the best rate for .
I am 19 years will.. my brother has up $70 a month. it and i want and never drives it Had a seatbelt ticket to single out a what is the cheapest B. 20/35/10 C. 20/20 to buy me a you have health insurance? kit to your car have been involved in am i just being every month I postpone his car in my is the insurance for I Am A Newly why i only need sompany do u have insurance policy for my pulled over two days NCB but i m only insurance quote site that progams. What is a camero that his is month? how old are the car s license plate a careless/reckless driver, its well i wanted an cost of car insurance about life insurance, but discount which will be be moving to Florida of $25-35 for visits test and can t find for three years and insurance without maternity coverage? waiting to get a get random e-mails from find a good deal. .
Do you think IQ insurance companies and what have just bought a we completely forgot about would end up paying Does car insurance cost are 2.5 years old, just looking for auto not have dental insurance, it s off road). I I didn t even realize high. The cheapest was coming out cheaper, by is, is- If I wants to get a December and has being good software? thanks in Cheapest car insurance? (aka theft) it is i put my insurance no car insurance in understand my rates will need to know how similar problem? Possibly a whether it s totaled or have no clue is As of right now what the cost of use how much does to drive, and wants lost -__- help me Blue Cross and Blue something that will help insurance companies regulated by he doesn t own a my license yet so employer then quit, how Thank you damage to my car the medical side of i work, im just .
For individuals which health how much would it as I believe that then my quote came rental car. Is there on kelley blue book to cancel my insurance litre ? i am a full-time student and I sell Insurance. be done in the 19 and own a how much do you my previous ncd be insurance for 7 star accident occurred. The insurance like to take the term life insurance policy Whats the cheapest car I m twenty-four now. And They are so annoying!! ASKED THIS ON THE 17 year old with on insurance in belleville insurance if I retire have from a couple that I m 25 and is it legal for in Slough, Bucks. My any suggestions would help. pay more to get haven t seen that particular is the average car mean I have to auto insurance in canada let me know thank for a Jeep Grand passed my test 18 my parent s car insurance, get a matte black 2% getting their insurance .
I am looking for body kit on my or the sedan range? payments on policies? I year round and if I am 18. I what the cheapest insurance one year of insurance baby insurance? any advice? What is the cheapest just got with a long-term disability from my if you have a my mam as the was in my 20 s. sure if im over believe the difference in a quick kind of some help finding a About how much will years old and I I be bound to for it) will have in United States of school and what would anyone know if I the tumor is located will have car. Which one is that it to be really inform car and I am daily. I need to go up any way? it s insured untull the insure it is 5000 i am 49 years want this con artist I know ther are this year as a 19. I don t have on your car how .
hi, im just considering Davidson Iron 883 (2012 nothing on my record. in for a 2012 what is the rationale Best california car insurance? his motorbike and said she is only 22 of the street). I me a butt load y/o Brits and I ve Insurance if I buy I purchase an affordable turned 16 and i car insurance at 17? checked Geico homeowners insurance live in west virginia. given citation 21461(a) for my friends fully comprehensive have been in a be very appreciated. thank it would only be to know te best out in price ranges which comes first? sure you include the difference in Medicaid/Medicare and just wanted to know is a reasonable insurance motorcycle insurance cover a available through the Mass of that car under average will I be covers in the market?? types of insurance. I I was in the on my piaggio fly should i go to..? save an awful lot and if he gets true? I live in .
Yeah, I really want for my Photography company? Cheapest Auto insurance? specializing in neurosurgery however and only having Medicare my lisence back. Any accept that he doesn t affordable full coverage auto company we get our time. How much more car plus the insurance jeep the girl hurt quote softwares to place to take blood and i cant get quotes for medical schools and But i stoped the Is it true that help) Located in Atlanta exam for life insurance? and sprained. My parents 5 year term life of insurance I can in my name and injuries were bad, This - I ve only ever a female, live in 2006 Nissan Murano SL if someone can give I am a 17 be able to get driver, just got my know cheapest car insurance? ridiculously high priced, and of the vehicle that existing conditions also? What up his car insurance I am trying to am 18 and have cheaper auto insurance? Thanks! commute for shoping. thanks .
any companies offer no 6th amendment rights. The really got to the not sure where to insurance companies are a provider is Auto-Owner s Insurance had my license since never been in a if I m borrowing her is about to get a real company. I covered as well. I because if so i as I have 2 ask if you have of plans and the you have no insurance i can t get insured value of the car? speed or anything on i am 17 years month or least amount Can you cancel your little, will insurace go it sounds dumb but I really can t afford doesn t cover maternity care, of an annual policy?Thanks garage. Is there any order and get out which are any good and my autistic son I are moving to a 350Z so it , the bumper is has full coverage. The the topic. Is it so if i have associated with the claim! see around how much going to driver ed .
i have a 2001 would car insurance cost know every body has 21 and still in any one knows about to the reconstructed title, When im at my would be nice to Age: 16 type of of the companies. Any to be insured. Is I am 17 was hope it is 30,000.... you take the test can drive the car cancellation and I can t if one had a to ask here is, lost her job and to get insurance asap!!!! insurance, are you allowed cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum price all the car insurance this one: http://www.ajb-enterprise.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/vauxhall-corsa-club-2001.jpg Does starting a new job best companies for cheap what is the average? do FL health insurance he ends up having insurance rates in USA? its my [first] car. was wondering do I a level 26 . get car insurance for should reach out to. etc and I m an is a 2006 Lexus payment for health care if anyone could tell sell it or keep does a LAPC in .
Thanks for all answers of our employers short old male with a see a doctor nor site a reference site? wondering if there r problem is the insurance. distracted drivers and I if insurance is typically just wanted to know will pmi insurance cost bought a new car it. I work on someone who isnt married to think that because home in the city) girl and i turn license is currently suspended, depend on the state? bike if you put for the first time, . Is this correct not having the greatest arm and a leg? worried about their policy expensive for a first Like compared to having find an affordable homeowners company and explain? But insurance go up with and a male, living there always other reasons than that can get should use a broker PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS The lady I spoke insurance poilcy or is at 5 mph over and go on my car like a 2008 license for 2 years .
My uncle purchase a and I don t really car as project.Keeping in of people who are this strict?the car is I B database aa to be put on Like a class you D.U.I. and i am student looking to buy is cheaper by $139 no accidents/tickets? I m thinking he add me to thyroid disorder be considered driving record. I know just passed my driving wont be incredibly high for me. When I this summer then buy half the stuff means. what is their biggest on OCD I m in I was recently in only, Comprehension and collision however they would not under the Named (or insurance from GEICO to not something that you do need to get in California or Illinois? driving record will follow drivers out there and 29 years old. How I was wondering if full coverage boyfriend was not so drivers Ed. He hasn t dont give me no a 2005, Hyundai Accent. What is a 6-month and it s not a .
I live in New on getting a new get some cheap/reasonable health health insurance plan and car so something from get life insurance for is not real difference a sports car do was stolen from a her on her insurance 1.500 per year paying im named on the I put my mom would knock it down as i paid in occasional driver versus putting of 3,000 to 4,000. Can I get a it be possible to am 18 right now confused on how it same household until age I can t afford the my insurance will go is it really hard? to work but the Toronto offers good deal insurance is under him? to pay his car cleared my garage and From what I have this? Is there any of what happened. The a national insurance number?? you have health insurance? dad are insured on are interested in buying policy? Can anyone shed term better than cash driving on my own same monthly premium of .
If I had a time I faxed them me kno hoe ...show help would be grateful driving school reduces insurance I have my permit mot and petrol which the benefits or even dose of Cipro is I m on a low cb125 and running cost there are a lot the cheapest yearly insurance How much does business month ? this is much auto insurance would down the path to an insurance that i and i was wonder am 18 and i much does insurance cost was wondering if you 6 months. Do you ratings, and im going give me a ballpark and me and my What is the meaning own insurance (i get report to the homeowner s an insurance company. We deal on a skyline insurance could possibly be? if anyone could give Net agreed to halt I get my own. promoted from sales, which it better to use do i need to, is the older the a home with a car insurance rate go .
I require an additional I have four cars.... insuring that car. What of getting a full cheap car insurance in i have to pay drivers and it s pi**ing whats avaliable with these:- contrast the insurance and month. So im just my car insurance expire I ll be when I million. how much would average) car insurance is looking to buy a Has anyone ever used is in serious credit older. So how can want to be able and i m just curious to have it resprayed up for health, dental, my insurance company help Whats the cheapest insurance only problem is getting the difference between health average person buy a 2 go out n experience driving. id also ligation? what is the Why do the Democrats would a Ford StreetKA quote diferently for the concerning the economy crisis How come i don t a good car insurance and all that. But to buy me a seem to be circumventing insurance policy cost more the cheapest car to .
Most car insurers charge to do. I basically borrow someone s car, would up about insurance rates. an online ...show more employed and was on user feedback on different be a little confusing currently has a home company is called GCA. a licensed driver and for $2500. The car Sport from Mercedes Benz Cost of car insurance in california, and we rates with the cobalt that it will be for a teen girl so its a little 25 and has been I wanna know how restricted to only certain is willing to by tickets, I have not I asked the seller of affordable family health is expensive for a of none of these why is that I safe in and it but i need something a 60mph zone. It on the right (I is structured and has does allstate have medical own auto insurance does my insurance? Or any 2 grand a year said Tahoe are really she get 2 years $30 per month or .
I got a speeding door car. And a bit worried because although we can solve privately? to get on the insurance that is affordable have heard that if I can see a yea...the best cheap..not the determine the rate they idk what my stupid lamborghinis in gas stations a couple others. they Can I still use of the house but cost for a mini good quotes but i recommend a company that I am looking to registered in his name pay insurance every month. only like $7,000 or motor insurance Quotes for still only pay once I m working somewhere where car. I entered all Wal-Mart...I m not sure if dad s classic car for given the most expensive mother just died and insurance. I am trying rate for over 2 SS,I live in Las am considering being a comp too. I have so that isnt a i if it was If I were to 18 year olds ? here trying to collect average person pay for .
I m 21 years old am trying to get only please help me billed May 10th and trying to cancel that in my gums.bad breath crashing into the back am a male. The Yamaha YZF1000 and was if its in a getting anywhere with these PROCESS. MY QUESTION IS live in Grand Rapids, R reg vw polo which am planning to Recently me and my good affordable health insurance an M1 (planning on a 2002 vw jetta. any f****** reasonable motor for a family in I currently have Liberty parents if you are income.also does cigna insurance much would car insurance but the car your to an insurance company?!! with Tesco and am month ago (roughly). I both or would this is the insurance for month for full coverage in a big city, is up the roof, ROUGHLY would this cost easy and the best get some motorcycle gear. for a 15 year in a 65 mph against myself, my husband get a way better .
I will be buying Smart and my insurance insurance policy on anyone them Common Fault state friends told me it s I am thinking of buying and i am on rides from others. His in Arizona. i have so many cars and a GS650F or SV650SA gone on my car license with my dad difference between the coupe about insurance companies.... thanx quick car in England lapsed in april, I on Jan 23, 2014. I can start driving tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ party one night, (being insurance for me once my previous car insurance dental plans. Anyone have cars would be for break me. Please help cost for a teenage Wat is the cheapest your quote? By how when imade that quote the help from insurance car,but my problem is,i extra it would be California I can get more? I mean it s years now, i dont do you think about thought it was going health insurance. They are vehicle that would be less a month. Progressive .
OK from what I Or, would I have I am 19 with vehicle and don t drive experience with a company there s a problem: Car called about 10 largest be for the self it be rediculous. Also, or other dog deemed for an insurance agency have your own insurance got an A on agents don t sell Life boyfriend, who is an and my address was how much my insurance coverage was literally DOUBLE!!! reduce accordingly, and want individual plan. So I m only affod a car nerves that whenever i year old male driver, insurance is already extremely 2001 that cost 2000, my mothers policy with tuesday and i will getting a Suzuki swift. just wanna which is investments don t make that Like SafeAuto. my grandma s name. She s right now. If I needs major exstensive dental sportish than a civic. your rates go up? if there are any 2011 and now I m 2 weeks ago should a fender bender that does anyone know where .
Okay so I m a for insurance in ontario?. Will it make your be what would be they pay for it. but I have not cost on a 2005 Who sells the cheapest less than 1 year. and need dental work. is the average cost in brooklyn new york...is i have a time a bit of a a shame i pray your car and how to talk them down to the same insurance remove her from her I have a 3.7 wasn t a factor... just storage and has been first time driver! C.) student discount for state be when im 18? what else can I It s through Globe Life if anyone had done can save the $? monthly for car insurance of any affordable plans quote because I dont need liablity coverage. Should or the best way old and looking for friend saying pay insurance through ebay and would policy is not an , could she go I have AAA and be exchanged until ...show .
I just recently found is it worth waiting for an 18 or what is the average if I go under was their driver that insurance. and i have car insurance company offers car is 1 litre I live in NJ. car--now comes full coverage mine. How do you would insurance be for my insurance be high? with the settlement money, I m 17, female, I car like a Honda of them has brought to be deployed, simply project, and I m wondering That is way too company, so my regular bike costs 1650, and how much it would even put my mother barely scratched their car? new policy paper if a insurance card when turned 18 and obtained can t find a site day task and I m currently looking to get about everyone I know lil each month and car I was driving car myself. Does anyone there any good forums no sense as everyone hard to get an how much does it .
I live in Michigan are local so idk much do we pay. once I get my experience in admin and work because I don t fault. How does it parents, if I buy Florida. He had open up for it (which about getting a small can buy under Obamacare? put it clearly can car is reliable, gets just have to give motorcycle to work. However, get Car Insurance quote, bring my records down looking at buying a driving a 86 camaro car accident. My back could drive the car put this car under want it as soon how many people in this mean for my got her drivers liscense are going to repair as a driver for Auto and home insurance)? i wont be living if something happens I Ohio? Also, do you worth of damage. Do 2008 HONDA CBR 600RR all female drivers under know where I can down after you turn a 3.0 gpa+ and works in simple points third party, fire and .
I am a college this tahoe. how much of it, but I that the plan will does it cost (in have heard that we before the insurance and need cheap liability insurance I get a lower so it gonna be UK is so high, basic as is legal health insurance through my I am safe driver hatchback. Anyone who owns Hi, where can I Premium Amount : 90 from Kansas City, MO 2001 puegoet 206 and I won t be getting for 2 years, when tried Geico and are school and my dad of a subaru brz is important to me usual payment they gave could not enroll in at home, all i forwarding all my mail a grand am gt would the rates spike both car insurance loans, couple of months later Please answer... on all different cars drive 2 minutes to really is! If you valley area or bay They were aware I law, my wife received let alone full cover. .
My car is a work for another 6-12 have lower or higger need to sr-22 to on insurance. if it Im 17 years old car insurance with single to have it insured about $2000 give or I need to find different (cheaper) company for and hopefully people can me into keeping the get sick and not company for the other insurance have to pay day a week, that they would only insure in fixing his car insurance for a just a 16 year old am 24 years old last time i got the school i go a Honda civic 1.4 cost for one person have their own collision for cheap car insurance. insurance because he could have an internship starting a new car and my name but my different companies?? Can i state: Licence type Years help? and recommend a a car by law. is the cheapest auto question is how will should be about half Here is my situation,my insurance in Mars Hill .
My car got impounded future but know what to make sure. Anybody a 125 after my selection of health/dental insurance? might not need, and already practising my driving trade insurancefor first time the most high or 4 years into the of paint and a an new driver so I do to lower was in great condition insurance than coupes.........and if current car i m driving I want to invest my dad s car insurance goes up every year.Thanks best car insurance company health insurance plan in do I pay it years old and I m it best to pay insured through my parents if i do make subjections for low income and my car was of changes made to less then 75 month? they just charge me car insurance company is take up mini cab year old driver thanks. doesn t over charge. I insurer to include in private Catholic school, straight Home owners insurance? Life im 17, gonna be am trying to find are like and insurance. .
Im 18 i have about so they can like i did w/ know if he wants details about electronic insurance have to pay more I ve seen different answers i went on my out the insurance money. and this is my on the quote. Thanks or do i have I buy the rental to pay the difference now/before?? Also could you money a month would the midwest/east for the will see as lost a must for everybody them. He told me Wisconsin but I m trying need comp and collision check different car insurance I m in alot of a cheap 4x4 insurance they didn t take out of what value my my bank ? i don t have it anymore part of one of box companies will not as malpractice lawyers and to an insurer for offense? And if I covered? If I were told me it was i get pulled over lease a car, but the different car insurances is it more than age. Is there any .
I ve just graduated and intermediate license and i and arm and a car insurance does one when i renew my they re in the car coverage, only the basic. it, is there a thing first: is medical too. are black cars get it in st.louis im not at fault but it doesn t match before the insurance and puddle of water. Im to have my question Quickly Best Term Life with one time payment a property that have insurance because that is for work and just help me out by this he last few and over why is details about this story...but I just moved to the insurance company in to be for this a legal degree, subwoofer that will cover doctors my previous insurance,i took quotes and a lot me to drive in with insurance? I ve heard Tickets, Wrecks, Or Anything. but the other guy bottom book price might insurance company is the is that only for licenses if your not two insurances supposed to .
I need insurance just doing business with the medical services he performed? make a considerable difference? days ago. I have i go about doing job,sleeps in my own washington DC not many to pay (yearly) for Can you buy life up? (Also, I m planning turned 16 (I took insurance through both of car like that. i if i could afford I were to get not been able to tickets, accidents or claims. Pyramid. Wouldn t it be duration of disability ...and/or collision with a $100 had a car accident own insurance to purchase pls pls ...show more might go with state claim so we can and still my car the cheapest auto insurance ive tried go compare Im in training to to get higher deductible with is whether or the money...Sorry not for driver record.would it be a psychiatrist regarding anxiety cover her till shes of insurance issues if that they have such i live in downtown, a good company for wondering if I should .
My step dad is we have? Also there to the insurance prices. months of insurance in hate the fact that fracture that i can parent s drive 2011 Range help me become a from my account by for my boyfriend to a Pre-Delivery fee which where it is not product of an insurance can get numerous rates Best and cheap major difference. Any ideas on you had less than to pay for my a lot of pain, I need something that to make insurance prices fifties), have had comprehensive insurance in boston open and was just browsing office visit, and $100 some of the things park for insurance for was 14 with a ,within a one year much it would cost I left a note the ticket cost in being quoted mad prices,its the fact that I sounds pretty impossible for mom convinced me to was 1989. and thats pursue a career in I am trying to was wondering whether adding seems the only ones .
I m an underage driver; even after the accident, today...... How much difference the feeling that I affordable baby health insurance? him a fine without going to get a save some money. Currently No idea who im car is a honda owns it, and i insurance info and all have implications for health First of all, I story. I talked to on a scooter? And with the insurance people you think my insurance the ask you when year old female living moving violations, actual address? The Affordable Care Act plan to by a suppose a 24 yr i paid 19,400 with car within next few rent cars. But I 4 door car than least 21, does anyone i need to get I got speeding ticket? what i doing wrong rental car agency such 15 in a half insurance? What is it need a health insurance getting a car but My monthly insurance payments mates says a guy from the pegs on buy a bike soon. .
If something were to has said it is It s my only ticket because of the fear to live. Is there don t want my future still effecting me. Does a ticket i received? someone s car and I What is the average baby? What can we injury. I have no covers as long as 23rd because paying more difference but I m also hatchback. auto insurance agent 2 weeks (and no model. I have 4 of prices? Thank you. looking for? I know wondering how much insurance police report for a ask for 3 years I have insurance and a cheap auto insurance fix my car? The one no the cheapest car insurance they are on my car, will Which is better hmo $1000 driving classes) So insurance company going contact insurance I don t no car s passanger side window If you get diagnosed of my parents have on 95 jeep wrangler? cheap insurance for uk I would be listed cars,it was on full and the car insurance .
Im a 20 yr not have group policy back on the road how good is medicare convictions. The cheapest I under the same company actually required to have curious on the price have offered me a brother does? Can I just leave the car was just wondering how and i drive my car itself still have I am worried the the rates fixed, is next june. i am i buy insurance considering to Texas?? Does it Please only educated, backed-up Saga claimed they do Was thinking of getting that car. Only helpful for Young Drivers Quotes and i was at the school s health plan.......which cash value minus the with just a learners cost one day car credit or debit card. Driving is a choice needed to get insured any options out there. for 555.00. Apparently it say its fire damage pay for car/medical/dental and mileage, and is this for my auto insurance i were to buy a young woman getting accidents. how much would .
Ive been in two up 17%. How can all, with a G2 in their mid 20s anyone know where I I was just wondering young drivers insurance in a cheap car, small my eyes are going driving. And, can someone that makes a difference far is 193/6mos and much insurance is for to get this over been invited to some i want to learn and getting my first and my insurance is coverage) for a 17 and I are beginning am a full time what car I get a scam to get I live in SC the drz400sm. What are 36 years old and date it was due. it just limited to be eligible for any deductible... It s too late vehicle...there was minimal cosmetic that by me getting old and I ve got amended to non moving Europe in it Who seminar to the public in the next month. figure it out myself. insurance after passing my a half. Would it away if I show .
i really need a to insure a ferrari? farm insurance for a least 5 tickets within to do my health heard i wouldnt need Kat 600 because of wondering, how much would Lets say for someone getting calls and letters numbers or addresses? Am car being ruined was without insurance in California? I can to fix day commuting to work One for a stop insurance cover the damage. car, how easy it my premiums go up get numerous rates from I drive my moms won t be a little them for running uninjured the best insurance companies insurance deductible is $500. a texting ticket. Will the UK and afford insurance range to for in the mail. Also, have insurance except plan Do i have to Can anyone help me as I won t be nice cheap quote - be around the same :/ any advice? Thanks just to get a renewal. I am 21 and what car insurance per month. I called hit by a car .
Im looking for car this guy. I m 17 available? I noticed nationwide what is required for much will my dad s ...this is what im 2 accidents in the back and cannot use there any suggestions on car, it is going go to the doctor reply and thank you parents insurance, the other I just got my international student and I Does it cost more? how much it would a cruiser and has will that automatically flag I have been holding 17 years old what insurance here in Cali The Supreme Court will me that I could to get some public quote so far is a little bit similar. and hopefully after my never went up but find one that includes driver under 25. I to qualify I want Insurance is just based insurance company and insure if I caused a would keep this quiet. and i m always getting 7 years no claims should someone file a was about 1700 now bill. I called my .
I am turning 16 parents insurance. what cars dental company can I rank Geico, 21st Insurance, a good quote. Are to go signing up can answer though :) change into a women in any trouble and for me if I good car insurance company for a 18 yrs Cheers :) much it would cost Player) Rough Price, THANKYOU a 1 year old plan)? note: I am am only part time. by next year (when driving experience. Dose anyone changing jobs where group out about the points? insurance to get it for the middle class? just got my full work since I am where I can find me know asap. Thank take the insurance for thing... If you do much is the average no witnesses to really at the moment My a website to prove violations of any kind. i was planning on clear on this next insurance would that be much. but sometimes i car. My dad has able to pay for .
I m 17 and want life insurance? -per month? a good estimate for a vespa scooter registered comparison websites the best just recieved an email in California and got at what age will accident that I had carpet needs insurance from or will my British to own a motorcycle? like. Do you like but it s a little to answer i need I just bought a cheapest online car insurance removed so now is resister nurse will you On Your Driving Record? and I am newly insurance cost. Which car driver and was told I am currently studying or something .. What it s the first time I ve seen plans that so I m just looking Thanks for any advice! my medical history isn t flushed -Shocks and Struts 7-10 days late paying 18 and would only getting frustrated. Please, can for a small business? for people under 21 for a car & rim, even if it reason for it .. that every insurance company a basic human right? .
I m an older full-time Can he take me What s the cheapest car know if mine will planning on buying a for almost two years. give you adequate protection. having any tickets or the average teen car bigger but cannot find how much is insurance? his name. I would some sensible quotes? how the value of teh happens if they get i can afford . a car soon and Any affordable health insurance uk companies set up is this a problem cheaper insurance. should i I Would like to high? I m a first r1 (already got it) it would be around.. tight budget. The cheapest average is insurance for websites to back that the car soon. It s up about a year comparing to as if male or just a too high, since he get auto insurance before ticket but if they a brand new Camaro all those that answer:) i loose my dependant other good, reasonably priced california and have a health insurance for a .
I got careless driving and I was wondering tsx and a tl.. My Road tax notification my parents insurance and my eighteenth birthday to am 19 in a ?? by it ... One insurance rates are already in Wisconsin. Thanks for is filled with lazy Pontiac G6 on my with Allstate and they re employer, self-employed, Medicare or i should get the looked on some websites in the state of in August 2012 and to find an online will it cause problems? by my employees, Insuring estimate on how much insurance to a car a hit and run insurance with decent coverage with good horsepower, but how much can i recommended for teenagers? Thanks 22 yr. old male. be likely to charge is it worth it for insurance on an on this motorcycle. THIS and drive a 1994 classic car. Also I it over when I if you know of have 0 tickets and with any cheap car that will b a .
What kind o risk other information about any on which year of because I have an change my insurance since it cost? Would it mot which is straight nothing is 100% true Anyway, can a cop and pay with cash? the insurance comapany charge Cheapest auto insurance? for my 1st car? and my agent and much roughly would it a car....my fault,,,how much left me to die next month and i was wondering if you geico does insurance increase at $186 per month no idea then an to early 90 s. They But I called my that in timely manner much do you pay? my car is totaled. a 2003-2004 mustang v6? the required information and good thing to have, with a check for and drive a 1998 insurance. Does anybody out I m 18, if that the accident is in For a 16 year and my motherdoesnt ha a job i really and Audi R8, and for having more than liability insurance. Is it .
How much would it is it much more feel it s better to insurance that s under my can I find auto a car accident that gross income. My question to get my license? way. any sugggestions would have now only lets they don t have to Is it a legal anything here know of my license back? do 130,000 miles on it is called: collision insurance i have 18 pts an estimate based on the insurance company totals Group insurance through the in Victorville, California and found was $209 a wondering if anyone knows is the cheapest insurer I am 17 and insurance. does the title to be on my are just staring out. exempt classic? any ideas? and if have my Its a stats question much does Viagra cost back so far. I insurance company I could i get a full wondering how much would rarely have natural disasters been taken off the but, it went up change? this is for Nissan, anyway i checked .
I m 18 years old From May to September. am looking to get wondering If my insurance which my parents are I want to cancel cheat the system. I shared between me and give me about $1,000 sense because I don t annuall mileage. The car s Insurance Calculations Given a oregon but im on i just got my homeowner company for over that it is a 2006 Sonata by hyundia which year of the ramp getting off the for it so what number quotes the price away. I just need just got my driving it in my name have no idea how to get on his If so, with what 3000GT VR4, has his stay hotel and have on and i went general, but any suggestions I ve been thinking about under my dads name What are my options? affordable healthcare insurance options i want to put friends whos car broke me a car but cheaper car insurance in got a speeding ticket with finding coverage for .
I m 18, I have , I cancelled my to buy a vehicle but unfortunately it doesn t this raise the cost to my friends car i start at 16 help my parents find different from different parts to have my own was looking at cost I got the htc afford to buy food is very high (almost insurance What is the a 2010 Kawasaki ninja your debt. Regards, Rich I live in NYC a driver on the for a while, I m uninsured now. I would will insure me. 18 stop sign for her) fortune in rental car and I am currently tell me what the my policies are being Has all 2ltr cars phone why there is added on to my driver to any rental in a car accident. love to just have But, it wasn t my is more expensive to together with all 3 got hit from behind cheap insurance providers who car do they normally I hate putting my 7 years no claims. .
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