#i suppose for the environment
muzzleroars · 1 year
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will we meet again in a garden somewhere?
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mienar · 10 months
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good morning bakery 🍞🥖
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wolflyndraws · 17 days
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Mermay day 11: beluga whale!
One shot au behind this is george is a single father working at the aquarium in the whale / dolphin area and his daughter loves to hang out and play around with the beluga mer dream :3 will draw a little doodle of that tomrrow!
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upinyourcortex · 2 months
I was having thoughts about yellowjackets and taissa, specifically her relationship with jackie, and how the jackie-shauna-tai triangle was mostly projection on jackie's part (and within the fandom), in my humble opinion. I'll even go as far as to say taissa was more respectful of jackie than shauna (and the other girls) ever were in the wilderness.
I mean obviously we can't deny that tai didn't respect jackie's status as team captain at the beginning of s1 with what happened to allie, but I wanna talk about what happened in the few eps before jackie's death.
First of all we have tai breaking up a fight between jackie and natalie, and putting herself in between them, in an obviously protective stance in front of jackie
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Then, during dinner before the final argument with Shauna, when Jackie refuses to say grace, who tries to defend her and says she doesn't have to ? Taissa.
When Jackie takes her stuff to sleep outside, who tells her not to, and then immediatly gets insulted ? Taissa. She even looks confused when Jackie goes "don't pretend this isn't what you wanted the whole time", like girl where did that come from ?
Who is the only one trying to get Shauna to talk to Jackie while she's outside ? Taissa.
Taissa was even more respectful towards Jackie's dead body than Shauna was. Taissa was the one who barged in the shed and saw the makeup on Jackie's corpse. She's the one who told everyone that they should burn it, cuz let's be real, Shauna would have continued to play with it like a Barbie doll until it was completely rotten guys. She was also the only one who was viscerally disgusted after realizing she ate her, throwing up when Van told her she ate Jackie's face.
Taissa is a perfect example of a character whose actions contradict her words entirely. In my opinion, she was more of a friend to Jackie in her last days and after her death than Shauna ever was in what we've been shown.
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Dakota, my boi!!
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tastecrayons · 10 months
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weight of a dead world
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screwpinecaprice · 22 days
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I woke up feeling like I was crying to sleep when I wasn't??? And my dream was about Mei from Turning Red riding a snow sleigh. Um There's nothing sad about that??? Lol
Anyway, the warm up sketches. The colors were added in Medibang. It was pretty fun, might do that technique some other time. My body still refused to recover from being bummed out throughout the day so I did house chores instead of commissions. 😅 Will try again tomorrow.
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rolybug · 10 months
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idk they are turning into an oc... i like drawing it
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moongothic · 3 months
Going back to this thing briefly
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When adapting this chapter into an episode Toei did not explain nor demonstrate to us what the fuck that spike was (instead they gave us Sables #378545), so we're no closer to finding out what kinda new moves Crocodile might have up his sleeve, whether that really was a Haki-infused sand spike or what
But when I was checking the melting point of sand out of curiosity (to figure out if Crocodile has a fighting chance against Akainu, which in theory he does because Akainu isn't hot enough to melt sand (in theory)), I was reminded of the fact that sand is mostly made of silica
Or, in other words, quartz. Sand is, on average, made of crystal. Of course, sand is also made of other things and other minerals (not just quartz), but if we wanted to assume Croc's DF is made of one element and one element alone, then let's just assume it's 100% silica, right
And now I can't help but to wonder now though
Could Crocodile have learned a new technique where he somehow compresses and hardens his sand so much it can turn into large, solid crystals? Or more specifically, sharp pointy stabby weapons to murder people with? 'Cause. How fucking cool would that be
Also considdering how much Crocodile likes his bling, being able to form crystals to murder people with would arguably be on-brand for him
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belleski · 1 year
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I was going to draw all the hags but then I got distracted by another drawing so for the time being here’s Darius
[Image description] A digital illustration of Darius from The Owl House drawn from the waist up. He is facing to the right with both hands behind his back and a slightly annoyed expression on his face. The background is a dark purple with a pattern of darker swirls along the right and bottom sides of the canvas. [END ID]
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planefood · 9 days
This is just a thing I see on my internet romps every now and then but it drives me crazy for no reason, bare with me. Why do people draw lines in the sand about different kinds of therians lol? Who cares if someone woke up and decided that they're wolf therian or something when you decided unconsciously you were a wolf therian instead. Why do people fight about whether or not someone can choose to be therian, its the most silly gatekeeping I see. And don't come at me saying "well theres this label for chosen therians because they're not actual therians like me" you guys... made these terms up in the first place it literally doesn't matter. There is absolutely zero difference between a chosen therian and a not chosen therian and you can't convince me otherwise. How would a self proclaimed "real" therian know that they didn't just choose to be therian one day, there's absolutely no way you can know that for sure.
Every time I become curious about a subculture there's always some ridiculous gatekeeping, even objectums seem to fight over silly bullshit.
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green446004 · 2 years
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A request from @/mercuryferns of Blitzen and Hearth with a cat.
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cantagirldrawinpeace · 2 months
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Food for the acedeu enjoyers 🩵❤️‍🔥
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mandrake-arya · 10 months
Do we as a community agree on the fact that Linus Baker and Aziraphale are basically the same person or it's just me
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dizziiedaikon · 2 years
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I’m rockin’ it huh
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darcyolsson · 2 months
i really do miss having a horrible/devastating crush so bad but the reality is that i dont see random ppl often enough to actually develop a terrible crush on anyone. like i'll go on dates but it's not quite like being in high school and being forced to see someone i like nearly every day for almost 11 months a year & ending up in a terrible crush spiral bc of it. like if i kind of like someone now there's no element of forced proximity simply bc of the way my life is rn and that just doesn't supply me with the drama i crave
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