#i swear im gonna ; 0 ;
defiledtomb · 5 days
you know when you're going through a high stress situation that is prolonged and agonizing but you've put on a brave face and you think you've got this! 💪 and then a week into it you accidentally burn your quinoa and there's smoke and all of a sudden your skin is sloughing off and you feel like alice about to be swept away in a tide of her own tears? mmnnmm yeag.
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okamiz36 · 2 months
Remember the two character drawings I did in two seperate styles? WELL IM BACK WITH A REF FOR HER SINCE I NEEDED ONE, this is the only ref yall will ever get from me since its like- 3 drawings in one- *looks at neglected Chuuya and oc designs i need to draw* :) I totally don't pick favorites- *adds Fyodor as rat king to top of list*
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Bit of lore underneath
Okami died at 16, but rebirthed as a 19 year old bc rp laws lol, she/her female aroace, uses shadowhell magic and fights with a literal bonking stick (google bident they silly af bc mine is a literal pole-), shes a self insert oc mixed with a persona, think of 'i died and rencarnated in a fantasy world but the fantasy world is the world i designed with my friend before i did scooter ankle' rip Oka bc shes dumb, her personality is bratty, sadistic, goofy, will break all laws and use powerful spells for the most mundane things, her hair does turn white due to her covering it with frost to hide her identity since I plan on making her do some crazy stuff later on, her skin is peach but her ears are purple ish grey and when wearing a mask she covers them like her hands and neck, pupils? nah those dont exist, she cries red tears and it stains her face so often she just ends up using it as makeup sometimes since it's from never crying when alive <3, her hair is caramel with the under layer of red since i wanted to do irl mexpersona with a few extra bonus's, that and ive been into Bahomphet stuf and demons recently (I BLAME MANGA AND CULTURES INTERESTING AF, i know those have nothign alike but they do at the same time-) so yes goat horns dyed red, she has ear piercings everywhere on her ears but never wears them out because she doesnt want to lose them poor gurl, UNLESS THEY USED AS WEAPONS AND CAN SHOOT THEM- u can teleconises certain weapons or if they have soul fragments in the rp so i wanna get that done since its a 'task for future me'
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Main Story (Legacy): Modelista Arc — Chapter 1: Meeting
nvm guys here's ch1 right here lmao
The news regarding the strange seal that trapped Modelista within it managed to get the attention of many Rhymix citizens all across the globe. It had become the trending topic in various social media and got news coverage too.
It's to the point where the seal is dubbed as, "The Unknown Seal."
While many people made theories on what or who are the sources of the seal, the Gods are also holding their own meeting in the Realm of the Almighty to discuss this odd phenomenon.
According to Amazing Mighty...this is nothing that he had ever seen on the job before. Pandora Paradox could back up on that too, since she also has never seen something like this happen in Rhymix before. It's almost as if it was caused by a third party—a source outside of Rhymix.
The people of Modelista—the main victims of this strange seal—have also decided to take matters into their own hands. Some of them have decided to investigate on the matter a little bit, with some making research and others observing the seal above them a little more to see if anything will change.
Chronomia? She wanted to investigate things too. But she knew she can't do it alone.
So she called for her next best investigating partner—
"What did you called me here for, Ms. Chronomia?"
Professor Aleph.
"I need your help." Chronomia briefly answered, and from the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes, Aleph could tell what she needed help with. "I see. Alright then. I already know what's going on here. I'll graciously help." He said, his mood becoming more serious too.
"But...where do we start?" Aleph asked, and Chronomia could only silently think. She didn't really thought long and hard on what to do first, but the least they could do to start things off is to ask around. "Maybe we should ask the people here if they know anything about this? Or maybe conduct a bit of research?" She then finally replied.
Upon the mention of "research", Aleph perks up. "Research?! Hmm, my...I wouldn't mind visiting the local library and search for answers." He said, the sparkles in his eyes becoming more visible. Chronomia sighs at that, before a smile appeared on her face. "Well, alright then. Let's go."
They didn't managed to find their answer in the library.
No matter how many books they find, no matter how many books they read, no matter how many books they have to stack up somewhere beside them in one of the reading areas, they didn't find a single hint or clue on what the true source of The Unknown Seal is.
Placing another book on top of a stack of many other books, Chronomia heavily sighs, feeling exhaustion weeping inside of her. She glanced at Aleph, who was frowning as he flipped through another book, before sadly closing it and placing it on top of another stack of books. "Nothing." He announces, and that's all it took to make Chronomia frown too. If their answer isn't in the library, then where else should they look?
"Hello~? Ale-Ale? You here?" A voice suddenly echoes throughout the building, catching the top hat wearing duo's attention. They quickly turn their heads to the source of the voice, before seeing a girl with white hair standing near the now closed entrance of the library. "Hey! At least be quiet! We are in a library, Ms. Destr0yer." Aleph quickly shouted back, annoyance very present in his voice.
The girl—Destr0yer—groaned as she approached the duo, who are sitting on one of the reading areas in the building. "What the hell are you both doing here?" She asked, crossing her arms. Chronomia raised an eyebrow at her. After all, she is quite unfamiliar with who this random girl is. All Chronomia could conclude right now is that she and Aleph know each other in some way.
"I should be asking you the same question. Well, more precisely, why were you looking for me?" Aleph asked back, and to that question, Destr0yer's face expression brightens up. "You both were researching about The Unknown Seal, right? I came here because someone I know wants you to gather somewhere with me and some others." She answered.
Aleph nodded, but then his face expression morphed into one of suspicion. "...For what?" He asked again, and Destr0yer groaned again. "It's about The Unknown Seal, you idiot! What else?! Just come with me—you can bring...uh..." She then trailed off, glancing towards Chronomia—the only person in the building she's unfamiliar with (though, to be fair, there's no one else in this building, so even if there were to be other people in the library, she would be unfamiliar with them too).
"Chronomia." Chronomia simply responded, a polite smile on her face. Destr0yer scoffed at her attitude. "Right. Chrono-something. You can drag her along in this too. Just follow me, alright?" She said, before quickly leaving the library. Aleph jolted up from his seat at that.
"Wh- hey! Wait! Give us some time to actually follow you! You idiot!"
After a few minutes of following and pointless bickering between Aleph and Destr0yer, the trio finally arrived to a place that only Chronomia is unfamiliar with. Truth be told, she doesn't really go to too many places here in Modelista, especially after The Unknown Seal made itself present a few days ago.
It's just a building used for important events and the like. It didn't belonged to anyone, so anyone could just use it as they please. As the three of them went inside, Chronomia decided to ask a question. "Hey, Ms. Destr0yer?" That managed to catch the white haired girl's attention. "Hm? What's up?"
"Who is this person who you said wanted us to gather here, exactly?" Chronomia then asked. Destr0yer then showed a rather smug expression towards the top hat wearing girl. "He's right there, onstage." She simply answered, and for a moment, Chronomia couldn't understand what she meant by that. But then, she looked at what's infront of her, and she was shocked enough to find out there's a stage there.
And just like what Destr0yer said, someone's standing on it. Chronomia doesn't know who he is, but judging from the symbol of the badge that's stuck to his blazer, she could tell that he may have some connections to the Gods of Rhymix.
Chronomia also takes the time to look at her surroundings. There are several other people she is either familiar with or unfamiliar with. She could see a familiar shade of red standing out amongst the rest of the people in the building. She could also see a girl with just the colors black, white, and pink. Chronomia is also rather familiar with who she is, she's famous for a long period of time before she stepped down the world of being a celebrity.
"Uh...alright! Is everyone here?" The man standing on stage asked, and Destr0yer only shrugged. "I don't know. Depends on whether anyone else is gonna come in and bring in some other bitch." She said, and Aleph scoffed at the use of the word "bitch". "Doesn't seem like anyone else is gonna come in, though, Destr0yer." The red haired man Chronomia saw earlier said.
Destr0yer rolled her eyes carelessly. "Eh, whatever. You can go on and start, Felys." She said, and the man onstage—Felys—nodded. "Alright, everyone. I gathered all of us here today because I wanted to discuss something important. It is per Amazing Mighty's request, so I might as well oblige." He explained.
"Yeah, because he's your—mmf!" A girl's voice immediately gets interrupted. Chronomia quickly turns her head to look at the source of the voice. It's just a purple haired girl getting her mouth covered by a boy's hand. The boy, who Chronomia is sure she's familiar with, gave a thumbs up with his other hand, a rather forced grin on his face.
When Chronomia turns back to look at Felys, his face looks slightly red, before he decided to just ignore what he just heard and saw and let out a sigh. "Right...anyways, I'm here to discuss about the results of the meetings between the Gods and what we're all going to do onwards." He then said, before going on the explain the basics.
"After a brief meeting between the Gods, it has been decided that they'll all investigate this matter further. However, since this problem is something completely new that not even Amazing Mighty has ever encountered before, some extra help is needed. That's why he personally asked me and Ms. Conflict in the back over there to gather some trustworthy enough people to investigate this matter with us."
"So...all of us are going to...?" Chronomia then asked, and hearing that question, Felys nodded with a smile. "Yep! I hope we can all work together, and I hope you all can cooperate well with Ms. Conflict and I." He said. After that, silence.
"...So...when are we going to start this?" A young boy who looks no more than 12 asked. "Anytime, if you want. Or maybe we can do it separately and report back anytime." Felys answered, the same smile on his face never wavering. The only thing Chronomia could think of is; Wow, Mr. Felys sure is nice.
And in a sense, he is nice. He really doesn't know when to say no, though.
A few time has passed, and the meeting finally concluded. Everyone stayed behind to probably introduce themselves to each other, though.
"I know most of these people! So I'll give you a rundown on who everyone is." Aleph said to Chronomia, and while saying this, he whips out a notepad and flips it open to a certain page, before showing what's written on it to the clock enthusiast. "You...wrote everyone's names on here...???" Chronomia asked in disbelief. To think that the teacher would write everyone's names down is...certainly an odd feat.
"Why yes! Because I knew I had to introduce you to them either way. I even gave a few specifications on who is who so that you can look for them yourself." Aleph said in a cheery tone, before ripping the page from the notepad and handing to Chronomia. "Keep it. Just in case you forget~" He then added. Chronomia looked at him in disbelief, before sighing as she took the piece of paper from Aleph's hand. "Well alright then. Thank you, Professor."
Chronomia then settled on looking at what's written on it. She could already see how delicate and clean Aleph's handwriting is, but nonetheless it's still clear enough to read. She then reads each word on the piece of paper;
"1. Nhelv (red haired guy with the horns) (pretty close friend of mine!)
2. Destr0yer (white haired girl who dragged us over here to begin with) (also close friend of mine!)
3. Perfect (girl with beret) (pretty famous, maybe you've heard her name from somewhere?)
4. Felys (guy who was onstage earlier) (also has relations with Amazing Mighty, for some reason...? I wonder what kind...)
5. Conflict (purple haired girl) (also a Goddess, by the way)
6. Upshift (guy who silenced Ms. Conflict earlier) (also a known DJ here in Modelista. Maybe you've also heard his name from somewhere)
7. Random (the only young looking person in here) (knows Mr. Nhelv personally)
That's everyone, I think. Hope this helps somehow, Ms. Chronomia! :)"
...The note ends there.
Chronomia folds the paper and tucks it into the pocket of her coat, before nodding at Aleph, who smiled back at her earnestly.
She'll have to work together with these people now, as unreliable as some of them are.
But it's fine. It's okay. She'll manage.
There's also a chance more people will join them eventually, so she'll see how things will go.
"You're back. How did it go?"
"They're assembling or whatever."
"That is...a clear enough sentence for me to understand. Seems like they have decided to start a little investigation group."
"What are we gonna do now, Boss?"
"...I will think of something.
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arts-i-enjoy · 6 months
#this post brought to you by: me#i. applied for a preapproval letter for a mortgage yesterday. and spoke to a realtor to start finding me houses#i want to move several states away which further complicated things. but the houses there are CHEAP#like under 100k for a 2 bedroom move in ready#anyways i got approved for 80k with a 20k down payment. and im FREAKING THE FUCK OUT#and because i got that pre app letter i have a loan officer calling me today to talk#and we literally work at the same bank so i can SEE that hes active and hasnt read my message#even though its been 45 minutes. KEVIN MESSAGE ME BACK. IM NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO FOCUS UNTIL I DO THIS CALL#AHHHHHHH S C R E A M. it might happening!!!! i might be finally.mov8ng out in a few months!!!#i mgiht be a HOMEOWNER by the end of the year#i have been saving money for this since i was. 16? 17?#ive had a good well paying job since i was 18.#AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#once i have a house then i start job searching in that area. and start getting really serious about LEAVING my very good job#which is soooo scary. this job was supposed to be my lifelong career. but then everyone fucking moved to other states and left me behind#so theres no point staying here.#i might never have this kind of job security again.#but also my realtor said that theres a lot of bank jobs in that area so maybe itll be easy to find something#on the fence on if i tell my parents that im Making Moves right now#on one hand its hard to not talk about it becuae im STRESSED TF OUT#but on the other hand when i tentatively mentioned the state i want to move to#richard started yelling and swearing el oh el#might be better to wait and avoid the tension as long as possible?#but also i dont know how they can stay angry when its literally my best option#the other places where my friends live either have 0 opportunity and high housing prices. or are even moe liberal than where im going#idk. why do half of my problems come down to “my parents will be mad” like im a 12 year old or something. shit fucking sucks#this is why i want to get out of here#also it feels weird and bad to talk to my friends about how stressed i am about buying a house when all of them are stressed about#not being able to make rent or something. my problems feel like a brag in a really odd and shitty way. but hey!#if this works out maybe ill start being stressed about how im going to make my mortgage payments! :') yay!
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tangledinink · 1 year
gurgles. i AM gonna answer all the asks, i swear, there's jus.... there's just a LOT of you....
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bpdkangel · 3 months
atp im literally just abt to force myself to make flags everyday for both of my flag blogs
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kairithemang0 · 6 months
I sometimes think it would be fun to start up a rp blog but all the answers are wildly out of pocket and not necessarily out of character but just really weird. I don't know why I would do this, maybe just for the chaos
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welcometoteyvat · 5 months
ok very interesting quest in hsr
#theyre getting better at this writing shit#hsr spoilers#tho i think dh and jy was still kinda random lol i guess it made sense since it was a dream(?)...#i haven't seen enough people crying abt misha but to me. its sadge we can't see him on the train anymore :( but he got#his wish.... he talks abt always wanting to go on the express and traveling and he did it.... he made it!! so im happy for him :')#aven pisses me off lowkey ipc hater group. whatever tho#i like where they went w robin so now i'll just wait for sunday#also the boss design is so nice and cool and very reminscent of ena but fuck the gameplay oh my god i hated fighting sundays mecha body#so much .... i swear if robin's gonna need those materials i'll just be like . 🧍‍♀️#much to think about though. at the same time i actually have no idea what happened and need to read a plot summary#hsr#they also need to stop putting elements that i don't have built like genuinely besides gui.naifen and hime.ko i have 0 fire chars#and id rather not use ms train navigator bc she doesn't seem good against bosses#robin and sunday are intriguing and so is boothill.... neutral on fire.fly but i guess she's alright at least she improved from getting#murdered for shock value in 2.0#ramblings!#oh one more thing sunday apologist i dont think what he did was necessarily right i just want to chew on him like a toy#hoyo loves their characters falling out of giant robots#chicken wing boy pls be playable i'll pull he's so funky a bit in over his head but we love a biblical coded guy w savior complex#oops edit: also wtf is the state of the family rn we kinda just fought sunday fought sunday again for real this time and then he fell#and penacony went back to reality??? or what? maybe i'm not comprehending or maybe there's another part to this???????
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fakewaves · 1 year
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teemhaunts · 2 years
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carcinized · 2 years
taking the day off from classes today, maybe if i catch up on schoolwork and feel motivated enough i’ll work on C-17 :]
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celestialalpacaron · 1 month
Ayo, someone by the name of Curly-B-Blog is redlining art of yours from 2020 (while pretending that it's actually Sai Scribble's work), and kind of being a dick about it. just thought you should know.
You know, originally I was just gonna brush it off, but then I went back to look at my old SU art from 2020 and did so much self reflection from then till now.
I think this was around the time I was just learning how to do perspective and tried to use the perspective tool on Procreate for the first time? :0 and I remember telling Sai “Sai I have this STUPID idea, I CANT believe it this stupid joke it’s so DUMBBBB, it’s living rent free in my BRAIN I SWEAR THIS IS GONNA BE SO STUPID DCIUWHEFIUWHIRFUIW4F” and being super excited to show her the finished product. People still think Sai created the Cursed Skin Gloves comic and I think it’s hilarious wjhwnuhwijwuiw
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The comic was received very well and it made LOTS of people laugh and I’m still proud of this comic to this very day! :D and tbh if it wasn’t for my obsession for Sai’s Switcheroo AU I never would have found my passion in comic work! (love you you stinky hoe @saiscribbles 🩷)
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HOWEVER…. I definitely still had lots to learn! I wasn’t very good at perspective at the time I’ll admit, but I was definitely having lots of fun learning :3
And throughout the past 4 years, ALOT has happened.
I graduated from college with TWO fancy pieces of expensive papers in Visual Development in Animation and Illustration learning from Will Kim and Jeff Soto, and as a I was working with the funny voice man Cougar MacDowall as a comic/story artist and reached in total around 7 million views for my fan series FNAF Security Malware Breached (it was even #21 on the trending list around the time of my birthday 🩷 what a lovely gift), had an insane opportunity to work with Mike Geno and with the voice cast from The Amazing Digital Circus for a fan song as a background and character asset artist, Vivienne Medrano liking and sharing my silly Overlord Husk AU comics, currently on my route to getting my certificate from Aaron Blaise’s Character design program and graduating from Marc Brunet Art School, and now I am completing my first year as professional colorist and art assistant for my storyboard and comic mentor Michelle Lam, aka Mewtripled! (Also I’ll be heading out to Lightbox Expo 2024 on October 26 with Michelle and the team so if y’all ever wanna meetup hahahajaj wink wink wink wink wink)
So you can say I learned ALOT and I enjoyed every minute of what I do :D I try to be humble about my accomplishments because blah blah being humble good yes yes but this time I wanna be selfish and say HELL YEAH I DID ALL THIS!!! AND IM SO EXTREMELY PROUD OF MYSELF FIUGEIURGERGGRS
Now here’s my most recent comic page that I posted like 2 days ago without the text.
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That’s pretty freakin wild to me, I can’t believe I used to draw Steven Universe art like that back in 2020 LOL LIKE GUYS I DREW THIS!! WITH!!! MY HANDS!!! IS THAT NOT INSANE!!!???
Anyways moral of the story:
Learn from everyone and everything! Yes, even then mean ones too! If you can learn to work with anyone, I promise you’ll get to where you want to be faster. People can be a little mean on the internet, but that shouldn’t stop you from being where you want to be in the future. I’m so EXTREMELY grateful for all the opportunities and to all the kind professionals who were willing to give me a chance. Seriously, I’m so graciously thankful for everything, and I hope everyone here will support me and my silly little comics I will do now and in the future!
And one more thing:
Don’t be a jerk. Be to be nice to everyone :D nothing good comes out when you’re bad to everyone.
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oobbbear · 6 months
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:-DD werm
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8um8le???? Hum???!!!!???? Are you trying to kill me with these/silly/positive/srs/0-0!? I love this hello???? Oh I adore how to draw doll bodies and I adore how you draw hands it’s just so 🤌🤌🤌✨✨✨man
I’m gonna, sit in the normal corner, for a bit
Im normal i swear
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nifreti-ii · 11 months
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Z holding himself back lol
Wanted to finish this before Halloween caaaaause demon, demon fitting for spooky holiday :>
Also, I FINALLY decided to check the vn out and, HOLY SHIT! Shevbwkavdvvdkw im dying holy shit.
concrete has too much POWER T-T. Their art, the story, THE CHARACTERS WTF (I’m fine I swear, not) 
anywaaaaaays I also noticed in @favorvn z gets a little jelly and i'm pretty sure makes a reference to Uriel. When I was reading it I was like ‘:0 omg’ I fucking loved that little detaaaail! I'm telling you now, I don’t know when the second episode is coming out, BUT I DO KNOW I'M GONNA SIMP EVEN HARDER!!
Fuck man, im down bad. Concrete out here providing some good ass food mmm. My hope is when the second Episode comes out they get more recognition >:)
Check out my Masterlist for my art and writing. >:D
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liteyagummy · 1 month
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TW: cnc, toxic relationship, overprotective dabi!!mature audience!! dominance, swearing, nsfw !!, fem y/n (no body type specified )
ignore any typos i apologize (kiri update at the end!!)
inspired by the Please Please Please music video by Sabrina Carpenter
a sigh escaped your lips as you tilted your head up looking to your cell mates. it was a friday night around 12 midnight before the club had even started really everything got called off because of a fight at the bar and you’d just so happened to be sitting next to the girls. now all three of you sat in a holding cell
“ Y/LN” you looked to the woman at the outside of the cell “you’ve been bailed out, go up to the man at the window and collect your items.” she said coldly as if she hated her job which.. real.
you stood up a smile tugging your lips a bit as you wave to your ‘new friends’ and left as you walked to the man in the window a blue flash of fire and a wave a heat hitting your eyes and body at the same time passing you in cuffs there he was.. a man in black grunge clothing, the smell of charred cotton with a hint of burned leather, strangely it wasn’t an unpleasant scent to touch both lock eyes
as he walks the officer has him in cuffs “ okay dabi make this easy for me.” the cop said as he walked the male past
dabi winked at you after looking you up and down almost undressing you with his eyes in just those few seconds you blushed “dabi…?” your mind seemed to take note of that name all on its own as you grabbed your items and ran to your best friend excitedly “ did you see that guy??” you whispered
momo perked up as she saw her friend was perfectly fine “ well, im not to sure the prison cells are the best place to find your forever husband y/n..” she guided her friend out faster seeing as the cops might have a problem with how she parked..
you tumbled to Yaoyorozu’s car and got in thanking her for bailing you out in the midst of explaining the whole night to her, you snapped your seatbelt on as she drove to your place you look out the window thinking for a minute.. you should’ve stayed and tried to fight out at least what were his charges..” you huffed “his name was dabi i think.. or at least that’s what the cop said momo side eyed you as the car came up on a red light
“as in.. Dabi- Touya Todoroki??” she raised a brow “y/n- that guys a villain one of the worst out there he works with-“ she shook her head “ he works with the league do you know how many times UA had to fight that guy” she face plamed but all you could understand was she knew who his was, his full name even you smiled “Touya”you whisper under your breath
as Yaoyorozu dropped you off you hugged her “i’ll text you okay? i’m gonna completely make up for this” you said as you got out and yaoyorozu knew you would that’s why she didn’t really have a problem with bailing you out only your safety was her concern, after a bit more longer of the goodbyes she drove off as you went in the house and locked the doors
you groaned going straight to your shower and starting off ending the night
as the morning light beamed through your bedroom you sat up rubbing your eyes and rolling over to check your phones notifications, you see toga had texted back.. see you never went to UA nor did you ever want to be a hero so you didn’t really choose sides when it came down to it.. you had friends on both sides but would never do anything to betray anyone
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you had texted her last night before you hit your bed and passed out.. it all worked out because she replied the next morning anyways you texted back as you were gonna start getting ready then asked for the address, as you turned your phone off you got up and got ready for your day you came out in your pretty outfit fitting your aesthetic perfectly again 2-0
you walked to grab your car keys and wallet checking your phone and being curious about not having the address yet after all that time.. “damn toga, i didn’t pin you to be a bad texter” you mumbled as there was a knock at the door
walking to the door you hear two voices.. you open it confusedly “ hi y/n!” a familiar pink cheeked face hugged you, she hugged directly into your chest laying her head on your tits “ wish i had some this big” she pouted, as she started to think about how they would look with a few drops of blood on them
you knew that look, you grew to have to watch out for it when with toga, you snapped your fingers a few times “ toga don’t even go there” you reminded she pouted “fine..” she huffed “i brought dabi along with me since you seemed to want to figure something out about him?
“HUH??” you said not expecting to see the taller male step through your doorway “ and by brought me with her she means she had no other ride.”
toga looked to dabi slowly “ho is you coo?”
toga shook her head and sighed “ while that’s true, y/n also was asking about you last night so it just seemed to fit y’know??” she shrugged as she looked around “ oh wow y/n!” she said as she gave herself a tour of your home, you weren’t too worried about her no your attention was to the man infront of you slowly closing your door “is that so..“ dabi mumbled but you caught it
“w-“ you paused “ not really i was just- curious about.. um- the.. jail.. mates?” you tried to lie and horribly failed
he chuckled “well if you’re that interested i can tell you all about the interesting people i met in Solitary confinement.”
“as.. FUN as that sounds- we’re doing a girl day dabi so either put on this cute matching bow i got the three of us or kick rocks” toga said as she came back interrupting the conversation and holding up a pretty crimson red bow it matched her outfit meanwhile it stuck out like a sore thumb on dabi
you snickered as you took the bow “ yeahhh wear the pretty bow” you said as you clipped yours in your hair and waited for dabi to take his, he rolled his eyes
“im not wearing a bow.” he said bluntly as he put his arm behind his head rubbing the back of his neck “especially not red.” he shook his head
toga scoffed as she put it on his head he tried pushing her hands but she was far too quick and before he knew it he had a little clip bow in his hair , he raised his hand to incinerate it but toga stared at him as he did
you just watched all of this go down and shook your head holding your phone up and snapping a picture “might aswell wear it all day, we already have picture proof that it happened “ you shook your phone and he groaned loudly “can we just go.” he said as he opened and walked out the door he had JUST closed going to his car as toga followed along skipping “ y/n you can get in the front!!”
you nodded as you locked your door and went to get in the front “ can we stop by the address i sent you” she told dabi as she laid down in the backseat waiting for the car to move, he rolled his eyes and pulled off being the reckless driver he was there was a few.. concerns but you kept them to yourself.. but dabi must’ve picked up on the nervous feeling because he started to ease up with the lane switches and speeding
as they arrived to the place where toga wanted to go, she smiled and hopped right out, it was a house.. strange you didn’t get out because who the fucks house was this? were you even supposed to get out..
toga went and knocked on the door, a male opened the door and she happily went inside, hours passed, occasionally you’d see toga in the windy talking to the man- she’d be in different clothes at one point after you’d been waiting hours in the car with dabi.. completely silent
he scoffed starting the car up “ we’re not gonna wait for her to be done with her boy toy.. you hungry?” he asked as you looked at him “starving.” you said dead serious which almost caused him to laugh, he put in somewhere on the gps and started to drive again
a short ride later.. you both arrived at a soba place you thought about it, have you ever had soba?.. you opened your door and got out looking around and stretching “i never want to spend three hours in a still car EVER again” you shook your head
“ so much for your girls day” he said as he closed the car door and locked it and motioned you to walk with him and so you did.. going in you look around the place was pretty busy but nothing too crazy dabi went up and talked with the man that helped with the seating the host then grabbed two menus and walked you and dabi to your booth you weren’t expecting to eat in.. it felt a little more intimate than you’d expected your nerves coming back as you both sat down, you looked at the menu but dabi didn’t he already knew what he wanted he just waited on you.. and as he did he again started undressing you with his eyes, the look he was giving you made your body heat up you hoped you could keep calm “h-“ you cleared your voice as the male worker walked over to take orders, dabi let you go first “i’ll have the chicken soba with a glass of iced tea “ you said as you looked up at the waiter and smiled, he nodded as you looked at you blushing a bit at the sudden warmth you’d emitted “r-right then for you?” he turned to dabi who started to scowl, he noticed that little moment you both had, he closed his eyes keeping his calm “ill have a order of the cold soba.. and a water “ he said and the waiter noticed the differences in energy he was conflicted on how to speak to dabi so he just quickly nodded then walked off to the kitchen
“why were you looking like that to that man” you asked as you put your menu ontop of dabi’s as dabi scoffed “ why were YOU looking like that to him” he let his eyes wonder off as he spoke, this surprised you, you didn’t think you had looked at anyone any type of way but.. who knows-
later on your and dabi’s food had come to the table he was quick to dig in, you shook your head following right after him shame on toga for leaving you guys like that.. she still hadn’t called or texted you both would’ve been skeletons by now
you finish your food minutes after dabi and get your wallet “ you’re good” he looked at your hands reaching for your wallet as he stood up “ come on” he motioned for u to follow.. you were confused but did
dabi went to the back of the restaurant deeply into hidden halls as he held you close you were so wrapped up in the fact that dabi was holding onto you.. it clouded your mind until you both got into a dark room, the lights flicked on and there was a few other men sitting one sat at a desk the rest sat on couches and stood in the back, it all clicked in your mind after dabi talked to the men for a while “ wai-“ before you could even get out a fight broke out dabi against the seven men you covered your ears and turned towards the door
well that was four years ago. you thought about that day as you sighed slipping your shoes on and grabbing the car keys, ironically they were the keys to the same car dabi drove when you first went out you walked to the car and gently patted it “ alright let’s go get daddy from work.” you said snarkily to the car getting in and taking a drive rubbing the temples of your head you arrived at the place of work. you parked the car where you normally did and got out sitting on the hood and waiting. waiting for touya todoroki to be released from the prison. you shook your head as he walked out with a smile towards you coming over pulling your hair a bit tilting your head up to him and he kissing your lips “ there you are doll” he smiled as he embraced you into a hug putting his arms around your body loving the feeling
you loved this man. so of course you kissed and hugged back but.. you made sure to tell him “ dabi you need to slow down.. this is the sixth time this month i’ve had to bail you out. why can’t you just- sit down in the house for a while and be with me??” you asked as you walked to the passenger side and tossed him the keys over the car, he got in opening your door from the inside you rolled your eyes already knowing all this was going in one ear and out the air.. the hot head couldn’t be cooped up in the house even if he tried to comply.
you got in and shut your door putting your seatbelt on, he looked in the backseat you were confused by this but he just put his hand on the back of your seat and reversed looking at what he was doing, he then pulled off quickly already speeding then slid his hand down to your inner thigh and resting it there “dabi!! we’re still in the fucking prison parking lot” you hit his arm with a power packed back hand
he didn’t seem to care if they saw him speeding or not “ i got this relax baby” he said as he finally made his way out of the parking lot
“said by the man who just got bailed out of jail.” you mumbled as you crossed your arms and tilted your head back on the head rest he looked to you seeming to have heard you
“y/n stop acting like you don’t know what i’m trying to do” he said with a soft sigh, his tone wasn’t annoyed or angry.. it was more of sympathetic somehow “im trying to get shit together for us to leave this place. clear my paths off cut some ties to me so we can just disappear.” he eyed you you swear you didn’t even know how he was still driving most of his attention stayed on you “ you know how much i need you y/n. how much i’m in love with you shouldn’t even be a fucking question.” he shook his head as he started to move his hand up and down on your thigh “ i’ll make it up to you” he said as he pulled into a parking garage, reaching into the back, grabbing a bag under the backseat carpet and paying to get in, your eyes widened “what do you have me riding around with in this car??” you asked confusedly
“ it’s better if you don’t know” he said as he drove in the parking garage he drove to the top as the sun started to set he sat the seats back and locked the car doors rolling up the windows and turning the air on high, “get in the back” he said you raised a brow but just did as told “why..” you said as the ringing of a belt buckle being undone filled your ears, that sound alone causing you to throb a bit you let out a little whimper as you closed your legs tightly and blushed looking away
“ don’t get all shy now, weren’t you just popping shit up here? questioning my methods” dabi said as he got in the back with you, he kissed on your neck making sure to put some heat behind his lips, your cold body heating up at the hot kisses they burned but it was a nice tingly feeling.. and even if it wasn’t your adrenaline pumped too fast in this moment to feel it you snaked your arms around his neck as he burned your revealing outfit off his blood getting a bit hot knowing that’s what you wore out the house when he was held up at the prison
“dabi i still have to get out the car don’t burn them..!” he looked at you “lower your tone.” he said as he pinned your arms on the door using his other hand he picked up his dick and let it fing out he’d been hard every since he rubbed on your body.. he took his dick and shoved it in your mouth
“mmhn!!~” you gagged a bit the piercings he had gotten on his cock for a punishment specifically for you to feel. you swirled your tongue as you narrowed your beautiful eyes giving dabi head, you missed him so badly as did your body, you couldn’t help but pull out all the stops to earn his praise, he grunted as you did this, his breathing getting a bit louder as he thrusted his hips in face fucking you and loving the squeeze of your throat when you deepthroated his cock he watched saliva drip from your lips to your bouncing tits he sped up his thrusting just to make them bounce out the bra, as they did to be fair the bra you had on wasn’t supportive just more of pretty
you tried pulling your hands out as he started to heat his hands up and you felt it you knew he’d actually burn you if you didn’t listen, that’s why you had marks now a few times gone a little too long, he would always be so apologetic and stop mid fuck if it actually hurt he’d love on your body as gently as he could for the rest of the night and wrap the wound
but tonight it didn’t seem like he was too focused on burning you too much. a dangerous thing to realize
you sucked harder till he pulled out quickly and let your hands go positioning your body where he wanted you, dabi was no weak man no matter how much you gained or lost your body would still be his to throw around and make happy whenever he pleased
he pushed his dick down as he lined up with your pussy not even taking another second to see if he was properly lined up he slammed his dick in, you cried “ i told you can’t take it all like that!!” you moaned out
“and i don’t give a fuck. you’re gonna stretch to me and take” he lifted up leaning forward using the car door to be his brace “whatever the FUCK.” he pulled back “ i give you!” he shouted as he pounded your pussy no spot left on your walls unpressed or unfucked he made your eyes water and swell with tears with how good it felt
“fuck i swear you’ve gotten tighter.. it’s only been a fucking month!” he fucked you harder with each sentence you just wanted him to stop talking so you could adjust to the speed for a second but you knew he wouldn’t let that happen
he smiled as he leaned forward “what’s my name?” he kissed on your tits putting his head between them using his now free hand to rub and pinch your nipple you tightly closed your eyes as the tears rolled down your cheek”i-it’s touya!~”
dabi slammed harder into you you almost felt him pushing into your womb as you screamed out the windows on the car fogging up “ it’s daddy!!! please not there!!!!~” you begged as your hips said otherwise you fucked dabi back missing the curves of his cock the piercings dragging along inside of you for extra pleasure you couldn’t take it “ dabi stop!!” you cried
“i bet that’s what you moaned when you fucked yourself with that dildo you hid.. or that vibrator you love so much. trying to make it take my fucking place. you think i don’t have cameras at the house?? i’m always watching you baby~” he bit on your nipple softly as you clenched your pussy more on his dick pulling him closer with your legs “ oh daddy!! it could n-never take your place” you whimpered out
you let his fuck his anger, stress and both of your worries into you he’d release it into his cum his kids filling you repeatedly as you bloated you came multiple times on his dick aswell your legs shaking as you stayed in the same spot panting like a dog needing more as you rub your pussy against his lips while he’s laying on your thighs he looks at what you’re doing and happily pushed your legs open and goes to eat you out you grip his hair and pull him to the spots you need him as he had you hitting new notes you didn’t even know you could, everything just felt so sensitive and blissful his tongue moved faster than a vibrator nothing met comparison to him that’s why when you did have him it was hard to stop, he felt the exact same. what with you running around all the time with friends and handling whatever business called for you that day. he hated when you were torn from his arms.. he vowed as he kissed up your cummy pussy “ i’ll be more careful.. i’ll try at least. so i can make it home to you.. and this cum bucket of a pussy” he slapped it and you let a gasp out
you hope he stays true to his word
—part 1– the end
⭐️kiri part 2 will be posted within the next two days!! ⭐️
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some more random sketches (including rdr2 because i couldn't help myself :0) I SWEAR IM GONNA DRAW MORE MERLIN STUFF SOON!!! i just have rdr2 brainrott at the moment :'D (the picture in the first drawing is a monumental sculpture from Staglieno Cemetery if anyone's wondering :])
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