#i think he'd be a big softy if you were on your period and really going through it
bellaxgiornata · 5 months
do you have any head cannons for how Frank would take care of you on your period? i have endometriosis and my periods are really rough, i just started mine and couldn’t help but wonder how he would try to comfort you 🥹 congrats on your recent milestone!
Thank you!! And oh friend, that sounds rough and I hope you're doing well making it through yours this week! 💕 I definitely have some thoughts on how Frank would take care of his significant other when they are on their period--especially if it was a particularly rough one (or if they were always rough and painful). Frank is just a big softy under his hard exterior, and I feel like his caregiving side (that isn't seen often but definitely exists) would certainly come out seeing his partner struggling and in pain. He would make it his personal mission to make them as comfortable as he could. But I'll throw all my thoughts below the cut for this one!
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Frank would know exactly when you were on your period just by looking at the pain etched across your face because of the cramps. You wouldn't even have to ask, he'd already be up grabbing you your preferred painkillers and bringing them straight to you without a word.
He'd get you a nice warm shower started first thing and demand you take it to help with the pain while he fixed you breakfast/coffee/tea. And he would absolutely refuse to hear you tell him not to worry about you. "That's what I do," he'd say. "I worry 'bout you 'cause I care. I'm always gonna worry 'bout you. Now don't argue with me and get in the shower."
On the worst days of your period he'd be telling you that you should be taking it easy for the day. And if you had to go into work? You can bet he'd be grumbling to himself about how "that’s a buncha bullshit" and you deserve a sick day because you're clearly not feeling alright.
At the beginning of your period, he'd make a special stop after work at the store to pick up all your favorite comfort snacks to help cheer you up for the week. Because he knows the smile he'd get from you when he walked through the door with your favorites in hand and he could never pass up an opportunity to see it. And if you were low on painkillers, pads, or tampons? You can bet he'd have no issue picking those up, too.
Before bed at night, he'd sit down with you on the couch and let you choose to watch whatever you wanted, even if it was some ridiculous romantic comedy you've seen a hundred times or a reality show he absolutely hated. Sure, you might get his occasional commentary on it ("Who honestly thought up the idea for this?" "That ain't how that works in real life"), but you wouldn't hear a single complaint to turn it off. Though he'd certainly give you a very specific look if you joked about telling your friends that he'd been watching it with you.
Frank would absolutely be cuddling you while you relaxed, too. Maybe your legs would be draped over his, or maybe you'd be laying atop him on the couch. However you felt most comfortable, he wouldn't complain. And you could always guarantee that his fingers would absently trace patterns over you as you lay there, offering comfort he wasn't even aware he was giving.
At some point while you both relaxed you'd hear him say, "C'mere, let me help, sweetheart." And you'd know you were about to get the most relaxing back massage that would just about put you to sleep from his large hands that somehow always knew the right level of pressure to use.
When it was time for bed, Frank wouldn't mind being your personal heating pad. You want to lay curled around him? Use him as the big spoon to your little spoon? He'd happily comply because he remembered how you'd once told him that his body heat helped to dull some of your cramps so you could fall asleep.
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forever-rogue · 2 years
I haven't seen it yet but I've thought about it some times: Eddie (with plus size reader, bc I'm a big girl and I'd really just love to picture myself with him more clearly) where reader tells him she's pregnant (after they're both finished with HS some time), Eddie being a super supportive boyfriend during the pregnancy, all excited, even reads magazines and articles and books about it all and just being super happy and crying when the baby is born 🥺 and always so supportive and reassuring when reader has intense body image issues especially after giving birth. I would LOVE it if you're willing to write something like that 💛
He seems to be such a big softie and I imagine that he'd be an amazing father. Teaching his kids to play the guitar or literally any instrument, jamming out with them playfully to Metallica, draping his Dio vest around them and all that. Ugh. My heart. 😭🥺 sure he'd be scared to become like his own father but deep down we all know that will never happen and reader would always reassure him that he's doing a splendid job at being a dad 💛
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AN | We have some baby daddy Eddie because…he’s the best and why not. Maybe, if y’all want we can do more dad Eddie 🥰
Warnings | None
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.5k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You weren’t stupid. 
You were a lot of things, but stupid wasn’t one of them. So when you started throwing up in the mornings, starting feeling nauseous, and experienced way too many emotions all at once, you knew something was up. That and the fact that your period was late….for the second month in a row. The first month you were willing to chalk up to stress; you were months away from finishing college and the reality that life was going to change again was enough to make you worry. But two months was worrisome. It hadn’t happened before. Shit. 
It was the early ‘90s and while science had come a long way, part of you still didn’t want to believe the results on the little plastic stick in your hand. Maybe it was a false positive…but no. That combined with everything told you that it definitely wasn’t false. 
“Shit,” you tossed the small plastic stick into the sink with a groan. You studied your reflection and shook your head at your teary eyed mirror self. Well. At least you had beaten teen pregnancy, although not by much. And at least you were almost finished with college - you wouldn’t be super far along by the time you were. And then you could have your baby and eventually find a job and then it would - stop. You were getting way too ahead of yourself. You didn’t even positively know you were pregnant. Not until you went to the doctor. And then there were still other options. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey space cadet,” Eddie laughed lightly as he waved his hand in front of your face, “you with me?”
“Huh?” you blinked a few times to get rid of the bleariness from your eyes before turning your attention to him. You were sitting on the couch, watching a movie after dinner. Well, he was watching, and you were panicking. But Eddie knew something was up; you weren’t curled into his side as you normally would be. You were on the other side and hunched into yourself with a blanket expression on your face, “y-yeah. ‘s all fine, love.”
“What’s wrong?” he wasn’t buying it in the slightest, “babe.”
“You can tell me anything, you know that.”
“I’m fine.”
“Why are you lying to me?”
“It’s not-”
“You are too!”
“I’m pregnant,” those two little words, ones with enormous weight behind them, spilled from your lips before you could think about it. Eddie recoiled from how he’d been leaning towards you, his eyes narrowing in confusion, “I-I think. I, umm…I took a test today and it was positive.”
“Pregnant,” he repeated as you slowly nodded, eyes welling up with fresh tears, “wow.”
“Eddie, I’m so sorry,” it was instinctive to deflect and apologize, despite the fact that you weren’t at fault, “I didn’t mean to…the condom must have broken or something.”
“Angel, why are you apologizing?”
“B-because?” he reached over and gently brushed away the tears that had fallen from your eyes, “I’m the one that’s pregnant. It’s my fault.”
“Absolutely not,” he took your chin in his and turned your face to his, “last time I checked it takes two for you to get pregnant. So, you know, that’s at least half my fault, but nobody’s at fault. It’s alright, sweetheart. We’ll figure it out.”
“Eddie,” you pulled his hand and huffed, “this is a baby we’re talking about, not just a decision like what we want for dinner or what concert we’re going to next. This is a huge thing. Like…whatever we do will change our lives forever.”
“I know,” he put his hands on your thighs and urged you closer to his warm frame. You hesitated for a moment before relaxing and shuffling over so he could pull you into his lap. A singular look into his big, soft brown eyes had you crying you again, tears running down your cheeks as you tried to stifle your cries. Eddie made a small sound before he wrapped his arms tightly around you as you buried your face into his chest, “I know, babe. Let it all out, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”
“How?” it was a muffled whimper against his neck.
“Because we’ve got each other,” a kiss was pressed to the side of your head, “and whatever you want to do, you’ll always have my full support. But look at this way - you’re just about done with school and I know you, my smart girl, will make it happen no matter what. I’ve got a decent job and with that and gigs we’re okay on money. We have our own place and we can turn the extra office and practice room into a nursery.”
“Eddie,” you turned and looked at him with a small, teary smile, “why do you always know what to say?”
“‘Cause I’m your boyfriend, duh,” he pressed a kiss to your lips, not minding the salty taste of your tears, “and I love you. Always.”
“What if I…what if I want to have an abortion?” you asked and his expression didn’t falter.
“Then that’s what you’ll do,” he stated simply, “it’s your body, your choice. I’ll be with you no matter what. And if you decide we want to wait to have little nuggets until way later that’s cool too.”
“Stop being so wonderful,” he took your face tenderly in his face before resting his forehead against yours. You knew - you’d always known - that he was the only man that you could ever imagine loving so fully and deeply, “I love you, Eddie.”
“I love you,” it was a soft whisper, barely audible but it still warmed your whole body, “we’ll figure this out, I swear.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Quit staring weirdo,” you hadn’t even checked to see if he was looking, but you could feel his intense stare on you regardless. You turned out of the closet and found him leaning against the doorframe, a cheeky smile on his face, arms crossed over his chest, “Eds.”
“Can’t help it,” he grinned, “you’re so beautiful.”
“Ugh,” you teasingly groaned, “such a sap. I don’t feel so beautiful right now…more like a giant beach ball.”
It was about halfway through your pregnancy and you were definitely feeling very pregnant these days. You’d started to show but it was like overnight you had grown a much larger bump which caused you to spiral. Suddenly it all seemed so overwhelming; you were going to have a small human to take care of, you still needed to finish the nursery, and you hadn’t even thought about getting a job after having the baby and none of your pants fit right and it was everything all at once. But all your worries and fears had subsided as soon as Eddie had wrapped you up in his arms and promised that everything would work out. 
“Well, you are a beautiful beach ball,” he snorted in amusement as you glowered at him. He held up his hands in mock surrender before coming over to and pressing a kiss to your cheek, “I’m kidding, babe. You’re even more beautiful than the day we met, and now you’re growing our kid? That’s pretty fucking metal and makes you that much more beautiful.”
“This kid’s already got you wrapped around their little finger, don’t they?” he grinned and took your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before bringing it to his lips to press a kiss to your knuckles.
“Yeah,” he confirmed, “and their mom does too. Babe, did you know that the baby’s like the size of an ear of corn now?”
“Corn?” you grinned and he nodded eagerly, his curls bouncing roguishly, “that’s interesting. Let’s hope it comes out as a human and not a vegetable…or fruit. How did you know that?”
“You’re the one doing the hard work so I figured I gotta pull my pre-dad weight and do the behind the scenes stuff!” oh. You were absolutely and wholly in love with this man. Tears welled up in your eyes and pearled down your cheeks, causing you to sniffle, "oh no, sweetheart. I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. Was it something I said? Did?"
“N-no,” you shook your head and clung onto him tighter, “I mean yes…but no. ‘m just all sorts of emotional these days. You are just so…wonderful. I love you so much.”
“Oh,” his cheeks flushed a pretty pastel pink as you peppered kisses all over his face, “I love you. I just…I want to support you every way I can, you know? You’re the one doing the hardest work of all and I feel like I’m here doing nothing.”
“You’re so wrong, Eddie Munson,” you took his face in your hands and looked at him with the softest look on your face, “you’ve been so good to me this whole time; you’ve been there for me through everything. You’ve taken care of me and looked up and done so many things to make this whole pregnancy better. I don’t think I could have survived it without you. You’re going to be a great dad, Eds. You already are.”
“I’m going to try,” he promised, “I’m going to give this baby everything I never had. I want them to have all the love in the world. You and the baby.”
“I already do,” it was a soft promise that caused his heart to feel like it was full to bursting, “and so do they. You know, if I had to choose anyone in the world to be my baby daddy, I’m glad it turned out to be you.”
“Baby daddy?” dark brows rose in amusement and almost disappeared into his hairline. 
“Yeah,” you answered simply as you turned back to the closet in a desperate attempt to find something decent and comfortable to wear, “we’re not married so you’re my baby daddy.”
“Not married yet.”
“Oh? You gonna marry me, Munson?”
“Duh, baby,” his smile was so large that it seemed magical, “I’ve been planning that since the day I met you.”
“You’re a real romantic, you know that?”
‘Only for you,” he wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting a hand on your belly, “and for the nugget.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You had been right of course. Eddie had been smitten with your son from the moment he was born and he’d first held him in his arms. 
Jamie ended up being a little mini-me version of his father with those same big brown doe eyes and unruly brown curls. There was no denying that it was his son; not that he would ever want that. He was obsessed with his son, just as he was with you. The best things to ever happen he often claimed. You felt the same, naturally. 
And with every passing day, he proved just how wonderful of a father he was. The best of course, just like you knew he would be. And he'd helped you through so many issues, including all the bad thoughts you let seep in about your body during and after your pregnancy. He was patient and kind, and made you feel so incredibly beautiful and loved. Which you were, of course.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Where are my boys?” It had been a long day of work for you and there had been nothing you wanted more than to come home and pile up with the two of them and get all of the cuddles. You set your bag down but heard no response. Just before you could call out to them again, you heard a hushed voice and some soft music coming from down the hallway. You followed the sounds and peeked through the open door to Jamie’s room. Not surprisingly you found the two of them together, Eddie with his guitar in his hand and his clone sitting across from him, draped in Eddie’s entirely too big jean jacket. You pushed the door open gently to keep from startling either of them, “there you are, my loves!”
“Mommy,” your son was up and padded over to you as best as he could before wrapping his little arms around your legs. You instantly softened and leaned and gently ruffle through his dark mop of curls, “missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Eddie was practically beaming from his spot on the floor, setting aside his guitar to come over to you. He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss to your lips, sighed softly when he saw how sweetly you were looking at him.
“I missed both of my boys so very much.”
“Up,” the little one turned to you and extended his little arms up to you with an eager expression on his face, “mommy!”
“Sorry bud,” before he could protest, Eddie had scooped him up in his arms and settled him on his hip. Jamie pouted, a trait that was so reminiscent of his father, and looked between the two of you, “mommy can’t pick you up right now, you’re too big.”
“But you pick me up,” he protested with a little huff, “I want mommy.”
“Mommy can’t pick you up because she’s growing your sister,” Eddie explained softly, as he had on several other occasions. You weren’t sure if he just didn’t understand the concept of you being pregnant and him getting a little sister or if he willfully chose to ignore that little fact, “and I’m not so you’re stuck with daddy for now.”
“Okay,” he leaned his head on Eddie’s shoulder as you chuckled in amusement, “I love you, daddy.”
“I love you too bud,” he promised, “you getting tired?”
“‘m not,” a weak little protest.
“How about a nap before dinner?” you suggested softly, “and then after dinner we can watch a movie?”
“Fine,” a dramatic sigh escaped his lips. This was undoubtedly Eddie Munson’s son, “can we please have chicken nuggies for dinner?”
“I think we can make that happen baby,” you promised, motioning for Eddie to put him in his bed. He was so tender as he tucked the young boy in, smoothing over his hair before kissing his forehead. 
“I’ll see you in a little while bud,” he turned to you and kissed you before gently rubbing your still small bump, “let me know if you need any help.”
“I’ve got him,” you grinned, “I’ll be out in a few and if it’s longer than that, I fell asleep and need you to come and rescue me.”
“I can do that, princess.”
“Yeah, bud?”
“You’re the most metal ever!”
“Yeah?” he asked as Jamie nodded eagerly, “so are you, kid.”
You exchanged a look with Eddie and his whole face was lit up, and he felt like he was going to melt into a puddle with all the love he held for the two of you. Three, he reminded himself, soon to be a family of four, “I think you’re pretty metal too, babe.”
“We make a pretty metal family!”
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
Egyptian Knights
Pairing: Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley x fem!Reader
Fic Type: Drabble
Summary: A short story about how you came to meet and love the Moon Boys.
A/N: Aaaaaand, I'm almost done with Part 1 of Banks of the Nile. It might even be posted before Sunday if I keep up the roll I'm on. (Also the play on words in the title is it not genius--)
Notes: I know very little about DID. What I know has come from Moon Knight, sooo... Pics aren’t mine, I’m not sure whose they are. If anybody knows, please let me know! ^^
Rating: 14+
Warnings: Mild language (couple uses of the F-bomb), Steven being an overwhelming sweetheart, Marc is actually a big softie, Jake is too but he's also the murder husband
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So, you've known the Moon Knight system for awhile.
You got to know Steven first. Very sweet, very shy, you met when he opened the door to your apartment instead of his, only allowed by the door breaking under a strength he wasn't quite aware he'd had. He'd frozen at the sight of you in oversized, cozy pajamas, mid-bite of ice cream, staring at him with wide eyes from your mound of thick blankets as you watched your favorite show. You hadn't had a shower in three days, your apartment was a mess, and you'd been crying. Breakup? Nah. Period. The fucking uncalled-for subscription to Blood Monthly you were naturally assigned at birth.
"Um? Dude? Do I know you?"
"Uh..." Steven surveyed your apartment as if it had swallowed his alive. Later, you found out that your turtle habitat and stacks upon stacks of books everywhere had him wondering what the actual fuck, since it was so similar to Gus's tank and his own book setup. Steven's dark coffee eyes met yours, confused. "N-no, I don't think so. Sorry, love. I've the wrong door. So sorry about that. I'll uh... just... I'll pay for the repairs on your door. I'm sorry." You continued to eat your ice cream, but kept your eyes on him as he nervously backed out of the doorway; but then he stopped, a little concerned. "You alright, love?"
A dry, bitter chuckle escaped your lips. "I am literally having an organ shredded internally with lessened contractions as godly punishment for not getting pregnant or whatever. I am in pain, I haven't slept, I haven't eaten, and I think I somehow managed to ruin every pair of white pants I own. How are you?"
"I-I'm good, yeah," Steven replied, before backing away nervously and skittering away. You were sure that'd be the last you'd see of him, but you were very surprised when he returned about forty-five minutes later with a bag. "Hello again," He said, voice uncertain and stance anxious.
"Hiya, Guy-Who-Broke-My-Door."
Steven flushed. "O-oh. Right. I'm Steven. Steven Grant."
"Y/N Y/L/N," You replied, and jerked your chin toward the brown paper bag in his arm. "What ya got there?"
"The beginning of an apology," Steven answered, "If you're in the mood for company, that is. I mean, I could just drop this here with you if you'd prefer, or--"
"Yo," You interrupted, "Dude. Chill. Get over here and show me whatcha got."
And so he did-- the guy had went out and gotten you pads, a water bottle (which he happily heated for you), chocolate, and a variety of snacks that you could nibble on. After heating your water bottle and refusing to let you budge to even put any of his gifts away, he brought you some water.
It was kind of strange-- he'd literally just accidentally broken into your home. For all you knew, he could've been a crazy stalker. But even if he were, he was so nice and sweet and you were so down you gladly accepted his presence. Conversation came easy with him, unlike it did with a lot of others for you-- really, you had a couple of guys at work that were into you.
But even as Steven tripped, face-planting into your floor and spilling the water everywhere (then proceeding to profusely apologize), you thought: Nah. I want that one.
It wasn't long after that you started dating, and it wasn't easy. Sometimes he'd miss dates, forget days of the week, and go for days at a time without texting you or anything at all to show you that he was alright. He always returned, though, apologizing with flowers in hand and promises to make it up to you and explanations about his sleeping disorder.
On a particular spurt where he disappeared for days at a time, he returned very nervous and cautiously told you that he needed to tell you something, admitting that you'd probably leave him for it.
He told you about his DID, Khonshu, him being his Fist of Vengeance— Moon Knight. He introduced you to his alter, Marc Spector, a tough but gentle mercenary that greeted you kindly. "Steven's told me a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you in person."
It was kind of odd, two people existing in one body: but you accepted Marc, you accepted Steven, and both were pleasantly surprised when you researched DID heavily to better understand the situation. Your library card reached its limit, your computer almost crashed from how many tabs you had running, and you even sought out doctors who could tell you more. You asked Steven and Marc a ton of questions, and they answered them; and as you got to know Marc better, it was hard not to fall for him, too.
He tried to always pull off a tough-as-nails kind of attitude. Stern, brooding, he kind of kept his distance from you at first. But it was the little things: one day he returned from the store, and you found he'd grabbed your favorite snack. He'd never gone shopping for you before. "Ooh! Steven tell you about these?"
Marc pretended like it was nothing, giving a shrug as he continued pulling groceries from the bag and onto the counter. "No. Just see you eating them all the time, and you're almost out, so I figured why not?" His observance is touching, and you couldn’t help yourself; you leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek, surprising him so badly that he dropped the dish soap. The plastic busted and the sticky orange substance flew absolutely everywhere, and though Marc tries to apologize, all you can do is laugh. Your bright, huge smile is so beautiful that Marc stumbles over his words, and for a second he's so flustered that you think Steven is fronting. "...Sorry, Y/N... I just... Didn't see that coming."
"And why not?" You challenged, still smiling. "It's just like Steven said when he first told me about you-- you come as a package deal. I care about you too, y'know! You're just as much a part of Steven as he's a part of you."
Your first kiss with Steven had been extremely romantic-- classic candlelight dinner and then a ride on the London Eye. Quick, unsure, Steven had pecked your lips after having been staring at you all evening, commenting on how beautiful you looked. Then the second kiss was less timid and more passionate, more confident. But your first kiss with Marc was different-- right there, in your kitchen, he pulled you flush against him by your waist and kissed you lovingly, with more gentleness than you expected from a mercenary.
And that’s how you ended up with two boyfriends.
Your third came along after you, Marc, and Steven actually moved in together. When your boyfriends' body all but kicked down the door rambling in Spanish, you should've known something was off. It wasn’t until much later when you’d calmed him down that he said, reluctantly, “...I’m Jake.”
You shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Jake.”
It was awhile before you and Jake started dating, namely because every time he saw you coming he’d abruptly disappear, a very confused Marc or Steven taking his place. The one time he did front for awhile in front of you was when you were being hit on by some pushy guy in a bar, and Jake beat the shit out of him. He’d thought you’d be scared of him, and so disappeared immediately after, leaving you with a flustered Steven profusely apologizing for the damage while simultaneously threatening the guy who’d hit on you (though he couldn’t be taken very seriously with his sweet self, although you were fully aware of the fact that he could kick ass if needed).
Your first actual conversation with Jake happened unexpectedly, when you smelled cigarette smoke coming from the porch and made your way outside. Steven wouldn’t put a cigarette in his mouth if you paid him in access to Egyptian tombs nobody had ever seen before. Marc had given up smoking long before he’d met you, instead opting for gum. So if it’s not either of them... “Jake?” You’d asked.
He jumped, turning to face you with wide eyes and immediately going to put the cigarette out. “No no, don’t go anywhere,” You pleaded, and rushed back inside. You came back out with a couple of sandwiches and lemonade, making him raise an eyebrow. “I was looking for you guys! It’s time for lunch!”
He went to put the cigarette out again, but you stopped him a second time. “You don’t have to do that. I like the secondhand smell of the smoke. Makes me feel at home.”
Jake managed to smirk, setting the cigarette aside to pick up a sandwich with a shrug. “Your choice, doll.”
And so you got to know Jake, too. Before you knew it, you had three loving boyfriends at once that would do anything for you— and often did.
You look back on your time knowing the boys, and smile up at them from your place on the couch as you’re snuggled up against their side. Jake notices your attention during a commercial that interrupts the show you’re watching, glancing down at you and making a face. “What? I got somethin’ on my face, hermosa?”
“No,” You reply, leaning the back of your head on his shoulder and staring at up him dreamily. “Just... thinking.”
He traces the bridge of your nose with his thumb, staring into your eyes. It’s Marc that asks, “‘Bout what, babygirl?”
“Us,” You chirp, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You three. How much I love you. How we met.”
Marc snickers. “Yeah, well, we’ve all gotta thank Steven’s clumsiness, or else we never would’ve met you.”
A slight shift of expression, and Steven wraps his arms around you to hold you as close as possible in a squishing cuddle. “We love you, darling.”
“Love you too,” You kiss his cheek. “All three of you. Very much.”
Thanks for reading! <3 I used my Batons and Unicorns taglist for this, but if that’s not alright just let me know! ^^
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The Southsider (pt. 9)
Sweet Pea x reader
Chapter Summary: As y/n prepares for an important event in her life, her humor stirs up some interesting reactions from those she cares for.
Word Count: 1978
Chapter 1 • Chapter 8 • Chapter 10
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Toni taught you the main moves, and you were determined to perfect them. Some of the dance had to be from your own creativity, which you figured out along the way. This had to be perfect. Not just for Sweet Pea, but for you. "Alright, I think we could take a break. And by break I mean we're going lingerie shopping."
You nervously nodded. When you got there you just felt like none of them would look good on you. You felt awkward there. If you felt uncomfortable in a crop top for one person how were you supposed to wear this stuff in front of a group of people?
"Have you found anything?" Toni asked, poking her head out of an isle row.
"No. I don't think I'll look good in any of these." You sadly looked at the items.
She walked up to you with a few outfits in hand. "Why not?"
"I don't know. Just never been a big fan of my body I guess. It was only a few years ago when I had to cover up to hide the bruises covering my body."
She put a hand on your shoulder. "But there aren't any more bruises to cover up. Your dad's gone now and your body's thriving. You should be proud of having control over it. Now c'mon, I found a few things for you to try on."
You went into the dressing room, trying on each of them and showing them to Toni. Toni reassured you that you looked good in all of them, but you both agreed that none of them were really perfect for you. "This is stupid." You called through the dressing room.
"No it's not, now come on out. This is the last one anyways."
You stepped outside. Toni looked you over, nodding her head. "I like this one. I like it a lot."
"Yeah. This is the one." She grabbed your hand and spun you around. "Let's see that dance." Toni joked.
You hopped around, overexageratily rubbing your arms. "I'm not used to this much air hitting my body!" You partially joked. "It's so cold in here." She laughed and pushed you back in the dressing room.
You changed back and paid for the outfit. "It's getting late. Hopefully FP and Jughead will be asleep and won't see this."
You both walked back to the trailer park. As you both stopped at Jughead's trailer, Toni then said. "Y/n?"
"Pea's gonna love it." You blushed and playfully pushed her. She laughed at the reaction and walked back to her trailer.
You opened the door slowly. The lights were off. As you closed the door the lights clicked on, and you saw the two boys sitting on the couch. "Hey guys."
"Now where have you been?" FP asked.
"With Toni, like I said."
"What's in the bag?" Jughead asked.
"Nothing important." You put the bag next to your duffle bag and laid down on the small air mattress that was set up. "Night."
"Y/n." FP said in a harsh tone. You sat up, knowing he wasn't in the mood for games. "Where were you?"
"With Toni." You urged. "You could even ask her grandfather Thomas."
"That bag doesn't look like English homework to me."
You sighed. "Look, I went over to Toni's, learned some stuff, then we made a quick shopping run. I worked for the money that I spent, if that's what this is about."
"Were you with Sweet Pea?" His asked loudly, ignoring all that you said.
You gave him a really? look. "No."
"See? I told you." Jughead said. He started to get up. "We stayed up for nothing."
"Sit boy." He pulled him back down. "What's in the bag?"
You didn't want to argue or get him mad, so you grabbed the bag. FP tried to snatch it your hands, but you pulled it back, handing it to Jughead. He looked into the bag, before yanking his hand out right away. He got it. "Dad, she was with Toni."
He ripped the bag from his son's hands. "Give it here boy."
He pulled out the lingerie and stood, throwing it to the ground when he realized what it was. "What the hell is that?!"
"Careful, it was pricey!" You exclaimed. Jughead held in a laugh.
"So this is what you're doing now?" You nodded your head, a little confused. He didn't get it. "You used to be smart and open eyed, and now this is what you're doing? Sweet Pea's got you doing this sort of crap?!"
You bursted out laughing. "You think that Swee-!" you cut yourself off laughing more. You sat next to Jughead, putting a hand on his shoulder. You calmed down a bit, pointing to FP and the lingerie. "He thought that I got that for Sweet Pea~!" You started laughing again. Jughead couldn't help but laugh a little bit as well.
"Someone wanna tell me what the hell is so funny?!" FP was getting angrier.
You calmed yourself down. "Thank you for that laugh, it felt really good." You then sat up straight. "No, I did not buy that for Sweet Pea. I bought that for the serpent dance."
He put a hand to his mouth, digesting what you said. "The Serpent dance?"
"So you're gonna become a serpent?"
"Just like mummy." You gave him a cheeky smile.
"Oh." He let out a big sigh. "I just figured, cause it's Sweet Pea, you know?"
"No, I really don't." You turned to Jughead. "Why does everyone see Sweet Pea as some dark, controlling person with a knife kink or something?"
"I honestly don't know." He responded. "I don't see it either."
You nodded. "You think he'd like the outfit though?"
FP cut the conversation short. "Bed, now." You and Jughead lightly laughed as you all then went to sleep.
The next morning you woke up a lot earlier than the other two. Whenever you slept in a place you weren't used to sleeping in, you always woke up very early. You decided to make the most out of the time you had, and went to your duffle bag.
Jughead woke up the best way he could. He smelled bacon. He walked into the kitchen, groggy and tired, to see you practically shining. "Morning." You smiled at him. "I made pancakes, bacon, and sour bread french toast. What would you like?"
"The works." He sat, a plate of stacked food put in front of him. You knew him too well. He dug in as FP came out of the bathroom and sat down as well, a plate being put in front of him.
He turned off the stove and plugged in a small fan to not make the whole trailer hot. "Where'd you learn to make all this?" FP asked.
"Practice at my house. When it's just you, you don't have to feel bad for screwing up someone else's meal. I got better overtime."
After breakfast you washed the dishes as Jughead combed his hair. "So, you ready for our double date?"
You made a face. "Ugh, that's today. Why was Betty so excited for it?"
"I don't know. She's been talking about getting to know Sweet Pea because one of our best friends is dating him. She said it'll be good for the Southside to stop hating the Northside so much by southsiders getting to know her."
Oh Betty. Such a sweet heart of gold.
When you got to school Kevin immediately came up to you, linking arms. "Oh my God, we have so much to talk about."
"So you heard?"
"From Veronica, who heard from Betty, who heard from Jughead. I knew that wrinkly, sack of bones aunt was evil. Okay, no offense, but her inside kind of shows on her outside."
You laughed. "None taken. I agree, when I look at her I see my mom if she was buried in pet sematary and came back."
He laughed as well. "As much as I love talking about the Wicked Witch of the West and the Good Witch of the South, I wanted to ask you something."
"Go ahead."
"As you know, I'm directing the musical for this year, which I have selected to be Carrie: the Musical."
You nodded. "And a good choice too. I think we all know who's going to be lead."
"Pretty much, but there is another role that I think will be perfect for a certain person."
"Which is?"
"I want you to play the role of Chris Hargensen!" He smiled brightly as you, anxious. You loved musicals, but you weren't much for performing in front of others. However, seeing the smile on Kevin's face caused you to give in. You would do anything for Kevin. He was your best friend.
"Sure." You smiled back.
He excitedly hugged you. "Oh my God, this is perfect. It's a good thing you said yes, because I already wrote down the cast list and was on my way to post it on the bulletin board."
"Gee thanks."
"It's fine, Veronica was going to be my backup in case you said no." Kevin took out the paper from his satchel and posted it, people shoving past the two of you to see the list. "First meeting starts tomorrow after school."
The bell rang. "Alrighty then. I'll see you later."
The day went by a little too quickly for your likely. School ended, and Betty told you to meet them at Pop's at 4. You walked out of the PE locker rooms, which happens to be your sixth period, to see Sweet Pea waiting for you. "How are you so quick?"
"I'm just that good sweetheart." He smirked.
You laughed and lightly nudged his shoulder. "No need to brag. I was close behind you." He only responded with an unsure sounding Mm. You fake pout.
"Put the pout away." He hugged you from behind as the both of you walked to his motorcycle. "I'm here." You snapped your head and looked at him with a wild smile. He didn't know whether to be confused or nervous.
"That was the most adorable thing I have every heard! I fell for a teddy bear."
He felt offended. "I'm not a teddy bear, I'm a serpent. Nobody adorable would have a neck tattoo."
You giggled. "So cute."
You made it to his bike, and he grumpily let go of you to hop on, but you grabbed his hand to stop him. He sighed and leaned on the bike. You leaned onto him, his hands unconsciously finding your waist.
"I know you're not just a cuddly teddy bear. You're tall and dark and brooding and a mystery that people can't seem to solve. You're a badass who has a neck tattoo. You're a serpent. I know all that, but I also know that you can be a softie sometimes, and there's nothing wrong with that."
He then gently said, "I'm only soft for you."
You were about to kiss before you heard laughing. You pulled back and saw Fangs standing right next to the two of you. "I'm only soft for you? Yeah, that's something any chick would want to hear." You both stared at him, Sweet Pea fuming. "Oh, right, I'm not here."
Sweet Pea then quickly got up and chased Fangs through the parking lot as you patiently waited for your boyfriend while leaning on his bike. When he came back breathing hard with ruffled hair you smiled. "You good now?"
He walked straight up to you and pulled you in for a deep kiss. You were surprised, but quickly reciprocated. When he pulled back you were gasping for breath.
"All good. Let's go to that damn double date." You were still in a daze and extremely flustered, so all you did was nod and grab onto him as the two of you sped off.
Author's Note: Sorry that this was a little shorter than usual, and not much really happened either.
Tag list:
@madaboutlili @sireennotsiren @elsie2018 @greyfairie @iamaunicorn4704 @wanna-plan-world-domination @whenallsaidanddone @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @live-love-bailar @thecraziestcrayon @cvvlxx @grim-adventures58 @official--fangirl @jesus-jagiya @skeletalwolfcat @theunofficialduke @punkrock-cinnamonroll @rhi-an-onn @amongthewildthingss @apocalypticriot
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