#i think i have better citations in this blurb and i will be fixing the wikipedia page when i have time (so in like 7 years)
a-gay-a-day · 1 year
Marcel Moore
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Marcel Moore was the romantic and creative partner of Claude Cahun. I will be using singular they/them pronouns in reference to Marcel Moore in this post, as they were described, along with Claude Cahun, as a “Lesbian partners known for cross dressing.” They changed their name to Marcel Moore, and often participated in masked photoshoots, much the same as we see with Claude Cahun. 
Marcel Moore would work on many projects with Claude, often illustrating the work that Claude Cahun would write. In addition to this, Marcel Moore was also an activist resisting the Nazis. They were fluent in German, and would often deliver anti-nazi propaganda into German camps. 
They, along with Claude Cahun, were described as a “proto-transgender”, and fell outside the binary in all of their work. This has lead to most scholars assuming the two of them were cisgender as a default. 
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