#i think i have decided to hit the brakes for a bit tho bc its a lot honestly
guinevereslancelot · 1 year
crush's red flags coming at woman faster than she can rationalize them
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May I have the Drv3 boys somehow found their Ultimate horror novelist!S/o's writings that they wrote from childhood, which consists of spelling and pronounciation errors, questionable character logics and repetitive uses of "_ said", and S/o finds out and tries to grab the writings out of their hands bc they're embarassed? Just thought it be funny bc I found some old writings from my childhood and I cringed at the first sentence XD
Omg if anyone ever found my old stuff (whether it was a drawing or writing) I'd just die out of embarrassment xd.
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V3 boys with Ultimate Horror Novelist s/o when the boys find some of their very old work.
Ryoma Hoshi
You two planned to meet today at your place but you had to get something from another room. It took you long becouse you couldn't find it.
Ryoma didn't wanted to spy around but he wanted to read one of your works.
He saw an old notebook on the table and grabbed it. What he saw was super early version of your masterpiece you showed him not so long time ago (you rewrote that story).
The bad handwriting and grammar... He thought that it was cute looking how long time ago it had to be. His small chuckle was heard as you went back and saw him holding (for you) cringe in true form.
You felt embarrassed and asked him why. Why did he betray you like this?
He knew that he shouldn't have done it but he felt no regrets.
You were asking him to forget about this and never bring it up. He didn't but you knew he didn't forget about it either.
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta wasn't fan of horrors but he decided to read yours from time to time.
But one time you fucked up so badly. You wanted him to judge your work but instead of giving him your new one you gave him your first one.
But not the first one since you became Ultimate Horror Novelist but your first one you wrote when you were maybe 12 or younger. It was horrible and you have no idea how it got inside your bag.
Once you noticed it it was too late he had already red this. He was confused and you apologized that he had to see it.
Gonta being sweetheart he is understood you completely and said that this was impressive that you were writing as a kid. Even if it was written poorly it was good hobby to have and now look at you an ultimate! So it was all worth trying!
You asked Keebo to help you find something. He was trying his best and in the meantime he found your old book.
He knew it was wrong to peek but he really loved your writing... He peeked inside and saw how your career began.
Poorly written with weird logic. It made him think how amazing you were for not giving up and keep trying.
But you noticed him looking for a bit too long into this and peeked by his shoulder just to see. Your old work... You were embarrassed as you snatched it out of his hands.
You weren't mad at him tho... You can't just get mad at him like this and with that adorable look of his its just impossible.
Kaito Momota
He is sometimes scared when he reads your work and he wondered how your first work looked like.
He asked you if you could show him and only thing you had in mind was that embarrassment.
After he promised you not to laugh you got it and gave to him (let's say you didn't had to look for it long).
He didn't laugh but smiled at your early work. But you saw that he was holding back his laughter.
You playfully hit him and told him to cut it off. Yet he didn't broke promise.
Shuichi Saihara
He liked to read horrors from time to time and yours were just marvelous.
He couldn't wait for your new works but he wasn't asking you what are you working on etc. He was too shy to ask.
One day a suspicious notebook fell from your desk as you had to leave early.
He picked it up and examined it. None of the classmates noticed that. He felt bad but he looked inside.
He saw something written really badly and he was confused.
Next day he gave you that thing back. You regretted taking it to the school as you asked if he red this.
Shuichi didn't plan to lie to you and said that he did but only first pages.
You awkwardly smiled and begged to not tell anyone. He felt uncomfortable with you begging him but he told you that he won't.
Rantaro Amami
You two were packing on a little trip he wanted to help you out since he got ready fast.
When you asked him to get your notebook since you wanted to write when there was time on your trip.
He found it. Your old work. He took a peek to see if its what you ment he red a bit and chuckled you turned and looked what he was looking at.
You quickly snatched this notebook and gave him the one you ment.
He wasn't joking about it nor bringing it up.
He thought of how much you had to practice or how talented you were to go from that piece to your current level.
Kokichi Ouma
He often visits you and messes around sometimes checking your drawers etc. You didn't quite mind.
But once he found your old notebook you wanted to burn long time ago. He hid it and took it home to carefully read it.
He was fan of your work and didn't thought about what he took. When he was at his place he red it carefully as he started laughing "so that's how my beloved author s/o started?".
When you two were hanging out he gave you back your notebook.
When you noticed what it was he was keep teasing you.
You were lowkey mad but well it was hard to be mad at him for long.
Korekiyo Shinguji
He found your work very interesting and entertaining. He allways wondered why and when you started writing.
He didn't bother to ask but when he whould have opportunity to bring this topic he sure whould.
He saw you in the library reading to something with disturbed look. He went up to you and asked what were you reading.
You didn't wanted to lie so you just said "my old work... It's kinda cringy" he looked at you with excitement in his eyes.
"S/O whould you mind if I red this?" you couldn't say no. Just something held you back but he had to promise not to comment it.
He red through it. "Ah your development as a novelist is splendid S/O comparing to your new one-" he stopped as he apologized for braking the promise.
You never talked about it again.
~Mod Chiaki
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protectmarkjin · 8 years
ya girl has had a markjin fic idea from this mv and mark saving jinyoung’s life and declaring they r The Ship and it’s like a groundhog day au where mark keeps trying to save jinyoung
ok so basically it’s like a groundhog day situation where mark just has a rlly boring life where nothing happens and then one day he wakes up one morning and goes to get his regular coffee at the shop right next to his apartment and sees this rlly cute guy picking up his drink and he smiles his eyesmile at the barista and then makes eye contact w mark and mark’s heart does a lil race he feels some like weird electricity between them and the guy looks at him a lil shocked but the guy gets in his car and leaves so mark thinks whatever and he goes to work and whilst working at his desk he gets a note saying “river bridge. 6:30pm. save him” and mark is like wtf and ignores it but then as he’s like driving home from work he always crosses a bridge over a river its 6:30pm, its raining hard and very dark due to the winter season and he sees a car swerve off of the road and go straight off the bridge into the water. he breaks and runs over to the barrier and looks down having no idea what to do and tries to stop other drivers for help or call an ambulance or smth but nothing is working and the car is sinking and then mark blacks out and wakes up in his bed. he scratches his eyes and thinks mayb he got home and went to sleep and dreamt the whole thing but then he looks at his phone and the date is the same date as yesterday and he’s like.. what.. the hell and he runs out confused in his pyjamas like what?? is happening?? and runs straight into the guy from the coffee shop yesterday who holds him by the arms and looks at him concerned and is like “hey, are you okay? do you need any help?” and mark takes a deep breath and feels himself calming just from this guy touching him and he’s like “no i was just... flustered that’s all, thank you” and the guy says “oh.. okay.. i’m just going to get coffee on my way to work, i could get you a hot drink too?? maybe it would help settle you??” and mark can’t say no those kind eyes so he quickly gets changed and goes to the same coffee shop as yesterday w the guy from yesterday, they chat for a bit and exchange names “i’m mark, by the way. hopefully you aren’t calling me ‘strange pyjamas guy’“ “actually i was calling you ‘cute brunette’ but mark works too. i’m jinyoung” and they just click they bond over the same things it’s amazing in a weird way how in sync they are but then jinyoung has to go to work and says goodbye and mark takes a deep breath and just goes to work and everything is like normal he thinks mayb yknow he got the date wrong yesterday or smth but then he’s driving home again and its 6:30pm and almost like a horror movie repeat he watches the same car crash into the bridge barriers and fall over into the water. for a moment, mark just sits in his car, not moving, barely breathing, he can hear his heart in his ears before suddenly becoming animated and bursting out of his car, rushing over to the bridge barrier. the car is slowly becoming submerged in the water and there’s no sign of the driver and mark tries to stop cars again or call for help but again nothing is working and he rlly thinks he’s in 1 of his nightmares and then he blacks out again, waking back up in his bed. shaking, mark looks over at his phone and it’s still the same date. he curls into a ball and sheds a few tears bc he has no idea why this is happening or how to stop it before he realises that obviously he’s missing something important, something that will help snap him out of this cycle. so like any other day, he gets ready for work and goes to get his coffee. absorbed in his own thoughts in the queue for his coffee, he doesn’t realise he bumps into jinyoung and “oh! sorry jinyoung, i was a bit lost in thought”. jinyoung looks at him strangely and there’s an awkward silence before he asks “sorry... do i know you?” and mark’s stomach drops. of course jinyoung doesn’t know him, this is a new day, they technically hadn’t met before this so mark chuckles nervously and comes up with an excuse of “friend of a friend, sorry” and jinyoung smiles politely before leaving the shop. mark tries to work out a plan of what to do whilst at his work desk before he notices the crumpled up note he’d received two days ago. “river bridge. 6:30pm. save him”. it had to be related to the car he keeps seeing crash off the bridge and mark resolves himself to try and stop this car and break the cycle. he manages to get out of work fifteen minutes earlier and heads to the bridge, pulling up just around the part where he remembers the car falling from the bridge and waits. 6:30pm comes around and he sees the car coming towards him and knows that the driver can obviously see him so will break. but then he notices the driver is hydroplaning in the heavy showers and has complete lack of control of the car and it looks like their brakes aren’t working, veering off the road towards the barrier. towards mark. mark has a second to breathe in before the car hits his and the both of them fall off the bridge into the river. the water fills the car and mark tries to smash the window but can’t get out, can barely breathe before black. and back in his bed. mark sighs and rubs his eyes, feeling the aftershock of... dying, he just technically died. heart racing, mark runs to open the window and gulp in some air when he sees jinyoung walking outside his apartment complex towards the coffee shop next door and realises that’s how they ran into each other that day when mark was in his pyjamas. in that moment, mark wanted to seek comfort from the one person he felt safe with in this terrifying mess and he quickly threw tidy clothes on before running out of his complex. he couldn’t act like a creep and know jinyoung’s name again so he just shouted “hey!” like an idiot. jinyoung turned around w a confused look and mark almost facepalmed himself like who calls out to complete strangers?? but jinyoung replies “hi?” and mark sees it as an opening so he approaches him and asks “i’m actually looking for a great coffee shop, need my morning fix, do you recommend anywhere?” and jinyoung says “i know just the place!” with a bright grin and mark rlly can’t get over how beautiful he is. they both go to the same coffee shop mark is very familiar with and get 2 coffees, sitting together. again, they just click straight away and it feels as if mark is talking to another part of himself, a reflection, like, even tho it sounds cheesy, a part of his soul had been split and was in another person. with a jolt, mark realises he could fall in love with jinyoung right there and then. this could be the start of their story if he wasn’t stuck in this god awful cycle. mark asks to swap numbers and jinyoung blushes and agrees before getting up bc he has to get to work. jinyoung makes a comment about how his “piece of scrap car” is giving him hell of a time and is practically falling apart and “even the boot won’t close properly” and mark asks “do you need me to look at anything?” and jinyoung takes up the offer so they both walk to the car park together. jinyoung pulls out his keys and unlocks the car and mark hears the beep and notices the car and it’s... the car. the car from the bridge. the exact same make, colour, even the plate is 100% the same. mark stops in his tracks and stares, unable to take a breath in. jinyoung steps into his view and asks him if he’s ok and mark snaps out of his stupor, gripping jinyoung by his upper arms and begging “jinyoung, you can’t get in your car, it’s not safe, i’m serious, please find any other way to get to work, i’ll drive you, anything” and jinyoung stares in shock before laughing mark off and cupping mark’s hands in his “i’m flattered that you care, really, but you don’t have to worry, this car has been thru worse days and will get me to work just fine” and jinyoung lets mark’s hands go, mark’s arms flopping to his sides, all the blood leaving his body as jinyoung waves goodbye and gets in the car he knows is going to crash off of a bridge at 6:30pm that night. staring at the ground, a cold resolve cemented itself in mark’s stomach and he decided that he would do whatever he fucking could to stop that car and save jinyoung. the day came and went and suddenly mark found himself back in his car driving across the bridge. through the intensely heavy rain, mark finally saw jinyoung’s car swerving thru the water on the road and, unable to break or control the car, jinyoung careered off towards the bridge barrier. there was nothing he could do to stop jinyoung’s car and it disappeared over the bridge, the massive splash echoing in mark’s ears. in a split second, mark made a decision and dived out of his car, screeching to a stop at the edge of a bridge. he could feel some sort of bond, a tie between jinyoung and himself that was tugging painfully the more he just stood there and so, knowing in his heart what he had to do. he jumped. landing in the water, mark flustered around for a few confused seconds before locking onto jinyoung’s car that was slowly sinking and swimming towards it. he pulled himself along the side of the car before reaching the driver’s window, banging against it with all his might. a panicked jinyoung turned and looked at him, eyes bulging at the guy from the coffee shop earlier in the day. mark tried to yank the car door open or smash the window but to no avail. he couldn’t reach jinyoung. time sluggishly passed and mark could do nothing but sink with jinyoung and the car before blacking out. he woke in his bed with a start and realised he’d failed. but he knew he would keep trying. he couldn’t lose jinyoung, he felt it, deep within his chest, that his world would not be the same without this bright eyed smiling angel. for days, he made sure to meet jinyoung in the morning and absorb as much treasured time with him as he could in the coffee shop and then, at 6:30pm, like clockwork. he tried to save jinyoung’s life. after 10 tries, 10 6:30pms, 10 times of watching jinyoung disappear in the water and feeling his heart shatter, a lightbulb goes off and mark remembers jinyoung saying how the boot won’t close properly. he swims around and pulls the boot up with all of his might, finally getting a way into the car. he scrambles towards jinyoung, tugging at his belt that just won’t come loose and no, he can’t fail now, he’s finally in the car!!! but jinyoung stops his frantic hands and instead, holds them against his cheeks and closes his eyes and mark screams in the water but no sound comes out and black. he’s back in his bed. silently, mark gets up and goes downstairs, grabbing a pocket knife he’d kept in the drawer before heading to work. 6:30pm comes and jinyoung’s car crashes but mark is ready. he dives in, just like so many times before, and wrenches the boot open, swimming in towards jinyoung. taking out his pocket knife, he cuts with all his strength through the belt and frees jinyoung. he accidentally lets out so much air from relief and feels his vision go dizzy but uses all his concentration and might to push jinyoung out of the car through the boot. jinyoung turns around, hand outstretched to mark... and the boot slams shut, mark still in the car. jinyoung screams, bubbles of air bursting out from him as he pounds his fists against the back window, trying with everything he has to reach the man who saved his life but he couldn’t, the boot had locked itself in place after months of being broken and mark was trapped. mark rested his hand against the glass of the back window and jinyoung could see it in his eyes. go, go up to the surface and breathe, breathe for me. jinyoung refused, shaking his head profusely and placing his hand on the glass over mark’s. i can’t leave you. but mark pleaded with his eyes and jinyoung knew what he meant. it’s okay, this is meant to happen. and i will find you. i will always find you. with almost a sob, jinyoung shoots up to the top, swimming with all his might before breaking the surface and gasping, unable to stop the sobs breaking from within him. mark closes his eyes, resting his head against the glass and smiles.
morning. the same day? no... the next day. mark breathes. in and out. he’s here. he’s alive. he jumps from his bed, barely throwing on proper clothing before sprinting down the stairs and bursting out into the street and heading into the coffee shop. he pants, eyes scanning the crowd.
“excuse me?” a voice from behind him says. “are you in the queue?”
mark turns. and their story begins.
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