#i think i have some ramen and that's a tolerably simple and easy thing to cook quickly
god i wish i didn't have some weird fucking kitchen anxiety where i can't cook dinner unless i'm home alone. normally i can meal prep in the afternoon when my landlord/housemate is at work but she's had a friend staying with us for almost two weeks (!) now who is here at literally all times. and i need to cook food to eat for dinner but i don't want to i don't want to i don't want to
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
In the Garden || A. Hotchner x Fem!Reader
hello babes! Something a little different today-- I didn’t have time to write a request that I was going to be pleased with, so this is something that’s been sitting in my drive for a while. Hope you like it! 
Submit requests here! 
contains: sexual innuendo, gun mention
wordcount: 2.4k
You can’t remember the last time you wore a dress, much less a gown like the one JJ was zipping you into now-- dresses weren’t practical for field work with the BAU, and even when you’d worked in the counterterrorism unit, you’d much preferred a professional blouse and pair of slacks. But the First Lady had decided to throw a ball in the White House to celebrate federal employees, and the Bureau was receiving an award, which the Director had hand-picked the BAU to accept. So, gown. Even though you’d much prefer to be changing into a pair of sweats-- you had been called on a case two days before the ball, and Garcia saved the day by running to everyone’s apartments and grabbing their nice clothes so you all wouldn’t be late. Which is how you found yourself squeezing into a sleek off the shoulder number in the Batcave, with Emily batting at your face with a makeup brush and JJ tugging at your zipper. 
“Babe, you look hot.” Penelope says as Emily and JJ step away from you, admiring their work. 
“All Emily’s work,” you deflected with a shy smile. 
“We’ll have that fight when we’re not running late,” Emily said, pulling you out of Garcia’s office, she and JJ not far behind. 
Derek let out a wolf whistle when he saw you all approaching, and you heard JJ’s windchime laugh from a few steps behind. 
“Hello ladies,” he said with an exaggerated leer. 
“Derek Morgan, you’re lucky that my thigh holster doesn’t go with this dress.” Emily spits out, and all of you burst out in laughter. 
“Chocolate thunder, you clean up good,” Garcia says, crossing to Derek, who moved to put his arm around her shoulders as Reid emerged into the bullpen. 
“Speaking of cleaning up good,” JJ says with a small smile, and you catch Reid blushing. 
“Did you know that balls like this can cost American taxpayers up to a million dollars?” He asks the group, and you smile.
“Maybe don’t mention that when the first lady gives us the award, yeah Spence?” You tease, and he treats you to a little chuckle.
You hear Hotch before you turn to see him and Rossi. “Alright, let’s go,” He says, leading the group out of the BAU and towards your SUVs. You end up in the passenger seat of the car Rossi is driving. 
“You doing okay, kid? You’re awful quiet this evening. Invitations to Federal Government Prom don’t come often, you know.” He smirks, and you half-ass a smile in return. 
“Yeah, I’m okay, Rossi. Just tired, you know. Would have preferred to get a night’s sleep in my own bed before we did this, you know?” 
He nods, but there’s no use in lying to a profiler. 
The food, you have to admit, is leagues better than the instant ramen you would have cooked up if you had gone home tonight. And the conversation isn’t half bad either, you admit to yourself as you lazily flirt with Paul, a junior fellow from the Department of Health and Human Services, just barely putting in enough effort to seem interested while allowing your mind to wander.
The sensation of a warm hand in between your exposed shoulder blades distracts you from your train of thought. 
“Excuse me,” Aaron’s deep baritone interrupts Paul’s nervous tenor. “I’d like to cut in for a dance, if you don’t mind.”
Paul sputters, and you laugh, because you know that Aaron was asking you, not this early-thirties politico type that he towered over, both physically and morally. 
“We’ll catch up later?” you said to Paul, with absolutely no intent to catch up later, before Aaron led you out to the dance floor. 
“Hotch, I’m gonna step on your feet.” You warned. 
“No you won’t,” he assures you. “Follow my lead.” 
You do as you’re told, and you’re surprised to realize just how easy it is to follow him, anywhere. 
“Aaron Hotchner, when on Earth did you learn to ballroom dance?” You asked incredulously. 
“Boarding school,” He answers with an easy smile.
“You’re joking,” you accuse. 
“Ah, yes, something I’m known to do.”
“You remain a mystery, Hotchner.”  You tell him.
“I don’t know. That might have been my last secret.” 
You roll your eyes, content to continue dancing, and finding yourself getting distracted again. 
“What are you thinking about?” Aaron asks, and you mentally curse yourself for letting your guard down in front of your boss. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just tired. But really grateful to be here, of course, and--”
“I wasn’t asking as your boss, you can stand down,” He smirks, dipping you quickly and it takes your breath away. “You’re thinking of leaving.” He says as he lifts you back up, and it’s not a question. 
“How did you-- I can’t believe-- Damn profilers.” You harrumphed. 
“You’ve been distant, the past couple weeks. You’re in your early twenties accepting an award at the White House, by all accounts you should be ecstatic. That’s when I knew something was wrong. And when I saw you with Peter, or whatever his name was, who you couldn’t be less interested in, that’s when I knew it was us.” 
“See, and that’s exactly why I need to leave. Because I’ll never be able to do that.” You tell him, finally looking him in the eye.
“You will,”  He says in a self-assured tone that does nothing to assuage your anxiety.
“I don’t know,” you sighed. 
“I do.” 
“Maybe I’m not good enough, Hotch.” You confess carelessly. He’s already figured you out. Might as well fess up to your deepest insecurities while your boss holds you and stares you down with his deep brown eyes in the middle of the East Room.
“You are,” he says in that same tone, that you’re sure is supposed to be calming but is only infuriating. 
“But maybe I’m not! Maybe I’m one of those people who always wanted to do it, who always wanted to be an agent, but it’s like a pipe dream for me. I don’t contribute to the team the same way everyone else does. I don’t pick up on the things that seem so obvious to all of you, and it sucks. I can still do good work, but you know-- you change your dreams and you grow up. Maybe I’m one of those people and I’m just not supposed to be here. I just can’t stay knowing that I’m not supposed to be here-- I have to leave.” You’re not even sure if your soliloquy makes any sense, but Aaron pulls you a little closer, so he can speak the next few words lowly, directly into your ear. 
“You’ve been here eight months. It takes time. You are an incredible agent, and an asset to this team. I don’t need another profiler that sees the same things we all see-- I need you, and your observations, the things we missed-- those are the things that solve cases. I can’t-- I can’t allow you to change your dream. I can’t let you leave. I need you here.” 
You let his words hang in the air for a moment before he speaks again. 
“The, uh-- the team needs you. We all need you, and your observations, is what I meant.” He stammers. 
“Hotch?’ You ask, confused by the sudden change in tone. 
“Do you want to go get some fresh air? Get away from the crowd?” He asks, pulling away to look at you, and there’s an invitation in his eyes. Maybe a more seasoned profiler would know exactly what it was, but you were excited to find out nonetheless.  
“Yeah, I think I do.”
You’re certain that you’re breaking some sort of law as Hotch pulls you out of the ballroom and down a hallway, his fingers interlocked with yours. You try not to think about it too much. Your heels click against the marble floors as you follow Aaron’s brisk pace, and eventually he finds a door outside, opening it up and allowing you to pass through it first. It takes a minute to place yourself, especially under the cover of night, but after a moment you realize you’re in the rose garden. 
“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore,” You say under your breath with a little laugh as you look out over the sprawling display of flowers and plants. 
“It definitely beats the Quantico courtyard,” Aaron agrees.
“Never thought I’d make it there, either.” You confess, not looking at him.
“But you did. It wasn’t meant to be easy, but you made it, and you’ll grow. You just need time.” He tells you. 
“How can you be so sure?” You ask, feeling your eyes well up. 
“I was young once, too.” He tells you with a self-deprecating grin. 
“You can’t play up the wise, ancient elder with me, Hotch. I’ve seen you chase Jack across a soccer field like you’re still in your twenties.” You laugh, but he can hear the emotions behind it.
“Hey, come on, I mean it. I’m not Rossi, but I’ve got my fair dose of wisdom to share,” he says, moving closer to you and placing a hand on your arm, trying to comfort you. “Let’s keep dancing. If you want to talk, you can talk. But you thought you couldn’t dance, and you could dance, right? So we can keep doing that until you believe me.” He said, pulling your hand up in his and placing his other on your waist. 
The two of you moved slowly, the orchestra from inside only barely audible from where you were standing. With Hotch’s bad ear, he could really only hear it when his body was angled just right in the direction of the East Room, but somehow he had perfect rhythm regardless. You move in silence for a song or two or three before Hotch speaks up again. 
“I lied to you, earlier.” He confesses, still guiding you effortlessly through a simple waltz. 
“How do you mean?” You ask, suddenly nervous that you were right, that you’re a complete failure of an agent, and that you need to pack your bags and head on back to Kansas.
“I lied when I said that I’d told you my last secret.”
“Oh,” you said, too caught up in your own head to try to understand what he was saying.
“And I lied when I told you that I meant the team needed you--” you felt that bone-crushing weight on your soul again-- “we do, of course, but that’s not what I meant.” 
“Hotchner, what are you talking about?” You finally asked, no longer able to tolerate the emotional whiplash of his conversation.
“When I said I needed you, I meant it.” 
“Oh,” you say, your face a portrait of shock and confusion, even though you understood him completely. 
“That’s selfish of me as a person, and wrong of me as your superior, and maybe that means that I’m outing myself as the kind of fucked-up person that isn’t worth another second of your time, but I needed you to know.” He stops dancing now, tries to hedge a bit of space between you without letting you go entirely. 
“Aaron,” you whisper, clinging to him more tightly as he pulls away, feeling his jacket wrinkle under your fingernails. 
“Yes?” he whispers back. 
“I’m glad you told me,” you tell him, and that’s all the permission he needs to take your face in both of your hands and kiss you, with a gentleness that makes you feel like spun gold, with the reverence of a man who knows that love is not a game, with the hunger of one who has been starved for months. 
He pulls away from you, too soon, and your eyes are wet. “My resignation will be on your desk by Monday morning.”
He takes a step away. “What do you--” 
“Goodnight, Aaron,” You tell him with a sad little smile, turning around towards the door you came from and leaving him in the garden.
You’re drowning your sorrows in a pint of Ben and Jerry’s when the doorbell rings the next day. You swing the door open grumpily, to reveal Aaron. 
“It’s Saturday, and you can’t turn in your resignation until 9am Monday. What can I do in the next forty eight hours to convince you that you belong here?” Aaron asks, still standing in the hall of your apartment complex.
You sigh, stepping aside to let him in. You can’t give him what he wants, but you won’t have this argument where all the neighbors will hear, either. “It’s too late, Hotch.”
“It’s not too late,” he argues, checking his watch. “I have forty six hours and thirteen minutes.”
“I’ll still be the girl who got this job on her back forty six hours from now.” You tell him, folding your arms.
“You’ll be what?” He asks, incredulous. 
“I know that you heard me loud and clear. 
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t know that you slept with Erin Strauss. I didn’t think you were her type.” He says, and you let out an exasperated sigh. 
“You’re absolutely incorrigible!” You cry out. 
“Who implied that you got this job on anything other than your own merit?” Aaron asks, a glint in his eye that lets you know that they’ll be handled just as soon as he gets you to shred the letter of resignation you drafted last night.
“Didn’t I? You didn’t clear my promotion because you were attracted to me?” You asked.
“I cleared your promotion before we even met-- your interview was a bureau formality. Your reputation and the glowing recommendations from your peers in counterterrorism spoke volumes.”  He assures you.
“Oh,” you let out, your anger deflating. 
“If you want to leave because of my inappropriate behavior, please reconsider. I’m incredibly sorry for--” He starts, but you cut him off, placing your hands on his face and pulling him in for a kiss. 
“Nothing to be sorry for. Please continue to be inappropriate,” you tell him in between kisses. 
He smiles as he continues to place kisses across your face, your jaw, your neck, your collarbone. “Right now?” He asks, slipping a hand underneath your shirt.  “You want me to be inappropriate right now?” 
“If you’re really good at it, I’ll let you tear up my resignation yourself.” 
@romanogersendgame @wanniiieeee      @zheezs14      @greeneyedblondie44 @angelic-kisses13  @baumarvel @ssamorganhotchner  @ijustwannaread2k19    @rexit-mo @shmaptainhotchnersmain @qtip-blog @averyhotchner  @the-modernmary @itsmytimetoodream @choppa-style @hotforhotchner11 @infinite-tides @isthatme-thatsme @g-l-pierce @bakugouswh0r3 @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads @rousethemouse @scuttling
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kunikuzxshi · 3 years
Can I please request for LoV content though this time the reader isn’t anyone’s s/o per say, just like everyone’s mama in a sense, always being the one who care for them and give them love, big spooning, cuddle, help them with various stuff. And because they are ‘LoV mama’ they are quiet dominant and everyone listens to them and respect them. Can I get headcannons for LoV interactions with her? And if possible for another post a sequel of how they will react when they found out that she has a lover who basically babies her and she likes it too. How will they react? Will they treat her differently? Jealous? Thank you so much!!!!! 💕💕💕💕
Awwwww 🥺 just let me know if you want me to tag you whenever I do the other post ❤️ it got really laggy before I could add more so… :’)
Just some small stuff, I’ll do like one shots and the other thing in another post or two if you want me to tag you or somethin lol
Part 2
Lemme tell you right now, he is absolutely relieved because now he’s got someone else to “babysit” the league
He finally feels comfortable enough to have a day just to himself
^ He’s just happy he doesn’t have to constantly worry about Dabi burning down their base, or Shigaraki turning Toga to dust
He’s kind of like a kid in a way
^ Like he’s looking for praise in a way, but not really
Encourage him when he’s doing a good job
Let him vent when a certain brat pisses him off
And PLEASE help him discipline said brat
^ He will literally beg you, just do it please
He definitely appreciates you the most out of everyone
He likes getting a pat on the back when he’s doing a good job, or even just having a drink with you when “handjob” is finally asleep I had to I’m sorry I love that nickname so much
You’ve got either really insulting nicknames or really sweet ones for everyone in the league, but you guys only use them when it’s just you two
You guys randomly get Magne pride stuff, like the transgender flag or those pins you find everywhere during pride month
^ Sometimes Toga too
^ And you if you’re part of it, but he goes without you if it’s for you, because then it wouldn’t be a surprise
He likes head pats but that’s all he’s comfortable with
Ok, he’s definitely a bitch to you too
^ at first at least
In general, he didn’t really like people and his tolerance for everyone was pretty low for a long time
The only people he interacted with were the same few people, and they basically spoiled and groomed him, so it takes him the longest to warm up to you
He doesn’t like being told no, so expect him to act like a toddler when you tell him he can’t do something
He does kind of like having another decent parental figure even though in his head afo’s a good dad
He might invite you to go with him to GameStop or something like that
^ Or maybe just to grab a quick snack from a ramen shop or something along the lines of that
He’s somewhere between a moody teenager and a four year old, just remember that
Please don’t get mad at him, he feels bad after an hour or two
^ Kurogiri has to make him apologize for whatever he did though because he’s too stubborn to do it himself
He lets you pick out one of his good controllers and headsets so you can play with him in your own room, or with him, he doesn’t mind
Once he’s fully comfortable with you, he’s clingy as hell
Always asks for hugs or head scratches, most likely both
He tries his best not to snap at you like he does with everyone else, and he probably has the most patience with you
He doesn’t really cuddle with you since it’d be a little weird if you guys aren’t dating, but he does hug you from behind every once in a while
Likes to be close to you in general
He likes when you take care of his scars and wounds for him, or when you get him to stop scratching his neck
^ Cause it shows you care, and he doesn’t really think anyone really does except for Kurogiri and AFO
Probably the touchiest one
Expect to be giving him some form of attention every second, whether it’s talking to him or just holding his wrist
Probably the one that enforces your rules honestly (if you have any)
Basically he’s a simp, but like the platonic kind of simp
Dabi’s a bit like Shigaraki
It does take him a bit to open up, but only about half the amount of time it takes Shigaraki to
He does feel bad when you get mad, and it takes him about the same amount of time to feel guilty
He definitely invites you to go places with him, but it’s usually a bar or a good spot to commit arson
He’s basically a moody teenager, that’s it, so he’s at least manageable
Sometimes he goes with you to get snacks or drinks (soft drinks basically), but if he does, expect to be the one paying
Might give you a cigarette every once in a while if you smoke, and he always offers to light it for you
He definitely likes to vent to you about his day, or how Shigaraki’s been bugging him more than usual
^ It’s mainly because you’re the only one that listens though mainly
^ He still appreciates it though, don’t get it wrong
One of his favorite pastimes is to walk around the city at night with you and maybe Kurogiri
He’s not very touchy in general, so don’t expect anything more than a pat on the back
Sometimes though, if you want a hug or something he’ll let you get one from him
He’s still not touchy at all, so don’t ask for very much
^ Lemme put it this way, expect more from pretty much everyone else except him
He always runs to you about Dabi picking on him for his quirk when Kurogiri’s not around
Sometimes he asks you to play a game with him, but not very often
^ Even Shigaraki probably asks more than Spinner does
He’s pretty quiet with you most of the time, and he won’t usually talk to you unless you start a conversation
^ Basically he only talks to you when he needs to
He’s not exactly the kind of guy that’ll go out for food with you since his quirk makes him pretty easy to spot, but he does offer to help cook every once in a while
He likes to show you his collection of knockoff stain clothing
He has made efforts to try to get to know you more, but he’s a little shy
Get him Stain merch and you’ll automatically be his favorite out of everyone in the league
^ Shigaraki might kill you though, just a heads up
Don’t touch him unless you’re treating his wounds, he’s worse than Dabi is
She loves going out with you and Toga
^ Could be for food, or maybe clothes shopping, hell, even just a walk
^ She just likes spending time with you, but yes, it is preferred if Toga and Twice could come along
She’s gotta be the sweetest person out of the whole league
She’s probably called you her sibling a few times just so you know her opinion on you
You’ve got at least a few matching shirts and jackets with her and Toga
She probably offers to help you around the base more than anyone (except kurogiri)
You’re definitely in the top 3 favorites
She likes to do skincare routines with Toga, Twice, and you
Definitely paints her nails and asks you how it looks first
She’s totally onboard with you sitting in her lap, but it’s just for hugs, don’t get it mixed up
She’s probably one of the touchiest people out of the league
^ Not nearly as much as Shig, but she’s probably third
You’re a sibling too, 100%
She asks you to sharpen and clean her knives daily, but she always repays the favor by helping you cook or by cleaning 2-3 rooms
She’s given you one of her favorite knives to keep for your birthday, or just any special event of yours
She always asks you to put her hair up for her, and if your hair is long enough, she asks if she can do your hair
She’s really picky about anything she gets you, and she always pays attention to the smallest details in everything she gives you
She’s given you quite a lot of jewelry she stole from corpses, whether you wear it or not
^ You can sell it too, and she’s fine with it, just tell her thank you first though
She always wants to watch you cook and she’s even tried to make your favorite food once or twice with Kurogiri and Magne
She asks you to paint her nails for her, even if you’re not good at it, since one hand always turns out better than the other
Face masks and cleansers are a must, she prefers if you do more skincare stuff with her, but that’s the bare minimum
Definitely has a picture of you, Magne, her, and Twice as the wallpaper on her phone
She’s somewhat touchy, she’s all for hugs and maybe hand holding every once in a while
^ That’s it though
He likes to smoke with you (if you do)
^ If you don’t, he still likes to talk to you when he does
He’s really interested in your hobbies and what you like to do
He’s comfortable with taking off his mask fully when it’s just you two and no one else
He thinks your laugh is cute in the same way a puppy’s cute
He likes being cared for by you, and you’re always going to be in his top 3
His all-time favorite thing about you is just the simple fact that you accept him for who he is, flaws and all
He comes to you for head pats at least four times a day, and he likes holding your hand because it makes him feel safe and secure
He loves how gentle you are with him, and how you try your best to understand him
^ He does feel extremely bad when he involuntarily insults you
^ Tell him you know he didn’t mean it and that you still like him please
He loves cuddles, but only when he’s tired
^ It’s usually just him laying his head on your shoulder though
Again, having you around in general makes him feel safe
So after a long day of fighting heroes, he just wants to sit with you until he falls asleep
He basically the only other person besides Kurogiri that doesn’t have the mindset of a 15 year old or younger
It’s nice that he’s got someone other than Kurogiri to talk to now
He offers to help with chores the most
Likes to entertain you with magic tricks, and he always shows you his newest tricks first
^ Please tell him he did a good job and that it was convincing
He knows a good deal about you, like your favorite food and your favorite spot in the city
Sometimes he goes on walks with you when the tension after a mission dies down
He takes you out for food once or twice a week, and for a snack run every other week
^ He always gets a lot of stuff though, so it’s ok
He’s always the first to notice anything about you, like a new haircut or a new shirt
^ He’s always the first to compliment you on it too
On a scale of 1-10, he’s probably a 3 as far as being touchy goes
He appreciates praise and maybe pats on the back, but he doesn’t really care much about themselves
He doesn’t really actively seek your attention like Shigaraki does, but he doesn’t complain when he gets it
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Headcanon: Omegaverse
Warning: little language and sexual moments
Problem: I don't push others away and label genders, I hate it. This is for any and all to read not just fem readers.
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Rin x Reader 🔖
🔖Rin as a omega just think about it, soooo kawaii 😍
🔖But seriously he'll try and keep his second gender a secret, he doesn't want to be looked down on by anyone.
🔖You can't tell me otherwise!
🔖But when he met you his omega senses clicked right in. Your strong, brave, a little mean but also bit of a temper bitch.
🔖But perfect
🔖Taking suppressments, acting all high and mighty not letting anyone press him down
🔖Being a fake alpha
🔖Your alpha like status made your profile shine, not just that your one hell of a knight and tamer. Best in the class
🔖He wanted you to take him as your mate then and there. But he had to ignore his instincts and use his head.
🔖What made things difficult was his doubts and uncertaint thoughts. That wasn't all that held him back you both had things to do, important things to focus on and dreams to achieve.
🔖Fuck no! That's not what holds him back!
🔖Your freaking last name is holding him back!!!
🔖Pheles, bloody hell you had to be the clown's kid.
🔖He wanted nothing to do with Mephisto anymore the clown was enough, but you were nothing like that guy completely different that what he fell for
🔖Your personality, the way you are, he didn't just desire your body for sexual use or his heat. He wanted you as a person to love and care for, making you happy is all he wants.
🔖But it'll never happen. His a demon and his afraid to tell you that.
🔖Later on something kept running on his mind, if your Mephisto's kid and his a demon are you one two
🔖Have he not seen it or something?
🔖So he went straight to the source and ask Mephisto himself it was irritating talking to the clown but what piss him off more was that Mephisto answered him with a question
🔖"Why is it that you wanna know?. Mr okumura."
🔖"Come on man just tell me, stop beating around the bushes and tell me!"
🔖"So rude. Yes (Y/n) is indeed blood related to me, so what do you think?"
🔖He was lost for words he was happy and worried at the same time.
🔖Could you be together if you know about him
🔖Your already great friends have a lot of fun together enjoying time doing stupid shit when you two are chilling together both your IQ's drops to one, but being near one and other just felt right to him.
🔖Finally working up the courage to ask you out.
🔖This guy went all out! brought roses dressed in the nicest hoodie he owns did his hair even wrote a speech that took a week to finish
🔖It all flopped, he got nervous suttering not making sense at all, the words that left his mouth came out as wrong as if his chatterbox broke. His palms all sweaty smudging the ink on them making it hard to tell what he wrote.
🔖You just stood there with a smirk trying not to burst into laughter, the second he came to you with roses dress like a slop you already know that he wants to ask you out.
🔖You just sat back enjoying the show.
🔖It was cute, but started getting annoying.
🔖You had to sush him placing your hands on his cheeks, "it's okay chill, Rin. Yes I will go out with you." Those few words made him the happiest omega alive, he couldn't ask for more. Maybe ask your dad to fuck off cause Mephisto was peaking his out from a corner behind you.
🔖But his happy.
🔖When you two started dating it was a little confusing all the couple stuff not knowing what to do or what's right or wrong, what your partner wants or likes.
🔖You where all cool and relax about it figuring things out along the way... on the other hand Rin was dumb as fuck, he didn't know shit he even took exstra time Googling what couples does?
🔖When he finally found the perfect blog that shoot his taste, he started experimenting. With hugs
🔖He loves hugging you from behind pressing his chest against your back and hocking his arms around your waist, rubbing his cheek against yours.
🔖But you prefer, embarrassing him making him blush. You hug him normally wrapping your arms around his waist pressing your bodies against each other his face in your neck and your in his, but your hands though goes straight down to his buttcheeks giving them a squeeze
🔖He blushes fifty shades of red!!! No end becoming all defensive and making no sense, but secretly he likes it.
🔖With hugs comes cuddling, but your form of cuddling is a bit different whenever he is busy or chilling you just lazily get on him.
🔖In cram school you sometime lean on his side wrapping your arms around him protective, when his studies you sit on his lap facing him as your bodies press together he rests his chin on you shoulder looking at his work, when he lays on the bed you just flop on him no matter what position just fall on him
🔖Holding hands, no big deal you two use to do it a lot before dating, just taking each other's hand in the mall or in public making sure not to lose each other in big open places
🔖It came naturally to you two not one of you are embarrassed or nervous. It was okay
🔖Next's was kissing, he expected a normal peck on the lips, but from you he got the best make out session of his life, but what he hates the most is when your angry that you found a new way to cool yourself down.
🔖Yes you kiss him just a normal average kiss, but to get to the kiss you suddenly without any warning whatsoever grab a hand full of his hair forcefully pull his face near yours.
🔖At least his happy you don't curse or kick random things around you or break whatever is in your hand if your holding something that is, as much as you used to before.
🔖When eating together you and Rin started sharing food without knowing, at times making each other taste your food or genuinely splitting a milkshake.
🔖Rin is actually very simple, pretty much gullible and naive at times, so taking him on a date is pretty easy you once took him too the aquarium and he had a blast like a 5 year old kid, so next time just take him to the zoo, he'd run around pointing silly things out and do all the things mention for kids.
🔖You guys take naps together all the time, just shows how much you enjoy each other company but it's best to find a different napping place other than during class.
🔖Rin is good at cooking we all know that, he loves to bake but you not so much. Your father is freaking Mephisto Pheles ofcourse your going to love junk food just as much as the clown does. You rather have instant ramen than eat a full course meal Rin took hours to make just cause you hate homemade meals.
🔖One thing that Rin will never stop is wearing your oversized hoodies it has you scent all over it making it feel like home to him, not just that he likes getting you two matching outfits or secretly pick out your outfit for the day. He even brought matching bracelets which you love thinking it's cute your omega wants to show his love
🔖You love reading and it makes you relax jumping into a new world, while Rin lays on your chest between your thighs sometime taking short naps or not, while you run your fingers through his hair letting him enjoy the little massage
🔖But.. You suddenly get pissed and either through the book or literally take a lighter wanting to burn the book which he has to stop you.
🔖 When the others found out about your relationship they where actually suprised it took them this long, especially Yukio.
🔖in all honesty Yukio tried giving Rin the talk, which ended awkward.
🔖Mephisto knew from the beginning, he really didn't care as long as your okay that's that.
🔖Suguro was beyond furious, jealous by how Rin got a lover before him which turned into a big mess of teasing and yelling between the two
🔖The others congrat you guys happy for the newly formed couple.
🔖You love Rin but sometimes you can't tolerate the people he hangs out with, you hate Shiemi and Yukio.
🔖Shiemi once tried to take your omega. Which result in you giving her a rude attitude and telling her to shove off. But Rin was quick to defend her... it turned into a full blown argument.
🔖And Yukio, tried separateding you two by secretly getting you mad at each other, you where able to catch on fast and exspose Yukio, Rin turned to your side on this getting angry at his brother.
🔖Sometimes he gets jealous that you hang out with Suguro and Shima the most. He get all whiny about it which you reinsurer him your only his alpha.
🔖When you get jealous you immediately turn violent, you once tried to kill Shiemi for wrapping her arms around Rin's arm, or when Shura hugged him to her chest, even when Izumo wore Rin's jacket.
🔖Ready to tear off their heads. But you have to contain yourself.
🔖At some point you did stumble upon Rin's nest, it wasn't in his room but in one of the many rooms in the dormitory he and Yukio lives in alone, it was like any other nest filled with blankets pillows you could find one or two suff animals in there and clothes... your missing clothes.
🔖But you just left it not wanting to do anything to it, it is his save place after all you have to wait till he willingly allows you in on his own terms it is privacy after all.
🔖Scenting is something you guys do regularly, Rin just wants your scent to feel comfortable he got so use to it, makes him feel uneasy if he doesn't get to rub on you. You enjoy it equally if he doesn't scent a stuff animal or two that is yours you might get angry and punch a hole through the wall
🔖Rin loves you dearly but he didn't bonded with you in the way he thought he would.
🔖Somehow you came down in a rut affecting him aswell, falling into an early heat.
🔖Your will power was long gone force yourself on him giving him the most lovable night he'd never forget you where so gentle and caring taking care of him before yourself. It took everything in you not to fuck his brains out.
🔖But with that it came with you slipping for a second, biting on nape so hard making him bleed, made him scream in pain mixed pleasure.
🔖it took you awhile to have Rin bite you in return cause he didn't what to hurt you and was nervous about it.
🔖But afterwards you showed off the mark wearing it with pride, pinning your hair up (if you don't have long hair just ignore it.) And wearing shirts that exspose more of you neck and shoulders.
🔖After bonding you two stayed near each other having issues with separating for more than half an hour, this result in you leaving your dad's home moving into the dormitory Rin lives in both of you claimed a different room.
🔖Rin rebuilt his nest in both of yours room giving you full access.
🔖Others seem to keep asking you what it like in a alpha x alpha relationship, which confused you.
🔖But you simply answer with either ignoring them or "Just like any other relationship?"
🔖After becoming intimate, you love walking around him shirtless and pantsless. You can either get a blush or a horny moan out of him.
🔖Something more intimate is taking a bath with each other you can't keep your hands to yourself at times like these.
🔖giving each other pet names are normal and cute.
🔖Rin mostly prefers calling you- Babe, sweetheart or handsome/beautiful.
🔖You on the other hand call him- Baby cakes, love, Darling or idiot
🔖But in bed he once accidentally let a Daddy/mommy kink slip his mouth, it turned you on more than ever.
🔖But in bed you call his name mixed with a lot of dirty talk. Which gets him all rile up.
🔖Studying together is not a good option anymore you both can't concentrate, can't keep your hands off your lover, randomly start goofing off or get horny.
🔖You regularly get more piss off at Yukio more than Rin does, When mission come around your either stuck on a lame team or with Rin not allowed in the action.
🔖During the camping trip or exercise, instead of bringing back a lantern you kinda got lost in the forest.
🔖And only reunited with the others when Rin went viral, blue flames every where the trees burning and mist of the students were injured.
🔖Yes Amiomon did think about using you before Shiemi but it wasn't a good idea since Mephisto refused for obvious reasons.
🔖Number one the would have not been able to control you much less get underneath your skin though to your superior abilities.
🔖Number two you would've beating the shit out of Aniomon even if he wasn't your uncle.
🔖And lastly number 3 Your a demon with a class near Mephisto, he could've exspose it if you fought Amiomon but keeping you a secret from the order is more important than Rin.
🔖After all that crazy shit, Rin couldn't look you in the eye now you know he's a demon there could've been hope if he was just any other demon but his the span of satan himself.
🔖He doubt you would want to have him as your omega anymore.
🔖It sadden him and made him depress losing the cheerful happy attitude. Not just his behavior that changed as well as his scent it started becoming displeasing and disgusting.
🔖You treated him the same as you always do, you already knew everything since Mephisto opened his big mouth and blab to you long before you and Rin got together
🔖your also the first to feel the change in your omega, but thought it was cause of the way the others treat him.
🔖But it wasn't the same when he avoided you and didn't let you in him nest.
🔖At some point you had enough, doing something that an alpha shouldn't, you drag Rin straight out his nest to confront him
🔖It started in a argument leading of to crying and yelling, it ended with you mostly trashed the room, and the words never spoken once from you
🔖"I love you!" It made Rin extremely happy knowing you love him dearly.
🔖"I love you too"
🔖You two were finally on the same page again, continuing your relationship. Loving and cuddling.
🔖When the others treated Rin bad you where the one to comfort him and give him a not of ice cream.
🔖That's till Izumo birthday came aroun, You don't celebrate birthdays since your a demon and all much older than you look.
🔖You even helped Rin decorate the cake that was clearly Christmas themed, which confused you but you just brushed it off.
🔖Until Suguro yelled at you two claiming it was clearly not a birthday cake.
🔖They could understand Rin's explanation being that his birthday is really close to Christmas it is natural to celebrate the two on the same day not using up much money.
🔖You on the other hand were a different case, they where honestly worried, who would tell someone
🔖"I don't celebrate my birthday, I really don't care and truthfully I don't know the date to my birth?"
🔖Yes, you read it Mephisto never told you, and you really don't care about minor stuff like that.
🔖You suggest to them to just give the cake to Mephisto, your old man isn't much of a Christmas fan after all
🔖It was fun. And so where the rest of your days with Rin.
🔖Really happy.
Thanks sis for the request... I'm blocking you🤗❤
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prepperjournal · 3 years
Building Your Survival Food Pantry
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When I was a child, we had a bomb shelter. My parents didn’t build it – it was there when they bought the house. But they did stock it with what they believed to be the most important survival items, should we ever get “hit.” I remember several battery-operated items – radio, flashlights, and such – and of course, clothing and bedding in a trunk. But then there were the food and drink items - our survival food pantry. There were all sorts of canned goods, of course, and large bottles of water (only glass in those days). Foods that normally came in boxes (e.g., cereal and powdered milk) were put into glass jars. Times have changed. Now that we have plastic and bagged items with long shelf lives, bomb shelter food would look very different today (except for the powdered milk, I suppose, which I always hated). And there are plenty of ways to keep food items water-proof. A nuclear event is not the only disaster for which we need to be prepared these days. Earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes are all on the rise, as well as real threats from people both within and outside our country. Then there are blizzards, pandemics, and long-term power outages as we recently saw in Texas. And the Boy Scout motto of “Be Prepared” should still guide our preparedness. So, let’s take a look at what a survival food pantry should look like today. Whether we face a short-term or long-term disaster, it is best to plan for a long-term food and water shortage at the onset. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J31WXxAEwY Survival Food Pantry Basics – The List - Water: It’s the “rules of threes” here. You can survive three minutes without oxygen, 3 days without water, and three months without food. If you are breathing, then water is the next priority. If you are planning a pantry for “bug-in” survival, you will want between ½ - 1 gallon of water per day, per person. This also presupposes that, if you have a means of cooking, you may use some water. And there is personal hygiene to think of too. In short, water must be your top priority. If the public water supply is disrupted, then any tap water will have to be purified once that supply is restored. A few drops of household bleach per gallon will do the trick and save you from the necessity of boiling if your power is out. If you are thinking in terms of a “bug-out” survival, water will be too heavy to carry. What you want instead is a water collection device and filters. And, if you have access to wood and bring matches, boiling water is always an option here. FIFO Can Tracker | Stores 54 cans | Rotates First in First Out | Canned Goods Organizer for Cupboard, Pantry and Cabinet | Food Storage | Organize Your Kitchen | Made in USA - Organize Your Food Pantry - Our patent designed FIFO Can Tracker keeps your kitchen organized by storing and rotating your canned goods on a First In First Out model saving you from expired food cost and waste! Designed to store cans from 4 to 15 ounces. Perfect for diced chili cans, soup cans or standard vegetable cans. Holds up to 54 cans. Perfect to organize your food storage. - Sturdy Design - Made in the USA, this product is built to last and will be a permanent solution to your kitchen organization problem. Easily connect multiple units together to expand your storage. - Easy Installation - Put together in just minutes following a simple 4 step process. - Fits on Existing Shelves - Product dimensions are 12" H x 16" W x 16" D allowing you to organize your pantry, cabinet and cupboard. - 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee - If you are not satisfied with your purchase and feel this product has not solved your pantry organization problem simply return for a full refund. $38.99 Buy on Amazon - Canned Goods: These are absolute staples if you are sheltered in place in your home. And they will provide a variety of foods so that you don’t face “food boredom.” Think in terms of canned meats, beans (a great source of protein), fish, fruits, and veggies. Variety is the key here so that you and your family members have choices. And these can be eaten without cooking. After all, your instant pot may not be an option right now. Canned soups are a great option if you buy those that are not concentrated. They can be eaten right out of the can without the need for water or cooking. Ensure you have a good rotation plan also. - Food in Jars: Here’s where the advent of plastic comes in. There’s a huge list of food and drink that now comes in plastic jars that prevent breakage and are less in weight. Think peanut butter and jelly; think bottled juices; think fruits. They, too, have long shelf lives and can provide a good variety. - Snacks: Snacks can provide a bit of a respite from the boredom that comes from lack of electricity and Wi-Fi. Crackers and chips come boxed and bagged. If humidity is an issue, then it can be stored in plastic bags. They have a long shelf-life and will not have to be “changed out” too often.  Dips are obviously out to “dress up” these items, but there are freeze-dried meats that will do, as well as peanut butter. If you can’t cook popcorn is out, but nuts are not. Stock up on a good variety. - Dried Foods: These were not around when I was a kid, but just go through any grocery store and look at all the possibilities. There are dried fruits and meats galore – everything from jerkies to fruit leather, to banana chips. Stock up on plenty of these – lightweight and nutritious. - Granola Bars: I put these in a separate category because they are a source of almost every nutrient we need – protein, carbs, a bit of fat, and even that need for something sweet. If you should have to “bug out,” they are lightweight, have a long shelf life, and can provide the energy you will need. Look for those that are high in protein – this provides long-term energy, while carbs and sugars are only for the short-term. - About that Powdered Milk: Fortunately, powdered milk now comes in cans, as opposed to those traditional boxes. You do not have to take measures to protect it from water damage. When reconstituted with water, it can be used on cereal and for cooking (e.g., mashed potatoes) if you have an alternative cooking method during power outages. If you have children who cannot tolerate the taste, then have a supply of canned chocolate or strawberry syrup to “sweeten the deal.” - Pasta, Rice, Noodles: These can be temporarily filling because of their carb content. But here’s the thing: they must be cooked, and that will require using your supply of water. If you are sheltered in place with your public water supply still available, then all is good. You can cook these up as much as you wish. But if your water supply is cut off, or you have to use alternative methods for cooking, these are probably not good options. Still, put them in your pantry on the chance that they can be prepared. - The Debate About Couscous: Yes, this is a type of pasta, made from small grains of a specific type of wheat flour. The beauty of it is that it is steamed rather than boiled and takes far less water to cook. Unlike traditional pasta, couscous cooks in about two minutes. On the other hand, it is extremely high in gluten. So, if you have family members with gluten sensitivity, it is not an option. Planning for Long-Term Survival in Place As mentioned above, your food pantry should be planned for long-term survival, even if an immediate event is only short-term. Our goal for long-term survival in place is to have those food items that: - Provide solid nutrition - Can be prepared using as little fuel and water as possible - Will be “damage-proof” - Are as compact as possible - Have a variety of flavors and consistencies, so that “food boredom” doesn’t set in Here are some things to think about as you stock that survival food pantry: - Avoid dried beans. While they are a great source of protein, they take lots of water and fuel to cook. Items like navy beans and great northern beans now come in cans. Opt for that alternative. - Water is still the highest priority. Have ½ - 1 gallon per person per day for about a month. Beyond that, you will need a water-collection device/process and water filters to purify that water. - Rely on canned goods as much as possible, but remember they have lots of sodium and sugar, so are not as healthy as other options. - Freeze-dried fruits and veggies are a must. They don’t take up much space, and they are sources of essential nutrients and antioxidants. They are also important to keep your intestinal functions operating properly. You will get the right amounts of vitamins and minerals through these freeze-dried items. - Honey has no shelf-life. It can last forever. Have lots of it to use as a sweetener, and it does come in plastic containers. - Instant oatmeal packets. Place these in plastic bags to preen water damage. They are reconstituted with a small amount of water and heat. Use honey for sweeteners. While sugar lasts forever too, it does not have the health benefits of honey and is susceptible to humidity. - A variety of oils can add “spice” and flavor to foods. And most come in plastic containers now. If you can cook, use them liberally. They are caloric heavy and can provide energy as well as better taste. - Ramen: This is a common survival food for college students on tight budgets, but there are survival benefits too. They are good sources of carbs and take only a small amount of water to cook. - Freeze-dried and dried meats: these can last over a year. - Canned tuna in oil: perfect source of protein and Omega-3. - Granola and protein bars: Perfect for snacks and well-rounded nutrition. One Keynote here: make certain that all foods that are packaged in boxes or paper-type containers are stored in water-proof packaging, such as mylar bags that are vacuum-sealed. If You have to bug out When you have to evacuate, you face unique challenges. Of course, you cannot drag jugs of water and canned goods in backpacks. A wheeled cart is certainly a short-term solution, but it will not house everything you may need for a long-term bug-out situation. Your options are limited, so focus on these items: - A water collection device and filters - Survival Matches - Flashlights with new batteries or headlamps - Fully lightweight nutrition bars and other freeze-dried items You Can do This... Planning ahead is the best scenario for survival. Water and food are key factors in that planning. Make a list of items for both short and long-term survival, get to your grocery store and other retailers with the right supplies and equipment. You can be prepared for any disaster, and that brings a lot of peace of mind. Author’s bio. Jessica Fender is a professional writer and educational blogger. Jessica enjoys sharing her ideas to make writing and learning fun. You can check her last review here. Read the full article
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honeydots · 4 years
200. “He loves you, you know? He’s just afraid of admitting it.” ~~ This has some Vibes and I kinda like them so? I'd like 2 humbly request your take on this w/ shukita or akeshu if it's ok to ask for!! -- dorky-arsene (a sideblog)
“He loves you, you know? He’s just afraid of admitting it”
Hello no I didn’t forget about these I am just slower than a little baby turtle!!!!! Anyway
Summary: Goro’s new job leads him to discover that dealing with both a crush and an idiot while flipping burgers is, unarguably, the worst turn his life could’ve taken.
cw: sexual themes (+p5r spoilers)
(ao3 link)
“Hello! Would you like to try our Big Bang Special Combo Shot-Straight-Through Promotional Meal for ‘Thy Father of Corruption 2: The Daughter of Rejection’ for ¥850?”
Goro wanted to quit. 
You need this job. You need this job. He’d repeat to himself each time a customer decided they were feeling peckish. You will have no money if you quit and then you will have no home and then you will drop out of college and then you will die. 
He’d left the police department after graduating. With his past plans of an 18-year life expectancy having slipped down the drain, he hardly had a reason to stay. High school had been an uphill battle with cases of murder and robbery breathing down his neck, and he’d hesitated to even make an attempt at trying to juggle his priorities in university. Dropping the detective gig meant dropping the media attention, too, which gave him breathing room he certainly knew he needed, but never really had. 
The problem was, after three years of fading out of fame and living off his savings, he realized this wouldn’t stretch as far as he’d predicted. He hadn’t accounted nearly enough for the expenses that came with the unwelcome enforcement of trying to live as a proper human being. His bank account was growing meager. If he wanted to keep living (which was arguable) in the way that he was (which he did) he’d need an income. Almost anything would do, as long as it would bend and break to his schedule. 
And, all things considered, he technically had connections here. And ever since… that, the pay had actually increased to a respectable amount. The management had rehired, retrained, and improved. It was fast food, but it was livable. Nothing shameful about being livable. 
And god fucking dammit he had already done three interviews with no hires and he needed food other than half-cooked ramen noodles and bread slices. 
“Can I get you anything else, sir?” 
That didn’t mean he didn’t loathe every minute.
It was bad enough that he had a job at Big Bang Burger. And, bad enough that he’d been desperate to get it. It was bad enough that he had to bring in his homework like some anguished used-to-be honors student now getting barely passing marks. And christ, it was bad enough each time a customer would walk in, a hamburger-shaped icepick would slam itself into his frontal lobe, forever ingraining the memory of his premeditated brain murder of the former CEO of this very restaurant. 
All of that, and he couldn’t stress this more, was bad enough. It was entirely shitty all around. Completely awful, and damming, and humbling, though he hated to admit it. He’d like to say it couldn’t get any worse. That this was the end of the line, get off the train before it turns around, don’t get stuck in the never ending cycle of beef patties and sesame seed buns. 
But, god, of all the coworkers. 
“Ya know,” said Sakamoto, leaning down on the front counter after their customer had left,  “I dunno if clenching your teeth like you’ve got peanut butter stuck in there counts as ‘service with a smile.’” 
Sakamoto Ryuji. The boy who had the opposite of a filter, and more like a megaphone spewing recordings of every profanity in the Japanese language. He, who had walked in on Goro’s second day and loudly declared, ‘I thought I smelled something, what’s this a-hole doing here?’ Really, who else could he tolerate spending eight-hour shifts with; greasy stoves, piss poor customers, and the ruthless scent of lysol on tile included?
Ah, right. Anyone else. 
Goro pressed his lips together. “Hm. Well you know, I was almost certain that elbows on the counter was a fireable offense.” 
Sakamoto snatched himself up in a second, elbows up high. He hung there and looked around the empty restaurant. 
He pouted. “Not cool, dude. That’s only when there’s customers.”
Goro raised his eyebrows. He was really just going to stand there? He looked like an idiot, or a chicken. A hybrid that, if anyone could pull off, would be him. He was making a great show of it, too. 
Sakamoto narrowed his eyes. “Unless you’re a snitch.” 
Goro spoke in his most syrupy sweet voice. “Are you implying then, that your job is in my hands? An entertaining thought, Sakamoto.” If it were only that simple to really get him fired. Unfortunately, their manager seemed to love his enthusiasm. Every moment he spent enthusiastically mopping floors and singing into the handle was a moment Goro could’ve been writing soliloquies of his growing and newfound hatred for Carly Rae Jepsen. 
Sakamoto folded his arms in a huff. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about, man! Look at that fake-ass smile.” He shook his head. “And I get customer service blows and stuff, but you use it for everything. Lighten up dude! Take a break.”
Sakamoto said things with such confidence, such surety. It made his teeth grind. 
“I’d prefer to keep my job,” Goro said, and gave him the sweet smile Sakamoto was arguing against. “Though, if you’d like to pay my rent for me, you’re more than welcome.” 
He acted like he hadn’t even heard him.“Maybe it’s ‘cause you’re so gloomy all the time, your face just doesn’t know how to work it. Look it, check me out.” Sakamoto pointed his thumb at himself and flashed a toothy smile. “Just like that! All natural, bro. It’s easy. Come on, you really try it this time.” 
Goro very clearly did not. He stared with his most obsolete and ‘stop-trying-to-have-a-conversation-with-me’ look he could muster. He’d communicate it telepathically, if given the chance. 
“That doesn’t look like trying to me,” Sakamoto said expectantly. 
Couldn’t they just sit in silence and wait for their fabrication of getting-along time when the next inevitable customer came in? “Perhaps, and please let me know if this is too complicated, I simply have no intention of trying, because I don’t believe there’s anything to fix.” 
“Nah, that’s not it,” replied Sakamoto, as if he was being thoughtful.
Another reason why he was completely obnoxious was because the longer they knew each other, the less that Goro’s flawless stone faced looks worked. Sakamoto kept spewing hot air. He’d gained some kind of tolerance, and it was tedious to work around. 
Sakamoto leaned back down, previous elbow warnings forgotten. “I bet you’re the kinda guy who’s super ticklish, so you act all boring so no one suspects it.”
“I’m not,” Goro snapped. 
“Quick reply there, buddy.” 
Goro didn’t answer to that. He didn’t owe it to him. This was pointless; why did Sakamoto find such pleasure in talking about pointless things? 
He slouched further down. “So it’s silent treatment now. You’re checking all the boxes over here.” He waved his finger through the air. “Check, n’ check, n’, check.” 
Goro was getting a headache. “I don’t want to talk about this.” 
“Betcha you’re super ticklish. And like, one of those cry-laughers.” 
“Sakamoto, did you hear what I just said.” 
He stretched up from his position on the counter. “Like if I poke you in the side, I bet it would make ya jump.” 
“Do not.” He could just try it. Goro would bend his finger back so far it’d break. He wondered if that would be a viable option to get him to stop talking sometime. 
“Didn’t say I was gonna.” He rested his arms behind his neck. “You’re just proving my point more, though.” 
Sakamoto was annoyingly stubborn at times. Once he found a niche with Goro, he’d hack his way in and grab on like a tick. Bother him like it was his last chance he’d ever get, as if they didn’t work shifts together four times a week. He was bound to get lyme disease at this rate.  
Goro felt like a very frustrated pair of tweezers.“Can we talk about anything else, please?”
Sakamoto went quiet. He was just looking at him now. Goro tensed up. Was he really going to try and poke him? He meant it, he’d break his hand. 
“Ya know, there is something I wanna talk to you about,” he said.
Goro did not like the sound of that. “Oh really.” He tried to sound like he was just told he was about to be given a lecture on the intricacies and details of lentil soup. Which, perhaps could be more interesting than whatever topic Sakamoto was about to pull out of his ass. 
Sakamoto sniffed. “Yup. It’s about Akira.” 
Oh, he really didn’t like where this was going. “Sakamoto, I—” 
“When’re ya gonna like, confess.” 
Goro visibly winced. Dammit. He knew he’d bring this up one day. He was absolutely infuriated Sakamoto knew about that, and he hadn’t even told him. He’d been making guesses and Goro had been just tired enough during his shift to let a hint of a sigh out, and Sakamoto had taken that to new heights. Another example of conversations being had that Goro would’ve just about died to get out of. 
Sakamoto was still staring at him. Didn’t he have anything better to do? Goro knew they didn’t at this good for nothing job, but what was so hard about just acting like you’re busy. You’re pretending then, at least, and that’s something. 
“Well, dude?” asked Sakamoto. 
Any conversation is better than that one.
Mother of fuck. 
“I…” Goro started, adjusting a piece of his hair, “I suppose I am a little ticklish.”
Sakamoto’s face lit up. “Dude, for real? Called it,” he said triumphantly. Had Goro not known him as well as he did, he’d think the divergence in conversation was a trick to get him to admit he was a bit… touchy. But he did know him, and he wasn’t one for games like that.
“Most people are, it shouldn’t be a surprise. It’s skin sensitivity, nothing more.” 
Sakamoto shrugged. “Still funny you admitted to it.” 
Sure. Very hilarious. Yet another fact Sakamoto now knows about him that he’d really have rather not shared under any circumstance. 
“Satisfied, now?” Goro asked, but it wasn’t really a question. He didn’t plan on expanding, this was embarrassing enough as it was. 
“Nope,” he replied, “cause that’s great and all, but I really gotta know the game plan.” He leaned in close to Goro, and he in turn leaned farther away.
“There’s no ‘game plan,’ Sakamoto. Please don’t get so close to me.” 
“Yeah, yeah, sorry.” He moved back, obviously not finished. “Come on, though, you gotta have something.” And back down on the counter he slouched. 
‘Something,’ he’d said. Yes, and that something was to keep his mouth shut and go about his life keeping each and every one of those mortifying feelings to himself. It was humiliating enough that Sakamoto knew. Telling Akira? He didn’t even want to imagine it. He’d rather face Okumura-san herself and ask her to buy one of their Shot-Straight-Through combo meals. 
“There’s nothing. And I don’t plan there to be anything. And, it’s not really much of your business, is it?” Goro could feel himself growing irritated. 
Sakamoto melted further into the counter. “I just don’t get why you’re not gonna ask him out if you like him. You might as well, man, it’ll be fine.” 
What simple ways of thinking. Do this, get that in return. Black and white, and right and wrong. Spill your fleeting moment of vulnerability and try not to think about the extensive hole of commitment you’re burying yourself in. One turn of phrase, one word, one misplaced breath to Akira would forever rupture the sorry excuse of acquaintanceship they’d been flip flopping through for the past three years. Akira was a blank slate and simultaneously the person he knew best. He knew him, but didn’t really, and he could never tell what he was thinking. Suddenly he was gambling again, and this time it came entirely unwelcome. Risks you face before death and risks that you’ll keep living through no matter the outcome tasted different. One was tangy and sweet and thrilling, the other was bitter  shit. Not to mention that Akira was too kind to him for his own good. He couldn’t even tell what was a lie. 
But, Sakamoto didn’t need to know all that. “You say that like there’s nothing to consider. As if I’ve never even given this thought. You do not belong in my head, Sakamoto. And I do not need to give you, an obvious outsider on the entire dilemma, any sort of justification for why I’m going to continue to abstain on something as trivial as a confession.” 
Sakamoto huffed at him. “What if I said that I gua-ran-tee he’s not gonna say no to you.”
Goro was already sick of this. What, had Sakamoto expected his heart to skip? His pulse to rise? That just the very thought of mutual feelings would send him into some flustered mess? Please. He told the tingling feeling going up through his legs and down his arms and up the back of his neck to shut the fuck up. 
He couldn’t stay quiet for long. Sakamoto could and would get ideas. “Then why doesn’t he just tell me that himself? Why are you playing wingman for him?” 
“Cause he’s not gonna say anything cause he’s got to be worried that he’s gonna freak you and your crazy attachment issues out!” 
Of course, there it was. The blind bet. Sakamoto’s one-way thinking at it again, and Goro would not have it. “I’m not going to start playing some game with him about the complexities of whatever idea of consent he has in his head. I don’t need his sympathy, and I am certainly not looking for it. I don’t have time for something messy and half-assed. I don’t want that, and surely he doesn’t, either. If he feels any way about me, he’d ought to tell me, because then maybe we’d find some kind of leeway. But I will not let him sit there and wait for me to make the first move, like a key element in his plan. This is not some teenage romance, and I am not a caricature of his love life. He can wait patiently all he’d like, but I’m perfectly content as I am now.” 
Sakamoto seemed a little stunned. 
“Man, he’s just…” He trailed off. They sat in silence. 
So ways still existed to get Sakamoto to stop rambling on. He was sure he’d regret saying this later, for a multitude of reasons. He didn’t hate Sakamoto, even saying dislike felt strong, but he always talked about things that Goro had no interest nor inclination to discuss. Maybe silence was for the best between them, for now. 
“He loves you, you know? He’s just afraid of admitting it. That’s all it is, dude,” said Sakamoto. 
Goro inhaled. So he wasn’t done, then. “Love… is an entirely different conversation.” 
“Okay, fine, you want me to say he ‘like-likes’ you like some fifth grader? Cause he does.” 
Goro didn’t reply. He’d made his point. 
“He isn’t playing one of your weirdo mind games,” Sakamoto continued. “I think you’re thinking too hard about this. He’s just a guy. He just wants to make sure you’re all comfortable and shit. Cause it’s not like we don’t all know the bullshit that was goin’ on for you.”
“I am not looking for his pity.” A fine thing to say while working at a Big Bang Burger in a bright yellow shirt and starred apron. It didn’t matter. He didn’t wear this with pride, per say, but he wouldn’t ask someone to feel sorry for him.
He didn’t exactly want to be seen, either. Especially not Akira, but of course he’d make habits of visiting. That was just like him, and it was just like his pity, too. 
Sakamoto looked frustrated. “He ain’t pitying you, man! He’s tryin’ to respect you! He knows you got things to go through on your own and he’s trying to give you space and everything.” 
Goro clicked his tongue. “If you know that’s his tactic, why are you trying to pressure me into this?” 
“Cause I don’t care, dude!” Sakamoto said, and then stopped himself, and promptly looked very guilty. “Well, okay. I do care. Like, I do. But sometimes…” He looked like he was trying to pick his words out carefully. He had an idea, just no way to form it.
He settled. “Sometimes, you just gotta get laid, man.” 
At this point, Goro found himself shocked that he wasn’t banging his own head against the counter. 
“Excuse me?” 
“You’re twenty one years old! Dude, I know you haven’t gotten any,” Sakamoto argued. “Your gay ass with emotional problems? Get outta here.” 
“This is not—”  
Sakamoto put his hands up nonshalontly. “And like, yeah, no judgey stuff, take your time if you gotta. But have you considered it? Tell me. I betcha you haven’t.”
Goro opened his mouth, expecting to reply with an incredibly well thought out ‘fuck off,’ but the automatic doors slid open, and suddenly Goro was all smiles and greetings, so what came out instead was, “Hello! Welcome to Big Bang Burger! Would you—ah.” 
Sakamoto snorted loudly, and Goro wanted to kick him so bad. 
And actually, what was stopping him? Sakamoto had earned this, and it’s not like this customer would care. 
Because, who else could’ve been just about summoned by the trouble than Kurusu Akira himself; strolling in so casually through the doors, like he hadn’t just become the most unpleasant topic of conversation Goro had ever had with Sakamoto. Speak of the devil was an understatement, or perhaps he was the devil himself. 
“What the eff, man!” 
“Hey you two,” said Akira, hands in his pockets and clearly bagless. He didn’t even register Goro’s kick, like that was just some normal occurrence. Somehow, that made him angrier. 
“Yo,” said Sakamoto, recovering annoyingly quickly. Goro wondered if he should’ve considered breaking his finger. 
Sakamoto reached out to Akira for a fist bump. “You don’t have the cat with ya?” 
Akira bumped him back. “Nope. Just me today.” 
“Sweet,”  Sakamoto replied, a smile growing wide. Goro hated the look. It was the hungriest and most dastardly shit-eating grin he’d ever seen him dare to make. So, knowing Sakamoto and his terrible poker face, he had thought up some idiotic ploy. 
“What’s up with you?” Akira asked, and thank god it wasn’t directed at Goro. Sakamoto’s obviousness did not go unnoticed. 
“Oh nothin’, nothin’,” said Sakamoto, entirely conspicuously, “I gotta go, though, grind never stops. Super secret stuff in the back.” 
Goro glared at him. So now he would pretend to be busy? 
“Burger secrets,” Akira said, and Ryuji gave him a finger gun in reply. He walked off without a word, but apparently felt the inclination to jerk his head back at Goro, as if he didn’t know what he was doing. 
He sighed. No amount of alone time would ever compel Goro to confess at a Big Bang Burger, of all places. At least Akira tended to be a little more bearable in conversation. He hoped he’d be an in and out customer. “Can I get you anything?” 
Akira looked at him for a moment. “You look flustered.” 
Goro felt himself twitch. He wasn’t flustered, like some preteen who can’t hear the word genital without bursting into laughter. If anything, Sakamoto had caught him off guard with his stupidity. He obviously was not one to be so affected by such a topic. He was an adult, and a professional. He would again not think about the fact he was wearing an orange visor right now. 
“I’m positive that isn’t a menu item,” he replied, keeping his pleasant smile plastered on, keeping any stray annoyance from showing. 
Akira examined him closer. “Do you have a fever or something? You look red.”
Goro drummed his fingers against the counter impatiently. What was he supposed to say? Sorry, Akira, Sakamoto just decided to kindly push the image of you railing me as a form of twisted therapy into the forefront of my consciousness. Would you like any drinks?
“I’m fine. I’m not the type to go to work sick,” he decided on instead. 
“Really?” He didn’t seem convinced. 
Goro folded his arms. “While living in a society where health is determined by the trust of the majority, I have no plans to spread my germs to an unsuspecting businessman, in that I expect the same from him.”
Akira considered that for a moment. “So you’re embarrassed, then.” 
Goro’s expression turned sour. He was not in the mood for a debate. “Everyone seems to be presuming things today, have I missed a memo?” 
Akira didn’t miss a beat. “Ryuji said something?” 
Goro dragged his fingernails into his palm. He was hardly being that obvious, he wasn’t a bumbling idiot who couldn’t keep a straight face. Akira was just acutely good at reading people, (namely, reading him) and it drove Goro up the wall. It was unfair, for one thing, since Akira continued to maintain blank expressions in the face of clowns and hookers, keeping his inner thoughts kept behind lock and key. And, as of more recently, he was the one person Goro really desperately wanted to hide every wandering emotion from possible. Just his luck, fall for the bastard who analyzes people as a side job for his savior-complex living. 
This was making him more frustrated. “Would you just order?” 
Akira looked at the menu, but Goro knew it was bullshit. He ordered the same thing every time— a shake and a burger, no tomatoes. He certainly already knew what he wanted, but was just causing trouble in the meantime. What an annoyance. Goro punched it in, and made no moves to go and cook. If Sakamoto was going to have his “business” in the back, then he could stay there and do his job. 
“Sit over there, we’ll bring it to you when it’s done,” he said, and Akira silently obliged. He gave a small smile before he turned, leaving Goro completely alone with his thoughts as he sat at his table and scrolled through his phone. 
He couldn’t believe the timing of Sakamoto’s distasteful comment to Akira’s unseasonable entrance. Things always seemed to fall into place with Goro, just not the right places. The right place, but a little down, and to the left, the left, he said. He wished Sakamoto would mind his own business, let him quietly pine until his untimely death; which kept getting put off, might he add. 
Sakamoto emerged from the back end of the restaurant. He was holding the bag of presumably Akira’s food, and his shake. He waved them enthusiastically. 
“Go on, dude,” he smirked. 
Goro was blunt. “No.” He’d pissed him off enough today. He wasn’t going to walk over there and serve the food. Sakamoto’s little idea of love, romance and marriage in a burger joint would have to wait. Ideally, it would get itself stuck in wet concrete, and drown way down under where no one could see it and where the light of day would never reach. 
Sakamoto seemed to catch his drift. “Jeez, fine. Huffy, huffy.” 
He walked over to Akira with a spring in his step, and they started chatting idly. Goro couldn’t hear. In all honesty, he was trying to tune them out. His headache was growing worse. Pounding in his head, every light too bright and repetitive music blurring together his thoughts. And of course there was the elephant in the room, who was whispering to him Sakamoto’s crude suggestions, and the irritating notion that maybe he was right, just a little bit.
He needed to get himself together. He was acting like some horny teenager. Get fucked, you raunchy elephant. 
Sakamoto left to let him eat, and made a show of going back to the other end of the restaurant, all while wiggling his eyebrows at Goro. In turn, Goro made a show of rolling his eyes and planting himself facing away from Akira. It made Sakamoto laugh, for whatever reason, and Goro just ignored him. 
He watched the door idly and tried to relax. He’d been clenching his teeth, and his jaw ached. He tried to focus to get his headache to fade into obscurity. He couldn’t find much to concentrate on, was his issue. Other than the obvious, which he would ignore without remorse. He wanted to go home. No lights too bright there, no sloppily cleaned windows, and especially no crush (the word left a bad taste in his mouth. Boy who has left him emotionally compromised after giving him no reason to deny he had worth in the world and keeps him up at night thinking about the way he really tried to will him back into existence when he could, god, have anything else in the world, and he wanted him. Was that a better option?) sitting out of view, chewing quietly and doing absolutely nothing to draw so much attention to himself.  At home he could drown it all out in a cold bath, and let himself think of nothing but his numbing toes and pruning fingers. 
“Hey, catch,” Akira said, suddenly there and startling Goro out of his bathlike daydream. He tossed something onto the counter. Goro did not catch it. 
It was a napkin, all folded up in a careful way. It didn’t hold the shape well, but the intention was pretty clear. “Um. A crane?” 
“Yup. Present for you.” he started, rubbing his neck, and he had the nerve to look bashful. “I got bored.”
Goro hadn’t noticed him making it. Which, alright, did make sense, he was purposefully keeping his neck away from that entire half of the restaurant. “Sorry we aren’t quite the height of entertainment here.” Goro lightly touched its head. He didn’t know Akira knew how to make these. “Well, thank you, I guess.”
Akira pushed his glasses further up his nose. “You’re welcome to name him.”
“I think that I won’t.”
“That can be pretty trendy, too,” he replied. “I’ve gotta go. Class. Tell Ryuji I say bye.” 
“Bye, dude!” Sakamoto shouted from the back. There was that tiresome enthusiasm again. 
It made Akira smile.“Nevermind, then. See you.” 
Goro just barely lifted his hand by the wrist to wave. “Bye.” 
Akira turned, gave him a small trill of his fingers, and left. Sakamoto did not return to his exit, and Goro savored the moment. It was just him and the crane, now. 
It was pretty shoddy. Unfolding, and barely standing up on its own. Cheap paper napkins were not the ideal material for origami, it seemed. He watched it slowly fall apart, wings losing shape and the head relaxing into its neck. Akira had hardly stayed long, so that meant he was probably pretty good at this sort of thing. He wouldn’t have guessed. 
…He thought about how it might look on proper paper. The creases sharp and crisp, the ends pointed and still. What would Akira’s hands look like while they worked? He could hear the sounds of the folding, and the wedging, clean paper being bent and rippled. Delicate fingers, working through, meticulously checking every last inch. Sometimes a pinch, just where it’s needed. And then finished, folded tight, wrapped together in itself. Very quick work, with the touch of a hand. 
“The heck is that?” Sakamoto said, getting an actual jump out of Goro. 
“What?” he gasped, and took a second to collect his thoughts. At work. Sakamoto came back. In a Big Bang Burger. Headache present. Good fucking god. “It’s just…” He pressed his fingers into the side of his temple “It’s a paper crane. Akira made it.” 
Sakamoto let that sink in.“You tellin me you were just sitting here staring at the thing Akira made you?” 
“I wasn’t,” Goro replied, trying desperately to catch his breath as casually as possible. 
“Uh, you literally were.” Sakamoto got uncomfortably close to him again. Goro physically moved away, because now was not the time. 
It didn’t deter Sakamoto whatsoever. He put his hands on his hips and gave an annoying grin. “Bro, you gotta tell him… You’ve obviously got it preeetty bad.” 
Goro was fed up with this. This conversation needed to end, or he thought he might explode. “I don’t ‘have it bad,’ Sakamoto, stop bringing this up.” 
Sakamoto smirked at him. “You so do though, is the thing.” 
“I don’t. Leave me alone.”
He shrugged his shoulders, and kept his mouth shut. He was acting so haughty, like he’d won the argument. Which, he hadn’t, for the record. 
That stupid crane. All it’d done was make things worse. And what was it even doing? Sitting here crumbling away into uselessly folded paper. A cheap napkin made of other recycled cheap napkins. Clean and crisp paper was a long sought after dream, a fantasy and nothing more. 
You know, this was just it, really. This is what he meant. Akira would try and fold him up and he’d inevitably fall back down. He didn’t know just what fantastic method he’d try, but it wouldn’t matter— he was made of what he was made of, and nothing would hold him up. Trying was pointless, risking for naught, it would be better for everyone if he stayed just how he was and didn’t overstay his use. 
He would not fit into Akira’s plans or his pities. He couldn’t. 
“…Bruh. What does that even mean.” 
Ah? “What?“ No. He had not said that out loud. Sakamoto did not just hear all that nonsense. 
Sakamoto was giving him a funny look. “You’re not a napkin, man.” 
God, shit. Shit shit shit. “I— I know that, this is just—“ The unpleasant feeling of blood rushing to his face was just as intolerable as it was unpreventable. 
“For real? Cause you sure sounded like you were calling yourself a napkin.” 
Absolutely unbelievable. How unruly was he that he’d just spouted all that like it was nothing? He couldn’t believe he had to explain himself now, but letting him get ideas was undeniably worse. “It’s supposed to be… symbolic, Sakamoto.” 
He could practically see the gears turning in his head. That wasn’t something difficult to understand, you dunce. Every second of this humiliating scene felt like a knife turning in his back. 
“Why does your brain work in such effed up ways. You gotta work on that,” Sakamoto said, not letting up his judgemental look.
He crossed his arms, trying to make his mortification appear like annoyance. “Don’t you start with me. As if you ever have something useful to say. At least I’m— I’m thinking, here.” 
That riled him up a bit. “I’m thinkin’! I almost flunked literature so maybe I’m not so good at this analysis stuff, but you know what? Hear me out.” Goro did not want to hear him out. He continued despite that. “I get it, you got your problems. But I really don’t think you callin’ yourself some shitty crane is fair, you know? Like, you’re a whole guy.”
He did not appreciate how genuine Sakamoto was acting. It was odd, and it felt awkward coming from him. He didn’t want to feel guilty for being rude to him earlier, either. Just another topic to bother him to sleep. 
Sakamoto went on. “Gahhh, it feels weird sayin’ this but like, you’re not a napkin, okay! And Akira doesn’t think so either. You’re more… complicated. Napkins don’t pay taxes or anything.” 
Ah, alright. So it was mostly bullshit. He could ease the guilt away in one fell swoop. 
Goro’s disinterest seemed to show itself well to Sakamoto. “Just, okay. Lemme get my thoughts here. You gotta like… be your own first step. I didn’t get my own shit sorted out until I actually tried to. And I’m not sayin it’s easy to do. But Imma tell you right now your first step is gonna be to stop thinking you’re a napkin or a bucket or a plate of green beans or whatever else you come up with. And I mean it, man.”
Goro knew he had things to say to that. He had thought out replies and phrases that Sakamoto would need more headspace to begin to understand. But none of them came to him. So he decided to stay threateningly quiet. 
It was well received. “Okay okay, you’re gettin’ mad, I can tell. I’m gonna take my break,” Sakamoto relented, and turned on his heel. “I ain’t really trying to tell ya what to do but give it a thinking about, alright? ‘Least for Akira’s sake,” he said over his shoulder, and left Goro almost more alone than before. 
It wasn’t even Akira’s sake Goro was worried about. Not in the way Sakamoto seemed to think. And he didn’t need to be told he wasn’t some inanimate object, he wasn’t that out of mind. 
Any sort of sensible argument would have to come to him after the fact, apparently. To tell him this wouldn’t be a “first step,” more like a hundredth. How many paces did crawling out of the hole he’d buried himself in count for? How many miles had he gone by now, barefoot and bleeding all the way. 
Such a stupid conversation. Needless, too, since for whatever reason his filter decided to leave him to fend for himself. Just another addition to this embarrassing excuse of a shift today. 
The paper crane sat still on the counter, though it hardly resembled one anymore. He almost felt bad. He had his typical pit in his stomach, but nothing exactly to pinpoint it on. Was he wallowing in that much self-loathing? 
Goro adamantly refused to have any more dramatic revelations at his part time job, so any introspections would have to come later. 
He put the crumpled crane in his pocket. It was certainly not going to be a crane once he took it out again, but he didn’t really know what else to do with it. Throwing it away felt wrong, to him. Though he wasn’t sure exactly what he was going to do with it when he got home. 
Akira hadn’t given this to him in hopes of causing some mental anguish. Or at least, he assumed so. Sakamoto had said he didn’t play mind games, but if not those, what was he doing? It felt better to know it was a game, in that way there was something about Akira’s mystery of a consciousness he could pry through. 
Was he reading into things? For sure. Reading too deeply into anything had been a talent of his for as long as he could remember. It had saved his life before, many times and in the most difficult of times. 
This crane wasn’t life threatening, but it felt like it was. Not in the thrilling way, but in the shitty way. 
His shift was over soon. Which reminded him, Sakamoto had surely already taken his break. He was a dip, but Goro preferred his own thoughts to any conversation they’d had today. And that was saying something, since getting out of his own head was a much needed relief that he’d take almost any chance he got. 
He was overthinking, and there was nothing he could do about it. He would continue to overthink until someone stole his brain and dunked it in acid. Where was the enjoyment otherwise? It was all he knew how to do. 
And even he didn’t overthink this— if Akira had given this to him in earnest and in playfulness, and if Sakamoto hadn’t been overtly pulling his leg through their shifts today. There wasn’t even anything remarkable about it. If there was a chance that maybe things were just okay, and getting better, and he wasn’t a living metaphor for a tissue. Oh just, say he invited him out for coffee, and Akira surprised him with a new little creation, less spur of the moment and made something almost sweet. He’d never drop his pride so low as to ask for a lesson, but if he did, maybe he could learn to make something, too. And maybe he wouldn’t hate every moment of it, and maybe he’d like getting so close, and maybe he’d appreciate the mistakes as much as the praises. 
That was just a fantasy, of course. And surely, nothing was all that great about it. Anything could go wrong in any number of ways, his own interventions just one category. 
Maybe it was the headache, or the dragging on shift, or the terrible lights, or the distant humming of his coworker, but Goro must’ve been caught off guard today. Because otherwise, why else would he have thought, not long and not convincingly, but still a thought as present as can be, that maybe, despite everything. 
It could be nice. Just for a little bit. Maybe that didn’t sound quite so bad. 
Not so bad at all. 
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demytasse · 5 years
[Shizaya] Coping Mechanism — Ch 6
[Previous Chapters | Ao3]
     The thing about running away from your problems is that it's not a solution, it's a coping mechanism. It resolves one issue but replaces it with another; a cowardly deed that re-stations one’s weakness out of sight while it remains in mind for everyone else.
It’s a strategy, running away, and not a very good one. Nothing more than a poor excuse for a sad soul — and a detriment to an unfortunate case put in recess.
    “So you're back to ignoring him?”
Izaya flipped his phone so the screen could meet the table surface; it amplified a vibration or two.
    “Now what would give you that idea?”
A buzz came from Shinra’s coat pocket which interrupted another and a subsequent in queue; he brought it out to hold a foot before Izaya in a seamless flash. Normally some amount of glee would have met the doctor's lips for how he mimicked one of his love’s trademark poses, but flat displeasure won out.
    “I wonder why that could be?”
    “How many times has it been?” The informant skimmed the screen before it was pulled from his purview.
Certain keywords had stuck out from the rest as if bolded; words like, ‘Izaya’ and ‘kill’ were interspersed between phrases, like ‘I swear’ at the beginning, ‘this time’ in the middle, and ‘I won’t’ somewhere near the end. Shizuo's compulsion to clarify his intent was so natural that it may as well have been a confession of murder before it was committed. Maybe that should be reassuring?
    “I don't pay attention past my disappointment to count. It's annoying to assume that the stream of text messages is Celty narrating her day for me only to find that it's your boyfriend—”
    “Ex.” Izaya corrected, a stern look to his eye.
    “—that’s been abusing redial and over-utilising text prediction. Or maybe it’s text-to-speak; sometimes I get incoherent messages that somehow manage to sound more rage filled than if he abused my doorbell instead.”
    “That's not my fault. You could pick up your phone, you know.”
    “So could you!” Shinra threw his hands onto the back support of the couch, not too far from clipping Izaya’s nose while he slammed them down in frustration; upon impact his glasses fell askew, made him more comical than intimidating.
In jest, Izaya pulled back from Shinra’s tired pout and into a shrug. “Now that's silly. Why would I pick up your phone?”
    The act of weakness stretched out across a week — less than tolerable for all of Izaya’s friend-like connections, easier to deal with himself as he fled Shizuo’s text message war zone with ease, but those neutral parties forced into the fray dragged him back into the trenches to which he met hell without so much of a helmet to protect him.
    “Why would Shizu-chan assume we're hanging out?”
    “I don't know, ask him when you call him back.” Kadota’s eyes flashed and his crossed arms mimicked a disappointed father.
Izaya was lucky that any attacks weren’t physical just heavily fired with baritone.
    “But you realise, Dotachin, calling him would defeat the purpose of ignoring him.”
    “I'm not even going to act surprised that you’ll admit to ignoring him. For my sake, at least, get him to stop calling me. It’s annoying on its own, but Erika’s demands for the next installment of her real-life soap opera are worse, and I don’t think I can fake that the messages stopped for much longer.”
    “Sounds like trouble in otaku paradise.”
    “Any paradise, if there ever was one, has been lost.”
They shared an easy chuckle. One of the two bookstore loiterers tugged his beanie back into place while the other corrected the lay of fur over his shoulders; they walked each other to the automatic sliding doors without a single glance to confirm they were going the same way.
    “Well, it's been nice catching up with you old chum.” Izaya clapped Kadota on the back as he lead their exit through the doorway. “Maybe next time your gang and us can share cup ramen out of the back of the Mystery Machine.”
With a shocked expression, Kadota felt impressed that any effort was made to schedule time to hang out — faked or not, it was more than Izaya ever tried to in the past.
    “I'll even splurge for you guys and bring the 900¥ kind, my treat!”
And it was that syrupy sarcasm that called the comment for what it was meant to be: a precursor of Izaya committing to nothing, promising nothing. Running from his duty to end Kadota's involvement with the odd-couple’s immature fight.
    “It really is a wonder that Shizuo thinks we hang out.” Kadota sighed as Izaya gave him a cutesy wave goodbye.
    It was quickly day seven — the dawn of week one since the incident and Izaya was still avoidant of the simple solution that everyone else seemed to know but him. Rather he knew it, he just didn’t care to put it into practice; and everyone wished he would stop pretending that his bone-bruised ego paralysed him from fixing things with Shizuo. It was psychological warfare at this point, stubbornness to win against his ex’s persistence for closure or resolution.
The whole scenario was pathetic.
      [Ku] Iza-nii, it's weird for Shizu-nii to be texting us and not the other way around.       [Ku] Are you going to text him back already?
      [Mai] Fool.
      [Ku] Exactly! You’re a fool! An idiot brother. We’re not even in high school anymore, but you’re involving us in adolescent drama like we are!!!       [Ku] Gah! You’re like a teenage girl!!
      [Mai] You’re sad.
      [Ku] Tell you what! We’ll send Shizu-nii over to your place so you can just make up and fuck.
      [Ku] Or fuck and make up. Either one.       [Ku] Hahaha.
      [Kanra] If you two interfere I will stop sending my dear sisters loving gifts of extra spending money.
      [Mai] No bother.
      [Ku] Keep the petty change, Nii-nii. We make enough on our own.       [Kanra] Do I even want to know where you get your money from?
      [Mai] …
      [Ku] Huehue, better off only knowing that we make more than you do!       [Ku] Bye-bye, Nii-nii~.       [Ku] We do this out of love!
      [Mai] Die.
Izaya wasn’t positive that their proclamation was legitimate, all things considered he’d act as if it were. Though his line of defense was likely to go against their wanted outcome, they wouldn’t know that fact until it was too late.
    “Too bad your brother can outwit you two twerps.” Upon his schedule, he made a note on to send the obsessed duo on a wild-Yuhei hunt and moved onto better use of his work hours.
Furthermore he ignored a stray text message. Despite the sender’s hopes, the fairy had a fairly low chance to get a conversation going — that scarily passive threat was the type that’d only have an affect on her partner, assuredly not him.
      //I'm tired of you playing this game, Izaya. Shizuo is really messed up this time around...//
Celty could play no head games with him.
    Days later Izaya had been made an audience to a concert of metal all afternoon; intentionally raucous and purposely harsh, the crashes, clangs, and slams of kitchenware upset his continued productivity. All musical measures were a tune played out by an ornery employee, these days a willing partner in crime, but her overpaid salary still wasn’t enough to mute her percussion nightmare.
It only stopped when Izaya stopped his keyboard staccato for the day, progress little as it might be.
    “Take it.”
    “Woah there, Namie-san. Didn't know you were into that.”
Izaya addressed her phrasing rather than the food container wrapped in a cloth bag that was extended out to him. Namie’s arm was firm in front of herself, her offer pressed against his chest and demanded that he ‘take it’ or face repercussions.
    “Take your cowardly ass over to your boyfriend's—”
    She spoke louder, “—to your boyfriend's apartment and talk things over with the bastard over dinner.”
Although it looked like it was a traditional bento made with love, akin to ‘what mom used to make’, his secretary looked a lioness that threatened an attacker of her pride rather than the human mother of a man-child that she was.
    So thanks to the literal shove through his apartment door, Izaya found himself propped against the front of another. Slunk with his elbows upon his knees, a cloth bag dangled by an ear between his legs. He watched it spin before he directed it to go counterclockwise and around again to meet the same pattern.
Whether it was his misjudgement of time or Shizuo was late, it didn't change the fact that the mystery wasn’t one he could solve with pulled fabric, not like the uncover of what food Namie had made for the unhappy couple. For some reason it felt wrong to peek without the other recipient present as well. Maybe it was bad luck, as if anything that Namie touched could be blessed with good omens. What misfortune awaited him upon Shizuo’s eventual arrival made him refuse to take chances with weak willed boredom, and it itched his fingers to fiddle with the tight knot.
Izaya perked up; he hadn’t noticed an elevator beep nor heavy footsteps — an oddity for the perceptive man.
    “Don’t pretend that you weren’t desperate for my attention all week.”
    “I’m not pretending.” Shizuo stoically defined his scowl.
    “Are you sure? Maybe you were secretly hoping that I would fulfill some psychic booty call.”
    “Fuckin’ hell, just go home! You’re drunk.”     “We both know I’m not.” He muttered, “and that joke was hardly funny the first time, Shizu-chan.”     “Then how else are you here?”     “Easy, I walked.”     “WHY else are you here?”
    The long since hot, now room-temperature meal finally made its cameo. Izaya held up the bag with a dainty flirt, his pinky up on high, “a gift from my secretary.”     Shizuo scowled harder. “Give my compliments to the chef and leave.”
    “There’s dessert.” The emotionally exhausted man grumbled while he kicked his head back, his eyes pinched closed just as he pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed with aggression. Shizuo was annoyed that everyone assumed that sugary sweets would automatically sway him. In any other case it would have, but in this particular scenario...it still did, though only to shut Izaya up and get him to stop with the needy pout that he wore as a secondary tactic.
Izaya knew that Shizuo couldn’t make him disappear, he also knew that he couldn’t let him run away of his own volition — he was certain that in a matter of seconds he would invite him in just to stop their passive aggressive squabble performed through pigeon mail.
    “Hm, looks like it’s strawberry shortcake too. She knows you—”
    “For the love of… Just get the fuck in here, fleabag!!”
AN: Needless to say, I had a tad bit fun with this one — what, with a horde of characters all randomly showing up within the same chapter, just to prove how much I love writing dialogue between petulant Izaya and anyone annoying Izaya and Shizuo can be to everyone around them. Feel free to comment or give feedback.
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minimalexertion · 5 years
Chapter 2
Blending into the New Dimension
After that whole fiasco of waking up, passing out, then waking up once again, only to pass out again, then finally waking up and being able to stay awake, the Hokage (bless his heart) had allowed you to stay with him.
You had a small room to yourself, a couple of belongings that he had given you, such as clothes, a bed and a couple of small bits and pieces, and most importantly of all, your privacy. You lay, slumped on the comfy bed, staring angrily at the small black handbook. Unsurprisingly, step 3 of chapter 1 was 'Finding a Place to Stay.' 
Step 3 - Finding a Place to Stay
This will, most likely, be the hardest step to complete. Finding a place to stay is often difficult due to the fact that you are an anomaly. However, the best people to ask for a place to stay are in fact, no offence, old and single people. Especially women.
If you appeal to the motherly or fatherly side of people, you will increase your probability of surviving and therefore the success of your mission to saving valuable lives.
If you are without parental figures, or a guardian, in this new world it is probably best to befriend a few of the popular locals. This is mainly to create a bond between you and the place in which you have been dropped off at. Undoubtedly, you will get attached and most likely refer to them as your parental figures the longer you stay, but it is nicer to come back to a warm bed and friendly faces, than a cold house. Just a tip, by the way.
Handy Tip #4: If possible, try to find a temporary guardian who is not essential to the plot, as you may put them into danger just for harbouring a stranger.
Handy Tip #5: Find a temporary guardian who won't ask too many questions about your past, what you know etc.
You growled angrily, before grabbing your pillow and screaming into it. After letting out your pent up anger at your so called 'guardian angel' you returned to the notebook to quickly read through chapter 2: 'Blending Into your New Dimension'.
Step 4 - Assimilate the Culture
Take some time to learn about the cultural differences between this new world and the one you were previously in. It will take some time but by doing so, you can 'blend' into the crowd and not (as some people say) stick out like a sore thumb. Try to learn the culture from mature people/beings, it will help you understand what is acceptable and what is not, making your reputation credible and as a result, statements you will say in the future will be believable and trusted.
To do this, observe the every day lives of a few locals and try to pick up some slang that is appropriate for your age.
Handy Tip #6: Try to befriend the 'protagonist', i.e. the main character of the dimension you are in. Not only will you learn the culture quickly, but you will also be on good terms with the winning side and therefore have, "plot armour".
Note: Observing does not mean stalking.
Step three sounded easy enough, but step 4 made you want to rip out all the hair on your head, make a wig out of all that hair, then rip it out once again. You, a responsible 18 year old adult, have to be friends with an annoying 12 year old child?!
You glared at your reflection in the mirror, as one thing that Dara [you had revoked your guardian angel's right of formalities and respect] forgot to mention was that you had to live out the rest of the timeline starting from the age of 12. Which just means, that not only would you have to experience the beauty of puberty again, but you would have to deal with a bunch of other kids, who had not experienced puberty, experience puberty for the first time.
The sound of your door bursting open and a small child screaming, "I have you where I want you!"  Which was promptly followed by your body being tackled to the floor by an 8 year old boy. You sighed, as Konohamaru began laughing as he stood over your limp body.
You regretted not watching at least 10 episodes of Naruto when your friend had shown you the first episode. Heck, they would be laughing at your predicament right now, probably mocking you by cackling, 'Look at who's laughing now, [f.name]! Look at who's 'meaningless' hobby is suddenly super important!'
On the upside, one could call Konohamaru [the Hokage's grandson] your minion. Strangely, Konohamaru had taken an instant liking to you, following you everywhere (when possible) and trying to teach you the customs of Konoha. In return, you thought of him as a younger brother who you would kill and seriously maim people for.
Konohamaru was quiet, confused at your still body, edging closer bit by bit until he was close enough to poke you in the face with his finger. "Hey, [f.name]?"
As quick as lightening, well as quickly as your 'frail' 12 year old body would allow you, you leapt forth at Konohamaru with a playful growl. Instantly, he let out a loud squeal, giggling as you scooped him up in your arms. "Who has come forth? Who demands to speak to the beast?" You growled out, channelling your best lion-from-the-cave-of-wonders-in-Aladdin impression, squishing Konohamaru's cheeks playfully between your hands, as he laughed and squirmed in your grip.
Wriggling his way out of your hold, Konohamaru sprinted out of your room, laughing the entire time. Chuckling quietly, you shoved the small notebook safely into your pouch and chased after him, making weird dinosaur noises all the while.
        "Sir, can we really trust this [l.name] girl?"
The Hokage stared at Iruka blankly before replying, "I don't see why not?" 
Iruka looked baffled, his eyes wide, before he managed to stutter a comprehensible answer, "W-well, she could be a spy? Or even worse, a human weapon?!"
The Hokage lay one hand reassuringly onto Iruka's shoulder, "I know about your fears, but I need you to trust me when I say, she poses no harm for Konoha and its people. In fact, I truly believe she will be a formidable Shinobi."
Iruka only gave the Hokage a grim smile. Before jolting quickly as he realised, "Wait, Sir! Shinobi! Are you going to train her to be a Shinobi?! All the teams have already been finalised and they've already gone on their first few mission!"
Chuckling, the Hokage merely nodded his head, "Don't worry, Iruka. I know what I'm doing, she'll be ready to join a team, and I think I know which one I have in mind."
Dear Diary To Bob this weak-ass journal that I've decided to keep so I know that I won't go insane,
A few months have passed since I first came to this dimension. I found out I had a knack for fire-bending, or as good-old Gramps said, "Your chakra nature seems to be fire," whatever that means.
Gramps (something that I referred to the Hokage as since I decided that he would be my adopted guardian in this universe) had an Anbu member train me on simple hand to hand combat, weapon handling, as well as some simple jutsus. Jutsus which I immediately forgot right after the poor Anbu taught me. Sorry, but it's just takes too much time to remember those hand symbols. Also, I couldn't really do those jutsus anyway, so who cares.
And, if I was to be honest with the characters, I spent way too much time trying to be as cool as Azula or Toph from the TV series for someone who was trying to catch up to the other kids. 
My fire-bending skills was passable, my earth-bending tolerable, my water-bending skills were kind of there, and my air-bending skills were completely non-existent (which was pretty dumb considering that the main character of the fucking TV show was an air-bender, but whatever). Dara comes to speak with me in my dreams, which is a little weird, at least she's telling me how to control these weird-bending powers, Toph made earth-bending look so easy.
Konohamaru had shown me around the town and introduced me a few nice people in return for the stories I keep telling him. It won't be long before I run out of Disney plots to talk about. Other than that, I kept eating out at this ramen place which will not only put a dent in my wallet but also my health, something I'm not ashamed of, by the way. It's not my fault that their food is so god dang delicious. I also learnt a few customs, like how it's apparently "offensive" to fling oneself out of windows in the hope that I can air-bend.
Anyway, haven't met the main character yet, but I found that the notebook also has pages on the synopsis of this show in the back, so guess who's becoming a fortune teller?
I am, bitch.
Talking about the future, and the main character, the Hokage said he was going to have me skip the "graduation exam" (which sounds very important) and chuck me onto a team already. I'm supposed to meet them later today, so hopefully they all turn out to be, at the very least, tolerable, and considering my situation they'll probably be the main characters too.
Sighing, I closed the small journal that I was given by the Hokage and promptly hid it in the underwear drawer of my dresser. I cannot deny that I have gotten used to this new life of mine, training and learning new things every day. Amazingly, I haven't gotten anyone killed or seriously injured yet, which is probably a testament of my ability to not give a single fuck, but who knows?
Getting up and stretching my legs slowly, I wondered out of my room and found myself face to face with good-ol' gramps.
"Are you ready to meet them, [f.name]?" 
Air-bending skills: 3.4 out of 10
Number of fucks given: At least 1
Probability of survival: 87.63%
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petri808 · 7 years
@inuvember Day 26 AU Weekend
She must admit, as they travel along the winding mountain road that the scenery is just breathtaking.  There was a light dusting of snow along the roadway and on the tops of many of the Japanese pines they passed by.  It was winter break from college and Kagome’s roommate Sango talked her into taking this trip.  Come on, the older girl had said, let’s get out of the city and just relax for the two-week hiatus.  Who else was coming was the first question.  Well, her boyfriend Miroku and his roommate, Inuyasha.  No way, was the immediate response, there was no way she was bunking with a guy.  But her friend assured her, it would be two cabins, one for the girls, one for the guys.  “Give him a chance, you might like him…”
The two men sat up front, with Miroku at the wheel while the girls were in the back seat.  The trunk of the SUV was packed with all the necessities and food for the long stay.  Cases and cases of dried ramen seemed like overkill to the young brunette, but Sango had explained Inuyasha’s penchant for the instant meal.  It had been a two-hour drive, and they were nearing their destination, so Kagome sat back and stared out the window…  
“How did I let you talk me into this?”  Inuyasha grumbles as he helps his roommate load up the car.  “I’ve spent enough years in the woods to not wanna go back to it.”
Miroku just sighs, he was one of the few people that knew the young male was no ordinary human, and one of the few who tolerated his sometimes, temperamental nature.  ‘Maybe if he just had a girl he wouldn’t be so damn grouchy…’  Deep down he knew his friend had a heart of gold that matched the true color of his eyes, but his lonely upbringing and years of fending for himself had left the hanyo distant.
“We’ll be in cabins… Inuyasha, not the woods.”
“Keh, it’s still the middle of nowhere.”
“Please just try to be nice to Sango’s roommate as a favor to me.  She’s really sweet.”
“The freshman, right?”
Miroku looks up and sees the two girls walking towards them.  “Here they come.”  He drops what he had been holding and goes to help them with their things.  Inuyasha follows his friend but can’t help the gaze he levels at the girl beside Sango.  Something in her aura is calling to his yoki and he doesn’t know why.  “Kagome, I’d like to introduce you to my roommate, Inuyasha.  Inuyasha, this is the girl I was telling you about.”  
“Nice to meet you Inuyasha.” She bows politely
“Likewise.  I, um,” mumbling, he takes her bag, “can load that for you,” and quickly hurries away with her things to the car.
Kagome stands there a bit dumbfounded, “He’s kinda odd…” she mutters.  
“Yeah…” Miroku exhales, “don’t mind Yash, he’s shy around new people.”  
“No, he’s not.”  Sango interjects, “I’ve never seen him offer to help with anything before…”
Miroku tilts his head, “Huh?  Your right...” Leaning in closer to his girlfriend he whispers, “It gives me an idea…” and as she listens, a smirk grows on her face…
She’d been quiet for most of the ride, whispering to Sango every so often, but with his hidden ears, he could hear most of the conversations, Hiking…  Smores…  ‘What’s a smore?’ he wondered…  Is he a senior too…  Yeah…  Is he usually this quiet?  No, he can be a little irritating…  ‘Irritating?!’  That’s just great…  But he’s got a sweet side too…  ‘No, I don’t!’  Really…  He looks over at the freshman through the side mirror; she’s staring out the window again, but it’s like she was thinking about something and if he wasn’t mistaken, her cheeks seemed flushed for some reason.  This girl was intriguing to him.  Yes, she was pretty, and to him, smelled nice, but she also reminded him of his mother; not necessarily in appearance but her poise, her energy.  His mother had been the only real soothing presence in his life and this girl was exuding that same essence…  
He turns to his friend, “Huh?  What is it Miroku?”
“Kagome?” Sango taps her shoulder.
“We um, have something to ask you guys…” Miroku starts off
and Sango finishes “…we were wondering if you two wouldn’t mind letting us use one of the cabins for the night.”
“No way!” Inuyasha and Kagome both yell at the same time.  
“Please Yash…”
“Please Kagome…  it’s just one night.”
The girl sighs, “Just, one night?”
“Just one night,” Sango begs, “I promise.”
“Ugh…” Inuyasha hangs his head. ‘Damn you Miroku!’  “You didn’t need to cave, Kagome.”
“She’s my friend, and they don’t get a lot of alone time.”
“Thank you, Kagome!”  Sango hugs her friend.
Miroku grins at his friend.  “Keh!  I know what you’re up to you.” But Miroku just pats his shoulder as the hanyo crosses his arms and turns his head to look out the window.  ‘Fuck, now I need to be alone with this girl for the night!’
When they walk into the cabin, Kagome immediately regrets her decision; she had expected to see two beds, not one!  Inuyasha sees the irritation on her face and starts laughing, “So which side do you want?”  
She turns, glaring at him, “This is not funny!”
“Hey, I told you, you didn’t need to cave.”
Kagome plops down on the small couch fronting a fireplace and rubs her temples.  ‘It’s gonna be fine, it’s just for the night…’  “I guess I’ll take the right.”
“If it’s that uncomfortable for you, I’ll sleep on the couch.”
She looks up, a little surprised at his gesture.  “No, that wouldn’t be very fair… Just no funny business mister.”
He throws his hands up in defense, “Hadn’t planned on it.”
Exhale.  “It’ll be dark soon; would you mind starting a fire while I fix us up some dinner?”
“I think I can manage that…”
The cabin was well stocked with firewood and quick start kindling which was awesome because by the way the clouds were rolling in tonight and probably the whole time they were up here it was gonna be cold.  Inuyasha got the fire going and sits back on the couch while Kagome fusses in the kitchenette area.  They had brought mostly canned, instant, and dried foods, so they wouldn’t have to go back down the mountain, but whatever she was whipping up sure didn’t smell like it came out of a can.  Scrumptious aromas tickled his sensitive nose and sends his stomach a growlin’.  Kagome chuckles, “It won’t be much longer.”
‘I could get used to this…’ he kicks his feet up and closes his eyes.  It’s been a long time since he’s had a home cooked meal, most of the time he and his roommate ate out since neither could cook much more than instant, ready to serve stuff.  Oh, he could burn things over a fire, having survived for a couple hundred years on his own, but a nice meal; yeah that was a different story.  “So, Kagome….  How do you like college so far?”
“Um, it’s different, being away from home, but I really like it.  Sango and I knew each other from high school and she told me this college was a really good one.”
“Where is home?”
“On the outskirts of Tokyo, my family runs the Higurashi shrine.”
‘Miko bloodline, how interesting…’  
“What about you, Inuyasha, where did you come from?”
“Err, well…  I guess you could say outside of Tokyo as well.”
“Oh…” she walks over and hands him a plate.  “Here you go, I hope you like it.”
“I’m sure I will,” he smiles and digs right in.  Kagome sits next to him on the couch and stifles her laughter as he groans and sighs through each bite.  “Mmm…  So much better than just ramen…  But I do still love that stuff!”  
“I can tell…” she finally chuckles, “You’ve brought enough to last a month.”      
“It’s easy to make…” he takes another bite, “mmm…no more hunting for my meal…”
Kagome cocks her head to the side, “Hunting?”
“Err, I-I mean having to search for a good take out restaurant.”
Her eyebrow raises as if she thinks he’s lying, but he changes the subject.  “I overheard you talking about smores in the car, what is that?”
“it’s like a campfire dessert, do you wanna try some?”
Giggling, “Alright, I’ll make you some after dinner.”
She takes their plates and cleans up then comes back with the ingredients for the smores.  “Come here,” she pats the ground next to the fire place as she sets everything down in front of her.  Once he joins her, “So first you take the graham crackers and chocolate…” preparing the pieces, “…like a sandwich see?”  she shows it to him.  “Now we roast the marshmallows…” putting one on a stick and over the fire until is turns brown.  “…then you put it between the crackers and chocolate…”  demonstrating the last step.  “…and that’s it, simple.”  She hands the one she made to him.  “Just be careful, the marshmallow is still hot.”
He holds the concoction to his nose, sniffing it; ‘smells yummy…’  and take a tentative bite.  “Oh wow!  This is amazing!”  He devours the rest of it, grinning.  All the while, Kagome is prepping more of them.  “Could I try?”
“Of course.”  She hands him a marshmallow stick…  Kagome laughs through most of the show, eating a smore or two while Inuyasha scarfs down the rest of the batch.  The conversations are friendly and amusing, and she finds herself very relaxed around him.  She had been so worried that they wouldn’t get a long, but those fears are melting away.  Every so often he would make a comment, like the hunting one, or do something strange, like sniffing the smores like an animal would, but would quickly correct himself.  She’s starting to wonder if there is something he’s trying to hide from her, maybe from his past, that she can’t seem to put her finger on.  What was harder to ignore was other little, suggestive gestures that kept catching her attention, arousing little side glances, him lying on his side with one leg bent in a pose as he stared at her…  the electric sensations when their hands touched a few times…  Her heart would beat faster each time and she swore he grinned when it happened; could he hear it?  Impossible right, unless he had some superhuman hearing abilities?  Maybe he was just being a flirt?  Maybe it was her imagination?  Regardless of how she was feeling, the important thing is, they were getting along.  Time ticks away, minutes into hours, until 11 pm rolls around.
“I’m stuffed!” he lays on his back patting his belly, “thank you for dinner and dessert…”  When he turns to look at her, his dark piercing eyes are the brightest she’s seen so far with the light of the fire making them shine, and his smile is just…  pulling her in deeper…      
Kagome looks down at her hands, cheeks flushing a little, “You’re welcome….  It’s getting late, I think we should head to bed already, Inuyasha.”
He yawns, “You’re probably right…  But I was really enjoying our conversations…”
“W-we can talk more tomorrow…” he nods and smiles at her.  “I’m gonna get ready for bed in the bathroom, you can get ready after me, I won’t be long.”
“Okay.”  As she gets up, he watches her every movement…  putting away the leftover snacks, gathering her Pj’s and heading into the bathroom…  All the while secretly drooling over the girl.  He had thought her cute before, but now, she had become even more beautiful in his eyes.  Such poise and elegance, sweet and caring, yet with a hint of a feistier side; it was all seductive to a man who has never been attracted to anyone before.  While he waits his turn, he adds another log to the fire that should help it last for a few more hours.  He stares at the embers, remembering the days when this was the only source of light in the dark.  It was such a lonely time, but one that helped to shape the man he was today.  His ear twitches to the sound of a door opening, he turns and looks up to see Kagome now in long sweat pants and an oversized shirt walk out.  ‘Damn… she’s fucking adorable…’  
“Your turn.” She smiles at him…
By the time he’s changed, Kagome is in bed under the covers with just the fires light illuminating the room.  The cozy ambience of the dancing shadows is not helping the desire that had begun to burn in his soul for her.  He gulps, nervous now that he was about to be in a more intimate space with this woman.  “It’s gonna be cold tonight…” he blurts out as he climbs into the bed.  “I put more wood in the fireplace so hopefully that’ll keep it at bay for a while.”  He himself doesn’t get cold as easily but he knows a human’s body will be affected much easier.  
“This blanket seems warm enough… and our body heat should help…” that last part trailed off, but he heard it loud and clear.  “Goodnight, Inuyasha.”
“Goodnight Kagome.”  She turns over, facing away from him, but he stays on his back and stares at the ceiling.  ‘Now I wish we didn’t have to trade cabins tomorrow…  Maybe I can get Miroku to ask for another night with Sango…’    
“Wow… you are like having a heater in bed with me.”
“Huh?”  Oh, he heard exactly what she said, but it took him by surprise.
“I said you’re like having a heater in bed with me, your body is so warm.  Anyways, goodnight again.”  He can feel his cheeks burning a little; thank goodness, she can’t see in the dark.  
At some point during the early morning hours, he awakens to Kagome cuddling to his side, shivering just a little.  The fire had gone out and the room was chillier but what caught his attention was the sounds coming from outside of the cabin.  What had begun as a light pattering of snow has now turned into something worse; a blizzard.  His first priority, was the girl, who even though had snuggled up to him, didn’t want her freaking out in the morning when she woke.  He sighs, this wasn’t exactly easy for him either.  “Kagome?” he lightly shakes the girl.  “You, are um, snuggling to me…  Is it okay, if I keep you warm?”
“Mmhmm…” she murmurs.  “I’m cold…”
“O-okay…”  he bundles her closer, and she shifts her head over his arm to rest against his chest.  “Is that better?”
“Very…”  the light breathing lets him know she’s fallen back asleep.  
He sighs and wraps his arms around her body, ‘hopefully she remembers this in the morning.’  Kagome was smaller than he, height-wise, by at least a foot, but she fit so perfectly, molded against him.  As he drifted back to sleep, he couldn’t help the feeling of contentment that washed over his yoki…
Kagome stiffened the second she woke up, staring at a chest and with large male arms around her waist.  Light rumbling sounds coming from the sleeping man sounded adorable but at first, she didn’t remember what happened.  ‘Right… I got cold…’  Gathering up the courage, she lifted her head just enough to look at him and the vision was so sweet, the corners of his mouth were upturned in a smile, and he simply looked satisfied.  Could he be happy that she had chosen to cuddle with him?  But how could that have happened?  Before yesterday they didn’t even know each other and yet, she had to admit, it felt wonderful in his arms, as if it was where she belonged.  
She didn’t want to leave the warmth and safety of his embrace but unfortunately her bladder was calling.  As she gently tried to pry his arms from around her waist he whines and only tightens his hold; ‘wow he’s strong…’  “Inuyasha,” pushing on his chest.  “Inuyasha I need to use the bathroom…”
“Mmmm…”  he grumbles but releases her.  “Hurry back…”  
Sliding out from under the blankets, the cold air hits her like a wall.  “Brrrr…” Wrapping her arms around herself shivering, she practically runs for the bathroom; the quicker she takes care of business, the quicker she can get back to the warmth of his sanctuary.  
As she hurries back to bed she notes the time of 7 am on the wall clock and that it seemed a bit dark for that hour.  Maybe the clock was wrong, or the skies were overcast, oh well, it’s not like she was in a rush to start the day anyways.  Inuyasha had rolled on his back but the minute she crawled in next to him, he turned over and pulled her to his chest.  “Geez, you’re like a popsicle.”  He mumbles and bundles her even tighter, “humans… get cold so fast…”  
“What do you mean, you’re human too.”
“Go back to sleep wench…”
“Hey!  Don’t call me a wench!  And you didn’t answer my question.”
“Too early…  to talk…”
Kagome tries to push off him, irritated by what he had called her, but he’s too strong and holds her in place.  ‘Ugh, calling me… I’m not a wench!’  Instead of fighting, she manages to turn around so at least she didn’t need to look at him.  But he didn’t care, in fact the new position was even more appealing to him, nuzzling her hair and making himself more comfortable.  Sigh…  ‘He’s so grumpy in the morning…  and what was with the human comment?’ She wonders, ‘Or calling me a wench…  who even uses that word anymore, it’s so outdated…  Inuyasha’s human right?’  There was no reason for her to suspect otherwise, sure there were a few oddities, comments, or quirks but those could be chalked up to just a different upbringing or life experiences…  then again, strung together, they could be hints that that there is more to this man than meets the eye.  She yawns, ‘I’ll ask him more later…’  
A couple hours later, a chill on her back makes the young girl shiver and she finds herself alone in bed.  Looking around the room, Kagome spies Inuyasha staring out a white-washed window.  “Inuyasha?”  She sits up but keeps the blankets around her shoulders, “What are you looking at?”
“I think, we’re snowbound.”
“Snowbound?”  She doesn’t understand.  Tokyo would get snow, but never more than a few inches.  “What’s that?”
He turns and looks at her, “It basically means were stuck in here until it melt’s or we’re dug out.” Motioning above his head, “the snow is up to the roof.”
“Are you serious?!”  
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“C-couldn’t we call for help?”  She gets out of the bed and shuffles in her blanket wrap to the phone, dialing the park rangers.  “Hi, yes I’m calling from the cabins…  Uh-huh, yeah, the snow…  Sigh…  So, we’re…  great.  How long…  that long….   Okay thank you.”  While Kagome’s on the line, Inuyasha checks the fireplace flume, it seems clear and unblocked so he gets a fire going.  “Argh!” she hangs it up, “They think we could be stuck for a week, it’s supposed to snow heavy for the next few days…”  Without waiting for a response from Inuyasha, she dials the other cabin.  “Pick up, pick up…  Miroku?  Did you see…  That means I’m stuck with him…  N-no it wasn’t that bad, it was kinda nice;” her cheeks are warming up, “but that’s not the point!  What kind of vacation is it, if were just stuck in a cabin the whole time!...  Eww!  Yeah, I’m sure you two are gonna love it….  W-what!” She looks at Inuyasha as Miroku talks, her body feeling as flushed as her cheeks now, “H-he did keep me warm last night…  well it was cold!”  Quickly turning her head away, “…But we barely know each other…  Sure, laugh it up!  Ugh, goodbye!”  She slams the phone down.  “Friggin pervert…” she mumbles.  
“So, what’d Miroku say?”  Inuyasha could hear the whole conversation but she doesn’t know that.  
“Nothing.”  Kagome settles on the couch.  “I almost feel like they had planned this…”  
“How can you plan to be trapped?”
“Weather forecasts might have warned about a blizzard hitting the area.”  Sigh, “Maybe this wouldn’t be half as bad if it wasn’t so damn cold!”
Inuyasha laughs, “So you’re not mad about being stuck with me?”
“No,” a rosy hue graces her cheeks again, “unless you keep calling me a wench!”
“When did I call you that?”
“This morning…” she cocks her head a little, “Don’t you remember?”
“I don’t…”
“Well, I do…  I don’t think I’ve heard anyone use that word before, it’s kinda last century.”
“Eh…” he shrugs his shoulders.  “I’m gonna make me some ramen, do you want?”
‘Did he just change the subject again?’  “Sure, I’d love some.”  
~~ Kagome eats one bowl of noodles to his four, “Where do you put it all?”  
“High metabolism.”  
If only she believed that, most people can’t eat that much food in one sitting, regardless of their metabolism and ramen wasn’t exactly healthy either, these instant types were chock full of sodium and preservatives that would more likely lead to hypertension than keeping you looking trim.  Of course, one explanation was, he exercised a lot.  Shaking the idea away, more excuses; she was getting tired of the innuendos and assumptions.  She turns her body to look at him.  “Inuyasha, you said we’d talk more today, and since we’re gonna be stuck here for a while, I think it’s time for some explanations.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you’re either a strange guy or there’s something you’re not telling me.”  He just stares at her.  Exhale, “like the human comments, or the hunting thing, or how you sniff your food…  you’re a lot stronger than you look like you should be, and warmer than a normal person…”
Inuyasha watches her facial expressions carefully trying to sort out why this girl wants to know so badly...  She’s a smart one, he’ll give her that, having picked up on little quirks and strung them together like a puzzle that she’s trying to figure out.  But his true nature is not something he reveals lightly anymore, humans either didn’t believe in them or still feared them, and thanks to cloaking spells, he didn’t need to show his real self in public anymore.  It was only after he felt comfortable around someone over time did he reveal the hanyo.  
“Does it matter if I’m a typical human or not?”  He queries the young girl.  “I mean what is normal anyways?”
“It doesn’t matter to me, you could be an alien for all I care…  But if I’m going to be friends with someone, I’d rather know the genuine article then a facade.”
Her conviction is surprising to say the least, he leans back on the couch and crosses his arms, “Keh… you think I’m being fake?”
“No, I just think you’re hiding something.”
“What if I’m not ready to show you that side of me yet?”
“Can you at least tell me why?”
Inuyasha stands up and paces in front of the couch.  This girl is just not gonna drop the subject and if he doesn’t tell her something it’s gonna be a long, miserable week stuck in this cabin.  Would it be so bad to tell her?  His heart is saying no but still he worries…  “Kagome, I don’t…  let that many people get close to me…” he runs his hand over his face.  “Last night was…  it’s never…”  exhale, “It was the first time I’ve even held a girl…”  Her face lightens in a mixture of astonishment and sadness.  Was this guy sheltered and just shy?  Was he hurt so badly before that he’s afraid to get close to people?  She watches as he braces himself against the mantle with his head down; most likely it’s the latter.  “I’m usually much more careful about what I say or how I act so I don’t attract attention, and I don’t know how you did it but, I just felt so comfortable around you, things started to slip…”
A pair of arms weave around his waist startling him, as Kagome leans her head against his back.  “If it bothers you that much Inuyasha, you don’t have to tell me until you’re ready.”
Sigh, “You really won’t care, i-if I tell you I might not be human?”
“No.  I know that other creatures exist in this world, I’ve even met a couple that were really nice.”  Now it’s his turn to be shocked.  She’s so calm talking about the world he comes from like there was no difference between the two.  As he begins to relax she continues, hoping it helps to soothe his conscious even further.  “One was a young fox yokai boy, his parents had been killed a couple of years ago and somehow he had wandered into our shrine.  I helped him to find a surrogate tribe and I still see him around from time to time.  The other was a wolf yokai, he looks our age but I’m assuming he’s older.  That guy was a bit irritating, tried to make me his ‘woman’ but I told him it would never happen.  I think he eventually found another female from a neighboring pack to settle down with.”  By this point of the story, Inuyasha had placed one of his hands over hers.  “Is that what you are, Inuyasha?  A yokai?”
“Only half…” he mumbles.  “I’m, an inu hanyo.”
Kagome feels a pulse of energy from the young man while he exhales and mutters a short incantation.  She lets him go and steps back as he turns to face her.  He closes his eyes as the black hair shimmers and shifts into a silvery white…  fluffy canine ears pop out of the hair.  The nails on his fingers change, and morph into claws…  And when he opens his eyes again, gone are the black pupils, replaced by golden hues.  
“Wow…” she smiles, “you are…”
“Has no one called you that?”
She reaches out to touch his ears, “Ahh!” she giggles, “they’re soft!”
“Keh, do you mind weirdo, those are sensitive.”
“Oh…” she stops rubbing them, “Sorry.”
He moves back to the couch and plops down, Kagome joining him.  Exhale, “Once a month on the new moon I become human again, so on that day or with the spell, what you met me as is the human Inuyasha.  When the spell is off, this is my normal appearance.”  
“So, when the spell is on, even though you look human, you’re actually still a hanyo underneath?  It’s only during the new moon when you truly become human?”
“Basically, yeah.  It’s the difference between hanyo’s and yokai’s.  Since a hanyo is only half demon, we shed that part once a month; mine just happens to be during the new moon.”    
‘He only looks human with the spell…’  It suddenly hits her, “Wait, so all this time…” her eyes are ready to pop out, “did you hear the conversation with Miroku?!”  His cheeks flush but he keeps his mouth shut.  “Oh, my goodness you did!”  Now her face is turning red.  “Y-you heard…”  he nods, but still says nothing.  She covers her face with her hands, if she could die of humiliation right then and there she would.  
“If it makes you feel better, I’m used to my roommate’s perversions, nothing that comes out of his mouth shocks me anymore.”
“That doesn’t help my embarrassment.”    
“Why not?” he pulls her hands away from her face, “Unless, you were thinking those things too?”
“What!  I-I wasn’t…”  the more she stammers, the bigger his grin grows.  Tilting her head up to look directly in her eyes.  “…I didn’t…”  Kagome loses her train of thought as his golden orbs tug at her soul, she breathes out instead, “Your eyes are so beautiful…”  He smiles from her sweet comment and lowers his lips against hers, gently pressing against the soft pink skin.  His hands move to her shoulders, then wrap around to the small of her back.  She melts into the moment as her fingers tangle themselves in his hair.  It was a short little kiss to gauge her reaction, but the answer was clear when he saw how starry eyed it left her.  
“Not so bad huh, being stuck in here with me?”
She smiles, “Not anymore…”  
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