#i think i need to tell her. but gooooood god how do i phrase it
arodrwho · 4 years
cr 2.100 lb!!!!!!!
how many moons has it been??
so many that gdocs stopped telling me i often open this gdoc round this time
had to search for this fucker manually
anyway aaaaaaaa
music from the OLDEN TIMES
before STUFF and THINGS
i’m not having emotions YOU’RE having emotions
on a lighter note MATT’S HAIR
i would love to have his hair if i wouldn’t love so vry .. girly e
oh gosh
hey what a nerd
this is dumb and cheesy and feels . uncomfortably tacky as a way of acknowledging BLM? probably should look elsewhere for more qualified opinions on that
buT i’m soft
how does sam manage to make terribly cheesy things but be like. intentional & tongue in cheek abt it enough that they’re sweet anyway and not just Only embarrassing
oh! a list! good
oh i just noticed the little 100 in the corner, that’s cute
does he feel silly holding that face for so long. i would feel silly
helo theme tune
i have no idea what the fuck fjord just said but he sounded supremely competent
what’s the betting a not-insignificant portion of the fandom just went “fjord hot”
oh i forgot nott was master gunner
mm combat prep not my fave i am 2048 times
oh GOD it’s nott
NOTT went “fjord hot”
why did i not predic this
amazin it’s firing time
skgdjfgh marius
what the fuck did u say w/ur mouth
PTRL - permission to reload
o i see
sam , makes chaos
oh fuck yeah
polymor PH
ooooo polymorph AGA IN
o it worked
good turtle
this is a uhhh
very m9 solution i must say
o heck yea
why does a turtle want treasure
what are u going to do with treasure big ol turtle friend
does the ocean have capitalism
what thef uck
or maybe it’s just pretty
“‘i don’t need a mate’ is the cry of a horny lonely person” as an ace there are things i could say but like. u right. that particular phrasing? u right
bro u ask god things directly like
a lot
i remember back in the day when u were like
i only wanna use this in special circumstances
like after fjord’s whole backstory quest failed to get him the answers he wanted abt vandren vandran vandrin whoever the motherfuck of spelling
my point being that u now ask things a fUCk lot
is she going to ask if she’s
i love jester
can’t even be that upset about that word of god romo caleb bc like. u just look at her. and she’s lovable
oh whwat the fuck
we got folks?? folks????? what
man why the fuck do i always tune back into Anatomy Jokes
oh worm ppl on my dash suggesting vandren might be here???? oh WORM
i love orly
flowers !!
i’m jealyous
of them getting to see pretty flowers & of matt’s describey smell
dlkfdkjgh yA SHa
i love that she just,
she just,,, 
says they should try it,
ngl lil disappointed nobody else tried it. somebody pls write fic of that it would b funny
oh funky why r they all anxious
“iiIII noticed something” dkdflkjgh i love her
i would kill & die for her
fu ck
what the fuck. 2? sets of feet?
like 2 ppl or like a centaur
big allfours creature ?
f u c k    yeah
i know what this iiiiiiiiis
i know what this is.
at least,
i THINK i know what this is
displacer beast sounds like
sidenote in my lil tiny fambly game & my mom & sib tried to adopt a babby displacer beast
didn’t work sadly i wANTED IT SO BAD
but alas no. no,
hohohohohooho whomst is THIS
oh fucking cool
oh good i wasn’t wrong that would’ve been disappointing as fuck
: O!!!!!!!!!!!
[mulan voice] a WOMAN!!!
oh what was that one a they/them??
did i hear “their”???????????/
mutton chops..
who’s the other,
humanoid man
so not a they, that was just for. whatist. for ambiguity
so he’s disabled i assume
i squint at she
pono & jana
“don’t eat the flowers” sjkdghkdhfg ok
the vo?
i don’t rly think i much like where this is going?
this feels like sth to tread lightly round & i’m not sure i trust them to do so
altho folks being recently shipwrecked & not native is a step in the right direction ig
as is the parallel of jester’s god Not Being Technically Divine Either
still tho i
need more qualified viewpoints
--wots this?
OOOO clasp
it’s been a while………………..
hmm if it’s a phoenix thing like my dash is suggesting then that makes sense somewhat but
u break nOW?? now………..,,,
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jaybirdxarsenal · 6 years
Who would’ve thought? (Bruce Wayne x Reader)
Description: You only wanted to do what your friend asked you to and get over it but you ended up going on a date with Bruce Wayne.
Permanent tags: @fangirlnova, @bvckysmanbun, @thelittlestsnart, @peterparkers-waffles, @nightravenxx, @tacticaldivine, @pythiaaa, @xlatinaaxx
Words: 1.9k
You walked as fast as possible trying to get to the location your roommate gave you so you can do the things you have to do after. All you had to do is go in there, tell the guy what your friend asked you and leave. Still, it seems like destiny had other plans for you.
‘‘I am sorry, Bruce Wayne?’‘ You asked the man sitting at the table in front of you, who was apparently looking for someone. That someone being your friend, probably. 
‘‘Yes?’‘ He looked at you confused with his eyebrow furrowed like he was upset because your friend didn’t bothered to come on their date they had scheduled for tonight and now you are here to bother him. 
‘‘I am sorry to bother you, my name is [Y/N]. I am [Y/F/N]’s friend. She asked me to came here to tell you that she can make it tonight and that she is really sorry.’’ In fact, she wasn’t. 
Her ex-boyfriend who is an asshole came back to her door steps and told her a few words like he is sorry and that he won’t cheat again, but you knew what he said it’s just bullshit and that he will hurt her again. It wasn’t your business and as the restaurant she was supposed to date Bruce was in your way you couldn’t say no.
You were, of course, a little bit upset. Like, in what century does she lives in? Doesn’t she know what a telephone looks like? You should show her how it works when you go home.
‘‘I see.’‘ You felt sorry for him. Even though you didn’t had a clue about who he was and what was he like. I mean, you knew he was rich and his name, but you were new in Gotham and you didn’t knew many people. Plus, you didn’t really cared about the rich dudes. ‘‘Would you like to take a seat?’‘
‘‘Ha?’‘ Oh, [Y/N], he will think you’re a peasant or something. You thought you heard wrong but you realized fast that you sounded like someone who only knows two letters of the alphabet. 
‘‘Excuse me! I didn’t heard what you said.’‘ You said trying to not embarrass yourself anymore.
‘‘I asked you if you would like to take a seat. I mean, if you don’t have anything else to do. I feel sorry for the fact that your friend sent you here only to tell me that she ditched me. She could’ve just text.’’ 
You sighed letting the good part in you take control over your body. What your friend did was wrong and even though you are tired of cleaning after her, this man shouldn’t feel bad because of her.
‘‘No, it’s okay. I can stay for a little bit. I’m just...uhm...not dressed properly for this place.’‘ You analyzed the place and indeed, it was something way over your limit and your budget. Your outfit was something simple, even the waitress wore something more expensive. It was the type of place your roommate would go but definitely not you.
‘‘We can go somewhere else if you want.’‘ You nodded at his proposal. What could go wrong? He could be a serial killer but is that so bad? College is killing you anyway, maybe he will do it faster. 
‘‘So, I guess you’re pretty rich, right? Sorry if it bothers you but, I mean, my friend wouldn’t date someone who doesn’t have a decent financial situation.’‘ He laughed and you couldn’t help but notice how handsome he is.
‘‘I guess you can say that.’‘ You tried to avoid eye contact as much as possible. He was intimidating. He kinda reminded you of Christian Grey. A more good looking Christian Grey. ‘’My car is over there.’’
‘‘We don’t need a car.’‘  He looked at you confused. Man, this man doesn’t know how to use those legs? ‘’What? You’re afraid that a little walk will hurt those legs that probably worth millions?’’ You joked making him laugh again.
‘‘Billions. They worth billions.’‘
‘’Oh, my bad, Mr. Billionaire.’‘ He looked into your eyes and for a minute you got lost. ‘‘Look, I guess you’re pretty used to go only in the fanciest places. Tonight I am going to show you one of the nicest places where you can have fun without spending my salary for six months.’‘ He approved with a honest smile on his face.
‘‘This is one of the best places in the world, I swear!’‘ He opened the door for you, like a gentleman. ‘‘I work here for a year now so I can pay my rent, I feel kinda bad to ask my parents for more money. Plus, it’s nice. This week is the Disney week and tonight there’s gonna be karaoke.’’
The coffee shop you were working was one of your favorite places. The people were always nice and kind and your boss let you organize different games which people really loved. You were a huge Disney fan so this week had one of the best theme you could ever think of.
‘‘What would you like to order?’‘ A co-worker came and asked with a smirk on his face and a raised eyebrow. You usually don’t bother to ‘‘date’‘ anyone, especially people rich like Bruce. Technical, it’s not a date.
Bruce looked at you. ‘’Your choice.’’ 
‘‘We’ll have a burger, you know what I like, and two of those special donuts. And soda, of course.’‘ He didn’t even bothered to wrote down your order because he knew exactly what you like.
He left and came back in a few minutes with your order that was looking like heaven on earth. He winked at you before he left whispering ‘’He’s gooooood.’’ In your ear.
After a minute you got a text from him.
‘’You better fuck that guy.’’
‘’WTF’’ You replied. 
‘‘Show him some tities.’‘
‘‘Come on, girl!! You need some dick.’‘
‘’I bet he has a big one.’‘
You blocked your phone ignoring all of his messages. You knew he was staring at you two from behind the counter but you pretended he wasn’t there.
‘‘I swear the burger it’s amazing and the donuts are the best, I promise!’‘ When you took a bite from the burger the song from The Jungle Book entered your ears. You swallowed the bite only so you can fangirl over one of your favorite songs. ‘’Oh my God, I love this song! Bear necessities..the mother’s nature recipes...’’ You began to sing along without realizing that Bruce was there with you. 
Usually you were pretty shy but this place was like your home, a place where you could be yourself without being scared that someone will judge you. 
Bruce was smiling and stopped eating only so he can enjoy the view and the sound of your voice. When you realized you stopped. 
‘‘God, sorry. I hope your ears are not bleeding.’‘ It was like you couldn’t say a whole phrase without making a stupid joke. 
‘‘No, I was actually enjoying it. You should definitely go on that stage and sing something.’‘ He said pointing at the empty stage that was waiting for someone. Definitely not you. 
‘‘Me? I sound like a cat giving birth. Hell no.’‘
‘‘I dare you.’‘ You raised your eyebrow. What did he just said?
‘‘Excuse me? You dare me?’‘ You pretended to be surprised by the fact that he touched your ego.
‘‘What? Are you afraid?’‘ No, he didn’t.
‘‘You didn’t said that!’‘ You got up from your seat while fixing your clothes. ‘‘Mr. Wayne, I am so delighted to sing something for you tonight. I must warn you that you may not get deaf after my show but you will most likely bleed a little bit.’‘ 
He laughed. God, what a sexy laugh. ‘’I look forward to it.’’
You got up on the stage prepared to embarrass yourself in front of like 15 people and one billionaire. You didn’t even chose a song, you let your co-worker chose whatever song goes first. You shouldn’t have done that. 
‘‘This is for my dearest friend, Brucie Bruce. I hope you’ll enjoy it.’‘
In a matter of seconds you regretted your decision when the negative of that song from Cinderella came on. To be honest, you knew the lyrics to the most of them, but this one was just to fun to sing. And weird.
‘‘ Salagadoola mechicka boola. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. Put them together and what have you got? Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.’‘ You tried your best not to laugh but it was impossible seeing Bruce laughing so hard.
At the beginning of the night you had no idea that you’re gonna make Bruce Wayne laugh so hard. He seemed so serious and mysterious and know he was just...happy. He was almost out of breath while you went on with your singing that wasn’t the best but you tried your best.
‘‘ Salagadoola menchicka boola. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. Now you put them together and what have you got. Bi...Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. Bi..Bibbidi-di-bobbidi-bobbidi, bibbidi-bobbidi. Bibbialta do-do-do-do-boooo.’‘ You got the lyrics wrong a little bit at the end but no one noticed (everyone noticed). Not because you couldn’t sing fast, I mean, you couldn’t, but now you were laughing so bad that not even you understood what you said.
You made a bow in front of the public delighted by the number of applause you got. Bruce got up from his seat to cheer for you with a huge smile on his face that made you smile. How did this happen?
When you left the coffee shop it was raining and even though it was something ordinary for Gotham, it was actually pretty warm outside. It wasn’t one of those cold nights where you had to wear a winter coat in the middle of the summer. It was pleasant.
‘‘Should we call for a taxi?’‘ He raised an eyebrow waiting for your answer. 
‘‘Is Bruce Wayne afraid of a little water? Oh, I get it! You’re gonna become a mermaid if the water touches you. If that’s the case then we should call for a taxi.’‘ 
Once again, you made him laugh with your sarcasm and stupid jokes. It’s been a long time since he laughed so much in just one night. Who thought you could do such wonders?
‘‘Do you ever stop being sarcastic?’‘ 
‘‘Never.’‘ You said grabbing his hand pulling him after you into the rain. 
By the time you got to his car you two looked like you took a bath with your clothes on, but the feeling of the rain hitting your skin while Bruce was holding your hand was something that gave you strange feelings. Nice feelings.
‘‘I am sorry for your car.’‘ You said when you got inside all wet.
‘‘It’s okay.’’
‘‘It’s not like you can’t afford to clean it.’’ He smiled and you looked away. ‘’Seriously now, I am sorry that my friend ditched you. You’re actually pretty cool.’’
‘‘I am not sorry. I’d choose you over her anytime.’‘
‘‘I’m glad to hear that.’‘
It was nice to be someone’s first choice for once. You roommate was more beautiful than you in your opinion and guys always wanted her over you. He placed his hand over yours and you tried your best not to blush.
‘‘When can I see you again, [Y/N]?’‘ 
‘‘Well, definitely when I am going to release my first Disney movie.’‘ You tried to hide your emotions with yet another stupid joke. What is going on with you?
Are you falling for Bruce Wayne?
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