#i think i’m just gonna post my faves from inktober on here
edsbacktattoo · 1 year
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inktober day 5: map
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Saiyuki Inktober 2017, Day 11 - “Smoke,” Version II: Expanded/Alternate Version
Fandom: Saiyuki Pairing: 10K Rating: T Word Count: Approx. 1500 seriously I’m not even gonna pretend that most of these are drabbles anymore I give up Author’s Note:  First off - reading the author’s note in this post will probably clarify a few things. In addition to that, I’d also like to add that these fics don’t really take place in the same timeline. Or, rather - I guess they’re both set in the Gaiden-verse, but beyond that, they’re not really related at all. Pretty much, I just couldn’t make up my mind about what I wanted to do with this prompt - I had the general idea figured out, but couldn’t come to a conclusion I liked regarding the specifics - so, I wrote two completely separate fics. I mean, I did re-use a few turns of phrase (which you’ll notice if you read both, and frankly, I won’t apologize for that, because these are two versions of the same story anyway) but other than that, they’re completely separate, as far as I’m concerned. You’ll see what I mean if you read both, I think. Also, full disclosure - I’m not a smoker, so, despite my best efforts, I might get a few sensory details wrong here. But I mean the cigarettes are really just vehicles for inevitable sexytimes anyway so really I’m not sure it matters that much hehehe Also also, pretty sure Tenpou is my new all-around Saiyuki fave.  I mean, he’s not wrong. He really is kind of a mess. … *whispers* I like angst, you guys. …anyway, enjoy! :D 
The second they burst out of the stuffy, stifling conference room, Kenren sticks his arms high in the air, stretching tall, and lets out a great, grateful sigh. “Man,” he says, dropping his arms down to his sides and leaning, hard and heavy, against the wall. “I thought that was never gonna end.”
“Too true,” Tenpou agrees, rolling his neck one way, and then the other, releasing tiny, tension-bred clicks and cracks as he eases his stiff muscles. “I fully understand that the redistribution of resources bears discussing - but for fuck’s sake, after three hours, you’d think we’d have made more progress - ”
“All thanks to the most high and worthy Li Touten-sama, of course - ”
“Too true again,” Tenpou says darkly. “He should know better than to interfere with matters like this.” He scowls, and stuffs his hands into the pockets of his coat. “It has nothing to do with him. He should learn his place.”
“I figure he’s still falling back on his family’s influence, right?”
“Which,” Tenpou says, “isn’t what it once was. He knows that. And so,” he adds, his voice tight and clipped, “do we.”
“Eh.” Kenren shrugs, and fishes around inside his uniform, searching for his smokes. When he finds them, he pops open the box, clamps one cigarette between his teeth, and draws it out, long and slow. He lights it, and he breathes in, and he tilts his head back and closes his eyes, savoring taste of the tobacco on his tongue. “I don’t feel like thinkin’ about that guy any more than I have to,” he says after he exhales. “Ain’t worth it.”
“Mm,” is all Tenpou says to that.
Kenren shoots a sideways glance at his friend. Tenpou still has his hands crammed in his pockets, and, weirdly, he’s suddenly gone all fidgety. He’s looking down, and even though his face is almost completely hidden by that unkempt hair of his, Kenren can see the way his jaw is working, clenching hard. His glasses have begun to slip down his nose, but he makes no effort whatsoever to push them back into place.
“Yo,” Kenren says, speaking softly, and treading lightly. He’s seen this before; he’s well aware that Tenpou is treading the dangerous, delicate line between repressing his frustration and snapping into a full-on, full-blown rage. “What’s up?”
Tenpou lets out a snarl of exasperation. “I can’t find my cigarettes.”
“Oh,” Kenren says. He knows what that’s like. Wanting a cigarette and not being able to have one can give a guy a case of blue balls that’s worse than actual blue balls, as far as he’s concerned. “Did you - uh - maybe leave ’em in your other coat or something?”
At that, Tenpou whips his head sideways and pins Kenren with a cruel, unyielding stare. “I don’t know, Kenren,” he snaps. “If I knew where my cigarettes were, I wouldn’t be looking for them, now, would I?”
That shuts Kenren up pretty quick; it’s just not worth it, the way he sees it, to engage with Tenpou when he’s in one of these moods. At best, he’ll find himself on the receiving end of brutal, unfiltered insults, and at worst, he’ll end up getting his head sliced clean off his shoulders by the greatest katana master this side of Heaven.
Somehow, he doesn’t find either option particularly appealing.
And so, for a hot second, the two stand together in silence. Kenren, unwilling to let a good cigarette go to waste, smokes; Tenpou, unwilling to abandon his desperate quest, quietly rams his hands into his pants pockets. When that proves fruitless - or, Kenren amends, smoke-less - he withdraws his hands, crosses his arms, expels a long, hopeless sigh - one that strikes Kenren as just a little over-dramatic - and slumps against the wall, ostensibly defeated.
“One fucking cigarette,” Tenpou mutters. “Is that really too much to ask?”
“Y'know,” Kenren says, “if you didn’t hate Hi-Lites so much, I’d offer to let you bum one of mine.”
Tenpou freezes. His eyes flare, bright and hungry, at Kenren’s words. “You mean it?”
“Yeah. Of course I mean it, man. I just - ”
“Give me one.”
“You sure?” Kenren raises a skeptical eyebrow. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to let you have one - I just thought - ”
“I said, give me a cigarette, Kenren.”
“Okay, okay - if you’re sure - ”
“Don’t,” Tenpou hisses, his voice cold and deadly serious, “make me make that an order.”
Kenren can’t quite help himself; he flashes Tenpou a cheeky smile and, smooth and sly as he can, says, “Yes, sir.”
Before Tenpou, whose lower eyelids have started to twitch thanks to an unfortunate combination of anger and addiction and astigmatism, can respond, Kenren reaches into his jacket and busts out his smokes again. “Here,” he says, making damn sure to keep his tone gentle and earnest; the Field Marshal, he figures, has endured enough torture for one day. “You gotta light, or…?”
“Do you know what? I don’t think I do.” Tenpou’s eyes fall closed, and he laughs weakly.  "I’m a mess, Kenren,“ he sighs, and Kenren finds himself oddly struck by the raw honesty that rings in Tenpou’s words. His eyes drift open again, and this time, when they lock onto Kenren’s, they’re surprisingly soft - they’ve turned a little bit sorry, a little bit sympathetic. And, Kenren sees, a little bit sad, too.
“Hey,” Kenren says. He pulls one cigarette out from his pack and sidling sideways along the wall, closing the distance between himself and Tenpou. “S'okay, man.” He sticks out his hand, offering Tenpou the cigarette.
Tenpou, for his part, only watches. His soft, sorry, sympathetic, sad eyes flicker back and forth behind his glasses, tracing Kenren’s actions with their customary precision, but he makes no move to take the cigarette. He looks kinda dazed, Kenren thinks - it’s as if the trials of the afternoon combined with the force of his recent realization have rendered him immobile, or turned him to some kind of strange, still-breathing stone.
That hits Kenren pretty hard, actually.
All of a sudden, it’s easy for him to see why a guy like Tenpou is always so willing to risk his own ass on the battlefield.
Kenren takes a quick glance left, and then right. “Hey,” he says again, infusing his gravelly, soldier’s voice with as much warmth as he can. “Don’t worry, okay?” And he smiles, hoping that a touch of warmth might show up in his gravelly, soldier’s face, too.
He tries his best to be matter-of-fact about this next part - and it goes pretty well, all things considered. His hand doesn’t shake when he lets it float gently up towards Tenpou’s face. There’s no quintessentially romantic tremble in his fingers when he, deft and quick, coaxes Tenpou’s mouth open with a sweep of his calloused thumb, and there’s no jittery moment of hesitation or uncertainty - not from either of them - when he lays the cigarette between Tenpou’s parted lips. It doesn’t feel awkward when he lights the cigarette for Tenpou, or when he feels Tenpou’s cool, controlled inhale ghost past his fingers, or when he senses the greedy, muscular shifting of Tenpou’s tongue as it tastes the torrid smoke. He even fancies he can feel the quiet power of Tenpou’s lungs, strong and hearty thanks to his many years spent shouting commands over the clamor of battle, when he sends his first long, lovesome stream of smoke drifting fast upwards. It whirls between Kenren’s fingers and makes hot, ashy spirals in the stagnant afternoon air.
Tenpou smokes the whole cigarette like that - with Kenren’s palm pressed just so against his chin, and Kenren’s fingers lingering just so before his lips. Kenren’s own cigarette smolders away, unsmoked and unheeded, in his mouth; somehow, Kenren finds, he doesn’t really care.
“So,” Kenren says, urging Tenpou’s mouth softly open with his thumb again and slowly slipping the butt of the cigarette out from between his lips, “I guess Hi-Lites aren’t as gods-awful as you remembered, huh?”
Tenpou, weary eyes dead closed again, shakes his head. “No,” he says. “No. They’re not.” A brief moment passes, and then Tenpou’s lips quirk into a tiny smile. “And - do you know what, Kenren?”
“Eh?” Kenren cocks his head sideways, intrigued. “What?”
“I believe,” Tenpou says, “it’s for the best that I learned as much.”
“How d'you mean? You got plans to forget your own smokes on a regular basis or something?”
“Hardly.” Tenpou opens his eyes, and, with an effort, pushes himself away from the wall. “I’ll see you in an hour for company drills, General,” he says, turning his back and striding down the corridor, away from Kenren. “Thank you for the cigarette.”
“Yo,” Kenren calls. “Yo, Tenpou - you didn’t answer my question.”
As he walks, Tenpou’s shoulders raise and lower in an easy shrug. “It’s simple,” he says, tossing the words lightly behind him. “I intent to kiss you one day, Kenren. I would hate it very much if I couldn’t tolerate the way you taste.”
14 notes · View notes
senshikarenkujo · 5 years
Status Quo!
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Here are some explanation things for what to expect/what I expect will happen/anything you might want to know if you’re interacting with this blog/recognize me but not for this character! 
First, I’ll quickly introduce myself! Hiya! I’m Bunny! I’m 19, gonna be 20 soon (holy heck), and I started roleplaying in like 2012, I believe! I roleplayed a lot and then had big gaps in between but then kept roleplaying a lot/returning to it time and time again! It’s been 7 years, but if I think about my roleplaying bursts, I’d say I have about ~4-5 years of experience? I first started rping on tumblr like 2 years ago (and haven’t been rping consistently since), but basically I think I know my stuff when it comes to roleplay, and I’m always willing to learn! 
tldr; I love rp a looot! 
You might know me for my Tewi! In about April or May of 2017-2018-ish (my senior year), I made a tumblr account for the first time dedicated to Inaba Tewi! The truth is, I still really love her, but I wanted to do her justice by making a million gazillion icons of her and doing my absolute 100% best at every post, and coupled with rl events, that got draining fast. I made another blog to suit my other big favorites (Raccoon and Fennec from Kemono Friends), but I think I did some super complicated tagging things? And it never really took off because KemoFure started causing me stress after all of its controversies. (sweats) I still love these characters a loot! However, I’m trying to get back into rp through Karen from Kinmoza (another big obsession of mine, especially recently) and simply put, if you know my other accounts (or even if you know me from my warriorcatsrpg days lol), that’s super cool! Feel free to say hi! 
I’m likely not gonna update those blogs because I’d rather not revive something I can’t keep alive, but this blog, I hope to make last! I’m gonna be serious but it’s gonna be way more casual than my previous two blogs (involving my absolute faves), so yeah! 
tldr; I have two tumblr rp accounts, one was Tewi and the other was Raccoon and Fennec from Kemono Friends. They’re inactive now, and they’re probably going to stay that way because I want to be more casual about rping and rp with Karen! If I can rise to the challenge/my own standards, I might revive both/either, but it’s unlikely since I’m juggling a lot of stuff right now. (I love Tewi/Araifenne tho.) 
My love for those characters has never died away; I just want to take it easy for a bit before I do anything huge. Discussing them actually makes me really want to revive them on the spot (they were really fun, no matter how short their reign), but this is my gateway rp blog, okay? I should mention that I’m in university right now and taking a lot of classes/trying to do a lot of different things (including my other hobby, art), so yea-- I can’t dive in that much YET. 
OK, that was background!
Things to expect/what I plan to do:
-I’m gonna update all of my pages! Including stuff about me/stuff I mentioned up there because knowing I’m in university/knowing my age in case you don’t wanna interact with adults is important to know!
-I’m not gonna do this immediately/quickly though (unless I have no impulse control). I currently can’t give an exact date, but basically I wanna finish my assignments + my art first (I’m doing Inktober), so this blog might not get updated for a week/more. Just thought you should know! As this is super casual, it’s not a concern if it ends up not getting activity for 2 weeks+/etc. because I don’t want this to be a duty-- rather, I want it to be for fun
-After I update all of my pages (when I finally do), I’ll make a starter call/rp posts/etc. This blog is new so I won’t expect a ton, and that’s ok! I’ll try to find people to interact with, and if you’re interested/want to interact with me, feel free to follow me! All follows come from my main blog touhoureactionslol. So garnering attention might be difficult, but I’ll try!
-I might reblog art to this blog in my free time/if I’m not updating the info posts. To show that it’s still active. It doesn’t mean I can rp/etc. yet, but it does show I wanted to give the blog a bit of life!
That should be all, ok! I tested the blog’s features/did all the art stuff immediately since it’s fun, so everything should work! Let me know if there’s an issue anywhere! (By the way, if you mouse over Karen’s icon while on my blog page, it rotates. cx) 
I did the aesthetic appearance stuff, but what’s next now is substance! I can’t add it immediately since I really am busy, but I definitely expect that I will (if this ends up being an empty promise, fjhsdfksdds no i dont want it to be like that :sweat: )-- just 
Please be patient with me please! ( uwu ) And if you know me, feel free to say hi! 
I’m excited to rp again, really, and I hope to do it soon! It won’t be immediately, but wait! 
Soon, my friends! Soon!! 
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