#i think i've seen people think she was lying but is that... hate... really... or is it just theorizing
myfairstarlight · 14 hours
This is a post about a part of s3 I've been struggling to put into words, but oh well, let's try anyhow:
I think, if it had been anyone else's season other than Polin's, and if anyone else had been Whistledown, Cressida could have had a proper redemption arc.
When we first learned she would get a sort of redemption arc this season, I expected Cressida and Penelope to have at least one proper conversion. It would be odd to have Penelope's bully get a happy ending in her season without them at least talk it out, right? Well...
The thing about her journey this season is that her redemption was about trying to be less of a mean girl, but never to amend for the bullying she's done before. Her behaviour was explained by her terrible home life, but we do not get the feeling she regrets it, Eloise calls her out and she's like oh well, guess I will stop now, and that is it, because it was a means to an end, that's how she's been raised to be.
I've seen people wonder why Eloise didn't give her some money to escape and to that I say: which money? She's a Bridgerton, but she's also a woman, she does not have any money to her name, she would need to ask Benedict and as close they are, I doubt Benedict would just accept to do that, or she would need to ask Colin and he hates Cressida because of the way she's always treated Penelope. It's an endless circle, even Violet did not really approve of their friendship, even if she didn't meddle to avoid a repeat of last season. However, Eloise knew Cressida's struggles, knew the fate that awaited her if she had just sat back and done nothing, and she turns her back on her so quickly? It was a bit jarring I admit but in Eloise's defence, I think her main gripe is that Cressida is blatantly lying and taking credits for someone else's work, this line stood out the most:
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That scene is also a direct parallel to Eloise and Penelope's fight as Cressida regresses and lashes out, the difference being here, Eloise admits she's been envious of Whistledown. Something she could not admit last season, but now can after a year trying to fit in society and being miserable in it. Furthermore, now that the Queen thinks Cressida is Whistledown, Eloise sees this as her way out to secure her family's safety and her brother's happiness without breaking his heart, she's the one who suggests that Penelope just give it up, let Cressida take the name, so no one has to be hurt more, while Penelope is the one who still wanted to tell Colin.
But back to the topic at hand. If anyone else had been Whistledown, I feel like Cressida would have thought that she could have appealed to her emotions, perhaps manipulate her. Whistledown is power indeed, they all knew that, and she knew if anyone could help restore her reputation, it is the real deal. But then she finds out Penelope is behind the column, and there's still unresolved tension between them because they never talked and they were in competition for Debling not so long ago. Penelope also just married a Bridgerton, whose name Cressida just tried to slander in her fake column (granted, because of Lady Cowper's influence). Cressida has no one else in her corner, the clock is ticking, and she definitely doesn't think Penelope would help willingly (although I personally think she would have eventually, as Penelope's been grappling with the damage she's done herself as Whistledown, and in anonymity. After all that season, she was trying to change her column, and use it to uplift the other debutantes), so Cressida resorts to blackmailing instead.
This brings more drama, and I think that's why her arc was doomed from the start - the writers never made her feel remorse for the bullying, and Penelope never learns of her reasons (not that it would mean she'd need to forgive her for the bullying anyway). I personally think it was compelling, that you could understand her actions and her desperation, but her decisions were questionable, it is up to you to decide if she deserves some respite or not. And again, she kind of parallels Penelope in that way, and the big difference by the end of s3 is that Penelope had the support of her family who listened and understood her once she had the confidence to stand up to them but Cressida did not have that grace. She tried to be a better person, but the circumstances made it hard to and then she kept making worse decisions.
I originally did not care much for her character, and I'm still mostly neutral about her, but she is a young woman put in an impossible position and if they ever bring her back, I hope she can find her own happy ending, but I doubt she can find that near the Bridgertons now.
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gwandas · 1 month
does anyone actually hate Mor for reasons related to Eris or is that just some nonsense the pro IC people made up
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lilasamaaa · 1 month
The night we met | Lando Norris x Reader
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Genre | Fluff.
Word count | 2.6K
Warnings | None for once! Enjoy some peace.....
Summary | When Reader's best friend sets her up on a blind date with one of her long-time friends, she expects anything but the evening she's about to experience.
Author's note | This piece is the result of yesterday's poll! Another poll will be coming soon for y'all to decide what's next :)
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"I'm really not sure if it's a good idea, Alice," she sighs, looking over at the bed where her friend is seated, behind her.
"What makes you say that?" Alice replies, arching an eyebrow.
"I have a list of reasons, actually," she states, pulling out her phone.
"You and your damn lists!"
"I know you hate them, but they help me clear my mind," she says, clicking on a note.
"Alright, let's hear your reasons then," Alice laughs. "But I'm warning you, I'm going to dismantle them one by one."
"Okay," she starts. "Reason one is : I don't know him."
"That's kinda... the whole point of blind dates," her friend says, rolling her eyes.
"Well, you agreed to this. I did not. You know how anxious I get when I don't know people," she says, head low.
"Lando is a really nice guy," Alice says, coming close to her friend and stroking her hair. "I just know he'll put you at ease right away."
She takes a few seconds to think, biting the inside of her cheek. It's not the first time she's about to go on a date with someone she's never met before. Even though she doesn't know him, she's not really worried about Lando. She's more concerned about herself, to be honest. She's not a model of eloquence, doesn't consider herself particularly pretty. She's sure her date will do his best. What she's not sure about, is if she'll be able to overcome her own anxiety about the whole situation.
"Reason two, then," she says, focusing back on the note. "I don't know a thing about racing. What are we even going to talk about?"
"Well, something else. I'm sure Lando would be delighted to talk about something other than work for once," Alice replies, winking.
She wasn't lying, she thinks. She really has an answer for everything.
"Shoot me with reason three, baby," Alice says, letting out a laugh.
"Reason three," she replies, eyeing her friend. "Let's say I don't fuck up, which would be a miracle in itself, and we hit it off. How am I supposed to maintain a long-distance relationship? We're not talking about Brighton or Cambridge, we're talking about another continent. Several times a year."
"Well, I'm glad you're thinking so much ahead," Alice replies, earning a frustrated grunt from her friend. "There'll be plenty of people who are in the same situation as you. You can always ask for advice from other WAGS," she concludes, laughing.
"You're insufferable."
"Was there a fourth reason to debunk, or are we done here?" Alice asks.
"There is, actually. That's the last one," she says, staring at her phone. "Every time I've gone on a date like this, without having seen the guy... They were never really... to my taste," she begins. "So I've never kissed them, never went any further. But if I like him, what am I supposed to do?"
"What's the real question?"
"Am I supposed to kiss him on the first date? I don't want him to think I'm easy. Is it better to play hard to get and..."
"Wow, you're overthinking this," Alice says, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I don't have any answer to give you. Just... Go with the flow. And if you're not sure about what to do, let him take the lead. Okay?"
An hour later, she's walking through the streets of Bristol, trying to calm her breathing, her thoughts, her already racing heart. She's checked the address Lando had sent her about ten times before leaving Alice's apartment. On principle, she takes out her phone, checking one last time. Her phone indicates that the restaurant is less than a minute's walk away, at the corner of the street she's on. There's still time to turn back, she thinks, before gathering herself. No. He doesn't deserve that.
In front of the restaurant, she casts a quick glance inside, checking if he's already there, before remembering that she doesn't even know what he looks like. Well, she has a vague idea. She's seen pictures on Alice's Facebook and Instagram over the years, but his precise features escape her. She remembers curly hair, beauty spots. Not much more. She's not sure if she would recognize him in a crowd.
She pushes the door and slips inside the buzzing restaurant, politely greeting the waitress who welcomes her.
"I have a reservation for two," she says. "The name's Norris."
"Ah yes, he's already here, in the second room. I'll take you to him," the waitress replies, flashing a smile.
Her heart stops. He's already here? She deliberately arrived fifteen minutes early to have time to settle down quietly, to gather herself. To wash her hands if they're too sweaty. This was not how it was supposed to go at all, she thinks, feeling the anxiety rise.
The waitress guides her through the tables to the small room at the back of the restaurant. On the way, her brain disconnects, giving way to total panic. I knew it was a bad idea, she tells herself, biting her lip. I'm going to make a fool of myself. The waitress suddenly stops, saying something that her brain doesn't comprehend before walking away and she looks up, meeting his gaze.
Oh, wow, she thinks, eyes widening. That man is too handsome for his own good.
"Hey, it's nice to meet you" he says, extending a bouquet of white tulips to her. "Alice said those were your favorites."
She smiles, taking the bouquet before burying her nose in it. Alice, you little sneak.
"Thank you so much," she replies, feeling her cheeks flush. "They're stunning."
Lando pulls out her chair before sitting back down, not taking his eyes off her. Feeling his gaze on her, she dives intensely into reading the menu. Or rather, she pretends to, because she's not even reading, just trying to avoid the attention the driver is giving her.
"You seem nervous," he states, still looking at her.
Feeling her cheeks turn red, she holds her menu higher in front of her face, hiding a little more. "Hey," he says, putting his finger on the menu to lower it. "What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry. I'm just really bad at this," she replies, finally looking at him. "Dates, conversations, one-on-ones. It's not about you, I swear."
There we go, she thinks, head low. We've been sitting for ten minutes and I've already messed everything up.
"Would you like to go somewhere else?" he asks, and she looks up, furrowing her brows.
"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, that wasn't the intention," he says. "A romantic dinner may be a bit much for a first date. So, if you want to go somewhere else, do something else, it's not a problem."
"But... We're already sitting," she says, confused.
"It's no big deal," he replies, shrugging. "The restaurant is packed, they won't go bankrupt because we leave. We can just tell them we don't like anything on the menu."
She lets out a laugh, covering her mouth, astonished by the driver's suggestion.
"If you could go anywhere, a place where you feel comfortable and safe, where would you go?" he asks, his big eyes detailing her.
She thinks for a moment, looking upwards, biting her lip again.
"If we really had no limits... I'd go to the sea," she replies, thoughtful.
"Let's go then," Lando says, rising up and taking his jacket.
"What? Lando, we can't do that," she says, still sitting. "The good beaches are like, an hour drive away."
But Lando has already circled the table, jacket in hand, extending his hand to her.
"My car's parked outside," he replies.
She doesn't understand what's happening, so for once, she sets aside her brain and listens to her heart, grasping his hand and allowing him to guide her towards the restaurant's exit, the driver only stopping to explain briefly to the very understanding waitress that an emergency has come up and they have to leave, carefully slipping several bills in her hand as a tip - and as compensation.
Outside, Lando leads her to his car, their hands still intertwined, her heels clicking on the cobblestones. He opens the door for her and she slips inside, her heart racing.
"I've never done anything like this in my entire life," she says, staring straight ahead.
"You should never force yourself to do something you don't want to do, though," he replies, looking through the rear window to reverse, leaning indirectly towards her. His scent reaches her nose and she can't help but look at him closely, detailing every detail of his profile. His clear eyes. His beauty spots that remind her of constellations. The curly lock of hair that crosses his forehead.
"Does Ogmore work for you?" he asks, snapping her out of her reverie.
"Ogmore's perfect," she replies, eyes glistening.
They set off, and as the English countryside landscape passes by through the window, she notices that for the first time since she left Alice's apartment, she isn't feeling anxious. Her heart still beats just as fast, sure, but she suspects it's not really because of stress anymore. Lando rummages between their seats and eventually pulls out a cable, which he hands to her.
"I don't mind driving, but you're the DJ," he says, laughing. "Put on some music. Let me know who you are."
She grabs the cable before connecting it to her phone, scrolling through her Spotify playlist. So you want to know who I am, huh? she thinks, blushing again, before clicking on her favorite song.
The first notes of "I'm Outta Time" by Oasis resonate in the car, and Lando shoots her a surprised look.
"I actually love that song," he says, smirking. "What does it tell about you?"
"Well," she starts. "As you must be starting to suspect, I strongly identify with the idea that the sea is the only place that manages to calm me down, where I truly feel free."
"I'm with you on that one," he replies.
"And then... It's quite personal, but to me, the song's about someone who's lonely. Someone seeking comfort, a pillar, someone who can support them through everything. But also someone they'd be willing to let go out of love."
Lando turns his head towards her, and she gets lost in the softness and understanding reflected in his eyes. The song comes to an end, and she clicks on "On Melancholy Hill" by Gorillaz.
"I promise I'm not depressed," she says, meeting his gaze, while he lets out a laugh.
"This one's talking about the sea, again," he states.
"There's that," she says. "And there's this dreamy feeling. It's about frustration, about pressuring yourself to achieve big things, when maybe..." she stops for a second. "Maybe just being with your person is enough. Maybe there's no need for more," she finishes, looking out the window, troubled by the feeling of having said too much.
"I get it," he says, still looking at the road ahead.
"You do?" she asks.
"Of course. I'm not the last one to have dreams and goals, as you can imagine. But at the end of the day, when all that's over, what's left? What do you turn to?"
The rest of the journey goes on in the same way. She plays a song, explains why she likes it, what it makes her feel, what it reminds her of. Lando listens attentively, interweaving her narrative with his own anecdotes, sharing his thoughts, his fears. That's much more intimate than a restaurant, she thinks. But somehow, she doesn't mind.
Forty minutes later, a sign indicates that Ogmore is the next exit, and Lando turns onto the narrow road, which soon becomes a path. They leave the car in a parking lot, where only a few cars are parked before embarking on the sandy trail. Before them, the sun has begun to set, tinting the sky with orange, pink, and violet hues.
"Just in time," Lando says before plopping down on the sand. She sits beside him, closing her eyes. Absorbing the healing sound of the waves.
"Thank you so much for this, Lando. You have no idea how much it means to me," she says, feeling emotional.
They both lie there, side by side, without saying a word, lulled by the sound of the waves.
"Do you remember the night we met?" Lando suddenly asks, looking at the sky and the stars that the onset of night begins to reveal.
"What do you mean?" she asks, turning on her side to look at him.
"It was last year," Lando starts, as she furrows her brows, completely lost.
"I'm not sure I understand," she replies, confused. "I've seen you in pictures... But this is the first time we meet."
"Alice's birthday, in London," the driver specifies, and she dives into her thoughts, trying to rewind time. "You were wearing a black dress. Backless."
"I... I remember the birthday, and the dress," she begins. "But I don't remember you. Well, I remember Alice saying you had something come up," she continues, lost.
"I had a work function, couldn't get away. But I still stopped by, dropped off Alice's gift," he explains.
"I'm sorry, Lando," she says, embarrassed. "I don't remember seeing you."
"We crossed paths in one of the hallways of the bar. You were leaning against a wall, talking to someone... Jeff? Greg?" he says, closing his eyes as if trying to remember.
"Jeff? My boyfriend at the time?"
"Yes, that was him. You two were arguing about something, I can't remember what. The tone started to escalate, and you walked off towards the restroom."
"I remember that."
"I found myself in front of Jeff, and I told him, "You shouldn't argue with a pretty girl like that. She deserves better". He told me to fuck off, to mind my business, and left," he recalls, laughing.
"Wow, I had no idea," she says. "Him and I broke up like, four months after that anyway."
"I know. Alice told me."
"Why would she tell you that? It must not be of much interest to you."
"I'd mentioned to her that I found you beautiful. In fact, to be honest, I think I said you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen," the driver says. "So one morning, she texted me. Said something like... "She broke up with Jeff. Time to grow a pair."
"Wow," she says, laughing in shock. "I didn’t know that."
Silence falls. Neither speaks for several seconds. He, wondering if he's said too much. Her, wondering what she should conclude from the driver's words.
"So..." she starts. "When Alice told me that she had planned a blind date..."
"It was my idea," he says, meeting her eyes. "But we couldn't say that."
"Oh, my god," she says, laughing again. "I can't believe you two."
A particularly turbulent wave crashes at their feet, making them yelp and quickly stand up. They're suddenly face to face. Wrapped in a heavy silence. One that cannot last.
"So you did, then," she finally says.
"You grew a pair," she replies as he bursts out laughing.
"You're not angry at me, are you?" he asks, taking a step forward.
"I'm... quite surprised, I won't lie. But I'm not angry, no. I've never had a first date like this," she confesses. "I've never felt so listened to, so understood... In so little time. It started off badly, and yet you... you made me feel like I could be myself."
"You can," Lando says, taking her hand. "That's all I want."
"Will you think I'm moving too fast if I kiss you?" she suddenly asks.
"No," he says, coming closer until their breaths meet. "I won't."
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Secret, Secret
Pairing: Lance Stroll x Riccardio!Reader
Rating: PG
Warnings: Pregnancy talks, breastfeeding talks, nothing to bad honest;y, fluff, uncle Daniel, dad Lance, etc.
Words: 2.1K
Requested: Yes/No
Request: Hello. I’m not sure if you take requests for Lance Stroll if you don’t please pick another driver of your choice but please could I request Lance Stroll x Wife fem reader where they were the paddock ‘it’ couple but after the summer break Lance started going to races on his own and everyone thinks they have split up, when the Canada gp arrives they appear in the paddock together married and with twins and everyone finds out ect and the drives meet their baby’s (uncle Danny🥹) 🫶🏻🫶🏻 thank you so much I hope that all makes sense😅
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"Where's Y/n?" Fernando asks, noticing your absence the moment Lance steps into the paddock.
Lance looks over and smiles, wanting to explain why but keeping it to himself.
"Didn't feel like coming." Lance shrugs, but Fernando doesn't buy it yet and chooses not to say anything else.
The media went crazy that weekend. The rumors circled; vultures were trying to pick at the leftovers of what couldn've gone wrong. Lance ignored them, but when asked why you weren't at the races anymore, he couldn't say. People started to say you got a divorce, but Lance's fans refused to accept it. The two of you, together, became the paddocks "it" couple very quickly.
"Did you two get a divorce and not tell me? Because that's just mean." Daniel whines one day, making Lance laugh at Daniel's whine.
"Daniel, Y/n needed a break, and I agreed with her. So, stop thinking we divorced." Lance snaps slightly, annoyed with the constant questions about it.
"Hey, I'm sorry, she just hasn't been answering my texts, and I'm worried," Daniel admits making Lance sigh and pat his shoulder. "She'll be back for the Canadian GP." Lance walks off, leaving Daniel smiling, missing his sister.
Daniel pulls out his phone and texts you, asking if you've been okay. He hasn't seen you in almost a year, dealing with everything that has happened at Mclaren and you moving to a new house. You both have been so busy, and he wished he knew more about his sister than the media.
Daniel: Please tell me you and Lance are still together? If he did something, I'd ask Max to crash him!
Y/N: Daniel!! DO not HURT my husband!!! I'm fine. We're doing great. Please wait until the Canadian GP. I promise you'll be thrilled with why I've been gone!"
Daniel: Hurry up, Canadian GP. I love you. Text me if you need me.
Y/N: I will. I love you too, Danny!
You sigh, hating that you were lying to your brother. The both of you are so close, and the fact that you haven't seen him in a year has been brutal. When you found out you were pregnant was the most incredible day of your life. Telling Lance was the second best. He had cried while he hugged you and promised to always protect you and your baby. The 3rd best day was finding out you were having twins. Finding that out, you and Lance had a serious conversation that night. Tell the world you were pregnant, or hide it from everyone.
It was the second choice. After research, you found that twin pregnancies were at risk, and you wanted to be safe and keep it quiet to have an easy and relaxed pregnancy. It wasn't, but it was a relatively healthy pregnancy, and 3 months ago, you gave birth to a boy and a girl. It was the 2nd time Lance had cried, and it was holding his babies.
Phone beeping, you pick it up and see it's Lance wanting to video chat with you.
"Hello, my gorgeous wife. Are you okay?" He asks the moment you hit accept.
"Daniel keeps asking me if we're divorced. But I've told him to hold off until the Canadian GP. Hopefully, he doesn't show up to the house." You joke, but you seriously considered that your brother could visit your home.
"Nah, he won't show up unless he really thinks something is wrong." Lance looks around before his end shakes as he moves somewhere else.
"Hey? How are our babies?" He asks, being careful to not say it too loud.
"Perfect. They're napping right now. Want to see?" You ask even though you know what his answer would be.
Moving across the house, you head up to the twins' nursey, slowly open the door, and show them to Lance.
"My sweet babies. Are they doing okay? You know you could always call Mom or Chole, hell, even Scotty, to come and help you." Lance spouts off, making you giggle at his worry.
"Lance, honey. I'm okay, really. We're doing fine. Besides, you'll be home soon." You try to squash his worry, but he just groans, rubbing his head.
"I hate being away from you 3 so soon after. Let me know if you need help. I'm serious." Lance urges as you just smile and nod, walking out of the nursery and letting the twins get some more sleep.
"Lance, I love you. I'll see you soon." You whisper, watching his dazzling smile as he repeats the words and hangs up.
"I'm so glad it's the Canadian GP already." Lance cheers, making your little girl Eleanor gurgle as her father kisses her cheeks.
"Lance, be careful. You're going to scare Casper." Sighing, you pick up your boy.
Casper was a sweet boy who was shy and kept to himself. Eleanor was your outgoing and curious daughter who loved anything and everyone. It always made you laugh watching how they interacted with one another.
"Sorry." Lance laughs, watching as Casper cuddles into you.
"You ready?" You ask Lance as he bounces slightly to keep Eleanor calm for as long as possible.
"Of course, and we're going to be protected, and everyone is going to respect your wishes when you give them out. But Danny can finally give me peace." You laugh, packing up the car with your stroller and diaper bag.
Lance helps put the babies in the car seats and watches you double-check everything.
"Hey, we've got everything." Grabbing your hand, you sigh as you nod in agreement.
"I know." Lance smiles and pulls you over, kissing you gently. "Let's go." You smile before kissing him again as you climb into the passenger side.
Pulling up to the paddock parking, you take a deep breath calming yourself. Grabbing your hand, Lance pulls it up and kisses your wedding ring in a way that comforts you. To always remind you that both of you are in this together.
You don't get the chance to get out before Fernando pops up next to your window, a little scream at him suddenly popping up.
"Damn, Fernando, give her a chance to get out of the car." Lance groans, but the Spaniard laughs as you open the car door.
"Oh, I have missed you!" Fernando laughs, hugging you tightly, hugging him back just as tight.
"Why haven't you been around for almost a year. It hurt us." The man whines as Lance opens the side door, and the Aston Martin driver sees the reason.
"Twins?" He asks in awe, then looks back at you. "Does Daniel know?" You shake your head, giving him your answer.
"Hermana. Why didn't you tell us? You could've supported you." Fernando sighs and hugs you again as you try not to cry already.
"We thought it'd be best, Fernando. The press, fans, everything. We decided not to tell anyone when we found out she was pregnant with twins. Her parents and mine know, but Scotty and Chole found out 2 weeks ago. And today, we tell everyone and you guys." Lance explains, pulling out Casper, who whines and buries himself into his fathers' hold.
"Want to hold Eleanor? She is more welcoming to strangers than Casper." Fernando smiles and holds his arms out as Eleanor is placed gently.
"She's gorgeous." He whispers and automatically starts swaying side to side as she wakes from her little sleep.
Opening her eyes, she stares at Fernando, who smiles, pulling her closer.
"I'll destroy anyone who thinks they can hurt you." He says sweetly, making you laugh and grab Eleanor, who gurgles and shakes her hands before settling down in your hold.
"I'll see you inside, yes? If anyone gives you trouble, let me know." Fernando kisses your temple before patting Lance on the back, whispering something in his ear that has Lance laugh and turn red.
"What did he say?" You ask, grabbing the stroller and placing the diaper bag in the bottom.
"Don't worry about it." Lance shakes his head, but you don't.
"Lance." Your husband sighs and moves closer to you so no one else hears.
"He said I must have magic balls to get you knocked up with twins the first time." You laugh, making Casper jump and whine, having Lance comfort him immediately.
"Shhh, Mommy, that was mean." Lance teases, but you roll your eyes, heading to the entrance.
Scanning in, people notice you two and start taking pictures. Thankfully no one comes up close and in your space. They keep their distance as they take picture after picture.
"Shut the fuck up!" Lance laughs as he gets stopped by Mick and Esteban, who stand there shocked, seeing their best friend and his wife holding two babies.
"Hey, language." You tease, but Esteban waves you off as he approaches Lance.
"Who is this little guy?" Esteban asks, being very careful to not startle the baby.
"This is Casper." Lance turns Casper slightly, who just sleeps peacefully in his father's arms.
"God, Lance, he looks just like you." Esteban laughs as Mick watches Eleanor look around.
"Twins, each just like you." Mick smiles, sticking a finger out. Eleanor grabs it and puts it in he mouth.
"Eleanor, no." Mick laughs as he watches you pull his finger out of her daughter's mouth, telling you his hands are clean.
"I know, but still, she's young." Mick nods in understanding the 4 of you talking as they coo over the babies.
"Lance, we should get going. I'm going to have to feed them soon." Lance nods as Mick and Esteban say bye but tell you they're coming to spend time with the babies after the race.
Getting to the Hospitality suite Lance, gets you settled, everyone being respectful, waving, and not bothering you too much.
"See, we're okay." Lance kisses the side of your head as you bottle-feed the babies.
Breastfeeding was rough initially, and you decided to bottle feed as it would give each twin the nutrients they need rather than running low and worrying about it.
"I know-" You get cut off when Lance's media manager pops up.
"I tried to stop him, but, yeah, sorry." They disappear and are soon replaced with your brother, who stops seeing the four of you.
"Danny." You sigh, but he just holds his hand up and walks closer, taking in the sight of the twins.
"You were pregnant with twins, gave birth, and you didn't tell me?" He asks, sitting down next to you and touching Eleanor's cheek.
"Danny, we wanted the pregnancy to be as easy as possible, I wanted to tell you, but we thought this way was best." You explain, but Daniel laughs, tears in his eyes as he hugs you.
"Oh god, they're gorgeous." He cries as you lean into his hug, crying with him.
"Can I hold them?" He asks Lance smiling as he slowly puts Casper in his Uncle's arms. With breaths held, you waited for Casper to start crying. Instead, he snuggles into Daniel's chest.
"He loves you." You whisper, watching his hands cradle Casper closer as the little boy moves closer, trying to bury a hole for himself.
"Well, duh, I'm his Uncle." He sticks his tongue out at you, but Lance shakes his head no.
"Daniel, he hates being held by anyone but us. This...this is big for him." Lance smiles, wanting to cry at the fact that someone else can hold his son now.
"Hah! Suck on that, Scotty. I really am the favorite Uncle." Snorting at your brother's childish behavior, you watch the two interact.
"I call babysitting duties." "Deal!" Lance and you shout, making Daniel look up, shocked at your sudden acceptance.
"Wow, guess mommy and daddy need some private time," Daniel whispers to Casper, but you don't disagree with the statement.
"Hey? What's their names?" Daniel asks, making you both smile.
"You're holding, Casper Daniel Stroll. And this is Eleanor Claire-Ann Stroll." Lance announces, watching fresh tears fall down Daniel's eyes.
"No wonder he likes me. We have the same name." He chokes out, holding the boy closer, who just whined before closing his eyes.
"I'm keeping him." Daniel nods as you just sigh, but Lance takes it seriously.
"Like hell, you will." Daniel sticks his tongue out and shields Casper from Lance's hands.
"Off, you knocked my sister up. Give me this." Lance rolls his eyes and then smirks.
"Dude, you're holding my sperm. Really want to keep it?" Lance asks, having Daniel look down at his nephew.
"Take him back." You laugh as Daniel shivers at the thought.
Looking around, you smile at your husband and brother fighting over your little boy; looking down at Eleanor, you kiss her little forehead.
"You're both so loved." Smiling at your little family.
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oneforthemunny · 1 month
EVIEEEEE i’m fucking feral over janitor!eddie rn 🥵 how about this for the blurb game:
janitor!eddie, fluff/smut, maternity lingerie
ur welcome 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
oooh you're about to send the girlies into HEAT!!!! ahhh!!! slightly smutty a little sweet bc how could it not be??? minors dni
"I feel disgusting." You huffed, looking down at your swollen abdomen, your swollen hands, swollen ankles. You felt like a giant balloon, ready to pop, but still so far away from release. Seven months, two more to go, and you weren't sure how you were going to do it.
Lisa frowned at you. "Well, you look good." She countered. "Glowing."
You rolled your eyes, letting your shoulders roll. "You're lying." You muttered. "I'm just sweating. That's not a glow."
Lisa laughed. "You're so hard on yourself! You look amazing!" She insisted. "You're glowing, and you've got the cutest fucking bump in the world!"
You looked down at your overalls, your bump snug against them. "I don't know why you think you look bad. I've seen people who look bad during pregnancy- I looked bad during pregnancy. Believe me, it's not you. You look radiant."
"I'm swollen. I'm disgusting." You shook your head. "I know Eddie has got to be exhausted from all my mood swings. I know I am."
Lisa's lips pursed in thought. "When was the last time you and Eddie had sex?"
"Lisa-" You hissed, looking around at the tables of people around you.
"Seriously. When was the last time you did? Nothing makes you feel prettier than getting some loving." She winked at you. "Put on something sexy and seduce your husband."
You shook your head, looking down at the table. "I don't think Eddie would find this hot." You muttered, nodding down at your bump.
Lisa scoffed. "Have you met Eddie? He worships you." She rolled her eyes, grabbing her tea. "Let's go. We're going shopping for you."
Later that night, Lisa had insisted Ollie come over for a sleepover with her son, giving you a wink before she left.
"Guess we have the night to ourselves." Eddie smiled sweetly. "Do you want me to make you something? Or do you want to try and finish the nursery?"
You shifted nervously. "Um, not tonight." You muttered. "I was kinda thinking we could maybe spend some time together?" Your eyes met his.
Eddie beamed, lighting with excitement, soothing your jittery nerves. He was still there, still your husband, the same love of your life he was before. "Yeah, that sounds great, sweetheart." Eddie hummed, stepping closer to you. "What do you have in mind?"
"I, um, I actually bought something." Your voice shook slightly, swallowing to steady it. "I want to show it to you."
"Yeah?" Eddie's brows raised.
You nodded. "Stay right here." You pointed to the couch. "I-I'll be right back."
The lingerie wasn't as sexy as what you usually bought, but it was still pretty. You spun in the mirror, the fluttering babydoll lace top swaying with you. A matching pair of panties, blush and lace to match the top, that weren't the usual thongs. A little more covering that what you were used to, but looking at yourself in the mirror, you hated to admit Lisa was right but...
You felt pretty. Sexy, even.
You only hoped Eddie would feel that same way, butterflies erupting in your tummy with every soft step down the carpeted hallway. "Close your eyes!" You called.
"Alright." Eddie laughed lightly.
You peeked around the corner, his eyes closed, lounging on the couch. Stepping carefully, you stood in front of him, the coffee table between the two of you.
"Ok," You took a deep breath. "Open your eyes."
Eddie's lashes lifted, eyes widening at the sight of you. His jaw dropped slightly, gaze roaming furiously over your figure.
You felt vulnerable under it, shifting from foot to foot, swaying nervously. "D-Do you like it?" You squeaked.
Eddie stuttered in response, rambling and words jumbled. "Y-You- Yeah, yeah of course I-" Eddie's eyes met yours. "You look incredible."
Your body burned with heat, grinning sheepishly at him. "Really?" You asked. Eddie nodded dumbly. "Because, you don't have to say that if-if you don't want to do this, I get it. I just... I don't know, Lisa thought it would be a good idea, and we haven't in a while-"
"-No," Eddie shook his head, eyes still wide. "I-I definitely want to. I really, really," He stood, stepping towards you, shin hitting the coffee table and shoving it clumsily.
"Shit," Eddie hissed, blushing. "Sorry, I didn't- I- Yes, I want to." Eddie nodded, tongue thick in his mouth, heart skipping, rambling the way he did when you two first started dating. You still made him nervous, made his heart race like he was in junior high again.
"I-I didn't know you felt like this." Eddie admitted, stepping towards you, hands settling onto your hips. "I would've, ya know, we could've taken care of this a while ago."
You giggled shyly, your hands sliding over his tee shirt, toying with his necklace. "I-I didn't think you wanted to." You admitted, not meeting his eyes. "I thought... Y'know, thought you thought I looked... weird or gross or something."
"What?" Eddie gaped, breath strangled in shock. "Gross? Are you- Baby, no, no."
You looked up at him carefully. "Really?"
"Yeah, yeah, like-like the opposite. The complete opposite." Eddie nodded furiously, swallowing the spit that was pooling in his mouth, looking at you in front of him. "I knew you didn't feel good, and I just thought you weren't in the mood. Thought it would be kinda asshole-ish of me to try and fuck you while you're not feeling good."
You giggled, hands snaking up his shoulders, wrapping around his neck. "Well, I'm feeling good now." You purred, the familiar sensual tone back in your voice, a little shakier than usual. "I'd like for both of us to feel good now."
"Yeah?" Eddie grinned, nose brushing with yours. "I can do that. I can make you feel good." He pulled you closer to him, your bump pressed to his skin, his hands on your back, pulling you in for a hot, sloppy kiss.
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itsmealaiah · 5 months
Billy fucking the (female) reader and degrading her ‘cause she talked with some random guy at the supermarket. HE WAS JEALOUS. Mad jealous. THANKSSSSSSA❣️❣️❣️
🤭 yes thank you for requesting ❤️
Fucking apologise
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(not my gif 🫶)
pairing: 2015 bill x fem (im in love with this era 😭)
synopsis: when bill sees reader talking to an old friend by coincidence at a supermarket when reader are both shopping, he gets pissed off, and fucks the living shit out of reader until reader apologises.
MDNI ⚠️ tags/ warnings: smut, p in v, harsh dom! bill, degradation, dirty talk, begging, cursing, head (slightly; f receiving), usual smut features here 😏, slut shaming, use of the word wh0re
a/n: i actually hate tests
f/n means friends name (i hope 😗)
Your POV:
"Bill does this look good to you?" I ask, holding fruit up for him to see., examining it, trying to decide if it was ripe or not. "Hmm, yeah it looks okay, put it in the cart" He replies, and walks away to get more of the items, leaving me all by myself, strolling through the aisles of food when I see someone oddly familiar, perusing the shelves of items. I get a closer view, and recognize him, the angle of his face making me able to identify who he is. My old friend from primary school, f/n. I gasp, and he turns around, a smile building on his lips. "y/n! I haven't seen you in so long! How have you been?" He asks, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug, the air escaping my body. "I've been good" I gasp once again, trying to relieve myself from his grip. "oh! sorry" he apologises, letting go. "didn't mean to hurt you" he says, his smile fading. "nono, it's okay, just took me by surprise, thats all" I pass him a light smile, showing him it was okay.
"That's good, so what are up to these days?" he questions, leaning onto the handle of his cart. "Not much, I met someone" I say, and he oo's. "Who?" He asks, and I blush. "you might know him, I think he went to our school when we were little" I face down on the ground. "I might, tell me more" I think for a moment, trying to remember the features of bill when we were younger. Black hair, loose clothing, and a sweet attitude even when people were bullies to him. "Bill kaulitz? that ring a bell? His hair was always messy, but it looked so adorable" I gushed. "Ohh! Him! I remember him! He was always so kind to me" His smile grew bigger. "Yeah, we've been dating for about three years now" my face reddens, and f/n laughs. "you must really love him, huh?" He questions, and I nod. "mhm" I mumbled. "Y/n!" I hear someone call, sounding like bill? His footsteps make their way down the aisle, one of his hands resting on my shoulder. "Who's this?" He asks, gazing down at me.
"I'm f/n, nice to meet you! y/n was just telling me how great of a person you are" He says with a bright smile. Bill only nods, a small 'mhm' leaving his mouth. "He was my old friend from primary school, I haven't seen him in forever" I look at bill, a frown lying on his face. My heart sinks at his facial expressions, knowing he must be mad. "Y/n said you went to school with us" f/n tries to lighten up the conversation, drifting my attention away from bill. "She was blushing so hard when she mentioned your kindness" He laughed, slapping my arm playfully. Bill didn't respond, his face only darkening in what seemed to be anger. "Well it was nice to see you again" I laughed nervously, taking the cart and bill away to another aisle. "What the fuck was that?" He hissed, eyes blazing with hate. "Just a friend" I murmured, picking up an item and placing it in the cart.
"Just a friend?" He chuckles darkly, his hand grasping my arm so im facing him, seeing the absolute, pure jealousy swimming in his eyes. "Yes!" I exclaim, pulling myself away along with the cart to the checkout. He follows suit, mumbling curses under his breath as the person working slides the groceries under the scanner one by one, watching them intently, waiting for them to finish. "Your total is fifty-five-seventy" the woman states, clicking on the screen in front of her. I put my card into the keypad, and we get out of the store, bill lurking behind, his hand on my waist. "When we get home, you're gonna fucking wish you never talked to f/n" He snarls, opening the car door and steps in while I place the groceries in the backseat.
"Bill!" I screamed while his tongue dug into my clit even more, more than what seemed even humanly possible, my hands on the edge of ripping the crisp, white bedsheets as I bucked my hips up near his face as he happily licked up all the juices leaking out of my aching pussy. "mmph, please bill, s'too much!" I moaned, while his fingers explored my folds, rubbing small circles. "Pleas-agh!" choked sobs left my lips as he continued, his nose sometimes nudging over the spot that made me melt. His tongue piercing was heavenly, the coldness of the metal up against the heat of my core was a mix of pleasure and pain. My orgasm was slowly creeping up, the knot forming in my lower stomach, as my cries echoed through the room. "Bill! gonna- c-cum!" I slurred, my words jumbling over each other.
He pulled away, and I whined. "Come back! Please!" I begged, trying to reach up for him, but he pushed my hands down back to my sides. "Shut the fuck up, you think you deserve to cum? After what you did?" He laughed meanly. "You don't deserve shit" He grabbed my jaw so I was looking into his eyes. I was about to roll over, to try and sleep, when he pinned me down, arms surrounding the sides of my head. "Listen, you little slut, you're gonna cum when I say so" he lifts one arm so its resting on my jaw once again, staring straight into my fearful and fucked out-eyes. "and only when I say so, you got that you whore?" He demands. "Please" I sigh, too desperate for him, to return to pleasuring me and my body.
He tears off his remaining clothes, revealing his hard erection, pre-cum leaking from the reddened tip, my mouth wide open. He strokes himself slowly, and I gasp. "Like what you see you little whore?" He grins wickedly, rubbing the head of him against my soft folds, making me whimper, the teasing too fucking much to handle. "Bill-Oh!" I cry out, his hands grabbing hold of my hips, as he pounded in and out, my body rocking from the force of his dick, sliding from my body never fully, and thrusting back in each time. "Fucking slut" He pants, lips beginning to work at my neck, marks consuming the skin as he bites the flesh, tugging it with his teeth. "who's the one who only can make you feel like this?" He demands, slowly up just a bit. "Y-you" I whine. His cock brushes up just right near the spongey spot again, whorish moans exiting my mouth.
He pulls away from my neck, and I see his face, lips swollen and pink, his eyes half-open, the way his chest is heaving up and down fastly, making me nearly cum right then and there. I snap out of my trance as he fills me up fully again, his hips rocking against mine, small little marks sure to form there as well. "Taking me so well my slut" he whispers, leaning down to my ear. "Cumming!" I yell for the second time. "Not yet" He growls, slapping my thigh. I wince, my eyes momentarily shutting. His cock begins to twitch, signaling he's on the verge of bliss as well, as he falters just for a second.
"mm-cumming, cum with me baby" he utters, low and sultry, the ropes of his cum filling my insides, as I cry out, arching my back. "Cum, now" he whispers, still inside of me. I oblige, my release consuming my entire being, my legs shaking from the thunderous force as I cum on his dick and lower abdomen. I fall weak against the pillows, and bill pulls out, grabbing some tissues to wipe me up. "you sorry?" he asks, eyes blazing with a hint of anger, and i nod. "wise answer" he lies down next to me, plopping down with a sigh as he closes his eyes, arms finding my waist, forcing me into his close embrace as I struggle to grasp sleep.
He snuggles his head into my chest, little noises of thanks spewing out from his mouth. I close my eyes, praying that I fall asleep, and soon enough I do. However, the thought of bill being so possessive keeps ringing back in my head. Do I really want a boyfriend who's always jealous?
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lazywriters-blog · 10 months
Summary: You have a story to tell about how you got pushed into a situation by your sister-in-law. Lying didn't get you anywhere.
Since you wanted a part two, here it is. With some sprinkled dark chocolate and layered spooky, I like these kinds of goofy dark scenarios- (not proofread)
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You felt like a married couple consoling a raging teen who refused their favorite snack because of something you did. Even if you did, you had no idea of what you did wrong to deserve this, you barely know the twin brother and sister.
Maybe faking it till you make it home safe and sound was a good decision to keep in mind while you slowly and carefully sip your black tea, peering over to the twins who thought taking eyes off of you meant death.
You know they are not bad people, there are only good things you've heard about them in passing, adorable twin magicians with hats and tricks beloved because of it.
You didn't think the sister would have such a temper. Who in their right mind would come forth and throw accusations, unless her dear brother did admire you and you've gone and missed his magic show?
"No need to be coy, you don't need to lie about anything, we know much already. You like my brother too, don't you?"
You couldn't have responded quicker than lyney who gasped and hid his face behind his hand unsure if disappointment or embarrassment was right in his situation. '... Would you please stop embarrassing me and giving me heart attacks?"
"I'm sure he's a good gentleman and-"
"I asked, do you like him or not? Quit beating around the bushes and tell us the truth, that way my brother can rest easy and move on from his unhealthy fixation." She crossed her arms and glared, you are not sure if she's older than you yet.
"Oh... Uh." she's blunt, you were caught off guard, "Well, to be honest, I don't know him. You both are good magicians I've heard, I can't say if I like him or not if I haven't gotten to know him at all."
"Brother, tell her about yourself." She faced him, "You've been pining over a girl who doesn't even know you better than herself and you've been losing sleep over this?"
"Lynette, maybe spare me some dignity and let things happen naturally. Why do you have to rat me out like that?"
"Because I hate seeing you like this."
If you could get up and leave, you would without a second wasted. The twins were bickering while you contemplated your wisest words and phrases, sentences that were guaranteed to get you out of it with your ego intact.
"I said I've lost sleep because of that one failed trick I got wrong, and you were the one to butt in before I could make my move!"
"If I hadn't, this wouldn't be happening! You would be back to stalk-" Lyney quickly put his hand on her mouth and furrowed his eyebrows, as if to say 'Shut up she doesn't need to know that.'
But that expression eased off when he turned around to look you in the eye, "I'm sorry about this, my sister is a little fussy and all, you know..." he nervously smiled, had you not known better or seen it happen you would have believed they had nothing to hide.
"It's fine." What more could you say? They were guilty of dragging you here.
"I am sorry, I am, My sister usually doesn't pull off such stunts, it would be better for us to forget about this and move along." he laughed, but somehow it felt ominous to you, the way he steepled his hand and drop his elbow on the table, he didn't feel threatened anymore.
"Of course, why not," you answered.
"Splendid!" he raised his hands, giving you a tight smile with closed eyes. Giving it a few seconds, he waited for his sister to say something, elbowing her when she didn't.
Were you bonding with the twins? Not really.
"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but would you like to marry my brother? I'm sure he'll sleep better knowing you are his. He's not a bad guy."
If you weren't there, Lyney wouldn't have kept up his smile and made you see him in a good light, however, his smile still appeared strained.
These two were oddly funny siblings with a sudden tendency to expose each other.
"Lynette..." Lyney hummed in a low voice, and his sister did not even flinch, "Sorry bro."
"Was this conversation about marriage from the beginning? Why didn't you say so? I wouldn't have had to worry so much haha..." how were you supposed to get out of this?
Reacting positively could only get you so far.
"So? Do you approve of my brother? You guys should get married in two days." Nothing seemed to faze this girl.
You looked at Lyney, then Lynette and you weren't sure of what you were going to say anymore.
If you say no, you are certain his sister will tear you to shreds and make sure the rest of your days go on as badly as possible, even saying 'I'll think about it' ingrained the same scenario in your head.
It shouldn't be so bad to say yes, no?
"... Why not?"
Saying no meant more harm than good. Besides, you just wanted to get out of this situation as quietly as possible.
"Bro, you owe me one. When can I expect grandchildren?"
"You mean nephews..." lyney replied.
"Yeah, that."
Tag list
@swivy123 @rotin0
@idontevenknow129 @heartsbyvalentina
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finisnihil · 1 month
Some people need to learn the difference between like/disliking a character on a personal level v. a writing level. I dislike some characters on a personal level but I do love their writing and characterization on a meta level and any of my bullying of them is mostly for jokes. Meanwhile there's also characters who I adore on a personal level but abhor the writing of because it feels like their concepts or potential as a character were squandered.
I've said it before i'll say it again when you let your personal bias on a character infect your analysis of them you get mischaracterization. Part of media literacy is seperating authoral intention from reader response and thinking about if anything about the character or their interactions can cloud your judgement of them on a surface level.
For example, in the 2.1 quest of HSR I saw some Aventurine lovers absolutely jump on a hate train for Sunday because in their eyes, Sunday was villainous for his actions against Aventurine and deserved to be put down for it. But, when you stop bastardizing Sunday in an effort to validate and sanitize Aventurine's motives you see the two are actually equally complicit in hurting the other. Sunday did try to turn Ratio against Aventurine and he did cast the whole Truth or Die spell but when you actually critically analyze Sunday and his role in the interaction he is more sympathetic and he makes more sense.
Aventurine was going into the interaction, an interaction regarding the IPC's increasingly aggressive attempts to recolonize Penacony after losing it as a prison planet, bragging about using the horrific murder of Sunday's sister to exploit him. Aventurine has never once hid his intentions, he's sympathetic but that doesn't change the fact he's trying to rip Penacony's freedom away for the IPC. We've seen what the IPC does to planets, no matter how corrupt the Family is, the IPC will be worse without a doubt. Aventurine is a morally grey character, he took the gamble of lying under the spell and he understood the stakes when he did it. Trying to bastardize Sunday in order to try and act like Aventurine didn’t have the autonomy to fuck around and find out is really disingenuous to both characters.
As for Sunday, Sunday is incredibly sympathetic too. We know he’s under crushing pressure by everyone around him to hide things for the sake of public image and we know he’s sacrificed a ton for his sister. Sunday is reverential of Xipe but we see him being actively wary of the Family. He knows there’s a traitor, he knows the Family is rotting with ill intent, he knows Death is on the loose. Robin and him are doing their damndest to handle these problems within their circumstances and we’ve seen their notes! They aren’t ignoring the problem, they’re even trying to get outside help from both the Astral Express and Aventurine. We see the Lightcone of their childhood in an otherwise clinical and impersonal office, one where he built her a toy stage and became her first audience. He cares about Robin more than anything and you see his rage and grief being suppressed yet slipping here and there and causing him to make sloppy mistakes, such as using the Truth or Die spell to lash out at Aventurine when he feels cornered with no control over the situation. When he confronts Gallagher he finally cracks and just… breaks. You see him lose it to the point he doesn’t even notice Death behind him until it’s too late. Despite being likened to songbirds, Robin and Sunday both died quietly in their gilded cages. They are the canaries in the coal mine.
Sunday and Aventurine are meant to parallel each other, they both lost their sister in a gruesome event outside of their control because they couldn’t protect her. Sunday couldn’t protect her from the cage he let himself be trapped in so she could fly free and Aventurine couldn’t protect her because he was too small and too young and too lucky. One is a younger brother and one is an elder brother.
The only major difference between them is who we experience the story through. Aventurine is our eyes for most of 2.1 so therefore Sunday is the one put in the antagonistic role. Antagonists are characters who’s motives and goals oppose the protagonists. Because of this, we have to flesh out Sunday’s character via subtext because we don’t have the luxury of his POV to be blatant like with Aventurine. If the roles reversed, if Sunday was our eyes, I bet Aventurine would be the one getting the flack instead.
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tomsvouge · 4 months
Bad Idea Right?
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Pairings: Ex!Joe burrow x Ex!Reader Warnings:Alcohol use, situationship, mentions of sex Summary- What happens when y/n gets a text message from someone in her past that her friends are not fond of? Her friends tell her not to go but it can’t be a bad idea…. right?
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Who would have thought I would end the night with him, In his bed cuddled with him like we are together. Should I regret it? Probably. Do I regret it? Hell no! Have you seen this man he is literally a walking hercules and who am I to block an opportunity that I was given. Anyways, you may be asking, "y/n what the heck are you even talking about?". Well let's go back to earlier in the day where everything started.
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My friends and I were talking about throwing a party and I couldn't be more excited. I needed something to get my mind off of him. Me and Joe are kinda rocky when it comes to a relationship. We broke up about two months ago. Usually when two people break up they dont talk to each other, buttttt me and Joe have been sneaking around for the past two weeks. No one knows about this, not my friends, not his friends just sneaking around like two teenagers. 
As we all sit on my couch we start talking about party details, y’know the time, who to invite the food, all that good boring stuff when out of nowhere melody says this.
“Well since we're talking about personal invites I don't think you should invite Joe y/n”- Melody 
“Why would I invite Joe? We're done. Over” I said lying through my teeth knowing that we were still hooking up.
“I'm just saying you seem to be tense each time you see him. Like that one time we were watching tv and his Bose ad came on. You looked like you saw a ghost.” She says laughing.
“I was Just shocked at his dance moves, I thought I taught him better when we took that dance class.” and that was true we did take a dance class but let's just say, Joeys not dancing for a while.
“I wasn't the worst i've seen but also not the best”- Kaylee says while  writing something down.
OK! Can we stop talking about my ex, kinda getting weird. 
“Ok but just know Joe Burrow is not allowed through these doors.” Melody says in a serious tone.
“Got it Not allowed through the doors.” I say looking at her. 
“I'll just let him in the backyard” I say in my head.
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Getting ready for the party I put on my outfit and did my makeup. As I'm putting on my mascara I get a facetime. I look at the screen and immediately knew it was joe as his contact name is “LOSER NOT WORTH MENTIONING🩷” showed up. Reluctantly I picked up the phone.
“What?” I say in a aggravated tone 
“Well hello to you too” Joe says, rolling his eyes on the other side of the phone.
 “What are you doing?” he says, trying to change the vibe of the call.
Getting ready-i say in a sassy tone.
“For?”- Joe
“My party”-y/n
“And i didnt get an invite?” joe says with that cocky smile on his face 
“Didn't think you needed one considering we were not really together”- I say side eyeing him so hard you could feel it.
“Just because we're not together doesn't mean we cant be friends”- joe 
“If this is what you call just friends I would love to see what you do with people you hate.” i say laughing
“You know what i mean” - Joe
“Friends dont have sex nearly every night and talk to each other the way we do.”- y/n
“Well friends also don't hide things from each other” Joe says, placing the phone down so I could see him.
“I didn't invite you because you are not allowed to come, you are not exactly on my friend's good side right now.”- y/n
 My friend did not like Joeto much after the shit they had heard about him from endless phone calls to late night gossip sessions at the house. He didn't hurt me like cheat or anything. He is actually a nice guy but anyone who plays mind games and gaslights is a no no in my friend's book.
“Nothing new, I wasn't on their good side when we were together.”- Joe
“But since I can't come to you, how about you come to me?”- Joe 
“And why would I do that?” I genuinely asked because who was he to think I would leave my own party for him.
Because we can't get enough of each other no matter how hard we try we both know that we will all go back.
And Joe was right, no matter how hard I tried to move on, no one seemed to understand me like Joe does. He knows everything about me. He accepts me for who I am and vice versa. Still sad we didn't work out due to commitment and trust issues. I think when the time's right Joe and I will be perfect for eachother.
“Well I'll think about it.”- I say 
“Good, let me know when you decide.” - Joe
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I was having the time of my life. My friends made sure I didn't even think about joe. So much that I forgot to even remind him if I was coming or not. 
In the middle of taking group shots I feel a vibrate coming from my hip.
“Don't do it.”-Kaylee says, looking over my shoulder.
“Who said I was?”
“You didn't say that but the look on your face said otherwise.”
“Okay but would you pass up a chance to just go back to your ex for one night.” 
“One night more like two weeks but she didn't need to know that right now.”
“No I wouldn't, he cheated and I'll be damned if I go back to him just to disrespect myself again.”
“Well I won't if i will make you happy.”
Okay sooo im going to his house. You guys may say I have little respect for myself but all the respect leaves my body when I see that man. You get in a room alone with Joe Burrow and see how long you last without being all over him. Plus, can't be that bad of an idea right?
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With my luck the rain decided to pour harder and completely drench me. Rushing to my car I hopped in and started it. I quickly texted Joe back telling him I was on my way. Thankfully The drive from my house to joes is not that far at all. Getting out of the car rushing to get to the front door as the rain came down on me. When I kid you not to say this man is a QB he is not quick on his feet off the field. I literally took him forever to open the door. 
Walking in the house I'm immediately tackled into hugs and kisses . After a while pushing wavy from him I decided I needed to put my clothes somewhere because wet clothes just don't feel comfortable. 
Eventually me and Joe decided to chill on the couch and talk for a while. And lets just say after the talk and cuddles the door was locked to that bedroom and that's how we got to this morning 
I woke up to like a million texts from my friends asking me why I disappeared in the middle of the party and I just told them all that I didn't feel well and went up early to sleep. Looking over left I see Joe sleeping with his arms wrapped around me. Part of me felt bad for lying to my friends about going to sleep early but technically i did lie i said I was sleep I just didn't say where.
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hey guys! I'm gonna try to start putting out more fics . I chose to do this as a fun hobby and I just don't want it to feel and chore or job but if you want to request fics you are welcome to do so 🩷
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lani-heart · 5 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au paring(s) -> choi san x reader x jung wooyoung warning(s) -> mention of abuse words -> 1.2K
abstract -> "...like you’re wanted. It's a sense of security that you have a home"
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san's perspective
I’ve been under her care for about a month now… humans often were cruel creatures. She was a saint though. 
The way she cared for others over herself was obvious. The amount of people who come over to check up on her shows how many care for her. 
They were all cautious of me though… of what I did to her. She’s healed by now… luckily she didn't scar. I didn’t want to be reminded by a scar of what I’d done. 
She did prove to want to spoil me and Wooyoung. 
The black card in her hand would pay for everything… I've seen people have their card declined but she constantly picked things out without a worry. 
She is a trust fund kid… but she made money herself too. “San how about this?” she asked me and I shook my head. I didn’t want to show off my arms. 
“San you need some short-sleeved clothes,” she said as she put it back. “Ooh! y/n how about this!” Wooyoung yelled as I saw him pull out another piece of clothing for himself. “If you like it, put it in the cart,” she said happily. 
“y/n?” he asked, looking nervous. 
“Yes?” she said waiting for him to speak… he was fidgeting and not looking at her anymore. “Why haven’t you given us collars yet?” he asked and I groaned.
Collars weren’t something I wanted. 
“Hmm? Oh… well I guess we haven’t had that conversation” she said while looking at me. “We’ll do that at home okay?” she asked and he nodded. 
She wandered off while me and Wooyoung guarded her cart with the mountain of clothing. “Why do you want a collar so badly?” I asked and he sighed. “It's not necessary but… to hybrids, it's almost like you’re wanted. It's a sense of security that you have a home” he said
“Then why hasn't she gotten us one yet?” I asked now feeling agitated at the thought of not having one. “Well… collars are also seen as oppression. Some hybrids don’t like it because it could be offensive” he explained and I nodded. 
“Maybe she hasn’t caused your past? I heard her speaking to our doctor about triggers you have” he said and I knew that made the most sense. 
“I never really had a collar…” I said and he nodded. 
“You should also have some short-sleeved clothes…” he said and I sighed. “I’ll choose some but I doubt I'll use it,” I said and he chuckled. 
“Well it looks like she's looking for some,” he said as we saw her looking at short-sleeved clothes… “Miss?” I heard as I saw an employee get closer to her. “Do you need help looking?” they asked and she pondered before shrugging. 
“Sure,” she said. “Do you know your boyfriend’s size?” they asked and I felt my face heat up. “Huh?!” she let out clearly flustered. Wooyoung laughing at the situation… “Yah, when did you become her boyfriend ~” he teased and I growled. 
“No fair though… I wouldn’t mind being mistaken for her boyfriend” he said softly. The fox had a huge crush on her; it was painfully obvious. 
He was also a big pervert… always when she was out he’d go to her room and leave with her scent on him. I don’t want to know what he does there…
“I think i'm ready for the next store,” she said, quickly coming over to us with a pink hue across her cheeks. 
It was cute how flustered she became. 
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“So much,” y/n said as we were now all on the floor lying down surrounded by bags. I don’t even think the floor was visible anymore. 
“y/nnie! We still need to go grocery shopping!!” Wooyoung said and we groaned. He was now the appointed chef since y/n burned lunch one day. He scolded her and kicked her out of the kitchen. Not like he lets me in there either though…
“Does that mean we order food today?” I asked and she chuckled. “What are you craving San?” she asked and I thought about it… “Anything with meat with it,” I said, and the two chuckled. 
I hate the time I wasted being too stubborn to let her in. I’ve never felt happier than by her side and playing around with Wooyoung. 
Everything was perfect. 
“Do you guys want collars?” she asked and I liked the way Wooyoung explained it. A feeling of being wanted… I wanted to be someone like that for her. 
“I do… when my owner died they sold my collar. I never got one again after” Wooyoung said and I sighed. 
“I still can't believe them. I tried visiting you… but they denied us all from visiting saying it was bad for a pregnant woman. Eventually, I just gave up trying to accommodate. I’m sorry Woo”  she said and I noticed he sat up. 
“I’m just glad you never forgot about me,” he said with a grin. “How about you, San?” she asked as she sat up. I looked at her and she always asked me questions with pure curiosity on her face. 
“I wouldn’t mind it,” I said. I think in fact I wanted to be wanted by her.
“Wait here! I have something to give you two!” she said as she stood up quickly and made her way out of the bags and toward her room. 
“What do you think she has?” Wooyoung asked and I shrugged. “I don’t know,” I said and he chuckled. “You really are becoming domesticated,” he muttered. “What is that supposed to mean?!” I asked confused and he laughed. 
“You’ve grown closer to her!” he said and I nodded. Before I could say anything I heard her footsteps. We saw her excitedly coming over to us with two bags. 
I didn’t recognize this brand… not like I recognized most but from the looks of it, Wooyoung didn’t either. 
“Before you open it, I got you the second day I went to buy stuff for San,” she said and I was confused. “I also got you one after San told me to adopt you both” she explained. to Wooyoung 
We took the tissue paper out of the bag to reveal a velvet box. Mine was black and Wooyoung’s beige. 
I opened it to reveal a collar… has she got me a collar ever since then?
It was pure black with black jewels around it. “Thank you!!” Wooyoung yelled as he hugged her. I was in shock… she got this on the second day of my being here.
I looked over to Wooyoung. y/n was helping him put it on. It was a beige collar with white jewels around it. “San?” she said as she looked at me nervously. 
I stood up and picked her up. I hugged her tightly…
“Your tail is wagging like crazy!” Wooyoung said and I don’t think I've ever felt this happy. “Do you like it?” she asked and I chuckled. 
“You’ve completed your promise,” I said and she pulled away to look at me shocked. I noticed her eyes turned glassy and she smiled happily at me.
“I hope you’re always happy with me,” she said as she hugged me tightly. 
“I know I will, if I’m with you” 
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hausofneptune · 5 months
aspects/placements i love (and hate) in my chart [1]
[astro notes no. 003]
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hey y’all! i felt like going through some of my personal aspects/placements and describing the “positive” and “negative” ways they’ve manifested in my life, so here we are. this ended up being longer than i thought it would, so i'll end up doing a part two since i really enjoyed making this!
disclaimers | masterlist | ask
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༄ venus conj. neptune in aquarius (1°03’) in the 1H
this is one of my favorite placements. i feel like this + my pisces sun can make me appear to others as “ethereal” at times, but if i’m keeping it a buck, it also makes me extremely evasive. i have a good amount of aquarius influence in my chart as well, so all of this combined definitely makes me feel like i have to put in effort to not come off as too impersonal, especially towards my loved ones. 
having neptune in my 1H also makes me feel like people perceive me to be someone that i’m not. like even my close friends and family, i don’t feel like anyone actually understands who i am, and i don’t think i’ve ever had a relationship (platonic, romantic, or familial) where i felt like i was seen for who i actually am, or where i was able to connect to somebody on a deeper, spiritual level. i can also over-romanticize people and situations at times, but i’ve grown out of this habit… for the most part.
i’ve always been an extremely creative/artistic person. i’ve been drawing, painting, writing, and singing since i was a kid, and i even sell my artwork now as an adult. i’m extremely imaginative, but i do have to be careful to not get too in my head and forget to participate in reality, if that makes sense. i’ve also had issues with dissociation and memory loss throughout my life. i feel like my lived experience has more to do with that, but i can see how the Neptunian influence in my chart could play a role in it as well.
༄ venus opposite north node in the 7H
there are some placements that convince me that the universe was tryna be funny when it made my birth chart. this is one of them. i have so many things in my chart that can make it challenging at times to form meaningful, trustful relationships with other people, and it’s interesting to me the fact that my spiritual growth is something that’s supposed to be found… through my relationships with other people. i try not to victimize myself too much and look at things from an objective lens, but i would be lying if i said it didn’t feel like people find it convenient to have me in their lives only when i allow them to view me in a way that makes them feel the most comfortable.
like i mentioned, i can be very avoidant, it’s something i’m working on. but i know that it’s possible for me to have fulfilling connections with other people, and obviously with this placement it’s something i need to work through my aversion to, seeing as my self-development and spiritual growth is something that’s extremely important to me and deep down i do want to want to experience having meaningful, healthy relationships. 
༄ sun sextile lilith in the 11H / chiron in the 11H
let me tell you, most of the people i’ve been friends with over the years, regardless of gender, hypersexualize the fuck out of me. especially the men i’ve been friends with, majority of them had feelings for me that i never reciprocated. i was actually friends with a girl in high school who’s moon fell in my 8H, and in hindsight she had a very unhinged, borderline obsession with me. she would speak to me, and get mad at me, as if we were in a relationship together, and did not understand any type of boundaries that you’re supposed to have with someone you’re friends with. i don’t hold it against her now as an adult, but we definitely don’t speak to each other anymore.
i’ve also encountered issues in regards to the relationships i've with women, mainly when i was younger though, the women i’m acquainted with now i have healthy, normal friendships with (thank god). but i’ve had friendships with girls where they secretly didn’t like me, they were secretly attracted to me, or both. and i don't mean this in a weird, misogynistic, "pick me i'm different!" type of way at all, this is just a pattern i picked up on with some of the women i've met throughout my life.
in regards to having chiron in my 11H, my sore spot is most definitely my friendships. on top of feeling misunderstood and objectified in the friendships i’ve had, i’ve also experienced trauma at the hands of people i thought were my friends. and i always do my best to exercise being mindful and self-aware, and i’m definitely not on some “i’ve always been the perfect friend and people hurt me regardless, boo-hoo, woe-is-me” type shit, because i’ve definitely hurt people in my lifetime. but in terms of how these placements have manifested, i’ve always encountered difficulty in connecting to others, and i’m just now getting to a point where i feel comfortable enough to even attempt to try making new friends again. 
and this is what i mean when i say: astrology is a tool that you can use for shit that is more important than your appearance and future partner! it wasn’t until my 12H profection year when i started studying traditional astrology and learned how to read charts, that i actually began to understand myself on a deeper level and gained the confidence to end friendships that no longer served me and made new ones that actually do. 
chiron in my 11H also makes me feel inclined to take on a “therapist” role in my friendships, something that can be good or bad depending on whether the boundaries are there or not. i tend to attract people who like to trauma dump on me (that’s my moon in the 8H influence too), and i have to actively put boundaries in place and make sure people around me understand that i have to be in the right mindset to hold space for them. there aren’t a lot of pisces sun stereotypes that i can relate to, but being an emotional sponge is definitely one that i can. unfortunately. 
༄ moon and ceres in virgo in the 8H
LMAOOO this one might be a little heavy. i apologize in advance. feel free to skip this one if you don’t want to hear about parental/maternal loss or my mommy issues <3
my relationship with my mom is without a doubt where a lot of my emotional avoidance comes from. that plus my moon being in the 8H makes me very guarded when it comes to emotional vulnerability, even with the people i’m closest to. without telling a bunch of strangers on the internet too much of my business, here are the sparknotes:
↝ my home life growing up (and to this day lowkey) never felt stable
↝ it never felt like i could feel my emotions without them “consuming” me, this was mainly an issue in my youth, i was around 12-years-old when i started going to therapy and taking antidepressants  
↝ my mom battled a chronic disease her entire life and passed away when i was a teenager 
↝ i’ve always craved to have deep, spiritual connections with people, and ever since i was a kid i’ve been extremely intuitive and had the ability to read a room and everyone in it without anyone having to speak, but i typically attract people who are either emotionally unavailable, or emotionally unstable in some way, probably because i come off as “closed off” on the surface. 
in terms of my relationship with my mom, i love her but i could never be vulnerable with her about a damn thing, like i never really felt “heard” by her. she was a taurus sun, scorpio moon, with an aries stellium, as soon as she had her mind made up about something it didn’t really matter how i felt (pluto also falls in my 10H, and i definitely viewed her as an “authority figure” more than a mother at times). y’all remember this scene from lady bird where her mom tells her she wants her to “be the best version of herself she can be” and she asks “what if this is the best version?” - it was very much so that.
and i don’t want to give the impression that my mom didn’t love me because she definitely did. i think it was just a matter of what a lot of us eventually come to understand about our parents; that they’re products of the environments and the people they were raised by. and in my mom’s case, she did her best with the cards she was dealt and showed up the best way she could. it doesn’t make my feelings any less important, but it helps to maintain the balance between recognizing her humanity, and also validating my own frustration and trauma regarding our relationship. 
༄ venus conjunct ascendant in aquarius
i didn't wanna end this post on a depressing ass note so i'm adding this last aspect lmfao. honestly i struggle with some of the venusian energy in my chart because i honestly never really felt "pretty" growing up. it might be neptune in my 1H that effects my self image, because it wasn't until my 20s that i actually started to genuinely recognize my beauty. i feel like growing up i only viewed my beauty through the lens of the "male gaze" (it didn't help that i felt objectified from the boys around me), or through the lens of euro-centric/white beauty standards, and in adulthood i'm finally approaching the way that i view myself from my perspective.
i do notice that i attract people very easily, both in a friendly and romantic way. i know this aspect has to do a lot with love and romance, but honestly, i'm not too concerned about being in a relationship at this point in my life (with the way the economy is set up i think we all got bigger fish to fry rn but that's neither here nor there-), but like i mentioned i've always been an artist at heart and the art that i create plays a really big role in my identity. i've always found it easier to express myself through my paintings or my writing rather than my words.
aesthetics and comfortability are pretty big for me too, more so now in my 20s. this aspect has a lot to do with sociability and being inclined to uplift and help others, and i can relate to the latter but when it comes to other aspects in my chart i do struggle with being "outgoing" and coming across friendly, but we'll get to that in part two.
as always, if y'all have any of the aspects/placements mentioned in this post let me know how they manifest in your life and personality, and if you have any insight or questions in general feel free to reach out!
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
hi! i love your works so much and i have a request ^^ i wanted to ask if you could do a jealous and/or possessive eddie? maybe where steve and eddie are super close to finally admitting they like each other and just need one more push or something, or they're just newly dating. they're both at a gay bar, and steve's been receiving lots of stares and heated gazes from some of the ppl there? maybe a person was brave enough to try but eddie's right beside him watching the entire interaction.
i've come across a fair share amount of jealous/possessive steve in steddie stories and i wanted to see it being eddie for a change. tysm in advance and i can't wait to read the other requests with your amazing writing <3
I LOVE possessive Eddie!!! I really only see it in Kas!Eddie or vampire Eddie situations and I wish it was written more for just regular old human Eddie who just has entirely too much love for Steve to contain his emotions when someone else tries to make a move. I hope you like this little thing (2500 words!) I came up with and the other requests I've been putting out so far! - Mickala ❤️
Robin convinced them she needed support.
Support Steve’s ass.
She was doing just fine from the moment they stepped in the door of this place.
So fine, in fact, she’d abandoned him and Eddie before they even got their first round of drinks brought to them.
Steve sat at the table with Eddie, awkwardly watching as people kept dancing and drinking and making out in dark corners of the bar.
He tried not to look too much, though. He didn’t want anyone to think he wasn’t comfortable here.
Quite the opposite, actually.
He’d been here a couple of times with just Robin: once before he figured out he was into men, once before he figured out he was into Eddie, and once more before this where he tried very hard to be into Eddie and failed.
But Eddie had insisted on coming when he overheard them talking about it, saying he hadn’t been here since high school and could use a night in a place where he could just be himself.
As if he wasn’t always obnoxiously (and beautifully) himself.
Robin had given Eddie a Look, but nodded in agreement, saying it would be awesome to have both her favorite guys there.
Which rubbed Steve a little wrong because he was her only favorite guy.
But he got over it because now Eddie was his only company, probably for the entire night going off of the way the girl with Robin was staring at her.
Ogling her.
Steve sighed. Eddie sighed.
They looked at each other and laughed.
“She do this to you every time?”
“No, usually we stick together. Must feel brave since you’re here with me.”
“Awww, she trusts me.”
Steve rolled his eyes, but there was probably more truth to that than he cared to admit.
Robin was often afraid to leave him alone, but she never hesitated if Eddie was with him.
He felt people staring at him, but he ignored it. He wasn’t here to find anyone and it would be silly to even try knowing that Eddie was right there.
But he’d be lying if he said it didn’t feel good to have people checking him out. He used to thrive on it in high school, feeling seen by anyone was better than being seen by no one.
Then, he hated it. He wanted to be invisible and he wanted everyone to focus on anyone and anything else in the room. He got his wish most of the time.
Until Eddie.
Eddie always included him in everything, pointing out when he was being quiet or moody, asking him questions to involve him in conversations, making sure he understood what Dustin was saying which was a challenge often.
He would touch his arm when he passed by him on the way to grab a drink from the kitchen or let their thighs touch on the couch on movie nights.
He let him come over after work on the nights he was too riled up, needing to let out some of his energy with a walk, but being too scared to do it alone.
So Eddie saw him, and made others see him, and he didn’t always love it, but he accepted it.
Tonight felt different, though.
All these eyes on him meant that people found him attractive, maybe wanted to dance with him or bring him home. If Eddie weren’t here, he’d maybe give it a shot with someone, try to find a way out of this hole he dug himself into with the first guy he’d admitted to himself he had feelings for.
But he also felt Eddie’s eyes on him, practically burning a hole through the side of his face every time he looked out at the crowd.
He felt heat crawling up his neck, to his cheeks.
Having all of Eddie’s attention was a lot for anyone, but especially Steve, who frequently thought about what it would be like to have Eddie’s attention on him in bed, or in the shower, or on the couch, or the pool, or-
“Did you want another drink?”
Steve looked down at the drink in his hand. He’d barely finished half of it, so he didn’t really know why Eddie was asking unless he just needed an excuse to get up.
“Um. No thanks. Probably should just have one anyway.”
Eddie got up with his empty glass and started walking towards the bar.
Almost as soon as Eddie was gone, a taller man in a suit was taking his place at the table.
“Well, hi there, honey. Never seen you here before. First time?”
The guy was older, mid-thirties at least, and probably not the type of guy Steve would want to experiment with. But he was flirting, and he was kind of cute.
Steve could let himself enjoy a little casual flirting, right? It wouldn’t have to lead to anything.
“No, but I don’t come often.”
Steve rested his arms on the table, head in his hand. He grinned at the man, that Harrington charm practically beaming off of him.
“You could come tonight if you wanted to join me in the back.”
That was smooth. Sleazy, but smooth.
Steve didn’t drop his grin, but he shook his head.
“I don’t think I’m interested in just hooking up in the bathroom. Maybe you could buy me a drink?”
He had no intention of drinking another drink, but he figured this guy would lose interest if he showed he was more needy.
He was wrong.
The guy practically tripped over his feet to stand up from the booth.
“What would you like?”
“Oh. Uh.”
“He’s good, man. How about you go buy a drink for someone interested?”
Eddie came out of nowhere. Seriously, Steve had just seen him at the bar a few seconds before he spoke.
“Is this your boyfriend or something?”
Steve cleared his throat awkwardly as Eddie stood taller, more intimidating.
“Does it matter? I’m asking you nicely to go.”
“I don’t think it’s up to you. I asked him.”
Eddie looked like he wanted to punch the guy, and Steve could admit to himself silently that he wanted to see it.
But he didn’t quite understand why Eddie was reacting like this; He’d assumed Eddie would want to try to hook up with someone while he was here and wouldn’t want to spend all his time with Steve.
“Steve? Do you wanna get a drink with this guy?”
No, he didn’t. He hadn’t even before Eddie came back. But a part of him had to wonder if maybe Eddie’s reaction was just to protect Steve from an older guy.
“I actually have to drive us back home so I probably shouldn’t have another drink. Thanks though.”
The guy mumbled something before turning and leaving, shaking his head as he walked to the bar.
Eddie slid into the booth next to him instead of across from him, letting most of their sides touch.
Steve couldn’t help the way his body naturally curled into Eddie’s, the comfort and safety of his body drawing Steve in without effort.
It should have ended there. Steve should have just let himself stay rested against Eddie’s side until Robin was done.
He did for a minute, but then his brain decided it needed explanations.
“What was wrong with that guy buying me a drink?”
Eddie was quiet for a moment, his body tense against Steve’s.
“I just don’t think he was the right kind of person to be buying you a drink. You deserve better than that.”
Steve’s brows furrowed.
Eddie didn’t know the guy, he could’ve been really nice. Other than the propositioning as his first line, he seemed like he was willing to do whatever Steve wanted to get more time with him.
“Who is the right kind of person then?”
“Someone younger. Maybe someone who doesn’t wear a damn suit to a gay bar. This is a casual place, there’s no need to flaunt your super important job. Plus, he could see your drink was still half full, he should’ve known you didn’t want one.”
“You offered me a drink before you got up.”
“That’s different.”
“Because I’m not trying to get you drunk to sleep with me.”
Yeah, and wasn’t that a shame?
Steve dropped it. It wasn’t worth arguing with Eddie and he didn’t want to ruin any of the fun they could have.
“Should we dance?”
Eddie pulled away and looked at him like he’d grown a second head.
“You want to dance with me?”
“Why not? We’ve been abandoned by Robin and the music isn’t bad.”
The music wasn’t bad to Steve. Eddie, however, was suffering through it as it was, and that was without having to dance to it.
“Pleeeeease?” Steve pouted at Eddie, eyes wide.
“You can’t make that face. It’s not fair.”
Steve kept making the face because being fair wasn’t something he cared about.
Eddie stood up, holding his hand out towards Steve to help him stand from the table.
Steve took it, ignoring the way he wanted to collapse against Eddie the second he stood up.
They made it to the dance floor, where a surprising amount of people were dancing in pairs and small groups, enjoying the fact that they could safely here.
Just when Steve turned to Eddie, the music changed to Head Over Heels by Tears For Fears.
Steve tried not to take it as a sign.
Eddie suddenly looked even more nervous, like he’d planned on maybe getting away with just jumping around to the music and now he couldn’t.
Just when Steve was going to give him an out, another guy, this one younger, but not as nice looking, wrapped his arm around Steve’s shoulder.
“How ‘bout we dance, sugar?”
The guy was drunk.
Steve wasn’t interested in ruining his favorite song by dancing with this drunk guy.
“He’s busy,” Eddie said firmly.
The guy backed up a bit, but still had his hand against Steve’s arm, resting there with enough of a grip to keep him upright.
“Sorry, you got somethin’ against me dancin’ with him?”
“Yeah, that’s why I just said he’s busy.”
Eddie pushed the guy’s hand off of Steve’s arm and put his own around Steve’s waist, pulling him against his side with no room for air or argument.
Steve tried to catch his breath, his heart skipping a beat and his lungs exhaling instead of inhaling.
“Maybe you should let him say if he’s busy or not.”
Steve was missing his favorite song to argue with a guy he wasn’t interested in when he could be dancing with Eddie.
“I’m dancing with him. Find someone else.”
The guy rolled his eyes and walked away.
Eddie turned and adjusted his arms so they rested on Steve’s hips.
Steve didn’t know what to do.
“Have you never slow danced before, King Steve?”
“Uh. Just once.”
“Oh? Let me help you then.”
Eddie took his hands in his own and gently placed them around his neck, pulling himself closer to Steve when his hands found his hips again.
“This okay?”
Steve wasn’t sure how this was happening, how this was real.
He just knew he didn’t want it to end.
He rested his head against Eddie’s shoulder, letting himself enjoy what would probably be his only chance at dancing with Eddie for the rest of his life.
“Why do you keep sending people away?”
Why was Steve determined to ruin tonight with his stupid fucking questions?
“What do you mean?”
“It just seems like you don’t wanna share.”
Eddie didn’t respond.
Steve looked up at him, but his face was hard to read in the darkness of the bar.
“I don’t.” Eddie cleared his throat. “I don’t wanna share you. I like having you all to myself. Sorry if I’ve ruined your night.”
He started to pull away and Steve panicked. He couldn’t say that and then leave.
“What do you mean? You haven’t ruined anything. I wanted to spend it with you, anyways.”
Eddie was searching his eyes, looking for any sign of a lie.
“Steve, I-” The song changed, but it was another slow song. They kept slowly rocking and staring at each other. “I have to tell you something. You’re probably gonna hate me and wanna leave me here in Indy.”
Steve gulped. Could he possibly have feelings for Steve?
“I uh. I sent them away because I was jealous.”
“What? Why?”
“Because I love you so fucking much I don’t know what to do with it all the time! Sometimes I hide in the bathroom during movie nights so I can scream into the towels. Do you know how ridiculous that is? I’ve even been caught by Max before and she promised not to say anything if I gave her $20.”
Oh? What the hell Steve, say something else.
“So, I get it if you hate me. I mean, I don’t know how this happened and I have no right to send potential dates away because I want to keep you to myself.”
Steve leaned up and placed a kiss on Eddie’s cheek.
“I’m glad you got jealous.”
Eddie was blushing now.
“If you hadn’t been jealous, you probably wouldn’t have told me all this, would you?”
“No, I guess not.”
“You know what helps with jealousy?”
Eddie looked down at him, more confused than ever.
Steve didn’t wait for him to respond.
“Making out in the bathroom of a gay bar.”
Eddie’s eyes practically bugged out of his head as he registered what Steve was saying.
“You wanna do that? With me?”
“Well, I certainly don’t wanna do it with anyone else. And you won’t let me do it with anyone else. So maybe we should do it together.”
Eddie grabbed his wrist and wordlessly led them to the bathroom in the back of the bar.
It wasn’t empty, but the single stall was available and Eddie made it pretty clear what their intentions were when he dragged Steve right into it, closing and locking the door only a second before his hot lips were on Steve’s.
It was better than what Steve could have possibly imagined, but still not enough.
Now that he knew Eddie wanted him, he wanted everything Eddie could give him.
And Eddie seemed to want to give it all to him.
His lips were almost too much, but Steve couldn’t get enough.
They weren’t even in a bathroom anymore, floating high above the clouds with happiness and contentment.
Until a knock on the stall door nearly made Steve give himself another concussion.
“Dingus One and Dingus Two! Super happy for you both, but it’s time to go.”
“What time is it?”
“It’s nearly one in the morning and we agreed to leave by midnight. I got distracted by boobies.”
“Don’t we all,” Steve said, as Eddie let out a loud laugh.
They opened the stall door and Robin sighed.
“Fix your hair. I’ll be at the car.”
Steve looked in the mirror as she left the bathroom, smirking at Eddie’s reflection behind him in a similar state of disarray.
“So okay.”
“You owe me a dance.”
“What? Why? We danced!”
“But it got interrupted. And I wanna dance with you.”
Eddie sighed, but smiled fondly at Steve.
“I’ll dance with you whenever you want, sweetheart.”
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shima-draws · 4 months
Now that I've had time to Absorb mentally. Several things.
-Luffy going from overeating to swearing off eating entirely. Homie that CANNOT be good for you. And the fact that he's willing to not eat unless it's Sanji's food...that's so. INCREDIBLY significant. Bc it's been very clearly established how much Luffy LOVES food. His stomach is literally a black hole. Eating gives him strength and makes him happy. He enjoys food so much he steals it off other people's plates. He's so impatient when it comes to meals that he'll sneak into the kitchen to try and mooch before it's ready. And now he's refusing all that...for Sanji. He's going to sit there and starve himself, even though he doesn't like being hungry, even though food is one of the most important things to him, even though he has a CHOICE to eat and he CAN eat but he's not going to because it's not food Sanji made for him. The fact that food is such a central part of Luffy's character and who he is, and that we know he never does anything he doesn't want to do, it just makes me. GODDD. Why is he like this why are they like this I'm insane
-THE FACT THAT THEY LITERALLY DID THE MONTAGE OF ALL THEIR MEMORIES TOGETHER. JESUS CHRIST. That was a low blow. And also the gayest shit I've ever seen. Yeah let's just drive it in even further how important these two are to each other and how much it's tearing them both apart that Sanji's leaving by showing all their wonderful moments together. I was literally full on SOBBING at this point. Fucking RUDE smh
-Sanji being SO self sacrificial makes me want to cry I CANNOT with him rn,, It's to the point where he feels like he can't even rely on his nakama because he just wants to protect them. Like he could have easily told them what was going on. But he decided he'd chase them away, for their own safety, because Zeff's already in danger and Sanji can't risk losing his crew too. He couldn't bear to see any of them get hurt by the family that's been tormenting him for years. So he hurts HIMSELF by pushing them away. He loves them so so much that he's willing to cut ties with them completely and make them hate him so that they'll stay SAFE. GOD. Except Luffy sees right through that act bc he knows Sanji too well 😭 The fact that even Nami didn't realize that Sanji was just trying to protect them makes me so emo she really did think he'd been lying to them all along...GIRL have more faith in your nakama!!
-Luffy refusing to give up on Sanji, not ever, I'm going to explode, that is HIS nakama HIS cook and he won't stop until he can bring him home. BASHING my head against the wall
-Also I already talked about The Line in my last post but here I'll share my tags
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I need to be put down I think I am so unwell rn
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
Hello, sorry to bother you. I've been seeing things about vivzie drawing "nazi comics" and I was wondering if there was any validity to this claim? I know she's abusive, toxic, and transphobic, and I've seen the evidence to support those claims, but I've been out of the loop (for mental health reasons) and I'm not sure where the claim came from and if it was true or just people lying (not that they'd need to, but you know how the internet can be). Thank you for your time!
No bother at all! This is one of those bits of misinformation where the truth is arguably worse than the rumors, because no, Viv didn't actually draw Nazi comics. She was, however, really into Sausage Party when it first came out and had a secret blog for Sausage Party art, which is how we got this.
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And truth be told? I don't actually think this is a big deal. It's pretty obvious what she was doing, which was taking the Hitler caricature that already exists in Sausage Party, the Hitler caricature from Producers, and mixing chocolate with peanut butter. Whether or not it's funny or appropriate is up for debate, but it's obvious what gag she was going for.
However, during this time, she also did things like follow "I-hate-jewce..."
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And ship her OC (a cannibalistic candy cane and an Angel Dust prototype) with the Josef Mengele inspired OC of someone who proudly admitted to finding Mengele fascinating, even referring to him respectfully as "Dr. Mengele."
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Vivzie referred to this character, happily based off a man who tortured and murdered Jewish children, as a "science bab."
And just to be clear, this wasn't some cringe thing Viv did as a young teenager. She would have been around 24.
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zootopiathingz · 3 months
Genuine question: Why do you ship Radiobelle? I've seen a lot of people doing it, and I'm curious as to what the appeal is!
The real question is, why do people ship anything? Why do we all see two or sometimes more characters interact with each other and imagine how cool it would be if they both had deep-seated romantic feelings for the other?
Answer: cuz we can!😌
Idk about the rest of you, but I don’t exactly have much control over what I ship and don’t ship😅 I just see the characters together and my brain randomly decides either “yes I want them to make out” or “nooo I don’t really see it”. (I am in no way a pro shipper though cuz no)
But as for Radiobelle specifically, there’s just something about them that my silly fangirl heart can’t resist. While I am fairly new to the HH fandom, I did watch the pilot around the time it came out and a small part of me did ship them back then. But I never really allowed myself to indulge in it and I just wasn’t that into the show anyway so I didn’t bother. Now, after actually watching the episodes and engaging in fandom content, I finally embraced the cringe to the full extent and let myself be consumed by the radio demon and his charming demon belle! :P
Now I’m aware that the majority of people don’t like Radiobelle, or even full-on hate it for multiple reasons. Sure, whatever. You don’t have to like every ship, nor does anyone expect you to! I can understand it’s not for everybody. The main thing that bugs me, though, is when people try to start arguments about why it’ll never be canon and why you shouldn’t ship it. “Charlie is with Vaggie and Alastor is aro/ace!” People ship Alastor with a multitude of other characters and nobody bats an eye,, why is it only when you see him being drawn with Charlie that you lose your shit and get offended about his sexuality being ‘erased’? (That’s a topic for a whole other post tbh). And people can ship Charlie with other people. Hell, they DO! I’ve seen numerous art of her and other characters.
Then there’s also the “Alastor thinks of her as his daughter!” See, I want everybody to actually watch episode 5 again and come back to me on this. No, he fucking does not. The only reason he was saying any of that was to get under Lucifer’s skin. That’s it. That was his whole intention. He doesn’t like Lucifer and wanted to rub it in his face that he has been a lousy father to his daughter, in comparison to all the ways he has helped her, with the hotel and whatever else.
Phew, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way! Onto why Radiobelle has stolen my heart!
I just love their dynamic and it all really started with the pilot. Alastor—this mysterious force of nature who can kill anyone and anything, is capable of unimaginable power and torture—randomly showing up on the doorstep of a hotel to help out. And literally no one else trusts him (reasonably so) but Charlie, the good-hearted soul she is, lets him in. She’s cautious, of course, but she’s giving him the chance to do some good because that’s what her dream is all about!
Now while I do wish they had some more interactions in the actual show, what we have so far is scrumptious✨ Alastor may have been giving an abundance of praise to Charlie to piss off her dad, but I don’t think he was lying. Deep down I’m sure he is enjoying the time they’ve spent together—even if he doesn’t fully realize it. Charlie defends Al’s sadistic behavior to her dad because he was doing it to defend the hotel (and bc he’s a cocky mf lol but it’s endearing to her in a way).
Oh and don’t even get me STARTED on episode 7 bro,, omfg the content!! The way he’s extra touchy with her even after they’ve made their deal. Her being nervous and stressed out but he encourages her anyway and verbally admits that he had faith in her the whole time. Him giving her his microphone—which is likely the main source of his power as shown in episode 8 (where he let her use his mic AGAIN!!!) which just shows how much he actually trusts her,, UGH it’s just 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 give me more!!
Now, do I expect Radiobelle to become canon? No. Would it be fucking awesome if it did? Oh absolutely. But I know it won’t, and I don’t care! I’m having the time of my life shipping these two hell-dwelling idiots and I don’t care what anyone says about it!😋
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lolitakirstein · 6 months
a/n: ooof this turned into a damn text thread i'm sorry.and mostly eren POV, shitty editing this is going to have to be in multiple parts. I'll get part 2 up ASAP. :)
Eren reached for his phone, brows furrowing. It was odd for him to ever hear an alert from it, let alone a text notification. He had made it that way. Cutting off communication to most, keeping conversations to a bare minimum with those who were close...well...more at arm's length...maybe further than that.
If I keep people out, they can't hurt me. they won't know I'm such a fucked up person.
He flipped his phone over, reading the text.
You: hey eren :)
His heartbeat kicked up seeing your name on his phone. You seemed to be the only person who would reach out without being talked to first. Of all the people in his "friends" group, it was you who seemed the less likely to judge...if he ever got that vulnerable with you. Which he doubted he would, you deserved better than someone as fucked up at him. But when you looked at him, he sometimes felt that you saw past his flaws.
His fingers hovered over the screen unsure what to write, finally settling for a simple "Hey."
You: How are you? I haven't seen you in a while.
It was true, you hadn't seen each other in weeks. The last time being a get together for the end of summer.
Eren: I'm fine..just minding my own business as usual."
You: well you can mind your business and still not be a stranger :)
the lighterheardness of your message made him actually smile. The thought that you are wanting him to be closer though...that makes him nervous. He doesn't want you to look at him differently if he got any closer.
Eren: I wouldn't mind that
You: Well lets plan a hang out or something :)
Eren paced his living room. Were you being flirty? or just friendly? or maybe even pitying him? How was he supposed to go about this...play along? he wanted to. Fuck he wanted to get closer to you. But that voice in his head told him it would end in disaster.
"Fuck it," he said aloud to the room
Eren: Maybe we could go for ice cream, yeah?
You: that sounds fun!
Eren waited to respond, not wanting to seem to eager, but he had come this far he might as well go for it...
Eren: would you like to later today?
the minute he sent it, he regretted it. Too soon, too desperate, too overbearing.
You: I can't today. Me jean and connie are going downtown to the bar. I've already backed out twice ugh
His heart dropped at that fucking name
He knew you and jean were friends, closer than you and him were, but it still boiled his blood that you were going out with him...even just as friends. He knew how jean got when he was drunk. Hell he knew how jean acted sober especially around you. Hanging around, shameless flirting, playfully tugging your hair as he'd pass behind you.
Eren:Why the fuck are you going with horseface. Hes a creep, he just wants to use you I hate how he touches you Alright, have fun.
He breathed deeply. Calming himself before he could get any angrier at the situation. Yes, he knew it was wrong to get mad at you for going out. But why did it have to be with Jean. He hoped Connie would keep an eye on you and him at least.
*4 hours later*
Eren was lying on his couch, the tv going, but honestly his thoughts were constantly on you being out there at some cheap bar with Jean. No doubt his fucking horse hooves all over you. What were you doing? what was he doing? what were you wearing?
Is she thinking of me?
His resolve to not text you the rest of the night crumbled at last. Reaching for his phone he thumbed to your name and typed
Eren: Hope you are having a fun night.
After what seemed like an eternity but was really only 10 minutes, he saw you begin to reply. His heart kicked up.
you: Heyyyy. I'm a bit buzzed but im havn fun. connie and jean are doing karaoke save me lol
He smirked at your jumbled reply and the thought of jackass jean doing karaoke thinking he's hot shit.
Eren: i'm sure that's a sight. What those dipshits singing...or attempting to sing
you: connies in his missy elliot era rn. Jean just serenaded me with some taylor swift.
Eren clenched his jaw. He knew you were a secret swiftie as much as you tried to act like you werent, he'd catch you humming it. Now it seems Jean is also aware of your little secret.
Playing cool he replies, "Never took that asshole to be a swiftie."
you: me neither, it's definitely the booze
Eren: How much more drinking do you guys plan on doing?
You: I'm tapping out after this one
An attached photo came along with your text. It was dimly lit but he could make out the shape of a dozen or so shot glasses empty on the table and your hand holding your last one up for the camera. And there, blurry but still visible, right in the corner was Jean...his hand on your leg.
He feels every emotion rush through him: anger, jealousy, possessiveness, sadness. He heartbeat pounded in his ear.
Eren: What's with Jean being all handsy?
He hoped that sounded subtle and not like a psychopath...with yes he was probably acting like one. Even going so far as to zoom in on the photo to see how far up your leg jeans hands were.
you: Probably to keep from falling over.
You were playing it off like it was no big deal?!
Eren: That doesn't look like the ideal place to put his hand to keep from falling over."
you: Lol. you know how he is when he is drunk...all...lovey
At this point, red is all Eren sees. He doesn't care if he comes off like an asshole or possessive anymore. How could you be so oblivious and naive that Jean was doing this intentionally.
Eren: Doesn't that piss you off that he gets all handsy like that? He shouldn't be allowed to touch you, even if he's drunk.
No going back now. Whatever progress eren had thought he had made with you would certainly be gone after this show of anger. His true self. Fuck it he didn't care. This is why he stayed to himself. In one evening, you had stabbed him in the heart...
Part 2 sneaky peak:
"You know i can't be like him right?" "I don't want you to be like him...I want you to be like you."
thanks for reading :)
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